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E X EC U T I V E S U M M A RY • The Canada Emergency Re- sponse Benefit aims at pro- tecting the income of those groups that have been exclud- ed from the Unemployment Insurance. However, special attention should be paid that the criteria to have access to those benefits do not leave vulnerable people behind, such as people who had been unemployed before the crisis and were not covered by the Unemployment Insurance, or those people whose income was less that CAD $5,000 in 2019. • Canada has responded exten- • For family benefits, in May an sively in the face of the sani- additional sum will be sent to tary, financial and social crises the beneficiaries of the Non- caused by the COVID-19 pan- Contributive Federal Pro- demic. gramme Canada Child Bene- fit, which has a wide coverage • For health, the goal is to adapt and important effects on in- the system to continue pro- come distribution. viding services, in addition to extending its diagnosis and • For Pensions for the Elderly, treatment capabilities for the only the programmes opera- infected individuals. tions were adapted to tailor the new conditions imposed • A crucial component in the by the emergency. response is the Inter-Govern- mental Coordination Plan cre- • For employment protection, ac- ated to address the 2004 In- tions were aimed at subsidise fluenza Epidemic, which has the salaries paid by companies. undergone constant updates. • Given the features of the • The Federal Government cre- structures created to protect ated an emergency benefit, the income of the people in the Canada Emergency Re- the different stages of life, the sponse Benefit, as to provide group of people in working CA $2,000 every month, for prime age is particularly vul- up to 4 months, to all those nerable to the financial effects people who have lost their in- resulting from the pandemic. come, because they are found in quarantine or sick, look after a relative or have lost their job. SOCIAL SECURITY FOR WELFARE 2
SCENARIO However, the latter group ac- counted for 95% of the deaths. On January 25th, 2020 the first The Federal Government and case of COVID-19 in Canada was Provincial and Territorial Gov- confirmed, which was a person ernments have undertaken who had traveled to the prov- measures to contain the number ince of Wuhan, China. The num- of contagions of COVID-19 and ber of reported cases experi- address the financial and social enced a moderate growth until consequences of the epidemic. late February, and exponential- Between January and Febru- ly increased in the first week of ary, the Federal Government put March. In spite of the number of surveillance actions in place at new cases reported domestically international airports, and the having decreased as of late, the closure of borders to all interna- authorities say, until mid-May, tional travellers was decreed on the country is yet to experience March 18th, except for the United the peak in the number of cases.1 States, the country with whom essential trips are still allowed.3 As of May 14th, the authorities had Meanwhile, between March 16th reported 72,536 confirmed cases and 22nd, the Provincial and Ter- of COVID-19,out of which 1,050 ritorial States undertook mea- were new cases, 35,523 have al- sures to prevent contagions, ready recovered, and 5,209 have mainly by closing non-essential died. This means the mortality rate businesses and schools, in addi- was of 7%.2 Three provinces ac- tion to banning big crowds.4 count for over 90% of the number of contagions and deaths: Quebec with 55% of the cases and 60.3% of the deaths; Ontario, with 29.6% and 33.7%, and Alberta, with 8.9% and 2.3%, respectively. Converse- ly, the province of Prince Edward Island, the Northwestern Territo- ries and Yukon cluster less than 1% of the contagions and deaths, and Nunavut has not reported any cases (see Map 1). From a sample of 35, 568 cases with detailed de- mographic information, 5% were under 19 years old, 50% were be- tween 20-59 years old, and 36% was over 60 years old. 1 Government of Canada, “Epidemiological Sum- mary of COVID-19 Cases in Canada”, 2020. Retrieved from 3 Government of Canada, “Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Outbreak Outdate”, 2020. Retrieved from ical-sum- mary-covid-19-cases.html#a2 public-health/services/dis- 2 Public Health Agency of Canada, “Coronavirus Dis- eases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection.html ease 2019 (COVID-19): Daily Epidemiology Update”, 2020. 4 National Post, “COVID-19 in Canada: What Each Retrieved from Province is Doing to Fight the Coronavirus Pandemic”, April phac- aspc/documents/services/diseases/2019-nov- 5th, 2020. Retrieved from news/ el-coronavirus-infection/surv-covid19-epi-update-eng.pdf canada/coVID-19-canada-coronavirus-provinces SOCIAL SECURITY FOR WELFARE 3
These actions have translated As shown by Chart 1, since March into social and productive ac- there have been significant reduc- tivities being put in halt, which tions in the number of employed has brough about major effects people and labour market share. on the Canadian economy: the However, the harshest effects Manufacturing sector has seen took place in April. Moreover, be- its sales plummet in 465 million tween February and April 2020, dollars; tourism has also experi- around 3 million people lose enced a reduction on the num- their jobs, out of which 172,000 ber of arrivals by foreign visitors ceased to take part in the labour in around 60%,5 and the Energy market, either because they had sector, in addition to seeing the to look after their households or commercial war between Russia stopped looking for a job since and Saudi Arabia, has seen its the great majority of businesses activities suspended, which se- are closed, and 1,284,500 are un- verely reduced the international employed, but still on the look- demand of fuel.6 The week of out for a job. Furthermore, in the April 20th-25th saw the lowest same period, 2.5 million people historical levels in the price of saw their work schedule being oil barrels, an important product cut down.7 In other words, the in the Canadian economy.Sig- COVID-19 emergency has had a nificant repercussions have also labour impact on around 5.5 mil- been seen on the labour arena. lion people, which accounts for 29.5% of the labour force. 5 Statistics Canada, “Canadian Economic Dash- board and COVID-19”, March 26th, 2020. Retrieved from https://www150. x2020009-eng.htm 6 The Conference Board of Canada, “Provincial Outlook Spring 2020-Preliminary Forecast. Canadian 7 Statistics Canada, “COVID-19 and the Labour Overview”, April 15th, 2020. Retrieved from https://www. Market in April 2020”, May 8th, 2020. Retrieved from https://www150. provincial-outlook/canadian-overview m2020034-eng.htm SOCIAL SECURITY FOR WELFARE 4
