Smart Harbors Raising the Standard - Virginia Institute of Marine ...

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Smart Harbors Raising the Standard - Virginia Institute of Marine ...
Smart Harbors
                                                                                     Raising the Standard
     Summer 2021                        How to Get a Vessel Safety Check This Season
                                        No cost, no penalty inspection can improve safety aboard your boat
Why become a Virginia                   NEWS From BoatUS
Clean Boater?                               SPRINGFIELD, Va., March 31,
   By adopting pollution prevention     2021 – No cost, no penalty vessel
measures, Virginia Clean Boaters        safety checks, which up until last
can take satisfaction in knowing        season were given more than
they are doing their part to:           150,000 times each year by hundreds
 • Keep Virginia waterways clean.       of U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and
                                        U.S. Power Squadrons volunteers
 • Preserve our                                                                     A vessel safety check can greatly
                                        at launch ramps, boat clubs and
   waterways for                                                                    increase safety aboard your boat. All
                                        marinas, are back.
   the future.                                                                      in-person vessel safety checks follow
                                            While COVID may still be with us,
 • Learn and teach                      both groups are ramping up efforts to       COVID safety protocols. (credit: U.S.
   clean boating                        get vessel examiners back in the field,     Coast Guard Auxiliary)
   habits.                              responding to individual requests
                                        from boaters seeking potentially            expired flare or a burnt-out navigation
                                        life-saving vessel safety inspections,      light, that prevents a boat from earning
                                        as well as encouraging new DIY              a passing grade. The Auxiliary and
Please Send Us Your News!               virtual safety checks. With program         Power Squadrons also note that some
                                        sponsorship from the Boat Owners            boaters desire to earn a vessel safety
   Do you have a new and exciting
                                        Association of The United States,           check decal to display aboard the boat,
method for managing recyclables
                                        here’s how boaters can get a vessel         which can only be earned through an
at your facility? Are there any regu-
                                        safety inspection this boating season.      in-person vessel check.
latory items that you would like
                                            DIY virtual safety check: A new             In-person vessel safety check:
addressed? Has your facility won
                                        virtual safety check continues the          While COVID has affected many
an award, hired a new manager or
                                        tradition of no-cost inspections by         groups, including the Auxiliary and
purchased a fancy pump-out boat?
                                        offering a combination of an easily         Power Squadrons, each is endeav-
   If you have any news that you
                                        downloadable virtual safety check-          oring to get vessel examiners in the
would like included in the Clean
                                        list – the same used by actual vessel       field this year. The easiest way to find
Marina Newsletter, Smart Harbors,
                                        examiners – along with online guide         out if a marina, boat club, or launch
please let us know. This is a quar-
                                        that makes it easy for any boater to        ramp will be the site of a sched-
terly newsletter with the next issue
                                        perform their own examination. To           uled vessel safety check event is to
scheduled for Fall 2021 and we
                                        start, go here.                             contact your local U.S. Coast Guard
would like to include informa-
                                            Doing a DIY virtual safety check        Auxiliary or U.S. Power Squadrons.
tion from the marina community.
                                        does two things: It can give first-time     You can also request an individual
Comments or
                                        boat owners a line-by-line recipe for       vessel safety check at,
questions please
                                        making their boats safe. It can also        but note that scheduled vessel safety
email VCMP:
                                        greatly increase the chances of any         events may offer the surest way to
                                        boat successfully passing an in-person      earn a vessel safety check decal this or call
                                        vessel safety check. Examiners note that    season. All in-person vessel safety
                                        it’s often just one or two items, such as   checks follow COVID safety protocols.
Smart Harbors Raising the Standard - Virginia Institute of Marine ...
USCG Changes Certificate of Documentation to 5 Years
Posted April 14, 2021 by US Harbors      The new five-year documentation               to enter and leave foreign ports.
