SuperCDMS Searches for Low-Mass Particle Dark Matter - Noah Kurinsky Lederman Fellow, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory ICHEP Virtual ...

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SuperCDMS Searches for Low-Mass Particle Dark Matter - Noah Kurinsky Lederman Fellow, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory ICHEP Virtual ...
SuperCDMS Searches for Low-Mass Particle Dark Matter

Noah Kurinsky
Lederman Fellow, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
ICHEP Virtual Conference
July 29, 2020
SuperCDMS Searches for Low-Mass Particle Dark Matter - Noah Kurinsky Lederman Fellow, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory ICHEP Virtual ...

• Low Mass Dark Matter Technical Challenges

• Recent SuperCDMS Results
    - ERDM w/ HVeV (arXiv:2005.14067 submitted to PRD)
    - NRDM w/ PD2 (arXiv:2007.14289, submitted to PRL)
    - ALP/Dark Photon Constraints from SuperCDMS Soudan (arXiv:1911.11905, Phys. Rev. D 101, 052008)

• Upcoming Results
    -   HVeV @ 0V
    -   HVeV @ NEXUS (FNAL)
    -   PD2 @ CUTE (SNOLAB)
    -   IMPACT @ TUNL (Nuclear recoil yield calibration)
        • APS Talk Video

• Future Plans
    - Pre-SNOLAB Science
    - First Science from SuperCDMS SNOLAB

2        7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
SuperCDMS Searches for Low-Mass Particle Dark Matter - Noah Kurinsky Lederman Fellow, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory ICHEP Virtual ...
What Drives Low-Mass Dark Matter Detector Reach?

3   7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
SuperCDMS Searches for Low-Mass Particle Dark Matter - Noah Kurinsky Lederman Fellow, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory ICHEP Virtual ...
What Drives Low-Mass Dark Matter Detector Reach?

4   7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
SuperCDMS Searches for Low-Mass Particle Dark Matter - Noah Kurinsky Lederman Fellow, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory ICHEP Virtual ...
Collision Kinematics
• Recoil energy for a typical dark matter
  particle velocity depends on target
  mass and recoil type

• Electron and nuclear recoils have
  different kinematics; nuclear recoils are        Low Mass                       High Mass
  simple elastic collisions, electron
  recoils are largely inelastic and depend
  on electron orbital and kinematics
  within the bound electron-atom system

• In addition to momentum transfer for a
  fixed velocity, using a velocity and
  angular distribution yields an expected
  energy spectrum                                                       p
                                                                            2mT   E
                                     ✓        ◆2          m   ,N R
                 1 2      mN v   2
                                    2m                                        v
     EN R         qmax =                                                   2 E
               2mN          2     m + mN
                               ✓        ◆                     m   ,ER
               1    2
              µN v =
                        mN v 2
                                   m                                         v2
               2          2      m + mN

5    7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
SuperCDMS Searches for Low-Mass Particle Dark Matter - Noah Kurinsky Lederman Fellow, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory ICHEP Virtual ...
SuperCDMS Athermal Phonon Sensors
• Crystal targets made of Si/Ge

• In any recoil event, all energy eventually returns to the
  phonon system
    • Prompt phonons produced by interaction with nuclei
    • Indirect-gap phonons produced by charge carriers reaching band
    • Recombination phonons produced when charge carriers drop
      back below the band-gap

• Phonons are also produced when charges are drifted in an
  electric field; makes sense by energy conservation alone

• Total phonon energy is initial recoil energy plus Luke (NTL)
  phonon energy, as shown at right

        Ephonon = Erecoil + V ⇤ neh
                                 ✓             ◆
                                    y(Erecoil )
                = Erecoil 1 + V ⇤
• Athermal phonons collected in superconducting aluminum
  fins and channeled into Tungsten TES, effectively
  decoupling crystal heat capacity from calorimeter (transition
  edge sensor) heat capacity

                                                                       Romani et. al. 2017 ( )