The most affected sectors have Between 2010-2018, the annu- been the Hospitality industry, al growth average of the gross with around 615,000 jobs lost domestic product (GDP) was of between February and April 2.2%, with a minimum of 0.7% in 2020; the Business industry, with 2016 and a maximum of 3.2% in 582,000 fewer jobs; the Con- 2013.10 Conversely, as a result of struction industry, with 315,800; the effects brought by the sani- the Manufacturing industry, with tary emergency, it is estimated 301,600; the Healthcare and that the GDP for the first quar- Social Welfare industry, with ter of the year decreased in 5% 229,100; the Information, Cul- at an annual rate, while the re- tural and Recreational Services duction for the second quarter industry with almost 186,000.8 will be of 25%. Therefore, the The loss of jobs has mainly taken GDP growth rate for the entire place in the provinces of Ontario 2020 will experience a decrease (1,092,000), Quebec (820,500), of 4.3%. However, a recovery of British Columbia (396,500), and 6% is expected in 2021.11 One of Alberta (260,900).9 the reasons why this recovery is expected is due to the Govern- Concurrently, it is also neces- ment’s answer to the crisis. sary to consider that the Cana- dian economy has experienced a Before addressing this topic, a moderate growth in the last years: brief description of some of the demographic, labour, socioeco- nomic and sanitary features is included. 8 Statistics Canada, “Employment by indus- try, monthly, seasonally adjusted and unadjusted, and trend-cycle, last 5 months (x 1,000)”, 2020. Retrieved from https:// tion?pid=1410035501 9 Statistics Canada, “Labour Force Characteris- tics, monthly, seasonally adjusted and trend-cycle, last 5 10 Proprietary calculations based on the World Bank, months”, 2020. Retrieved from https://www150.statcan. “Crecimiento del PIB (% annual)”, Data Bank, 2020. Re- tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1410028701&pic- kMem- trieved from https://datos. bers%5B0%5D=1.1&pickMember-s%5B1%5D=3.1&pickMem- NY.GDP.MKTP. KD.ZG?locations=CA bers%5B2%- 5D=4.1&pickMembers%5B3% 5D=5.1 11 The Conference Board of Canada, “Provincial Out- look…”, op. cit. SOCIAL SECURITY FOR WELFARE 5
CONTEXT The most populated provinces Population are Ontario (14.5 million people), Quebec (8.5 million people), Brit- In 2019, Canada had 37,589,262 ish Columbia (5 million), and Al- citizens, out of which 50.3% were berta (4.3 million), while the three women and 49.7% were men.12 territories happen to be the least This population is at an advanced populated, with around 40,000 age in life as the 65+-year age people each, scattered around bracket clusters 17.5% of the pop- wide rural areas in the North.18 ulation, while the 0-14-year age bracket accounts for 16%.12 The Labour Market country is also highly diverse eth- nically and culturally speaking: In February 2020, the labour force the official languages are English market share rate was estimated and French. to be 64.8% for the entire popula- tion, with 60.7% of women and 69% However, in 2016 both were the of men. In that same month, the mother tongue of just 79.5% of unemployment rates were of 5.9% the population, while 22.3% spoke for the entire population, 6.5% of other languages, mainly Manda- women and 5.1% of men. The most rin Chinese, Cantonese Chinese, affected by unemployment have Punjab, Filipino or Spanish, and been young people as the 15-24- the remaining 0.6% spoke an in- year age bracket had a 10.4% rate.19 digenous language as a mother The Services industry clustered a tongue.13 In that same year, 4.9 % 79.9% of employment; the Manu- of the population identified them- facturing and Construction indus- selves14 with a First Nation.15 Can- try, 17%; and Agriculture and other ada has a Federal political organ- Primary Activities with 3.1%.20 isation, with 10 Provinces16 and 3 Territories.17 Labour participation rate for In- digenous Peoples is almost the same as that of the rest of the population since in 2019 it was of 63.9% in women and 65.7% in men. Its unemployment rate, however, was particularly high: 10.1% vs. 12 Statistics Canada, “Table 17-10-0005-01”, 2020. 5.7% among the general popula- Retrieved from tion?pid=1710000501 tion, while the most affected were 13 Aboriginal identity refers to whether the person identified themselves with any of the Aboriginal Peoples of men (11.8 %) vs. women (8.3 %).21 Canada. These include peoples of First Nations, Inuit, peo- 18 Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon ple registered by the Indian Act of Canada, and those who 19 Statistics Canada, “Table 14-10-0017-01”. Retrieved were members of an indigenous community. For further from https://www150. information, please read https://www12. pi- d=1410001701&pickMembers%5B0%- 5D=1.1&pickMem- census-recensement/2016/ref/ dict/pop001-eng.cfm bers%5B1%5D=2.8 14 Statistics Canada, “Focus on Geography Series, 20 Proprietary calculation based on information 2016 Census”, 2016. Retrieved from https://www12.stat- taken from Statistics Canada, “Table 14-10-0355-01”, 2020. sement/2016/as-sa/fogs- Retrieved from https://www150. spg/Facts-CAN-Eng. cfm?TOPIC=5&LANG=Eng&GK=- en/tv.action?pi- d=1410035501&pickMembers%5B0%- CAN&GC=01 5D=1.1&pickMembers%5B1%5D=3.1&pick- Mem- 15 Statistics Canada, “Focus on Geography Series…”, op. cit. bers%5B2%5D=4.2 16 Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Bruns- 21 Statistics Canada, “Table 14-10-0364-01”, 2020. wick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Retrieved from https://www150. Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan. tion?pi- d=1410036401&pickMembers%5B0%- 5D=3.6&pickMem- 17 Statistics Canada, “Table 17-10-0005”, op. cit. bers%5B1%5D=4.1&pick- Members%5B2%5D=5.1 SOCIAL SECURITY FOR WELFARE 6
