Search for bottom-type, vectorlike quark pair production in a fully hadronic

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PHYSICAL REVIEW D 102, 112004 (2020)

                 Search for bottom-type, vectorlike quark pair production
                                                                      pffiffi in a fully hadronic
                            final state in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 TeV
                                                          A. M. Sirunyan et al.*
                                                          (CMS Collaboration)
                              (Received 22 August 2020; accepted 9 October 2020; published 7 December 2020)

                    A search is described for the production of a pair of bottom-type vectorlike quarks (VLQs), each
                 decaying into a b or b̄ quark and either a Higgs or a Z boson, with a mass greater than 1000 GeV. The
                 analysis is based on data from proton-proton collisions at a 13 TeV center-of-mass energy recorded at the
                 CERN LHC, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 137 fb−1 . As the predominant decay modes
                 of the Higgs and Z bosons are to a pair of quarks, the analysis focuses on final states consisting of jets
                 resulting from the six quarks produced in the events. Since the two jets produced in the decay of a highly
                 Lorentz-boosted Higgs or Z boson can merge to form a single jet, nine independent analyses are performed,
                 categorized by the number of observed jets and the reconstructed event mode. No signal in excess of the
                 expected background is observed. Lower limits are set on the VLQ mass at 95% confidence level equal to
                 1570 GeV in the case where the VLQ decays exclusively to a b quark and a Higgs boson, 1390 GeV for
                 when it decays exclusively to a b quark and a Z boson, and 1450 GeV for when it decays equally in these
                 two modes. These limits represent significant improvements over the previously published VLQ limits.

                 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.102.112004

                       I. INTRODUCTION                                  Several alternative theories have been proposed for solving
                                                                        this fine tuning problem. These theories include composite
   One of the biggest puzzles in elementary particle physics
                                                                        Higgs models [4–6], in which the Higgs boson is not a
concerns the large difference between the electroweak scale
                                                                        fundamental particle, but rather contains constituents
and the Planck scale, and the related problem of the
                                                                        bound by a new type of gauge interaction, and little
unexpectedly low value of the Higgs boson mass [1]. In
                                                                        Higgs models [7,8], in which the Higgs boson is a
the standard model (SM), the Higgs boson H is assumed to
                                                                        pseudo-Nambu–Goldstone boson that arises from sponta-
be a fundamental scalar (spin-0) particle. Unlike the
                                                                        neous breaking of a global symmetry at the TeV energy
fundamental fermions (leptons and quarks) and the vector
                                                                        scale. Both of these types of models predict a new class of
gauge bosons, the corrections to the Higgs boson mass due
                                                                        vectorlike fermions [9] with the same charges as the SM
to vacuum energy fluctuations are quadratic, driving the
                                                                        fermions, but with purely vector current couplings to the
Higgs boson mass to the cutoff value of the vacuum energy
                                                                        weak gauge bosons. In composite Higgs models, the
fluctuations. In the absence of any new physics below the
                                                                        vectorlike quarks (VLQs) are excited bound-state resonan-
Planck scale, this cutoff is about 1019 GeV. In that case, the          ces, while in little Higgs models they are fundamental
Higgs boson mass would naturally be expected to be                      particles that cancel loop divergences.
seventeen orders of magnitude greater than its measured                    Since the VLQs are nonchiral, Lagrangian mass terms
mass of 125 GeV.                                                        not arising from Yukawa couplings to the Higgs field are
   Although supersymmetry provides an elegant solution to               allowed, thereby avoiding the constraints on heavy, sequen-
this problem [2,3], the lack of evidence for the production             tial fourth-generation quarks set by the measured cross
of supersymmetric particles at the CERN LHC indicates                   section for Higgs boson production at the LHC [10,11].
that, if supersymmetry is realized in nature, it is broken at           Requiring VLQs to have renormalizable couplings to
an energy scale greater than a few TeV and, therefore, does             the SM quarks permits only four types of VLQs, defined
not solve the fine tuning of the 125 GeV Higgs boson mass.              by their charge q: q ¼ −1=3 ðBÞ, q ¼ þ2=3 ðTÞ, q ¼
                                                                        −4=3 ðXÞ, and q ¼ þ5=3 ðYÞ [12]. These are arranged
      Full author list given at the end of the article.                 into seven multiplets: two singlets (T and B), three doublets
                                                                        (TB, XT, and YB), and two triplets (XTB and TBY) [13].
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of           This analysis focuses on the q ¼ −1=3 ðBÞ type of VLQ.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to             The branching fractions B of the T and B are model
the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation,      specific and depend upon the VLQ multiplet configuration,
and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.                                              the mass of the VLQ, and the coupling of the VLQ to chiral

2470-0010=2020=102(11)=112004(30)                                112004-1                      © 2020 CERN, for the CMS Collaboration
A. M. SIRUNYAN et al.                                                                          PHYS. REV. D 102, 112004 (2020)
quarks [14]. In general, up-type quark mass eigenstates will           from proton-proton (pp) collisions at s ¼ 13 TeV with
be mixtures of the chiral up-type quarks with the T VLQ,               an integrated luminosity of 36 fb−1 , have excluded a pair-
while down-type quark mass eigenstates will be mixtures of             produced B with mass up to approximately 1100 GeV. The
the chiral down-type quarks and the B VLQ. Precision                   ATLAS analysis [17] was based on a classification of event
measurements of the couplings of the first and second                  signatures using neural networks, while the CMS analysis
generation SM quarks constrain their mixings with VLQs                 [18] used event shapes to identify Lorentz-boosted objects.
and indicate that the only sizable couplings of the T and B            The ATLAS (CMS) results exclude masses, at 95% con-
VLQs allowed are to SM quarks of the third generation,                 fidence level (C.L.), up to 1010 (980), 710 (1070), and
although couplings to other quarks are not excluded                    950 (1025) GeV for the 100% B → bH, 100% B → bZ,
[13,15,16]. In this analysis, we assume the B VLQ has                  and the BY doublet cases, respectively. In addition, an
three decay modes: B → bZ, B → bH, and B → tW. In                      ATLAS analysis [19] combining both fully hadronic and
most models, for a B VLQ mass greater than the current                 leptonic channels excludes values of the B mass up to
limit of approximately 1000 GeV, there is a small difference           1140 GeV for the BY doublet case. The analysis presented
between BðB → bZÞ and BðB → bHÞ, depending on the                      here improves on these results by using the full 137 fb−1
VLQ mass, but the difference is essentially zero for masses            dataset collected by CMS in 2016–2018, and by fully
greater than 2000 GeV. The expected values of BðB → bZÞ                reconstructing the event kinematics, thereby allowing the
and BðB → bHÞ also depend upon the multiplet configu-                  mass of the B to be reconstructed.
ration. They are 50% for both the XTB triplet and the BY
doublet, and 25% for the TBY triplet and the B singlet. The                            II. ANALYSIS OVERVIEW
branching fractions for the TB doublet depend upon the
mixing of the T and B VLQs with chiral quarks. If the Tt                  This analysis involves a search for the production
mixing is zero, the B → bH and B → bZ branching                        of a pair of bottom-type VLQs with masspgreaterffiffi  than
fractions are 50%. If the Tt and Bb mixing are equal,                  1000 GeV, using data from pp collisions at s ¼ 13 TeV
these branching fractions are 25%. If the Bb mixing is zero,           at the LHC collected by the CMS detector during
these branching fractions are zero [12].                               2016–2018, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of
   Results from both the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations                  137 fb−1 . The analysis is focused on events in which each
using events with fully hadronic final states, based on data           of the VLQs decays to a b or b̄ quark and to either a Higgs

