Selfish incentives for climate policy: Empower the young!
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Selfish incentives for climate policy: Empower the young! Larry Karpa Alesandro Perib Armon Rezaic September 9, 2021 Abstract Currently living agents might have selfish reasons to undertake climate policy, because young agents benefit in the future from an improved climate, and policy affects the asset price. Previous models downplayed the first factor and assumed away the second. Self-interested incentives induce meaningful climate policy over a period of several generations, if the young have substantial policy-making influence. Policy is largely driven by the young generation’s concern about its future consumption, not from endogenous asset prices. For small climate policy, the old and young generations’ incentives are aligned if and only if the elasticity of intertemporal substitution exceeds 1. Keywords: Climate externality, overlapping generations, climate policy, generational conflict, Markov perfection, concave production possibility frontier. JEL codes: E24, H23, Q20, Q52, Q54 a Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berke- ley, email: b Department of Economics, University of Colorado, Boulder, email Alessan- c Department of Socio-Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business, email: Also affiliated with the International Institute for Applied Systems Anal- ysis, IIASA.
1 Introduction The standard climate narrative assumes that future generations are the pri- mary beneficiaries of current climate policy. However, recent research esti- mates that most of the warming effect occurs within a decade of emissions (Ricke and Caldeira, 2014; Mattauch et al., 2020; Dietz et al., 2021). There- fore, climate policy can benefit people currently alive. Functional assumptions in previous Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) imply that climate policy has no effect on the end-of-period price of non-depreciated assets (Stern, 2006; Nordhaus, 2008). Thus, most models downplay the possibility that people cur- rently alive directly benefit from a cleaner environment, and they exclude the possibility that asset owners might receive an indirect cost or benefit arising from a change in the (end-of-period) asset price. We challenge this conventional approach in two ways, replacing the In- finitely Lived Agent (ILA) with a Diamond-style overlapping generations (OLG) model (Diamond, 1965), and changing the technology to render asset prices endogenous. The first change distinguishes agents who are unlikely to ben- efit directly from current policy (the old generation) from those who likely would benefit (the young generation). It also means that end-of-period buy- ers and sellers of capital care about the asset price. In conventional models, and in ours’, current policy affects the return on capital, so it always affects the beginning-of-period asset price. The novelty in our setting is that climate policy can also affect the end-of-period asset price, which conventional models set equal to the price of the numeraire. Hereafter, by “asset price” we always mean the end-of-period price. In our setting, this price responds to climate policy, via the policy-induced change in the stock of greenhouse gasses. We use this setting to address two broad qualitative and three quantitative questions. The former are: Under what circumstances are the two generations’ self-interested incentives to undertake policy aligned or in opposition? Under what circumstances do endogenous (rather than fixed) asset prices promote or discourage self-interested agents from undertaking climate policy? The broad quantitative questions are: Do self-interested incentives induce meaningful 1
climate policy? To what extent, and in what manner, does equilibrium policy depend on the distribution of decision-making power between the young and old generations? What is the direction and significance of endogenous asset prices in determining equilibrium policy? The answers are sensitive to agents’ elasticity of intertemporal substitution (EIS). The young and the old generations’ interests are aligned for EIS > 1 and in conflict for EIS < 1. For linear welfare (EIS = ∞), all agents in a two- period setting benefit from climate policy when the asset price is endogenous, but currently living agents are harmed by policy when the asset price is fixed. With Leontieff preferences (EIS = 0) and endogenous asset prices, a small level of abatement harms the old generation but benefits the young generation and the agent born in the next period (in this two-period setting). With fixed asset prices, in contrast, a small level of abatement has zero first order effect on the current old generation, but still benefits the young agent and the agent born in the next period. Logarithmic utility (EIS = 1), by decoupling the savings and climate policy decisions, eliminates a primary reason for using a general equilibrium model to study climate economics. Here, policy lowers currently living agents’ welfare, for both fixed and endogenous asset price. We address the quantitative questions using a numerical dynamic game in which each pair of successive generations chooses current abatement to maximize a convex combination of their joint lifetime welfare. Our assumption that agents are selfish means that the analysis is not normative. Given the simplifications required for tractability, the results do not literally describe actual behavior.1 Instead, this model permits us to study the importance of incentives that have previously been downplayed or assumed away. We find that first-period equilibrium policy is small relative to the policy chosen by an altruistic planner who cares about future generations. However, the cumulative effect of selfish policy over 150 years can be substantial if the young generation has significant influence in setting the policy. By (approx- 1 Our assumption that current generations act in their collective self-interest ignores the collective action problem. Our assumptions that only two generations live in each period, and that there is a single stock of capital and a single climate-related stock, are restrictive. 2
