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Rev Esp Salud Pública. 2021; Vol. 95: September 7th e1-13. www.mscbs.es/resp Received: April 26th 2021 SPECIAL COLLABORATION Accepted: May 21st 2021 Published : September 7th 2021 RISK PERCEPTION IN THE MANAGEMENT OF A HEALTH CRISIS: EBOLA IN SPAIN. CASE STUDY Ana Ayuso-Álvarez (1,2), Teresa Blasco Hernández (1,2) and Agustín Benito Llanes (1,2) (1) National Center for Tropical Medicine (Centro Nacional de Medicina Tropical). Madrid. Spain. (2) Collaborative Research Network on Tropical Diseases (Red de Investigación Colaborativa en Enfermedades Tropicales - RICET). Spain. Authors declare that there is no conflict of interests. ABSTRACT RESUMEN In 2014, the first case of secondary Ebola infec- Percepción del riesgo de los profesionales tion outside Africa detected in Spain, caused a sense sanitarios ante el primer caso de infección secundaria por ébola en España of global threat. This study assesses Risk Perception among the health personnel and identify the agents En 2014, el primer caso de infección secunda- that amplified or reduced it. Through a snowball ria por ébola fuera de África detectado en España sampling, 5 in-depth interviews were carried out. provocó una sensación de amenaza global. Este es- Inclusion´s criteria: treating the patient suspected of tudio evaluó la Percepción de Riesgo (PR) entre el Ebola and/or of having been actively involved in the personal de sanitario e identificó los agentes que la management of the crisis. Triangulation and mem- amplificaron o la redujeron. A través de un mues- ber checking were used to validate findings. Field treo de bola de nieve, se realizaron 5 entrevistas en work was between February and June 2015. In Risk profundidad, siendo los criterios de inclusión: tratar Perception´s construction were involved Formation, al paciente con sospecha de ébola y/o haber parti- Management of Information and Trust. Political and cipado activamente en el manejo de la crisis en el Health Authorities, Media and Unions acted as am- centro hospitalario. Se utilizó la triangulación para plifiers whereas the Expert Committee and Hospital validar y verificación los resultados. El trabajo de Management as reducers. Peer-to-peer behavior ac- campo se realizó entre febrero y junio de 2015. Los ted as a reducer among the medical staff and as an factores claves en la construcción de Percepción amplifier between the nursing and cleaning staff. de Riesgo fueron la formación, la gestión de la in- This information would be relevant to better manage formación, el trato percibido por el personal sani- a health crisis of this characteristics. tario y la confianza en las autoridades sanitarias. Key words: Ebola, Risk perception, Healthcare Las autoridades políticas y sanitarias, los medios professionals, Spain. de comunicación y los sindicatos actuaron como amplificadores de la PR, el Comité de Expertos y la Dirección del hospital lo hicieron como reducto- res de la PR. El comportamiento entre iguales ac- tuó como reductor entre el personal médico y como amplificador entre el personal de enfermería y de limpieza. Se trata de información relevante de cara a manejar situaciones de crisis sanitarias de simila- res características. Palabras clave: Ébola, Percepción del riesgo, Profesionales de la Salud, España. Correspondance: Ana Mª Ayuso Álvarez Centro Nacional de Medicina Tropical Suggested citation: Ayuso-Álvarez A, Blasco Hernández T, C/ Monforte de Lemos, nº5 Benito Llanes A. Risk Perception in the management of a Health 28922 Madrid, Spain Crisis: Ebola in Spain. Case study. Rev Esp Salud Pública. 2021; Ayuso@isciii.es 95: September 7th e202109136.
