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Summary of the EMA Joint Regulators/Industry QbD workshop
(London, UK; 28 −29 January 2014)
Graham Cook, Georges France, Øyvind Holte, et al.

PDA J Pharm Sci and Tech 2016, 70 163-176
Access the most recent version at doi:10.5731/pdajpst.2015.006171
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CONFERENCE REPORT DISCLAIMER: Please note that Conference Reports published in the PDA Journal of Pharma-
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Summary of the EMA Joint Regulators/Industry QbD
workshop (London, UK; 28 –29 January 2014)
Pfizer UK, Farnham, Surrey, UK; 2Novartis Switzerland, and GSK Switzerland, Prangins (Nyon), Switzerland;
Norwegian Medicines Agency, Oslo, Norway; 4Italian Medicines Agency, Rome, Italy; and 5GSK UK, Brentford,
Middlesex, UK ©PDA, Inc. 2016

ABSTRACT: This paper summarizes the discussions and insights gained from the key themes that emerged during
the Quality by Design (QbD) Workshop held at the European Medicines Agency (EMA) offices in London, UK, on
28 –29 January 2014. Industry and regulators shared practical experiences from six case studies (five approved small
molecule products and one phase 3 biotechnological product) based on QbD submissions by five companies
(AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, NovoNordisk, and Pfizer).
The case studies covered a range of different development, regulatory submission, and post-approval aspects of QbD
and were developed through confidential discussions between the company representatives and regulators. Key
themes that emerged from the workshop discussions were: 1. presentation of information in submissions (develop-
ment story and the presentation of information in marketing authorization applications; risk assessment and
criticality); 2. development aspects (design space; use of models; control strategy); and 3. post-approval aspects
(lifecycle management; dossier— quality system interactions; handling of deviations). Many aspects of QbD for biotech-
nological products are similar to small molecules, but there are some important differences highlighted in this paper.
The final section of the paper discusses some proposals for future developments to address the issues that were identified.

KEYWORDS: Quality by design (QbD), European Medicines Agency (EMA) Workshop London 2014, Presentation
of information, Submissions, Regulatory dossier, Development, Risk assessment, Criticality, Design space, Models,
Control strategy, Post-approval, Lifecycle management, Quality system, Deviations.

LAY ABSTRACT: This paper summarizes the discussions and insights gained from the key themes that emerged during
the Quality by Design (QbD) Workshop held at the European Medicines Agency offices in London, UK, on 28 –29
January 2014. Industry and regulators shared practical experiences from six case studies (five approved small-
molecule products and one phase 3 biotechnological product) based on QbD submissions by five companies
(AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, NovoNordisk, and Pfizer).
The case studies covered a range of different development, regulatory submission, and post-approval aspects of QbD
and were developed through confidential discussions between the company representatives and regulators. Key
themes that emerged from the workshop discussions were: 1. presentation of information in submissions (develop-
ment story and the presentation of information in marketing authorization applications; risk assessment and
criticality); 2. development aspects (design space; use of models; control strategy); and 3. post-approval aspects
(lifecycle management; dossier— quality system interactions; handling of deviations). Many aspects of QbD for biotech-
nological products are similar to small molecules, but there are some important differences highlighted in this paper.
The final section of the paper discusses some proposals for future developments to address the issues that were identified.

Introduction                                                         Workshop, organized by European regulators, in-
                                                                     dustry, and the PDA, at its offices in London. Dur-
On 28 –29 January 2014 the European Medicines
Agency (EMA) hosted a Quality by Design (QbD)
                                                                     UK; e-mail; telephone
* Author for Correspondence: Dr. Graham Cook,                        doi: 10.5731/pdajpst.2015.006171
12 Greenhill Way, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 8SY,

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ing the workshop industry and regulators shared                The final section of the paper discusses some propos-
practical experiences from six case studies based on           als for future developments to address the issues that
QbD submissions by five companies (AstraZeneca,                were identified.
GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, NovoNordisk, and
Pfizer). Presentations from the workshop are avail-            This paper was developed from summaries of the
able on the EMA website QbD page (1), and this                 different themes prepared by teams of industry work-
paper summarizes the discussions and insights                  shop participants with contributions from the regula-
gained from the key themes that emerged during the             tory agency participants listed in the Acknowledg-
workshop.                                                      ments section. The success of the workshop was the
                                                               result of hard work and enthusiastic contributions by
The case studies (five approved small-molecule                 organizers, case study developers, presenters, and
products and one phase 3 biotechnological product)             attendees.
were chosen to cover a range of different develop-
ment, submission, and post-approval aspects of                 1. Presentation of Information In Submissions
QbD and were developed through confidential dis-
cussions between the company representatives and               1.1. The Development Story and Presentation of
regulators. Many aspects of QbD for biotechnolog-              Information in Marketing Authorization Applications
ical products are similar to small molecules and this
was reflected in the issues and proposals discussed            One of the major issues with science-rich chemistry,
during the workshop. However, there are some im-               manufacturing and controls (CMC) submissions has
portant differences, and those are highlighted in the          been the effective communication of the important
paper, albeit that to date there has been limited              aspects of a development program in a way that ap-
experience in Europe with QbD biopharmaceutical                propriately differentiates the critical aspects from the
submissions.                                                   mass of supporting data. Industry and regulators share
                                                               a common interest in concise, focused submissions
The discussion points and recommendations from the             that facilitate efficient assessment and support opti-
workshop were collated into key themes and grouped             mised lifecycle management after approval. Particular
into three areas, as follows:                                  aspects of the presentation of information explored
                                                               during the workshop included:
1. Presentation of information in submissions
                                                               ●   How can the development story in QbD submis-
   1.1 Development story and the presentation of in-               sions be presented to facilitate assessment?
       formation in marketing authorization applica-
       tions                                                   ●   What details are necessary for review of risk as-
                                                                   sessments, design of experiments (DoEs), process
   1.2 Risk assessment and criticality                             analytical technology (PAT) tools, etc., and how
                                                                   would this vary depending on the use of the infor-
2. Development aspects                                             mation in the finished product design, manufactur-
                                                                   ing process, and control strategy?
   2.1 Design space
                                                               ●   Is the common technical document (CTD) format
   2.2 Use of models                                               adequate to support presentation and review of
                                                                   enhanced development submissions? Is separation
   2.3 Control strategy                                            of registered detail from supportive information in
                                                                   the CTD format clear?
3. Post-approval aspects
                                                               ●   How and where should the control strategy (in-
   3.1 Lifecycle management                                        cluding any proposed design space) and its devel-
                                                                   opment be described in the submission?
   3.2 Dossier—quality system interactions
                                                               ●   When assessors are considering requests for oper-
   3.3 Handling of deviations                                      ational flexibility would it be helpful to describe

