Sweet Corn Diseases and Control Measures

Page created by Scott Bryant
Sweet Corn Diseases and Control Measures
Sweet corn is widely grown throughout New York in small to large fresh-market
commercial plantings as well as in extensive processing sweet corn acreages, and
sometimes in backyard gardens. Also important is the fact field corn is an important
row crop in New York because pathogens infecting sweet corn also infect field corn
which can be an important source for sweet corn especially of pathogens capable of
long-distance dispersal.
The diseases affecting sweet corn in New York are numerous and are caused by three
major groups of plant pathogens — bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Fourteen diseases are
discussed in this report. All the diseases listed are not found every year because their
occurrence is influenced by environmental factors (temperature, humidity, soil
moisture), host resistance, previous cropping histories, crop location within the state,
and availability of insect vectors. Several listed diseases rarely occur. Sweet corn is
one crop where seedborne diseases are not an important factor (ex. included here are
head smut and maize dwarf mosaic virus). In addition, most corn seed is sold treated
with a fungicide/insecticide mixture to manage seed rot and seedling blights. Most of
the diseases listed occur sometime after plant establishment. Insect pests usually are a
greater concern than diseases because several directly attack ears.
Some diseases are more important to manage in fresh-market than processing crops,
notably northern corn leaf blight and common rust, because symptoms can develop on
husks which affects marketability.
Some diseases have become more important, for example northern corn leaf blight
which is most likely due to this pathogen having evolved new virulence able to
overcome resistance used in breeding of field corn, thereby increasing amount of
inoculum of the pathogen. While other diseases have become less important because
of improved management practices, notably Stewart’s wilt for which there are now
numerous resistant varieties. It was among the more common diseases in New York.
Goss’s wilt and tar spot are two new diseases affecting sweet corn in midwestern
states to be aware of because of potential for the pathogen to spread to New York.
Because resistant varieties are an important management practice and new sweet corn
varieties are introduced each year, some with added disease resistance, it is worthwhile
each year to check the resistant sweet corn variety list and the latest seed catalogs for
up-to-date information.
The two tables below contain information about diseases that occur in New York (or
could) grouped by pathogen type and listed in order of importance:
     Table 1 has relative importance of each disease in terms of occurrence and
     potential severity in the absence of management.
     Table 2 has plant parts affected, favorable conditions, symptoms, survival,
     spread, and control measures.
Sweet Corn Diseases and Casual Pathogens that can Occur in New York

   Pathogen Type                                       Occurrence         Severity
         &                 Pathogen Scientific Name
   Disease Name                                         (Rare=1 to      (Slight =1 to
                                                       Common=4)          Very=3)


• Holcus spot             Pseudomonas syringae              2                1

• Stewart’s wilt          Erwinia stewartia                 1              1 to 2
(aka Bacterial wilt)      (Pantoea stewartii)

• Goss’s bacterial wilt   Clavibacter michiganensis    Not detected
and blight                subsp. nebraskensis


• Northern corn leaf      Exserohilum turcicum              4              1 to 3
blight (NCLB)             (Setosphaeria turcica)       (widespread)

• Common rust             Puccinia sorghi                   4              1 to 3

• Common smut             Ustilago maydis                   3                1

• Eyespot                 Aureobasidium zeae                 2             1 to 2
                          (Kabatiella zeae)           (farm specific)

• Gray leaf spot          Cercospora zeae-maydis             2             1 to 2
                                                      (mostly western

• Carbonum leaf spot      Bipolaris carbonum                1                1
                          (Cochliobolus carbonum)

• Head smut               Sphacelotheca reiliana            1              2 to 3

• Southern leaf blight    Bipolaris maydis                   1               1
(SLB)                     (Cochliobolus                  (occurred
                          heterostrophus)             recently on LI)

