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Cohen and Privman BMC Evolutionary Biology (2019) 19:111 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12862-019-1437-9 RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Speciation and hybridization in invasive fire ants Pnina Cohen and Eyal Privman* Abstract Background: A major focus of evolutionary biology is the formation of reproductive barriers leading to divergence and ultimately, speciation. Often, it is not clear whether the separation of populations is complete or if there still is ongoing gene flow in the form of rare cases of admixture, known as isolation with migration. Here, we studied the speciation of two fire ant species, Solenopsis invicta and Solenopsis richteri, both native to South America, both inadvertently introduced to North America in the early twentieth century. While the two species are known to admix in the introduced range, in the native range no hybrids were found. Results: We conducted a population genomic survey of native and introduced populations of the two species using reduced representation genomic sequencing of 337 samples. Using maximum likelihood analysis over native range samples, we found no evidence of any gene flow between the species since they diverged. We estimated their time of divergence to 190,000 (100,000–350,000) generations ago. Modelling the demographic history of native and introduced S. invicta populations, we evaluated their divergence times and historic and contemporary population sizes, including the original founder population in North America, which was estimated at 26 (10–93) unrelated singly-mated queens. Conclusions: We provide evidence for complete genetic isolation maintained between two invasive species in their natïve range, based, for the first time, on large scale genomic data analysis. The results lay the foundations for further studies into different stages in the formation of genetic barriers in dynamic, invasive populations. Background Here, we describe one such case study involving two The separation of populations and their eventual speci- invasive fire ant species. These species, thought to main- ation is a fundamental process and a driving force in tain genetic isolation in their native range [4–6], freely evolution. However, a newly formed reproductive barrier hybridize in their newly introduced range [7, 8]. Unlike is often incomplete. Hybridization and introgression be- other incidents of introduction resulting in admixture, tween incipient species, or gene flow from one species’ the two species are parapatric in both the native and the gene pool into another by backcrossing, may still occur. introduced ranges. Furthermore, the fact that the two Many cases of species hybridization, resulting from acci- ranges are located thousands of kilometers apart, allows dental introduction of foreign species into new environ- for clear distinction between the native and introduced ments, have been identified and documented [1–3]. populations under study. This makes it a unique system Often the outcome of human activities, these systems which can help to provide insights into the evolution of provide an opportunity to dissect the mechanisms genetic isolation and speciation. underlying the formation of reproductive barriers. Ex- The red fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, and the black fire ploring the differences between populations and their ant, S. richteri, are closely related species, native to environments in native and introduced ranges may re- South America. Both species were inadvertently intro- veal the factors responsible for genetic isolation, which duced to North America in the early twentieth century would eventually result in irreversible speciation. [9–11], with S. invicta subsequently migrating to other countries worldwide [12, 13]. Since they were first de- * Correspondence: eprivman@univ.haifa.ac.il tected in the USA, the fire ant species have been closely Department of Evolution and Environmental Biology, Institute of Evolution, monitored and their spread across the southeast is well University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel © The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Cohen and Privman BMC Evolutionary Biology (2019) 19:111 Page 2 of 12 documented. Their life cycle, behavior, genetic makeup, isolation since their separation. We also provide esti- population structure and invasion history are the subject mates for speciation times, population divergence times of many publications, making these species, in particular and historic and contemporary effective population sizes, S. invicta, amongst the most studied invasive species, and including the founding S. invicta population in North an excellent subject for demographic history analysis. America. This is the first demographic history study of S. invicta and S. richteri’ display social polymorphism, these species that uses thousands of genomic markers, with two distinct social colony structures – the mono- which allow population genetic model inference at high gyne (single queen) and the polygyne (multiple queens) accuracy and provide the necessary statistical power to forms. The social polymorphism is a Mendelian trait de- test for gene flow. termined by a supergene of 13 megabases, and is marked by the gene gp-9 with monogyne queens always having Results gp-9BB genotypes and polygyne queens always having We inferred the population structure and demographic gp-9Bb genotypes [14–16]. The social structure of a col- history using RAD sequencing of population samples of S. ony greatly affects its size, longevity, and dispersion pat- invicta and S. richteri from nine localities in their native terns [17, 18]. range in Argentina and their introduced range in the USA Population genetics analysis of microsatellite and (Fig. 1; Additional file 1: Tables S1 and S2). Altogether, this mitochondrial genotypes of thousands of S. invicta col- dataset consists of 962,896,602 sequenced reads, 96 nucle- onies around the world were used to trace the place of otides long each, from 337 samples. After stringent quality origin of the introduced S. invicta populations to the filtering, the genotypes of between 6389 and 285,847 Formosa region in northern Argentina [11, 13]. It was SNPs, representing between 161 and 337 individuals (de- also established that all subsequent introductions of S. pending on filtering parameters and analysis type) and a invicta across the globe originated in the introduced total of 16,648 aligned RADseqs were used in the different USA population. The population of origin of the intro- analyses (see Methods). duced S. richteri is still unknown. The number of S. invicta queens that were initially in- troduced to North America was estimated through the Population structure screening of haplotypes in mtDNA sequences, as well as STRUCTURE [22, 23] is a Bayesian clustering method genotypes of allozymes, microsatellites, and the comple- that assigns individuals to ancestry clusters. STRUC- mentary sex determination (CSD) locus in individuals TURE analysis resulted in the identification of five sampled throughout the introduced range [19]. It was distinct population clusters (Fig. 2). No further substruc- determined that to account for all of the allele variants, ture was found for K > 5 (Additional file 1: Figure S1). In the original group that was introduced to USA consisted 76 of 100 STRUCTURE runs with K = 5, the four intro- of 9–30 unrelated mated queens. duced populations were clustered into two separate clus- In the introduced range, admixture between S. invicta ters, one for each species. Two individuals of the and S. richteri is prevalent [7, 8]. A hybrid zone was introduced S. richteri population of Benton, Tennessee, identified ranging from Georgia in the east through Ala- had inferred ancestry belonging to both clusters, indicat- bama to central Mississippi [18, 20, 21]. This is not the ing possible hybrids. The two native S. richteri popula- case in the native range of South America, where admix- tions were assigned to a single cluster, while two of the ture was found to be a rare occurrence [4], or not evi- native S. invicta populations (Alejandra and El Recreo) dent at all [4–6]. While extensive sampling of native were assigned to a fourth cluster. Individuals of the third colonies was conducted, no more than 26 nuclear gen- native S. invicta population, sampled in Herradura, were etic markers were used in testing for admixture between partially assigned to the cluster of the introduced S. the species, which limits the power of the analysis to de- invicta populations and partially to a separate, fifth tect gene flow. cluster. We used large scale population genomic data to study The allocation of populations into clusters suggests the demographic history of S. invicta and S. richteri. Our that the polymorphism in the introduced S. invicta is a data include samples from both species in both native subset of the genetic variants found in the native Herra- and introduced ranges. The hybrid zone was not in- dura samples, making the latter a possible population of cluded in the sampling because the admixture in the in- origin of the former. This result is in line with the previ- troduced range has been well established in previous ous studies that identified the Formosa region, which in- studies [7, 8] . These genomic data allow for an explicit cludes Herradura, as the likely source of the introduced maximum likelihood test for historic gene flow between S. invicta [11, 13]. Unlike the pattern observed in the the S. invicta and S. richteri in their native range to de- Herradura population, neither of the sampled native S. termine if these species had indeed maintained genetic richteri populations share a cluster with the introduced
Cohen and Privman BMC Evolutionary Biology (2019) 19:111 Page 3 of 12 Fig. 1 Distribution map of S. invicta and S. richteri across North and South America with marked sampling sites. S. invicta was sampled in three sites in its native range (Her, Ale, Elr) and in two sites in the introduced range (OgGA, PMS). S. richteri was sampled in two sites in its native range (BAA, LfL) and in two sites in the introduced range (BTN, FlNT). The area marked in purple shows the hybridization zone between S. invicta and S. richteri. Distribution is based on [13, 60–63] and https://www.aphis.usda.gov/plant_health/plant_pest_info/fireants/downloads/fireant.pdf. Sampled populations are: Herr - Herradura, Elr – El Recreo, Ale – Alejandra, PMS - Pascagoula, Mississippi, OgGA - Oglethorpe Co., Georgia, BAA - Buenos Aires, LfL - Las Flores, BTN - Benton Co., Tennessee FlTN - Flatwood, Tennessee populations, indicating that these are not the source does not allow genetic flow between the two closely related population of the introduced S. richteri. species and an alternative model that does. We calculated the genetic distances between each pair of This analysis concluded with an insignificant differ- populations, using the genetic differentiation measure of ence between the likelihood scores of the two scenarios FST. The results can be found in Additional file 1: Table S3. (ΔlnL = 0.06; p > 0.9). Consequently, the null model could not be rejected, indicating that there was no evi- Reproductive isolation in the native range dence of gene flow between the native S. invicta and S. We tested for historic and contemporary gene flow