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   elements of the quality system in the application            the degree to which commitments in the manufactur-
   file to aid understanding of how changes are fore-           ing process and control strategy could be thought of as
   seen to be managed during the lifecycle?                     non-traditional because it is likely that more under-
                                                                standing (science and risk/criticality based) would be
Recommendations                                                 expected in such cases, for example, if a flexible
                                                                manufacturing process and/or a real-time release test-
Information presented in a dossier will vary according          ing (RTRt) or similar control strategy is applied, more
to the product type and complexity, the nature of the           understanding is expected to be presented under de-
challenges overcome during development, and the                 velopment. It was agreed that Pareto plots and
knowledge gained—it is not one-size-fits-all. Interna-          Ishikawa/fishbone diagrams are useful tools for com-
tional Conference on Harmonization (ICH) terminol-              municating some risk assessments. If a design space is
ogy should be used and non-ICH terminology such as              proposed, its development should be clearly described
“key”, “major”, or “minor” should be avoided as the             in the relevant development sections (e.g., S.2.6/
lack of agreed definition can create confusion.                 P.2.3), and it should be explicitly defined (e.g., by
                                                                equation, tables, and/or visual representations) in the
Assessment is facilitated by summarizing the control            manufacturing process description sections of the dos-
strategy that assures delivery of the critical quality          sier (e.g., S.2.2/P.3.3).
attributes (CQAs) and explicitly stating the extent of
flexibility proposed by the applicant. The CTD struc-           1.2. Risk Assessment and Criticality
ture is not optimal for provision of this overall per-
spective to the assessor, but experience of the work-           Communication of risk assessment/management in
shop participants suggests that the limitations can be          regulatory submissions presents a number of chal-
overcome. Sections S.2.6 and P.2 have been used                 lenges, including:
successfully for providing summary information. This
control strategy summary would also be useful for the           ●   Translation of the raw quality risk assessment out-
inspector. Tabular formats are recommended to pres-                 comes into an appropriate summary.
ent important elements of the control strategy, linking
the quality target product profile (QTPP) to CQAs of            ●   The difficulty in defining the threshold for “criti-
drug product and drug substance and to critical pro-                cal” given that it is perceived as a continuum in
cess parameters (CPPs) (and material inputs) of the                 ICH guidance (e.g., ICH Q11 Section 10.2 exam-
process.                                                            ple 2).

The presentation of enhanced or QbD aspects should              ●   The provision of linkages between risk assessment
include sufficient detail or rationale to explain the               and the development of the control strategy.
derivation of CQAs and CPPs, and the tabular format
can link/reference detailed sections of the CTD where           ●   The difficulties managing post-approval changes
further detail can be found.                                        given the differences in the post-approval frame-
                                                                    works between markets (and potentially the ap-
The depth and/or extent of information presented on                 proval of what is a CPP and non-CPP).
risk assessments, DoEs, mathematical models, etc.,
should depend upon their purpose or use in assuring             Furthermore, for biotechnological products additional
the quality of the product and associated disposition           key differences add to the challenges:
decisions. For example, if a DoE was used for screen-
ing purposes, summary information could be suffi-               ●   Immunogenicity is a significant concern for bio-
cient. By contrast, a DoE used to establish a design                logics—and only limited knowledge exists on the
space employed as part of the control strategy would                relationship between quality attributes and immu-
need considerably more detail. This might include the               nogenicity.
rationale for the DoE approach, tables of inputs (in-
cluding batch size, ranges studied, factors kept con-           ●   Complexities in biotechnological products can
stant during the DoE) and results, data interpretation,             lead to uncertainties about the definition of CQAs
statistical significance of parameters studied, scale-              and difficulties establishing linkages of process
dependence, and so on. It may be helpful to consider                parameters to CQAs.

