Page created by Cecil Shaw


    Bonsucro Strategic Plan 2021-2026          1. Strategy On A Page                1
    May 2021
                                               2. Baseline 2020-21                  2
    Bonsucro is the leading global
    sustainability standard for sugarcane      3. Global Context 2021-26           4
    and its many derivatives.
                                               4. Purpose & Strategic Aims         6
    Our core purpose is to accelerate the
    sustainable production and uses of         5. Core Principles                   7
                                               6. Creating Value                   8
    This summary version of our 5-Year
    Strategic Plan sets out our ambitions
                                               7. Environment                      10
    and commitments for the evolution
                                               8. Human Rights & Decent Work       11
    of one of the world’s most important
    crops.                                     9. Priorities                       12
    You can find the full version here, with   10. Making It Happen                14
    more detail on the sugarcane sector
    and future trends as well as our plans     11. Global Strategy, Local Impact   18
    to implement the strategy.
                                               12. Growing With The Strategy       20

                                               13. Finance & Funding               22

                                               14. Conclusion                      24
    Bonsucro is a company registered in
    England and Wales, company number
    Information correct at time of             Annex 1: Glossary                   26
    publishing – May 2021
                                               Annex 2: Value Propositions         28
    © Bonsucro, 2021


2                                                                                       3
FOREWORD                                             We also recognise the commitment of end users       1. STRATEGY ON A PAGE
                                                         to create demand and incentivise change along
    STRENGTHENING OUR                                    the supply chain.
    COMMITMENT TO                                        We have developed this strategy collaboratively,
                                                                                                             Our five-year strategy builds on the achievements and progress of recent years, blends
                                                                                                             experience with new approaches, recognises where we need to do better, and sets an agenda for
    SUSTAINABLE SUGARCANE                                as we do everything in Bonsucro, supported by a
                                                         Steering Committee drawn from the Board and
                                                                                                             continuous improvement and greater impact.
                                                         the executive leadership, and engaging our staff,   The strategy is built around our overriding Purpose - to accelerate the sustainable production and
    This is the strategic plan for Bonsucro for the
                                                         members and partners around the world.              uses of sugarcane - as well as three Strategic Aims against which we will measure progress over
    five years from April 2021 to March 2026. It sets
    the direction for a critical period in shaping                                                           time. Implementation of the strategy is designed around five strategic Priorities, delivered by six
                                                         In working on this plan, we have been mindful
    our sector’s contribution to the UN Sustainable                                                          Activities and guided by our four Core Principles.
                                                         that COVID-19 will have a profound effect on our
    Development Goals.                                   sector through 2021 and beyond.

                                                         At the same time, the pandemic has reminded
                                                         us that all planning is subject to unforeseeable
    Over the past 15 years, our Board, members,          challenges and that any strategy needs to           Figure 1: Bonsucro Core Strategy 2021-2026
    Secretariat and partners throughout the world        be robust and ambitious, but also agile and
    have helped make Bonsucro a global force             adaptable.
    for sustainability in the sugarcane world and
    beyond. We have a strong track record both as a
    voluntary standards system and as a convening        SCALE & IMPACT
    organisation to address critical sustainability
    challenges and opportunities for the sector.         We will build the scale and impact of our
                                                         organisation through continued growth in our
    This Strategic Plan sets out our ambitions and       financial and human resources.
    commitments and use of resources for one of
    the world’s most important crops.                    We have set out clear plans to grow our
                                                         membership, expand our programmes and
    It reflects our confidence in the future of          improve both effectiveness and efficiency.
    sustainable sugarcane and in the contribution
    that Bonsucro will make for the benefit of all our   Our nine-month strategy development process
    stakeholders.                                        has coincided with our latest revision of the
                                                         Bonsucro Production Standard (BPS). This
    Sugarcane has an essential and positive role to      is a separate consultative exercise with its
    play in the world’s economic and environmental       own governance, and the revised Production
    future. Grown in more than 115 countries and         Standard will support delivery of this new
    essential to the economy of many, the sector         strategy.
    generates employment and income for millions
    of people. While we must address many complex        A POSITIVE FUTURE
    issues, the long-term prospects look positive
    for sustainably produced sugarcane and               We approach this next phase proud of our
    derivatives.                                         achievements to date, aware of where we need
                                                         to be flexible and do more and better, and
    GLOBAL COMMUNITY                                     confident that we have a unique and important       We will build on our position as the leading global sustainability standard for sugarcane and its
                                                         part to play in the global drive to sustainable     many derivatives, and we will continue to support, grow and deliver value to our members, whose
    In this five-year period, we will continue           agriculture.                                        commitment is vital to our success.
    to accelerate change through our global
    community of more than 260 members in                                                                    At the same time, we will expand our role as a convening force for the sector with our members
    over 50 countries, from all components of the                                                            and others to drive change beyond certification, including new collective commitments and actions
    sugarcane supply chain, from farm to end user                                                            to address critical systemic issues.
    and civil society organisations.
                                                                                                             We will increase our focus on market development for Bonsucro-certified products and credits,
    We recognise the essential role that our certified                                                       building supply and demand for sustainable sugarcane products and derivatives.
    mills and farms will play in the realisation of
    this strategy, and we appreciate how much            Jean Claude Autrey, Chair                           We will expand our reach, capability and impact by developing our Monitoring, Evaluation and
    they have already achieved in demonstrating          Danielle Morley, Chief Executive                    Learning capabilities (MEL), and through the digitalisation of our systems, adding new capabilities
    the value and effectiveness of Bonsucro                                                                  in areas such as analytics, policy and communications.

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1
    2.BASELINE                                                                                    In delivering our strategy, we see significant challenges and opportunities - both
    2020-21                                                                                       strategic and operational – that will shape our success. We must:

    Our strategy describes how we progress from our current state to where we want to be          demonstrate a sharper sense of purpose and intended impact while combining
    by 2026. We will measure our impact through this strategy period against Bonsucro’s           Bonsucro’s dual roles as a recognised standard system and dynamic convening platform
    achievements and challenges in 2020/21.                                                       for the sector

                                                                                                  balance our ambition to raise the criteria of the Bonsucro Production Standard (BPS) with
                                                                                                  making it more accessible to farms and mills

                                                                                                  develop stronger value propositions for all our members as well as governments, investors
                                                                                                  and other key stakeholders
                                                                                                  increase our focus on improving uptake for Bonsucro-certified product – by bringing more
    Bonsucro has become established as a global sustainability system and network, with a
                                                                                                  traders and end users onboard, improving market access for producers and stimulating
    reputation as the ‘gold standard’ for sustainable sugarcane: robust, credible, balanced,
    internationally recognised and an ISEAL code compliant member.                                demand where possible

    We enjoy greater scale and reach in terms of volumes and membership than any other            further demonstrate our relevance to multi-national companies who have an increasing
    multi-national standard system focused on sugarcane. While we know we must do better,         number of options for investing in sustainable sourcing - and can choose from a variety of
    we are proud of our successes to date:                                                        competing Standards

    We have over 260 active members, in over 50 countries, including certified mills in nine of   embrace partnerships with other standards and civil society as well as the public and
    the ten largest sugarcane-producing countries.                                                private sectors to share knowledge and expertise, and further our mutual sustainability
    Audit data from Bonsucro-certified producers and mills indicate significant year-on-year
    reductions in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and water use.                                   This strategic plan seeks to build on Bonsucro’s strong foundations and distinctive
                                                                                                  advantages - and to enable us to address the challenges and opportunities ahead with
    Our certified mills can demonstrate                                                           agility, determination and confidence.
    no child labour or forced labour, and
    the absence of discrimination.

