SOP for Safe@Work for Manufacturing and its Related Services Sector 19 March 2021
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Objectives The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the healthcare capacity of many countries including Malaysia. In Malaysia, this has impacted the business community where 29.3% of clusters originated from the manufacturing sector between 23 September 2020 and 18 February 2021. Hence, there is an urgent need to implement an action plan to secure safe working and living environment for workers in the manufacturing sector. Thus, MITI would implement: The development of new comprehensive SOP to create enhanced Public Health Measures @Work (Safe@Work) to empower employers to be accountable for containing the pandemic among workers. 2
i. This SOP should be read together with the General SOPs for MCO; and ii. The implementation of this SOP is strongly advocated. 3
CONTENTS 1. Preventive Measures: - Workplace - Health Screening 2. Case Management • Accommodation • Workers Transportation • Monitoring Mechanism 4
SOP for Safe@Work MANUFACTURING SECTOR AND ITS RELATED SERVICES Encompasses: Customer Service Operational Hours: Normal Normal Workforce Capacity: Normal Manufacturing and its Related Hours: Services ACTIVITY AND PROTOCOL – WORKPLACE Prohibited Activities: Action Brief Description • Refer to the items in the List of Prohibited Activities. 1. Preparedness • Companies need to establish a Preparedness and Emergency Response Team (PERT) or use existing and Emergency PERT for the preparation and implementation of emergency case management procedures (if there is an • Operations in MCO, EMCO and Response Team infection or investigation of COVID-19 infection). The PERT members can be selected from the Safety and RMCO areas. – PERT Health Committee and the team is responsible: Standing Orders: ✓ to ensure compliance with the SOPs set by the National Security Council (MKN); ✓ to coordinate COVID-19 pandemic prevention measures in the workplace; and • Regulation 15 P.U. (A) 8/2021 ✓ to fully implement Safe@Work. • Subject to the regulations in the • Company should appoint a contact person/team leader in managing the PERT. SOP announced by MKN • Companies must ensure full health screening if deemed necessary and all costs of the COVID-19 tests are pertaining to MCO, CMCO and to be borne by the employers; and RMCO. • This implementation must be in accordance with the Regulations under Act 342 of the Ministry of Health. • Subject to existing regulations issued by Local Authorities. • COVID-19 Management Guidelines in Malaysia No.5/2020 (Latest Update on 03 February 2021): http://covid- panduan/garis-panduan-kkm. Note: Companies can only improve this protocol as appropriately but any relaxation is not allowed. 6
SOP for Safe@Work MANUFACTURING SECTOR AND ITS RELATED SERVICES Encompasses: Customer Service Operational Hours: Normal Normal Workforce Capacity: Normal Manufacturing and its Related Hours: Services ACTIVITY AND PROTOCOL – WORK PLACE Prohibited Activities: Action Brief Description • Refer to the items in the List of Prohibited Activities. 2. Disease prevention • Employers need to provide a workplace protocol that covers disease control and prevention of protocol & restrictions infection transmission according to standards set by the Ministry of Health Malaysia - Annex 25: • Operations in MCO, EMCO and COVID-19: MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES FOR WORKPLACES RMCO areas. panduan/garis-panduan-kkm. Standing Orders: 3. Briefing to the workers • Companies need to provide scheduled daily briefings to workers regarding COVID-19 disease and • Regulation 15 P.U. (A) 8/2021 on COVID-19 disease preventive measures. • Subject to the regulations in the and preventive • The officer in charge of employee accommodation, quarantine for confirmed positive cases and SOP announced by MKN measures close contacts should be briefed on the quarantine procedures. pertaining to MCO, CMCO and RMCO. 4. Physical distancing and • Face mask is mandatory for all employees in the work area at all times. • Subject to existing regulations employee health safety • Ensure that the guidelines of best practices on physical distancing are adhered to, such as one (1) issued by Local Authorities. procedures meter distance marking on the floor, tables and chairs, especially in areas such as production floor, • COVID-19 Management cafeterias, meeting room, prayer room, multipurpose hall, smoking area, toilet and other common Guidelines in Malaysia No.5/2020 areas. (Latest Update on 03 February 2021): http://covid- panduan/garis-panduan-kkm. Note: Companies can only improve this protocol as appropriately but any relaxation is not allowed. 7
