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1 INTRODUCTION © gettyimages, AlexSava D igital technologies are profoundly changing our daily life, our way of working and doing business, and the way people travel, communicate and relate Digital solutions such as communications systems, artificial intelligence or quantum technologies can enrich our lives in many ways. But the benefits aris- with each other. Digital communication, social media ing from digital technologies do not come without interaction, e-commerce, and digital enterprises are risks and costs. Citizens no longer feel in control steadily transforming our world. They are generating over what happens with their personal data and an ever-increasing amount of data, which, if pooled are increasingly overloaded by artificial solicitations and used, can lead to a completely new means and of their attention. And malicious cyberactivity may levels of value creation. It is a transformation as fun- threaten our personal well-being or disrupt our criti- damental as that caused by the industrial revolution. cal infrastructures and wider security interests. In her political guidelines, Commission President This substantive societal transformation calls for a von der Leyen stressed the need for Europe to lead profound reflection at all levels of society as to how Manuscript completed in February 2020 the transition to a healthy planet and a new digi- Europe can best meet, and continue to meet, these The European Commission is not liable for any consequence stemming from the reuse of this publication. tal world. This twin challenge of a green and digital risks and challenges. It will require a huge effort, but Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2020 transformation has to go hand-in-hand. It requires, Europe undoubtedly has the means to bring about © European Union, 2020 as set out in the European Green Deal, an imme- this better digital future for everyone. Reuse is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. The reuse policy of European Commission documents is regulated by Decision 2011/833/EU (OJ L 330, 14.12.2011, p. 39). diate change of direction towards more sustainable For any use or reproduction of photos or other material that is not under the copyright of the European Union, permission must be solutions which are resource-efficient, circular and sought directly from the copyright holders. climate-neutral. It requires that every citizen, every All images © European Union unless otherwise stated. employee, every business person has a fair chance, Print ISBN 978-92-76-16362-6 doi: 10.2759/48191 KK-03-20-102-EN-C wherever they live, to reap the benefits of our in- PDF ISBN 978-92-76-16363-3 doi:10.2759/091014 KK-03-20-102-EN-N creasingly digitised society.
T he Commission wants a European society pow- ered by digital solutions that are strongly rooted in our common values, and that enrich the lives of innovation and competition and ensure that everyone benefits from a digital dividend. This digital Europe should reflect the best of Europe - open, fair, diverse, •• An open, democratic and sustainable society: A trustworthy environment in which citizens are empowered in how they act and interact, all of us: people must have the opportunity to devel- democratic, and confident. and of the data they provide both online and op personally, to choose freely and safely, to engage offline. A European way to digital transformation in society, regardless of their age, gender or profes- For the next five years, the Commission will focus on which enhances our democratic values, respects sional background. Businesses need a framework three key objectives to ensure that digital solutions our fundamental rights, and contributes to a that allows them to start up, scale up, pool and use help Europe to pursue its own way towards a digital sustainable, climate-neutral and resource-efficient transformation that works for the benefit of people economy. data, to innovate and compete or cooperate on fair terms. And Europe needs to have a choice and pur- through respecting our values. It will also put Europe For Europe to truly influence the way in which digital sue the digital transformation in its own way. in a position to be a trendsetter in the global debate. solutions are developed and used on a global scale, it needs to be a strong, independent and purposeful European technological sovereignty starts from en- •• Technology that works for people: Development, digital player in its own right. In order to achieve this, deployment and uptake of technology that makes suring the integrity and resilience of our data infra- a clear framework that promotes trustworthy, digitally a real difference to people’s daily lives. A strong structure, networks