South Hill Park Cinema Bracknell

Page created by Albert Benson
South Hill Park Cinema Bracknell
Film and Live Screenings

South Hill Park
Cinema · Bracknell

The Winter’s Tale

wilde theatre · mansion house · cinema · italian gardens · studio theatre · gallery
bars · licensed wedding venue · recital room · art and dance studios · restaurant

September – October 2018                        Members can book from Fri 3 Aug                              Non-members from Fri 10 Aug
Dementia-Friendly Screenings                              All tickets £5.50 each      Incredibles 2
                                                                                        Sat 1 – Sun 2 Sept 3pm                   F
 Specially-designed screenings for people living with dementia and                      Dir. Brad Bird, US, 2018, 125 mins
                                                                                        Voices: Craig T Nelson, Holly Hunter,
 their carers. With lights left on low and sound level reduced, these                   Samuel L Jackson
 relaxed screenings are on the second Monday of each month.
                                                                                        Mr Incredible is left to care for the
 Doors open at 1.30pm for a 2pm start, with a short interval.                           children while Elastigirl is out saving
 Complimentary refreshments will be provided after each film                            the world. The much-anticipated
 screening. All staff and volunteers are Dementia Friends.                              follow-up to 2004’s hit sees our heroes
 When booking please advise if you require wheelchair access.                           battle villains The Underminer and
                                                                                        Screenslaver in a splendid sequel.
 Pillow Talk                                Kiss Me Kate
 Mon 10 Sept 2pm                             Mon 8 Oct 2pm                              Zama
 Dir. Michael Gordon, US, 1959, 100 mins     Dir. George Sidney, US, 1953, 107 mins     Mon 3 – Tue 4 Sept 7.30pm
 Doris Day, Rock Hudson, Tony Randall        Howard Keel, Kathryn Grayson, Ann Miller   Dir. Lucrecia Martel, Arg, 2017,
                                                                                        112 mins, Spanish with subtitles
 A chaste spinster is forced to share a      An ex-husband and wife prove               Daniel Giménez Cacho, Lola Dueñas,
 telephone party line (remember              difficult in a musical version of The      Matheus Nachtergaele
 those!) with a philandering man.            Taming of the Shrew. Packed with
                                                                                        In an 18th-century colony, Zama, an
 Light-hearted romantic comedy - as          Cole Porter songs, including
                                                                                        officer of the Spanish Crown born in
 fluffy as its title implies - boasting      Wunderbar, Too Darn Hot, Always
                                                                                        South America, awaits a letter from
 three songs from Day at her most            True to You in My Fashion and Brush
                                                                                        the King granting him a transfer. An
 popular.                                    Up Your Shakespeare.
                                                                                        intoxicating film, creating its own
                                                                                        peculiar atmosphere, rhythm and logic.

                                                                                        Wed 5 & Fri 7 Sept 7.30pm
                                                                                        Dir. Jeff Tomsic, US, 2018, 100 mins
                                                                                        Ed Helms, Jon Hamm, Jeremy Renner
                                                                                        A group of male buddies who’ve been
                                                                                        playing a game of tag since High
                                                                                        School learn that their ever-elusive
                                                                                        friend is getting married; the ideal time
                                                                                        to tag him. A madcap chase caper
  Pillow Talk                                                            Kiss Me Kate
                                                                                        celebrating the power of friendship.
                                                                                        Relentlessly funny GUARDIAN

                                                                                        The Guernsey Literary and
                                                                                        Potato Peel Pie Society
                                                                                        Fri 7 Sept 10.30am                     BiB
                                                                                        Fri 7 Sept 2.30pm                        Si
                                             Mamma Mia!                                 Sat 8 – Sun 9 Sept 3pm
Family Super Deal                            Here We Go Again                          Sat 8 – Sun 9 Sept 7.30pm
Look out for this symbol               F                                               Dir. Mike Newell, UK/US, 2018, 123 mins
                                             Fri 31 Aug 10.30am            BiB
Special prices for families.                                                            Lily James, Jessica Brown Findlay,
                                             Fri 31 Aug 2.30pm              Si         Michiel Huisman
Please check film certificate
and content before booking                   Fri 31 Aug – Sun 2 Sept 7.30pm             In the aftermath of the Second World
                                             Mon 3 Sept 2.30pm             HoH
                                                                                        War, a writer forms an unexpected
Family tickets (2+2) £20                     Dir. Ol Parker, US, 2018, 114 mins
                                                                                        bond with the residents of Guernsey
Child price £2.50 (15yrs and under)          Lily James, Amanda Seyfried,
                                             Meryl Streep, Cher                         when she writes a book about their
                                                                                        war-time experiences. A beautiful
Hearing Loop                                 While pregnant herself, Sophie             story of love, friendship and the
                The cinema is fitted with
                                             learns about her mother’s past,            sadness of friends lost.
                an audio induction loop.     how she owned the hotel, met each
                Customers can use the        of Sophie’s dads and raised a baby.        Pillow Talk
                T-setting on their hearing   Spirited sequel to the ever-popular
                aids for clear film sound.   Mamma Mia! featuring fave tunes            Mon 10 Sept 7.30pm
                                             and a remarkable cast.                     Dir. Michael Gordon, US, 1959, 100 mins
                                                                                        Doris Day, Rock Hudson, Tony Randall
Key to Symbols                                                                          A chaste spinster is forced to share a
Silver Screening                       Si                                              telephone party line (remember those!)
Bringing in Baby                     BiB                                               with a philandering man. Light-hearted
                                        F                                               romantic comedy – as fluffy as its title
Family Screening
                                                                                        implies – boasting three songs from
Hard of Hearing                      HoH
                                                                                        Day at her most popular.

