Summary document - Climate change mitigation and adaptation stategy for the Emilia-Romagna Region - Regione Emilia-Romagna - Ambiente
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By: Emilia-Romagna Region, Directorate-General for Care of Land and the Environment Head of the project and coordination: Paolo Ferrecchi Valerio Marroni Patrizia Bianconi With the collaboration of: Amorusi Angela (ART-ER) Ballarini Adele (ARPAE) Botarelli Lucio (ARPAE) Cancila Enrico (ART-ER) Tugnoli Simonetta (ARPAE) Scapinelli Davide (ART-ER) Tollari Fabrizio (ART-ER) Tomozeiu Rodica (ARPAE) Zinoni Franco (ARPAE)
CONTENTS 1. The regional joint strategy 4 2. Observing and predicting climate change in Emilia-Romagna 6 2.1 Regional emissions trend 6 2.2 Climate change trends on a global and local scale 8 3. The regional vulnerabilities and risks associated with climate change 10 4. Actions: Intervention priorities 22 4.1 Infrastructure and transport 22 4.2 Land (landslides, floods and soil degradation) 24 4.3 Water resources 26 4.4 Coastal areas 28 4.5 Settlements and urban areas 30 4.6 Energy system 32 4.7 Production system 33 4.8 Agriculture 34 4.9 Cross-cutting actions 36 5. Managing: processes and tools for adaptation, mitigation and sustainable development 38 5.1 Governance structures 38 5.2 Regional forum on climate change 38
Scientific evidence, awareness and action More resilient and more sustainable Today, climate change is a priority issue that involves science, society and politics. In recent years, there has been increasingly strong scientific evidence of the extent of global warming and a growing awareness that it is caused by greenhouse gas emissions deriving from the use of fossil fuels and unsustainable use of land and natural resources. At the same time, people have become more aware of the need to implement global policies to drastically reduce emissions and to mitigate rising temperatures (mitigation), as well as adaptation strategies to limit the impact of climate change that will occur in any case. International mi- lestones on these fronts include the 2013 EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change and, more recently, the 2015 Paris Agreement. In our Region, the study of climate change and the development of mitigation and adapta- tion policies have witnessed significant milestones and developments in recent years. In 2015, we signed the Under2 Memorandum of Understanding, which commits the Region to an 80% reduction of its emissions by 2050, and we defined the Mitigation and adapta- tion strategy for the Emilia-Romagna Region, marking the start of a journey of a process of knowledge, integration and strengthening of regional policies for mitigation and adaptation that will go far beyond what is required by the directives and regulations of the European Commission. The Emilia-Romagna Region is aware that climate change necessitates significant econo- mic and social choices, as well as behavioural changes. In every sector. Without exception. This is not alarmism, but common sense. It is a necessity. It is an obligation. Not just in economic terms, but also socially and morally. The issue of climate change is not necessarily negative: it is also – although it is never suffi- ciently characterized as such – an opportunity. There is in fact huge potential to create development and work opportunities, increasing the resilience of our cities, developing new production methods and enhancing the land. The Emilia-Romagna Region believes this and is ready to do its part. The Mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna Region therefore represen- ts the start of a journey towards integrated management of its own policies and resources, distinctive characteristics and value for a more resilient and sustainable society. Paola Gazzolo Councillor for the conservation of soil and the coast, civil protection and environmental and mountain policies 2 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document
Vulnerability, analysis and strategy This document is a summary of the longer “Mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emi- lia-Romagna Region” document, approved by Assembly Resolution no. 187 of 29 December 2018. The complete document, which can be downloaded from http://ambiente.regione.emi-, contains, in addition to a thorough assessment of the regional emission profile and of future and current climate change scenarios, a sectoral analysis of the main regional vulnerabilities, which is summarized here. For every physical/ environmental and economic sector, the document also specifies the actions that the Emi- lia-Romagna Region is already taking and/or are included in the plans, programmes and laws in force. For each of the sectors, the document identifies measures and actions – di- vided into categories of mitigation and adaptation – that it will be necessary to include in future planning for the sector. In order to make this information more readable, it was deemed necessary to prepare a ‘summary’ version containing the main aspects of the original document, which can be con- sulted for further details. 3 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document
the region’s structural resilience and also in- volving the private sector in support of the joint action; to ensure informed decision-ma- 1. The regional joint king processes, filling knowledge gaps in re- strategy lation to adaptation. More recently, in July 2015, with the approval of the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (SNACC), through adoption of the decree of the Ministry for Environment, Land With the 2030 Agenda, the international and Sea Protection, and with the approval, in community has dedicated attention to clima- November 2017, of the National Energy Stra- te change, including within the Sustainable tegy (SEN), Italy has bridged the gap with the Development Goals (SDGs) for 2015-2030, most advanced European regions, which, for which includes goal 13, “Take urgent action some time, have prepared plan documents to combat climate change and its impacts”1, and strategies for adaptation and mitigation. to which national and local governments are At national level, the National Plan for Adap- required to contribute in various ways. tation to Climate Change (PNACC), which At the European level, the European Union should represent the SNACC implementa- (EU) is approving very clear and specific poli- tion document, is at approval stage, along cies for both mitigation and adaptation. with the Integrated Energy and Climate Plan In terms of mitigation, with the so-called “cli- (PNIEC), as required by Regulation 2016/0375 mate and energy package”, the EU has finally of the European Parliament and of the Coun- set a concrete and binding goal for its mem- cil. ber states: a) by 2020, to reduce its greenhou- The regions are required to make a contri- se gas emissions, measured in CO2 equiva- bution to emission mitigation, adopting the lent, by 20% compared to 1990 levels, b) to European and international