Stroke-the good, the bad and the ugly - AWS

Page created by Jay Estrada
Stroke-the good, the bad and the ugly - AWS
May/June 2022 | Volume 35 | Issue 3

Stroke—the good, the bad and the ugly.                                           What are the signs
                                                                                 of stroke?
Why should I care about stroke?           Will they think I’m overreacting if
With stroke being the leading cause       my symptoms are mild?                  Balance: Sudden
of disability and 5th leading cause       • No. We care about your brain           difficulty standing
of death in the United States, we           and your health too much to            or walking.
want everyone to know what to do
if you see signs of stroke. In recent
                                            dismiss any signs of stroke.         E yes: Sudden loss of
                                          • Even mild symptoms can                 vision or double vision.
years, the options for treating stroke
have expanded greatly, and we can           be disabling, so we will do          F ace: Uneven or
help many of the stroke patients that       everything we can to figure out        drooping smile.
                                            what’s going on.
come to our hospitals. Treatment                                                 Arm: One arm is weak.
options depend entirely on time
from symptom onset so please, seek        Should I be worried if I only had a    S peech: Slurred or
emergent care as soon as you think        ministroke?                              jumbled speech.
you or a loved one is having a stroke.    • Ministrokes are your brain’s         T ime to call: Call 911
                                            warning signs that you are at          if you suspect any
What should I do if I think I               high risk for having a stroke.         symptoms.
(or someone else) might be
                                          • We treat ministrokes just as         Also note sudden onset of
having a stroke?
                                            urgently as strokes because we       terrible headache.
• Call 911 and get to an                    want to fix the things causing the
  emergency room.                           symptoms before damage occurs.       What are some of the risk
  – Calling 911 will give the hospital
                                                                                 factors for stroke?
    a head’s up that you’re coming,       Join UCHealth neurology specialists
    and they’ll be ready for you.         May 9 to learn more about              • High blood pressure (aka
  – Local ambulance crews will take       stroke prevention and amazing            hypertension)
    you to your hospital of choice.       advancements in diagnosing and         • High cholesterol (aka
  – All hospitals in this area can take   treating strokes. See Spotlight on       hypercholesterolemia)
    care of suspected stroke patients     Strokes on page 8 for details.         • Smoking
• Do not go to urgent care or your
  primary care provider.                                                         • Diabetes
                                                                                 • Age
                                                                                 • Overweight/obesity
                                                                                 • Sleep apnea
                                                                                 • Atrial fibrillation
                                                                                 • Coronary artery disease
                                                                                   (aka CAD)
Stroke-the good, the bad and the ugly - AWS
Aspen Club
Aspen Club offices in all
locations have limited open
hours. It’s always advised to call
ahead before coming in.

Closed on all major holidays.

Fort Collins
Community Health
Improvement Building
1025 Garfield St., Ste. A
West of Poudre Valley Hospital
Phone: 970.495.8560

New location to be announced
Phone: 970.495.8560
                                     Mental health matters.
Longmont                             May is Mental Health Awareness         • Outpatient: A separate space
Longs Peak Hospital (LPH)            Month, the time to focus on              for patient visits with more
1750 E. Ken Pratt Blvd.              those things that bring us overall       small-group meeting areas will
Longmont, CO 80504                   health and wellbeing. Perhaps,           be located on the first floor of
Phone: 720.718.1690                  as we venture out more, we               the Westbridge medical office
                                     can reconnect with family and            building across Lemay Avenue
Loveland                             friends. Deepening relationships         from the main hospital.
UCHealth Medical Center              deepens our sense of wellbeing         • Additional services: A unit
of the Rockies (MCR)                 and purpose.                             offering electroconvulsive
2500 Rocky Mountain Ave.                                                      therapy, transcranial magnetic
Loveland, CO 80538                   As you may know, the UCHealth            stimulation and more will be
Phone: 970.495.8560                  Poudre Valley Hospital                   added to a lower floor at PVH.
                                     (PVH) campus is undergoing
Medicare helpline:                   renovation. Beginning this             While specific geropsychiatric
970.495.8558                         spring, our expansion will             services are not part of this
                                     include inpatient and outpatient       expansion, the facilities are
Recorded registration line:          behavioral health services at the      poised to provide exceptional
Call 970.495.8565 to sign up         campus. Anticipated in spring          care for older adults.
for classes in all communities.      2024, services at UCHealth
                                     Mountain Crest Behavioral              The notion of warmer summer               Health Center in Fort Collins will     months reminds us to bask in the               be moved to PVH, and the new           days of longer sunshine and to
                                     facilities will create an improved     nurture our minds and bodies
                                     environment and experience for         with self-care. Commit to doing
                                     these patients. A few highlights:      something for yourself each day.
    FUNNY PAGES                      • Inpatient: Capacity for 50           And as you venture out, I hope
                                       patient beds (about 22% more         you’ll be inspired to join us for an
                                       than the 41 beds at Mountain         upcoming class or two.
                                       Crest, with more private rooms)
My mother always used                  will be available in a renovated     Yours in health and harmony,
to say, “The older you get,            area on the third floor, north
the better you get. Unless             side of PVH. It will include high-
you’re a banana.”                      acuity adult, general adult and
                                       adolescent units.
              —Betty White                                                  JoAnn Herkenhoff
                                     • More patient-use areas: At the       UCHealth Senior Services
                                       center of the space will be an       Aspen Club Supervisor
                                       outdoor, rooftop courtyard.