Booking dates Members from Fri 3 Aug, Non-members from Fri 10 Aug
World Alzheimer’s Day
  ¡Ay Caramba!                   Presented by Bracknell Film Society                       With an introduction from the
                                                                                            Bracknell Dementia Action Alliance
  A season showcasing some of the best of Latin America cinema,                             The Notebook
  recent and past.                                                                                                                   BiB
                                                                                            Fri 21 Sept 10.30am
  Central Station                                                                          Fri 21 Sept 2.30pm                        Si
                                                                                            Dir. Nick Cassavetes, US, 2004, 119 mins
  Tue 11 Sept 7.30pm
                                                                                            Rachel McAdams, Ryan Gosling,
  Dir. Walter Salles, Bra, 1998,                                                            Gena Rowlands, James Garner
  106 mins, Portuguese with subtitles
  Fernanda Montenegro,                                                                      In a nursing home, an elderly woman
  Vinicius De Oliveira, Marilla Pera                                                        with dementia is read a story about a
  A former school teacher, who writes                                                       poor young man who falls in love
  letters for illiterate people, sets off                                                   with a rich young woman. Top notch
  with a young boy to search for the                                                        performances from a dream cast make
  father he never knew. A thoughtful            Like Water for Chocolate                   this a moving and meaningful story.
  road movie that touches the heart             Tue 16 Oct 7.30pm
  with its integrity, powerful images           Dir. Alfonso Arau, Mex, 1992,               Madame
  and stand-out performances.                   109 mins, Spanish with subtitles
                                                Lumi Cavazos, Marco Leonardi,               Fri 21 & Sun 23 Sept 7.30pm
  Stimulating, emotionally rewarding            Regina Torné                                Sat 22 Sept 3pm
  and spangled with surprises                                                               Dir. Amanda Sthers, Fr, 2017, 91 mins
  EYE for FILM                                  When tradition prevents her from
                                                                                            Toni Collette, Harvey Keitel, Rossy de Palma
                                                marrying the man she loves, a young
  Historias Minimas                            woman discovers a unique talent for         While disguised as a Spanish
                                                cooking. Based on the best-selling          aristocrat, a maid falls in love –
  Thu 20 Sept 7.30pm                            novel by Laura Esquival, this               seriously above her station.
  Dir. Carlos Sorin, Arg, 2002,
  90 mins, Spanish with subtitles               internationally popular romantic fable      An entertaining, comical tale delivering
  Javier Lombardo, Antonio Benedicti,           is one of the best ever food films.         some sharp social commentary
  Javiera Bravo                                 A feast for the soul WASHINGTON POST        in a gorgeous Paris setting.
  Three people travel the same road;
  their disparate dreams and stories
                                                Quarterly Classic                           Stanley: A Man of Variety
                                                Black History Month
  intertwine amidst the breath-taking                                                       Sat 22 Sept 7.30pm
  Patagonia desert. With satirical