commitments, reduce energy consumption by 20% compa- even though it remains a global and interna- red to a business-as-usual scenario, and c) to tional goal; above all, they can and must act produce energy from renewable sources for in terms of adaptation, increasingly including at least 20% of final energy consumption. climate change scenarios in the definition Given that the 2020 target date is too close of plans, programmes and sizing choices of to solve problems related to the impact of infrastructure works, with a time horizon of climate change, the European Commission 2030 and 2050. has already begun to explore the different Since November 2015, the Emilia-Romagna scenarios on the post-2020 horizon. With Region has taken part in the Under2 Coali- communication COM (2011) 112, “A roadmap tion following the signing of the Subnational for moving to a competitive low-carbon eco- Global Climate Leadership Memorandum of nomy in 2050”, the Commission states that Understanding, Under2MoU. Local govern- this transition will consist of a series of stages ments that are members of the Under2MoU that provide for the reduction of greenhouse are committed to reducing, by 2050, gre- gas emissions by 25% by 2020, 40% by 2030, enhouse gas emissions by between 80% and 60% by 2040 and 80% by 2050 compared to 95% compared to 1990 levels, or to a quota of 1990 levels. 2 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per capita. With regard to adaptation, in 2013 the Euro- The goals for the Emilia-Romagna Region pean Union achieved a major milestone by identified in the Memorandum of Under- adopting its own Strategy on Adaptation to standing call for a 20% reduction in emis- Climate Change, in which it defined three sions by 2020 compared to 1990 levels, and a main goals: to promote and support action target of -80% by 2050. by member states; to promote adaptation It is in this context of national and internatio- in particularly vulnerable sectors, increasing nal policies and commitments that the Emi- lia-Romagna Region has defined its Climate 1 4 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document
change mitigation and adaptation strategy, ww to define monitoring indicators (among with the aim of “holding together” these two those already in use by the various plans aspects in the fight against climate change for both the SEA (Strategic Environmental which are seemingly disconnected, but in Assessment) and VALSAT (Environmental fact strongly interconnected in natural and and Territorial Sustainability Assessment) man-made, as well as complex and varied and for the operational programmes of environments. the 2014-2020 Structural Funds); The regional joint mitigation and adaptation ww to design and implement a regional and strategy is above all the result of a process local policy implementation observatory; that has actively involved many represen- ww to identify further measures and actions tatives, sectors affected by regional policies that should be implemented for the va- and regional system agencies through the rious sectors, in relation to existing sec- establishment of an intersectoral working tor plans, helping to coordinate regional group with Council Resolution no. 570/2016. planning with reference to the mitiga- The regional strategy goals can therefore be tion and adaptation goals; summarized as follows: ww to identify and promote a participatory ww to enhance the actions, plans and pro- process involving local stakeholders in grammes of the Emilia-Romagna Region order to integrate the issue of adaptation in terms of mitigation and adaptation to and mitigation into all regional and local climate change by mapping the actions sectoral policies; already in place at regional level to redu- ww to coordinate with local mitigation and ce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt adaptation initiatives. to climate change; CURRENT 2030 GOAL 2050 GOAL STATE IN 2017 CO2 emissions Kton CO2 39.000 -40% -80% 5 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document
2.1 Regional emissions trend The time series of total greenhouse gas emissions calculated in CO2eq, including contributions from removals, shows a 2. Observing and predicting downward trend that has sharpened since 2010. climate change The decreasing greenhouse gas emissions trend shows a re- in Emilia-Romagna duction peak in 2014 due to both the economic and producti- ve crisis and to particularly mild winter temperatures that led to a reduction in heating-related consumption (figure 1). Figure 1 CO2 eq emissions Greenhouse gas emissions by sector have sence of a widespread industry and a road been calculated since 2013 (table 1). network connecting Northern and Central Regional emissions, partly due to the signifi- Italy, together with significant human activi- cant quantity of infrastructure spread across ty in the region, results in emissions that can the Region, include relatively high levels of only be partially contained, although over greenhouse gas emissions, particularly when the years great progress has been made in compared to the national average. The pre- terms of reducing emissions. Table 1 CO2 eq (kt) emissions by sector 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Industrial production 11.646 11.504 11.699 15.850 16.318 and electricity Civil 8.765 7.329 8.297 9.573 9.975 Transport 11.992 12.551 11.043 11.057 10.796 Agriculture 3.656 3.595 3.758 3.230 3.148 Other emissions (waste 2.485 2.244 2.928 2.516 2.452 management, fugitive emissions) Removals -3.843 -3.920 -3.806 -3.546 -3.689 (LULUCF) Industrial production and 34.701 33.304 33.919 38.642 39.000 electricity 6 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document
The largest contribution to emissions is due in recent years) and fossil-fueled electricity to transport and civil heating (residential and generation plants, although the contribu- tertiary). Less significant contributions are tions of the latter have been increasing in re- made by industry (which has seen significant cent years due to the recovery of natural gas improvements in its emissions performance power production (figure 2). Figure 2 Graph CO2 eq (kt) emissions by sector Industrial production and electricity Civil Transport Agriculture Other emissions (waste management, fugitive emissions) Removals (LULUCF) CO2 emissions are proportional to energy con- The emissions from the civil sector are due sumption; over the last decade, energy con- to the demand for thermal energy for hea- sumption by primary source in the Emilia-Ro- ting and are therefore influenced by the ye- magna Region has undergone a change that ar’s climate. has led to a reduction in the consumption of The transport sector shows a slight constant petroleum products in favour of natural gas, drop in emissions mainly due to the renewal renewable sources and electricity. of the vehicle fleet. Demand and consumption of electricity is Despite the continuous increase in waste constantly increasing, particularly during the production, the total sent to landfill has de- summer to meet the demand for air condi- creased thanks to waste policies implemen- tioning in buildings. This leads to a signifi- ted in recent years. In particular, the increase cant increase in emissions from the electrici- in recovered methane has significantly con- ty production sector. tributed to reducing the sector’s emissions. 7 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document