Ana Ayuso-Álvarez, Teresa Blasco Hernández & Agustín Benito Llanes BACKGROUND can modify their behaviors and influence their intention to protect themselves and/or expo- The first known outbreak of Ebola was in se themselves to certain risk factors, and even the Congo (formerly Zaire) in 1976 and since block the institutional response to a crisis(12,13,14). then the virus has been circulating in different countries of Africa(1). In 2014, the Ebola The objective of this study was to study Risk epidemic reached an unprecedented scale, Perception among Healthcare Professionals at prompting the World Health Organization the Alcorcón Foundation University Hospital (WHO) to declare the first international alert (HUFA) who treated the first case of EVD in in March and to regard it as an international Spain, to identify the elements on which the public health emergency in August. sensation of threat was based and the agents who amplified or reduced it. During the epidemic in Africa, one of the groups with the highest volume of infected SUBJECTS AND METHODS people was health workers(2,3,4,5). On October 6, 2014, the first case of secondary Ebola in- Study setting, population and design: On fection acquired outside Africa was detected in October 6th, 2014, a patient with suspected Madrid, Spain, in a health professional who had Ebola admitted to the emergency department treated a repatriated Spanish missionary(6). Then of the University Hospital Universitario de new cases appeared in other countries such as Alcorcón (HUFA). It was the first case of con- the United States and United Kingdom (ABC tagion contracted outside Africa, and it occu- news, October 14th, 2014; CNN, October 14th, rred in a health professional who had attended 2014)(7,8), causing a sense of global threat. two Spanish expatriates. The case generated unprecedented social alarm, the appearance The western world and the health community of two more cases, in UK and USA, increased in particular, had already faced other epidemics even more the global feeling of threat. A case of infectious diseases such as HIV, SARS and study(15) was conducted. In December 2014, avian influenza, which had a greater capacity to we contacted the Hospital’s research unit and transmit the disease (R0). However, they did not through a snowball sampling, identified pro- attain the same sense of global threat caused by fessionals who had been in direct contact with the Ebola virus(9) (EVD), highlighting the diffe- the patient or who had been decisively invol- rence between risk and risk perception. ved in the management of the crisis. Field work began in February and lasted until June, Although there are multiple definitions of after that was literally impossible to perform risk (R), the most consensual defines it as the more interviews. probability of suffering an adverse event whose outcome is usually uncertain(10) and the magni- The in-depth interview was used as a re- tude of its quantifiable consequences. Risk per- search technique and a sociological analysis of ception (RP) is a feeling of threat experienced the discourse was carried out. by an individual and involves an assessment of the likelihood of experiencing an adverse event Participant recruitment: The inclusion criteria and its consequences(11). were: having had direct contact with the sus- pected EVD patient and having actively par- Previous experiences of international health ticipated in the management of the crisis at crises showed that RP among health professionals the hospital. A total of 5 in-depth interviews 2 Rev Esp Salud Pública. 2021; 95: September 7th e202109136
RISK PERCEPTION IN THE MANAGEMENT OF A HEALTH CRISIS: EBOLA IN SPAIN. CASE STUDY were conducted. The first interview took pla- All the interviewees were health personnel; ce three months after the case was dismissed three were men and two were women. (and considered past the crisis) and the last 6 months later. Despite their scarcity, all the per- Interview script: The following risk percep- sons who attended the case were interviewed. tion models were used to develop the inter- Two of them were highly exposed (HRS) to view script: the Risk Perception Model(17), the patient (doctor and nurse), two others were the Extended Risk Perception Model(18) and subject to low exposure (LRS), supporting the the Social Model of Risk Amplification and professionals who attended the patient (two Reduction(19). Information was collected on the doctors) and the last interviewee was probably emotions and feelings experienced by the pro- not exposed (LPRS), (psychologist). These fessionals after the arrival of the patient with five interviews allowed us to address the three suspected Ebola, how they were manifested risk exposure scenarios defined by the Ministry and the impact they had on the isolation room, of Health, Social