                                                Black Orpheus                              Sun 23 Sept 3pm
  touches so affectionate it never              Thu 25 Oct 7.30pm                           Dir. Stephen Cookson, UK, 2018, 83 mins
  looks down on the characters, this            Dir. Marcel Camus, Bra, 1959,               Timothy Spall
                                                103 mins, Portuguese with subtitles
  film expresses an essential humanity                                                      A macabre black comedy about a
                                                Breno Mello, Marpessa Dawn,
  never forced or sentimental.                  Lourdes De Oliviera                         psychiatric patient mouldering away
  A modest gem of a movie                                                                   in a half-abandoned institution, beset
                                                A retelling of the Orpheus and
                                                Eurydice myth set during the                by visions of his favourite comic actors
                                                Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. Swirling,       of yesteryear, from Tony Hancock to
                                                spectacular cinematography,                 Alastair Sim and Margaret Rutherford.
                                                ecstatic, delirious samba and               Timothy Spall plays all parts in this
                                                the joy of a fabled city make for a         weird but fascinating film.
                                                sensational and rewarding feast             Spall is marvellous GUARDIAN
                                                for the ears and eyes.
                                                An inspired reinvention of the              Summer 1993
                                                underworld GUARDIAN                         Mon 24 – Tue 25 Sept 7.30pm
                                                                                            Dir. Carla Simón, Sp, 2017,
                                                                                            97 mins, Catalan with subtitles
                                                                                            Laia Artigas, Paula Robles, Bruna Cusí
The Bookshop                                   In the Fade
Fri 14 Sept 10.30am                     BiB    (Aus dem Nichts)                           Following the death of her parents,
Fri 14 Sept 2.30pm                        Si   Mon 17 –Tue 18 Sept 7.30pm                  six-year-old Frida moves to the
Fri 14 – Sun 16 Sept 7.30pm                     Dir. Fatih Akin, Ger/Fr, 2017, 106 mins,    countryside to live with her aunt and
Sat 15 – Sun 16 Sept 3pm                        German/Turkish with subtitles               uncle, but finds it hard to adapt.
Dir. Isabel Coixet, Sp/Ger/UK,                  Diane Kruger, Denis Moschitto, Numan Acar   A lyrical, distinctive and visually
2017, 113 mins                                                                              arresting debut that remains
                                                Katja’s life collapses after a bomb
Emily Mortimer, Bill Nighy, Patricia Clarkson                                               clear-eyed and unsentimental.
                                                attack. Struggling to cope with
In 1950s Suffolk, a young widow                 shock and grief, she seeks revenge.         A delicately crafted, moving filmic
foils local opposition to expand her            Diane Kruger gives an astonishing,          memoir HOLLYWOOD REPORTER
community’s cultural horizons by                Cannes Best Actress award-winning
opening a bookshop. Based on                    performance in this riveting,
Penelope Fitzgerald’s novel and                 politically charged thriller.
splendidly evoking the period, with
a tender, sympathetic performance
from Emily Mortimer.

