SHTA news - Shaker Heights Teachers ...

SHTA news - Shaker Heights Teachers ...

SHTA Executive Board Meeting,
Fernway (Virtual) Monday, October 4

SHTA Representative Council
Meeting, Fernway (Virtual)
Monday, October 11, 2021 - 4:30 pm
                                        SHTA news
to 5pm (abbreviated meeting –
Building Reports only)                                     September 27, 2021
SHTA PAC hosts School Board
Candidate Forum – Fernway (Virtual)
Monday, October 11, 2021 – 5pm-6pm
                                                                                     ISSUE NO. 1

                                       Message from the President
This summer I had the opportunity to travel to the Upper Peninsula in Michigan. We stayed at a field station
owned by my college alma mater in primitive cabins near a small lake spotted with white birch trees. The
environment was unconnected from cell towers, Wi-Fi signals, and electricity. In a word, it was magical.

One of the many natural elements that stood out to me were the white birches that dotted the shore of the lake.
The college professor I most directly associate with this place taught storytelling and regularly read the poem
“Birches” by Robert Frost at this very location, and I could see why. The birches along the shore had all the
signs of being swinging birches, both strong and flexible, but slightly bowed. Seeing them reminded me how
these birches represent our lives as teachers right now.

Beginning our second year of pandemic teaching, as the US reaches a death toll higher than the 1919 Spanish-
flu, if we are not strong and flexible like birches, we won’t make it through these times. We have to focus on the
young faces behind the masks that we teach. We have to focus on the students and not just the content. We
knew that before the pandemic, but through our collective trauma, we should focus on this reality even more

I believe we will recover from this trauma and these times. We will be different, but we will be whole, just like
the birch trees. And the marks that remain will show that we survived and supported the young people we teach,
just like the marks on these beautiful trees.

The school year has been off to a busy start. I spoke regularly with Dr. David Glasner. I toured facilities with
Vice President Darlene Garrison, Secretary Lisa Hardiman, Personal Rights and Responsibilities Chairperson
Mike Sears, and Occupational Health and Safety Chairperson James Schmidt. I updated SHTA Facebook Page
with Publications Editor Andrew Glasier. I update the Cuyahoga County Educator Summit Facebook page. I
hosted an Executive Board Meeting in August. I sent out a Beginning of Year Letter to members. I spoke
regularly with Officers and Executive Board members about district concerns. I worked on a collaborative

                                                                        SHTA Newsletter, Issue #4, January 19, 2021
message supporting the mask mandate with Dr. Glasner. I communicated with Human Resource Director Barb
Maceyak about personnel matters. I communicated with building representatives across the district about heat
issues in buildings. I met with all three School Board candidates. I spoke with SHTA lawyer Susannah
Muskovitz about legal matters. I attended the two-day Facilities Planning workshop with District Leadership,
students, and community members at Tri-C East’s Corporate College. I accepted an invitation to join Master
Planning Advisory Committee from Chief Administrative Officer Dr. Marla Robinson. I attended Cleveland
Metropolitan School District’s State of the Schools presentation at the Cleveland City Club.

I know that throughout the pandemic I have been constantly reminded about what incredible colleagues we have.
I cannot imagine better educators for my own children and the children of our community. We are going to
continue our diligence as the SHTA to advocate for the safest, healthiest, and most supportive learning
environments form out students and colleagues. I am proud to continue my work as SHTA President with and
for you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out at or x6033 if I can be of help.

Respectfully submitted,
John Morris

                                                     2              SHTA Newsletter, Issue 1, September 27, 2021
Welcome back to a new and very exciting school year! I certainly hope that you had a safe, healthy and relaxing
summer vacation. Hopefully, you took some time to reflect and unwind before heading back to a year that
appears to be already fast-paced.

Before the start of the school year, I met with the Executive Board to discuss the start of our academic year and
to brainstorm ways to make the transition back to school smooth and easy. The Executive Board officers and
chairpersons met with Central Office to discuss the district's plan for starting the year for on-site learning.

The New Teacher Orientation was a success again this year. It was a pleasure seeing fresh new faces begin their
career with us in Shaker Heights. They all seemed so energetic and ready to make a difference in the lives of our
young people.

Over the summer, I had an opportunity to tour the school buildings with members of our Executive Board and
central administrators. This was my first-time touring and I enjoyed every moment. We had a chance to see
improvements, repairs, newly renovated design labs at various schools and I-3 labs that will open in the fall for
some schools. It was certainly an eye-opening experience to see how much work is done to our buildings over
the summer to make them great for our staff and students. I applaud all involved in this process. A special
thank you to our custodians, who make it all possible.

As Vice President, I will attend PTO meetings representing the SHTA. This school year, there are three meetings
scheduled that will be listed on the district calendar. The PTO does so much for our schools and students, we
ask that all teachers consider making a donation to the PTO. I am looking forward to working with co-
presidents Michelle Jones & Randi Nathenson.

This year, I am a member of the Investments Committee. I will be working with treasurer, Bill Scanlon;
Membership Chairperson, Chante Thomas and Sixth Grade Educator, Todd Keitlen.

If you have not attended Shaker’s annual the Night for the Red & White, you have been missing the party of the
year. I will be working with this committee representing SHTA. Planning parties, believe it or not, is one of my
favorite hobbies. The kick-off meeting for the Red & White is scheduled for Monday, September 27th at the
Shaker Historical Museum. Looking forward to being a part of this committee.

A friendly reminder to all SHTA Fellowship Grant recipients.... Your receipts for reimbursement are due by
Thursday, September 30th. Make sure that you email me your information and receipts to It will take approximately 2-3 weeks from the time I receive your documents to receive
your reimbursement check. Please don’t miss out on this opportunity. The new Fellowship Grant application
for the 2021 - 2022 school year will be shared with the membership on October 4th via Google Form.

Wishing you a safe and healthy school year. I am looking forward to working with you as Vice President of
SHTA. This is such an honor and I am so proud to be an officer for the Shaker Heights Teachers’ Association.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at or 216-295-4997.