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●   CQAs may not be readily analyzed in the final                It should therefore be subject to an ongoing process of
    product and therefore consistency in the manufac-            risk assessment during the lifecycle of the product.
    turing process becomes an important part of the              Risk assessments can be used to support variation
    control strategy and consequently in-process spec-           applications and should be available for inspection.
    ifications and controls are frequently set based on
    manufacturing capability as well as safety and               The use of prior knowledge of the applicant in the
    efficacy.                                                    assessment of risk is acceptable. Risk assessment out-
                                                                 comes that are not aligned with existing scientific
●   Even if defined as non-critical, the inclusion of            knowledge should be justified. A variety of tabular
    non-CPPs in process descriptions for biopharma-              presentations of risk assessments were presented in the
    ceuticals can present a burden in lifecycle man-             various case studies at the workshop. A matrix pre-
    agement because changes currently require prior              sentation of CQAs versus manufacturing process steps
    approval before implementation.                              can be used to summarize the holistic risks and failure
                                                                 modes across a manufacturing process (see Table I)
Recommendations                                                  and it was also suggested that more detailed tables
                                                                 presenting CQAs versus process parameters (PPs) and
Quality risk assessments can help to prioritize devel-           material attributes in each of the process steps could
opment activities and identify critical process param-           be useful.
eters and material attributes potentially affecting prod-
uct quality, guiding the establishment of the control            A good example for presenting a risk assessment
strategy. Risk assessment is an iterative process, being         summary table is also presented in the training mate-
repeated during development as new knowledge is                  rial of the ICH Q-IWG on the implementation of Q8,
gained, so that the extent to which risks have been              Q9, Q10. Scoring and thresholds used to classify the
mitigated can be assessed. For this reason the se-               risks are provided and risks discussed in the comments
quence or time points of the risk assessments during             column in Table II.
the development should be clearly described. The risk
assessment tool used (e.g., failure modes and effects            The implications of criticality are explored in more
analysis, or FMEA) should be stated and, when a                  detail in subsequent sections: Design Space (2.1), Role
quantitative tool is used, scoring and thresholds used           of Models (2.2), Control Strategy (2.3).
to classify the risks should be explained. Information
on the applicant’s experts who performed the risk                2. Development Aspects
assessment is not required in the submission and it was
agreed that raw data from the risk assessment were not           2.1. Design Space
needed for the assessment of the marketing authoriza-
tion application. However, if a novel risk assessment            Although the design space concept from the ICH Q8, Q9,
is used, a definition of the tool and a sample output            Q10 guidelines has been incorporated into the European
should be provided.                                              regulatory framework including the EU Guideline on
                                                                 Variations categories, the value of the concept is not
The differentiation of critical and non-critical param-          being fully realized through the product lifecycle. From
eters is generally based upon the severity of impact on          a global perspective, depending on the regulatory frame-
the CQAs of the drug product or drug substance.                  work in place, the review outcome and lifecycle man-
However, for biopharmaceutical products the impact               agement of a product submitted with a design space can
of process parameters on process performance indica-             have substantially different outcomes.
tors, such as yield, can also be important to define. In
general the identified CQAs are unlikely to change               Aspects that were raised for discussion included:
during the product lifecycle, although there can be
some uncertainty about some potential CQAs for bio-              ●   Purpose of the design space and role in the control
pharmaceuticals. Because the definition of criticality               strategy.
of a parameter is based upon current knowledge, it
could evolve during the development and commercial               ●   Clarity in the definition of design space in the
manufacturing stages of the product lifecycle as pro-                dossier and the operational flexibility being re-
cess changes are made, or as new knowledge is gained.                quested by the applicant, including

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Example of Risk Assessment Summary Table from Case Study 1 Showing Highest Failure Modes in Each
Category and Quantitative Scores

    䡩 The outcome of multivariate experimentation               present is seems that design space can be most use-
      and the description of processes by design space          fully used to support the registration of, for example,
      compared with proven acceptable ranges (PARs);            adaptive processes (that is, adjusting CPPs based on
                                                                upstream attributes) and for application of RTRt based
    䡩 Consequences for regulatory changes when non-             on soft sensors (e.g., dissolution) where description of
      CPPs are included in the design space: a poten-           the interactions of material attributes and process pa-
      tial interpretation of the EU Guideline on Vari-          rameters are important in defining how the process and
      ations categories is that all changes to a design         product quality is controlled.
      space are classified as high-risk changes (Type
      II variations). Can changes to non-CPPs be                Depending on how the design space is derived, it may
      managed differently than CPPs?                            include both CPPs and non-CPPs, but in some cases a
                                                                design space description in a dossier may include only
●   Impact of scale on design spaces developed using            CPPs and material attributes impacting CQAs. Never-
    small-scale experiments and verification of design          theless, a sufficiently detailed description of the man-
    space at commercial scale.                                  ufacturing process is required in the dossier and this
                                                                could also include non-CPPs. Operational flexibility
Recommendations                                                 associated with the design space should be described
                                                                by the applicant, and it may be beneficial for the
Companies should consider the need to develop a                 applicant to propose how changes associated with the
design space and the way it will be applied in the              design space would be managed. For example, a table
manufacture of the drug product or drug substance.              for quality attributes and process parameters defining
Enhanced development (QbD) does not require the                 the design space with the corresponding ranges, to-
development of a design space: this is optional. At             gether with a table for quality attributes and process