book online
In the Fade                                                                                                                           Patrick

Adrift                                        Racer and the Jailbird                        Swimming with Men
Wed 26 Sept 7.30pm                             Mon 1 – Tue 2 Oct 7.30pm                       Fri 5 Oct 2.30pm                           Si
Fri 28 Sept 10.30am                   BiB     Dir. Michaël R Roskam, Bel/Fr/NL, 2017,        Sun 7 Oct 7.30pm
Dir. Baltasar Kormákur, US, 2018, 96 mins      127 mins, French/Dutch with subtitles          Dir. Oliver Parker, UK, 2018, 97 mins
Shailene Woodley, Sam Claflin, Grace Palmer    Matthias Schoenaerts,                          Rob Brydon, Charlotte Riley,
                                               Adèle Exarchopoulos, Eric De Staercke          Rupert Graves, Jim Carter
A young couple’s chance encounter
                                               An upper-class racing driver and               Suffering a mid-life crisis, Eric joins
leads them first to love and then
                                               high-flying gangster meet and fall             an all-male, amateur synchronised
on the adventure of a lifetime as
                                               in love. With bravura heist scenes             swimming team. With echoes of
they face one of the most catastrophic
                                               shot with flair, this diverting film           The Full Monty and Brassed Off, this
hurricanes in recorded history.
                                               has two excellent leads who ooze               super British comedy is life-affirming
With charismatic and charming
                                               old fashioned movie-star charisma.             fun, full of silliness and warmth.
leads, this true story is an intense,
dramatic experience.                           Glossily enjoyable thriller                    Beautifully bittersweet British comedy
                                               romance GUARDIAN                               packed with delightful performances
My Generation                                                                                EDINBURGH FILM FESTIVAL
                                          Si   Sicario 2: Soldado
Fri 28 Sept 2.30pm
Sun 30 Sept 3pm                                Wed 3 & Fri 5 – Sat 6 Oct 7.30pm               Kiss Me Kate
Dir. David Batty, UK, 2017, 84 mins            Dir. Stefano Sollima, US, 2018, 122 mins       Mon 8 Oct 7.30pm
Michael Caine, David Bailey,                   Benicio Del Toro, Josh Brolin,                 Dir. George Sidney, US, 1953, 107 mins
Joan Collins, Roger Daltrey                    Catherine Keener
                                                                                              Howard Keel, Kathryn Grayson, Ann Miller
Presented with trademark charm                 A federal agent and his partner
                                                                                              An ex-husband and wife prove difficult
by Michael Caine and featuring                 tackle people trafficking across the
                                                                                              in a musical version of The Taming of
interviews with the likes of Paul              US/Mexico border and its apparent
                                                                                              the Shrew. Packed with Cole Porter
McCartney, Twiggy and Marianne                 links to the importation of terrorists.
                                                                                              songs, including Wunderbar, Too Darn
Faithfull, this highly entertaining            Hard-hitting, engrossing and
                                                                                              Hot, Always True to You in My Fashion
documentary explores the cultural              intelligent, this is a moody
                                                                                              and Brush Up Your Shakespeare.
revolution of the swinging ’60s.               and satisfying sequel.
                                               Riveting and highly topical TELEGRAPH          Leaning into the Wind:
Hotel Artemis                                                                                Andy Goldsworthy
Fri 28 – Sun 30 Sept 7.30pm
                                                                                      BiB     Thu 11 Oct 7.30pm
Sat 29 Sept 3pm                                Fri 5 Oct 10.30am                             Dir. Thomas Riedelsheimer,
Dir. Drew Pearce, US/UK, 2018, 94 mins         Sat 6 – Sun 7 Oct 3pm                     F   UK/Ger, 2017, 97 mins
Jodie Foster, Sofia Boutella, Dave Bautista    Dir. Mandie Fletcher, UK, 2018, 94 mins        Andy Goldsworthy, Holly Goldsworthy
                                               Beattie Edmondson, Ed Skrein, Tom Bennett
In riot-torn, near-future Los Angeles,                                                        Profiling the work of Andy Goldsworthy,
‘The Nurse’ runs a secret, members-            A klutzy young school teacher inherits         this documentary travels with the
only emergency room for criminals.             her grandmother’s very badly behaved           British artist to capture him at work.
With an atmospheric set-up, ingenious          pug, Patrick. Wholesome, amusing               A lushly-visualized travelogue that
premise and interesting characters,            family fun and with an achingly cute           leaves room for more abstract
this pacey film is a novel diversion.          dog. What’s not to like?                       contemplation; a welcome, peaceful
Fun, craftily constructed dystopian            Canine capers galore TIMEOUT                   position from which to consider our
thriller OBSERVER                                                                             place in the wider world.
                                                                                              A vibrant journey through the diverse
                                                                                              layers of Andy Goldsworthy’s world

box office 01344 484123
Christopher Robin                                                                                        Mission: Impossible – Fallout