Respectfully submitted,
Darlene Garrison

                                                        3              SHTA Newsletter, Issue 1, September 27, 2021

Hello! My name is Lisa Hardiman and this year I will be serving the Shaker Heights Teachers’ Association in
the role of Secretary. I would like to welcome everyone back to a new school year. I hope that you found many
ways to enjoy the summer and are refreshed and motivated to face all the challenges that the 2021-2022 school
year is bringing. As an officer for SHTA and given that this year our contract extension expires, I will be a
member of the Contract Negotiating team which starts meeting in October. I will be scheduling both
Representative Council meetings and Executive Board meetings. I take notes and record reports for
representatives, officers and executive board members which are a part of the monthly SHTA newsletter. I am
also on the Superintendent’s Teacher Advisory group which meets monthly with superintendent Dr. David
Glasner and chief academic officer Dr. Marla Robinson. SHTA is here to support its members as we strive to
educate our children. Please, do not hesitate to talk to your building representatives with any issues or questions
you may have. You can always contact me at (216) 295-4867 or

Respectively submitted,
Lisa Hardiman

                                        TREASURER’S REPORT

For those of you new to our Association, I have the honor of serving as the treasurer. I maintain our finances by
creating a budget, paying bills, and monitoring our dues income. I oversee our investments as chairperson of the
Investments Committee that meets with our Edward Jones financial planner twice a year. I meet individually
with our accountants to ensure our tax forms are up to date. I go through the process of having our accountants
perform a compilation of our books each year with an audit performed every four years. I report our financial
activity to the Representative Council and the members at large.

In May, the members of our association approved the budget reflected by the current financial report. Also
included is the summary of last year’s financials (fiscal year 2020-21). If anyone has any questions about the
Association’s finances please give me a call at ext.6296.

Payroll deduction for dues ($33 per pay), for those who choose that option of payment, will begin with the
October 1st paycheck. Anyone who prefers to pay her/his $330 dues all at once can send a check to Chante
Thomas at Woodbury School.

The Investments Committee (Todd Keitlen, Darlene Garrison, Chante Thomas, and myself) will be meeting next
month with Brady Krebs, our Edward Jones advisor, to discuss our investments and whether any changes need to
be made.

This school year is my 26th year at Shaker, so you’d think I’ve seen a lot and not much will faze me. But boy,
did the beginning of this school year throw me for a loop. It was the most chaotic start to a school year I’ve ever
experienced. Teachers didn’t have daytime schedules until the night before. There was a general lack of
organization that left teachers feeling like they were winging it. It was unnecessarily anxiety producing and
unprofessional. Of course, the students coming into the building were not aware of any of this chaos. And why is
that? Because we teachers are professionals and will always act in the best interest of our students regardless of
what is thrown at us.

Respectfully submitted,
Bill Scanlon

                                                        4               SHTA Newsletter, Issue 1, September 27, 2021
Shaker Heights Teachers' Association                               Shaker Heights Teachers'
                            Balance Sheet                                                 Association
                               As of June 30, 2021
                                                                                        Profit and Loss
ASSETS                                                                                         July 2020 - June 2021
 Current Assets
  Bank Accounts
    Key Bank (checking)                                       126,582.07                                          Total
    Key Bank Aisha Trust                                            0.00
    Key Bank Investments                                            0.69
    Key Investments2                                                0.00         Income                                        0.00
  Total Bank Accounts                    $                    126,582.76
                                                                                   Member Dues                         151,437.00
  Other Current Assets
    A/R - Aisha Trust                                           -2,225.43        Total Income                          151,437.00
    Edward Jones 13760-1-1                                    622,923.12
    Edward Jones 13768-1-3                                    980,967.87
                                                                                 Investments                                   0.00
                                                                                   Change in Value in
  Total Other Current Assets             $                   1,601,665.56
                                                                                Edward Jones                           324,909.22
 Total Current Assets                    $                   1,728,248.32
                                                                                   Edward Jones-Fees &
TOTAL ASSETS                             $                   1,728,248.32
                                                                                Charges                                 -7,992.03
 Liabilities                                                                     Total Investments                     316,917.19
 Total Liabilities
                                                                                  Other Types of Income                        0.00
  Opening Balance Equity                                            0.00
                                                                                Revenue                                     30.48
  Retained Earnings                                          1,382,770.69
                                                                                  Total Other Types of                          $
  Net Income                                                  345,477.63
                                                                                Income                                      30.48
 Total Equity                            $                   1,728,248.32
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY             $                   1,728,248.32
                                                                                Total Income                           468,384.67
                                                                                Gross Profit                           468,384.67
                                                                                 Operations                                    0.00
                                                                                   Accounting                              8,005.50
                                                                                   Compensation                           74,667.55
                                                                                   Conferences &
                                                                                Meetings                                    289.95
                                                                                   Executive Board                          559.95

                                                                                   Fellowships & Grants                    2,050.00
                                                                                   Insurance                               5,944.00
                                                                                   Legal                                   9,762.94
                                                                                   Negotiations                            2,300.00
                                                                                   Officers' Expenses                       257.21

                                                                                   Payroll Taxes                           1,281.84
                                                                                   Public Relations                        6,614.50
                                                                                   Publications                             549.00
                                                                                   STRS (TPO
                                                                                Contribution)                           10,624.60
                                                                                 Total Operations                      122,907.04
                                                                                Total Expenses                         122,907.04
                                                                                Net Operating Income                   345,477.63
                                                                                Net Income                             345,477.63

                                                                            5            SHTA Newsletter, Issue 1, September 27, 2021
Shaker Heights Teachers'                                      Shaker Heights Teachers'
               Association                                                   Association
                  Profit and Loss                                           Balance Sheet
                                                                              As of September 22, 2021
               July 1 - September 22, 2021
                                       Total                    Current Assets

Income                                                            Bank Accounts
                                                                       Key Bank (checking)                  122,477.11
 Income                                             0.00               Key Bank Aisha
                                                               Trust                                              0.00
   Member Dues                                   165.00             Key Bank
                                                      $        Investments                                        0.69
 Total Income                                    165.00                Key Investments2                           0.00
 Investments                                        0.00          Total Bank Accounts                       122,477.80
   Change in Value in                                             Other Current Assets
Edward Jones                                   29,531.55
   Edward Jones-Fees &                                              A/R - Aisha Trust                        -2,225.43
Charges                                        -1,456.06            Edward Jones
                                                               13760-1-1                                    630,698.34
                                                                    Edward Jones 13768-
 Total Investments                             28,075.49
                                                               1-3                                       1,001,268.14
                                                                   Total Other Current                              $
 Other Types of Income                              0.00       Assets                                    1,629,741.05
   Miscellaneous Revenue                           45.24        Total Current Assets                     1,752,218.85
  Total Other Types of                                 $                                                            $
Income                                             45.24       TOTAL ASSETS                              1,752,218.85
                                                       $       LIABILITIES AND EQUITY
Total Income                                   28,285.73
                                                       $        Liabilities
Gross Profit                                   28,285.73        Total Liabilities
                                                                  Opening Balance
                                                               Equity                                             0.00
 Operations                                         0.00
                                                                  Retained Earnings                      1,728,248.32
   Accounting                                     54.00           Net Income                                23,970.53
   Compensation                                 1,613.43        Total Equity                             1,752,218.85
                                                               TOTAL LIABILITIES AND                                $
   Conferences & Meetings                        245.77        EQUITY                                    1,752,218.85

   Executive Board                               158.00

   Legal                                        2,200.00

   Publications                                    44.00
 Total Operations                               4,315.20
Total Expenses                                  4,315.20
Net Operating Income                           23,970.53
Net Income                                     23,970.53

                                                           6            SHTA Newsletter, Issue 1, September 27, 2021

Welcome to the 2021-22 School Year! I hope everyone had a nice summer and is adjusting to the new normal
of masked teaching and learning with functional distancing.