    On average, wages on Bonsucro-
    certified farms are 21% above the
    national minimum wage and, after
    five years of certification, operators
    achieve significant reductions in
    accident rates.

    Bonsucro certification applies to
    a wide range of sugarcane end
    products, including bioethanol and

    Last year, we more than doubled our
    year-on-year investment in impact
    projects promoting sustainable
    production and building capacity
    with mills and smallholders.

    We are financially robust, thanks to
    continued growth in our membership
    and the introduction of digital credit
    trading in Bonsucro-certified product.

2                                                                                                                                                                                              3
3. GLOBAL CONTEXT                                            SOCIAL & LABOUR                              The volume of sugarcane produced to            Sugar prices
                                                                                                              voluntary sustainability standards is set to
    2021-2026                                             Meeting minimum safeguards on human rights          increase, from growth in Bonsucro as well      Real sugar prices are predicted to remain flat at
                                                          and social standards will become increasingly       as other systems.                              close to 2020 levels, with periodic disruptions due to
    We have comprehensively considered the                important for the private sector, driven by                                                        external factors7.
    external factors that will influence our work, and    inter-governmental frameworks (particularly         Diversified end-products
    what they are likely to mean for Bonsucro.            the UN Guiding Principles Business and                                                             World prices for raw and white sugar have been
                                                          Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines on             Sugarcane has a diverse range of food          volatile, with the price of raw sugar often dropping
                                                          Multinational Enterprises) and exacerbated          and non-food derivatives and end uses,         below production costs, threatening the economic
           SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS                  by the fallout from COVID-19.                       fuelling continued market development.         viability of growers, millers and processors. Prices are
                                                                                                                                                             affected by multiple factors including government
    The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)           The human rights-based approach adopted             While sugar will continue to account for       subsidies and import tariffs, oil price movements and
    for 2030 present a shared blueprint for peace         by some international NGOs and development          some 75% of the end usage of sugarcane,        export and currency fluctuations.
    and prosperity for people and planet, providing       agencies will underpin the work of institutional    we expect considerable growth in its use as
    a framework for Bonsucro and other global             donors and civil society organisations and          a biofuel and in plastics and packaging -
    sustainability initiatives.                           increasingly influence the policies and practices   as well as other markets such as molasses
                                                          of businesses, governments and foundations.         and animal feed. We want certified             IMPLICATIONS FOR BONSUCRO
    The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2020                                                             sustainable sugarcane to become the
    shows that, even before the COVID-19 pandemic,        This approach focuses on those who are              norm for these newer markets.                  Taking these factors into account, we have set out
    the number of people suffering from food              most marginalised, excluded or discriminated                                                       the main implications for Bonsucro.
    insecurity was rising, the natural environment        against. This often requires an analysis of         Global sugar consumption is projected
    continued to deteriorate rapidly, and inequality      gender norms, different forms of discrimination     to grow at around 1.4% per annum,              SDGs: Show clearly how we plan to contribute to
    persisted in all regions.                             and power imbalances to ensure that                 reaching 199 Mt by 20293, underpinned by       those SDGs we are best equipped to support.
                                                          interventions reach the most marginalised           population and income growth. There will
                                                          segments of the population.                         be considerable variations geographically      Climate: Short-term prioritisation of the reduction in
           INVESTMENT & REGULATION                                                                            as health concerns and sugar taxes reduce      GHG emissions in line with COP26 goals, with longer-
                                                                                                              demand in Europe and the Americas, offset      term ambitions for net zero targets and building
    The global cross-sector drive for economic,                  TECHNOLOGY                                   however by increases in Asia and Africa.       climate resilience.
    social and environmental sustainability will                                                              The average world level of per capita
    continue to gather momentum.                          Technology and digitalisation will have             consumption is expected to increase from       Impact: Provide robust metrics for environmental,
                                                          positive impacts in sugarcane supply chains,        22.5 kg to 23.5 kg/person by 2026.             economic and social improvements throughout
    Legal and regulatory pressure for the adoption        but we must ensure that the benefits are                                                           sugarcane value chains.
    and disclosure of environmental, social and           widely accessible.                                  Ethanol will remain the world’s principal
    governance factors (ESG) in financial reporting                                                           biofuel through this period, accounting for    Value: Demonstrate Bonsucro’s unique offer and
    will continue to grow. Meanwhile access to ‘green     On the production side, we expect some              some 25% of all sugarcane production4.         value to business and to society.
    finance’ opportunities will increase for businesses   increases in output due to agricultural             Sugarcane is more efficient than other
    that can comply with ESG due diligence                mechanisation, precision farming, and mobile                                                       Investment: Improve financial incentives for
                                                                                                              biofuel feedstocks, returning about
    requirements.                                         technology and data.                                                                               sustainable production, by demonstrating the
                                                                                                              eight times more energy than used in
                                                                                                                                                             business case to financial institutions and other
                                                                                                              the process, which is twice as efficient
                                                          Other technologies, such as blockchain and AI,                                                     investors.
                                                                                                              as maize5. Global demand for ethanol is
           ENVIRONMENT                                    will improve transparency and visibility along      forecast to grow from 129 GL in 2020 to 140
                                                          supply chains and enable better identification                                                     Demand: Do more to enable the flow of sustainable
                                                                                                              GL by 2026.
    The UN SDG Report 2020 confirmed the urgency          and communication around sustainability and                                                        sugarcane through to the marketplace and
    of global action on climate change1, with further     impact.                                                                                            respond to demands for greater traceability and
                                                                                                              Ethanol will be increasingly used to
    commitments due at COP26 in November 2021.                                                                                                               transparency.
                                                                                                              produce bioplastics6, which have the same
                                                                 SUGARCANE SECTOR                             physical and chemical properties as oil-       Data: Digitalise from farm to retail, using new tools,
    GHG emissions will continue to be the primary
                                                                                                              based plastic and can be fully recycled.       technologies and analytics to strengthen our support
    contributor to climate change, with agriculture
                                                          Grown in 115 countries, sugarcane is one of the     Sugarcane is also used to produce              for farmers, supply chain mapping and traceability,
    accounting for around 14% of total emissions.
                                                          world’s most important commercial crops with        biodegradable PLA plastic. Market growth       and impact measurement.
    We also expect to see a greater focus on water        a vast global market for sugar, ethanol, and        is likely to be supported by investment
    depletion and pollution, which poses another          other sugarcane derivatives.                        in research and development in the             Engagement: Continue to build productive
    major social and environmental threat in many                                                             bioplastics sector by private and public       partnerships and communicate more actively and
    regions.                                              Global sugarcane production is predicted            organisations, driven by policy decisions      effectively with a wider range of stakeholders to
                                                          to grow by about 1.5% per annum, reaching           such as that of the EU to reduce the overall   effect sector-wide change.
    Scientific models indicate that global adoption       approximately 202 Mt by 2026. We want to see        production and consumption of single-use
    of the Bonsucro Standard would halve GHG              this growth coming from increased efficiency,       plastic products by about 80% by 2022.         Flexibility: Ensure that we are responsive and ready
    emissions and reduce water use by 65% and             rather than land conversion.                                                                       to make short-term adjustments as appropriate
    nutrient loading by 34%2.                                                                                                                                within our overall strategic direction.

