Secure Watermark for Deep Neural Networks with Multi-task Learning
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Secure Watermark for Deep Neural Networks with Multi-task Learning Fangqi Li, Shilin Wang School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, {solour_lfq,wsl} arXiv:2103.10021v2 [cs.CR] 27 Mar 2021 Abstract is about 0.005$ averagely regarding electricity consumption.1 Deep neural networks are playing an important role in many On the contrary, using a published DNN is easy, a user simply real-life applications. After being trained with abundant data propagates the input forward. Such an imbalance between and computing resources, a deep neural network model pro- DNN production and deployment calls for recognizing DNN viding service is endowed with economic value. An important models as intellectual properties and designing better mecha- prerequisite in commercializing and protecting deep neural nisms for authorship identification against piracy. networks is the reliable identification of their genuine au- DNN models, as other multi-media objects, are usually thor. To meet this goal, watermarking schemes that embed transmitted in public channels. Hence the most influential the author’s identity information into the networks have been methods for protecting DNNs as intellectual properties is dig- proposed. However, current schemes can hardly meet all the ital watermark [59]. To prove the possession of an image, necessary requirements for securely proving the authorship a piece of music, or a video, the owner resorts to a water- and mostly focus on models for classification. To explicitly marking method that encodes its identity information into the meet the formal definitions of the security requirements and in- media. After compression, transmission, and slight distortion, crease the applicability of deep neural network watermarking a decoder should be able to recognize the identity from the schemes, we propose a new framework based on multi-task carrier [4]. learning. By treating the watermark embedding as an extra As for DNN watermarking, researchers have been follow- task, most of the security requirements are explicitly formu- ing a similar line of reasoning [48]. In this paper, we use host lated and met with well-designed regularizers, the rest is guar- to denote the genuine author of a DNN model. The adversary anteed by using components from cryptography. Moreover, a is one who steals and publishes the model as if it is the host. decentralized verification protocol is proposed to standardize To add watermarks to a DNN, some information is embedded the ownership verification. The experiment results show that into the network along with the normal training data. After the proposed scheme is flexible, secure, and robust, hence a adversaries manage to steal the model and pretend to have promising candidate in deep learning model protection. built it on themselves, a verification process reveals the hid- den information in the DNN to identify the authentic host. 1 Introduction In the DNN setting, watermark as additional security insur- ance should not sacrifice the model’s performance. This is Deep neural network (DNN) is spearheading artificial in- called the functionality-preserving property. Meanwhile, the telligence with broad application in assorted fields includ- watermark should be robust against the adversaries’ modifica- ing computer vision [19, 36, 58], natural language process- tions to the model. Many users fine-tune (FT) the downloaded ing [10, 17, 53], internet of things [14, 30, 41], etc. Increasing model on a smaller data set to fit their tasks. In cases where computing resources and improved algorithms have boosted the computational resource is restricted (especially in the in- DNN as a trustworthy agent that outperforms humans in many ternet of things), a user is expected to conduct neuron pruning disciplines. (NP) to save energy. A prudent user can conduct fine-pruning To train a DNN is much more expensive than to use it for (FP) [31] to eliminate potential backdoors that have been inference. A large amount of data has to be collected, prepro- inserted into the model. These basic requirements, together cessed, and fed into the model. Following the data preparation with other concerns for integrity, privacy, etc, make DNN wa- is designing the regularizers, tuning the (hyper)parameters, 1 Assume that one-kilowatt-hour electricity costs 0.1$. One epoch for and optimizing the DNN structure. Each round of tuning in- training a DNN can consume over three minutes on four GPUs, each functions volves thousands of epochs of backpropagation, whose cost at around 300W. 1
termark a challenge for both machine learning and security in [48]. The encoding is done through a regularizer that min- communities. imizes the distance between a specific weight vector and a The diversity of current watermarking schemes originates string encoding the author’s identity. The method in [16] is from assumptions on whether or not the host or the notary has an attempt of embedding message into the model’s weight in white-box access to the stolen model. a reversible manner so that a trusted user can eliminate the If the adversary has stolen the model and only provided an watermark’s influence and obtain the clean model. Instead of API as a service then the host has only black-box access to weights, Davish et al. proposed Deepsigns [12] that embeds the possibly stolen model. In this case, the backdoor-based the host’s identity into the statistical mean of the feature maps watermarking schemes are preferred. A DNN with a back- of a selected collection of samples, hence better protection is door yields special outputs on specific inputs. For example, achieved. it is possible to train an image classification DNN to clas- So far, the performance of a watermarking method is mainly sify all images with a triangle stamp on the upper-left corner measured by the decline of the watermarked model’s per- as cats. Backdoor-based watermark was pioneered by [59], formance on normal inputs and the decline of the identity where a collection of images is selected as the trigger set verification accuracy against model fine-tuning and neuron to actuate misclassifications. It was indicated in [3, 60] that pruning. However, many of the results are empirical and lack cryptological protocols can be used with the backdoor-based analytic basis [12, 48]. Most watermarking methods are only watermark to prove the integrity of the host’s identity. For a designed and examined for DNNs for image classification, more decent way of generating triggers, Li et al. proposed whose backdoors can be generated easily. This fact challenges in [29] to adopt a variational autoencoder (VAE), while Le the universality of adopting