JBC Papers in Press. Published on March 5, 2018 as Manuscript M117.816793 latest version is at

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JBC Papers in Press. Published on March 5, 2018 as Manuscript M117.816793 latest version is at
JBC Papers in Press. Published on March 5, 2018 as Manuscript M117.816793
        The latest version is at http://www.jbc.org/cgi/doi/10.1074/jbc.M117.816793

                                        HIV-1 integrase polymorphism and INLAI-induced multimerization

  Structure-function analyses unravel distinct effects of allosteric inhibitors of HIV-1 integrase on viral
                                       maturation and integration

  Damien Bonnard1,2*, Erwann Le Rouzic1*, Sylvia Eiler3, Céline Amadori1,4, Igor Orlov3, Jean-
  Michel Bruneau1, Julie Brias1, Julien Barbion1, Francis Chevreuil1, Danièle Spehner3, Sophie
 Chasset1, Benoit Ledoussal1, François Moreau1, Ali Saïb2, Bruno P. Klaholz3, Stéphane Emiliani4,
                    Marc Ruff3, Alessia Zamborlini2, and Richard Benarous1,5
   Biodim Mutabilis, Romainville 93230, France, 2Inserm U944, CNRS UMR 7212, Université Paris
Diderot, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris 75010, France, 3Centre for Integrative Biology,
   IGBMC Inserm, CNRS, Université de Strasbourg, Illkirch 67404, France, 4Institut Cochin, Inserm
 U1016, Paris, France, 5Present address: 75013 Paris, France. *These authors contributed equally to this

            Running title: HIV-1 integrase polymorphism and INLAI-induced multimerization

To whom correspondence should be addressed: Damien Bonnard, Mutabilis, 102 avenue Gaston Roussel,

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93230 Romainville, France, E-mail: damien.bonnard@mutabilis.fr; Alessia Zamborlini, UMR7212, 16 rue
de la Grange aux Belles, 75010 Paris, France, E-mail: alessia.zamborlini@lecnam.net; Marc Ruff, LGBS
IGBMC, 1 rue Laurent Fries, 67404 Illkirch, France, E-mail: ruff@igbmc.fr; Richard Benarous, 19 rue de
Croulebarbe, 75013 Paris, France, E-mail: benarous.r@wanadoo.fr

Keywords: HIV, integrase, LEDGF, inhibitor, allosteric regulation, INLAI, multimerization,
polymorphism, viral replication, crystal structure

ABSTRACT                                                     for aberrant multimerization. By analyzing the X-
         Recently, a new class of HIV-1 integrase            ray structures of MUT-A bound to the IN catalytic
(IN) inhibitors with a dual mode of action, called           core domain (CCD) with or without the A125
IN-LEDGF/p75 allosteric inhibitors (INLAIs), was             polymorphism, we discovered that the loss of IN
described. Designed to interfere with the IN-                multimerization is due to stabilization of the A125
LEDGF/p75 interaction during viral integration,              IN variant CCD dimer, highlighting the importance
unexpectedly, their major impact was on virus                of the CCD dimerization energy for IN
maturation. This activity has been linked to                 multimerization. Our study reveals that affinity for
induction of aberrant IN multimerization, while              the LEDGF/p75-binding pocket is not sufficient to
inhibition of the IN-LEDGF/p75 interaction                   induce INLAI-dependent IN multimerization and
accounts for weaker antiretroviral effect at                 the associated inhibition of viral maturation.
integration. Since these dual activities result from
INLAI binding to IN at a single binding site, we
expected that these activities co-evolved together,                   The integrase (IN) protein of Human
driven by the affinity for IN. Using an original             Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) catalyzes
INLAI, MUT-A, and its activity on an Ala-125                 the stable insertion of the viral cDNA genome into
(A125) IN variant, we found that these two                   the host cell chromatin, a step of the viral life cycle
activities on A125 IN can be fully dissociated:              that is required for efficient viral gene expression.
MUT-A-induced IN multimerization and the                     Integration occurs via a two-step reaction where IN
formation of eccentric condensates in viral particles,       initially cleaves after a conserved CA dinucleotide
that are responsible for inhibition of virus                 at the 3’ end of the viral cDNA genome to free a 3’-
maturation, were lost, while inhibition of the IN-           OH group (3’ processing), which is next used to
LEDGF/p75 interaction and consequently                       carry out a nucleophilic attack on cellular
integration, was fully retained. Hence the mere              chromosomal DNA (strand transfer).
binding of INLAI to A125 IN is insufficient to                        IN is one of the preferred targets for the
promote the conformational changes of IN required            development of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs.

JBC Papers in Press. Published on March 5, 2018 as Manuscript M117.816793 latest version is at
HIV-1 integrase polymorphism and INLAI-induced multimerization

Inhibitors of IN currently used to treat HIV-1-               conformational changes of IN that ultimately
infected      individuals     (Raltegravir      (RAL),        trigger its aberrant multimerization (10–12, 15–19).
Elvitegravir (EVG), and Dolutegravir (DTG)) bind              This effect is independent of the presence of
to the catalytic site and block the strand transfer           LEDGF/p75 and the viral DNA and results from the
activity, and are thus collectively named IN Strand           binding of the inhibitors to the IN dimer interface
Transfer Inhibitors (INSTIs) (1).                             that is also part of the LEDGF-binding pocket.
         However, given the high genetic variability                   Given their dual biochemical activities,
of HIV-1, IN mutations conferring cross-resistance            INLAIs were shown to block HIV-1 replication at
to the first generation INSTIs, RAL and EVG, were             two different steps: the inhibition of IN-
described in patients receiving INSTI-containing              LEDGF/p75 binding accounts for an “early” block
regimens (2). The second generation INSTI DTG                 at integration, while INLAI-promoted IN
has a higher genetic barrier and conserves good               multimerization results in a “late” effect during
ARV activity against a number of RAL- and EVG-                virus maturation (11, 12, 17, 18).
resistant strains. Recent reports showed that                          Vranckx et al. have shown that
Bictegravir, a second generation INSTI still in               LEDGF/p75 depletion hampers HIV-1 reactivation
development from Gilead Sciences, has a resistance            in cell culture, and they demonstrated that
profile similar to DTG (3). Nevertheless, DTG and             LEDGINs relocate and retarget HIV integration,