be- richteri populations since their divergence from a com- tween the native S. invicta and S. richteri populations by mon ancestral population. comparing between two competing demographic history models. To this end, we used a full maximum likelihood Speciation times and population sizes analysis of coalescent models [24, 25] as implemented in 3s provided maximum likelihood estimates for the null the 3s software [26]. Based on the phylogenetic inference, model parameters, including effective population sizes the maximum likelihood scores of two possible demo- and the time since the speciation of S. invicta and S. graphic history models are compared. A null model that richteri. Since we used the sequence of an individual of a Fig. 2 Structure analysis of the studied populations. Summary of 76 of 100 runs of STRUCTURE with K = 5. Each individual is shown as a vertical bar, colored in accordance to its inferred clustering. Individuals of eight of the nine populations are clustered according to species and range, with the exception of two individuals marked in red triangles. These are mapped to both introduced S. invicta and S. richteri clusters, probably due to hybrid ancestry. Individuals of Herradura population are mapped to a fifth cluster, and to a cluster shared with the introduced S. invicta ants
Cohen and Privman BMC Evolutionary Biology (2019) 19:111 Page 4 of 12 different Solenopsis species, Solenopsis fugax, as an 95% credible interval ranging between 0 and 16 genera- out-group, the model provided an estimate to the speci- tions. Combined with the small size of the founder ation time of this species from the lineage leading to S. population, this suggests a rapid increase in population invicta and S. richteri. Estimates were also provided to size immediately following the introduction. It is in line the effective size of the populations of S. richteri and S. with historic records in which the presence of the newly invicta, the effective size of the ancestral population of introduced fire ants was initially reported as a mere curi- S. invicta and S. richteri and that of the ancestral popu- osity and quickly changed into a growing concern and lation of all three Solenopsis species (Table 1). Using the even panic, as ant numbers exploded [18]. mutation rate of 3.4*10− 9 bp/generation (95% confidence The effective population size of the Herradura popula- interval of 2.2*10− 9 – 4.9*10− 9) that was estimated for tion (NN1) is approximately two orders of magnitude lar- the honey bee [28, 29], we calculated that the speciation ger than the second native population cluster (NN2) of S. invicta and S. richteri happened 1.9*105 (1*105– estimated at 1.2*107 and 2.5*105, respectively (95% cred- 3.5*105) generations ago and the speciation of S. fugax ibility interval of 3.3*106–7.8*107 and 8.2*104–2*106, from the lineage leading to S. invicta and S. richteri took respectively). place 2.5*106 (1.6*106–4*106) generations ago. See Fig. 3 In Fig. 5, we plotted the full posterior distributions of for all estimated parameters. all model parameters. The numeric values of these dis- The estimates for the effective population sizes were tributions, including their 95% quantiles, are summa- similar between present-day populations of S. invicta rized in Additional file 1: Table S4. For parameters NI, TI and S. richteri, while the ancestral population of these and TD, the posterior density distributions are very simi- two populations was found to be slightly smaller. The ef- lar to their prior density distributions, indicating that fective size of the ancestral population of the three Sole- the analysis could not extract information from the nopsis species was found to be larger than the other given data. The first two parameters are directly linked populations by an order of magnitude, indicating a very to the recent introduction to the USA, and the rapid in- diverse ancestral population. See Fig. 3 for the exact crease in population size that followed. The sudden shift numbers. in dynamics from the originally stabilized population in the native range may have resulted in poor representa- Founder population of introduced S. invicta tion of the introduced populations by their summary sta- We estimated the demographic and temporal parameters tistics. Nevertheless, a ‘goodness of fit’ analysis indicated that define the history of S. invicta populations using that the observed genetic data are well explained by Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) [30], as im- the model and its parameter posterior distributions plemented in DIYABC v2.0.4 [31, 32]. Unfortunately, it (Additional file 1: Figure S4). was not possible to fit a similar model to the S. richteri populations (poor goodness of fit). This may be because we did not sample the source population of the S. rich- Discussion teri introduction. We explicitly tested two competing demographic history An ABC analysis is often used to compare between models and found that the reproductive barrier between multiple competing historic demographic models that two closely related species of fire ants was sustained for differ in their scenarios. As many details in the history about 200,000 generations, and is still preserved in their of S. invicta are already established, an alternative sce- native range of South America. The STRUCTURE ana- nario is unnecessary. Rather, we concentrated on esti- lysis of 171 native samples seems to indicate low levels mating the model parameters of population sizes and of introgression of S. invicta ancestry into the native S. time of demographic events as depicted in Fig. 4. richteri population in Las Flores population, but not in With a maximum posterior of 39 (95% credible inter- the Buenos Aires population. If hybrids are indeed val of 14–139), the effective size of the founding popula- formed on rare occasions, it may be that such incidents tion is quite low. The length of the bottleneck period of do not lead to detectable gene flow between the species. the introduced S. invicta (TB) is minimal and stands at 2 Alternatively, this may be noise in the STRUCTURE ana- generations for the maximum posterior estimate, with lysis. The latter explanation seems more likely because Table 1 3s parameter estimates Ancestral population Ancestral population to S. richteri S. invicta to S. invicta and richteri S. invicta, richteri and fugax Temporal parameters 0.000646 (0.00052–0.00077) 0.008369 (0.00789–0.00884) Demographic parameters 0.002293 (0. 