Study on Ecology and Health of Felines -

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Study on Ecology and Health of Felines -

                                                                                                                      Ricardo Teles
    Study on
    Ecology and
    Health of Felines
       or the last 40 years, RNV        Atlantic Forest" (Competição,           Minas Gerais), Ana Carolina Srbek
       has hosted studies on the        coexistência e saúde geral de           de Araujo formerly worked as
       fauna that are relevant for      grandes felinos na Mata Atlântica       a Sustainability analyst at Vale.
the existing richness in the area,      de Tabuleiro), selected among the       Now, she is a full professor of the
focusing on endangered animals          proposals submitted in the joint call   postgraduate programs in Ecology
that find, in this area, one of their   for proposals between Vale and the      of Ecosystems and in Animal
remaining refuges in the Atlantic       Research Support Foundations of         Science, both at UVV.
Forest. Ana Carolina Srbek de Araujo,
                                        the states of Espírito Santo and Rio
a biologist at Vila Velha University                                            As early as in the 2000s, her project
                                        de Janeiro, in 2015.
(UVV, Universidade de Vilha Velha),                                             aimed to define the number of
has been studying jaguars at RNV        With a master’s degree in Zoology       jaguars (Panthera onca) existing in
on an ongoing basis since 2005.         of Vertebrates and holding a PhD        the region of RNV, and to determine
Currently, she coordinates the          in Ecology, Conservation, and           the proportion of females and
research project "Competition,          Management of Wildlife from the         males in the population, as well
Coexistence, and General Health         Federal University of Minas Gerais      as to evaluate the distribution of
of Large Felines in the Tabuleiro       (UFMG, Universidade Federal de          individuals within the reserve area.

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Study on Ecology and Health of Felines -

     Using genetic resources, she also        one doctoral student. It aims to study    New Phases
     evaluated this population situation      intra and interspecific competition
                                                                                        A new phase of the project,
     to check if there was any loss of        patterns, establishing the
     genetic variability, which can occur                                               which began in the second half of
                                              mechanisms that allow maintenance
     due to inbreeding (mating between                                                  2018, comprises the capture and
                                              of the populations as well as
     two related individuals), for example,                                             installation of transmitter collars
                                              coexistence of jaguars and pumas
     and the proportion. She also studied                                               on individual animals. It will help
                                              (Puma concolor) within Linhares-
     the animals’ diet and the presence of    Sooretama block, in addition to           improve monitoring and study
     intestinal parasites.                    determining the general health            of patterns of territory use and

                                              conditions of individual animals.         sharing by jaguars and pumas,
     As part of the results, she estimated                                              also enabling the continuation
                                              “We started in 2017, with the
     the existence of nearly 20 jaguars
                                              collection of fecal samples to update     of the study on diet overlap
     in the Linhares-Sooretama block,
                                              the data on diet and parasitology.        and general health.
     a large remnant area of the forest
                                              For that, we walked the non-paved         Jaguars will be captured with the
     adjacent to RNV. The population
                                              internal roads of RNV in search
     is composed of two females for                                                     help of traps conventionally used
                                              of feces and other signs, such as
     every male, with only adults being                                                 in Brazil. In the case of pumas,
     considered. It is the last remaining     tracks and scratches, that serve as
                                                                                        a technique unprecedented
     population of these felines in           signals of the places where jaguars
                                                                                        in the country will also be
     Espírito Santo and one of the last       are found”, Ana Srbek explains.
                                                                                        applied, using remote capture
     in the Atlantic Forest.                  According to her, the update of
                                                                                        equipment, authorized by the
                                              information is important to evaluate
                                                                                        National Center of Research and
     The study also concluded that,           if there has been any change in the
                                                                                        Conservation of Carnivorous
     despite the loss of genetic              patterns previously recorded that
                                                                                        Mammals (CENAP, Centro Nacional
     variability, the jaguars in RNV still    could indicate problems for the
                                                                                        de Pesquisa e Conservação de
     have important information for the       conservation of the species.
                                                                                        Mamíferos Carnívoros) and ICMBio.
     genetic conservation of the species
     due to the presence of alleles that      In total, the researchers have already    “Through a partnership with

     have not been registered until           covered 1,380 kilometers during           Francisco Palomares, a Spanish

     then in other populations. Genes         the sampling phase, and in the first      researcher from the Doñana

