Software for Earth Science Mapping and Processing

Page created by Kim Owens
Software for Earth Science Mapping and Processing
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Software for Earth Science
Mapping and Processing
Software for Earth Science Mapping and Processing
“We remain focused on usability and productivity advances within the Geosoft
          environment, allowing us to put more power, flexibility and control into the hands of our
          clients. This focus is the foundation of our vision to help geoscientists recapture time lost
          to handling and working with data, so they are free to explore.”

                                                 Louis Racic, Geosoft Product Management Director

Why Oasis montaj?
A leading exploration technology solution, Oasis montaj provides a scalable environment for
efficiently importing, processing, viewing, analyzing and sharing large volume geophysical,
geochemical and geological data, all within one integrated environment.

This powerful mapping and processing software is designed to support and streamline your daily problem solving
needs, with a rich set of easy to use features that meet and exceed rising global standards.

Join the global leaders in earth exploration and geosciences currently using Geosoft® Oasis montaj™ technology, to
increase productivity and profitability.

Oasis montaj provides a complete data experience, including data access, processing,
interpretation, data sharing and decision making.

Industries that use Oasis montaj                    Solutions
••Mineral exploration                               ••Earth mapping
••Government                                        ••Earth modelling
••Environmental                                     ••GIS mapping
••Energy                                            ••Information management
••Education                                         ••Unexploded ordnance
••Natural Resources
••Geological Surveys
Software for Earth Science Mapping and Processing
“The raw power that Oasis montaj provides for quickly and easily creating and recreating
            grids, tweaking colour bars, recontouring, and doing real time sun shading with different
            orientations of lineaments, is not available in any other software program…”

                                            Bill Pearson, Pearson Technologies Interactive Visualization

       Proven ROI
       A proven industry standard technology, Oasis montaj achieves long term savings in both time and money.
       Integrated productivity tools maximize your ability to make strategic use of large volumes of geoscience data
       within today’s compressed project time lines.

             • Access all available data for a complete investigation and informed decision making.
             • Collect and view data for quick site assessment in the field, or use Oasis montaj for in depth processing
               and analysis.
             • Create sophisticated visualizations to guide subsurface exploration.
             • Construct professional quality maps of complex 3D earth models for sharing your information with
               colleagues and investors.

Core Capabilities
Produce Professional Maps
Easily create maps to share, integrate
data and use in presentations to
management and investors.
Subsurface 3D Visualisation
The full integration of 3D capabilities
simplifies viewing, manipulation and
analysis of all your data including:
geology, geochemistry, and
geophysics data.
Seamless Interoperability
Import and work with more than 50
supported data types and formats
including CAD, GIS, mine planning
and modelling formats.
Dynamic Data Linking
Click on a point on a map and
immediately see the exact data point      Fast data processing                         Oasis montaj Viewer
within the database, profile, graph       Rapidly assess and experiment with data      Use the Oasis montaj Viewer to
or data view.                             in real-time running numerous filters        share all your maps, grids, and
                                          and processes on data with ease.             interpretations created in Oasis
Advanced Gridding
                                                                                       montaj. As an added bonus, the
Gridding algorithms with Oasis montaj     Complete Esri Integration
                                                                                       viewer can complete a wide variety
are fast, efficient and optimised for     Esri technology is built in to ensure the
                                                                                       of grid conversions and print
large-volume geoscientific data.          seamless creation, viewing and sharing
Interpolate data to produce grids,        of ArcGIS MXD and Geosoft Map files
using minimum curvature, bi-              between Geosoft and ArcGIS users.            Geosoft provides an easy-
directional, trended, gradient, IDW,                                                   Digitizing
                                          Unicode Multi-language Support
tinning or kriging gridding routines.                                                  A new streamlined workflow
                                          Display foreign-language character
                                                                                       makes it easy to digitize
High-Performance Database                 sets within your application
                                                                                       geological interpretations on
Efficient storage for very large          environments and print to maps.
                                                                                       section and plan maps. Polygon
geoscientific datasets ensuring           montaj Extensions                            features can be used to represent
access and usability throughout the       Over 20 extensions are available for         individual rock units, alteration
project lifecycle.                        advanced geophysics and geochemistry         or mineralization zones, while
Built-In Search Technology                data processing, analysis and quality        polyline features can be used to
Find, display and extract geospatial      control, 3D drillhole plotting, filtering,   draw faults or contact surfaces.
data from a variety of data servers       levelling, interpretation and modelling.
for complete investigation and            Data Sharing                                 Geosoft provides an easy-
informed decision making.                 Plug-ins and data conversion options         to-use wireframing interface
Spatial Data Cataloguing                  provide superior connectivity between        that enables you to build 3D
Geosoft Desktop Cataloger builds          Oasis montaj mapping and GIS or              subsurface geological models
a catalogue of all spatial data files     specialized modelling applications.          by joining section and plan map
from local drives allowing you to                                                      interpretations.
easily find the data from within
Geosoft environment.
Software for Earth Science Mapping and Processing
montaj extensions

Advanced geophysical, geological
and geochemical analysis

Geosoft extensions for Oasis montaj enable you to expand your system and conduct
specialized processing and analysis. Extensions are available for advanced geophysical,
geological, and geochemical data processing, analysis, and quality control.

