SOCK: Rapid Task Provisioning with Serverless-Optimized Containers - Usenix

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SOCK: Rapid Task Provisioning with Serverless-Optimized Containers - Usenix
SOCK: Rapid Task Provisioning with
          Serverless-Optimized Containers
Edward Oakes, Leon Yang, Dennis Zhou, and Kevin Houck, University of Wisconsin-
      Madison; Tyler Harter, Microsoft, GSL; Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau and
          Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau, University of Wisconsin-Madison

        This paper is included in the Proceedings of the
  2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC ’18).
                        July 11–13, 2018 • Boston, MA, USA
                                ISBN 978-1-931971-44-7

                                            Open access to the Proceedings of the
                                          2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference
                                                  is sponsored by USENIX.
SOCK: Rapid Task Provisioning with Serverless-Optimized Containers - Usenix
SOCK: Rapid Task Provisioning
                       with Serverless-Optimized Containers
                       Edward Oakes, Leon Yang, Dennis Zhou, Kevin Houck, Tyler Harter† ,
                             Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau
                    University of Wisconsin–Madison              Microsoft Gray Systems Lab

Abstract                                                     economical: billing granularity is in fractions of a second,
Serverless computing promises to provide applications        and there is generally no tenant charge for idle time.
with cost savings and extreme elasticity. Unfortunately,         These three strategies (i.e., programming at higher ab-
slow application and container initialization can hurt       straction levels, reusing libraries, and decomposing ap-
common-case latency on serverless platforms. In this         plications into auto-scaling serverless lambdas) improve
work, we analyze Linux container primitives, identify-       developer velocity, but they also create new infrastructure
ing scalability bottlenecks related to storage and net-      problems. Specifically, these techniques make process
work isolation. We also analyze Python applications          cold-start more expensive and frequent. Languages such
from GitHub and show that importing many popular li-         as Python and JavaScript require heavy runtimes, making
braries adds about 100 ms to startup. Based on these         startup over 10× slower than launching an equivalent C
findings, we implement SOCK, a container system opti-        program [1]. Reusing code introduces further startup la-
mized for serverless workloads. Careful avoidance of ker-    tency from library loading and initialization [4, 8, 26, 27].
nel scalability bottlenecks gives SOCK an 18× speedup        Serverless computing amplifies these costs: if a mono-
over Docker. A generalized-Zygote provisioning strategy      lithic application is decomposed to N serverless lamb-
yields an additional 3× speedup. A more sophisticated        das, startup frequency is similarly amplified. Lambdas are
three-tier caching strategy based on Zygotes provides        typically isolated from each other via containers, which
a 45× speedup over SOCK without Zygotes. Relative            entail further sandboxing overheads [31].
to AWS Lambda and OpenWhisk, OpenLambda with                     Fast cold start is important for both tenants and
SOCK reduces platform overheads by 2.8× and 5.3×             providers. A graceful reaction to flash crowds [15, 22] re-
respectively in an image processing case study.              quires concurrent low-latency deployment to many work-
                                                             ers. From a provider perspective, avoiding cold starts
1. Introduction                                              can be quite costly. Most serverless platforms currently
The effort to maximize developer velocity has driven         wait minutes or hours to recycle idle, unbilled lambda in-
many changes in the way programmers write and run            stances [50]. If cold start is made faster, providers will be
their code [43]. Programmers are writing code at a higher    able to reclaim idle resources and rebalance load across
level of abstraction: JavaScript, Python, Java, Ruby, and    machines more aggressively.
PHP are now the most popular languages on GitHub                 In order to better understand the sandboxing and ap-
(in that order), surpassing lower-level languages such as    plication characteristics that interfere with efficient cold
C and C++ [51]. Developers also increasingly focus on        start, we perform two detailed studies. First, we ana-
application-specific logic, reusing existing libraries for   lyze the performance and scalability of various Linux
general functionality when possible [19, 23, 40].            isolation primitives. Among other findings, we uncover
   New programming paradigms are also liberating de-         scalability bottlenecks in the network and mount names-
velopers from the distraction of managing servers [18,       paces and identify lighter-weight alternatives. Second, we
52, 54]. In particular, a proliferation of new serverless    study 876K Python projects from GitHub and analyz-
platforms [5, 6, 14, 17, 20, 39, 45] allow developers to     ing 101K unique packages from the PyPI repository. We
construct applications as a set of handlers, called lamb-    find that many popular packages take 100 ms to import,
das, commonly written in Python (or some other high-         and installing them can take seconds. Although the entire
level language), that execute in response to events, such    1.5 TB package set is too large to keep in memory, we
as web requests or data generation. Serverless providers     find that 36% of imports are to just 0.02% of packages.
automatically scale the number of handlers up and down           Based on these findings, we implement SOCK (roughly
to accommodate load so that developers need not worry        for serverless-optimized containers), a special-purpose
about the number or configuration of machines serving        container system with two goals: (1) low-latency invo-
their workload. Using serverless platforms is often very     cation for Python handlers that import libraries and (2)