• Tar spot (fungus)       Phyllachora maydis           Not detected

         • Barley yellow dwarf                       Barley yellow dwarf                                          2                             1 to 2
                                                     luteovirus (BYDV)                                     (farm specific)
         • Cereal yellow dwarf
                                                     Cereal yellow dwarf
                                                     polerovirus (CYDV)

         • Maize dwarf mosaic                        Maize dwarf mosaic                                               1                             1
                                                     potyvirus (MDMV)

 Disease and          parts         Conditions favorable for                       Symptoms and                         Survival
 causal agent        affected             the disease                            effect of the disease                 and spread                       Control
Holcus spot          Foliage,       Often appears after a rain storm        Round, small, white to light tan spots    Bacteria over-        Crop rotation and tillage to
                     occasionally   when warm (75-86°F is favorable).       on leaves. Spots typically have a         winter in crop        incorporate debris.
                     ears           During storms, splashing water          brown border. Yield not impacted          debris. The
Pseudomonas                         disperses the pathogen and wounds       but spots on husks can affect             pathogen has a
syringae pv.                        that occur (such as by blowing soil)    marketability.                            wide host range
syringae                            enable the pathogen to enter the                                                  including many
                                    leaf.                                                                             grasses and dicots.

Stewart’s wilt       Foliage,       High temp., high levels of              Linear pale green to yellow streaks       Bacteria over-        Use resistant or tolerant
(Bacterial wilt) &   stem pith,     ammonium N & P, low levels of Ca        with irregular or wavy margins that       winter in corn flea   hybrids and varieties. Early
leaf blight          roots,         and K increase plant susceptibility;    may extend the length of the leaf.        beetles;              applications of insecticide to
                     tassels,       mild winters favor survival of flea     These streaks soon dry and become         sometimes in          control vector on susceptible
                     cobs, and      beetles, hence increases chance of      brown. Infected plants may produce        kernels; dispersed    varieties. Occurrence of
Erwinia stewartii    kernels        transmission. Abundance of              premature bleached and dead tassels.      by insects and,       Stewart’s wilt in NY has
                                    bacterial wilt is limited by the        Internal stem discoloration seen in       rarely, by seed.      decreased substantially since
                                    availability of the corn flea beetle.   cross section of stem. Reduced yield                            these control measures became
                                    An index of potential problems is       due to reduced photosynthetic areas.                            available.
                                    calculated from the sum of the
                                    monthly mean temperature for the
                                    previous winter (December,
                                    January, and February). When the
                                    index exceeds 100, bacterial wilt is
                                    highly probable.

Northern corn leaf   Foliage,       Moderate temp. (18-27°C) and            Long elliptical (cigar shaped)            On/in infected        Because of race situation, use
blight (aka          occasionally   heavy dews; several races occur (1,     grayish-green or tan lesions 2.5-15       plant debris.         resistant hybrids; most resistant
northern leaf        ears           2, & 3), but only 1 and 2 identified    cm long. First on lower leaves,           Harbored by some      to race 0 but not race 1;
blight)                             in New York                             progressing upward on the plant.          weeds (ex.            spraying with fungicides may
                                                                            Severe leaf infection causes              (Johnsongrass,        be necessary; eradicate weed
                                                                            coalescing of lesions and gray            sudangrass, etc.)     hosts and plant debris.
Exserohilum                                                                 appearance like frost or drought
turcicum                                                                    injury. Infection during early stage of
(syn. Setosphaeria                                                          growth may cause heavy loss in ear
turcica)                                                                    fill. When severe, plants are killed