Services and Equality in the the emergency department and the hospital in protocol of December 3rd, 2014(16) (table 1). general. They were also asked about the role Table 1 Risk´s scenarios of exposure to ebola virus in health sector. Exposure to high risk Exposure at low risk Low probability of exposure (HRS) (LRS) (LPR) Workers who attend cases in Personnel whose work activity Workers without direct attention the investigation or patients does not include contact with to the public or more than 1 with EVD. body fluids, contaminated meter away or with collective material or cadaver body with protection measures that EVE (for example, guardians, avoid contact (for example, orderlies, other cleaning administrative, ambulance workers). driver). Laboratory personnel handling contaminated materials. Personnel handling corpses of patients suspected or deceased by EVE. Cleaning personnel who have contact with contaminated fluids, secretions, material or aerosols. Requirements PPE components for protection Availability of gown (resistant No need to use EPI. against fluids and, where to penetration of fluids), surgical appropriate, against aerosols. mask, gloves, glasses or face shield and, where appropriate, hose or boots. Rev Esp Salud Pública. 2021; 95: September 7th e202109136 3
Ana Ayuso-Álvarez, Teresa Blasco Hernández & Agustín Benito Llanes played by some agents during the crisis - the it was also used to control inter-rater reliabili- media, authorities, expert committee, manage- ty-, and the main findings were discussed with ment, and trade unions. Each interview script the interviewees. was adapted to the risk scenario and role of each interviewee (doctors, nurses and psycho- This study has been carried out following the logists). The duration of the interviews was bet- principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and ween 60-90 minutes, and the interviews were the Belmont Report. All the interviewees sig- recorded and transcribed. ned an informed consent. Data management and analysis: In order to see RESULTS the emotions and feelings that were generated during the crisis among health professionals, In order to achieve the study’s objectives, the interviewees were asked to describe how health professionals were asked how they ex- they experienced the entry of the missionaries perienced the arrival of the patient and the en- to the country, the arrival of the case to the hos- suing health crisis. pital, her stay in the isolation room, the week after the case was disclosed out of the hospi- Risk Perception Construction among Healthcare tal, and months later when she was discharged. Professionals: The discourse of health profes- This information, in addition to identifying the sionals shows that Risk Perception is a dyna- most important emotions and feelings at each mic process in permanent reconstruction, depen- moment of the crisis, allowed us to see the evo- ding on how events are developed, resolved and lution of risk perception. To visualize it, a scale interpreted (figure 1). (0-3) was built. Fear was chosen as a reference variable because it was the emotion shared by The progress of Risk Perception enabled the all professionals and because its management identification of different moments (12 hours was mainly responsible for the different beha- of admission, 42-72 hours and later days) and viors among groups. Fear was assigned the va- spaces (isolation ward, emergency department, lue=2 and the rest of the variables were confi- hospital) in which different emotions emerged gured according to the degree of proximity and and on which the RP was based. In the pro- intensity with respect to the reference variable: gress of the RP, 5 stages were clearly identified, panic=3, concern=1 and forgetfulness=0. which were characterized by: concern, fear, pa- nic, disgust and finally neglect (table 2). A sociological analysis of discourse was ca- rried out from an abductive logic(20,21), begin- In the isolation room, where the patient was ning with an analytic process of decomposition for 12 hours, peace and quiet reigned, while of discourse in elementary units, in search of in the rest of the emergency service, fear gave categories capable of giving meaning the social way to panic. This meant that the morning shift reality studied, followed by a synthesis or in- nurses, who were put under great pressure by ductive process that seeks to establish the con- the union, refused to care for the patient and the nection of the context with the discourse, gi- cleaning staff did not want to clean or remove ving it meaning. The validation of the discourse contaminated material from the isolation area interpretation was done by two strategies: after the patient left the HUFA. During the 42- Triangulation - two researchers did the discour- 72 hours after the patient was transferred to the ses analysis and their respective findings were Carlos III Hospital, panic spread to the rest of compared from each other (inter-subjectivity), the hospital. 4 Rev Esp Salud Pública. 2021; 95: September 7th e202109136