SOP for Safe@Work MANUFACTURING SECTOR AND ITS RELATED SERVICES Encompasses: Customer Service Operational Hours: Normal Normal Workforce Capacity: Normal Manufacturing and its Related Hours: Services ACTIVITY AND PROTOCOL – WORK PLACE Prohibited Activities: Action Brief Description • Refer to the items in the List of Prohibited Activities. 5. Ethics in public • In prayer rooms and places of worship in the premises, the practice of one (1) meter physical distancing • Operations in MCO, EMCO and areas in factories/ and the use of face masks and own prayer mats by the individuals (if applicable) should be made RMCO areas. premises compulsory. • Canteens/cafeterias are allowed to operate on premises with the practice of one (1) meter physical Standing Orders: distancing. • Regulation 15 P.U. (A) 8/2021 • Meal breaks should be implemented in stages depending on the suitability set by the company to avoid congestion. • Subject to the regulations in the SOP announced by MKN 6. Self Protection • Employers MUST provide adequate face masks and hand sanitizers to all employees. pertaining to MCO, CMCO and RMCO. • Subject to existing regulations issued by Local Authorities. • COVID-19 Management Guidelines in Malaysia No.5/2020 (Latest Update on 03 February 2021): http://covid- panduan/garis-panduan-kkm. Note: Companies can only improve this protocol as appropriately but any relaxation is not allowed. 8
SOP for Safe@Work MANUFACTURING SECTOR AND ITS RELATED SERVICES Encompasses: Customer Service Operational Hours: Normal Normal Workforce Capacity: Normal Manufacturing and its Related Hours: Services ACTIVITY AND PROTOCOL – WORK PLACE Prohibited Activities: Action Brief Description • Refer to the items in the List of 7. Employee • Monitor workers movement from residence i.e. Centralised Labor Quarters (CLQ), hostels and workers Prohibited Activities. Monitoring by quarters to workplace. • Operations in MCO, EMCO and the PERT • Implement awareness programs - Plantwide Employee Communication (posters, emails, social media etc.). RMCO areas. • The use of MySejahtera is compulsory (for the period of MCO, CMCO, RMCO). The employer may establish a Standing Orders: smart (digital) approach such as wearable devices/dongle equipped with a real time contact tracing system for • Regulation 15 P.U. (A) 8/2021 employee monitoring based on the device’s GPS tracking information including user’s gender and nationality • Subject to the regulations in the etc. All the data should be shared with MOH, when necessary. SOP announced by MKN • Perform daily monitoring (temperature and symptoms) of employees according to SOP. pertaining to MCO, CMCO and • Avoid 3C’s (confined spaces, crowded places and close conversation). RMCO. • Ensure 3W’s practice (wash hands, wear mask and warn others to adhere to SOP). • Subject to existing regulations • Conduct daily internal audit of COVID-19 SOP compliance. issued by Local Authorities. • Establish a Whistle-blowing System among employees to report SOP non-compliance. • COVID-19 Management Guidelines in Malaysia No.5/2020 (Latest Update on 03 February 2021): http://covid- panduan/garis-panduan-kkm. Note: Companies can only improve this protocol as appropriately but any relaxation is not allowed. 9
SOP for Safe@Work MANUFACTURING SECTOR AND ITS RELATED SERVICES Encompasses: Customer Service Operational Hours: Normal Normal Workforce Capacity: Normal Manufacturing and its Related Hours: Services ACTIVITY AND PROTOCOL – WORK PLACE Prohibited Activities: Action Brief Description • Refer to the items in the List of Prohibited Activities. 