DNN watermark for practical use. Merrer et al. used adversarial samples as triggers [26]. Li et al. Moreover, some basic security requirements against adversar- proposed Wonder Filter that assigns some pixels to values ial attacks have been overlooked by most existing watermark- in [−2000, 2000] and adopted several tricks to guarantee the ing schemes. For example, the method in [59] can detect the robustness of watermark embedding in [27]. In [57], Yao et al. piracy, but it cannot prove to any third-party that the model illustrated the performance of the backdoor-based watermark belongs to the host. As indicated by Auguste Kerckhoff’s in transfer learning and concluded that it is better to embed principle [24], the security of the system should rely on the information in the feature extraction layers. secret key rather than the secrecy of the algorithm. Methods The backdoor-based watermarking schemes are essen- in [12, 48, 59] are insecure in this sense since an adversary tially insecure given various methods of backdoor elimina- knowing the watermark algorithm can effortlessly claim the tion [9, 28, 32]. Liu et al. showed in [33] that a heuristic and authorship. The influence of watermark overwriting is only biomorphic method can detect backdoor in a DNN. In [44], discussed in [3, 12, 27]. The security against ownership piracy Shafieinejad et al. claimed that it is able to remove water- is only studied in [16, 27, 60]. marks given the black-box access of the model. Namba et al. In order to overcome these difficulties, we propose a new proposed another defense using VAE against backdoor-based white-box watermarking model for DNN based on multi-task watermarking methods in [35]. Even without these specialized learning (MTL) [7, 22, 43]. By turning the watermark em- algorithms, model tuning such as FP [31, 47] can efficiently bedding into an extra task, most security requirements can block backdoor and hence the backdoor-based watermark. be satisfied with well-designed regularizers. This extra task If the host can obtain all the parameters of the model, has a classifier independent from the backend of the original known as the white-box access, then the weight-based water- model, hence it can verify the ownership of models designed marking schemes are in favor. Although this assumption is for tasks other than classification. Cryptological protocols strictly stronger than that for the black-box setting, its prac- are adopted to instantiate the watermarking task, making the ticality remains significant. For example, the sponsor of a proposed scheme more secure against watermark detection model competition can detect plagiarists that submit models and ownership piracy. To ensure the integrity of authorship slightly tuned from those of other contestants by examing identification, a decentralized verification protocol is designed the watermark. This legitimate method is better than check- to authorize the time stamp of the ownership and invalid the ing whether two models perform significantly different on a watermark overwriting attack. The major contributions of our batch of data, which is still adopted by many competitions.2 work are three-fold: As another example, the investor of a project can verify the originality of a submitted model from its watermark. Such ver- 1. We examine the security requirements for DNN water- ification prevents the tenderers from submitting a (modified) mark in a comprehensive and formal manner. copy or an outdated and potentially backdoored model. 2. A DNN watermarking model based on MTL, together Uchida et al. firstly revealed the feasibility of incorporating with a decentralized protocal, is proposed to meet all the the host’s identity information into the weights of a DNN security requirements. Our proposal can be applied to 2 DNNs for tasks other than image classification, which bootstrap.php were the only focus of previous works. 2
3. Compared with several state-of-the-art watermarking 2.1.3 Privacy concerns schemes, the proposed method is more robust and secure. As an extension to detection, we consider an adversary who is capable of identifying the host of a model without its per- 2 Threat Model and Security Requirements mission as a threat to privacy. A watermarked DNN should expose no information about its host unless the host wants to. It is reasonable to assume that the adversary possesses fewer Otherwise, it is possible that models be evaluated not by their resources than the host, e.g., the entire training data set is performance but by their authors. not exposed to the adversary, and/or the adversary’s compu- tation resources are limited. Otherwise, it is unnecessary for 2.1.4 Watermark overwriting the adversary to steal the model. Moreover, we assume that Having obtained the model and the watermarking method, the the adversary can only tune the model by methods such as adversary can embed its watermark into the model and declare FT, NP or FP. Such modifications are common attacks since the ownership afterward. Embedding an extra watermark only the training code is usually published along with the trained requires the redundancy of parameter representation in the model. Meanwhile, such tuning is effective against systems model. Therefore new watermarks can always be embedded that only use the hash of the model as the verification. On unless one proves that such redundancy has been depleted, the other hand, it is hard and much involved to modify the which is generally impossible. A concrete requirement is: the internal computational graph of a model. It is harder to adopt insertion of a new watermark should not erase the previous model extraction or distillation that demands much data and watermarks. computation [23, 40], yet risks performance and the ability of generalization. Assume that the DNN model M is designed For a model with multiple watermarks, it is necessary that to fulfil a primary task, Tprimary , with dataset Dprimary , data an an incontrovertible time-stamp is included into ownership space X , label space Y and a metric d on Y . verification to break this redeclaration dilemma. 