Summer 2016 peralta colleges C

Page created by Ronald Hansen
Summer 2016 peralta colleges C
            LANEY COLLEGE
               MERRITT COLLEGE

peralta Summer
colleges   2016
                       C OMM
                 LT              U






   Classes Start June 20
Summer 2016 peralta colleges C


Serving our community since 1964                                     P E R A L T A             C O M M U N I T Y             C O L L E G E          D I S T R I C T


                                      LL                     I
                                                 EDIS   TR

                                                                                                  Board of Trustees

                                   Bill Withrow                     Meredith Brown       Linda Handy Nicky González Yuen William Riley, Ed.D. Cy Gulassa      Julina Bonilla
                                      Area 1                           Area 2               Area 3         Area 4             Area 5           Area 6             Area 7

                                                                                                         BERKELEY CITY COLLEGE
                                                                                                          2050 Center Street
                                                                                                          Berkeley, CA 94704                      Jowel C. Laguerre, Ph.D.
                                                                                                          Phone: (510) 981-2800                      Chancellor
                                                                                                                                         MERRITT COLLEGE
                                                                                                                                         12500 Campus Drive
                                                                                                                                         Oakland, CA 94619
                                                                                                                                         Phone: (510) 531-4911



                                     COLLEGE OF ALAMEDA
                                   555 Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway
                                   Alameda, CA 94501
                                   Phone: (510) 522-7221                                             LANEY COLLEGE
                                                                                                     900 Fallon Street
                                                                                                     Oakland, CA 94607
                                                                                                     Phone: (510) 834-5740

                                               Enroll On-line                                                                     or Call
                                                        Now                                                                         for info
                                                                                                        (510) 466-7368

                           BERKELEY CIT Y CO LLEGE                                   C O L L E G E O F A L A M E DA      L AN EY CO LLEGE          M ERRIT T CO LLEGE
Summer 2016 peralta colleges C
Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

                                                                                                            Berkeley City College

            Summer Classes Start
                                                                                                            2050 Center Street
                                                                                                            Berkeley, CA 94704 · (510) 981-2800
                                                                                                            Admissions & Records (510) 981-2805

               June 20, 2016
                                                                                                            Counseling (510) 981-5036
                                                                                                            Financial Aid (510) 981-2807
                                  Enroll Online Now                                                         Monday - Thursday
                                                                                                                                                8:00 - 4:30 PM
                                                                                                            College of Alameda
                                                                                                            555 Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway
                                TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                           Alameda, CA 94501 · (510) 522-7221
                                                                                                            Admissions & Records (510) 748-2228
              Academic Calendar                                                                    2        Counseling (510) 748-2209
                                                                                                            Financial Aid (510) 748-2391
              Admissions Information                                                               3
              Wait Lists                                                                        4-5         Monday - Thursday                   8:00 - 4:30 PM
                                                                                                            Friday                                     (Closed)
              Steps for Enrollment                                                              6-7
              Admission Process for International Students                                         8        Laney College
                                                                                                            900 Fallon Street
              Fees Information                                                                     9        Oakland, CA 94607 · (510) 834-5740
                                                                                                            Admissions & Records (510) 464-3121
              Refund Information                                                                 10         Counseling (510) 464-3152
                                                                                                            Financial Aid (510) 464-3414
              General College Information                                                   11-38 
              Summer 2016 Courses by College                                                                Hours:
                                                                                                            Monday - Thursday                   8:00 - 4:30 PM
                 Berkeley City College                                                      40-46           Friday                                     (Closed)

                 College of Alameda                                                       48 - 54           Merritt College
                                                                                                            12500 Campus Drive
                 Laney College                                                            56 - 68           Oakland, CA 94619
                 Merritt College                                                          70 - 77           (510) 531-4911
                                                                                                            Admissions & Records (510) 436-2487
              Financial Assistance General Information                                      78-81           Counseling (510) 436-2475
                                                                                                            Financial Aid (510) 436-2467
              Financial Aid - FAQ's                                                         82-83 
              Board of Governors Information                                                     84         Monday - Thursday                   8:00 - 4:30 PM
                                                                                                            Friday                                     (Closed)
              Prerequisite/Corequisite Policy and Procedures                                     85
              College/District Policies                                                     86-87           Peralta Community College District
                                                                                                            333 East 8th Street
              Peralta Police Services                                                       88-89           Oakland, CA 94606 · (510) 466-7200
                                                                                                            District Admissions & Records Office (510) 466-7368
                    Published as a community service by the                                                 Hours:
                                                                                                            Monday - Thursday                   8:00 - 4:30 PM
                      Peralta Community College District                                                    Friday                                     (Closed)
                 Public Information, Communications & Media
                                                                                                            Board of Trustees
                       Donate                                                                               William Riley, Ed. D, President
                                                                                                            Julina Bonilla, Vice President
                       Today!                                                                               Meredith Brown
                                                                                                            Cy Gulassa
                                                                                                            Linda Handy
                                                (see page 90)                                               Bill Withrow
                                                                                                            Nicky González Yuen
           Class Schedule production team: Christopher Gatmaitan, Jeffrey Heyman and Dr. Herbert Kitchen.
                    Content layout designed by Christopher Gatmaitan. Cover designed by Faiza Ali.          Adrien Abuyen, Student Trustee
                                                                                                            Brianna Rogers, Student Trustee
           ALTERNATIVE FORMAT, CALL PROGRAM & SERVICES                                                      Jowel C. Laguerre, Ph.D, Chancellor
Designed byby Chris
            Chris   Gatmaitan

                        Academic Calendar
                       SUMMER SESSION

       June 6                     M		           Drop for Nonpayment of Tuition and Enrollment Fees
       June 20                    M		           Summer Session Begins
       June 26                    Su		          Last Day to Drop Regular Session Classes and Receive A Refund
       			 Note: Short-term and open-entry classes must be dropped
       			 within 10% of the first class meeting to receive a refund.
       June 26 Su		                             Last Day to Drop Regular Session Classes Without a “W”
       			                                      Appearing on Transcripts
       June 26                   Su		           Last Day to Add Summer Session Classes
       June 26                   Su		           Census Due – Instructors Verify Enrollment in Classes
       June 30                   Th		           Last Day to File for PASS/NO PASS Grading Option
       June 30                    Th		          Last Day to File Petitions for AA or AS Degree/Certificate
       July 4                    M		            Independence Day – Holiday Observance
       July 19 T		                              Last Day to Withdraw from Regular Session Classes & Receive a
       			                                      “W”. All outstanding fees are due even if classes are dropped on this day.
       July 19                    T		           Attendance Verification Day – Instructors Verify Enrollment
       July 28                   Th		           Summer Session Ends
       August 4                   Th		          Grade Rosters/Rollbooks are Due

       Last day to drop without a “W” appearing on transcript may vary for Short-Term & Open-Entry, Open-Exit classes.

       Dates are subject to change. See the online Academic Calendar at for the latest information.

