Page created by Janet Ray

STRATEGY 2021 – 2026


                                                              Introduction                           2

                                                              Mission, Vision
                                                              Vision and      and Purpose
                                                                         Mission                     3

                                                              A Record of Progress                   4

                                                              Strategic Intent | Our Contribution    6

                                                              Strategic Themes                       8

                                                              Delivering our Strategy | Our Values   16

                                                              Measuring our Performance              17

                                                              Governance and Funding                 22

INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                      OUR VISION
Innovation is an empowering, transformational force – and more important than ever                                                An entrepreneurial, collaborative Scotland
as we look to the future.                                                                                                         where healthcare innovation thrives
For Scottish Health Innovations Ltd (SHIL), ground-
breaking ideas have the power to significantly
                                                                    External forces are also significant. As we look to the
                                                                    next five years, the COVID-19 pandemic and Brexit             OUR MISSION
improve health and social care for all, while                       are expected to leave a lasting legacy on our health
supporting an ambitious, entrepreneurial, forward-                  and social care services. We must take every moment           To inspire, accelerate, and commercialise
thinking Scotland.                                                  to turn these events into an opportunity to stimulate         impactful healthcare innovations for health,
It is now almost 20 years since the inception of SHIL,              transformation and emerge stronger, while adapting            economic and social benefit
and so an appropriate time to reflect, and consider                 to new challenges.
progress achieved thus far.                                         With this in mind, our new strategy leverages and
In those two decades, we have worked in close
partnership with, and continually evolved to meet
                                                                    extends the vast experience SHIL has gained since
                                                                    2002 in inspiring, accelerating and commercialising           WE ACHIEVE THIS BY
the needs of NHS Scotland (NHS), and we hold                        impactful healthcare innovations. It is focused
a unique and valued position in protecting and                      primarily on helping shape a highly adaptive,                            Working collaboratively with the NHS, academia, industry, entrepreneurs and funders to
                                                                    innovative NHS, while recognising that strong
supporting NHS-initiated ideas.
                                                                    partnerships forged with academic institutions,
                                                                                                                                             encourage innovation and entrepreneurism across all areas of health
While SHIL’s values have remained a touchstone,                     funders, entrepreneurs and industrial partners are                       Harnessing existing connections and continuously fostering new ones to support idea
we recognise that the world around us continues to                  vital in supporting our mission.
change at speed.                                                                                                                             exchange, collaboration and effective partnership working
                                                                    Despite our rapidly changing world, the importance
Modern health requirements now demand an                            of promoting and supporting innovation within the                        Bringing together the right skills, expertise and ambition to optimise potential
entirely different approach to care – people are living             NHS to enhance patient care, while also contributing
longer, lifestyles are changing, and mental wellbeing               towards inclusive economic growth, remains                               Operating with agility at the interface of innovation and commercialisation
is considered just as important as physical. At the                 undiminished.
same time, medical advances continue to tackle a
                                                                                                                                             Supporting financial sustainability and generating an income stream to NHS health boards
                                                                    Our new strategy is bold and ambitious, requiring
range of increasingly complex health issues; and the
                                                                    close working with public and private sector                             Reacting quickly to the demands of an evolving healthcare environment and supporting
acceleration of genomic and personalised medicine
provides opportunity for more targeted treatments.                  partners, but we are confident it is also achievable.                    faster adoption of transformational innovations
                                                                    It sets out the steps we must take, and the actions
Digital health has grown exponentially, offering new
                                                                    we need from ourselves and others, to deliver the                        Continuously horizon-scanning and monitoring performance
approaches to the way care is organised, delivered
                                                                    targeted outcomes.
and monitored; and technology continues to                                                                                                   Ensuring our work is aligned to Scotland’s National Performance Framework and United
transform how individuals and organisations engage                  We have a clear vision that is designed to be shared                     Nations Sustainable Development Goals
with and between each other.                                        and that we are committed fully to realising.
2     SCOTTISH HEALTH INNOVATIONS LTD (SHIL) STRATEGY 2021 – 2026                                                             3
    Since 2002, SHIL has receieved and evaluated over 2000 innovative ideas. It is a proud history resulting in the
    successful development and commercialisation of medical devices, products and technologies; formation of
    7 new spin-outs; negotiation of more than 25 UK and international commercial licence deals; and protection
    of over 250 NHS inventions. By harnessing the talent, entrepreneurism and commitment of staff across NHS
    Scotland we have supported improvements in patient care while stimulating economic wealth.