   Of the nation’s nearly 12 million     cost for is fixed at $130. Additional             Documented vessels must also
registered recreational boats, those     fees apply for initial documenta-             be a minimum of 5 net tons, which
owners who federally document their      tion as well as exchanges. The Coast          is about the size of a 26-foot boat.
vessels, or about 165,000 boats, will    Guard will not issue refunds if an            BoatUS notes that net tons are more
be spared the hassle                     owner chooses to cancel documenta-            about (cargo) volume, than weight.
of renewing their U.S.                                  tion before its five-year          In a related issue, BoatUS continues
Coast Guard Certificate                                 expiration or if a vessel is   to advise boaters to be vigilant when
of Documentation every                                  sold during the renewal        renewing U.S. Coast Guard vessel
year as a result of recent                              period.                        documentation as official-looking
rule change that now                                       Boat owners generally       vessel documentation renewal notices
makes documentation                                     choose to federally docu-      can lead to confusion and higher
valid for five years. The                               ment vessels with the          costs. Some BoatUS members have
move was the result of                                  U.S. Coast Guard versus        received notices that are not from the
Coast Guard cost-saving                                 the more common prac-          Coast Guard but rather third-party
efforts and requirements                                tice of state registration,    companies whose name or return
set forth in the Frank LoBiondo Coast                   for one of two reasons:        addresses may appear similar to
Guard Authorization Act of 2018.         the boat was purchased with a bank            that of the official U.S. Coast Guard
   “The change to a five-year            loan and the lender required it or the        National Vessel Documentation Center
documentation period will be a           owner plans to travel beyond U.S.             (NVDC).
time-saver,” said BoatUS Manager of      waters. A Certificate of Documenta-               For more information on docu-
Government Affairs David Kennedy.        tion is internationally recognized and        mentation go to
Kennedy notes the new rule also          makes it easier for American vessels          Documentation.
eliminates some options that were
formerly available.
   “Going forward, the five-year
Certificate of Documentation is the      Coming Soon: CleanWayTM Fuel Fill Kits!
only option available for recreational
                                            A large part of the ongoing mission
vessels as the 2018 Act did not allow
                                         of the Virginia Clean Marina Program
for alternatives,” added Kennedy.
                                         (VCMP) is to support marina opera-
   Formerly, documentation was $26
                                         tors in maintaining local water quality
per year and boaters could select the
                                         and educating their clients about the
number of years, from one to five.
                                         harmful effects of nonpoint source
                                         pollution in Virginia’s waterways. To         marinas typically need three sepa-
                                         that end, the VCMP has secured a              rate devices to accommodate all port
 Oil Absorbent Bilge                     grant to provide each certified marina
                                         with three Clean Way™ baffle devices             Starting in the Fall of 2021, VCMP
 Pads Available                          for use at their fueling stations. Clean      representatives will begin distributing
                                         Way™ Fuel Fill’s patented baffle              three Clean Way™ devices to each
    The Virginia Clean Marine
                                         design captures fuel overfills and            certified Virginia Clean Marina. Full
 Program has oil absorbent bilge
                                         redirects them back into the tank.            color laminated instructions will be
 pads available for distribution.
                                         This unique device captures spills            provided, and a brief training will
 The bilge pads were purchased
                                         before they happen eliminating the            be conducted with marina opera-
 with a grant from the Chesapeake
                                         need for rags, fuel absorbent sheets,         tors and staff. Operators can then
 Bay Restoration Fund. Please
                                         fuel absorbent towels, fuel absorbent         instruct their clients in the proper use
 email, if you
                                         pads, or fuel dispersal sprays. This          of the units when refueling. Funding
 would like bilge pads for your slip
                                         keeps fuel, dispersants, and debris           for this project was secured through
                                         out of the marine environment and             the Chesapeake Bay Restoration
                                         flammable absorbent materials out             Fund and sales of the “Friend of the
                                         of the landfill. While private boat           Chesapeake” license plate. For more
                                         owners typically purchase one Clean           information, please contact Celia
                                         Way™ device for their exact fuel port,        Cackowski at

Smart Harbors Raising the Standard - Virginia Institute of Marine ...