Data Processing

Airborne Quality Control               Gridknit                              Praga 4 Radiometrics
The Airborne Quality Control           GridKnit provides two advanced        Praga 4 Rediometrics enables
extension provides essential tools     methods for rapidly and accurately    you to map and process
for planning an airborne survey, and   merging virtually any pair of         airborne and ground gamma-
meeting basic tender specifications.   geophysical grids. It includes a      ray spectrometry data acquired
It includes flight path planning       blending method for merging           by modern spectrometers using
tools, the ability to monitor survey   grids and a suturing method for       NaI (Tl) detectors. The feature-
progress, and streamlined tools for    defining a join path.                 rich, GUI oriented software was
quality control.                                                             specifically developed to perform
                                       256-Channel Radiometrics              whole spectrum gamma-ray data
Geophysics Levelling                   Processing                            processing.
The Geophysics Levelling extension     The 256-Channel Radiometrics          Developed by Pico Envirotec.
incorporates advanced tools for        Processing extension provides the
processing and enhancing airborne      capability to visualize and process
magnetic and other geophysical         256 channel spectrometer data
data. It provides a step-by-step       collected from airborne surveys. It
methodology for accomplishing          supports the three main phases in
a variety of levelling and             airborne spectrometer surveying:
correction tasks, and includes a       acquisition, processing and
microlevelling toolkit.                presentation.
Software for Earth Science Mapping and Processing

Geophysics                                Induced Polarization                     CET Grid Analysis
The Geophysics extension                  The Induced Polarization extension       CET Grid Analysis consists of a
provides a range of filters and           enables geophysicists to perform IP      number of tools that provide
statistical tools for working with        data tasks including import, quality     automated lineament detection of
large volume geophysical data.            control, processing, gridding, and       gridded data, which can be used
A variety of geostatistical tools         plotting. Import and perform basic       for first-pass data processing.
provide the ability for summary           quality control. Process and present     Developed by Centre for
and advanced statistics.                  data from both time and frequency        Exploration Targeting (CET).
                                          domain surveys.
MAGMAP Filtering                                                                   Predictive Targeting with Neural
MAGMAP Filtering utilizes a 2D-FFT        Isostatic Residual                       Networks
filter library to allow the application   The Isostatic Residual extension         Predictive Targeting with Neural
of common Fourier domain filters          calculates a depth to the Moho           Networks provides Oasis montaj
to gridded data in Oasis montaj.          (the “root”) using the topographic       GXs for training, simulation and
Rapidly process and enhance               grid, terrain density, Moho density      target generation. It allows you to
gridded datasets by applying a            contrast and depth of sea level          apply neural network simulation to
wide range of geophysical and             compensation.                            the study area, to locate signatures
mathematical filters.                                                              similar to the known targets.
                                                                                   Developed by Paterson, Grant &
UX-Detect                                 Compudrape drapes any potential          Watson Limited.
The UX-Detect extension provides          field profile or gridded data
unique capabilities for locating          to any reference surface and             Drillhole Plotting
and analysing UXO targets, based          performs height continuation on          The Drillhole Plotting extension
on magnetic (total field and              aeromagnetic profile data.               allows quick, easy and accurate
gradiometer) and electromagnetic          Developed by Paterson, Grant &           production of presentation quality
data. Quickly locate the ground           Watson Limited.                          drillhole section and plan maps. It
position of potential UXO targets                                                  enables geologists to set up drill
and narrow selections for your            CET Porphyry Analysis                    projects, manage and interpret
final target list.                        CET Porphyry Detection provides          results for follow-up drilling and
                                          rapid, objective and consistent          decision making.
Gravity and Terrain Correction            analysis of magnetic data to
The Gravity and Terrain Correction        automatically locate porphyry            Geochemistry
extension is a complete system for        magnetic signatures. The detection       The Geochemistry extension adds
processing and reducing gravity           method locates and outlines sub-         advanced geochemical analysis and
data from conventional surveys.           circular zonation patterns in the        QA capabilities to Oasis montaj.
Apply terrain corrections from            magnetic data associated with the        Designed for the exploration
digital elevation models or gridded       central intrusion and inner alteration   geologist, this extension enables
elevation data.                           zone of the porphyry system.             you to effectively import,
                                          Developed by Centre for                  validate and analyze your surface
                                          Exploration Targeting (CET).             geochemical data.
Software for Earth Science Mapping and Processing
Advanced 3D geophysical modelling