Stroke-the good, the bad and the ugly - AWS
Aspen Club leadership:
Harnessing wellbeing.                                                    Serving in the interim leadership
As the hours of sunshine extend their reach at the start and end         role for Aspen Club gave me the
of our days and the moist ground gives way to the early blooms           chance to meet some of you. And
of spring, we, too, start to venture outside of our winter and           now I will have the opportunity to
pandemic cocoon. Admittedly, the seasons of the past two years           expand my service to you all, as I
have somewhat blended together. We likely found ourselves more           take on the permanent position.
isolated, less active and somewhat melancholy.                           I am honored and excited to
                                                                         work closely with the Aspen
Signs of depression or anxiety should be checked by your doctor, if      Club team—Alan, Alyssa, Julie
they persist. Symptoms that you can link to situational factors—like     and Kat—to help you live healthy,
the pandemic—may be improved through intentional efforts to              independent and rewarding
positively impact your wellbeing:                                        years. Thank you for trusting
                                                                         us to share resources, provide
• Get outside: Stepping out of the confines of our homes lends           programming to enhance your
  itself to a sense of freedom, allows us to drink in fresh air and      life and connect you to our
  ignites our senses through unique sounds and smells.                   extraordinary health system. I am
• Move your body: Whether it’s structured exercise or simply             energized by all that is to come!
  playful movement, plan activities that help lubricate your joints
  and wake up your muscles.                                                           —JoAnn Herkenhoff
• Strengthen resilience: Focus on the positive influences in your life
  to help offset the times when life deals you a disappointment.
• Build relationships: Combat isolation and loneliness by reaching
  out to those you care about. Empathy and understanding are
  often reciprocated expressions.
• Seek resources: Manage chronic conditions through exploring
  resource options with your providers, family and neighbors, as
  well as the Aspen Club.
• Reinforce purpose: Establish small goals to accomplish things you
  want to do and build on your success by tackling progressively
  larger goals.
• Count your blessings: Reflect on the things in your life that you
  are most grateful for. Write them down. Verbally express them to
• Establish routine: Set some time parameters around your day to
  guide a balance of productivity, play, social interactions and rest.

Pick and choose which ideas work for you based on what matters
most in your life. The key to harnessing wellbeing is in setting the
intention to deliberately work on various aspects of it and then
committing your energy and creativity to make it happen.

                                                                                      ASPEN CLUB NEWS     3
Stroke-the good, the bad and the ugly - AWS
Healthy mouth, healthy body.
A healthy mouth and a
healthy body go hand in
hand, but did you know
poor oral health can be
an indicator of some
major health problems?
Periodontal (gum) disease                                                              Good oral hygiene:
can introduce bacteria
and inflammation into                                                                  • Brush and floss. Brush
our mouths, which has                                                                    twice a day, morning and
the potential to migrate                                                                 night, and floss once a
through the bloodstream                                                                  day. This will prevent the
to other parts of our body                                                               buildup of oral bacteria.
and even to the brain. Once                                                            • See a dentist regularly.
the bacteria go systemic,                                                                Professional cleanings
they can wreak havoc                                                                     are necessary to remove
and have been proven                                                                     plaque that is missed
through research to cause                                                                from everyday brushing
cardiovascular disease,                                                                  and flossing. If you’re
kidney disease, dementia                                                                 experiencing symptoms
and more.1 The bottom line                                                               of gum disease such as
is that our whole body is                                                                bleeding or swollen gums,
interconnected, and in order                                                             bad breath or painful
to age healthy, we need to                                                               brushing, you should
keep all systems healthy,                                                                consult your dentist.
teeth and gums included.
                                                                                       • Avoid smoking. Smoking
Maintaining good oral                                                                    can cause buildup of
hygiene can keep your body                                                               bacterial plaque on the
healthy and can decrease                                                                 teeth. It also reduces the
your chances of facing health                                                            amount of oxygen in the
consequences down the                                                                    bloodstream, so infected
road. It is better and more                                                              gums don’t heal as quickly.
beneficial to prevent these                                                            • Eat a healthy diet. An
problems than to treat them.                                                             anti-inflammatory diet
The actions to the right can                                                             that is high in vitamin C
help you maintain a healthy                                                              can help prevent and
smile and a healthy body.2                                                               even reverse some of the
                                                                                         effects of gum disease.
To learn more about the connection between a healthy mouth and a                         Foods such as citrus fruits,
healthy body, register to join Dr. Rhonda Krause for her presentation                    salmon, blueberries and
in Loveland (see Say Ahh—How the Mouth and Body Are Connected,                           green tea are great for
and What You Can Do to Be Healthy in our class offerings.)                               maintaining healthy gums.
Rose, L. F. (2019, January 15). Gum Disease & Systemic Health. Gum Disease and