Fuel Dock Safety: Complacency Kills
By Dan Rutherford. Published on             follow up article, I am going to focus
February 24, 2021. Marina Dock Age          on two different types of losses as
                                            well as prevention:
Editor’s Note: This is just a small             First, is the simple, “Gas in
amount of the data included in NFPA         Diesel” or “Diesel in Gas” scenario.
30A. It is recommended that all fuel        This sounds so “simple stupid” but
dispensing facilities purchase, read,       it happens dozens of times a year
and review this document thoroughly         and it may have even happened to
with their staff. Original copies can be    you (you can be honest… no one is
obtained from NFPA headquarters,            watching you nod your head). While         the wrong fuel into his or her own
1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101,         this may be a simple mistake, the          boat. That is right, you, the marina
Quincy, MA 02269-9101; email:               consequences can range from minor          owners who sold the fuel, are being                        damage to very serious and expensive       blamed for putting the wrong fuel in
                                            repairs.                                   the customer’s boat, but you did not
    I don’t really need to show you             Second, is the unfortunate and         put it into their boat, THEY DID. That
a video of a boat explosion after it        often very serious consequence of          does not seem to matter anymore.
was improperly fueled at a fuel dock        not following the proper rules and         No one ever accepts responsibility;
to get your attention, or do I? Being       regulations regarding the fueling of       it is always someone else’s fault.
involved in marine claims for over 35       motor vessels at your “Motor Fuel          Welcome to the world of subrogation.
years, I can tell you that at least twice   Dispensing Facility.” Improper fueling         The green circle tag clearly identi-
each year, I have either investigated       (primarily with gas) can result in fire,   fies diesel, while the red square tag
a case or handled a claim involving         explosion, catastrophic damages and,       marks gas.
fuel being pumped into a rod holder         as noted above, death.                         We have a current case where
resulting in either a fuel spill and                                                   there is a woman on the foredeck
environmental catastrophe or worse,                                                    of the boat as it is pulling in saying
an explosion resulting in heavy                                                        that they want “gas, a pump out
damage to the vessel, dock, serious                                                    and ice.” They pull up in front of
injury and sometimes death. So, am                                                     the gas pump (the diesel pumps are
I serious when I say this is important                                                 80 feet away), ask for gas, the gas
stuff? You bet I am.                                                                   hose from the dispenser (you know,
    Not to stereotype, but the days                                                    the one with the 3” high letters that
of high school kids in shorts and tee                                                  say “Gasoline”) is handed to them
shirts manning fuel docks is over. That                                                and they proceed to fill not one, but
is unless you have really well trained,                                                both tanks with gas. They got the
experienced, safe, and responsible                                                     pump out and ice and drove away.
high school kids working for you.           Gas or Diesel                              Remember, I said that diesel engines
If you have a busy fuel dock, it is            So, let’s talk the easy stuff first.    don’t like gas? Well, theirs didn’t and
perhaps the biggest single stream           Putting the right fuel into your           now our insured is being blamed for
of revenue at your facility. A single       customer’s boat. As a claims manager,      a couple of hundred thousand dollars
accident can take that all away in an       my adjusters and I have to review          of damage. I could recount this
instant.                                    cases brought forward by other             several times over. The names have
                           PGA Marina       carriers (subrogation) against the         been changed, but the fact pattern is
                        in Florida          marinas we insure for cases involving      often the same. So, what do we, as
                        has this sign       alleged improper fueling. “Gas in          an industry do to prevent this type
                        (left) posted       diesel” or “diesel in gas” can result      of accidental fueling from occurring?
                        at the fueling      in, at a minimum, the need to pump         A couple of simple things come to
                        dock, notifying     the fuel tanks and dispose of the          mind.
                        boaters to pay      contaminated fuel to more complex
                        attention to the    repairs to engines (diesel engine
                                                                                       Three-Syllable Rule
                        type of fuel they   injectors don’t really like gas). In my       Train your staff the three-syllable
                        need for their      experience, however, all of these          rule. Your staff can’t be asked to
                        boats.              improper fueling have one thing in         know what type of fuel every boat
                           For this         common… the boat owner pumped
                        article, and a                                                                   continued on page 4

Smart Harbors Raising the Standard - Virginia Institute of Marine ...
