Stakeholder perceptions of the impact of cannabis production on the southern Oregon food system
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Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development ISSN: 2152-0801 online Stakeholder perceptions of the impact of cannabis production on the southern Oregon food system Vincent M. Smith a * Southern Oregon University Maud Powell b Southern Oregon Research and Extension Center, Oregon State University David Mungeam c Southern Oregon University Regan G. Emmons d Rogue Valley Food System Network Submitted September 12, 2018 / Revised October 31 and December 11, 2018, and January 7, 2019 / Accepted January 7, 2019 / Published online March 12, 2019 Citation: Smith, V. M., Powell, M., Mungeam, D., & Emmons, R. G. (2019). Stakeholder perceptions of the impact of cannabis production on the southern Oregon food system. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. Advance online publication. Copyright © 2019 by the Authors. Published by the Lyson Center for Civic Agriculture and Food Systems. Open access under CC-BY license. Abstract cannabis growers who share a changing agricultural The passage of Measure 91 (Oregon Legalized landscape with orchards, vineyards, vegetable Marijuana Initiative, 2014) in Oregon legalized the farms, seed industries, and ranches. The Rogue production of cannabis for recreational sale. Since Valley Food System Network (RVFSN) convened legalization, there has been a significant increase in focus groups across the region to explore the per- cannabis production across the agricultural land- ceived impacts of the cannabis industry on the scape of southern Oregon. Southern Oregon’s food system. These impacts were coded and cate- Rogue Valley now hosts 314 licensed recreational gorized for use in the development of future research questions. Stakeholders identified environ- a* Corresponding author: Vincent M. Smith, Associate Professor, mental impacts, land use policy, agricultural best Environmental Science & Policy and Sociology & Anthropology, Southern Oregon University; 1250 Siskiyou practices, water resources, financial opportunities, Blvd.; Ashland, OR 97520 USA; +1-541-552-6802; c David Mungeam, Undergraduate Student, Sociology & Anthropology, Southern Oregon University; 1250 Siskiyou b Maud Powell, Assistant Professor of Practice, Southern Blvd.; Ashland, OR 97520 USA; Oregon Research and Extension Center, Oregon State d ReganG. Emmons, Coordinator, Rogue Valley Food System University; 569 Hanley Road; Central Point, OR 97502 USA; Network; P.O. Box 1255; Medford, OR 97501 USA; Advance online publication 1
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development ISSN: 2152-0801 online resource competition, and a changing cultural indication used to identify where a crop is grown) landscape as areas in need of further research. This (Stoa, 2017), and competition for natural resources research brief informs work by lawmakers, land use (Bauer et al., 2015; Stoa, 2017; Vana, 2016). planners, researchers, managers, and farmers in In certain cases, cannabis cultivation poses sig- developing research, policies, and projects to nificant threats to the health of watersheds. Stream address challenges and realize opportunities diversions that may increase erosion may be used associated with the changing agricultural landscape for flood irrigation on large outdoor farms. Some in states where cannabis production is expanding. cannabis farms are also illegally removing irrigation water from streams and other water sources (Vana, Keywords 2016), which may lower the water table and affect Marijuana, Cannabis, Food Systems, Oregon, summer flows for fish runs. A study of the Eel Rogue Valley, Agriculture River watershed in California concluded that can- nabis operations without regulation could outstrip Introduction water supplies (Stoa, 2017). However, correct The production and commercial sale of cannabis in implementation of farming policies would retain the United States has increased significantly over the ability to effectively regulate water usage (Stoa, the past decade (Stoa, 2017), due in large part to 2017). individual states passing laws that legalize cannabis. Federal restrictions on cannabis complicate Oregon was the first state to abolish criminal other aspects of production and distribution as penalties for possession of cannabis, in 1973 well. For example, because it is an illegal activity at (Blachly, 1976). Then, in 1996 California became the federal level, banks are prohibited from taking the first state to legalize medical marijuana. Two money from the cannabis industry. Therefore, years later, Oregon, Alaska, and Washington fol- depositing revenue earned from cannabis produc- lowed suit. Oregon’s Medical Marijuana Act (1998) tion poses a risk not only to those doing the bank- specifically allowed for the cultivation, possession, ing, but also the banks themselves (Moscow & and use of cannabis by those in possession of a Felz, 2015). Additionally, state land-grant universi- medical marijuana card issued by a doctor. ties and other federally funded institutions are at Washington and Colorado were the first states risk of losing funding if they engage in any educa- to legalize recreational use of cannabis, in 2012. In tion or research activities related to cannabis pro- 2014, Oregonians passed ballot initiative Measure duction. Historically, farmers have relied on 91 by 56% of the vote, legalizing the cultivation Extension research and education to improve their and non-medical use of cannabis (Oregon Legal- production methods and adopt best management ized Marijuana Initiative, 2014). That same year, practices. Alaska also legalized the recreational use