               2002 - Scottish Health Innovations established
               The effective management of Intellectual Property generated by NHS employees
               is important to the NHS. This led to the creation of a technology transfer office for                                                           2018 - Patient Transfer Scale launches
               the NHS, Scottish Health Innovations Ltd (SHIL), in 2002. (NHS HDL (2004)09)
                                                                                                                                                               2019 – Infection Management Game launches
                                                                                                       2013 – Clear Surgical launches                          2019 - Paediatric SCRAM™ launches
                                                                                                       2014 - Adult SCRAM™ bag launches                        2020 - Regulatory advice service launches
                                                        2007 - Aridhia Informatics launches            2015 - Aurum Biosciences launches                       2020 – 2000 disclosure milestone reached
                                                        2007 - Cardioprecision launches                2015 - Grant funding by the Chief Scientist Office to
                                                                                                                                                               2020 – Tactical SCRAM™, Rx SCRAM™ and Tactical Rx SCRAM™
         2002 - Touch EMAS (Edinburgh                   2008 - launch of Rhinopinch®                   host NHS Research Scotland Central Management Team
         Modular Arm System), later                                                                    (NRS-CMT)
         rebranded Touch Bionics launches               2009 - CE mark and launch of Prism Glasses                                                             2020 - SHIL is re-accredited to BS EN ISO 13485:2016
                                                                                                       2016 – Scottish Government Health and Social Care
                                                        2009 - SHIL is accredited to BS EN ISO         Delivery Plan outlines renewed commitment to work
         2004 - Lumicure, later                                                                                                                                2020 – SHIL COVID-19 Innovation fund launches
                                                        13485:2012                                     with SHIL to encourage, develop and commercialise
         rebranded to Ambicare launches
                                                        2009 - CE mark and launch of Multifocal ERG    innovation arising from within the NHS                  2020 – Coronex launches

     2002                                                2006                                          2012                                                    2017                                                   2021
4       SCOTTISH HEALTH INNOVATIONS LTD (SHIL) STRATEGY 2021 – 2026                                                              5
                                                                                                                                                             KEY NATIONAL
    Our strategy celebrates and informs Scotland’s growing reputation as a world-leading entrepreneurial and                                                  OUTCOMES*
    innovative nation and places health at the core. It underlines our commitment to working closely with the NHS,
    academia, industry, entrepreneurs and funders to encourage innovation and shape future healthcare in Scotland.                             T   Y                                                      CO
                                                                                                                                            ER                 STRATEGIC

      Our strategy is set around four ambitious strategic themes                                                                                                THEMES


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                                                                                                                                                          An entrepreneurial, collaborative
      4. DELIVERING A HEALTHY OUTLOOK WITH REAL VALUE                                                                                                        Scotland where healthcare
                                                                                                                                                                  innovation thrives

    To embody an innovative mindset, we must consider this strategy to be a living, adaptable framework that                                                       MISSION
    reflects our agility to respond to the demands of an evolving healthcare landscape. Similarly, the delivery                                             To inspire, accelerate, and
    of this strategy must be complemented by continuous horizon-scanning and performance monitoring. It                                                commercialise a healthcare innovations

                                                                                                                                                                                                  ON R
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    offers inspiration for how and why we should be doing things differently, ensuring that we are always in                                                   for health, economic

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    the best possible position to grow and meet new challenges.