Common rust          May occur      Favored by moderate temp.,              Develops soon after silking; oval         Urediniospores        White varieties generally more
                     on most        frequent heavy dews and high            pustules containing reddish-orange        cause reinfection;    susceptible but some yellow
                     plant parts    nitrogen                                spores occur on both leaf surfaces;       pustules turn         hybrids equally susceptible;
Puccinia sorghi      but mainly                                             premature leaf senescence reduces         black in fall with    choose tolerant varieties and
                     on leaves                                              yields and quality due to sugar drop.     winter teliospores,   consider fungicide sprays.
                                                                                                                      which infect
                                                                                                                      Oxalis (wood
                                                                                                                      sorrel) weed host;
                                                                                                                      primary inoculum
                                                                                                                      blown into north
                                                                                                                      from southern
 Disease and          parts           Conditions favorable for                     Symptoms and                        Survival
 causal agent        affected               the disease                          effect of the disease                and spread                      Control
Common smut          Seedling         Rain and humid weather for initial    First indication as leaf infection       Spores survive in     Steady growth of corn reduces
                     infection        infection, then dry, sunny weather;   (small bumps) occurs in leaf whorl       soil; crop rotation   amount of smut; excess
                     rare because     high N levels.                        stage; large, fleshy galls covered by    of questionable       nitrogen and mechanical
Ustilago maydis      of warm                                                silvery-white membrane ruptures to       value; windblown      injuries increases prevalence;
                     temp.                                                  expose black mass of spores; reduced     spores from debris    choose resistant or tolerant
                     requirement;                                           yield and difficulty in handling for     lodge in nodes and    varieties; removal of galls
                     foliage, ears,                                         processing corn is a problem.            growing tips.         before rupturing beneficial in
                     stems, and                                                                                                            gardens
                     tassels are

Eyespot              Leaves and       Cool, humid weather                   Small translucent, round to oval         Overwinters in        Use less susceptible or tolerant
                     leaf                                                   lesions, 1-4mm in diameter with          corn debris;          hybrids and varieties; use
                     sheathes,                                              yellowish halos that may fuse to         dispersed by wind     rotation or plowing or both.
Aureobasidium        outer husks,                                           form large necrotic areas; for field     and splashing rain.
zeae                 kernels                                                corn rapid drying of foliage reduces
(syn. Kabatiella     (when                                                  grain yield and silage quality.
zeae)                severe)

Gray leaf spot       Affects          Prolonged periods of dew, fog and     Appears as rectangular lesions,          Corn is the only      Hybrids differ in their
                     foliage some     cloudy weather.                       which become tan and then gray in        known host.           susceptibility. Fall burial of
                     time after                                             color. The sharp parallel edges and      Common when           crop residues and crop
Cercospora zeae-     anthesis                                               opacity of mature lesions are            corn follows corn     rotations are important.
maydis                                                                      diagnostic.                              and diseased crop
                                                                                                                     residues remain on
                                                                                                                     the soil surface.

Anthracnose leaf     Seedling         High temp. & extended humid           Small, oval to elongated water-          On corn debris        Use resistant hybrids and
blight               and foliage;     periods of cloudy weather; free       soaked spots on leaves; the lesions      and seeds and         varieties; rotation important;
                     may also         water necessary for spore             are semi-transparent; spots enlarge,     other grass hosts;    plow down crop residue and
                     cause severe     dispersion and germination.           become tan at center with reddish-       spores dispersed      strive for balanced soil fertility.
Colletotrichum       root & stalk                                           brown or yellow-orange border;           by wind and
graminicola          rot (field                                             diseased leaves wither and die within    splashing rain or
(syn. Glomerella     corn)                                                  a few days; fruiting bodies may          seeds.
graminicola)                                                                develop in the lesion with dark setae.

Carbonum leaf        Foliage &        Moderate temperature & high           Race 1: Oval to circular tan spots       On many grasses       Use resistant hybrids and
spot                 ears             relative humidity; sporulates         with concentric zones.                   and weeds; on/in      varieties.
                                      abundantly in damp weather                                                     seeds; dispersed
                                                                                                                     by wind and
(pka northern                                                               Race 2: Oblong, chocolate-colored        seeds.
corn leaf spot)                                                             spots; rare; both races readily attack
                                                                            ears causing a black felty mold over
                                                                            the kernels.
(syn. Cochliobolus                                                          Race 3: Narrow linear lesions up to
carbonum)                                                                   15-20 cm long; lesions are grayish-
                                                                            tan, surrounded by a light to darkly
                                                                            pigmented border (current dominant
                                                                            race in NY).