of can- Several states are coming out of an era of nabis, with California following in 2017. Today 31 quasi-legalization and decriminalization. Ironically, states and the District of Columbia have legalized this state of reduced punitive measures and legal medical marijuana, and nine states and the District risks associated with cannabis has paved a road for of Columbia have legalized recreational marijuana, an increase in illegal cannabis grow operations, or with an additional 15 states exploring recreational what are called trespass grows (Vana, 2016). With- cannabis laws. out a regulatory framework encompassing cannabis There are both potential risks and opportu- cultivation, these trespass grows pose an unusually nities associated with the emerging cannabis high risk for adversely affecting the environment markets. These include an increased flow of cash and farming communities. into a community (Victory, 2014), an increase in Because the federal government prohibits the property values (Victory, 2014), the development production, distribution, and consumption of can- of large-scale farming operations Heimlich & nabis, states that have legalized any of these aspects Anderson, 2001), the creation of cannabis appella- must create and enforce their own laws and regula- tions (legally defined and protected geographical tions. Federal law empowers states to legislate on 2 Advance online publication
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development ISSN: 2152-0801 online behalf of their citizens’ health, safety, and welfare. 1800s and early 1900s, apples represented the larg- Therefore, state and local policies must be imple- est agricultural commodity, peaking with about 400 mented to both combat the increased risks and growers and 10,000 acres (4,047 hectares) in 1910 capitalize on the opportunities associated with a (Oregon State University [OSU] Extension Service, market boom. Tax regimes and environmental 2007). By 1930, however, pears supplanted apples, protection standards must be developed to com- primarily due to a regional climate and soil types pensate for the new wave of agri-business emerg- better suited to pear production. During the 20th ing in states where cannabis is grown. century, the Rogue Valley was also home to thriv- The purpose of this study is to explore the ing dairy, alfalfa, hops, and small grain production. ways in which cannabis production affects the food The region was identified as an excellent grape- system of one region. While cannabis production growing region in the late 20th century, with a and sale has effects that extend beyond the food climate similar to the Bordeaux region of France system generally, this work focuses on how rural (OSU Extension Service, 2007). During the 21st agricultural landscapes are affected by rapid growth century, dominant agricultural crops have been in the cannabis industry. This exploratory work pears, grapes, cattle operations, and dairy (U.S. utilizes stakeholder focus groups to elicit the range Department of Agriculture [USDA], 2012). As the of perceptions, opportunities, and concerns first state to decriminalize cannabis possession in expressed by individuals involved in the changing 1973, Oregon gained a reputation as being more landscape. Findings will be used to inform the tolerant of marijuana use. Due to its climate and selection of future research questions designed to geographic isolation, southern Oregon, in particu- inform states and counties seeking to develop and lar, became a stronghold of illegal marijuana pro- implement cannabis-related policies. duction in the 1980s (Johnson, 2017). By 2006, one estimate suggested that Oregon was the fourth Cannabis Industry in Southern Oregon largest indoor cannabis-producing state and the Southern Oregon’s Rogue Valley (see Figure 1) has tenth largest cannabis-producing state overall a long history of commercial agriculture, beginning (Gettman, 2006). in 1885 with the first commercial apple orchards While southern Oregon’s Rogue Valley has established in the Medford area. During the late been a destination site for indoor and outdoor growing for decades (Gettman, Figure 1. Southern Oregon’s Rogue Valley (Jackson and Josephine 2006), Measure 91 dramatically Counties) increased the amount of cannabis cultivation. Today there are 314 licensed recreational growers in Jackson and Josephine Counties alone (Oregon Liquor Control Commission, 2018). Medical marijuana production is harder to track. In May 2018, the Oregon Health Authority released a report assessing the state’s medi- cal marijuana program. The report cites major challenges the state is facing in regulation and enforcement, including an inability to validate grow site locations, a lack of inspections and enforcement of grow sites, and insufficient and inaccurate Advance online publication 3
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development ISSN: 2152-0801 online reporting and tracking methods. As such, deter- community discourse, and identifying variables of mining the scope of medical marijuana currently interest for further study. being grown and processed in southern Oregon is The RVFSN was formed in 2014 by a group of difficult (Cabauatan-Vasquez & Yan, 2018). organizations, agencies, and businesses working to The Rogue Valley had an estimated population create a secure, sustainable food system accessible of 303,831 people in 2017, 92% of whom reported to all (RVFSN, 2018). In 2016, the organization their race as white alone (U.S. Census Bureau, voted to form a working group focused on the 2017). Jackson County reported a median house- impact of cannabis production on the food system. hold income of US$51,409 and Josephine County The group was