2.2 Climate change trends on a global and local scale The most consistent sign of ongoing climate 5x5km date set). There are also very signi- change is temperature, for which, at a glo- ficant positive anomalies, especially for the bal level, observed data show a growth trend maximum temperatures. In fact in the Re- between 0.6 °C and 1.1 °C in the 1880-2012 gion, in the 1991-2016 period, the maximum period. Moreover, since 1950, ten-year and annual temperature recorded an average inter-annual temperature variability, as well increase of about 1.5 °C compared to the as the frequency and intensity of extreme 1961-1990 period (17.8 °C compared to 16.3 events (last report of the Intergovernmental °C). At a seasonal level, there is a greater re- Panel on Climate Change,, has corded increase during the summer, with increased. a trend of 0.6 °C per decade for maximum With regard to global precipitation, there is a temperatures and of 0.3 °C per decade for more varied trend, with many regions of the minimum temperatures. globe having recorded positive trends (nor- The increasing trend is confirmed by the thern Europe and certain areas of northern trend of the extreme temperature indica- and central Asia) or negative trends (Sahel tors, namely by the increase in the duration and Mediterranean area) from 1951 to today, of heatwaves and tropical nights during although these trends are not always signi- the summer and the decrease in the num- ficant. ber of days with frost during the winter. The Mediterranean Basin has been identi- With regard to annual and seasonal cu- fied as a “hotspot” for climate change, a ba- mulative precipitation, the trend shows a sin with annual trends of temperature rises slight decrease, except in autumn, for whi- and a marked reduction in the number of ch a positive trend is reported. Although rainy days. there is no significant trend in cumulative precipitation, it is important to highlight Climate anomalies in Emilia-Romagna the presence of years with significant ano- Between 1961 and 2016, a significant increa- malies, both negative and positive, espe- se in minimum and maximum temperatu- cially after 1980 (Figure 4). res, both at an annual and seasonal level, In the extreme precipitation values, a positi- was detected in Emilia-Romagna. The an- ve trend in the maximum consecutive num- nual trend is more notable for the maximum ber of days without precipitation has been temperatures (0.4°C per decade) than for the observed, especially during the summer. minimal temperatures (0.2°C per decade). Locally, in the lowlands and in certain sta- The temporal trend of the annual temperatu- tions in the central Apennines, an increase re anomaly (Figure 3) shows a very high fre- in the frequency of heavy rain events has quency of positive cases after 1990 (Eraclito been noted. Figure 3 Figure 4 Annual minimum and maximum temperature anomaly compared Annual precipitation anomaly compared to the 1971-2000 period; to the 1971-2000 period; average in the Emilia-Romagna Region average in the Emilia-Romagna Region Prec. anom (mm) year Tmax anomaly Tmin anomaly year ww Significant increases in annual and sea- ww Slight decrease in annual and seaso- sonal values of minimum and maximum nal cumulative precipitation averages, temperatures; signs of a more intense except in autumn, for which a positive increase in the maximum temperatu- trend is reported. res, especially during the summer. 8 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document
Climate projections in Emilia-Romagna The projections indicate a probable regional average The climate scenarios for the Region have been obtai- increase in minimum and maximum temperatures of ned through the statistical regionalization technique around 1.5 °C in all seasons except summer, when the applied to the results of the global climate model of average regional increase for the maximum tempera- the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change ture is expected to be around 2.5 °C (Figure 5). Further- (CMCC-CM) for the RCP4.5 emission scenario, which more, possible increases in the duration of heatwaves provides for a reduction over time in the concentra- and tropical nights are estimated. tion of greenhouse gases following the adoption of With regard to precipitation, the scenarios show a mitigation policies; the scenario corresponds to the 2 likely decrease in the amount of precipitation in all se- °C global warming goal, identified in the Paris Agree- asons, except in autumn, when there may be a regio- ment (2015). nal average increase of around 20% (Figure 6). The climate scenarios for the Region show significant As evidenced at a global level, even at regional level signs of change for the 2021-2050 period compared to signs of change may vary in magnitude and be posi- the 1971-2000 reference period, in terms of both tem- tive or negative depending on the different areas of perature and rainfall. the region. Figure 6 Figure 5 Changes in Tmin and Tmax (average in the Emilia-Romagna Changes in average precipitation (in the Emilia-Romagna Region) Region) in 2021 -2050 vs 1971 -2000, RCP4.5 scenario in 2021-2050 vs 1971-2000, RCP4.S scenario (E-Obs data set, 0.250x0.250 resolution) (data set 5x5 km) WINTER SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN WINTER SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN ww For the 2021-2050 period, a probable increase in mini- estimates that human activities have caused the glo- mum and maximum temperatures of about 1.5 °C in bal temperature to rise by about 1 °C compared to the winter, spring and autumn, and about 2.5 °C in summer. pre-industrial period, and that, if this temperature rise ww Probable increase in temperature extremes, in parti- trend continues at the current pace, global warming will cular of heat waves and tropical nights. increase by 1.5 °C between 2030 and 2052. ww Probable decrease in the amount of precipitation, The same report emphasizes the fact that the tempera- especially in spring (around 10%) and summer. ture increase will vary according to geographic area, in ww Probable increase in total precipitation and extreme other words there will be regions that will experience a events in autumn (about 20%) and increase in the greater increase and others where the increase will be number of consecutive days without precipitation in smaller ( the summer (about 20%). There are similar temperature projections for the 2021- “Representative Concentration Pathways” (RCPs) refers to the pa- thways of concentrations of greenhouse gas emissions in the 21st cen- 2050 period, including in the context