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                     5
4. PURPOSE & STRATEGIC AIMS                                                                                 5. CORE PRINCIPLES
      We are committed to taking a leadership role in guiding and enabling the sugarcane sector                   Our four Core Principles guide our operational choices and decision-making in implementing
      to achieve greater sustainability, with our clearly articulated Purpose and ambitious but                   our Strategic Aims and Priorities.
      achievable Strategic Aims.

                                                                                                            COLLABORATION              INCLUSIVITY                         CREDIBILITY                           ADAPTABILITY

                                                                                                            Collaboration is central   We need to be inclusive to          Transparency and the                  Sugarcane production and
                                                                                                            to our identity as a       drive sector transformation,        credibility of our standards,         uses are highly impacted
                                                                                                            multi-stakeholder          and to scale impact.                assurance, MEL and impact             by landscapes, economies,
                                                                                                            initiative with a global                                       reporting are vital to our            markets, cultures, and
                                                                                                            membership drawn           This includes: engaging             work.                                 governments. Sustainability
                                                                                                            from all parts of the      with workers, mills, farmers,                                             is a journey of continuous
                                                                                                            sugarcane sector           and producer communities;           We adhere fully to the                improvement.
                                                                                                            with an interest in        enabling sustainability             ISEAL Credibility Principles,
                                                                                                            sustainability.            improvements outside of             embraced by other                     We will adapt our offering and
                                                                                                                                       certification; and aligning         leading sustainability                approach to different contexts
                                                                                                            Our success as a           and co-operating with               standards systems working             and, wherever possible,
                                                                                                            standard system and as     strategic partners, other           to bring about positive               devolve responsibility to our
                                                                                                            a platform requires us     sustainability standards            social, environmental                 people and partners on the
                                                                                                            to convene, learn and      systems and government              and economic impacts,                 ground. We will strengthen our
                                                                                                            share with like-minded     agencies for collective             while decreasing negative             organisational adaptability
                                                                                                            organisations.             benefit.                            impacts.                              and resilience to ensure we can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 pivot to respond to unforeseen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 events and crises.

                                                                                                                  CONTRIBUTION TO THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS
                                                                                                                  Our three Strategic Aims correspond to the three pillars of sustainable development and define
                                                                                                                  how we will contribute to the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Our collaborative way of
    PURPOSE                                                  STRATEGIC AIMS                                       working, and our expanding role as the sustainability platform for sugarcane across its value chains,
                                                                                                                  underpins how we will achieve our Strategic Aims in line with Goal 17 - Partnerships for the Goals.
                                                             Underpinning our Purpose are three Strategic
             To collectively accelerate                      Aims, which are of equal importance and
            the sustainable production                                                                        Table 1: Bonsucro’s contribution to the SDGs
              and uses of sugarcane.
                                                                 Create value across the supply chain         Sustainability Pillar              Environmental                               Social                             Economic
    This statement captures our role as a catalyst
    for market transformation, driving uptake of                      Improve the environmental               Strategic Aim                     Improve the                     Strengthen Decent Work                  Create value across
    sustainable sugarcane across sugar, ethanol,                        impact of sugarcane                                                                                      and respect for human
                                                                                                                                           environmental impact                                                          the supply chain
    molasses, and bagasse value chains.                                                                                                        of sugarcane                        rights in sugarcane
                                                                Strengthen Human Rights and Decent                                                                                farming and milling
    It also expresses our position as a global
                                                                Work in sugarcane farming and milling
    sustainability platform, working collaboratively
                                                                                                              SDG contribution                    6. Ensure availability                  5. Achieve gender                   8. Promote
    with farmers, millers, traders, end users, civil
    society, government and other sustainability             These Strategic Aims describe the main                                               and sustainable                         equality and                        sustained, inclusive
                                                             objectives for Bonsucro, working together                                            management of water                     empower                             and sustainable
    initiatives to scale sustainability across the                                                                                                and sanitation for all                  women & girls                       economic growth,
    sector and landscapes.                                   with our members and partners, to fulfil our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              full and productive
                                                             Purpose.                                                                             11. Protect & restore                                                       employment and
    Bonsucro focuses exclusively on sugarcane                We have set targets that recognise the                                               sustainable use of                      8. Promote                          decent work for all
    and all its end-products. It does so on a                                                                                                     terrestrial ecosystems                  sustained, inclusive
                                                             different challenges and priorities for                                                                                      and sustainable
    global basis with strong local presence in the           sustainable sugarcane across our key                                                 13. Take urgent action                  economic growth,                    12. Ensure
    countries that produce, use and consume the              regions and countries, and for different                                             to combat climate                       full and productive                 sustainable
    most sugarcane and its products.                         types of farming.                                                                    change and its                          employment and                      consumption &
                                                                                                                                                  impacts                                 decent work for all                 production patterns

6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          7
We cannot intervene in setting prices, which         Mills, farmers, and all our members will derive value from greater awareness of improvements
                                                        are determined by the market, but we will            throughout the sector through our strengthened capacity in MEL. This will facilitate the transfer
    6. CREATE VALUE ACROSS                              continue to provide the framework that               of best practice and give mills and their associations increased voice and visibility among policy
                                                        facilitates compliance with high sustainability      makers and influencers.
    THE SUPPLY CHAIN                                    standards and therefore enables access to
                                                        markets.                                             All members stand to benefit from our collaboration with other initiatives and standards systems
                                                                                                             to drive the overall supply and demand for sustainably produced sugarcane, reduce the need
                                                        To increase the amounts that end users               for multiple audits and assure compliance with national or regional requirements.
    We will create value for mills and farms and
                                                        source from certified mills, we will provide
    across the entire sugarcane supply chain
                                                        high-quality information and data for mills          We cannot, however, deliver this value alone. Potential benefits will be maximised through
    including buyers and end users – as well as
                                                        to improve their sustainability performance,         shared responsibility and reciprocity, particularly when buyers and end users recognise
    others with a stake in making the sector more
                                                        and we will enable producers to share their          producers’ investments in sustainability and prioritise purchasing from those entities.
    sustainable, such as governments, investors
                                                        sustainability metrics with their customers - if
    and civil society.
                                                        they wish - demonstrating compliance with
                                                        standards set by multinational enterprises           Table 2: Global indicators & targets 2021-2026
                                                        and investors.

