SUMMER 2022 APPLY ONLINE AT REGISTRATION BEGINS Monday, May 9, 2022 - College of the Desert

Page created by Kyle Ray
SUMMER 2022 APPLY ONLINE AT REGISTRATION BEGINS Monday, May 9, 2022 - College of the Desert

                                               Class Schedule
                                                        6 WEEK SESSION
                                     Monday, June 13 - Thursday, July 21, 2022
                                                        8 WEEK SESSION
                                   Monday, June 13 - Thursday, August 4, 2022
                                                      10 WEEK SESSION
                                  Monday, June 13 - Thursday, August 18, 2022
                                                        4 WEEK SESSION        Monday, July 25 - Thursday, August 18, 2022
SUMMER 2022 APPLY ONLINE AT REGISTRATION BEGINS Monday, May 9, 2022 - College of the Desert
2                             Desert Community College District

                                       43-500 Monterey Avenue,
                                     Palm Desert, California 92260
        BOARD OF TRUSTEES                                              Campus Telephones
           Bea Gonzalez               Campus Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (760) 346-8041
         Fred Jandt, Ph.D.            Academic Skills Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773-2557
       Rubén AriAztlán Pérez          Admissions and Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773-2516
       Bonnie Stefan, Ed.D.           Assessment Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776-7413
                                      Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773-2591
           Aurora Wilson
                                      Bookstore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773-2564
           ADMINISTRATION             Campus Security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341-2111
                                      Child Development Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 862-1308
       Martha Garcia, Ed.D.           College Nurse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776-7211
     Superintendent/President             Cell Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413-1278
                                      Counseling Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773-2520
         Sara Butler, Ph.D.           Disabled Student Programs & Services . . . . . . . . . 773-2534
Interim Vice President, Instruction East Valley - Indio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776-7200
              Jeff Baker              EOPS/CARE Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773-2539
            Vice President,           Financial Aid Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773-2532
          Student Services            International Education Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776-7205
                                      Library, Main Desk.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773-2563
       John Ramont, Ed.D.             Office of Student Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 862-1317
           Vice President,            Parking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773-2515
      Administrative Services         President’s Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773-2500
            Diana Galindo             Tutorial Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776-7241
Vice President, Human Resources Veterans’ Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773-2536
       and Labor Relations            Vice President, Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773-2590
                                      Vice President, Student Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423-6644
                                      Vice President, Administrative Services. . . . . . . . . 773-2511
                                      West Valley - Palm Springs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674-7800
College of the Desert provides
excellent educational programs
                                                                 Academic Programs
in basic skills, career and technical
education, certificate, transfer
                                      Applied Sciences & Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773-2571
preparation, associate degrees,
                                      Arts and Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773-2574
noncredit and distance education,
                                      Communication & Humanities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773-2572
which are continuously evaluated
                                      Health Sciences and Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773-2579
and improved. Our programs
                                      Kinesiology and Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773-2591
and services contribute to the
                                      Library & Learning Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568-7517
success, learning and achieve-
                                      Mathematics and Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773-2573
ment of our diverse students and
                                      Social Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773-2574
the vitality of the Desert
Community College District,
surrounding areas and beyond.
                                                                             College of the Desert 2022/SUMMER Schedule of Classes
SUMMER 2022 APPLY ONLINE AT REGISTRATION BEGINS Monday, May 9, 2022 - College of the Desert
Table Of Contents                                           3

             Registration                                   Class Listings                  Student Services
                                                                                             see page 11 and
Academic Calendar                          4    Accounting                      10
Drop Deadlines                             5    Administration of Justice       10
                                                Adult Basic Education (ABE)     10           COD Bookstore
Important Dates                            5
Payment Deadlines                          5              Horticulture          11    The Bookstore will be opened
Registration Priority Dates                4    Agriculture/Plant Science       11          Monday-Thursday
Registration Fees, Refunds                 6    Air Conditioning/HVAC           11        8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
                                                American Sign Language          11           Closed Fridays
              Information                       Anthropology                    12
                                                Applications & Inform Systems   12
Bookstore                           12          Architecture                    12          COD - East Valley
Cooperative Work Experience          8          Art                             12
                                                Art History                     12    Information for our East Valley
Campus Guide Index                  33          Astronomy                       13    Education Center in Indio, and
Campus Guide - Palm Desert          34          Automotive Technology           13   Evening College can be obtained
Career & Workforce Solutions Center 32          Biology                         13     during Summer, by emailing
Disabled Students Program & Svs 22              Business/Finance & Mgmt         14
                                                Chemistry                       14    OffCampusSites@collegeofthe
Disclaimer, Notice of               32          Child Development & Education   14  
Learn Your Way                       7          Communication Studies           16
                                                Computer Info Systems           16   Staff will be available to respond
Library                             29                                               to emails Monday-Thursday from
                                                Counseling                      17
Mission Statement                    2                                                      8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
                                                Criminal Justice                17
plEDGE                              13          Digital Design & Production     17
Public Safety                 3,15,31           Economics                       18
Tutoring & Academic Skills Ctr 24               Emergency Medical Responder     18     Student Health & Wellness
                                                Employability Skills            19        June 13 - August 18
                                                English                         20
                                                                                           Monday - Thursday
         Public Safety                          ESL - Non-Credit (ESLN)         21
                                                                                           9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
                                                Film                            21
Students and all others on
                                                Geology                         22
campus should report any
                                                Health Sciences                 22
unusual occurrences regarding
                                                History                         23               Library
the damage or loss of property on
                                                Japanese                        24         June 13 - August 18
campus to the Department of
                                                Kinesiology                     24
Public Safety in the SOUTH                                                              The library will be opened
                                                Mass Communication              27
ANNEX, Room 16.                                                                            Monday - Thursday
                                                Mathematics                     27
                                                Music                           28        8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
The District cannot be responsible
                                                Natural Resources               29        24/7 “Ask a Librarian”
for the personal property of
                                                Nutrition/Diet                  22         is always available.
students, employees or others
                                                Philosophy                      29
utilizing college facilities.
                                                Physics                         29
Students and all others on
                                                Political Science               29     Tutoring & Academic Skills
campus should report any unusual
                                                Psychology                      30            Center (TASC)
occurrences regarding the
                                                Sociology                       30
damage or loss of property to the                                                          June 13 - August 18
                                                Spanish                         31
Department of Public Safety.                                                                 (760) 773-2557
                                                Varsity Sports Off Season       26
              CALL 911                          Welding                         32
                                                Work Experience, General        32          Monday - Thursday
                    or                                                                     8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
            Public Safety                                                            subject to change without notice.
         (760) 341-2111 or
                                                                                       Editor: Rosalyn Weissmann
        Ext. 2111 on campus
                                                                                           Office of Instruction

College of the Desert 2022 /Summer Schedule of Classes
4                                   Summer 2022 Academic Calendar
                   JUNE                                                  JULY                                              AUGUST
  5 M T W T                          F      S          S M T W T                          F      S          S M T W T                           F       S
                       1      2      3      4                                             1       2        31 1  2 3 4 5 6
  5 6 7                8 9 10 11                       3      4      5      6      7      8       9         7 8 9 10 11 12 13
 12 13 14             15 16 17 18                     10 11         12 13 14 15 16                         14 15 16 17 18 19 20
 19 20 21
       2              22 23 24 25                     17 18         19 20 21 22 23                         21 22 23 24 25 26 27
 26 27 28             29 30                           24 25         26 27 28 29 30                                30 31
                                                                                                           28 29 313