                                                Information and classes are subject to change, please see online schedule for the latest information.
      2     SUMMER 2016                                                                      See our website:
Admissions Information

Who May Register?                                                             Nonresident Tuition Exemption
All persons 18 years of age or older are eligible for admissions as           Any student, who meets all of the following requirements, shall be
a California resident or nonresident. Anyone under 18 years of                exempt from paying nonresident tuition in a California Community
age who is a high school graduate or has been awarded a GED or                College. Exemption from nonresident tuition does not change
California High School Proficiency Certificate may also enroll.               current regulations regarding residency. The California Dream Act
Unless expressly exempted, or entitled to a waiver, all students              (AB 131) expanded AB 540 to include students who attended and
enrolling for college credit must pay the enrollment fee.                     graduated from technical schools and adult schools, if at least one
                                                                              of those 3 years included attendance at a California high school.
Adding A Class                                                                Requirements:
If a class is open, students can enroll online or in the Admissions
                                                                              • The student must have attended a high school (public or private
and Records Office at any campus. If a class is closed, students can
                                                                                in California for three or more years.
add their name to the Wait List prior to the first day of class. After
                                                                              • The student must have graduated from a California high school
the first day, instructors will issue a permission number or sign an
                                                                                or attained the equivalent prior to the start of the term.
Add form if space is available. Students who are present and on the
                                                                              • Any student without lawful immigration status who is seeking
wait list will be given first priority. Students who do not attend the
                                                                                an exemption shall affirm that he or she has filed an application
first class may be dropped by the instructor. The last day to add
                                                                                to legalize his or her immigration status, or will file such an ap-
regular session classes is June 26, 2016.
                                                                                plication as soon as he or she is eligible to do so.
Dropping A Class                                                              High School/Concurrent Enrollment
It is the student’s responsibility to drop classes that they do not wish      In accordance with California Education Code, section 76001, high school
to attend. Students can drop classes online or in the Admissions              students may enroll as special part-time students. Enrollment must be
and Records Office on campus. Students will be charged for classes            recommended by their principal, with parental consent. Units earned will
not dropped by June 26 (the last day to drop regular session classes          be granted as college credit. The high school may grant high school credit
and receive a refund). However, instructors may drop students for             for courses taken from the Peralta Colleges.
non attendance during the first week of classes.
                                                                              The student must follow all of the regulations and policies of the college,
PASS/NO PASS Option                                                           including adhering to assessment and any prerequisite requirements. A high
Step 1: Check the college catalog to see if your class is eligible for        school student whose high school counselor recommends that the student
P/NP grading.                                                                 enroll in more than six units must have the approval of the Vice President
                                                                              of Student Services at the college of enrollment.
Step 2: Go to your Passport Student Center to choose P/NP on or
before June 30 for regular session classes.                                   All California Community College fees will be waived for special
Residence Requirements                                                        part time high school students. However, full-time (enrolled in more
                                                                              than 11 units) concurrently enrolled high school students are subject
A person must have lived continuously in California for at least one
                                                                              to pay tuition fees and all other fees.
year immediately preceding the residence determination date to be
considered a resident for tuition purposes. Evidence must also be             Military Residence Exemption
provided to indicate that the person has intent to make California            Nonresident U.S. military personnel and on active duty in California
his/her permanent home.                                                       (except those assigned for educational purposes to state supported
                                                                              institutions of higher education) and their dependents are granted
A student must be a U.S. citizen or hold a U.S. Immigration status
                                                                              a waiver of Nonresident Tuition until they are discharged from the
that does not prevent establishment of residency.
                                                                              military service.
Evidence of residency must include one of the following:
                                                                              International Students
• A valid California ID or driver’s license
                                                                              Special regulations govern the admission of international students.
• California State income tax return for the previous year
                                                                              These students should contact the Office of International Education
• Receipt for payment of residential property tax
                                                                              for applications and admissions at (510) 466-7380, or FAX (510)
• Rental or lease agreement showing continuous occupancy in a
                                                                              465-3257. The Office is located at the Peralta Community College
  California property
                                                                              District 333 E. 8th Street, Oakland, CA 94606.
• Active military ID card
                                                                              Study Abroad
                                                                              Please contact the Office of International Education at (510) 587-
                                                                              7834 or visit our website at
                                                                              abroad for more information.

Information and classes are subject to change, please see online schedule for the latest information.
See our website:                                                                               SUMMER 2016         3
Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

                          Wait Lists

     During registration, if you try to register for a class that is full ("CLOSED"), you will be given the option to add to the
     waitlist for that class until the waitlist fills. Remember, being on a waitlist does not guarantee you a seat in a class. If
     seats become available, those on the waitlist will be enrolled in the order they were added to the list.
     Important: Passport will allow you to get on a waitlist, however, you will not be enrolled if you have any holds, time
     conflicts, repeat or prerequisite errors, duplicate courses, excessive units, or any type of registration error.

     Can anybody get on a Wait List?
     Anyone can get on a waitlist if the waitlist for the class is available, but you will
     be enrolled in the class if:
     • you meet the class prerequisites
     • the class time does not conflict with another class in which you are already enrolled
     • you are not enrolled in another section of the same course
     • you have no repeat errors or holds on your record
     • the class units do not exceed your maximum allowed.
     When the daily process runs and space in the class is available, if you are on
     the waitlist but do not meet the criteria above, instead of being automatically
     enrolled in the class you will remain on the waitlist.

     Who gets into a class from a waitlist?
     If one seats become available, students will automatically be enrolled in the class in the order in which they were added to the waitlist as
     long as there are no errors or enrollment restrictions.

     How do I know if I got into a class?
     If you are auto enrolled from the waitlist, you will be notified by email to your Peralta email account. Be sure to activate and monitor
     your Peralta emails during the registration period.

     When do I pay for the class?
     Fees will be assessed after you enroll in a class and must be paid 2 weeks before the beginning of the term. If you do not pay your fees,
     you may be dropped from the class for non-payment. If you add after this deadline, you are required to pay the fees immediately or a
     hold WILL be placed on your account and your debt will be sent to collections. Students on a waitlist should monitor their Peralta email
     closely for enrollment notification.

     What is the first day I can waitlist?
     Waitlists become available when a class reaches its enrollment capacity. Waitlisted classes are displayed in the online schedule of classes
     with a yellow triangle icon.

     What is the last day I can be added to a waitlist?
     You can be added to a waitlist until the day before classes begin.

     What prevents me from adding to a waitlist?
     • Enrollment appointment date/time has not yet been reached
     • The last day to add to the waitlist has passed
     • Class is not yet closed
     • Waitlist is at its capacity
     • You have reached the limit for waitlisted units (waitlisted and enrolled units cannot exceed 10 units in summer, and 18 units in fall
     and spring)

                                                        Information and classes are subject to change, please see online schedule for the latest information.
     4      SUMMER 2016                                                                              See our website:
Wait Lists
                                                              REGULAR SESSION (FULL-TERM) CLASSES ONLY

If an enrolled student drops a class and a seat opens up, do waitlisted students get the
opportunity to enroll first?
Yes. When a class is marked as closed only students from the waitlist can be enrolled.
Before the first day of classes, a daily process runs to automatically enroll students from the waitlist. If all waitlisted students are
successfully enrolled in the class and there are still seats available, the class will reopen. However, if all students from the waitlist
are moved to the class filling the class to capacity, the class will remain closed and the waitlist will re-open.
If by the first day of class you are still on the waitlist, you will need to attend the first class meeting and obtain a permission
number from your instructor in order to enroll in the class.