                                                                                                                                                                 and social benefit

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    Our strategy themes align with Scotland’s National Performance Framework which sets out how Scotland                                          LT                                                      OR
    can work together to:                                                                                                                      HEA                                                   KA
             Create a more successful country
                                                                                                                                                                          & BU
             Give opportunities to all people living in scotland
             Increase the wellbeing of people living in scotland
             Create sustainable and inclusive growth                                                                                                                                                               *For full descriptions please
             Reduce inequalities and give equal importance to economic, environmental and social progress                                                                                                               see Scotland’s National
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Performance Framework

6      SCOTTISH HEALTH INNOVATIONS LTD (SHIL) STRATEGY 2021 – 2026                                                   7

    Innovation cannot be realised in isolation. A connected, collaborative healthcare innovation
    community will unlock the true collective potential of Scotland and shape the future of healthcare.
    Our strategy retains a focus on working
    collaboratively with the NHS to inspire, accelerate
                                                                     Supporting new and innovative approaches to
                                                                     healthcare wherever they originate, combined
    and     commercialise      impactful      healthcare             with an ability to link relevant expertise across the
    innovations. As a national organisation, SHIL is well            sector will help ensure the vision of a connected,               Enhanced digital accessibility, training and networking to support connectivity and
    connected across NHS health boards. Embedded                     collaborative Scotland is realised.
    within local NHS Research, Development and
                                                                                                                                      collaboration across the sector.
                                                                     While SHIL’s existing connections are evidently
    Innovation teams, SHIL combines national
    oversight with targeted health board engagement
                                                                     strong; we also recognise that in a modern, digital              Extend innovation and entrepreneurship competence across the sector through the
                                                                     environment, enhanced engagement, sharing of                     development of a Clinical Entrepreneur training programme.
    and a strong digital presence. This not only provides
                                                                     knowledge and ease of access are essential tools.
    local insight and intelligence, but also cultivates
                                                                     Underpinning this digitally connected outlook will
    strong, trusted relationships, while helping to
                                                                     be a laser focus on the specific skills and expertise
                                                                                                                                      Robust, trusted relationships across the NHS, where national reach is complemented
    position SHIL as an integral player within emerging                                                                               with targeted health board engagement to provide equity of access to services and
                                                                     offered by SHIL – advice centred on intellectual
    and new innovation structures, including regional
    innovation hubs.
                                                                     property, medical device regulation, product                     expertise.
                                                                     development, funding and commercialisation
    Complementary to this is the established ability                 – all of which can complement input of other                     Expert input to industry and academic led innovation activity with a commitment
    of SHIL to work at a national level to build strong,             collaborators, catalysing projects rapidly from idea
    mutually beneficial connections with national                    to reality. We pledge to deliver new, innovative                 to assessing and supporting, in partnership with the NHS, viable ideas from those
    and regional innovation centres, development                     approaches to sharing this expertise and opening                 working outside the NHS.
    agencies and funders. Delivery of collaborative                  up access to its important learnings for wider
    projects; supporting and participating in                        benefit.                                                         An ability to demonstrate the value of NHS supported innovation to position Scotland
    university, consortia and individual funding bids;                                                                                as an entrepreneurial, collaborative nation, where healthcare innovation thrives.
    and supporting healthcare innovations originating
    outside the NHS, all form important elements of
    an open and receptive organisation.

8      SCOTTISH HEALTH INNOVATIONS LTD (SHIL) STRATEGY 2021 – 2026                                                           9