imately) turning off the endogeneity of asset prices, we see that this channel affects policy in the direction suggested by our qualitative analysis. However, the magnitude of the effect is small. Most of the selfish agents’ equilibrium policy arises from the young agent’s concern for their future consumption. These results motivate our admonition to “Empower the young”. There are no direct policy levers for achieving this empowerment, but economic mod- els influence how we think about social problems, thereby possibly affecting policy. Consistent with our results, a recent survey finds that young people are significantly more concerned about climate change and more accepting of climate policy, compared to their elders; this difference is more pronounced among Republicans than Democrats (Funk, 2021). The EIS is an important parameter in dynamic models. Havranek (2015) concludes, based on 2,735 estimates from 169 studies, that the mean of micro- based estimates of the EIS, when corrected for reporting bias, ranges from 0.3 to 0.4, and that values above 0.8 are “inconsistent with the bulk of the empirical evidence”. He finds that researchers who use Epstein-Zin utility obtain smaller EIS estimates, but only by about 0.02-0.03. The conventional choice in IAMs sets EIS = 0.5. Our numerical analysis uses EIS ∈ {0.5, 1, 2}. Economics has long recognized that markets may give asset owners a stake in environmental protection, even when owners have no direct interest in the environment (Oates, 1972). Empirical evidence shows that environmental out- comes can affect asset prices in real estate (Chay and Greenstone, 2005; Bush- nell et al., 2013) and market portfolios (Bansal et al., 2016). Evidence on the extent to which markets price in climate risk is mixed. Severen et al. (2018) find that U.S. land prices incorporate climate forecasts; Schlenker and Taylor (2019) show that weather markets reflect climate model predictions. Bernstein et al. (2018) find that U.S. homes exposed to sea level rise sell for an estimated 7% discount, but Bakkensen and Barrage (2021, forthcoming) estimate that coastal home prices in Rhode Island understate climate risk by 13%. Other evidence suggests that markets underprice climate risk for food stocks (Hong et al., 2019) and stock portfolios (Addoum et al., 2021; Kumar et al., 2019).2 2 Recent research in climate economics puts risk and uncertainty at the forefront. We do 3
Investors believe that although some equity valuations do not completely reflect climate risk, the perceived overvaluation is small (Krueger et al., 2020). A 2021 investor rebellion led by a small activist hedge fund and supported by BlackRock replaced three of ExxonMobile’s board candidates with “green” alternatives. One in five Americans currently believe that climate change will hurt home values in their area in the near future (Katz, 2021). Discussions of the climate’s effect on asset prices often center on “stranded assets”, whose value is reduced by climate policy. Fossil fuel companies (“en- ergy”), the common example of stranded assets, were worth $5 trillion and constituted 16% of the S&P 500’s index in 2014; as of 2020, energy was the smallest sector in this index, at less than 2% (Bullard, 2020). Society at large, and people with a well-diversified portfolio, should be concerned about the effect of climate policy on assets writ large, not just a narrow class of assets. Bovenberg and Heijdra (1998) show that the issuance of public debt can support Pareto-improving environmental policy by transferring the cost of pol- icy across time, to those who benefit from it.3 Kotlikoff et al. (2021) find that an exogenously increasing carbon tax achieves a 0.73% uniform welfare in- crease over BAU consumption equivalents. The policymaker uses debt, taxing future generations to compensate current generations. Anderson et al. (2020) show that a sequence of abatement rates, financed by debt and a distortionary labor tax, lead to Pareto improvements. These authors assume that the ini- tial policymaker can commit to a sequence of future policies, and their model assumptions fix the asset price equal to the price of the numeraire good. We exclude public debt, social security, and other intergenerational trans- fers. Our research goal is to assess self-interested incentives to undertake climate policy when the current generations cannot choose their successors’ not discuss this literature because our model is deterministic. Uncertainty is an especially important determinant of asset prices. Nevertheless, a deterministic setting is adequate for revealing the incentives central to our research, and it is important for tractability. 3 Many other papers use OLG models to examine environmental policy (Howarth and Norgaard, 1992; John and Pecchenino, 1994; Gerlagh and Keyzer, 2001; Schneider et al., 2012; Karp and Rezai, 2014; Williams et al., 2015; Karp, 2017; Iverson and Karp, 2021). Online Appendix A.7 discusses the relation between the models and the research questions in Karp and Rezai (2014) and in the current paper; neither is a special case of the other. 4
policies and asset prices are endogenous. In line with a well-known Folk Theo- rem, Rangel (2003) show that trigger strategies can support intergenerational transfers as a subgame perfect equilibrium. Our use of Markov Perfect Equi- libria excludes trigger strategies. 2 The Model We describe the young agent’s savings decision, discuss the technology, and then introduce preferences and define the decentralized equilibrium. (Online Appendix A.1 provides a flow diagram that summarizes the model.) 2.1 The savings decision In each period, a cohort of constant size, L ≡ 1 is born. (Section 4 introduces growth in both in TFP and population.) Agents live two periods and maximize their lifetime welfare, Ω. Lifetime welfare is the discounted sum of utility, U (·), derived from consumption while young, cy , and old, co : Ωyt = U (cyt )+ρ U (cot+1 ) with ρ the constant utility discount factor and superscripts y and o denoting the young and old generation. Utility, U (·), satisfies the Inada conditions. The young agent receives labor income, wt , but no inheritance, and spends cyt on consumption. With a depreciation rate δ, the amount of capital remaining at the end of period t is (1 − δ) Kt . Newly produced capital, It , and undepreciated old capital are equally productive; therefore, in equilibrium they have the same price, pt . Our convention is that goods and undepreciated capital are sold at the end of the period; there is no discounting within a period, and pt is the price of capital and the investment good at the end of the period. The young agent buys st shares of the old capital stock and It units of new capital at the cost pt [st (1 − δ)Kt + It ]. The rental rate on capital is rt . When old in period t + 1, the agent earns the factor payment rt+1 (st (1 − δ)Kt + It ), and obtains revenue from selling the end-of-period stock, pt+1 (1 − δ)(st (1 − δ)Kt + It ). Agents are selfish, so the old agent consumes all her income. Agents take prices, wt , rt and pt , as given and have rational point expec- 5
