Social services: lead with impact - Delivering better outcomes for citizens now and post-pandemic.

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Social services: lead with impact - Delivering better outcomes for citizens now and post-pandemic.
lead with
Delivering better
outcomes for citizens
now and post-pandemic.
Social services: lead with impact - Delivering better outcomes for citizens now and post-pandemic.
                         Creating social services for the long run                         03

                         Taking the pulse of the citizen                                   04

                         Agencies under strain                                             06

                         Priority 01   Become more responsive                              07

                         Priority 02   Become more accessible                              11

                         Priority 03   Embrace new technologies with human ingenuity       13

                         Conclusion: Towards a brighter future for citizens—and agencies   21

Social services: lead with impact                                                               2
Social services: lead with impact - Delivering better outcomes for citizens now and post-pandemic.
Creating social
                                    services for the
                                    long run
                                    Never have social services had           Social services agencies have
                                    a more vital role to play in people’s    been on the front line of the crisis,
                                    lives.1 Even before COVID-19             deploying critical services and
                                    hit, the need for government             handling an explosion in workload.
                                    assistance was rising steadily in        But while agencies’ response has
                                    many countries, spurred by trends        been extraordinary, the pandemic has
                                    such as ageing populations.2             exposed entrenched vulnerabilities
                                                                             in their organisational structures,
                                    But now the pandemic—and the             delivery models and systems.
                                    measures to contain it—have
                                    intensified the strains on the elderly   What’s clear is that legacy ways
                                    and other vulnerable groups,             of working and delivering services
                                    especially the unemployed:               won’t stand up to future demands—
                                    in the first half of 2020, nearly        and that these must be reinvented
                                    600 million full-time jobs were          to meet society’s changing needs
                                    lost worldwide.3                         and expectations.

Social services: lead with impact                                                                                    3
Social services: lead with impact - Delivering better outcomes for citizens now and post-pandemic.
Taking the pulse
                                    of the citizen
                                    As these challenges play out,            All of the respondents came from ten
                                    what do the ultimate end-users—          countries—Australia, Canada, Finland,
                                    citizens themselves—think of             France, Germany, Italy, Norway,
                                    the social services they’re              Singapore, the UK and the US.
                                    currently receiving?

                                    Between July and September 2020
                                    we surveyed more than 7,000 people
                                    who’d received a social service within
                                    the past two years, and 600 executives
                                    currently leading social services,
                                    employment, public pension and
                                    child welfare agencies.

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Social services: lead with impact - Delivering better outcomes for citizens now and post-pandemic.
What did we find?

                                                             45%                            56%
            Inevitably, citizens’ perceptions
            varied from country to country.

            But whether social services agencies’
            role centres on formulating public policy,       of citizens believe            now shoulder
            implementing it or both, they face daunting      they face a high               significant caregiving
            and rising challenges—in helping get people      risk of contracting            responsibilities
            back to work, keeping them safe, and             COVID-19 at work...            at home.
            providing other types of vital support.

            For example, 24% of citizens expect to use    But the need for more government support has not
            more social services in the future, even as   translated into more positive views of government: some
            40% are already using employment-related      31% of respondents rated their trust in government as
            services more often.                          low today, compared with just 23% before the pandemic.

                                                          And the best ways for social services agencies to
                                                          rebuild citizens’ trust? Shorter waiting-times and better
                                                          communication around eligibility for services.

Social services: lead with impact                                                                                     5
Social services: lead with impact - Delivering better outcomes for citizens now and post-pandemic.
                                    under strain

                                    Not surprisingly, social services
                                    agencies are feeling the strain.
                                    Most executives said the need to
                                    do things like create new digital
                                    offerings, handle soaring demand              of executives and citizens
                                    for digital services and respond              expect social services to
                                    quickly to policy changes poses               look very different in the
                                    big challenges for their agencies.            years ahead.
                                    Worryingly, only 49% rated their own          *72% of citizens strongly agreed
                                    organisation as highly prepared for           or agreed with the statement:
                                    current and future challenges, down           ‘The COVID-19 pandemic will be a
                                                                                  turning point for government: the
                                    from 55% pre-pandemic. More than              way they deliver services to citizens
                                    70% of executives and citizens agree or       will be very different going forward;’
                                    strongly agree that social services will      73% of executives strongly agreed
                                                                                  or agreed with the statement: ‘The
                                    look very different in the years ahead.*      COVID-19 pandemic will be a ‘point
                                    As agencies rethink how—and what—they         of no return’ for social services:
                                    offer citizens, three priorities stand out.   strategy and operations will look
                                                                                  very different going forward’.