8. Premises • The process of cleaning and disinfection should be carried out minimum three (3) times a day in common cleaning & areas and frequently touched areas, such as: • Operations in MCO, EMCO and disinfection - lobby, elevator buttons, cafeterias, meeting room, prayer room and places of worship, indoor recreation RMCO areas. center, designated smoking area, toilet and garbage bins, doorknobs, etc. Standing Orders: • The company must carry out cleaning and disinfection at the factory/premises each time before any shift or operation begins. • Regulation 15 P.U. (A) 8/2021 • The company must provide hand sanitizer at the entrance, all public areas and other places frequented by • Subject to the regulations in the employees in the factory/premises/accommodation provided by the company. SOP announced by MKN • Employers must bear all costs of cleaning and disinfection. pertaining to MCO, CMCO and RMCO. • Subject to existing regulations issued by Local Authorities. • COVID-19 Management Guidelines in Malaysia No.5/2020 (Latest Update on 03 February 2021): http://covid- panduan/garis-panduan-kkm. Note: Companies can only improve this protocol as appropriately but any relaxation is not allowed. 10
SOP for Safe@Work MANUFACTURING SECTOR AND ITS RELATED SERVICES Encompasses: Customer Service Operational Hours: Normal Normal Workforce Capacity: Normal Manufacturing and its Related Hours: Services ACTIVITY AND PROTOCOL – HEALTH SCREENING Prohibited Activities: Action Brief Description • Refer to the items in the List of Prohibited Activities. 1. Health Screening • Place thermal scanner and/or handheld infrared thermometer at the entrance of work place and accommodation. • Operations in MCO, EMCO and • Employees with body temperature above 37.5°C and/or show symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat RMCO areas. or shortness of breath are not allowed to work or enter the premises. Standing Orders: 2. Targeted • Employers should carry out targeted screening as and when necessary. • Regulation 15 P.U. (A) 8/2021 Screening • RTK-Antigen/PCR Tests can be done in private clinics that have been registered with the Public Health • Subject to the regulations in the (Probe survey Laboratory Information System (SIMKA). SOP announced by MKN based on risk • Screening by probe survey can be carried out through consultation with nearby PKD. pertaining to MCO, CMCO and assessment as RMCO. advised by PKD) • Subject to existing regulations 3. Health Report • Employees with body temperature above 37.5°C and/or show any symptoms such as fever, cough, sore issued by Local Authorities. (on employee in throat or shortness of breath should be referred to the Company Panel Clinic or Health Clinic registered • COVID-19 Management workplace and with MOH. Guidelines in Malaysia No.5/2020 accommodation (Latest Update on 03 February provided by the 2021): http://covid- company) panduan/garis-panduan-kkm. Note: Companies can only improve this protocol as appropriately but any relaxation is not allowed. 12
SOP for Safe@Work MANUFACTURING SECTOR AND ITS RELATED SERVICES Encompasses: Customer Service Operational Hours: Normal Normal Workforce Capacity: Normal Manufacturing and its Related Hours: Services ACTIVITY AND PROTOCOL – CASE MANAGEMENT Action Brief Description Prohibited Activities: 1. Positive • Employer must submit the list of positive cases and close contacts to the nearest PKD in accordance with Section • Refer to the items in the List of Case 11(1) of Act 342. The positive cases must update PKD individually using the MySejahtera application. Prohibited Activities. • An officer (managerial level) from PERT should be appointed to manage all quarantine-related matters and • Operations in MCO, EMCO and identification of close contacts. The officer must provide necessary report to PKD, when required. RMCO areas. • All positive cases must be assessed by PKD or a private clinic authorised by MOH who will conduct assessment and advice on where the case may be managed. Standing Orders: • While waiting for further action from the PKD; • Regulation 15 P.U. (A) 8/2021 – The employer MUST direct all employees who are positive to carry out quarantine at a dedicated quarantine • Subject to the regulations in the place subject to prior discussion and confirmation by PKD; and SOP announced by MKN – It is employers’ responsibility to isolate the workers and provide them with wristbands to differentiate from pertaining to MCO, CMCO and other workers. RMCO. • The dedicated quarantine place for positive cases must be strictly controlled and no unauthorised entry or exit is • Subject to existing regulations allowed except with the permission of PKD. issued by Local Authorities. • Employers have to bear all costs and provide adequate food and other basic necessities. • COVID-19 Management • All quarantined positive cases should update their health status on a daily basis through MySejahtera application. Guidelines in Malaysia No.5/2020 • Positive cases in dedicated quarantine places who develop severe symptoms should be referred to the nearest (Latest Update on 03 February Clinic/Government Hospital/Private Hospital (authorised by MOH). 2021): http://covid- • Employees discharged from hospital/PKD after treatment can return to work immediately. panduan/garis-panduan-kkm. Note: Companies can only improve this protocol as appropriately but any relaxation is not allowed. 14