2.1.5 Ownership piracy 2.1 Threat Model Even without tuning the parameters, model theft is still pos- We consider five major threats to the DNN watermarks. sible. Similar to [29], we define ownership piracy as attacks by which the adversary claims ownership over a DNN model without tuning its parameters or training extra learning mod- 2.1.1 Model tuning ules. For zero-bit watermarking schemes (no secret key is in- volved, the security depends on the secrecy of the algorithm), An adversary can tune M by methods including: (1) FT: run- the adversary can claim ownership by publishing a copy of the ning backpropagation on a local dataset, (2) NP: cut out links scheme. For a backdoor-based watermarking scheme that is in M that are less important, and (3) FP: pruning unneces- not carefully designed, the adversary can detect the backdoor sary neurons in M and fine-tuning M. The adversary’s local and claim that the backdoor as its watermark. dataset is usually much smaller than the original training The secure watermarking schemes usually make use of dataset for M and fewer epochs are needed. FT and NP can cryptological protocols [27, 60]. In these schemes, the adver- compromise watermarking methods that encode information sary is almost impossible to pretend to be the host using any into M’s weight in a reversible way [16]. Meanwhile, [31] probabilistic machine that terminates within time complexity suggested that FP can efficiently eliminate backdoors from polynomial to the security parameters (PPT). image classification models and watermarks within. 2.2 Formulating the Watermarking Scheme 2.1.2 Watermark detection We define a watermarking scheme with security parameters N If the adversary can distinguish a watermarked model from a as a probabilistic algorithm WM that maps Tprimary (the descrip- clean one, then the watermark is of less use since the adversary tion of the task, together with the training dataset Dprimary ), a can use the clean models and escape copyright regulation. The description of the structure of the DNN model M and a secret adversary can adopt backdoor screening methods [49, 50, 56] key denoted by key to a pair (MWM , verify): or reverse engineering [5, 20] to detect and possibly eliminate backdoor-based watermarks. For weight-based watermarks, WM : (MWM , verify) ← N, Tprimary , M , key , the host has to ensure that the weights of a watermarked model do not deviate from that of a clean model too much. where MWM is the watermarked DNN model and verify Otherwise, the property inference attack [15] can distinguish is a probabilistic algorithm with binary output for verifying two models. ownership. To verify the ownership, the host provides verify 3
and key. A watermarking scheme should satisfy the following 2.3.3 Security against watermark detection basic requirements for correctness: According to [52], one definition for the security against wa- Pr {verify(MWM , key) = 1} ≥ 1 − ε, (1) termark detection is: no PPT can distinguish a watermarked model from a clean one with nonnegligible probability. Al- though this definition is impractical due to the lack of a uni- PrM0 irrelevent to MWM , verify(M 0 , key0 ) = 0 ≥ 1 − ε, (2) versal backdoor detector, it is crucial that the watermark does not differentiate a watermarked model from a clean model or key0 6= key too much. Moreover, the host should be able to control the where ε ∈ (0, 1) reflects the security level. Condition (1) sug- level of this difference by tuning the watermarking method. gests that the verifier should always correctly identify the Let θ be a parameter within WM that regulates such difference, authorship while (2) suggests that it only accepts the correct it is desirable that key as the proof and it should not mistake irrelevant models ∞ as the host’s. MWM = Mclean , (6) The original model trained without being watermarked ∞ is the model returned from WM with θ → ∞. is denoted by Mclean . Some researchers [16] define WM as a where MWM mapping from (N, Mclean , key) to (MWM , verify), which is a subclass of our definition. 2.3.4 Privacy-preserving To protect the host’s privacy, it is sufficient that any adversary 2.3 Security Requirements cannot distinguish between two models watermarked with dif- Having examined the toolkit of the adversary, we formally ferent keys. Fixing the primary task Tprimary and the structure define the security requirements for a watermarking scheme. of the model M , we first introduce an experiment ExpdetectA in which an adversary A tries to identify the host of a model: 2.3.1 Functionality-preserving Algorithm 1 Expdetect A . The watermarked model should perform slightly worse than, Require: N, WM, key0 6= key1 . if not as well as, the clean model. The definition for this 1: Randomly select b ← {0, 1}; property is: 2: Generate MWM from WM(N, Tprimary , M , keyb ); Pr(x,y)∼Tprimary {d(Mclean (x), MWM (x)) ≤ δ} ≥ 1 − ε, (3) 3: A is given MWM , N, WM, key0 , key1 and outputs b̂. 4: A wins the experiment if b̂ = b. which can be examined a posteriori. However, it is hard to explicitly incorporate this definition into the watermarking scheme. Instead, we resort to the following definition: Definition 1. If for all PPT adversary A , the probability that ∀x ∈ X , d(Mclean (x), MWM (x)) ≤ δ. (4) A wins Expdetect A is upper bounded by 12 + ε(N), where ε is a negligible function, then WM is privacy-preserving. Although it is stronger than (3), (4) is a tractable definition. We only have to ensure that the parameters of MWM does not The intuition behind this definition is: an adversary cannot deviate from those of Mclean too much. identify the host from the model, even if the number of can- didates has been reduced to two. Almost all backdoor-based watermarking schemes are insecure under this definition. In 2.3.2 Security against tuning order to protect privacy, it is crucial that WM be a probabilistic After being tuned with the adversary’s dataset Dadversary , the algorithm and verify depend on key. model’s parameters shift and the verification accuracy of the tuning watermark might decline. Let M 0 ←−−−−− MWM denotes a 2.3.5 Security against watermark overwriting Dadversary model M 0 obtained by tuning MWM with Dadversary . A water- Assume that the adversary has watermarked MWM with an- marking scheme is secure against tuning iff: other secret key keyadv using a subprocess of WM and ob- overwriting tained Madv : Madv ←−−−−−− MWM . The overwriting water- verify(M 0 , key) = 1 ≥ 1 − ε. Pr Dadversary , (5) keyadv 0 tuning mark should not invalid the original one, formally, for any M ←−−−−−− MWM Dadversary legal keyadv : To meet (5), the host has to simulate the effects of tuning and Prkeyadv , {verify(Madv , key) = 1} ≥ 1 − ε. (7) make verify(·, key) insensitive to them in the neighbour of overwriting MWM . Madv ←−−−−−− MWM keyadv 4