FIG. 1. Dominant diagrams of the pair production of bottom-type VLQs (B) that subsequently decay to a b or b̄ quark and either a
Higgs or Z boson. In events targeted by this analysis, the Z boson then decays to a pair of quarks, where q denotes any quark other than a
top quark, while the Higgs boson decays to b quarks. Upper left: bHbH mode, upper right: bHbZ mode, lower: bZbZ mode.

SEARCH FOR BOTTOM-TYPE, VECTORLIKE QUARK PAIR …                                       PHYS. REV. D 102, 112004 (2020)

or Z boson. Since the dominant decay modes of the Higgs                        III. THE CMS DETECTOR
and Z bosons are to a quark and antiquark pair, we select
                                                                    The central feature of the CMS apparatus is a super-
final states consisting of jets resulting from the quarks and
                                                                 conducting solenoid of 6 m internal diameter, providing a
antiquarks produced in the decays of the VLQs and
                                                                 magnetic field of 3.8 T. Within the solenoid volume are a
subsequent decays of the two bosons. The events are
                                                                 silicon pixel and strip tracker, a lead tungstate crystal
categorized into three modes, depending on the daughter
                                                                 electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL), and a brass and
bosons: bHbH, bHbZ, and bZbZ. Figure 1 shows the
                                                                 scintillator hadron calorimeter (HCAL), each composed
dominant Feynman diagrams for these three modes.
                                                                 of a barrel and two endcap sections. Forward calorimeters
    Background from SM processes (predominantly “mul-
                                                                 extend the pseudorapidity (η) coverage provided by the
tijet” events, consisting solely of jets produced through
                                                                 barrel and endcap detectors. Muons are detected in gas-
the strong interaction) is reduced by requiring that the
                                                                 ionization chambers embedded in the steel flux-return yoke
jets are consistent with the production of a pair of bosons
                                                                 outside the solenoid.
(either Higgs or Z), that the reconstructed VLQs have
                                                                    The electromagnetic calorimeter consists of 75 848 lead
equal masses, and that some of the jets are tagged as
                                                                 tungstate crystals, which provide coverage in jηj < 1.48 in
originating from b quarks. For a highly boosted Higgs or
                                                                 a barrel region and 1.48 < jηj < 3.0 in two endcap regions.
Z boson, the two jets resulting from its daughter quarks
                                                                 In the region jηj < 1.74, the HCAL cells have widths of
might merge into a single reconstructed jet. In order to
                                                                 0.087 in pseudorapidity and 0.087 in azimuth (ϕ). In the
include these events, three orthogonal, fully independent
                                                                 η − ϕ plane, and for jηj < 1.48, the HCAL cells map on to
analyses are carried out using exclusive sets of events
                                                                 5 × 5 arrays of ECAL crystals to form calorimeter towers
categorized by the observed jet multiplicity: 4, 5, or 6
                                                                 projecting radially outwards from close to the nominal
jets. The final result is obtained by combining these three
                                                                 interaction point. For jηj > 1.74, the coverage of the towers
independent analyses. In this paper, we use “jet tagging
                                                                 increases progressively to a maximum of 0.174 in Δη and
requirements” to refer to both single jets tagged as being
                                                                 Δϕ. Within each tower, the energy deposits in ECAL and
from a b quark, and merged jets tagged as containing a
                                                                 HCAL cells are summed to define the calorimeter tower
bb̄ pair.                                                        energies, which are subsequently used to provide the
    To select the correct assignment of reconstructed jets to    energies and directions of hadronic jets. When combining
parent particles, a modified χ 2 metric, χ 2mod , is used. The   information from the entire detector, the jet energy reso-
χ 2mod value is determined by the differences between the        lution amounts typically to 15%–20% at 30 GeV, 10% at
masses of the two reconstructed bosons and the mass of           100 GeV, and 5% at 1 TeV [21].
the Higgs or Z boson, normalized by their resolutions, and          Events of interest are selected using a two-tiered trigger
by the reconstructed fractional mass difference of the two       system [22]. The first level, composed of custom hardware
VLQs. The event mode is assigned as bHbH, bHbZ, or               processors, uses information from the calorimeters and
bZbZ, depending on which gives the smallest value of             muon detectors to select events at a rate of around 100 kHz
χ 2mod . An upper cutoff on the value of χ 2mod is applied to    within a fixed time interval of about 4 μs. The second level,
remove background.                                               known as the high-level trigger (HLT), consists of a farm of
    The expected background is first determined by fitting       processors running a version of the full event reconstruction
the distribution of the number of events as a function of        software optimized for fast processing, and reduces the
the reconstructed VLQ mass, before jet tagging require-          event rate to around 1 kHz before data storage.
ments are applied, so this sample is overwhelmingly                 A more detailed description of the CMS detector,
background dominated. The fraction of background                 together with a definition of the coordinate system used
expected to remain after jet tagging requirements are            and the relevant kinematic variables, can be found
applied, called the background jet-tagged fraction, is           in Ref. [23].
measured using events with VLQ candidate masses in
the range 500–800 GeV, in which a VLQ signal has
                                                                        IV. DATA AND SIMULATED EVENTS
already been excluded, and then corrected for a possible
dependence on the VLQ mass by using a control region                The data used in this analysis were collected during the
with a higher χ 2mod value. Both the χ 2mod selection and jet    2016–2018 LHC running periods and correspond to an
tagging requirements are simultaneously optimized for            integrated luminosity of 137 fb−1 [24–26].
maximal sensitivity to a potential signal. This optimiza-           Signal events with pair production of VLQs
tion is done separately for each event mode and jet              were simulated using the Monte Carlo generator
multiplicity. For the final result, all event mode and jet       MadGraph5_aMC@NLO [27], version v2.3.3 (v2.4.2) for sam-
multiplicity analyses are combined using the procedure in        ples corresponding to 2016 (2017–2018) data, at leading
Ref. [20] to obtain VLQ mass limits as a function of             order with the NNPDF3.0 parton distribution functions
BðB → bHÞ and BðB → bZÞ, as described further                    (PDFs) [28]. The generated VLQ masses mB cover the
in Sec. X.                                                       range 1000–1800 GeV in steps of 100 GeV. Hadronization