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Bictegravir are sensitive to the most detrimental             resulting in a HIV reservoir that is refractory to
INSTI resistant mutations albeit at lower levels than         reactivation by different latency-reversing agents
first generation INSTIs (4). Therefore, the                   (20).
development of small molecule inhibitors                               HIV-1 virions produced in the presence of
impairing IN functions with distinct mechanisms of            INLAIs are non-infectious because they are unable
action and that conserve full ARV activity on all             to complete reverse transcription upon target cell
INSTI-resistant strains is an important objective.            infection (12, 17, 18). Investigating the molecular
         Efficient integration of the HIV-1 genome            bases of the observed infectivity defects, we found
requires the interaction between IN and                       that HIV-1 virions produced in the presence of the
LEDGF/p75, a host cell chromatin-associated                   quinoline INLAI compound BI-D (developed by
protein (5, 6), which tethers the viral pre-integration       Boehringer Ingelheim) package normal levels of
complex at preferred genomic insertion sites (7).             genomic RNA dimer and harbor a properly placed
Solution of the 3-dimensional structure of the                tRNAlys3 primer that could be extended ex vivo. In
LEDGF-binding pocket of IN was recently                       addition, reverse transcriptase extracted from these
exploited for the preclinical development of a new            virions is fully active (21).
class of IN inhibitors. From a chemical point of                       Electron microscopy images show that
view, these compounds share a common chain                    HIV-1 viral particles produced from INLAI-treated
composed of a tert-butylether and a carboxylic acid           cells contain aberrant cores, from which the viral
group linked to a wide variety of scaffolds, notably          ribonucleoprotein complex is excluded, leading to
quinoline, naphthalene, benzene or pyrimidine (8).            the formation of “eccentric condensates” with high
Many names have been proposed for this new class              Nucleocapsid (NC) content outside the core (22).
of IN inhibitors such as LEDGINs first inhibitors of          Their compactness and density distinguish
this class reported (9), Allosteric IN inhibitors             condensates from the other material that typically
(ALLINIs) (10), Non Catalytic IN inhibitors                   occupies the space between the core and the viral
(NCINIs) (11–13), Multimerization IN inhibitors               envelope (22), which are mostly nonpolymerized
(MINIs) (14) or IN-LEDGF Allosteric Inhibitors                CA (23, 24) and host cell proteins (25). Recently,
(INLAIs) (15). In the absence of a general                    Kessl et al. reported that IN binds the viral RNA
consensus name, this latter acronym will be used              genome inside virions, and that INLAIs preclude
throughout this article because it has the advantage          this interaction required for proper viral particle
to recall the dual mode of action of these                    morphogenesis (26). Madison et al. showed that
compounds. Initially designed to prevent the IN-              upon infection with aberrant eccentric virions, IN
LEDGF/p75 interaction, it was later evidenced that            and genomic RNA that are not protected in the
these molecules have an additional biochemical                capsid core undergo rapid degradation, which likely
activity based on the induction of allosteric                 accounts for the reverse transcription defect (27).

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HIV-1 integrase polymorphism and INLAI-induced multimerization

         Here we characterize a new type of INLAI,           NL4-3 strain, MUT-A has a strong ARV activity
MUT-A. MUT-A shares with all previously                      with a 31 nM EC50, slightly more potent than BI-
described INLAIs a key chain composed of a tert-             224436, and roughly six-fold more efficient than
butylether moiety linked to a carboxylic acid group,         the BI-D racemate (EC50=0.19 µM). MUT-A ARV
but it is based on an original scaffold, a 5-                activity on MT4 cells infected with HIV-1 HxB2
membered thiophene ring (Table 1). We studied the            strain was even more potent than that found in NL4-
molecular mechanism of action of MUT-A on the                3 infection with an EC50 of 12 nM. Comparable
inhibition of IN-LEDGF/p75 interaction and                   ARV activities were measured upon infection of
induction of IN multimerization, and characterized           activated primary peripheral blood mononuclear
its ARV activity. MUT-A also influences the                  cells (PBMC) with NL4-3 or HxB2. MUT-A
appearance of eccentric condensates in the viral             showed low cellular toxicity with CC50s of 42 µM
particles as visualized by cryo-electron microscopy.         or 116 µM on MT4 cells or PBMC, respectively,
         We also studied the influence of the IN hot         and high CC50/EC50 selectivity indexes of ≥1355
spot polymorphism at amino acid residues 124/125             (for NL4-3) or ≥3500 (for HxB2) (Table 1).
on the activity of MUT-A and other INLAIs. Our                        MUT-A ARV activity is strongly affected by
findings reveal the importance of this                       an Alanine residue at position 125 in the IN
polymorphism          in     INLAI-induced       IN          sequence—IN is a highly polymorphic protein in

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multimerization in correlation with the ARV                  particular at positions 124 and 125, which are a hot
activity of these compounds.                                 spot of IN polymorphism (29–31). As shown in
                                                             Table 2, for all clades the AA combination at
RESULTS                                                      position 124/125 is the most frequent (46%),
         Biochemical and antiretroviral activities of        followed by TA and AT that occur in about 15% of
MUT-A,       compared      to    reference     INLAI         the sequences. The TT combination has a frequency
compounds—Optimization by medicinal chemistry                below 5%. In contrast, analysis of IN sequences of
of the Mut101 series (15) led to the identification of       clade B strains revealed that the TT and AA
a novel family of potent INLAIs with low EC50 of             combinations have a frequency of 32 and 9%,
ARV activity. These compounds harbor a tert-                 respectively (Table 2). Residues 124 and 125 are
butoxy-acetic acid chain as all previously described         located on the edge of the INLAI-binding pocket
INLAIs, crucial for the ARV potency.                         and interact with the part opposite to the carboxylic
Rescaffolding of the described INLAIs led to the             acid side chain of these compounds, including
discovery of an original thienyl series that allows          MUT-A (see Fig. 4). Thus, we investigated the
the exploration of a new chemical space. We                  potential impact of these major IN polymorphic
identified MUT-A lead compound, substituted by a             sites on the ARV activity of MUT-A and the other
methyl, a gem-dimethylcyclohexenyl and a 4-                  INLAI compounds shown in Table 1. Point
pyridinyl in positions 2, 4 and 5 respectively on the        mutations encoding AA, AT, TA, NT, NA
thienyl core (Table 1). MUT-A shows potent in                polymorphisms were introduced in NL4-3
vitro biochemical inhibition of IN-LEDGF/p75                 molecular clone, and the corresponding viral stocks
interaction with an IC50 of 95 nM and induces IN             were used to challenge MT4 cells in multiple-round
multimerization with an activation concentration             infection assays. We observed that the EC50 of BI-
(AC50) of 52 nM, as determined by homogeneous                224436 was not significantly affected by the nature
time-resolved fluorescence (HTRF) assays. These              of the 124/125 residues (Table 3A), while BI-D
biochemical activities were comparable to those of           racemate was 2 to 3 times more potent on viruses
previously described INLAI compounds BI-D and                with an A than a T residue at position 124 (compare
BI-224436 (Table 1). We also checked by cryo-                EC50 values of 83 nM for AT versus 0.19 µM for
electron microscopy (cryo-EM) that MUT-A                     TT and 61 nM for AA versus 0.10 µM for TA).
treatment during production of HIV-1 induced the             MUT-A more efficiently inhibited viruses bearing
formation of virus particles containing aberrant             an A or an N residue at position 124 (compare EC50
cores, from which the viral ribonucleoprotein                values of 14 nM or 27 nM for NL4-3 AT or NT,
complex is excluded, leading to the formation of             respectively, versus 31 nM for TT). The slight
eccentric condensates (28). In multiple-round                preference of MUT-A for an A residue at position
antiviral assays on MT4 cells infected with HIV-1            124 explains the more potent ARV activity of

