Speis & Geträ Bie Burger - Snacks - Hauptspeisen - Desserts Getränke Fassbier: siehe gelbe Karte und Bildschirme ...eines der letzten Wohnzimmer ...

Page created by Marie Hodges
Speis & Geträ Bie Burger - Snacks - Hauptspeisen - Desserts Getränke Fassbier: siehe gelbe Karte und Bildschirme ...eines der letzten Wohnzimmer ...
Artwork by Martin Handl

Burger - Snacks - Hauptspeisen - Desserts

Fassbier: siehe gelbe Karte und Bildschirme

  ...eines der letzten Wohnzimmer Wiens
Speis & Geträ Bie Burger - Snacks - Hauptspeisen - Desserts Getränke Fassbier: siehe gelbe Karte und Bildschirme ...eines der letzten Wohnzimmer ...
Ehrliche Burger
                                Bier aus Leidenschaft
Wir stehen selbst sehr auf Burger. Deshalb sind uns Qualität und Frische ein
zentrales Anliegen.
Wir beziehen unser Rindfleisch zu 100% aus österreichischer Landwirtschaft,
hauptsächlich aus dem Schneebergland und dem Burgenland.
Die Erdäpfel für unsere Steak Fries kommen aus dem Weinviertel, Salat,
Tomaten und Gemüse frisch vom Markt.
Die Dips machen wir vorwiegend selbst. Das Burgerbrot wird im Holzofen auf
Fladenart gebacken und täglich frisch geliefert.

Zu guten Burgern gehört auch das passende Getränk. Als Bierliebhaber denken
wir da zuerst an Bier. Deshalb hat unsere Dipl. Biersommelière Dominique viel
getestet und verkostet, um zu jeder Speise das passende Bier zu empfehlen.
kitchen everyday 04 p.m - 01 a.m.

    this dish is prepared / infused with beer

V+: our vegan dishes do not include any animal produce
V: our vegetarian dishes may include milk or egg

Allergeninformation gemäß Codex - Empfehlung: Eine Nennung erfolgt, wenn die bezeichneten Stoffe oder
daraus hergestellte Erzeugnisse als Zutat im Endprodukt enthalten sind. Die Kennzeichnung der 14
Hauptallergene erfolgt entsprechend den gesetzlichen Vorschriften (EU-Lebensmittelinformationsverordnung
1169/2011). Es gibt darüber hinaus auch noch andere Stoffe, die Lebensmittelallergien oder Unverträglichkeiten
auslösen können. Trotz sorgfältiger Herstellung unserer Gerichte können neben den gekennzeichneten Zutaten
Spuren anderer Stoffe enthalten sein, die im Produktionsprozess in der Küche verwendet werden.
A Glutenhaltige Getreide (d.h. Weizen, Roggen, Gerste, Hafer, Dinkel, Kamut oder deren Hybrid-stämme) und
daraus gewonnene Erzeugnisse, B Krebstiere und daraus gewonnene Erzeugnisse, C Eier und daraus
gewonnene Erzeugnisse, D Fische und daraus gewonnene Erzeugnisse, E Erdnüsse und daraus gewonnene
Erzeugnisse, F Sojabohnen und daraus gewonnene Erzeugnisse, G Milch und daraus gewonnene Erzeugnisse
(einschließlich Laktose), H Schalenfrüchte, d. h. Mandeln, Hasel-, Wal-,Cashew-, Pekan-, Para-, Makadamia- und
Queenslandnüsse, Pistazien und daraus gewonnene Erzeugnisse, L Sellerie und daraus gewonnene Erzeugnisse,
M Senf und daraus gewonnene Erzeugnisse, N Sesamsamen und daraus gewonnene Erzeugnisse, O
Schwefeldioxid und Sulphite in Konzentrationen von mehr als 10 mg/kg oder 10 mg/l, ausgedrückt als SO2, P
Lupinen und daraus gewonnene Erzeugnisse, R Weichtiere und daraus gewonnene Erzeugnisse.

                                …eines der letzten Wohnzimmer Wiens
                                      Ullmannstraße 31, 1150 Wien
         open everyday from 04 p.m. - 02. a.m. - kitchen till 01 a.m. - burgers till 10 p.m.
                              we accept atm card, VISA and Master Card
                         prices in €, incl. all taxes and fees, misprints excluded
Speis & Geträ Bie Burger - Snacks - Hauptspeisen - Desserts Getränke Fassbier: siehe gelbe Karte und Bildschirme ...eines der letzten Wohnzimmer ...
Peanuts etc.                                       AEH                V+              throwin 1 €
    from the dispender at the bar
Soletti Supersize - pretzel sticks      AGN                            V                          1,80
Sweet potato chips with rosmary, glutefree                            V +
Chickpea chips with paprika, spicy      AGN                           V+                          3,80
BBQ Tortilla Chips                      AFN                           V+                          2,80
Salted chips                                                          V+                          1,80
Blaschke Kokoskuppel                    ACEFGH                                                    1,80
Manner Schnitten                        AEFH                          V+                          2,30

Cheese Nachos                                      AFGN                V                          5,90
    BBQ Tortilla Chips topped with Smoked Cheesy Sauce
Jalapeño Nachos                                    AFGN                V                          5,90
    BBQ Tortilla Chips topped with Smoked Cheesy Sauce and Jalapeño Salsa - very spicy
Oriental Nachos                                    AFLMN              V+                          5,90
    BBQ Tortilla Chips with Hummus and Mumbai Chutney (tomato-apricot-curry)
Sheperd's Fries                                    G                   V         04-10 pm         5,90
    Steak Fries with grained feta cheese   (C, G, M)