     Holidays                        No Classes                          Final Exam Day                              Add or Drop Deadline
           Summer 2022 Registration Priority is based on units completed
                     by the end of Winter 2022 Intersession
                              Registration Levels for Current and Re-enrolling Students in Good Standing
2Level                Who                                                      Date                      Time
  1A        DSPS, Veterans, EOPS CARE, CalWorks, Foster Youth,
            (unless 8A applies)**                                              Monday, May 9              9:00 a.m.
  1B        TRIO-ACES, TRIO-DSPS,TRIO-Veterans , (unless 8A applies)**         Monday, May 9             12:00 p.m.
  2A        91 - 100 COD Units & Athletics (unless 8A applies)**               Monday, May 9              3:00 p.m.
  2B        81 - 90 COD Units & ASCOD & MESA (unless 8A applies)**             Tuesday, May 10            9:00 a.m.
  2C        71 - 80 COD Units & CINC, Tutors in TASC, Student Ambassadors, Tuesday, May 10               12:00 p.m.
            International Education Students (unless 8A applies)**
  3A        61 - 70 COD Units                                                  Tuesday, May 10            3:00 p.m.
  3B        51 - 60 COD Units                                                  Wednesday, May 11          9:00 a.m.
  3C        ABE & ESLN Certificate Earned/Winter 2022 EDGE/plEDGE              Wednesday, May 11         12:00 p.m.
             (unless 8A applies)**
  3D        41 - 50 COD Units                                                  Thursday, May 12           9:00 a.m.
  4A        31 - 40 COD Units                                                  Friday, May 13             9:00 a.m.
  4B        21 - 30 COD Units                                                  Friday, May 13            12:00 p.m.
  4C        15 - 20 COD Units                                                  Friday, May 13             3:00 p.m.
  5A        10 -14 COD Units                                                   Monday, May 16             9:00 a.m.
  5B          5 - 9 COD Units                                                  Monday, May 16            12:00 p.m.
  5C          1 - 4 COD Units                                                  Monday, May 16             3:00 p.m.
  6A        0 COD Units earned; currently enrolled in 12 or more units         Tuesday, May 17            9:00 a.m
  6B        0 COD Units earned; currently enrolled in 6-11 or more units       Tuesday, May 17           12:00 p.m.
  6C        0 COD Units earned; currently enrolled in 0-5 units                Tuesday, May 17            3:00 p.m.
  7A        New Students to COD *                                              Wednesday, May 18          9:00 a.m.
  8A        101 or more units; 2 or more terms of Academic Probation**         Wednesday, May 18         12:00 p.m.
            and/or 2 or more terms of Progress Probation
  8B        Open Enrollment                                                    Wednesday, May 18          3:00 p.m.

 * Student Success & Support (SSSP) requirements include participation and completion of the following: Orientation, My First Schedule Workshop Video
 **This applies to all special programs except Foster Youth.

                                                  ENROLLMENT FEE DEADLINE

 To avoid being dropped from classes for non-payment, students must pay within three (3) days of registration for the
 Summer 2022 term. Count the day you enroll as the first day. Drops for non-payment will not be processed once
 courses begin. Students enrolled in courses they do not attend are responsible for enrollment fees and final grades if
 not dropped by applicable course deadline. If you have been awarded financial aid, you will not be dropped for non-payment.

                                                                                                 College of the Desert 2022/Summer Schedule of Classes
Import ant Calendar Dates                                    5

                                   All Summer classes are short-term.
          Short-term start and end dates are printed below each section in the Class Schedule.
June 6              Petition to Repeat; Over 7 Unit Enrollment Clearance - Overload; Prerequisite
                    Clearance or Prerequisite Challenge.
June 15             Last day to submit Summer 2022 Application to Graduate

June 13             Mon   6-WEEK CLASSES BEGIN
June 14             Tues  Last day to ADD for 6-week classes
June 14             Tues  Last day to DROP and be eligible for a REFUND for 6-week classes.
                          Students enrolled beyond this date are financially responsible for their fees.
June 17             Fri   Classes do NOT meet. College closed every FRIDAY through August 12
June 19             Sun Last day to DROP a 6-week class without a “W”
June 20             Mon HOLIDAY - Juneteenth Observed - NO MONDAY CLASS MEETINGS
July 4              Mon HOLIDAY - Fourth of July - NO MONDAY CLASS MEETINGS
July 11             Mon Last day to DROP a 6-week class with a “W”
July 21             Thurs 6-WEEK CLASSES END - Final Exam Day
June 13             Mon   8-WEEK CLASSES BEGIN
June 15             Wed   Last day to ADD for 8-week classes
June 15             Wed   Last day to DROP and be eligible for a REFUND for 8-week classes.
                          Students enrolled beyond this date are financially responsible for their fees.
June 17             Fri   Classes do NOT meet. College closed every FRIDAY through August 12
June 20             Mon Last day to DROP an 8-week class without a “W”
June 20             Mon HOLIDAY - Juneteenth Observed - NO MONDAY CLASS MEETINGS
July 4              Mon HOLIDAY - Fourth of July - NO MONDAY CLASS MEETINGS
July 21             Thurs Last day to DROP an 8-week class with a “W”
August 4            Thurs 8-WEEK CLASSES END - Final Exam Day
June 13             Mon 10-WEEK CLASSES BEGIN
June 16             Thurs Last day to ADD for 10-week classes
June 16             Thurs Last day to DROP and be eligible for a REFUND for 10-week classes.
                          Students enrolled beyond this date are financially responsible for their fees.
June 17             Fri   Classes do NOT meet. College closed every FRIDAY through August 12
June 20             Mon HOLIDAY - Juneteenth Observed - NO MONDAY CLASS MEETINGS
June 22             Wed Last day to DROP a 10-week class without a “W”
July 4              Mon HOLIDAY - Fourth of July - NO MONDAY CLASS MEETINGS
August 2            Tues Last day to DROP a 10-week class with a “W”
August 18           Thurs 10-WEEK CLASSES END - Final Exam Day
July 25             Mon   4-WEEK CLASSES BEGIN
July 26             Tues  Last day to ADD for 4-week classes
July 26             Tues  Last day to DROP and be eligible for a REFUND for 4-week classes.
                          Students enrolled beyond this date are financially responsible for their fees.
July 26             Tues Last day to DROP a 4 week class without a “W”.
July 29             Fri   Classes do NOT meet. College closed every FRIDAY through August 12
August 11           Thurs Last day to DROP a 4-week class with a “W”
August 18           Thurs 4-WEEK CLASSES END - Final Exam Day

College of the Desert 2022/Summer Schedule of Classes
6                                      Fees, Refunds, and Services

                                                     REGISTRATION FEES
Enrollment Fees (waived for CCPG (BOG) recipients). $46.00 per unit
Health Fee*.......................................................... $16.00 for Summer Session—Refer to Health Center for
                                                                      description of services.
*Health Fee: Only students who depend exclusively on prayer for healing are exempt from fee.

Non-California Resident....................................... $262.00 per unit + $0.25 per unit for Student Center Fee
Non-U.S. Citizen.................................................. $262.00 per unit + $0.25 per unit for Student Center Fee
Capital Outlay Fee................... .                            $ 11.00 per unit
        Registration fees may be paid by check, or VISA or MasterCard.
Student Center Fee..................................                  $ 0.25 per unit
Student Representation Fee................................ $ 2.00 Supports student government representatives.
Nursing Malpractice Insurance............................ $10.00 (Maximum $20 per year.) Not covered by Fee Waiver.
Transportation Fee – Per Vehicle ....................... $ 0.00 No parking fee Summer 2022.
Audit Fee............................................................ $15.00 per unit
Materials Fee..................................................... $15.00-$150.00 depending on the course. (See course note for exact amount)
International Student Medical Insurance is required. Please contact International Education Office for information.
 Please note: Enrollment fee is established by the California State Legislature and is subject to change.
                                                   NON-PAYMENT DROPS
 Enrollment Fees must be paid within three (3) days of enrolling (count the day enrolled as the first day) to
 avoid being dropped for non-payment.

 Drops for non-payment will not be processed once the term begins. Students enrolled in courses they do not
 attend are responsible for enrollment fees and final grades if not dropped by applicable course deadline.

 Petitions to drop past the established deadline are not accepted for courses not dropped due to lack of
 awareness of the withdrawal procedure or deadline. An online Course Information Report is available to
 provide all pertinent course deadline information.

                                                        REFUND POLICY
 Refund deadlines vary for classes during each summer term. To qualify for a refund, a student must officially
 withdraw from the class by the Refund Deadline date on page 5.