Poverty & Inequality Epidemiological Profiles In 2018, the last year for which The main causes of death in there is available data, 8.7% of the Canada are non-communicable population earned an income be- chronic diseases (NCCD), acci- low the poverty line.22 dents and injuries. In 2018, malig- nant neoplasms, heart conditions, The percentage of men living in and cerebrovascular diseases poverty (8.9%) was slightly high- were the three main causes of er than in women (8.6%). The 18- death; followed by (4) accidents, 64-year age bracket is the most (5) chronic obstructive pulmo- affected, so much so that 10.3% nary diseases, (6) influenza and earned an income below the pov- pneumonia, and (7) diabetes.27 A erty line, followed by the 0-17-year risk factor associated to some of age bracket with 8.2%, while only these conditions is sedentarism 3.5% of the 65+-year age group and obesity, and in 2017 more was found in this situation.23 For than half of the population suf- income distribution, in 2018 the fered from overweight or obesity highest decile clustered 23% of (55.5%).28 the total income after taxes while the four lowest deciles barely rep- A number of the diseases that resented 20.8% when combined.24 cause a higher number of deaths significantly affect the indigenous Also, poverty and inequality in in- peoples. As shown on Chart 2, be- come particularly affect indigenous tween 2011 and 2014, 48.9% of the peoples. For instance, between Canadian population of 12+ years 2007 and 2010, food insecurity af- old had one or more chronic fected between 14.3% and 26.3% of diseases,29 while 2 out of 3 of the this population while only 7.6% of main indigenous peoples in Can- the total population and 7.2% of the ada saw a percentage of 59.4% non-indigenous population were for First Nations, 58.8% of the Mé- found to experience this situation.25 tis peoples, and 50.5% of the In- Furthermore, in 2015, the average uit people. In general, there is a income of indigenous peoples of strong prevalence of respiratory 15+ years was CAD $36,000 vs. CAD diseases, diabetes, high blood $50,000 earned by the rest of the pressure, heart conditions, and population.26 sequels to heart attacks among 22 The official poverty line of Canada is calculated based on the cost paid for a particular number of goods these population groups. and services, which represents a basic and modest Economic Progress Report 2019, Quebec, 2019, pp. 31-33. standard of life. This is an official measure and is adjusted 27 Statistics Canada, “Table 13-10-0800-02”, 2020. based on the place of residence and family size. Retrieved from 23 Statistics Canada. Table 11-10-0135- 01, 2020. tion?pid=1310080002 Retrieved from https://www150. 28 Statistics Canada, “Table 13-10-0373-01”, 2020. cv.action?pi- d=1110013501#timeframe Retrieved from 24 Statistics Canada, “Canadian Income Survey, 2018”, tion?pid=1310037301 2020. Retrieved from https:// 29 Asthma, arthritis (except for fibromyalgia), back prob- daily-quoti- dien/200224/dq200224a-eng.htm lems (except for fibromyalgia and arthritis), high blood pressure, 25 Statistics Canada, “Table 13-10-0099-01”, 2020. migraine, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, chronic obstructive Retrieved from https:// pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, heart conditions, cancer, tion?pid=1310009901 stomach or peptic ulcers, sequels of strokes, urinary incontinence, 26 It is possible to notice a similar trend when ob- an intestinal disorder such as Chron’s disease/ulcerative colitis/ serving the mean in income distribution, which accounts irritable bowel syndrome/intestinal incontinence, Alzheimer’s dis- for CAD $25,526 CAD in 2015 vs CAD $34,604 earned by ease or any other type of dementia, a mood disorder such as de- non-indigenous peoples. Please check The National In- pression/bipolar disorder/mania/dysthymia, an anxiety disorder digenous Economic Development Board, The Indigenous such as phobia/obsessive-compulsive disorder/panic disorder. SOCIAL SECURITY FOR WELFARE 7
THE SOCIAL SECURITY SYS T E M I N T H E FAC E O F with financial transfers being T H E PA N D E M I C made for people who were un- employed, in quarantine or sick In the last days of January, Prime with COVID-19; increases in fam- Minister Justin Trudeau called ily transfers, and for companies, for a Working Group to dis- credits, tax reductions and for cuss his Government’s response SMEs, subsidies to pay salaries. to the emergency caused by COVID-19, and a Cabinet Commit- The next sections will include the tee was put in place on March 5th main features of the social se- to coordinate the Federal Govern- curity system in three benefits ment’s actions. Later that month, (Health Assistance, Elderly Ben- the Government announced a fi- efits, Unemployment Insurance, nancial stimulus package of a lit- and Family Benefits) and the Gov- tle over CAD $100Bn,30 ernment’s response in these ar- eas, as well as a brief summary 30 BBC News, “Canada Backs $75Bn Coronavirus of the main actions aimed at pro- Relief Bill”, March 25th, 2020. Retrieved from https://www. tecting jobs. SOCIAL SECURITY FOR WELFARE 8