     The healthcare landscape is complex and rapidly changing, and we must respond to its
     opportunities. Harnessing clinical and commercial expertise helps develop optimal innovations
     that can positively impact health, the economy and social outcomes.
     Our strategy places a strong focus on the                        Valuable in-house knowledge and support
     specialised professional knowledge within SHIL                   is complemented by access to high quality
     – our ability to directly leverage a wealth of NHS
     experience, while underpinning and enhancing
                                                                      external advice (legal, manufacture, international
                                                                      outreach). Providing an infrastructure to blend
     it with wider commercial business skills. In                     clinical and commercial expertise is vitally
     translating healthcare innovations from original                 important in supporting Scotland’s future                       An expert, full-service innovation advisory capability adaptive to new policy, rules,
     idea to widespread adoption, we are well placed                  healthcare innovation priorities and needs.
     to draw on a diverse pool of skills and support.
                                                                                                                                      regulations, market conditions and emerging technologies.
                                                                      While SHIL’s existing knowledge, support and
     Commercial skills – including intellectual property              infrastructure is well established, modern                      A regulatory framework and Quality Management System to support the design and
     advice, medical device regulation, funding,                      healthcare does not stand still and SHIL recognises
     product development and commercialisation                        the need to continuously horizon-scan and adapt
                                                                                                                                      development of medical devices, and manage the process from initial evaluation of
     – typically sit outside the sphere of traditional                to changes in the landscape. We will be sensitive               a concept to regulatory approval and rapid market adoption.
     healthcare roles and expertise. SHIL offers these                and responsive to advances across medicine,
     on a pan-Scotland basis, enabling NHS health                     science, government and NHS policy, legal and                   Support rapid translation of impactful healthcare innovations into viable products,
     boards and stakeholders across Scotland to access                regulatory affairs that impact on healthcare
     trusted, high-quality advice.                                    innovation process, ensuring the expertise of
                                                                                                                                      devices, diagnostics, therapeutics and services.
                                                                      SHIL remains dynamic and reflective of a modern
     SHIL’s    accreditation   to    ISO13485,   an                   landscape.                                                      Contribute knowledge, and add value, to pan-Scotland initiatives to support innovation,
     internationally-recognised Quality Management                                                                                    such as Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) assessments.
     System for medical devices, demonstrates                         We further recognise that, whilst our support
     compliance to stringent medical device quality                   is well embedded within NHS health boards,
     standards, and enables us to provide a strong                    Scotland’s social care sector is an untapped source
                                                                                                                                      Extend the knowledge and support offered by SHIL to harness and capture the
     regulatory framework to support the design,                      of fresh innovation. With that in mind, we will                 innovation potential of the social care sector.
     development, production and delivery of medical                  actively work to empower the entrepreneurial
     devices.                                                         talent of those working within social care and
                                                                      explore innovation opportunities across the sector.

10      SCOTTISH HEALTH INNOVATIONS LTD (SHIL) STRATEGY 2021 – 2026                                                         11

     For impactful healthcare innovations to transition from idea to reality, we need a strong alignment
     of knowledge, culture, systems and processes to ensure fast, efficient realisation and adoption of
     ground-breaking ideas.

     Our strategy is focussed on overcoming systemic                  Yet, we must also adopt a two-tier approach. The
     challenges to facilitate, accelerate and deliver
     impactful healthcare innovations that are adopted
                                                                      first element of this will see SHIL continuing to
                                                                      support and encourage an open and receptive
     rapidly and at scale. Building connections,                      environment to innovations originating across
     infrastructure and offering knowledge and support                Scotland. We recognise novel solutions to                        A robust and transparent innovation process empowering innovative ideas from
     is important, but in reality, must be matched                    problems very often come from those who face
     with the provision of streamlined systems and                    those challenges every day. The second requires
                                                                                                                                       primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare staff and external entrepreneurs.
     processes that are sympathetic to the time                       SHIL to proactively work with partners across
     pressures of modern society. They must further                   the NHS to identify specific challenge areas and                 A growing pipeline of high-quality innovations with targeted innovation calls to
     combine with accessible solutions to overcome                    facilitate targeted innovation calls to help advance             realise major advances in areas of unmet health need.
     financial barriers, demonstrate feasibility of ideas,            solutions in areas of greatest need.
     and create effective pathways to achieve market
                                                                      Such targeted innovation calls will also be
                                                                                                                                       Launch a Healthcare Accelerator Fund to provide financial assistance in the early-
     readiness and acceptance.
                                                                      supplemented by the launch of a Healthcare                       stage development of projects that show commercial potential.
     SHIL has exhibited an exceptional ability over many              Accelerator Fund, ensuring suitable projects can
     years to uncover transformational ideas from                     access early-stage funding to assess feasibility,                Provide new pathways for in-demand innovations to achieve market readiness,
     health and social care professionals, accelerate                 which in turn can open up greater future funding                 acceptance and rapid adoption.
     the best ones through the innovation pathway, and                options. The goal of the fund will be to identify
     successfully launch an ever-expanding portfolio                  a balanced portfolio of opportunities that with
     of products, technologies, spin-out companies,                   appropriate interventions and support can                        Bring innovations of substance and scale to market in investor-ready form.
     licence agreements and patents. This is testament                accelerate the healthcare innovation ecosystem
     to the dynamic, forward-thinking model deployed                  past its tipping point. We will work actively across
     by SHIL and will remain at the core of our future                the sector to minimise all barriers – systemic,
     strategic plans.                                                 financial or otherwise – to ensure innovations of
                                                                      substance and scale can be expedited onto the

12      SCOTTISH HEALTH INNOVATIONS LTD (SHIL) STRATEGY 2021 – 2026                                                          13

     We must deliver a truly holistic view of healthcare innovation, encompassing not just health, but
     social and economic benefits too, as part of a wider entrepreneurial vision.