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HIV-1 integrase polymorphism and INLAI-induced multimerization

MUT-A on HxB2 which harbors an A at position               ARV activity of BI-D on HIV-1 harboring the IN
124, while NL4-3 bears a T residue at this location.       124/125 AA variant correlated with the ability of
More importantly, MUT-A ARV activity was                   this compound to promote a higher level of IN
strongly affected by the presence of an A residue at       multimerization on this variant. As observed for
position 125 in the IN sequence, with a 30 to 100-         MUT-A, BI-D equally inhibited the interaction
fold decrease in potency (compare EC50 of 1.5 µM           between LEDGF/p75 and either IN variant (Fig.
for AA versus 14 nM for AT or 1.6 µM for TA                1F). The increased potency of BI-D to trigger IN
versus 31 nM for TT) (Table 3A). The negative              multimerization on the IN 124/125 AA variant was
impact of A125 polymorphism on MUT-A ARV                   not due to a change in the AC50 constant, but rather
activity was confirmed by studying several HIV-1           to a ~2-fold increase in the maximum plateau level
primary isolates (Table 3B). Yet the EC50 fold-            reached at saturating concentration of the
changes between NL4-3 and the primary isolates in          compound. As expected, BI-224436 had similar
these assays on PBMCs were approximately 5                 ARV activity on viruses harboring either IN
times lower than in MT4 infection assays with the          variants, and triggered the multimerization of both
NL4-3 strains bearing the corresponding IN                 IN proteins to similar extent (Fig. 1G).
124/125 polymorphisms.                                              Relationships      between       the    dual
         The negative impact of A125 IN                    biochemical properties of INLAIs and their dual

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polymorphism on MUT-A ARV activity correlates              ARV activities—It is believed that the strong ARV
with impairment of IN multimerization, but not             effect of INLAIs on virus maturation is mostly
inhibition of the IN-LEDGF/p75 interaction—                linked to the induction of IN multimerization and
MUT-A like all INLAIs has dual biochemical                 that the weaker effect at integration is caused by the
activity, consisting in the inhibition of the IN-          inhibition of IN-LEDGF/p75 interaction. We
LEDGF/p75 interaction and the promotion of IN              sought to determine whether the differential
multimerization. To establish whether the residue at       activities of MUT-A on IN 124/125 AA and TT
position 125 affects either activity, we purified          variants corroborate this theory. To this aim, we
recombinant NL4-3 IN proteins harboring TT                 extended the analysis to the ARV activity at
(corresponding to wt NL4-3 IN sequence) or AA at           integration, measured in single-round infection
positions 124/125 and tagged with His6 or Flag             using non-replicative HIV-1 NL4-3∆env virions as
epitopes. Next, the IN-LEDGF/p75 interaction and           described in the experimental procedures section.
IN multimerization were assessed by HTRF assays            As shown on Table 4, the ARV activity of MUT-A
in the presence or absence of MUT-A or reference           at integration was similar for both IN TT and AA
INLAIs (Fig. 1A). Both IN variants had similar             polymorphs, with an EC50 ratio of 1.4 between the
ability to interact with LEDGF/p75 and                     two variants consistent with the IC50 ratio of 1.1
multimerize in the absence of inhibitor (Fig. 1B).         found on IN-LEDGF/p75 interaction. This result is
As shown in Figure 1C to E, MUT-A, BI-D and BI-            in sharp contrast with the fold-change of 48
224436 inhibited the binding of both IN variants           between the ARV activities at late stage estimated
with LEDGF/p75 to a similar extent. However, the           by multiple-round infection assays on these variants,
nature of the 124/125 residues strongly affected the       which conversely matches with a 14-fold loss in IN
extent of MUT-A-induced IN multimerization.                multimerization assays (Table 4). These
MUT-A efficiently promoted IN variant TT                   observations further confirm that the ARV activity
oligomerization. In contrast, multimerization of the       of INLAIs at integration correlates with their
IN variant AA was inefficient, displaying both a           activity on IN-LEDGF/p75 interaction while their
higher AC50 constant and a much lower plateau of           ARV activity at late stage of HIV replication relates
maximum multimerization level reached at                   to their ability to promote IN multimerization. In
saturating concentration of MUT-A (Fig. 1H).               the case of BI-D or BI-224436, the modest gains in
These results clearly demonstrate that the weak            ARV activities on the viruses bearing IN AA (fold-
ARV activity of MUT-A on HIV-1 harboring IN                changes down to 0.32) are also consistent with the
AA 124/125 correlates with strong impairment of            similarly enhanced biochemical activities on this IN
IN multimerization and not with the extent of IN-          variant.
LEDGF/p75 interaction inhibition. Confirming this                   Lack of MUT-A-induced IN AA 124/125
correlation further, we found that the more potent         multimerization correlates with an absence of

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HIV-1 integrase polymorphism and INLAI-induced multimerization

assembly alterations in the IN AA 124/125 virus             substituents. All compounds including MUT-A
variant—A hallmark of the class of INLAI                    were synthesized as racemic mixtures. As shown in
antiretroviral compounds is the alterations in the          Figure 3, substitutions by a 1-methyl-5-oxo-2H-
virus assembly that are related to IN                       pyrrol-3-yl (MUT-A05), a 6-methyl-2-pyridyl
multimerization. In order to demonstrate that the           (MUT-A08) or a 4-propyl-2-pyridyl (MUT-A09)
lack of MUT-A-induced IN multimerization                    had a strong negative effect on the ARV potency in
observed with the AA 124/125 polymorphism at the            multiple-round antiviral assay on both AA and TT
IN protein level leads to an absence of assembly            IN variant viruses, which likely results from a 5- to
defects at the virus level, we produced both wt             30-fold decrease in affinity as evidenced by the IN-
NL4-3 and IN AA 124/125 viruses in the presence             LEDGF/p75 IC50s and the IN multimerization
or absence of MUT-A. Since the EC50 of MUT-A                AC50s of these compounds. In addition, MUT-A05
antiretroviral activity for the AA 124/125                  was almost unable to induce IN multimerization
polymorphic virus was 1.5 µM, much higher than              (with plateau at saturation below 25%), and thus
that for the wt NL4-3 virus of 31 nM, we produced           had the highest EC50s in multiple-round assay (up
the IN AA 124/125 virus variant in the presence of          to 43 µM). Substitutions by a pyrimidin-5-yl
5 µM MUT-A, compared to wt NL4-3 virus                      (MUT-A02) or a 1-methyl-6-oxo-3-pyridyl (MUT-
produced with 1 µM MUT-A. While the infectivity             A04) significantly affected the ARV activity only