Virginia Flood Awareness
    Virginia’s hurricane season starts    aren’t prepared. Finding out
June 1 and lasts until Nov. 30. You       if you live in a high-risk flood
can’t control the weather, but you can    zone is as easy as entering an
prepare for it. This hurricane season,    address on the Virginia Flood
make sure your family has a plan and      Risk Information System. If
is protected with flood insurance.        you live in coastal Virginia              During Hurricane Michael, the Dan
Follow DCR on Facebook and Twitter        know if you live in a hurricane evacu-    River region alone suffered roughly
to stay up to date throughout hurri-      ation zone and what that means. Use       $12.9 million in damages. Floods
cane season.                              the Virginia Department of Emer-          aren’t limited to mapped flood risk
                                          gency Management’s Know Your              areas either. In fact, many of the
Know Your Risk                            Zone map to find out.                     2,000 homes that were flooded in
   Flooding — whether from hurri-             Hurricanes don’t just hit coastal     2016 during Hurricane Matthew
canes, rain events, or storm surge        Virginia. In 2018, Hurricanes Flor-
— is the most common and costly           ence and Michael tore through                              continued on page 6
natural disaster, but most Virginians     central and western areas of the state.

Fuel Dock Safety: Complacency Kills,                                                to use the three-syllable rule and
continued from page 3                                                               confirm, more than once if neces-
                                                                                    sary, what type of fuel your customer
needs. That is the boat owner’s/                                                    wants, but more importantly, needs.
operator’s responsibility. Period.                                                  This and proper signage and color-
But we can help them not screw up,                                                  coding are essential to keep the very
right? The three-syllable rule is as                                                highest of standards at your fuel dock.
“Keep it Simple Stupid” (KISS) as it
comes. Train your staff to ask each                                                 Well-Managed Fuel Dock
operator: “Do you want ‘GAS-O-LINE’                                                    My best advice to summarize is
OR ‘DIE-SEL-FUEL’?” If they screw                                                   that your fuel dock, if managed well
that up, they deserve the headaches.                                                and professionally, should take all
Next, be sure your pumps are well                                                   that NFPA 303 and especially 30A to
marked. Many facilities have the                                                    heart and make it your fueling Bible.
diesel fuel set far away from the gas     and permanently marked (H24.13.6          Your staff needs to be incredibly well
but that is not as necessary as good,     for gas and 33.12.3) but unfortu-         trained and disciplined. All customers
clear, and legible signage on each        nately, unlike your car, the design       must follow the rules, or they can fuel
dispenser. NFPA requires 3” block         of the fills can allow the introduc-      up elsewhere.
lettering prominently displayed on        tion of the wrong fuel into the tank         Before fueling, make sure that
the pump that says “GASOLINE” or          because, while there is a standard        the boat is off; the bilge blowers are
“DIESEL FUEL.” The hoses should be        for the opening of the gas fill(1-1/8”    engaged and remain engaged during
color-coded. Most standards call for      minimum), that standard does not          the entire fueling process; the engine
green for diesel and black for gas        exist for diesel fills. We expect that    hatch is closed; the cabin hatch is
but you should be sure to check your      boat owners should be capable of          closed; and the bilge pumps are off.
state regulations to be compliant.        pumping the correct fuel into their       Confirm prior to fueling if the vessel
Fuel nozzle covers should be green        boat, so that is why I guess there are    requires “Gas-O-Line” or Die-Sel-
for diesel and I personally think red     no further safeguards at the fill loca-   Fuel.” Let the boat operator fuel
for gas. You may also look into nozzle    tion, but perhaps we need to rethink      his or her boat. Observe the fueling
covers or tags to attach to them that     this as an industry.                      process as best as possible.
say “diesel” or “gas.”                       In addition to any fire suppres-          Once fueling has been completed
   It goes without saying, that unless    sion system required by NFPA 303 or       and the hose has been returned to
your state requires your staff to actu-   10, it is recommended that marinas        the dispenser, the bilges need to be
ally fuel the boat, your fuel dock        include a rolling high volume Amerex      visually examined, and the engines
crew member should hand the pump          489, or similar, on the fuel dock. Fuel   and systems should be restarted
to the boat owner/operator to fuel        dock attendants should be trained to      or energized only once it has been
his or her own boat. ABYC requires        use it twice per year.                    determined that there is no spilled
that the fuel fills on deck be clearly       All boiled down… train your staff      fuel, odors or hazards present.