     Our strategy will support impactful healthcare                   Aligned to this is the need to deliver a truly

     innovations that will, or have potential to, deliver             holistic view of healthcare innovation – health,
     health, economic or social value for the NHS and                 social and economic. SHIL will therefore work to
     those organisations and individuals collaborating                extend impact measures to incorporate social
     with it.                                                         and economic benefit, and thus spotlight a
                                                                      new perspective on the significance of health                   Generate an income stream to NHS health boards through financial returns on co-
     By successfully launching NHS supported spin-                    innovation within the wider entrepreneurial vision              development projects.
     outs, we create jobs, attract investment to the                  for Scotland.
     Scottish economy and reinforce wider life science
     aims.                                                            Whilst focused primarily on benefit to the NHS
                                                                                                                                      Work with academic and industry partners to support appropriate medtech accelerator
                                                                      and its patient population, we will also consider               programmes that promote the growth of innovative health start-ups.
     The SHIL product portfolio presents a record                     developing innovations with NHS support that do
     of successful health outcomes. Developed in                      not have an obvious or immediate landing place in               Hold equity in NHS spin-outs to help create jobs, attract investment and position
     collaboration with health professionals, a range
     of medical devices, products and technologies are
                                                                      Scotland but could be successful commercially in                Scotland as a thriving and leading life science destination.
                                                                      different geographic regions. Further, there may
     in use across hospitals, care homes and on-scene                 be scope for delivering innovation that does not
     emergency settings; across Scotland, the UK and                                                                                  Work with license partners and NHS spin-outs post-commercialisation to extend sales
                                                                      offer an immediate financial return but has a wider
     internationally. Yet despite the obvious health                  social impact in Scotland. There is no doubt that               and optimise value.
     benefits, the rapid uptake of these products within              NHS-led innovation has global reach, and through
     the NHS can often be challenging and difficult to                SHIL, a focused and ambitious programme of work                 Develop social and economic value measures to evidence wider benefits of successfully
     navigate. SHIL will work with partners to simplify               will help foster the best in Scottish innovation,               commercialised health innovations.
     this process, ensuring routes to all appropriate                 encourage expansion into new markets and
     markets can be expedited and maximised.                          sectors, and evidence the international impact of
                                                                      supporting homegrown ideas.