USENIX Association                                                    2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference         57
efficient sandbox initialization so that individual workers   container is a two step procedure: (1) populate a sub-
can achieve high steady-state throughput. We integrate        directory of the host’s file system with data and code
SOCK with the OpenLambda [20] serverless platform,            needed by the container, and (2) make the subdirectory
replacing Docker as the primary sandboxing mechanism.         the root of the new container, such that code in the con-
    SOCK is based on three novel techniques. First,           tainer can no longer access other host data. We explore
SOCK uses lightweight isolation primitives, avoiding the      alternative mechanisms for these population and access-
performance bottlenecks identified in our Linux primi-        dropping steps.
tive study, to achieve an 18× speedup over Docker. Sec-           Populating a directory by physical copying is pro-
ond, SOCK provisions Python handlers using a general-         hibitively slow, so all practical techniques rely on log-
ized Zygote-provisioning strategy to avoid the Python         ical copying. Docker typically uses union file systems
initialization costs identified in our package study. In      (e.g., AUFS) for this purpose; this provides a flexible
the simplest scenarios, this technique provides an ad-        layered-composition mechanism and gives running con-
ditional 3× speedup by avoiding repeated initialization       tainers copy-on-write access over underlying data. A sim-
of the Python runtime. Third, we leverage our general-        pler alternative is bind mounting. Bind mounting makes
ized Zygote mechanism to build a three-tiered package-        the same directory visible at multiple locations; there is
aware caching system, achieving 45× speedups relative         no copy-on-write capability, so data that must be pro-
to SOCK containers without Zygote initialization. In          tected should only be bind-mounted as read-only in a
an image-resizing case study, SOCK reduces cold-start         container. To compare binds to layered file systems, we
platform overheads by 2.8× and 5.3× relative to AWS           repeatedly mount and unmount from many tasks in paral-
Lambda and OpenWhisk, respectively.                           lel. Figure 1 shows the result: at scale, bind mounting is
    The rest of this paper is structured as follows. We       about twice as fast as AUFS.
study the costs of Linux provisioning primitives (§2) and         Once a subdirectory on the host file system has been
application initialization (§3), and use these findings to    populated for use as a container root, the setup process
guide the design and implementation of SOCK (§4). We          must switch roots and drop access to other host file data.
then evaluate the performance of SOCK (§5), discuss           Linux provides two primitives for modifying the file-
related work (§6), and conclude (§7).                         system visible to a container. The older chroot operation
                                                              simply turns a subdirectory of the original root file system
2. Deconstructing Container Performance                       into the new root file system. A newer mount-namespace
Serverless platforms often isolate lambdas with contain-      abstraction enables more interesting transformations: an
ers [14, 20, 39, 45]. Thus, optimizing container initial-     unshare call (with certain arguments) gives a container a
ization is a key part of the lambda cold-start problem. In    new set of mount points, originally identical to the host’s
Linux, containerization is not a single-cohesive abstrac-     set. The container’s mount points can then be modified
tion. Rather, general-purpose tools such as Docker [36]       with mount, unmount, and other calls. It is even possible
are commonly used to construct containers using a vari-       to reorganize the mount namespace of a container such
ety of Linux mechanisms to allocate storage, isolate re-      that the container may see file system Y mounted on
sources logically, and isolate performance. The flexibil-     file system X (the container’s root) while the host may
ity Linux provides also creates an opportunity to design a    see X mounted on Y (the host’s root). There are cases
variety of special-purpose container systems. In this sec-    where this powerful abstraction can be quite helpful, but
tion, we hope to inform the design of SOCK and other          overusing mount namespace flexibility “may quickly lead
special-purpose container systems by analyzing the per-       to insanity,” as the Linux manpages warn [32].
formance characteristics of the relevant Linux abstrac-           We measure the scalability of mount namespaces, with
tions. In particular, we ask how can one maximize den-        results shown in Figure 2. We have a variable number of
sity of container file systems per machine? What is the       long-lived mount namespaces persisting throughout the
cost of isolating each major resource with namespaces,        experiment (x-axis). We churn namespaces, concurrently
and which resources must be isolated in a serverless envi-    creating and deleting them (concurrency is shown by dif-
ronment? And how can the cost of repeatedly initializing      ferent lines). We observe that churn performance scales
cgroups to isolate performance be avoided? We perform         poorly with the number of prior existing namespaces: as
our analysis on an 8-core m510 machine [11] with the          the number of host mounts grows large, the rate at which
4.13.0-37 Linux kernel.                                       namespaces can be cloned approaches zero. We also eval-
2.1 Container Storage                                         uate chroot (not shown), and find that using it entails
                                                              negligible overhead (chroot latency is < 1µs).
Containers typically execute using a root file system other
than the host’s file system. This protects the host’s data    2.2 Logical Isolation: Namespace Primitives
and provides a place for the container’s unique depen-        We have already described how mount namespaces can
dencies to be installed. Provisioning a file system for a     be used to virtualize storage: multiple containers can have

58   2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference                                                        USENIX Association
7000                                                        10000
                                                                                                                           net creation
              5000                                                              1000

                                                                 Latency (ms)

              3000                                                                                                         mnt cleanup
                                                                                                                           ipc cleanup
              1000                                                                                                         net cleanup
                0                                                                 1
                     0   256        512         768      1024                          1     4     16     64       256   1024
                               Concurrent Ops                                                    Concurrent Ops

Figure 1. Storage Primitives. The performance of mount-         Figure 3. Namespace Primitives. Lines show the laten-
ing and unmounting AUFS file systems is compared to the per-    cies for copy net ns, put mnt ns and put ipc ns, and the average
formance of doing the same with bind mounts.                    time spent by the network cleanup task per namespace.

              1500                  16 Concurrent Ops                           1000
                                    64 Concurrent Ops
                                    256 Concurrent Ops                           800

              1000                                                                                                              No Net

                                                                                 400                                            Optimized
                0                                                                 0
                     0   256        512         768      1024                          0   128 256 384 512 640 768 896 1024
                                Host Mounts                                                       Concurrent Ops

Figure 2. Mount Scalability. This shows the rate at which       Figure 4. Network Namespace Performance. A given
processes can be unshared into new mount namespaces (y-axis)    number of containers (x-axis) are created and deleted in parallel
as the number of existing mounts varies (x-axis).               with multiple network namespace configurations.

access to their own virtual roots, backed by different          tions are waiting for an RCU grace period [35]. During
physical directories in the host. Linux’s network names-        this time, no global locks are held and no compute is con-
paces similarly allow different containers to use the same      sumed, so these latencies are relatively harmless to over-
virtual port number (e.g., 80), backed by different physi-      all throughput; as observed earlier (§2.1), it is possible to
cal ports on the host (e.g., 8080 and 8081). In this section,   create ∼1500 mount namespaces per second, as long as
we study the collective use of mount and network names-         churn keeps the number of namespaces small over time.
paces, along with UTS, IPC, and PID namespaces [37]                 Network namespaces are more problematic for both
(user and cgroup namespaces are not evaluated here). The        creation and cleanup due to a single global lock that is
unshare call allows a process to create and switch to           shared across network namespaces [13]. During creation,
a new set of namespaces. Arguments to unshare allow             Linux iterates over all existing namespaces while hold-
careful selection of which resources need new names-            ing the lock, searching for namespaces that should be
paces. Namespaces are automatically reaped when the             notified of the configuration change; thus, costs increase
last process using them exits.                                  proportionally as more namespaces are created. As with
   We exercise namespace creation and cleanup perfor-           mount and IPC namespaces, network-namespace cleanup
mance by concurrently invoking unshare and exiting              requires waiting for an RCU grace period. However, for
from a variable number of tasks. We instrument the ker-         network namespaces, a global lock is held during that pe-
nel with ftrace to track where time is going. Figure 3          riod, creating a bottleneck. Fortunately, network names-
shows the latency of the four most expensive namespace          paces are cleaned in batches, so the per-namespace cost
operations (other latencies not shown were relatively in-       becomes small at scale (as indicated by the downward-
significant). We observe that mount and IPC namespace           sloping “net cleanup” line).
cleanup entails latencies in the tens of milliseconds. Upon         Figure 4 shows the impact of network namespaces
inspection of the kernel code, we found that both opera-        on overall creation/deletion throughput (i.e., with all