CHARACTERISTICS OF The Federal Government man- THE SOCIAL SECURITY ages the Non-Contributive Uni- SYSTEM versal Pension Fund, which goes by the name of Old Age Secu- The Canadian Social Security rity, in addition to a Contributive System provides protection in Structure, the Canada Pension the nine benefits recognised by Plan (CPP) for 9 of the 10 provinc- the Agreement 102 (Minimum es and the three territories, while Standard) of the International Quebec handles its own pension Labour Organisation (ILO).31 The plan: The Quebec Pension Plan. Canadian Government, howev- er, has not ratified any of ILO’s The short-term benefits struc- most important agreements on ture is slightly similar to that of social security, namely 102, 168 pension funds. Therefore, there is on Employment Protection; 121 a Federal structure in place that on Occupational Accidents and provides the entire population Diseases; 121 on Occupation- with unemployment insurance, al Accidents and Occupational financial benefits for sickness or Diseases; or 130 on Healthcare.32 caretakers of sick people at their homes, and maternity and pater- The Federal structure of the Ca- nity leave benefits in the provinc- nadian Political System exer- es covered by CCP. On the other cises a strong influence on how hand, the people of Quebec have the social security system works. access to maternity and paterni- Provincial, Territorial and Local ty leaves via a healthcare struc- Governments are responsible for tures managed by the provincial organising, managing and pro- autorities. viding healthcare services while funding is provided by these Gov- Finally, for family benefits, there ernments and the Federal Gov- is a non-contributive structure ernment whose exclusive scope handled by Federal authorities, of action is closely checking that called Canada Child Benefit, national goals are met. which grants benefits to the pop- ulation in progressive amounts. For long-term benefits such as In 2017, Canada’s total expendi- elderly pension funds, leave of ture in health was 10.6% of GDP, absence and disability, as well out of which 73.7% represented as survivors and death, the sys- public expenses while 26.3% was tem works on a more centralised private. Out-of-pocket expendi- manner. ture represented the great ma- jority of this last type of expenses as it accounted for 14.2% of the total expenditure in healthcare.33 31 ILO, World Social Protection Report 2017-19: Uni- versal social protection to achieve the Sustainable Devel- 33 See World Bank, Data Bank, 2020. Indicators: opment Goals 2017-2019, Geneva, 2017, p. 255. Current Health Retrieved from 32 CISS, “Plataforma cartográfica sobre seguridad indicator/ SH.XPD.OOPC.CH.ZS?locations=CA https:// data. social”, 2020. Retrieved from http:// CH.ZS?locations=- convenios CA https://data.worldbank. org/indicator/SH.XPD.GHED. CH.ZS?loca- tions=CA;and cator/ SH.XPD.CHEX.GD.ZS?locations=CA SOCIAL SECURITY FOR WELFARE 9
Between 2008 and 2018, the ex- BENEFITS penditure destined to to health- care accounted for around 24% Healthcare System of the general Government’s ex- penditure.34 For human resourc- The Canadian healthcare sys- es, it is possible to say that, be- tem provides coverage to all tween 2011 and 2015, the number citizens and permanent resi- of physicians grew in 13.3% while dents through structures that the number of registered nurses were designed and managed grew by 6.3%.35 Despite the ef- by the Provincial and Territorial forts undertaken by the Govern- Governments, while the Federal ments intended to reduce the Governments provides special gap between the rural and urban coverage to members of First areas, in 2015 11.8% of registered Nations, Inuit, Armed Forces, nurses worked in rural areas in some veterans, and people that spite of the fact that 17.4% of the are locked up in the country’s population36 lived there. Howev- penitentiary system. It also pro- er, in 2016, rural areas had one vides temporary coverage to physician per every 1,000 peo- asylees, protected people, and ple and 2.6 in urban areas.37 asylum seekers via the Interim Heath Program. As mentioned Expenditure on social security before, the Federal Government, also represented around 24% of Provincial and Territorial Gov- the public expenditure in that ernments, Local Governments, same period.38 In this category, and sometimes employers take based on data from the Organ- part in the funding. In the great isation for Economic Coopera- majority of provinces and all the tion and Development (OECD), in territories, people are not re- 2015 the expenditure in financial quired to pay for an insurance benefits were distributed as fol- premium, except for British Co- lows: 4.7% of GDP on benefits to lumbia and Ontario.40 the elderly and survivors; 2.9% of unemployment benefits; 1.8% of In 2017, the system coverage family benefits; and 0.8% in sick- was of 100%.41 However, the ness and disability benefits.39 public insurance structures only provide coverage for basic ser- vices, which is why people often 34 This type of expenditure includes that used by hire private insurances to cover the Federal Government and the Provincial, Territorial and Local Governments, as well as the social security funds, medical prescriptions, dental Aboriginal Governments, and Government-owned non-for- profit organisations, but it excludes Government-owned care, physiotherapy, ambulance corporations. Please see Statistics Canada, “Table 10-10- 0005-01”, 2020. Retrieved from https://www150.statcan. and glass services. 42 tv.action?pid=1010000501 35 Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO), “Cana- 40 Social Security Administration, “Canada”, Social da”, op. cit. Security Programs Throughout the World: The Americas, 36 Idem 2017, 2017. Retrieved from 37 OECD, Health Care at a Glance 2019: OECD Indica- docs/prog-desc/ssptw/2016-2017/americas/index.html tors, OECD, Paris, 2019, p. 113. 41 OECD, Health Care at a Glance, op. cit., p. 105. 38 Statistics Canada. “Table 10-10-0005-01”, op. cit. 42 Government of Canada, “Health Care in Canada”, 39 OECD, “Social Expenditure – Aggregated”, OECD 2017. Retrieved from https://www. Social Expenditure Database (SOCX), 2019. Retrieved from gration-refugees-citizens- hip/services/new-immigrants/ new-life-canada/health-care-card.html SOCIAL SECURITY FOR WELFARE 10