14      SCOTTISH HEALTH INNOVATIONS LTD (SHIL) STRATEGY 2021 – 2026                                                         15
DELIVERING OUR STRATEGY                                                                                                          MEASURING OUR PERFORMANCE
     Our success is built on our people - the committed enablers of innovation. We are passionate about                              It is important that we continually and rigorously monitor what we do in order to assess performance
     what we do, because we know that when the ideas brought to us are successful, they make a real                                  in line with our growth ambitions, identify areas where we can drive improvement, and retain an
     and lasting difference.                                                                                                         agile outlook in an ever-changing environment.
     SHIL seeks out creative, talented, resilient people              The organisation’s size, structure and professional            The performance of SHIL will be measured over          The pace at which outcomes can be delivered, and
     who can enrich and diversify its talent pool.                    culture allows it to be flexible and agile. This allows        the lifetime of this strategy by the extent to which   the range of activities undertaken by SHIL depend
     The strength of the organisation lies in bringing                SHIL to maintain focus and optimise the skills and             the outcomes we have set out are achieved. As          on a number of variables - funding received,
     specialist skill sets together in a single place to              expertise of the team.                                         evidenced throughout the strategy, SHIL forms          complexity of the innovation, collaborating partners
     complement clinical knowledge and ambition,                      Similarly, it is vital that we maintain and enhance            part of an entrepreneurial, collaborative Scotland     and investment decisions made by others.
     and together unlock the true collective potential                SHIL’s reputation as a great place to work to attract,         – we do not work in isolation, and consequently
     of Scotland’s healthcare innovation opportunity.                 retain, and develop the finest talent. We must                 do not deliver any outcomes on our own. We             More detailed target indicators will be developed
     At the same time, integral to our success and                    continue to invest in skills from a wide range of              work collaboratively with individuals, NHS health      as part of the annual business planning process,
     reputation is significant experience of working                  professions. On-going training and development                 boards, academia, industry and other public and        so that they can be tailored and made relevant to
     with the NHS and the Scottish Government.                        ensures skills are optimised and staff are equipped            private sector organisations across Scotland and       the priorities of the business from time to time,
                                                                      to meet the challenges of the future.                          this can make direct measurement of outcomes           while of course being set within the framework
                                                                                                                                     delivered by SHIL challenging.                         of delivering the outcomes set out in this 5-year
 OUR VALUES                                                                                                                          The performance measures set out in this strategy
                                                                                                                                     provide an initial high-level set of indicators of     Performance will be measured annually, by
                                                                                                                                     achievement. The high-level indicators should be       leveraging robust and dependable data, as part of
     Our values underpin who we are, how we behave and the ways we work together across every aspect                                 viewed collectively, to provide a holistic view of     business planning, ensuring SHIL remains adaptive
     of our business. They contribute to our distinctiveness.                                                                        the contribution of SHIL to inspire, accelerate, and   and responsive; and each year we will publish a
                                                                                                                                     commercialise impactful healthcare innovations         report on the performance delivered, with specific
                                                                                                                                     for health, economic and social benefit.               examples of our contribution.
                Bold – Believing in what we do, with commitment and courage
                Collaborative – Working in partnership, whilst taking responsibility for our own actions
                Curious – Being curious to learn and find solutions that transform lives
                Disruptive – Challenging norms and looking beyond currently accepted practice
                Resilient – Succeeding while recognising and accepting factors beyond our control

16      SCOTTISH HEALTH INNOVATIONS LTD (SHIL) STRATEGY 2021 – 2026                                                             17
A CONNECTED, COLLABORATIVE COMMUNITY                                                                            HARNESSING EXPERTISE FOR OPTIMAL INNOVATION
     Outcomes                                                          Key Performance Indicators                            Outcomes                                           Key Performance Indicators

     Enhanced digital accessibility, training and                      Digital analytics, including website visitors,        An expert, full-service innovation advisory        Hours of advice provided, including IP,
     networking to support connectivity and                            engagement, online consultations                      capability adaptive to new policy, rules,          regulatory, commercialisation
     collaboration across the sector.                                                                                        regulations, market conditions and emerging
                                                                       Delivery of NHS Clinical Entrepreneur                 technologies.                                      ISO13485 accreditation maintained with
     Extend innovation and entrepreneurship                            programme                                                                                                medical devices developed within a
     competence across the sector through the                                                                                A regulatory framework and Quality                 framework that supports regulatory approval
     development of a Clinical Entrepreneur                            Annual assessment of NHS health board                 Management System to support the design
     training programme.                                               satisfaction                                          and development of medical devices, and            Maintain a robust risk register which will
                                                                                                                             manage the process from initial evaluation of      anticipate and mitigate risks posed to the
     Robust, trusted relationships across the NHS,                     Level of input to academic innovation support         a concept to regulatory approval and rapid         delivery of outcomes
     where national reach is complemented with                         programmes, via training, advice and support          market adoption.
     targeted health board engagement to provide                       of outreach activity                                                                                     Number of training sessions and related
     equity of access to services and expertise                                                                              Support rapid translation of impactful             webinars delivered and evidence of associated
                                                                       Number of funding applications led by NHS/            healthcare innovations into viable products,       feedback
     Expert input to industry and academic led                                                                               devices, diagnostics, therapeutics and services.
                                                                       academia/industry supported through the
     innovation activity with a commitment to
                                                                       provision of resource and expertise                                                                      Evidence of support provided to regional NHS
     assessing and supporting, in partnership with                                                                           Contribute knowledge, and add value, to pan-
                                                                                                                                                                                innovation hubs
     the NHS, viable ideas from those working                          Evidence of positive feedback from                    Scotland initiatives to support innovation, such
     outside the NHS.                                                  stakeholder organisations                             as Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI)       Partnerships established with innovation
                                                                                                                             assessments.                                       centres, including CENSIS, DataLab and Digital
     An ability to demonstrate the value of NHS
                                                                       Media coverage statistics, including                                                                     Health and Care Innovation Centre
     supported innovation to position Scotland                                                                               Extend the knowledge and support offered by
                                                                       placement, reach and sentiment
     as an entrepreneurial, collaborative nation,                                                                            SHIL to harness and capture the innovation
     where healthcare innovation thrives.                                                                                    potential of the social care sector.