Social services: lead with impact                                                                                          6
Social services: lead with impact - Delivering better outcomes for citizens now and post-pandemic.
Priority 01

                                    Become more
                                    Agencies today face higher demand for their services, new technical hurdles such
                                    as social distancing rules, and rising expectations among citizens over service
                                    quality. All of these developments make it harder to deliver services quickly and
                                    effectively—yet this will be never more vital in dealing with crises to come.

                                    Singapore sets the pace.
                                    That said, some of the more digitally advanced countries—notably Singapore—have
                                    made great strides. Some 80% of the Singaporean citizens we surveyed said they’d
                                    received a service in a new way since the onset of the pandemic, such as switching
                                    to virtual delivery—immediately available, personalised, available through new digital
                                    channels, or bundled—compared to just 54% in the other nine countries.

                                    Virtual Services                           24%          35%
                                    New Digital Channels          13%           26%

                                    Personalised Services               19%           31%

                                      Figure 1: Digitally advanced countries

Social services: lead with impact                                                                                            7
Social services: lead with impact - Delivering better outcomes for citizens now and post-pandemic.
Priority 01      Become more responsive

            Others are also making headway.

            Canada                                    USA
            In March 2020, Accenture helped           Agencies are also teaming up in
            the Canadian Government launch            new and more productive ways with
            a new unemployment benefit—               ecosystem partners. In the US, the
            the Canada Emergency Response             Oklahoma Department of Human
            Benefit—providing financial support       Services is collaborating with Eckerd
            to Canadians impacted by COVID-19.        Kids, a non-profit, to alert social
            In just four days, Accenture set up       workers to high-risk scenarios.
            a call centre for a team of 2,600
            Canada-based agents, produced             To do this, the agency has
            over 25 dual-language process             implemented machine-learning
            documents and delivered 1,400 hours       software that monitors welfare
            of training to enable remote handling     data and sends alerts proactively to
            of calls. Throughout April, as millions   workers. During a three-year pilot in
            of Canadians applied for financial        Tampa, Florida, the same software
            relief, the agents were successfully      helped reduce child deaths from
            managing more than 40,000 calls           family abuse to zero.5
            a day4—while providing a better,
            faster service to citizens.

Social services: lead with impact                                                             8
Social services: lead with impact - Delivering better outcomes for citizens now and post-pandemic.
Priority 01      Become more responsive

                                                                                              Norway’s personalised
                                                                                              pension service receives

            A further way agencies are becoming
                                                       Meanwhile, in Norway, the Labour and
                                                                                              visits per year.7
            more responsive to citizens is by          Welfare Administration has developed
            providing services that are more           a personalised pensions service.
            personalised and adaptable. Germany’s      The website brings together pensions
            Federal Ministry of Labour is developing   data from various sources to present
            an end-to-end service anchored by          a cohesive view of the individual
            a website tailored for individual users,   citizen’s retirement savings, while
            for example by offering different          also enabling scenario modelling and
            services depending on their                providing investment suggestions.
            specific needs and demographics.           Having made life easier for Norway’s
            The aim is to connect every citizen        pensioners for several years, the
            to the service or information they         service now receives some 884,000
            need within just three clicks.6            visits annually.7 The same number
                                                       of visits per head in the US would
                                                       equate to 51.4 million a year.

Social services: lead with impact                                                                                        9
Social services: lead with impact - Delivering better outcomes for citizens now and post-pandemic.
Priority 01      Become more responsive

            Anticipating demand

                                                  schools and access health records.        Tellingly, only
                                                  The ultimate goal? To create a single
            The world’s most effective
                                                  app for Singaporeans to use for all
            agencies go beyond responding
                                                  their government interactions.8
            to citizens’ needs with new and
            more tailored services. They also
                                                  Looking across the efforts by leading     of the executives we surveyed
            anticipate demand, and “bundle”
                                                  social services agencies worldwide        said their agencies have
            their offerings to ensure the right
                                                  to be more responsive, a clear theme      deployed new services on
            combination of services is easily
                                                  emerges: those in the vanguard have       a large scale during the
            accessible to the right citizen at
                                                  the biggest impact on their citizens’     pandemic. So most agencies
            the right moment. Once again,
                                                  lives by delivering services in a         still have much further to go.
            this is an area where Singapore’s
                                                  frictionless way, and meeting citizens’
            agencies excel.
                                                  needs with personalised experiences
                                                  wherever and whenever they require.
            Parents there can now use a single
                                                  But despite pockets of excellence
            smartphone app—developed by
                                                  such as those we’ve highlighted, most
            the country’s Early Childhood and
                                                  social services agencies across the
            Development Agency—to register
                                                  world are not yet making the most of
            a child’s birth, find and choose
                                                  the powerful tools available to them.