Then, 67% of the population had Indigenous peoples face ma- one type of voluntary private jor inequalities in health: They coverage in that year to provide have less access to physicians ancillary services.43 to treat them regularly, worst re- sults in health, as evidenced by Despite the system coverage the greater presence of chronic being universal, there are some diseases,45 and reported their inequalities in terms of access. health to be average or poor In 2017, 15.3% of the population more often than not (see Chart older than 12 years lacked of a 3). This is due to several reasons, regular healthcare service pro- but there are two that are par- vider; the third part of the cases ticularly important:46 reported there was not any avail- able in their area of residence or 1. Service unavailability in the one it was actually available their areas of residence, espe- would not admit any more pa- cially among people that live in tients.44 These barriers caused reservations or remote areas in by unavailability are often more the Northern part of the country. evident in rural areas. 2. Discrimination and exclu- sion indigenous people are ex- posed to in the urban areas they live in. 45 Please see previous section. 43 OECD, Health Care at a Glance, op. cit., p. 105. 46 National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous 44 Statistics Canada, “Primary Health Care Providers, Health, “Social Determinants of Health, Access to Health 2017”, 2019. Retrieved from Services as a Social Determinant of First Nations, Inuit and n1/pub/82-625-x/2019001/article/00001-eng.htm Métis Health”, Fact Sheet, 2019. SOCIAL SECURITY FOR WELFARE 11
Together, the higher prevalence A crucial element in the Cana- of chronic diseases and the lim- dian response to the COVID-19 ited access to healthcare ser- pandemic is the prior existence vices make the indigenous pop- of coordination mechanisms and ulation particularly vulnerable plans among different levels of to the COVID-19 pandemic. As Government to respond to dif- mentioned above, in the North- ferent types of emergency. ern territories the pandemic has not had severe effects in terms These plans have paid particu- of healthcare. That is why the larly attention to emergencies indigenous population living related to climate change, but in these areas, some of them the country also has a health- in reservations, may not be the care plan in place to face epi- most affected by the pandemic. demics of influenza, which has The situation is different for in- been adapted by the authorities digenous people living in urban to face the emergency of CO- areas. In the provinces of Alber- VID-19. Such plan dates back to ta and British Columbia, which 2004 and was created as a re- are ranked three and four in sponse to the crisis caused by the number of confirmed cases the virus SARS-COV-1 between of COVID-19, there is a greater 2002 and 2004, undergoing sev- presence of indigenous people, eral updates, including one after 6.5% and 4.9%, respectively, vs. the emergence of the pandem- 4.9% in the country and, in both ic flu (AH1N1) in 2009. The crisis cases, almost 60% lives outside caused by SARS in 2002 fostered reservations, with around 50% a commitment from the Federal, living in medium and big-size Provincial, and Territorial author- communities.47 ities to develop mechanisms of a coordinated intergovernmen- As mentioned earlier, consid- tal response. In fact, the fact that ering the decentralised organ- some governments had material isation of the Canadian health- resources available, particularly care system and distribution of mechanical respirators to treat entitlements, the response of people in critical condition rep- healthcare services is mainly resented an advantage. the responsibility of Provincial and Territorial Governments, while the Federal Government is responsible for tasks associated to national monitoring, banning of international trips, and invest- ments on IT research and devel- opment. 47 Statistics Canada, “Focus on Geography Series, 2016 Census”, 2019. Retrieved from https://www12.statcan. sement/2016/as-sa/fogs-spg/ Facts-PR-Eng.cfm?TOPIC=9&LANG=Eng&GK=PR&GC=48 SOCIAL SECURITY FOR WELFARE 12
Despite the differentiated re- • Adjust standard healthcare sponses that each Provincial and services to observe the social Territorial Government has had distancing conditions, particu- for the pandemic, there has also larly via remote medicine, but been some common measures: also changes in work schedule and rescheduling non-essen- • Extend the epidemiological tial services (Prince Edward monitoring, the diagnosis ca- Island, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, pabilities and access criteria Newfoundland and Labrador, (some of the provinces and and the Northwest Territories). territories that have done it are Alberta, Prince Edward Island, • Create specialized hospitals Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, to treat COVID-19 (Prince Ed- Nunavut, Ontario, Quebec, ward Island). and the Northwest Territories). • Make criteria to have access • Create regulations or laws to to a health insurance plan less ensure enough financial and stringent; for instance, reduc- human resources are avail- ing the waiting times to obtain able at healthcare facilities them or extending coverage for the people in general, and to people that would not reg- the healthcare centres for the ularly have access to it, such elderly. One of the measures as temporary workers, people that has been adopted in that with study or temporary work regard is licensing higher ed- permits (British Columbia and ucation students and retirees the Northwest Territories). to work in specific sectors, or • Some of the Provincial Gov- for those people to use facili- ernments that have fostered ties and resources of private special actions that consider organisations (Alberta, British the indigenous peoples are Columbia, Nova Scotia, On- Alberta and British Columbia. tario, Quebec and Saskatch- ewan). Additionally, the Federal Gov- • Put mechanisms in place to ernment amended the Non-In- make it easier for people work- sured Health Benefits (NIHB) in ing on critical sectors to con- an attempt to make sure First tinue completing their activi- Nations and Inuit communities ties. For instance, give those have access to standard regu- people access to care servic- lar services and cover the cost es for their children (Alberta, of medical treatments and sup- British Columbia, New Bruns- plies required to care for people wick, and Saskatchewan). suffering from COVID-19. SOCIAL SECURITY FOR WELFARE 13