Christopher Robin                            The Children Act                            Hotel Transylvania 3:
Fri 12 Oct 10.30am                     BiB   Fri 19 Oct 2.30pm                      Si   A Monster Vacation
                                         Si                                                Thu 25 Oct 2.30pm                      F
Fri 12 Oct 2.30pm                            Fri 19 & Sun 21 Oct 7.30pm
Sat 13 – Sun 14 Oct 3pm                 F    Dir. Richard Eyre, UK, 2017, 105 mins        Fri 26 Oct 10.30am                   BiB
Sat 13 – Sun 14 Oct 7.30pm                    Emma Thompson, Stanley Tucci,                Sat 27 – Sun 28 Oct 3pm                F
Dir. Marc Forster, US, 2018, TBC mins         Fionn Whitehead                              Dir. Genndy Tartakovsky, US, 2018, 97 mins
Ewan McGregor, Hayley Atwell, Toby Jones      A High Court judge must decide               Voices: Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg,
                                                                                           David Spade
In 1950s London, the adult                    whether to force a teenage boy to have
Christopher Robin struggles to                a life-saving blood transfusion.             Needing a break from his hotel,
balance work and family. Can old              Adapted by Ian McEwan from his own           Drac takes his extended family on a
friend Winnie the Pooh help him               novel, and immaculately directed, this       luxury cruise. Colourfully vibrant and
rediscover what’s important? A                restrained, nuanced drama                    frantically fast-paced, with plenty of
delightful mixture of live action and         showcases a stylish and emotionally          humour for the kids and a message of
adorable animated Pooh and friends,           literate performance from Thompson.          love and loss that all will understand.
this is a real heart-warmer.
                                              C’est La Vie                                 Puzzle
The Happytime                                 (Le sens de la fête)            cert tbc    Fri 26 Oct 2.30pm                      Si
Murders                        cert tbc      Mon 22 – Tue 23 Oct 7.30pm                   Fri 26 – Sat 27 Oct 7.30pm
                                              Dirs. Olivier Nakache/Éric Toledano,         Dir. Marc Turtletaub, US, 2018, 103 mins
Fri 12 & Wed 17 Oct 7.30pm
                                              Fr/Bel/Can 2018, 117 mins,                   Kelly Macdonald, Irrfan Khan, David Denman
Dir. Brian Henson, US, 2018, TBC mins         French/Tamil with subtitles
Melissa McCarthy, Maya Rudolph,               Jean-Pierre Bacri, Jean-Paul Rouve,          A downtrodden housewife re-evaluates
Elizabeth Banks                               Gilles Lellouche                             her life after discovering a talent for
In a world where humans and puppets                                                        jigsaw puzzles. Charming, funny,
                                              A hectic wedding party in a French
coexist, a puppet private eye is                                                           delicate and brimming with a
                                              chateau is organised in the midst
brought in to solve the murder of the                                                      heart-warming sense of honesty,
                                              of a myriad of mix-ups. Pretty much
cast of an ’80s children’s TV show.                                                        Puzzle is a gentle gem of a film.
                                              everything that can go wrong does
Hilarious, raucous and clever comedy,         in this riotous farce from the makers        Genuine heart and an eye-catching
featuring Muppets – but not one for           of the heart-warmer Untouchable.             performance by Macdonald GUARDIAN
the kids.
                                              Like a good champagne, bubbly, frothy
                                              fun with an excellent structure and a
Mission: Impossible –                         hint of complexity EYE FOR FILM
Fri 19 Oct 10.30am                     BiB
Sat 20 – Sun 21 Oct 3pm                 F     Incredibles 2
Sat 20 Oct 7.30pm                              Wed 24 Oct 2.30pm                     F
Dir. Christopher McQuarrie,                    Dir. Brad Bird, US, 2018, 125 mins
US, 2018, 147 mins                             Voices: Craig T Nelson,
Tom Cruise, Rebecca Ferguson,                  Holly Hunter, Samuel L Jackson
Henry Cavill
                                               Mr Incredible is left to care for
Ethan Hunt and his IMF team, along             the children while Elastigirl is
with some familiar allies, race against        out saving the world. The
time after a mission gone wrong. Tom           much-anticipated follow-up to
Cruise returns as agent Ethan Hunt in          2004’s hit sees our heroes
the latest instalment of the popular           battle villains The Underminer
spy franchise.                                 and Screenslaver in a
                                               splendid sequel.
                                               Part of the half-term
                                               Children’s Arts Workshop.


book online
Live and Recorded
                                           Screenings                                     Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour
                                                                                          La Bohème
                                            All times shown are the                       Thu 13 Sept 7pm             RECORDED
                                                                                          150 mins incl 15 min interval
                                            curtain-up times. Please be
                                                                                          £19.50, Conc £18.50, Members £17.50
                                            seated 15 minutes before
                                            start time. Latecomers will                   Experience the love, laughter and
                                            not be admitted.                              loss of La Bohème at the magnificent
                                                                                          Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour.
                                            Live transmitted live by satellite,           Puccini’s beloved classic has long
                                            delivered to the cinema during                captivated audiences around the
Cold War                                    the actual performance through                world. With lavish sets and costumes
                                            the cinema’s satellite system.                transforming the harbour-top stage
                                            Encore additional showings                    into a romantic Paris winter, Opera
Cold War                                                                                 Australia’s glittering production will
                                            recorded live by satellite and
Mon 29 – Tue 30 Oct 7.30pm                  transmitted within one month                  be an unforgettable delight.
Dir. Pawel Pawlikowski,                     of the live event.
Pol/Fr/UK, 2018, 88 mins,                                                                 Jonas Kaufmann:
Polish/French/German with subtitles         Recorded live performances,
Joanna Kulig, Tomasz Kot, Borys Szyc        pre-recorded and delivered by our             Under the Stars                  NEW

