Summer Session 2021 Secondary

Page created by Jaime Chen
Summer Session 2021 Secondary
        Summer Session2021
                                    930 Alpha Avenue

                                    Burnaby Mountain
                                    8800 Eastlake Drive

                                    Byrne Creek
                                    7777 18th Street

                                    Cariboo Hill
                                    8580 16th Avenue

   Regular Credit Courses
                                    4433 Moscrop Street
   Preview Courses
   Grade 7/8 Transition Courses
   Advance Credit Courses
   ELL Courses
   Enrichment Courses

Summer Session 2021 Secondary
REGISTER ONLINE                                                       April 6-June 23 (Advanced Credit)
                                                                      April 6-June 28 23*new date
                                                                      (Regular & Preview)
Secondary Students who meet the following                             IMPORTANT INFORMATION
criteria are eligible to take tuition free courses if:                FOR GRADE 12 BURNABY SCHOOL STUDENTS
   You are 19 years of age born after June 30, 2002                 AND NON BURNABY SCHOOL DISTRICT
   You are a Canadian Citizen, permanent resident or
     convention refugee
   You attended a B.C. school in the 2020-2021 school year          A pre-approval form must be filled out at
   You and your parent/guardian currently resides in BC    to be able to
   Have a BC Personal Education Number (PEN)                        select courses online starting February 15th.
   You have completed the prerequisite course or                    (confirmation is necessary). Upon approval, you will
     obtained a Permission to Attend form from your school            receive notification about your eligibility to register for
         Students who have completed Grade 7 or 8                     Summer Session courses with the Burnaby School
               may take one tuition free course                       District. Please ensure that you have the following
     Students who have completed Grade 9, 10, 11, or 12               documents, scanned or uploaded, for the online
            may take up to two tuition free courses                   registration process:

Transfers & refunds must be made by July 7                               Proof of student’s birthdate
                                                                           (birth certificate or passport)
Those not eligible or those signing up for                               Proof of guardianship
                                                                           Parents or guardians as shown on birth certificate
courses requiring fees can pay by Visa or
                                                                           or other appropriate legal documentation such
Mastercard.                                                                as landed immigrant papers or guardianship
                                                                           “order” granted by the courts
Daily attendance                                                         Proof of citizenship for both parent and the
Attending Summer Session classes is mandatory and is crucial for
student success. Students are expected to arrive on time every             (Canadian birth certificate, citizenship card,
day, and be prepared to work and participate fully in class.               passport, landed immigrant document,
                                                                           permanent resident card)
Given the rapid and condensed pace of summer Session,
extended absences for any reason are not accommodated.                   Proof of residency of the parent or guardian and
These include, but are not limited to, work, vacations, sporting           student-2 required with at least 1 from Category A
events, games/practices, or family commitments.                          Category A: proof of ownership of dwelling or
                                                                           long-term lease or rental of dwelling; legal
                                                                           documents indicating BC residence; parent or
IMPORTANT: Final report cards must be presented to the                     guardian filing income tax returns as a BC resident
teacher on the first day of academic classes.
                                                                         Category B: BC Hydro bill, BC cable bill, Provincial
                                                                           driver’s license, provincial registration of    au-
Learning Support                                                           tomobile, Canadian bank accounts or credit
If your child has an IEP and/or a Fraser Health Care Plan or               cards.
Consultation Report, and is currently receiving additional learning      Copy of student’s most recent school marks
support from an Education Assistant at school, we encourage you            (report card or transcript of academic record)
to register online by May 18th to ensure adequate support is             BC Personal Education Number (PEN)
available. First priority of students requiring additional learning
                                                                         IEP (Learning Support, if applicable)
support will be given to Burnaby School District regular session
                                                                      A refundable $100 textbook deposit is
Course Locations & Cancellations
                                                                      required at the time of registration,. This
Courses and their locations cannot be guaranteed. Course
offerings are subject to sufficient enrolment and may be moved or     includes all grade 8—12 academic courses
cancelled prior to the course start date.
                                                                      (regular, preview and advance credit) will
                                                                      require the $100 textbook deposit.

 simplifying IT           Register at
Summer Session 2021 Secondary
GRADE 7/8 TRANSITION                                                         Regular Credit Courses
Are you on your way to secondary school in
                                                                 These courses are only available for students who have
September? Grade 7/8 Transition is designed to help
                                                                 previously taken the course and did not receive a PASSING
students navigate the transition between elementary
                                                                 mark in that course. Students who have received a
and secondary school. This course touches on
                                                                 PASSING mark but would like to improve their basic
personal responsibility, skill building and relationships.
                                                                 understanding and skills may also register but will NOT
Objectives include building confidence, enhancing a
                                                                 receive a higher mark.
positive attitude toward learning and engaging in the
                                                                 Eligible students: tuition-free Fee paying students: $890
new curriculum’s Core Competencies.
Eligible students : tuition-free Fee paying students: $890       July 5—23                   8:45am—12pm
July 5-23      8:45am—12pm                                                             BURNABY ALPHA       BYRNE MOSCROP
                                                                                       MOUNTAIN            CREEK
               Burnaby Alpha          Byrne      Moscrop
               Mountain               Creek                                            COURSE #   COURSE # COURSE # COURSE #
Course #       8013     8014          8015       8016            Humanities 8               -        -        -      4200
*Please note start date
                                                                 Humanities 9               -        -      2201       -

