SECONDARY Professional Learning Events - Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team - CEWA

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SECONDARY Professional Learning Events - Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team - CEWA
Teaching and Learning Directorate
Curriculum Team
Professional Learning Events


SECONDARY Professional Learning Events - Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team - CEWA
Catholic Education Western Australia is
a Christ-centred community of engaged
 learning environments, inspiring all to
         actively live the Gospel.
SECONDARY Professional Learning Events - Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team - CEWA

    Curriculum Team Professional Learning Rationale                   4
    CEWA Curriculum Team                                              5

    2019 Learning Area PL Overviews
    The Arts                                                          7
    Design & Technology                                               7
    Digital Technologies                                              7
    English                                                           8
    Health & Physical Education                                       8
    Humanities & Social Sciences                                      8
    Languages                                                         9
    Learner Diversity                                                 9
    Mathematics                                                      10
    Science                                                          10
    NAPLAN                                                           11
    Vocational Education And Training                                11
    ViSN                                                             11

    2019 Individual PL Course Details
    The Arts                                                         13
    Design and Technology                                            14
    Digital Technologies                                             15
    English                                                          17
    Health & Physical Education                                      19
    Humanities & Social Sciences                                     22
    School-based Curriculum Leaders Training in Adult Facilitation   23
    Languages                                                        24
    Learner Diversity                                                26
    Mathematics                                                      29
    Science                                                          31
    NAPLAN                                                           38
    Vocational Education and Training                                39
    ViSN                                                             40

    Professional Associations PL and
    School-Based Curriculum Leader PL                                41
SECONDARY Professional Learning Events - Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team - CEWA
Curriculum Team
      Professional Learning Rationale
      Catholic Education Western Australia’s (CEWA) Vision for Learning states that
      the vocation of teaching demands careful preparation and continuing readiness
      to renew and adapt to the challenges of the 21st Century and beyond. Each
      professional learning event facilitated by the Curriculum Team strives to deliver
      contextual and exceptional learning experiences for all CEWA staff.
      Professional learning must be differentiated; what is needed for one school or
      team may not be needed by another. Each person’s role, strategic priorities and
      context play a large part in determining what type of professional support and
      experience is required. All professional learning provides the opportunity to build
      teacher capacity in order to promote student learning.
      High-quality professional development provides access to new technologies for
      teaching and learning. We actively engage teachers in meaningful and relevant
      activities for their individual contexts and promote peer collaboration and
      community building. The Curriculum Team strives to build capacity in CEWA
      schools and support a common vision for student learning.
      The Curriculum Team is guided by the AITSL Teacher Standards, the Western
      Australian Curriculum and CECWA Strategic Directions 2019-2021. Our vision is to
      work alongside educators to develop capacity in teaching and learning, enabling
      children to flourish in our Christ-centered, child-focused schools.

      Please note: Enrolments will be checked one week prior to the professional learning
      event. If there are fewer than 10 participants registered, the event will be referred to
      the Curriculum Team leader to determine viability.

4 |                                                                  Catholic Education Western Australia
SECONDARY Professional Learning Events - Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team - CEWA
CEWA Curriculum Team
       Name                    Role                                                        Contact

       Maria Outtrim           Curriculum Team Leader                                      6380 5177

       Blair Saunders          Numeracy & STEM Consultant K-6                              0477 960 009

       Wendy Pero              Mathematics Consultant 7-12                                 0474 720 656

       Mistelle Moore          EMU Professional Learning Leader Consultant                 0428 159 542

       Kylie Reeves            Literacy Consultant K-6                                     0455 720 100

       Sophia Sabatier         Literacy Consultant,                                        0499 790 089
                               Special Responsibilities Kimberley
                               EAL/D Consultant K-12

       John Crooks             English & Drama Consultant 7-12                             0488 900 113

       Deborah Black           Learner Diversity Consultant K-12                           0477 678 004

       Genevie Baker           The Arts Consultant K-12 and VET Consultant                 0427 386 499

       Daniel Budd             Digital Learning Coordinator                                0412 374 345

       Gabrielle Trinca        Digital Technologies Curriculum Primary &                   0448 263 425

       Michelle Lloyd          Science Consultant K-6                                      0499 811 155
                               Digital Learning Consultant

       Marion Cahill           Science / STEM Consultant 7-12                              0499 801 117
                               Health & PE Consultant K-12
                               Design & Technologies K-12
                               Animal Ethics K-12

       Pru Smith               Reading Recovery Trainer                                    0410 049 871

       Rod McAllister          Reading Recovery Tutor                                      0409 957 020

       Liz Harper              Reading Recovery Tutor (Bunbury)                            0418 262 658

       Samantha Scholes        Reading Recovery Tutor (Broome)                             0437 851 179

       TBA                     Languages Consultant K-12

       TBA                     Humanities & Social Science Consultant K-12

       Meredith Roe            Virtual School Program Manager                              0408 940 287

       Ned Falkner             NAPLAN Online Support                                       6380 5458

       Tim Villa               NAPLAN Online Support                                       6380 5458

Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team | Professional Learning Events 2019 | SECONDARY         | 5
Learning Area
       Professional Learning             Target Audience                   Days     Regions         Page No.