A. M. SIRUNYAN et al.                                                                                            PHYS. REV. D 102, 112004 (2020)

of the underlying partons was simulated using PYTHIA v8.212                                acceptance. Pileup can contribute additional tracks and
[29] with the CUETP8M1 tune [30] for samples corre-                                        calorimetric energy depositions to the jet momentum. The
sponding to 2016 data, and with the CP5 tune [31]                                          pileup per particle identification algorithm (PUPPI) [43] is
for samples corresponding to 2017 and 2018 data.                                           used to mitigate the effect of pileup at the reconstructed
Corrections of the cross sections to next-to-next-to-leading                               particle level, making use of local shape information, event
order and next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic soft-gluon                                   pileup properties, and tracking information. A local shape
resummation were obtained using TOP++ 2.0 [32] with the                                    variable is defined, which distinguishes between collinear
MSTW2008NNLO68CL parton distribution set from                                              and soft diffuse distributions of other particles surrounding
the LHAPDF 5.9.0 library [33,34]. To simulate the effect of                                the particle under consideration. The former is attributed to
additional pp interactions within the same or nearby bunch                                 particles originating from the hard scatter and the latter to
crossings (“pileup”), PYTHIA v8.226 with a total inelastic pp                              particles originating from pileup interactions. Charged
cross section of 69.2 mb [35] was used. Following event                                    particles identified as originating from pileup vertices are
generation, the GEANT4 package [36,37] was used to                                         discarded. For each neutral particle, a local shape variable is
simulate the CMS detector response. Scale factors corre-                                   computed using the surrounding charged particles com-
sponding to jet energy corrections, jet energy resolutions                                 patible with the primary vertex within the tracker accep-
[21], pileup, and jet tagging [38,39] are applied to the                                   tance (jηj < 2.5), and using both charged and neutral
simulated signal events so that the corresponding distribu-                                particles in the region outside of the tracker coverage.
tions agree with those in data.                                                            The momenta of the neutral particles are then rescaled
                                                                                           according to their probability to originate from the primary
     V. JET RECONSTRUCTION AND TAGGING                                                     interaction vertex deduced from the local shape variable,
                                                                                           superseding the need for jet-based pileup corrections [44].
   The global event reconstruction, also called the particle-                              Jet energy corrections are derived from simulation to bring
flow event reconstruction [40], aims to reconstruct and                                    the measured response of jets to that of particle level jets on
identify each individual particle in an event, with an                                     average. In situ measurements of the momentum balance in
optimized combination of all subdetector information. In                                   dijet, photon þ jet, Z þ jet, and multijet events are used to
this process, the identification of the particle type (photon,                             account for any residual differences in the jet energy scale
electron, muon, charged hadron, or neutral hadron) plays an                                between data and simulation [21]. Additional selection
important role in the determination of the particle direction                              criteria are applied to each jet to remove jets potentially
and energy. First, photons, electrons, and muons are                                       dominated by anomalous contributions from various sub-
identified using ECAL energy clusters, tracks in the tracker,                              detector components or reconstruction failures.
and hits in the muon system. Then, charged hadrons are                                        This analysis only uses AK4 jets with pT > 50 GeV and
identified as charged particle tracks neither identified as                                AK8 jets with pT > 200 GeV, both within jηj < 2.4. For
electrons, nor as muons. Finally, neutral hadrons are                                      AK8 jets, the constituents are reclustered using the
identified as HCAL energy clusters not linked to any                                       Cambridge–Aachen algorithm [45,46]. The “modified
charged hadron trajectory, or as a combined ECAL and                                       mass drop tagger” algorithm [47,48], also known as the
HCAL energy excess with respect to the expected charged                                    “soft drop” algorithm, with angular exponent β ¼ 0, soft
hadron energy deposit. The energy of charged hadrons is                                    cutoff threshold zcut < 0.1, and characteristic radius R0 ¼
determined from a combination of the track momentum and                                    0.8 [49], is applied to remove soft, wide-angle radiation
the corresponding ECAL and HCAL energies, corrected for                                    from the jet. This results in a jet mass that, in the case of
the response function of the calorimeters to hadronic                                      large mass, more accurately corresponds to the mass of the
showers, and the energy of neutral hadrons is obtained                                     mother particle from which the jet originated. For events
from the corresponding corrected ECAL and HCAL                                             with boosted Higgs and Z bosons, the AK8 soft-drop mass
energies.                                                                                  is used to obtain the mass of the merged jet.
   For this analysis, two types of hadronic jets are                                          The event jet multiplicity is determined by the number of
clustered from these reconstructed particles, using the                                    AK4 jets passing the requirements above. In signal events,
infrared and collinear safe anti-kT algorithm [41,42]. The                                 decays of the VLQ pair and subsequent decays of the Higgs
first type, “AK4 jets,” uses a distance parameter ΔR ¼                                     and Z boson daughters yield a total of six quarks. In all
   ðΔηÞ2 þ ðΔϕÞ2 of 0.4. However, since merged jets from                                   three event modes, at least two of these are b quarks.
a boosted Higgs or Z boson decay may be wider, a second                                    Considering the predominant H → bb decay, for the bHbH
set, using a distance parameter of 0.8 (“AK8 jets”) is also                                event mode, all six are b quarks; for the bHbZ event mode,
reconstructed from the same set of input particles. Jet                                    four or six are b quarks; while for the bZbZ event mode,
momentum is determined as the vectorial sum of all particle                                two, four or six are b quarks. We note that of the hadronic Z
momenta in the jet, and is found from simulation to be, on                                 boson decays, 15% are to a bb̄ pair; however, Z → cc̄
average, within 5% to 10% of the true momentum over the                                    decays also have a significant chance of passing the tagging
whole transverse momentum (pT ) spectrum and detector                                      requirements, as discussed in Sec. VI, and are also included

SEARCH FOR BOTTOM-TYPE, VECTORLIKE QUARK PAIR …                                           PHYS. REV. D 102, 112004 (2020)