00211–0.00247) 0.026874 (0.02591–0.02783) 0.003596 (0.00309–0.00409) 0.004062 (0.00343–0.00469) 3s estimates of the null model parameters in the highest scoring run
Cohen and Privman BMC Evolutionary Biology (2019) 19:111 Page 5 of 12 Fig. 3 Population effective sizes and generations number since the two speciation events. The values were calculated using the mutation rate of 3.4*10− 9 with the 95% confidence level range of 2.2*10− 9 - 4.9*10− 9 over 3S’s estimates (Table 1). Marked in blue are the population effective sizes and to the left is the time line in generations number Las Flores is more distant from the S. invicta range than invicta and S. richteri could not be dismissed. Neither Buenos Aires. could it be determined if the hybrid specimens, assum- A previous study conducted by Ross and Trager ing it is what they were, are the product of one or many (1990) indicated that genetic isolation may be incom- generations of admixture, and so the reproductive po- plete in the native range [4]. By analyzing six informative tential of native invicta-richteri hybrids was still unclear. allozyme loci (out of 26 that were genotyped) in 100 Other studies that used less extensive sampling and samples of S. invicta and 57 samples of S. richteri, three more diverse, but still limited, genetic markers of samples were identified as possible hybrids. The results mtDNA sequences and allozyme loci, could identify no were inconclusive, but occasional admixture between S. signs of admixture [5, 6]. Our conclusion of genetic Fig. 4 Model of S. invicta demographic history. The model describes the population history starting with the divergence within the native populations and followed by the introduction to North America, which originated from the Herradura population. Populations: NN1 – native population of Herradura; NN2 – native population of Alejandra and El Recreo; NF – bottlenecked founder population in the USA; NI – contemporary population in the USA. Times: 0 – populations sampling; TI – introduction; TB – length of bottleneck for the introduced population; TD - divergence of the Herradura population from the Alejandra and El Recreo populations
Cohen and Privman BMC Evolutionary Biology (2019) 19:111 Page 6 of 12 Fig. 5 Demographic model parameters inferred for S. invicta populations. The prior and posterior density distributions are plotted in red and green, respectively. The maximum posterior estimate of each of the parameters is indicated above its plot. Parameters defined in Fig. 2 isolation between these species since they diverged is possibility is that the introduced populations have been re- more powerful than the observation that admixture is leased from certain exogenous factors, biotic or abiotic, that not taking place at present time, and is consistent with a prevent admixture in the native range. Biotic factors may strong reproductive barrier. It makes the extensive ad- include parasites that affect mating and reproduction. One mixture, observed in North America, even more intri- such factor is Wolbachia – an endosymbiotic bacterium guing. This suggests that the two diverging lineages of S. that infects high proportion of insects [34], and manipulates invicta and S. richteri were well on their way to their reproductive systems in ways such as the induction of complete speciation in South America, but have not cytoplasmic incompatibilities between infected and unin- reached the point of no return. Their introduction to the fected individuals. Such incompatibilities were found to USA has resulted in the breakdown of barriers and re- hinder the admixture between two species of Drosophila versal of this process. [35]. As Wolbachia was detected in native populations of S. Reproductive isolation between related species is main- invicta and S. richteri, but not in the introduced popula- tained by endogenous (genetic) and/or exogenous (environ- tions [36] it is a strong option that was already pointed out mental) factors [33]. One explanation for the difference before [6]. Another possibility is changes in the ants’ diet between the admixture patterns in the native and intro- following their introduction to a new environment. duced ranges could be that the native populations that were Different foods might affect the chemical blend of the sources of the introductions are genetically compatible pheromones the ants produce. In ants and in other between the species but geographically separated, while the insects, social interaction, which includes the identifi- populations whose ranges overlap in South America, are in- cation of a potential sexual mate, relies heavily on compatible. This explanation was previously proposed by chemical cues [37]. In fact, pheromonal differentiation Ross & Trager (1990) [4]. Since Formosa is located outside is suspected to be the cause of reproductive isolation of the overlap region, this may well be the case. Another between many closely related insect species [38–40].