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of the NL4-3 wt virus was severely impaired by              on the IN AA variant virus, with a minor effect on
1 µM MUT-A treatment as previously shown, the               the TT polymorph. These molecules had a high IN
virus variant NL4-3 AA 124/125 was only                     multimerization fold-change on IN AA variant (19
marginally affected by 5 µM MUT-A treatment.                and 16 respectively). Conversely, compounds
Imaging of viral particles by cryo-EM (Fig. 2)              substituted by a phenyl (MUT-A01), 2-pyridyl
reveals that even a concentration of MUT-A of               (MUT-A03), a 3-(methylcarbamoyl)phenyl (MUT-
5 µM was not sufficient to promote in the IN AA             A06) or 3-(propylcarbamoyl)phenyl (MUT-A07),
124/125 polymorphic virus (Fig. 2C) a transition to         had increased ARV activity on the AA variant,
the virus assembly defects observed with wt virus           from 2.7 µM for MUT-A to 0.44 µM, 0.36 µM,
in the presence of 1 µM MUT-A (Fig. 2A), such as            1.3 µM and 0.72 µM respectively. Such
the increased occurrence of eccentric condensates           improvement in EC50 on the AA variant correlated
outside the viral core (Fig. 2B). Core morphology           with an enhanced multimerization of this IN variant,
of the IN AA 124/125 virus variant treated with             from 130% for the IN multimerization plateau of
5 µM MUT-A (Fig. 2C) was similar to that of the             MUT-A to 640%, 670%, 270% and 340% for
control IN AA 124/125 virus variant produced in             MUT-A01, MUT-A03, MUT-A06 and MUT-A07
the absence of MUT-A (Fig. 2A). Hence, the                  respectively. MUT-A01 and MUT-A03 are the
occurrence of MUT-A-promoted alterations in                 most efficient compounds, with equal potency on
virus assembly correlates at the protein level with         the multimerization of both IN variants. They also
the induction of IN multimerization of wt virus.            have the best ratio between the AA and the TT IN
When MUT-A is unable to promote IN                          polymorph with a fold-change in EC50 of 2 and 0.8
multimerization of IN AA 124/125 (Fig. 1H),                 for MUT-A01 and MUT-A03, respectively.
assembly alterations at the level of the NL4-3 AA           Interestingly, the improvement in the EC50 of
124/125 virus variant are concomitantly lost.               MUT-A03 on the virus bearing IN AA variant was
         Impact of modifications in position 5 on the       observed only in multiple-round but not in single-
thienyl core of MUT-A on its ARV activity—To                round infection assay, demonstrating further that IN
identify the structural components of MUT-A                 multimerization correlates with the potency of the
responsible for its sensitivity to the A125                 late ARV activity on virus maturation. These
polymorphism, and eventually improve the ARV                findings are also supported by the fact that MUT-A
activity of analog compounds on IN polymorphic              derivatives did not display a significant relative
variants at position 124/125, we explored the               variation in the IC50 on IN-LEDGF/p75 interaction
impact of the substitution in position 5 on the             with IN AA or TT variant. Unfortunately, the
thienyl core of MUT-A. We considered replacing              improved ARV activity on viruses harboring the
the 4-pyridyl moiety by regioisomers, other                 AA IN variant was accompanied by a variable but
heterocycles or a phenyl, and adding various                significant decrease in the ARV potency on viruses

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HIV-1 integrase polymorphism and INLAI-induced multimerization

harboring the TT IN variant. In particular, MUT-              (Fig. 5A, B, D, E). As for MUT-A, MUT-A03 is
A03 which has a MUT-A-like affinity for IN (as                anchored in the pocket for IN CCD AA and TT
measured by the IN-LEDGF/p75 IC50), has a 10-                 through H-bonds with E170, H171 and T174 (Fig.
fold decrease in ARV potency on the virus bearing             5C, F). In the case of IN CCD TT+MUT-A03 there
IN TT variant. This defect is presumably linked to            is one missing H-bond (Fig. 5C) present in all other
a lower ability of MUT-A03 to promote                         structures (two oxygen atoms of the ligand which
multimerization of IN TT protein (with a 3 times              share an H-bond with T174) (Fig. 4C, F, 5F).
higher AC50).                                                          Interface and ligand binding analysis—The
         Structure function analysis—The results              specificity and the strength of the CCD dimer
obtained with the chemical series studied in Figure           interface of the TT and AA variants in presence or
3 confirm that the difference in the potency of               absence of MUT-A or MUT-A03 were analyzed by
MUT-A ARV activity on the IN polymorphic                      PISA (Protein interfaces, surfaces and assemblies),
variants at positions 124/125 is linked to the nature         which estimates the dimer stability based on the
of the chemical moiety found in position 5 on                 binding energy of the interface and the entropy
MUT-A core. To further explore this phenomenon,               change due to complex formation (32). Low P
X-ray structures of IN CCD were solved for the TT             values are indicative of a specific interface. The
and AA variants in presence or absence of MUT-A               predicted binding free energy for MUT-A and

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or MUT-A03. At first sight, the overall structures            MUT-A03 was calculated using the BAPPL server
were similar, but detailed analysis of the ligand             (33) and PDB2PQR for the ligand net charge (34).
binding pocket, the dimeric interface and the                 The net charges for MUT-A and MUT-A03 were
predicted ligand binding free energy explained the            found to be 0 and -1 respectively. The results of this
effects of MUT-A and MUT-A03 on viral                         analysis together with biochemical and virological
replication and set the structural basis for the design       data are summarized in Supplementary Table S2.
of more efficient INLAIs.                                              TT vs AA comparison: In the absence of
         Structure description—The structure of               ligand, the reduction of the number of salt bridges
unliganded IN CCD AA variant was similar to that              in the dimer of the AA variant (-6 vs. TT), as well
of the TT variant, including the general topology of          as the lower gain in solvation energy on
the LEDGF/p75 binding site (Fig. 4A, D). Yet, the             dimerization together with the increase of the P
two amino acid substitutions resulted in a more               value indicate a less stable CCD dimer for the AA
open conformation of the AA site, with the side-              IN variant.
chains of Q95 and E170 flipped outwards whereas                        TT+MUT-A: In the presence of MUT-A,
they are folded in the LEDGF/p75-binding pocket               there is a decrease in the number of H-bonds and
of the TT variant (Fig. 4B, E). Therefore, while              salt bridges (-2 and -8), as well as a smaller gain on
large displacements of T124 and E170 are required             complex formation, indicating a weaker interface.
for the TT variant to accommodate MUT-A (Fig.                 Correlation between these structural changes and
4B), there are no major changes in the AA variant             the efficiency of MUT-A to promote IN TT
(Fig. 4E). Both structures superimpose nicely (Fig.           multimerization could be explained by the
4E), except for a rotation of the Q95 side-chain.             destabilization of the IN CCD dimer leading
MUT-A is anchored in the pocket for IN CCD AA                 presumably to aberrant multimerization of IN
and TT through H-bonds with E170, H171 and                    through its N and C terminal domains.
T174 (Fig. 4C, F). Interestingly, the same findings                    AA+MUT-A: In this complex, the same
apply to MUT-A03 binding. In particular, there are            number of H-bonds and salt bridges as with the IN
structural similarities between MUT-A03- and                  TT are observed (10 and 4 respectively). However,
MUT-A-bound IN CCD AA, as well as vs. the                     the loss upon MUT-A binding is smaller for the AA
unliganded protein. However, the pyridine nitrogen            variant (-2 and -2 only) than for TT (-2 and - 8). It
of MUT-A is headed towards the solvent (Fig. 4B),             is combined with a reverse effect on the energy gain
whereas for MUT-A03 it is buried in the site (Fig.            on dimerization and a low P-value. Altogether,
5B). The surface of the IN CCD is mainly                      these data are indicative of the formation of a strong
hydrophobic with basic and acidic patches                     and specific dimeric interface. Also, this AA/MUT-
distributed on the surface (Fig. 5A, D). The ligand           A pair gives the best ligand binding free energy
binding pocket shows an overall positive potential            indicating a tight interaction. Correlation between