SOP for Safe@Work MANUFACTURING SECTOR AND ITS RELATED SERVICES Encompasses: Customer Service Operational Hours: Normal Normal Workforce Capacity: Normal Manufacturing and its Related Hours: Services ACTIVITY AND PROTOCOL– CASE MANAGEMENT Prohibited Activities: Action Brief Description • Refer to the items in the List of 2. Close Contact Cases • PERT MUST identify close contacts immediately and inform the nearest PKD. The use of smart Prohibited Activities. – Malaysians system (real time contact tracing) is recommended to speed up the process of tracking close contacts. • Operations in MCO, EMCO and • All close contacts must undergo COVID-19 screening test (RT-PCR) in PKD or private clinics Close Contact Definition: authorized by MOH. RMCO areas. ▪ Health care associated • All close contacts must be given wristbands by PKD/private clinic authorized by MOH. Standing Orders: exposure, including • Employers MUST instruct all close contacts to undergo quarantine: working with health (i) in a dedicated quarantine place under the responsibility of the employer subject to discussion • Regulation 15 P.U. (A) 8/2021 care workers infected and confirmation with PKD; or • Subject to the regulations in the with COVID-19, (ii) at the employee's residence (however the employee will not be qualified to be part of the Safe SOP announced by MKN visiting patients or Work Bubble) and are not allowed to leave the residence until released by PKD. pertaining to MCO, CMCO and staying in the same • While waiting for workers to be tested by PKD/private clinic authorized by MOH; RMCO. close environment of a i. Employers need to provide identification to the close contacts; and • Subject to existing regulations 2019-nCoV patient; or ii. Isolate workers at dedicated quarantine place which is strictly monitored and any unauthorised ▪ Working together in entry or exit is not allowed. issued by Local Authorities. close proximity; or • Employers have to bear all the costs and provide adequate food and other basic necessities for the • COVID-19 Management ▪ Traveling with COVID- quarantine place. Guidelines in Malaysia No.5/2020 19 patient in any kind • Employers MUST arrange the second COVID-19 screening test as determined by PKD. (Latest Update on 03 February of conveyance; or • PERT to remind all employees to update their health status daily through MySejahtera application. 2021): http://covid- ▪ Living in the same household as a panduan/garis-panduan-kkm. COVID-19 patient Note: Companies can only improve this protocol as appropriately but any relaxation is not allowed. 15
SOP for Safe@Work MANUFACTURING SECTOR AND ITS RELATED SERVICES Encompasses: Customer Service Operational Hours: Normal Normal Workforce Capacity: Normal Manufacturing and its Related Hours: Services ACTIVITY AND PROTOCOL– CASE MANAGEMENT Prohibited Activities: Action Brief Description • Refer to the items in the List of 3. Close Contact Cases • PERT MUST identify close contacts immediately and inform the nearest PKD. The use of smart system Prohibited Activities. - Foreign Workers (real time contact tracing) is recommended to speed up the process of tracking close contacts. • Operations in MCO, EMCO and • All close contacts must undergo COVID-19 screening test (RT-PCR) by PKD or private clinics RMCO areas. Close Contact Definition: authorized by MOH. ▪ Healthcare associated • All close contacts must be given wristbands by PKD/private clinic authorized by MOH. Standing Orders: exposure, including working with healthcare • The employer MUST direct all close contacts to undergo quarantine in a dedicated quarantine place • Regulation 15 P.U. (A) 8/2021 workers infected with under the responsibility of the employer subject to prior discussion and confirmation with PKD. • Subject to the regulations in the COVID-19, visiting • While waiting for workers to be tested by PKD/private clinic authorized by MOH; SOP announced by MKN