and communications. It requires enabled interactions across society, for people as well and competitive economy that masters and shapes creating the right conditions for Europe to develop as for businesses, is needed. Without this focus on technology in a way that respects European values. and deploy its own key capacities, thereby reducing trustworthiness, the vital process of digital transfor- our dependency on other parts of the globe for the •• A fair and competitive economy: A frictionless mation cannot succeed. most crucial technologies. Europe’s ability to define single market, where companies of all sizes and its own rules and values in the digital age will be re- in any sector can compete on equal terms, and Creating a Europe fit for the digital age is a complex inforced by such capacities. European technological can develop, market and use digital technologies, puzzle with many interconnected pieces; as with any sovereignty is not defined against anyone else, but products and services at a scale that boosts their puzzle, the whole picture cannot be seen without by focusing on the needs of Europeans and of the productivity and global competitiveness, and putting all the pieces together. The following sec- consumers can be confident that their rights are tions will describe how the Commission intends to European social model. The EU will remain open to respected. complete this puzzle and turn its vision into reality. anyone willing to play by European rules and meet European standards, regardless of where they are based. Citizens should be empowered to make better deci- sions based on insights gleaned from non-person- al data. And that data should be available to all – PEOPLE Excellence ECONOMY whether public or private, big or small, start-up or giant. This will help society to get the most out of 2 Democracy TRUST Fairness OUR VISION AND GOALS SOCIETY Enforcement INTERNATIONAL
TECHNOLOGY THAT WORKS FOR PEOPLE © iStock, sompong_tom Europe has a long and successful history of technol- Europe needs to invest in connectivity, deep tech ogy and creativity. Europe is strongest when it acts and human capital, as well as in smart energy and together and joins forces between the EU and its transport infrastructures. For digital infrastructure Member States; involving regions and municipalities, and networks alone, the EU has an investment gap of academia, civil society, financial institutions, busi- EUR 65 billion per year.6 Implementing reforms and Key actions nesses and social enterprises. Europe needs to pool stepping up investments in Research and Develop- its investments in research and innovation, to share ment and technological deployment could yield 14% •• White Paper on Artificial Intelligence setting out experiences, and to cooperate across countries. Re- of cumulative additional GDP growth by 2030. Act- options for a legislative framework for trustworthy AI cent agreements to work together in areas such as ing quickly (for example by stepping up investments (adopted together with this Communication), with a supercomputing and micro-electronics have shown and adopting measures by 2022 rather than by 2025) follow-up on safety, liability, fundamental rights and that collaboration can be highly effective. Similar would bring an additional 3.2% increase in GDP and data (Q4 2020). initiatives on key areas of the next wave of inno- positive job creation by 2030.7 This is a socio-eco- thrive in the global technology-driven marketplace. •• Building and deploying cutting-edge joint vative technologies will follow. Promoting the digital nomic boost that Europe cannot afford to miss. In turn, workers need digital competences to succeed digital capacities in the areas of AI, cyber, super- transformation of public administrations throughout in an increasingly digitalised and fast changing la- and quantum computing, quantum communication Europe is also crucial in this regard. Investing in innovation is only part of the issue, how- bour market10. More women can and must have re- and blockchain. European Strategies on Quantum and ever. A true digital transformation has to start from warding careers in tech, and European tech needs to blockchain (Q2 2020) as well as a revised EuroHPC Europe must invest more in the strategic capacities European citizens and businesses trusting that their benefit from women’s skills and competences. Regulation11 on supercomputing. that allow us to develop and use digital solutions at applications and products are secure. The more in- scale and to strive for interoperability in key digital The need for digital skills goes well beyond the jobs •• Accelerating investments in Europe’s Gigabit terconnected we are, the more we are vulnerable infrastructures, such as extensive 5G (and future 6G) market, however. As digital technologies permeate connectivity, through a revision of the Broadband to malicious cyber activity. To tackle this growing Cost Reduction Directive12, an updated Action networks and deep tech.1 To take just one example: threat, we need to work together at every stage: our professional and private lives, having at least ba- Plan on 5G and 6G, a new Radio Spectrum Policy connectivity is the most fundamental building block setting consistent rules for companies and strong- sic digital literacy and skills has become a precondi- Programme (2021). 