Small quakes, big impact: lessons learned from Christchurch - Swiss Re

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Small quakes, big impact: lessons learned from Christchurch - Swiss Re
Small quakes, big impact:
lessons learned from
Small quakes, big impact: lessons learned from Christchurch - Swiss Re
Could a small aftershock in a city not
considered an earthquake hotspot
trigger one of the largest insurance
losses ever? Absolutely, because this
is exactly what happened when a
6.3 magnitude earthquake hit
Christchurch, New Zealand, on
22 February 2011. The massive – and
unexpected – insurance costs exposed
blind spots in current views of financial
earthquake risk. And, in the aftermath
of the event, both the claims and
rebuilding process proved challenging.
Given that a similar sized earthquake
can occur virtually anywhere, it is vital
that we learn from the Christchurch
Small quakes, big impact: lessons learned from Christchurch - Swiss Re
Foreword                                     Two noteworthy features of the                               This publication is a summary of their
                                             Christchurch events – compared to the                        conclusions and generally seeks to
During 2010 to 2011, the world suffered      others – were the high contribution of                       raise awareness of the possible
a string of serious earthquakes.             the insurance industry towards                               consequences of earthquakes in city
These events were devastating both           reconstruction costs and the fact that                       centres on insurance.
in terms of the number of lives lost and     the earthquakes affected a city which
the destruction of property and              was not known as a seismic hot spot.                         I wish you an enlightening read.
infrastructure. I only need mention what
happened in Haiti and Chile or later in      These features prompted our experts                          Matthias Weber, Group Chief
northeastern Japan and in Turkey.            to identify reasons why insurers were                        Underwriting Officer, Swiss Re
During this period, several damaging         caught off guard by the scope and
earthquakes also struck Christchurch,        complexity of the claims process and
New Zealand. Seismic events caused           the spiralling claims costs as well as to
economic losses of over USD 308 billion      suggest ways of learning for the future.
in these two years and earthquake-           After all, other cities around the world
insured claims for 2011 are likely to        could face similar issues, especially if
surpass USD 58 billion, a world record.      they are not usually identified as
                                             earthquake hot spots.

A small quake in the wrong place             For the insurance sector, the cost from                      The chart below shows the rise of the
can have a hefty price tag                   the Christchurch earthquake is currently                     total insurance loss estimates made by
                                             put at USD 17.2 billion for the February                     various vendors, brokers and reinsurers
Before 2011, Christchurch was not a          2011 event and close to USD 25 billion                       over time for the February 2011 event.
place one readily associated with a high     for all three events combined (Swiss Re                      It shows that the current insurance loss
earthquake risk. Unlike the capital          Economic Research & Consulting). This                        estimate of USD 17.2 billion is more than
Wellington, Christchurch does not sit        cost far exceeded the initial, model-                        twice the upper end of the initial loss
near New Zealand‘s main fault lines. It is   based forecasts and took the insurance                       estimates provided by model vendor
located on New Zealand‘s South Island,       industry by surprise. Over the last                          companies, which ranged between
has a population of 380 000 (total           50 years, the only higher earthquake-                        USD 1.5 and 8 billion. Part of this
country population is 4.2 million) and       related insurance losses globally have                       increase is due to the strengthening of
consists of 99 500 houses, 30 000 flats      been those from the 9.0 M event in                           the New Zealand Dollar (NZD) against
and 38 000 businesses.                       Japan in 2011 (USD 37.7 billion indexed                      the USD since February 2011. However,
                                             to 2013) and the 6.7 M event in                              this only accounts for a 14% increase in
Why then was the impact of a                 Northridge (California) in 1994                              the USD-based insurance loss estimate.
6.3 magnitude (M) earthquake so              (USD 22.9 billion indexed to 2013).
devastating? Estimates for the total
economic cost continue to rise. Current
estimates stand at USD 21.5 billion for
the February 2011 event, or USD 31.6         20          Estimated Insured Loss, USD billion
billion if the 7.0 M September 2010          18
and 6.0 M June 2011 earthquakes are
also factored in.