My name is Mike Sears and I teach 8th grade American History at the Middle School. This is my 23rd year in
the district and my 26th year in education. This is my 17th year of involvement with SHTA, and my 12th year
as the chairperson for Professional Rights and Responsibilities. This position is often called the Grievance
Chair, too. My extension at school is #4770 and e-mail ( is a great way to contact me. I
enjoy working with the members and, as we tell our students, “there is no such thing as a stupid question”.
My cell phone # is (216) 571-0447. It is a good idea to text me first and introduce yourself. I may not answer
calls from numbers I do not recognize.

I also serve on the district’s Insurance Committee, which meets quarterly. Medical Mutual of Ohio replaced
Anthem as our major medical health insurance company in January, 2018. Anthem is still our dental
provider. Prescription drug information from Express Scripts is included on our Medical Mutual cards.
Medical Mutual of Ohio runs our flexible spending account program. Members should have cards from
Anthem (dental only) and Medical Mutual with member services phone numbers they can call as questions
arise. If any member has a concern regarding health benefits, I can help point them in the right direction.
However, directly contacting the service provider is often the best way to have your questions answered. For
other needs related to Human Resources, here is an updated link to their website:

During the past few years that we have used Medical Mutual as our insurance provider, many members have
had to appeal ER claims that were initially denied. I have a record of most of those appeals, which is helpful
as we continue to work with Medical Mutual to provide better service to our members. However, if you filed
an appeal for a denied ER claim and did not contact me about it, please let me know so I can add your
experience to our records. Also, if you have other concerns about services provided by Medical Mutual,
please let me know so we can address the problems in upcoming Insurance Committee meetings.

The paycheck from September 16th should include a step increase if you qualify for one this year. Another
way to advance on the salary schedule is by reaching continuing education levels like B.A. + 15 or M.A. +
30. The Board approves these changes in November and April.

The district policy for maternity leave is in the contract. However, new mothers decide how many sick days
they want to use and if they want to take any unpaid leave through the Family and Medical Leave Act. If you
are pregnant, please contact me right away so we can look at a calendar, and I can assist you in a plan that
works best for you and your family. You should be aware that notes from doctors do not always allow
additional sick days to care for babies. For example, a note that discusses “failure to thrive” is an acceptable
medical reason to use a sick day, but a note that mentions “bonding with the baby” will not be approved
because that is not considered a medical condition that allows for a sick day.

Paternity leave is in our contract. New fathers may use up to 10 sick days to help care for a new baby. No
documentation from doctors is required for this leave. For both maternity and paternity leave, contact me
before you contact administrators so you understand your rights.

                                                       7              SHTA Newsletter, Issue 1, September 27, 2021
It is your responsibility to keep the Human Resources Department informed of changes in your family status
(over the summer as well as during the school year) concerning births, adoptions, deaths, divorce, marriage,
or entry into military service. If these changes are not reported within 30 days you will not be permitted to
make this change until the next open enrollment, which is usually in November. Please contact Human
Resources before the 30-day deadline. This may cost you money if you miss this deadline.

Personal days are personal. No one needs to know why you are taking a personal day. You do not need to fill
out a form about a personal day. You may simply enter it on Frontline. However, you are responsible for
keeping track of your own personal days. If you enter a 4th or a 5th personal day, you will forfeit pay for those
absences. You may not use personal days before or after a holiday unless you fill out the personal day request
form. Both the building principal and the Human Resources Department must approve the request.
Administrators consider each case on an individual basis. If you have a question about this, please contact me.

If you use more than 5 sick days in a row, a building secretary will have to enter days 6 and up into Frontline.
The Human Resources Department reserves the right to ask you for a doctor’s note explaining your absence
beyond one week. If you use 10 sick days in a row, the Human Resources Department will send you a form
about Family and Medical Leave. You may choose to continue using sick days with appropriate documentation
or you may go on an extended and unpaid leave for family or medical reasons. Please call me if you are in this
situation or if you anticipate being out for an extended time.

In recent months, I have:
    • Worked on 2 grievances over the summer with an elementary and a high school member. Both
        grievances were resolved to the satisfaction of the members.
    • Worked with HR on supplemental contracts for the 21-22 school year in July. I also recently met with
        HR about protocols and processes for supplemental contracts.
    • Attended an SHTA Executive Board meeting at SHTA President Dr. John Morris’ home in July. I spoke
        to new teachers after their luncheon at the Middle School in August. I attended a buildings tour with
        district leaders and SHTA Executive Board members before schools opened in August.
    • Assisted members with questions about maternity leave, FMLA, interactive processes related to ADA
        (Americans with Disabilities Act), and leaves of absence.
    • Met with new Middle School Principal Michelle Hughes to discuss the collective bargaining agreement.
    • Met with Mrs. Hughes and SHTA building representatives to help resolve scheduling conflicts.
    • Met with SHTA Middle School building representatives and Legal Aid chairperson Jeremy Bishko to
        discuss how to best represent members at the Middle School.

The current contract is available on our web site, I strongly recommend reading it and using
it as a reference. I am also happy to help you with issues of interpretation and clarification. Best wishes for a
wonderful school year!

Respectfully submitted,
Mike Sears, chairperson

                                     EVALUATION COMMITTEE
Greeting colleagues and friends! Thank you for the continued opportunity to serve the Association as the
Evaluation Chairperson. In this position, I serve as co-facilitator of the Evaluation Committee with Human
Resources Director, Barb Maceyak. I also work with Andrew Glasier and Addie Tobey to coordinate the Peer
Evaluation Program. All members of the committee and I are available to answer your evaluation questions and
concerns. I will continue to communicate information about evaluation procedures throughout the year through
this newsletter and during SHTA Representative Council Meetings.