5G corridors for connected of the digital transformation. It is what enables data er mechanisms for proactive information-sharing; tion for participating effectively in today’s society. and automated mobility, including railway to flow, people to collaborate wherever they are, and ensuring operational cooperation between Member corridors, will be rolled out (2021-2030) (2021-2023). to connect more objects to the Internet, transforming As more processes are automated, digitisation will States, and between the EU and Member States; manufacturing, mobility and logistic chains. Gigabit lead to changes beyond the tech sector. Numerous •• A European cybersecurity strategy, including the building synergies between civilian cyber resilience connectivity2, powered with secure fibre and 5G in- occupations will be entirely transformed. The digital establishment of a joint Cybersecurity Unit, a and the law enforcement and defence dimensions of frastructures, is vital if we are to tap into Europe’s transition must be fair and just and encourage women Review of the Security of Network and Information cybersecurity8; ensuring that law enforcement and digital growth potential. To this end, adequate invest- to fully take part. Social partners have a crucial role Systems (NIS) Directive13 and giving a push to the judicial authorities can work effectively by develop- single market for cybersecurity. ments at EU, national and regional levels are neces- to play in this context. At the same time, promoting ing new tools to use against cybercriminals; and last sary to achieve the EU 2025 connectivity objectives.,3 innovation and technological diffusion are a prerequi- •• A Digital Education Action Plan to boost digital but by no means least, it means raising the aware- site for a good quality of life, employment opportuni- literacy and competences at all levels of education ness of EU citizens on cybersecurity9. ties and to close existing participation gaps, notably The new EU Multiannual Financial Framework will (Q2 2020). contribute to these objectives. The aim is to achieve Feeling safe and secure is not just a question of in rural and remote areas suffering from population more and better strategic capacity where it matters – ageing and decline. •• A reinforced Skills Agenda to strengthen digital cybersecurity. Citizens need to be able to trust the skills throughout society and a reinforced Youth through targeted funding programmes4, and making technology itself, as well as the way in which it is New challenges are also emerging as regards work- Guarantee to put a strong focus on digital skills in use of the InvestEU guarantee and of structural and used. This is particularly important when it comes ing conditions. The growing number of online plat- early career transitions (Q2 2020). rural development funds5. This public funding has to the issue of artificial intelligence. In this respect, to be used to leverage private investment, because forms has created new opportunities for people to •• Initiative to improve labour conditions of platform the European Commission is presenting a White Pa- earn income, enter or remain in the labour market. only together can we plug the investment gaps. The workers (2021). per on creating ecosystems of excellence and trust in At the same time, it has raised new questions as re- Capital Markets Union will facilitate the access of in- the field of AI, based on European values. •• A reinforced EU governments interoperability novative and high-tech companies to market-based gards legal protections for people who do not have a strategy to ensure coordination and common financing across the whole EU. We therefore need to Improving education and skills is a key part of the worker status yet who share some of the vulnerabil- standards for secure and borderless public sector ensure there is a broad array of private and public overall vision for digital transformation in Europe. Eu- ities of workers. The Commission will therefore pro- data flows and services. (2021) equity available to finance digital innovation. ropean companies need digitally savvy employees to pose an enhanced framework for platform workers.