(along with other possible Z boson decay modes) in the             TABLE II. Summary of the minimum number of single and
signal efficiency. If all six quark jets are individually          double b tags required for each jet multiplicity and event mode.
reconstructed, a 6-jet event is produced; if two jets merge
                                                                   Jet multiplicity       Tag        bHbH        bHbZ        bZbZ
into a single reconstructed jet, this produces a 5-jet event;
and if two merged jets are produced, then a 4-jet event            4 jets              Single b         2           2          2
results. Note that the VLQ reconstruction does not consider                            Double b         1           1          0
the possibility of additional jets produced by initial state or    5 jets              Single b         3           3          3
                                                                                       Double b         0           0          0
final state radiation.
                                                                   6 jets              Single b         4           4          3
   Because of the large number of b jets in signal events, b
tagging is a powerful tool to significantly reduce the
background from SM processes. Individual jets are tagged
using the DeepJet b discriminant [38] applied to AK4 jets,         [38]. The double b tagger has an efficiency of 75% in
while merged jets from bb̄ pairs are double b tagged using         simulated H → bb̄ events, and a mistag rate of 10% in
the algorithm in Ref. [39], developed in the context of H →        simulated inclusive multijet events and 33% in simulated
bb̄ searches, applied to AK8 jets.                                 H → cc̄ events [39], where a mistag in the double b tag
                                                                   case means that at least one non-b quark subjet is present in
                VI. EVENT SELECTION                                the tagged jet. The number of tags required depends on the
                                                                   jet multiplicity as follows: in the 6-jet case, four AK4 jets
   The events used in the analysis are first selected online       are required to have a b tag, except in the bZbZ event
by the CMS trigger system. The HLT trigger used requires           mode, for which three tags are required. In the 5-jet case,
the total pT measured in the calorimeters to be at least           three of the AK4 jets not associated with the merged decay
900 (1050) GeV for the 2016 (2017–2018) dataset. Offline,          products are required to be b tagged; no double b tag
events with HT > 1350 GeV are selected, where HT is                requirement is applied to the AK8 jet associated with the
defined as the scalar sum of the jet pT for all AK4 jets with      merged decay. In the 4-jet case, two of the nonmerged AK4
pT > 50 GeV and jηj < 2.4. The requirement is set higher           jets are required to have a b tag, and one of the merged jets
than the trigger threshold to avoid effects due to trigger turn    is required to have a double b tag, except in the bZbZ event
on. In order to minimize bias when measuring the effi-             mode, for which no double b tag is required. These
ciency of the HLT triggers, the efficiencies are measured in       requirements are summarized in Table II.
a dataset collected by an orthogonal trigger, which requires
the event to have a single muon. For all years, the measured
trigger efficiency for events with HT > 1350 GeV is at                        VII. EVENT RECONSTRUCTION
least 99.6%. Table I shows the efficiency for simulated               In the case when the two jets produced from a H=Z
VLQ signal events after the H T requirement for each of the        boson decay are individually resolved, the mass of the
three jet multiplicity channels and for each of three VLQ          parent boson can be estimated from the invariant mass of
masses (1000, 1200, and 1400 GeV).                                 the two jets. In the case where the two jets are merged, the
   The number of tagged jets required to select an event, as       parent boson mass is instead estimated using the soft-drop
well as the working points for the taggers used, are               mass of the AK8 jet. Only those AK8 jets that are within
optimized separately for each of the three jet multiplicities      ΔR < 0.3 of an AK4 jet are used. However, if a second
and event modes, in order to maximize the expected signal          AK4 jet is within ΔR < 0.6 of the AK8 jet, this overlap
sensitivity. For the working points selected, the single b         could cause the AK8 jet mass to be misreconstructed, so in
tagger has an efficiency of 82% for b jets in simulated tt̄        this case the AK8 jet is discarded and the two AK4 jets are
events with pT > 30 GeV and a mistag rate of 1% for light          treated as a resolved dijet boson candidate.
quarks (u, d, or s) and approximately 17% for charm quarks            A central feature in the analysis is the selection of the
                                                                   correct way of combining jets in order to reconstruct the
TABLE I. Signal efficiencies of the offline HT selection, in %,    parent particles; this is a difficult task because of the large
for each of the jet multiplicity channels, for three VLQ masses    number of jets in the event. In 6-jet events, there are two
(1000, 1200, and 1400 GeV). The efficiency is the fraction of      pairs of jets originating from H=Z boson decay; and three
events in each jet multiplicity category satisfying the HT >       jets (including two from the H=Z decay) associated with
1350 GeV selection. Statistical uncertainties are negligible and   each VLQ decay. In 5-jet events, there is a pair of jets
therefore omitted.
                                                                   associated with one H=Z boson and a merged jet associated
VLQ mass [GeV]             4 jets          5 jets         6 jets   with the other H=Z boson; each of these is associated with
                                                                   one of the remaining two jets to form a VLQ candidate. In
1000                        95.1           89.4            81.4
1200                        98.5           96.2            91.3
                                                                   4-jet events, there is a merged jet associated with each H=Z
1400                        99.5           98.4            95.0    boson, each of which is paired to one of the remaining two
                                                                   jets to form a VLQ candidate. The final reconstructed VLQ

A. M. SIRUNYAN et al.                                                                    PHYS. REV. D 102, 112004 (2020)

mass, mVLQ , is defined as the average mass of the two              number of distinct 5-jet combinations and quadruples the
individual reconstructed VLQs in the event.                         number of distinct 4-jet combinations. The final number of
   The number of possible ways to combine the jets to               distinct combinations is then 10, 20, and 12 for the 6-, 5-,
reconstruct the two H=Z bosons and then to combine these            and 4-jet multiplicities, respectively.
with the two remaining jets to form the VLQ candidates is              For each jet combination, χ 2mod is determined using
720, 120, and 24 for the 6-, 5-, and 4-jet multiplicities,          Eqs. (1)–(3) below, which depend on the measured mass
respectively. However, many of these different combina-             of a dijet Higgs or Z boson candidate (mdijet ), the measured
tions simply involve different permutations among the jets          soft-drop mass of a merged-jet Higgs or Z boson candidate
that constitute the individual VLQs, and these permutations         (mmerged ), and the fractional mass difference of the two
do not affect the reconstructed VLQ mass. The numbers of            VLQ candidates (ΔmVLQ ), where ΔmVLQ is the difference
combinations that give distinct VLQ masses are only 10,             of the masses of the two VLQ candidates divided by the
10, and 3 for the 6-, 5-, and 4-jet multiplicities, respectively.   average mass of the two. The only use of AK8 jets in this
For the 5- and 4-jet multiplicities, however, the jet               calculation is to determine the mass of the merged H=Z
associated with the merged H=Z boson decay products                 candidates using the soft-drop mass of the matched
distinguishes different combinations, since this jet is treated     AK8 jet. All other quantities are determined using
differently from the others by having a double b tag, rather        AK4 jet kinematics.
than a single b tagging requirement. This doubles the