Chipotle Aioli Fries                               CM                  V         04-10 pm         5,90
    Steak Fries in Chipotle Aioli Sauce with ketchup and garlic dip (C, G, M), very spicy
Garlic Fries                                                           V       04-10 p.m.         4,90
    steak fries topped with garlic- parsley sauce, served with ketchup and garlic dip (C,G, M),
Salsa Verde Fries                                                      V       04-10 p.m.         4,90
    steak fries topped with Jalapeño Salsa, served with ketchup and garlic dip (C,G, M),
Cheesy Fries                                       FG                  V         04-10 pm         5,90
    steak fries topped with Smoked Cheesy Sauce, served with ketchup and garlic dip (C,G, M),
Rudolfscrime Fries                                 FG                  V         04-10 pm         5,90
    steak fries topped with Smoked Cheesy Sauce & Jalapeño Salsa served with ketchup
    and garlic dip (C,G, M), very spicy
Steak Fries                                                            V         04-10 pm         3,80
    steak fries served with ketchup and garlic dip (C,G, M),
Halloumi Sticks                                    CGLM                V         04-10 pm         4,20
    4 pieces of fried halloumi sticks served with cocktail sauce
Speis & Geträ Bie Burger - Snacks - Hauptspeisen - Desserts Getränke Fassbier: siehe gelbe Karte und Bildschirme ...eines der letzten Wohnzimmer ...
Beef Jerky                                       AFO                                        3,80
     dried beef slices with teriyaki seasoning
Bierbrezel - pretzel                             A                        V                 2,30
Flatbread                                        A                        V+

Starters - Snacks
Serbian bean soup                                O                                          5,80
     & 1 bread (A), Beer recommendation: Hadmar Bio
Cardamom lentil soup                             GL                       V                 4,30
     Beer recommendation: El Patrón
Pumpkin creme soup                               GL                       V                 4,30
     with pumpkin seeds oil. Beer recommendation: Schremser Roggenbier
Sweet potato soup                                L                        V+                4,30
     with coconut milk and peas. Beer recommendation: The Padawan
Hummus                                           N                        V+                4,00
     homemade, served chilled with olives & 1 bread (A). Beer recommendation: Vienna I.P.
Hummus Bombay                                    LMN                      V+                4,80
     homemade, served chilled with mango-apricot- curry dip & 1 bread          (A)

     Beer recommendation: Porterhouse Red Ale
Hummus rot                                       NO                       V+                4,60
     homemade, served chilled with chilli sauce, olives & 1 bread   (A)

     Beer recommendation: Stray Dog
Hummus grün                                      FMN                      V+                4,60
     homemade, served chilled with green pepper sauce, olives & 1 bread        (A)

     Beer recommendation: Stray Dog
3 - erlei Hummus                                 FMNO                     V+                4,80
     classic, red & green hummus with olives & 1 bread (A), spicy
     Beer recommendation: Voodoo Sissi

                         Our signature mule
                        Uhudler Mule A O                            8,80
            2 cl Uhudler liquior - 2 cl Russian Standard - ice - ginger beer
Speis & Geträ Bie Burger - Snacks - Hauptspeisen - Desserts Getränke Fassbier: siehe gelbe Karte und Bildschirme ...eines der letzten Wohnzimmer ...
Burgers                                                                                 04-10.p.m.
Our Burgers are served medium well. Buns are made flatbread style, all burgers come with
fries, ketchup (L,M) and homemade garlic dip.
If you wish we also serve any burger without bun (-0,50 €)
Burger Nr. 7                                                 price and allergenes - see yellow menu
     Burger of the month
Happy Hour Menü                                                                        04-06. p.m.
     Burger Nr. 7 incl. Original Zanoni Cannoli hazelnut for free
Our Signature Dish:
Hawidere Burger                                 ACEGLM                                      15,70
     100 % grained beef (200g), double bacon, double mountain cheese, roasted onions,
     Domrep chili mustard sauce, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, homemade cocktail-, garlic &
     BBQ Sauce.
     Beer recommendation: Collabs Domrep Pils
Quattro Formaggi Burger                         ACEFGLMO                                    15,70
     100% Rindfleisch (200g), cheddar, mountain cheese, blue cheese, smoked cheesy sauce,
     double bacon,tomatoes, onions, lettuce, homemade cocktail-, garlic-, & BBQ Sauce
     Beer recommendation: Kriek Mariage Parfait
Italian Burger                                  AEGLM                                       15,70
     100% grained beef (200g), buffalo mozzarella, arugula, tomatoes, homemade BBQ sauce
     Beer recommendation: Honey I Love You
Angus Burger                                    ACEGLM                                      15,70
     100% grained Angus beef from the Burgenland (200g), double bacon, tomatoes, onions ,
     lettuce, homemade cocktail-, garlic- & BBQ Sauce. Beer recommendation: Obertrumer
Chili Burger                                    ACEGLMO                                     12,70
     100% grained beef (200g), chili sauce, double bacon, double cheddar cheese,
     tomatoes, onions, lettuce, homemade cocktail-, garlic-, & BBQ Sauce
     Beer recommendation: El Patrón
Uhudler Blue Burger                             ACEGLMO                                     14,70
     100% grained beef(200g), double bacon, caramelized red onions, blue cheese, tomatoes,
     onions, lettuce, homemade cocktail-, garlic- & BBQ Sauce
     Beer recommendation: Oyster Stout
Mumbai Burger                                   ACEGLM                                      13,70
     100% grained beef (200g), double bacon, tomatoes, onions ,
     lettuce, homemade cocktail-, garlic- & BBQ Sauce. Beer recommendation: Red Ale
Burger                                                                                16 - 22 Uhr
BIG Apple XXL Burger                          ACEGLM                                      15,70
    twice 100% grained beef (400g), double cheddar, double bacon, tomatoes, onions
    lettuce, cocktail-, garlic- & BBQ Sauce: Beer recommendation: Schremser Premium
Jalapeño Burger                               ACEFGLM                                     14,20
    100% grained beef (200g), double bacon, jalapeño cheesy sauce, tomatoes, onions
    lettuce, homemade cocktail-, garlic-, & BBQ Sauce
    Beer recommendation: The Padawan
Green Pepper Burger                           ACEFGLM                                     12,70
    100% grained beef (200g), spicy green pepper sauce, double bacon, tomatoes, onions
    lettuce, homemade cocktail-, garlic- & BBQ Sauce, Beer recommendation: Voodoo Vissi
Texas Farmer Burger                           ACEGLMO                                     15,70
    100% grained beef (200g), baked bacon & beans, fried egg, cheddar cheese, tomatoes,
    onions, lettuce, homemade cocktail-, garlic- & BBQ Sauce
    Beer recommendation: Domrep Pils
Cheese Burger                                 ACEGLM                                      11,70
    100% grained beef (200g), double cheddar, double bacon, tomatoes, onions, lettuce,
    homemade cocktail-, garlic- & BBQ Sauce. Beer recommendation: Schremser Premium
Smoky Craft Burger                            ACEGLM                                      12,70
    100% grained beef (200g), smoky dip, double bacon, double cheddar cheese,
    tomatoes, onions, lettuce, homemade cocktail-, garlic & BBQ Sauce
    Beer recommendation: Rodauner Geselchter
Nevada Burger                                 ACEGLM                                      10,70
    100% grained beef (200g), double cheddar, double bacon, tomatoes, onions
    lettuce, homemade cocktail-, garlic- & BBQ Sauce. Beer recommendation: Schremser Premium
Cheesy Cheese Burger                          ACEFGLM                                     14,20
    100% grained beef (200g), double bacon, Smoked Cheesy Sauce, tomatoes, onions, lettuce
    homemade cocktail-, garlic-, & BBQ Sauce. Beer recommendation: Oyster Stout
Honey Mustard Burger                          ACEGLM                                      13,70
    100 % grained beef (200g), double bacon, double mountain cheese, Honey
    Mustard Sauce, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, homemade cocktail-, garlic- & BBQ Sauce
    Beer recommendation: Honey I Love You
Pure Burger                                   A                                            9,90
    100% grained beef (200g), double bacon, tomatoes, onions, lettuce
    Beer recommendation: Egon Schiele
Burgers - vegetarian (V) & vegan (V+)                                                  16 - 22 Uhr
Halloumi Burger                                  ACEGLM               V                    13,70
      grilled cheese, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, homemade cocktail-, garlic- & BBQ Sauce
      Beer recommendation: La Chouffe Golden Ale
Veggie Burger                                    ACEGLM               V                    11,70
      two veggie patties, double cheddar, tomatoes, onions, lettuce
      homemade cocktail-, garlic-, &BBQ Sauce. Beer recommendation: Obertrumer Original
Bamberg Burger                                   ACEGLM               V                    14,70
      two veggie patties, Rodauner Rauchbohnen (black beans), double cheddar, tomatoes,
      onions, lettuce, homemade cocktail-, garlic-, & BBQ Sauce
      Beer recommendation: Rodauner Gselchter
Brussels Sprouts Burger                          ACEGLM               V                    11,70
      fried brussels sprouts, double cheddar cheese, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, homemade
      cocktail-, garlic- & BBQ Sauce. Beer recommendation: Tap 4
Falafel Burger                                   AELMN                V+                   13,70
      Falafel patty, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, hummus, homemade
      cocktail-, garlic- & BBQ Sauce. Beer recommendation: Schremser Hanfbier
Black Bean Burger                                AELM                 V+                   13,70
      smoked bean patty, tomatoes, onions,lettuce homemade BBQ Sauce
      Beer recommendation: Porterhouse Red Ale
Hot Tofu Burger                                  AEFLM                V+                   13,70
      smoked tofu, spicy green pepper sauce, tomatoes, onions lettuce, BBQ Sauce
      Beer recommendation: Hopfenweisse Tap 5