Smart Harbors Raising the Standard - Virginia Institute of Marine ...
NOAA begins transition to electronic navigation charts
   The National Oceanic and Atmo-            notified of this chart’s
spheric Administration (NOAA)                cancellation in the U.S. Coast
began to implement its sunset plan           Guard Local Notice to Mari-
for paper nautical charts last month,        ners. A note in the lower                  Notice. While NOAA is sunsetting its
starting with the current paper chart        left corner of the chart will state that   traditional nautical chart products,
18665 of Lake Tahoe. After August,           it is the last paper edition and it will   it is undertaking a major effort to
NOAA’s electronic navigational chart         be canceled six months later on Aug.       improve the data consistency and
will be the only NOAA nautical chart         26. NOAA will continue to announce         provide larger scale coverage within
of the area. This is the first traditional   the cancellation of additional paper       its electronic navigational chart
paper chart to be fully supplanted by        charts as the sunset plan progresses,      product suite.
an electronic chart as part of NOAA’s        initially based on volume of sales             Over the next four years, NOAA
Office of Coast Survey Raster Sunset         or downloads, and in regions with          will work to ease the transition to
Plan, which includes a new process           improved NOAA electronic naviga-           electronic products by providing
to notify mariners of the transition         tional chart coverage. Cancellation        access to paper chart products based
of individual paper charts to elec-          of all traditional paper and associ-       on electronic data. The online NOAA
tronic charts. These charts are easier       ated raster chart products will be         Custom Chart tool enables users to
to update and maintain, keeping              completed by January 2025.                 create their own paper and PDF charts
mariners safer with up-to-date infor-            NOAA announced the start of a          from the latest NOAA ENC data.
mation on marine hazards.                    five-year process to end traditional       Source: AIWA E-News March 2021
   As part of the sunset plan, released      paper nautical chart production in
in 2019, mariners will be officially         late 2019 via a Federal Register

3 tips from the BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water
    ANNAPOLIS, Md., April 26, 2021.            locations at nearly 600 marinas,           these factors by putting down the
The nation’s biggest recreational              boat clubs, and other waterfront           cellphone, practicing using S.C.A.N.
boating safety event of the year,              locations across the country.              procedures to avoid distracted
National Safe Boating Week, took             ≈2. Learn from what the U.S. Coast           boating, taking a free boating
place May 22–28. The annual event             Guard boating safety reports tell           safety course, slowing down, and
helps remind boaters to keep boating          us: Operator inattention, improper          driving more defensively, espe-
safety front and center all season            lookout, operator inexperience,             cially in congested boating areas.
long. How can you be a safety hero            excessive speed, and alcohol rank           Alcohol use is the leading known
aboard your boat? Here are three              as the top five primary contributing        contributing factor in fatal boating
tips from the BoatUS Foundation for           factors in accidents. This summer,          accidents, so save the celebration
Boating Safety and Clean Water.               recreational boaters can focus on           for after the boat is safely tied up
≈1. The best life jacket is the                                                           for the night. Boat operators also
   one you will wear, meaning                                                             need to recognize they are respon-
   one that’s comfortable.                                                                sible for the safety of their guests,
   There are many lightweight                                                             including inebriated ones.
   inflatable life jackets that                                                         ≈3. Remember to wear an engine
   fit the bill. Check the                                                               cutoff switch if your boat is less
   jacket’s label to ensure it’s                                                         than 26-feet, traveling on plane or
   approved for your type                                                                above displacement speed. Some
   of boating. If the kids are                                                           exemptions apply to this new rule
   visiting, don’t be tempted                                                            went into effect April 1, including
   to put a child in an ill-                                                             if the vessel has an enclosed helm.