Table 1: Security requirements and established watermarking schemes. Zhu. Adi. Le Merrer. Zhang. Davish. Li. Li. Uchida. Guan. Security requirement Ours. [60]. [3]. [26]. [59]. [12]. [27]. [29]. [48]. [16]. Functionality-preserving. E E P E P E E P E P Security against tuning. N E E E E E N E N P Security against N N N N N P P N N P watermark detection. Privacy-preserving. N N N N N N N N N P Security against N E N N E E N N N E watermark overwriting. Security against III II I I II III II I III III ownership piracy. P means the security requirement is claimed to be held by proof or proper regularizers. E means an empirical evaluation on the security was provided. N means not discussion was given or insecure. During which the randomness in choosing keyadv , generat- convince a third-party about ownership. Using a watermark- ing Madv , and computing verify is integrated out. A water- ing scheme of level III, a host can prove to any third-party the marking scheme meets (7) is defined to be secure against model’s possessor. This is the only case that the watermark watermark overwriting. This property is usually examined has forensics value. empirically in the literature [3, 12, 27]. The scheme in [26] is a zero-bit watermarking scheme. The method proposed by Zhang et al. in [59] adopts marked 2.3.6 Security against ownership piracy images or noise as the backdoor triggers. But only a few marks that are easily forgeable were examined. The protocol In an ownership piracy attack, the adversary pirate a model by of Uchida et al. [48] can be enhanced into level III secure recovering key and forging verify through querying MWM against ownership piracy only if an authority is responsible (or verify if available). We define three levels of security for distributing the secret key, e.g. [55]. But it lacks covertness according to the efforts needed to pirate a model. and the privacy-preserving property. The VAE adopted in [29] has to be used conjugately with 1. Level I: The adversary only needs to wrap MWM or query a secret key that enhances the robustness of the backdoor. it for a constant number of times. All zero-bit watermark- The adversary can collect a set of mistaken samples from one ing schemes belong to this level. class, slightly disturb them, and claim to have watermarked the neural network. To claim the ownership of a model water- 2. Level II: The adversary has to query MWM for a number marked by Adi et al. [3], the adversary samples its collection of times that is a polynomial function of the security of triggers from the mistaken samples, encrypts them with parameter. The more the adversary queries, the more a key, and submits the encrypted pairs. The perfect security likely it is going to succeed in pretending to be the host. of their scheme depends on the model to perform nearly per- The key and verify, in this case, is generally simple. fect in the primary task, which is unrealistic in practice. As For example, [3, 12] are of this level of security. for DeepSigns [12], one adversary can choose one class and 3. Level III: The adversary is almost impossible to pirate compute the empirical mean of the output of the activation ownership of the model given queries of times that is functions (since the outliers are easy to detect) then generate a polynomial function of the security parameter. Such a random matrix as the mask and claim ownership. schemes usually borrow methods from cryptography to The scheme in [60] is of level III secure against ownership generate the pseudorandomness. Methods in [27, 60] are piracy as proved in the original paper. So is the method in [27] examples of this level. since it is generally hard to guess the actual pattern of the Wonder Filter mask from a space with size 2P , where P is Watermarking schemes of level I and II can be adopted as theft the number of pixels of the mask. The scheme by Guan et detectors. But the host can hardly adopt a level I/II scheme to al. in [16] is secure but extremely fragile, hence is out of the 5
MWM ··· Predictions Dprimary cp for Tprimary . ······ ··· key key DWM Predictions cWM for TWM . fWM Figure 1: Architecture of the MTL-based watermarking scheme. The orange blocks are the backbone, the pink block is the backend for Tprimary , the blue block is the classifier for TWM . scope of practical watermarking schemes. To better handle the forensic difficulties involving over- A comprehensive summary of established watermarking written watermark and key management, we introduce a de- schemes judged according to the enumerated security require- centralized consensus protocol to authorize the time stamp ments is given in Table 1. embedded with the watermarks. 3 The Proposed Method 3.2 Overview The proposed model consists of the MTL-based watermarking 3.1 Motivation scheme and the decentralized verification protocol. It is difficult for the backdoor-based or weight-based water- marking methods to formally meet all the proposed security 3.2.1 The MLT-based watermarking scheme requirements. Hence, we design a new white-box watermark- ing method for DNN model protection using multiple task The structure of our watermarking scheme is illustrated in learning. The watermark embedding is designed as an addi- Fig.1. The entire network consists of the backbone network tional task TWM . A classifier for TWM is built independent to and two independent backends: cp and cWM . The published the backend for Tprimary . After training and watermark embed- model MWM is the backbone followed by cp . While fWM is ding, only the network structure for Tprimary is published. the watermarking branch for the watermarking task, in which Reverse engineering or backdoor detection as [49] cannot cWM takes the output of different layers from the backbone find any evidence of the watermark. Since no trigger is em- as its input. By having cWM monitor the outputs of different bedded in the published model’s backend. On the other hand, layers of the backbone network, it is harder for an adversary common FT methods such as fine-tune last layer (FTLL) or to design modifications to invalid cWM completely. re-train last layers (RTLL) [3] that only modifies the backend To produce a watermarked model, a host should: layers of the model have no impact to our watermark. key 1. Generate a collection of N samples DWM = {xi , yi }Ni=1 Under this formulation, the functionality-preserving prop- using a pseudo-random algorithm with key as the ran- erty, the security against tuning, the security against wa- dom seed. termark detection and privacy-preserving can be formally addressed. A decently designed TWM ensures the security 2. Optimize the entire DNN to jointly minimize the loss key against ownership piracy as well, making the MTL-based on DWM and Dprimary . During the optimization, a series watermarking scheme a secure and sound option for model of regularizers are designed to meet the security require- protection. ments enumerated in Section 2. 6