Pimp your Burger
We serve our burgers with steak fries, ketchup and garlic dip.
Pimp your burger as you wish with some of our following fries, dips or salads!

Side Salads
Coleslaw                                         CGM                  V                     3,30
      classic american cabbage salad
Salat Royal                                      GE                   V                     3,90
      carrot salad with grained feta cheese
Gemischter Blattsalat                            E                    V+                    3,30
      mixed leaf salad
Pimp your Burger
Fries                                                                   additional charge
Cheesy Fries                                      FG               V                2,10
    steak fries topped with Smoked Cheesy Sauce
Sheperd's Fries                                   G                V                2,10
    steak fries topped with grained feta cheese
Chipotle Aioli Fries                              CM               V                2,10
    Steak Fries topped with Chipotle Aioli Sauce, very spicy
Rudolfscrime Fries                                FG               V                2,10
    steak fries topped with Smoked Cheesy Sauce & Jalapeño Salsa
Garlic Fries                                                       V+               1,10
    steak fries topped with garlic- parsley sauce
Salsa Verde Fries                                                  V+               1,10
    steak fries topped with Jalapeño Salsa, very spicy

Chipotle Aioli Dip                                CM               V                2,10
    smoked chili and garlic and mayonnaise, very spicy
Smoked Cheesy Dip                                 FG               V                2,10
    with smoked paprika
Jalapeño Dip                                      FG               V                2,10
    Smoked Cheesy Dip & Jalapeño Salsa - very spicy
Honey Mustard Dip                                 AM               V                1,10
    Honey mustard sauce with Honey I Love You
Smoky Craft Dip                                   AGL              V                1,40
    bouncing smoky sauce with Rodauner Gselchter
Domrep Dip                                        AM               V+               1,40
    chili - mustard sauce with lime, orangepeel and Domrep Pils
Salsa Verde Dip                                                    V+               1,40
    Jalapeño Salsa - very spicy
Mumbai Dip                                        LM               V+               1,40
    tomato- apricot- curry -chutney
Chili Dip                                         O                V+               1,10
    fruity & spicy
Green Pepper Dip                                  FM               V+               1,40
    spicy vegan with green pepper
Salads                                                                              16 - 22 Uhr
Emperor Salad                                  CEGLM                                         8,80
    Mixed leaf salad with 100% grained beef patty (200g), tomatoes, onions,
    homemade cocktailsauce. Beer recommendation: Hop Zij Met Ons
Hirtensalat                                    EG                    V                       8,80
    Mixed leaf salad with grained feta, tomatoes, onions beer recommendation: Voodoo Sissi
Buffalo Salad                                  EG                    V                       8,80
    Mixed leaf salad with buffalo mozzarella, tomatoes, onions, olive oil
    Bierempfehlung: Honey I Love You
Grilled Cheese Salad                           CEGLM                 V                       8,80
    Mixed leaf salad with grilled halloumi cheese, tomatoes, onions, homemade cocktailsauce
    Beer recommendation: La Chouffe Golden Ale
Chickpea Salad                                 AELN                 V+                       8,80
    Mixed leaf salad, falafel patty, tomatoes, onions, Beer recommendation: Andechser hell
Queen's Salad                                  E                    V+                       8,80
    Mixed leaf salad, fried brussel sprouts, tomatoes, onions. Beer recommendation: Adriaan