                                            digital system for optimum quality.           Wed 19 Sept 7.30pm          RECORDED
In the ruins of post-war Poland, Wiktor                                                   120 mins incl interval of 20 mins
and Zula fall deeply, obsessively and                                                     £18.50, Conc £17.50, Members £16.50
destructively in love. Melding the          Performance
personal with the political to exquisite                                                  Regarded as one of the world’s
effect, this is a wistful and dreamlike                                                   greatest living tenors, Jonas
                                           National Theatre Live
journey through a divided continent –                                                     Kaufmann has captivated audiences
                                           Julie                        as live
                                                                                          for years with his incredible voice.
and a heart-breaking portrait of
ill-fated love.                            Thu 6 Sept 7pm                         LIVE   Captured live this summer at the
Mysterious, musically glorious and
                                           120 mins                                       Waldbühne amphitheatre in Berlin,
                                           £19.50, Conc £18.50, Members £17.50            performing famous arias and
visually ravishing GUARDIAN
                                           Wild and newly single, Julie throws            popular songs from his bestselling
 Halloween Special                         a late night party where Jean and              album Dolce Vita.
 Hereditary                               Kristina clean up in the kitchen.
                                           Julie initiates a power game with              National Theatre Live
 Wed 31 Oct 7.30pm                                                                        King Lear                  as live
 Dir. Ari Aster, US, 2018, 127 mins        Jean, which rapidly descends into a
 Toni Collette, Gabriel Byrne,             savage fight for survival. This new            Thu 27 Sept 7pm                      LIVE
 Milly Shapiro                             version of Strindberg’s play, Miss Julie,      220 mins
                                           written by Polly Stenham, remains              £20.50, Conc £19.50, Members £18.50
 After a matriarch dies, the
                                           shocking and fiercely relevant in its
 grieving family is haunted by                                                            Two ageing fathers – one a King,
                                           new setting of contemporary London.
 tragic and disturbing occurrences,                                                       one his courtier – reject the children
 and begin to unravel dark secrets.                                                       who truly love them. Their blindness
                                           Royal Shakespeare
 Direction, staging and orchestral                                                        unleashes a tornado of pitiless
                                           Company Live
 score all brilliant, but the terrific                                                    ambition and treachery, as family and
 performance of Toni Collette              The Merry Wives of                             state are plunged into a violent power
 makes it bone-chilling.                   Windsor                      as live
                                                                                          struggle. Broadcast live from London’s
 Grisly and genuinely frightening,         Wed 12 Sept 7pm                        LIVE   West End and starring Ian McKellen.
 a new horror classic is born              210 mins
                                           £18.50, Conc £17.50, Members £16.50            Shakespeare’s Globe
                                           Down on his luck in the suburbs,               The Winter’s Tale as live        NEW

                                           John Falstaff plans to hustle his              Thu 4 Oct 7.15pm                     LIVE
                                           way to a comfortable retirement by             175 mins
                                           seducing the wives of two wealthy              £20.50, Conc £19.50, Members £18.50
                                           men. Unknown to him, it’s the women
                                                                                          Staged at the beautiful and
                                           of Windsor who really pull the strings,
                                                                                          iconic Globe Theatre in London,
                                           orchestrating Falstaff’s comeuppance
                                                                                          Shakespeare’s great play of the
                                           amidst a theatrical smorgasbord of
 Coming Soon                                                                              irrational and inexplicable illustrates
                                           petty rivalries, jealousies and
 The Wife, Leave No Trace,                                                                how uncontrollable emotions range
                                           over-inflated egos.
 Mowgli, Johnny English Strikes                                                           across gender, country, class and age.
 Again, Bohemian Rhapsody,                                                                Full of monsters, gods and natural
 First Man, Smallfoot,                                                                    disasters with a colossal sweep that
 Reinventing Marvin, The House                                                            takes audiences from the stifling
 with a Clock in Its Walls,                                                               atmosphere of the Sicilian court to the
 The Little Stranger,                                                                     unbuttoned joy of a Bohemian festival.
 Columbus, First Reformed

box office 01344 484123
Oscar Wilde Season                           Funny Girl                         NEW
                                                                                                Performances on sale now
       The Importance of                            Wed 26 Oct 7pm                RECORDED     see our website for full details
       Being Earnest              as live          160 mins
       Tue 9 Oct 7.15pm                            £19.50, Conc £18.50, Members £17.50
                                             LIVE                                                2018
       165 mins                                     Starring Olivier Award-winning
       £18.50, Conc £17.50, Members £16.50          Sheridan Smith, this iconic musical         Royal Shakespeare Company Live
       This much-loved masterpiece throws           tells the story of Fanny Brice, whose       Troilus and Cressida        as live