Earth Modelling
GM-SYS 3D Modeling                      many opportunities to constrain          depths are determined using Werner
GM-SYS 3D is gravity and magnetic       modelling variables. It enables          Deconvolution, Analytic Signal and
modelling software for surface-         you to test geologic model accuracy      Extended Euler Deconvolution.
oriented models. Fully integrated       by comparing the model’s gravity
with Oasis montaj, it allows            and magnetic response to observed        PotentQ
geoscientists to model complicated      measurements.                            PotentQ provides rapid semi-automatic
three dimensional subsurface                                                     modelling of a single magnetic and/or
structures of any size or scale.        Grav/Mag Interpretation                  gravity anomaly. A specially formulated
                                        The Gravity and Magnetic                 inversion scheme generally requires no
VALEM is a high performance                                                      user intervention.
                                        Interpretation extension automatically
computing (HPC), cloud-based
                                        locates and determines depth             Developed by Geophysical Software
gravity inversion service seamlessly
                                        for gridded magnetic and gravity         Solutions (GSS).
integrated as a natural part of the
                                        data with Euler 3D Deconvolution
GM-SYS 3D modelling workflow.
                                        processing routines. It includes         VOXI Earth Modelling
VALEM resolves the base of salt         the Keating Magnetic Correlation         VOXI Earth Modelling is a geophysical
from gravity data bound by the          Coefficients tool for kimberlite         software service that generates 3D
constraints of seismic modelling        exploration.                             voxel models from airborne or ground
for improved velocity models and                                                 gravity and magnetic data. VOXI Earth
seismic interpretations.                Depth to Basement                        Modelling is accessed through Oasis
                                        The Depth to Basement extension          montaj and uses the power of cloud
GM-SYS Profile Modeling                 provides an automated method             computing to rapidly create 3D models
GM-SYS Profile Modelling is an          for determining the position, dip        of large exploration datasets.
intuitive and feature-rich workflow     and intensity of magnetic source
for gravity modelling which provides    bodies for a magnetic profile. The

            “My mapping software offers a lot of interactivity, and testing of our hypothesis, and I can
            show customers results in real time... I think people don’t realize how easy it is to integrate
            all of their datasets, whether it’s seismic and non-seismic, raster and vector, GIS software and
            Oasis montaj provide some great tools for that.”

                                                            Dr. Michal Ruder, Wintermoon Geotechnologies
Software for Earth Science Mapping and Processing
Rapid Geophysical Inversion Modelling
with VOXI Earth Modelling

VOXI Earth Modelling provides a new way of creating 3D geophysical models
that is faster and more efficient than other modelling software approaches. VOXI
Earth Modelling operates seamlessly within the Oasis montaj exploration platform
providing a natural workflow for geophysicists. VOXI introduces unique techniques
for modelling geophysical data that provide more insight for greater discovery success.
VOXI leverages the processing power of the Microsoft Azure cloud platform to run
geophysical inversions in “real time” and can scale to any size exploration project.

3D Earth Modelling                     Model Constraints                      Data Integration
3D Inversion of gravity, gravity       Improve your earth models with         Interactive tools enable you to view,
gradiometry, and magnetic data to      easy to use constraint building.       manipulate, and analyse input data
further understand the structure and                                          parameters and modelling results.
processes beneath the surface.         Advanced Capabilities                  Seamless import to Oasis montaj
                                       Magnetization Vector Inversion         3D viewer ensures integration with
3D Forward Modelling                   accounts for the effects of            additional exploration data such as
3D forward modelling is available      both remanent and induced              geology, geochemistry, and drilling
for calculating the response from      magnetization in your data.            results.
a given physical property of a         Iterative Reweighting Inversion
user defined 3D voxel model.           Focussing enables easy
                                                                                 Oasis montaj customers
Use forward modelling to rapidly       refinement of your smooth
                                                                                 running 7.5 or higher can learn
explore different source responses     inversion result into a more
                                                                                 how to run inversions, create
and optimise gravity and magnetic      focused and geologically
                                                                                 and share models up to 50 x 50
survey design.                         reasonable model.
                                                                                 cells (2.5 km2 area) at no cost.
                                                                                 Try VOXI Earth Modelling today.

          “The streamlining of the inversion setup, lightning-fast computation speeds you dream about and
          output displays make VOXI a pleasure to use. 3D models can be generated in a fraction of the time
          and effort on a regular PC/laptop. A very welcome development.”

                                                                    John Donohue, Carpentaria Exploration Ltd.
Software for Earth Science Mapping and Processing
Easily produce multiple map sheets.                      Complete 3D interpretations.                             Produce professional quality maps.

View multiple symbol plots.                              Access all data with Seeker.                             Integrate vectors with 3D grids .

Slice 3D voxels.                                         Integrate all your data in one                           Generate isosurfaces from voxel data.

Geosoft Inc.
Queens Quay Terminal, 207 Queens Quay West, Suite 810, PO Box 131 Toronto, ON Canada M5J 1A7
+1 800 363-MAPS,,

International Offices:
Geosoft Africa Ltd., Geosoft Australia Pty. Ltd., Geosoft Europe Ltd., Geosoft Latinoamerica Ltda., Geosoft (USA) Research Inc.

©2014 Geosoft Inc. All rights reserved. Geosoft is a registered trademark and Oasis montaj is a trademark of Geosoft Inc.
Other brand and product names mentioned herein are properties of their respective trademark owners. OM.b.2014.10
Software for Earth Science Mapping and Processing Software for Earth Science Mapping and Processing
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