of the RCP8.5 tury, with consequent and associated projections of radiative forcing emission scenario. levels on the ground, based on different scenarios of global economic growth, population variation, exploitation of energy and land resour- Towards the end of the century, from 2071 to 2100, the ces and other socio-economic factors. projections show more intense changes in terms of both In its fifth Assessment Report (AR5, 2014), the IPCC selected four re- ference RCPs: RCP 2.6, RCP 4.5, RCP 6.0 and RCP 8.5. The numerical temperature and rainfall. With the RCP 4.5 scenario, the suffix, for example 2.6, represents the radiative forcing, measured in expected increase for maximum temperatures during the W/m2, estimated in the year 2100 compared to the pre-industrial era summer could be around 4.5 °C, while with the RCP 8.5 sce- (1750), for the different pathways. The RCP 2.6 scenario considers the adoption of policies to miti- nario, which considers the absence of mitigation policies gate and reduce very high emissions; the RCP 4.5 scenario consi- and the increase in greenhouse gas emissions over time, ders the stabilization of the concentration of greenhouse gases, or the adoption of measures for their significant reduction; the summer temperatures could increase by as much as 8 °C. RCP 6.0 scenario is a stabilization scenario, with mild emission reductions; the RCP 8.5 scenario considers the presence of high emissions, or the non-adoption of mitigation policies (“BAU: bu- Future scenarios: the Special Report on Global War- siness as usual”). ming of 1.5 °C (2018) The RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios were taken into consideration in the strategy. The Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C (2018) 9 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document
pends both on their intrinsic characteristics and on the possibility (technical, economic and social) of intervening with adaptation 3. The regional measures. vulnerabilities and risks As in the case of vulnerability, the physi- associated with climate cal-biological and socio-economic sectors change are also interconnected in terms of risks and the impact of climate change for a gi- ven sector can affect others: for example, it is possible that the risk of subsidence in the co- Vulnerability astal area is linked to the imbalance betwe- Vulnerability is one of the risk components en groundwater withdrawals and recharge, with respect to climate change. For an area, due to the increased demand originating in this is connected to its natural characteristi- other sectors. cs and level of human activity. The degree of The potential trend towards a significant in- vulnerability is determined by susceptibility crease in water demand, particularly for the to damage, by different sectors’ adaptabili- irrigation sector, faced with reduced resour- ty and by the interrelations between physi- ce availability and unchanged infrastructu- cal-biological and socio-economic sectors, re conditions, will lead, on the one hand, to such as between water and agriculture, the failure to meet water needs and, on the between air quality and human health, etc. other, to heightened environmental pro- Most of Emilia-Romagna is located in the ge- blems, such as a decrease in the ecological ographical region belonging to the Po river and chemical quality of surface water bo- basin district, the most important Italian area dies. The water deficit would cause a deple- in geographical, economic and social terms, tion of freshwater environments and their which is also extremely vulnerable to climate eutrophication, which would have a critical change, despite its abundant water resour- impact on hosted ecosystems and the most ces. sensitive species. Considering that climate change could alter Therefore, just as for the vulnerabilities, the the seasonal distribution and variability of greatest risks related to climate change will precipitation in the area and reduce the ex- be associated with the water cycle and con- tent and volume of alpine glaciers, there will sequently with the availability of water re- be significant variations in water outflows, as sources. already evidenced by hydrological and rain- Other risks directly or indirectly resulting fall data. from this, caused by climate change in the In the rest of the region, the greatest vulnera- physical-biological and socio-economic sec- bility is also linked to the water cycle, namely tors in Emilia-Romagna, are: to the increased frequency and intensity of ww forest fires, extreme weather and climate events and to ww hydrogeological instability (landslides the variation in average annual water availa- and floods) and subsidence, bility. ww soil degradation and onset of desertifica- Indeed, since 2003, due to the increased de- tion processes, mand from various human activities, there ww loss of agricultural production, have been frequent water shortages. ww less availability and lower quality of water, ww coastal erosion, ww adverse effects on health, Risks ww increased energy consumption, The risks connected to climate change in the ww loss of biodiversity and ecosystem change, physical-biological and socio-economic sec- ww adverse effects on economic activities (in- tors are related to the type of impact that the dustry, commerce and tourism), change can have and to the degree of resi- ww saltwater intrusion. lience of the sectors themselves, which de- 10 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document
The following infographics, for each area in which the Emilia-Romagna Region has been divided, only schematically report the main and major effects that the risks identified above have on the physical-biological and socio-economic sectors. Specifically: ww Ridge area (which includes municipali- ties at altitudes exceeding 800 metres above sea level) ww Hilly area (which includes municipalities at altitudes between 200 and 800 metres above sea level) ww Lowland area (which includes municipa- lities at altitudes lower than 200 metres above sea level) ww Coastal area (which includes municipali- ties facing the sea or less than 5 km away) ww Urban areas (which include municipali- ties with > 30,000 inhabitants) For a more in-depth, detailed analysis of the individual sectors, please refer to the an- nexes of the complete document – Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna Region – which is available on www.regione.emilia-romagna/ ambiente/cambiamentoclimatico 11 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document