English Language Learners                                        Math 8                     -       1204      -        -
These courses provide students in grades 7-12 with the
                                                                 Math 9                   3205              2205     4205
opportunity to improve their English language skills with a
focus on speaking, listening, reading and writing.               Science 8                  -       1208      -        -
Eligible students: tuition-free   Fee paying students: $890      Science 9                  -        -      2209     4209
July 5—23        8:45am—12pm
*Students will be dismissed at 10:15am on the first day of
            BURNABY       ALPHA        BYRNE      MOSCROP                       Preview Courses
            MOUNTAIN                   CREEK
                                                                 Students are introduced to courses they have not previously
                                                                 taken. Students learn and practice concepts and skills in
ELL*          3500         1500         2500         4500
                                                                 preparation for the regular course to be taken during the
                                                                 upcoming schools year. Credit will NOT be granted for
                                                                 taking a Preview Course. To register in a Preview Course,
GRADE 8/9 ESSENTIAL SKILLS                                       students must have achieved a PASSING mark in the
(Return to In-Class Instruction)-going into Grades 8-9           prerequisite course taken at the previous grade level.
                                                                 Eligible students: tuition-free Fee paying students: $890
Are you returning to secondary school in September?
                                                                 July 5—23                  8:45am—12pm
Grade 8/9 Essential Skills (return to in-class instruction) is
                                                                                       BURNABY ALPHA       BYRNE MOSCROP
designed to help students navigate the return to sec-                                  MOUNTAIN            CREEK
ondary school. This course touches on personal re-
                                                                 COURSE                COURSE #   COURSE # COURSE # COURSE #
sponsibility skill building and relationships. Objectives
include building confidence, enhancing a positive                English 9                  -        -      2101     4101
attitude toward learning and engaging in the new                 Math 9                   3105       -      2105     4105
curriculum’s Core Competencies.                                  Science 9                  -        -      2108     4108
Eligible students : tuition-free Fee paying students: $890
July 5-23      8:45am—12pm
               Burnaby Alpha          Byrne      Moscrop
               Mountain               Creek
Course #       8020     8021          8022       8023
*Please note start date

       3                     Register at
Summer Session 2021 Secondary

SKILLS EXPLORATIONS—Cabinetry, Carpentry and Furniture Design
Credit Courses - Going into Grades 9—12
This grade 9,10, 11, and 12 course is for students who wish to acquire 4 credits for a course not taken before.
Eligible students : tuition-free Fee paying students: $1,325

Love working with your hands and building? Curious about careers in woodworking and design and looking to learn
some life skills? This course is for you! Learn hands-on what it takes to design and build structures and furniture in this
Drafting, Design, Carpentry and Cabinetry course!

DATES: July 5—August 6                                                        TIMES: 8:15am-12pm
LOCATION: Alpha                                                               COURSE# 1392

SKILLS EXPLORATIONS—Metal Fabrication, Welding and Industrial Design
Credit Courses - Going into Grades 9—12
This grade 9,10, 11, and 12 course is for students who wish to acquire 4 credits for a course not taken before.
Eligible students : tuition-free Fee paying students: $1,325

Love working with your hands and building? Not sure what careers are out there in metal trades? Want to learn
some life skills? Skills explorations is for you! Lean what it takes to design, fabricate and to machine metal! This
course includes basic welding and cutting techniques, lathe and mill work.

DATES: July 5—August 6                                                        TIMES: 8:15am-12pm
LOCATION: Cariboo Hill                                                        COURSE# 6392

  4                    Register at
Advanced Credit Courses                                                         “Recommended courses” are courses that will provide
                                                                                    students with the background and knowledge to help
                                                                                    them succeed at the next level.
These grade 10, 11 and 12 courses are for students so wish to:
 Acquire 4 credits for a course not taken before                                  Students registered in a course after July 12, 2021 will
 Upgrade a mark for a course taken previously                                     receive a graded report card and the end of the
 Repeat a course                                                                  session. Students are expected to attend the entire
Eligible students: tuition-free Fee paying students: $1325                          session and if they fail to do so, the student will be
                                                                                    withdrawn from the course.