                                                    vocal talents and comedic ability see       Wed 14 Nov 7pm                      LIVE
       love, logic and language into the air to
                                                    her rise from Brooklyn music hall           £20.50, Conc £19.50, Members £18.50
       make one of theatre’s most dazzling
       firework displays. Jack, Algy,               singer to Broadway star. A new              Royal Opera House Live
       Gwendolyn and Cecily discover how            production that wowed critics and           La Bayadère
       unsmooth runs the course of true love,       audiences alike in London’s West End,       Sun 18 Nov 7.15pm          RECORDED
       while Lady Bracknell keeps a baleful         featuring classic songs including           £19.50, Conc £18.50, Members £17.50
       eye on the mayhem of manners.                People and Don’t Rain On My Parade.
                                                                                                National Theatre Live
                                                                                                The Madness of George III 
       The Australian Ballet                        Royal Opera House Live                                                   as live
                                                                                                Tue 20 Nov 7pm                      LIVE
       The Merry Widow                   NEW       Die Walküre                                 £20.50, Conc £19.50, Members £18.50
       Wed 10 Oct 7.30pm            RECORDED       Sun 28 Oct 5pm                      LIVE
                                                                                                Royal Opera House Live
       114 mins incl interval of 20 mins            290 mins including 2 intervals
                                                                                                The Nutcracker
       £18.50, Conc £17.50, Members £16.50          Sung in German with English subtitles
                                                                                                Mon 3 Dec 7.15pm                LIVE
                                                    £20.50, Conc £19.50, Members £18.50
       The tiny principality of Pontevedro                                                      £20.50, Conc £19.50, Members £18.50
       is on the verge of bankruptcy; the           The second opera in Wagner’s Ring
                                                                                                National Theatre Live
       dashing Count Danilo must rescue             cycle, Die Walküre features several
                                                                                                Antony and Cleopatra   as live  NEW
       his country by marrying a fabulously         of the Ring’s musical highlights –          Thu 6 Dec 7pm
       wealthy widow. When they meet,               the sparkling Magic Fire Music and          £20.50, Conc £19.50, Members £18.50
       he realises she’s his childhood              the electrifying Ride of the Valkyries.
       sweetheart – and that she hasn’t             At its centre are the unforgettable          2019
       forgiven him for jilting her. Based          characters and the complex
       on the beloved operetta, this lively         entanglements between them,                 Royal Opera House Live
       tale is a laugh-along favourite with         including twins Siegmund and                The Queen of Spades
       hum-along melodies.                          Sieglinde, and Wotan and his                Tue 22 Jan 6.45pm               LIVE
                                                    Valkyrie daughter, Brünnhilde.              £20.50, Conc £19.50, Members £18.50
       Royal Opera House Live
                                                                                                Royal Opera House Live
       Mayerling                                                                                La Traviata                     NEW
       Mon 15 Oct 7.15pm                    LIVE                                               Wed 30 Jan 6.45pm               LIVE
       195 mins incl 2 intervals
                                                     Exhibitions on Sale Now –                  £20.50, Conc £19.50, Members £18.50
       £20.50, Conc £19.50, Members £18.50           see our website for full details
                                                                                                National Theatre Live
       Dangerous desires, family secrets and                                                    I’m Not Running        as live  NEW
                                                      2018                                      Thu 31 Jan 7pm
       political intrigues twist through every
       moment of daring choreography in                                                         £20.50, Conc £19.50, Members £18.50
                                                     Exhibition on Screen
       Kenneth MacMillan’s ballet inspired           Degas: Passion for Perfection              Royal Opera House Live
       by the true story of the deaths of            Tue 6 Nov 7.30pm                           Don Quixote
       Crown Prince Rudolf and his teenage           £12.50 Concs £11.50 Members £10.50         Tue 19 Feb 7.15pm               LIVE
       mistress in 1889. A classic of the                                                       £20.50, Conc £19.50, Members £18.50
       Royal Ballet repertory, with emotional         2019
       depth, haunting imagery, and one of                                                      Royal Opera House Live
                                                                                                La forza del destino
       the most demanding roles ever                 Exhibition on Screen                       Tue 2 April 6.15pm              LIVE
       created for a male dancer.                    Young Picasso
                                                                                                £20.50, Conc £19.50, Members £18.50
                                                     Tue 5 Feb 7.30pm
                                                     £12.50 Concs £11.50 Members £10.50         Royal Opera House Live
                                                     Exhibition on Screen                       Tue 30 April 6.45pm             LIVE
                                                                                                £20.50, Conc £19.50, Members £18.50
                                                     Wed 10 Apr 7.30pm
                                                     £12.50 Concs £11.50 Members £10.50         Royal Opera House (Ballet) Live
                                                                                                Wheeldon – Within the Golden Hour
                                                     Exhibition on Screen                       World Première – Cherkaoui
                                                     Van Gogh and Japan                         Pite – Flight Pattern
                                                     Tue 4 Jun 7.30pm                           Thu 16 May 7.15pm                LIVE
                                                     £12.50 Concs £11.50 Members £10.50         £20.50, Conc £19.50, Members £18.50