LEGENDA RISK AREA KEY AMBITI DI RISCHIO forestincendi fires boschivi dissesto idrogeologico hydrogeological instability degrado deland soil degradation suolo e innesco onset arretramento della linea loss ofperdita della biodiversità biodiversity and coastal di erosion costa e modifi ca degli ecosistemi of desertification processes ecosystem change loss perdita di qualità equality of environmental sicurezza andambientale safety turismo tourism loss of tourist attractiveness fewer tourists in the winter tourist season increased management costs for winter sports facilities loss of economic value of buildings due to structural deterio- ration, reduced road access to settlements, increased insur- urbane urban areas ance costs aree lower number of inhabitants and settlements damage to buildings and infrastructure aumento increased risksdei forrischi peopleper le persone aumento increased dei risks health rischifor sanitari peopleper le persone aumento increase delle patologie in diseases related legate alla variabili- salute to climate variability ridge health crinale area danniand damage e interruzioni disruptionalla viabilità to roads increased cost for infrastructure maintenance and repair transport Area di Ridge Area crinale area di crinale (which (che include (che includes include i Comuni i Comuni municipalities aat a quotaquota superiore altitudes superiore exceedingagli800 800 agli 800 metri metri s.l.m.)s.l.m.) metres above sea level) reduced attractiveness of production sites production due to loss of safety and accessibility sicurezza e accessibilità sistema system increased site insurance costs increased exposure of slopes to extreme territorio estremi events increased vulnerability land increased land maintenance and management costs territorio interne waters acque inland 12 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document ale 07.05.indd 2-3
adverse effects on economic adverse effects on health saltwater intrusione intrusion salina activities economiche aumento dei consumi increased energy perdita della loss produzione of agricultural minore disponbilità less availability and lower consumption agricola production e qualità idrica quality of water air quality fishing and dell’aria e acquacoltura qualità production loss and increased management costs aquaculture reduction in the typical amount of fish caught pesca coastal areas alterazione dellaofcomposizione alteration the composition and biodiversity and balance of terrestrial flora and e ecosistemi biodiversità ecosystems fauna nicchie and destruction of ecological ecologiche sites and niches loss of arable land agricoltura decline in the quantity and quality of local agriculture products loss of productive soil layers decrease in energy production sistema from hydroelectric plants system energy increased energy demand due to management of winter sports facilities and to the presence of tourists in the summer aumento del numero increase e dell’estensioine in the number delle and extent aree percorse of areas impactedda incendi by fires increase in forest management and restoration foreste forests diminuzione della produzione costs decrease in timberdiproduction legname distruzione e alterazione destruction degli ecosistemi and alteration of forestforestali ecosystems perditaloss della of resilienza dei sistemi forest ecosystem forestali resilience 13 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document 07/05/19 1
LEGENDA RISK AREAS KEY AMBITI DI RISCHIO forestincendi fires boschivi hydrogeological instability dissesto idrogeologico soil degradation degrado delandsuolo onsete innesco coastalarretramento erosion della linea loss ofperdita biodiversity and della biodiversità of desertification processes di costa ecosystem e modifichange ca degli ecosistemi perdita loss of di qualità equality environmental sicurezza andambientale safety tourism turismo loss of attractiveness and fewer tourists loss of economic value of buildings due to structural deterioration, reduced road access to settlements, urbane urban areas increased insurance costs aree lower number of inhabitants and settlements damage to buildings and infrastructure aumento increased risksdei forrischi per le persone people aumento increased dei risks health rischifor sanitari peopleper le persone aumento increase delle patologie in diseases related legate alla variabilità to climate variability hilly salute health increased risk dei aumento for rischi new diseases per nuove patologie collina area danni damage ande interruzioni disruption alla viabilità to roads increased cost for infrastructure maintenance and repair transport Areaarea Hilly di Area collina di collina (which (che include include (che include i Comuni municipalities i Comuni aat a altitudes between 200 tra quota quota compresa compresa tra i 200andi 200 800 reduced attractiveness of production sites e gli 800 metres e above glimetri 800seametri s.l.m.) level)s.l.m.) due to loss of safety and accessibility production perdita increased di insurance site sicurezza ecosts accessibilità sistema system increased exposure of slopes to extreme events territorio estremi increased vulnerability land increased land maintenance and management costs increased exposure of slopes to extreme events increased aumento della vulnerabilità dei suoli soil vulnerability alteration of the balance of flora and fauna aumento dei risks rischifor sanitari perincrease le persone interne waters inland increased health people in groundwater acque aumento dei prelievi da falda withdrawals 14 collina 06.05.indd 2-3 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document
adverse effects on economic adverse effects on health intrusione salinaintrusion saltwater activities economiche aumento dei consumi increased energy perdita della loss produzione of agricultural minore disponbilità less availability and lower agricola production e qualità idrica quality of water consumption air quality fishing and dell’aria e acquacoltura qualità production loss and increased management costs aquaculture reduction in the typical amount of fish caught pesca biodiversity and coastal areas e ecosistemi biodiversità alterazione della alteration composizione of the e composition ecosystems and balance of terrestrial flora nicchie and fauna and destruction of ecological sites and niches loss of arable land agricoltura decline in the quantity and quality of local products agriculture loss of productive soil layers riduzione anddelle superfi reduced ci land arable increased production costs and reduced arable land decrease in energy production from hydroelectric plants sistema system energy aumento della increasedrichiesta coolingdidemand raffrescamento aumento del numero increase e dell’estensione in the number delle and extent of aree areaspercorse impacteddaby incendi fires increase in forest management and restoration costs foreste forests diminuzione decreasedella produzione in timber di legname production alterazione dellaof alteration composizione e della the composition distruzione e alterazione destruction degli ecosistemi and alteration of forest consistenza delle coperture and consistency forestali of forest cover forestali ecosystems loss perdita of forest della ecosystem resilienza resilience dei sistemi forestali perditaloss della ofresilienza dei sistemi forest ecosystem forestali resilience 15 07/05/19 16:10 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document