                                                        8               SHTA Newsletter, Issue 1, September 27, 2021
This fall, the committee met to plan for OTES 2.0 implementation. All buildings have had staff meetings to
review OTES 2.0, specifically regarding changes in the system from OTES 1.0. Some highlights of these
changes include:
    ● The Ohio Evaluation System, OES, will now be used instead of eTPES. You can login to OES using
        your eTPES login. We will be using all of the new forms and procedures within the OES and OTES
        2.0 system. Please be sure to review the site and forms, as well as check your evaluation cycle
        and listed evaluator asap.
    ● A revision of the Performance Rubric includes use of student data and other organizational changes.
        Please take time to review the new rubric prior to completing the Professional Growth Plan in OES.
        You might also consider using the self-assessment tool in the OES system. The tool is aligned with
        the new rubric and may offer insights.
    ● There is no longer any Student Growth Measure portion of your final rating. Use of data is embedded
        in the rubric. We all use various kinds of data daily to plan, revise lessons in the moment, reflect, and
        so on. How we do this will become a larger part of evaluative conversations and will partially inform
        final ratings. In the 2022-2023 school year, HQSD (High Quality Student Data) will be identified for
        all grades and courses and use of this specific data will be expected and rated. The committee will be
        working to make final decisions about HQSD in the coming months. Survey data collected from
        teachers pre-Covid has helped inform this work.
    ● Formal Evaluations will consist of a holistic observation, followed by a conference to identify
        individual focus area(s) and support needs. The walkthroughs and second observation will be
        opportunities for evaluators to see growth in focus areas, as well as observe other areas of the rubric.
        It is NOT necessary (or effectively possible, in my opinion) for all areas of the rubric to be observed
        during any one lesson.

Please complete your Annual Professional Growth Plan in the OES system by October 15th. This plan should
be discussed and reviewed throughout the year with your evaluator.

We have a record number of participants in the Peer Evaluation Program this year! A big congratulations to
all of you who weathered the OTES 2.0 course and passed the test to earn your credential. Unfortunately, our
number of peer evaluation participants seems to have stumped the OES system, and input of partners is
currently delayed. Barb Maceyak will input peer evaluators into OES as soon as possible. Thank you for your
patience as this gets resolved and we will inform you when OES has been successfully updated. Until then,
your building administrator will be listed as your evaluator.

As always, I am here to help answer questions and navigate any part of the process with you, as are all
members of the committee.

Respectfully submitted,
Lena Paskewitz, chairperson

                                                         9              SHTA Newsletter, Issue 1, September 27, 2021
This past month I attended and participated in the Summer SHTA Executive Board meeting. I attended the
Black Teachers’ Task Force “Welcome to Shaker” for the new Shaker Middle School and Mercer principals.

I interacted, communicated and collaboratively solved various concerns with the Director of Exceptional Children
Elizabeth Kimmel and will begin our monthly virtual meetings, including multiple phone conversations on a
weekly basis. I provided support to various SHTA members concerning issues including but not limited to job
placement, personnel issues and work options. I communicated with SHTA President Dr. John Morris over various
district wide Exceptional Children concerns. I have communicated with 7-12 Exceptional Children supervisor
Jennifer Currie on multiple concerns with SHTA members.

I represented a SHTA member at SHHS in a fact-finding meeting. I participated in a Fact-Finding meeting with
SHHS administration and a SHTA member concerning job requirements for Exceptional Students. I communicate
daily with SHHS Department Chair Jessica Wilkes concerning ongoing concerns at the high school. I represented
a SHTA member in a pre-disciplinary meeting.

I participated on the committee for the high school nurse position. I participated on the committee for the district
wide administrative intern positions. I participated on the student success and wellness committee. I worked
collaboratively with SHHS Assistant Principals Ms. Jacquelyn Baker, Ms. Marinise Harris and Ms. Rebekah
Sharpe on various issues to improve the functionality and support to the Exceptional Children department at SHHS.
I discussed with the district school psychologists about concerns they have. I communicated with Exceptional
Children department chairpersons from Woodbury Elementary, Shaker Middle School and Shaker Heights High
School about a better system to express concerns to me so they can be addressed in my monthly meetings with
Exceptional Children Director Elizabeth Kimmel. I will be reaching out to individuals in the elementary buildings
to set up a communication point person.

I would like to bring praise and attention to every SHTA educator who is going above and beyond to support
the Exceptional Children in our district. This year has started out very demanding from the start. I want to
let ALL of the SHTA members in Exceptional Children that you are valued and appreciated. You are, in
my opinion, the most dedicated educators in the district, often overlooked and at times unappreciated.
Please keep the standard of excellence and commitment to your students that I know you provide daily.

Respectfully submitted,
Anastacio Tito Vazquez, Jr. M.Ed. Chairperson

                                     PAST PRESIDENT’S REPORT
Welcome back to the 2021-2022 school year. I look forward to assisting the leaders and members of the SHTA
this year. I am Rebecca Thomas, past president of the SHTA. After teaching in Shaker for 35 years, I retired in
2011. I have continued to serve the association at the direction of President John L. Morris. In the position of
past president, I attend SHTA Executive Board and Representative Council meetings. I also attend evening
meetings like the Board of Education and Finance and Audit Committee and participate on the district Insurance
Committee. I assist as an editor of the Newsletter.

In July, I attended the meeting of the SHTA Executive Board. I attended the August and September meetings of
the Board of Education and the September meetings of SHTA Executive Board and Representative Council.

                                                        10              SHTA Newsletter, Issue 1, September 27, 2021
At the September meeting of the Board of Education, the public comments focused on requests for more
precautions regarding student safety and the Delta variant, particularly relating to conditions at lunchtime. There
was also a lengthy presentation on a tax financing decision with the city of Shaker Heights and another update of
the Forward Together initiative from the city, public library, and school district.

I appreciate the opportunity to continue to serve the Shaker Heights Teachers’ Association.

Respectfully submitted,
Becky Thomas, chairperson

                                          SOCIAL COMMITTEE

Welcome back to school! My name is Selena Boyer and I am pleased to be the Social Committee Chairperson
for the Association again this year! This is my nineteenth-year teaching in Shaker. I have spent all but two of
those years as a first-grade teacher at Fernway School. In normal times, when we are not in a pandemic, I plan
social gatherings and happy hour events for the Shaker Heights Teachers’ Association. In previous years, we
have started the year with a Back to School SHTA Happy Hour and celebrated Thanksgiving and the Winter
Holidays with festive, social gatherings as well! Every May, it is my pleasure to work with the district to
coordinate and cater the Annual District Recognition Reception. This is an important event to celebrate our
retirees, newly tenured teachers, and teachers earning fifteen and twenty-five year pins. Our SHTA President,
Dr. John Morris, also awards an Association member with the President’s Service Award each year. My final
responsibility is hosting the Executive Board members for our monthly meetings.

