Senior Vice President - PRESIDENTIAL TEAM 2022/2023 - RICS

Page created by Daniel Parsons
Senior Vice President - PRESIDENTIAL TEAM 2022/2023 - RICS

Senior Vice

Application pack
January 2022
Senior Vice President - PRESIDENTIAL TEAM 2022/2023 - RICS

THE ROLE ............................................................................................................................................... 3
   Time commitment ............................................................................................................................. 4

   Remuneration .................................................................................................................................... 4

ROLE PROFILE ........................................................................................................................................ 5
   Background ........................................................................................................................................ 5

   The President’s role ........................................................................................................................... 6

PERSON SPECIFICATION ....................................................................................................................... 7

TIMELINE ................................................................................................................................................ 9

PROCESS ..............................................................................................................................................10

APPENDIX A - Disclosure and declaration form ...............................................................................12

APPENDIX B - Commitment to serve .................................................................................................16

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The role
Help shape the world we live in

RICS is the leading professional body for setting standards in the built and natural environments.
We help to develop professionals from Shanghai to London and from Sydney to New Delhi who
are literally shaping the world around us. Our global footprint encompasses the main financial
centres, with a growing presence in Africa, China, India and North America.

We are currently seeking high calibre, inspiring individuals who can contribute to our journey by
performing the ambassadorial role of Senior Vice President, progressing to President after two
years. These are part-time Non-Executive positions.

Applicants must be highly effective, innovative members of the profession: prominent, engaging
and strategic. The ideal candidate will be able to engage with trust and respect on global issues,
be able to inspire the next, more diverse generations, engage the profession and role model
every aspect of professionalism and responsible business. Applicants will need to be resilient
and at ease talking to senior figures from related sectors, international institutions and

The post-holder will need to be comfortable being in the spotlight and cope well under pressure.
They will be expected to play a key role in opening new market opportunities for the profession,
and to attract VIP speakers to the annual summit of the World Built Environment Forum.

The Senior Vice President will also be involved in RICS’ strategy-setting and oversight as a
member of Governing Council which is RICS’ governing body.

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We particularly welcome candidates with diverse skills, experience and backgrounds.

Time commitment

The role is effectively for three years.

The Senior Vice President’s term will begin in November 2022 and, provided their performance
is satisfactory, they will become President Elect in November 2023, before serving as President
from November 2024 to November 2025. The time commitment for Senior Vice President will
be less than during the years spent as President Elect and President.

The time commitment will be agreed with the individual. However, they will need to be agile in
their approach to the role as it will include:

   •   External ambassadorial duties representing the Presidential team (for example speaking
       at conferences, attending dinners/functions, hosting VIPs and leading the welcome to the
       profession events). Attendance may be in person or remotely.
   •   Attendance at the annual World Built Environment Forum Summit.
   •   Attendance at two Governing Council meetings annually which may take place remotely
       or at different locations around the globe and participation in the online virtual
   •   Attendance at Chair of Governing Council briefings held before each Governing Council
   •   Attendance at Special Governing Council meetings as required, which will be held
   •   International travel to various meetings, events and functions. This is on the proviso that
       it is safe to travel and dependant on any restrictions in place at the time.


Remuneration is provided once the candidate has progressed to the roles of President Elect and

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Role profile

We are inviting applications from high calibre, inspiring individuals who can contribute to our
journey by performing the ambassadorial role of Senior Vice President, progressing to President
Elect after one year and then to President after two years. Therefore, candidates for Senior Vice
President need to demonstrate qualities, skills and experience consistent with those of the RICS

The Senior Vice President, President Elect and President are part-time non-executive positions.
The President is RICS’ senior ambassador with a global mandate.

The President serves a one-year term, working in partnership with the Chair of Governing
Council, CEO, President Elect and Senior Vice President to further RICS' strategic objectives.
Principally, they contribute to market recognition of RICS’ standards and services, advancing our
thought leadership on a world stage and to improving the profession’s understanding of
Governing Council’s strategic objectives.