Main Dishes
Rinder Tajine                                  EHLNO                                     11,80
    Northern african stew with beef, almonds and apricots & 1 bread (A)
    Beer recommendation: Schremser Doppelmalz
Lamm Tajine                                    EHLNO                                     11,80
    Northern African stew with lamb and dried plums & 1 bread (A)
    Beer recommendation: Salty Dog
Chili con Carne                                EL                                            7,10
    with diced beef & 1 bread (A), spicy. Beer recommendation: Domrep Pils
Bohnen mit Speck                               ELO                                           7,10
    Baked beans with bacon & 1 bread (A). Beer recommendation: Schremser Naturtrüb
Puten Mango Curry                              EHLMN                                         9,80
    Turkey - mango curry & 1 bread (A). Beer recommendation: The Padawan
Wiener Saftgulasch                             E                                             9,80
    Beef Goulash & 1 bread (A). Beer recommendation: Schremser Premium
Teufelsgulasch                                 EO                                        10,80
    spicy Beef Goulash & 1 bread (A), Beer recommendation: Egon Schiele
Main Dishes - vegetarian (V) & vegan (V+)
Zweierlei Kichererbsen                             ACEGLMN                 V    04-10 p.m.    9,80
     homemade hot falafel patty with chilled hummus, served with coleslaw and carrot salad
     olives & 1 bread (A). Beer recommendation: Andechser Weißbier hell
Jackfruit Chili                                    EL                     V+                  8,10
     Chili with jackfruit & 1 bread (A), spicy
     jackfruit is a plant (vegan), the flesh of it tastes like tender chicken
     the texture is like "pulled pork". Beer recommendation: Andechser Weißbier dunkel
Jack's Mango Curry                                 EHLMN                  V+                 10,80
     Curry with jackfruit, mango, green beans, bell pepper, bamboosticks and sojbeans
     & 1 Gebäck (A), Beer recommendation: Stray Dog
Linseneintopf orientalisch                         EHLMO                  V+                  8,10
     Oriental lentil stew & 1 bread (A) - Beer recommendation: Gregorius
Kichererbsencurry                                  AEHL                   V+                  7,10
     Chickpea curry, sweet peppers, leek & 1 bread (A), Beer recommendation: Domrep Pils
Rodauner Rauchbohnen                               AEL                    V+                  8,10
     smoked black beans infused with Rodauner Gselchter
     with pumpkin seeds oil & 1 bread (A) Beer recommendation: Rodauner Gselchter

Egg Choc                                           ACG                     V                  4,30
     chocolate rum pie with egg liqueur & whipped cream
Heißer Schoko - Nuss Guglhupf                      ACEGH                   V                  4,00
     ring cake with chocolate, nuts and whipped cream
Original Zanoni Cannoli Erdbeer                    ACEFGH                  V                  2,80
     Finger cone filled with strawberry ice cream
Original Zanoni Cannoli Haselnuss                  ACEFGH                  V                  2,80
     Finger cone filled with hazelnut ice cream
Tichy Eismarillenknödel                            CEGH                    V                  4,00
     the original Tichy vanilla ice & apricot dumpling. Beer recommendation: Bayrisch Nizza
Schokoauflauf                                      ACG                     V                  4,30
     homemade chocolate casserole with a hint of orange and whipped cream
Blaschke Kokoskuppel                               ACEFGH                                     1,80
Manner Schnitten                                   AEFH                   V +
Bier A
Beer Drinks
Santo Domingo                                               0,33 lt.                  3,80
     Domrep Pils – mango juice – passionfruit juice - sparkling water - ice
Puerto Plata                                          H       0,4 lt.                 8,80
     4 cl Don Papa Rum - Domrep Pils – mango juice – passionfruit juice - ice
Lombardino                                                  0,25 lt.                  3,80
     Schremser Premium – Aperol – orange - sparkling water - ice

Solibier: Turbobier                                         0,33 lt.                  3,80
     We donate 1 € for every sold bottle of Turbobier to the Viennese house of integration
     Helles, Pogo's Empire, AT, alc. 5,2 %,
     biscuity, malty with a hint of grassy hops

Draft Beer
We pour 14 different beers, which change constantly
You'll find our current beer list on our screens or on the yellow menu
The best opportunity to try out a diverse number of our 14 draft beers.
Acht Schätze                                              8 x 0,1 lt.               12,80
     8 tasters
Vier Schätze                                              4 x 0,1 lt.                 6,80
     4 tasters
Vier Schätze                                              4 x 0,1 lt.                 6,80
     4 tasters

Beer Drinks & Shandies
Schnitt - half dark half light beer                         0,3 lt.     3,00   0,5 lt. 4,00
Pinkataler Kräuter Radler - herbal soda                     0,3 lt.     3,00   0,5 lt. 4,00
Saurer Radler - sparkling water                             0,3 lt.     3,00   0,5 lt. 4,00
Holunder Radler - elderflower                               0,3 lt.     3,10   0,5 lt. 4,20
Waldmeister Radler, E, H -woodruff                          0,3 lt.     3,10   0,5 lt. 4,20
Johannisbeer Radler - black currant                         0,3 lt.     3,10   0,5 lt. 4,20
Ingwer Zitronen Radler - ginger & lemon                     0,3 lt.     3,10   0,5 lt. 4,20

Lambic & Geuze

Kriek Mariage Parfait                                      0,375 lt.         10,80
      Fruit lambic, Boon, BE, alc. 8,0 %, barrel aged
      sour cherries, dark fruits, sour
Geuze à l‘Ancienne                                         0,375 lt.           7,30
      Geuze, 7,0 %, Boon, BE,
      peppery, sparkling with yeasty notes