Sources:                                      4
– AIR news alert, Feb. 23, 2011               2
– EQECAT CatWatch, Feb. 23, 2011              0
–	Marsh, Comparing claims from









   catastrophic earthquakes, Feb. 2014
– RMS Cat Update, April 5, 2011
– Swiss Re sigma
                                                                                                                                               Publication date

                                                                                                                         Swiss Re Small quakes, big impact 1
Small quakes, big impact: lessons learned from Christchurch - Swiss Re
How come initial estimates were            Such agents are to a large degree blind       Liquefaction
so far out?                                spots in the current earthquake models,
                                           despite their potential impact on             The costs due to liquefaction are
Why did initial estimates, which were      earthquake risk assessments. They can         substantial and all models by far
based largely on earthquake model          consequently act as claims inflators that     underestimated the impact of this
outputs, so significantly underestimate    significantly increase the ultimate payout.   phenomenon in Christchurch – both the
the actual loss? Although New Zealand                                                    2010 and the February 2011 events
has one of the highest levels of           And finally, in the case of residential       resulted in widespread soil liquefaction.
residential and commercial property        claims, the specifics of the insurance        Liquefaction risk significantly increases
insurance penetration, the insurance       policy wordings and the interactions of       reconstruction costs and often causes
sector was taken by surprise in several    multiple policies on one claim further        total losses to property. It occurs when
areas.                                     impacted the adverse loss development.        soil substantially loses strength in
                                                                                         response to earthquake tremors, causing
Firstly, there was the sheer number of                                                   it to behave like a liquid. Severe structural
claims: As Christchurch was not            Aftershocks                                   damage usually results if liquefaction
considered an earthquake hotspot,                                                        occurs underneath a building or a
claims processing procedures were          The 22 February 2011 Christchurch             highway. Additionally, it also tends to
not set up to deal with the well over      earthquake was, from a seismological          damage underground infrastructure
400 000 claims across all events with      point of view, an aftershock of the earlier   such as water and sewage pipes.
multiple claims lodged per property. For   earthquake of 4 September 2010.
instance, the Earthquake Commission        Although weaker, the aftershock had           In the February 2011 Christchurch
of New Zealand (EQC) had to rapidly        a far more devastating impact on              event, entire neighborhoods were
increase staff from 22 core members        Christchurch than the earlier main            exposed to liquefaction. Many property
and 27 assessors in reserve before         seismological event, mainly because it        owners were not only faced with having
the earthquakes, to over 1000 by           struck so close to the central business       to repair or rebuild their homes, but also
February 2011. On certain days,            district. It also created higher losses for   with restoring the land itself. Liquefaction
13 000 assessments were handled            the insurance industry. Although it was       often also results in property flooding
per day by 350 assessors (equating to      well known that large earthquakes are         because groundwater is squeezed out of
37 claims per assessor per day). As a      followed by multiple aftershocks and          the soil. Another outcome, especially for
result, detailed assessments were not      that this activity often persists for a few   large buildings, is a phenomenon called
possible. This left them susceptible for   years, the New Zealand events are             differential settlement. This is where
challenge at a later point in time which   testing the industry‘s assumption about       certain parts of a building settle more
prolonged the process and made it          the scale of consecutive disasters in the     than others during an earthquake, often
more costly. Large numbers of claims       same region.                                  resulting in total loss because the
adjustment experts, brought in                                                           building structure was compromised.
internationally for a limited time,        As aftershock sequences can easily
subsequently handed over claims to         trigger second event or stop-loss covers,
different parties. The resulting lack of   they are important to consider when
continuity further complicated the         assessing earthquake risk. This is
claims process. Claims costs have also     especially true for second event covers,
increased because of protracted            which only pay out if the policy is
negotiations due to claims advocates       affected by two or more loss events.
who worked on a contingency basis.         If aftershocks are neglected in the
This tendency is seen in other regions     underwriting process, the risk for claims
as well.                                   can be significantly underestimated. The
                                           same is true for stop-loss covers, which
Secondly, so-called secondary loss         trigger when the aggregate of all losses
agents contributed significantly to the    to a portfolio during the policy contract
overall loss resulting from the February   period exceed a certain deductible. For
2011 Christchurch earthquake. These        these covers as well, the presence of
included widespread liquefaction, slope    aftershocks strongly increases the
instabilities, continued aftershock        chance of a payout to the policyholder.
activity and the effect of widespread
damage in the central business district.