composed of individual representa- reported a median household income of tives from RVFSN as well as community stake- US$44,426 in 2017 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2017). holders with an interest in the relationship between The Rogue Valley is located within what has been the expanding cannabis industry and the food referred to as “The State of Jefferson,” a largely system. Formation of the working group stemmed rural area of southern Oregon and northern largely from constituents’ interests in better under- California historically and culturally rooted in standing the growing conflicts between food pro- forestry, mining, and agriculture (Lalane, 2017). ducers and cannabis producers. Initial work The region has a history of secession movements focused on exploring the perceived opportunities rooted in a cultural and political identity distin- and challenges associated with the changing land- guishing the region from urban areas to the north scape. The authors of this paper were members of and the south (Lalane, 2017). that working group but did not have control over all decisions made during the planning process. Research Methods Researchers were invited to disseminate the infor- In December 2016, the Rogue Valley Food System mation generated during this community process Network (RVFSN) sought an academic partnership to a broader audience. The stakeholder perceptions for the purpose of developing an exploratory study recorded in these meetings are described here as an to address how cannabis production affects the exploratory study to inform future work investigat- regional food system. The network planned a series ing the impacts of cannabis on the food system. of stakeholder meetings and sought assistance on The RVFSN held eight meetings designed to ways to use the findings as a form of needs assess- foster a community conversation about the chang- ment for future research. While some research ing agricultural landscape (see Table 1). Participants needs, such as research on water Table 1. Description and Timing of Cannabis Community Meetings requirements in cannabis, were Date Meeting Type Participants already known, little was known April 5, 2017 Initial Stakeholder Meeting. Purposive sample of 18 stakeholders across study area. about how the growth of the July 19, 2017 Public Interest Meeting with panel. Discussions not coded 150 for analysis. Used to advertise community meetings. cannabis industry was affecting the August 31, 2017 Facilitator Training Meeting. Purposive sample of diverse 15 regional food stakeholders across study area. system overall. September 7, 2017 Grants Pass Community Meeting 11 RVFSN hoped to September 11, 2017 Talent Community Meeting 8 facilitate stake- holder meetings September 13, 2017 Little Applegate Community Meeting 10 for the purpose of September 18, 2017 Rogue River Community Meeting 18 both setting a civil tone for September 20, 2017 Applegate Community Meeting 15 4 Advance online publication
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development ISSN: 2152-0801 online for the initial stakeholder meeting and the facili- Three co-facilitators whose interests balanced each tator training meeting were selected through pur- other were selected to facilitate meetings in each of posive sampling (Adler & Clark, 2011). The public the five communities in southern Oregon. Co- interest meeting and all five community meetings facilitators worked together to select an appropriate were advertised by community facilitators and the community venue and market the focus group to RVFSN in local newspapers, discussion boards, community members. Co-facilitators were carefully social media, and local businesses. Facilitators took selected from each of the representative commu- notes on wall-mounted notepads in all meetings. nities, each holding a different perspective on the Additionally, a student research assistant took elec- impact of the cannabis industry on the food tronic field notes during all discussions (Kleiber, system. 2004). Digital notes taken during the meeting and Three months after the initial stakeholder facilitator-generated notes were compared to meeting, a regionwide informational session improve note accuracy during coding. No digital or exploring the opportunities and challenges associ- voice recordings were taken during the community ated with the growing cannabis industry on the conversations because of concerns expressed by food system was held in Medford, Oregon. The cannabis growers (Kleiber, 2004). event was widely publicized by news outlets and The first focus group took place in April 2017. trended across social media. Panel participants Participants were selected using a purposive sample included a recreational cannabis grower, a water technique based on contacts from participating resource manager, a land use law consultant, a RVFSN representatives (Adler & Clark, 2011). A viticulture and agricultural labor specialist, and two total of 18 recreational cannabis growers, medical academic facilitators. Panelists spoke for 10 to 12 cannabis growers, food producers, farmers growing minutes each and were then asked to collectively both cannabis and food crops, ranchers, land use answer questions curated from the 150-person planners, and water resource managers participated audience by the facilitators. in the meeting. Participants were divided into During the concluding 15 minutes of the several discussion groups with representation regionwide forum, the community-based co- across perspectives and were then prompted by facilitators were introduced to the audience research facilitators to address three primary broadly. All those wishing to participate in further objectives: discussion were then asked to meet with the co- facilitators from their home community. Contact 1. Identify potential opportunities or information was collected from interested parties. collaborations between the cannabis All co-facilitators were asked to participate in a industry and food system. facilitation training session led by Southern Oregon 2. Identify threats and challenges associated University and Oregon State University Extension. with the growing cannabis industry with Facilitators were trained on strategies for leading specific emphasis on challenges to the constructive conversations in tense environments, existing food system. remaining objective during discussions to encour- 3. Identify strategies for engaging in age full participation of attendees without bias, and constructive and civil discourse with ways to brainstorm ideas without judgment from community members on how to leverage participants. opportunities and address challenges. Finally, co-facilitators held community-based focus groups in each of their respective towns. During the initial stakeholder meeting, par- Focus groups explored the same three questions ticipants suggested small community-based focus posed in the initial focus group. Several groups groups to further explore the posed questions with additionally chose to focus on strategies for further a wider range of stakeholders. The working group discussion. In total, 51 community members par- identified community-based facilitators based on ticipated in the community-based focus groups. feedback from the original stakeholder meeting. An undergraduate research assistant attended Advance online publication 5
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development ISSN: 2152-0801 online all meetings throughout 2017 as an objective note an overall lack of agroecological understanding as a taker. In addition, notes generated by the facilita- challenge. They argued that many of the newer tors during the community conversation were col- cannabis producers do not understand soil health, lected for analysis. Neither audio nor video record- the need for reduction in chemical usage, and the ings were made of the community stakeholder value of polycropping. Discussions of soil health meetings because of concerns regarding the fre- often overlapped with land use concerns regarding quent disclosure of illegal growing and marketing soil compaction caused by heavy equipment, (Kleiber, 2004). (In pilot interviews, cannabis gravel, and/or high tunnels on exclusive farm use growers had expressed concern regarding record- (EFU) lands. Overuse of chemicals, chemical ings of any kind.) All notes from the original stake- runoff, and the possibility of raptor mortality as a holder meeting and five community-based discus- result of rodenticide use were all mentioned as sions were then digitized and coded by hand for challenges. Cannabis producers further discussed common themes by two independent researchers regulations that prohibit composting in cannabis (Kleiber, 2004). Each unique discussion topic dur- production as well as perceived constraints for ing a meeting was treated as an independent occur- intercropping food crops within cannabis pro- rence of a theme or concept. Researchers met after duction. Cannabis producers and food producers coding was complete to explore intercoder relia- discussed work happening locally to develop “best bility (Adler & Clark, 2011). Minor inconsistencies practices guides” for new producers. with coded themes were resolved by collapsing Environmental resource managers frequently theme concepts. discussed chemical runoff. One specific issue described in multiple meetings involved the accu- Results mulation of rodenticides in raptors. Some stake- Ten themes were identified from the field notes holders attributed regional raptor mortality to an taken during group meetings. Although some increase in cannabis production. These concerns differences in discussion topics did exist between are now being explored in more detail in terms of geographic locations, no systematic analysis of how cannabis production affects wildlife habitat responses between geographic locations was (Franklin et al., 2018). attempted due to the small sample sizes and lack of repeated meetings in each community. A total of Regulatory Framework 531 unique conversations were coded, and the Participants expressed concern and confusion relative frequency of each theme was additionally regarding the regulatory framework for cannabis explored (see Table 2). Although the researchers’ production and distribution. Recreational and focus was placed specifically on the impact of the cannabis Table 2. Rank Order and Frequency of Coded Themes industry on the food system, Rank Order Discussion Frequency Relative Frequency discussions repeatedly addressed 1 Environmental Concerns 83 15.6% opportunities and challenges of 2 Regulatory Framework 81 15.3% the growing cannabis production 3 Land Use Policy 81 15.3% industry that extended beyond its impact on the food system. All 4 Resource Competition 59 11.1% findings have been included here, 5 Financial Capital 58 10.9% although some findings only 6 Cultural Change 56 10.5% marginally address the impact on 7 Educational Needs 41 7.7% the food system. 8 Leadership Development 28 5.3% 9 Stigmatization 24 4.5% Environmental Concerns Both food producers and long- 10 Corporatization 20 3.8% time cannabis producers identified Total Discussions 531 6 Advance online publication