3. Publishes MWM . Publish message from s by hash(cWM ). The last steps follow Section. 3.2.1. After finishing the verification, this client can To prove its ownership over a model M to a third-party: broadcast its result as the proof for s’s ownership over the 1. The host submits M, cWM and key. model in lM . key 2. The third-party generates DWM with key and combines cWM with M’s backbone to build a DNN for TWM . 3.3 Security Analysis of the Watermark Task We now elaborate the design of the watermarking task TWM 3. If the statistical test indicates that cWM with M’s back- key and analyze its security. For simplicity, TWM is instantiated as bone performs well on DWM then the third-party con- a binary classification task, i.e., the output of the watermarking firms the host’s ownership over M. key branch has two channels. To generate DWM , key is used as the seed of a pseudo-random generator (e.g., a stream cipher) 3.2.2 The decentralized verification protocol to generate πkey , a sequence of N different integers from the To enhance the reliability of the ownership protection, it is range [0, · · · , 2m − 1], and a binary string lkey of length N, necessary to use a protocol to authorize the watermark of the where m = 3dlog2 (N)e. model’s host. Otherwise any adversary who has downloaded For each type of data space X , a deterministic and injec- MWM can embed its watermark into it and pirate the model. tive function is adopted to map each interger in πkey into an One option is to use an trusted key distribution center or element in X . For example, when X is the image domain, a timing agency, which is in charge of authorizing the time the mapping could be the QRcode encoder. When X is the stamp of the hosts’ watermarks. However, such centralized sequence of words in English, the mapping could map an protocols are vulnerable and expensive. For this reason we integer n into the n-th word of the dictionary.3 Without loss of resort to decentralized consensus protocols such as Raft [37] generality, let πkey [i] denotes the mapped data from the i-th or PBFT [8], which were designed to synchronize message integer in πkey . Both the pseudo-random generator and the within a distributed community. Under these protocols, one functions that map integers into specialized data space should message from a user is responded and recorded by a majority be accessible for all clients within the intellectual property of clients within the community so this message becomes protection community. Now we set: authorized and unforgeable. key N = (πkey key Concretely, a client s under this DNN watermarking proto- DWM m [i], l [i]) i=1 , col is given a pair of public key and private key. s can publish a watermarked model or claim its ownership over some model where lkey [i] is the i-th bit of l. We now merge the security by broadcasting: requirements raised in Section 2 into this framework. Publishing a model: After finishing training a model wa- termarked withkey, s obtains MWM and cWM . Then s signs 3.3.1 The correctness and broadcasts the following message to the entire commu- To verify the ownership of a model M to a host with key given nity: cWM , the process verify operates as Algo. 2. hPublish:keyktimekhash(cWM )i, where k denotes string concatenation, time is the time stamp, Algorithm 2 verify(·, ·|cWM , γ) and hash is a preimage resistant hash function mapping a Require: M, key. model into a string and is accessible for all clients. Other Ensure: The verification of M’s ownership. clients within the community verify this message using s’s 1: Build the watermarking branch f from M and cWM ; public key, verify that time lies within a recent time window key 2: Generate DWM from key; and write this message into their memory. Once s is confirmed key 3: if f correctly classifies at least γ · N terms within DWM that the majority of clients has recorded its broadcast (e.g. then when s receives a confirmation from the current leader under 4: return 1. the Raft protocol), it publishes MWM . 5: else Proving its ownership over a model M: s signs and broad- 6: return 0. casts the following message: 7: end if hClaim:lM khash(M)klcWM i, If M = MWM then M has been trained to minimize the bi- where lM and lcWM are pointers to M and cWM . Upon receiv- nary classification loss on TWM , hence the test is likely to ing this request, any client can independently conduct the 3 We suggest not to use function that encodes integers into terms that are ownership proof. It firstly downloads the model from lM and similar to data in Tprimary , especially to data of the same class. This increase examines its hash. Then it downloads cWM and retrieves the the difficulty for cWM to achieve perfect classification. 7
succeed in Algo. 2, this justifies the requirement from (1). For 3.3.2 The functionality-preserving regularizer an arbitrary key0 6= key, the induced watermark training data key0 key Denote the trainable parameters of the DNN model by w. The DWM can hardly be similar to DWM . To formulate this intu- optimization target for Tprimary takes the form: key0 ition, consider the event where DWM shares q · N terms with w DWMkey , q ∈ (0, 1). With a pseudorandom generator, it is com- L0 (w, Dprimary ) = ∑ l (MWM (x), y) + λ0 · u(w), putationally impossible to distinguish πkey from an sequence (x,y)∈Dprimary of N randomly selected intergers. The same argument holds (8) for lkey and a random binary string of length N. Therefore where l is the loss defined by Tprimary and u(·) is a regularizer the probability of this event can be upper bounded by: reflecting the prior knowledge on w. The normal training process computes the empirical loss in (8) by stochastically qN sampling batches and adopting gradient-based optimizers. N r The proposed watermarking task adds an extra data depen- · rqN · (1 − r)(1−q)N ≤ (1 + (1 − q)N) , qN 1−r dent term to the loss function: N 1 L (w, Dprimary , DWM ) = L0 (w, Dprimary ) where r = 2m+1 . For an arbitrary q, let r < then the key 0 key 2+(1−q)N +λ· ∑ w lWM ( fWM (x), y) , (9) probability that DWM overlaps with DWM with a portion of q (x,y)∈DWM declines exponentially. where lWM is the cross entropy loss for binary classification. For numbers not appeared in πkey , the watermarking branch We omitted the dependency of DWM on key in this section is expected to output a random guess. Therefore if q is smaller key0 for conciseness. than a threshold τ then DWM can hardly pass the statistical To train multiple tasks, we can minimize the loss function test in Algo.2 with n big enough. So let for multiple tasks (9) directly or train the watermarking task and the primary task alternatively [7]. Since DWM is much m ≥ log2 [2N (2 + (1 − τ)N)] smaller than Dprimary , it is possible that TWM does not properly converge when being learned simultaneously with Tprimary . and n be large enough would make an effective collision in the Hence we first optimize w according to the loss on the primary watermark dataset almost impossible. For simplicity, setting task (8) to obtain w0 : m = 3 · dlog2 (N)e ≥ log2 (N 3 ) is sufficient. w0 = arg min L0 (w, Dprimary ) . In cases MWM is replaced by an arbitrary model whose w backbone structure happens to be consistent with cWM , the Next, instead of directly optimizing