USENIX Association                                                                 2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference                59
2500                                                 access. Second, network namespaces are a major scalabil-
                                                      Reuse          ity bottleneck; while static port assignment may be useful
                2000                                                 in a server-based environment, serverless platforms such
                                                                     as AWS Lambda execute handlers behind a Network Ad-

                1500                                                 dress Translator [16], making network namespacing of
                                                                     little value. Third, reusing cgroups is twice as fast as cre-
                                                                     ating new cgroups, suggesting that maintaining a pool of
                 500                                                 initialized cgroups may reduce startup latency and im-
                                                                     prove overall throughput.
                       0   16   32   48   64   80     96   112 128
                                                                     3. Python Initialization Study
                                     Concurrent Ops                  Even if lambdas are executed in lightweight sandboxes,
Figure 5. Cgroup Primitives. Cgroup performance is                   language runtimes and package dependencies can make
shown for reuse and fresh-creation patterns.                         cold start slow [4, 8, 26, 27]. Many modern applications
                                                                     are accustomed to low-latency requests. For example,
five namespaces). With unmodified network namespaces,                most Gmail remote-procedure calls are short, complet-
throughput peaks at about 200 c/s (containers/second).               ing in under 100 ms (including Internet round trip) [20].
With minor optimizations (disabling IPv6 and eliminat-               Of the short requests, the average latency is 27 ms, about
ing the costly broadcast code), it is possible to churn over         the time it takes to start a Python interpreter and print a
400 c/s. However, eliminating network namespaces en-                 “hello world” message. Unless serverless platforms pro-
tirely provides throughput of 900 c/s.                               vide language- and library-specific cold-start optimiza-
2.3 Performance Isolation: Cgroup Primitives                         tions, it will not be practical to decompose such applica-
                                                                     tions into independently scaling lambdas. In this section,
Linux provides performance isolation via the cgroup in-
                                                                     we analyze the performance cost of using popular Python
terface [9]. Processes may be assigned to cgroups, which
                                                                     libraries and evaluate the feasibility of optimizing initial-
are configured with limits on memory, CPU, file I/O, and
                                                                     ization with caching. We ask: what types of packages are
other resources. Linux cgroups are easier to configure dy-
                                                                     most popular in Python applications? What are the ini-
namically than namespaces. The API makes it simple to
                                                                     tialization costs associated with using these packages?
adjust the resource limits or reassign processes to differ-
                                                                     And how feasible is it to cache a large portion of main-
ent cgroups. In contrast, a mechanism for reassigning a
                                                                     stream package repositories on local lambda workers?
process to a new PID namespace would need to overcome
obstacles such as potential PID collisions.                          3.1 Python Applications
   The flexibility of cgroups makes two usage patterns vi-
                                                                     We now consider the types of packages that future
able. The first involves (1) creating a cgroup, (2) adding
                                                                     lambda applications might be likely to use, assuming ef-
a process, (3) exiting the process, and (4) removing the
                                                                     ficient platform support. We scrape 876K Python projects
cgroup; the second involves only Steps 2 and 3 (i.e., the
                                                                     from GitHub and extract likely dependencies on packages
same cgroup is reused for different processes at differ-
                                                                     in the popular Python Package Index (PyPI) repository,
ent times). Figure 5 compares the cost of these two ap-
                                                                     resolving naming ambiguity in favor of more popular
proaches while varying the numbers of tasks concurrently
                                                                     packages. We expect that few of these applications cur-
manipulating cgroups. Reusing is at least twice as fast as
                                                                     rently run as lambdas; however, our goal is to identify
creating new cgroups each time. The best reuse perfor-
                                                                     potential obstacles that may prevent them from being
mance is achieved with 16 threads (the number of CPU
                                                                     ported to lambdas in the future.
hyperthreads), suggesting cgroups do not suffer from the
                                                                         Figure 6 shows the popularity of 20 packages that are
scaling issues we encountered with namespaces.
                                                                     most common as GitHub project dependencies. Skew is
2.4 Serverless Implications                                          high: 36% of imports are to just 20 packages (0.02%
Our results have several implications for the design of              of the packages in PyPI). The 20 packages roughly fall
serverless containers. First, in a serverless environment,           into five categories: web frameworks, analysis, commu-
all handlers run on one of a few base images, so the flex-           nication, storage, and development. Many of these use
ible stacking of union file systems may not be worth the             cases are likely applicable to future serverless applica-
the performance cost relative to bind mounts. Once a root            tions. Current web frameworks will likely need to be re-
location is created, file-system tree transformations that           placed by serverless-oriented frameworks, but compute-
rely upon copying the mount namespace are costly at                  intense analysis is ideal for lambdas [21]. Many lamb-
scale. When flexible file-system tree construction is not            das will need libraries for communicating with other ser-
necessary, the cheaper chroot call may be used to drop               vices and for storing data externally [16]. Development

60            2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference                                                      USENIX Association
                                                                                                   700   48M
                                                                                                                          uncompressed (1.43 TB total)

                      15             Web             Storage                                                              compressed (501 GB total)
 Percent of Imports

                      12             Analysis        Development
                                     Communication   Other                                         500            13M

                                                                            Size (GB)
                                       3.1%                                                        400
                       6             1.9%

                       3                                                                                 556K
                                                                                                   200                        5M
                       0                                                                                          135K
                                                                                                   100                        54K         67K
                                                                                                         tar.gz   whl         egg         zip     other
                                           PyPI Package                                                                  File Extension

Figure 6. Package Popularity. The twenty most used PyPI                    Figure 8. PyPI Package Data. The size of the PyPI
packages are shown. The bar labels represent the percentage of             repository is shown, compressed and uncompressed, by file type
all GitHub-to-PyPI dependencies.                                           (as of Mar 31, 2017). Bar labels show file counts.