Pale Ale

The Padawan                                                 0,33 lt.           5,80
      American Pale Ale, Bierol, AT, alc. 5,6 %,
      tropical fruits, papaya, mango


Voodoo Sissi                                                0,33 lt.           4,80
Take Away                                                              1 + 1 for free
      Single Hop Session IPA, Collabs Brewery, AT, alc. 4,3 %,
      Lemon, green apple and straweberry notes
El Patrón                                                   0,33 lt.           6,30
      Double IPA, Bierol, AT, alc. 8,2 %,
      cantaloupe, peach, pine and passionfruit
Hop Zij Met Ons                              Gluten Free    0,33 lt.           5,80
      IPA, Jopen, NL, alc. 6,0 %,
      malty with lemon and pine
Red Ale

Porterhouse Red Ale                                         0,33 lt.   5,30
    Red Ale, Porterhouse, IE, alc. 4,4 %,
    caramel, apricots, malty

Wit & Wheat beer

Adriaan                                                     0,33 lt.   5,30
    Witbier, Jopen, NL, alc. 5,0 %,
    peppery with coriander and tangeringe
Festweisse Tap 4                                             0,5 lt.   4,80
    Weißbier, Schneider, DE, alc. 6,2 %,
    banana and peach
Hopfenweisse Tap 5                                           0,5 lt.   5,30
    Weizenstarkbier, Schneider, DE, alc. 8,2 %,
    dry hopped wheat beer
Andechser Weißbier hell                                      0,5 lt.   4,30
    Light wheat beer, Klosterbr. Andechs, DE, alc. 5,5 %,
    banana, and cantaloupe, very sparkling, slightly sour

Andechser Weißbier dunkel                                    0,5 lt.   4,30
    Dark wheat beer, Klosterbr. Andechs, DE, alc. 5,0 %,
    banana, caramel, cocoa
Belgian Ale

La Chouffe Golden Ale                                          0,33 lt.           5,80
       Belgian Strong Ale, Brass. D‘Achouffe, BE, alc. 8,0 %,
       cinamon, caramel, tangerine and coriander

Honey I Love You                                               0,33 lt.           5,80
       Belgian Dubbel, Der Belgier, AT, alc. 7,5 %,
       honey, orange, spicy notes


Domrep Pils                                                    0,33 lt.           4,80
Take Away                                                                 1 + 1 for free
       Pils / Hoppy Lager, Collabs Brewery, AT, alc. 5,2 %,
       mango, passionfruit, slight coconut and melon aroma

Egon Schiele                                                   0,33 lt.           4,80
       Pils, Gablitzer, AT, alc. 5,2 %,
       grassy hops, biscuity and malty.


Oyster Stout                                                   0,33 lt.           5,30
       Stout, Porterhouse, IE, alc. 4,6 %,
       creamy, coffee, dark chocolate with a hint of seasalt

Gregorius                                              0,33 lt.     5,80
    Trappisten Quadrupel, Brauerei Engelszell, AT, alc. 10,5 %,
    herbal, liquorice, honey and ripe fruits

Barley Wine

Salty Dog                                             0,375 lt.    16,80
    Barley Wine, Toccalmatto, IT, alc. 12,0 %,
    vanilla, oak, whisky, salty

Specialty Beer

Hanfbier - Hemp beer                                   0,33 lt.     4,30
    Spezialbier, Brauerei Schrems, AT, alc. 5,1 %,
    floral, hemp aromas
Schremser Roggen Bio                                     0,5 lt.    4,30
    Rye beer, Brauerei Schrems, AT, alc. 5,2 %, spicy, earthy
Gselchter                                              0,33 lt.     4,80
    Smoked Ale, Rodauner, AT, alc. 5,6 %,
    smoky & malty


Obertrumer Original                                      0,5 lt.    4,30
    Zwickl, Trumer, AT, alc. 4,8 %,
    unfiltered, creamy, yeasty
Märzen, Helles, Wiener Lager, Export, Spezialbier

Vienna I.P.                                             0,33 lt.                 4,80
    Dry Hopped Vienna Lager, Brauerei Schrems, AT, alc. 4,8 %,
    malty with citrusy notes
Schremser Märzen                                         0,5 lt.                 3,80
    Märzen, Brauerei Schrems, AT, alc. 5,0 %,
     malty and well balanced
Weitra Hell                                              0,5 lt.                 4,00
    Helles, Bierwerkst. Weitra, AT, alc. 5,0 %,
    bready and malty
Hadmar Bio                                               0,5 lt.                 4,30
    Spezialbier, Bierwerkst. Weitra, AT, alc. 5,2 %, grainy caramel notes
Tegernseer                                               0,5 lt.                 4,30
    Helles, Brauhaus Tegernsee, DE, alc. 5,3 %,
    honey and malty notes
Augustiner Edelstoff                                     0,5 lt.                 4,30
    Export, Augustinerbräu, DE, alc. 5,6 %,


Schremser Doppelmalz                                     0,5 lt.                 3,80
    Dunkles, Brauerei Schrems, AT, alc. 4,6 % , caramelly and sweet

Non alcoholic Beers

NON IPA                                                 0,33 lt.                 5,80
    Alkoholfreies IPA, Jopen, NL, alc. 0,3 %,
    citrusy and fruity
Null Komma Josef                                         0,5 lt.                 4,30
    Alkoholfreies Bier, Ottakringer, AT, alc. 0,5 % ,
    honey and hay notes
Schneider Alkoholfreies Weissbier Tap 3                  0,5 lt.                 4,80
    Alkoholfreies Weissbier, Schneider, DE, alc. < 0,5 %, hefig fruchtiges Aroma mit einem
    banana, cloves and yeast
Wine and Sparkling Wine
Uhudler Frizzante                                                                  0,2 lt. Fl.    8,50
      Fam. Grosz, Gaas
      This sparkling Frizzante smells like black berries and tastes very fruity