                                                        We will advocate for a sustainable sugarcane                                    Aim: Create value across the supply chain
    Through a unique combination of certification,
                                                        sector by providing clear and consistent
    convening and collaborative action, Bonsucro
                                                        evidence of the economic, social and               Objectives                   Indicators                            Baseline                 Target
    offers different Value Propositions for different
                                                        environmental benefits, from independent
    member and stakeholder groups, aligned
                                                        research and our own data.                                                      Hectares of certified                 1.3 million ha10         2 million ha11
    to their respective interests, locations and
    ambitions.                                                                                             Increase supply &            sugarcane annually
                                                        Bonsucro certification contributes to              demand of certified          Number of certified mills             130 mills12              210 mills13
                                                        improved health and safety, reduced costs          sustainable sugar,
    Independent studies in India8 and Brazil9                                                                                           Tonnes certified sugar & m³           Sugar: 6.2 million14     Sugar: 9.6 million15
                                                        and production gains. The nature and extent        ethanol & derivatives
    have identified how Bonsucro creates value                                                                                          certified ethanol produced            Ethanol: 2.7 million     Ethanol: 4.3 million
                                                        of the gains will depend on the differing
    for mills and farms in terms of productivity,                                                                                       (or equivalent)
                                                        production and market situations across the
    employment conditions and environmental                                                                                             Number of Bonsucro raw                Credits: 1.2million16    Credits: 2.2 million17
                                                        wide range of national economic, social and
    impact, as well as through the provision of                                                                                         sugar credits (or equivalent)         Chain of Custody:        Chain of Custody:
                                                        legal frameworks within which our members
    essential data.                                                                                                                     sold annually                         820,000 t 18             1.6 million t 19
                                                        work.                                                                           Tonnes of certified physical
    We will continue to enable all actors in the                                                                                        products sold ex-mill
                                                        As the platform for sustainable sugarcane,
    supply chain to reduce risk, build resilience
                                                        we will enable and support pre-competitive                                      Number of independent
    and keep pace with increasing governmental,                                                            More inclusive
                                                        collaboration with our members to connect or                                    farmers & smallholders                3,000 farmers20
    financial and consumer demands for                                                                     & sustainable
                                                        align with their peers and with other actors in                                 reached* by Bonsucro                                           15,000 farmers
    evidence of best social, labour, climate and                                                           value chains
                                                        the value chain.                                                                certification and/or impact
    environmental impacts.
                                                                                                                                        projects over 5 years
                                                        This will enable mills and farms to improve
    We will work to increase the uptake of
                                                        their performance through access to novel          Convene impact &             Total money invested in
    Bonsucro-certified products and derivatives
                                                        solutions and facilitate collective action on      innovation projects          Bonsucro impact and
    in key consumer food, beverage and alcohol                                                                                                                                £1.46m                   £5.37m
                                                        complex sustainability issues.                                                  innovation projrcts over 5
    sectors, as well as bioethanol and fast-
    growing markets such as bioplastics and bio-                                                                                        years21**
                                                        We will increase our support for independent
                                                        and smallholder sugarcane farmers and work         Deliver value to                                                   93%
                                                                                                                                        Annual membership                                              95%
                                                        with the sector to build more inclusive and        members
    We will continue to promote the sale and                                                                                            retention rate
                                                        resilient value chains. This will be achieved
    purchase of credits through the Bonsucro
                                                        through impact projects and new global and
    Credit Platform and develop the Bonsucro
                                                        national partnerships to support farmers            *By “reached” we mean those farmers who have been engaged in information, training, or capacity building
    Impact Fund to leverage funds from the sale of
                                                        with access to affordable finance, increased        programmes where Bonsucro or its members have played a significant role in planning, delivery, or reporting.
    credits for investment in impact projects.
                                                        productivity, improved working conditions           **Income from credit impact, grants and partnerships
                                                        and livelihoods and adaptation to climate

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                           9
water stewardship policies and plans
                                                                                                                                                                                                  resolution. It aligns fully with the UN Guiding
                                                                                      to manage water responsibly and                    8. STRENGTHEN HUMAN
 7. IMPROVE THE ENVIRONMENTAL                                                         equitably within the landscape.                                                                             Principles of Business and Human Rights and puts
                                                                                                                                         RIGHTS & DECENT WORK                                     us at the forefront of sustainability standards.
 IMPACT OF SUGARCANE                                                                  We will continue to provide a
                                                                                      continuous improvement framework                   IN SUGARCANE FARMING                                     We will promote fairer wages for the most
                                                                                      for water management in sugarcane
 Environmental issues remain a high priority for our
 members and partners, many of whom have specific                                     production through the Standard.                   & MILLING                                                vulnerable people in farming and milling through
                                                                                                                                                                                                  action on benchmarking and piloting living wages
 commitments to reducing the negative impacts of their                                Bonsucro members commit to                                                                                  and living incomes in specific origins.
                                                                                                                                         The Bonsucro Code of Conduct calls on all
 operations on climate and the environment.                                           supporting the protection of forests               members to respect human rights in their
                                                                                      and natural ecosystems in our Code                                                                          We are in dialogue with other ISEAL code
                                                                                                                                         sugarcane supply chains. The Bonsucro
                                                                                      of Conduct. We will work together                                                                           compliant members on this critical issue and plan
                                                                                                                                         Production Standard (BPS) requires respect
 We will work with members and partners to agree sector-                              to combat deforestation, and for                                                                            to join the Global Living Wage Coalition.
                                                                                                                                         for human rights and labour standards for
 level commitments to science-based targets for GHG                                   the protection and maintenance of                  certified entities.
 reduction that meet the UNFCCC Paris Agreement by                                    valuable ecosystems.                                                                                        The BPS sets specific requirements for compliance
 2030.                                                                                                                                                                                            with international labour conventions, safe and
                                                                                      As a platform we will develop or take                                                                       healthy workplaces, clear and equitable contracts
 We will support our members to meet their GHG targets
                                                                                      part in initiatives to allow members to                                                                     and minimum wages.
 with access to data and knowledge and by aligning with                                                                                  We will continue to drive Decent Work and
 green financing opportunities to accelerate the transition                           move beyond reducing environmental
                                                                                                                                         safer working conditions for farmers, farm
                                                                                      impact to restorative systems.                                                                              We will build on the sound practices of certified
 towards net zero.                                                                                                                       workers and mill workers – including zero
                                                                                                                                                                                                  producers to promote improvements in social and
 We will address the water crisis in key origins, and                                 We will extend our impacts through                 tolerance for forced labour and child labour.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  labour conditions by sharing learning and best
 particularly in Asia.                                                                landscape approaches, building on                                                                           practice throughout the supply chain.
                                                                                      our convening of two flagship projects,            We will work to ensure safe recruitment for
 We will partner with members and others, such as the                                 Outcome based standards – a                        migrant workers, reduce discrimination in all
 Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS), to develop and pilot                                                                                                                                       Our regional and national programmes will
                                                                                      landscape approach’22 and the                      its forms and promote gender equality.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  identify and work with partners to remedy the
                                                                                      ‘Good Practice: Better Finance’                                                                             most pressing social and labour issues in each
                                                                                      project in South Africa.                           We will improve accessibility to our standards
 Table 3: Global indicators & targets 2021-2026                                                                                                                                                   country, taking account of the local situation.
                                                                                                                                         for workers, focussing on the Grievance
                                                                                                                                         Mechanism we introduced to manage
                                                                                                                                                                                                  We will also keep our members updated with best
                                     Aim: Improve the environmental impact of sugarcane                                                  complaints against our members. This is
                                                                                                                                                                                                  practice and information related to COVID-19 and
                                                                                                                                         designed around inclusivity and accessibility
                                                                                                                                                                                                  incorporate COVID-19 along with other HSE risks
     Objectives                      Indicators                           Baseline                            Target                     and facilitates mediation as a means for
                                                                                                                                                                                                  into our training.
                                     % Reduction in Scope 1 and           18% reduction                       >30% reduction             Table 4: Global indicators & targets 2021-2026
     Drive climate action
                                     2 emissions of certified             0.33 kg CO2e/kg sugar to
     in the sugarcane
                                     mills and farms after 5              0.27 kg CO2e/kg sugar                                                                         Aim: Strengthen human rights & Decent Work in sugarcane farming & milling
                                     years’ certification
                                     Collective commitments &                                                                                Objectives                 Indicators                     Baseline                  Target (disaggregated by gender)
                                                                          To be determined through 2021-22
                                     actions** in line with 1.5º
                                     global warming                                                                                                                     % increase in average          Farm: +16% to +21%        Farm: 30% increase
                                                                                                                                             Increase wages in          differential between           average differential      Mill: 45% increase
                                     % Increase in water-use                                                  >30% increase                  sugarcane farming          wages paid above legal         Mills: +18% to +26%
     Improve water
                                     efficiency (kg per mm                28% increase                                                       and milling                minimum wage after 5           average differential
     security &
                                     per hectare) by certified            105 kg/mm/ha to                                                                               years of certification
                                     producers after 5 years              135 kg/mm/ha
                                     certification                                                                                                                      Collective commitments &
                                                                                                                                                                                                       To be determined through 2021-22
                                                                                                                                                                        actions** on Living Wage
                                     Collective commitments
                                     and actions** on                     To be determined through 2021-22                                   Improve                    % reduction in accidents
                                     sustainable water                                                                                       occupational health                                       Farm: 38% decrease        Farm: 43% decrease
                                                                                                                                                                        in certified farms & mills
                                     management                                                                                              & safety in farming                                       Mill: 18% decrease        Mill: 23% decrease
                                                                                                                                                                        after 5 years’ certification
                                                                                                                                             and milling
     Improve biodiversity            # hectares High
     and soil health                 Conservation Value                   To be determined through 2021-22                                   Enhance respect for        Collective commitments
                                     Areas (HCVA) protected                                                                                  human rights                                              To be determined through 2021-22
                                                                                                                                                                        and actions** to promote
                                     & maintained in high-risk                                                                                                          UN Guiding Principles
                                     areas                                                                                                                              on Business & Human
                                                                                                                                                                        Rights & OECD-FAO
** “Collective commitments & actions” refers to collaborative research, capacity building, policy commitments or impact projects where                                  Guidance for Responsible
Bonsucro acts as lead/convenor with a significant role in planning, financing, delivery or as a knowledge partner.
                                                                                                                                                                        Agricultural Supply