6     7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
SuperCDMS Searches for Low-Mass Particle Dark Matter - Noah Kurinsky Lederman Fellow, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory ICHEP Virtual ...
Science Leading to SuperCDMS SNOLAB

                                       Electron Recoil (Charge Readout)                         Nuclear Recoil (Heat Readout)
Lower Backgrounds, Larger Exposure

                                                             Surface R&D (Lower Threshold, Improve Reconstruction)
                                                                  (Stanford, Northwestern, Berkeley, Texas A&M)

                                                    NEXUS @ FNAL
                                                                                                       CUTE @ SNOLAB

                                                                                                        SuperCDMS SNOBOX
                                                                                                        @ SNOLAB

7                                    7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
SuperCDMS Searches for Low-Mass Particle Dark Matter - Noah Kurinsky Lederman Fellow, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory ICHEP Virtual ...
Science Leading to SuperCDMS SNOLAB                                                                   First Results Published

                                       Electron Recoil (Charge Readout)                         Nuclear Recoil (Heat Readout)
Lower Backgrounds, Larger Exposure

                                                             Surface R&D (Lower Threshold, Improve Reconstruction)
                                                                  (Stanford, Northwestern, Berkeley, Texas A&M)

                                                                               Currently Running

                                                    NEXUS @ FNAL
                                                                                                       CUTE @ SNOLAB

                                                    In Progress                                         SuperCDMS SNOBOX
                                                                                                        @ SNOLAB

8                                    7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
SuperCDMS Searches for Low-Mass Particle Dark Matter - Noah Kurinsky Lederman Fellow, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory ICHEP Virtual ...
Science Leading to SuperCDMS SNOLAB

                                       Electron Recoil (Charge Readout)                         Nuclear Recoil (Heat Readout)
Lower Backgrounds, Larger Exposure

                                                             Surface R&D (Lower Threshold, Improve Reconstruction)
                                                                  (Stanford, Northwestern, Berkeley, Texas A&M)

                                                    NEXUS @ FNAL
                                                                                                       CUTE @ SNOLAB

                                                                                                        SuperCDMS SNOBOX
                                                                                                        @ SNOLAB

9                                    7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
SuperCDMS Searches for Low-Mass Particle Dark Matter - Noah Kurinsky Lederman Fellow, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory ICHEP Virtual ...
Science Leading to SuperCDMS SNOLAB

                                       Electron Recoil (Charge Readout)                         Nuclear Recoil (Heat Readout)
Lower Backgrounds, Larger Exposure

                                                             Surface R&D (Lower Threshold, Improve Reconstruction)
                                                                  (Stanford, Northwestern, Berkeley, Texas A&M)

                                                    NEXUS @ FNAL
                                                                                                       CUTE @ SNOLAB

                                                                                                        SuperCDMS SNOBOX
                                                                                                        @ SNOLAB

10                                   7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
Electron-Recoil Searches

• SuperCDMS HVeV
     -   gram-scale, single-charge resolving detectors
     -   Run 1 - 2018
     -   Run 2 - 2020
     -   Run 3 - 2021 (underground, lower backgrounds)

• Long-term: HV detectors @ SNOLAB

• Challenges
     -   Charge leakage
     -   Understanding quantized backgrounds
     -   Maximizing charge collection efficiency
     -   Removing surface backgrounds

11        7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
Experimental Setup (Run 1 @ Stanford)

12   7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
HVeV v1 0.5 Gram-Day Science Spectrum
• Ran the detector for ~12 hours with     SuperCDMS Collaboration 2018 ( )
  a 1 Hz laser calibration (black line)

• Background consistent with
  infrared photon background at low
  energy, high-energy tail was not

• Device had 10-14 eV resolution,
  and the ability to distinguish
  between ‘true’ events and impurity-
  mediated events (unlike CCDs
  which only measure electrons or

• Very simple analysis; it’s easy to
  see how one rules out a quantized
  signal in light of this background

13   7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
Experimental Setup (Run 2 @ Northwestern)
                   V. Novati, APS April 2020