Can I be on the Waitlist for more than one section of the same class?
Yes. You will be automatically enrolled in the section that becomes available first, depending on your position on the waitlist
for each section.

Can a student be both enrolled and waitlisted for different sections of the same class?
Yes, but they cannot be enrolled in both. A student can be enrolled in the open section of a class and at the same time be on the
waitlist for a different section of that same class (maybe the waitlisted section was their first choice, but it has reached capacity).
However, a student will not be auto enrolled in the waitlisted section when a seat becomes available, even if they are eligible. In
this instance, they will need to drop themselves from the section they are currently enrolled.

How will I move from the waitlist into the class?
During the registration period before classes begin, you are automatically enrolled as space becomes available. After classes begin,
instructors are required to issue permission numbers. You use the class permission number to enroll in the class via Passport (you
must drop yourself from the waitlist before using the permission number) or by going to the Admissions and Records office at
the college.

Is there a limit to the number of units that can be waitlisted?
Yes. Your waitlisted units and enrolled units cannot exceed 10 units in summer and 18 units in fall and spring.

Are waitlisted units counted into my total units for the term?
No. Enrolled units and waitlisted units are counted separately. Waitlisted courses are not counted towards full-time status or
calculated for fees.

Will I be charged the enrollment fee when I add to the waitlist?
No. You are only charged the appropriate fees when you are officially enrolled in the class.

How do instructors know who is on the waitlist?
Class Waitlists are available to instructors through class rosters.

Can I drop myself from a waitlist?
Yes. You can drop yourself from a Waitlist using Drop Classes in Passport.

Can I see my position on a waitlist?
You can view your Waitlist position in your Student Center under class schedule.

How can I tell if a class has a waitlist?
Waitlisted classed are marked by a yellow triangle in the online schedule of classes.

Information and classes are subject to change, please see online schedule for the latest information.
See our website:                                                                          SUMMER 2016   5
Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

                                              Peralta’s NEW Student Administration System

                                               STEPS FOR ENROLLMENT
                                                 - New and Former Students -

     STEP 1 - Apply for Admission                                               9. To drop a class, click the “Drop a Class” link and follow the
     1. Go to
     2. Click the Apply & Enroll link.                                          Note: Exemption from Student Success & Support Program
     3. Click the Apply for Admissions link.                                    Students may be exempt from the SSSP process at the Peralta Col-
     4. Follow the CCCApply instructions to complete and submit                 leges under the following conditions:
        your online application.
     5. Once you complete your application, you will receive an email           1. Student has earned an Associate or higher degree from an ac-
        with instructions for how to log into your Passport Student                credited institution; or
        Center, where you can enroll in classes.                                2. Student is enrolling in fewer than 12 units and has declared
     6. Complete the Student Success & Support Program (SSSP)                      one of the following educational objectives: Discover/formu-
        requirements of Assessment, Orientation & Counseling. If                   late career interests, plans, goals; or Prepare for a new career
        you have been notified that you are exempt from these require-             (acquire job skills), or Advance in current job/career (update
        ments, proceed to Step 4 “Class Enrollment.”                               job skills); or Maintain certificate or license (e.g. nursing, real
                                                                                   estate); or Acquire educational enrichment (intellectual, cul-
     STEP 2 - Complete Assessment and Orientation                                  tural); or Complete credits for high school diploma.

     Assessment                                                                 Exemption from Assessment Component Only
     Assessment in English or English as a Second Language (ESL) and            Students meeting at least one of the following conditions shall be
     Mathematics will be used by counseling faculty to help you choose          exempt from the assessment component:
     your classes.
                                                                                1. Student has successfully completed (grade C or higher)
     Orientation                                                                   college-level English and Mathematics courses (transcript or
     You will attend an orientation program designed to familiarize you            grade report required); or
     with the college and its services.                                         2. Student has, within the last three (3) years, taken an assess-
                                                                                   ment test that can be used by Peralta staff to determine suitable
     STEP 3 - Complete Counseling and Advisement                                   placement in English and Mathematics. Students who have
                                                                                   received services for a learning disability in the last three years
     See a counselor to help you to develop an educational plan and                at any California community college, may be exempt from the
     select appropriate courses based on your objectives and assessment            assessment component. If this applies to you, call the DSP&S
     evaluation (non Peralta transcripts, assessment test results and other        office as soon as possible and make an appointment to see a
     information provided by you).                                                 counselor.

     STEP 4 - Class Enrollment
     1.   Go to
     2.   Click the “Apply & Enroll” link.
     3.   Click the “Enroll in Classes” link.
     4.   Follow the instructions to retrieve your user ID and password                                          NOTE:
          and proceed to log into the PASSPORT System.
                                                                                    All students may participate in any of the SSSP com-
     5.   Click the “Student Center” link.
     6.   Under “Enrollment Dates”, click the “Open Enrollment                        ponents, even though they qualify for exemption.
          Dates” link. (New students can only enroll during the Open                    The District Prerequisite Policy is enforced for
          Enrollment period.)                                                               all students, regardless of SSSP status.
     7.   Click the “Add a Class” link and follow the instructions.
     8.   Click the “Make a Payment” link to pay your fees.

                                                      Information and classes are subject to change, please see online schedule for the latest information.
     6      SUMMER 2016                                                                            See our website:
                                                Peralta’s NEW Student Administration System

                                             STEPS FOR ENROLLMENT
                                                    - Continuing Students -
STEP 1 - Decide What Classes You Want To Take
1. Look through the Schedule of Classes and identify classes you want to take.
2. Check the college catalog or meet with a counselor to ensure you have met prerequisites for the courses.

STEP 2 - Class Enrollment
1.  Go to
2.  Click the Apply & Enroll tab.
3.  Click on ENROLL NOW.
4.  Click the Retrieve your user ID and Password link.
5.  Follow the instructions and proceed to log into the PASSPORT Student Administration System.
6.  Click the Student Center link.
7.  Complete the Continuing Student Enrollment Survey, if applicable
8.  Under Student Services, view your enrollment appointment date. You may enroll for classes on or after this
9. Click the Add a Class link and follow the instructions.
10. Click the Make a Payment link to pay your fees.
11. To drop a class, click the Drop a Class link and follow the instructions.

       All students may participate in any of the Student Success & Support Program components, even though they
        qualify for exemption. The District Prerequisite Policy is enforced for all students, regardless of SSSP status.

 Payment Policy: Students must pay all applicable fees no later than two (2) weeks before the beginning of the term. Failure to do
 so will result in classes being dropped.

 Students who add classes after this deadline are required to pay their fees immediately or a hold WILL be placed on the student’s
 account and the debt will be sent to collections.

 Installment Payment Plans: Students in the Peralta Community College District, who have paid all financial obligations from
 previous terms, may opt to pay their tuition fee through an installment payment plan. Students are required to pay at least the
 first $25 of their enrollment fee or non-resident tuition and complete an installment payment plan prior to enrollment in classes.

 Please refer to the PCCD A&R website on “Payment Policies” for more details.