Social services: lead with impact                                                                                            10
Priority 02

                                    Become more
                                    Our research indicates clearly that improving accessibility and
                                    transparency helps to build trust and belief in the leadership
                                    and support offered by government.

                                    But an equally important message is that making services more relevant
                                    will do little good if citizens are not aware of the choices open to them:
                                    89% said they lack sufficient guidance on what services they’re eligible
                                    for. Long waiting-times are another problem, with over one-third of
                                    citizens—37%—saying these are their biggest obstacles to receiving
                                    a high-quality service. And 43% added that reducing waiting-times
                                    would be the best way to increase their trust in government.

                                       added that reducing waiting-times
                                       would be the best away to increase
                                       their trust in government.

Social services: lead with impact                                                                                11
Priority 02       Become more accessible

            Improving communication                            Reaching out across society                   especially given the prominent but unwitting
                                                                                                             role played by young, asymptomatic
            An often-undervalued benefit of deploying          As well as smart technologies, making
                                                                                                             people in spreading COVID-19.
            digital technologies is the opportunity to         social services more accessible can also
            improve communication with citizens.               involve broader forms of public outreach.
                                                                                                             Even with vaccines rolling out and a potential
                                                                                                             loosening of social distancing rules in
            Crucially, this is also a key way to make social   During 2020, Accenture worked with
                                                                                                             prospect, citizens will be seeking to access
            services more accessible. Early in the pandemic,   the Government of India’s Digital India
                                                                                                             more services virtually going forward.
            the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC)—              Corporation to create the “myGov Saathi”
            which manages unemployment benefits for            chatbot. myGov Saathi now provides            Accenture’s Virtual Visits Solution
            America’s second most populous state—saw           reliable information about the coronavirus    is another way that governments
            the number of calls to its hotline surge from      to 1.3 billion citizens across the country.   are making services more accessible
            20,000 to 200,000 a day. How to handle                                                           while increasing trust through safe,
            this tenfold increase? The agency partnered        myGov Saathi can handle queries from          on-demand delivery. The completely virtual
            with Accenture to create “Larry”, an artificial    300,000 users per day and 20,000              solution allows for self-service booking of
            intelligence-powered Q&A agent on TWC’s            concurrent users per minute, bridging         appointments, sharing of documents and
            website. In its first week, Larry interacted       the information gap between the Indian        information, and follow-up interactions to
            with 168,000 visitors and answered nearly          Government and citizens.                      maintain ongoing engagement between
            500,000 questions. The upshot: more                                                              citizen and service provider.
            Texans received vital support, as America’s        myGov Saathi also provides a convenient
            unemployment rate soared to its highest            and powerful channel for communicating
            since the Great Depression of the 1930s.           accurate information to safeguard lives—

Social services: lead with impact                                                                                                                             12
Priority 03

                                    Embrace new
                                    technologies with
                                    human ingenuity
                                    As we’ve highlighted, delivering improvements in
                                    both responsiveness and accessibility is vital for
                                    agencies to impact lives and livelihoods.

                                    But each of these goals brings its own challenges—
                                    and agencies need to devote effort and investment
                                    inside their organisation for citizens to see results on
                                    the outside. Particularly important in keeping pace with
                                    citizens’ needs is embedding an organisational mindset
                                    that supports the development of new ideas and the
                                    adoption of new technologies.

Social services: lead with impact                                                              13
Priority 03       Embrace new technologies with human ingenuity

            Seizing opportunities                       A majority or positive balance
            generated by change                         of executives said remote working
                                                        has improved employee innovation,
            A case in point is the switch to remote
                                                        collaboration, communication,
            working that many social services
                                                        productivity and morale.
            agencies made almost overnight.
            While this sudden migration posed
            fresh challenges, especially initially,                                                                                                  No change

            our research confirms that it has also                                                                                                   Decreased

            has created new opportunities.            58%            56%             56%             54%
                                                                                                                     47%             46%
            For example, as Figure 2 shows 46%                           33%                                             35%
                                                         27%                                               27%                          29%               27%
            of social services executives told us                                        23%
            that working virtually has improved
            their employees’ productivity—against
            29% reporting no change and 24%
            reporting a decline. And a positive                                -9%
                                                              -15%                                                           -15%
            balance of executives said remote                                                -21%            -19%
            working has improved their employees’                                                                                                           -31%
            communication, collaboration,              Ability to    Information         Team          Effective      Ecosystem       Employee       Employee
                                                       innovate      security risk   collaboration   communication   collaboration   productivity      moral
            innovation and morale.