       Dance Network Days –              HoLAs and Teachers -              2        Perth           13
       24 May and 29 November            Secondary

       Drama Network Days –              HoLAs and Teachers                2        Perth           13
       17 May and 4 December             Secondary

       Media Networking Days -           HoLAs and Teachers                2        Perth           13
       17 May and 2 December             Secondary

       Professional Learning             Target Audience                   Days     Regions         Page No.


       Design and Technology             HoLAs Design and                  3x       Perth           14
       Network Day - Secondary           Technology Secondary              0.5

       Professional Learning             Target Audience                   Days     Regions         Page No.


       Leading Learning with             School Leaders & Lead             2        Perth           15
       Technology                        Teachers                          2        Bunbury
                                                                           2        Geraldton

       Content Coalition,                Teachers of Year 7 and 8          4        Perth           16
       Semester 1                        Mathematics

Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team | Professional Learning Events 2019 | SECONDARY              | 7
      Professional Learning            Target Audience              Days     Regions         Page No.


      Secondary English Network        Secondary English HoLAs      4        Perth           17

      Secondary ATAR Literature        Literature teachers          2        Perth           17
      Network Day

      General and Foundation           General and Foundation       2        Perth           17
      English Network Day              English teachers

      Online Regional Secondary        Secondary English HoLAs      4        All             17
      English Network Meeting                                                regional

      EAL/D Cross Sectoral             EAL/D Teachers and HoLAs     4        Perth           17
      Network Days

      Tracks to Two-Way                Teachers of Aboriginal       4        Perth           18
      Learning                         students

      Professional Learning            Target Audience              Days     Regions         Page No.


      HoLA Health and Physical         HoLA Health and Physical     3x        Perth          19
      Education Network Days           Education Studies            0.5

      Years 7 - 10 Health & Physical   Teachers of Health and       1        Perth           21
      Education Network Day            Physical Education Studies


      ATAR Exam review – Health        Relevant teachers            0.5      Perth           20
      and Physical Education

      Professional Learning            Target Audience              Days     Regions         Page No.


      Secondary Humanities and         Secondary HASS Teachers      2        Perth           22
      Social Sciences Network Day      and HoLAs, including Early
                                       Career teachers

8 |                                                                        Catholic Education Western Australia
       Professional Learning             Target Audience                   Days     Regions         Page No.


       Cross-sector Year 11 and 12 ATAR Languages Networking               1        Perth           n/a
       Days offered by AISWA and Department of Education
       French (18 Feb)
       Indonesian (21 Feb)
       Japanese (22 Feb)
       Contact: Kate Reitzenstein

       German and Chinese (21 Feb)
       Italian (22 Feb)
       Contact: Natalie Walker

       Sharing Best Practice in          Teachers of any language,         1        Perth           24
       Languages Education               both primary and
                                         secondary, including Early
                                         Career teachers


       Year 3-10 Languages               Languages teachers of any         1        Perth           25
       Pedagogies                        language, including early
                                         career, teaching in Year
                                         3- Year 10

       Professional Learning             Target Audience                   Days     Regions         Page No.


       Culture of Critical and           Schools who are                   4        Perth           26
       Creative Thinking Focus           implementing or have
       School Pilot                      a program to develop a
                                         culture of creative, critical

       Learner Support                   Early career teachers,            3        Perth           27
                                         classroom teachers                         Bunbury


       Gifted & Talented Education       GATE Co-ordinators                2        Perth           28
       (GATE) Network Day

Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team | Professional Learning Events 2019 | SECONDARY              | 9
       Professional Learning         Target Audience             Days      Regions         Page No.

       Secondary Mathematics         HoLAs and Teachers          4         Perth           29
       Network Day
       Lower Secondary               Mathematics 7-10 teachers   4         Perth           30
       Mathematics                   Early Career teachers
                                     Out-of-field teachers

       Professional Learning         Target Audience             Days      Regions         Page No.

       STEM Secondary Working        Interested Schools          3x0.5     Perth           31
       HoLA Science Network Days     HoLA Science                3x0.5     Perth           32
       Examination writing Year      Biology teachers            0.5       Perth           33
       11/12 ATAR
       Examination writing Year      Human Biology teachers      0.5       Perth           33
       11/12 ATAR
       Examination writing Year      Chemistry teachers          0.5       Perth           33
       11/12 ATAR
       Examination writing Year      Physics teachers            0.5       Perth           33
       11/12 ATAR
       Examination writing Year      Psychology teachers         0.5       Perth           33
       11/12 ATAR
       Examination writing Year      Earth and Environmental     0.5       Perth           33
       11/12 ATAR                    Science teachers
       New to teaching Science       Teachers of Years 7 to 10   2         Perth           34
       Years 7 to 10                 (repeat sessions)
       Teaching ATAR courses         Biology/Human Biology       1         Perth           35
       Teaching ATAR courses         Chemistry/Physics           1         Perth           35
       Teaching General Courses      Integrated Science/         2x0.5     Perth           35
                                     Human Biology
       Regional Science Meetings     School Leaders &            2x0.5     Bunbury         36
                                     Science teachers            2x0.5     Geraldton
                                                                 2x0.5     Broome
       ATAR Exam review – Sciences   Relevant subject teachers   7x0.5     Perth           37

10 |                                                                     Catholic Education Western Australia
       Professional Learning             Target Audience                   Days     Regions         Page No.


       25-27 February, 1 March,          NAPLAN co-ordinators and          8        Perth           38
       20 March, 27 March                test administrators

       Professional Learning             Target Audience                   Days     Regions         Page No.