 It is the student’s responsibility to drop classes: Dropping or withdrawing from a course is not an automatic process. It is the
 student’s responsibility to drop the classes he/she is not attending. If the student does not drop a class, he/she will be
 charged and could receive an “F” grade that will appear on their permanent record.

Information and classes are subject to change, please see online schedule for the latest information.
See our website:                                                                SUMMER 2016       7
Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

                      Office of International Education
                      333 EAST 8TH STREET, OAKLAND, CA 94606 • (510) 466-7380 • GLOBALED@PERALTA.EDU

     STEP 1 Submit Application Form, $50 non-refundable                       STEP 5 Complete Student Success & Support Program:
            application fee and other required documents to the                      International Student Orientation, Assessment,
            Office of International Education                                        Counseling and Advisement
     STEP 2 Complete the CCCApply Online Application                          STEP 6 Go to the PASSPORT system to register for classes
     STEP 3 Submit your Student ID number to the Office of                    STEP 7 Pay tuition and enrollment fees when you register
     		International Education                                                       for classes
     STEP 4 Form I-20 will be issued to you. For transfer students:
            Form I-20 will be issued to you after your previous                          Late Applications may be accepted on a case-by-case basis
            school releases your records in SEVIS and you have                           Please visit our website for specific deadlines to apply
            enrolled in the minimum number of units required for
            your first semester (At least 6 units for Summer)
          •    International Student Admissions Process                             •    Health, Medical and Safety Issues
          •    Immigration Issues                                                   •    Tax Workshops
          •    Academic/Personal Counseling and Advising                            •    Tuition Issues
          •    Mandatory New Student Orientation                                    •    Assistance with Social Security and Department of
          •    Housing                                                              		   Motor Vehicles (DMV)
          •    Activities/Trips                                                     •    Employment
          •    CONNECT Mentorship Program                                           •    International Student Clubs
          •    International students are required to maintain a                    •    You are encouraged to apply early to ensure class
          		   minimum of 12 units each semester (except summer).                   		   enrollment
          •    Mandatory Orientation is required for all new students               •    Students on other Visas (B-1, J-1, etc…) may need to
          •    International students must inform our office of change                   contact Office of International Education to complete
               of address, change of status, or departure/transfer out                   enrollment process
          •    If you are planning on leaving the country for any
          		   reason, please contact our office before doing so

     Download Our "Peralta International Students" Mobile App                 Campus International Offices
     Stay up to date with our deadlines and events throughout the year!       Berkeley City College - Mondays & Thursdays only (excluding holi-
     • Contact our office directly with any questions you may have            days). Contact Thomas Torres-Gil ( http://
     • Connect with other International Students through Facebook   
     • Learn more about the Peralta Colleges and our programs                 College of Alameda (Room F-109)
     • Receive push notifications in real-time for important reminders        Contact Drew Gephart (

                    LIKE US on Facebook                                       Prospective & current students can visit the office to discuss or
               "Peralta International Students"                               submit the international student application or meet with an adviser

                                      STUDY ABROAD PROGRAMS ARE AVAILABLE
                                    FOR INTERNATIONAL AND DOMESTIC STUDENTS

           Contact Drew Gephart, International Services Manager, for more information – (510) 587-7834,

                                                    Information and classes are subject to change, please see online schedule for the latest information.
     8     SUMMER 2016                                                                           See our website:
Fees Information
California Community College Enrollment Fee                                              Semester parking: can be purchased for $40.00 ($10.00 for a motorcycle permit)
All students are required to pay a California Community College Enrollment               and $20.00 for summer session permit ($5.00 for a motorcycle permit).
Fee. This fee will be collected at the time of enrollment into classes and shall         Please note: This fee is non-refundable unless all classes are dropped on
be $46 per unit for the semester.                                                        or before the last day to drop regular session classes and receive a refund.
Enrollment fees are subject to legislative changes throughout the year. Con-
tained within the current State budget mid-year enrollment fee increases
                                                                                         Instructional and other Material Fees
                                                                                         The policy of the Peralta Community College District that students may be
may be enacted should State revenues fall below estimates. Students will be
                                                                                         required to provide instructional and other materials necessary for a credit or
advised on any implementation of fee increases prior to the fees taking effect.
                                                                                         non-credit course provided such materials are of continuing value to the student
Campus Center Use Fee                                                                    outside the classroom setting and provided such materials are not solely or ex-
In addition to the California Community College Enrollment Fee, there will               clusively available from the district. Except as specifically authorized under the
be a Campus Center Use Fee of $2 per semester, per campus (excluding off                 Education Code, students will not be required to pay a fee for any instructional
campus locations), to be collected at the time of enrollment.                            or other materials required for a credit or non-credit course. Required materials
                                                                                         are defined as those which a student must procure or possess as a condition of
Non-Resident Tuition                                                                     registration, enrollment or entry into a class, or any such materials which are
Students who are not residents of California for one year and one day prior to the       necessary to achieve those required course objectives.
first day of the term, or do not qualify for nonresident status known as “AB540,” will
be charged nonresident tuition. Nonresident tuition is charged at the rate of $220       Transcript Request
per semester unit plus the $46 per unit California Community College Enrollment          Peralta Community College District has retained Credentials, Inc to accept
fee totaling, $266 per semester unit. Additionally a $2 per semester, per campus         transcript orders online through their secured site. You must pay transcript
Campus Center Use fee will be charged.                                                   fees at the time you submit your request. The first two transcripts requested are
                                                                                         free; thereafter, $6.00 per copy for regular service, mailed within 7-10 business
Capital Outlay Fee                                                                       days and $12.00 per copy for rush service, mailed within 3-5 business days.
Nonresident students who are both citizens and residents of a foreign country
                                                                                         See website for other expedited delivery options.
will be charged a Nonresident Capital Outlay Fee, in addition to the Nonresi-
dent Tuition, California Community College Enrollment Fee, and the Campus
Center Use Fee. The Nonresident Capital Outlay Fee is $6 per semester unit
                                                                                         You Can Pay Fees By Credit Card On The Web
                                                                                         Students are encouraged to pay enrollment fees and past due fees by credit card
(maximum of $144 per year).
                                                                                         on the secure Peralta website at
AC Transit EasyPass Fee
All students enrolled in 9 or more units are required to pay an AC Transit               Financial Aid
EasyPass fee of $41 per semester. This fee will be collected at the time of enroll-      Each of our colleges has a full service Financial Aid Office. For information
ment. With EasyPass, you can ride all AC Transit bus lines, including local and          regarding your specific Financial Aid need, contact the Financial Aid Office at
Transbay service, at all times. Plus, you save over 94% off the local rate and 96%       the campus you are most likely to attend.
off Transbay service. Please note: This fee is non-refundable unless you drop            • Berkeley City College:        (510) 981-2807
below 9 units on or before the last day to drop regular session credit classes
                                                                                         • College of Alameda:           (510) 748-2391
and receive a refund or if you have a documented medical/disability that
precludes you from using this service. (Document required)                               • Laney College:                (510) 464-3414
                                                                                         • Merritt College:              (510) 436-2465
Health Fee
All students are required to pay the Student Health fee of $18.00 per semester           Installment Payment Plans:
for Fall and Spring semesters ($15 for Summer session). This fee will be collected       Students in the Peralta Community College District may opt to pay their
at the time of enrollment. The Health fee is subject to change as allowed by the         non-resident tuition or enrollment fee through an installment payment plan.
State Legislature. NOTE: Students who qualify in the following categories will           Students are required to pay at least the first $25 of their enrollment fee or non-
be exempted from payment of the health fee.                                              resident tuition and complete an installment payment plan prior to enrollment
                                                                                         in classes. The payment plan will be interest free. The payment plan will include
1. Students who depend exclusively upon prayer for healing in accordance with            the specific amount and due date for each installment. All of the payments
   the teachings of a bona fide religious sect, denomination, or organization            will be completed within the term for which the enrollment is made. Failure
   (documentation required).                                                             to make timely payments will subject the student to the penalties described in
2. Students who are attending college under an approved apprenticeship train-            Board Policy 5035 (Students or former students who have been provided with
   ing program.                                                                          written notice that they have failed to pay a proper financial obligation shall
                                                                                         have grades, transcripts, diplomas, and registration privileges withheld until
Other Fees                                                                               such time as the obligation is satisfied.) Please contact paymentplan@peralta.
Daily parking: $2.00 a day (exact change only) plus (new policy) student decal           edu or (510) 466-7372 for more information.
for enrolled/registered students.