JBC Papers in Press. Published on March 5, 2018 as Manuscript M117.816793 latest version is at
HIV-1 integrase polymorphism and INLAI-induced multimerization

these changes and the poor efficiency of MUT-A in             LEDGF-binding pocket, are required to promote IN
promoting IN AA multimerization can be                        multimerization, presumably, conformational
interpreted as the stabilization of the IN CCD dimer          changes of allosteric nature between CCD-CTD
leading to the correct positioning of the CTD and             interactions as previously described (36, 37). In
NTD domains in the context of the full-length                 this report, we demonstrate that the two ARV
protein.                                                      activities of INLAIs can indeed be fully dissociated
         TT+MUT-A03: Again, we observe a loss in              for several compounds such as MUT-A and some
the number of H-bonds and salt bridges (-4 and -2)            of its derivatives. These molecules have lost the
in presence of MUT-A03, together with a small                 ability to induce the multimerization of the A125
increase in solvation energy gain on dimerization,            polymorphic IN while retaining their affinity for IN
indicating a slightly decreased dimerization                  and full inhibitory activity on IN-LEDGF/p75
propensity with MUT-A03.                                      interaction. Reciprocally, Sharma et al. reported the
         AA+MUT-A03: In the presence of MUT-A,                discovery of MINIs, INLAIs that potently induce
there is a more important loss of H-bonds and salt            IN multimerization, while having a 50-fold lower
bridges (-6 and -4), with a gain of solvation energy          activity of the inhibition of IN-LEDGF/p75
on dimerization relatively higher than for the                interaction (14). Interestingly, the IN allosteric
complex with TT variant. This leads to an                     inhibitor family can be a quite diverse, with

                                                                                                                      Downloaded from http://www.jbc.org/ by guest on October 14, 2018
equivalent destabilization of the IN CCD dimer                compounds displaying various levels of their dual
explaining the maintained ARV activity of the                 ARV activities.
inhibitor on the AA variant.                                           Studies from M. Kvaratskhelia’s laboratory
                                                              to determine the biochemical mechanisms
DISCUSSION                                                    underlying the dual ARV activity of INLAIs were
         INLAIs are small molecule inhibitors of              performed with the A128T IN mutant conferring
HIV-1 IN with a peculiar dual mode of action. Their           “moderate” INLAI resistance. For the ALLINI-2
ARV activity results from an early weak inhibitory            compound they measured a mere 2.6-fold loss in
effect at integration and a late strong activity during       IN-LEDGF/p75 inhibition potency, but a roughly
production of mature virus particle. INLAIs also              10-fold increase in IN multimerization AC50
display two distinct biochemical properties,                  together with a 3-fold reduction in the plateau at
inhibition of IN-LEDGF/p75 interaction and                    saturation (for a 30-fold multimerization loss as we
induction of allosteric conformational change of IN           would calculate it here). Reduced IN
leading to aberrant multimerization of the protein.           multimerization correlates with a 19-fold decrease
The fact that INLAIs bind to a unique site on IN,             in inhibition of HIV-1 multiple-round infection and
the LEDGF-binding pocket that lies at the IN dimer            33-fold loss in impairment of virus infectivity in
interface, raises the question whether the two                producer cells (36). The close correlation that we
distinct biochemical and ARV activities of INLAIs             observed between the level of IN multimerization
are linked or can be dissociated. Previous studies on         and the potency of INLAI ARV activity in multiple-
point mutants at amino acid residues critical for             round infection assays provides further evidence
INLAI binding to IN, that dramatically decrease IN            that aberrant IN multimerization is the primary
affinity for INLAIs, showed that both ARV                     biochemical mechanism for the of INLAI-
activities were either lost concomitantly in the              dependent viral maturation defect. It was also
T174I mutant or both strongly affected, although at           reported that modulating LEDGF/p75 levels in
variable level in the case of the H171T mutant (12,           target cells (by knockout or overexpression)
35). These mutants, the T174I in particular,                  determines INLAI BI-D potency at integration (37).
demonstrate that the two activities of INLAIs are             In our experiments, the relative inhibition of
linked to their binding to the LEDGF-binding                  LEDGF/p75 interaction with IN polymorphs
pocket. However, if this binding is sufficient to             strikingly matches the corresponding ARV activity
inhibit IN-LEDGF/p75 interaction, it is not                   at integration of INLAIs. This finding is also in
sufficient, even if fully conserved, to promote the           agreement with the previous reports showing that
second activity on IN, aberrant multimerization,              competition by LEDGF/p75 controls the INLAI-
and consequently the late effect on virus maturation.         mediated inhibition of integration and weakens its
Some other effects, additional to the binding to the          magnitude compared to the ARV potency at late

JBC Papers in Press. Published on March 5, 2018 as Manuscript M117.816793 latest version is at
HIV-1 integrase polymorphism and INLAI-induced multimerization

stage that does not suffer from such competition (15,       CCD-CTD interaction. More specifically, they
37–39).                                                     found that substitutions at residues 124 and 125 in
         Using cryo-EM imaging of the NL4-3 IN              the CCD would create a steric clash with the
AA 124/125 variant virus produced in the presence           polypeptide backbone of the IN CTD, disrupting
of 5 µM MUT-A, we could confirm that the                    the inhibitor-mediated interaction between these
unability of MUT-A to induce IN AA 124/125                  domains. So, it is more likely that the polymorphic
multimerization correlates with an absence of               substitutions at position 125 affect MUT-A-
assembly alterations in the IN AA 124/125 virus             induced CCD-CTD interactions rather than simply
variant (Fig. 2). Interestingly, despite the lack of        the stability of the CCD-CCD dimer observed here
late stage alteration of virus assembly and                 in PISA analysis.
infectivity, MUT-A conserved a weak but non-                         Our studies highlight the significant impact
negligible ARV activity on this variant virus,              of IN polymorphic residues 124/125 for INLAI
evaluated in a classical dose-response experiment           ARV activity. Consistently, INLAI resistance
at 1.5 µM EC50. Such weak ARV activity of MUT-              mutations at these positions were described
A can be attributed only to the inhibition of IN-           following serial passage experiments, including
LEDGF/p75 interaction since the activity of IN              known polymorphisms (N124, T124, S125) or
multimerization is lacking with this variant. Such          novel substitutions (D124, S125, K125) (14, 41–