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11
     We have identified five global Priorities, each of which contributes to the achievement of
     one or more of the Strategic Aims.

                                                                                                                  BUILD SUPPLY & DEMAND FOR                                  SUPPORT GROWERS & MILLS ON
                                                                                                                  SUSTAINABLE SUGARCANE & DERIVATIVES                        THEIR SUSTAINABILITY JOURNEY

                                                                                                                  We will stimulate greater uptake for Bonsucro-             In response to stakeholder demand around
                                                                                                                  certified sugar, ethanol and other derivatives, but        the 2021 Production Standard Revision, we are
                                                                                                                  without becoming an industry promotional body.             testing the inclusion of a stepwise approach to
                                                                                                                                                                             some key indicators within the Standard.
                                                                                                                  While Bonsucro cannot intervene commercially in
     ENHANCE THE BONSUCRO SYSTEM OF                                    CONVENE THE SECTOR TO MEET                 the sugarcane supply chain or marketplace, we              We will also explore the feasibility of a stepwise
     STANDARDS & ASSURANCE                                             COMPLEX CHALLENGES                         can influence demand for sustainable sugarcane,            approach to drive sustainability.
                                                                                                                  particularly Bonsucro-certified product, across
     This is an area of core expertise for Bonsucro and                Beyond driving sustainability              diverse end use markets. Key actions will include:         We are considering a move towards a four-step
     for the certification bodies with which we work. We               through standards and                                                                                 system based on the continuous improvement
     will increase the number of sugarcane farms and                   certification, we will step up our       - Identify new markets for Bonsucro certification            cycle: plan, do, check & act.
     mills certified each year, while continuing to update             convening role for the sector,           - Expand membership in both traditional and
                                                                                                                  emerging end-use markets                                   Critical questions remain to be answered,
     our standards and systems to drive improvements                   enabling pre-competitive
                                                                                                                - Develop shared responsibility among members,               including the role of assurance and certification,
     in sustainability.                                                collaboration and cross-sector
                                                                                                                  and between producers and end users                        the role of market forces, safeguarding the
     In our Production Standards, environmental issues                                                          - Expand trade in Bonsucro credits                           credibility of claims, and how to incentivise
     cover water usage, soil health, safeguarding                      We will focus on critical issues where   - Seek alignment with market-side standards e.g.             change and progression along the steps.
     sensitive ecosystems and biodiversity hotspots,                   collective action is needed and            sustainable jet-fuel, carbon markets
     climate resilience, use of agrochemical and                       where multiple stakeholders have         - Support members’ traceability activity.
     fertilisers. The social priorities relate to labour,              interests in finding viable solutions.
     workers’ safety and living conditions, non-                       We will do this at a global level and                                                        PROMOTE KNOWLEDGE, BEST PRACTICE &
     discrimination, wages and more.                                   locally in key producer countries.
     Our Chain of Custody Standards ensure the                         We will develop science-based
     traceability of sustainability claims along the supply            targets for GHGs to meet the                                                                 Sharing knowledge and best practice and championing
     chain from farm to end user.                                      UNFCCC Paris Agreement 2030                                                                  innovation are central to our role and aspirations as a
                                                                       targets.                                                                                     convening force for the sugarcane sector.
  We will deliver on this Priority by:
- Publishing the revised Bonsucro Production                           We will test and scale best practice                                                        We will:
                                                                       in water stewardship.                                                                     - Improve MEL and impact reporting
  Standard in 2021
- Reviewing and updating the Bonsucro Production                                                                                                                 - Unlock new value from Bonsucro data and analytics,
  Standard for Smallholder Farmers                                     We will also work with members                                                              including supply chain mapping
- Updating the Chain of Custody Standards and                          and partners to improve social and                                                        - Update Bonsucro members on the latest global research
  Claims rules for sugarcane derivatives                               labour conditions and respect for                                                           on sugarcane sustainability issues
- Strengthening our assurance model                                    human rights, with specific attention                                                     - Convene and contribute to research to improve the
  and social auditing                                                  to working conditions, heat stress,                                                         outcomes of sustainability standards
- Developing partnerships with compatible standards                    migrant and forced labour, child                                                          - Share learnings from impact and innovation projects
  and initiatives to enable scale-up on the production                 labour, wages and gender equality.                                                          within and beyond the membership
                                                                                                                                                                 - Provide shareable and practical ESG metrics, including to
  or market side.
                                                                                                                                                                   financial institutions.