tations of rt+1 and pt+1 . The young agent’s maximization problem is max y U (cyt ) + ρ U (cot+1 ) subject to It , st , ct , cot+1 cyt ≤ wt − pt (st (1 − δ)Kt + It ) (1) cot+1 ≤ (rt+1 + pt+1 (1 − δ)) (st (1 − δ)Kt + It ) . The optimal decision to buy shares of existing capital, st , satisfies U 0 (cyt ) rt+1 + pt+1 (1 − δ) ψt ≡ 0 o = . (2) ρ U (ct+1 ) pt The marginal rates of intertemporal substitution and transformation are equal. The right side in equation (2) gives the number of consumption units a young agent obtains in the next period by reducing consumption by 1 unit today and investing instead. This ratio equals the marginal rate of intertemporal substi- tution, ψt , which equals 1 plus the endogenous interest rate between period t and t + 1. In equilibrium, st ≡ 1, because the old generation has inelastic supply of undepreciated capital. New and old capital are homogeneous, so the optimality condition for It is identical to equation (2). Rearranging the optimality condition (2) produces the asset price equation: rt+1 + pt+1 (1 − δ) pt = for t < H, (3) ψt where H < ∞ is the last period. The young generation in H lives only one period, so it does not accumulate capital, implying the asset price is zero, pH = 0. (Section 4 further discusses this finite horizon assumption.) 2.2 Technology All previous IAMs (that we know of) assume that society produces a “compos- ite commodity” that can be converted either to the consumption or the invest- ment good at a constant rate, 1 by choice of units. The corresponding Produc- tion Possibility Frontier (PPF) in the Consumption-Investment plane (C, I) is 6
Figure 1: PPFs for three elasticities of investment supply, κ, at p = 1: ap- proximately Leontieff (κ = 0.01), smooth (κ = 1), and approximately linear (κ = 1000). Investment as a share of output equals 0.243 at p = 1. a line with slope −1. Here, the asset price is fixed at 1; climate policy can affect the level of investment, the point on a PPF, but not the asset price. With a strictly concave PPF, production occurs where the tangent of the PPF equals −p. In this setting, climate policy can influence both the level and the price of investment. Two new parameters in our model determine the shape of the PPF. One parameter determines the investment share evaluated at p = 1; a second parameter, κ, determines the elasticity of investment supply at p = 1. Figure 1 illustrates this model, showing three PPFs for three values of κ, all with an investment share of 0.243 at p = 1. The PPF corresponding to κ = 1000 is indistinguishable from the composite commodity model (the straight line). The approximately Leontieff (or pure endowment) economy corresponds to κ = 0.01, and the smooth concave curve corresponds to κ = 1. We now provide model details. Production of Ct = cot + cyt and It depends on inputs and policy, zt = (Kt , L, Et , µt ); Kt is the stock of capital, L is the constant labor supply (normalized to 1), Et , is the stock of atmospheric carbon in excess of pre-industrial levels (“Excess carbon”), and µt ∈ [0, 1] is the abatement rate. The state variables, Kt and Et , change endogenously, and 7
the abatement rate is the policy variable. We often suppress time subscripts. The equilibrium value of world output given the price of investment p is N (p; z). The equilibrium value of world output evaluated at p = 1 is G(z) ≡ N (1; z). We treat G (z) as a primitive, and adopt: Assumption 1 (i) G(z) is increasing and concave in K, L; it is decreasing in (E, µ), convex in µ and convex in E for small E, and it is twice continuously differentiable in z. (ii) The marginal cost of the first unit of abatement is zero: ∂G | ∂µ µ=0 = 0. (iii) (“DICE”) G = D (E) Λ (µ) Lβ K 1−β . Assumption 1 (i) is self-explanatory. We use Part (ii) for the comparative static analysis, and Part (iii) to consider special cases and for numerical analysis. To obtain a concave PPF we embed G in a constant elasticity of trans- formation (CET) function with elasticity of transformation ∞ ≥ σ ≥ 0 and shape parameter a.4 Production of C and I satisfy 1+σ 1+σ − σ1 1+σ C σ + aI σ = (1 + a−σ ) G (z) σ ⇒ σ 1+σ (4) 1 1+σ −σ − σ 1+σ C = (1 + a ) G (z) σ − aI σ . Equation 4 defines the PPF. Given p, z, world income, N (p; z), is N (p; z) = max C + pI s.t. equation 4. (5) C,I By construction, we have G (z) = N (1; z) for all σ, a and z. A larger σ flattens the PPF and a larger G causes a radial expansion of the PPF. 4 Powell and Gruen (1968) estimate supply functions that are approximately consistent with a CET PPF. The function G (z) plays a role analogous to a fixed input, such as land, that appears in many Computable General Equilibrium Models (van der Mensbrugghe and Peters, 2016). In models with monopolistic competition and Pareto distributions, the CET PPF arises endogenously (Constinot et al., 2016). Our method of constructing a concave PPF is an alternative to familiar two-sector models such as Ricardo-Viner or Heckscher- Ohlin-Samuelson, but it is much easier to work with. It also implies that the ratio of factor prices does not depend on current policy, a feature shared by the composite commodity model; thus, we avoid introducing an extraneous consideration: variable relative factor prices. The model also has a cost-of-adjustment interpretation, at the macro level. 8
With consumption the numeraire, nominal and real factor prices are equal. Remark 1 shows the effect of the asset price on world income, investment, and factor returns. All proofs are in Online Appendices A.2 and A.3. Remark 1 Suppose that Assumption 1.i holds and that the joint outputs C, I satisfy equation 4. (i) For σ < ∞, the (real = nominal) factor prices are σ1 σ1 G G w= (1+a−σ )c GL = φ (p) GL and r = (1+a−σ )c GK = φ (p) GK (6) 1 σ+1 p(σ+1) +aσ with φ (p) ≡ aσ +1 . The supply function for investment is σ 1 ! 1+σ (1 + aσ )− σ I = x (p) G (z) , x (p) ≡ , with x0 (p) > 0 (7) aσ p−(1+σ) + 1 (ii) For σ < ∞, an increase in the asset price p, holding z fixed, increases income and returns to factors ∂N ∂w wpσ ∂r rpσ = I > 0, = σ > 0 and = > 0. (8) ∂p ∂p a + p1+σ ∂p aσ + p1+σ (iii) Assuming that the equilibrium C > 0, in the limit as σ → ∞, w = GL and r = GK . (9) (iv) Under Assumption 1.iii with BAU emissions equal to ζF (K, L), the carbon 0 (µ) tax −Γ (p) D(E)Λ ζ supports abatement µ in a competitive equilibrium. An increase in p draws factors of production from the consumption good sector, increasing factors’ marginal product there. With the consumption good as the numeraire, the increase in the factors’ marginal product also increases the value of their marginal product, thus increasing w and r (equation 8). Abatement, µ, has two types of equilibrium effects. The “cost effect” arises because abatement forces the economy to use less polluting, more ex- pensive, production methods, reducing G (z). Thus, the cost effect manifests 9