                                                                                                                         Downloaded from http://www.jbc.org/ by guest on October 14, 2018
assumption is strengthened by the fact that this            44) (and personal unpublished data). Taking into
ARV activity corresponds essentially to an                  account the high variation frequency at these
inhibitory activity at integration with an EC50 in          positions, it is critical to verify the sensitivity of all
single-cycle infection of similar order of magnitude        INLAIs to such polymorphisms. One of the
estimated at 2.9 µ M (see Table 4). Overall, these          reference compounds we used in this study, BI-
observations consolidate our conclusion that the            224436, was optimized on A125 IN polymorph (45).
two ARV activities of INLAIs can indeed be fully            Lately the optimization of a pyridine series on N124
dissociated for some INLAIs in certain conditions.          IN variant virus was also reported (43). Since
         Analysis of the crystallographic structures        MUT-A is strongly affected by the presence of an
of IN CCD TT and AA variants in presence and                A residue at IN position 125, its development
absence of MUT-A or MUT-A03 pointed out the                 toward further preclinical studies was stopped. By
importance of the interaction energy of the IN CCD          introducing chemical modifications in position 5 on
dimer interface. Although the results of PISA               the thienyl core of MUT-A, we could correct its
analysis indicate that MUT-A binding destabilizes           sensitivity to the A125 polymorphism, confirming
the CCD TT dimer but it has a stabilizing effect on         further the link between INLAI-induced IN
the AA dimer, whereas on the contrary, MUT-A03              multimerization and late stage ARV activity of
equally destabilizes both IN-CCD dimers, it is              these small molecule inhibitors. However, up to
unlikely that this phenomenon alone could explain           now, all these chemical changes resulted in an
the defect of MUT-A in the induction of the                 overall lower ARV activity. If MUT-A could not be
multimerization of the IN A125 variant. Indeed, it          advanced in development, it was a highly valuable
has been demonstrated by Shkriabai et al. and               reagent to better understand the molecular basis of
others that the C-terminal domain of IN plays               the biochemical properties of INLAIs, some of the
a critical role for the induction of IN aberrant            structural changes leading to IN multimerization,
multimerization by allosteric inhibitors of IN (40).        and the links between the biochemical properties
More recently, Gupta et al. (41) elucidated the             and the ARV activities of this class of compounds.
structure of the complex of IN bound to the
ALLINIs GSK1264 or GSK002 and showed that                   EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES
aberrant multimerization of IN induced interactions                 Chemical        compound      synthesis—
between the catalytic core domain and the CTD.              References BI-224436 and racemic BI-D were
Importantly, by probing the mechanism of                    synthetized according to experimental procedures
resistance and the structural basis for                     described in patent application WO2009/062285A1.
polymorphism-induced resistance to these                    Chemical synthesis of MUT-A and analogs was
ALLINIs, they found that substitutions at residues          developed at Mutabilis and described in detail in
124 and 125 could affect ALLINI binding or the              patent application WO2014/053666A1 (46).

JBC Papers in Press. Published on March 5, 2018 as Manuscript M117.816793 latest version is at
HIV-1 integrase polymorphism and INLAI-induced multimerization

Enantiomerically pure MUT-A corresponds to                 density of 106/mL were infected with HIV-1 strain
example 11. Racemates of MUT-A and MUT-A01                 NL4-3 at a MOI (multiplicity of infection) of 0.001
to MUT-A09 refer to examples 5, 44, 25, 43, 30, 69,        for 2 h. The cells were washed with PBS,
41, 42, 73, 71, respectively.                              resuspended in fresh complete RPMI, and
         Cell culture—MT4, TZM-bl and HeLa-                distributed into 96-well white plates (Corning) in
LAV cells were obtained through the AIDS                   the presence of different concentrations of
Research and Reference Reagent Program,                    compounds in a final volume of 100 µL per well.
Division of AIDS, NIAID, NIH. MT4 cells were               The effective concentration of compound required
grown in RPMI 1640 supplemented with 10% heat-             to inhibit 50% (EC50) of HIV-1 replication was
inactivated fetal calf serum (FCS) and 100 IU/mL           determined after 5 days using the CellTiter-Glo®
penicillin,    and      100 µg/mL      streptomycin        luminescent reagent (Promega) to quantify cell
(Invitrogen) to obtain RPMI-complete medium.               viability.
HeLa-LAV, TZM-bl and 293T cells (ATCC, CRL-                         Single-round HIV assay—MT4 cells
11268) were grown in DMEM supplemented with                (growing exponentially at the density of 106/mL)
10% FCS and antibiotics. TZM-bl cells are a HeLa           were infected with VSV-G-pseudotyped NL4-
modified cell line containing separately integrated        3∆env-luc at a MOI of 0.0001 for 90 min. The cells
copies of the luciferase and β-galactosidase genes         were washed with PBS, resuspended in fresh

                                                                                                                   Downloaded from http://www.jbc.org/ by guest on October 14, 2018
under control of the HIV-1 promoter. HepG2 cells           complete RPMI, and distributed into 96-well white
(ATCC, HB-8065) were cultured in EMEM                      plates (Corning) in the presence of different
supplemented with 10% FCS and antibiotics.                 concentrations of compounds in a final volume of
         Virus strains and recombinant HIV-1               100 µL per well. Luciferase expression was
molecular clones—HIV-1 NL4-3 and NL4-3∆env-                quantified after two days using the One-Glo™
luc molecular clones were obtained from the NIH            luciferase assay (Promega) for the determination of
AIDS Research and Reference Reagent Program.               compound EC50.
The SpeI-SalI fragment from pNL4-3 containing                       Isolation, activation and culture of human
the full pol gene was cloned into the pUC18                PBMCs—Human PBMCs were isolated from
plasmid. In vitro mutagenesis was performed with           healthy blood donor buffy coats by centrifugation
the PfuTurbo (Agilent) and specific sets of primers        on Ficoll-Hypaque (GE Healthcare), then washed
to engineer the mutants. The mutated fragment was          in PBS. The PBMCs were resuspended at
validated by sequencing (Eurofins) and cloned back         107 cells/mL in complete RPMI supplemented with
into pNL4-3 to generate a HIV-1 mutant molecular           2 µg/mL phytohemagglutinin P (PHA-P) and were
clone.                                                     incubated for 48 to 72 h at 37°C. After stimulation,
         Viral stocks—293T (2.2x106 cells) were            the PBMCs were centrifuged and resuspended in
transfected with 6 µg pNL4–3 proviral plasmids             complete RPMI with 20 U/mL recombinant human
(wild-type or drug resistant) using X-tremeGENE 9          interleukin-2 (IL-2). The PBMCs were maintained
reagent (Roche). Cells were washed 24 h later and          in this medium at a concentration of
cell supernatants were collected 48 h post-                0.8×106 cells/mL with medium changes every 2 or
transfection and stored at -80°C. When indicated,          3 days until they were used in the assay protocol.
viral stocks were prepared in the presence of                       Primary HIV-1 isolates—Primary isolates
various concentrations of MUT-A. Single-round              were obtained from the NIH AIDS Research &
viral stocks were produced by co-transfecting              Reference               Reagent              Program
pNL4-3∆env with Vesicular Stomatitis Virus                 (http://aidsreagent.org). See Supplementary File
envelope glycoprotein (VSV-G) expression vector.           for references (Table S3) and IN sequences (Table
Supernatants were collected 2 days after                   S4 and Fig. S1). Viral stocks were prepared by
transfection. All viral stocks were quantified for         infection of human PBMCs and recovery of
p24 antigen using the Alliance HIV-1 p24 Antigen           supernatant when a sufficient p24 titer was reached.
ELISA (PerkinElmer) and titrated to measure the                     Antiviral assay with human PBMCs—
quantity of infectious particles per mL by infecting       PBMCs were infected with HIV-1 strain or primary
TZM-bl indicator cells.                                    isolate at a MOI (multiplicity of infection) of 0.001
         Multiple-round antiviral assay in MT4             for 2 h. The cells were washed with PBS and
cells—MT4 cells growing exponentially at the               aliquoted, using 100 µL fresh complete RPMI with