Uhudler                                                                                  1/8      3,30
      Fam. Grosz, Gaas                                                            0,75 lt. Fl.   19,80
      Uhudler is a special austrian wine which is exclusively produced in the southern Burgenland.
      The wine is named after the UHU (eagle owl)
      To keep a long story short:
      After hard consumption of Uhudler, the wine makes you look like an eagle owl.
we include a free bottle of mineral water (0,75 l) to every bottle of Uhudler
Uhudler - G'spritzter (with sparkling water)                                             1/4      3,90
Uhudler Waldmeister (Uhudler G'spritzter with woodruff)              EH                  1/4      4,70
Uhudler Kaiser (Uhudler G'spritzter with elderflower)                                    1/4      4,70
Uhudler Moos (Uhudler G'spritzter with cranberry)                                        1/4      4,70
Uhudler Kir (Uhudler G'spritzter with black currant)                                     1/4      4,70
Uhudler Kräuter (Uhudler with herbal soda)                                               1/4      4,70

Fruit wine drinks
Ribiselspritzer - red currant wine with sparkling water                                  1/4      2,90
Pfirsichspritzer rot - peach wine with sparkling water                                   1/4      2,90

Grüner Veltliner - white wine                                                            1/8      1,90
Zweigelt - red wine                                                                      1/8      1,90
G'spritzter white or red wine with sparkling water                                       1/4      2,50
                                                                                         1/2      5,00
Ingwer Zitronen G'spritzter                                                              1/4      3,30
      (G'spritzter white with ginger and lemon)

Waldmeister - G'spritzter (G'spritzter white with woodruff)          EH                  1/4      3,30
Kaiser - G'spritzter (G'spritzter white with elderflower)                                1/4      3,30
Moos - G'spritzter (G'spritzter white with cranberry)                                    1/4      3,30
Kir - G'spritzter (G'spritzter white with black currant)                                 1/4      3,30
Aperol G'spritzer                                                                        1/4      3,60
Cider O
Autcider                                                        0,33 lt.                   4,30
    Schober, AT, alc. 4,0 %, apple & pear cider made of ancient varieties
Suicida                                                         0,33 lt.                   4,80
    Schober, AT, alc. 6,66 %, apple & pear cider,
Thronprinz                                                      0,33 lt.                   4,80
    Thronprinz, AT, alc. 4,5 %, very dry cider from Styria
Goldkehlchen Apfel                                              0,33 lt.                   4,80
    Goldkehlchen, AT, alc. 4,5 %, sweet and very tingly
Magners Original                                               0,568 lt                    5,80
    Magners, IE, alc. 4,5 %, made of 17 different apple varieties, crisp and refreshing
Magners Pear                                                   0,568 lt                    5,80
    Magners, IE, alc. 4,5 %, 100 % pear cider, slightly sweet, dry finish
Magners Berry                                                  0,568 lt                    5,80
    Magners, IE, alc. 4,0 %, pear cider with raspberries, black currant and strawberries

Soft Drinks
Kleiner Pinkataler                                              0,33 lt.                   3,00
    herbal soda
Burgenländer Kracherl                                           0,33 lt.                   3,00
    raspberry or red currant soda (G)
Burgenländer Kracherl gespritzt                                     0,5 lt.                3,60
    Pinkataler, raspberry or red currant (G) with sparkling water
Ingwer Zitronen Limonade                                        0,25 lt.                   2,80
    ginger soda with lemon                                       0,5 lt.                   4,80
Waldmeister Limonade                            E, H            0,25 lt.                   2,80
    woodruff soda                                                0,5 lt.                   4,80
Holunderblüten Limonade                                         0,25 lt.                   2,80
    elderflower soda with lime                                   0,5 lt.                   4,80
Johannisbeer Limonade                                           0,25 lt.                   2,80
    black currant soda with orange                               0,5 lt.                   4,80
Cranberry Limonade                                              0,25 lt.                   2,80
    cranberry soda with orange                                   0,5 lt.                   4,80
Ice Tea - peach                                                 0,25 lt.                   3,00
Makava - mate ice tea                                           0,33 lt.                   3,60
Jarritos Guava Natural Flavor              0,37 lt.   4,00
     Guave Limonade
Jarritos Mexican Cola                      0,37 lt.   4,00

Coca Cola                                  0,33 lt.   3,00
Coca Cola Zero                             0,33 lt.   3,00
Frucade - orange soda                      0,33 lt.   3,00
Fever-Tree Ginger Beer                      0,2 lt.   3,40
Fever-Tree Premium Indian Tonic Water       0,2 lt.   3,40
Fever-Tree Mediterranean Tonic Water        0,2 lt.   3,40
Fever-Tree Naturally Light Tonic Water      0,2 lt.   3,40
Fever-Tree Aromatic Tonic Water             0,2 lt.   3,40
Fever-Tree Elderflower Tonic Water          0,2 lt.   3,40
Mineral water - sparkling or still         0,33 lt.   2,80
Mineral water - sparkling or still         0,75 lt.   5,00
Soda Zitron - sparkling water with lemon   0,25 lt.   2,20

Sparkling water                            0,25 lt.   1,20

Dem Krutzler sein Apfelsaft, cloudy        0,25 lt.   4,00
     windfall apple juice
with sparkling water                       0,25 lt.   2,40
                                            0,5 lt.   4,80
Cloudy apple juice, Urltaler               0,25 lt.   3,60
with sparkling water                       0,25 lt.   2,20
                                            0,5 lt.   4,40
Amarena cherry, Urltaler                   0,25 lt.   3,60
with sparkling water                        0,5 lt.   4,40
Apricot, Urltaler                          0,25 lt.   3,60
with sparkling water                        0,5 lt.   4,40
Plum - lime - carrot, Urltaler             0,25 lt.   3,60
with sparkling water                        0,5 lt.   4,40
Hot Drinks
Wiener Melange / Verlängerter                            G          2,80
Caffè Latte                                              G          3,30
kleiner Espresso / Brauner                               G          2,20
großer Espresso / Brauner                                G          3,90
Sonnentor tea specialties                      BIO                  2,80
    hops-, black-, fruit-, herbal-, greentea
Hot Chocolate                                   EFGHN               3,90
    Zotter's Bitter Classic with milk