patients or staying in the i. Employers need to provide identification to the close contacts; and pertaining to MCO, CMCO and same close environment ii. Isolate workers at dedicated quarantine place which is strictly monitored and any unauthorised of a 2019-nCoV patient; entry or exit is not allowed. RMCO. or • Employers have to bear all costs and provide adequate food and other basic necessities for the • Subject to existing regulations ▪ Working together in quarantine place. issued by Local Authorities. close proximity; or • Quarantined workers are not allowed to leave the quarantine place until released by PKD. • COVID-19 Management ▪ Traveling with COVID- • Employers MUST arrange the second COVID-19 screening test as determined by PKD. Guidelines in Malaysia No.5/2020 19 patient in any kind of conveyance; or • PERT to remind all employees to update their health status daily through MySejahtera application. (Latest Update on 03 February ▪ Living in the same 2021): http://covid- household as a COVID- 19 patient panduan/garis-panduan-kkm. Note: Companies can only improve this protocol as appropriately but any relaxation is not allowed. 16
SOP for Safe@Work MANUFACTURING SECTOR AND ITS RELATED SERVICES Encompasses: Customer Service Operational Hours: Normal Normal Workforce Capacity: Normal Manufacturing and its Related Hours: Services ACTIVITY AND PROTOCOL– CASE MANAGEMENT Prohibited Activities: Action Brief Description • Refer to the items in the List of 4. Safe Work • Safe Work Bubble is the isolation of a group of close contact workers from positive workers in hostels and Prohibited Activities. Bubble factories. The purpose of this safe work bubble is to allow close contact workers to continue working in the • Operations in MCO, EMCO and factory. Each bubble has its own identification such as different color uniforms or any other identification RMCO areas. deemed appropriate by the employer. Standing Orders: • Employers can create a "Safe Work Bubble" for close contacts when there is a positive case according to the following criteria: • Regulation 15 P.U. (A) 8/2021 (a) Dedicated quarantine place is provided to avoid mixing with the local community; • Subject to the regulations in the (b) Subject to PKD’s confirmation, dedicated quarantine places can be provided at: SOP announced by MKN pertaining to MCO, CMCO and (i) hostels and centralized labor quarters (CLQ) located within the factory site; or RMCO. (ii) special premises/hotels. • Subject to existing regulations (c) COVID-19 screening test for all close contact employees is carried out by PKD or private clinics issued by Local Authorities. authorized by MOH. • COVID-19 Management (d) Employers MUST arrange the second COVID-19 screening test as determined by PKD. Guidelines in Malaysia No.5/2020 (e) Provide special transportation for employees in the Safe Work Bubble to and from work. (Latest Update on 03 February (f) Provide all basic necessities (food, drinks, personal care) in the "Bubble“. 2021): http://covid- panduan/garis-panduan-kkm. Note: Companies can only improve this protocol as appropriately but any relaxation is not allowed. 17
SOP for Safe@Work MANUFACTURING SECTOR AND ITS RELATED SERVICES Encompasses: Customer Service Operational Hours: Normal Normal Workforce Capacity: Normal Manufacturing and its Related Hours: Services ACTIVITY AND PROTOCOL– CASE MANAGEMENT Prohibited Activities: Action Brief Description • Refer to the items in the List of Prohibited Activities. 5. Temporary • The premise will be closed for cleaning and disinfection as per PKD’s instructions. closure of • Upon cleaning and disinfection, the employer must inform PKD for inspection and reopening of the • Operations in MCO, EMCO and premises premises. RMCO areas. Standing Orders: • Regulation 15 P.U. (A) 8/2021 • Subject to the regulations in the SOP announced by MKN pertaining to MCO, CMCO and RMCO. • Subject to existing regulations issued by Local Authorities. • COVID-19 Management Guidelines in Malaysia No.5/2020 (Latest Update on 03 February 2021): http://covid- panduan/garis-panduan-kkm. Note: Companies can only improve this protocol as appropriately but any relaxation is not allowed. 18