14   7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
SuperCDMS Collaboration 2020 (arXiv:2005.14067)
HVeV Run 2                                                           Supplemental Plots

• HVeV second run taken with 3 eV resolution detector over the course of 3
     -   60V and 100V spectra show identical backgrounds; signal seen not voltage dependent
     -   Different prototype, run in a different lab, in a different state
     -   0V data acquired with ~12 eV threshold, results still being analyzed
     -   Rates in every charge bin consistent with Run 1…that is completely unexpected

15        7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
SuperCDMS Collaboration 2020 (arXiv:2005.14067)
HVeV Run 2 Results                                                     Supplemental Plots

                   V. Novati, APS April 2020

16   7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
Low-Mass Nuclear Recoil Searches

• Phonon readout
     - SuperCDMS CPD (10g, operated at SLAC) - 2020
     - HVeV @ 0V (1g, operated at NU) - 2020 (in prep)
     - SNOLAB detectors and CPD at CUTE

• Challenges
     -   Unexplained low-energy excesses persist
     -   Detectors w/ thresholds below 10 eV highly sensitive to environmental noise
     -   Science reach driven by threshold and trigger accuracy
     -   Few calibration points below 1 keV

17        7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
Design of a Large Area Photon Detector
Design of a Large Area Photon Detector
• The detector is a CDMS-style athermal phonon
        • The detector is a CDMS-style athermal phonon
     - 1 mm  thick silicon wafer, 45.6 cm^2 surface area
     - Mass ofmm
          – 1  10.6 grams
                 thick silicon wafer, 45.6 cm# surface area
           – Mass of 10.6 grams
• The
    • The device
      device    hashasbeen
                       been optimized
                            optimized for forphoton
       – Distributed athermal sensor array read out by TESs
            – Single distributed channel gives a fast collection time
     - Distributed   athermal sensor array read out by TESs
              of athermal phonons
     - Single  distributed
            – This            channel penalties
                   reduces efficiency   gives a fast collection
                                                due to athermal time
       of athermal
                       down conversion
              $% = 41.5 mK,
     - This–reduces          lowering
                        efficiency    the expected
                                    penalties  dueenergy   resolution
                                                    to athermal
        • Designed
       phonon    downoriginally
                         conversionfor degraded alpha rejection in
     - T_c=41.5            double beta
                   mK, lowering          decay andenergy
                                    the expected     for an active
           photon veto for dark matter experiments

• Designed originally for degraded alpha rejection
  in neutrinoless double beta decay and for an
           22 July 2019                     LTD-18, Milano                                     4
  active photon veto for dark matter experiments

18      7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
Reducing Readout Noise
• Readout noise limited by thermal
  fluctuation shot noise between sensor
  and crystal
     - Can reduce this only by weakening the link
       between the sensor and absorber, or
       dropping the sensor temperature
     - Power noise at the level of 1e-17 aW/sqrt(Hz)
     - Hitting readout limitations

• Power to current gain impacted by total
  heat capacity of the sensor
     - Make smaller sensors

• Massive on-sensor multiplexing
     - Readout smaller sections of the detector
     - Use MKIDs or other naturally multiplexed
       sensors rather than DC TES

19      7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
CPD Dark Matter Search Results                                     arXiv:2007.14289

• Detector threshold (online FPGA-based trigger) of 20 eV

• World-leading limits below ~150 MeV
     - First NR result with
Future Prospects

• Following up HVeV and CPD at underground facilities

• Preparing for SuperCDMS SNOLAB

21   7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
Pre-SNOLAB Science
     - Larger exposures
     - Understanding leakage currents and low-
       energy backgrounds
     - NR/ER calibrations                                       NEXUS Sensitivity Study
     - New readout techniques (e.g. mKIDs)

                                                  Cryogenic Underground TEst Facility (CUTE) @ SNOLAB
• NR Searches @ CUTE
     - 10g R&D Detectors with
Plans ER/NR for Follow-up
 • 1 gram-day of 0V data taken
     - Determine whether background is NR,
       ER, or detector-related
     - Continuous readout will allow NR limit
       with 9eV energy threshold
     - Coming late 2020