A FAIR AND COMPETITIVE ECONOMY In an ever-shrinking world where technology is gain- consumers and to ensure the enforcement of safety ing in importance, Europe needs to continue to act laws, also in relation to goods originating from third and decide independently and reduce over-reliance countries. Some platforms have acquired significant on digital solutions created elsewhere. scale, which effectively allows them to act as private gatekeepers to markets, customers and information. For the development of many products and services, data needs to be widely and easily available, easily We must ensure that the systemic role of certain on- Key actions © iStock, Sitthiphong line platforms and the market power they acquire accessible, and simple to use and process. Data has •• A European Data Strategy to make Europe a will not put in danger the fairness and openness of become a key factor of production, and the value it global leader in the data-agile economy (February creates has to be shared back with the entire society our markets. 2020), announcing a legislative framework for data participating in providing the data. This is why we With specific respect to EU competition law, its foun- governance (Q4 2020) and a possible Data Act need to build a genuine European single market for dations are as relevant for digital as for traditional (2021). data - a European data space based on European industries. EU competition law serves Europe well by •• Ongoing evaluation and review of the fitness of EU rules and values. contributing to a level playing field where markets competition rules for the digital age (2020-2023), Many European companies – and SMEs in particular serve consumers. At the same time, it is important and launch of a sector inquiry (2020). – have been slow at taking up digital solutions, and that the competition rules remain fit for a world that •• The Commission will further explore, in the context therefore have not benefitted from them and missed is changing fast, is increasingly digital and must be- of the Digital Services Act package, ex ante rules to opportunities to scale up. The Commission will seek come greener. With this in mind, the Commission is ensure that markets characterised by large platforms to address this issue with a new EU Industrial Strate- currently reflecting on the effectiveness of the way with significant network effects acting as gate- gy that will set out actions to facilitate the transition in which the current rules are applied, for example The Commission is also planning to launch a sector in- keepers, remain fair and contestable for innovators, towards a more digital, clean, circular and globally in relation to anti-trust remedies, and also conduct- quiry with a strong focus on these new and emerging businesses, and new market entrants. (Q4 2020). competitive EU industry. It will also include a strat- ing an evaluation and review of the rules themselves markets that are shaping our economy and society. •• Propose an Industrial Strategy Package egy for SMEs, a vital part of the European economy, to ensure that they meet today’s digital and green putting forward a range of actions to facilitate the However, competition policy alone cannot address all often hampered by lack of available skills, access to challenges. transformation towards clean, circular, digital and the systemic problems that may arise in the plat- finance and markets. globally competitive EU industries, including SMEs Reviews are already underway of the rules govern- form economy. Based on the single market logic, and the reinforcement of single market rules. To start up and grow in Europe, SMEs need a friction- ing horizontal and vertical agreements and of the additional rules may be needed to ensure contesta- less single market, unhampered by diverging local bility, fairness and innovation and the possibility of •• Create a framework to enable convenient, market definition notice, as is a “fitness” check of market entry, as well as public interests that go be- competitive and secure Digital Finance, including or national regulations that increase administrative various state aid guidelines. Among the key issues yond competition or economic considerations. legislative proposals on crypto assets, and on digital burdens for smaller companies in particular. They for Europe’s digital future are data access, pooling operational and cyber resilience in the financial need clear and proportionate rules that are effec- and sharing, and the balance between online and of- Ensuring fairness in the digital economy is a major sector and a strategy towards an integrated EU tively and uniformly enforced across the EU, provid- fline commerce. The review of the market definition challenge. In the borderless digital world, a handful payments market that supports pan-European digital ing them with an immensely powerful home market notice will also take account of new digital business of companies with the largest market share get the payment services and solutions (Q3 2020); from which to launch themselves on the world stage. models - such as “free” services that users access bulk of the profits on the value that is created in a da- •• Communication on Business Taxation for the In the digital age, ensuring a level playing field for while providing their data – and their implications for ta-based economy. Those profits are often not taxed 21st century, taking into account the progress made businesses, big and small, is more important than competitive constraints. The ongoing fitness check where they are generated as a result of outdated cor- in the context of the Organisation for Economic Co- ever. This suggests that rules applying offline – from of the Commission’s 2014 Important Projects of porate tax rules, distorting competition. This is why operation and Development (OECD) to address the competition and single market rules, consumer pro- Common European Interest (IPCEI) Communication is the Commission will look to address the tax challeng- tax challenges arising from the digitisation of the tection, to intellectual property, taxation and work- designed to assess whether an update is necessary es arising from the digitisation of the economy. economy. ers’ rights – should also apply online. Consumers to further clarify the conditions under which major •• Delivering a new Consumer Agenda, which will need to be able to trust digital products and ser- Member State-led projects in key, strategic sectors empower consumers to make informed choices and vice just as much as they would any other. There for the digital and green future of Europe can pro- play an active role in the digital transformation (Q4 is a need to pay attention to the most vulnerable ceed effectively. 2020).