JBC Papers in Press. Published on March 5, 2018 as Manuscript M117.816793 latest version is at
HIV-1 integrase polymorphism and INLAI-induced multimerization

20 U/mL IL-2, into 96-well white plates (Corning)            the F185K mutation which greatly improves the
in the presence of different concentrations of               solubility of the recombinant protein.
compounds. The effective concentration of                             Purification of recombinant proteins—
compound required to inhibit 50% of HIV-1                    Recombinant tagged proteins have been purified as
replication (EC50) was determined after 5 days by            described earlier (15).
ELISA quantification of p24 antigen in the                            HTRF®-based interaction assays—All
supernatant (PerkinElmer).                                   HTRF® conjugated monoclonal antibodies were
         Cytotoxicity assays—Growth inhibition               purchased from Cisbio Bioassays. The assays were
was monitored in proliferating cell cultures with            performed in 384-well low volume black
different concentrations of compounds. ATP levels            polystyrene plates (Corning) and incubated at room
were quantified using the CellTiter-Glo®                     temperature before reading the time-resolved
luminescent reagent (Promega) to measure the                 fluorescence in a PHERAstar Plus with HTRF
ability of a compound to inhibit cell growth, an             module (excitation at 337 nm, dual emission at 620
indication of the compound’s cytotoxicity.                   nm and 667 nm).
Cytotoxicity was evaluated at day 5 on MT4 and                        CCD-IBD        interaction      assay—IN-
PBMCs, or at day 3 on HepG2 cells.                           CCD/LEDGF-IBD HTRF® assay was performed
         Cryo-Electron Microscopy of HIV-1                   in CCD-IBD assay buffer (25 mM HEPES pH 7.4,

                                                                                                                     Downloaded from http://www.jbc.org/ by guest on October 14, 2018
virions—Cell culture supernatants containing HIV             150 mM NaCl, 2 mM MgCl2, 0.4 M KF, 0.1%
particles were fixed in 8% paraformaldehyde (EM              bovine serum albumin, 1 mM DTT). 2 µL of 3-fold
grade) solubilized in a 4% cacodylate buffer. Virus          serial dilutions of inhibitory compound in 25%
particles were pelleted by ultracentrifugation in a          DMSO were preincubated for 30 min at room
SW32Ti rotor (Beckman) for 3 hours at 17,000 rpm             temperature with 8 µL of IN-CCD mixture (75 nM
together with 10 µL colloidal gold particles (Aurion,        His6-IN-CCD, 17 nM XL665-conjugated anti-His6
GaR 10) to better localize the pellet. Virus pellets         monoclonal antibody). Then, 10 µL of LEDGF-
were suspended in 50 µL Tris 50 mM pH 8 and                  IBD mixture (20 nM GST-Flag-LEDGF-IBD,
2.5 µL was applied to Quantifoil R2/2 holey carbon           1.8 nM Europium cryptate-labeled anti-GST
grids which were then plunge frozen into liquid              monoclonal antibody) were added and the plate was
ethane using a Vitrobot instrument (Thermo Fisher            incubated for 2.5 h before reading. The HTRF ratio
Scientific). For data acquisition, grids were                was converted to % inhibition and analyzed by
transferred to the Polara electron microscope                fitting with a sigmoidal dose-response equation
equipped with a Falcon I camera and images were              with Hill slope to determine the compound IC50.
acquired at 300 kV acceleration voltage under low                     IN-LEDGF/p75 interaction assays—IN-
dose conditions at -6 µm defocus.                            LEDGF HTRF® assays were done in IN-LEDGF
         Construction of epitope-tagged proteins—            assay buffer (25 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.4, 150 mM
The His6-LEDGF plasmid has been previously                   NaCl, 2 mM MgCl2, 0.4 M KF, 0.1% Igepal CA-
described (47). The plasmid encoding GST-Flag-               630, 0.1% bovine serum albumin, 1 mM DTT).
IBD/LEDGF was constructed by cloning the                     2 µL of 3-fold serial dilutions of inhibitory
LEDGF DNA sequence (encoding residues 342 to                 compound in 25% DMSO were preincubated for 30
507) in fusion with the Flag epitope into pGEX-2T            min at room temperature with 8 µL of IN mixture
(GE Healthcare). His6-IN plasmid corresponds to              (50 nM Flag-tagged IN T124-T125 or A124-A125
pINSD.His and has been previously described (48).            variant, 17 nM XL665-conjugated anti-Flag M2
The IN mutants were generated by site-directed               monoclonal antibody). 10 µL of LEDGF mixture
mutagenesis from pINSD.His. The full-length Flag-            (60 nM His6-tagged LEDGF/p75, 1.5 nM Terbium
tagged integrase sequence from wt or mutated NL4-            cryptate-labelled anti-His6 monoclonal) were added
3 was PCR amplified and cloned between the                   and the plate was incubated for 2.5 h before reading.
BamHI and XhoI restriction sites of a pGEX-6P1               The HTRF ratio was converted to % inhibition and
vector (GE Healthcare) to generate the expression            analyzed by fitting a sigmoidal dose-response
plasmid GST-Flag-IN. His6-CCD was obtained by                equation with Hill slope to determine the IC50 of the
cloning the integrase region (residues 50 to 202,            compound.
encoding the catalytic core domain) from                              IN multimerization assays—2 µL of 3-fold
pINSD.His.Sol (49) into pET15b. CCD contains                 serial dilutions of inhibitory compound in 25%