       25 March, 21 June (RTO            VET Coordinators, VET             4        Perth           39
       Expo), 9 September and 2          teachers

       Professional Learning             Target Audience                   Days     Regions         Page No.


       PHASE 1 ViSN Teachers             ViSN teachers                     2        Perth           40

       Phase 2 ViSN Teachers             ViSN Teachers                     2        Perth           40

       Phase 3 ViSN Teachers             ViSN Teachers                     4        Perth           40

Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team | Professional Learning Events 2019 | SECONDARY              | 11
Course Details

12 |                    Catholic Education Western Australia
TITLE                          Dance, Drama, Media Production,
                                       Music and Visual Art
        Overview                       There will be two opportunities for HoLAs and teachers to
                                       network with one another. 1 day per subject area in Semester
                                       One and 1 day per subject area in Semester Two.

        Further Information            Memo and agenda will be published 3 weeks prior to the event

        Target Audience                HoLAs, Directors of Music and Teachers of the Arts

        Duration                       1 day for each subject area per semester

        Dates                          Dance 24 May and 4 December
                                       Drama 17 May and 29 November
                                       Media Production 17 May and 2 December
                                       Music 10 May and 3 December
                                       Visual Art 10 May and 3 December

        Closing Date                   One week prior to each PL

        Cost                           CEWA schools $50 per participant per day

        Registration /       
        Application                    professional-learning/

        Venue                          Newman Siena Centre

        Facilitators                   Various

        Administrator                  Marie Kelly

Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team | Professional Learning Events 2019 | SECONDARY     | 13
TITLE                 Design and Technology Network Day
       Overview              This will provide an opportunity for HoLAs and teachers to
                             meet and network ideas and practices.Includes discussion and
                             presentation on curriculum and assessment.Other ideas for
                             content of each session will be sought from the HoLAs.

       Further Information   Memo and agenda will be published 3 weeks prior to the event

       Target Audience       HoLAs and teachers of Design and Technology

       Duration              3 x 0.5 days

       Dates                 Fri 24 May 1.30pm to 4.00pm
                             Fri 9 Aug 1.30pm to 4.00pm
                             Fri 29 Nov 1.30pm to 4.00pm

       Closing Date          One week prior to the PL

       Cost                  CEWA Schools $25 per participant per half-day

       Registration /
       Application           professional-learning/

       Venue                 TBA

       Facilitators          Marion Cahill (CEWA), Glenda Leslie (AISWA)

       Administrator         Marie Kelly

14 |                                                              Catholic Education Western Australia
TITLE                          Leading Learning with Technology
        Overview                       This program is designed to provide support for K-12
                                       educators who want to purposefully integrate technology
                                       across the curriculum school wide These two professional
                                       learning days will seek to explore the practical implications for
                                       integrating the ICT General Capability in shared or 1:1 device
                                       classrooms. Informed by current digital education research
                                       and using models of contemporary digital pedagogical
                                       frameworks, this program encourages participating staff
                                       to conduct an inquiry into their current digital integration
                                       and pedagogies. Participants will be invited to collaborate
                                       and share their experiences creating contemporary and
                                       personalised teaching and learning strategies using a variety
                                       of digital platforms, devices and tools.

        Further Information            Memo and agenda will be published 3 weeks before
                                       registration closes

        Target Audience                School Leaders and Lead Teachers involved in whole school
                                       digital pedagogical transformation

        Duration                       4 days

        Dates                          BUNBURY
                                       Day One – 30 March
                                       Day Two – 3 September
                                       Day One – 23 March
                                       Day Two – 6 September
                                       Day One – 29 March
                                       Day Two – 13 September

        Closing Date                   One week prior to the PL

        Cost                           CEWA schools $50 per participant per day

        Registration /       
        Application                    professional-learning/

        Venue                          TBC

        Facilitators                   Michelle Lloyd

        Administrator                  Marie Kelly

Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team | Professional Learning Events 2019 | SECONDARY          | 15
TITLE                 Digital Technologies –
                             Content Coalition (Mathematics)
       Overview              This program supports teachers who want to develop their
                             skills to generate digital content for teaching and learning in
                             upper primary and lower secondary settings.

       Further Information   Content Coalition Mathematics extends the work achieved
                             by the 2018 Semester 2 Content Coalition for the Western
                             Australian Yr. 5, 6, 7 and 8 Mathematics Curriculum. Teachers
                             are supported to develop digital courses and multi-touch
                             books with iTunes and eBooks Author and a range of iPad
                             applications. These resources are published to a global
                             audience through the iBook stores.

       Target Audience       Teachers of Year 7 or Year 8 Mathematics

       Duration              4 days

       Dates                 Day One – 13 March 2019
                             Day Two – 3 April 2019
                             Day Three – 20 May 2019
                             Day Four – 27 June 2019

       Closing Date          One week prior to each PL

       Cost                  CEWA schools $50 per participant per day

       Registration /
       Application           professional-learning/

       Venue                 Newman Siena Centre

       Facilitators          Michelle Lloyd

       Administrator         Marie Kelly

16 |                                                                 Catholic Education Western Australia
TITLE                          Secondary English, Literature
                                       and EAL/D Network Days
        Overview                       To provide an opportunity for English, Literature and EAL/D
                                       teachers to:
                                       • engage in professional learning
                                       • be informed of the latest educational research and data
                                       • discuss innovations and pedagogies associated with English
                                       • share ideas and resources
                                       • provide feedback and comment on initiatives and curriculum
                                       • develop skills in the use of technology and digital platforms
                                       • build capacity to support teachers within English departments
                                       • establish professional networks and build relationships
                                         between schools