                                              ðmdijet1 − mdijet Þ2 ðmdijet2 − mdijet Þ2 ðΔmVLQ − ΔmVLQ Þ2
                     6-jet events∶ χ 2mod ¼                       þ                    þ                  ;                  ð1Þ
                                                     σ 2mdijet            σ 2mdijet          σ 2ΔmVLQ

                                            ðmdijet − mdijet Þ2 ðmmerged − mmerged Þ2 ðΔmVLQ − ΔmVLQ Þ2
                   5-jet events∶ χ 2mod ¼                      þ                     þ                  ;                    ð2Þ
                                                  σ 2mdijet           σ 2mmerged           σ 2ΔmVLQ

                                         ðmmerged1 − mmerged Þ2 ðmmerged2 − mmerged Þ2 ðΔmVLQ − ΔmVLQ Þ2
                4-jet events∶ χ 2mod ¼                         þ                      þ                  :                   ð3Þ
                                                σ 2mmerged             σ 2mmerged           σ 2ΔmVLQ

The means (m and ΔmVLQ ) and standard deviations (σ m               value of the reconstructed VLQ mass for the jet combi-
and σ ΔmVLQ ) of the parameters used in these expressions           nation with the lowest χ 2mod for simulated signal events
are determined from simulated signal events in which the            with mB ¼ 1200 GeV. In most cases, the VLQ mass is
jets are matched to the generator-level quarks and H=Z              correctly reconstructed. We observe that the reconstructed
bosons. These quantities are derived separately for each            mass distribution is consistently peaked at a value about
jet multiplicity, but do not depend on the simulated signal         5% lower than the generated mass, for all generated
mass. For each parameter, the central core of the                   signal mass values. The low-side tail is due to the
distribution is fit with a Gaussian function, whose mean            presence of incorrectly reconstructed events.
and standard deviation are then used as the parameters in              Figure 3 shows the distributions of χ 2mod =ndf, where ndf
the expressions for χ 2mod. As the distribution of the              is the number of degrees of freedom, for the best jet
merged Higgs boson mass is asymmetrical, two Gaussian               combination (i.e., the combination with the lowest χ 2mod ),
functions are separately fit above and below the peak of            from simulated 1200 GeV VLQ signal events, at each jet
the distribution. Since the underlying distributions used in        multiplicity. Each χ 2mod expression has three degrees of
these expressions have non-Gaussian tails and are in                freedom, one for each term. The distributions for the data
some cases asymmetric, the values of χ 2mod are not exactly         are also shown for comparison. In these plots, the simulated
distributed as a χ 2 variable. However, the difference is           signal and data distributions are normalized to the same
small, and χ 2mod is only used to select events, so these           integral value within the displayed χ 2mod range. This figure
deviations do not affect the analysis. Choosing the jet             demonstrates that requiring a small χ 2mod value for the best
combination that has the lowest value of χ 2mod gives a             jet combination provides an effective method for removing
high probability of identifying the correct jet combina-            background.
tion, and allows mVLQ to be reconstructed. In simulation,              The χ 2mod value is also used to select the event mode.
this can then be compared with the generated B mass mB .            There are three possible decays of the bottom-type VLQ:
This is indicated in Fig. 2, which shows the average                B → bH, B → bZ, and B → tW. This results in six

SEARCH FOR BOTTOM-TYPE, VECTORLIKE QUARK PAIR …                                                                                                                   PHYS. REV. D 102, 112004 (2020)

                                                  137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                        137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                         137 fb-1 (13 TeV)

                        CMS                                                                   CMS                                                                       CMS
                  2.5   Simulation                                                            Simulation                                                           8    Simulation
Events / 50 GeV

                                                                       Events / 50 GeV

                                                                                                                                                Events / 50 GeV
                   2    mB = 1200 GeV                                                    8    mB = 1200 GeV                                                             mB = 1200 GeV
                        4-jet channel                                                         5-jet channel                                                             6-jet channel
                        bHbH mode                                                             bHbH mode                                                                 bHbH mode
                  1.5   χ2 /ndf < 2                                                      6    χ2 /ndf < 2                                                               χ2 /ndf < 2
                         mod                                                                   mod                                                                       mod
                   1                                                                     4

                  0.5                                                                    2

                   0                                                                     0                                                                         0
                    0          500      1000      1500         2000                      0           500       1000        1500         2000                       0           500       1000        1500         2000
                                     mVLQ [GeV]                                                               mVLQ [GeV]                                                                mVLQ [GeV]
                                                  137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                        137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                         137 fb-1 (13 TeV)
                        CMS                                                              15   CMS                                                                       CMS
                   8    Simulation                                                            Simulation                                                                Simulation
Events / 50 GeV

                                                                       Events / 50 GeV

                                                                                                                                                Events / 50 GeV
                        mB = 1200 GeV                                                         mB = 1200 GeV                                                             mB = 1200 GeV
                   6    4-jet channel                                                    10   5-jet channel                                                        8    6-jet channel
                        bHbZ mode                                                             bHbZ mode                                                                 bHbZ mode
                        χ2 /ndf < 2                                                           χ2 /ndf < 2                                                          6    χ2 /ndf < 2
                         mod                                                                   mod                                                                       mod

                                                                                         5                                                                         4


                   0                                                                     0                                                                         0
                    0          500      1000      1500          2000                      0          500       1000        1500          2000                       0          500        1000       1500          2000
                                     mVLQ [GeV]                                                               mVLQ [GeV]                                                                mVLQ [GeV]
                                                  137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                        137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                         137 fb-1 (13 TeV)
                        CMS                                                              12   CMS                                                                       CMS
                        Simulation                                                            Simulation                                                                Simulation
                   6                                                                                                                                               3
                        mB = 1200 GeV                                                         mB = 1200 GeV                                                             mB = 1200 GeV
Events / 50 GeV

                                                                       Events / 50 GeV

                                                                                                                                                Events / 50 GeV

                        4-jet channel                                                    8    5-jet channel                                                             6-jet channel
                        bZbZ mode                                                             bZbZ mode                                                                 bZbZ mode
                   4    χ2 /ndf < 2                                                           χ2 /ndf < 2                                                          2    χ2 /ndf < 2
                         mod                                                             6     mod                                                                       mod

                   2                                                                                                                                               1

                   0                                                                     0                                                                         0
                    0          500      1000      1500          2000                      0          500       1000        1500         2000                        0          500       1000        1500         2000
                                     mVLQ [GeV]                                                               mVLQ [GeV]                                                                mVLQ [GeV]