KEY AMBITI DI RISCHIO LEGENDA RISK AREAS forestincendi fires boschivi hydrogeological instability dissesto idrogeologico soil degradation degrado delandsuolo onsete innesco arretramento coastal erosion della linea loss of biodiversity perdita and della biodiversità of desertification processes di costa e modifi ecosystem ca degli ecosistemi change loss of environmental perdita di qualità quality andambientale e sicurezza safety tourism turismo loss of attractiveness and fewer tourists loss of economic value of buildings due to structural deterioration, reduced road access to settlements, urbane urban areas increased insurance costs aree lower number of inhabitants and settlements damage to buildings and infrastructure aumento increased risksdei forrischi peopleper le persone aumento increased dei risks health rischifor sanitari peopleper le persone aumento increase delle patologie in diseases related legate alla variabilità to climate variability salute health aumento increased risk dei for rischi per nuove patologie new diseases pianura pianura lowlands danni damage e interruzioni and allaroads disruption to viabilità increased cost for infrastructure maintenance and repair transport diminuzione reduction delle potenzialità of the potential of inlanddel trasporto navigation fl uviale Area diArea Lowland pianura di pianura area (which (che include (che includes include i Comuni i Comuni municipalities a quotaa quota inferiore inferiore ai at altitudes lower than 200ai 200200 reduced attractiveness of metri metri s.l.m.)s.l.m.) metres above sea level) production sites production perdita due to loss ofdisafety sicurezza andeaccessibility accessibilità sistema system increased site insurance costs dei increased exposure of slopes to extreme events territorio estremi increased vulnerability land increased land maintenance and management costs increase in erosion and surfaces vulnerable to extremes estremi events aumento dei rischi sanitari per le persone increased health risks for people increase in groundwater aumento dei prelievi da falda interne withdrawals waters inland acque increased sanitization and purification costs 16 pianura 07.05.indd 2-3 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document
adverse effects on economic adverse effects on health intrusione salinaintrusion saltwater activities economiche aumento dei consumi increased energy perdita della loss produzione of agricultural minore disponbilità less availability and lower agricola e qualità idrica quality of water consumption production air quality fishing and deterioration of air quality due to seasonal increase in short-term pollutants dell’aria e acquacoltura qualità production loss and increased management costs aquaculture reduction in the typical amount of fish caught pesca biodiversity and coastal areas alterazione della alteration ofcomposizione e the composition e ecosistemi biodiversità ecosystems and balance of terrestrial flora and fauna and destruction ecologiche of ecological sites and niches decline in quantity and quality diminuzione della sostanza organica e agricoltura reduction of organic matter and reduction agriculture of productive surfaces increased production costs and reduced arable land decrease in energy production sistema from hydroelectric plants system energy aumento della richiesta di raffrescamento increased cooling demand aumento dei blackout increase in blackouts alterazione e perdita della resilienza degli ecosistemi forestali residuali alteration and loss of resilience of residual forest ecosystems foreste forests 17 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document 07/05/19 16:11
LEGENDA RISK AREAS KEY AMBITI DI RISCHIO incendi forest fires boschivi dissesto idrogeologico hydrogeological instability soil degradation degrado deland onset suolo e innesco arretramento coastal erosion della linea perdita loss of della biodiversità biodiversity and of desertification processes di costa e modifi ecosystem ca degli ecosistemi change turismo loss of tourist attractiveness tourism loss of attractiveness and lower tourist numbers increased cost of management and safety of facilities loss of economic value of buildings due to structural deterioration and increased insurance costs urbane urban areas aree damage to buildings and infrastructure aumento increased dei rischi health risks sanitari per le persone for people aumento increase delle patologie in diseases related legate alla variabilità to climate coastal salute variability and extremes and to air quality health aumento increased risk dei for rischi new per nuove increased diseases patologie costs for the health system costa area danni damage e interruzioni and disruptionalla to viabilità roads increased maintenance and ten- repair cost loss of infrastructure transport Coastal area (which Area Area di dimunicipalities costa includes costa (che (che includeinclude i facing the sea ori Comuni Comuni che chethan less loss of economic value and si aff si aff acciano 5 km away) acciano sul sul mare mare o o attractiveness of production sites due to interruzione della produzione che distano che distano dameno da esso esso meno production a decrease or interruption in production di 5 km) di 5 km) sistema system increased insurance costs structural deterioration damage to production facilities and loss of economic value of sites territorio increased maintenance, management and safety costs in sicurezza land aumento della vulnerabilità increased vulnerability increased maintenance and management costs aumento increase dell’erosione in erosion e delle superfi and surfaces ci vulnerabili vulnerable alle ingressioni to marine ingressionmarine aumento increased dei risks health rischi for sanitari per le persone people intrusione saltwater salinainto intrusion nelle aumento increase dei prelievi da in groundwater falda withdrawals falde aquifers increased sanitization interne waters inland acque increased sanitization and purification costs and purification costs increased maintenance and management costs aumento increased della vulnerabilità vulnerability costa07.05.indd 2-3 18 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document
adverse effects on economic adverse effects on health intrusione salina saltwater intrusion activities economiche aumento dei consumi perdita della loss produzione of agricultural minore disponbilità less availability and lower increased energy agricola e qualità idrica consumption production quality of water deterioration of air quality due to seasonal increase in short-term pollutants air quality fishing and dell’aria e acquacoltura qualità production loss and increased management costs aquaculture reduction in the typical amount of fish caught pesca failure to satisfy demand in the tourist season increased risk of conflict in the use of the resource coastal areas and of groundwater drainage loss of economic value of assets and structures loss or deterioration of morphological and functional characteristics | loss of attractiveness increased vulnerability to extreme events damage to infrastructure and buildings subsidenza | ingressioni subsidence marineingression | marine biodiversity and e ecosistemi alterazione della alteration of composizione the composition e and balance biodiversità ecosystems of flora and fauna and destruction delle nicchie ecologiche of ecological niches decline in the quantity and quality of products agricoltura agriculture reduced arable land and increased production costs colturereduced arable land and crop damage aumento della richiesta increased di raff cooling rescamento demand aumento dei rischi increase indiblackouts blackout sistema system energy alterazione e perdita alteration anddiloss resilienza degli ecosistemi of resilience forestali of residual forestresiduali ecosystems foreste forests 19 07/05/19 16:11 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document