        Further Information            Memo and agenda will be published 3 weeks prior to the event

        Target Audience                English HoLAs and teachers of English
                                       Teachers and HoLAs of EAL/D
        Duration                       8.30am-3.30pm - English and Literature
                                       1pm – 4pm - EAL/D teachers
        Dates                          English ATAR
                                       14th February Secondary English Network Day
                                       6th May Secondary English Network Day
                                       5th August Secondary English Network Day
                                       31st October Secondary English Network Day
                                       English (General)
                                       18th March General English Network Day
                                       2nd September General English Network Day
                                       Secondary ATAR Literature
                                       1st March 2019 Literature Network Day
                                       20th August Literature Network Day
                                       14th March 2019 EAL/D Network afternoon
                                       23rd May EAL/D Network afternoon
                                       6th August EAL/D Network afternoon
                                       27th November EAL/D Network afternoon
        Closing Date                   One week prior to each PL event.

        Cost                           CEWA schools $50 per participant per day.

        Registration /       
        Application                    professional-learning/
        Venue                          Newman Siena Centre

        Facilitators                   English & Literature – John CrooksEAL/D - Sophia Sabatier

        Administrator                  Marie Kelly

Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team | Professional Learning Events 2019 | SECONDARY        | 17
TITLE                 Tracks to Two-Way Learning -
                             Teaching Aboriginal students.
       Overview              The Tracks to Two Way Learning Program addresses the
                             specific needs of Aboriginal students whose first language
                             is not Standard Australian English and supports educators
                             to make the curriculum more linguistically and culturally
                             inclusive for all learners. These afternoons will cover various
                             modules of the Program and provide participants with
                             opportunities to broaden their understanding of language
                             variation, dialect development, cross-cultural communication
                             and the historical development of Aboriginal English. They
                             include an Introduction to Aboriginal English and Two Way
                             Bidialectal Education.

       Further Information   Memo and agenda will be published prior to the event

       Target Audience       Teachers of Aboriginal students

       Duration              1pm – 4pm

       Dates                 March 27
                             June 17
                             August 9
                             October 30

       Closing Date          One week prior to each PL event.

       Cost                  CEWA schools $50 per participant per day.

       Registration /
       Application           professional-learning/

       Venue                 Newman Siena Centre

       Facilitators          Sophia Sabatier and Isobel Bevis

       Administrator         Marie Kelly

18 |                                                                Catholic Education Western Australia
TITLE                          HoLA Health and Physical
                                       Education Network Days
        Overview                       An opportunity for Health and Physical Education Studies
                                       HoLAs and teachers to meet and network ideas and practices.
                                       The events include discussion and presentation on curriculum
                                       and assessment.
                                       Ideas for content of each session will be sought from the HoLAs.

        Further Information            Memo and agenda will be published 3 weeks prior to the event

        Target Audience                HoLAs and teachers of Health and Physical Education Studies

        Duration                       Half day each

        Dates                          Friday 17 May 1.30pm to 4.00pm
                                       Friday 2 Aug 1.30pm to 4.00pm
                                       Wednesday 23 Oct 1.30pm to
        Closing Date                   One week prior to each PL event

        Cost                           CEWA schools $25 per participant per half-day

        Registration /       
        Application                    professional-learning/

        Venue                          Newman Siena Centre or individual schools

        Facilitators                   Marion Cahill (CEWA), Glenda Leslie (AISWA)

        Administrator                  Marie Kelly

Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team | Professional Learning Events 2019 | SECONDARY         | 19
TITLE                 ATAR Exam review –
                             Health and Physical Education
       Overview              This will provide an opportunity for Teachers of Year 11 &
                             12 to meet and discuss the 2019 ATAR Exam.The event will
                             include discussion on assessments and model answers.

       Further Information   Attendees are required to bring a copy of the recent exam and
                             their worked solutions to it.

       Target Audience       Teachers of Year 11 and 12 Health and Physical Education Studies

       Duration              0.5 day

       Dates                 TBA when ATAR exam timetable promulgated

       Closing Date          One week prior to the PL

       Cost                  CEWA schools $25Non-CEWA schools $50

       Registration /
       Application           professional-learning/

       Venue                 Newman Siena Centre

       Facilitators          Ryan Coutts (Irene McCormack), Marion Cahill (CEWA)
                             and Kris Stafford (AISWA)

       Administrator         Marie Kelly

20 |                                                               Catholic Education Western Australia
TITLE                          Years 7 – 10 Health and
                                       Physical Education Network Day
        Overview                       An opportunity for teachers of Health and Physical Education
                                       Studies to meet and network ideas and practices.
                                       The day will include discussion and presentations on curriculum
                                       and assessments, as well as presentations on new ideas.
                                       Ideas for content of each session will be sought from the
                                       group prior to the event.