HIV-1 integrase polymorphism and INLAI-induced multimerization

DMSO were preincubated for 30 min at room                   bound proteins were removed by 10 column
temperature with 4 µL of 125 nM Flag-IN TT or               volumes wash in affinity binding buffer
AA variant dilution. 4 µL of 125 nM His6-IN TT or           supplemented with 100 mM imidazole. Elution is
AA variant were added and the plate was incubated           performed in a 10 column volumes imidazole
for 3 h at room temperature to allow IN subunit             gradient from 0.1 M up to 0.5 M (affinity elution
exchange and multimerization. This step was                 buffer). The fractions of interest were pooled and
performed in IN2 buffer (25 mM HEPES pH 7.4,                concentrated on Centriprep (MWCO 10 kDa). The
150 mM NaCl, 2 mM MgCl2, 0.005% Tween-20,                   protein was further purified on a gel filtration
0.1% bovine serum albumin, 1 mM DTT). 10 µL of              Superdex 200 column equilibrated in 50 mM MES
revelation mixture (1.1 nM Europium cryptate-               pH 5.5, 50 mM NaCl, 5 mM DTT (gel filtration
labelled monoclonal anti-Flag M2 antibody and               buffer). Peak fractions corresponding to the
13 nM XL665-labeled anti-His6 monoclonal                    complex were pooled and concentrated by
antibody in IN2 buffer supplemented with 0.8 M              ultrafiltration. With this procedure, one could
KF) were added and the plate was incubated for 2 h          obtain 17 mg complex from a 1 L culture.
before reading. The HTRF ratio was converted to %                     Crystallization, data collection and
baseline interaction signal and the dose-response           structure       refinement—Crystallization       was
curves were analyzed by fitting to a sigmoidal dose-        performed by the hanging-drop vapor diffusion

                                                                                                                   Downloaded from http://www.jbc.org/ by guest on October 14, 2018
response equation with Hill slope to determine the          method at 24°C in 24-well plates. Each hanging-
maximum level of multimerization at saturating              drop consisted of 3 µL protein solution (2 to
compound concentration (the plateau) and the                5 mg/mL) and 3 µL reservoir solution (1.26 M
concentration of compound giving half-maximal               ammonium sulfate, 50 mM sodium cacodylate-HCl
activation (AC50) of the compound. To rationalize           pH 6.5), with 500 µL reservoir solution in the well.
the structure-activities of INLAIs, a fold-change           The crystals were soaked with the ligands for 24 h
index between wt IN and IN T124A-T125A, taking              before data collection by adding 10 equivalents of
into account both the change in AC50 and plateau            MUT-A or MUT-A03 to the drop. The crystals
was calculated according to equation I:                     were plunged in oil (FOMBLIN Y LVAC 14/6
                                              %             from Aldrich) for a few seconds and cryo-cooled in
Fold-change Index =             .
                                             %              a stream of liquid nitrogen at -173°C. All data were
(Equation I)                                                collected at a temperature of -173°C and processed
         Expression and purification of His6-tagged         with XDS (50). Diffraction data for IN CCD
IN (50-212) TT or AA variant used for                       AA+MUT-A were collected at the home X-ray
crystallization—The CCD of HIV-1 IN wild type or            source (Rigaku FR-X rotating anode equipped with
AA variant was expressed and purified as                    a Pilatus 300K detector). All other datasets were
previously described (15). Briefly, bacterial               collected using a Pilatus 2 M detector on beamline
expression constructs were transformed into E. coli         X06DA (PXIII) at the Swiss Light Source, Paul
BL21(DE3). Cells were grown at 37°C in LB                   Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland. The
medium containing 100 µg/mL ampicillin until the            structures were solved by molecular replacement
OD reached 0.5. IN expression was induced by                using the MOLREP program (51) in the CCP4
adding 0.5 mM isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactoside.                program suite (52). The structure was refined with
Cells were further grown for 3 h at 37°C and                REFMAC (53). The ligands were placed in the
harvested by centrifugation at 4°C at 4,000g.               structure using ARP/wARP (54). Data collection
During purification protein purity was analyzed by          and refinement statistics are summarized in
SDS–PAGE and protein concentrations measured                Supplementary Table S1. Structure superpositions
by UV absorption at 280 nm. The cells were                  were performed in Coot (55). All structure
homogenized in 25 mM HEPES pH 7.5, 500 mM                   drawings were performed with Pymol (56) and
NaCl, 2 mM MgCl2, 2 mM β-mercaptoethanol                    Coot (55). 2-D view of ligands interactions have
(affinity binding buffer) with a ratio of 10 mL             been generated with LigPlot (57). Structures and
buffer for 1 g cells and lysed by pulse sonication.         structure factors have been deposited in the PDB
The extract was centrifuged at 100,000g for 1 h.            database with codes 4LH4 (IN CCD TT) (15), 5OI3
The crude extract was loaded onto a 5 mL nickel             (IN CCD AA), 5OI2 (IN CCD TT+MUT-A), 5OI5
affinity column (Hitrap Chelating). Nonspecifically

HIV-1 integrase polymorphism and INLAI-induced multimerization

(IN CCD TT+MUT-A03), 5OI8 (IN CCD                           (32). The predicted ligand binding free energy was
AA+MUT-A), 5OIA (IN CCD AA+MUT-A03).                        calculated       using    the    BAPPL        server
        Structure analysis—The specificity and              (http://www.scfbio-
strength of the CCD dimeric interface were                  iitd.res.in/software/drugdesign/bappl.jsp)      (33).
analyzed by PISA (Protein interfaces, surfaces and          The net charge of the ligand was calculated using
assemblies' service PISA at the European                    PDB2PQR                server          (http://nbcr-
Bioinformatics                            Institute.        222.ucsd.edu/pdb2pqr_2.1.1/) (34).

Acknowledgments: The authors thank Stéphane Huguet for support, Juliette Nguyen, Roxane Beauvoir
and Elodie Drocourt for assistance in virology, Frédéric Le Strat for fruitful discussions and the NIH AIDS
research repository for primary isolates. We thank Nicolas Lévy and Vincent Olieric for help in X-ray data
collection on beamline X06DA (PXIII) at the Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen,
Switzerland. We thank Alastair McEwen for help in X-ray data collection at the home source.

Conflict of interest: DB, ELR, CA, JMB, JBr, JBa, FC, FLS, SC, BL, FM, RB are or were employees of
Biodim Mutabilis at the time of this study, SEi, IO, DS, AS, BPK, SEm, MR and AZ declare no competing

                                                                                                                    Downloaded from http://www.jbc.org/ by guest on October 14, 2018

Author contributions: JBr and JBa synthesized the compounds. FC, SC and BL designed medicinal
chemistry strategy. DB, ELR, CA, JMB, SEi, IO, DS, BPK, designed, performed the experiments and
analyzed the results; FM, AS, SEm, MR, AZ, RB, BPK, were involved in designing the experiments,
interpretation of data and revising the manuscript critically; RB, DB, MR and AZ drafted the manuscript.
All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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