 FEE TYPE                                                              AMOUNT                                   REQUIRED OF
 California Community College Enrollment Fee                           $46 per semester unit                    All students
 Campus Center Use Fee                                                 $2 per semester, per campus              All students
 Nonresident Tuition                                                   $220 per semester unit                   Nonresident and Foreign students
 Capital Outlay Fee                                                    $6 per semester unit                     Nonresident citizens of a Foreign country
 AC Transit EasyPass Fee                                               $41 per semester                         All students with 9 or more units
 Health Fee                                                            $18 per semester ( $15 for Summer )      All students

                                       (All fees are subject to legislative changes and all fees are payable at time of enrollment)

Information and classes are subject to change, please see online schedule for the latest information.
See our website:                                                                                                SUMMER 2016           9
Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

                         Refund Information

       Students are expected to attend all classes in which they are enrolled. If you do not attend, or stop attending classes,
       and fail to personally drop by the drop deadline, you will be responsible for all tuition and fees. Not attending classes
       does not warrant a refund of fees. It is the student's responsibility to drop all classes which they are not attending.

     For specific refund dates, please visit and search Summer Refund Drop Deadline Schedule. This includes the refund dates for
     Regular Session, Short-Term and Late Start Courses.

     Refund Procedure for Enrollment Fees                                            Refund Procedure for Short-Term, Late Start and Open-Entry/
                                                                                     Open-Exit Classes
     A student who cancels his/her registration prior to the first day               • A student enrolled in a short-term class will receive a 100% re-
     of instruction, or officially withdraws from all classes during the               fund (minus a $10 processing fee for residents) if he/she officially
     first two weeks of instruction, shall be entitled to a full refund less           withdraws within the first 10% of the class length. No refunds
     a $10 processing fee. (This must be done whether you attend the                   will be issued after the first 10% of the class length.
     class or not.)
                                                                                     For specific dates, please visit and search Refund
     If a student pays an Enrollment Fee of less than $10, and cancels               Drop Deadline Schedule. This includes the refund dates for regular
     his/her registration or withdraws from all classes before the deadline,         session courses and short/late start courses.
     the processing fee shall equal the Enrollment Fee.
                                                                                     Refund Procedure for Variable Unit Classes
     No refund of the Enrollment Fee will be made to any student who
     withdraws from classes after the first two weeks of instruction.                No refund shall be made for variable units not earned by the student.
     A student may request a refund up to the end of the following term              The State-mandated Enrollment Fees will be fully refunded if an
     in which the refund was due. After that time, the student will not              action of the college (e.g. class cancellation) prevents a student from
     be eligible for the refund.                                                     attending class. A student may, upon request, obtain a refund up to
                                                                                     the end of the following term in which the refund was due. After
     To apply for an enrollment fee refund, file an Application for Refund           that time the student will not be eligible for the refund.
     Request form at the Cashier's Office on campus.
                                                                                     Please note: Instructors may drop students who do not attend the first
     Once the request is submitted, refund processing time is 4 to 6                 class meeting.
     weeks (after last day to add classes) during peak periods and 2 to 3
     weeks during off peak periods.                                                  Refund Procedures for AC Transit EasyPass
                                                                                     This fee is non-refundable unless you drop below 9 units on or before
     Refund Procedure for Non-Resident Tuition and                                   the last day to drop regular session classes and receive a refund.
     Capital Outlay Fee
     • Students will receive a full refund for any class cancelled by the college.   Refund Procedures for Health Fee

     Regular Session Classes:                                                        This fee is non-refundable unless all classes are dropped on or before
     • A 100% refund of Nonresident Tuition and Capital Outlay Fee                   the last day to drop regular session classes and receive a refund.
       (minus a $10 processing fee) will be made for any class in which
       the student withdraws through the Last Day to Drop Regular
       Session Classes And Receive a Refund.

          The Peralta Community College District participates in the State of California Chancellor’s Office Tax
          Offset Program (COTOP). Past due accounts may be submitted to COTOP by the Peralta Community
          College District. This enables the State of California Franchise Tax Board to appropriately intercept any
          tax refunds, lottery winnings or unclaimed property that might be owed to you.

                                                           Information and classes are subject to change, please see online schedule for the latest information.
     10     SUMMER 2016                                                                                 See our website:
Berkeley City College