 • More data taking at NEXUS
     - Currently operating underground,
       constructing lead shield
     - 3 eV resolution maintained in new

 • Plans for larger payload,
   additional studies w/ high-energy
   gamma sources, different detector            Preliminary

23     7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
NEXUS: Underground Experimental Site for R&D
                                 • Northwestern EXperimental Underground Site at
                                   Fermilab (NEXUS@FNAL)
                                    - Underground cryogenic detector testing facility in
                                      class 10,000 clean room
                                    - 106 m (300 mwe) depth + lead shielding (in progress)
                                    - expected
NEXUS: Underground Experimental Site for R&D
                                 • Northwestern EXperimental Underground Site at
                                   Fermilab (NEXUS@FNAL)
                                    - Underground cryogenic detector testing facility in
                                      class 10,000 clean room
                                    - 106 m (300 mwe) depth + lead shielding (in progress)
                                    - expected
From APS April Meeting
SuperCDMS SNOLAB Detectors

26   7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
From APS April Meeting

27   7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
SuperCDMS SNOLAB Science Targets

28   7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
SuperCDMS SNOLAB Science Targets

29   7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
SuperCDMS SNOLAB Science Targets

                                 0V arrays of small to
                                 medium-sized detectors

                                                          High Voltage

                                                                         Phonon + Ionization

30   7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
• SuperCDMS Detectors are seeing significant backgrounds at low energy
     -   Comparison between HV and 0V will elucidate source
     -   Runs at NEXUS/CUTE underway will gauge depth/background dependence
     -   See Yoni Kahn’s talk for a phenomenological take on this question
     -   See Lauren Hsu’s talk next week for a broader overview of light DM detection

• Upcoming results with ~9 eV threshold will probe new DM masses below 100
  MeV, and provide a direct comparison with Run 2 results

• SuperCDMS SNOLAB detectors will substantially improve exposure and
  benefit from these early background studies

• Many calibration programs underway to understand nuclear recoils in the

32   7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky

• Zoom info:

     -   Topic: Noah Kurinsky ICHEP Questions
     -   Time: Jul 29, 2020 01:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
     -   Link
     -   Meeting ID: 991 4345 0731
     -   Passcode: 688639

33        7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky

34   7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
HVeV v1.5: Edge-Dominated Leakage
• Prototype demonstrated position
  dependence in the non-quantized data
  hinted at during HVeV Run 1

• Nearly contact-free biasing scheme
  isolates contact along the crystal edge,
  preventing charge tunneling through
  most of the high-voltage face

• Surface events have a distinct pulse
  shape and can be removed using a cut
  in the pulse-shape plane.

• Non-quantized leakage is dominant at
  high radius; 95% of non-quantized
  events removed by 50% radial cut
  efficiency. 80% of quantized events
  removed by the same cut

35   7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
HVeV v1.5: Edge-Dominated Leakage
• Prototype demonstrated position
  dependence in the non-quantized data
  hinted at during HVeV Run 1
• Nearly contact-free biasing scheme
  isolates contact along the crystal edge,
  preventing charge tunneling through
  most of the high-voltage face

• Surface events have a distinct pulse
  shape and can be removed using a cut
  in the pulse-shape plane.

• Non-quantized leakage is dominant at
  high radius; 95% of non-quantized
  events removed by 50% radial cut
  efficiency. 80% of quantized events
  removed by the same cut

36   7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
HVeV v2: Combining Lessons

• Maintain 3 eV resolution, scale back to 1g                         Device paper in prep
     - High coverage for higher dynamic range

• Still seeing some issues with sidewall trapping
  and incomplete neutralization
     - We observe ~15% trapping

• Physics results from Nuclear Recoil calibration at
  TUNL coming soon!