Our Back to School Happy Hour that was scheduled for August was cancelled due to rising Covid numbers in
our community. Our first priority is the safety of our membership and the community we serve. I will be
working on a special assignment for the next couple of months at the directive of President John Morris.

For those of you that have never come to one of our social events---please give us a try! I guarantee that you will
meet new people and have fun! If you have suggestions for me for possible events feel free to contact me.
Thanks for your support! 216.295.6041

Respectfully submitted,
Selena Boyer, Chairperson

                                         POLICY COMMITTEE
My name is Timothy Kalan, and in addition to teaching art at Onaway Elementary School, I am the
SHTA policy chairperson. The policy chair's main concern is stewardship of the SHTA Constitution which
defines our Association and provides us with the protocols that determine the structure of our operation. This
document can be found at, along with our contract, newsletters and other interesting
items. I also serve on the district's teacher evaluation committee, and run a native gardening club at both my
schools. I have recently been involved with issues involving district and building level concerns related to
COVID and general schedule protocols, as well as the roll-out of the state's new evaluation tools. Any questions
concerning our associations internal mechanisms can be directed towards me, as well as any concerning our
evaluation system and the implementation of the new-and-improved OTES 2.0, (or ecological gardening!).

Respectfully submitted,
Tim Kalan, Chairperson

                                                       11              SHTA Newsletter, Issue 1, September 27, 2021
MEMBERSHIP/ELECTIONS COMMITTEE                            .
Welcome back to the 2019-2020 school year! My name is Chante Thomas. This is my seventh year serving as
your SHTA Membership /Elections Chair and I am beginning my 27th year of teaching at Woodbury School. If
you need me I can be reached by email at or my phone extension is #5601.

I am responsible for maintaining our membership directory and monitoring the collection of dues from payroll,
or receiving a direct payment from the member. Members who select payroll deduction shall have ten (10) equal
deductions starting with the first pay in October of the current school year. Members who choose to pay by
check must do so in full, prior to October 1st of the current school year. Payroll deduction shall automatically
continue from year to year unless the member notifies the Association and payroll office in writing, prior to
October 1st of the current school year, that he or she wishes to stop payroll deductions.

Our membership form can be found on our website at Completed forms should be
scanned or mailed to my attention at Woodbury School.

Any certificated employee of the Shaker Heights City School District who is employed as a Teacher or a
Support Teacher becomes a member upon payment of annual dues.

The 2021-2022 Elected Rep Council Members are:

Boulevard- Cathy Grieshop, Angela Anderson, alt
Onaway- Paula Klausner
Fernway- Victoria Goldfarb
Lomond- Jill DiPiero, Steve Smith, Veronica Malone
Mercer- Nicole Cicconetti
Woodbury-Stacey DeYoung, Aquita Shepherd, Lee Appel
Middle School- Jackie Abrams, Erika Pfeiffer, Matt Klodor,
High School – James Schmidt, Brian Berger, Jessica O’Brien, Tod Torrence, Aimee Grey, Enid Vazquez,
Kim Roberts, Joel Rathbone
IC- Linda Roth
SHTA ST – Margaret “Peg” Rimedio

Respectfully submitted,
Chante Thomas, chairperson


As the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator for the Shaker Heights Teachers’ Association, it is my goal
to support an inclusive environment that embraces, encourages and empowers the voices of our members. I
completed my Ph.D. with a focus on African American males in sixth grade at Woodbury Elementary School in
May, 2000. The focus groups underscored the covert racism that began for them as early as second grade. This
research was the impetus for my desire to educate those who are unknowledgeable of the plight of people of
color in our country and particularly in our school district.

This year, my focus will be to introduce eight books to our membership that lays the foundation for
understanding the perspectives of people of color. This month I share White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of the
Racial Divide by Carol Anderson. Each chapter opens up a plethora of information that is rarely discussed or

                                                      12              SHTA Newsletter, Issue 1, September 27, 2021
acknowledged. Understanding the why behind Black and Brown’s perspective of history opens the eyes to its
direct relationship to the Black Lives Matter movement.

Respectfully submitted,
Angela Goodrum
                                     LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE

I have the responsibility to keep SHTA members up to date about the latest in legislation involving education.
To that end, I have signed up for newsletters from the National Education Association, the American Federation
of Teachers, the Ohio Federation of Teachers, the Association of American Educators, the Ohio Education
Association, Policy Matters Ohio, ChalkBeat, and Education Week.

This summer the Children’s Defense Fund reported that a committee in the Ohio House considered two bills
(HB322 and HB327) that would limit how teachers can discuss racism and sexism in K-12 classrooms, and
restrict professional development on these topics too.

If you have ideas about where I should get the latest legislative news, please let me know. I’m looking forward
to a great school year.

Respectfully Submitted,
David Klapholz

                                          SHTA ST COMMITTE

Hello Everyone. I am Peg Rimedio currently working in a new position as Literacy Specialist at Lomond. I have
been representing the Support Teachers in the SHTA ST bargaining unit.

The position of Skills Support Teacher has been abolished in the PK-4 buildings. The former Skills Support
Teachers have been transferred to the new position of Literacy Specialist or to Classroom Teacher positions,
based on credentials. Most accepted their transferred positions or interviewed for posted positions and are being
paid on the Teachers’ Scale. However, two former Skills Teachers did resign.

Presently only five Support Teachers remain on the ST scale. There are four at the High School and one at
Woodbury. I don’t believe that it is reasonable to have this disparity. All certified Teachers in Shaker need to be
compensated appropriately. Hopefully, this will change soon.

Respectfully submitted,
Margaret “Peg” Rimedio, Chairperson

                                        SHTA PAC COMMITTEE

It is a pleasure to serve as SHTA Political Action Committee Chair again this year. My name is Cathy Grieshop.
I am also a Shaker parent and council representative for Boulevard, where I teach 1st grade. My job as
chairperson is to share information about current political campaigns or events that affect teachers, unions and

We have a school board election coming up this November and will elect three members to our School Board.
The SHTA Political Action Committee is hosting a candidate forum to meet the three individuals running for the

                                                        13              SHTA Newsletter, Issue 1, September 27, 2021
Shaker Heights Board of Education. This event will take place October 11 at 5:00pm after our SHTA
Representative Council meeting. All district Union members will be invited to join via zoom at 5:00pm. An
invitation and form to gather your questions for the candidates will be sent out soon.