the network w.r.t. (9), output of the watermarking branch remains a random guess. the following loss function is minimized: This justifies the second requirement for correct verifica- w tion (2). L1 (w, Dprimary , DWM ) = ∑ lWM ( fWM (x), y) (x,y)∈DWM (10) To select the threshold γ, assume that the random guess strategy achieves an average accuracy of at most p = 0.5 + α, + λ1 · Rfunc (w), where α ≥ 0 is a bias term which is assumed to decline with the growth of n. The verification process returns 1 iff the where watermark classifier achieves binary classification of accuracy Rfunc (w) = kw − w0 k22 . (11) no less than γ. The demand for security is that by randomly By introducing the regularizer Rfunc in (11), w is confined in guessing, the probability that an adversary passes the test the neighbour of w0 . Given this constraint and the continuity declines exponentially with n. Let X denotes the number of MWM as a function of w, we can expect the functionality- of correct guessing with average accuracy p, an adversary preserving property defined in (4). Then the weaker version suceeds only if X ≥ γ · N. By the Chernoff theorem: of functionality-preserving (3) is tractable as well. !N 1 − p + p · eλ 3.3.3 The tuning regularizer Pr {X ≥ γ · N} ≤ , eγ·λ To be secure against adversary’s tuning, it is sufficient to make cWM robust against tuning by the definition in (5). Although Dadversary is unknown to the host, we assume that Dadversary where λ is an arbitrary nonnegative number. If γ is larger than λ shares a similar distribution as Dprimary . Otherwise the stolen p by a constant independent of N then 1−p+p·e eγ·λ is less than model would not have the state-of-the-art performance on the 1 with proper λ, reducing the probability of successful attack adversary’s task. To simulate the influence of tuning, a subset into negligibility. of Dprimary is firstly sampled as an estimation of Dadversary : 8
0 sample Dprimary ←−−−− Dprimary . Let w be the current configuration for ownership verification. This justifies the security against of the model’s parameter. Tuning is usually tantanmount to watermark detection by the definition of (6), where λ1 casts 0 minimizing the empirical loss on Dprimary by starting from the role of θ. tune w, which results in an updated parameter: wt ←− 0 −−− w. In Dprimary 3.3.5 Privacy-preserving 0 practice, wt is obtained by replacing Dprimary in (8) by Dprimary Recall the definition of privacy-preserving in Section 2.3.4. and conducting a few rounds of gradient descents from w. We prove that, under certain configurations, the proposed To achieve the security against tuning defined in (5), it is watermarking method is privacy-preserving. sufficient that the parameter w satisfies: Theorem 1. Let cWM take the form of a linear classifier whose 0 sample tune ∀Dprimary ←−−−− Dprimary , wt ←− 0 −−− w, ∀(x, y) ∈ DWM , input dimensionality is L. If N ≤ (L + 1) then the watermark- Dprimary ing scheme is secure against assignment detection. wt fWM (x) = y. Proof. The VC-dimension of a linear classifier with L chan- (12) nels is (L +1). Therefore for N ≤ (L +1) inputs with arbitrary The condition (12), Algo.1 together with the assumption that binary labels, there exists one cWM that can almost always Dadversary is similar to Dprimary imply (5). perfectly classify them. Given M and an arbitrary key0 , it is To exert the constraint in (12) to the training process, we possible forge c0WM such that c0WM with M’s backbone per- design a new regularizer as follows: key0 t forms perfectly on DWM . We only have to plug the parameters RDA (w) = l f w (x), y . (13) of M into (14), set λ1 → ∞, λ2 = 0 and minimize the loss. This ∑ W WM step ends up with a watermarked model MWM = M and an 0 sample Dprimary ←−−− Dprimary , tune evidence, c0WM , for key0 . Hence for the experiment defined wt ←−−−−− w, (x, y) ∈ DWM 0 Dprimary in Algo. 1, an adversary cannot identify the host’s key since evidence for both options are equally plausible. The adver- Then the loss to be optimized is updated from (10) to: sary can only conduct a random guess, whose probability of success is 12 . L2 (w, Dprimary , DWM ) = L1 (w, Dprimary , DWM )+λ2 ·RDA (w). (14) This theorem indicates that, the MTL-based watermarking RDA defined by (13) can be understood as one kind of data scheme can protect the host’s privacy. Moreover, given N, augmentation for TWM . Data augmentation aims to improve it is crucial to increase the input dimensionality of cWM or the model’s robustness against some specific perturbation in using a sophiscated structure for cWM to increase its VC- the input. This is done by proactively adding such perturbation dimensionality. to the training data. According to [45], data augmentation can be formulated as an additional regularizer: 3.3.6 Security against watermark overwriting l f w (x0 ), y . ∑ (15) It is possible to meet the definition of the security against perturb (x,y)∈D ,x0 ←−−−−x watermark overwriting in (7) by adding the perturbation of embedding other secret keys into RDA . But this requires build- Unlike in the ordinary data domain of Tprimary , it is hard ing other classifier structures and is expensive even for the to explicitly define augmentation for TWM against tuning. host. For an adversary with insufficient training data, it is However, a regularizer with the form of (15) can be derived common to freeze the weights in the backbone layers as in from (13) by interchanging the order of summation so the transfer learning [38], hence (7) is satisfied. For general cases, perturbation takes the form: an adversary would not disturb the backbone of the DNN too t perturb much for the sake of its functionality on the primary task. w −1 x0 ∈ [ fWM ] w fWM (x) ←−−−− x. Hence we expect the watermarking branch to remain valid after overwriting. 3.3.4 Security against watermark detection We leave the examination of the security against watermark overwriting as an empirical study. Consider the extreme case where λ1 → ∞. Under this con- figuration, the parameters of MWM are frozen and only the 3.3.7 Security against ownership piracy parameters in cWM are tuned. Therefore MWM is exactly the same as Mclean and it seems that we have not insert any infor- Recall that in ownership piracy, the adversary is not allowed mation into the model. However, by broadcasting the designed to train its own watermark classifier. Instead, it can only forge message, the host can still prove that it has obtained the white- a key given a model MWM and a legal cWM , this is possible box access to the model at an early time, which fact is enough if the adversary has participated in the proof for some other 9