FIG. 2. Distributions of mVLQ for simulated signal events with a generated VLQ mass mB ¼ 1200 GeV. A requirement of χ 2mod =ndf <
2 is applied to the events. Mass distributions for 4-jet (left), 5-jet (center), and 6-jet (right) events are shown for the three event modes:
bHbH (upper row), bHbZ (middle row), and bZbZ (lower row).

possible modes for the BB̄ pair production events: bHbH,                                                          in the signal simulation and are added according to
bHbZ, bZbZ, tWbH, tWbZ, and tWtW. The latter three                                                                their reconstruction efficiency. For events that satisfy the
modes involve one or two decays of a VLQ to a t quark and                                                         HT requirement and that are categorized as either 4-, 5-, or
a W boson. These events either have a jet multiplicity                                                            6-jet multiplicity events, the χ 2mod described above is
greater than six, or contain leptons and missing transverse                                                       calculated for each of the three event modes: bHbH,
energy from the W decays. Although this analysis is not                                                           bHbZ, or bZbZ, and the mode of the event is selected
optimized for sensitivity to these events, events with                                                            as the one that has the best χ 2mod value. Events are
B → tW, if present, have some probability to be selected                                                          categorized by their jet multiplicity and their reconstructed
as one of the other three event modes and can affect                                                              mode, regardless of the underlying decay mode for simu-
the sensitivity of the analysis. These events are included                                                        lated signal events.

A. M. SIRUNYAN et al.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           PHYS. REV. D 102, 112004 (2020)
                                                                                  137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                                        137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                                     137 fb-1 (13 TeV)

                                              CMS                              mB = 1200 GeV                                                           CMS                              mB = 1200 GeV
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 0.14        CMS                              mB = 1200 GeV
                                              4-jet channel                                                                                            5-jet channel                                                                                         6-jet channel
                                                                               Data                                                                                                     Data                                                                                                  Data
 Normalized Events / 1.0 units

                                                                                                          Normalized Events / 1.0 units

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Normalized Events / 1.0 units

                                  0.15                                                                                                                                                                                                           0.08


                                                                                                                                           0.05                                                                                                  0.04


                                         0                                                                                                        0                                                                                                     0
                                          0        10         20          30           40        50                                                0        10         20          30          40         50                                             0        10         20          30          40         50
                                                                χ2 /ndf                                                                                                 χ2 /ndf                                                                                               χ2 /ndf
                                                                   mod                                                                                                      mod                                                                                                   mod

FIG. 3. Distribution of χ 2mod =ndf for the best jet combination for simulated 1200 GeV VLQ events (red histogram) and data (black
points), for 4-jet (left), 5-jet (center), and 6-jet events (right). The simulated signal events and data events are normalized to the same
integral value within the displayed χ 2mod range.

                                                                                                                                                                                 Before examining the data in the potential signal region,
TABLE III. Optimized values of the χ 2mod =ndf selection as a                                                                                                                 the event selection parameters (the jet tagging parameters
function of jet multiplicity and event mode.                                                                                                                                  and χ 2mod ) are optimized. This optimization is performed by
                                                                                            Jet multiplicity                                                                  varying the parameters and selecting the values that
                                                                                                                                                                              maximize the sensitivity to a 1600 GeV VLQ signal.
Event mode                                                                4                           5                                                            6
                                                                                                                                                                              The mass of 1600 GeV is chosen because it is the point
bHbH                                                                   5.5                             2                                                      2.75            with maximum sensitivity of the analysis; however, the
bHbZ                                                                  2.75                            2.5                                                      2.5            optimized parameters are largely independent of the point
bZbZ                                                                    2                              2                                                      2.25            chosen. The optimized jet tagging parameters are described
                                                                                                                                                                              in Section VI, and the optimized χ 2mod =ndf values are
                                                                                                                                                                              shown below in Table III. With the optimized selection, the
TABLE IV. Values of the BJTF for data events with mVLQ in the                                                                                                                 overall signal efficiency measured in simulation for a
range 500–800 GeV for each of the three event modes and three                                                                                                                 generated VLQ mass of 1600 GeV is approximately 5%
jet multiplicities.                                                                                                                                                           in the BðB → bZÞ ¼ 100% scenario, increasing to 10%
                                                                                                                                                                              for BðB → bHÞ ¼ 100%.
                                                   bHbH                               bHbZ                                                             bZbZ
4 jets                                        0.0042 % 0.0014                 0.0019 % 0.0004                                             0.0025 % 0.0004
                                                                                                                                                                                               VIII. BACKGROUND ESTIMATION
5 jets                                        0.0041 % 0.0003                 0.0036 % 0.0002                                             0.0048 % 0.0009
6 jets                                        0.0019 % 0.0002                 0.0019 % 0.0002                                             0.0020 % 0.0005                        The expected background is estimated in a low-mass
                                                                                                                                                                              sideband region in data, using the ratio of the number of

                                                                                  137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                                        137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                                     137 fb-1 (13 TeV)
                                 105                                                                                                      105                                                                                                   105
                                          CMS                                           Data                                                       CMS                                          Data                                                     CMS                                          Data
                                 104      4-jet channel                                                                                   104      5-jet channel                                                                                104      6-jet channel
                                                                                        Fit                                                                                                     Fit                                                                                                   Fit
Events / 40 GeV

                                                                                                        Events / 40 GeV

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Events / 40 GeV

                                 103                                                                                                      103                                                                                                   103

                                 102                                                                                                      102                                                                                                   102

                                   10                                                                                                      10                                                                                                    10

                                    1                                                                                                        1                                                                                                     1

                                    1                                                                                                        1                                                                                                     1



                                  0.5                                                                                                      0.5                                                                                                   0.5
                                    0                                                                                                        0                                                                                                     0
                                 − 0.5                                                                                                    − 0.5                                                                                                 − 0.5

                                     0              500            1000          1500          2000                                           0              500            1000         1500           2000                                        0              500            1000         1500           2000
                                                              mVLQ [GeV]                                                                                               mVLQ [GeV]                                                                                            mVLQ [GeV]

FIG. 4. Distributions of mVLQ for the jet combination with the lowest χ 2mod in 4-jet (left), 5-jet (center), and 6-jet (right) multiplicity events.
The red lines show the exponential fit in the range 1000–2000 GeV. The lower panels show the fractional difference, ðdata − fitÞ=fit.