The Senior Vice President along with the President Elect and the President also participate in
setting RICS strategy and providing oversight as a member of Governing Council, which is RICS’
governing body.

The President does not have any day to day operational responsibilities for RICS as accountability
for these and the delivery of the Business Plan sits with the CEO and the Management Board.

The Senior Vice President must be a Fellow (FRICS) at the time of assuming office but if a
Professional Member (MRICS) is elected then they will automatically become a Fellow upon

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The President’s role

   •   The profession’s principal external representative with senior stakeholders in
       governments, international organisations, employers and other professional bodies in
       the built and natural environments.
   •   The senior ambassador of the profession enhancing engagement with the profession and
       key stakeholders, including the media.
   •   Recognised as leader in their field, with the ability to engage with trust and respect,
       particularly in promoting Governing Council’s agreed strategy.
   •   Provide continuity of ambassadorial leadership of the profession through the successor
       team of President-Elect and Senior Vice President.
   •   Support the Executive in furthering RICS’ strategic objectives.
   •   Advocate RICS’ thought leadership, adding Presidential prestige.

The President also undertakes certain specific duties under the current Regulations, including,
but not limited to:

   •   Representing RICS at appropriate official functions and liaising with Presidents of related
   •   Presenting diplomas either in person or virtually.
   •   Seeking assurance of the effective functioning of arbitration and dispute resolution

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Person specification

The President’s role is wide-ranging and challenging. Accordingly, the Presidential Nominations
Committee is charged with assessing candidates against a number of criteria before Governing
Council eventually votes on those that meet them, as their preferred candidate.

Candidates are expected to demonstrate most of the attributes below:


   •   Proven ability to influence key decision makers to recognise and adopt professional
   •   Skilful communicator with both listening and presentation skills which they can adapt for
       both in person and remote audiences.
   •   Strong understanding of the value of market insight and an ability to seek it out.
   •   Ability to quickly establish rapport and trust with diverse stakeholders.
   •   A strong commitment to RICS strategy, and an ability to relate it to the wider profession
       and advance the public interest.
   •   Ability to persuade others to build on common ground, and not focus on differences.
   •   Language skills suited to the candidate’s market(s).

Role model
   •   Recognised leader in their field.
   •   Demonstrable commitment to the highest professional and ethical standards.
   •   Demonstrable commitment to advancing the public interest.

   •   Strategic, with strong problem-solving ability.
   •   Thorough understanding of the differences between a member trade association and a
       professional body and regulator, and between non-exec and executive roles.
   •   A clear desire to serve the profession without need for personal gain.

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Other qualities
   •   Strong team-worker, willing to share collective responsibility.
   •   Must be fluent in English language (both written and spoken).
   •   Resilient:
           •   Calm under pressure.
           •   At ease in different environments and cultures.
           •   Reacts positively to unexpected changes or problems.
           •   Resourceful when acting alone and trusting of RICS local members of the
               profession/staff when accompanied on RICS business.
   •   Intellectually agile:
           •   Ability to quickly grasp policy positions without the need for an extensive briefing.
           •   Ability to relate policy positions to different contexts.

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Planned Timeline

Opening date for applications                             31 January 2022

Closing date for applications                             28 February 2022

Shortlisting of candidates                                w/c 7 March 2022

Due diligence                                             14 March – 1 April 2022

Executive assessments                                     14 – 25 March 2022

Interviews                                                4 – 22 April 2022

Notification of shortlisted candidates                    w/c 18 April 2022

Opportunity to address Governing Council and election at June 2022 (TBC)
Governing Council meeting

Induction                                                 June – November 2022

Appointment start date (from the date of the AGM)         November 2022

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Please find below a summary of the process to be followed.