2   Swiss Re Small quakes, big impact
Liquefaction: not just an issue in
Soil liquefaction is not just an issue in
Christchurch. In fact, many past
earthquakes such as the 1989 Loma
                                              Soil liquefaction can
Prieta earthquake affecting the San
Francisco Bay Area have resulted in
significant property damage due to soil
                                              wreak awful damage
liquefaction. Many, if not most, large
cities around the world would be
exposed to significant liquefaction in the
event of an earthquake near the city
center. The regional liquefaction maps
shown here illustrate this risk for four
sample cities across the world.

(Source: Swiss Re)

Liquefaction potential in Tianjin                   Liquefaction potential in Jakarta

Liquefaction potential in Vancouver                 Liquefaction potential in Singapore

  Nil        Low       Moderate        High

                                                                            Swiss Re Small quakes, big impact 3
Business interruption                        Insurance industry preparedness               Loss modelling okay?

Business interruption claims from            Primary insurers and their staff may          This is a crucial observation in the
commercial policyholders increased due       themselves be impacted by earthquakes.        context of earthquake loss modeling,
to the fact that large portions of the       So it is important to have effective crisis   as loss models assume that a loss on
Christchurch central business district       response and earthquake preparedness          a policy does not exceed the sums
(CBD) were cordoned off. Hence, even         plans. In Christchurch, staffing was too      insured, meaning that the models judge
businesses not directly affected by the      lean to handle the sheer number of            risks too optimistically. Also, the albeit
impact of the February 2011 earthquake       claims and training of claims adjusters       sensible requirement of the authorities
were unable to continue operations. That     on the job to deal with such an event.        that properties be rebuilt according to
said, the large scale demolition of the      The lack of adjusters was compounded          stricter building codes, e.g. with stronger
CBD did somewhat reduce the business         by the fact that Australian adjusters were    foundations, meant that claims on only
interruption issue. Furthermore, the         still occupied with settling claims from      moderately damaged properties could
general impact the earthquake had on         the Brisbane floods and Typhoon Yasi.         become substantial. This was because
the entire region – with many residents                                                    insurance also had to cover the work of
temporarily relocating, key infrastructure                                                 strengthening the foundations.
hampered and the worry of subsequent         More experts needed
aftershocks – activity in the central
business district was significantly          Engineers were also in short supply and       Multiple policies
reduced. Additionally, reconstruction        facilities were needed for on-site claims
has taken several years to get underway      staff. This situation highlighed the          Another issue was that many residential
as authorities work to rebuild the city in   importance of cooperation within the          properties were covered by two policies:
a more resilient way. This has resulted      industry to avoid inconsistencies in          Firstly, there is the policy issued by the
in business interruption claims often in     claims adjustment and to consequently         EQC, which covers almost all homes in
excess of the the full limit.                process claims more effectively. Under        New Zealand.This policy covers up to
                                             such pressure, record-keeping practices       NZD 100 000 for building damage and
                                             may suffer.                                   NZD 20 000 for content. Then there
Government involvement                                                                     are the additional private policies which
                                                                                           were bought to cover the damage not
Despite New Zealand having among             Policy conditions                             covered by the EQC policy. The fact
the highest take-up rate for earthquake                                                    that the two policy wordings were not
coverage in the world for both private       The high claims costs are partly due to       congruent – e.g. the EQC covers land
and commercial insurance covers, the         the specific nature of residential building   damage while most private policies do
government became very involved due          insurance policies in Christchurch. The       not – created much debate between the
to the size and impact of the loss. In       policies were issued on an uncapped           involved insurance companies during
Christchurch the government limited          full replacement value basis meaning          claims settlements. This ultimately
access to the central business district,     that any damaged property is restated         delayed the process and again drove up
issued demolition orders, appointed a        to an “as new state”. As a result, the        the total bill for the insurance business
minister of recovery, strengthened           cost of repairing heavily damaged
building codes and designated red zone       properties could significantly exceed
areas (where rebuilding is not allowed).     the reported value of those buildings.
                                             For claims on commercial policies, costs
While all these actions were designed        were higher due to the absence of a
to support citizens and the rebuilding       co-insurance clause compounded with
process, they also increased insurance       the level of underinsurance. Again this
claim costs. For instance, as mentioned      resulted in claims often far exceding
further below, the strengthening of          the insured values.
building codes resulted in larger
insurance claims. Also, the increased
number of stakeholders in the settlement
process posed extra challenges for
claims assessors. So open
communication and good relations
with government officials are key.           Government intervention
                                             had far-reaching
                                             consequences for insurers
4   Swiss Re Small quakes, big impact
“Neighboritis”                                  Lessons learned                              rebuilding of downtown Christchurch is
                                                                                             far from complete more than four years
Another reason for the rise in claims as        There are many lessons to be learned         after the earthquakes. Furthermore, as
time went on had to do with so-called           from the Christchurch experience, but        an industry, we have to take a serious
“neighboritis”. Policyholders who may           the most profound one is that a small        look at the way earthquake risk is
have accepted a settlement at the               magnitude earthquake could hit virtually     assessed for city scenarios. Is the
beginning witnessed how some of                 anywhere and trigger unexpectedly            potential for business interruption,
their neighbors who initially rejected          large losses. Another basic lesson is that   including wide area damage fully
to settle were receiving more generous          earthquake models, which are built to        understood and taken into account? Are
payouts. This may have prompted                 predict losses due to well-established       there policy wordings that leave liability
them to reconsider and also demand              loss patterns, must be updated to            uncapped or open to interpretation
higher payouts.                                 ensure accuracy by addressing key            with regard to reinstatement values?
                                                model blind spots. These should include      If so, is the impact on the claims process
                                                the cascading effect of earthquake           properly reflected in the way earthquake
                                                aftershock sequences, the significant        models predict financial losses? The
                                                impact of the claims handling process        Christchurch experience suggests that
                                                on the ultimate payout, the potentially      this is not the case. It is possible that
                                                widespread effect of liquefaction in         Christchurch is not an exception but
                                                urban areas, and the paralyzing effect       that similar loss developments beyond
                                                that slow reconstruction efforts in a city   current risk perceptions could also
                                                center can have. Witness the fact that       happen in other cities.