key for democracy as well as for cultural diversity. With these in mind, the Commission will present a Key actions European Democracy Action Plan and a specific ac- •• New and revised rules to deepen the Internal tion plan for the media and audiovisual sector. Market for Digital Services, by increasing and harmonising the responsibilities of online platforms The digital component will also be key in reaching and information service providers and reinforce the the ambitions of the European Green Deal14 and oversight over platforms’ content policies in the the Sustainable Development Goals15. As power- EU. (Q4 2020, as part of the Digital Services Act ful enablers for the sustainability transition, digital package). solutions can advance the circular economy, support the decarbonisation of all sectors and reduce the en- •• Revision of eIDAS Regulation to improve its vironmental and social footprint of products placed effectiveness, extend its benefits to the private on the EU market. For example, key sectors such as sector and promote trusted digital identities for all precision agriculture, transport and energy can ben- Europeans (Q4 2020) © iStock, DisobeyArt efit immensely from digital solutions in pursuing the •• Media and audiovisual Action Plan to support ambitious sustainability objectives of the European digital transformation and competitiveness of the Green Deal. audiovisual and media sector, to stimulate access to quality content and media pluralism (Q4 2020) Digital solutions, and data in particular, will also enable a fully integrated life-cycle approach, from •• European Democracy Action Plan to improve AN OPEN, DEMOCRATIC design through sourcing of energy, raw materials and other inputs to final products until the end-of- the resilience of our democratic systems, support media pluralism and address the threats of external intervention in European elections (Q4 2020) AND SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY life stage. For example, by tracking when and where electricity is most needed, we can increase energy •• Destination Earth, initiative to develop a high efficiency and use fewer fossil fuels. precision digital model of Earth (a “Digital Twin of the Earth”) that would improve Europe’s environmental Yet it is also clear that the ICT sector also needs prediction and crisis management capabilities to undergo its own green transformation. The envi- (Timing: from 2021). People are entitled to technology that they can trust. Trust in the online world also means helping consum- ronmental footprint of the sector is significant, es- •• A circular electronics initiative, mobilising What is illegal offline must also be illegal online. ers take greater control of and responsibility for their timated at 5-9% of the world’s total electricity use existing and new instruments in line with the While we cannot predict the future of digital tech- own data and identity. Clearer rules on the trans- and more than 2% of all emissions.16 Data centres policy framework for sustainable products of nology, European values and ethical rules and social parency, behaviour and accountability of those who and telecommunications will need to become more the forthcoming circular economy action plan, to and environmental norms must apply also in the dig- act as gatekeepers to information and data flows are energy efficient, reuse waste energy, and use more ensure that devices are designed for durability, ital space. needed, as is effective enforcement of existing rules. renewable energy sources. They can and should be- maintenance, dismantling, reuse and recycling and People should also be able to control their online come climate neutral by 2030. including a right to repair or upgrade to extend the In recent years, Europe has led the way towards an identity, when authentication is needed to access lifecycle of electronic devices and to avoid premature open, fair, inclusive and people-centric internet with How ICT equipment is designed, bought, consumed obsolescence (2021). certain online services. A universally accepted public its standard-setting General Data Protection Regu- and recycled also matters. Beyond the energy ef- electronic identity (eID) is necessary for consumers •• Initiatives to achieve climate-neutral, highly energy- lation and its rules for platform-to-business cooper- ficiency requirements of Ecodesign, ICT equipment to have access to their data and securely use the efficient and sustainable data centres by no later ation. In order to protect European democracies and must become fully circular - designed to last longer, products and services they want without having to than 2030 and transparency measures for telecoms the values underpinning them, the Commission will to be properly maintained, to contain recycled mate- use unrelated platforms to do so and unnecessari- operators on their environmental footprint. continue to develop and implement innovative and rial and to be easily dismantled and recycled. ly sharing personal data with them. Europeans can proportionate rules for a trustworthy digital society. •• The promotion of electronic health records based also benefit from use of data to improve public as The power of data is essential also in the health sec- Such a digital society should be fully inclusive, fair on a common European exchange format to give well as private decision-making. tor. Digitised health records, gathered in a European and accessible for all. European citizens secure access to and exchange health data space, can lead to better treatment for of health data across the EU . A