Elderly Benefits In the Provincial and Territorial levels, some governments have The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) announced additional financial and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) transfers for the elderly (for ex- programmes provide funding ample, in New Brunswick and through contributions to employ- British Columbia). The Govern- ers and employees, while the Old ments’ response has been focus- Age Security (OAS) programme is ing more on ensuring continu- completely funded with general ity of the long-term senior care revenue coming from the Gov- home operations all the while ernment. These three compo- provisions have been consid- nents of the Pension Fund Sys- ered to make sure it works safe- tem cover the great majority of ly in the face of the emergency the elderly age group. caused by COVID-19. These ac- tions will most probably, howev- It is estimated that, as of July er, not be enough since, from the 1st, 2019, the Canadian popula- 760 deaths that had been regis- tion older than 65 years was of tered until April 15th, almost half 6,592,611 people. In that same was taken place in this type of month, OAS provided elderly establishments, according to benefits to 6,367,900 people, Canada’s Chief Public Health Of- CPP to 5,322,242, and QPP to ficer Theresa Tam. 1,920,871. The reason behind the amount of these beneficiaries being higher than the total num- ber of 65+-year people is that the CPP and QPP programmes allow people to continue receiv- ing the benefit when they move out to another country, or that the people currently living in Canada and making payments to a social security institutions in other country with whom Can- ada has an agreement in place would continue receiving their pension funds. In the face of the crisis, ma- jor amendments to the pension fund structures operating in Canada have been announced. What has been done is adapting them to ensure their continuity and make electronic paperwork more accessible. SOCIAL SECURITY FOR WELFARE 14
Unemployment Benefits In February 2020, around 16.1 million people paid for contribu- The insurance programme for tions to the unemployment in- unemployment, Employment surance – i.e. an 80% of the la- Insurance (EI), covers the great bour force. In that same month, majority of people working un- around 1.6 million people der contract, provides volun- were unemployed, and around tary coverage to self-employed 583,000 received the unemploy- peoples, and had special provi- ment benefit, while the rest did sions for those people working not have access to the benefit in farms, fisheries, the Armed as they did not have a covered Forces, and schools. The pro- job, their employment separa- gramme is funded through pay- tion did not meet the require- ments made by employees and ments, or they had not worked employers as contributions. the required number of hours. The COVID-19 Emergency has For those people working in had major impacts in the labour those covered activities to have market, as mentioned above, as access to this benefit, they must around 3 million jobs have been have been unemployed for, at lost and work schedules of 2.5 least, seven consecutive days million people have been re- in the last year, the unemploy- duced until April. ment status must not have been voluntary or due to negligence, As a response, the Canada Emer- the people must have worked gency Response Benefit (CERB) for 420-700 hours in the last was created in order to protect 52 weeks or in the period ever those people that have lost their since they received the last un- income due to them being sick employment benefit and sub- from COVID-19, being in quaran- mitted a new application, and tine, taking care of people suf- must be willing, ready and ca- fering from COVID-19, or schools pable of working, and proactive- and childcare facilities closure ly looking for a job. The amount forcing them to stay at home of that benefit is of around 55% to look after their families. It is of the weekly insured income also provided to employed or and may be paid for up to 45 self-employed people that do weeks, depending on the num- not meet the requirements to ber of worked hours and unem- access the standard unemploy- ployment rates registered in the ment insurance. At first, this ben- financial region where the indi- efit could only be accessed by vidual is. people who had lost their entire income and have been unem- ployed during the first 14 days of the month when the benefit was requested, and have earned less than CAD $5,000 in 2019. SOCIAL SECURITY FOR WELFARE 15