Impact of soil liquefaction beneath a highway

                                                                                                      Swiss Re Small quakes, big impact 5
Case studies                                Sydney                                       There are a number of reasons why
                                            Sydney is a city not deemed an               Sydney is prone to extremely high
Small earthquakes, such as the              earthquake quake hotspot. However, as        insurance payouts in the case of a
22 February 2011 event in Christchurch,     the 25th anniversary of the Newcastle        Christchurch-like earthquake. The city
can strike virtually anywhere. The          earthquake reminds us, it is located in a    has a higher population density than
consequences to society, the local          geographical area that has experienced       Christchurch and the economic value
economy and the insurance industry          damaging earthquakes in the past.            per square meter can be as much as
could be as severe as in Christchurch.      Approximately 120 kms from the               five times higher. The risk of building
What can other cities around the world      Sydney central business district,            damage is higher in Sydney than
learn from the Christchurch event,          Newcastle was hit by a 5.6 magnitude         Christchurch as many of Sydney‘s older
including those which are typically not     earthquake in 1989. According to the         buildings have unreinforced masonry
on the radar of earthquake risk studies?    Australian Insurance Council at the time,    walls. The latter is a type of construction
We have selected three cities to serve      this triggered an insurance loss of          that most of the over 35 500 buildings
as templates for many others around the     AUD 862 million (USD 805 million)            damaged in Newcastle had.
world to illustrate how a Christchurch-     despite its small magnitude. It should be
like earthquake would impact other          borne in mind that if it happened today,     Like Christchurch, the majority of Sydney
locations. Needless to say, each city is    insurance costs would be in the range        property owners (an estimated 80% of
unique. However, the effects which          of AUD 4.3 billion (Risk Frontiers,          residential property and 90% of
resulted in very high insurance payouts     Australian and New Zealand Institute of      commercial property) buy earthquake
in Christchurch, could also play out in     Insurance and Finance Journal in 2007)       insurance written on a full replacement
other cities such as Sydney or Singapore.   to AUD 6.2 billion (AIR, Flyer on            value basis, albeit in most cases with a
                                            Earthquake Model for Australia in 2012)      policy limit. Challenges in the claims
The likelihood is low that a magnitude      or USD 3.8 to 5.4 billion.                   process and the ensuing delays and
6.3 earthquake would occur beneath                                                       inflation of cost would almost be
any of the cities listed below.             If such costs could arise from an            inevitable. This would be due to the
Nonetheless, as the Christchurch            earthquake in Newcastle, what would          sheer number of claims and also to the
event showed, because such an               be the impact of a small earthquake in       policy wordings which are similar in
earthquake can happen even in places        the much larger and more built-up city       many ways to those in Christchurch. In
not considered a high seismic risk, it is   of Sydney? It should be noted that the       addition, claims handlers in Sydney are
worthwhile considering the associated       likelihood of such an event is low with a    not experienced in settling earthquake
loss scenarios.                             return period of several thousand years.     claims. Such lack of knowledge would
                                            That said, a Christchurch-like event         pose additional challenges. A further
                                            could result in total damages of             complicating factor could be the
                                            USD 120 billion (Swiss Re estimate),         increasing practice of offshoring claims
                                            even without accounting for the effect       adjustment, meaning that the claims
                                            of potential aftershocks. The bulk of this   handlers are often unaware of local
                                            loss would be covered by insurance.          practices. The only Christchurch factor
                                                                                         which Sydney would likely be spared
                                                                                         is soil liquefaction. With only few
                                                                                         exceptions, such as certain areas around
                                                                                         Botany Bay, Sydney is largely built on
                                                                                         strong sub soil and is expected to have
                                                                                         little to fear from soil liquefaction.