     are made up of alleles, segments         16 months of the study, 459 fecal         Biological Station – Spanish
     in which specific information is         feline samples were found, of which       National Research Council (EBD-
     contained and that may vary among        38 have already been confirmed as         CSIC, Estación Biológica de
     individuals. The loss of genetic         belonging to large species. A portion     Doñana – Consejo Superior de
     variability occurs when, randomly,       of each collected sample is used for      Investigaciones Científicas) in
     there is a reduction in the number       diet analysis. Fecal samples found        Seville, a device will be used to
     of allele types and certain alleles      fresh are divided into subsamples,        allow dart sedation of animals, with
     become more common.                      which are selected for analysis of        minimum intervention required
                                              intestinal parasites and virology         for the containment of animals,
     Current Study                            (See list on page 17). As well as fecal   guaranteeing that the capture,
     The current study is being carried out   samples, 34 scratches and 104 places      aided by biologists and veterinary
     by a group of researchers (See list on   with tracks or footprints of large        physicians, is much less stressful for
     page 15), three master’s students and    felines were recorded.                    the jaguars”, explains Ana Srbek.

14   MAIS
Study on Ecology and Health of Felines -
The technique will only be used              will also be authorized for              reproductive capacity of individuals.
for pumas, because jaguars are less          jaguars in the future.                   Once freed, they will be equipped
endangered in the Atlantic Forest                                                     with transmitter collars (provided for
                                             Once the felines are sedated,
in comparison with pumas, and                                                         eight pumas) that will allow much
                                             samples will be collected for an
the local population is extremely                                                     more comprehensive monitoring,
                                             overall evaluation of their health
                                                                                      via satellite, of the their movements,
important. Thus, CENAP authorized            condition, through the study of
                                                                                      both in relation to the areas they
the use of this new equipment                biological parameters (hematological
                                                                                      move through and the times in
only for pumas. If the success is            and biochemical profile) and dosage
                                                                                      which each of them does so. “For
confirmed for this species (with no          of inorganic contaminants, oral cavity
                                                                                      the identification of the spatial and
additional risks for the individuals),       condition and teething, endo and         temporal pattern of the area used
captures using remote equipment              ectoparasites, viral diseases, and the   by the pumas, an analysis of the
                                                                                      geographic location points collected
                                  Researchers                                         through the transmitter collar will
                                                                                      be carried out. This data, along with
 Name                           Institution                     Title                 the points at which feces, tracks and
                                                                                      scratches are found, will be evaluated
 Ana Carolina                   Vila Velha
                                                                Doctor                with the help of Geographical
 Srbek de Araujo                University
                                                                                      Information Systems (GIS) and will
 João Luiz                      Vila Velha                                            be used to identify the patterns
 Rossi Júnior                   University
                                                                                      of spatial and temporal overlap or
 Fábio Ribeiro                  Vila Velha                                            segregation of the individuals”, states
 Braga                          University                                            the researcher.

 Fernando                       Federal University                                    At the end of the study, planned
 Vicentini                      of Espírito Santo
                                                                                      for 2020, with the conclusion of the
 Francisco Palomares            Doñana Biological                                     laboratory analyses and the analysis
 Fernández                      Station, in Spain                                     of the data from the collars, there will

 Tarcízio Antônio               Federal University                                    be more accumulated knowledge
 Rego de Paula                  of Viçosa                                             to use for the conservation of
                                                                                      the species. It will be possible, for
 David Costa                    Vila Velha
                                                                Doctor                example, to evaluate the need for
 Braga                          University
                                                                                      specific measures to manage certain
 Hilton Entringer               Vila Velha                      Studying for a        species that are considered key preys
 Júnior                         University                      master’s degree
                                                                                      for the survival of large predators –
 Alana Gomes                    Vila Velha                      Studying for a        such as the white-lipped peccary
 Ribeiro                        University                      master’s degree       (Tayassu pecari), the capybara
                                                                                      (Hydrochaeris hydrochoerus) and
 Laura Martins                  Vila Velha                      Studying for a
 Magalhães                      University                      master’s degree       the paca (Cuniculus paca) – or
                                                                                      of methods for populational
 Ana Paula Jejesky              Vila Velha                      Studying for a
                                                                                      supplementation through the
 de Oliveira                    University                      doctorate degree
                                                                                      transfer of pumas from other areas,

                                                                                                                              MAIS   15

     so that the local populations can
     remain healthy on the long term.