JULY 5—AUGUST 6                      8:15AM—12PM MORNINGS                            JULY 5—AUGUST 6 12:30PM—4:15PM AFTERNOONS

Course                Recommended      Course #   Course #   Course #   Course #   Course               Recommended     Course #   Course #   Course #   Course #

                                       Burnaby     Alpha      Byrne     Moscrop                                         Burnaby     Alpha      Byrne     Moscrop
                                       Mountain               Creek                                                     Mountain               Creek

Life Sciences 11       Science 10        3302      1302         -          -       Life Sciences 11      Science 10        -        1371         -          -

Anatomy &               Biology 11        -        1303         -        4303
                                                                                   Anatomy &              Biology 11       -          -          -        4372
Physiology 12
                                                                                   Physiology 12

Chemistry 11           Science 10         -         1304       2304       4304     Chemistry 11          Science 10        -         1373       2373       4373
Chemistry 12           Chemistry 11       -         1305        -        4305      Chemistry 12          Chemistry 11      -         1374        -        4374
Language Adapted            -                                             4326     English 10                 -            -        1377         -        4377
English 10
(Composition 10
                                                                                   (Composition 10
Transitional &                                                                     & Literary Studies
Literacy Studies 10                                                                10)
                                                                                   English 11                 -            -        1375       2375         -
English 10                  -            3307      1307       2307       4307      (Composition 11)
(Composition 10
& Literary Studies
10)                                                                                English 12             English 11       -        1376       2376         -

                                                                                   Math 10                 Math 9          -        1384         -        4384
English 11                  -            3308      1308       2308       4308
                                                                                   Foundations &
                                                                                   Math 11       Pre-      Math 10         -          -        2385         -
English 12              English 11        -        1309       2309       4309      calculus              Foundations
Math 10                  Math 9          3317      1317       2317       4317      Math 12                 Math 11         -        1386         -        4386
Foundations &                                                                      Precalculus           Precalculus
                                                                                   Physics 11            Science 10        -         1380        -         4380
Math 11                  Math 10          -          -        2318         -       Physics 12             Physics 11       -         1381        -          -
Foundations            Foundations
                                                                                   Science 10             Science 9        -        1382       2382       4382
Math 11                  Math 10         3323      1323       2323       4323
                                                                                   Language Adapted           -                                           4390
Precalculus            Foundations
                                                                                   Social Studies 10
Math 12                  Math 11         3324      1324       2324       4324
Precalculus            Precalculus                                                 Socials Studies 10        SS 9          -         1389       2389      4389
Physics 11             Science 10         -         1315       2315       4315
                                                                                   Social Studies 11        SS 10          -          -          -         4383
Physics 12              Physics 11        -         1316       2316        -       Explorations

Science 10              Science 9        3320      1320       2320       4320

Socials Studies            SS 9          3321      1321       2321       4321
                                                                                                 See pages 6-8 for NEW Enrichment
Social Studies 11         SS 10           -          -         2322       4322
                                                                                                        programs for Grades 8-9
20th Century              SS 11          3329        -          -          -
World History 12

   5                              Register at
Check out these NEW Enrichment Courses available to students
                     Going into Grades 8 & 9
  Eligible Students: Tuition Free  Fee Paying Students: $890

2D Animation
Students will learn animation fundamental techniques and skills while express visual creativity through different roles of
an artist. Students will explore some animation tools and techniques to make short Motion Graphics at the end.
Students will also learn how to use Adobe Animate CC.
DATES: July 5 - 23                                                                           Time: 8:45am – 12:00pm
LOCATION: Burnaby Mountain                                                                   Course #3405

Badminton Skill Development
Students with all skill levels will be given the opportunity to improve their game. Instruction on fundamental
badminton skills, rules and strategies, while developing balance and coordination.
Dates: July 5—23                                                                             Time: 8:45am—12:00pm
Location: Alpha                                                                              Course #1340

Culinary Arts/International Culinary Cuisine
Looking to improve your culinary skills while learning about different regions of the world? International culinary arts
offers students the opportunity to experience a variety of cultures and explore how food and dining are a vital
component to different cultures. Students will learn about the culture of each region and craft meals from countries
ranging from America to Asia. Enrich your mind, and your belly!
Dates: July 5-23                                                                             Time: 8:45am—12:00pm
Location: Cariboo Hill                                                                       Course#6365

Dance Technique & Choreography
Explore multiple styles of dance including ballet, jazz, lyrical, tap, hip hop, stage and more! This course is designed or
students who wish to strengthen their dance technique and foundational skills and creative expression through
movement. Open to dancers of all skill levels!
Dates: July 5-23                                                                             Time: 8:45am—12:00pm
Location: Cariboo Hill                                                                       Course#6010

DigiPen Game Development
Learn how to make video games! Through this program you will learn the basics of video game development from
coding to sprite creation. Students will be working with the Unity Game Engine and the C# programming language.
Prior knowledge or experience NOT requires.
Dates: July 5—23                                                                             Time: 8:45am—12:00pm
Location: Cariboo Hill                                                                       Course #6002