18       SCOTTISH HEALTH INNOVATIONS LTD (SHIL) STRATEGY 2021 – 2026                                                    19
ACCELERATING A BETTER HEALTHCARE FUTURE                                                                        DELIVERING A HEALTHY OUTLOOK WITH REAL VALUE
     Outcomes                                                         Key Performance Indicators                          Outcomes                                          Key Performance Indicators

     A robust and transparent innovation process                      Number of disclosures received                      Generate an income stream to NHS health           Financial returns to the NHS
     empowering innovative ideas from primary,                                                                            boards through financial returns on co-
     secondary and tertiary healthcare staff and                      Number of disclosures progressed                    development projects.                             Number of medtech accelerators supported
     external entrepreneurs.
                                                                      Launch of Healthcare Accelerator Fund               Work with academic and industry partners          Investment attracted to NHS spin-outs
     A growing pipeline of high-quality innovations                                                                       to support appropriate medtech accelerator
     with targeted innovation calls to realise major                  Number of targeted innovation calls launched        programmes that promote the growth of             Sales and reach of commercialised products
     advances in areas of unmet health need.                                                                              innovative health start-ups.
                                                                      Number of projects commercialised and                                                                 Delivery of a SHIL specific health, economic
     Launch a Healthcare Accelerator Fund to                          generating income                                   Hold equity in NHS spin-outs to help create       and social value framework
     provide financial assistance in the early-                                                                           jobs, attract investment and position
     stage development of projects that show                                                                              Scotland as a thriving and leading life science
     commercial potential.                                                                                                destination.
     Provide new pathways for in-demand                                                                                   Work with license partners and NHS spin-outs
     innovations to achieve market readiness,                                                                             post-commercialisation to extend sales and
     acceptance and rapid adoption.                                                                                       optimise value.
     Bring innovations of substance and scale to                                                                          Develop social and economic value measures
     market in investor-ready form.                                                                                       to evidence wider benefits of successfully
                                                                                                                          commercialised health innovations.

20      SCOTTISH HEALTH INNOVATIONS LTD (SHIL) STRATEGY 2021 – 2026                                                  21
GOVERNANCE AND FUNDING                                                                                                    FIND OUT MORE

     SHIL is a company limited by guarantee and owned
     equally by Scottish Ministers, NHS Tayside and the
     Golden Jubilee National Hospital and its activity                                                                         YOUR 24-HOUR WINDOW TO SHIL
     is overseen by the Scottish Government’s Chief
     Scientist Office.
     The Board consists of an executive chair and eight
     non-executive directors. Key stakeholders in NHS
     health boards and business leaders are an integral
     part of its diverse membership, in turn ensuring
     that SHIL is firmly embedded in the NHS Research,
     Development and Innovation landscape. The role
     of the Board is to lead SHIL in the achievement of               SHIL is grant funded by Scottish Government,
     its corporate strategy.                                          with a further proportion of funding coming from         You will be able to find detailed information on our work throughout the SHIL website.
                                                                      returns on successful projects. Where applicable,
     The Board publishes an annual operating plan                     additional support for development work has
     setting out target performance indicators                                                                                 If you would like further information or have a question in relation the SHIL Strategy please
                                                                      been forthcoming from external funding bodies.
     aligned to the strategic plan outcomes, and an                                                                            email:
     annual report covering financial performance                     For spin-out companies set up by SHIL, private
     and progress towards meeting the strategic plan                  investment and venture capital funding has been          Follow our social channels for the latest news and updates.
     outcomes.                                                        secured.


                                                                                                                                       Scottish Health Innovations Ltd

22      SCOTTISH HEALTH INNOVATIONS LTD (SHIL) STRATEGY 2021 – 2026                                                       23

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