        Further Information            Memo and agenda will be published 3 weeks prior to the event

        Target Audience                Teachers of Health and Physical Education Studies

        Duration                       1 day

        Dates                          Term 2 date TBA

        Closing Date                   One week prior to the PL

        Cost                           CEWA schools $50 per participant per day

        Registration /       
        Application                    professional-learning/

        Venue                          Newman Siena Centre

        Facilitators                   Ryan Coutts (Irene McCormack), Marion Cahill (CEWA)
                                       and Kris Stafford (AISWA)

        Administrator                  Marie Kelly

Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team | Professional Learning Events 2019 | SECONDARY        | 21
TITLE                 Secondary HASS Network Day
       Overview              Two Secondary HASS networking days will be offered
                             throughout the year, one in each semester. All sessions will
                             be underpinned by the CEWA Vision for Learning. The exact
                             content will depend on the priority areas at the time and the
                             needs of the participants.

       Further Information   Memo and agenda will be published 3 weeks before
                             registrations close.

       Target Audience       HASS HOLAs/ Secondary HASS Teachers, including Early
                             Career teachers

       Duration              1 day each

       Dates                 27 May
                             31 October

       Closing Date          One week prior to each PL event

       Cost                  CEWA schools $50 per participant per day

       Registration /
       Application           professional-learning/

       Venue                 Newman Siena Centre

       Facilitators          Richard Kostecki, School-Based Curriculum Leader for
                             Secondary HASS

       Administrator         Marie Kelly

22 |                                                               Catholic Education Western Australia
TITLE                          School-based Curriculum Leaders
                                       Training in Adult Facilitation
        Overview                       These professional learning days provide an opportunity for
                                       School Based Curriculum Leaders 9SBCL) to learn the art of
                                       Adult Facilitation and learn from one other. The training and
                                       then 45-minute presentations will address topics relevant to
                                       both primary and secondary teachers in adult facilitation.

        Further Information            Memo and agenda will be published 3 weeks before
                                       registrations close

        Target Audience                Primary and secondary teachers in preparation as School
                                       Based Curriculum Leaders.

        Duration                       2 days

        Dates                          To be advised

        Closing Date                   One week prior to the PL

        Cost                           CEWA schools $50 per participant per day to cover catering costs.

        Registration /       
        Application                    professional-learning/

        Venue                          Newman Siena Centre

        Facilitators                   TBA

        Administrator                  Marie Kelly

Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team | Professional Learning Events 2019 | SECONDARY          | 23
TITLE                 Sharing Best Practice
                             in Languages Education
       Overview              This professional learning day provides an opportunity for
                             teachers to share their best practice and learn from one other.
                             The 45-minute presentations will address topics relevant to
                             both primary and secondary teachers of any language.

       Further Information   Memo and agenda will be published 3 weeks before
                             registration closes

       Target Audience       Primary and secondary teachers of any language teaching,
                             including early career teachers

       Duration              1 day

       Dates                 17 September

       Closing Date          One week prior to the PL.

       Cost                  CEWA schools $50 (Presentations are invited from teachers in
                             all sectors)

       Registration /
       Application           professional-learning/

       Venue                 Newman Siena Centre

       Facilitators          TBA

       Administrator         Marie Kelly

24 |                                                               Catholic Education Western Australia
TITLE                          Years 3-10 Languages Pedagogies
        Overview                       This PL is a refresher on effective Languages pedagogies
                                       suitable for Years 3-10. We will cover some central concepts
                                       of second language acquisition theories such as Input/
                                       Output, Language Practice Task/Language Use Task, Concept/
                                       Text-Based Organisational Focus and Rich Assessment Tasks
                                       and apply them to effective learning sequences at both
                                       lesson and program level.

        Further Information            Memo and agenda will be published 3 weeks before
                                       registrations close

        Target Audience                Primary and secondary teachers of any language teaching in
                                       Years 3-10

        Duration                       1 day

        Dates                          13 May

        Closing Date                   One week prior to PL.

        Cost                           CEWA schools $50 per participant.

        Registration /       
        Application                    professional-learning/

        Venue                          Newman Siena Centre

        Facilitators                   TBA

        Administrator                  Marie Kelly

Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team | Professional Learning Events 2019 | SECONDARY     | 25
TITLE                 Culture of Critical and Creative
                             Thinking Focus School Pilot
       Overview              This pilot project has three key purposes:
                             1. Support schools to establish a culture of critical and creative
                                thinking for all students;
                             2. Support schools to maintain and develop an established
                                critical and creative culture of thinking; and,
                             3. Build capacity in classroom teachers, Gifted and Talented
                                Education teachers/co-ordinators and school leaders to
                                identify and cater for the diverse learning needs of all
                             Support will be individually tailored to meet the specific needs
                             of schools.

       Further Information   Memo and agenda will be published 3 weeks before
                             registration closes

       Target Audience       Selected primary and secondary schools who are planning to
                             establish, or have established and wish to develop further, a
                             critical and creative culture of thinking program.

       Duration              4 x 1 day

       Dates                 To be advised. Commencing in Term 3, 2019.

       Closing Date          TBA

       Cost                  CEWA schools $50 per participant per day

       Registration /
       Application           professional-learning/

       Venue                 TBA

       Facilitators          Deborah Black

       Administrator         Marie Kelly 

26 |                                                                 Catholic Education Western Australia
TITLE                          Learner Support
        Overview                       How do we cater for student diversity in the classroom,
                                       particularly those who need additional support?
                                       This practical PL will examine best practice for creating
                                       inclusive classrooms, using data to identify students who need
                                       support, how to structure in-class support, effective use of
                                       Education Assistants in the classroom and keeping effective
                                       records (FPDs, CAPs).