                                                                                                   500                                     timeout (60s)

                                                                            Packages (Thousands)

                                   PyQt4 not installable for us
                      12                                  install
                      10                                  download                                 400
   Time (s)

                                                                                                                                           write to other
                                                                                                                                           module+bin dirs

                       6                                                                           300                                     module dirs


                       2                                                                           200

                                                                                                         tar.gz   whl         zip         egg     other
                                           PyPI Package                                                                  File Extension

Figure 7. Startup Costs. The download, install, and im-                    Figure 9. File-System Modifications. The bars break-
port times are shown for 20 popular Python packages, ordered               down installations by the types of writes to the file system. The
by total initialization time.                                              egg and other files can be used without extraction.

libraries may be somewhat less relevant, but lambda-                       Most packages are compressed as .tar.gz files or a zip-
based parallel unit testing is an interesting use case.                    based format (.whl, .egg, or .zip). Across all format types,
    If a package is being used for the first time, it will                 the average package contains about 100 files (e.g., 135K
be necessary to download the package over the network                      .whl packages hold 13M compressed files).
(possibly from a nearby mirror), install it to local stor-                     We wish to understand how many of the PyPI pack-
age, and import the library to Python bytecode. Some of                    ages could coexist when installed together. PyPI pack-
these steps may be skipped upon subsequent execution,                      ages that unpack to a single directory can easily coex-
depending on the platform. Figure 7 shows these costs for                  ist with other installed packages, whereas packages that
each of the popular packages. Fully initializing a pack-                   modify shared files may break other packages. We at-
age takes 1 to 13 seconds. Every part of the initialization                tempt to install every version of every PyPI package in
is expensive on average: downloading takes 1.6 seconds,                    its own Docker Ubuntu container (using a 1-minute time-
installing takes 2.3 seconds, and importing takes 107 ms.                  out) and identify file creations and modifications. We ig-
                                                                           nore changes to temporary locations. Figure 9 shows the
3.2 PyPI Repository                                                        results for .tar.gz, .whl, and .zip distributions (.egg li-
We now explore the feasibility of supporting full lan-                     braries are used directly without a prior installation, so
guage repositories locally on serverless worker machines.                  we skip those). While fewer than 1% timed out, 18% sim-
We mirror and analyze the entire PyPI repository, which                    ply failed to install in our container. 66% of succeeding
contains 101K unique packages. Figure 8 shows the foot-                    installs only populate the local Python module directory
print of the entire repository, including every version of                 (the module dirs category). Another 31% of succeeding
every package, but excluding indexing files. The pack-                     installs modified just the module directories and the lo-
ages are about 1.5 TB total, or ∼0.5 TB compressed.                        cal bin directory (Python modules are sometimes bundled

USENIX Association                                                                                   2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference                 61
with various utilities). We conclude it is possible for 97%     root from four host directories, indicated by the “F” la-
of installable packages to coexist in a single local install.   bel in Figure 10. Every container has the same Ubuntu
                                                                base for its root file system (“base”); we can afford to
3.3 Serverless Implications
                                                                back this by a RAM disk as every handler is required to
Downloading and installing a package and its dependen-          use the same base. A packages directory used for pack-
cies from a local mirror takes seconds; furthermore, im-        age caching (“packages”) is mounted over the base, as de-
port of installed packages takes over 100 ms. Fortunately,      scribed later (§4.3). The same base and packages are read-
our analysis indicates that storing large package reposito-     only shared in every container. SOCK also binds handler
ries locally on disk is feasible. Strong popularity skew        code (“λ code”) as read-only and a writable scratch di-
further creates opportunities to pre-import a subset of         rectory (“scratch”) in every container.
packages into interpreter memory [8].                              Once a directory has been populated as described, it
                                                                should become the root directory. Tools such as Docker
4. SOCK with OpenLambda                                         accomplish this by creating a new mount namespace, then
In this section, we describe the design and implementa-         restructuring it. We use the faster and simpler chroot op-
tion of SOCK, a container system optimized for use in           eration (§2.1) since it is not necessary to selectively ex-
serverless platforms. We integrate SOCK with the Open-          pose other host mounts within the container for server-
Lambda serverless platform, replacing Docker containers         less applications. SOCK containers always start with two
as the primary sandboxing mechanism for OpenLambda              processes (“init” and “helper” in Figure 10); both of these
workers and using additional SOCK containers to imple-          use chroot during container initialization, and any chil-
ment Python package caching. We design SOCK to han-             dren launched from these processes inherit the same root.
dle high-churn workloads at the worker level. The local            Communication: The scratch-space mount of every
churn may arise due to global workload changes, rebal-          SOCK container contains a Unix domain socket (the
ancing, or aggressive reclamation of idle resources.            black pentagon in Figure 10) that is used for communi-
    SOCK is based on two primary design goals. First,           cation between the OpenLambda manager and processes
we want low-latency invocation for Python handlers that         inside the container. Event and request payloads received
import libraries. Second, we want efficient sandbox ini-        by OpenLambda are forwarded over this channel.
tialization so that individual workers can achieve high            The channel is also used for a variety of control op-
steady-state throughput. A system that hides latency by         erations (§4.2). Some of these operations require privi-
maintaining pools of pre-initialized containers (e.g., the      leged access to resources not normally accessible inside a
LightVM approach [31]) would satisfy the first goal, but        container. Fortunately, the relevant resources (i.e., names-
not the second. A system that could create many contain-        paces and container roots) may be represented as file de-
ers in parallel as part of a large batch might satisfy the      scriptors, which may be passed over Unix domain sock-
second goal, but not the first. Satisfying both goals will      ets. The manager can thus pass specific capabilities over
make a serverless platform suitable for many applications       the channel as necessary.
and profitable for providers.                                      Isolation: Linux processes may be isolated with a
    Our solution, SOCK, takes a three-pronged approach          combination of cgroup (for performance isolation) and
to satisfying these goals, based on our analysis of Linux       namespace primitives (for logical isolation). It is rela-
containerization primitives (§2) and Python workloads           tively expensive to create cgroups; thus, OpenLambda
(§3). First, we build a lean container system for sandbox-      creates a pool of cgroups (shown in Figure 10) that can
ing lambdas (§4.1). Second, we generalize Zygote provi-         be used upon SOCK container creation; cgroups are re-
sioning to scale to large sets of untrusted packages (§4.2).    turned to the pool after container termination.
Third, we design a three-layer caching system for reduc-           The “init” process is the first to run in a SOCK con-
ing package install and import costs (§4.3).                    tainer; init creates a set of new namespaces with a call to
4.1 Lean Containers                                             unshare. The arguments to the call indicate that mount
                                                                and network namespaces should not be used, because
SOCK creates lean containers for lambdas by avoid-
                                                                these were the two namespaces that scale poorly (§2.1
ing the expensive operations that are only necessary for
                                                                and §2.2). Mount namespaces are unnecessary because
general-purpose containers. Creating a container involves
                                                                SOCK uses chroot. Network namespaces are unneces-
constructing a root file system, creating communication
                                                                sary because requests arrive over Unix domain socket, not
channels, and imposing isolation boundaries. Figure 10
                                                                over a socket attached to a fixed port number, so port vir-
illustrates SOCK’s approach to these three tasks.
                                                                tualization is not required.
    Storage: Provisioning container storage involves first
populating a directory on the host to use as a container        4.2 Generalized Zygotes
root. Bind mounting is faster using union file systems          Zygote provisioning is a technique where new processes
(§2.1), so SOCK uses bind mounts to stitch together a           are started as forks of an initial process, the Zygote,