Brandies, Schnaps & Liquors A
Alte Zwetschke - plum                                        2 cl   5,30
    barrel aged, Gölles, Riegersburg
Apfel Maschansker - apple                                    2 cl   4,30
    Gölles, Riegersburg
Brombeerbrand - blackberry                                   2 cl   3,80
    Obsthof Zotter, Kukmirn
Grete's Nuss Schnaps - nut                           H       2 cl   4,30
    Krammer, Gaas The black gold from the southern burgenland
Johannisbeerschnaps - black currant                          2 cl   3,30
    Urltaler, St. Michael-Urltal
Marillenbrand - apricot                                      2 cl   4,80
    Gölles, Riegersburg
Uhudler Traubenbrand - uhudler grape                         2 cl   4,30
    Muik, Langzeil
Williamsschnaps - pear                                       2 cl   3,30
    Birne, Urltaler, St. Michael-Urltal
Zwetschkenschnaps - plum                                     2 cl   3,30
    Urltaler, St. Michael-Urltal
Heidelbeerlikör - blueberry liquor                   H       2 cl   3,30
    Urltaler, St. Michael-Urltal
Weichsellikör - sour cherry liquor                   H       2 cl   3,30
    Obsthof Zotter, Kukmirn
XUXU                                                         2 cl   3,30
    strawberry & lime
Lustigmacher A
Hawi Hausschnaps                         5 + 1 GRATIS                 2 cl Fl.               3,50
    apricot, Urltaler, St. Michael-Urltal, must be ordered at once
Nuss Busserl                             5 + 1 GRATIS H               2 cl Fl.               3,50
    hazelnut, Urltaler, St. Michael-Urltal, must be ordered at once
Mexikaner                                5 + 1 GRATIS                 4 cl                   3,80
    Bloody Mary Shot: Russian Standart - tomato juice - Tabasco - Worcestershire Sauce
    must be ordered at once
Rauch Mitzi                              5 + 1 GRATIS                 4 cl                   4,80
    smoked Mexikaner served with bacon - must be ordered at once
Berliner Luft                            5 + 1 GRATIS                 2 cl                   3,30
    peppermint liquor - must be ordered at once
Uhudler Likör                            5 + 1 GRATIS O               2 cl                   3,80
    uhudler grape liquor - Fam. Grosz, Gaas, must be ordered at once
Zirbenzauber                             5 + 1 GRATIS                 2 cl                   3,30
    swiss stone pine - must be ordered at once
Averna Sour                              5 + 1 GRATIS                 2 cl                   3,50
    must be ordered at once
Jägermeister                             5 + 1 GRATIS                 2 cl                   3,30
    must be ordered at once
Camino Tequila                           5 + 1 GRATIS                 2 cl                   3,30
    with orange and cinnamon or lemon and salt, must be ordered at once
Mafioso                                  5 + 1 GRATIS                                        3,90
    2 cl Averna - Pinkataler (herbal soda) - lemon - ice - must be ordered at once
Skinny Bitch                             5 + 1 GRATIS                                        3,90
    2 cl Russian Standart - sparkling water - lemon - ice- must be ordered at once
Pink Russian                             5 + 1 GRATIS                                        3,90
    2 cl Russian Standart - cranberry - sparkling water - lemon - ice- must be ordered at once
W-O-W                                    5 + 1 GRATIS E H                                    3,90
    2 cl Russian Standart - orange - woodruff - sparkling water - ice -must be ordered at once

                  Jalapeño Nachos A F G N                                        5,90
     BBQ Tortilla Chips with Smoked Cheesy Sauce & Jalapeño Salsa, very spicy
Rum H
Bumbu                                                                 2 cl   4,30
                                          Happy Hour
                                          11 p.m. - 01 a.m.
                                      Bumbu         2 cl   3,30
    barrel aged, Barbados
    banana, nuts and oak flavour
Plantation Barbados XO 20th Anniversary                               2 cl   4,80
    barrel aged, Barbados
    vanilla, coconut and a hint of banana
Don Papa                                                              2 cl   4,30
    barrel aged , Mount Kanlaon, Philippines
    coconut & vanilla flavour
Dos Maderas 5 + 5                                                     2 cl   4,30
    barrel aged, Guyana und Barbados
    raisins, fig and some vanilla notes
Flor de Caña 12y                                                      2 cl   4,30
    barrel aged, Managua, Nicaragua
    nutty flavour with a hint of banana and vanilla
Diplomatico Reserva                                                   2 cl   4,80
    barrel aged , Acarigua, Venezuela
    coffee, cinnamon & caramell
A.H. Riise XO Reserve                                                 2 cl   4,80
    barrel aged, Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands
    fruity, orange and mango with a touch of papaya
Zacapa Gran Reserva 23y                                               2 cl   5,80
    barrel aged , Mixco, Guatemala
    apricots, bananas and dates with a litte bit of vanilla
Gosling Black Seal                                                    2 cl   3,80
    vanilla, caramel and blackberries
Stroh Inländer Rum 38 %                                           A   2 cl   3,30
Asbach Uralt                                                          2 cl   3,30
Russian Standart                                                      2 cl   3,30
Our signature mule
Uhudler Mule                                                  AO                              8,80
    2 cl Uhudler grape liquor - 2 cl Russian Standard - ice - Ginger Beer

                           Let's talk Mule                                  A

                        We                               Mules
                all of our 10 mules are prepared with Fever Tree Ginger Beer


Moscow Mule
    4 cl Russian Standard - lemon juice - ice - Ginger Beer
Blueberry Mule                                                H

    2 cl blueberry liquor - 2 cl Russian Standard - black currant juice - lemon juice - ice - Ginger Beer
Cinnamon Mule
    2 cl Tequila Camino - 2 cl Russian Standard - cinnamon - agave sirup - lemon juice
    ice - Ginger Beer
Honey Mule
    2 cl Tequila Camino - 2 cl Russian Standard - agave sirup - lemon juice- ice - Ginger Beer
Irish Mule
    2 cl Jameson - 2 cl Russian Standard - lemon juice- ice - Ginger Beer
Sicilian Mule
    2 cl Averna - 2 cl Russian Standard - lemon juice- ice - Ginger Beer
Smoked Mule
    4 cl Russian Standard - smoked tomato juice - Tabasco - Worcestershire Sauce
    ice - Ginger Beer - served with bacon
Strawberry Mule
    2 cl XUXU strawberry liquor - 2 cl Russian Standard - lemon juice - ice - Ginger Beer
Tropical Mule
    2 cl Bumbu - 2 cl Russian Standard - mango juice - passionfruit juice - lemon juice - ice - Ginger Beer
Our signature Gin Tonic
Uhudler Gin Tonic                                          AO                       10,80
     2 cl Brockmans - 2 cl uhudler grape liquor - Fever-Tree Aromatic Tonic Water