On April 15th, an announcement In April, it was estimated that was made to inform the ben- around 8.7 million were unem- efit will be accessible to people ployed or had seen their work whose income was up to CAD hours reduced to zero, the great $1,000 per month, in addition to majority (6.8 million) received a permit for artists to continue CERB while 459,000 received earning income on the grounds the standard unemployment of copyrights for works executed insurance (EI), and 1.2 million prior March 1st, and even opened people were not covered by any the possibility that people who programme that protected their have exceeded the period of the income (see Graphic 1). unemployment benefit would have access to CERB. This pro- The great majority of those gramme provides CAD $500 per people who did not receive any week for up to 16 weeks to those benefits were people who were people who meet the selection already unemployed before criteria and submit their appli- March 15th (the date when CERB cation. Funding comes from the started operating) and were not Federal Government, and Provin- covered by the unemployment cial and Territorial Governments. insurance (38.9%), followed by those people who earned less Between March 15th and May than CAD $5,000 in 2019 (33%), 10th, 11.4 million applications those people who voluntarily re- had been received to have ac- signed to their jobs (16.4%), and cess to CERB, out of which 11.3 lastly those people who ran into million had been processed and problems while processing their benefits for over CAD $30.5Bn CERB application (11.7%) (please had been granted. see Graphic 2). SOCIAL SECURITY FOR WELFARE 16
Family Benefits The Canada Child Benefit (CCB) Among the covered families, programme offers a tax-free these ratios were of 71% and monthly payment to those people 29%, respectively – i.e. it is pos- who have filed their tax returns sible to see a slight increase in and are the main caretaker of an coverage among single-parent individual under 18 years old. The families. From the total number programme is exclusively funded of households with minors, 45% through federal resources and of- had one minor, 38% had two mi- fers differentiated amounts based nors while the remaining 17% on the families’ declared income. had three or four minors. Among In the 2017-2018 fiscal year, that the beneficiaries, these ratios started on July 2017 and ended were of 41.6%, 37.8%, and 20.6%. on June 2018, CCB made financial Therefore, it is possible to see transfers to 3,663,610 people that a certain support in favour of were the responsible caretakers households with a higher num- of individuals under 18 years of ber of minors. age. To get an idea of how much this amount represents, it is nec- CCB substantially improved the essary to bear in mind that the situation of people with lower household universe with at least income as it has a wide cover- one minor was of 5,783,220 in 2017. age and delivers progressive 74.6% of these households were amounts. Graphic 3 shows esti- two-parent families and 25.4% mates on family and minor ben- were single-parent families. eficiary distributions based on level of income earned before and after receiving CCB. SOCIAL SECURITY FOR WELFARE 17
It is possible to see two main Considering that families whose effects resulting from this earned income for the 2017-2018 programme: Fiscal Year was less than CAD $30,000 received an average 1) Reduce the number of people of almost CAD $860 per month, and families with income less the increase may be a little over than CAD $20,000, and a third of the income by CCB.49 2) increases the number of peo- In summary, Figure 1 shows the ple who earned between CAD main characteristics of the social $30,000-$69,000. security benefits available before the COVID-19 crisis while Figure In this regard, the main action 2 shows the characteristics cor- that was undertaken consisted responding to governmental re- in giving an additional amount sponses to face the emergency. to people who were beneficia- ries of CCB in May. This increase will be provided both to those people who were already ben- eficiaries and people who are the responsible caretakers of a minor and have filed their tax re- turns for the 2018 Fiscal Year. There is even the possibility that people who had moved to Can- ada between January 2019 and until April 2020 to receive this benefit, as long as they present documents that evidence their income prior to their arrival in Canada. Only the amount for May 2020 will be provided and may be of up to CAD $3,000 per minor, but it will depend on the requesting individual’s earnings.48 49 Proprietary calculations based on information from the Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis, Eco- 48 Canada Revenue Agency, “Canada Child Benefit nomic Contribution of the Canada Child Benefit: A Basic (CCB) Payment Increase: CRA and COVID-19”, 2020. Re- Income Guarantee for Canadian Families with Children, trieved from September 2019, p. 21. Retrieved from https://ubiworks. campaigns/coVID-19-update/coVID-19-ccb-payment-in- ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Economic-Contribu- crease.html#send tion-of-the-Canada-Child-Benefit.pdf SOCIAL SECURITY FOR WELFARE 18
Employment Protection An important requirement to Actions have access to this benefit is that organisations pay salaries, The Federal Government of bonuses or any other type of re- Canada announced three spe- muneration to their employees.51 cific actions to protect working people and labour in general. This last action was an amend- One of them was Canada Emer- ment to the Work Sharing Pro- gency Wage Subsidy (CEWS), a gramme. This programme of- subsidy to the salaries of all the ten seeks to prevent companies companies affected by the pan- from laying their employees off demic (or by the actions under- when there is an involuntary re- taken to contain it), irrespective duction in its economic activity. of its industry or size. This pro- This is done by providing unem- gramme will provide particular ployment insurance benefits to subsidy of up to 75% of the em- those people who willingly ac- ployees’ salaries (with a limit of cept a reduction in the number of CAD $847 per week) for compa- hours they would normally work nies that have experienced re- and share their work station with ductions of up to 15% of its in- people doing a similar work.52 come in March or 30% in April The agreed reduction must be and May. It will have