62   2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference                                                          USENIX Association
Container                                                                        requests         handler cache

                                                      Container Z
       F:base                       F:base                                          B’s fds
                                                                    P:helper-Z         2          P:manager     SOCK SOCK SOCK SOCK SOCK

   F:packages                   F:packages                           (parent)
                                                                                    import                       H1       H2      H3     H4         H5
                                F: λ code                                3          or load
                                                                      P:tmp                       1 B’s fds      SOCK          SOCK
   F: λ code                                 I/O                      (child)                                     {A,B}        {B,C}

                                                      Container H
                                                                         5                    4        set 6
   F:scratch                                                                 fork                    cgroups
                               P:init   P:helper                                        setns
                I/O                                                                                                   SOCK             pkg    pkg    pkg
                                                                     P:helper-H         chroot
reqs     P:manager                                                  (grandchild)
                                                                                                                          {}           A      B      C
                              cgroup      unshare
                               pool     (-net,-mnt)                                                              import cache          install cache
   Figure 10. Lean Containers                          Figure 11. Generalized Zygotes                           Figure 12. Serverless Caching
that has already pre-imported various libraries likely                                 which (3) forks a child process, “tmp”. (4) The child then
to be needed by applications, thereby saving child pro-                                changes roots to the new container with a combination
cesses from repeatedly doing the same initialization work                              of fchdir(fd) and chroot(".") calls. The child also
and consuming excess memory with multiple identical                                    calls setns (set namespace) for each namespace to relo-
copies. Zygotes were first introduced on Android sys-                                  cate to the new container. (5) One peculiarity of setns is
tems for Java applications [8]. We implement a more                                    that after the call, the relocation has only partially been
general Zygote-provisioning strategy for SOCK. Specif-                                 applied to all namespaces for the caller. Thus, the child
ically, SOCK Zygotes differ as follows: (1) the set of                                 calls fork again, creating a grandchild helper (“helper-H”
pre-imported packages is determined at runtime based                                   in the figure) that executes fully in the new container with
on usage, (2) SOCK scales to very large package sets by                                respect to namespaces. (6) The manager then moves the
maintaining multiple Zygotes with different pre-imported                               grandchild to the new cgroup. (7) Finally, the helper lis-
packages, (3) provisioning is fully integrated with con-                               tens on the channel for the next commands; the manager
tainers, and (4) processes are not vulnerable to malicious                             will direct the helper to load the lambda code, and will
packages they did not import.                                                          then forward a request to the lambda.
    As already described, SOCK containers start with                                       The above protocol describes how SOCK provisions a
two processes, an init process (responsible for setting                                handler container from a Zygote container. When Open-
up namespaces) and a helper process. The helper process                                Lambda starts, a single Zygote that imports no mod-
is a Python program that listens on the SOCK communi-                                  ules is always provisioned. In order to benefit from pre-
cation channel; it is capable of (a) pre-importing modules                             importing modules, SOCK can create additional Zygotes
and (b) loading lambda handlers to receive subsequent                                  that import various module subsets. Except for the first
forwarded events. These two capabilities are the basis for                             Zygote, new Zygotes are provisioned from existing Zy-
a simple Zygote mechanism. A Zygote helper first pre-                                  gotes. The protocol for provisioning a new Zygote con-
imports a set of modules. Then, when a lambda is invoked                               tainer is identical to the protocol for provisioning a new
requiring those modules, the Zygote helper is forked to                                handler container, except for the final step 7. Instead of
quickly create a new handler helper, which then loads                                  loading handler code and processing requests, a new Zy-
the lambda code to handle a forwarded request.                                         gote pre-imports a specified list of modules, then waits to
    We assume packages that may be pre-imported may be                                 be used for the provisioning of other containers.
malicious [48], and handlers certainly may be malicious,                                   Provisioning handlers from Zygotes and creating new
so both Zygote helpers and handler helpers must run in                                 Zygotes from other Zygotes means that all the inter-
containers. The key challenge is using Linux APIs such                                 preters form a tree, with copy-on-write memory unbro-
that the forked process lands in a new container, distinct                             ken by any call to exec. This sharing of physical pages
from the container housing the Zygote helper.                                          between processes reduces memory consumption [2]. Ini-
    Figure 11 illustrates how the SOCK protocol provi-                                 tialization of the Python runtime and packages will only
sions a helper handler (“helper-H” in “Container H”)                                   be done once, and subsequent initialization will be faster.
from a helper Zygote (“helper-Z” in “Container Z”). (1)                                    If a module loaded by a Zygote is malicious, it may in-
The manager obtains references, represented as file de-                                terfere with the provisioning protocol (e.g., by modifying
scriptors (fds), to the namespaces and the root file system                            the helper protocol so that calls to setns are skipped).
of the new container. (2) The fds are passed to helper-Z,                              Fortunately, the Zygote is sandboxed in a container, and