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Example of Risk Assessment Summary Table (FMEA for Purity Control) from ICH Q-IWG Training

parameters not included in the design space with their          It was confirmed that it is possible to release batches
target values or ranges could be used. Target settings          based on compliance with the design space, if this has
or operating ranges could also be included to indicate          been approved by the competent authority. Soft-sensor
the initial region where it is intended to operate the          models used for RTRt decisions may be supported by
commercial process. However, it should be stressed              multivariate data analysis (MVDA) and statistical pro-
that movement within an approved design space is a              cess control (SPC).
deliberate, validated adjustment to the process to make
it operate optimally within approved limits and hence           2.2. Role of Models
does not require a variation application.
                                                                Process modelling is an integral part of the QbD
Design space verification has been discussed in recent          framework. Models can be derived to assist in process
guidance from the EMA-FDA (U. S. Food and Drug                  development, process understanding, design space de-
Administration) pilot program for parallel assessment           termination, on-going process verification, as well as
of QbD applications (Q&A published 4 November                   process control (feedback or feed-forward) thereby
2013). Verification of the whole design space at com-           making modelling part of the product lifecycle. The
mercial scale prior to commercialization is not neces-          increasing use of modelling and inclusion of model-
sary. Verification of a more restricted region, for ex-         related information in dossiers has highlighted several
ample the operating ranges, may be performed                    areas where common understanding has not been
initially. This should be accompanied by a design               achieved, including:
space verification protocol, which should justify and
describe, applying a risk-based approach, how the               1. Operational flexibility associated with the use of
applicant will conduct the design space verification               models
studies. Where the design space has been established
using small-scale experiments and models, the impact            2. Terminology and implications related to some em-
of scale must be considered by the applicant, and any              pirical models— concepts such as out-of-trend
scale-independence justified. These justifications can             (OOT) and out-of-specification (OOS)
be based on first-principles understanding and/or em-
pirical correlations.                                           3. Terminology related to PAT models

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Recommendations                                                   that the control strategy is a central output of enhanced
                                                                  development would lead to optimal consideration of
Discussions during the workshop confirmed agree-                  the following key questions by all parties:
ment that the level of detail about the model to include
in the dossier should be related to the impact of the             ●   Are CQAs of the product sufficiently assured by
model, that is, high-, medium-, and low-risk models as                the proposed control strategy? If not, what addi-
per the guidance in the ICH Q-IWG Points to Consider                  tional controls/commitments (or justification)
document. For example, if a multivariate statistical                  should be provided?
process control (MSPC) model is used for monitoring
only and not for control purposes, then it can be                 ●   Does risk assessment information need to be de-
regarded as a low- or medium- impact/risk model.                      scribed in more detail to justify any enhanced
However, if an MSPC model is used as part of a RTRt                   (reduced) elements of manufacturing process com-
strategy then it could be considered a high-impact                    mitments or controls?
                                                                  ●   Does the experimentation conducted support the
When models are used in the control strategy the                      applicant’s proposed manufacturing commitments
following aspects should be described in order to                     and controls (e.g., design space, RTRt, flexible
provide clarity for assessment of the dossier:                        processing)? Is potential risk from development of
                                                                      process at small-scale mitigated by the control
●   Is a design space model used as a basis for RTRt?                 strategy applied?

●   Is a PAT tool utilized for release, or for in-process         ●   Does the control strategy assure quality across the
    monitoring?                                                       lifecycle? If not, what additional controls or
                                                                      change management commitments should be con-
●   When used for process monitoring, is the model                    sidered (e.g., design space verification, non-rou-
    used for continuous improvement, or as an alter-                  tine tests, etc.)?
    native approach to validation?
●   Are calibration samples and validation samples for
    spectral calibrations clearly defined?                        Product release against specification alone does not
                                                                  necessarily assure product quality; an appropriate con-
●   What model maintenance plans are in place? Be-                trol strategy is necessary. The control strategy pro-
    cause a model is always provisional, its validity             posed should provide assurance of all CQAs and
    should be confirmed by regular review, and up-                should come from process understanding guided by
    dates made as needed. This process should be                  risk assessment. A control strategy can utilize end-
    incorporated in the company’s pharmaceutical                  product tests, input and intermediate material controls,
    quality system and is subject to inspection.                  and process and in-process controls from various types
                                                                  of analytical methodologies. Good manufacturing
Assumptions and limitations of any models should be               practices (GMPs) provide an underlying support to the
explained and justified, as appropriate. The type of              product-specific elements of the control strategy. As
justification for theoretical models (based on first prin-        product and process understanding increases it may
ciples) and empirical models could be different. When             affect the control strategy implemented:
statistical indices are used their meaning (and any
assumptions) should be explained.                                 ●   A product with enhanced understanding can em-
                                                                      ploy a different approach to controls and manufac-
2.3. Control Strategy                                                 turing commitments compared to a product for
                                                                      which less understanding exists (where a more
A control strategy derived using a systematic science-                traditional control strategy, probably including full
and risk-based approach is a key output of an en-                     end-product testing, may be expected).
hanced approach to development, linking process un-
derstanding, product and process complexity, and the              ●   Enhanced knowledge can lead to a control strategy
applicant’s manufacturing commitments. Agreeing                       providing enhanced assurance of quality with re-