SOP for Safe@Work MANUFACTURING SECTOR AND ITS RELATED SERVICES Encompasses: Customer Service Operational Hours: Normal Normal Workforce Capacity: Normal Manufacturing and its Related Hours: Services ACTIVITY AND PROTOCOL – EMPLOYEE ACCOMODATION Prohibited Activities: Action Brief Description • Refer to the items in the List of 1. Employee • Comply with the Minimum Standards of Housing and Amenities (Amendment) Act 2019 (Act 446). Prohibited Activities. accommodation • Physical distancing should be carried out in sleeping area, smoking area, shower area, prayer rooms, • Operations in MCO, EMCO and (on premises and place of worship, dining room and others. RMCO areas. employee • The cleaning and disinfection process should be done daily according to the schedule set by the accommodation employer. Standing Orders: provided by the • Assignment of security guards with CCTV installation for common areas in workers' dormitories. company) • Regulation 15 P.U. (A) 8/2021 • Subject to the regulations in the 2. Accommodation • Form separate teams among employees. SOP announced by MKN according to • Cross over of employees between teams in the accommodation and workplace is not allowed. pertaining to MCO, CMCO and teams determined • Separate basic amenities i.e. toilet and kitchen for each team. RMCO. by employer • Appoint a member of the PERT as the supervisor in each hostel to monitor SOP compliance. • Subject to existing regulations issued by Local Authorities. • COVID-19 Management Guidelines in Malaysia No.5/2020 (Latest Update on 03 February 2021): http://covid- panduan/garis-panduan-kkm. Note: Companies can only improve this protocol as appropriately but any relaxation is not allowed. 20
SOP for Safe@Work MANUFACTURING SECTOR AND ITS RELATED SERVICES Encompasses: Customer Service Operational Hours: Normal Normal Workforce Capacity: Normal Manufacturing and its Related Hours: Services ACTIVITY AND PROTOCOL – TRANSPORTATION Prohibited Activities: Action Brief Description • Refer to the items in the List of Prohibited Activities. 1. Workers • Full capacity with mandatory use of face masks at all time. • Operations in MCO, EMCO and Transportation • Workers transportation provided by the company needs to be disinfected every time after use. RMCO areas. • Private vehicles are encouraged to be disinfected by employees accordingly. Standing Orders: • Regulation 15 P.U. (A) 8/2021 • Subject to the regulations in the SOP announced by MKN pertaining to MCO, CMCO and RMCO. • Subject to existing regulations issued by Local Authorities. • COVID-19 Management Guidelines in Malaysia No.5/2020 (Latest Update on 03 February 2021): http://covid- panduan/garis-panduan-kkm. Note: Companies can only improve this protocol as appropriately but any relaxation is not allowed. 22
SOP for Safe@Work MANUFACTURING SECTOR AND ITS RELATED SERVICES Encompasses: Customer Service Operational Hours: Normal Normal Workforce Capacity: Normal Manufacturing and its Related Hours: Services ACTIVITY AND PROTOCOL– MONITORING Prohibited Activities: Action Brief Description • Refer to the items in the List of Prohibited Activities. 1. MySejahtera • Employees need to download and register the MySejahtera application into their mobile phones for close Application contact tracing. • Operations in MCO, EMCO and • Premises owners MUST register and provide the QR code of the MySejahtera application for use by RMCO areas. employees, customers and visitors entering the premises. Standing Orders: • Ensure all employees, customers and visitors use the MySejahtera application and scan the QR code (provided by the employer) upon entering the premises. • Regulation 15 P.U. (A) 8/2021 • PERT to remind all employees to update their health status daily through MySejahtera application. • Subject to the regulations in the • The use of MySejahtera application at areas with internet access is COMPULSORY. SOP announced by MKN • Exceptions are given for areas that do not have internet access. pertaining to MCO, CMCO and RMCO. • Subject to existing regulations issued by Local Authorities. • COVID-19 Management Guidelines in Malaysia No.5/2020 (Latest Update on 03 February 2021): http://covid- panduan/garis-panduan-kkm. Note: Companies can only improve this protocol as appropriately but any relaxation is not allowed. 24
Scenario: Safe Work Bubble Normal Plant A Plant B Plant A Plant B Positive Workers Extracted from Cohort for Treatment Mixing of Workers Full Capacity Close Contacts Close Contacts Accommodation for Plant A & B (MY & FW) (MY & FW) 25 Accommodation Accommodation Plant A Plant B
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