SEARCH FOR BOTTOM-TYPE, VECTORLIKE QUARK PAIR …                                                                                                                                                                    PHYS. REV. D 102, 112004 (2020)

events passing the tag requirements to the number before                                                                                             1350 GeV requirement. The distributions are then fit with
these requirements are applied. The estimation is done                                                                                               an exponential function for VLQ candidate masses greater
separately for each of the three event modes, jet multiplic-                                                                                         than 1000 GeV; in all three cases, the function (shown by
ities, and three data-taking years, for a total of 27 cases.                                                                                         the red line) agrees with the data. An F-test [50] shows that
   Figure 4 shows the distribution of mVLQ for the jet                                                                                               a more complex model, namely an exponential plus
combination with the lowest χ 2mod for each of the three jet                                                                                         constant background, offers no significant improvement
multiplicities. All events shown in this plot are required to                                                                                        over the exponential distribution. The lower plots show the
pass a selection of χ 2mod =ndf < 4. The falloff in the                                                                                              fractional difference between the data and the fit. At this
distribution at lower masses is due to the HT >                                                                                                      stage, since there is no requirement made on jet tagging, the

                                                                    137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                         137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                       137 fb-1 (13 TeV)

                                         CMS                  Data                                                               CMS                    Data                                                               CMS                  Data
                                       4-jet channel                                                                     0.025   5-jet channel                                                                     0.004   6-jet channel
 Background jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                        Background jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                                                                                                                  Background jet-tagged fraction
                                       bHbH mode              Fit                                                                bHbH mode              Fit                                                                bHbH mode            Fit
                                       12 < χ2 /ndf < 48                                                                         12 < χ2 /ndf < 48                                                                         12 < χ2 /ndf < 48



                                    0                                                                                                                                                                                 0
                                         500         1000          1500          2000                                            500         1000          1500            2000                                            500         1000          1500          2000
                                                       mVLQ [GeV]                                                                             mVLQ [GeV]                                                                                mVLQ [GeV]
                                                                    137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                         137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                       137 fb-1 (13 TeV)
                                  0.08   CMS                  Data                                                               CMS                    Data                                                               CMS                  Data
                                         4-jet channel                                                                         5-jet channel                                                                               6-jet channel
 Background jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                        Background jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                                                                                                                  Background jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                                                         0.015 bHbZ mode                                                                           0.008
                                         bHbZ mode            Fit                                                                                       Fit                                                                bHbZ mode            Fit
                                         12 < χ2 /ndf < 48                                                                     12 < χ2 /ndf < 48                                                                           12 < χ2 /ndf < 48


                                    0                                                                                                                                                                                 0
                                         500         1000          1500          2000                                            500         1000          1500            2000                                            500         1000          1500          2000
                                                       mVLQ [GeV]                                                                             mVLQ [GeV]                                                                                mVLQ [GeV]
                                                                    137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                         137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                       137 fb-1 (13 TeV)
                                         CMS                  Data                                                               CMS                    Data                                                         0.2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           CMS                  Data
                                         4-jet channel                                                                         5-jet channel                                                                               6-jet channel
 Background jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                        Background jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                                                                                                                  Background jet-tagged fraction

                                  0.06                                                                                    0.12
                                         bZbZ mode            Fit                                                              bZbZ mode                Fit                                                                bZbZ mode            Fit
                                         12 < χ2 /ndf < 48                                                                 0.1 12 < χ /ndf < 48
                                                                                                                                      2                                                                                    12 < χ2 /ndf < 48

                                  0.04                                                                                    0.08


                                  0.02                                                                                    0.04

                                    0                                                                                       0                                                                                         0
                                         500         1000          1500          2000                                            500         1000          1500            2000                                            500         1000          1500          2000
                                                      mVLQ [GeV]                                                                              mVLQ [GeV]                                                                                mVLQ [GeV]

FIG. 5. Dependence of the BJTF on mVLQ in the control region 12 < χ 2mod =ndf < 48, for 4-jet (left column), 5-jet (center column), and
6-jet (right column) multiplicities, and for the bHbH (upper row), bHbZ (middle row), and bZbZ (lower row) event modes. The data are
shown as black points with vertical error bars, and the linear fit and associated uncertainty are shown as a solid red line and the shaded
red band.

A. M. SIRUNYAN et al.                                                                                                                                                                                                             PHYS. REV. D 102, 112004 (2020)

ratio of background to signal event acceptance is more than                                                                                                      between 500 and 800 GeV, which is below the current
two orders of magnitude larger than after jet tagging, so the                                                                                                    lower exclusion limit on the VLQ mass [17,18]. Table IV
fits are insensitive to any possible signal events in the data.                                                                                                  shows the BJTF for data events with mVLQ in the range
   The background jet-tagged fraction (BJTF) is the frac-                                                                                                        500–800 GeV for each of the three event modes and three
tion of background events that remain after the jet tagging                                                                                                      jet multiplicities.
requirements, as described in Sec. V, are applied. Since the                                                                                                        Because the jet tagging efficiency depends on the pT of
BJTF for events with mVLQ > 1000 GeV could be biased                                                                                                             the jet, the BJTF might depend on the mass of the VLQ
due to signal events that might be in the data, the BJTF is                                                                                                      candidate, since events with greater VLQ mass generally
initially determined only for events in which mVLQ is                                                                                                            have higher pT jets. A control region is therefore used to

                                                                               137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                                  137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                                  137 fb-1 (13 TeV)

                                  0.01   CMS                  Data                                                                          CMS                  Data                                                                          CMS                  Data
Background jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                                   Background jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Background jet-tagged fraction
                                         4-jet channel                                                                                      5-jet channel                                                                              0.003   6-jet channel
                                         bHbH mode            Fit                                                                           bHbH mode            Fit                                                                           bHbH mode            Fit

                                 0.005                                                                                                                                                                                                 0.002

                                                                                                                                    0.003                                                                                              0.001

                                     0        10         20         30           40         50                                          0        10         20         30           40         50                                          0        10         20         30           40         50
                                             Upper bound of χ2             window                                                              Upper bound of χ2             window                                                                Upper bound of χ2            window
                                                                     mod                                                                                               mod                                                                                                mod
                                                                               137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                                  137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                                  137 fb-1 (13 TeV)

                                         CMS                  Data
                                                                                                                                    0.006   CMS                  Data
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       0.006   CMS                  Data
Background jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                                   Background jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Background jet-tagged fraction

                                 0.006   4-jet channel                                                                                      5-jet channel                                                                                      6-jet channel
                                         bHbZ mode            Fit                                                                           bHbZ mode            Fit                                                                           bHbZ mode            Fit
                                 0.004                                                                                                                                                                                                 0.004

                                 0.002                                                                                              0.004



                                     0        10         20         30           40         50                                          0        10         20         30           40         50                                          0        10         20         30           40         50
                                              Upper bound of χ2                window                                                            Upper bound of χ2                window                                                            Upper bound of χ2            window
                                                                         mod                                                                                                mod                                                                                            mod
                                                                               137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                                  137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                                  137 fb-1 (13 TeV)