37      7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
R&D ‘HVeV’ Prototype Progress                                                                HVeV v2 (NF-C)

                    HVeV v1                            HVeV v1.5

                                                                                      Device: In Prep
Device:   Device:   NRDM: In Prep
                                           • 3 eV Resolution                           • 3 eV Resolution
• 10 eV Resolution                           • 0.06 electron-hole pairs                  • 30% energy efficiency
•    1 gram mass                           • 0.25 gram mass, contact-free              • 1 gram mass, backside
                                             design                                      contact
•    No position resolution
                                           • High position resolution                  • High position resolution
•    ~1.2 Ohm Resistance                   • ~400-900 mOhm Resistance                  • ~300 mOhm Resistance
•    ~55 mK Tc                             • 65 mK Tc                                  • 65 mK Tc
•    Amorphous Layer                       • No Amorphous Layer
                                                                                       • No Amorphous Layer

38      7/29/2020    Noah Kurinsky
Scaling Up in Mass

39   7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
Scaling Up in Mass
                                 Faster Signal

                                  Lower Sensor

40   7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
Scaling Up in Mass
                                                            Faster Signal

                                 Large-Scale Multiplexing
                                                             Lower Sensor

Sets Operating Voltage for NTL Single-Charge Readout

41   7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
Detector R&D Groups
• HVeV (1g Detector Chips)
     - Caltech: Sunil Golwala, Yen-Yung Chang, Taylor Aralis,
       Osmond Wen
     - Fermilab: Noah Kurinsky, Dan Bauer
     - Northwestern: Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano, Ziqing
       Hong, Tom Ren, Ran Chen
     - Stanford/SLAC: Blas Cabrera, Betty Young, Francisco
       Ponce, Chris Stanford, To Chin Yu
     - University of Minnesota: Matt Fritts, Nick Mast
     - University of Florida: Tarek Saab, Corey Bathurst,
       Tyler Reynolds

• Large Area Photon Detectors
     - UC Berkeley: J. Camilleri, C. Fink, Y. Kolomensky, M.
       Pyle, B. Sadoulet, B. Serfass, S. Watkins
     - Texas A&M: Nader Mirabolfathi, Rupak Mahapatra,
       Fedja Kadribasic

• QET Fabrication R&D
     - Mark Platt (TAMU), Paul Brink (SLAC)

42      7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
HVeV v2 1cm Designs
• Best for NR
     - UCB A/C - low coverage, single
     - 600 mOhm normal state resistance

• Best for ERDM                                                                         UCB-C
     - Optimized for baseline resolution with
       varying levels of Al coverage
     - 900 mOhm Rn - NF F, G, H
     - 300 mOhm Rn - NF A, D, E                                                         NF-C
      • NF-A is roughly the same as QP.4, i.e.

• Best for Calibrations
     - Sacrifice baseline resolution for higher
       dynamic range
     - 300 mOhm normal state - NF-B/C

43      7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
NEXUS Si/Ge Dark Matter Search Timeline
• Spring-Fall 2019 (ADR Demonstrator): 1 gram
     -   1 gram, 4 eV resolution (20 eV threshold)
     -   0.01 electron-hole pair resolution (
Future for HVeV Program
• Mounting issues damaged
  some prototypes (X’s)

• 2 1g v2 detectors, optimized
  for dynamic range, now
  successfully operated                   X         X

• 2 4g detectors currently being
  mounted (both optimized for
  low energy resolution)

• Many more prototypes to help
  test the resolution and
  efficiency models that go into
  this detector design                        X X
     - Multiple designs with sub-eV
       projected resolutions

45      7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
Broad Picture: Detection Media for Lower Mass
                                                                               US Cosmic Visions, arXiv:1707.04591

• Looking at current/future technologies, we have a mix of materials with different work functions, to limit dark
  counts and maximize energy to carrier conversion

• Extent of these arrows driven by fundamental limitations from kinematics and material properties, and
  assumes large current hurdles can be overcome in energy and charge noise across all experiments

• June 2019 workshop at FNAL explored much more than cosmic visions:

46   7/29/2020   Noah Kurinsky
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