 Refunds, less a $10.00 processing fee, will be processed automatically beginning July 25, 2022 and will either
 be mailed to the student’s address on file with Admissions and Records, or returned as a credit to the credit
 card from which fees were originally paid. See Refund Policy in the Course Catalog for more information.
 Refunds of less than $10 will not be processed and must be requested in person from the Bursar’s Office.
                                                    REFUND DEADLINES:
 A community college district shall not refund any enrollment fee paid by a student for program changes made after the first
 two weeks of instruction for a primary term-length course, or after the 10 percent point of the length of the course for a
 short-term course, unless the program change is a result of action by the district to cancel or reschedule a class or to drop
 a student pursuant to subdivision (l) of section 55003 where the student fails to meet a prerequisite.

 Enrollment, Health and Non-Resident Tuition Fees..... Refundable if dropped on the 2nd day of a 4-week or 6-week class,
                                                       the 3rd day of an 8-week class, or 4th day of a 10-week class.

 Student Representation Fee and Transportation Fee. Refundable if student completely withdraws by the 2nd day of a 4 or-
                                                    6-week class, the 3rd day of an 8-week class, 4th day of a 10-week
                                                    class. (Permit, receipt and proof of dropped classes must be
                                                    returned to the Bursar’s Office.)

                                                                                        College of the Desert 2022/Summer Schedule of Classes
Learn Your Way                                    7

                       LEARN YOUR WAY,
                      ON YOUR SCHEDULE,
                   AT COLLEGE OF THE DESERT
                 Attend classes in-person, online or a combination of both – you choose!
                         Our 昀exible course structure allows you to pick the mode
                                         that works best for you!

                    FULLY ONLINE                            HYFLEX                ON CAMPUS

                         Synchronous                    Choose how to attend           Hybrid
                  Fully online with required                 each session      Mostly online with some
                 livestream class meetings                 1. Synchronous,      required on-campus
                     at a scheduled time                 2. Asynchronous, or          meetings
                                                            3. Face-to-face

                        Asynchronous                                           Traditional Face-to-Face
                  Fully online, no scheduled                                           Sessions
                 livestream class meetings,                                     Fully on campus at the
                in-depth reading and writing                                   scheduled class time and
                         due regularly                                                  location

               Find out more at
               or call us at 760.346.8041

College of the Desert 2022/Summer Schedule of Classes
8                              Cooperative Work Experience Education
                Career & Workforce Solutions Center, Administration Building, Rooms 5 & 6
                                                            Phone: (760) 862-1344
                                                     8 Week Session: June 13 - August 4, 2022
                                             Summer session office hours: By appointment only

What Is Work Experience?
A course that allows students to apply their education to the real world. Students create and accomplish three measurable learning objectives
that are new and/or expanded responsibilities at their workplace. This ultimately empowers students to become better employees, work on new
projects, add to their resume, and enhance their job skills. All students who currently work, volunteer, intern, or that have a student worker or
federal work-study position are eligible. Units earned are transferrable to the CSU system and the class fits easily into the student’s work and
school schedule. Students may enroll in General Work Experience or an Occupation course.

General Work Experience (WEG-095A)
Students may enroll in General Work Experience (WEG – 095A) if the student’s current position does not relate to their occupational/
educational goal. Students can earn 1 - 5 summer session units of General Work Experience (if hour requirement is met, see below).
All General sections will be listed under Work Experience.

Occupational Work Experience (XXX-095A)
Students may enroll in an Occupational course if their current positon does relate to their educational/occupational goal. Occupational
courses vary depending on students major and are listed under the corresponding academic program as (XXX – 095A), i.e. CIS-095A,
BUMA-095A, FIRE-095A, etc. Students may earn 1-5 summer session units in any occupational work experience course (if hour requirement
is met, see below).

Registration Details
  1.       Student must have a job, internship, volunteer, student worker, or federal work study position to enroll.
  2.       Determine the number of units to enroll in (based on the hours you work, see chart below).
  3.       Determine which course you will be enrolling in: General or an Occupational course (see description above). If you need further
          assistance, contact the Work Experience Office before enrolling.
  4.       Enroll via Self Service:
          • Note: Self Service defaults to one (1) unit, if you are enrolling in more than one unit, you must manually change the number of units
          using the guide below.
  5.       Check CANVAS by the first day of class to complete required forms and get started on the course.

          Additional occupational courses may be available if not listed on Self Service. Call the Work Experience office for details.
          Last day to request a section is June 15th.

                     Units      Total required        Average weekly         Total required hours       Average weekly
                                hours (PAID)          hours (PAID)            (UNPAID)                  hours (UNPAID
                       1             75                    9.5                       60                      7.5
                       2           150                   19.0                       120                     15.0
                       3           225                   28.5                       180                     22.5
                       4           300                   37.5                       240                     30.0
                       5           375                    n/a                       300                     37.5

                                                                                              College of the Desert 2022/SUMMER Schedule of Classes
Welcome to College of the Desert                      9

         Check out our in person classes, library services, student services, and Bookstore.

College of the Desert 2022/SUMMER Schedule of Classes
SECT       COURSE         TITLE                             U        TIME                  DAYS        BLDG/RM               INSTRUCTOR
 10 ACC - ADU
                                  BUAC 010 uses QuickBooks, a complete computerized accounting system for small businesses. Learn how this
  PAYMENT PLAN                           well-designed accounting program is used to set up a chart of accounts, reconcile checking accounts,
     OPTION                              create and print invoices, receipts, and statements, track payables, inventory, and receivables, and
                                         generate reports and graphs. Additional topics include: A review of basic accounting concepts, payroll
                                         transactions, and the creation of a company using QuickBooks accounting. Advisory: CIS 010 and
College of the Desert
                                         BUAC 020A or BUAC 051 or BUAC 066
offers an optional                0138 BUAC 010 ACCTG W/QUICKBOOKS               3.0    54 TOTAL HRS TBA           FULLONLN            Romero,J
payment plan to assist                   Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04
with the payment of                      Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
                                         June 13th, to begin the course.
enrollment fees.
Please note there is a            BUAC 020A is the study of accounting as an information system including basic principles and procedures of
$20 administrative                       accounting. Advisory: MATH 065
processing fee per                0164 BUAC 020A FINANCIAL ACCTG                4.0     72 TOTAL HRS TBA         FULLONLN             Gerardi,J
                                         Note: 6 week class: 06/13 - 07/21
semester for this service.
                                         Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
For more information                     June 13th, to begin the course.
on the payment plan,
please go to                      BUAC 020B emphasizes accounting procedures for planning and controlling operations. Focuses on costing
                                         systems, cost-volume-profit relationship, profit planning, and performance analysis.
                                         Prerequisite: BUAC 020A
Student Services,                 0157   BUAC 020B MANAGERIAL ACCTG              4.0     72 TOTAL HRS TBA         FULLONLN            Gerardi,J
Bursar, Fees, Payments                   Note: 6 week class: 06/13 - 07/21
- Payment Plan.                          Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
                                         June 13th, to begin the course.
Please note: Students
are responsible for their
class schedules and fee
                                  Adult Basic Education
                                             Note: All ABE classes are 8 weeks starting on June 13th and ending on August 4th and are fully
payments. Please check                       online. Students must access these fully online classes at upon
the accuracy of your                         enrollment, to begin the course. Classes are graded on a Pass/No Pass basis only.
class schedule by going
to                    Asynchronous online classes - Students must access these fully online classes at
                                    upon enrollment, to begin the course.
Go to WebAdvisor, then            7736       ABE 320A FUNDAMENTALS/ENGLISH 0.0           80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    Williams,J
“Academic Profile”, then          7902       ABE 320B FUNDAMENTALS/ENGLISH 0.0           80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    Williams,J
“My Class Schedule”.              7916       ABE 320C FUNDAMENTALS/ENGLISH 0.0           80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    Williams,J
                                  7920       ABE 320D FUNDAMENTALS/ENGLISH 0.0           80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    Santucci,A
     Adult Basic                  7966       ABE 323A AMERICAN LITERATURE          0.0   80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    Williams,J
                                  7968       ABE 323B WORLD LITERATURE             0.0   80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    Williams,J
Education (ABE) and               7972       ABE 324A READING CONTROL LAB I 0.0          80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    Santucci,A
English As A Second               7742       ABE 324B READING CONTROL LAB II 0.0         80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    Santucci,A
                                  7744       ABE 326A U.S. HISTORY I               0.0   80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    McGuire,C
 Language (ESLN)                  7906       ABE 326B U.S. HISTORY II              0.0   80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    McGuire,C
    Registration                  7746       ABE 328A PRACTICAL AMERI/GOVT 0.0           80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    McGuire,C
                                  7908       ABE 328B PRACTICAL AMERI/GOVT 0.0           80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    McGuire,C
Registration for returning ABE    7748       ABE 332A WORLD HISTORY I              0.0   80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    McGuire,C
students will begin on 5/9/22.    7950       ABE 332B WORLD HISTORY II             0.0   80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    McGuire,C
                                  7942       ABE 335A WORLD GEOGRAPHY I            0.0   80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    McGuire,C
Registration for new ABE          7944       ABE 335B WORLD GEOGRAPHY II           0.0   80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    McGuire,C
students will begin on 5/18/22.   7756       ABE 348A LIFE SCIENCE                 0.0   80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    McGuire,C
                                  7910       ABE 348B PHYSICAL SCIENCE             0.0   80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    McGuire,C
                                  7956       ABE 348C EARTH SCIENCE                0.0   80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    McGuire,C
Registration for all ESLN
                                  7946       ABE 351A MARINE SCIENCE               0.0   80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    McGuire,C
  courses will begin:
                                  7926       ABE 361A FINE ARTS: ART               0.0   80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    McGuire,C
                                  7928       ABE 361B FINE ARTS: MUSIC             0.0   80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    McGuire,C
•Current ESLN students:
                                  7932       ABE 361C FINE ARTS: THEATER           0.0   80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    McGuire,C
   5/9/22                         7752       ABE 364 GED TEST PREPARATION 0.0            80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    McGuire,C
• New ESLN students: 5/18/22      7780       ABE 368A BEGINNING TYPING I           0.0   80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    McGuire,C
                                  7922       ABE 391A HEALTH ISSUES I              0.0   80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    McGuire,C
Please visit the College of the   7924       ABE 391B HEALTH ISSUES II             0.0   80 TOTAL HOURS TBA          FULLONLN                                    McGuire,C
Desert Admissions webpage
and click on the Adult Basic
Education Registration link or
the English As A Second
Language link for details.