0/1 cWM ··· Sentimental cp label LSTM LSTM ······ LSTM unit unit unit A sentence from the ······ over original dataset. this is A sentence with random words ······ generated by key by indexing. done torch when Figure 2: The network architecture for sentimental analysis. client. Now the adversary is to find a new key keyadv such watermarks [48, 55]. Embedding information into the outputs key that DWMadv can pass the statistical test defined by the water- of the network rather than its weights makes the MTL-based marking branch MWM and cWM . Although it is easy to find a watermark harder to erase. The adversary has to identify the set of N intergers with half of them classified as 0 and half 1 decision boundary from cWM and tune M so samples drawn by querying the watermarking branch as an oracle, it is hard from key violates this boundary. This attack risks the model’s to restore a legal keyadv from this set. The protocol should performance on the primary task, requires huge amont of data adopt a stream cipher secure against key recovery attack [42], and computation resources and is beyond the competence of which, by definition, blocks this sort of ownership piracy and a model thief. makes the proposed watermarking scheme of level III secure The remaining security risks are within the cryptological against ownership piracy. If cWM is kept secret then the owner- components and beyond the scope of our discussion. ship piracy is impossible. Afterall, ownership piracy is invalid when an authorized time stamp is avilable. 4 Experiments and Discussions 3.4 Analysis of the Verification Protocol 4.1 Experiment Setup We now conduct the security analysis to the consensus proto- To illustrate the flexibility of the proposed watermarking cal and solve the redeclaration dilemma. model, we considered four primary tasks: image classification To pirate a model under this protocol, an adversary must (IC), malware classification (MC), image semantic segmen- submit a legal key and the hash of a cWM . If the adversary tation (SS) and sentimental analysis (SA) for English. We does not have a legal cWM then this attack is impossible since selected four datasets for image classification, one dataset for the preimage resistance of hash implies that the adversary malware classification, two datasets for semantic segmenta- cannot forge such a watermark classifier afterwards. So this tion and two datasets for sentimental classification. The de- broadcast is invalid. If the adversary has managed to build a scriptions of these datasets and the corresponding DNN struc- legal cWM , compute its hash, but has not obtained the target tures are listed in Table 2. ResNet [18] is a classical model for model then the verification can hardly succeed since the out- image processing. For the VirusShare dataset, we compiled a put of cWM with the backbone of an unknown network on the collection of 26,000 malware into images and adopted ResNet watermark dataset is random guessing. The final case is that as the classifier [11]. Cascade mask RCNN (CMRCNN) [6] is the adversary has obtained the target model, conducted the a network architecture specialized for semantic segmentation. watermark overwriting and redeclared the ownership. Recall Glove [39] is a pre-trained word embedding that maps En- that the model is published only if its host has successfully glish words into numerical vectors, while bidirectional long broadcast its Publish message and notarized its time. Hence short-term memory (Bi-LSTM) [21] is commonly used to the overwriting dilemma can be solved by comparing the time analyze natural languages. stamp inside contradictive broadcasts. For the first seven image datasets, cWM was a two-layer As an adaptive attack, one adversary participating in the perceptron that took the outputs of the first three layers from key proof of a host’s ownership over a model M obtains the corre- the ResNet as input. QRcode was adopted to generate DWM . sponding key and cWM , with which it can erase weight-based For the NLP datasets, the network took the structure in Fig. 2. 10
FP, and (4) the decline of the performance of MW M on Tprimary Table 2: Datasets and their DNN structures. when NP made fWM ’s accuracy on TWM lower than γ. The first metric reflects the decline of a model’s performance after Dataset Description DNN structure being watermarked. The second and the third metrics measure MNIST [13] IC, 10 classes ResNet-18 the watermark’s robustness against an adversary’s tuning. The last metric reflects the decrease of the model’s utility when an Fashion- IC, 10 classes ResNet-18 adversary is determined to erase the watermark using NP. The MNIST [54] model for each dataset was trained by minimizing the MTL CIFAR-10 [25] IC, 10 classes ResNet-18 loss defined by (14), where we adopted FT, NP and FP for CIFAR-100 [25] IC, 100 classes ResNet-18 tuning and chose the optimal λ1 and λ2 by grid search. Then we attacked each model by FT with a smaller learning rate, VirusShare [1] MC, 10 classes ResNet-18 FP [31] and NP. The results are collected in Table 3. Penn-Fudan ResNet-50+ We observe that by using Rfunc and RDA , it is possible to SS, 2 classes preserve the watermarked model’s performance on the pri- -Pedestrian [51] CMRCNN mary task and that on the watermarking task simultaneously. ResNet-50+ Therefore we suggest that whenever possible, the two regular- VOC [2] SS, 20 classes CMRCNN izers should be incorporated in training the model. IMDb [34] SA, 2 classes Glove+Bi-LSTM SST [46] SA, 5 classes Glove+Bi-LSTM 4.3 Watermark Detection As an illustration of the security against watermark detec- tion, we illustrated the property inference attack [15]. The Throughout the experiments we set N = 600. To set the distributions of the parameters of a clean model, a model wa- verification threshold γ in Algo. 2, we test the classification ac- termarked by our method and one weight-based method [12] curacy of fWM across nine datasets over 5,000 DWM s different for CIFAR-10 are visualized in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. In which from the host’s. The result is visualized in Fig. 3, from which we observed that almost all cases p fell in [0.425, 0.575]. We selected γ = 0.7 so the probability of success piracy is less than 2.69 × 10−8 with λ = 0.34 in the Chernoff bound. Figure 4: The difference between Mclean and a weight-based watermarked model [12]. Figure 3: The empirical distribution of p. We conducted three tuning attacks: FT, NP, FP, and the overwriting attack to the proposed watermarking framework. 4.2 Ablation Study To examine the efficacy of Rfunc and RDA , we compared the performance of the model under different combinations of two regularizers. We are interested in four metrics: (1) the performance of MWM on Tprimary , (2) the performance of fWM on TWM after FT, (3) the performance of fWM on TWM after Figure 5: The difference between MWM and Mclean . 11