USENIX Association                                                                                   2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference             63
expose the handler to code that it did not voluntarily im-
                               {}                                   port. We could potentially vet a subset of packages to be
                                                                    deemed safe, but we should generally not use cache en-
                  {A}                       {B}                     tries that pre-import packages not requested by a handler.
                  (2)                       (3)                     This leaves cache Entries 2 and 3 as reasonable candi-
  {A,B,C}                     {B,D}                     {B,E}       dates. The import cache decides between such alterna-
    (4)                        (5)                       (6)        tives by choosing the entry with the most matching pack-
Figure 13. Tree Cache. Numbered circles represent Zy-               ages, breaking ties randomly. When SOCK must use an
gotes in the cache, and sets of letters indicate the packages im-
                                                                    entry X that is not an exact match, it first replicates X to
ported by a process. Arrows represent the parent-child relation-
                                                                    a new entry Y , imports the remaining packages in Y , and
ships between interpreter processes.
                                                                    finally replicates from Y to provision for the handler.
                                                                        Import-Cache Eviction: The import cache measures
                                                                    the cumulative memory utilization of all entries; when
will never be passed descriptors referring to unrelated             utilization surpasses a limit, a background process begins
containers, so a malicious process cannot escape into ar-           evicting entries. Deciding which interpreters to evict is
bitrary containers or the host. SOCK protects innocent              challenging because the shared memory between inter-
lambdas by never initializing them from a Zygote that               preters makes it difficult to account for the memory used
has pre-imported modules not required by the lambda.                by a particular entry. The import cache relies on a simple
4.3 Serverless Caching                                              runtime model to estimate potential memory reclamation;
                                                                    the model identifies the packages included by an inter-
We use SOCK to build a three-tier caching system, shown
                                                                    preter that are not included by the parent entry. The model
in Figure 12. First, a handler cache maintains idle handler
                                                                    uses the on-disk size of the packages as a heuristic for es-
containers in a paused state; the same approach is taken
                                                                    timating memory cost. The import cache treats the sum
by AWS Lambda [49]. Paused containers cannot con-
                                                                    of these sizes as the benefit of eviction and the number
sume CPU, and unpausing is faster than creating a new
                                                                    of uses over a recent time interval as the cost of eviction,
container; however, paused containers consume memory,
                                                                    evicting the entry with highest benefit-to-cost ratio.
so SOCK limits total consumption by evicting paused
containers from the handler cache on an LRU basis.                  5. Evaluation
   Second, an install cache contains a large, static set of
                                                                    We now evaluate the performance of SOCK relative to
pre-installed packages on disk. Our measurements show
                                                                    Docker-based OpenLambda and other platforms. We run
that 97% of installable PyPI packages could coexist in
                                                                    experiments on two m510 machines [11] with the 4.13.0-
such a installation. This installation is mapped read-only
                                                                    37 Linux kernel: a package mirror and an OpenLambda
into every container for safety. Some of the packages
                                                                    worker. The machines have 8-core 2.0 GHz Xeon D-1548
may be malicious, but they do no harm unless a handler
                                                                    processors, 64 GB of RAM, and a 256 GB NVMe SSD.
chooses to import them.
                                                                    We allocate 5 GB of memory for the handler cache and
   Third, an import cache is used to manage Zygotes. We
                                                                    25 GB for the import cache. We consider the following
have already described a general mechanism for creat-
                                                                    questions: What speedups do SOCK containers provide
ing many Zygote containers, with varying sets of pack-
                                                                    OpenLambda (§5.1)? Does built-in package support re-
ages pre-imported (§4.2). However, Zygotes consume
                                                                    duce cold-start latency for applications with dependen-
memory, and package popularity may shift over time,
                                                                    cies (§5.2)? How does SOCK scale with the number of
so SOCK decides the set of Zygotes available based on
                                                                    lambdas and packages (§5.3)? And how does SOCK com-
the import-cache policy. Import caching entails new de-
                                                                    pare to other platforms for a real workload (§5.4)?
cisions for handling hits. In traditional caches, lookup
results in a simple hit or miss; in contrast, SOCK always           5.1 Container Optimizations
hits at least one cache entry and often must decide be-             SOCK avoids many of the expensive operations nec-
tween alternative Zygotes. Eviction is also complicated             essary to construct a general-purpose container (e.g.,
by copy-on-write sharing of memory pages between Zy-                network namespaces, layered file systems, and fresh
gotes, which obfuscates the consumption of individuals.             cgroups). In order to evaluate the benefit of lean con-
We now describe SOCK’s selection and eviction policies.             tainerization, we concurrently invoke no-op lambdas on
   Import-Cache Selection: Suppose (in the context of               OpenLambda, using either Docker or SOCK as the con-
Figure 13) that a handler is invoked that requires pack-            tainer engine. We disable all SOCK caches and Zygote
ages A and B. Entry 4 is a tempting choice to use as                preinitialization. Figure 14 shows the request throughput
the template for our new interpreter; it would provide the          and average latency as we vary the number of concur-
best performance because all requisite packages are al-             rent outstanding requests. SOCK is strictly faster on both
ready imported. However, if package C is malicious, we              metrics, regardless of concurrency. For 10 concurrent re-

64   2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference                                                              USENIX Association
10000            Docker (single logical core)                                             250              SOCK
                                       Docker                                                                          SOCK + Zygote
                                                                                                      200              SOCK Freeze/Unfreeze
 Latency (ms)

                                                                                       Latency (ms)

                           1 concurrent       10 concurrent     20 concurrent                          50

                  10                                                                                   0
                       1     2         5       10        20     50    100       200                         0                 5                 10                 15                   20
                                           Throughput (ops/s)                                                                          Concurrent Ops

Figure 14. Docker vs. SOCK. Request throughput (x-                                    Figure 16. Container Reuse vs. Fast Creation. SOCK
axis) and latency (y-axis) are shown for SOCK (without Zy-                            container creation is compared to the freeze/unfreeze operation
gotes) and Docker for varying concurrency.                                            that occurs when there are repeated calls to the same lambda.