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                          13
10. MAKING IT HAPPEN                              We will also evolve the Bonsucro Production
                                                       Smallholder Standard (BPSS), which is aligned
                                                                                                             Our choice of projects will be rigorous,
                                                                                                             based on needs and focussed on projects
                                                                                                                                                           MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT

     This section describes the principal Activities   to the BPS but adapted to the realities of            that clearly serve our Strategic Aims,        Bonsucro will remain a member organisation,
     through which we will deliver the Strategy.       smallholder farming.                                  deliver measurable impact and contribute      representing a wide range of stakeholders and
                                                                                                             to our KPIs.                                  sugarcane interests.
                                                       In revising our Standards and related guidance
                                                       we will ensure the integrity of the Chain of          Partners will include Bonsucro members,       Figure 2: Bonsucro membership 2020-21
                                                       Custody and the tracking and authentication of        international and local non-governmental
     CERTIFICATION & ASSURANCE                         claims.                                               organisations, other ISEAL code compliant            Intermediary Trader   Civil Society
                                                                                                             members, international and local                                      6%   7%

     Bonsucro’s Production and Chain of Custody        We will develop and strengthen our third-party        businesses, institutional and private
                                                                                                                                                           Intermediaries                               End User
     standards are core assets that we will continue   assurance model, continuing to be ISEAL Code          donors, and governmental organisations.                 13%                                10%
     to evolve along with our certification and        compliant and to collaborate with ISEAL peers.
     assurance protocols and system.

     We will explore partnerships with compatible                                                            IMPROVE GROWERS’                                                                               Farmers &

     standards within and beyond sugarcane, and        IMPACT PROJECTS                                       ACCESS TO FINANCE                                                                              Associations
                                                                                                                                                            Industrial &                                    15%
     along the value chain.                                                                                                                                Associations
                                                       We will increase available funding and                We will work with partners and                         49%
     The BPS is at the heart of everything Bonsucro    expertise to drive better outcomes for growers.       financial providers to improve access
     does. It defines what sustainable sugarcane       Impact projects will be funded through credit         to sustainability-linked finance for
     production should look like and provides a        trading and grant-funded partnerships and             Bonsucro-certified members by
     comprehensive metric tool for sustainable         projects.                                             demonstrating the credibility of our          Membership engagement will be increasingly
     farming and milling.                                                                                    certification and enabling members to         devolved to the regions and countries where we
                                                       We will develop a Bonsucro Impact Fund to             disclose relevant data to help attract        operate, with significant investment in the people
     In response to member demand the revised          invest in initiatives and projects that catalyse or   finance.                                      and resources needed to serve and support
     BPS, to be launched in 2021, will be more         accelerate sustainable sugarcane production                                                         members fully.
     progressive and more applicable to mills and      in key locations in line with our strategic Aims –    We will build on the learnings from the
     farms at all stages of development.               irrespective of whether or not beneficiaries are      SECO/ISEAL funded programme ‘Better           While supporting and serving existing members
                                                       candidates for certification.                         Practice, Better Finance’ in 2019, where we   is important to us, we plan to grow the number of
                                                                                                             joined with fellow ISEAL code compliant       members from over 260 in 2021 to around 450 by
                                                       The Bonsucro Impact Fund will be designed             members and the South African financial       2026, across all classes and end uses.
                                                       to fund projects in a variety of ways: through        sector to better understand how our
                                                       credit trading, direct grants, match-funding,         Standards could expand access to finance      Specifically, we will recruit more end users and
     “The BPS gives peace of mind to                   competitive funds or other means. We will             for producers.                                retailers in consumer markets - enabling them to
     our customers, knowing that they                  learn from other funding organisations and                                                          purchase certified material and/or credits, and we
     are purchasing products from a                    mechanisms and design a best-in-class system.         We will look to convene the sugarcane         will target new members in the ethanol, animal
     company that carries out its agro-                                                                      sector around payment for environmental       feed, bio-packaging, and bioplastics sectors.
     industrial activities with good                                                                         services (PES) - relatively new schemes
     practices and in compliance with                                                                        that seek to offer payment to landowners      Members will benefit from shared knowledge and
     the rules. It also allows us to give                                                                    to implement good agricultural practices      richer data collected through the annual reporting
     employees greater confidence and                        IMPACT PROJECT EXAMPLES                         and protect the environment.                  and certification processes, enabling them to
     security internally.”                                                                                                                                 better analyse and benchmark their results.
     (End user)                                              Mexico: Collaboration to improve
                                                             sustainable production of small
                                                             producers in partnership with
                                                             PepsiCo, Proforest, One Peterson
                                                             & Mill Tala.

                                                             Pakistan: Partnership with IFC
                                                             to support the introduction and
                                                             implementation of the Bonsucro
                                                             Standard and to facilitate its use
                                                             by a mill group and smallholders.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                         15
MARKET DEVELOPMENT                            our 2026 targets as we improve our understanding
                                               of the causal relationship between interventions
 We will strive to stimulate and facilitate    and results, enabling us to strengthen future
 demand and uptake for Bonsucro                interventions.
 traditional and emerging certified
 products as we respond to growing             Our data strategy prioritises end-to-end
 pressure from end users, consumers            stewardship to maintain confidence in our data
 and the public sector for sustainable         security and to enable more sophisticated use
 production and consumption.                   and sharing, in compliance with data protection
 Bonsucro’s digital Credit Trading Platform,
 launched in late 2019, has the potential to   Some certification metric data sets and insights
 be a game-changer for the sector.             are likely to be provided to members, including a
                                               dashboard for better visualisation, and we will also
 While sugarcane and its derivatives cannot    enhance the functionality of Bonsucro Connect.
 be physically traced through segregated
 supply chains to sustainable producers, the
 credit system allows buyers to incentivise
 and reward the adoption of sustainable        COMMUNICATIONS & INFLUENCING
 practices by purchasing credits for
 sugarcane or derivatives.                     To build the profile, reputation and impact of
                                               Bonsucro and to better support our members, we
 We will drive demand by creating              will grow our communications and influencing
 compelling evidence-based narratives          activities and capabilities globally and regionally.
 around members’ sustainability
 performance.                                  This will include recruitment in public affairs and
                                               influencing, marketing and media relations,
 We will use research and data to
 demonstrate how Bonsucro-certified            We will progressively complement our centrally-
 product and impact projects are enabling      driven communications with more locally
 manufacturers to meet their sustainability    generated and adapted content, tailored to local
 commitments, and we will identify and         contexts and member priorities.
 engage financial institutions and other
 influencers to build market pull-through.     There will be more production in local languages
                                               to enable Bonsucro to get closer to members and
                                               to facilitate more effective local dialogue.
                                               Where relevant to our change agenda, we
 Technology will increasingly touch every      will invest in influencing and communications
 aspect of our organisation and our            well beyond our member base, including with
 work – including field-level and supply       government, policymakers and the financial
 chain innovation, tools for members, and      sector.
 our own knowledge management and
 analytics capabilities. Digitalisation will   We will look to leverage the connections of
 drive operational efficiencies and unlock     Bonsucro member companies, and to align our
 significant value for those we work with.     policy influencing with other ISEAL code compliant
                                               members and like-minded organisations– to
 The methods and outputs of Bonsucro’s         improve access and effectiveness.
 MEL programme will continue to improve,
 as we strengthen both our human and           While Bonsucro will remain essentially a
 systems capabilities.                         business-focused organisation, we will evolve
                                               our claims framework, brand assets and content
 We will focus on collecting, analysing and    library to facilitate our members’ consumer
 reporting credible, longitudinal data on      communications.
 outcomes that track performance against