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development ISSN: 2152-0801 online medical cannabis growers were most likely to prime soils that might not be recoverable if canna- express these concerns, but concerns were shared bis production declines in the future. Some food by neighboring food producers and urban dwellers producers argued that cannabis should be pro- as well. Specific confusion was noted between duced in commercially zoned properties. In addi- federal versus state policy as well as medical versus tion, concern was expressed over the aesthetics recreational policy. Cannabis producers expressed a associated with the required fencing, traffic, noise, lack of understanding of the laws that regulate their and odors. industry as well as concern over who is involved in making those decisions. Government overreach Resource Competition was discussed in several situations, often within Not surprisingly, a significant portion of the con- minutes of a discussion of the need for stronger versation between cannabis growers and food regulations. Although not all growers disclosed producers revolved around a perceived sense of whether they grow cannabis legally or illegally, resource competition for land, water, equipment, some evidence existed that legal producers were services, and labor. Food producers expressed more likely to express a desire for stronger regula- concern over competition for water resources. tion. Finally, many discussions revolved around the Similarly, legal cannabis producers expressed persistence of black-market cannabis production concern over the same with illegal growers. While throughout the region. Licensed growers expressed the region relies on water rights to allocate water as frustration over competition for resources and land a resource, surface and groundwater are illegally with illegal producers. Frustration over licensed accessed, and enforcement is strictly complaint- growers supplementing their income with illegal driven in the rural landscape. out-of-state sales was also mentioned regularly. Food producers reported being unable to Cannabis producers and food producers remarked source labor, services, and equipment as cannabis on their estimates of how much of the cannabis producers vie for the same local supplies and grown in their region is illegally produced or sold, services. As noted above, some opportunity was with some estimating that as much as 95% of all expressed in this area to see the costs of materials cannabis is sold illegally from both licensed and come down through increased regional buying unlicensed grow sites. power, but immediate concerns revolved around shortages and longer waiting periods for goods and Land Use Policy services. Food producers report losing labor to the Land use planning and zoning regulations differ cannabis industry. Recreational and medical grow- among counties and are often poorly understood. ers reported internal competition, and both Cannabis growers expressed concern that state and expressed frustration with the illegal market for county officials can disagree over specific land use competition. Regional housing shortages were also laws. For example, one focus group recorded a discussed as a part of this conversation, though discussion between a local county employee and a most seemed to recognize that the housing short- state employee who disagreed over whether can- age stems from a range of factors beyond the rise nabis could be produced on rural residential zoned in the cannabis industry. As was noted in the properties. Food producers in particular expressed theme of land use, an overall competition for concern over county regulations that restrict canna- available land has caused a perceived significant bis production to EFU zoned properties. EFU increase in land costs. zoned lands are selected for zoning restriction based on having prime agricultural soils; however, Financial Capital cannabis production practices often involve laying One of the opportunities regularly discussed gravel or sand over these soils for production in revolved around the idea of increasing financial large high tunnels using imported soils. Thus, many capital in the region. Participants discussed the food producers remarked that they were concerned overall potential benefits of increased spending by that cannabis growers were adversely affecting cannabis producers. Specific to the food system, Advance online publication 7
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development ISSN: 2152-0801 online benefits discussed included increased buying power Educational Needs for shared equipment, irrigation infrastructure, and Cannabis producers specifically, but other partici- overall rural development. Tax revenue was also pants as well, noted the need for educational discussed, but it was contested by participants. materials on a wide range of issues. Specifically, Two tax revenue challenges were identified they spoke about the lack of support they are regularly. First, current tax revenue is allocated receiving from Oregon State University Extension within the county of purchase rather than produc- Services and local research institutions. They spoke tion. As such, rural production counties like those of the need for training programs for cannabis in southern Oregon do not realize much of the farmers, regulatory training, medical research on total tax revenue Second, as was mentioned the health benefits of cannabis, and educational already, cannabis producers perceive that most of conferences for networking and information- the production at this point is still illegal and sharing. One opportunity expressed in this area untaxed. The complex dynamic between legal and included long-time food producers being able to illegal production described here is consistent with market themselves as farming consultants in the research immediately to the south in northern cannabis industry as a source of supplemental