                                                                            Race 4: Similar to race 2, but with
                                                                            concentric zones of sporulation.

                                                                            Race 0: Produces small flecks on
                                                                            immature leaves and is not
                                                                            considered to be important.
 Disease and          parts         Conditions favorable for                      Symptoms and                          Survival
 causal agent        affected             the disease                           effect of the disease                  and spread                     Control
Downy mildew         All corn       Soilborne fungus requires soil         Symptoms vary but consist first of         The fungus infects    Provide adequate soil drainage
                     types          moisture at the seedling stage for     excessive tillering, rolling and           by motile             or avoid plating in low, wet
                     including      infection to occur.                    twisting of upper leaves; most             zoospores, which      areas; crop rotation and clean
(Crazy top)          sorghum;                                              characteristic symptom is                  encyst on the roots   plowing are only slightly
                     fungus                                                proliferation of the tassel leading to a   and produce germ      effective control measures.
Sclerophthora        infects                                               leaf structure and suggestive of           tubes. Fungus
macrospora           systemically                                          herbicide injury; this phyllody may        overwinters by
                     at seedling                                           also appear in the ears.                   oospores;
                     stage, but                                                                                       infection requires
                     symptoms                                                                                         flooded soils soon
                     most                                                                                             after planting or
                     obvious at                                                                                       before plants
                     top of plant                                                                                     reach the 4 to 5
                     because of                                                                                       leaf stage.
                     and tops

Head smut            All types of   High concentration of teliospores,     Seedling infection through rootlets or     Seedborne spores      Use resistant or tolerant
                     corn, also     soil temp. of 21-28°C, and             coleoptile from spores on seed or in       provide initial       varieties; seed treatments with
                     sorghum        moderate to low soil moisture          soil, followed by systemic                 inoculum,             fungicides to prevent
Sphacelotheca        and                                                   distribution; first symptoms when          soilborne             introduction; requires long
                                    favors seedling infection; low
reiliana             sudangrass,                                           tassels emerge with each sorus             teliospores           rotations once teliospores occur
                                    nitrogen levels heavy soils, slow to
                     from           dry out in Spring; causes crusting     covered by grayish-white periderm          thereafter remain     in soil.
                     seedling to    and impedes emergence                  which ruptures to reveal dusty, black      viable even
                     ears and                                              teliospores; if on tassels, then almost    through digestive
                     tassels                                               always on ears and may cause               tract of animals.
                                                                           multiple ears at same or successive
                                                                           nodes; ears completely converted
                                                                           into fungal sori with only vascular
                                                                           strands remaining

Southern leaf        Foliage,       Warm (20-32°C) and damp                Race 0: Elongated tan lesions              On/in infected        Use resistant hybrids and
blight               stalks, ears                                          between veins, with buff-to-brown          plant debris.         varieties. Plow down crop
                     and cobs                                              borders; only on leaves.                   Dispersed by wind     debris. Use fungicides also
                                                                                                                      and/or splashing      labeled for northern corn leaf
Bipolaris maydis                                                                                                      rain.                 blight.
(syn. Cochliobolus                                                         Race T: Tan, spindle-shaped or
heterostrophus)                                                            elliptical lesions with yellow-green
                                                                           or chlorotic halos, which turn dark
                                                                           reddish-brown border. On leaves,
                                                                           stalks, ears, and cobs border (this
                                                                           race is no longer important)