RISK PERCEPTION IN THE MANAGEMENT OF A HEALTH CRISIS: EBOLA IN SPAIN. CASE STUDY Figure 1 Progress of Risk Perception. Table 2 Emotions and feelings associated with Risk Perception. Emotions & Feelings Stages Verbatim associated with RP 1. Prior to the “I think there was a feeling of uncertainty about what might happen, we patient’s arrival Concern expected an immigrant but not a health worker... There was concern rather at the HUFA than fear about what would happen.” (I.3, LRS) Concern Uncertainty “That same day there were moments of unease when injections were 2. Patient time in Unease administered to the patient, and there were moments of fear [...], a moment the emergency Anxiety of shock when we were very, very, very alone. We didn’t know what had room Loneliness failed, and we didn’t know if the patient had infected more people or if we Helplessness were going to have a flood of cases.” (I.2, HRS) Fear “I think that those first 48-72 hours, maybe those first four or five days Panic until things were focused, yes, there was a great deal of excitement in the 3. 48-72 hours Stress hospital, all the staff were very afraid and there was a feeling of insecurity later Abandon Helplessness and panic [...] In other words, it was like the pendulum theory: we went Disgust from a situation where nothing was going on, to an explosion of panic.” (I.5, HRS) Perplexity “Aside from the people who have wanted to go voluntarily, the others 4. Hospital Anger have been deprived of their freedom: it’s like putting them in prison... And isolation Disgust without any benefit.” (I.3, LRS) “... it was a while ago, it was very difficult. The people who went through 5. Six months Resignation it did so very intensely and afterwards you feel like you have to turn the later Neglect page, [...] It no longer interferes with your daily life.” (I.5, HRS) Rev Esp Salud Pública. 2021; 95: September 7th e202109136 5
Ana Ayuso-Álvarez, Teresa Blasco Hernández & Agustín Benito Llanes The health professionals commented that “...At our hospital, those responsible for provi- although everyone experienced fear, it was ding training in preventive medicine were not how fear was managed that explains the diffe- respected by the employees; they distrusted rent behaviors of the groups. their information... People were afraid and that fear was not overcome by saying: Here the pro- “Of course it’s scary, but that’s why we’re pro- tocol says you can do it. In addition, they nee- fessionals: we deal with it so that others aren’t ded to say... look how I’m doing it... That has afraid, which is what the management did. been a serious problem.” (I.1, LRS) Of course, they’d be afraid! Why wouldn’t they be? But they managed it well.” (I.3, LRS) The training also had a pendulum effect in the sense that, at the beginning, it was practi- In the management of fear, mastery, compe- cally non-existent and then spared no effort tency and agency were critical to face the risk. once the case occurred, reflecting, according to When the panic spread through the emergency health professionals, the improvised manner in room, only one nurse offered to attend to the pa- which the response to the crisis was prepared. tient, when we asked him why he could control the fear answered that he was responsible for the “[After the arrival of the patient] ...Two boys Viremia Zero program in the Hospital, he was were training all the staff against the clock more prepared than his colleagues to control the in putting on and removing the Personal risk of contagion, he had knowledge, experien- Protective Equipment. That stress hasn´t gone ce and was also responsible for the nursing team away [four months later].” (I.2, LRS) and therefore: Regarding the information received, they “It was my duty to do so.” (I.2, HRS) acknowledge that they paid scant attention to the protocols, thinking that an EVD case is un- In this discourse, two key elements on which likely. They emphasize that information mana- the Risk Perception was based can be identified: gement was initially politically contaminated, training and information management. They sta- and that the decision to bring in the repatriates te that training was scarce, theoretical and only owed more to the international image of Spain given to selected staff. It was aimed at emergen- that they wanted to project, than to an estimate cy personnel, forgetting highly exposed groups of their ability to cope with this situation. This such as cleaning staff at high risk: was characterized by an information vacuum. “(Before the arrival of the patient) we were “...the flow of information was not