California (Polson, 2013). income. Cultural Changes Leadership Development Concerns related to rural development included Extension-based services, beginner farmer and near-universal unease with outsiders moving into rancher programming, grant-writing assistance the region. This concern was expressed in a variety programs, and lobbying have largely been led by of ways, including consternation that the locals are institutional leaders in food production. However, being pushed off their land. Concerns were also cannabis growers expressed concern that no such expressed regarding an influx of people of color. leadership has emerged in their field. They regularly Specific mention was made of migrant Latino and asked questions about who will advocate for their Hmong workers and/or owners. concerns, provide training, and coordinate efforts In addition, participants expressed anxieties to support industry interests. Other participants about crime, labor relations, and overall changes to felt that there was no organized effort to commu- community structure. Some participants discussed nicate the challenges being addressed to state-level their anxieties around increased crime as connected decision makers. The historical “State of Jefferson” to racially driven concerns centered around migrant concept was discussed on numerous occasions as labor. Increased crime was also discussed rural residents of southern Oregon expressed con- independent of race as being driven by a largely cern that their region was serving the demands of cash-based economy, increased use of firearms, urban regions to the north and south without and the reported connections between sex slavery support or appropriate compensation. and migrant farmworkers. This concern was raised by participants, including cannabis producers who Stigmatization reported suspicion of sex slavery by neighbors. Stigma and perception of cannabis production Additional concerns included the gentrification were widely discussed as challenges in the industry. of rural landscapes and an overall fear of how a Cannabis producers spoke about their concerns of boom-and-bust economy might lead to long-term federal legislation that stigmatizes state legalization. community infrastructure struggles. In many cases, They further spoke about the challenges this places the problems listed above were also listed as poten- on banking, as many banks continue to navigate tial opportunities. Some participants spoke about federal law prohibiting dealings with cannabis the opportunities for seeing an increase in racial growers. The resulting cash economy is further and ethnic diversity in the region as well as a resur- stigmatized, as legal businesses find themselves gence of young farmers who have come to the paying for services or supplies with large sums of region to grow cannabis. cash. Other participants, including food producers, 8 Advance online publication
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development ISSN: 2152-0801 online described the difficulty of working with cannabis problems can be useful in research and policy growers due to stigmatization. They described development. being concerned about how community members A constructivist research lens, alone, however, might feel about them if they are seen collaborating was not the intent of the RVFSN cannabis working with or sharing resources with cannabis producers. group. Perceptions were intended to drive research Focus group participants did not discuss the moral to address opportunities and concerns. Multidisci- arguments surrounding the legalization of cannabis. plinary research in cannabis production is needed This lack of perspective may have been the result and includes agricultural and environmental scien- of self-selection. tists to look at best practices in production; hydrol- ogists to look at water use, flow, and availability; Corporatization sociologists to explore labor and rights issues; land Although discussions largely revolved around a use planners to explore appropriate zoning; legal contestation over resources, values, and commu- experts to address clarity in laws; and communica- nity structure, participants also discussed concern tion experts to address the confusion growers and over the influence of outside corporate interests. neighbors feel regarding law. Food producers and long-time cannabis producers Researchers interacted individually and in fear the region will be opened up to large agribusi- groups with cannabis growers, neighboring food ness interests and outside investments. Many of the producers, land use planners working with can- participating cannabis producers identify them- nabis growers, water resource specialists, cannabis selves as “locals” with long histories of production policymakers, and concerned citizens. The per- (either food or cannabis) in southern Oregon. Sev- ceived risks and opportunities reported here were eral told stories of neighbors whom they perceived constructed through careful listening and observa- were working for large corporations. Whether real tion. However, the limitations of this research or perceived, there was a sense that local econo- include its exclusive focus on stakeholders’ percep- mies were being replaced by corporate investments tions. Participating researchers did not attempt to that would not benefit the local region. They also correct conversations involving concerns or oppor- expressed concern over a shift in values away from tunities that diverged from existing research find- land and community stewardship to businesses ings. The questions drawn out of focus groups rooted in financial gains. Resource competition require further research to support or refute stake- seemed to