The three candidates are:
Alison Bibb-Carson
Lora Cover
Heather Weingart

I would like to thank Ayesha Bell Hardaway and Lisa Cremer for their time and dedication given to the Shaker
schools, teachers and students. We appreciate all that you do!

As I continue to update the SHTA PAC FaceBook page with articles pertaining to education and unions, please
share stories and ideas, which you feel pertinent to our cause, with me.

I wish you a productive and peaceful school year!

Respectfully Submitted,
Cathy Grieshop

                                PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE

As Public Relations chairperson, I would like to welcome back all of our members.

My responsibilities include placing ads in various publications such as Shaker Life Magazine, the Shakerite and
the Gristmill. I also am responsible for making donations to various organizations that help to enrich the lives of
our Shaker students. In addition, I purchase teacher appreciation gifts for our members that are given out during
teacher appreciation week. As stated in the SHTA Constitution and By-Laws, I will continue to work at fostering
mutual understanding, good will and respect between and among students, staff, community and administration.

As always, we are committed to using American made and union printed items in our promotion. A new T-shirt
order will be underway shortly; We have expanded our selection to meet the needs of our membership. As
always, we must be committed to supporting each other and committed to safe and fair practices for ALL of our

Respectfully Submitted,
Bob Bognar


Hello and welcome back SHTA members. My name is James Schmidt and I serve as the Occupational Health
and Safety chair for SHTA. My role is to assist members with concerns in the building related to COVID-19
protocols and procedures, as well as to assist building representatives and members when they are having trouble
getting traction with their concerns among their building administrators. Please email (
me if you are not getting a positive, collaborative response from your building administrators.

Respectfully Submitted,
James Schmidt, Chairperson

                                                       14              SHTA Newsletter, Issue 1, September 27, 2021

Hello and welcome back SHTA members. My name is James Schmidt and I serve as the Sick Day Transfer
Committee chair. We have extended the Sick Day Transfer Program through the end of this calendar year via
our contract extension passed in Fall of 2020. I hope that we are able to include this important benefit to our
members in our upcoming contract negotiations without issue. If you require information about the Sick Day
Transfer program, please email me ( and I will be happy to help.

Respectfully Submitted,
James Schmidt, Chairperson

                                       LEGAL AID COMMITTEE

I am looking forward to serving you as the chairperson for the Legal Aid Committee. The Legal Aid Committee
is here to help members in need of legal assistance. Having attended the Shaker Heights schools 1-12, I have
taught grade 7 Sciences for the past 17 years at the Middle School. I can be reached at 295.4741 if you have any
questions. Have a great school year!

Respectfully submitted,
Jeremy Bishko

                                     LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE

I have the responsibility to keep SHTA members up to date about the latest in legislation involving education.
To that end, I have signed up for newsletters from the National Education Association, the American Federation
of Teachers, the Ohio Federation of Teachers, the Association of American Educators, the Ohio Education
Association, Policy Matters Ohio, ChalkBeat, and Education Week.

This summer the Children’s Defense Fund reported that a committee in the Ohio House considered two bills
(HB322 and HB327) that would limit how teachers can discuss racism and sexism in K-12 classrooms, and
restrict professional development on these topics too.

If you have ideas about where I should get the latest legislative news, please let me know. I’m looking forward
to a great school year.

Respectfully Submitted,
David Klapholz

                                  SALARY TENURE COMMITTEE

We are moving towards an October 1st beginning of negotiations with the district. We will also begin Support
Teacher negotiations at the same time. We have yet to decide if these negotiations will be separate between the
two bargaining units or combined. Details to follow in the coming month.

Respectfully Submitted,
John L. Morris

                                                       15              SHTA Newsletter, Issue 1, September 27, 2021

SHTA President, John Morris started the September 20, 2021 Rep. Council Meeting at 4:30PM. The meeting
took place via Google Meet.

Ms. Tiffany Joseph, Principal of Woodbury Elementary School welcomed SHTA membership. She expressed
appreciation for hearing about what is going on in other spaces. Said that it helps to hear and know how to
support one another. Thanked everyone for allowing her to be a part of this moment.

MINUTES from the May 10th, 2021 Rep. Council meeting were moved by Robert Bognar and seconded by Lee

Administration Report

Dr. David Glasner, Superintendent was present for the Rep. Council Meeting.
   ● Welcome to the new school year. Thank you for all of your hard work
   ● Expressed appreciation for teachers being flexible and patient
   ● Said that teachers have a critical voice in the facilities process which aims to provide students with a
      modern education.
   ● Thanked everyone and wished them a great day

P.T.O. Report
   ● Michelle Jones and Randi Nathenson PTO Co-presidents of PTO Council
   ● Challenges with Covid and scheduling events that are safe with not a lot of people when indoors
   ● Have scheduled the Rainbow Run
   ● Continuing with PTO recruitment and fundraising

Officers’ Reports

President, John Morris
   ● Talked regularly with Dr. David Glasner
   ● Toured facilities with Vice President Darlene Garrison, Secretary Lisa Hardiman, Personal Rights and
       Responsibilities Chair Mike Sears, and Occupational Health and Safety Chair James Schmidt.
   ● Updated SHTA Facebook Page with Publications Editor Andrew Glasier.
   ● Hosted an Executive Board Meeting in August.
   ● Sent out a Beginning of Year Letter to members.
   ● Spoke regularly with Officers and Executive Board members about district concerns.
   ● Worked on a collaborative message supporting the mask mandate with Dr. Glasner.
   ● Communicated with Human Resource Director Barb Maceyak about Personnel matters.
   ● Communicated with building reps across the district about heat issues in buildings.
   ● Met with all three School Board candidates.
   ● Attended the two-day Facilities Planning workshop with District Leadership, students, and community
       members at Tri-C East’s Corporate College.
   ● Accepted an invitation to join the Master Planning Advisory Committee from CAO Dr. Marla Robinson.
   ● I will attend CMSD’s State of the Schools presentation this coming Wednesday.

Vice President, Darlene Garrison
   ● Attended the summer Executive Board meeting at the home of John Morris.