as an inward shift of the P P F . A “General Equilibrium (GE) effect” arises if abatement changes the asset price, thereby altering national income and factor payments. The GE effect manifests as a movement along the PPF. By Assumption 1 (ii), the cost effect of the first unit of abatement is zero. The first order effect of a small level of abatement therefore equals the GE ∂p effect, which is proportional to ∂µ . Composite commodity models fix p = 1, |µ=0 eliminating the GE effect; here the first order effect of abatement is zero. With multiplicatively separable G (z) (as in Assumption 1.iii), the CET PPF – like the composite commodity model – makes the relative factor price, wr , independent of abatement. Remark 1 (iii) confirms that the CES PPF pro- duces the composite commodity model as a limiting case, σ → ∞. The carbon tax in part (iv) has a slightly different appearance than the standard tax for two reasons. First, we assume that unabated emissions are proportional to output F (K, L), not to output net of damages, D(E)F (K, L). Second, we have to take into account the asset price, p, which affects the value of output. With S equal to aggregate investment as a share of output, the elasticity of supply of investment evaluated at p = 1 is κ = σ(1 − S) (equation 34); the shape parameter a satisfies 1−SS = aσ (equation 20). The equations of motion for the state variables (E, K) complete the de- scription of the technology. With zero abatement, Business as Usual (BAU) emissions are an increasing continuously differentiable function of capital and labor, ζF (Kt , L), with ζ > 0 a scaling parameter. With the abatement rate µt , actual emissions equal (1 − µt ) ζF (Kt , L). With constant decay rates δ for capital and for atmospheric carbon, the transition equations for the stock of atmospheric carbon and capital are Et+1 = (1 − )Et + (1 − µt ) ζF (Kt , L) and (10) Kt+1 = (1 − δ)Kt + It , with E0 and K0 given. 10
2.3 Equilibrium and preferences Section 4 presents the political economy setting that determines climate policy, the sequence of emissions standards, {µt+h }H−t h=0 . For the time being, we take this policy sequence as given, and define the conditional equilibrium under the assumption of positive investment in every period except the last: Definition 1 Conditional on the policy sequence {µt+h }H−t h=0 and states Kt and Et , a conditional competitive equilibrium at t is a sequence of the carbon and capital stocks and asset price, {Et+h , Kt+h , pt+h }H−t h=0 , satisfying: the asset mar- ket equilibrium (3) implied by the young agents’ savings decision; the factor price conditions in equation (6); and the transition equations (10). 1−η Agents have constant elasticity single period utility, U (c) = c 1−η−1 , with η ≥ 0 ; η is the inverse of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution (EIS). For η = 1, U (c) = ln c. The old generation’s welfare, Ωot , equals its utility while old; the young generation’s welfare, Ωyt , equals the discounted stream of utility in the current and the next period. Using the equilibrium savings rule, we have the following expressions for welfare. Remark 2 For a given climate policy, equilibrium lifetime welfare in period t is Ωyt for the young agent and Ωot for the old agent, with −η (cyt ) 1 1−η wt − 1−η (1 + ρ) for η 6= 1 Ωyt ≡ U (cyt ) +ρ U (cot+1 ) = (11) (1 + ρ) (ln wt − ln(1 + ρ)) for η = 1, and ((rt +(1−δ)pt )Kt )1−η −1 1−η for η 6= 1 Ωot ≡ U (cot ) = (12) ln [(r + (1 − δ)p )K ] for η = 1. t t t 3 Welfare effects of climate policy Climate policy diverts resources from current consumption and/or investment and reduces future carbon stocks. Beyond this feature, climate policy has 11
qualitatively different effects under fixed versus endogenous asset prices. To avoid uninteresting special cases, we assume that the climate problem is serious enough that a small level of abatement today increases next-period output, taking into account both the change in the carbon stock and the induced change in investment. We state this as Assumption 2 Holding µt+1 fixed, the first unit of abatement in period t in- creases output in period t + 1: dGdµt+1 t > 0, evaluated at µt = 0. With a fixed asset price, climate policy harms the current old agent by reducing the current return to capital. That agent has no selfish incentive to reduce emissions. The agent born in the next period benefits from a small level of abatement under Assumption 2. Today’s young agent, who suffers from the policy-induced reduction in the wage, but benefits from a more productive future economy, has ambiguous net change in welfare. Matters are more complicated when the asset price is endogenous. By changing both the supply and demand for investment, policy can change the asset price. We first consider the current generations’ alignment of incentives to abate. We then examine the price and welfare effects of policy when pref- erences are linear (η = 0), logarithmic (η = 1), or Leontieff (η = ∞). 3.1 The alignment of agents’ incentives to abate We consider the equilibrium welfare effect of a small level of current abatement (µ > 0, µ ≈ 0), holding future abatement levels fixed.5 The first unit of abatement has the same qualitative effect on the two generations’ welfare if and only if η < 1. Their incentives are opposed if η > 1. Abatement raises the old agent’s welfare if and only if it increases the asset price. Proposition 1 Assume that future abatement levels are fixed and Assumption 1 (i) and (ii) hold. 5 We approximate the welfare effect in the usual manner, using the first-order term of the Taylor expansion of welfare around µ = 0. Section 4 endogenizes the abatement decision, recognizing that future policy responds to current policy via changes in the state variable. 12
(i) A small level of current abatement increases the old generation’s welfare if and only if this policy raises the asset price: dΩot dpt >0⇔ > 0. dµ |µ=0 dµ |µ=0 (ii) For η 6= 1, welfare of the old and the young generations change in the same direction, due to a small level of abatement, if and only if η < 1: dΩyt 1 dpt >0⇔ > 0. dµ |µ=0 1 − η dµ |µ=0 The old agent benefits from a small level of abatement that increases the asset price, even if she has no capital to sell at the end of the period (i.e. if δ = 1). If the first unit of abatement raises the asset price, it also raises the return to capital (equation 8), benefiting the old agent (equation 12); if δ < 1 the higher price increases the value of the old agent’s end-of-period undepreciated assets, further raising the agent’s welfare. These two effects are both absent in the composite commodity framework. Figure 2 provides intuition for Proposition 1 (ii). The line through point A with slope −ψt graphs the budget constraint, cot+1 = ψt (wt − cyt ), implied by the two lines in equation 1. At the initial equilibrium, with µ = 0, the young agent at t consumes at point A and has lifetime welfare shown by the indifference curve Uty . Suppose that a small level of abatement increases pt . In this case, wt increases (by equation 8), as represented by the rightward shift of the budget constraint’s horizontal intercept, wt . The increase in p raises the old agent’s utility, and therefore must increase her consumption. The higher price also causes the production point to move down the PPF, leading to lower aggregate production of the consumption good. Market clearing therefore requires that cyt falls, e.g. from point A toward B (with higher welfare) or toward C (with lower welfare). If the consumption point moves toward B, then the young agent’s welfare increases. The increase in welfare combined with the decrease in cyt means that the budget constraint must have rotated clockwise, as shown by the line 13