Barley yellow        Leaves         Depends on the survival of specific    Prominent yellow or purple                 Transmitted by        Avoid planting corn next to
dwarf luteovirus     display        aphid vectors for both viruses plus    coloration of leaves occurs with           aphids in a           overwintered small grains or
(BYDV)               color          occurrence in grain crops (barley,     either BYDV or CYDV depending              persistent manner.    grass fields. Insecticides can be
                     symptoms;      oats, wheat) and wild grasses          on the particular variety infected.        Requires 24-48        used to reduce secondary virus
                     plants and                                            Early infection results in shortened       hours for             spread within the crop.
and                  ears are                                              plants and ears, and blanking of the       acquisition (can be
                     stunted if                                            tips of ears                               as short at 15-30
Cereal yellow        plants are                                                                                       min.) and then
dwarf polerovirus    infected                                                                                         hours to circulate
(CYDV)               early                                                                                            throughout the
                                                                                                                      aphid before aphid
                                                                                                                      can retransmit the
 Disease and           parts          Conditions favorable for                        Symptoms and                        Survival
 causal agent         affected              the disease                             effect of the disease                and spread                     Control
Maize dwarf           Leaves,         Moderate summer temp. (18-27°C)          Near the base of the youngest leaves,    In many grass &       Use tolerant or resistant
mosaic potyvirus      leaf-sheath     favor high aphid populations and         irregular, light and dark green mottle   weed hosts (ex.       hybrids and varieties; plant
(MDMV)                and ear         increase spread of inoculum              and mosaic patterns appear that may      (Johnsongrass);       early; spray insecticide to
                      (flag) leaves                                            develop into narrow, light green or      seedborne but rare    control aphids and slow spread
                      and on husk;                                             yellowish streak along the veins;        and low %;
                      ears show                                                plants slightly stunted and reduction    carried and
                      poor tip fill                                            in ear size and seed set may occur;      transmitted by
                      and                                                      symptoms may disappear later and         over 20 aphid
                      blanking of                                              young leaves become yellow               species,
                      butt                                                                                              sometimes from
                                                                                                                        distant sources;
                                                                                                                        virus occurs in
                                                                                                                        most areas of New

Goss’s bacterial      Leaves,         27°C is optimal. Bacteria need           Long streaks with wavy (irregular)       Spread by             Partially resistant hybrids;
wilt and blight       husks, and      wounds from sandblasting, hail or        margins; initially water-soaked, then    splashing water       rotate; remove or bury crop
                      stalks          other injury to infect                   gray, tan to light yellow. Dark green    and wind; infested    residue immediately after
                                                                               to black irregular spots (freckles)      residue; green        harvest
Clavibacter                                                                    form in streaks. Dried bacterial         foxtail and
michiganensis                                                                  exudate is common. Leaves dry up         shattercane are
subsp. nebraskensis                                                            when severe. Vascular discoloration      hosts; seedborne
                                                                               and decay of stalk cavity occurs in      but transmitted at
                                                                               plants infected systemically. Plants     too low frequency
                                                                               can be killed                            to likely be

Tar spot              Leaves,         Moderate summer temp. (16-27°C),         Small black, glossy stromata             Spores dispersed      Rotate; irrigate during day
                      leaf-sheath     leaf wetness of at least 7 h at night,   (pathogen fruiting bodies)               by water and wind     when afterwards leaves will dry
                      and husks       and greater than 75% RH.                 resembling spots of tar form in          potentially long      before night; remove or bury
Phyllachora                                                                    foliage and are visible on both          distances; infested   crop residue immediately after
maydis                                                                         surfaces. They can be within brown,      residue; no weed      harvest
                                                                               elliptic, necrotic spots (‘fisheye       hosts
                                                                               lesions’). Extensive necrosis leads to
                                                                               leaf blight, premature senescence,
                                                                               and plant death

       Originally prepared for VegetableMD Online website by Thomas A. Zitter, Emeritus Professor,
       PPPMB, Cornell University. Edited and updated March 2021 by Margaret Tuttle McGrath,
       Associate Professor, Long Island Horticultural Research and Extension Center (LIHREC), Plant
       Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science, College of
       Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University mtm3@cornell.edu.
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