                                  M = Mon; T = Tues; W = Wed; MW = Mon & Wed; R = Thurs; TR = Tues & Thurs; F = Fri; S = Saturday; SU = Sun
                                  IGETC courses in this schedule of classes are printed in color and the IGETC requirement satisfied by each course is listed along with
                                  course prerequisites
SECT     COURSE       TITLE                        U       TIME               DAYS   BLDG/RM       INSTRUCTOR
                                                                                                                    ADU - ASL                   11
         Synchronous online classes - Students must access there fully online classes via Canvas during the
         scheduled days/times.
7856     ABE 342A PRACTICAL BASIC MATH I 0.0         08:30a-10:45a MTWR CNVSZOOM                   Santucci,A        Student Support Services
7810     ABE 342A PRACTICAL BASIC MATH I 0.0         04:00p-06:15p MTWR CNVSZOOM                      Castillo,J       available in Summer
7858     ABE 342B PRACTICAL BASIC MATH II 0.0        08:30a-10:45a MTWR CNVSZOOM                   Santucci,A
7812     ABE 342B PRACTICAL BASIC MATH II 0.0        04:00p-06:15p MTWR CNVSZOOM                      Castillo,J   Welcome Center in Palm
7862     ABE 344A MATH FOR LIVING I            0.0   08:30a-10:45a MTWR CNVSZOOM                   Santucci,A      Desert Campus
7814     ABE 344A MATH FOR LIVING I            0.0   04:00p-06:15p MTWR CNVSZOOM                      Castillo,J   Monday - Thursday
7864     ABE 344B MATH FOR LIVING II           0.0   08:30a-10:45a MTWR CNVSZOOM                   Santucci,A      7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
7816     ABE 344B MATH FOR LIVING II           0.0   04:00p-06:15p MTWR CNVSZOOM                      Castillo,J   enrollmentservices@college-
7866     ABE 346A ALGEBRA I                    0.0   08:30a-10:45a MTWR CNVSZOOM                   Santucci,A
                                                                                                                   (760) 346-8041
7818     ABE 346A ALGEBRA I                    0.0   04:00p-06:15p MTWR CNVSZOOM                      Castillo,J
7868     ABE 346B ALGEBRA II                   0.0   08:30a-10:45a MTWR CNVSZOOM                   Santucci,A
                                                                                                                   Counseling Office
7820     ABE 346B ALGEBRA II                   0.0   04:00p-06:15p MTWR CNVSZOOM                      Castillo,J   Monday - Thursday
                                                                                                                   8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Agriculture/Environmental Horticulture                                                                   
AGEH 001 is a general course in Environmental Horticulture with emphasis on nursery operations, landscaping,
      and turfgrass management.                                                                                    Admissions & Records
0112 AGEH 001 HORTICULTURE                   3.0    54 TOTAL HRS TBA          FULLONLN                Place,J      Monday - Thursday
      Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04                                                                            8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
      Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before     
      June 13th, to begin the course.                                                                              (760) 773-2516
AGEH 095A, a work experience course of supervised employment, is designed to assist students in acquiring
       desirable work habits and skills. Students must work 75 paid hours or 60 non-paid hours per unit.           admissions/default.php
       Students meets four times during the semester (2 on-campus coaching sessions and 2 job-site visits).
                                                                                                                   Noncredit Office
       Required Application Form, syllabus, and course related information will be available via Canvas by         Monday - Thursday
       the first day of each session.                                                                              8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
       For additional enrollment questions, contact the Work Experience office (760) 862-1344.           
0810 AGEH 095A AGEH/TURFGRASS WK EX 1.0                               TBA       AD5                    Vaca,E      (760) 776-7348
       Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04
                                                                                                                   Financial Aid
Agriculture/Plant Science                                                                                          Monday - Thursday
                                                                                                                   8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
AGPS 005 offers an opportunity to learn the basic structure and function of plants, their place in the world of    Email:
       human activity and the methods used to manipulate the botanical world to human advantage.         
       Prerequisite: ENG 061                                                     IGETC: 5B                         Website:
0185 AGPS 005 PLANT SCIENCE                   3.0     54 TOTAL HRS TBA           FULLONLN                Vaca,E
       Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04                                                                           (760) 773-2532
       Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
                                                                                                                   Office of Student Life
       June 13th, to begin the course.
                                                                                                                   Monday - Thursday
                                                                                                                   8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Air Conditioning/HVAC                                                                                              DSPS (760) 773-2534
ACR 077 covers the methods for conservation of energy in HVACR applications. A lab uniform is required for         Monday - Thursday
       this course. Advisory: ACR 060                                                                              8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
0166 ACR 077 ENERGY CONSERVATION             3.0    05:00p-09:15p TW          AS108          Garcia-Galicia,R
       Note: 8 week class: 06/14 - 08/03                                                          Arbuckle,C
                                                                                                       STAFF       International Education
                                                                                                                   Monday - Thursday
ACR 078 covers industry practices for safe and efficient handling of common refrigerants.                          8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
0168 ACR 078 REFRIGERANT MGMT                  3.0     08:00a-12:15p TW         AS108                  Brown,G
       Note: 8 week class: 06/14 - 08/03                                                               Alvarez,J
                                                                                                                   EOPS/CARE (760) 773-2539
                                                                                                                   Monday - Thursday
American Sign Language                                                                                             8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
ASL 001 students acquire basic ASL vocabulary and grammar, surveying American Deaf history and culture at
       an accelerated pace.                                                   IGETC: 6A                            Foster Youth Services
0364 ASL 001 ELEMENTARY ASL I                5.0     90 TOTAL HRS TBA         FULLONLN            O’Grady,T        Monday - Thursday
       Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04                                                                           8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
       Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before    
       June 13th, to begin the course.
0366 ASL 001 ELEMENTARY ASL I                5.0     90 TOTAL HRS TBA         FULLONLN            O’Grady,T        Dreamer Resource Center
       Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04                                                                           Monday - Wednesday
       Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before              8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
       June 13th, to begin the course.                                                                             Thursday 8:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
       Note: Section 0366 is a DEMAND CLASS and may open for enrollment when other sections have filled. 