Cohen and Privman BMC Evolutionary Biology (2019) 19:111 Page 7 of 12 Moreover, diet was shown to affect the pheromonal = 1.5Nf for species in which the queen mates with a sin- profile and sexual desirability in fruit flies [41, 42]. gle male, as is the case with S. invicta [47]. Therefore, We gave estimates of the number of generations since the founder population size maximum posterior estimate the two speciation events, which can be converted to years of 39 translates to 26 unrelated, singly-mated queens, by multiplying them with the average generation time. which fits within the higher end of the 9–30 estimate The social polymorphism of S. invicta and S. richteri com- range made by Ross and Shoemaker (2008). If we con- bined with overlapping generations and multiple nuptial sider our entire 95% credible interval, then the number flights throughout the year, make the length of a gener- of founding S. invicta queens is between 10 and 93. ation highly variable and difficult to pinpoint. Ross and Shoemaker (2008) have given an estimate of three to six Conclusion years, based on the relative number of alates produced in We described a unique study system in which the repro- different developmental stages of a colony [19]. They lean ductive barrier between two closely related species is towards the higher end of this range, but maintain that a maintained for approximately 200,000 generations in shorter generation time is more probable for the time fol- their native range and breached in an introduced range. lowing introduction, when their numbers were growing This setting allows sampling from clearly separate pure exponentially. Assuming an average generation time of six populations in the native range and admixing popula- years, the speciation time between S. invicta and S. richteri tions in the introduced range. Therefore, this is a power- can be estimated to be 1.1 (0.6–2.1) million years ago ful system for the study of the molecular basis of (MYA) and the speciation time of S. fugax and S. invicta reproductive isolation, which is key to the process of and S. richteri to 15 (9.6–24) MYA. The high end of this speciation. estimate is just under the 25 million years (95% confi- dence interval of 18–32) inferred for the divergence of these lineages, based on Bayesian phylogenetic analysis Methods and divergence dating using 27 fossil calibration points Population sampling [43]. It should be noted that a phylogeny-based estimate is Samples were taken from nine ant populations: three S. for the genetic distance between the two representative in- invicta and two S. richteri populations in the native dividuals whose sequences were analyzed, while the range in Northeastern Argentina; two S. invicta and two coalescent-based-estimate by 3s, is for the separation of S. richteri populations in the introduced range in South- the species (i.e. the formation of genetic isolation). By def- eastern USA. The specimens were identified by morpho- inition, the divergence between the representative individ- logical characteristics by James Pitts as described before uals must predate the formation of reproductive barriers [48]. For each population, 23–51 diploid females were that led to speciation. sampled, each from a different colony, totaling 337 indi- There is one parameter shared by the two different viduals. See Fig. 1 and Additional file 1: Tables S1 and coalescent-based methods of DIYABC and 3s, which is S2 for details. the native S. invicta populations cluster, that of Alejan- dra and El Recreo. Both methods gave similar estimates Sequencing and processing for it (2.5*105 and 4*105 respectively). It is approximately Seven restriction-site associated DNA (RAD) libraries two orders of magnitude smaller than DIYABC ‘s esti- were constructed from the sampled populations, with mate of 1.2*107 given for the other native population 31–68 individuals in each library. DNA was extracted cluster, the Herradura population. This suggests a much from the samples and RAD libraries were constructed larger and more diverse population around Herradura in based on the protocols of Baird and colleagues [49] and comparison to the southern population sampled at El Etter and colleagues [50], as described by Privman et al. Recreo and Alejandra. Of those three locations, Herra- (2018) [27]. Briefly, DNA was digested with PstI-HF en- dura is closest to Corrientes, which was highlighted as zyme (New England Biolabs) and ligated to one of 96 the most genetically diverse among the populations that barcoded P1 adapters with 5 bp unique barcodes. The were sampled across South America [44]. samples were multiplexed per lane of 100 bp The effective population size of the S. invicta USA single-end sequencing on an Illumina HiSeq 2000 or founder population (NF) was estimated at 39. While for 4000 sequencer. A total of 962,896,602 reads, or RADseq, were sequenced, an average of 2,857,259 diploid species the effective population size is Ne reads per sample, with the least number of reads for ¼ NfþNm 4NfNm (Nf and Nm are the number of breeding females a sample being 197,598 and the most - 6,848,114. Li- and males, respectively), for haplodiploid species, the re- brary 3 averaged at the lowest number of reads of duced number of chromosomal copies in males results 1,628,368 reads per sample. Library 7 averaged at the in Ne ¼ 2Nfþ4Nm 4NfNm [45, 46]. This translates to a ratio of Ne highest number of reads of 3,335,288 reads per