                              66 Gin Tonic                            A


     Wähle Deinen Lieblings Gin und Dein Beigetränk
            Gin Tonic is served with lime, haribo gums , green and pink pepper
                    4 cl Gin + 1 Bottle Tonic of choice

Coffee Gin Tonic, Gordon's with coffee ice cube
Smoked Gin Tonic, GB, Gordon's with Liquid Smoke served with bacon
Aeijst, AT, pine and citrus
Berliner Brandstifter, DE, classic juniper aroma
Brockmans, GB, blueberry, almond and liquorice
Gin Mare, rosemary, lemon, basil , ES
Gordon's, orange- and lemon zests, corianderseeds , GB
Hendricks, cucumber, rose and juniper, GB
Monkey 47, DE, cranberry and ginger
Niemand, DE, lavender and rosemary
Roku - The Japanese Craft Gin, JPN, yuzu, sansho-pepper, cardamom
Waldviertler Gin, AT, juniper and lemon
Wien Gin, AT, elderflower and juniper

Fever-Tree Premium Indian Tonic Water                                               0,2 lt.
Fever-Tree Mediterranean Tonic Water                                                0,2 lt.
Fever-Tree Naturally Light Tonic Water                                              0,2 lt.
Fever-Tree Aromatic Tonic Water                                                     0,2 lt.
Fever-Tree Elderflower Tonic Water                                                  0,2 lt.
Whisky - Whiskey A
Single Malts
Lagavulin                                           16 jhr.         2 cl                     5,80
Oban                                                14 jhr.         2 cl                     5,30
Jack Daniels                                                        2 cl                     3,80
Jameson                                                             2 cl                     3,80
Tullamore Dew                                                       2 cl                     3,80
Tequila & Mezcal A
Orendain Ollitas Reposado                                           2 cl                     4,80
    triple distilled, barrel aged, Mexiko
Don Julio Blanco                                                    2 cl                     5,30
    Don Julio, Mexico
Don Julio Reposado                                                  2 cl                     5,80
    barrel aged, Don Julio, Mexico
Alipus San Luis Mezcal                                              2 cl                     5,80

Bitters A
Underberg                                                           2 cl                     3,50

Cocktails & Barmixgetränke
Puerto Plata                                                  AH                             8,80
    4 cl Don Papa - Domrep Pils - mango juice - passionfruit juice - sparkling water - ice
Cuba Libre                                                    AH                             7,80
     4 cl Havana Club Rum 3 yrs. - Coca Cola - lime - ice
Dark and Stormy                                               AH                             8,80
    4 cl Gosling Black Seal Rum - Fever-Tree Ginger Beer - lime - ice
Campari Soda                                                  A                              3,90
    2 cl Campari - sparkling water - orange - ice
Bacardi Cola                                                  A                              3,90
    2 cl Bacardi - Coca Cola - ice
Cola-Rum                                                      A                              3,90
    2 cl Stroh Inländer Rum - Coca Cola - ice
Jacky Cola                                                    A                              4,40
    2 cl Jack Daniels - Coca Cola - ice
Hawidere Coins                                                                     10,00

T-Shirt                                                                       13,80 €
    "Learning English is important, but cold beer is importanter“

                              Beer to Go
            Das Hawidere ist die Heimat der Collabs Brewery

                  Für den Biergenuss bei Euch zu Hause
                   haben wir deshalb folgendes Angebot:

                              1 + 1 Gratis
         Domrep Pils                                            0,33lt. Fl. 4,80
         Voodoo Sissi                                           0,33lt. Fl. 4,80
    Beim Kauf jeder Flasche obiger Biere bekommt Ihr die gleiche Flasche gratis
                 dazu - eine Flasche kommt somit auf nur 2,40 €
                           Six Pack Take Away 14,40 €
                              (Abgabe nur in Haushaltsmengen)
You can plan the ideal arrival by public transport, bycicle
or car on www.hawidere.at by userfriendly tools.
(also ideal to send as E-Mail for your friends)
Stop Längenfeldgasse
The last U4 direction Hütteldorf 00.37 a.m.
The last U4 direction Heiligenstadt 00.20 a.m.
The last U6 direction Siebenhirten 00.37 a.m.
The last U6 direction Floridsdorf 00.20 a.m.
subway drives constantly (all night long) on fridays, saturdays
and nights before a holiday
Stop Stiegergasse
The last 12A direction Possingergasse 10.13 p.m.
Stop Stiegergasse
The last 57A direction Anschützgasse 11.42 p.m.
The last 57A direction Burgring 11.14 p.m.

                         Checkt ein bei uns
                     WLAN:               Hawidere_Guest
                     PASSWORT:           domreppils

                          5 + 1 GRATIS
                                     bei en bloc Bestellung

Hawi Hausschnaps, Marille                                                 2 cl Fl. 3,50

Nuss Busserl, Haselnussschnaps                                            2 cl Fl. 3,50

Mexikaner, Bloody Mary Shot                                                   4 cl 3,80

Uhudler Likör, Fam. Grosz, Gaas                                               2 cl 3,80

Mafioso, 2cl Averna - Pinkataler - Zitronensaft - Eis                            3,90
Skinny Bitch, 2cl Russian Standard - Soda - Zitronensaft - Eis                   3,90
Pink Russian, 2 cl Russian Standart - Cranberry - Soda - Zitronensaft - Eis      3,90

                         mehr Lustigmacher im Blattinneren

                             Happy Hour
                                       23.00 - 01.00 Uhr

Bumbu                                                                         2 cl 3,30
                                                                             statt 4,30
Rum, holzfassgereift, Barbados, tropische Fruchtnoten nach Banane, Karamell und Vanille, dazu
Nüsse und Eiche
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