correct (I1, briefed on how to recognize Ebola, and... We HRS). ...At 18:00 in the evening I received a were shown a diagram on how to put on and message ‘the news is already on the internet’, remove the suit, nothing practical.” (I.5, HRS) so I asked the doctor if they had already con- firmed it, and he answered ‘no’, and I said: They identify the preventive medicine profes- ‘Let’s go online’, and we typed in: ‘Alcorcón’, sionals providing the training, insisting on the low ‘Ebola’, and it said ‘Alcorcón confirmed probability that a case occurring, the defence of positive’.” (I.3, LRS) a protocol with errors in case definition, and not having contact with patients, as a serious problem They state that the information transmitted that deprived such expertise of its legitimacy and in the press conference convened by the Health leadership in the eyes of other professionals: Department, contributed to cause surprise and 6 Rev Esp Salud Pública. 2021; 95: September 7th e202109136
RISK PERCEPTION IN THE MANAGEMENT OF A HEALTH CRISIS: EBOLA IN SPAIN. CASE STUDY great concern, since it reflected the considera- still didn´t have the result, and that felt VERY ble ignorance of the political-health authorities BAD... You complain, you cry, and you tell regarding the disease. everyone who wants to hear it.” (I.5, LRS) “[Referring to the Press Conference] If you “[The arrival of the patient] was a moment of suddenly convey a strange message, digress shock, it is a very serious illness that requires and hesitate in a crisis situation, it causes pa- special handling and we were very alone... We nic, because you say ‘he thing is... you don’t didn’t have the contact list until three days la- know what you’re saying’ or you say, ‘no, you ter, we woke up with our isolation room closed, say something’, ‘no, you say something’... unable to work and not knowing what to do in then you wonder, ‘but who’s in charge here? case someone else appeared infected, ehh..., so My God. Wasn’t this under control?’ ...I think afraid, really afraid...” (I.3, LRS) there was a feeling that nobody was doing an- ything, that everybody was on their own, and In the continuous assessment that health pro- that... caused chaos and was a perfect breeding fessionals were undertaking of the crisis ma- ground for it to explode .” (I.5, HRS) nagement, the treatment received by the health policy authorities played an essential role. This, together with the institutional informa- tion vacuum at the onset of the crisis caused the “[When they came to move the patient] ...that media to be the sole source of information, is- was the K.O. blow they gave us, because... first suing alarmist messages without a counterpoint. they send us an Ebola case, ‘here’s the Ebola patient, there you go’, they don’t want to do “...They did their job, it’s true that they amplify the diagnosis, they don’t tell us the result, they things, but I prefer that noise to the information don’t transfer the patient, they took less time to vacuum... They are the fourth estate and thank bring him from Liberia! And to top it all off..., goodness they exist.” (I.-1, LRS). they point out our shortcomings to us... because when they come to you all kitted out [the staff The health professionals conclude that the that came to transfer the patient to the Carlos response to the crisis was characterized by im- III Hospital came equipped with everything re- provisation, lack of coordination in the respon- commended by the CDC, while at the HUFA se and management of the situation, as well as they were using the equipment left over from lack of empathy from the political health autho- the crisis caused by the Avian Flu], means ‘bli- rities towards health professionals. mey, what have I gone and done, I might die from this’.” (I.3, LRS)”. “The person in charge of preventive medicine had to call three times to have the PCR done, “...so, we’ve gone from doing nothing to kid- they told us it was a flu [at that moment the pro- napping people [referring to isolation], because tocol case definition was wrong], and the third some of those workers were threatened by the time they had to contact higher authorities be- authorities to go in, because of course they say cause apparently we had no idea that it was a ‘...look mate, if you don’t go voluntarily, we’ll case of Ebola.” (I.3, HRS) just tell the court and send you to the police’ is that voluntary?” (I.-1, LRS). “...On top of you “While the news was emerging in the press, doing your job well, bam, I’ll lock you up for 3 they were telling us on the phone, that they weeks as punishment.” (I.3, LRS). Rev Esp Salud Pública. 2021; 95: September 7th e202109136 7