                                                       16              SHTA Newsletter, Issue 1, September 27, 2021
● Attended leadership check-in meeting with members of central office and executive board to discuss
     the plan for the start of the school year.
   ● Attended the New Teacher Orientation meeting at the Middle School.
   ● I attended the pre-school building tours with the SHTA executive board and members of central
   ● Met with our previous Vice President Matt Zucca at Fernway to discuss and learn the role and
     responsibilities of the Vice President of SHTA.
   ● Completed the documents to reimburse members for their SHTA Fellowship Grant
   ● Worked on the 2021 - 2022 Fellowship Grant application. New application will be shared with
     membership on Monday, October o4th.
   ● Contacted PTO co-presidents to find out meeting dates and times.
          ○ Missed the first meeting last week, was not aware of meeting date and time
   ● Met with a SHTA member and administration to discuss a personnel issue.
   ● Meeting September 21st with a member and administration to discuss a personnel issue.
   ● Will attend the kick-off meeting for the Night for the Red & White on Monday, September 27th from
          ○ Meeting will be held at Shaker Historical Museum

Secretary, Lisa Hardiman
   ● Welcomed the membership back to a new school year. Please sign in on the attendance sheet
       attached to this meeting invite
   ● Along with other Black Teachers’ Task Force Steering Committee members, organized and attended
       a Welcome Lunch for new principals Roneisha Campbell (Mercer) and Michelle Hughes (Middle
   ● Attended the New Teachers’ Meeting at the Shaker Heights Middle School along with President John
       Morris,Vice President Darlene Garrison, Treasurer Bill Scanlon, Professional Rights and
       Responsibilities chair Mike Sears, and Teacher Education chair Wendy Lewis.
   ● Attended leadership check-in meeting at the administration building with central office administrators
       Superintendent Dr. David Glasner, Chief Academic Officer Dr. Marla Robinson, Chief Operating
       Officer Jeff Grosse, and the exec board members.
   ● Attended summer Executive Board Meeting at John Morris’ house
   ● Participated in building walk-throughs with President John Morris, Vice President Darlene Garrison,
       Professional Rights and Responsibilities chair Mike Sears, Health and Safety chair James Schmidt,
       Superintendent David Glasner, Chief Operating Officer Jeff Grosse and Chief Academic Officer
       Marla Robinson
   ● Participated on the interview committee for a new Director of Equity and Inclusion
   ● Attended the first of the year Teacher Advisory committee meeting with Superintendent Dr. David
       Glasner, Chief Academic Officer Dr. Marla Robinson, and Assistant Director of communications
       Kristin Miller
   ● Communicated with members at Mercer, Jeff Grosse, Sean Brown, and James Schmidt regarding
       windows at Mercer that remain inoperable.
   ● Communicated with a member on numerous occasions regarding classroom issues

                                                     17             SHTA Newsletter, Issue 1, September 27, 2021
Treasurer, Bill Scanlon
   ● Shared his duties as Treasurer – head of investments, pays the bills, meets with accountants, keeps an
      eye on bank accounts.
   ● Attended executive board meeting at John Morris’ house this summer
   ● Attended the new teachers’ meeting
   ● Shared financial reports with membership
           o Balance Sheet Report
           o Profit Loss - expenses and what money is being spent

Building Representative Reports

Boulevard— Cathy Grieshop
   ● After the busses were very late on the first day of school, Principal Neal Robinson made sure there
      was a plan in place so that teachers and staff could leave at the end of the contract day. Teachers were
      offered pay for their extra time.
   ● It was really difficult and uncomfortable to work in the heat and with a mask on. Teachers are
      wondering why we are not able to bring in an air conditioner when we can have 3 or more fans
      drawing power to keep us cool.
   ● Some are concerned about eating in a small room without an open window. On a rainy day, we can
      have up to 10 people in this space. Principal Robinson is working on alternative places to eat and a
      schedule for the teachers so that we will eat in smaller groups of people.
   ● Updated the member list for Boulevard.
   ● Thank you to Neal Robinson for all of his hard work, open-communication and help in problem
      solving through issues which have come up.

Fernway— Tori Goldfarb
   ● Thanks to all of our building custodial and office staff for maintaining and assisting us in
      setting up our classrooms so we could begin the school year in clean, and organized
   ● I’d also like to thank our building administrator, Chris Hayward, for meeting with me on
      several occasions, and collaborating with myself and members to address concerns that
      have been raised since the beginning of the school year.
   ● I have met with Chris Hayward and several members regarding the lack of substitute
      teachers at Fernway, and at other schools in the district.
   ● This substitute shortage has led to difficulties in being able to cover classes, and has
      especially impacted single subject area specialists and paraprofessionals supporting
      students serviced by the special education department.
   ● In addition, there is a lack of substitutes available to support in Fernway’s Autism Unit,
      which has resulted in the building substitute filling in there, sometimes leaving shortages
      of paraprofessional support in other classrooms
   ● We have also discussed the consideration of rotating the specialists chosen to substitute
      in a given week if possible. I will be meeting with Chris, a member, and other
      administrators tomorrow to continue to address these concerns and collaboratively
      brainstorm solutions.
   ● Chris has addressed these concerns by working to hire two additional lunch supervisors
      and an additional building sub, but I would like to advocate that the district continue to

                                                       18             SHTA Newsletter, Issue 1, September 27, 2021
help supporting this hiring process so that students do not miss single subject area classes
            because specialists are subbing, and so that students receive the special education
            services they need by insuring that there is adequate paraprofessional coverage, both in
            general education classes as well as the Autism unit.
          ● Worked with VP of Membership Chante Thomas to update Fernway’s membership as
            well as our email list to reflect the addition of new membership to the Fernway/Shaker

       Lomond-Jill DiPiero
          ● Welcome to new SHTA representative Veronica Malone and to the new SHTA members at
          ● Thank you to Principal Clark for meeting with reps and working to address the beginning of the
            year logistical concerns.

       Mercer-Nicole Cicconetti
         ● Big thank you to our new building administrator-- we are off to a fantastic start with Roneisha
             Campbell! She is communicative and supportive with faculty, students, and families. She is
             constantly present throughout the building and in classrooms.
         ● Communicated with principal multiple times and she has been helpful with answering
             questions/addressing concerns and she has reached out to upper administration, when necessary, to
             support our concerns
         ● Communicated with members via email to clarify common beginning of the year contract questions;
             as well as helped answer questions from some members regarding contract questions with positive
             resolutions as an outcome, no need to discuss further because situations were resolved
         ● Updated roster for Membership Chairperson Chante Thomas; welcome to new members/faculty at
         ● Bussing concerns: Yes, teachers can be paid via timesheet, it’s the principle of the matter that kids,
             faculty, and staff are at Mercer past the end of the school/contract day, especially on hot days
         ● Concerns about sub shortage for classroom and special teachers

        Onaway—Paula Klausner
         ● Students and teachers are thrilled to be back in at school in-person
         ● Met with a member on a medical leave issue
         ● Same as other buildings-bus and heat problems
         ● Teachers want to eat in private but there is no designated area
         ● Talks to principal at least once a day

       Woodbury— Stacey DeYoung
         ● Thanked fellow Woodbury Reps as well other members for their support and help getting
              started as the Head Rep for Woodbury.