 Systemic Health. Retrieved from
 disease-and-systemic-health/                                                             HEALTHY AGING
    Why your gums are so important to your health. Harvard Health. (n.d.). Retrieved
    February 9, 2022, from
                                                                                       The difficult is what takes a
                                                                                       little time; the impossible
                                                                                       is what takes a little longer.
                                                                                                    —Fridtjof Nansen

Stroke-the good, the bad and the ugly - AWS
With a will,                          Know your numbers—
there’s a way.
In considering your plans for the
                                      but what do they mean?
future, you may not be thinking       You have probably heard many times that you should know your
about how you might benefit           numbers when it comes to blood pressure and heart health. But
the health of our community. A        what do the numbers mean, and which is more important?
charitable bequest is one of the
easiest gifts to make and permits     Blood pressure is the force exerted on the inner walls of blood
you to leave a legacy. You can        vessels as your heart pumps blood throughout the body. Systolic
create a bequest of any dollar        pressure is the top number of a blood pressure reading and
amount, gift specific property        represents the pressure against the vessel walls during the surge of
or designate a percentage of          blood that happens with every beat of your heart. Diastolic pressure,
your estate in your will or trust     the bottom number, represents the pressure during the rest phase
plan. If you wish to make a gift of   between heart beats.
your IRA or 401(k) plan, this can
usually be done by filling out a      Which is more important? Well, they both are important. If your
beneficiary designation form.         systolic reading is consistently over 130, then by definition you have
                                      hypertension, even if your diastolic is below 80. If your systolic is under
The following language                130 but your diastolic is over 80, then you have hypertension. This is
demonstrates how simple it is to      not based on a single reading and must be confirmed by a health care
designate UCHealth Northern           professional. The risk of death from ischemic heart disease and stroke
Colorado Foundation as a              doubles with every 20 mm Hg systolic or 10 mm Hg diastolic increase
beneficiary of your will.             among people aged 40–89. Systolic readings rise as we age and
                                      vessels become stiffer and more plaque build-up occurs.
Specific bequest: I give and
bequeath to UCHealth Northern
Colorado Foundation, a                 Blood pressure             Systolic mm Hg               Diastolic mm Hg
qualified 501(c)3 non-profit           category                     (upper arm)  and/or          (lower arm)
organization (Federal Tax ID
Number: 74-1894581), located           Normal                       Less than 120     and        Less than 80
at 2315 E. Harmony Road, Suite
200, Fort Collins, CO 80528,           Elevated                       120–129         and        less than 80
the sum of $      to be
used for its unrestricted use          High blood pressure
                                                                      130–139          or           80–89
(or [Optional] for the following       (hypertension) Stage 1
purpose:              ).
                                       High blood pressure
                                                                    140 or higher      or        90 or higher
Percentage bequest: I give             (hypertension) Stage 2
and bequeath to UCHealth               Hypertension crisis
Northern Colorado Foundation,          (consult your doctor       Higher than 180 and/or       Higher than 120
a qualified 501(c)3 non-profit         immediately)
organization (Federal Tax ID
Number: 74-1894581), located          Source: American Heart Association
at 2315 E. Harmony Road,
Suite 200, Fort Collins, CO           If you are checking your blood pressure at home, be sure to sit with
80528,   % of my estate to            your back supported and your feet flat on the floor (do not cross
be used for its unrestricted use      your legs or ankles), rest for 5 minutes before and do not talk during
(or [Optional] for the following      the reading. Factors that can affect blood pressure include caffeine,
purpose:              ).              stress, a full stomach, pain, tobacco use and alcohol use, among
                                      other things. To get a good picture, check your blood pressure at
For further information:              the same time each day. Blood pressure tends to be lower in the
For confidential information          morning and rises throughout the day.
on how to create a legacy
gift, please contact Annette          Written by Julie Knighton, MSN, RN, NC-BC
Geiselman, Development
Manager, at 970.237.7404 or

                                                                                            ASPEN CLUB NEWS      5
Stroke-the good, the bad and the ugly - AWS

There are shortcuts to
happiness, and dancing is
one of them.
             —Vicki Baum