cto+1 U ty B −ψ t A C wt cty Figure 2: The initial equilibrium, with µt = 0, is at point A on the indiffer- ence curve Uty ; the slope of the budget constraint is −ψt and the horizontal intercept is wt . A small level of abatement, µ > 0 that increases pt raises wt and decreases cyt . These changes are consistent with a movement of the con- sumption point toward B, and an increase in Uty , if and only if η < 1. They are consistent with a movement of the consumption point toward C, and a decrease in Uty , if and only if η > 1. through point B, raising the opportunity cost of cyt . (Otherwise both the in- come and substitution effect would have worked in the same direction, leading to an increase in cyt .) Therefore, the income and the substitution effects move in the opposite direction, and the substitution effect dominates. With iso- elastic utility, the substitution effect dominates the income effect if and only if η < 1, in line with Proposition 1. If the consumption point moves toward point C, then the young agent’s welfare decreases. The decrease in welfare implies that ψt has fallen. (If the abatement increased ψt , then welfare would have risen, because the higher pt raises wt .) The lower ψt encourages higher cyt via the substitution effect; the lower welfare encourages lower cyt via the income effect. If consumption moves toward point C then the income effect must dominate the substitution effect. Therefore, it must be the case that η > 1. 14
3.2 Special cases We consider linear, logarithmic, and Leontieff preferences: η ∈ {0, 1, ∞}. We use the two-period setting (H = 1) for linear and Leontieff preferences, main- taining H ≥ 1 for logarithmic preferences. We find that: • For linear preferences and endogenous asset price, the first unit of abate- ment increases the price and investment, benefiting both agents alive in period 0. With fixed asset price, this abatement harms those agents. • For logarithmic preferences, abatement lowers the asset price, invest- ment, and welfare for both the current old and the current young. • For Leontieff preferences and endogenous asset price, the first unit of abatement benefits the current young agent. It has a negative first order effect on the old agent’s welfare if the asset price is endogenous, and a zero first order effect if the asset price is fixed. The first unit of abatement always benefits the agent born in the next period. 3.2.1 Linear preferences The two-period model (H = 1) shows how the welfare effects of abatement depend on whether assets prices are endogenous (σ < ∞) versus fixed (σ = ∞). With endogenous asset prices, a small level of abatement increases welfare for the two currently living agents. In contrast, under the fixed asset price, this abatement lowers their welfare. The agent born in period 1, who lives a single period and consumes all its income, benefits from abatement. Proposition 2 Suppose that Assumptions 1 and 2 hold, with η = 0 and H = 1. (i) For σ < ∞ (endogenous asset price), a small level of abatement in period 0 increases the asset price and improves the welfare of all agents. (ii) For σ = ∞ (fixed asset price), period 0 abatement lowers the welfare of agents in period 0 and benefits the agent born in period 1. 15
The key to Part (i) of the proposition is that a small level of abatement increases the period 0 asset price. By Proposition 1, the higher asset price raises the welfare of both the young and the old in period 0. By equation 7, the increase in asset price increases investment. Therefore, abatement lowers the carbon stock and increases the capital stock in period 1, increasing the wage and thus increasing the welfare of the agent born in t = 1. In contrast, with a fixed asset price (σ = ∞), we have the standard result that period-0 abatement crowds out investment. The asset pricing equation here implies p0 = 1 = ρr1 = ρGK (K1 , E1 ). Investment falls to offset any abatement-induced reduction in the next-period stock of carbon, leaving the period 1 return to capital unchanged. By Assumption 2, the combined change in the stocks of capital and carbon increase the period 1 wage. With both an endogenous and a fixed asset price, abatement shifts in the PPF, but by Assumption 1.ii this is only a second order effect. When the asset price is endogenous, the first order increase in price dominates this second order effect, causing a small level of abatement to increase welfare of agents alive at t = 0. This asset price effect is absent in the composite commodity setting, so here abatement lowers welfare of agents alive at t = 0. Results are not as crisp for the infinite horizon model, but that setting provides a simple means of showing that the endogeneity of the asset prices induces selfish agents to internalize some of the benefit of climate policy. The selfish agents act to protect the value of their asset, and in the process they benefit agents born in the future. For H = ∞, equation 2 implies ψt = ρ1 , so ∞ X pt = ρ (rt+1 + pt+1 (1 − δ)) ⇒ pt = (ρ (1 − δ))j rt+1+j ; j=0 the current asset price equals the discounted stream of future rental rates, adjusted for depreciation. The current generations’ joint welfare is Ωot + Ωyt = (rt + (1 − δ) pt ) Kt + wt , equal to the value of world income, Nt = rt Kt + wt , plus wealth (the value 16
of undepreciated end-of-period capital), (1 − δ) pt Kt . A utilitarian planner’s welfare criterion is ∞ ! X Ωplanner ≡ (rt + (1 − δ) pt ) Kt + wt + ρj+1 wt+j+1 , j=0 the welfare of currently living generations plus the discounted stream of unborn generations’ welfare (using equation 11 and ignoring the constant 1 + ρ). Both the selfish agents and the utilitarian planner care about the future utility stream incorporated into the value of the undepreciated capital stock; the planner also cares about the future stream of labor income. For illustration, suppose that the per-period growth rate of the economy, g, and labor’s share, β, are fixed, so wt+j = β(1+g)j Nt . Define χ ≡ (1−δ)p Nt t Kt , the value of wealth as a share of world income in the current period, and denote τ as the future discounted stream of utility in selfish agents’ welfare criterion, as a fraction of the total present discount stream of future utility. We have (1 − δ)pt Kt χ τ≡ P∞ j+1 = (1+g)ρβ . (1 − δ)pt Kt + j=0 ρ wt+j+1 χ + 1−(1+g)ρ If labor’s share of income is β = 0.6, a period lasts for 35 years, the annual pure rate of time preference is 1%, and the annual growth rate is 0.5%, then (1+g)ρβ ρ = 0.7, g = 0.2, and 1−(1+g)ρ = 3. Thus, if wealth, (1 − δ) pt Kt , is similar in magnitude to world output (χ ≈ 1), then τ ≈ 0.25. For this example, the asset market induces selfish agents to internalize a significant fraction of the effect of climate policy on aggregate welfare. 3.2.2 Logarithmic preferences Here we use an arbitrary time horizon and η = 1. The first unit of abatement causes a second-order welfare loss to currently living agents, but a first order gain to future agents. Selfish agents would choose zero abatement, but a positive abatement level increases aggregate welfare, just as in standard IAMs. 17