                          Only Christchurch factor
                          Sydney would be spared is
                          soil liquefaction

6   Swiss Re Small quakes, big impact
Singapore                                     Vancouver                                      Vancouver has several areas which are
The probability of the Singapore area         We chose Vancouver as the final case           prone to widespread liquefaction as the
being directly exposed to a devastating       study to highlight that Christchurch-like      liquefaction map shows. The areas
earthquake is low. However, a number of       effects are also relevant for cities outside   around the Fraser River, especially in
relatively close tectonic features such as    of the Asia-Pacific region. Vancouver has      Richmond, Delta and around Vancouver
the Sumatra Subduction zone and the           not experienced a substantial earthquake       International Airport are located on
Sumatra Fault could create losses in          in recorded history. However, Vancouver        liquefiable soils. The impact of wide-area
Singapore if they generated substantial       is located close to the so called Cascadia     damage and business interruption on
events in proximity to Singapore.             subduction zone, which runs along the          the economy in Vancouver would likely
Earthquakes on these tectonic features        US-Canadian coast roughly 75 km off            be substantial as well. This is accentuated
have been repeatedly felt in Singapore        the coast of Vancouver Island and              by the reliance of the transport network
(e.g. M 7.2 in 1909 at a distance of          300 km from the Vancouver City Centre.         on the numerous bridges crossing the
470 km, M 7.5 in 1914 at a distance of        Paleoseismic studies indicate that the         Fraser River. Many of the bridges are
650 km, M 7.1 in 1971 at a distance of        Cascadia subduction zone has                   located on poor subsoil and would likely
550 km among others). Distant but large       generated very large earthquakes on            have to be closed for some time
earthquakes produce “slow shaking”            average every 500 years. The last event        following an earthquake.
that travels relatively large distances and   happened roughly 300 years ago.
can impact tall buildings in Singapore.                                                      The earthquake insurance take-up rate in
                                              Compared to Christchurch, the                  Vancouver is smaller than in Christchurch,
As in Christchurch, many parts of             population density and economic value          so insurance would only be liable for a
Singapore, such as Changi airport or          per square meter are significantly             fraction of the economic damage.
Jurong petrochemical complex, are             higher in Vancouver, especially in the         Nonetheless, due to the larger value
located on potentially liquefiable soils.     downtown area. By simply comparing             accumulation, the insurance loss would
At close to 100%, the earthquake              Vancouver’s economic exposure in the           be on a similar scale to the Christchurch
insurance take-up rate is also very high      downtown area to that of Christchurch,         loss. The burden on claims adjustors,
and insurance would carry the bulk of         it is clear that should a Christchurch-like    most not being experienced in settling
the financial burden, except for the          M 6.3 earthquake happen beneath                earthquake claims, would be significant.
impact on infrastructure. Being a             Vancouver, it would result in substantially    Like in Christchurch, residential policies
relatively aseismic country, Singapore‘s      larger economic losses estimated at            are issued on a full replacement value
building codes are less focused on            USD 40 billion (Swiss Re estimate).            basis and are often uncapped, which
earthquake resilience, although some          For a large earthquake on the Cascadia         would make these policies prone to
seismic code provisions exist for tall new    subduction zone, the total economic loss       inflated claims. Therefore, delays and
buildings, which are built on weak soil.      is estimated by an AIR study in 2013           complications in the claims process, as
At the same time, many of the newer           at CAD 75 billion (USD 66 billion) with        experienced in Christchurch, would
buildings are characterised by special        an insurance loss of CAD 20 billion            likely also occur.
architectural features, which introduce       (USD 18 billion). This estimate is higher
irregularities in the buildings‘ shapes.      since such an earthquake would create          Another complicating factor in
While architecturally interesting, such       more widespread damage in the larger           Vancouver are the so called “loss
buildings are inherently weaker in            Vancouver area and would also include          assessment covers”, which are sold to
earthquakes than simpler and more             Victoria on Vancouver Island.                  condominium owners. The loss
conventional shapes.                                                                         assessment covers are intended to pay
                                                                                             for the part of the building damage
Singapore therefore is exposed to the                                                        which is not covered by the
same factors which contributed to a                                                          condominium association’s building
large insurance loss in Christchurch.                                                        insurance, or which falls within the
These include the potential for                                                              deductible of that cover. With the
liquefaction in many newly-built up                                                          substantial deductibles on the building
areas, a very high earthquake insurance                                                      insurance sold to the condominium
take-up rate, and an insurance industry                                                      associations, the loss assessment covers
that is relatively unaware of these risks.                                                   are susceptible to substantial payouts.
Additionally, Singapore‘s older buildings                                                    However, this loss assessment cover
were not built with earthquake safety as                                                     exposure is often not systematically
a primary objective. And, as in Sydney,                                                      tracked and the corresponding claims
Singapore has a much higher economic                                                         might offer a further surprise.
value per square meter than
Christchurch. Consequently, an
earthquake similar in magnitude and
area affected might trigger a total
economic loss of USD 65 billion (Swiss
Re estimate).Insurance would be liable
for a large portion of this economic loss.