                                                       Figure 2: Remote work is creating opportunities

Social services: lead with impact                                                                                                                                  14
Priority 03       Embrace new technologies with human ingenuity

            Creating opportunities
            To make the most of the resulting opportunities,                Indonesia
            agencies need the ability to develop and implement              There was a great example of this in Indonesia
            or adapt to new policies quickly and smoothly.                  in 2020, centred on the Government’s support
                                                                            for impoverished households. In all too many
            Unfortunately, only 20% of the executives we surveyed           countries, social safety nets are not funded
            strongly agreed that their agencies have the agility to pivot   or structured sufficiently well to handle the
            swiftly as conditions change. This needs to be addressed:       kind of sharp rise in need triggered by the
            there’s no doubt that combining an agile mindset with the       pandemic. In early 2020, Indonesia’s national
            right technologies can enable an agency to deliver better       government tackled this problem head-on.
            outcomes and experiences for citizens.
                                                                            How? By working in partnership with the
                                                                            World Bank and local community groups,

                                                                            it applied advanced analytics to quickly
                                                                            identify and help 12 million newly-impoverished
                                                                            households that would not otherwise have
                                                                            received timely support.9
                of executives strongly
                agree that their agencies
                can pivot swiftly.

Social services: lead with impact                                                                                             15
Priority 03       Embrace new technologies with human ingenuity

                                                     Sharing ideas and data                          The result of the project?

                                                     These are the kinds of benefits that flow       Policymakers now have a powerful desktop
                                                     from an agile mindset. And being agile          analytics platform to conduct real-world
                                                     can also mean being ready to borrow             modelling and forecasting of the fiscal impacts
                                                     good ideas from other organisations.            of social policy decisions. Alongside the power
                                                                                                     of collaboration, our research also highlights the
                                                     Before the pandemic, Accenture launched         need for agencies to base their assumptions
                                                     a joint research project with the Australian    about citizens’ preferences on evidence, not
                                                     National University’s (ANU) Centre for Social   hearsay. Take data privacy. Contrary to what
                                                     Research and Methods (CSRM). The shared         many agencies might expect, 66% of the citizens
                                                     goal was to extend CSRM’s microsimulation       we surveyed said this is a relatively low concern.
                                                     policy modelling platform with leading-edge     And 85% would be open to sharing their data
                                                     desktop visualisation tools to fast-track the   with agencies in exchange for better services.
                                                     evaluation of new policy options.

                                                                                                        would be open to sharing
                                                                                                        their data with agencies in
                                                                                                        exchange for better services.

Social services: lead with impact                                                                                                                         16
Priority 03       Embrace new technologies with human ingenuity

            However, to succeed in increasing
            data-sharing between citizens
            and governments, agencies must
            take greater precautions:                             of executives said
            56% of executives said cybersecurity risks            cybersecurity risks to their
            to their agencies have escalated since the            agencies have escalated since
            start of the pandemic.                                the start of the pandemic.

            This is reflected in real-world attacks.
            For example, the US Department of Health              US Department of Health and
            and Human Services experienced 132 data               Human Services experienced
            breaches between February and May 2020,               132 data breaches between
                                                                  February and May 2020.

            a 50% increase over 2019.10

            And as well as improving security, agencies
            must also be sure to share data in line with
                                                                                  over 2019.10
            data protection regulations and explain clearly
            to citizens what they intend to do with it.

Social services: lead with impact                                                                 17
Priority 03       Embrace new technologies with human ingenuity

                                                                  56%                        61%
            Tech investments postponed
            Benefits delayed for citizens and employees.

            While an agile mindset is vital for agencies
                                                                  of executives said their   haven’t invested in
            to offer citizens more relevant and accessible
                                                                  agencies have not yet      “modular and flexible
            services, something else is also essential:
                                                                  invested in virtual        infrastructure”,
            investment in new technologies. But, as Figure 3
                                                                  work solutions.            such as cloud.
            shows [on the next page], this is something that
            most agencies appear to be postponing—even
            as employees see the benefits of the investments
            made to date. Our research figures tell the story.