Common myths
about advance
care planning.
Myth: I'm a parent
or spouse, so I will           Advance care planning
automatically have
decision-making capability.    for peace of mind today.
Fact: Selecting a health
care agent is important        Advance care planning (ACP) helps you think about what matters to
in Colorado, as there          you and make decisions about your future care so you can live your
is no default as to who        extraordinary life today. The best way to ensure peace of mind now
can make decisions for         is to make sure your loved ones and medical providers know where
adult children or spouses.     you stand if serious illness or injury ever makes you unable to speak
Therefore, it's important to   for yourself. Documents including medical durable power of attorney
designate your health care     and a medical living will, also known as advance care directives, give
agent by completing a          you a voice in decisions about your future medical care.
medical durable power of
attorney form.                 These powerful documents, paired with robust conversations with loved
                               ones and medical providers, ensure that you get the treatment you want
                               for yourself if you cannot communicate your preferences. Please view
Myth: Advance care
                               the column to the left for a few commonly held myths that should not
planning is only for the
                               stand in your way of creating your advance care directives.
elderly and seriously ill.
Fact: Anyone can become        Start your plan today by attending an advance care directives-focused
suddenly ill or injured and    class, or schedule an appointment to have your questions answered
need to make decisions         and get your directives done. There are a variety of free options
about health care              for local assistance available, and you don’t need an attorney to
treatments. Making your        complete your plan. You can even complete your medical durable
values and preferences         power of attorney through UCHealth’s online patient portal, My Health
known ahead of time can        Connection, at Once
be a tremendous help.          completed online, your document is available to your providers and
                               can be printed and shared with those named as decision-maker(s).
Myth: Once I create my
plan, it's final.              By making advance care plans, you can decrease distress for you
                               and your loved ones, ensure you get the care you value and improve
Fact: We recommend             quality of life through to the end of life.
reviewing and potentially
updating your advance          Free assistance, documents and information are available through
directives if any of these     the following sources:
six Ds occur: decade,
divorce, death, decline,       • UCHealth Aspen Club presentations and individual appointments:
new diagnosis or                 970.495.8560 or
departure to another state.    • Health District Advance Care Planning Team presentations and
                                 appointments: 970.482.1909 or

Stroke-the good, the bad and the ugly - AWS
Aspen Club Monthly Features                                                                                             Registration
Recorded registration line available 24 hours a day at 970.495.8565.                                                     required
A guide to Aspen Club class locations:
Fort Collins:                                 • Snow Mesa Clinic,                    Loveland:
• PVH: Poudre Valley Hospital,                  4674 Snow Mesa Drive, Ste. 100       • MCR: Medical Center of the Rockies,
  1024 S. Lemay Ave.                          • Prospect Medical Plaza,                2500 Rocky Mountain Ave.
• FMC: Family Medicine Center,                  1106 E. Prospect Road                • MCR North Medical Office Building,
  1025 Pennock Place                          • Hearing Rehab Center,                  2500 Rocky Mountain Ave., Ste. 2200
  (the classroom is located at door #118)       1030 Centre Ave., Ste. A             • Chilson Senior Center, 700 E. 4th St.
• FCSC: Fort Collins Senior Center,           Longmont:                              Greeley:
  1200 Raintree Drive                         • LPH: Longs Peak Hospital,            • GMC: Greeley Medical Center,
• Fort Collins Aspen Club Office,               1750 E. Ken Pratt Blvd.                6767 W. 29th St.
  1025 Garfield St., Ste. A                   • Longmont Senior Center,              • Hearing Rehab Center,
• Westbridge, 1107 S. Lemay Ave.                910 Longs Peak Ave.                    2018 35 Ave., Ste. A
  (the classroom and Lifestyles room are
  both on the first floor)