College of the Desert 2022/SUMMER Schedule of Classes

The symbol (u) in front of a section number (u1942) denotes an off-campus class.
SECT       COURSE         TITLE                             U        TIME                  DAYS        BLDG/RM               INSTRUCTOR
       BOOKSTORE                   ANTH 002 is a topical introduction to the cross-cultural study of human societies. IGETC: 4A
                                   0622 ANTH 002 CULTURAL ANTHRO                   3.0     54 TOTAL HRS TBA          FULLONLN          Slade,M
      (760) 773-2564
                                          Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04
                                          Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
CollegeOfTheDesertShop.                   June 13th, to begin the course.
                                   Applications & Information Systems
The College of the Desert          AIS 072 examines Microsoft Excel spreadsheet solutions for numerical and accounting based problems.
Bookstore, located on the first            Advisory: AIS 005
floor of the Cravens Student       0191 AIS 072 MICROSOFT EXCEL                   3.0     90 TOTAL HRS TBA         FULLONLN            Romero,J
Services Center, contains all              Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04
needed course materials,                   Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
whether required or optional.              June 13th, to begin the course.
Both new and used textbooks
are available for purchase, and
there are also many textbooks
available for rent and in          ARCH 014 is an introductory course in the history of architecture as taken from the point of Western ideals and
digital format.                           examines architecture from the beginning of time to Classical Greece and Rome. Advisory: RDG 061
                                   0162 ARCH 014 HISTORY OF ARCH I                3.0     54 TOTAL HRS TBA           FULLONLN         Delahanty,S
The Bookstore also carries a              Note: 6 week class: 06/13 - 07/21
wide variety of school supplies           Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
(imprinted and non-imprinted),            June 13th, to begin the course.
in addition to software,
electronics, and Apple             Art
Products. BarCharts and other
                                   ART 001A is an introduction to the fundamentals of drawing and composition which enable students to
reference materials are also
                                          communicate images as creative statements. Various drawing materials, techniques and compositional
available to assist students in
                                          structure are explored.
their academic endeavors.          0702 ART 001A DRAW & COMP, BEG                3.0    06:00p-08:50p MTWR ART102                     Dupus,S
                                          Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04
In addition, College of the
Desert clothing and gift items     ART 001B is an intermediate drawing course with an emphasis on color and mixed media material use in
are available, as well as a               content based and compositional problems. Prerequisite: ART-001A
variety of snacks, drinks, and     0744   ART 001B DRAW & COMP, INT             3.0    06:00p-08:50p MTWR ART102                    Dupus,S
sundries.                                 Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04

Regular Bookstore hours are        ART 003A is an introduction to the fundamentals of two dimensional design in which students gain experience
Monday - Thursday                         in organizing their thoughts to communicate visual images as creative statements. Visual problem
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. and                 solving involves basic elements and principles of design using various papers, acrylic paint and mixed
Closed on Fridays.                        media applications.
                                   0708 ART 003A BASIC DESIGN & COLOR            3.0     90 TOTAL HRS TBA          FULLONLN           Maddigan,E
For more information, call                Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04
760-773-2564, or visit our                Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
website at                                June 13th to begin the course.         0696 ART 003A BASIC DESIGN & COLOR            3.0     90 TOTAL HRS TBA          FULLONLN           Maddigan,E
                                          Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04
The bookstore website can also            Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
be accessed from the college              June 13th, to begin the course.
                                          Note: Section 0696 is a DEMAND CLASS and may open for enrollment when other sections have filled.
website. Near the top right of
the main page, click on the
"Student Services" tab, and        Art History
from there click on "bookstore."
                                   ARTH 010 is a general introduction to art across time and diverse cultures. Advisory: ENG 001A IGETC: 3A
                                   0136 ARTH 010 UNDERSTANDING ART                3.0     54 TOTAL HRS TBA          FULLONLN           Martin,D
                                          Note: 6 week class: 06/13 - 07/21
                                          Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
                                          June 13th, to begin the course.
   Evening Classes                 0148 ARTH 010 UNDERSTANDING ART                3.0     54 TOTAL HRS TBA          FULLONLN           Martin,D
                                          Note: 6 week class: 06/13 - 07/21
 appear in BOLD print                     Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
   throughtout this                       June 13th, to begin the course.
                                          Note: Section 0148 is a DEMAND CLASS and may open for enrollment when other sections have filled.

                                   M = Mon; T = Tues; W = Wed; MW = Mon & Wed; R = Thurs; TR = Tues & Thurs; F = Fri; S = Saturday; SU = Sun
                                   IGETC courses in this schedule of classes are printed in color and the IGETC requirement satisfied by each course is listed along with
                                   course prerequisites
SECT     COURSE       TITLE                        U       TIME               DAYS   BLDG/RM        INSTRUCTOR
                                                                                                                        AST - BIO 13
A 001 is an introductory survey of planetary, stellar and galactic astronomy designed for students not majoring
         in science. Advisory: ENG 061 & MATH 040                                 IGETC: 5A
0374     A 001      DESCRIP ASTRONOMY            3.0    12:30p-02:00p MTWR S14                         Gariety,M
         Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04
0348 A 001          DESCRIP ASTRONOMY            3.0    54 TOTAL HRS TBA          FULLONLN            ElShafie,A    The plEDGE program
         Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04
                                                                                                                    provides 2022 high school
         Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
         June 13th to begin the course.                                                                             graduates (or equivalent)
                                                                                                                    from the Coachella Valley
Automotive Technology                                                                                               with two full years of tuition
                                                                                                                    and fees at College of the
AUTO 010 provides an overview of automotive theory and service procedures including lecture/discussion and
       hands on experience understanding and servicing fundamental automotive components and systems.               Desert!
       Advisory: RDG 061
0193 AUTO 010 INTRO AUTO TECH                4.0    08:00a-11:30a MT          DM10              Anderson,D          Participating students must
       Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/02            12:00p-03:35p MT          DM10                                  complete the EDGE
AUTO 011B provides lecture/discussion and hands-on experience understanding, servicing, troubleshooting,            program, have a completed
       diagnosing and repairing fundamental automotive electrical circuit and system malfunctions. A                Financial Aid file, and
       $20.00 test fee for the appropriate Automotive Service Excellent (ASE) Student Exam is required. A           commit to full time enroll-
       uniform is required for this course. Prerequisite: AUTO 010 or concurrent enrollment                         ment while maintaining
       Advisory: RDG 061, ENG 061
0192 AUTO 011B AUTO ELEC                       4.0     08:00a-11:05a WR         DM11A            Redman,D           good academic standing.
       Note: 8 week class: 06/15 - 08/04               12:00p-03:10p WR         DM11A
                                                                                                                    Students will also participate
AUTO 095A, a work experience course of supervised employment, is designed to assist students in acquiring           in career preparation and
       desirable work habits and skills. Students must work 75 paid hours or 60 non-paid hours per unit.
       Students meets four times during the semester (2 on-campus coaching sessions and 2 job-site visits).         community service.
       Required Application Form, syllabus, and course related information will be available via Canvas by
       the first day of each session.                                                                               For more information,
       For additional enrollment questions, contact the Work Experience office (760) 862-1344.                      please contact the plEDGE
0820 AUTO 095A AUTO TECH WK EXP               1.0                     TBA       AD5               Anderson,D
       Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04                                                                            office at (760) 636-7970 or
BI 004 is an introduction to biology for non-science majors covering the foundations of biology with a laboratory
         component accompanying this course. Advisory: ENG 061                     IGETC: 5B*, 5C*
0340 BI 004         ELEMENTS OF BIOLOGY           4.0   09:00a-12:30p MW           MSTC202              Rosteck,R
         Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/03              01:00p-04:30p MW           MSTC201
0382 BI 004         ELEMENTS OF BIOLOGY           4.0   09:00p-12:05p TR           MSTC202              Rosteck,R
         Note: 8 week class: 06/14 - 08/04              01:00p-04:05p TR           MSTC201

BI 013 is the first of a two course sequence that offers an in-depth study of the human body. This course
         covers anatomical terminology, cells and tissues, the integumentary system, the skeletal system,
         articulations, the muscular system, the nervous system and special senses. Prerequisite: MATH 054
         Advisory: ENG 061                                                         IGETC: 5B, 5C
0632 BI 013          ANAT & PHYS I              4.0     09:00a-10:30a MTWR MSTC250                      Tesch,A          Biology and
         Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04              10:45a-12:15p MTWR S1                                         Chemistry students
0672 BI 013          ANAT & PHYS I              4.0     02:00p-03:30p MTWR MSTC250                      Tesch,A
         Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04              03:40p-05:10p MTWR S1
                                                                                                                    It is important to attend
                                                                                                                    the first class meeting
                                                                                                                    of each course in which
                                                                                                                    you are enrolled no
                                                                                                                    matter if it is designated
                                                                                                                    as a lecture or a lab.
                                                                                                                    Students not attending
                                                                                                                    the first class meeting
                                                                                                                    may be replaced by
                                                                                                                    other students.