       Please see our website for further details of new events as they become available to book
Booking Dates                            Seating Plan                        Film Ticket Prices
Members from Fri 3 Aug                                                       Mon–Thu evenings & all matinées
Non-members from Fri 10 Aug                                                  £9.10, Conc £8.10, Members £7.50
                                                                             Fri–Sun evenings £9.10, Members £7.50
                                                                             BFS members £7.10 for BFS films
Certification explained
                                                                             Family (2+2) £20, Child £2.50
                                                                             Only one concession applies
    Parental guidance –
    general viewing, but some
    scenes may be unsuitable                                                Booking Fee
    for young children.                                                     No additional fees will be applied to the
    With parental guidance –                                                advertised ticket prices.
    12 years and under must be                                              Refunds
    accompanied by someone                                                  Tickets, once purchased, cannot be refunded.
    over 18 years.                                                          If the film is sold out, we will try to resell your
    Suitable only for persons                                               tickets and a £1 administration fee per ticket
    of 15 years and older.                                                  will be charged. Resale is not guaranteed.
    May contain references                                                  This service is free to current members.
    to strong language, violence,
    drugs, nudity and sex.                                                  Data Protection
    Suitable only for persons                                               Customers’ data is handled according to
    of 18 years and older.                                                  the legislation established by the General
    May contain explicit                                                    Data Protection Regulation.
    references to strong                                      entrance      Bracknell Film Society
    language, violence,                                                     Bracknell Film Society welcomes everyone.
    drugs, nudity and sex.               Bringing in Baby             BiB   Contact Julia Vickers on 0118 961 1392 or
More detailed information can                                               see
                                         Friday morning screenings at
be found at                                                      Cinema Hire
                                         10.30am for parents and
                                         carers of young babies.            The Cinema is available for commercial hire.
Concessions                                                                 Email for details.

Concessions are available to                      .10                       How to Book
children, students, registered                                              Online
unemployed, registered disabled           babies free                       Visit
and those 63 years and above.                                               In person
Please bring proof of status.            Only adults with a baby
                                         (up to 1 year) will be admitted.   Mon–Sat 10am–8.30pm
                                                                            Sun & bank holidays 12noon–8.30pm
                                         Bottle-warming facilities
                                                                            By phone
 Si Silver Screen                        and buggy parking are
                                         available together with            Call on 01344 484123 during opening times above.
                                         baby changing facilities.          By post
Come along to our weekly
                                                                            Send details of your booking to
Friday matinées at 2.30pm.
                                                                            The Box Office, South Hill Park,
Full price £9.10, £7.10
                                                                            Ringmead, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 7PA.
for those in retirement.
                                                                            Enclose SAE if you want tickets to be posted to you.
                                         HoH   hard of hearing
                                         Occasional screenings with
                                         English subtitles for the          Reservations can be held for four days or until
                                         hard of hearing.                   48hrs prior to a performance. Reservations cannot
                                                                            be made on the day of the performance. Tickets not
                                                                            paid for within this time will be released. We are
Cinema Offers · Bringing in Baby and Silver Screen                          unable to reserve tickets for near sell-out shows.

If you are a parent or carer with a baby under a year or someone in         Accessibility
retirement then why not take advantage of the following offers              The cinema is accessible to those with mobility
                                                                            problems. If you use a wheelchair please advise the
                                                                            Box Office when booking. A helper accompanying
  Fish and Chips                             £11
                                             per portion
                                                           for 2 portions
                                                                            a wheelchair user gets a complimentary ticket.
                                                                            How to Find us
  Mon – Sat 12noon–3pm and 5–8pm
                                                                            South Hill Park is approx 7 mins drive from
                                                                            Bracknell town centre and is easily accessible
  Hot Drink and a Piece of Cake                                             from the M3 and M4. We are very well
  Free hot drink when you buy a piece of cake                               signposted – look out for the brown road signs
                                                                            saying ‘Arts Centre’ or showing a comedy mask.
 Show your film ticket when you purchase either of these offers             There is FREE parking at South Hill Park.

Family Super Deal           F
                                                                            South Hill Park reserves the right to make changes to the
Family tickets (2+2) £20 · Child price £2.50 (15yrs and under)              published programme in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
                                                                            South Hill Park, Ringmead, Birch Hill, Bracknell, Berks RG12 7PA
                                                                                             South Hill Park Trust Limited
                                                                                             A charitable company limited by guarantee
                                                                                             Charity number 265656

box office 01344 484123
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