Proposition 3 Suppose that η = 1 and Assumption 1 holds. (i) There exists a unique stable equilibrium price p(z) that is independent of future abatement policies. (ii) The marginal unit of abatement at µ = 0 has zero first order effect on the asset price and welfare of both the young and the old agents alive at t = 0. This abatement creates a first order reduction in next-period stock of carbon, without reducing the inherited stock of capital, thereby benefiting the agent born in the next period. (iii) For µ > 0, an increase in abatement lowers welfare of the agents alive at t = 0, lowers the next-period stock of capital, and weakly lowers the asset price. For η = 1, young agents save a constant fraction of their income. The young agent’s demand for physical capital depends on the asset price and labor income, but not on future abatement decisions. The intuition for Part (ii) uses the fact that the first unit of abatement has zero first order effect on the PPF. Therefore, any abatement-induced change occurs because of a movement along the original PPF. If this abatement were to increase p, it would increase w, thereby increasing both agents’ consump- tion in period 0. However, a higher p causes the production point to move south-east on the (original) PPF, reducing supply of the consumption good. Thus, a higher p is not consistent with market clearing for the consumption good. A parallel argument establishes that a lower p is not consistent with market clearing. Therefore, the first order effect of abatement on p is zero. The marginal reduction in current emissions reduces the next-period stock of car- bon, without altering the next-period capital stock (because p is unchanged). The small level of current abatement consequently leads to a first order re- duction in the next-period stock of carbon, shifting out the next-period PPF, raising the wage and welfare for the agent born in t = 1. For all η an increase in abatement beginning at µ > 0 leads to a first order inward shift in the PPF. For η = 1, the higher abatement weakly lowers the equilibrium asset price, leading to strict welfare loss for currently living agents and a reduction in savings. 18
3.2.3 Leontieff preferences co In the limit as η → ∞, Ωy → min cyt , t+1 ρ . The young agent saves to the cot+1 point where cyt = ρ , implying the asset price equation wt (rt+1 + (1 − δ) pt+1 ) pt = − . (13) Kt+1 ρ Proposition 4 Under Assumption 1 for H = 1 (the two-period case): (i) With σ < ∞ (endogenous asset prices), the first unit of abatement in period 0 lowers the asset price, lowering welfare for the old agent in that period, lower- ing investment, and increasing welfare of the young agent. Under Assumption 2, the first unit of t = 0 abatement increases welfare of the agent born at t = 1. (ii) With σ = ∞ (fixed asset prices), the first unit of abatement strictly in- creases welfare for the current young and for the agent born in the next period, creating zero first order welfare effect for the current old generation. The two parts of Proposition 4 show how the endogeneity of the asset price alters the welfare effect of abatement. With both fixed and endogenous asset price, both the current young agent and the agent born in the next period benefit from the reduction in the t = 1 carbon stock. Because the marginal cost of the first unit of abatement is zero (Assumption 1.ii), both agents at t = 0 have a zero first order change in their income when the asset price is fixed. Here, the welfare gain arises from reducing the climate externality; there is no intergenerational welfare transfer. In contrast, with endogenous asset price, the first unit of abatement harms the old agent by reducing the asset price. Here, there is a welfare transfer from the old agent to the other two agents, in addition to the gain arising from reducing the climate externality. The two-period model with low EIS shows how beliefs about future policies can affect current equilibrium policies. Suppose that a political economy equi- librium causes currently living generations to choose current climate policy to maximize a convex combination of their welfare (as in Section 4). Suppose also that the young generation has enough political power to produce a pos- itive level of abatement at t = 0. Now add a previous period, t = −1, to 19
this two-period model. The generation that is young at t = −1 understands that abatement will be positive at t = 0. That abatement benefits the young generation at t = 0, but it strictly reduces co0 when asset prices are endogenous. co Welfare for the young generation at t = −1 is min cy−1 , ρ0 . The reduction in co0 caused by the anticipated t = 0 abatement makes the young agent at t = −1 willing to transfer consumption from t = −1 to t = 0. The agent can make this transfer by saving a bit more, but abatement produces a more efficient transfer from this agent’s perspective. First, it reduces the climate externality. Second, it shifts some of the costs on to the old agent at t = −1. Thus, in a world where the young agents have significant political power, the anticipation that abatement will be positive in the future, together with a low EIS, promotes abatement in the current period. 4 Equilibrium abatement We use a numerical model to study equilibrium policy, the solution to a dy- namic game. In each period, abatement is chosen to maximize a convex combi- nation of young and old agents’ consumption-related welfare, ξΩyt + (1 − ξ)Ωot , with 0 ≤ ξ ≤ 1.6 We refer to the fictitious agent who maximizes this func- tion as the selfish planner. The parameter ξ measures the young generation’s influence in the decision-making process. The sequence of planners play a dynamic game. Apart from logarithmic preferences (Proposition 3), planner t’s optimal policy depends on future poli- cies, via their effect on the asset price. The equilibrium abatement policies are not first-best; therefore, equilibrium levels of investment are also not efficient. Because we do not want a model in which climate policy is used to influence investment, we assume that planners take the level of investment as given: 6 There are several ways to motivate this criterion, e.g. using a probabilistic voting model in which voters care about their consumption-related welfare and about ideology (Lindbeck and Weibull, 1987; Persson and Tabellin, 2000). However, neither the microfoundations, nor the manner of implementing the policy (e.g. a tax or a quota) matter for our purposes. 20