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    duced end-product testing and increased opera-                When considering changes to manufacturing pro-
    tional flexibility.                                           cesses, the impact on the control strategy should be
                                                                  assessed and the risk to product quality should be
●   The effect of scale should be considered for con-             evaluated. The introduction of control strategies de-
    trol strategies developed from small-scale experi-            rived from enhanced approaches, such as RTRt, may
    ments, although a control strategy can be devel-              necessitate some changes— usually relatively mi-
    oped that operates independently of scale or                  nor—to existing pharmaceutical quality systems.
    location in the manufacturing operating space.
                                                                  3. Post-approval Aspects
It is important to show how the applicant has control
over what the patient needs. Using product and pro-               3.1. Lifecycle Management
cess understanding may enable applicants to balance
the level of detail provided about the process in rela-           One of the major opportunities for industry and regu-
tion to the level of detail provided about associated             lators is to define how the understanding of product
tests.                                                            and process can be used to support risk-based deci-
                                                                  sions to manage changes in a product-specific manner
●   When a CQA is controlled by end-product testing,              during the product lifecycle. An applicant that has
    the process elements that provide the CQAs should             developed enhanced product and process understand-
    still be described. The description of these process          ing and applied it through the control strategy should
    elements can be at a level of detail that assures             be able to achieve different lifecycle management
                                                                  conditions (for example, lower categories of variations
    regulatory oversight of significant changes bal-
                                                                  for certain changes) than an applicant without such
    anced with the risk associated to the unit opera-
                                                                  enhanced understanding. There is a perception that
    tion, and with the importance of the output(s) from
                                                                  enhanced development approaches are not yet result-
    this unit operation (e.g., consider criticality of
                                                                  ing in benefits for industry and regulators in a reduc-
    quality attribute(s) affected by that unit operation).
                                                                  tion in the burden of post-approval regulatory
    In the workshop an example was presented in a
                                                                  changes. Furthermore, it is becoming clear that differ-
    case study where the description of the type of mill
                                                                  ences in the post-approval frameworks globally make
    to be used for the active pharmaceutical ingredient
                                                                  it difficult to interpret how to manage changes asso-
    (API) was sufficient in the context of the proposed
                                                                  ciated with a design space (for example, see the dis-
    control strategy for particle size distribution, and
                                                                  cussion above on the inclusion of non-CPPs in a
    additional details of milling conditions were not
                                                                  design space).
                                                                  Moving toward an approach to post-approval change
●   When a CQA is controlled in process, it should                management that would enhance lifecycle manage-
    still be discussed in the tabular summary of control          ment (e.g., reduce period for implementation of inno-
    strategy, even though it may not appear on the final          vations, reduce the resources associated with the man-
    product specification. The omission of any CQA                agement of post-approval changes) would be a
    from the specification should be rationalized.                common benefit for industry and regulators. This may
                                                                  require an understanding of how the applicant’s qual-
Because acceptance criteria are linked to process op-             ity management system can support management of
erating conditions, a change requested to an accep-               quality and management of change and, in conse-
tance criterion of an attribute can change the accept-            quence, need some consideration of how assessors and
able range of manufacturing parameter(s). Process                 inspectors work together to bring the full value from
boundaries should not be overly constrained (for ex-              the application and from the quality system, without
ample, by requesting ranges to be tightened on the                having to include detailed elements of the quality
basis of limited batch data showing good process                  system in the application file.
consistency), as this could have a negative impact on
process capability. Conversely, broad operating ranges            Recommendations
not supported by development work, batch analysis
data, and/or scientific rationale should not be pro-              As noted earlier, the recommendations concerning the
posed.                                                            presentation of information in dossier are linked with,

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and could support, the optimization of change man-              3.2. Dossier–Quality System Interactions
agement through the product lifecycle.
                                                                The manufacture of a drug substance and drug product
A comprehensive, robust control strategy could facil-           must be conducted as described in the approved sub-
itate management of certain changes if the control(s)           mission and according to current GMPs. The relation-
are independent of the change (e.g., change of scale, if        ship between the submission and the quality system,
the controls applied are independent of scale; note that        and the corresponding interaction by assessors and
at the time of the workshop changes in batch size of            inspectors to provide regulatory oversight, is therefore
active substances or finished products are subject to           of considerable importance. This is even more relevant
variation submission).                                          when enhanced and/or non-traditional controls or
                                                                manufacturing commitments are approved, and this
The potential effect of a change could be influenced            was exemplified in the discussion points arising from
by the control strategy applied. For example, a                 several of the case studies:
change of a manufacturing operating parameter may
have a lower risk if it is complemented by additional           ●   Would closer interactions between assessors and
controls that provide an orthogonal view of the                     inspectors (and R&D and manufacturing) be
consistency and reliability of the output post                      beneficial for enhanced development submis-
change. This is analogous to redundancy engineer-                   sions, and, if so, how can this be achieved in
ing approaches (i.e., duplication of components or                  practice?
system elements to increase reliability) and could
enable adjustments in the approach to regulatory                ●   Should certain elements of the pharmaceutical
oversight for such changes.                                         quality system (PQS) be summarized in the appli-
                                                                    cation file to provide context for the commitments
Management of some changes is accepted as being                     that are approved, and, if so, what should be in-
solely within the company quality system (subject to                cluded?
regulatory oversight through inspection), while others
should not be subject to prior approval but could be                䡩 The ICH Q-IWG Q&A (approved April 2009)
“do and tell” with the dossier content being updated                  on this aspect was noted:
through, for example, an annual reporting mechanism.                  Q3: Is it necessary to describe the PQS in a
It was noted that in some regions, including Europe,                  regulatory submission?
certain prospective changes can be managed by utili-                  A3: No, however, relevant elements of the PQS
zation of post-approval change management plans or                    (such as quality monitoring system, change con-
protocols (PACMPs), which are expected to lead to                     trol, and deviation management) can be refer-
faster and more predictable implementation of the                     enced as part of the control strategy as support-
changes post-approval because the strategy and test to                ing information.
verify the effect of the change on product quality is
agreed upon upfront with regulatory authorities. At the         ●   Despite the IWG Q&A noted above, many com-
time of the workshop the experience with PACMPs in                  panies are concerned that inclusion of any PQS
Europe was still relatively limited.                                information in the registration dossier will lead to
                                                                    the PQS/quality management system information
Where products developed by both traditional and                    being considered as registered detail or regulatory
enhanced approaches are manufactured in the same                    commitments and therefore subject to regulatory
facility, the same change management process and                    post-approval variations.
quality management system will be used to assess
changes and potential effect on quality. Where there is         ●   Implementation of ICH Q10 was intended to com-
good product and process understanding (e.g., knowl-                plement or enhance GMP by achieving product
edge gained from an enhanced development ap-                        realization, establishing and maintaining a state of
proach), the risk associated with a certain change may              control, and facilitating continuous improvement,
be perceived as being lower than an equivalent change               and consequently regulatory procedures should
where there is less knowledge of the potential effect of            facilitate these processes in a streamlined and
that change on product quality.                                     efficient way.