16                                                                                                    17
MEXICO                                                  AFRICA
 11. GLOBAL STRATEGY,                                                                                                                                          ASIA PACIFIC
 LOCAL IMPACT                                       We aim to significantly grow the current base of        We will assess the opportunity for growth
                                                    three certified mills - to accelerate the country’s     in sugarcane growing countries across the
                                                                                                                                                               We will continue to increase new certifications
 We are developing specific operational             contribution to supporting smallholders,                continent with an initial focus on Southern
                                                                                                                                                               throughout the region, providing support to
 plans for each of our region and country           reducing GHGs, improving water stewardship              Africa as well as Côte d’Ivoire, building
                                                                                                                                                               current and potential members. We will also
 programmes to achieve the Strategic Aims           and protecting High Conservation Value Areas            on the connections and interests with our
                                                                                                                                                               promote the concept of continuous improvement
 within the Priorities set out in the previous      (HCVA).                                                 certified mills and influential stakeholders.
                                                                                                                                                               with partners and stakeholders.
 sections. Our work on the ground will be
                                                    To help achieve this goal we will actively promote      We aim to see two more mills certified in
 consistent with the global actions but tailored                                                                                                               We will drive the development and rollout of a
                                                    best practices from certified mills elsewhere in        Mauritius, and mills certified in South Africa,
 to optimise impact at the local level.                                                                                                                        more progressive approach in India and Thailand
                                                    Latin America.                                          eSwatini and Cote’d Ivoire. We will pilot the
                                                                                                                                                               to enable access to the benefits of certification for
                                                                                                            stepwise approach, including in East Africa.
                                                    We will step up collaboration between brands,                                                              many more farmers.
 Through regional and country stakeholder           financial institutions and mills and farmers on
 workshops, and several years of experience                                                                 We will collaborate with partners such as
                                                    market uptake of certified products – including                                                            We will continue to grow the number of Bonsucro-
 of programme management in some of the                                                                     banks, AWS, farmer organisations and
                                                    impact projects focused on smallholder farmers to                                                          certified mills to increase our contribution to
 largest sugarcane producing countries, our                                                                 governments, to improve water management
                                                    increase certified volume and area.                                                                        protecting the environment. We also plan to
 Regional teams have identified ways in which                                                               at farm, mill and landscape level, and we will
                                                                                                                                                               convene up to ten impact projects involving up to
 they can deliver each of the Specific Aims.                                                                collaborate with mills and supply areas in
                                                    We will do this in close coordination with mills that                                                      5,000 smallholder farmers focused on reducing
                                                                                                            Africa to reduce their GHG emissions in line
                                                    are willing to support their sugarcane suppliers.                                                          GHGs and improving water stewardship.
 These are just a few examples. Many more will                                                              with the Paris Agreement.
 follow as the regional strategies are elaborated   We will develop or support projects aimed at                                                               In Australia, we will continue to engage with
 in 2021.                                           improving workers’ conditions and human and             We will build on the Good Practice, Better
                                                                                                                                                               members, stakeholders and local standards to
                                                    labour rights through a sectoral approach.              Finance project in South Africa, which aims
                                                                                                                                                               implement and continuously improve the Bonsucro
                                                                                                            to help financial institutions offer incentives
                                                                                                                                                               standard. We aim to deliver on improving
                                                    We will seek to build on the best practices in the      for sustainable agricultural and business
 BRAZIL                                                                                                                                                        environmental impacts, working with stakeholders
                                                    region based on the BPS and the BPSS, and to            practices.
                                                                                                                                                               on climate change mitigation, water stewardship
                                                    develop tools and resources to support others to
 We will increase certification from the current                                                                                                               and regenerative agriculture in sugarcane
                                                    comply with those standards.                            We will work with partners to increase
 base of 75 certified mills, engaging up to eight                                                                                                              production and milling, through collective actions
                                                                                                            awareness of modern slavery in the
 more into membership and the certification                                                                                                                    and knowledge-sharing.
                                                                                                            sugarcane sector, to improve human rights
 program, so they can contribute to                                                                         and working conditions, and to provide
 strengthening human rights and decent work                                                                                                                    In terms of social and labour priorities, we will
                                                    CENTRAL AMERICA                                         training and guidance for both employers
 practices in sugarcane farming and milling.                                                                                                                   convene strategic partnerships in India and
                                                                                                            and employees.
                                                                                                                                                               Thailand to address some of the most pressing
                                                    We plan to expand our current base of 18
 We will seek to minimise the cost and time                                                                                                                    issues including modern slavery and child labour,
                                                    certified mills, engaging up to 10 more mills into
 pressures of certification for producers,                                                                                                                     working with credible and impactful partners. We
                                                    membership and the certification programme, to
 and boost their return on the investment, by                                                                                         Photo Credit: Ed Kashi   will collaborate with other ISEAL code compliant
                                                    maximise the region’s contribution to GHG, water
 developing joint certification protocols with                                                                                                                 members to provide education and training on
                                                    and HCVA metrics.
 consolidated certification schemes such as                                                                                                                    human rights and Decent Work.
 RenovaBio.                                         We will recruit farmers’ associations as members
                                                    and support them through certification to help                                                             We will monitor compliance among members
 We aim to deliver on improving environmental       improve the environmental impact of sugarcane in                                                           and ensure zero tolerance for forced labour an
 impacts, working with our members and              the region.                                                                                                child labour, safer working conditions and gender
 stakeholders on climate change mitigation                                                                                                                     empowerment as part of our ‘Promoting Workers
 and resilience in line with the UNFCCC Paris       We will ensure that there is no sugarcane                                                                  and Community Voices’ project.
 Agreement.                                         expansion on HCV land and forests and that all
                                                    members adhere to the cut-off-date of January
 We will partner with financial institutions with   2008 in compliance with EU RED.
 a view to helping Bonsucro certified operators
 access sustainability-linked financing.            We will expand the implementation of the Water-
                                                    Rest-Shade protocol, initially developed to help
 We also plan to convene the sector around          protect sugarcane cutters in Nicaragua from the
 Payment for Environmental Services (PES)           risks of working under intense heat.
 to encourage landowners and farmers to
 implement good agricultural practices and          We will also use the Bonsucro platform to step up
 protect the environment. Our goal is to work       collaboration with civil society organisations to
 with partners to implement at least one PES        drive progress on human rights and Decent Work
 project in this strategy period.                   across the sector.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                19