                                                                                                      Swiss Re Small quakes, big impact 7
Conclusion                                   Furthermore, we recommend that
                                             insurers conduct “what-if” scenarios
As the Christchurch events and the case      based on the Christchurch experience.
studies of Sydney, Singapore and             These exercises need to address
Vancouver highlight, the impact of a         questions such as: Do the policy
Christchurch-like earthquake on a city       wordings offer the necessary clarity?
center can be immense. There are many        What potential exposures could be
such cities around the world which are       covered which are not currently taken
not usually associated with high             into account? Would sufficient claims
earthquake risk. But when such an event      adjusters be available? Is a process in
does occur, losses can nonetheless be        place to deploy and coordinate claims
substantial. The consequences seen in        adjusters? How will the settlement of
Christchurch are most probably the           claims work? Could damage to key
norm as opposed to the exception. It is      infrastructure hamper reconstruction
true that the probability of a               efforts? During the process of
Christchurch-type event in any specific      reconstruction how will the
city is very low. Nevertheless, there is a   communication and coordination
substantial probability that one or other    between insurers, authorities, and the
city somewhere in the world will be          public be handled ? Addressing these
affected in the coming years and will        questions will help us benefit from the
show similar claims-inflating effects.       costly lessons from the Christchurch
Relying on potentially outdated models
which may not fully reflect the factors
described in this publication, could
potentially lead to the situation where
the insurance industry is not taking the
risk of potential earthquakes in city
centres fully into account. We have
focused on three cities as examples.
However, many other cities around the
globe meet similar criteria and would be
equally prone to devastating earthquake

                                        Seismic risk in city
                                        centres underestimated
                                        by insurance industry

8   Swiss Re Small quakes, big impact
© 2014 Swiss Re. All rights reserved.
Small quakes, big impact:
lessons learned from Christchurch
Balz Grollimund
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Managing Editor: Urs Leimbacher
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caused by the 2011 Christchurch earthquake and
the subsequent rebuilding process.
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