Assumption 3 (Nash) The planner takes the current level of investment as given. Agents take prices and abatement policy as given. Planners understand that current abatement shifts the PPF inward. At a given asset price, abatement reduces the factor prices, wt and rt , because it increases production costs. The planner also understands that by changing the next-period carbon stock, abatement can alter the asset price, changing the value of undepreciated assets (wealth) and further altering factor prices. However, by Assumption 3, the planner takes as given the equilibrium point on the investment supply function, I = x (p) G (zt ), rather than behaving as a monopsonist with respect to this supply function. The directly payoff-relevant state variable is the triple (K, E, t); t picks up exogenous TFP and population growth. We study a Markov Perfect Equilibrium (MPE), where current policies and expectations concerning fu- ture policies are functions of the current state variable.7 Equilibrium poli- cies from periods t + 1 onward induce an equilibrium price function, denoted pt+1 = Ψ(Kt+1 , Et+1 , t + 1). The H-period model, H < ∞, uses the boundary condition pH = 0; in the final period, abatement and investment are both 0.8 The planner chooses µt to maximize the convex combination of currently living agent’s welfare, resulting in the equilibrium policy function, M (K, E, t): M (K, E, t) = argmax ξ Lt Ωyt + (1 − ξ) Lt−1 Ωot , (14) µt using the definitions of welfare in equations 11 and 12, the factor prices in equation 6, the asset price equation 3, and the equations of motion 10. The investment supply function, equation 7, closes the model. Substituting the 7 Hassler et al. (2003) and Conde-Ruiz and Galasso (2005) are early applications of MPE applied to games involving public goods. In our model, the public good is Earth’s capacity to absorb carbon emissions. 8 The finite horizon setting avoids the problem of the “incomplete transversality condi- tion”, a familiar source of multiplicity. We find no evidence of multiplicity in our finite horizon model. We choose H = 14 (490 years), which is long enough that a change in H has no discernible effect on policies in the first 200 years. We report equilibrium trajectories for the first 8 periods (280 years), long enough to capture the important dynamics, and short enough to avoid strong influence due to the approaching terminal time. 21
price and abatement functions into this equation gives equilibrium investment It = x (Ψ (Kt , Et , t)) G (Kt , Lt Et , M (Kt , Et , t) , t) . (15) Online Appendix B describes the numerical algorithm. Two benchmarks We compare the political economy equilibrium under the selfish planner with two benchmarks. Under Business as Usual (BAU), abatement is zero in every period. At the other extreme, the altruistic planner chooses abatement to maximize the convex combination (with weight ξ) of the discounted population-weighted sum of the agents’ utility. Both the altruistic and the selfish planners take investment as given. With cot and cyt equal to the per capita consumption of the old and young agents at t, the altruistic planner’s dynamic programming equation is9 J (Kt , Et , t) = max ξLt u (cyt ) + (1 − ξ) Lt−1 u c0t + ρJ (Kt+1 , Et+1 , t + 1) (16) µt subject to transition equations (10) and the general equilibrium relations that determine consumption and investment. 4.1 Calibration We use DICE-2016R (Nordhaus, 2017) to calibrate most of our model. Our baseline implies that BAU climate damages are small in the near future, even- tually becoming potentially large without posing an existential threat. The calibration is optimistic about technology, assuming that eventually it will be inexpensive to undo damages caused by previous emissions. These assumptions encourage purely selfish agents to defer, or perhaps never to undertake, policies that reduce climate change. Therefore, the fact 9 We also experimented with an alternative in which the return function equals the total per capita utility, Pt U C Pt , with Pt = Lt +Lt−1 , population at t, and Ct equal to aggregate t consumption. This alternative is closer to the standard IAM, but our choice makes the selfish and the altruistic planners directly comparable. 22
that in most equilibria selfish agents do undertake meaningful (but still inad- equate) policy, cannot be ascribed to our having exaggerated the severity of the climate problem or the low cost (today) of ameliorating it. Assumption 4 summarizes the model’s functional forms: Assumption 4 (Functional forms) G(K, E, t) = D(E)Λ(µ)F (K, L, t) with F (Kt , Lt , t) = Kt1−β (At Lt )β and 0 < β < 1; Λ (µt ) = 1 − ν1,t µνt 2 with ν2 > 1 > ν1,0 > 0; and D (Et ) = (1 + ι Et2 )−1 with ι > 0. Labor obtains the constant output share β. Reducing emissions to 0 (µ = 1) reduces output by the fraction ν1,t , a decreasing function of time to reflect improved abatement technologies; ν2 is the elasticity of abatement costs. We replace physical capital Kt with capital in efficiency units kt = AKt Lt t . Online Appendices A.4 and A.5 discuss other calibration assumptions, including the exogenous population (Lt ) and labor productivity (At ) dynamics. Table 1 collects parameter names and baseline values, including ν0,0 and the initial values of labor productivity, A0 . We scale nominal units by 1012 2010 USD (Trillion). Capital stock, K0 , in 2015 is 223 $T . With annual world output of 105.5 $T , output during the first 35-year period is 35 × 105.5 $T ∼ = 3, 692.5 $T (Nordhaus, 2017). We calibrate the initial old and young popu- lation so that the total initial population equals 7.4 billion, and we fix the population dynamics so that the growth rate of the young population equals DICE’s growth rate of total population. The stock of labor in our model is the population of the young, and in DICE it is the total population (Online Ap- pendix A.4). Given the initial endowments of output, capital, labor L0 = 5.1 and setting β = 0.6, initial labour productivity is calibrated to A0 = 4748.10 We set capital depreciation to 6%/yr (implying δ = 0.88), above the mean of 4%/yr for 2010 of the Penn World Table and below the 10%/yr used in DICE-2016R. Agents live for 70 years, and one period lasts 35 years. Agents discount future utility at 1%/yr , implying ρ = 0.7. Our climate state variable is cumulative emissions, not temperature, so = 1. Units of the carbon stock, E, are GtC. By 2015, cumulative emis- 10 With β = 0.6 and ρ = 0.7, the savings rate under log utility is 0.25. We do not calibrate on the savings rate, so different parameters produce different rates. 23
Parameter Value Description ρ 0.7 Discount factor η (0.5, 1, 2) Inverse IES β 0.6 Labor Share δ 0.88 Capital Depreciation ζ0 0.0957 Carbon Intensity ι 9.44(10−9 ) Damage Parameter A0 4,748 Initial Labor Productivity σ 1.3210 PPF Elasticity a 2.3636 PPF Shape Parameter ν1,0 0.074 Full Abatement Cost Share in 2015 ν2 2.6 Abatement Cost Elasticity 1 Stock Persistence Table 1: Parameter definitions and baseline values sions since the pre-industrial period were 571 GtC (Allen et al., 2009), with 2015 emissions of 10.1 GtC (Nordhaus, 2017). Initial carbon intensity mea- 10.1 sured in GtC per $T , ζ0 , is 105.5 = 0.0957. Following DICE, we impose a ceiling of 6000 GtC on cumulative emissions. Emissions in period t equal et ≡ ζt (1 − µt ) At Kt1−β Lβt . We calibrate the damage parameter ι using the Nordhaus (2014) damage function and the Nordhaus (2017) estimate that a 2o C temperature anomaly reduces output by 0.94%. We use the Transient Response to Cumulative Emis- sions model to convert cumulative emissions of 1000 GtC into a 2o C temper- ature increase.11 Our calibration implies a 0.94% output loss at E = 1000 (thus matching DICE), an 8% loss at E = 3000, and a 25% loss at E = 6000 (compared to 19% in DICE). Current emissions affect damages with a one pe- riod (35 year) lag. Recent evidence suggests that most of the warming effect occurs within a decade of emissions (Ricke and Caldeira, 2014). DICE implies that the peak warming effect occurs approximately 60 years after emissions. 11 The TRCE model is a linear approximation to a nonlinear system, so we do not use it to predict temperature changes corresponding to very high levels of cumulative emissions (IPCC, 2013; Dietz et al., 2021). Online Appendix A.4 explains our use of this model. 24