                 300                                                                                    4
                                                                                                                                                SOCK: no cache
                 250                                                                                                                            SOCK: import+install cache
                                                SOCK + Zygote                                           3


                                                                                       Latency (s)

                 150                                                                                    2






                  0                                                                                     0
                       0           5                10           15             20                              django         flask        requests simplejson dnspython
                                            Concurrent Ops                                                                                  Package

Figure 15. Interpreter Preinitialization. HTTP Request                                Figure 17. Pre-Imported Packages. SOCK latency with
Throughput is shown relative to number of concurrent requests.                        and without package caches are shown.

quests, SOCK has a throughput of 76 requests/second                                   though SOCK cold-start optimizations enable more ag-
(18× faster than Docker) with an average latency of                                   gressive resource reclamation, it is still beneficial to
130 milliseconds (19× faster). Some of the namespaces                                 pause idle handlers before immediately evicting them.
used by Docker rely heavily on RCUs (§2.2), which scale                               5.2 Package Optimizations
poorly with the number of cores [34]. Figure 14 also
                                                                                      SOCK provides two package-oriented optimizations.
shows Docker performance with only one logical core
                                                                                      First, SOCK generalizes the Zygote approach so that
enabled: relative to using all cores, this reduces latency
                                                                                      new containers can be allocated by one of many dif-
by 44% for concurrency = 1, but throughput no longer
                                                                                      ferent Zygote containers, each with different packages
scales with concurrency.
                                                                                      pre-imported, based on the current workload (import
   SOCK also improves performance by using Zygote-
                                                                                      caching). Second, a large subset of packages are pre-
style preinitialization. Even if a lambda uses no libraries,
                                                                                      installed to a partition that is bind-mounted read-only in
provisioning a runtime by forking an existing Python
                                                                                      every container (install caching).
interpreter is faster than starting from scratch. Figure 15
                                                                                         We first evaluate these optimizations together with a
compares SOCK throughput with and without Zygote
                                                                                      simple workload, where a single task sequentially in-
preinitialization. Using Zygotes provides SOCK with an
                                                                                      vokes different lambdas that use the same single library,
additional 3× throughput improvement at scale.
                                                                                      but perform no work. Figure 17 shows the result. With-
   OpenLambda, like AWS Lambda [49], keeps recently
                                                                                      out optimizations, downloading, installing, and importing
used handlers that are idle in a paused state in order
                                                                                      usually takes at least a second. The optimizations reduce
to avoid cold start should another request arrive. We
                                                                                      latency to 20 ms, at least a 45× improvement.
now compare the latency of SOCK cold start to the la-
                                                                                         To better understand the contributions of the three
tency of unpause, as shown in Figure 16. Although Zy-
                                                                                      caching layers (i.e., the new import and install caches and
gotes have reduced no-op cold-start latency to 32 ms
                                                                                      the old handler cache), we repeat the experiment in Fig-
(concurrency = 10), unpausing takes only 3 ms. Al-
                                                                                      ure 17 for django, evaluating all caches, no caches, and

USENIX Association                                                                                      2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference                                         65
100                                                                            100

                    80                                        all                                  80
 Percent of Reqs

                                                                                Percent of Reqs
                    60                                        install                              60                                            100 handlers
                                                              handler                                                                            500
                    40                                        none                                 40                                            10000

                    20                                                                             20

                    0                                                                               0
                         1   2   5   10 20     50 100 200 500 1K 2K     5K                               0          200       400         600        800         1000
                                             Latency (ms)                                                                        Latency (ms)

Figure 18. Individual Caches. Each line shows a latency                       Figure 20. Scalability: Synthetic Packages. Each line
CDF for a different configuration for the django experiment.                  represents a CDF of latencies for a different working-set size.

                   120           experiment 1: handler hits                                       2000                    1932
                                 experiment 2: handler hits
                   100           experiment 2: import hits
                                                                                                  1500                                                 platform

                                                                               Latency (ms)
 Hit Count

                    60                                                                            1000

                                                                                                   500                                   365
                                                                                                                    59            72                  120
                                                                                                                                                38          40
                    0                                                                               0
                         0           50          100          150       200                                    AWS        OpenWhisk       SOCK         SOCK
                                                                                                               cold          cold          cold        cold+
                                          Request Number

Figure 19. Handler/Import Cache Interactions. Hit                             Figure 21. AWS Lambda and OpenWhisk. Platform
counts are shown during cache warmup (the first 200 requests)                 and compute costs are shown for cold requests to an image-
for two cache configurations.                                                 resizing lambda. S3 latencies are excluded to minimize noise.

each cache in isolation. For each experiment, 100 differ-                     5.3 Scalability
ent lambdas import django, and a single task sequentially                     We stress test SOCK with a large set of artificial packages
invokes randomly-chosen lambdas. Figure 18 shows the                          (100K). The packages generate CPU load and memory
results. The handler cache has bimodal latency: it usually                    load, similar to measured overheads of 20 popular pack-
misses, but is fastest upon a hit. The working set fits in the                ages (§3.1). We create dependencies between packages
import cache, which provides consistent latencies around                      similar to the PyPI dependency structure. Each handler
20 ms; the install cache is also consistent, but slower. Us-                  imports 1-3 packages directly. The packages used are de-
ing all caches together provides better performance than                      cided randomly based on package popularity; popularity
any one individually.                                                         is randomly assigned with a Zipfian distribution, s = 2.5.
   When import caching is enabled, processes in the han-                      All packages are pre-installed to the install cache.
dler cache and processes in the import cache are part of                          We also vary the number of handlers (100 to 10K).
the same process tree. This structure leads to deduplica-                     A small working set exercises the handler cache, and a
tion: multiple processes in the handler cache can share                       large working set exercises the install cache. The import
the same memory page on a copy-on-write basis with a                          cache should service mid-sized working sets. Handlers
parent process in the import cache. This allows the han-                      are executed uniformly at random as fast as possible
dler cache to maintain more cache entries. Figure 19 il-                      by 10 concurrent tasks. Figure 20 shows a latency CDF
lustrates this helpful interaction. We issue 200 requests                     for each working set size. With 100 handlers, SOCK
to many different lambdas, all of which import django,                        achieves low latency (39 ms median). For 10K handlers,
without an import cache (experiment 1) and with an im-                        88% percent of requests must be serviced from the install
port cache (experiment 2). In the first experiment, the                       cache, so the median latency is 502 ms. For 500 handlers,
handler cache has 18% hits. In the second, deduplica-                         the import cache absorbs 46% of the load, and the handler
tion allows the handler cache to maintain more entries,                       cache absorbs 6.4%, resulting in 345 ms latencies.
achieving 56% hits.