       12. GROWING WITH THE STRATEGY                                                                                        We will remain a relatively lean organization while progressively doubling in size to around
                                                                                                                            38 full time equivalent staff by 2026 and adding new capabilities to enable us to deliver on
                                                                                                                            our ambitions.
       As we execute our strategy, we will enhance Bonsucro’s capabilities in governance,
       people and systems while exercising high standards of organisational leadership and
                                                                                                                            Most of the growth in personnel numbers will be in
       management. We will ensure and promote diversity and equality throughout our work and
                                                                                                                            producer countries. This planned growth allows for:                              “By having more people
       our organisation.
                                                                                                                        -   The Chief Executive to dedicate more time to external                               in the regions, we can
                                                                                                                            representation to build Bonsucro’s reputation and reach                                 be in close contact
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and provide better
                                                                                                                        -   Scaling up Bonsucro’s presence in the largest sugarcane-                          customer service to our
                                                                                                                            producing countries to drive national acceleration programmes                       members. We need to
       Bonsucro will remain a multi-stakeholder initiative, with broad-based and diverse                                    and convene the sector around sustainability in line with national              strengthen our technical,
       stakeholder participation in policy, strategy and implementation. We will manage our growth                          priorities                                                                           communications and
       by building capacity at the centre and in the countries where we work, with a more cohesive                                                                                                                   market capacities
       and effective structure and increased devolution from the centre.                                                -   Investment in membership support globally and locally                                           regionally.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                            (Bonsucro staff member)
                                                                                                                        -   Strengthening our capability by recruiting experts in policy,
       BOARD                                                                                                                monitoring, learning and evaluation, and building our capacity in
                                                                                                                            climate change, human rights, data management, project funding
       The Board is ultimately responsible for Bonsucro’s strategy and direction, while delegating                          and management and impactful communications.
       the day-to-day operations and management to the CEO and Secretariat Team.

       The Board is supported by the Members’ Council, which ensures that our members have a
       strong voice in developing strategy and policies, and the Technical Advisory Board, which                            SYSTEMS
       advises on the Bonsucro Standards and assurance mechanisms, and on how we should
       measure impact.                                                                                                      We will invest in strengthening our operating systems to improve efficiency and
                                                                                                                            effectiveness, focussing on priorities including:
       Figure 3: Bonsucro Governance Structure                                                                          -   Strengthening our data collection and management with a focus on generating evidence of

                                                                                                                        -   Developing Bonsucro Connect, our online tool that enables users to monitor and demonstrate
                                                                                                                            sustainability in their supply chains

(Legal Members)           M     =      D      D      D         D       D       D    D                                   -   Continually renewing the Public Quality Management System Library to improve access to key
                                                                                                                            reference documents supporting the Bonsucro Assurance System
Governed by articles of
                                                                                          membership                    -   Assessing Bonsucro certification requirements against other sustainability initiatives
                                                                                          fees         Support
association, which are                 Bonsucro Limited (company limited by guarantee
determined by the Legal

Governed by terms of                 Governance    Finance &       Technical                    Elect 15 individuals
reference, which are                     &                                     Members          to the MC; MC co-
                                                      Risk         Advisory
determined by the Legal              Nominations                                Council         opts up to 10 further
                                                   Committee        Board
Members                              Committee                                                  individuals

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Photo Credit: Raízen

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                21
13. FINANCE &                              CONSULTANCY, DATA & ANALYTICS              CREDIT TRADING
     FUNDING                                    We will invest significantly in data,      We believe in the long-term potential of credit
                                                analytics and knowledge management.        trading and plan to strengthen both its value
     Bonsucro’s financial position at
                                                                                           proposition and promotion to potential buyers.
     the start of this strategy period is
                                                This will enable us to add value to
     sound. We have a strong profit & loss
                                                members, and to monetise new data          Since we introduced credit trading, some of
     statement, healthy financial reserves,
                                                products or services either in their own   our Brand members have already made it an
     good currency management and a
                                                right or as the basis for consultancy      integral part of their sugar sustainability strategy.
     good level of unrestricted funding to
                                                work.                                      Participating mills and farms also understand
     finance our core operations.
                                                                                           its value to them. However, the model remains
                                                By the third year of the Strategy, we      unproven for many others.
                                                anticipate growth in overall consulting
                                                revenues from a relatively low base. As    Income from credit trading helps fund impact
                                                we expand our activities, we expect to     projects – typically capacity building and other
                                                use a mix of in-house staff and third-     sustainability initiatives focused on selected
                                                party consultants and contractors.         smallholder farmers and mills. Credit trading will
                                                                                           become increasingly important in funding our
     We have robust financial controls that
                                                                                           organisational growth, while amplifying our field-
     we will further adapt and strengthen as
                                                                                           level impact in sugarcane producing areas.
     we devolve more decision-making and
     activity to the regions. Our ambition
     to roughly double the size of our team
     by 2026 will require a broadly similar
     growth in income.                                                                     PARTNERSHIPS & GRANTS
                                                EVENTS & TRAINING
                                                                                           Our strategic priority to convene the sugarcane
                                                                                           sector around critical challenges (such as climate
     MEMBERSHIP FEES                            We foresee annual growth in events
                                                                                           change, water and human rights) provides a clear
                                                and training, with more emphasis on
                                                                                           focus for proactive fundraising by Bonsucro - as
     Overall, we expect to maintain our         remote and virtual participation.
                                                                                           well as opening up more inbound and reactive
     historic revenue growth rate in
                                                                                           opportunities from partners.
     membership fees at around 10% per          We will move to a mix of physical
     year, subject to further investment        and virtual events, with more activity
                                                                                           Project partners will include end users, producer
     in the resources needed – especially       devolved to key producer countries.
                                                                                           members, other ISEAL code compliant organisations
     regionally – to service and recruit
                                                                                           and academic and research institutions.
     members.                                   Our main event will continue to be
                                                Bonsucro Global Week, a major
     We anticipate maintaining the price        stakeholder forum, held annually but
     of membership at current levels, while     postponed in 2020 due to COVID-19.
     improving value delivery.
                                                Our online academy delivers technical      ALTERNATIVE REVENUE STREAMS
     Our penetration of relevant large          training for certification bodies and
     international companies is already high,   training providers as well as members      We believe that we can fund our ambitious growth
     so growth in membership numbers will       and potential members.                     targets for 2021-26 without changing our business
     come from small to medium traders                                                     model in the medium term.
     and buyers, and from producers and         We also offer private bespoke training
     mills in the key origins where sugarcane   events to members and expect training      Longer term, however, we will also look at the
     is produced (mainly Brazil, India,         revenue to grow in line with market        feasibility of adopting other approaches, such
     Mexico, Thailand and China).               demand for certification, with more        as volume-based fees, that work successfully for
                                                emphasis on local languages and            comparable organisations.
                                                tailoring with local knowledge.
                                                                                           Volume-based fees, levied on production and
                                                                                           paid by end users, could help reduce financial
                                                                                           dependency on a few large end users and could
                                                                                           fairly incentivise uptake, for example by offsetting
                                                                                           against membership fees.

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