 6                       Register at
Check out these NEW Enrichment Courses available to students
                    Going into Grades 8 & 9
          Eligible Students: Tuition Free                           Fee Paying Students: $890

Fitness and Conditioning
Opportunity to learn how to properly exercise and develop your fitness. The program will focus on a wide range of
physical traits such as flexibility, strength, speed, agility, and stamina. Participants will also receive advice and
instruction on nutrition, the importance of recovery, and the prevention of injury. All that is required of the participant is
his/her motivation and a willingness to work hard.
Dates: July 5—23                                                                               Time: 8:45am—12:00pm
Location: Burnaby Mountain                                                                     Course #3360

Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead –**Going into Grades 6-9
Do you like to learn with your hands, heart and mind? You like SCIENCE experiments? You want to learn how to build
using TECHNOLOGY, to ENGINEER and ARTISTICALLY problem solve? To understand how MATH connects to our world?
Students will complete a series of projects and meet with professional women excelling in STEAM Careers.
Go full S.T.E.A.M. ahead this Summer
Dates: July 5-23                                                                               Time: 8:45am—12:00pm
Location: Cariboo Hill                                                                         Course #6396

Introduction to Baking
Spend three intensive weeks learning basic techniques in Baking. Create your own muffins, scones, biscuits, loaves and
cookies. We will create breads, pies and decorate cookies. Not quite sure what didn’t work? We will explore the
Chemistry of Baking too.
Dates: July 5—23                                                                               Time: 8:45am—12:00pm
Location: Burnaby Mountain                                                                     Course #3403

Introduction to Digital Animation
Interested in digital media, character design and animation? This program, in partnership with the Vancouver
Animation School, introduces students to the foundational skills for creating digital art! Students work with a
specialized teacher in a hands-on environment to learn and build upon digital and traditional drawing skills, work with
specialized drawing tools as well as create basic animations using industry level animation programs.
Dates: July 5-23                                                                               Time: 8:45am—12:00pm
Location: Cariboo Hill                                                                         Course #6000

Learn Guitar through Popular Song
Come and learn guitar! We will learn how to play guitar using your favorite popular songs. This course is intended for
beginners and those who already have some guitar experience.
Dates: July 5—23                                                                               Time: 8:45am—12:00pm
Location: Alpha                                                                                Course #1402

  7                       Register at
Check out these NEW Enrichment Courses available to students
                   Going into Grades 8 & 9
         Eligible Students: Tuition Free                        Fee Paying Students: $890

Physical Education FUNdamentals
Physical Education FUNdamentals promotes physical literacy, through a variety of drills ad games that focus on
fundamental movement skills (ex. Throwing, catching, kicking, etc). This course is intended to help students be more
successful in a PHE environment.
Dates: July 5-23                                                                           Time: 8:45am—12:00pm
Location: Cariboo Hill                                                                     Course#6011

Sewing & Fashion Design-**Going into Grades 7-9
Unleash your creativity by designing and making your own clothes using sewing machines! Students will learn to
construct a garment with different types of fabric and learn how the choice of specific fabrics affects the overall
design. Students will learn how to add details to the finished product to make it truly unique! No experience
Dates: July 5-23                                                                           Time: 8:45am—12:00pm
Location: Cariboo Hill                                                                     Course#6401

Summer Python Academy
This summer academy is not about snake charming, but computer programming with Python! Python is an easy to
learn, yet very powerful programming language. In this summer program students will learn about computer
programming and how to use it to solve problems both inside of the computer and in the physical world, We will be
using Phidgets to allow us to physically interact with the computer to solve real-world problems that we face every
day. No previous programming experience required.
Dates: July 5-23                                                                           Time: 8:45am—12:00pm
Location: Cariboo Hill                                                                     Course#6012

Urban Gardening–**Going into Grades 6-9
Get outside and into the Cariboo Hill Garden! Learn about gardening basics, including planting, growing, and
harvesting your own food. Help plant a pollinator garden and learn about beneficial insects like butterflies and
bees. Have fun practicing the art and science of gardening in a safe outdoor environment.
Dates: July 5-23                                                                           Time: 8:45am—12:00pm
Location: Cariboo Hill                                                                     Course#6013

Volleyball Skill Development
This course is an activity class providing students with the skills and knowledge to play and enjoy volleyball.
Emphasis is on basic/advance fundamental skills, rules and terminologies, team offense and defense drills and game
situational strategies. Learn the skills, tactics and strategies of the game so that you can become a competitive
player for your schools team
DATES: July 5 - 23                                                                         Time: 8:45am – 12pm
LOCATION: Burnaby Mountain                                                                 Course #3390

 8                       Register at
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