     The project will also identify
     which ecological mechanisms can
     help reduce direct competition
     between jaguars and pumas; it
     is essential for their coexistence
     in Linhares-Sooretama block and
     in other fragmented areas of the
     country. "These predators are key

                                                                                                                      Leonardo Merçon
     to ensuring a balanced ecosystem
     as they control prey populations.
     Lack of such regulation creates
     imbalance among the species and
     may even lead to a cascade reaction
     that will reduce the seed dispersal                 The felines are a flagship species,
     in the forest," says Ana Srbek.
                                                         popular and very useful for
     Furthermore, the predators
     usually consume weak or sick                        awareness campaigns that
     animals, helping to keep the                        we have been running
     prey populations healthy too”,
     Ana Srbek comments.

     The study of pumas has another
                                            to raise awareness that all the          Further Information
     positive impact, on education, as
                                            researchers have contributed a lot        For more information
     pointed out by Jackeceli Falqueto,
                                            to”, said Jackeceli.                      on research related
     Environmental analyst of RNV
                                                                                      to the topic, read
     and biologist responsible for the      As someone who knows the
     support, evaluation, and monitoring    structure of the Reserve, Ana
     of the research projects carried       Srbek emphasizes the area is
     out in the area. “The felines are a    an environmental asset that
     flagship species, popular and very     shows Vale’s responsibility to the
     useful for awareness campaigns         biodiversity conservation and
     that we have been running ever         enables exchanges between
     more frequently, mainly directed to    the company and the academic          From the research carried out

     the children in the region, but also   world, which is beneficial for both   in RNV, information has been
     to adults and educators. Poaching      parties and helps to ensure faster    generated that contributes to
     and forest fires are problems that     improvement of knowledge and          conservation of the flora and fauna
     affect the large felines and all the   innovation. “The Reserve is an        not just within it, but in other areas
     biodiversity, requiring an effort      inexhaustible source of knowledge.    too”, she comments.

16   MAIS
Laboratory Analysis
of Samples
        he analyses will be done at      the rectum of captured species
        the Laboratory of Ecology        and samples collected in the field
        and Conservation of              (when fresh) are evaluated for the
Biodiversity at UVV (diet and use of     presence of eggs, larvae and adult
space), the Laboratory of Wildlife       helminths, as well as for cysts and
Health at UVV (parasitology), the        oocysts of protozoans. For this, a
Laboratory of Virology at UFES           combination of sampling methods
(virology), and the Laboratory of        are adopted, such as flotation
Animal Breeding at UVV (breeding).       (Willis method) and spontaneous
                                         sedimentation (HPF method).
                                         The identification of intestinal

                                                                                                                   Valentyn Volkov
The analysis of the diet is done         endoparasites (eggs, larvae, cysts,
through the identification of            and oocysts) is done with the help
non-digested items (hairs, quills,       of an optical microscope.
bone fragments, teeth, scales,
and many other) contained in the         Virology
                                                                               of positive samples for genetic
fecal samples. For this, the samples     The analysis of viral infection
                                                                               sequencing to identify
are washed under running water,          of jaguars and pumas is done
                                                                               the microorganisms.
dried in an oven, and screened to        for different agents, such as the
separate and classify the content.       Canine Distemper Virus (CDV ), as     Breeding
The hairs, specifically, are separated   well as the adenovirus, rotavirus,
according to morphotype                                                        For analysis of reproductive
                                         reovirus, and picobirnavirus. For
(coloration, length, and thickness)                                            capacity, the animal’s semen is
                                         this, a swab is collected from the
and submitted to microstructural                                               collected. The material collected
                                         oral and nasal cavity (conjunctiva)
analysis (identification of medulla      and the feces. The swabs are          is placed in a solution of buffered
and cuticle), with the help of an        stored in a means of transport        formalin. The morphological
optical microscope. This technique       and the feces are stored in           and quantitative analyses of
is used to identify the prey, in the     universal containers that are kept    the semen are done through an
case of mammals, as well as to           refrigerated in thermal containers    optical microscope to identify
confirm the species of predator          to be sent to the laboratory.         the occurrence and frequency
(analysis of hair ingested during        Viral detection is done through       of the main sperm defects,
self-cleaning).                          the extraction of nucleic acid,       considering those associated to
                                         using the Boom method, and            the spermatogenic process, to the
Parasitology                             later detection of viral genomes      transport of sperm through the
For the analysis of endoparasites,       through PAGE (RNA) and PCR            epididymis and the process
the feces collected directly from        (DNA and RNA), with the sending       of maturation.

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