College of the Desert 2022/SUMMER Schedule of Classes

The symbol (u) in front of a section number (u1942) denotes an off-campus class.
SECT       COURSE         TITLE                             U        TIME                  DAYS        BLDG/RM               INSTRUCTOR
                             Business/Finance & Management
                             BUMA 010 covers the formation, structure, objectives, and ethics of contemporary business enterprises.
                                    Advisory: RDG 061
                             0176   BUMA 010 INTRO BUSINESS                3.0     54 TOTAL HRS TBA         FULLONLN       Allan-Bentley,B
                                    Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04
                                    Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
                                    June 13th, to begin the course.

                             BUMA 095A, a work experience course of supervised employment, is designed to assist students in acquiring
                                   desirable work habits and skills. Students must work 75 paid hours or 60 non-paid hours per unit.
                                   Students meets four times during the semester (2 on-campus coaching sessions and 2 job-site visits).
                                   Required Application Form, syllabus, and course related information will be available via Canvas by
                                   the first day of each session.
    Biology and                    For additional enrollment questions, contact the Work Experience office (760) 862-1344.
 Chemistry students          0848 BUMA 095A BUS MGMT WORK EXPER 1.0                               TBA       AD5                  Cooper,D
                                   Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04
It is important to attend
the first class meeting      Chemistry
of each course in which      CH 003 gives an overview of inorganic chemistry and teaches the students the proper chemical laboratory
you are enrolled no                 techniques. Prerequisite: MATH 054 Advisory: ENG 061                    IGETC: 5A*, 5C*
matter if it is designated   0368 CH 003 INTRO GENERAL CHEM                4.0    08:00a-10:10a MTWR MSTC153                    Ciurash,J
as a lecture or a lab.              Note: 6 week class: 06/13 - 07/21             10:30a-12:45p MTWR S5
                             0320 CH 003 INTRO GENERAL CHEM                4.0    10:30a-12:40p MTWR MSTC153                       STAFF
Students not attending
                                    Note: 6 week class: 06/13 - 07/21             08:00a-10:15a MTWR S5
the first class meeting             Note: Section 0320 is a DEMAND CLASS and may open for enrollment when other sections have filled.
may be replaced by           0324 CH 003 INTRO GENERAL CHEM                4.0    02:00p-03:30p MTWR MSTC153                       STAFF
other students.                     Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04             03:40p-05:10p MTWR S5

                             CH 004 covers the basic principles of inorganic, organic and biochemistry. Prerequisite: MATH 054
                                    Advisory: ENG 061
                             0616 CH 004 FUND OF CHEMISTRY                   4.0    08:00a-09:30a MTWR MSTC251                Alou Hicks,M
                                    Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04               09:40a-11:10a MTWR S6
Summer classes are           0628 CH 004 FUND OF CHEMISTRY                   4.0    01:00p-02:30p MTWR MSTC251                Alou Hicks,M
                                    Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04               02:40p-04:10p MTWR S6
being held in person,
synchronously via
Canvas, or asynchro-         Child Development & Education
nously. Synchronous          CDE 101 examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for
                                    children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. Advisory: ENG 001A
meetings occur at the               Asynchronous online classes - Students must access these fully online classes at
same time and day as       on or before the start date of the class, to begin the course
designated in this class     0754 CDE 101 CHILD GROWTH&DEVELOPMENT 3.0 54 TOTAL HRS TBA                      FULLONLN          Avalos,M
schedule. Be sure to                Note: 4 week class: 06/13 - 07/07
                             0730 CDE 101 CHILD GROWTH&DEVELOPMENT 3.0 54 TOTAL HRS TBA                      FULLONLN             STAFF
check the start and                 Note: 6 week class: 06/13 - 07/21
end date, and drop           0719   CDE 101 CHILD GROWTH&DEVELOPMENT 3.0 54 TOTAL HRS TBA                    FULLONLN             STAFF
deadlines that apply to             Note: 4 week class: 07/25 - 08/18
each class you select.              Note: Section 0719 is a DEMAND CLASS and may open for enrollment when other sections have filled.

                             CDE 102 examines the process of socialization focusing on the interrelationship of family, school, and
                                    community. Examines the influence of multiple societal contexts. Explores the role of collaboration
                                    between family, community and schools in supporting children’s development. Advisory: CDE 101
                             0735 CDE 102 CHILD, FAMILY & COMMUNITY 3.0 54 TOTAL HRS TBA                      FULLONLN              Avalos,M
                                    Note: 4 week class: 07/11 - 08/04
                                    Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
                                    July 11th, to begin the course.

                             CDE 103 covers historical context and theoretical perspectives of developmentally appropriate practice and
                                    early care and education. Examines the role of the early childhood educator, identification of best
                                    practices for environmental design, curriculum, and teaching strategies. Explores teacher child
                                    relationships, professional ethics, career pathways, and professional standards. Advisory: ENG 001A
                             0710   CDE 103 PRINCIPLES & PRACTICES 3.0             54 TOTAL HRS TBA          FULLONLN              Avalos,M
                                    Note: 4 week class: 06/13 - 07/07
                                    Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
                                    June 13th, to begin the course.

                             M = Mon; T = Tues; W = Wed; MW = Mon & Wed; R = Thurs; TR = Tues & Thurs; F = Fri; S = Saturday; SU = Sun
                             IGETC courses in this schedule of classes are printed in color and the IGETC requirement satisfied by each course is listed along with
                             course prerequisites
SECT     COURSE       TITLE                        U       TIME               DAYS   BLDG/RM        INSTRUCTOR
                                                                                                                            CDE         15
CDE 104 presents an overview of knowledge and skills related to providing appropriate curriculum and
       environments for young children through developmentally, culturally and linguistically appropriate
       practices. Prerequisite: CDE 101 & CDE 102, or concurrent enrollment
0727   CDE 104 INTRO TO CURRICULUM           3.0     54 TOTAL HRS TBA          FULLONLN              Mosley,S
       Note: 4 week class: 06/13 - 07/07
       Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
       June 13th, to begin the course.

CDE 204 explores the application of child development theory to facilitate learning among young children,
       including: promoting self esteem, creativity, self discipline, development of physical and cognitive
       skills and literacy, and planning appropriate curriculum along with professional development of the
       teacher. Prerequisite: CDE 101 & CDE 102 & CDE 103 & CDE 104 & CDE 203 (formerly ECE 001,
       ECE 010, ECE 012, ECE 040 & ECE 046B)
0771   CDE 204 PRACTICUM                           4.0    144 TOTAL HRS TBA         HYFLEX             Sanders,W
       Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04
       Note: This Hyflex course uses Canvas as a central hub for all your content while giving you three ways          Early Childhood
       to participate in class activities; (1) in-class physically on Monday at 5:00pm-7:00pm in room ECE 101,
       (2) live streaming in-class activities at the same days and times via Zoom, or (3) watching Zoom
       recordings at a later time. You have the flexibility to use any way your schedule permits from week to
       week. Additional work is completed and submitted online via Canvas. HyFlex courses help you                  Students should be
       complete your education while allowing you to adapt it to your life. Students must access Canvas at          advised that both or before June 13th, to begin the course.
                                                                                                                    CDE-101 and CDE-102
       Note: Students will complete 108 lab hours in an early childhood education classroom with a CECMP
       Mentor Teacher or at the McCarthy Family Child Development and Training Center. Limited opportunities        are required courses
       will be available for student teaching digitally. Students teaching face-to-face will need to complete the   that must be completed
       Immunization Records and TB testing prior to entering the classroom. Contact the instructor for the          prior to working with
                                                                                                                    children in a program
CDE 220 is a study of human development from conception through age 3. Prerequisite: CDE 101                        licensed by the State of
0763   CDE 220 INF/TODD GRWTH/DEVEL 3.0              54 TOTAL HRS TBA         FULLONLN                STAFF         California.
       Note: 4 week class: 06/13 - 07/07
       Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
       June 13th, to begin the course.
       Note: Section 0763 is a DEMAND CLASS and may open for enrollment when other sections have filled.