66                 2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference                                                                                 USENIX Association
5.4 Case Study: Image Resizing                                   which uses Docker containers, hides latency by maintain-
In order to evaluate a real serverless application, we im-       ing pools of ready containers [47]. Recent alternatives to
plement on-demand image resizing [28]. A lambda reads            traditional containerization are based on library operating
an image from AWS S3, uses the Pillow package to re-             systems, enclaves, and unikernels [7, 24, 29, 31, 41, 42].
size it [10], and writes the output back to AWS S3. For              The SOCK import cache is a generalization of the Zy-
this experiment, we compare SOCK to AWS Lambda and               gote approach first used by Android [8] for Java pro-
OpenWhisk, using 1 GB lambdas (for AWS Lambda) and               cesses. Akkus et al. [1] also leverage this technique to
a pair of m4.xlarge AWS EC2 instances (for SOCK and              efficiently launch multiple lambdas in the same container
OpenWhisk); one instance services requests and the other         when the lambdas belong to the same application. Zy-
hosts handler code. We use AWS’s US East region for              gotes have also been used for browser processes (some-
EC2, Lambda, and S3.                                             times in conjunction with namespaces [12]). We believe
    For SOCK, we preinstall Pillow and the AWS SDK [44]          SOCK’s generalized Zygote strategy should be generally
(for S3 access) to the install cache and specify these           applicable to other language runtimes that dynamically
as handler dependencies. For AWS Lambda and Open-                load libraries or have other initialization costs such as
Whisk, we bundle these dependencies with the handler             JIT-compilation (e.g., the v8 engine for Node.js [25] or
itself, inflating the handler size from 4 KB to 8.3 MB.          the CLR runtime for C# [3, 30]); however, it is not obvi-
For each platform, we exercise cold-start performance by         ous how SOCK techniques could be applied to statically-
measuring request latency after re-uploading our code as         linked applications (e.g., most Go programs [53]).
a new handler. We instrument handler code to separate                Process caching often has security implications. For
compute and S3 latencies from platform latency.                  example, HotTub [27] reuses Java interpreters, but not
    The first three bars of Figure 21 show compute and           between different Linux users. Although the Zygote
platform results for each platform (average of 50 runs).         approach allows cache sharing between users, Lee et
“SOCK cold” has a platform latency of 365 ms, 2.8×               al. [26] observed that forking many child processes
faster than AWS Lambda and 5.3× faster than Open-                from the same parent without calling exec undermines
Whisk. “SOCK cold” compute time is also shorter than             address-space randomization; their solution was Morula,
the other compute times because all package initialization       a system that runs exec every time, but maintains a pool
happens after the handler starts running for the other plat-     of preinitialized interpreters; this approach trades overall
forms, but SOCK performs package initialization work as          system throughput for randomization.
part of the platform. The “SOCK cold+” represents a sce-
                                                                 7. Conclusion
nario similar to “SOCK cold” where the handler is being
run for the first time, but a different handler that also uses   Serverless platforms promise cost savings and extreme
the Pillow package has recently run. This scenario further       elasticity to developers. Unfortunately, these platforms
reduces SOCK platform latency by 3× to 120 ms.                   also make initialization slower and more frequent, so
                                                                 many applications and microservices may experience
6. Related Work                                                  slowdowns if ported to the lambda model. In this work,
                                                                 we identify container initialization and package depen-
Since the introduction of AWS Lambda in 2014 [5], many
                                                                 dencies as common causes of slow lambda startup. Based
new serverless platforms have become available [6, 14,
                                                                 on our analysis, we build SOCK, a streamlined container
17, 39, 45]. We build SOCK over OpenLambda [20].
                                                                 system optimized for serverless workloads that avoids
SOCK implements and extends our earlier Pipsqueak
                                                                 major kernel bottlenecks. We further generalize Zygote
proposal for efficient package initialization [38].
                                                                 provisioning and build a package-aware caching system.
   In this work, we benchmark various task-provisioning
                                                                 Our hope is that this work, alongside other efforts to min-
primitives and measure package initialization costs. Prior
                                                                 imize startup costs, will make serverless deployment vi-
studies have ported various applications to the lambda
                                                                 able for an ever-growing class of applications.
model in order to evaluate platform performance [21,
33]. Spillner et al. [46] ported Java applications to AWS
Lambda to compare performance against other platforms,
and Fouladi et al. [16] built a video encoding platform          We thank the anonymous ATC reviewers, the members
over lambdas. Wang et al. [50] reverse engineer many             of ADSL, and our colleagues at GSL for their valuable
design decisions made by major serverless platforms.             input. This material was supported by funding from NSF
   There has been a recent revival of interest in sand-          grant CNS-1421033, DOE grant DESC0014935, and stu-
boxing technologies. Linux containers, made popular              dent funding from Microsoft. Any opinions, findings, and
through Docker [36], represent the most mainstream               conclusions or recommendations expressed in this mate-
technology; as we show herein, the state of the art is           rial are those of the authors and may not reflect the views
not yet tuned to support lambda workloads. OpenWhisk,            of NSF, DOE, Microsoft, or other institutions.

USENIX Association                                                      2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference           67
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