        Further Information            Memo and agenda will be published 3 weeks before
                                       registration closes

        Target Audience                Early career teachers, teachers working in a new year level,
                                       teachers wishing to refresh their skills and understanding

        Duration                       1 day

        Dates                          TBA

        Closing Date                   One week prior to the PL

        Cost                           CEWA schools $50 per participant per day.

        Registration /       
        Application                    professional-learning/

        Venue                          Newman Siena Centre

        Facilitators                   Deborah Black

        Administrator                  Marie Kelly

Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team | Professional Learning Events 2019 | SECONDARY       | 27
TITLE                 Gifted & Talented Education (GATE)
                             Network Day
       Overview              Professional networking is an essential element in the learning
                             of teachers. The GATE Network Day is offered twice a year
                             and provides an opportunity for teachers to network with
                             peers, explore and discuss current research and trends in the
                             field, and share school-based experiences.

       Further Information   Memo and agenda will be published 3 weeks before
                             registration closes

       Target Audience       Classroom teachers, GATE/Enrichment coordinators and
                             school leaders.

       Duration              Half day.

       Dates                 TBA

       Closing Date          One week prior to the PL

       Cost                  CEWA schools $25 per participant per half-day.

       Registration /
       Application           professional-learning/

       Venue                 Newman Siena Centre

       Facilitators          Deborah Black

       Administrator         Marie Kelly

28 |                                                               Catholic Education Western Australia
TITLE                          Secondary Mathematics Network Day
        Overview                       An opportunity for mathematics HoLAs and teachers to:
                                       • engage in professional learning
                                       • be informed of the latest educational research and data
                                       • discuss innovations and pedagogies associated with
                                         mathematics teaching
                                       • share ideas and resources
                                       • provide feedback and comment on initiatives and
                                         curriculum matters
                                       • develop skills in the use of technology and digital platforms
                                       • build capacity to support teachers within mathematics
                                       • establish professional networks and build relationships
                                         between schools

        Further Information            Memo and agenda will be published 3 weeks prior to the

        Target Audience                HoLAs and teachers of Mathematics

        Duration                       1 day per term - 8:30am-3:30pm

        Dates                          25 February
                                       27 May – HoLAs only
                                       23 August
                                       11 November

        Closing Date                   One week prior to each PL event

        Cost                           CEWA schools $50 per participant per day

        Registration /       
        Application                    professional-learning/

        Venue                          Newman Siena Centre

        Facilitators                   Wendy Pero

        Administrator                  Marie Kelly

Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team | Professional Learning Events 2019 | SECONDARY        | 29
TITLE                 Lower Secondary Mathematics
       Overview              This program will cover the WA Curriculum: Mathematics 7-10
                             and the pedagogies associated with teaching lower secondary
                             mathematics. It provides an opportunity for teachers to share
                             ideas and resources, problem solve common challenges and
                             promote best practice in order to improve student outcomes.

       Further Information   Memo and agenda will be published 3 weeks prior to the event

       Target Audience       Teachers of mathematics 7-10
                             Early Career and out-of-field teachers

       Duration              1 x 4 half days – 12:30 - 3:30 pm

       Dates                 TBA

       Closing Date          One week prior to each PL event

       Cost                  CEWA schools $25 per participant per half-day

       Registration /
       Application           professional-learning/

       Venue                 Newman Siena Centre

       Facilitators          Wendy Pero

       Administrator         Marie Kelly

30 |                                                                  Catholic Education Western Australia
TITLE                          STEM Secondary Working Group
        Overview                       STEM programs in schools are a growing area.
                                       CEWA will establish a working group of innovative educators
                                       to look at developing a STEM framework. This will be
                                       guide others in establishing STEM in their own secondary
                                       schools. The meetings aim to share practise and to develop
                                       frameworks for other educators across the system. This
                                       includes regional and remote locations.

        Further Information            Memo and agenda will be published 3 weeks prior to the event

        Target Audience                Secondary teachers running STEM courses in their schools.

        Duration                       3 x 0.5 days – one in each of Terms 2, 3 and 4.

        Dates                          TBA

        Closing Date                   One week prior to each PL event

        Cost                           CEWA schools $25 per participant per half-day

        Registration /       
        Application                    professional-learning/

        Venue                          Newman Siena Centre

        Facilitators                   Marion Cahill (CEWA), Paul Reid (CEWA)

        Administrator                  Marie Kelly

Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team | Professional Learning Events 2019 | SECONDARY     | 31
TITLE                 HoLA Science Network Days
       Overview              An opportunity for Science HoLAs and teachers to meet and
                             network ideas and practices.
                             The events include discussion and presentation on curriculum
                             and assessment.
                             Ideas for content of each session will be sought from the HoLAs.