Table 3: Ablation study on regularizer configuration. Each entry contains the four metrics in Section 4.2. Semantic segmentation tasks were measured by average precision and these two models would not converge without Rfunc . The optimal/second optimal configuration for each dataset and each metric are highlighted/underlined. Mclean ’s Regularizer configuration Dataset performance No regularizers. Rfunc RDA Rfunc and RDA 98.7%,75.5%, 99.5%,81.5%, 99.3%,88.0%, 99.5%,95.5%, MNIST 99.6% 85.0%,1.3% 85.5%,0.7% 92.0%,2.0% 92.5%,2.3% Fashion- 92.0%,85.0%, 92.8%,92.0%, 91.4%,96.5%, 93.1%,95.5%, 93.3% MNIST 60.5%,9.6% 74.5%,11.6% 85.5%,54.6% 86.0%,54.9% 88.3%,91.5%, 90.8%,88.5%, 88.8%,96.0%, 88.8%,92.5%, CIFAR-10 91.5% 74.5%,19.8% 79.5%,21.0% 95.0%,56.0% 91.5%,53.0% 59.9%,90.5%, 65.4%,90.0%, 58.7%,99.0%, 63.8%,92.5%, CIFAR-100 67.7% 88.0%,23.6% 87.0%,23.3% 98.0%,35.0% 97.0%,33.3% 97.0%,65.0%, 97.2%,81.5%, 96.8%,99.5%, 97.3%,100%, VirusShare 97.4% 88.0%,6.4% 86.5%,6.5% 100%,9.4% 100%,19.5% Penn-Fudan- 0.79,90.0%, 0.78,100%, 0.79 — — Pedestrian 54.5%,0.70 100%,0.78 0.67,74.0%, 0.69,100%, VOC 0.69 — — 98.0%,0.65 100%,0.68 67.3%,66.8%, 85.0%,66.0%, 69.2%,81.3%, 85.0%,80.0%, IMDb 85.0% 83.5%,12.0% 86.3%,12.2% 88.3%,29.5% 90.8%,30.5% 71%,77.3%, 75.4%,62.5%, 70.8%,90.5%, 75.4%,86.8%, SST 75.4% 95.8%,12.5% 95.0%,13.0% 98.3%,29.4% 99.0%,31.9% we adopted λ1 = 0.05. Unlike the weight-based watermark- Table 4: Fluctuation of the accuracy of the host’s watermark- ing method analyzed in [15], our method did not result in a ing branch. significant difference between the distributions of parameters of the two models. Hence an adversary can hardly distinguish Number of overwriting epochs a model watermarked by the MTL-based method from a clean Dataset one. 50 150 250 350 MNIST 1.0% 1.5% 1.5% 2.0% Fashion- 4.4 The Overwriting Attack 2.0% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% MNIST After adopting both regularizers, we performed overwriting CIFAR-10 4.5% 4.5% 4.5% 4.5% attack to models for all nine tasks, where each model was CIFAR-100 0.0% 0.5% 0.9% 0.9% embedded different keys. In all cases the adversary’s water- mark could be successfully embedded into the model, as what VirusShare 0.0% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% we have predicted. The metric is the fluctuation of the water- Penn-Fudan- marking branch on the watermarking task after overwriting, as 0.5% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% Pedestrian indicated by (7). We recorded the fluctuation for the accuracy of the watermarking branch with the overwriting epoches. VOC 1.3% 2.0% 2.1% 2.1% The results are collected in Table 4. IMDb 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% The impact of watermark overwriting is uniformly bounded SST 2.5% 3.0% 3.0% 2.5% by 4.5% in our settings. And the accuracy of the watermark- ing branch remained above the threshold γ = 0.7. Combined with Table 3, we conclude that the MTL-based watermarking 12
Table 5: The comparision between our method and [27, 60] with respect to: (1) the model’s performance on the primary task, (2) the accuracy of the watermarking task/backdoor after FP, (3) the decline of the model’s accuracy on the primary task when NP erase the watermark. The optimal method for each dataset with respect to each metric is highlighted. Ours, Rfunc and RDA Li et al. [27] Zhu et al. [60] Dataset Primary FP NP Primary FP NP Primary FP NP MNIST 99.5% 92.5% 2.2% 99.0% 14.5% 0.9% 98.8% 7.0% 1.4% Fashion-MNIST 93.1% 86.0% 54.7% 92.5% 13.5% 17.5% 91.8% 11.3% 5.8% CIFAR-10 88.8% 91.5% 50.3% 88.5% 14.5% 13.6% 85.0% 10.0% 17.1% CIFAR-100 63.8% 97.0% 29.4% 63.6% 1.2% 5.5% 65.7% 0.8% 0.9% VirusShare 97.3% 100% 9.6% 95.1% 8.8% 1.5% 96.3% 9.5% 1.1% method is secure against watermark overwriting. 2. So far, backdoor-based watermarking methods can only be applied to image classification DNNs. This fact chal- lenges the generality of backdoor-based watermark. 4.5 Comparision and Discussion We implemented the watermarking methods in [60] and [27], 3. It is hard to design adaptive backdoor against specific which are both backdoor-based method of level III secure screening algorithms. However, the MTL-based water- against ownership piracy. We randomly generated 600 trig- mark can easily adapt to new tuning operators. This can ger samples for [60] and assigned them with proper labels. be done by incorporating such tuning operator into RDA . For [27], we randomly selected Wonder Filter patterns and exerted them onto 600 randomly sampled images. 5 Conclusion As a comparison, we list the performance of their water- marked models on the primary task, the verification accuracy This paper presents a MTL-based DNN watermarking model of their backdoors after FP, whose damage to backdoors is for ownership verification. We summarize the basic security larger than FT, and the decline of the performance of the requirements for DNN watermark formally and raise the pri- watermarked models when NP was adopted to invalid the vacy concern. Then we propose to embed watermark as an backdoors (when the accuracy of the backdoor triggers is additional task parallel to the primary task. The proposed under 15%) in Table. 5. We used the ResNet-18 DNN for scheme explicitly meets various security requirements by us- all experiments and conducted experiments for the image ing corresponding regularizers. Those regularizers and the classifications, since otherwise the backdoor is undefined. design of the watermarking task grant the MTL-based DNN We observe that for all metrics, our method achieved the watermarking scheme tractable security. With a decentralized optimal performance, this is due to: consensus protocol, the entire framework is secure against all 1. Extra regularizers are adopted to explicitly meet the se- possible attacks. curity requirements. We are looking forward to using cryptological protocols such as zero-knowledge proof to improve the ownership ver- 2. The MTL-based watermark does not incorporate back- ification process so it is possible to use one secret key for doors into the model, so adversarial modifications such multiple notarizations. as FP, which are designed to eliminate backdoor, can hardly reduce our watermark. Acknowledgments 3. The MTL-based watermark relies on an extra module, cWM , as a verifier. As an adversary cannot tamper with This work receives support from anonymous reviewers. this module, universal tunings as NP have less impact. Apart from these metrics, our proposal is better than other Availability backdoor-based DNN watermarking methods since: Materials of this paper, including source code and part of 1. Backdoor-based watermarking methods are not privacy- the dataset, are available at preserving. account/xxx. 13
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