Cohen and Privman BMC Evolutionary Biology (2019) 19:111 Page 8 of 12 sample. See Additional file 1: Table S1 and S2 for de- be found in Additional file 1: Figure S2. We used the tails about samples, reads and sequencing depth. Evanno test [55] to identify the number of clusters K, The raw reads were initially processed using the Stacks which gave K = 4 (Additional file 1: Figure S3). However, pipeline [51, 52] and low quality reads were discarded. we decided to present the results for K = 5 where the na- These were defined as reads in which the phred score tive and introduced S. richteri separated to two distinct drops below 10 (1:10 chance for a sequencing error), av- clusters. eraged over a sliding window of 14 bases. We mapped the reads to 44,102 distinct positions in a S. invicta ref- Populations demographic history erence genome (version Si_gnH; NCBI accession Full maximum likelihood test for gene flow using 3s AEAEQ02000000; [27]) using Bowtie2 [53]. For each of We tested the hypothesis that S. invicta and S. richteri the mappings, a maximum of two bases mismatch was have been maintaining complete genetic isolation in allowed for its best hit. To maintain the uniqueness of South America since their divergence. The alternative to the mapping, we removed alignments with the second this scenario is that these incipient species have had best hit containing less than five bases mismatches. Add- some form of gene flow between them, including iso- itionally, we controlled for and filtered out reads mapped lated successful mating events (isolation with migration). to what are suspected collapsed repetitive sequences in We used 3s program, which is a coalescent-based max- the reference genome assembly; these were identified imum likelihood inference tool. The program analyses based on excessive coverage and heterozygous genotype aligned sequences of three species, two that are closely calls in whole-genome sequencing of 40 haploid S. invicta related and a third which is used as an out-group, for males sampled from Herradura and Alejandra [27]. the genealogical process of coalescence and migration. We analyzed the mapped sequences for single nucleo- Based on this the maximum likelihood scores of two tide polymorphic sites (SNPs) using the Stacks pipeline possible demographic history models are compared, a and created a catalog containing 285,847 SNPs for the null model that does not allow genetic flow between the combined seven RAD libraries, with measured coverage two closely related species and an alternative model that of X16 on average. These SNPs were used to calculate does. the FST distances between the populations. In addition, 3s provides estimates for the times of the two speciation events and for historic and contemporary Population structure population effective sizes. Speciation times are inferred We filtered the SNPs catalog further before its use in the from the model parameter τ – the average number of population structure analyses. For each locus, we required substitutions per site since speciation. Effective popula- genotype calls in at least 80% of the samples in each popu- tion sizes are represented by the θ parameter. In diploid lation (i.e. less than 20% missing data); a minimum of species, θ = 4μNe, where μ is the mutation rate and Ne is three reads made for a genotype call. Additionally, we re- the effective population size. For a haplodiploid species, quired a minimal minor allele frequency (MAF) of 1%. θ = 3μNe because of the ploidy ratio between males and This stringent filtering resulted in a collection of 16,759 females. high confidence SNPs. Finally, we removed samples with Using 3s, we investigated the demographic history of more than 30% missing data (i.e. loci without genotype the closely related S. invicta and S. richteri species with calls), leaving 300 samples in the analysis. the thief ant S. fugax as an out-group (genome assembly We ran STRUCTURE over K (number of expected clus- version Sf_gnA; NCBI accession QKQZ00000000; [27]). ters) values of 2–9, 100 times for each K, with 100 differ- To give meaning to the chosen model parameter esti- ent sets of 1000 SNPs randomly chosen out of the high mates of speciation times and effective population sizes, confidence SNPs collection, a total of 800 separate runs. we used the mutation rate of another hymenopteran, the To avoid linked sites from affecting the analysis, we re- honeybee, which was estimated at 3.4*10− 9 (95% confi- quired a distance of at least 5000 bp between the selected dence