LEGENDA RISK AREAS KEY AMBITI DI RISCHIO forestincendi fires boschivi dissesto idrogeologico hydrogeological instability degrado deland soil degradation suolo e innesco onset arretramento coastal della linea loss ofperdita della biodiversità biodiversity and of desertification processes di erosion costa e modifi ecosystem ca degli ecosistemi change loss of tourist attractiveness turismo tourism loss of attractiveness and lower tourist numbers increased cost of management and safety of facilities loss of economic value of buildings due to structural deterioration, reduced road access to settlements, increased insurance costs urbane urban areas aree damage to buildings and infrastructure aumento increased deirisks health rischifor sanitari peopleper le persone aumento increase delle patologie in diseases related legate alla variabilità to climate variability health salute aumento increased risk dei for rischi per nuove patologie new diseases increased costs for the health system sanitario aree urban danni damage ande interruzioni allaroads disruption to viabilità increased cost for infrastructure maintenance and repair transport Urban areasurbane Aree urbane Aree (which in- clude municipalities (che includono (che with i Comuni includono i Comuni structural deterioration and increased > 30,000 inhabitants) insurance costs > 30.000) > 30.000) production sistema system loss of economic value and attractiveness of production sites due to a decrease or interruzione interruption della produzione in production increased insurance costs increased maintenance, management and safety costs territorio in sicurezza land aumento increased deirisks health rischifor sanitari peopleper le persone aumento dei prelievi da falda interne waters increase in groundwater withdrawals inland acque increased sanitization and purification costs 20 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document
adverse effects on economic adverse effects on health intrusione salina saltwater intrusion economiche activities aumento dei consumi perdita lossdella produzione of agricultural minore less disponbilità availability and lower increased energy agricola e qualità idrica consumption production quality of water deterioration of air quality due to seasonal increase in short-term pollutants air quality fishing and dell’aria e acquacoltura qualità aquaculture pesca coastal areas areas biodiversity and e ecosistemi biodiversità ecosystems agricoltura agriculture aumento della richiesta di raffrescamento increased aumento cooling demand dei blackout sistema system energy increase in blackouts foreste forests 21 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document
4. Actions: Intervention priorities The following are some of the main inter- network with consequent difficulties in ma- ventions identified for certain sectors divi- naging mobility in urbanized areas. ded into short-term actions (by 2020), me- This has negative repercussions in economic dium-term actions (by 2020) and strategic terms, linked to the cost of restoring infra- guidelines. For a more in-depth and comple- structure and services, and in terms of safety, te version of this information, please refer to linked to the safety of people who use this in- the Mitigation and adaptation strategy for frastructure for travel. the Emilia-Romagna Region document, ap- The PRIT2025 outlines an integrated plan proved by Assembly Resolution no. 187 of 29 for mobility management: from manage- December 2018. ment of demand to organization of networks and services in the area, improving accessi- 4.1Infrastructure and transport bility and incorporating the guidelines of the The transport sector in Emilia-Romagna is Climate change mitigation and adaptation extremely vulnerable to climate change: on joint strategy. the one hand, the settlement fragmentation In particular, the intervention priorities that increases the demand for mobility of pe- concern mitigation measures, such as: pro- ople and goods and makes the sector one of motion of electric mobility with alternative the most energy-intensive at a regional level, sources to fossil fuels; upgrading of electric where the main energy source is fossil fuels, outlets throughout the entire area; zero-e- on the other hand, the increased frequency mission conversion of public fleets (vehi- of extreme weather and climate phenomena cles and buses); improvement of the railway that jeopardizes the regional infrastructure electrification system and of rolling stock. The table gives a detailed description of the actions to be implemented in the short and me- dium term and of the allocated resources. Implementation period Type of measure Support for the transition of businesses and consumers to electric vehicles Incentives will be provided for the entire 2018 – 2019 – 2020 three-year period. Specifically, this consists of a contribution equal to the cost of three years of regional motor vehicle tax, up to a maximum amount of 191.00 euro for each year. Residents of the Region will be able to access the contribution and become the owner of a new petrol-electric hybrid vehicle Short-term actions (by 2020) Improvement of fast charging areas through: an allocation of over 2 million euro for the purchase of charging sy- stems by local authorities, agencies and public transport companies The charging network is already undergoing further implementation thanks to agreements signed by the Region with the major cities and electricity distributors Signing of new agreements with the main electricity distributors for the installation of around 1,500 new facilities by 2020. 22 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document