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Recommendations                                                  ●   The need to present sufficiently detailed manufac-
                                                                     turing process descriptions (i.e., defining process
A stronger reliance on the PQS to exercise the re-                   parameters, their ranges or target values) in a
quired control could facilitate certain types of change              submission should be balanced with the consequen-
management, deviation control, or selection of starting              tial need to submit variations for post-approval
materials. The possibility of filing “do and tell” vari-             changes, which arises from the interpretation that
ations was noted as a positive aspect of the European                changes to non-CPPs are subject to Type II vari-
regulatory system. Examples in some other regulatory                 ations, requiring prior approval before a permanent
systems outside of Europe were also noted. These                     change to the limits can be made.
include the ability to negotiate additional commit-
ments (subject to routine inspections) as part of the            Recommendations
approval process with the US FDA that are subse-
                                                                 Comments from regulators at the workshop suggested
quently handled by the annual reporting process and
                                                                 that aspects of the “QP discretion” reflection paper
do not require prior approval. In Japan, Pharmaceuti-
                                                                 may be incorporated into the Annex 16 revision to
cals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) processes
                                                                 formalize the approach to one-off deviations for QPs.
allow for changes to certain operating conditions to be
                                                                 There is a need, however, to extend the QP discretion
managed within the company quality system at the
                                                                 around minor deviations where they relate specifically
discretion and under the oversight of the quality-               to parameters classified as non-CPPs in the registra-
responsible person.                                              tion document.

3.3. Handling of Deviations                                      It was agreed that to provide assessors with an holistic
                                                                 and sufficiently detailed view of the manufacturing
Practical experience with the commercialization of a             process it is necessary to provide CPP and non-CPP
number of products developed with enhanced ap-                   details in the process description. A proposal from
proaches and utilizing non-traditional control strate-           regulators was to identify non-CPPs in the process
gies has led to the identification of a number of issues         description in the dossier and to specifically state that
around the handling of deviations, particularly in re-           future post-approval changes to them would be con-
lation to non-CPPs presented in the registration dos-            ducted according to a Type IA or Type IB process,
sier, and qualified person (QP) discretion.                      providing clarity and agreement at the point of ap-
                                                                 proval of the dossier.
●   Requests from regulators to include details such as
    high and low limits for non-CPPs as part of the              4. Proposals for Future Developments
    overall process description in the registration dos-
    sier were reported in the case studies. This brings          4.1. New ICH Quality Topics
    non-CPPs within the scope of registered details
                                                                 In reviewing the workshop presentations and discus-
    that must be complied with for successful batch
                                                                 sions, and recommendations from the participants, it is
    release. As such they are effectively treated simi-
                                                                 apparent that two issues dominated:
    larly to CPPs, and deviations of non-CPPs against
    targets or limits creates unintended investigations.         ●   Presentation of information in submissions—Clar-
    It would be beneficial to clarify if the QP has the
                                                                     ifying certain aspects of the required level of detail
    ability to determine whether those materials are
                                                                     and presentation format to facilitate the prepara-
    acceptable for use.
                                                                     tion and assessment of marketing authorisation
●   The EMA QP reflection paper allows for one-off
    approval of unplanned deviations, however, there             ●   Lifecycle management—Gaining value from en-
    is no allowance for multiple deviations of non-                  hanced knowledge through the commercial phase
    CPPs. Furthermore, there is often reluctance for                 of the product lifecycle by facilitating post-ap-
    QPs to adopt the discretion option as it has not                 proval changes.
    been formally included in official guidance (EU
    GMP Annex 16 was being revised at the time of                The output from the workshop informed the contribu-
    the workshop).                                               tions of the EMA regulators and Efpia industry repre-