       Further Information   Memo and agenda will be published 3 weeks prior to the event

       Target Audience       HoLAs and teachers of Science

       Duration              Half day each

       Dates                 Friday 10 May 1.30pm to 4.00pm
                             Thurs 1 Aug 1.30pm to 4.00pm
                             Wed 30 Oct 1.30pm to 4.00pm

       Closing Date          One week prior to each PL event

       Cost                  CEWA schools $25 per participant per half-day

       Registration /
       Application           professional-learning/

       Venue                 Newman Siena Centre or individual schools

       Facilitators          Marion Cahill (CEWA), Glenda Leslie (AISWA)

       Administrator         Marie Kelly

32 |                                                                Catholic Education Western Australia
TITLE                          Exam Writing for ATAR Sciences
                                       Years 11 and 12
        Overview                       Producing an exam paper is not as hard or as time-consuming
                                       as you may think.
                                       By following the processes learned by previous SCSA
                                       examiners and the provided resources, you can develop exams
                                       and tests that are unique and specifically targeted to your
                                       students, your teaching program and your assessment outline.
                                       These sessions will be presented by teachers or past teachers
                                       who have vast experience at writing examination type
                                       questions for each of the subjects listed below.
                                       Attendees will work in small groups designing questions to be
                                       discussed in groups.

        Further Information            Memo and agenda will be published 3 weeks prior to the event

        Target Audience                Teachers new to teaching ATAR subjects or who have only
                                       taught them for a year or two.

        Duration                       0.5 day each subject area

        Dates                          These will be in Term 1 for each of the following subjects:
                                       Biology :                       12 March 8.30 am to 11.30 am
                                       Human Biology:                  12 March 12.30 pm to 3.30 pm
                                       Chemistry                       13 March 8.30 am to 11.30 am
                                       Physics                         13 March 12.30 pm to 3.30 pm
                                       Psychology                      14 March 8.30 am to 11.30 am
                                       Earth and                       14 March 12:30pm to 3:30 pm
                                       Environmental Science

        Closing Date                   One week prior to each PL

        Cost                           CEWA schools $40 per participant per half-day

        Registration /       
        Application                    professional-learning/

        Venue                          AISWA Seminar Room

        Facilitators                   Marion Cahill (CEWA), Glenda Leslie (AISWA)

        Administrator                  Marie Kelly

Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team | Professional Learning Events 2019 | SECONDARY      | 33
TITLE                 New to Teaching Science Years 7 – 10
       Overview              These are the first in a planned series of workshops for
                             teachers new to teaching years 7 to 10 Science subjects,
                             particularly those with a limited background in certain areas
                             in this most varied field. As tertiary level teacher education
                             does not cover all Science learning areas, these learning
                             opportunities are intended to develop and extend the existing
                             knowledge of teachers.
                             The days are designed to give attendees tools and ideas
                             and provide an opportunity to ask questions of more
                             experienced teachers.

       Further Information   The content is particularly designed for the following:
                             • Teachers with less than 3 years teaching experience in lower
                               secondary science.
                             • Teachers with little or no pedagogical training in lower
                               secondary science education.
                             • Teachers who are teaching years 7, 8, 9 and/or 10 for the
                               first time.
                             • Teachers who are looking for collegial support in teaching
                               lower school science.

       Target Audience       Teachers new to teaching science in lower secondary.

       Duration              2 x 1 day (8.30 am to 2.30 pm) REPEAT SESSIONS

       Dates                 Thurs 31 Jan OR
                             Tues 12 Feb

       Closing Date          One week prior to each PL

       Cost                  CEWA schools $100 per participant per day

       Registration /
       Application           professional-learning/

       Venue                 AISWA Seminar Room

       Facilitators          Marion Cahill (CEWA), Glenda Leslie (AISWA)

       Administrator         Marie Kelly

34 |                                                                Catholic Education Western Australia
TITLE                          Teaching Science ATAR
                                       and General Courses
        Overview                       This is the first in a planned series of workshops for teachers
                                       relatively new to teaching ATAR science subjects. These days
                                       are designed to give attendees tools and ideas to help them
                                       begin their journey and an opportunity to ask questions
                                       of experienced teachers. The initial workshop will address
                                       planning for teaching/learning and assessments that meet the
                                       requirements of SCSA.

        Further Information            The content is particularly designed for the following:
                                       • Teachers with less than 3 years teaching experience in
                                         upper secondary science.
                                       • Teachers who are teaching year 11 or 12 ATAR Science or a
                                         General Science course for the first time.
                                       • Teachers who are looking for collegial support in teaching
                                         upper school Science.

        Target Audience                Teachers new or with less than three years teaching an ATAR
                                       or General science subject.

        Duration                       ATAR – 1 day (8.30 am to 2.30 pm) for each subject combination
                                       General – 2 x 0.5 days (8.30 am to 11.30 am) REPEAT SESSIONS

        Dates                          ATAR Biology/Human Biology
                                       Wed 13 Feb
                                       ATAR Chemistry/ Physics
                                       Thurs 14 Feb
                                       General Integrated Science/Human Biology
                                       Thurs 7 Feb OR Wed 20 Feb

        Closing Date                   One week prior to the event

        Cost                           CEWA Schools $40, non-CEWA Schools $50 per half-dayCEWA
                                       Schools $100, non-CEWA Schools $120 per day

        Registration /       
        Application                    professional-learning/

        Venue                          AISWA Seminar Room

        Facilitators                   Marion Cahill (CEWA), Glenda Leslie (AISWA)

        Administrator                  Marie Kelly

Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team | Professional Learning Events 2019 | SECONDARY        | 35
TITLE                 Regional Science Meetings
       Overview              These sessions will provide an opportunity for regional
                             teachers to have access to professional learning in the various
                             science subjects.Ideas for content of each session will be
                             developed in consultation with the relevant regional network.