• Class link will be emailed a few days before class date. CLASSES (MS Teams)
                                                                       • COVID-19 restrictions will dictate in-person class sizes.
Virtual Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating                                    • Class link will be emailed a few days before class date.
Eight-Week Workshop
Learn how to be in charge                                              Medicare 101
instead of feeling out of                                              Are you turning 65 or new to Medicare? This
control. Learn to eat                                                  informative class will offer an overview of Medicare
foods you love without                                                 benefits, supplemental insurance, Medicare
overeating or guilt.                                                   Advantage Plans, prescription drug plans, preventive
Get tools to work with                                                 services and how Medicare works with employer
emotional eating cues.                                                 health insurance and more. This is presented by Aspen
Taught by Deanna                                                       Club Medicare Counselors.
O’Connell, UCHealth                                                    • Loveland: 2:30–4 p.m. Tuesday, May 10
dietitian and mindfulness                                                MCR Big Thompson Room
practitioner.                                                          • Fort Collins:
• 4–5:30 p.m.                                                             – 9–10:30 a.m. Saturday, May 14, FMC, #118
  Wednesdays, May 4–June 22                                               – 5:30–7 p.m. Monday, May 16, FCSC
                                                                            Call 970.221.6644 to register;
Virtual Living Well With Lifelong Health                                    refer to activity # 225400_01
Learn self-managing tools that help improve health                        – 9–10:30 a.m. Saturday, June 18, FMC, #118
in this six-week program. Learn skills that can be                     • Greeley: 2:30–4 p.m. Thursday, May 26
incorporated into daily life to help be in control of                    GMC conference room 3
your health.
• 5:15–7:30 p.m. Thursdays, June 16–July 21                            Get Your Advance Directives Done
                                                                       It’s important to have your advance directives
Virtual Let’s Get Moving                                               completed, especially as we age. Learn about medical
Do you want to start moving again in the safety                        health care directives and have an opportunity to
of your own home with an experienced exercise                          complete and notarize them. If you prefer, materials
leader? Join Jennie Valdez for a gentle 30-minute                      from this class can be sent via email or mail, and a
seated exercise program in the comfort of your own                     follow-up consultation is an option.
space. Required: computer with internet access                         • Fort Collins:
or smartphone with camera and microphone                                   – 9:30–11 a.m. Thursday, May 26, UCHealth Internal
capabilities. Go to to register.                         Medicine – Prospect Clinic, Ste. 100
Search for Let’s Get Moving.                                               – 10–11:30 a.m. Thursday, June 9, UCHealth Internal
• 9–9:30 a.m. Thursdays, every month                                         Medicine – Snow Mesa Clinic, Ste. 100
• No cost.                                                             • Loveland: 4:30–6 p.m. Tuesday, June 28
                                                                          MCR, North Medical Office Building, Ste. 2200

                                                                                                              ASPEN CLUB NEWS        7
Stroke-the good, the bad and the ugly - AWS
Aspen Club Monthly Features                                                                                       Registration
Recorded registration line available 24 hours a day at 970.495.8565.                                               required

Talk With a Health Care Professional                                   Spotlight on Strokes
Join UCHealth physicians and staff                                     Strokes occur when the blood supply to part of your
for a shared conversation on                                           brain is interrupted or reduced, preventing brain tissue
a variety of health-related                                            from getting oxygen and nutrients. It is a medical
topics from head to toe.                                               emergency that requires prompt attention. UCHealth
Plan for an interactive                                                Neurology Specialists will talk about stroke prevention
hour of fun and helpful                                                and amazing advancements in diagnosing and treating
health information.                                                    strokes. Time is of the essence!
Dinner will be provided                                                • Fort Collins: 2–4 p.m. Thursday, May 12
to in-person attendees.                                                  Chilson Senior Center
Seating is limited.                                                    • Register by calling 970.962.2783;
• Longmont:                                                              refer to activity #191212-1.
   – 5:30–6:30 p.m.
     Tuesday, May 17                                                   Tired All The Time (TATT)
     Dermatologist Dr. Brad Baack will speak                           This class is all about learning strategies to boost
     about skin cancer                                                 your energy so that you are not TATT. Who doesn’t
   – 5:30–6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 21, Dr. Maina Flecha                 need that? Doctors even refer to the acronym TATT
     (internal medicine) will speak about the dating game              in their care plans. Our own UCHealth community
• Register by calling Longmont Senior Center at                        health nurse, Julie Knighton, will discuss what might
  303.651.8411                                                         be causing your tiredness and what you can do to help
                                                                       yourself have more energy.
                                                                       • Greeley: 1–2:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 25
                                                                         GMC conference room 3
AND SERVICES                                                           • Loveland: 1:30–3 p.m. Thursday, June 9
• COVID-19 restrictions will dictate in-person class sizes.              MCR Big Thompson room
My Health Connection Open House                                        New Member Orientation
Have you been wanting to set up your My Health                         New and longtime Aspen Club members are invited
Connection account in the UCHealth app, but need                       to learn about the benefits and services available
a little technical help? We’ve got you covered. Join us                to them such as blood tests, health screenings and
for an opportunity to be guided through set-up and                     educational programs.
to have your questions answered. No appointment                        • Loveland: 1–2 p.m. Wednesday, May 25
necessary; just drop in and bring your phone.                            MCR Big Thompson Room
• Fort Collins: 9–noon Saturday, May 14                                • Fort Collins: 2–3 p.m. Friday, June 24
  Fort Collins Aspen Club office                                         Aspen Club office
                                                                       • Greeley: Call 970.495.8560 for new member
Living Well With Diabetes                                                orientation dates coming up in Greeley
In this six-week program, learn what you can do to take
control of diabetes rather than letting diabetes take                  Say Ahh – How the Mouth and Body Are
control of you. If you are dealing with diabetes or living             Connected, and What You Can Do to Be
with someone with diabetes, come learn skills to deal                  Healthy
with the life and emotional changes that come with                     Many people are aware of the relationship between
diabetes. This does NOT replace diabetes education.                    good health and a long life, but have you ever
• Fort Collins: 1–3:30 p.m. Tuesdays, May 10–June 14                   considered that the health of your mouth is linked
  UCHealth Medical Group                                               to your overall health? As a general dentist for over
  1106 E. Prospect Road, Ste. 100                                      27 years in Loveland and a member of the American
                                                                       Academy of Oral Systemic Health, Dr. Rhonda Krause
Chronic Pain Management                                                will talk about the connection between a healthy
For those living with chronic pain such as arthritis, back             mouth and a healthy body.
pain, neck pain, headache or pelvic pain. Participants                 • Loveland: 2–3 p.m. Friday, June 10
learn how to identify triggers and learn skills to                       Chilson Senior Center
manage their pain on a day-to-day basis with exercise,                 • Register by calling 970.962.2783;
healthy eating, relaxation and more.                                     refer to activity #391210-1
• Longmont: 10–11 a.m. Tuesday, May 10
  LPH conference room A