Implementation period Type of measure Exclusive purchase of zero-emission buses from 2025-2030 and exclusi- ve purchase of zero-emission vehicles for public fleets by 2030 The Region has already planned to replace 20% of its buses by 2020, sub- stituting, in particular all Euro 0 and E1 with low-impact vehicles and de- veloping the LNG (liquified natural gas) technology for local public tran- sport in certain cities, and providing for the construction of three LNG and biomethane filling stations. New power line projects will be developed, partly thanks to residual ERDF ROP funds (European Regional Develop- ment Fund - Regional Operational Programme, 2014-2020) in various cities in the Region with a 7 million-euro pilot project for electric public mobility. At the end of the pilot project, the Region will increasingly incen- tivize transport companies to exclusively purchase electric buses in urban areas. Promotion of the implementation of the EV charging infrastructure, in particular in all public buildings Medium-term actions (beyond 2020) Support for EV battery charger installation in the workplace Improvement of the railway electrification system The new 2019-2034 service contract provides for a complete renewal of the railway fleet, with the replacement of most of the regional rolling stock. The first and most sizeable introduction of new stock will take place starting in June 2019 and will end in 2020 with 86 new trains, entailing an investment of around 600 million euros. Improvement of regional rolling stock The new 2019-2034 service contract provides for a complete renewal of the railway fleet, with the replacement of most of the regional rolling stock. The first and most sizeable introduction of new stock will take place starting in June 2019 and will end in 2020 with 86 new trains, entailing an investment of around 600 million euros. The strategic guidelines identified to mana- structure vulnerabilities, and finally to the ge the risks associated with climate chan- definition of new technical standards and ge promote the optimisation of existing optimal solutions to refer to. networks with respect to the construction Adaptation of the infrastructure and tran- of new and large-scale works, providing for sport system must also be implemented a weighted assessment of infrastructure ef- through local mobility planning tools, ac- ficiency standards and their vulnerability to cording to the respective powers of local au- climate change in relation to their functio- thorities. nality. In order to allow the implementation of A crucial role is played by promotion of complementary and support measures, analysis of the vulnerabilities of the tran- it is advantageous to implement aware- sport system, with reference to the three ness-raising actions, public debate and re- aspects of sensitivity (infrastructure, services gional coordination, involving all stakehol- and demand), including preparation of vul- ders, in particular the infrastructure and nerability maps based on experience. When services managers. identifying adaptation measures, particular attention is also paid to biodiversity and na- tural ecosystems, as well as to their evolution under climatic variables. This type of activity requires coordinated methodologies defi- ned at national level, with regard to the type of phenomena that can be expected, the methods of diagnosing of land and infra- 23 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document
4.2 Land (landslides, floods and soil ww Improvement of systems for forecasting, degradation) early warning and monitoring of phe- A very large proportion of regional residen- nomena, information to the population tial areas, infrastructure, real estate and pro- and dissemination of risk culture and the duction business is subject to potential criti- Alert Web portal cal issues due to hydrogeological instability. The intervention priorities relate to the con- About 12% of the Region is potentially expo- struction of hydraulic works for waterways, sed to landslides that affect large areas of the especially in sections near towns and indu- mountainous/hilly area; 45% of the region is strial sites. These are accompanied by: or- subject to hydraulic hazards, very often in re- dinary and extraordinary maintenance for lation to the secondary reclamation network hydraulic safety and slope security; beach in the lowlands. Furthermore, the region’s nourishment of coastal areas; interventions land has an average sensitivity to desertifica- for the defence of drainage canals, as well tion in lowland and foothill areas and a low as irrigation works to combat water scarcity, sensitivity in hilly and mountainous areas. especially in the agricultural sector. In order Following agri-environment measures and to guarantee necessary prevention and to regional soil protection policies, soil loss due reduce the vulnerability of areas, businesses to water erosion (5.64 t/ha/year) is however sli- and citizens, efforts will be intensified in the ghtly lower than the Italian average (7.7t/ha/ coming years to improve early warning sy- year), although considerably higher than the stems and to provide adequate knowledge EU average. of the tool for ever greater efficiency. Climate change scenarios, envisaging an in- The guidelines identified by the regional crease in extreme events, will lead to grea- strategy to manage the risks associated with ter hydrological instability in relation to the climate change must aim to: improve geo- easier triggering or recurrence of landslides technical and structural knowledge of river and to more frequent river floods, especially bank defence systems and their control du- in the small foothill basins connected to the ring an event; systematize maintenance, se- urban fabric. The expected long dry periods, curity and vulnerability reduction plans for reduced precipitation and positive tempera- structures and infrastructure (such as roads ture anomalies will lead to more arid condi- and distribution networks) of strategic im- tions which, combined with unsustainable portance, including for the safety of the area management, especially in agriculture, may and its inhabitants; relocate areas exposed to accentuate soil degradation and trigger de- greater risk. sertification processes. The key objectives are: Various measures, acting on different fronts, ww maintenance of correct and fast emer- are planned to contain the increasing hydro- gency management to deal with the un- geological risk: predictability of extreme events ww Improvement of knowledge of phenome- ww application of innovative tools and na and of the area, data sharing methods for monitoring phenomena ww Policies and regulations regarding land and collecting and sharing data, informa- management and use of water resources tion and predictive and hydrometeorolo- ww Planning and implementation of structu- gical modelling systems ral defence interventions, widespread ww constant study of the alterations of the maintenance of the area and works most significant hydrological regimes ww Promotion of activities and practices fo- and phenomena (e.g. flash floods) due to cused on sustainability and the preven- climate change and its effects on soil de- tion and mitigation of soil degradation gradation, development of technologies ww Integration between functional coordina- for the control and widespread surveil- tion and planning levels lance of banks through research 24 Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy for the Emilia-Romagna region - Summary document
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