CDE 221 prepares students to apply current theory and research to the care and education of children from
       birth to 36 months including design of a developmentally appropriate learning environment. Licensing
       requirements and teacher competency necessary for working with children from birth to 36 months
       are explored. Essential policies and practices that contribute to high quality care for children from
       birth to 36 months are examined. Prerequisite: CDE 101 & CDE 220
0767   CDE 221 INFANT/TODDLER CURRICULUM 3.0 54 TOTAL HRS TBA                    FULLONLN                  STAFF
       Note: 4 week class: 07/11 - 08/04
       Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
       July 11th, to begin the course.
       Note: Section 0767 is a DEMAND CLASS and may open for enrollment when other sections have filled.
                                                                                                                        CALL 911
CDE 227 presents a developmentally appropriate approach to the guidance of children, including children with        in an Emergency
       special needs. Effective guidance techniques, working with families and effective communication will
       be covered. Intended for teachers and professionals working with children in a variety of settings.                or the
       Advisory: CDE 101 & ENG 001A                                                                                  Department of
0721 CDE 227 CHILD GUIDANCE                  3.0     54 TOTAL HRS TBA          FULLONLN                  STAFF
       Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04                                                                              Public Safety
       Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
       June 13th, to begin the course.
                                                                                                                     (760) 341-2111
CDE 095A, a work experience course of supervised employment, is designed to assist students in acquiring
       desirable work habits and skills. Students must work 75 paid hours or 60 non-paid hours per unit.
       Students meets four times during the semester (2 on-campus coaching sessions and 2 job-site visits).             Ext 2111
       Required Application Form, syllabus, and course related information will be available via Canvas by
       the first day of each session.
       For additional enrollment questions, contact the Work Experience office (760) 862-1344.                      24 Hour Service
0840 CDE 095A CDE WORK EXP                    1.0                     TBA       AD5                 Russom,D
       Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04                                                                               located in
                                                                                                                    South Annex 16

College of the Desert 2022/SUMMER Schedule of Classes

The symbol (u) in front of a section number (u1942) denotes an off-campus class.
SECT       COURSE         TITLE                             U        TIME                  DAYS        BLDG/RM               INSTRUCTOR
                            Communication Studies
                            COMM 001 students learn to develop an effective style of public communication, including informative,
                                  expository, persuasive, extemporaneous, and impromptu forms of speaking.
                                  Advisory: ENG 001A                                                       IGETC: 1C
                            0204 COMM 001 PUBLIC SPEAKING                3.0     10:00a-12:10p MTWR COM107                        Jazan,A
                                  Note: 6 week class: 06/13 - 07/21
                            0212 COMM 001 PUBLIC SPEAKING                3.0     12:30p-02:40p MTWR COM107                        Jazan,A
                                  Note: 6 week class: 06/13 - 07/21
                                  Note: Section 0212 is a DEMAND CLASS and may open for enrollment when other sections have filled.
                            0218 COMM 001 PUBLIC SPEAKING                3.0     02:30p-05:35p MTWR COM107                        Jazan,A
                                  Note: 4 week class: 07/25 - 08/18

                                       Asynchronous online classes - Students must access these fully online classes at
 Student Computer             on or before the start date of the class, to begin the course
                            0214       COMM 001 PUBLIC SPEAKING             3.0    54 TOTAL HRS TBA             FULLONLN          Reed,E
Literacy and Access                    Note: 6 week class: 06/13 - 07/21
                            0216       COMM 001 PUBLIC SPEAKING             3.0    54 TOTAL HRS TBA             FULLONLN          Reed,E
                                       Note: 6 week class: 06/13 - 07/21
One of the institutional
                            0232       COMM 001 PUBLIC SPEAKING             3.0    54 TOTAL HRS TBA             FULLONLN          Reed,E
outcomes for all COD                   Note: 6 week class: 06/13 - 07/21
students is technological   0266       COMM 001 PUBLIC SPEAKING             3.0    54 TOTAL HRS TBA             FULLONLN         Shaw,W
                                       Note: 6 week class: 06/13 - 07/21
literacy. As such, any      0206       COMM 001 PUBLIC SPEAKING             3.0    54 TOTAL HRS TBA             FULLONLN         Shaw,W
class may be web                       Note: 6 week class: 06/13 - 07/21
                                       Note: Section 0206 is a DEMAND CLASS and may open for enrollment when other sections have filled.
enhanced and might          0238       COMM 001 PUBLIC SPEAKING              3.0   54 TOTAL HRS TBA             FULLONLN         Shaw,W
require access to online               Note: 4 week class: 07/25 - 08/18
                            0253       COMM 001 PUBLIC SPEAKING              3.0   54 TOTAL HRS TBA             FULLONLN         Shaw,W
sites such as Canvas,                  Note: 4 week class: 07/25 - 08/18
MyMathLab, MyLab, or                   Note: Section 0253 is a DEMAND CLASS and may open for enrollment when other sections have filled.
the textbook publisher’s
website for assign-         Computer Information Systems
                            CIS 010 covers Information technology concepts. Advisory: CIS-005
ments, testing, home-
                            0178    CIS 010 COMPUTER LITERACY              4.0     108 TOTAL HRS TBA        FULLONLN          Richards,M
work, etc. Internet-                Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04
ready computers are                 Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
                                    June 13th, to begin the course.
available in a variety of
locations, including the    CIS 040 is an introduction to the computer hardware and software skills needed to help meet the growing
                                   demand for entry-level ICT professionals.
Tutoring and Academic       0188 CIS 040 IT ESSENTIALS                    4.0     108 TOTAL HRS TBA        FULLONLN             Flores,M
Skills Center (TASC)               Note: 10 week class: 06/13 - 08/18
                                   Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
and Library.                       June 13th, to begin the course.

                            CIS 053 introduces the architecture, structure, functions, components, and models of the Internet and other
                                    computer networks. The principles and structure of IP (Internet Protocol) addressing and the
                                    fundamentals of Ethernet concepts, media, and operations are introduced to provide a foundation for
                                    further study of computer networks. It uses the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) and TCP
                                    (Transmission Control Protocol) layered models to examine the nature and roles of protocols and
                                    services at the application, network, data link, and physical layers. Advisory: CIS 040 or CIS 340B
                            0184 CIS 053 IT NETWORKS                         3.0    90 TOTAL HRS TBA           FULLONLN             Flores,M
                                    Note: 10 week class: 06/13 - 08/18
                                    Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
                                    June 13th, to begin the course.