Ana Ayuso-Álvarez, Teresa Blasco Hernández & Agustín Benito Llanes Trust appears as the result of that evaluation. “The transmission of panic was increasing with Among health professionals, a huge distrust of the media, causing a wave of panic that was the health and political authorities was crea- unbearable and out of control. Half the coun- ted, while at the same time trust in the hospital try was going mad, there was a panic attack.” management’s response and its capacity to re- (I.5, HRS). solve the crisis was strengthened. Meanwhile, the management and the ma- “...As a hospital we didn’t receive any support nagement team of the HUFA and the Expert from anyone... everything was done from here, Committee acted as reducers: inside by the professionals of the hospital and by its management team... We trusted each other, “...They reacted with composure [referring here in the hospital, but as for them [referring to to the Hospital management], especially the political and health institutions and authorities], manager, whose approach was very executi- it leaves me speechless... They did everything ve and organized, reporting information and possible to infect us [laughs ironically]. That can being transparent about what had been done. be the summary.” (I.3, LRS) Briefings were given to all the staff in three days... which described what to be afraid of and In this dual process of trust construction-de- what not to be...” (I.3, LRS) construction, the treatment that health profes- sionals perceived to have received from the po- The behavior and attitude between collea- litical-health authorities played a key role. gues acted as a reducer of the threat among the medical staff and as an amplifier between the Agents that acted as amplifiers and/or reducers nursing and cleaning staff. of Risk Perception: When asked about the role played by the Political and Health Authorities, “I’m not worried [nurse], it’s my colleagues the Media, the Trade Union, the Expert who are making me worried.” (I.2, HRS) Committee and the Hospital Management in Risk Perception, the first three were found to “...That is, the experience with her [the pa- act as amplifiers of the feeling of threat. tient]was calm, the doctor was very calm...” (I.2, HRS) “There was a panic attack... I think due to lack of information... And because it went from being These agents used both training and informa- a medical debate to a political... That was ex- tion to amplify or reduce Risk Perception. plosive [...] The political authorities were a long way off from doing their job properly.” The political and health authorities, with (I.3, HRS) the news blackout at the beginning, confusing and ambivalent messages, as well as state- “That day they came immediately [referring to ments in which they played down the impor- the union] and the union delegate put a lot of tance of training, caused considerable anxie- pressure on the emergency unit, telling [the nur- ty, helplessness, disgust and anger, and huge sing staff] that they were not trained properly, not distrust towards the institutional response, to go in, that the risk was very high, then everyo- which focused only on handling the outbreak ne got very, very, very nervous, to the point that and the management of the Risk, neglected the they all started saying they were not going to go protection of the health professionals and the in, they were very afraid.” (I.2, HRS) treatment of the patient. 8 Rev Esp Salud Pública. 2021; 95: September 7th e202109136
RISK PERCEPTION IN THE MANAGEMENT OF A HEALTH CRISIS: EBOLA IN SPAIN. CASE STUDY Alarmist messages and a failure to check in- Expert Committee among the health professio- formation against that of the media caused huge nals. Access to training and information was social alarm which, according to health profes- provided for all staff and the necessary resou- sionals, led to excessive measures taken by the rces required to face the crisis made available. political and health authorities against health Regarding the Expert Committee, they say that professionals (isolation). This decision was when they were allowed to act, the political de- considered arbitrary, unjust and lacking scienti- contamination of the information and the ma- fic evidence, which contributed to reinforce the nagement of the situation began. stigma to which they were subjected and to dis- credit those health professionals who had main- “The turning point was when suddenly the tained that after the protected contact with the politicians stopped talking, when Dr. Simon patient, they could continue working. They sta- [Expert Committee spokesperson] was in char- te that this situation contributed to an increased ge of reporting, then that sense of panic, of fear, feeling of threat, and caused an internal crisis went away.” (I.5, HRS). in the HUFA that again triggered a feeling of disgust, betrayal and despair among the health While the behavior between peers and the professionals. union exerted enormous pressure on the health