drive this conversation, as “local” was holders’ claims. Furthermore, our research was subjectively defined in most cases as those who confined to exploring how cannabis production is currently live in the Rogue Valley. Several of the affecting the food system in the Rogue Valley most outspoken cannabis producers in this argu- alone. The extent to which these findings can be ment had moved to Oregon within the past couple generalized to other growing regions remains of years but were actively promoting restrictions on unclear. Finally, the cannabis industry in southern any new licenses. Oregon is reportedly changing as a result of legali- zation in California. Increased competition and Discussion increasing supply have resulted in price decreases The stakeholder perceptions explored here collec- that may affect concerns and opportunities. It is tively contribute a valuable lens into how cannabis presently illegal at both the state and federal level legalization unfolds on a rural landscape. Stake- for cannabis products to move across state lines. holders expressed a range of fears, anxieties, and However, as noted above, stakeholders currently excitement about how the cannabis industry might report that because so much of the market is actu- continue to develop in southern Oregon. As states ally in states where it is still illegal to grow, this may continue to contemplate or implement legalization have little impact on overall sales. Federal legaliza- of cannabis production, a constructivist approach tion of cannabis would likely increase market to understanding social and environmental potential through legal market access. Advance online publication 9
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development ISSN: 2152-0801 online Conclusions production. Other researchers are currently While cannabis remains illegal at the federal level, exploring the impact of cannabis production on states are increasingly decriminalizing and promot- wildlife. ing cannabis production and in-state sales. The While stakeholders in this study spoke about focus group analysis conducted here may be help- opportunities and concerns generally, researchers ful in the development of research, land use policy, focused on questions regarding the impact of can- regulation, and enforcement strategy. Findings sug- nabis production on the regional food system. gest that communication between policymakers Many of the concerns voiced were beyond the and cultivation regions will be necessary to address scope of this research. Additional research will be the changing landscape for food producers and needed to understand the broader effects of a rural communities generally. Decriminalization changing cannabis economy. For example, con- after a history of prohibition has further led to cerns of a growing sex trade industry associated widespread confusion and/or misinterpretation of with the cannabis industry were not explored here state law. Improved communication between states in detail, nor were enforcement strategies for illegal and growers, states and counties, growers and growing operations or interstate trade. counties, and between growers themselves may be In summary, there is a perception among necessary to avoid disputes. stakeholders that the emergence of a cannabis Additional research addressing the perceived economy in southern Oregon is affecting the concerns presented by community members and regional food system. These impacts include a stakeholders will be needed to verify the qualitative number of challenges related to land use, environ- research presented here. Initial findings have been mental degradation, and resource competition. used and will continue to be used by researchers However, effects also include opportunities for and practitioners interested in further exploring the shared resource use, rural economic development, relationship between cannabis and the food system. and educational collaboration. Additional research Results have informed local efforts to begin quanti- will be needed to explore the perceived impacts of fying water use in cannabis production and in com- cannabis production on the food system as paring water use to that of local wine grape discussed in stakeholder meetings. References Adler, E., & Clark, R. (2011). An invitation to social research: How it’s done (4th Ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Bauer, S., Olson J., Cockrill, A., van Hattem, M., Miller, L., Tauzer, M., & Leppig, G. (2015). Impacts of surface water diversions for marijuana cultivation on aquatic habitat in four northwestern California watersheds. PLOS ONE, 10(9), e0120016. Blachly, P. H. (1976). Effects of decriminalization of marijuana in Oregon. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 282(1), 405–415. Cabauatan-Vasquez, R., & Yann, C. (2018). Oregon medical marijuana program operations and compliance assessment May, 2018 (Report to the Oregon Cannabis Commission). Oregon Health Authority. Retrieved from PROGRAM/Documents/commission/OMMP-report-to-OCC.pdf Franklin, A. B., Carlson, P. C., Rex, A., Rockweit, J. T., Garza, D., Culhane, E., . . . Horak, K. E. (2018). Grass is not always greener: Rodenticide exposure of a threatened species near marijuana growing operations. BMC Research Notes 11(94). Gettman, J. (2006). Marijuana production in the United States (2006). The Bulletin of Cannabis Reform, 2006, 1–29. Retrieved from Heimlich, R. E., & Anderson, W. D. (2001). Development at the urban fringe and beyond: Impacts on agriculture and rural land (Agricultural Economic Report No. 803). Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Retrieved from 10 Advance online publication
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