       Middle School—Jaclyn Abrams
e th    At the start of the school year, SMS reps have:
          ● Met multiple times with administration regarding start-of-year procedures, expectations, duties, and
              pupil contact time.
          ● Assisted member with no assigned work space and a problematic schedule

                                                               19              SHTA Newsletter, Issue 1, September 27, 2021
● Assisted member with excessive back-to-back classes
   ● Assisted traveling teacher with schedule concerns
   ● Addressed concerns over loud roof/gutter work and mowing during instruction

Ongoing/unresolved issues:
   ● Grading policy/lack of accountability and habit-building for high school
   ● COVID protocols, including masking, contact tracing, information-sharing; Principal Michelle Hughes
      had decided to put clipboards in each room so that all adults in a room on a given day would be recorded
      for contact tracing purposes. As of yet this has not happened. We were told this would happen this week.
   ● Lunch duty: Inconsistent attendance, lack of adequate security/admin presence
   ● Lack of SEL time now that WIN has had to be dropped.
   ● Severe sub shortage leading to pressure on teachers to give up lunch/planning time in order to cover;
      some classes have been left completely unsupervised due to lack of coverage. District needs to consider
      asynchronous days when there are too many teacher absences to cover.
   ● Expectation of putting early departures into Frontline. Minimum entry is 2 hours, and teachers are
      (understandably) unwilling to be docked 2 hours for a shorter absence.
   ● Health/safety: Mask defiance, lack of operational discipline plan besides “call home”, Be There Be
      Ready announced to students without any enforcement. Be There, Be Ready process unclear to staff, as
      well. Some staff have waited for security to administer BTBR slips and security does not arrive. Some
      staff administer BTBR slips themselves. Inconsistency across the building.
   ● Bus situation is still seriously out of hand in our fifth week of school. We have not started Raider Time
      yet because of PM shortages. First period classes are far behind and in an inequitable circumstance of
      receiving far less instructional time per week. Buses continue to arrive late, by as much as 15-20 minutes
      after the start of first period. This is unacceptable and MUST be remedied.

High School—James Schmidt
    ● Continue to meet weekly with Mr. Juli to work on building issues.
    ● Attended the Principal’s Faculty Advisory Committee meeting last week with other building members
        who provided feedback about solutions to problems in the building. This was a productive meeting
        and I hope that more SHTA members from the High School attend going forward.
    ● Helped resolve an issue with our schedule for the opening days of school that was originally in
        violation of the school.
    ● Worked with Mr. Juli to resolve an issue where members are still over the 320 minute pupil contact
        time daily. We are not happy that the district and building administrators continue to erode our
        conference time with students, but we were able to work out a solution whereby members will not be
        over the 320 minutes of pupil contact time.
    ● Still working on an issue with a member who splits time between the High School and the Middle
        School and is teaching for 316 minutes and does not have a 50 minute lunch on any odd day at the
        High School. This member has been incredibly patient while we wait for a final decision as to how
        this will be remedied. We have presented several potential resolutions. The district needs to make a
        decision on this matter tomorrow or else this will become a full fledged grievance. We have given the
        building administrators ample time to correct this error on their part when scheduling this teacher.
    ● The majority of our members at the High School do not like the current block schedule and there are
        significant differences between teachers’ pupil contact times depending on which periods the teachers
        have their prep period and lunch. We would like to have this inconsistent schedule resolved this year
        and have presented several alternatives that I hope they will consider for the remainder of this year.
                                                      20              SHTA Newsletter, Issue 1, September 27, 2021
Executive Board Reports

Publications—Andrew Glasier
   •   With Lena also presented Teacher Evaluation process to new teachers
   •   Attended executive board meeting at John Morris’ house
   •   Updated Facebook and Twitter account
   •   Winner of our #shtarelaxingsummer contest is Cathy Grieshop!!!
   •   Posted about heat in the classroom, then took it down by request
   •   Need to update
   •   Editorial: Jeremy Bishko
   •   Editors: Becky Thomas, Chris Cotton, and Nicole Cicconetti?
   •   Executive Board please have blurb ready NEXT Wednesday (September 22nd) at midnight. Please add
       people’s full names and titles. REMEMBER this is introduction BLURB: who you are and your job title
   •   I am hearing a lot of anger by members about lack/poor leadership. Asking for more aggressive action by
   •   Sent out emails to membership: informational

Evaluation - Lena Paskewitz
   •   All buildings should have an OTES 2.0 overview staff meeting by September 30. Committee members are
       assisting building admin.
   •   Please check your OES accounts for this year's cycle and to view documents. Please complete your
       Professional Growth Plan by October 15. All forms will be completed within the OES system. Sign-In is the
       same as eTPES.
   •   Peer Evaluators will be coded in OES as soon as possible. There has been a "glitch" at the system level that
       is being worked on. We will let you know when the system has been updated.
   •   Please read the Evaluation Report for more details about OTES

Membership and Elections-Chante Thomas
  ● Attended the summer Exec Board Meeting
  ● Working on updating the SHTA /SHTA-ST Member spreadsheets for 2021-2022.
  ● Sent emails to head reps providing last year’s spreadsheets and asking for assistance with updating them
  ● Emailed our check/cash paying members reminding them that their dues payments are due by October
     1st. Received dues from seven members at this time
  ● The first paycheck in October will reflect the first of 10 payroll deductions.
  ● Created a new spreadsheet for the 17 new members' personal emails and I shared it with Andrew Glasier
  ● Monitoring new hire notices from HR. I have reached out to reps when applicable reminding them that
     membership forms are available at for potential new members

Policy-Tim Kalan
   ● Led and participated in in Teacher evaluation meeting on OTES 2.0
   ● Working with Paula Klausner on Covid issues

Public Relations-Bob Bognar
   ● Attended summer executive board meeting
   ● Ordering some new SHTA shirts-some ¾ length sleeves and some hoodies.
   ● Staying with American made shirts
   ● Frontline does not have correct contract time for Woodbury

                                                        21              SHTA Newsletter, Issue 1, September 27, 2021
You can also read