Berkeley City College (BCC) provides a wide variety of transferable courses, programs, certificates and associate degrees. As one of California's top transfer institutions,
the college consistently ranks second in state for the highest percentage of transfers to UC Berkeley and to Northern California UC campuses. The college holds a
number of evening transfer classes on the UC Berkeley campus, a collaboration that has continued since 1975. A six story downtown Berkeley campus at 2050 Center St.
(between Shattuck Ave. & Milvia St.), is conveniently located 1/2 block from BART, AC Transit, and UC Berkeley, and serves students throughout the Bay Area. The
college offers classes and programs in multimedia arts, bioscience, business, computer information systems, the liberal arts and sciences, and languages. Call (510) 981-
2800, or access the college’s Web site at for the latest information about classes and programs.
           DEPARTMENTS & PROGRAMS		                                      PHONE 		                                         				                       EMAIL**
  • American Sign Language 		                                            Nancy Cayton, 4th Floor 981-2872 (Voice); 510-356-2656 (VP) 			             ncayton
			                              		                                      Iva Ikeda, 2nd Floor, Rm. 222 510-356-2666 (VP) 				                        iikeda
  • Anthropology                 		                                      Dr. Thomas Kies, 5th Floor, Rm. 559, 981-2934				                           tkies
  • Arts and Cultural Studies 			                                        Jennifer Braman, 5th Floor, Rm. 552, 981-2904                		             jbraman
		                 			                                                   Dr. Laura Ruberto, 5th Floor, Rm. 552, 981-2922    		                       lruberto
  • Business Programs            		                                      Dr. Paramsothy Thananjeyan, 5th Floor, Rm. 554, 981-2921		                  pthananjeyan
		                 			                                                   Jayne Matthews, 5th Floor, Rm. 557, 981-2913                                jmatthews
  • Communication Studies 		                                             Dr. Cora Leighton, 5th Floor, Rm. 554, 981-2938			                          cleighton
  • Computer Information Systems 		                                      Dr. Paramsothy Thananjeyan, 5th Floor, Rm. 554, 981-2921			                 pthananjeyan
  • Distance Education           		                                      Theresa Rumjahan, 3rd Floor, Rm. 343                          		  
  • Education Majors/TEACH 		                                            Dr. Loretta Kane, 5th Floor, Rm. 560			                      		             lkane
  • Economics		                  		                                      Dr. Paramsothy Thananjeyan, 5th Floor, Rm. 554, 981-2921		                  pthananjeyan
  • English				                                                           Jenny Lowood, 5th Floor, Rm. 560, 981-2912                   		            jlowood
  • ESL/ESOL/LEAP                		                                      Gabe Winer, 5th Floor, Rm. 558, 981-2825		                                  gwiner
  • First Year Experience        		                                      Christina Taing, 1st Floor, Rm. 124B, 981-2931			                           cltaing
  • History		                    		                                      Dr. Tim Rose, 5th Floor, Rm. 557, 981-2983			                               trose
  • Mathematics                  		                                      Kelly Pernell, 3rd. Floor, Rm. 353, 981-5034		                              kpernell
  • Modern Languages             		                                      Dr. Fabian Banga, 5th Floor, Rm. 562, 981-2874 			                          fbanga
  • Multimedia Arts              		                                      Rachel Simpson, 5th Floor, Rm. 553, 981-2868 			                            rsimpson
  • Office of Instruction        		                                      Donna Dorsey, 4th Floor, Rm. 450B, 981-2871                                 ddorsey
  		                             		                                      Sylvia Espinosa, 4th Floor, Rm. 450D, 981-2928			                           sespinosa
  • PACE Pathways                		                                      Marilyn Clausen, 1st Floor, Rm. 124A, 981-2864				                          mclausen
  • Philosophy		                 		                                      Dr. Ari Krupnick, 5th Floor, Rm. 555, 981-5024    		                        akrupnick
  • Political Science            		                                      Dr. Matt Freeman, 5th Floor, Rm. 559, 981-2949			                           mfreeman
  • Psychology		                 		                                      Dr. Thomas Kies, 5th Floor, Rm. 559, 981-2934			                            tkies
  • Public&Human Services 		                                             Stephanie Sanders-Badt, 3rd Floor, Rm. 347, 981-2932		       		             ssanders-badt
  • Science, Biotechnology and Chemistry                                 Dr. Barbara Des Rochers, 5th Floor, Rm. 523, 981-2887 		                    bdesrochers
  		                             		                                      Dr. Siraj Omar, 5th Floor, Rm. 523, 981-2887			                             somar
  • Social Sciences/Sociology/
    Liberal Arts 			                                                     Dr. Linda McAllister, 5th Floor, Rm. 557, 981-2998 		                       lmcallister
  • Spanish Medical Interpreting 			                                     Jose Martin, 3rd Floor, Rm. 347, 981-5028				                               jmartin
           If you need information about one or more of BCC’s student services, call—
           • Admissions/Registration 		                          Loretta Newsom, 1st Floor, Rm. 152, 981-2805           			                          lnewsom
           • Assessment/Orientation 		                           Gail Pendleton,1st Floor, Rm. 121, 981-2804                     			       
           • Bookstore                     		                    5th Floor, Rm. 517, 981-1012                               			            
           • CalWORKs		                    		                    Ramona Butler, 3rd Floor, Rm. 349, 981-2831			                                      rbutler
           • Counseling-BCC Appointments 		                      2nd Floor, 981-5036
           • Director of Student
               Activities/Campus Life 		                         Andre Singleton, 1st Floor, Rm. 56, 981-2877				                                    asingleton
           • Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS)
               Appointments                		                    Lynn Massey, 2nd Floor, Rm. 261, 981-2812                       		                  cmassey
               Learning Disabilities Spec. 		                    Maricela Becerra, 2nd Floor, Rm. 265, 981-2929			                                   mbecerra
               Alternate Media Spec.       		                    Roberto Gonzales, 2nd Floor, Rm. 244, 981-2826			                                   rgonzales
               Staff Member                		                    Dolores Harshaw, 2nd Floor, Rm. 261, 981-2813			                                    dharshaw
           • Extended Opportunity          		                    Ramona Butler, 3rd Floor, Rm. 340, 981-2832                     		                  rbutler
                Program/Svcs. (EOPS) 		                          Qi (Debbie) Wang, 3rd Floor EOPS Office, 981-2819				                               dwang
           • Fees, Refunds                 		                    1st Floor, Rm. 153, 981-2842                    		                                  gchen
           • Financial Aid/Fee Waivers 		                       Loan Nguyen, 1st Floor, Rm. 161, 981-2808                          			     
           • International Students        		                   Thomas Torres-Gil, 1st Floor, Rm. 151, (510) 981-5040       		                       ttoresgil
           		                              		                   or Office of International Education, 981-2956                   			       
           • Jerry L. Adams Learning Resources Center           John Saenz, 1st Floor, Rm. 112					                                                  jsaenz
           • Job Board		                   		                   1st Floor Lobby                             			                                      jdong
           • Student Ambassadors/
              Welcome Ctr.                 		                   1st Floor Lobby, 981-2858                             				                 
           • Security		                    		                   1st Floor, 981-2975			                                              			    
           • Student I.D. Photos           		                   1st Fl., Rm. 151, 981-2858
           • Student Svcs. VP’s Office 			                      Jasmine Martinez, 2nd Floor, Rm. 241, 981-2810				                                   jmartinez
           • Student Svcs. Dean’s Office 		                     Christopher Scott, 3rd Floor, Rm. 354, 981-2803				                                  cscott
           • Transfer/Career Information 		                     2nd Floor, Rm. 243, 981-2811
           • Tutoring		                    		                   John Saenz, Jerry L. Adams Learning Resources Center, 1st Floor, Rm. 112, 981-2971   jsaenz
           • Veterans Affairs              		                   Jennifer Lenahan, South Campus, Rm. 204, 981-5039				                                jlenahan
           If you need information about other BCC programs and services, call—
           • College Library               		                   Joshua Boatright, 1st Floor, Rm. 132, 981-2991         				                          jboatright
           		                              		                   Heather Dodge, 1st Floor, Rm. 134, 981-2964				                                      hdodge
           		                              		                   Jenny Yap, Rm. 135, 1st Floor, 981-2828					                               
           		                              		                   Circulation Desk, 981-2824/Reference Desk, 1st Floor, Rm. 131, 981-2821
           • Marketing/Public Relations 		                      Shirley Fogarino, 4th Floor, Rm. 458, 981-2852       		               		             sfogarino
           **If you wish to contact someone on this list via E-Mail, enter their name followed by the suffix; for example,
             to contact Shirley Fogarino via E-mail, you would enter

Information and classes are subject to change, please see online schedule for the latest information.
See our website:                                                                                                      SUMMER 2016                 11
Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