European health In a world where much of the public debate and po- In this context, it is essential that the rules applica- major chronic conditions, including cancer and rare data space to improve safe and secure accessibility litical advertising has moved online, we must also be ble to digital services across the EU are strength- diseases, but also to equal access to high quality of health data allowing for targeted and faster prepared to act to forcefully defend our democra- ened and modernised, clarifying the roles and re- health services for all citizens. research, diagnosis and treatment ( from 2022). cies. Citizens want meaningful answers to attempt- sponsibilities of online platforms. The sale of illicit, ed manipulations of the information space, often in dangerous or counterfeit goods, and dissemination the form of targeted and coordinated disinformation of illegal content must be tackled as effectively on- campaigns. Europe needs greater transparency on line as it is offline. the ways in which information is shared and man- aged on the internet. Trustworthy quality media is
THE 3 INTERNATIONAL DIMENSION – EUROPE AS A GLOBAL PLAYER The European Union is and will remain the most open region for trade and investment in the world, pro- vided that anyone who comes to do business here accepts and respects our rules. The Commission will use all instruments at its disposal to ensure that T he European model has proved to be an inspira- tion for many other partners around the world as they seek to address policy challenges, and this Many countries around the world have aligned their own legislation with the EU’s strong data protection regime. Mirroring this success, the EU should actively everyone respects EU legislation and international rules to maintain a level playing field in the digital sector. It will also propose new rules where neces- should be no different when it comes to digital. promote its model of a safe and open global Inter- sary, such as the ongoing work to develop a legal net. instrument to deal with the distortive effects of for- In geopolitical terms, the EU should leverage its reg- ulatory power, reinforced industrial and technolog- In terms of standards, our trading partners have eign subsidies in the internal market. Key actions ical capabilities, diplomatic strengths and external joined the EU-led process that successfully set glob- A Global Digital Cooperation Strategy will put •• A Global Digital Cooperation Strategy (2021). financial instruments to advance the European ap- al standards for 5G and the Internet of Things. Eu- forward a European approach to the digital transfor- proach and shape global interactions. This includes rope must now lead in the adoption and standardi- mation that builds on our long and successful histo- •• A White Paper on an instrument on foreign ry of technology, innovation and ingenuity, vested in subsidies (Q2 2020). the work done under association and trade agree- sation process of the new generation of technology: ments, as well as agreements reached in interna- blockchain, supercomputing, quantum technologies, European values, including openness, and will pro- •• A Digital for Development Hub that will build tional bodies such the United Nations, the OECD, ISO algorithms and tools to allow data sharing and data ject them onto the international stage and engage and consolidate a whole-of-EU approach promoting and the G20, with the support of EU Member States. usage.17 with our partners. It will also reflect the EU’s work in EU values and mobilising EU member states and Africa and elsewhere with respect to the Sustaina- EU industry, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), A strong digital presence in the EU’s enlargement, As regards trade and investment, the Commission ble Development Goals, “Digital4Development” and financial institutions, expertise and technologies in neighbourhood and development policy will enable will continue to address unjustified restrictions for capacity building. digitisation. growth and drive sustainable development, includ- European companies in third countries, such as data Europe is at the forefront in addressing manipulative •• A strategy for standardisation, which will allow ing the uptake of green ICT in partner countries and localisation requirements, and pursue ambitious for the deployment of interoperable technologies regions, in accordance with Europe’s commitment to goals in terms of market access, respect of intel- interference in its information space and has devel- respecting Europe’s rules, and promote Europe’s the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The lectual property, research and development and oped important approaches and instruments. It will approach and interests on the global stage (Q3 conclusions of the EU-African Union Digital Economy standardisation programmes. The ongoing discus- continue to work closely with its international part- 2020). Task Force will underpin the support for the digital sions about building a trustworthy data alliance with ners, such as the G7, to find common approaches transformation in Africa, including the creation of like-minded partners who share our values and high with a view to developing international norms and •• Mapping of opportunities and action plan a single African Digital Market as funding becomes standards could enhance data flows and the pool of standards. to promote the European approach in bilateral relations and multilateral fora (Q2 2020). available under the EU’s new Multiannual Financial available high-quality data. Framework.