Stroke-the good, the bad and the ugly - AWS
Aspen Club Monthly Features                                                                                         Registration
Recorded registration line available 24 hours a day at 970.495.8565.                                                 required

Arthritis and Joint Diseases                                           Staying Healthy in a Viral World
When joint diseases take over, there are many                          Learn seven important lifestyle factors for staying
helpful treatment options available. These might                       healthy and optimizing your immune system.
include injection therapy, physical therapy,                           Dr. Rhonda Krause, a general dentist in Loveland and
medicine, surgery, or a combination of these things.                   a member of the American Academy of Oral Systemic
Learn about robotic-assisted surgery options for                       Health, will talk about conditions that make people
arthritis-related joint diseases. Provided by Dr. Hale,                vulnerable and how lifestyle can have an impact.
joint replacement surgeon.                                             • Fort Collins: 2–3 p.m. Friday, June 24, FCSC
• Fort Collins: 2–3:30 pm Monday, May 9, FCSC                          • Register by calling 970.221.6644;
• Register by calling 970.221.6644;                                      refer to activity #325408-01
  refer to activity #225403_01
                                                                       Living Well With Lifelong Health
Cognitive Wellness and Brain Health                                    Learn self-managing tools that help improve health in this
Do you ever wonder what is “normal”                                    six-week program. Learn skills that you can incorporate
for memory as you age? This                                            into daily life to help be in control of your health.
class will focus on normal aging                                       • Fort Collins: 1–3:30 p.m. Thursdays, June 30–Aug. 4
versus cognitive decline, brain-                                         UCHealth Medical Group
healthy lifestyle and exercises                                          1106 E Prospect Road., Ste. 100
for cognitive stimulation. Taught
by Marlis Lane, occupational                                           The Doctor in the Mirror
therapist with Health Promotion                                        The health advocate you need most is YOU! Don’t let
Partners.                                                              your health situation take control of you—take control
• Fort Collins: 2–3 p.m. Thursday, June 9                              of your health. It’s time to age with more vitality. Join
  Westbridge classroom                                                 UCHealth Community Health RN Julie Knighton and
• Loveland: 9–10 a.m. Thursday, June 16                                discuss ways to improve your health as you age.
  MCR Big Thompson room                                                • Loveland: 3–4:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 29
• Greeley: 2–3 p.m. Thursday, June 23                                    Chilson Senior Center
  GMC conference room 3                                                • Register by calling 970.962.2783;
                                                                         refer to activity #391207-1
Resiliency: A Steadying Inner Resource
Have you felt beaten down by repeated                                  Driving Safely in Your Golden Years
disheartening news? In this class we engage in five                    Older drivers are generally safe drivers. However,
practices to build your resilience or ability to have                  aging can affect the skills necessary for driving. This
inner strength, optimism and flexibility in the face of                presentation will review health factors that affect
adversity and disappointment. Taught by Deanna                         driving and propose 4 steps to improve driving
O’Connell, UCHealth registered dietitian and                           health. Taught by Heather Ackart, occupational
mindfulness practitioner.                                              therapist and driver rehabilitation specialist with
• Fort Collins: 10–11 a.m. Wednesday, June 29                          Health Promotion Partners.
  FCSC Auditorium                                                      • Fort Collins: 3–4 p.m. Thursday, June 30
• Register by calling 970.221.6644;                                      Westbridge classroom
  refer to activity #325401-01                                         • Future dates to be offered in other communities
Ultra-Processed Foods –                                                HEALTH SCREENINGS
A Negative Impact on Health
Discover what ultra-processed foods (UPFs) are                         Medication and Supplement Reviews
and why they have been shown to adversely impact                       UCHealth pharmacists review your medications,
health. Learn about healthy alternative foods and                      vitamins, supplements and over-the-counter drugs
beverages, as well as simple meal combinations to                      to check for overall medication safety and potential
replace UPFs in your diet. Class presenter is Laura                    adverse reactions, make sure you are getting a good
Young, registered dietitian and certified diabetes                     value for your dollar and answer medication-related
care and education specialist.                                         questions. Appointments are required.
• Fort Collins: 10–11 a.m. Friday, June 10                             • Fort Collins: 8 a.m.–noon Friday, May 6
  FCSC Auditorium                                                        Aspen Club office
• Register by calling 970.221.6644;                                    • Longmont: Please call 720.718.1267 to make
  refer to activity #325400-01                                           an appointment