                            M = Mon; T = Tues; W = Wed; MW = Mon & Wed; R = Thurs; TR = Tues & Thurs; F = Fri; S = Saturday; SU = Sun
                            IGETC courses in this schedule of classes are printed in color and the IGETC requirement satisfied by each course is listed along with
                            course prerequisites
SECT     COURSE       TITLE                        U       TIME               DAYS   BLDG/RM       INSTRUCTOR
                                                                                                                   COUN - DDP 17
COUN 102 provides students with a concrete plan for understanding and succeeding in transferring to a four-         Student Education
       year college or university. Students may choose the Pass/No Pass grading option.
0152 COUN 102 STRAT/COLL TRANSFER 1.0                 18 TOTAL HRS TBA         FULLONLN             Cooper,S           Plans (SEP)
       Note: 6 week class: 07/11 - 08/18
       Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before              Did you know that the
       July 11th, to begin the course.                                                                             Student Success Act of
0142 COUN 102 STRAT/COLL TRANSFER 1.0                 18 TOTAL HRS TBA         FULLONLN             Cooper,S
       Note: 6 week class: 07/11 - 08/18                                                                           2012 (SB 1456) requires
       Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before              students with 15 degree
       July 11th, to begin the course.                                                                             applicable units or three
       Note: Section 0142 is a DEMAND CLASS and may open for enrollment when other sections have filled.           semesters of attendance
                                                                                                                   (whichever comes first),
Criminal Justice                                                                                                   to have an SEP in order
CJ 001 introduces students to the characteristics of the criminal justice system in the United States.             to receive priority
         Advisory: ENG 061                                                         IGETC: 4J                       registration.
0748     CJ 001     INTROD TO CRIM JUSTI        3.0     54 TOTAL HRS TBA           FULLONLN            Miller,L
         Note: 6 week class: 06/13 - 07/21
         Note: Student must access this fully online class at on or before             In compliance with this
         June 13th, to begin the course.                                                                           law, students that meet
                                                                                                                   those conditions and
CJ 026 is a study of the fundamental components and historical evolution of intelligence.
         Prerequisite: AJ 001 or CJ 001 or concurrent enrollment Advisory: ENG 061
                                                                                                                   do not have an SEP will
0716     CJ 026 HOMELAND SEC & INTELLIGEN 3.0 54 TOTAL HRS TBA                   FULLONLN              Miller,L    have to register much
         Note: 6 week class: 06/13 - 07/21                                                                         later than other
         Note: Student must access this fully online class at on or before             students during
         June 13th, to begin the course.
                                                                                                                   Open Enrollment.
CJ 030 reviews in-depth criminals and institutional personnel involved in corrections at all levels.
        Advisory: AJ 001 or CJ 001                                                                                 If you need more
0742    CJ 030     INTROD TO CORRECTIONS 3.0           54 TOTAL HRS TBA            FULLONLN           Lingle,N     information about the
        Note: 6 week class: 06/13 - 07/21
        Note: Student must access this fully online class at on or before
                                                                                                                   SEP process, contact the
        June 13th, to begin the course.                                                                            Counseling Center at
                                                                                                                   760 773-2521.
Digital Design & Production
DDP 100 is open to all students wanting to know more about the different areas of Digital Art and Media.
       Introduction to fundamental concepts, practices and theories of digital art. Topics include: integration
       of traditional design, color, and compositional principles with contemporary digital tools.
       Demonstrations of digital image capture, image manipulation, illustration, layout, animation, 3D, and
       emerging technologies will also be given.
0806 DDP 100 INTRO TO DIGITAL ART             3.0     90 TOTAL HRS TBA          FULLONLN                 Abril,M
       Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04
       Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
       June 13th, to begin the course.

DDP 101 is an introduction to digital imaging using the industry standard raster graphics editor (Adobe
       Photoshop). Students will learn to digitize, manipulate, and enhance digital images for graphic
       reproduction and use on the web. Includes retouching, color adjustment and color correction
       techniques. A good working knowledge of either Windows or Apple operating systems is recommended.
0838 DDP 101 DIGITAL IMAGING                    3.0    90 TOTAL HRS TBA           FULLONLN              Soltes,R
       Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04
       Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
       June 13th, to begin the course.

DDP 120 students learn the basic concepts and skills of non-linear editing using video editing software
SECT       COURSE         TITLE                             U        TIME                  DAYS        BLDG/RM               INSTRUCTOR
18         DDP - EMT
                                      DDP 095A, a work experience course of supervised employment, is designed to assist students in acquiring
                                             desirable work habits and skills. Students must work 75 paid hours or 60 non-paid hours per unit.
                                             Students meets four times during the semester (2 on-campus coaching sessions and 2 job-site visits).
                                             Required Application Form, syllabus, and course related information will be available via Canvas by

                                             the first day of each session.
                                             For additional enrollment questions, contact the Work Experience office (760) 862-1344.
                                      0165 DDP 095A DGTAL DSIGN/PROD WK EX 1.0
                                             Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04

                                      Early Childhood Education (See Child Development & Education, Page 14)
                                                                                                            TBA       AD5                   Abril,M

 REGISTER TODAY                       ECON 001 discusses Macroeconomics, what economics is and how an economy overall works (or does not
                                             work). It also provides an insight into how government policies can affect the performance of an
       NEW COURSES                           economy. Prerequisite: ENG 061 & MATH 054 Advisory: MATH 040              IGETC: 4B
                                      0134 ECON 001 PRIN/MACROECONOMICS 3.0                 54 TOTAL HRS TBA          FULLONLN          Hamilton,M
           DDP 116                           Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04
     Social Media Design                     Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
                                             June 13th, to begin the course.
            DDP 130
       Digital Darkroom               ECON 002 discusses Microeconomics, the behavior of consumers, businesses, government, workers, and the
                                             international markets. The market system and concerns about the environment, income distribution,
            DDP 142                          and monopoly power are evaluated.
     Digital Storyboarding                   Prerequisite: ENG 061 & MATH 054 Advisory: MATH 040                    IGETC: 4B
                                      0156 ECON 002 PRIN/MICROECONOMICS 3.0                54 TOTAL HRS TBA         FULLONLN          Hamilton,M
          DDP 140                            Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04
     Character Animation                     Note: Students must access this fully online class at on or before
                                             June 13th, to begin the course.
            DDP 151
           UX Design                  Emergency Medical Responder
                                      EMR 080, the Emergency Medical Responder course, prepares the EMR student to provide emergency
      NEW CERTIFICATES                      prehospital assessment and care for patients of all ages with a variety of medical conditions and
       Available fully online               traumatic injuries. This course meets Title 22 regulations and National EMS Educational Standards.
         Animation                          A $12.50 fee is required for this course to cover the American Heart Association (AHA) Basic Life
                                            Support (BLS) certificate. Check the program website for additional information.
      Graphic Design                  0182 EMR 080 EMR                             3.0     08:00a-11:50a MTW         PSA15                  Kang,S
                                             Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/03                                                             Faupel,J
       Photography                                                                                                                          Kang,S
   Video Post-Production                    Note: Email for more information.

 Web Design & Development             EMT 084 prepares students for National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) EMT-Basic
                                             Written Examination. This course meets Title 22 Regulations, and Curriculum standards set forth by
                                             the local EMS Authority, State EMS Authority, and NREMT. Check the program website for additional
  NEW DEGREE PROGRAMS                        information. Prerequisite: EMR 080, or EMR 080A and EMR 080B with a passing grade of B
                                             Advisory: ENG 061, EMR 081, HS 062 Limitation on enrollment: Students must be eighteen (18) years
     Digital Design Studies                  of age on the first day of class. Students must have an American Heart Association BLS certification
Formally Graphic Design & Marketing
                                             current through the end of the course. Students will need proof of a negative TB test or chest X-ray
       Interaction Design                    and will need to provide proof of titer. Have a current American Heart Association BLS Healthcare
                                             Provider certification valid until the last day of the semester.
   For more information contact       0154 EMT 084 EMERGENCY MED TECH I 9.0                    09:00a-01:05p MW         PSA18               Wilson,C
      Professor Mari Abril at                Note: 8 week class: 06/13 - 08/04                                 TBA      HYBRID              Wilson,C                                                                09:00a-01:50p TR         PSA18            Mendoza,D
          ADOBE                              Note: This is an accelerated course with some lecture hours and all lab hours meeting face to face on
          CREATIVE CLOUD                     campus, with the remaining lecture hours online. Students must access this hybrid online class via
                                             Canvas during the scheduled days/times.
     ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS                     Note: Students must email for the orientation packet prior to the
                                             start of the course. Students must be 18 year of age by the start date of this program, have a current
                                             American Heart Association Health Provider Certificate and have a social security number. Students
                                             must provide uniforms, background, proof of vaccinations and equipment. Attendance is mandatory;
                                             students not attending the first day of class will be dropped. This course meets and exceeds California
                                             Title 22 requirements for Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). Students who complete the course will
                                             receive an EMT certificate and be eligible to take the National Registry Emergency Medical Technician
                                             examination. For further information, please refer to the College of the Desert website:
                                             Note: No class meeting June 20, July 4

                                      M = Mon; T = Tues; W = Wed; MW = Mon & Wed; R = Thurs; TR = Tues & Thurs; F = Fri; S = Saturday; SU = Sun
                                      IGETC courses in this schedule of classes are printed in color and the IGETC requirement satisfied by each course is listed along with
                                      course prerequisites
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