interval of 2.2*10− 9 - 4.9*10− 9) mutations per site sites. Multiple runs over various data subsets contributed per generation. This mutation rate was calculated using to the robustness of the clustering inference and allowed direct measurement of two generations in three colonies us to use more SNPs than would be possible in a single and is similar to the mutation rate inferred for other in- run. We ran STRUCTURE for 1,100,000 MCMC repeti- sects [56, 57]. tions and discarded the first 100,000 (burn-in period). All the other parameters were kept at default values. The re- Genetic data set preparation The program requires sults were analyzed using CLUMPAK [54]. The STRUC- only a small number of individuals with a large number TURE analysis was repeated with all the SNPs in the of loci to represent each species. We arbitrarily chose Social chromosome removed, leaving 15,539 SNPs in the two S. richteri individuals from the populations of Las analysis. The results were largely unchanged, and they can Flores and Buenos Aires (R1 and R2 respectively) and
Cohen and Privman BMC Evolutionary Biology (2019) 19:111 Page 9 of 12 two S. invicta individuals from the populations of Ale- population. We formulated the demographic history jandra and El Recreo (I1 and I2 respectively). All four model used for the ABC analysis with these three dis- chosen individuals were of the gp-9BB genotype of the tinct population clusters. social chromosome. Using Bowtie2, we aligned their RAD reads to the reference genome of S. invicta and to Scenario construction In the historic scenario, depicted a fully sequenced S. fugax individual, allowing no gaps in in Fig. 4, the two native populations, NN1 and NN2, di- the alignments. We retained only RADseq reads with no verged from each other TD generations ago, prior to the more than 4 mismatches compared to the S. invicta ref- introduction to the USA, which took place TI genera- erence genome and RADseq reads with no more than 10 tions ago. As the introduced populations in the USA mismatches compared to the S. fugax genome. The mis- were found to originate from the region of Formosa matches cutoffs are based on the average of 95% se- (which includes Herradura), in our scenario the founder quence identity between S. invicta and S. fugax [27]. We population, NF, is directly derived from population NN1, also required unique mapping and only allowed align- and their divergence time coincides with the time of ments in which the second best hit has at least twice the introduction. The scenario also includes a population number of mismatches as the best hit. bottleneck effect after the introduction, which lasted for We assembled for each locus an alignment of three se- TB generations and concluded as the size of the popula- quences composed of the sequences of the outgroup of tion reached its contemporary size, NI. S. fugax and one of following pairs of sequences at ran- dom: I1 and I2, R1 and R2 or R1 and I2. As the algorithm assumes no linkage disequilibrium (LD) between sites, Parameterization Coalescent model parameters are ei- we only allowed loci that were at least 2000 nucleotides ther demographic, reflecting population effective sizes, apart. This produced 15,040 triplets of 96 bases long or temporal, indicating the number of generations that three-ways alignments, to be used as input for 3s had passed between events. We defined parameter priors software. of normal distributions with averages based on known life history of the fire ants. Prior distribution widths were Execution We ran 3s and calculated the maximum like- set widely to allow DIYABC sizeable sampling range, lihood values for the two models using the Gaussian encompassing all reasonable values of these parameters. quadrature number of points = 16. To examine the ro- The introduction time of S. invicta predates sampling bustness of the estimates we ran each of the models time by at least 80 years. Generation time for the fire three times, with different seed values at each run. We ants, especially at the time they were dispersing through- used the likelihood scores and the parameter values that out the newly introduced range, is hard to estimate. We were obtained for the highest scoring run of each of the therefore defined a prior of introduction time that models and compared them in a Likelihood Ratio Test ranges between 0 to 180 generations. Based on studies (LRT). indicating that the original number of introduced S. invicta was small, we defined a prior for the effective Demographic history of populations of S. invicta population size that ranges between 1 and 500 individ- Using approximate Bayesian computation (ABC), we es- uals. The ants’ quick expansion in North America sug- timated divergence times and population sizes of the gests a minimal time span of the population bottleneck. three S. invicta population clusters identified by STRUC- This allowed us to narrow the prior distribution of the TURE, for the demographic history model