                                                                                                           ASPEN CLUB NEWS         9
Stroke-the good, the bad and the ugly - AWS
Aspen Club Monthly Features                                                                                      Registration
Recorded registration line available 24 hours a day at 970.495.8565.                                              required

Balance Screenings                                                     IN PARTNERSHIP
These screenings, performed by physical therapists,                    WITH COMMUNITY AGENCIES
will assess your fall risk using the Fullerton balance test.
Exercise programs and balance and fall-prevention
                                                                       COVID-19 Isolation Project
                                                                       Larimer County Office on Aging is providing seniors
strategies will be shared based on your results.
                                                                       in Larimer County with weighted blankets and robotic
• Fort Collins: Tuesday, May 10 or June 14
                                                                       pets in an effort to foster comfort and companionship.
  Westbridge classroom; call 970.495.8560 to
                                                                       Benefits include a reduction in stress, depression,
  schedule an appointment
                                                                       anxiety, sleeplessness, agitation, social isolation and
• Loveland: Wednesday, May 25 or June 22
                                                                       loneliness. Community members can apply for these
  Chilson Senior Center
                                                                       items themselves or for a loved one.
  Call 970.495.8560 to schedule an appointment
                                                                       • Please contact the Larimer County Office on Aging
• Cost: Free, thanks to grant-funding
                                                                          for more information and to apply: 970.498.7750 or
The Nurse Is In for BP Checks and More                          
Have your blood pressure checked and visit with
UCHealth Community Health RN Julie Knighton to ask                     ONGOING SERVICES
questions about medications, chronic diseases and                      CarFit Assessments
healthy lifestyles. Julie can also help you complete                   CarFit teaches you how to
advance directives.                                                    make your car “fit you” to
• Fort Collins: 9 a.m.–noon Wednesdays, May 4 and                      increase safety and mobility.
  June 1, Aspen Club office                                            Using a 12-point checklist,
• Loveland: 9 a.m.–noon Wednesdays, May 11 and                         including steering wheel
  June 8, Aspen Club office, MCR                                       spacing, properly adjusted
• Schedule an appointment by calling 970.495.8560                      headrests, seat belt usage
Blood Pressure Checks                                                  and more, occupational
No appointments necessary for a blood pressure                         therapist Marlis Lane or Heather
check performed by our UCHealth Community                              Ackart will help you drive safer for longer.
Health Improvement RN, Linda Strauss. Discussion                       • Fort Collins: 1-4 p.m. Mondays, May 9 or June 13
about healthy lifestyle and general blood pressure                       Health Promotion Partners, 2850 McClelland Drive
information is also available.                                         • Appointments are required by calling 970.495.8560
• Loveland: 9–11 a.m. Mondays, May 23 and June 27                      Toenail Service
  Chilson Senior Center                                                A specially trained nurse will do a lower-leg and foot
Hearing Screenings                                                     assessment, toenail trimming and filing, corn and
Certified audiologists from Hearing Rehab Center                       callus reduction, light foot massage and more.
and Alpine Ear, Nose and Throat will provide baseline                  • Greeley: 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Wednesdays, May 4, May 11,
hearing screenings and answer your hearing-health                        June 1 and June 8. Call for location
questions. Appointments are required.                                  • Fort Collins: 8:15 a.m.–3:45 p.m. every Tuesday,
• Fort Collins: 1–4 p.m. Thursday, May 5, Hearing                        Family Medicine Clinic, 1025 Pennock Place, Ste. 101
  Rehab Center, 1030 Centre Ave., Ste. A                                 (Please note: We are generally booked out 2–3
• Greeley: 11 a.m.–1 p.m. Thursday, June 16, Hearing                     months in advance.)
  Rehab Center, 2018 35 Ave., Ste. A                                   • Longmont: 1–5 p.m. Wednesday, June 22
• Appointments are required for both locations;                        • Prepayment of $38 is required
  call 970.495.8560                                                    • Schedule appointments at all locations by calling
Bone Density Screenings
An ultrasound bone sonometer is used to measure the                    Preparing for Total Hip and Knee
bone density in your heel. Results should be shared                    Replacement
with your physician.                                                   Learn what to expect from joint replacement surgery,
• Fort Collins: 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Tuesday, May 17                          including pre-surgery exercises, necessary equipment,
  Aspen Club Office                                                    diet, pain management and recovery.
• Loveland: 2–6 p.m. Tuesday, June 21                                  • Registration is required. Visit, go to
  Aspen Club office at MCR                                               the classes and events section and search for joint
• Cost: $12; appointments and prepayment required                        replacement surgery
                                                                       • For more information, please contact 970.624.4326