                        Assessment & Orientation Schedule
     Please Note:
     This schedule is subject to change. Space is limited and students must make an appointment. To sign-up for an Assessment &
     Orientation session, stop by the assessment office (Room 121, 2050 Center Street), call (510) 981-2804 or e-mail bcc-assessment@ Sessions begin at the time noted and last approximately 3 hours, with assessment results (recommended courses)
     available at the end of the session. Please arrive 15 minutes early for your appointment. There is no late admittance. Students
     also can view practice questions for the English (not ESL) and math assessments at: All
     sessions are scheduled in Room 126, 2050 Center St. Students can take the exam once every three years.
     April                                                                July
     Monday, 4/04				5:30 pm                                              Tuesday, 7/05				9:00 am
     Tuesday, 4/05				1:00 pm                                             Wednesday, 7/06				5:30 pm
     Wednesday, 4/06				9:00 am                                           Monday, 7/11 				                                     1:00 pm
     Tuesday, 4/12				9:00 am                                             Tuesday, 7/12 (ESL Only)			                           5:30 pm
     Wednesday, 4/13				5:30 pm                                           Wednesday, 7/13				9:00 am
     Thursday, 4/14 				                           1:00 pm                Thursday, 7/14				1:00 pm
     Monday, 4/18				5:30 pm                                              Monday, 7/18 				                                     5:30 pm
     Tuesday, 4/19				1:00 pm                                            Tuesday, 7/19				1:00 pm
     Wednesday, 4/20 				                          9:00 am               Wednesday, 7/20				9:00 am
     Monday, 4/25				1:00 pm                                             Thursday,7/21				1:00 pm
     Tuesday 4/26				5:30 pm                                             Monday, 7/25				5:30 pm
     May                                                                 Tuesday, 7/26				1:00 pm
                                                                         Wednesday, 7/27				9:00 am
     Monday, 5/02 				                             5:30 pm
                                                                         Thursday, 7/28				5:30 pm
     Tuesday, 5/03 				                            1:00 pm
     Wednesday, 5/04				5:30 pm                                          August
     Thursday, 5/05 (ESL Only)		                   1:00 pm               Monday, 8/01				1:00 pm
     Tuesday, 5/10 				                            5:30 pm               Tuesday, 8/02 				                                     1:00 pm
     Wednesday, 5/11 (ESL/Intl. Only) 1:00 pm                            Wednesday, 8/03				9:00 am
     Thursday, 5/12				1:00 pm                                           Thursday, 8/04 (ESL Only) 		                           5:30 pm
     Wednesday, 5/18 				                          5:30 pm               Monday, 8/08 				                                      1:00 pm
     Thursday, 5/19 (ESL Only)		                   1:00 pm               Tuesday 8/09				5:30 pm
     June                                                                Wednesday,8/10 				1:00 pm
                                                                         Thursday, 8/11 (ESL/Intl. Only)		                      5:30 pm
     Wednesday, 6/01				5:30 pm
                                                                         Monday, 8/15 (ESL/Intl. Only)		                        1:00 pm
     Thursday, 6/02				9:00 am
                                                                         Tuesday, 8/16 (ESL Only) 			                           1:00 pm
     Monday, 6/06 (ESL Only)			                    5:30 pm
                                                                         Wednesday, 8/17 				                                   5:30 pm
     Tuesday, 6/07				1:00 pm
                                                                         Thursday, 8/18				9:00 am
     Wednesday, 6/08 				                          9:00 am
                                                                         Monday, 8/22				5:30 pm
     Monday, 6/13 				                             5:30 pm
                                                                         Tuesday, 8/23				9:00 am
     Tuesday, 6/14 (International)			              1:00 pm
                                                                         Wednesday,8/24 				5:30 pm
     Wednesday, 6/15 (ESL Only)		                  9:00 am
                                                                         Thursday, 8/25 (ESL Only)			                           5:30 pm
     Thursday, 6/16				9:00 am
                                                                         Monday, 8/29 (ESL Only) 			                            1:00 pm
     Monday, 6/20				9:00 am
                                                                         Tuesday, 8/30				9:00 am
     Tuesday, 6/21				5:30 pm
                                                                         Wednesday, 8/31 				                                   1:00 pm
     Wednesday, 6/22				1:00 pm
     Thursday, 6/23				1:00 pm                                          A Note for Students with Disabilities:
     Monday, 6/27				9:00 am                                            If you need special accommodations for your Assessment/Orientation, or
     Tuesday, 6/28				1:00 pm                                           need to have the assessment test in an alternate format such as large print or
                                                                                Braille, please contact BCC's Disabled Students Programs and Services Office
                                                                                at (510) 981-2812.
                                                                                *An orientation session in Spanish and other languages can be arranged.
                                                                                Please call the Orientation/Assessment staff at (510) 981-2804 if you would
                                                                                like more information about these BCC orientations. Thank you.

                                                      Information and classes are subject to change, please see online schedule for the latest information.
     12    SUMMER 2016                                                                             See our website:
Important Student Services
                                                                                         HOURS SUBJECT TO CHANGE

Admissions & Records and Welcome Center                                       International Students Office
Location: 1st Floor, Room 152                                                 Location: 1st Floor, Rm. 151
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.                     Hours: Mondays and Thursdays: 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.                                              e-mail Thomas Torres-Gil at
Note: Refer to college websites for information on extended office            Phone: (510) 981-5040
hours during peak enrollment.
                                                                              Learning Resources Center
                                                                              Location: Jerry L. Adams Center, 2050 Center St., 1st Floor, Rm. 112
Assessment Center                                                             Monday - Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Location: 1st Floor, Room 121                                                 Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.                                        Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
                                                                              Phone: (510) 981-2971 or e-mail John Saenz at
Bookstore                                                                     Library
Location: 5th Floor, Room 517                                                 Location: 1st Floor
Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.                                      Monday - Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Friday, 9 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.                                                    Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
                                                                              Saturday, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Location: 3rd Floor, Room 349
                                                                              Photo I.D.
                                                                              Location: 1st Floor, Rm. 151
Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
                                                                              Monday thru Thursday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
                                                                              Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Cashier’s Office
Location: 1st Floor, Room 153                                                 Student Activities/Student Leadership
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.                     & Development
Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.                                              Location: Room 56 (Office) and Room 57 (ASBCC)
                                                                              Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Counseling                                                                    Student Employment Services/Career Center
Location: 2nd Floor                                                           Location: 2nd Floor, Room 243
Monday thru Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.                                   Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.                                                 (BCC does not have a Student Employment Services Office)

Disabled Students Programs and Services                                       Transfer Center
                                                                              Location: 2nd Floor, Room 243
(DSPS)                                                                        Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: 2nd Floor, Room 261
Monday, thru Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.                                    Veterans' Resource Center
                                                                              Location: BCC South Campus, 2070 Allston Way, Rm. 202, Berkeley
Extended Opportunity Programs and Services                                    Veterans’ Services
(EOPS)                                                                        Location: BCC South Campus, 2070 Allston Way, 2nd Floor, Room 204
Location: 3rd Floor, Room 340                                                 Jennifer Lenahan, Certifying Official
Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.                                        Mon., Tue., Wed., Thur., 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
                                                                              Fri., By Appointment
Financial Aid                                                                 Amy Herrera, Counselor*
Location: 1st Floor, Room 165                                                 (510) 981-2960, 2nd Floor, Rm. 257
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 8:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m.                      9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tue. and Thur.
Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.                                             (Appointment Recommended)