                                                                  haven’t invested in
                                                                                             haven’t invested in
                                                                  big data and analytics.    artificial intelligence.

Social services: lead with impact                                                                                       18
Priority 03       Embrace new technologies with human ingenuity

         44%                            44%                                                                   44% 43% 44%
                                              39%                                                                               40% 39%
                           38%                                                                   38%

                                                                       14%                                                                                            13%
                                                    12% 11% 12%                     12%                                                                    12%
                                                                10%                                                                                  11%
                                                                              9%                                                                                 9%                9%
                                                                                                                                               6%                            7%

                     Already invested                   Explored but not invested                              Plan to invest                        Don’t know/Not applicable

                                                                Virtual work and/or collaboration solutions                               AI support for staff and improved operations
                                                                Modelling/forecasting analytics tools to improve operations               Data sharing capabilities
             Most executives said that
             their agencies haven’t yet                         Big data analytics to inform interventions                                Modular/flexible infrastructure i.e. cloud

             invested in AI, analytics,                         Digital self serve channels for citizen-facing services

             big data or cloud.
                                                               Figure 3: Agencies are delaying essential tech investments

Social services: lead with impact                                                                                                                                                        19
Priority 03       Embrace new technologies with human ingenuity

            Governments—whether local, national,
            or supranational—that make the necessary
            technology investments now will generate
            big rewards faster for their citizens.

            The European Union has got the message:
            in October 2020 it committed up to €10 billion
            over the next seven years to develop European-
            based cloud computing capacity, to strengthen
            the continent’s public and private sectors.11

                The European Union
                has committed

                over the next seven years
                to develop European-
                based cloud.

Social services: lead with impact                                 20
Towards a brighter
                                    future for citizens–
                                    and agencies
                                    Alongside its other impacts, COVID-19 has dramatically
                                    underlined the crucial role of government social services
                                    in supporting countries’ most vulnerable citizens. It has
                                    also demonstrated the need for more effective delivery
                                    of social services.

                                    Technology is clearly part of the solution. But an equally
                                    important enabler is embracing new organisational mindsets
                                    and ways of working. Agencies that commit today to meeting
                                    both imperatives will open the way to a brighter future for
                                    their citizens—and for themselves.

Social services: lead with impact                                                                 21
Contact any of our authors
                                                           Rainer Binder                                  Meghan Yurchisin
            or contributors to talk
                                                           Managing Director                              Senior Principal
            about how these ideas can                      Public Service,                                Public Service,
            be applied to your human                       Social Services Lead                           Accenture Research Lead
            services, employment,                          
            welfare or pensions agency.

                                          Rainer has more than 20 years of experience    Meghan Yurchisin has more than 12 years
            Authors                       working with government agencies and large     of experience researching and advising
            Rainer Binder                 commercial organisations across the globe.     government clients around the world.
            Meghan Yurchisin              He is a recognised expert in supporting        Her current portfolio focuses on how
                                          social services, employment and pensions       macroeconomic, geopolitical, and technology
            Contributors                  agencies in the fields of strategy, business   trends affect public service organisations
                                          transformation, program management, IT-        and their strategic response. Meghan holds
            Gaurav Gujral                 program delivery and solution design. He has   a BA from Grinnell College and an MBA from
            Bjørn Tore Holte              an Economics degree from the University        the University of Oxford. She is based in
                                          of Hohenheim and is based in Germany.          Washington, DC, USA.

Social services: lead with impact                                                                                                          22
References                                                                                        About Accenture
     In this report, “social services agencies” are government agencies that distribute           Accenture is a global professional services company
     unemployment benefits, pensions, and disability benefits, as well as those that
     provide family-support and other welfare services.                                           with leading capabilities in digital, cloud and security.
                                                                                                  Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills
     economic-and-budgetary-projections-eu-member-states-2016-2070_en                             across more than 40 industries, we offer Strategy and
                                                                                                  Consulting, Interactive, Technology and Operations
     briefingnote/wcms_749399.pdf                                                                 services—all powered by the world’s largest network of
                                                                                                  Advanced Technology and Intelligent Operations centers.
     leap-ahead-digital-transformation                                                            Our 514,000 people deliver on the promise of technology
5                      and human ingenuity every day, serving clients in more
                                                                                                  than 120 countries. We embrace the power of change to
                                                                                                  create value and shared success for our clients, people,
                                                                                                  shareholders, partners and communities. Visit us at

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