Our implied 35 year lag between emissions and damages is a compromise. The DICE-2016R abatement cost elasticity is ν2 = 2.6; ν1,t measures the share of GDP needed to abate all emissions (Λ(1) = 1 − ν1,t ), based on a backstop technology. The initial backstop cost, $550/tCO2 , declines over time, implying that eliminating emissions would cost 7.4% of output today, 1.0% in 100 years and 0.03% in 300 years. Rapid reductions in mitigation costs delay optimal abatement, leading to a climate “policy ramp” (Nordhaus, 2017). As in DICE, we allow µ > 1 to reflect the possibility that it eventually becomes possible to remove carbon from the atmosphere, thereby reducing damages. We can also interpret µ > 1 as low-cost and safe geo-engineering. Our baseline uses the upper limit of µ = 1.2. We present results with η ∈ {0.5, 1, 2} based on Havranek (2015). From Proposition 3 we know that equilibrium abatement is zero for η = 1. We use this fact to check the numerical routine’s accuracy. Finally, we need the shape and elasticity parameters, a and σ (equation 4), to complete the description of technology. We estimate aggregate investment as a share of output when p = 1 as S = 0.243.12 Using the formula κ = σ(1 − S) and 1−S S = aσ (introduced below Remark 1) and the estimate κ = 1 (Goolsbee, 1998), we obtain the baseline values σ = 1.321 and a = 2.3636. 4.2 Results We first show how changes in the EIS (1/η) and welfare weights (ξ) affect first-period abatement and the carbon trajectories under our baseline assump- tions. We then summarize sensitivity studies using over 3000 parameter com- binations. The final subsection examines the relative importance of the two potential selfish reasons for undertaking climate policy: the young agent’s concern about their future consumption, and the endogeneity of asset prices. 12 25
4.2.1 Baseline policies and trajectories Table 2 shows first-period abatement, the tax that supports it, and peak cu- mulative emissions under the selfish and the altruistic planners.13 Early selfish abatement is non-negligible, although much smaller than the altruistic level. However, for many parameter configurations the selfish policies achieve sub- stantial reductions in the carbon stock and damages over time. Figure 3 shows trajectories of cumulative emissions under the different scenarios. When the young generation has significant representation in the policy decision, selfish agents undertake substantial abatement, except where η is close to 1. η = 0.5 (EIS = 2) ξ = 0.2 ξ = 0.5 ξ = 0.8 $ $ $ tC µ% Ē tC µ% Ē tC µ% Ē Selfish 21 6 2682 38 8 2157 52 10 1882 Altruistic 747 51 917 640 46 960 543 42 1011 η = 2 (EIS = 0.5) ξ = 0.2 ξ = 0.5 ξ = 0.8 $ $ $ tC µ% Ē tC µ% Ē tC µ% Ē Selfish 6 3 5986 14 5 2742 18 6 2228 Altruistic 93 15 1870 74 13 1759 64 12 1710 Table 2: First-period carbon tax ($/tC), percent abatement rate (µ%) and peak 280-year carbon stock (Ē) under the selfish and altruistic MPE planners. Taxes must be divided by 3.666 to convert to $/tCO2 . Cumulative emissions under the altruistic planner remain under 1011 GtC for η = 0.5 and under 1870 GtC for η = 2. These and other carbon trajectories are non-monotonic because of the assumption that abatement can exceed 100% (or geoengineering has an equivalent effect). Cumulative emissions under BAU 13 The tax under altruism with η = 2 is much smaller than estimates of the social cost of carbon, e.g. $40/tCO2 , or $147/tC. Because our goal is to examine the incentives created by asset markets to undertake climate policy, not to recommend optimal policy, we care about the relation between the selfish and the altruistic policies, not the level of either. Therefore, we retain a familiar calibration, rather than adjusting it to make the altruistic policy match estimates of the social cost of carbon. 26
Figure 3: Equilibrium cumulative emissions (carbon stock) for η = 0.5 (top panel) and η = 2 (bottom panel) under BAU, and for three values of the welfare weight ξ, under the selfish and altruistic planners. 27
reach 6000 GtC, the upper limit. Investment, and therefore emissions, are higher for η = 0.5 compared to η = 2, so the BAU economy reaches the carbon ceiling earlier for η = 0.5. Under the selfish planner, cumulative emissions are lower when the young generation has more influence on policy (ξ is larger). The lower panel of Figure 3, for η = 2, shows the importance of ξ. For ξ = 0.2, where the young have little influence, cumulative emissions under the selfish planner are nearly at the BAU level. For ξ = 0.8, where the young are dominant, cumulative emissions under the selfish planner are close to the three trajectories for the altruistic planner. When the two generations have equal influence, ξ = 0.5, the trajectory under the selfish planner is about half way between the BAU and altruistic levels for the first 140 years. The welfare weight has little influence on the trajectories for the altruistic planner. The tax trajectories for these parameter configurations (Figure 5 in Online Appendix A.6) illustrate the familiar DICE-style policy ramp, initially rising and eventually falling after most of the carbon has been removed (using µ > 1). Apart from the altruistic scenario with η = 0.5, the initial tax is low. 4.2.2 Robustness To check the robustness of our results we solved the model for 4860 parameter combinations: depreciation, δ = {0.75, 0.88, 0.96}; labor share β = {0.5, 0.6} (lowering the share from 60% to 50% to reflect recent trends); discount factor ρ = {0.5, 0.6, 0.7} (varying the annual discount rate from 1% to 1.5% and 2%); full mitigation cost, scaling ν1 (t) by {0.8, 1}∗ν1 (t), to reflect cost reductions in renewable energy; the elasticity of the PPF σ = {.33, .99, 1.32, 2.64, 3.96}, cor- responding to supply elasticities of investment ranging from 0.25 to 3; damage parameter ι = {0, 9.44, 18.88} ∗ 10(−9), doubling the damages at low temper- ature levels; inverse of EIS, η = {0.5, 1, 2}; social planner weights on young ξ = {0.2, 0.5, 0.8}. (Bold entries denote baseline values.) Table 3 reports the coefficients and standard errors of linear regressions of three standardized outcome variables, first-period asset price, abatement, and carbon tax, on the standardized coefficients, for the selfish planner using 28
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