professionals, the media basically affected the The union used the lack of training to send political and health authorities. The reaction of clear and direct messages to the nursing staff, the former was to refuse to treat the case and informing them of the non-obligatory and dan- the latter to isolate the health professionals. gerous nature of patient care. The health profes- sionals consider that it was the only agent who DISCUSSION was concerned about their protection, and also the main responsible for fear becoming panic The results of this study demonstrate that among nursing staff. Regarding the cleaning both Risk Perception and Trust are social cons- staff, it is stated that they did not receive trai- tructs that depend upon and are influenced by ning or information. emotions and feelings. The unequal access to training and informa- For neurobiology, emotion is an automatic re- tion between groups caused conflicts between action to a stimulus that generates a reaction in them, opening serious gaps in the co-opera- the body, while feelings are defined as the men- tion required to ensure good case management. tal expression of emotions, where the stimulus They state that the greatest risk of contagion intervenes, the bodily reaction that it generates was experienced when the patient left the and the ideas that accompany this reaction(22). HUFA and, the isolation room had to be clea- Neurobiology shows that emotions and feelings ned and the contaminated material removed, are the basis of our social behavior; from them, a task performed voluntarily by a health pro- we reason and make decisions(22). However, it fessional following the refusal by the cleaning does not allow us to understand the different be- staff to do so. havior of the groups that intervene in the out- break (medical, nursing and cleaning staff). The health professionals believe that the HUFA management and leadership team con- The patient’s arrival at the HUFA acted as tributed to reducing the Risk Perception sin- the stimulus that triggered fear in all groups. ce they wanted from the beginning to form an Justified fear is considered from the perspective Rev Esp Salud Pública. 2021; 95: September 7th e202109136 9
Ana Ayuso-Álvarez, Teresa Blasco Hernández & Agustín Benito Llanes of neurobiology as the best security policy, as the unequal access to the essential tools requi- there are numerous occasions on which it has red to tackle the situation (training and infor- helped to save many lives(22). In this study, this mation). The amplifiers of the Risk Perception emotion was well managed by the medical exerted an enormous influence on the nursing staff, but gave way to panic among the cleaning and cleaning personnel and the reducers ac- and nursing staff. It was this jump, from fear to ted mainly on the medical personnel. Studies panic, which was responsible for the different on Risk Perception affirm that the media exert behaviors. However, what made one group some influence on the PR that occurs at the capable of managing fear when other groups population level(27). At the individual level, could not? Answering this question requires the information provided by the people who placing the different groups in the context of have gone through this experience (peer beha- the health system, in the hierarchical and power vior) and direct information (the union)(24,25,26,27) relations that exist between them and that acquire exerts a greater influence. The combination their most immediate manifestation in unequal of these elements gives the groups different access to training and information, tools with tools to manage the fear that may explain their which the Risk Perception was constructed and differing behaviors. which it interprets and confronts risk. Although the Trust was not identified as the The response to the crisis, and the definition objective of this study, it emerges in the dis- of risk scenarios, was formulated by and for the course of health professionals as a result of the medical personnel, neglecting other highly ex- evaluation they make of crisis management and posed groups. Although the power relations bet- their perceived treatment by political and ad- ween doctors and nurses(23,24,25) have been well ministrative authorities. Trust is a multidimen- studied, the relationships between health and sional concept that has a cognitive component non-health groups have not. An exception is the (based on rational and instrumental judgments) study by Lancaster et al. on communication and and an affective component (based on relation- cooperation among professionals, where it is ships and affective bonds generated by interac- concluded that the work is carried out indepen- tion, empathy and identification with others) dently and with little communication, and that (28,29) . Trust is especially necessary where