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sentatives in the ICH Informal Quality Discussion                    during the commercial phase of the product life-
Group meeting at ICH Minneapolis (June 2014). At                     cycle.
that meeting a 5-year plan for ICH quality topics was
developed that includes the following topics:                    ●   Post-approval change management should be fo-
                                                                     cused on managing risk of impact of the change in
●   ICH Q12 Technical and Regulatory Consider-                       a product-specific way taking account of product
    ations for Pharmaceutical Product Lifecycle                      understanding/control strategy applied and com-
    Management                                                       pany quality system (as appropriate under ICH Q8,
                                                                     Q11, Q9, and Q10).
●   Quality Overall Summary (QOS)
                                                                 ●   Consideration of the use of expanded PACMPs
The ICH Q12 concept paper includes a description of                  that allow for management of a particular change
three issues to be addressed:                                        across a portfolio of similar products after initial
                                                                     approval of a PACMP. This could be of value for
●   Regulatory dossier (level of detail and definition of            API starting material change management ap-
    regulatory commitment)                                           proaches operated by a company with suppliers,
                                                                     for example.
●   PQS aspects (harmonized risk-based change man-
    agement system and knowledge management sys-                 The elaboration of the QOS topic (together with ICH
    tem)                                                         Q12) could potentially address some of the points
                                                                 identified during the workshop related to the presen-
●   Post-approval change management plans and pro-               tation of information in marketing authorization appli-
    tocols                                                       cations including:

The elaboration of Q12 is aiming to address many of              ●   Level of detail in the dossier depends on the pur-
the points identified during the workshop related to the             pose/use of the information (e.g., on DoEs, mod-
lifecycle management of post-approval changes, in-                   els, risk assessments) and should be balanced
cluding:                                                             against the proposed control strategy and manu-
                                                                     facturing commitments. The QOS could help to set
●   A means of differentiation of commitments (e.g.,                 this balance.
    within process descriptions) based on understand-
    ing/residual risk (not the current simple definition         ●   The control strategy is often a key differentiator
    of criticality). All discussions on criticality are              for products developed by enhanced approaches
    really discussions on post-approval change man-                  compared with traditional approaches. Providing a
    agement.                                                         summary in the QOS could emphasise this, espe-
                                                                     cially as the CTD structure allows flexibility for
●   This differentiation should be explicitly linked to              the location of a control strategy summary in Mod-
    post-approval change management expectations.                    ule 3.
    Variations to non-CPPs, if included in a design
    space or process description, should be managed              ●   Improved communication between assessors and
    as a minor change, in line with the low risk posed               applicants can often avoid misunderstanding:
    (e.g., managed internally within a site PQS, or as a
    Type IA/IB rather than Type II variation). It is                 䡩 The clarity of the applicant’s submission is im-
    agreed that all parameters do not affect a CQA                     portant—for an assessor to reach the same con-
    equally: some have more effect than others and                     clusions as the applicant the submission content
    therefore the regulatory framework should accom-                   has to be clear and compelling.
    modate differences between CPPs vs non-CPPs for
    post-approval changes. Clarification of the possi-               䡩 The clarity of assessors’ questions is impor-
    bility for this within the current regulatory frame-               tant—the context of the query and why the
    work or adjustment to the framework would be                       additional information is being sought can be
    appropriate and reflect a risk-based approach                      very valuable to ensure an optimal outcome
    linked to criticality for management of changes                    from the review process.

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    䡩 The value of the EMA peer review process                  ●   Use of Models
      during assessment of centrally authorized prod-
      ucts is recognized.                                           䡩 Concept of external validation—parallel testing:

4.2. Elaboration of Q&As and Revisions to the ICH                      ▪ The term parallel testing is not defined in
“Points to Consider” Document                                            ICH, although it is mentioned in the EMA
                                                                         RTRt guideline.
Elaboration of new Q&As (or the modification of the
ICH IWG Points to Consider Paper or existing ICH                       ▪ Parallel testing considerations such as the
Q-IWG Q&As) could provide helpful clarification of                       number of batches to be tested during the
certain issues identified in the workshop discussions.                   parallel testing period, prior to RTRt, will
Examples of the topics raised at the workshop that                       depend on the case, for example differences
could benefit from Q&As include, for example:                            between soft sensor models (e.g., predict dis-
                                                                         solution from process data) versus analyzer-
●   Design Space                                                         based models (e.g., near infrared (NIR) cali-
                                                                         bration). The amount of data available at the
    䡩 Regulatory opportunities/consequences for de-                      time of filing might differ between a legacy
      sign space in submissions— how is the design                       product, where a wealth of process data exists,
      space being used by the company (in the control                    and a new product with limited full-scale
      strategy)?                                                         experience.

    䡩 The level of scrutiny and the data requirements                  ▪ In general, the parallel testing strategy should be
      to support submission of the design space and                      proposed by the applicant but information to be
      discussion of the underlying model should re-                      provided in the dossier versus post-approval
      flect the role of the design space in quality                      commitments may need further discussion.
      assurance, the degree of reliance on the design
      space to ensure product quality, and the role of                 ▪ Where RTRt is based on soft-sensor models
      the design space in the broader control strategy.                  (i.e., prediction based only on process data)
      In this way design spaces could be categorized                     MSPC will probably be required in addition to
      as high, medium, or low impact in a similar                        parallel testing.
      manner to the way models are characterised in
      the ICH “Points to Consider” document.                        䡩 Model verification is discussed in the ICH
                                                                      “Points to Consider” document, but further clar-
    䡩 It could be helpful to further explore the defi-                ification may be required, for example, related
      nition and regulatory consequences of design                    to considerations of laboratory versus commer-
      spaces compared with PARs in relation to the                    cial scale.
      science underpinning them, the control strategy,
      and level of risk, based on criticality assess-               䡩 When using MVDA models to support RTRt the
      ment, to product quality. Opportunities to create               important aspects that need to be included in the
      a more risk-based lifecycle change categoriza-                  submission and aspects subject to inspection
      tion framework would increase the value of                      could be clarified (e.g., scale issues, ensuring
      sharing enhanced development knowledge in a                     the model can accommodate routine process
      submission and optimize the value of the design                 variability).
      space concept.
                                                                    䡩 Model maintenance aspects should be managed
    䡩 The regulatory nature of a detailed verification                within the PQS, provided the change is within
      protocol in the context of other regulatory doc-                the scope of the model. For example, following
      uments, that is, whether this forms part of the                 the conclusion of parallel testing the model
      dossier or whether it is a site-based protocol                  needs to be adapted in a “standard” way, for
      available for inspection, may need further har-                 example, change of rank, pre-treatment, or ad-
      monization.                                                     dition of spectra.