depicted in bottleneck time between 0 and 40 generations. Not Fig. 4. Instead of full Bayesian calculations of a likeli- much is known about the effective sizes of the native hood function, DIYABC uses an approximate approach: and introduced populations or of the time of divergence it runs a series of coalescent simulations over a demo- between the native populations, and these parameter graphic history model, which includes an historic scenario priors were kept at a wide distribution, which included and parameter prior distributions. The program estimates many orders of magnitudes. the posterior distributions for the model parameters based on how well the simulated data fit the observed genetic Choice of summary statistics An ABC analysis depends data (represented by their summary statistics). on population summary statistics to reduce the Our STRUCTURE analysis found the two native S. high-dimensional genetic information and to evaluate the invicta populations of Alejandra and El Recreo indistin- simulation results. A varied choice of summary statistics is guishable in term of their genetic polymorphism and so therefore crucial. However, using too many would increase they were assigned to one population, while Herradura’s the dimensionality of the analysis, making the available population was clustered separately. The introduced observed data points too sparse in comparison [58]; a populations were also clustered together in one problem known as “the curse of dimensionality”.
Cohen and Privman BMC Evolutionary Biology (2019) 19:111 Page 10 of 12 The native NN1 and NN2 populations are presumed ago; RAD: Restricted site associated DNA; RADseq: RAD sequence; stable and well represented by their summary statistics. SNP: Single nucleotide polymorphism We therefore used all of the within-population summary Acknowledgments statistics offered by DIYABC: the proportion of mono- We are especially grateful for the generous contributions of DeWayne morphic alleles, mean and variance of gene diversity of poly- Shoemaker with difficult to obtain samples, genomic sequencing, and advice on fire ant demography, population biology, ecology, and evolution morphic loci [59] and mean gene diversity across all loci. throughout the project. We also thank Ziheng Yang, Alan Templeton, Eran For the population NI, a newly established population, we Halperin, and Abraham Korol for very helpful advice on the population only used the summary statistics of the proportion of mono- genomic analyses. morphic alleles and mean gene diversity across all loci. Funding We included between-populations summary statistics This work was supported by a US-Israel Binational Science Foundation Grant for pairs of populations that directly diverged from each #2013408, and Israel Science Foundation Grants #646/15, #2140/15, #2155/15. other (NN1 & NN2 and NN1 & NI): the mean FST distance, All computations were conducted on the Hive computer cluster of the Faculty of Natural Science at the University of Haifa. the proportion of null FST distances [60], and mean and The funding body had no role in the design of the study, in the collection, variance of non-null FST distances. the analysis or the interpretation of data. Availability of data and materials Genetic data set preparation We subdivided the SNPs The sequenced data were deposited in the NCBI SRA data base under the catalog to create a dataset to include only the S. invicta accession PRJNA448217, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bioproject/PRJNA448217. samples. The SNPs were filtered as described before, with the following modifications: we required that each Authors’ contributions PC carried out all the of the data analyses. EP and PC designed the study. locus has genotype calls in at least 90% of the samples of Both authors contributed to writing the manuscript and approved the final each population, a minimal MAF of 0.5%, and at least manuscript. 5000 bp between SNPs. The reduced MAF threshold is meant to allow the DIYABC analysis to make use of the Ethics approval and consent to participate This study complies with the revised Animals Act 1986, as studies on insects valuable information in the low frequency alleles. This require no ethics approval. resulted in 161 samples and 6389 loci that were used in No permissions were required to collect the samples in this study. the analysis. Consent for publication Not applicable. Simulations and analyses Running DIYABC coalescent simulations, we created 892,000 simulated data sets. Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Based on the 1% of the simulations that produced sum- mary statistics closest to the observed data, the param- eter posterior distributions were estimated and adjusted Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in using a weighted linear regression in which the summary published maps and institutional affiliations. statistics were the independent variables. 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