4 CONCLUSION D igital technologies, as advanced as they may be, are just a tool. They cannot solve all of our problems. Yet they are making things possible which means to digitalise. Coordination of efforts between the EU, Member States, regions, civil society and the private sector is key to achieving this and strength- were unthinkable a generation ago. The success of ening European digital leadership. Europe’s digital strategy will be measured in how well we are able to put these tools to work in deliv- Europe can own this digital transformation and set ering public goods to European citizens. the global standards when it comes to technolog- ical development. More importantly still, it can do The data-agile economy and its enormous trans- so while ensuring the inclusion and respect of every formative potential will affect all of us and Europe single human being. The digital transformation can stands ready to make full use of the advantages it only work if it works for all and not for only a few. will bring. Yet for this digital transformation to be It will be a truly European project – a digital society fully successful, we will need to create the right based on European values and European rules - that frameworks to ensure trustworthy technology and can truly inspire the rest of the world. to give businesses the confidence, competences and Endnotes 1 Supercomputing, quantum technologies, blockchain 5 ERDF, EARDF. 12 Directive 2014/61/EU of the European Parliament and secure, pan-European cloud capacities 6 Restoring EU competitiveness, EIB 2016. The EIB and of the Council of 15 May 2014. 2 Commission Communication “Connectivity for Investment Report 2019/20, Accelerating Europe’s 13 Directive (EU) 2016/1148 of the European a Competitive Digital Single Market - Towards a Transformation, confirms the large-scale public Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2016. European Gigabit Society”, COM/2016/0587 final. investment needed to support infrastructure 14 The European Green Deal, COM(2019) 640 final, 3 These objectives require for all European digitalisation. 11 Dec. 2019: households, rural or urban, an internet connectivity 7 Shaping the digital transformation, Study info/files/european-green-deal-communication_ of at least “100 Mbps, upgradable to Gigabit conducted for the European Commission, McKinsey en.pdf speed”. This reflects the Commission’s expectation Global Institute (to be published in Q2 2020). 15 The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are that, as the decade progresses, households will 8 The recently published EU toolbox for 5G security a collection of 17 global goals designed to be a increasingly need 1 Gbps. This is in line with the constitutes an important milestone as it puts in “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable © iStock, ipopba Commission’s observation of exponentially growing place a set of robust and comprehensive measures future for all”. They were set by the UN General network capacity demands and the need to ensure for an EU coordinated approach to secure 5G Assembly, as part of UN resolution 70/1, in 2015: sustainable investments into networks capable networks. of offering symmetric (i.e. upload and download) sustainable-development-goals/. Gigabit speeds to cater for the European data 9 Enhancing cybersecurity will make a key economy beyond 2025. All main socio-economic contribution towards building a genuine and 16 World Energy Forum: https://www.enerdata. drivers, such as schools, hospitals, businesses effective Security Union. net/publications/executive-briefing/expected- should already benefit from Gigabit connectivity 10 Over 90% of jobs already require at least basic world-energy-consumption-increase-from- with equally fast upload and download speeds at digital skills, yet 43% of European citizens and over digitalization.html. the latest by 2025. a third of the EU labour force lack them. 17 For example, the use of the EU eInvoicing standard 4 The Digital Europe Programme (DEP), Connecting 11 Council Regulation (EU) 2018/1488 of 28 in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, has Europe Facility (CEF 2), Horizon Europe, the Space September 2018. been a success, acting as a trade facilitator for Programme. EU businesses and is being considered for use at international level.
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