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●   Quality System                                                     manufacture— knowledge provides the basis for
                                                                       QP discretion. From the example discussed in
    䡩 The IWG Q&A on Quality System information                        workshop, QPs should be allowed discretion for
      in the dossier could be further clarified, if this is            repeated deviations of low-risk parameters against
      not addressed fully in ICH Q12.                                  the operating limits recorded in the file, based on
                                                                       an assessment of quality.
    䡩 Enhancing the clarity of the information about
      the proposed control strategy to be included in              ●   If not fully addressed by ICH Q12, establishing the
      the submission and the information to be avail-                  inclusion of PQS details in the registration dossier
      able for inspection is important to facilitate re-               would not subject the PQS to EU variation con-
      view/approval of the submission and post-ap-                     trols. This could have application to the ICH Q11
      proval changes as part of lifecycle management.                  Q&As currently under development— could the
                                                                       requirements of a quality management system
Revisions of the ICH Q8, Q9, Q10 “Points to Con-                       (QMS) be defined that will enable the marketing
sider” document could be considered in a number of                     authorization holder (MAH) to, for example, as-
areas including, for example:                                          sess minor changes or starting materials under the
●   Level of detail in submissions: the “H/M/L im-
    pact” concept described in Use of Models could be              ●   Some aspects of the regulatory framework may
    extended in other areas, that is, the level of detail              need to be reconsidered (e.g., variations categori-
    to be included for DoEs, risk assessments, etc.,                   zation) or clarified to facilitate the success of the
    depends on the purpose/use in the control strategy                 implementation of ICH Q8 –11.
    and assurance of quality.
●   Risk and criticality: not all critical parameters are
    equal in terms of their risk to product quality—a              The views expressed in this article are the personal
    position on the relative criticality of a parameter/           views of the author(s) and may not be understood or
    material attribute/process input and the relation-             quoted as being made on behalf of or reflecting the
    ship to its understanding/control/residual risk                position of the EMA or one of its committees or
    should be developed.                                           working parties.

●   Risk and criticality: the relationship between risk            Acknowledgments
    and process parameter criticality should be aligned
    with current regulatory thinking (i.e., criticality is         The authors would like to thank the presenters, experts
    based on the effect of a process parameter on                  from industry, and regulatory agencies that prepared
    CQAs and risk mitigation does not change criti-                the six case studies presented at the workshop (a full
    cality).                                                       list can be found within each case study presentation),
                                                                   the workshop attendees for their participation, and
4.3. Areas for Further Discussion                                  especially the following for preparing reports of the
                                                                   various themes from the workshop from which this
Within the EU regulatory framework there are a num-                summary paper was prepared: Theodora Kourti
ber of aspects that could be explored to resolve some              (GSK), Lorenz Liesum (Novartis), Frank Montgomery
specific regional aspects discussed at the workshop.               (AstraZeneca), Henrik Nielsen (Novo Nordisk), Ron
These include:                                                     Ogilvie (Pfizer), Preben Østfeldt (Novo Nordisk),
                                                                   Thorbjørn Strøm-Hansen (Novo Nordisk), Gert
●   EU GMP Annex 16 and opportunities for QP dis-                  Thurau (Roche).
    cretion in relation to the handling of low risk
    non-CPPs, particularly in assessing quality against            The authors would also like to acknowledge the Steer-
    the operating limits recorded in the file, especially          ing Committee members: David Cockburn (EMA),
    for potential insignificant deviations associated              Graham Cook (Pfizer), Lina Ertlé (Roche), Georges
    with non-CPPs. A key principle is using product/               France (Novartis), Evdokia Korakianiti (EMA), Ric-
    process understanding to resolve issues during                 cardo Luigetti (EMA), Sylvie Meillerais (Efpia), Peter

Vol. 70, No. 2, March–April 2016                                                                                       175
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Richardson (EMA), Jean-Louis Robert (LNS, Luxem-             vid Tainsh (GSK). The following authors declare that
bourg), David Tainsh (GSK), and the following for            they have no competing interests: Øyvind Holte,
organization and support during the workshop: Sylvia         Giampiero Lorenti.
Becker (PDA), Nigel Hamilton (Sanofi), Simona Ke-
ckesova (EMA), Catherine McHugh (IMB, Ireland),              Reference
Georg Roessling (PDA), Pascal Venneugues (EMA).
                                                             1. Joint European Medicines Agency/Parenteral Drug
Conflict of Interest Declaration                                Association Quality-by-Design Workshop, Lon-
                                                                don, 28 –29 January 2014, http://www.ema.europa.
The following authors are employees and/or stock                eu/ema/index.jsp?curl⫽pages/news_and_events/
shareholders of the following companies: Graham                 events/2013/12/event_detail_000808.jsp&mid⫽
Cook (Pfizer); Georges France (Novartis; GSK); Da-              WC0b01ac058004d5c3

176                                                    PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
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