there hierarchical and subordinate relationships exist. is a high risk, because it increases tolerance to It concludes, along with other studies(24,25,26), that uncertainty, reduces social complexity by going the coordination and intervention of medical per- beyond the available information and generates sonnel, nurses and the rest of the staff is critical behavioral expectations that replace the lack of in preventing errors and avoiding the fragmenta- information. In this sense, trust makes it easier tion of patient care. These are conclusions con- for healthcare professionals to take risks when sistent with the results of this study and which the results are uncertain. show that not paying attention to the cleaning staff was a huge risk in managing the outbreak, There are multiple studies that demonstrate causing conflicts between groups and a transfer that trust is an element of social capital that in- of responsibilities. tercedes in the success or failure of public health interventions(30,31,32,33) and influences professional The different sources of exposure (the practice, and that once the crisis is overcome, it amplifying or reducing agents of the Risk is part of the knowledge base of health profes- Perception) to which each group was exposed sionals with which they will face future crises(34). and their capacity to mitigate them, there is also Despite its importance, trust is rarely present in 10 Rev Esp Salud Pública. 2021; 95: September 7th e202109136
RISK PERCEPTION IN THE MANAGEMENT OF A HEALTH CRISIS: EBOLA IN SPAIN. CASE STUDY debates about public health planning or in plan- DISCLAIMER ning and intervention programs. The people who have developed this study Study limitations: The main limitation of present independent research, and the results this study is the low number of interviews. and opinions derived from it are therefore in a Regarding this we have to say; first, for secu- personal capacity and do not necessarily reflect rity reasons the number of people in contact the position of the Carlos III Health Institute. with the patient is small and second there came a time when it was impossible to find people REFERENCES who wanted to participate in the study. In spite of this, all the people involved in the handling 1. CDC. Outbreaks Chronology: Ebola Virus Disease | Ebola of the case were interviewed; this is the only Hemorrhagic Fever | CDC [Internet]. 2017 [citado 21 de no- work in Spain as far as we know that has co- viembre de 2017]. Disponible en: https://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ llected this information. The limited number ebola/outbreaks/history/chronology.html of interviews does not allow extrapolating the results, but it shows some gaps in the respon- 2. Poletto C, Gomes MF, Pastore y Piontti A, Rossi L, Bioglio ses to health crises of these characteristics that L, Chao DL et al. Assessing the impact of travel restrictions can condition the control of an outbreak, and on international spread of the 2014 West African Ebola epide- evidences the need to continue developing re- mic. Euro Surveill Bull Eur Sur Mal Transm Eur Commun Dis search in this line. Bull. 23 de octubre de 2014;19(42). CONCLUSIONS 3. Fitzpatrick G, Vogt F, Moi Gbabai O, Black B, Santantonio M, Folkesson E et al. Describing readmissions to an Ebola In a globalized society, international health case management centre (CMC), Sierra Leone, 2014. Euro crisis situations, capable of causing enormous Surveill Bull Eur Sur Mal Transm Eur Commun Dis Bull. 9 de social alarm, such as Ebola, are increasingly octubre de 2014;19(40):20924. plausible. This study contributes to enhance the knowledge of Risk Perception, demonstrating 4. Fasina FO, Shittu A, Lazarus D, Tomori O, Simonsen L, how it is constructed, which agents intervene Viboud C et al. Transmission dynamics and control of Ebola in the process and its impact upon response. virus disease outbreak in Nigeria, July to September 2014. Training, Information and the Trust in health Euro Surveill Bull Eur Sur Mal Transm Eur Commun Dis authorities are presented in our study as basic Bull. 9 de octubre de 2014;19(40):20920. tools with which health professionals face risk and reduce uncertainty. It shows the importan- 5. Sprenger M, Coulombier D. Preparedness is crucial for safe ce of aligning Risk and Perception of Risk in care of Ebola patients and to prevent onward transmission in a health crises. Developing more studies along Europe - outbreak control measures are needed at its roots this line would undoubtedly contribute to a bet- in West Africa. Euro Surveill Bull Eur Sur Mal Transm Eur ter planning, management and control of future Commun Dis Bull. 9 de octubre de 2014;19(40):20925. health crises. Rev Esp Salud Pública. 2021; 95: September 7th e202109136 11
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