The following documents must be sent to

   •   A completed Declaration and Disclosure Form (Appendix A).
   •   An evidence-based personal statement explaining how you meet the criteria for the role
       described in the person specification which must be no more than two pages long.
   •   A curriculum vitae which includes any relevant experience.
   •   A consent from the candidate to serve if elected and to be subject to any vetting
       procedures required for the position of Senior Vice President (Appendix B).
   •   A statement of support from at least one and no more than three Chartered RICS
       professionals, stating why they believe you should be considered for the role. Statements
       of support must be from members with a satisfactory disciplinary record and up to date
       CPD or their statements will be rejected. They must also have known the candidate for at
       least one year and must not be existing members of Governing Council or RICS staff.
       Please ensure this includes the supporters RICS membership number.
   •   Please note that the following members may not apply for the role of Senior Vice
          o   Any current member of RICS Governing Council
          o   Any member who has unsuccessfully applied to the role of Senior Vice President
              twice in the previous two years, may not apply for a further clear two-year period.


All applicants will be checked to confirm their membership details and to ascertain whether they
have any history of CPD infractions or disciplinary action.

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The Presidential Nominations Committee (“PNC”) will review and consider all of the applications
against the criteria set out in the person specification. The candidates with the highest scores
will be selected for interview by the PNC. Prior to these interviews, the PNC will invite the
shortlisted candidates to undertake an interview with external assessors.

Where a candidate is short-listed for interview, their applications will be providing to an external
agency to carry out due diligence. Due diligence will include:

   •   ID verification
   •   Criminal background check
   •   Directorships
   •   Financial/Credit
   •   Sanctions & watchlists
   •   Media search

The PNC will then short-list candidates for potential election at Governing Council based on their
interview and the results of the executive assessment.


The candidates put forward to Governing Council by the PNC will have an opportunity to present
to Governing Council at their meeting in June 2022. Governing Council will have the opportunity
to ask questions of the candidates before casting their votes. The successful candidate will need
to obtain majority support from Governing Council.


The candidate elected by Governing Council will be provided with a full induction programme to
be scheduled before taking office following the Annual General Meeting in November 2022.

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Appendix A
Senior Vice President

Declaration and disclosure form

Please complete and return in accordance with the instructions in the application pack.

Your personal details



 Telephone / Mobile


 RICS Membership Number

 (must be a Chartered member to
 apply – FRICS or MRICS)

 How did you find out about this

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Conflicts of interests
Do you have any business or personal interests that might be relevant to the work of the RICS and
which could lead to a real or perceived conflict of interest were you to be appointed? (Failure to
disclose such information could result in an appointment being terminated).

           No                      Yes

If yes, please give details


Are there any charges or convictions of a criminal offence against you, where the penalty could be
imprisonment (unless it is now regarded as a spent conviction as provided by any rehabilitation of
offenders’ law relevant to your jurisdiction)?

            No                     Yes

Have you any prosecutions pending?

            No                     Yes

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If yes, please give details / dates of offence(s) and sentence:

Member records will be checked for disciplinary and CPD infractions. Do you have a history of
disciplinary or CPD infractions?

           No                      Yes

If yes, please give details / dates of disciplinary and CPD infractions along with the outcome of
the investigation including any sanctions:

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I certify that to the best of my knowledge the information I have given is true and complete



Date : ……………………………………………………….

Data protection information

We will use the personal data you have provided on this form for assessing your suitability for the
role, which is a necessary step for us to take prior to entering into a contract with you for the
role at your request. Your personal data will primarily be processed and stored by RICS in the
United Kingdom but may be transferred to other RICS offices globally depending on the location
of staff that are involved in the assessment process. Your personal data will also be provided to
third parties for the purpose of validating your references and undertaking psychometric
testing. Where your personal data is transferred to RICS offices or to third parties outside of
the United Kingdom, we will implement appropriate safeguards to ensure your data
protection rights are upheld. Where your application is unsuccessful, we will store your
personal data for one year. Where your application is successful, we will store your personal
data for as long as necessary to administer and keep a record of your appointment.

For further details about how we collect and use your personal data and your data protection
rights, see our Privacy Policy at

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Appendix B
Consent to serve as Senior Vice President if elected

I undertake to serve as Senior Vice President for Session 2022/2023 if elected, and subsequently
President-Elect for Session 2023/2024 and President for Session 2024/2025.

Signature ………………………………………………………………………..…

Name ………………………………………………………………………..………

Membership Number…………………………………………………………………


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