       Further Information   Memo and agenda will be published 3 weeks prior to the event

       Target Audience       All science teachers in the Bunbury, Geraldton and Broome

       Duration              Bunbury
                             2 x 0.5 day, two Webinars – one in each of Terms 2 and 3
                             2 x 0.5 day, two Webinars - one in each of Terms 2 and 3
                             2 x 0.5 day, two Webinars – one in each of Terms 2 and 3

       Dates                 TBA

       Closing Date          One week prior to each PL event

       Cost                  Free session

       Registration /
       Application           professional-learning/

       Venue                 Newman Siena Centre

       Facilitators          Marion Cahill (CEWA)

       Administrator         Marie Kelly

36 |                                                               Catholic Education Western Australia
TITLE                          ATAR Science
                                       Subject Examination Reviews
        Overview                       This will provide an opportunity for Teachers of Year 11 & 12
                                       to meet and discuss the 2019 ATAR Exam. There will include
                                       discussion on assessments and model answers.

        Further Information            Attendees are required to bring a copy of the recent ATAR
                                       exam for the subject they are attending and their worked
                                       solutions to it.

        Target Audience                Teachers of Year 11 and 12 ATAR Science subjects

        Duration                       0.5 day each subject area.
                                       Biology, Human Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Earth
                                       and Environmental Science and Integrated Science.

        Dates                          Term 4: TBA when ATAR exam timetable promulgated

        Closing Date                   One week prior to each PL event

        Cost                           Free session

        Registration /       
        Application                    professional-learning/

        Venue                          Newman Siena Centre

        Facilitators                   Marion Cahill (CEWA)

        Administrator                  Marie Kelly

Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team | Professional Learning Events 2019 | SECONDARY      | 37
TITLE                 NAPLAN Online refresher training
       Overview              Refamiliarise NAPLAN coordinators and test administrators
                             with the NAPLAN Online platform.

       Further Information   Rahul Gade

       Target Audience       Staff who will be executing the roles of NAPLAN coordinator
                             or test administrator in 2019.


       Dates                 25-27 February, 1 March, 20 March, 27 March

       Closing Date          One week prior to each PL date

       Cost                  N/A

       Registration /
       Application           professional-learning/

       Venue                 Newman Siena Centre

       Facilitators          Ned Faulkner, Tim Villa

       Administrator         Rahul Gade

38 |                                                              Catholic Education Western Australia
TITLE                          Vocation Education and Training
                                       (VET) Network Days
        Overview                       An opportunity for VET co-ordinators and VET teachers to:
                                       • engage in professional learning for VET currency, industry
                                         currency and relevant up-to-date SCSA requirements
                                       • be informed of the latest VET and industry requirements
                                       • discuss innovations and pedagogies associated with VET
                                       • share ideas, RTOs and resources within the VET area
                                       • provide feedback and comment on initiatives and matters
                                         pertaining to the delivery of VET
                                       • build capacity to support teachers within VET
                                       • establish professional networks and build relationships
                                         between schools and industry

        Further Information            Memo and agenda will be published 3 weeks prior to the event.

        Target Audience                VET co-ordinators, VETE teachers

        Duration                       4 x 1 day – 8:30am – 3:30pm.

        Dates                          25 March
                                       21 June (RTO Expo)
                                       9 September
                                       2 December

        Closing Date                   One week prior to each PL date

        Cost                           N/A

        Registration /       
        Application                    professional-learning/

        Venue                          Newman Siena Centre

        Facilitators                   Genevie Baker

        Administrator                  Marie Kelly

Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team | Professional Learning Events 2019 | SECONDARY      | 39
TITLE                 Virtual School Network (ViSN)
       Overview              To provide an opportunity for ViSN teachers to:
                             • Build on skills, knowledge and expertise needed to
                               successfully deliver an online course.
                             • Participate in and contribute to a professional network for
                               online teachers.
                             • Design courses suited to the online environment.

       Further Information   Memo and agenda will be published prior to the event.

       Target Audience       ViSN teachers

       Duration              Phases 1 & 2: 2 days – 8.30 am – 3.30pm
                             Phase 3 teachers: 4 days – 8.30am – 3.30pm.

                                                Term 1      Term 2    Term 3        Term 4

                             ViSN teachers      Friday 15             Friday
                             Phase 1 Training   March                 16 August

                             ViSN teachers      Monday                Thursday
                             Phase 2 Training   18 March              15 August

                             ViSN teachers      Tuesday     Friday    Wednesday Friday
                             Phase 3 Training   19 March    24 May    14 August 1 November

       Closing Date          Selected schools will be notified of registration requirements.

       Cost                  CEWA Schools $50 per participant per day.

       Registration /
       Application           professional-learning/

       Venue                 Newman Siena Centre

       Facilitators          Meredith Roe

       Administrator         Marie Kelly

40 |                                                                 Catholic Education Western Australia
Professional Associations PL and
        School-Based Curriculum Leader PL
        Name                                                      Region                    Date

        CONSTAWA                                                  Perth                     May 17-18

        Future Science                                            Perth                     December

        CONASTA                                                   Darwin                    July 7-10

        WATESOL – conference papers from 2018                     Perth                     Live

        Fremantle Children’s Literature Centre                    Fremantle                 November 1-2
        Conference 2019

        School-based Curriculum Leaders Training in               Perth                     TBA Further
        Adult Facilitation                                                                  details p.21

Teaching and Learning Directorate Curriculum Team | Professional Learning Events 2019 | SECONDARY          | 41
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