Aspen Club Fitness Opportunities
• Nine-week session May 2–June 30 • Register by calling 970.495.8560
• Space is very limited. Registration is handled on a first-come, first-served basis
• Classes will abide by all COVID-19 protocols assigned by UCHealth at the time

Wellness Walks                                                          Chair Yoga
All are welcome to join the following walks. Unless                     Safe and gentle exercises will tone and strengthen
the weather is particularly bad, this group walks rain                  muscles, loosen joints, lower stress, relieve tension and
or shine; however, if you’d like to opt in to our walker’s              help you relax. No experience necessary.
email list for cancellation notices and a flyer with                    • 10:30–11:30 a.m. Wednesdays, May 4–June 29
more details about this group, please message us at                       Westbridge classroom                                                 • Cost: $51.75
• Fort Collins walks:                                                   Gentle Yoga
   – 8 a.m. Monday, May 9                                               This class is perfect for those wanting a slower-paced,
     Dixon Reservoir/Pineridge Open Space                               gentle yoga class with a lot of stretching and slower
   – 8 a.m. Monday, June 13                                             movements. Please bring a yoga mat. Beginners are
     Colorado Welcome Center                                            welcome, as well as seasoned practitioners; however,
   – 8 a.m. Monday, July 11                                             you must be able to get up from and down to the floor.
     Cache La Poudre School River Trail                                 • 2:30–3:45 p.m. Thursdays, May 5–June 30
   – 8 a.m. Monday, Aug. 8                                                Westbridge Lifestyles room
     Northside Aztlan Center River Trail                                • Cost: $51.75
   – 8 a.m. Monday, Sept. 12
     Cottonwood Glen Park                                               PWR! Moves
   – 8 a.m. Monday, October 10, Fossil Creek Park                       The Parkinson’s Wellness Recovery (PWR) class helps
• Longmont walks:                                                       people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) stay better longer
   – 7:30 a.m. every Thursday beginning May 5                           with exercise. This fun, safe and motivational class
     Locations TBD                                                      is designed to address multiple PD symptoms and
   – For more information, call 720.718.1690                            enhance daily activities.
                                                                        • 1–2 p.m. Thursdays, May 5–June 30
Seated Tai Chi                                                             Contemporary Dance Academy
Tai chi uses gentle and fluid movements to increase                     • Cost: $40.50
strength and flexibility, decrease pain in joints,
decrease stress, reduce blood pressure, improve                         Men – Loosen Up!
balance and improve your sense of wellbeing.                            It’s never too late to start a stretching routine. This all
This class is a safe, seated option for those new to                    men’s stretching series will integrate moves to improve
practicing tai chi.                                                     flexibility and range of motion. Helps you with more
• 9:30–10:15 a.m. Mondays, May 2–June 27                                energy, decreases potential risk for injury and might
  Westbridge classroom                                                  even help your golf game. Please select one of the
• Cost: $40.50                                                          class times below.
                                                                        • 8–9 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays, May 4–July 1
                                                                           Westbridge classroom
                                                                        • 9:15–10:15 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays May 4–July 1
                                                                           Westbridge classroom
                                                                        • Cost: $58.50

Aspen Club Ongoing Services
To find out more about these services, call any Aspen Club office or go online to
Please note—not all services are available in all Aspen Club locations.

•   Advance directives/notary assistance                                •   Hearing screenings
•   Aspen Club low-cost blood tests                                     •   Information and referral about senior services
•   Blood pressure checks                                               •   Medicare counseling and assistance
•   Bone density screening ($12)                                        •   Balance screenings
•   Caregiver classes and resources                                     •   Toenail services in Fort Collins and Greeley ($38)
•   Exercise and nutritional consultations ($30)                        •   Total hip and knee replacement classes

                                                                                                             ASPEN CLUB NEWS     11
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Stroke           Your mouth        Advance care   Classes and
awareness        and your health   planning       services
page 1           page 4            page 6         page 7                            Aspen Club

National Healthcare Decision Day.
In honor of National Healthcare Decisions Day, April 16, you are encouraged to think about
your values and preferences in the event of serious illness and who you would want to speak
for you if you are unable. There are many myths surrounding advance directives—see page 6
for more information. And if you have questions or would like to meet with someone to help
you complete your advance directives, please call 970.495.8560 to schedule an appointment
or register for a class.
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