Health Services                                                               *Note: All hours are subject to change.
Location: BCC South Campus, 2070 Allston Way, 2nd Floor
Times TBA

Information and classes are subject to change, please see online schedule for the latest information.
See our website:                                                                         SUMMER 2016       13
Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

                                                                           Map of UC Berkeley

             Etcheverry (A-4)                     Mulford (B-2)                  Moffitt Library (C-3)                  Dwinelle (D-3)              Kroeber       (D-5)
             Tolman     (B-3)                     Barrows (D-5)                  Evans           (B-5)                  Wheeler (C-4)

                                   By Car                                                          By BART                                          By AC Transit
          1. Take 1-80 to University Ave. exit; drive down University       1. Take Richmond BART Train from San- Francisco or              1. Visit for the AC
              Ave. until you reach Milvia St. . From University Ave.,          Fremont Train to Downtown Berkeley BART station.                Transit routes and schedules nearest
              turn right on Milvia St. Proceed south to Center St.,         2. Take Pittsburg/Baypoint BART and transfer at the 12th,           you.
              then turn left onto Center St. to 2050 Center. Parking is        19th, or MacArthur St. BART station to the Richmond          2. Get your Peralta EasyPass from
              available on the street and in the Center St. Garage, next       Train.                                                          Cashier's Offices at all Peralta
              door to Berkeley City College or in the City of Berkeley      3. Berkeley City College( BCC) is one-half block west of the       Colleges. It's only $41 per
              Parking Garage across the street from the college.                                                                               semester for students (who have
                                                                               Downtown Berkeley BART station. Take the BART es-
          2. Take Highway 24 to Martin Luther King Jr.                                                                                         9 or more units) at Berkeley City
              Way if you are driving from Oakland or take the Tele-            calator or elevator to Shattuck and Center Sts., then walk
                                                                                                                                               College, College of Alameda, Laney
              graph Ave. exit if you are driving from Highway 980.             8/2 block west (toward San Francisco Bay).                      College, and Merritt College.
              Proceed north. Consult your GPS for instructions on           4. BCC’s Annex is one-half block west of the Downtown
              how to reach BCC at 2050 Center St. between Shattuck
              Ave. & Milvia St.                                                Berkeley BART station’s Allston Way exit. Walk up the
          3. To reach BCC’s South Campus, at 2070 Allston Way.,                Allston Way stairs to Allston & Shattuck and walk one-
              consult your GPS for directions.                                 half block west to 2070 Allston Way.

                                                                    Information and classes are subject to change, please see online schedule for the latest information.
     14       SUMMER 2016                                                                                        See our website:
Campus Map

                                                                                                     Berkeley City College is located in
                                                                                           downtown Berkeley at 2050 Center St., between
                                                                                           Shattuck Ave. and Milvia St., 1-1/2 blocks west
                                                                                           of the UC Berkeley campus. One of California’s
                                                                                           113 community colleges, it is part of the Peralta
                                                                                           Community College District. The college’s
                                                                                           mission is to contribute to the success of all
                                                                                           students and to the well-being of the community
             Berkeley City College (BCC)
                  South Campus                                                             by offering the best possible education which
                  2070 Allston Way                                                         promises intellectual growth, social mobility,
                                                                                           economic development and an understanding of
                                                                                           diverse ideas and peoples. The college is accredited
                                                                                           by the Accrediting Commission for Community
                                                                                           and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of
            Berkeley City College (BCC)                                                    Schools and Colleges.
                2050 Center Street
                                                                                                     Berkeley City College offers transfer and
                                                                                           occupational training classes, associate degree and
                                                                                           certificate programs. The college is an active partner
                                                                                           in local economic development and employment
                                                                                           training endeavors. BCC faculty are respected
                                                                                           academicians and successful entrepreneurs. The
                                                                                           college maintains a strong and unique community
                                                                                           college/university collaboration with the University
                                                                                           of California at Berkeley.
                                                                                                     As one of California’s top transfer
                                                                                           institutions, Berkeley City College consistently
                                                                                           ranks among the highest in transfers to UC
                                                                                           Berkeley and other Northern California UC
                                                                                                     A number of Berkeley City College’s classes
                                                                                           are taught evenings on the UC Berkeley campus.
                                                                                           Others are held at the college’s 2050 Center St.
                                                                                           campus. Outreach classes are held at community
                                                                                           locations. A diverse student population attends
                                                                                           Berkeley City College, adding to the richness of
                                                                                           the educational experience there.

          For specific AC Transit and BART routes and schedule information, visit or

Information and classes are subject to change, please see online schedule for the latest information.
See our website:                                                                         SUMMER 2016       15
Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

                        College of Alameda
                      555 RALPH APPEZZATO MEMORIAL PARKWAY, ALAMEDA, CA 94501 • (510) 522-7221 • WWW.ALAMEDA.PERALTA.EDU

     Since 1970, College of Alameda has held classes on a 62-acre park-like campus, located at the intersection of Webster Street
     and Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway in Alameda. From liberal arts and business to unique career technical education
     programs, College of Alameda’s degree and certificate programs prepare students to succeed in a variety of professions and
     The College offers 30 Associate of Arts and Science degrees, 9 Associate Degrees for Transfer, and 21 Certificate programs.
     The campus is easily accessible from downtown Oakland by personal or public transportation through the Posey Tube on
     Webster Street.
     With its buildings surrounding a central courtyard, the campus is designed to encourage, engage and inspire interaction
     among students, faculty and staff that is essential to an effective learning environment.

                                              College of Alameda Main Number
                                               General Information - (510) 522-7221
                                                        Fax- (510) 769-6019
      Aviation Facility (North Field)          (510) 748-2291           Police/Escort Services                              (510) 466-7236
      Business Office                          (510) 748-2235           President’s Office                                  (510) 748-2273
      Instruction, Vice President              (510) 748-2352           Student Services Administrative Office              (510) 748-2205
      Division I Office: Workforce             (510) 748-2357           Supervisor, Evening
       Development & Applied Sciences                                     (During Academic Year)                            (510) 748-2311
      Division II Office: Academic Pathways    (510) 748-2373
       & Student Success

                                    Important Student Services
      Admissions & Records and Welcome Center                               CalWORKs
      Location: Welcome Center, Room A101                                   Location: Room A101
      (510) 748-2228                                                        (510) 748-2258
      Monday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.                                         Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
      Tuesday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
      Note: Refer to college websites for information on                    Cashier’s Office
      extended office hours during peak enrollment.                         Location: Room A150
                                                                            (510) 748-2224
      Assessment Center                                                     Monday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
      Location: Room L231/L235                                              Tuesday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
      (510) 748-5267
      Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.                                Counseling
                                                                            Location: Room A101
      Bookstore                                                             (510) 748-2209
      Location: Room F100                                                   Monday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
      (510) 748-2246                                                        Tuesday - Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
      Monday - Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.                              Friday, By Appointment Only
      Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

                                               Information and classes are subject to change, please see online schedule for the latest information.
     16    SUMMER 2016                                                                      See our website:
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