a duration of 10%-60% of the total number of 12 weeks, from March 15th to of work hours and frequently June 6th.50 lasts between 6-26 consecutive weeks, but there is the possi- Moreover, employers who meet bility to reach an agreement as the selection criteria may re- to receive it for up to 38 weeks. ceive a refund of a number of This programme can be acces- their social security contribution sible by private companies, with payments for the people that are public capital, and non-for-prof- not working, but are still receiv- it organisations that have been ing their salary. Another action is operating for at least two years, a temporary subsidy on tax ob- all of which evidence that their ligations liable to corporations financial activity has suffered called Temporary 10% Wage from an involuntary reduction, Subsidy. have seen their revenues re- duced by at least 10%, and sub- This benefit was made available mit a recovery plan to resume to small companies, one-person their regular operations.53 companies, non-corporate as- sociate corporations, and charity and non-for-profit organisations. 51 Idem. 52 Employment and Social Development Canada, “Work-Sharing –Eligibility”, 2020. Retrieved from https:// services/work-sharing/eligibility.html 50 Government of Canada, “Canada’s COVID-19 53 Employment and Social Development Canada, Economic Response Plan”, 2020. Retrieved from https:// “Work-Sharing Program – COVID-19”, 2020. Retrieved from sponse-plan.html ment/services/work-sharing/notice-coVID-19.html SOCIAL SECURITY FOR WELFARE 21
In the face of the COVID-19 CONCLUSIONS emergency, the Government of Canada rendered some of the The Government of Canada and programme’s requirements and the Provincial and Territorial characteristics more flexible. governments have put a great The maximum deadline for that response in place to the crisis benefit was extended for up to caused by the COVID-19 pan- 76 consecutive weeks, allowing demic in order to stop the virus companies that have depleted causing it from further spread- their duration to take part in a ing, treat sick people, and ad- similar agreement, which can dress the financial and social reapply for the programme. The backlashes brought by the cri- minimum operation requirement sis. For health, this has mainly was reduced from two to one consisted in ensuring continu- year, the recovery plan require- ity of services and sufficiency of ments have been simplified, and resources for it to operate. For the coverage was extended as elderly people care, to ensure to cover those organisations that continuity of the pension fund would not regularly take part programmes, but specially to try in the programme, but work on to make sure long-term senior critical activities to contain the care homes operate in a safe emergency.54 manner. In terms of protecting the income of those people who are in their working prime age, what is sought after is to include people who have lost their in- come due to the emergency and would not be eligible under the regular unemployment insur- ance standards. For family ben- efits, the benefit amount that people would receive in May underwent a one-time increase. Finally, for employment protec- tion, salaries and other expens- es incurred by companies have been subsidised. A crucial component in the sani- tary response is the existence of intergovernmental planning and coordination mechanisms in place for Emergencies, as evidenced by the Management Plan developed for influenza, which could be adapted to this 54 Idem. contingency. SOCIAL SECURITY FOR WELFARE 22
Another crucial component is The crisis is also less likely to af- how existing administrative ca- fect elderly people’s income as pabilities have been harnessed there is a non-contributive fam- as the Tax Collection Agency is ily benefits structure in place the agency that is mainly respon- (CCB) that provides progressive sible for managing new benefits amounts. It is also necessary to and tailoring existing benefits. take into consideration the fact that the increased amount of For healthcare, the group that up to CAD $300 put in place in is particularly vulnerable is the May may account for more than elderly people as it clusters a one third of the monthly amount high number of contagions and earned by the people having the deaths due to COVID-19. In fact, lowest income. a reason for concern is that a great number of the total deaths The creation of a benefit for has occurred in long-term senior people who have lost their in- care homes, something that pos- come due to the pandemic has es a problem that must be con- included groups that would be sidered a priority by the authori- excluded from the standard em- ties. The low levels of poverty in ployment insurance (EI) and the this group and the virtually uni- great majority of unemployed versal coverage of the pension people receiving an unemploy- fund system suggest that the fi- ment benefit (EI or CERB). How- nancial impact of the emergen- ever, in April there was around cy will not be huge among the 1.2 million jobless people who elderly people group. had no coverage. It is important that the Government takes this Another group to whom special group into consideration since attention should be paid health- the great majority was unem- care wise is Indigenous people ployed in the face of the crisis living in urban areas, particularly and did not have any access in the provinces with the highest to employment insurance or number of confirmed cases giv- earned less than CAD $5,000 in en the obstacles those people income. In this regard, it is possi- face to have access to health- ble to assert that protecting the care services and the high prev- income of those people in work- alence of risk factors. ing prime age is perhaps the main challenge the social se- curity system and the response to the COVID-19 pandemic may have to face. SOCIAL SECURITY FOR WELFARE 23
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