   fitting adult life jacket. The                                                        Engine cutoff switches can prevent
   BoatUS Foundation’s Life                                                              boat strike injuries after an operator
   Jacket Loaner program for                                                             has been ejected from the vessel or
   kids offers a free and easy                                                           displaced from the helm.
   way to borrow an infant,
   child or teen life jacket for
   the day or weekend with
Smart Harbors Raising the Standard - Virginia Institute of Marine ...
These 5 Earth Day Tips Keep Waters Clean All Season Long
April 22 marked 51st annual environmental celebration
   ANNAPOLIS, Md., April 13, 2021.          the wrap it can be reused for a         ≈4. Prevent a spill by refueling
Back in 1970 on the first Earth Day,        second season.                           your boat with care. Always have
going out boating often meant             ≈2. If you trailer your boat to            an absorbent pad, fuel nozzle
tolerating polluted waterways. We’ve       different waterways each summer,          absorbent “donut,” or “bib” (to
come a long way since then. Largely        leave the uninvited aquatic hitch-        soak up back splashes) when
gone are the foul-smelling air and         hikers at home by following “Clean,       you pump. Actively listen to fuel
unswimmable waters, remnants of a          Drain, Dry,” ensuring your boat,          being dispensed into the fuel
prior age. How can boat owners keep        trailer and motor are cleaned             nozzle receptacle. Slow down the
the momentum going? The BoatUS             thoroughly (including any tackle or       dispensing pump as fuel reaches
Foundation offers five simple Earth        watersports gear) and allowed to          the top of the tank – usually when
Day tips for boaters to follow all         dry completely before splashing in        you start to hear bubbling or
summer long.                               a different body of water.                gurgling noises rising from the fuel
≈1. Take time to prepare your                                                        filler tube. Refuel portable tanks
  boat’s shrinkwrap for recycling         ≈3. The earth may be 71% water,            ashore.
  by removing vents, strapping or          but it’s no place for trash. Always
                                           have a trash receptacle aboard, and      ≈5. Help keep discarded fishing line
  zippers. Only the plastic film can be                                              and soft baits out of the water by
  recycled. Many shrinkwrap recy-          when underway ensure nothing
                                           goes overboard. (A waste can with         building a fishing line recycling bin
  cling programs today are offered                                                   and placing it in your community.
  at the local level, so if your marina    a closable lid helps.) A second
                                           receptacle for recyclables also helps     To learn how, go to
  does not recycle, ask your county                                                  Monofilament.
  government. Some boaters have            honor Earth Day and make cleanup
  found that by carefully removing         easier at the end of the boating day.

Virginia Flood Awareness
continued from page 4

were outside the mapped floodplain.       requiring some residents to be            Learn more about sea level forecasts
Also, hurricanes don’t just hit coastal   rescued from their homes and              through ADAPTVA.
Virginia. In 2018, Hurricanes Florence    resulting in damaged buildings and           Anywhere it can rain, it can flood.
and Michael tore through central and      road closures.                            Make sure you know your risk and
western areas of the state. During           Tides can also impact flood risk,      you’re prepared.
Hurricane Michael, the Dan River          and they’re not only found along the
region alone suffered roughly $12.9       coast. Tidal waters extend inland to      Virginia Department of Conservation
million in damages.                       places like Richmond and Fredericks-      and Recreation
   Although it’s hurricane season,        burg, as well as north, like Alexandria   600 East Main Street, 24th floor
flooding doesn’t only occur during        and Arlington. The Virginia Institute     Richmond, VA 23219-2094
hurricanes or named storms. In            of Marine Science developed Tide-         804-786-6124
February 2020, southwest Virginia         watch, a map that forecasts water
communities had severe flooding           levels to help visualize the magni-
after experiencing heavy rain,            tude and impacts of coastal flooding.

You can also read