                                 0.015   CMS                  Data                                                                          CMS                  Data                                                                          CMS                  Data
Background jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                                   Background jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Background jet-tagged fraction

                                         4-jet channel                                                                                      5-jet channel                                                                                    6-jet channel
                                         bZbZ mode            Fit                                                                           bZbZ mode            Fit                                                                    0.15 bZbZ mode              Fit
                                  0.01                                                                                               0.08

                                 0.005                                                                                                                                                                                                   0.1



                                     0        10         20         30           40         50                                          0        10         20         30           40         50                                          0        10         20         30           40         50
                                              Upper bound of χ2                window                                                            Upper bound of χ2                window                                                            Upper bound of χ2                window
                                                                         mod                                                                                            mod                                                                                                    mod

FIG. 6. Dependence of the BJTF on χ 2mod =ndf in the low-mass (500–800 GeV) VLQ region, for 4-jet (left column), 5-jet (center
column), and 6-jet (right column) multiplicities, and for the bHbH (upper row), bHbZ (middle row), and bZbZ (lower row) event
modes. The data are shown as black points with vertical error bars, and the linear fit and associated uncertainty are shown as a solid red
line and the shaded red band.

SEARCH FOR BOTTOM-TYPE, VECTORLIKE QUARK PAIR …                                                                                                                                                                        PHYS. REV. D 102, 112004 (2020)

determine the VLQ mass dependence of the BJTF by                                                                                           uncertainty. This covers the uncertainty due to the choice of
offsetting the window of the χ 2mod selection. The signal χ 2mod                                                                           the BJTF shape.
region depends on the event mode and multiplicity, as                                                                                         In order to validate that the control region used has the
determined by the optimization procedure described in                                                                                      same BJTF behavior as the signal region, we perform a test
Sec. VII, but in all cases is at most χ 2mod =ndf < 5.5. A                                                                                 where the BJTF in the low VLQ mass range (500–
control region is defined by using a region of                                                                                             800 GeV) is plotted as a function of χ 2mod =ndf, in twelve
12 < χ 2mod =ndf < 48. Figure 5 shows the mass dependence                                                                                  equally spaced regions for χ 2mod =ndf from 0 to 48. This is
of the BJTF for data events in the χ 2mod control region. A                                                                                shown in Fig. 6. The slope of this plot is consistent with
first-order polynomial fit is used to determine the BJTF                                                                                   zero, indicating no statistically significant dependence
mass dependence. Another F-test shows that there is no                                                                                     on χ 2mod =ndf.
improvement for a second-order polynomial fit compared                                                                                        Figure 7 shows the two-dimensional dependence of the
to a first-order one, and also that the first-order polynomial                                                                             BJTF in data on mVLQ and χ 2mod =ndf, and Fig. 8 shows the
fit performs better than a constant fit. A systematic                                                                                      corresponding distributions for simulated VLQ signal
uncertainty is assigned by comparing the first-order poly-                                                                                 events with a generated VLQ mass of 1200 GeV. The
nomial fit to an exponential fit, and using the average                                                                                    signal region is indicated in these plots by the red rectangle,
difference of these two fits over the mass range as the                                                                                    and is excluded from the data plots.

               50                                           1                                                        50                                           1                                                        50                                           1
                                           CMS                                                                                                   CMS                                                                                                   CMS
                                                                     Background jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                                                                                                           Background jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Background jet-tagged fraction
                                     4-jet channel                                                                                         5-jet channel                                                                                         6-jet channel
               40                                                                                                    40                                                                                                    40
                                     bHbH mode                                                                                             bHbH mode                                                                                             bHbH mode
                                                            10−1                                                                                                  10−1                                                                                                  10−1
Best χ2 /ndf

                                                                                                      Best χ2 /ndf

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Best χ2 /ndf
               30                                                                                                    30                                                                                                    30


               20                                           10−2                                                     20                                           10−2                                                     20                                           10−2

               10                                                                                                    10                                                                                                    10

                              Signal region                 10−3                                                                    Signal region                 10−3                                                                    Signal region                 10−3
                0                                                                                                     0                                                                                                     0
                 0   500   1000   1500    2000       2500                                                              0   500   1000   1500    2000       2500                                                              0   500   1000   1500    2000       2500
                            mVLQ [GeV]                                                                                            mVLQ [GeV]                                                                                            mVLQ [GeV]

               50                                           1                                                        50                                           1                                                        50                                           1
                                           CMS                                                                                                   CMS                                                                                                   CMS
                                                                     Background jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                                                                                                           Background jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Background jet-tagged fraction
                                     4-jet channel                                                                                         5-jet channel                                                                                         6-jet channel
               40                                                                                                    40                                                                                                    40
                                     bHbZ mode                                                                                             bHbZ mode                                                                                             bHbZ mode
                                                                −1                                                                                                    −1
                                                            10                                                                                                    10                                                                                                    10−1
Best χ2 /ndf

                                                                                                      χ2 /ndf

                                                                                                                                                                                                            χ2 /ndf

               30                                                                                                    30                                                                                                    30




               20                                           10−2                                                     20                                           10−2                                                     20                                           10−2

               10                                                                                                    10                                                                                                    10

                              Signal region                 10−3                                                                    Signal region                 10−3                                                                    Signal region                 10−3
                0                                                                                                     0                                                                                                     0
                 0   500   1000   1500    2000       2500                                                              0   500   1000   1500    2000       2500                                                              0   500   1000   1500    2000       2500
                            mVLQ [GeV]                                                                                            mVLQ [GeV]                                                                                            mVLQ [GeV]

               50                                           1                                                        50                                           1                                                        50                                           1
                                           CMS                                                                                                   CMS                                                                                                   CMS
                                                                     Background jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                                                                                                           Background jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Background jet-tagged fraction

                                     4-jet channel                                                                                         5-jet channel                                                                                         6-jet channel
               40                                                                                                    40                                                                                                    40
                                     bZbZ mode                                                                                             bZbZ mode                                                                                             bZbZ mode
                                                            10−1                                                                                                  10−1                                                                                                  10−1
Best χ2 /ndf

                                                                                                      χ2 /ndf

                                                                                                                                                                                                            χ2 /ndf

               30                                                                                                    30                                                                                                    30




               20                                           10−2                                                     20                                           10−2                                                     20                                           10−2

               10                                                                                                    10                                                                                                    10

                              Signal region                 10−3                                                                    Signal region                 10−3                                                                    Signal region                 10−3
                0                                                                                                     0                                                                                                     0
                 0   500   1000   1500    2000       2500                                                              0   500   1000   1500    2000       2500                                                              0   500   1000   1500    2000       2500
                            mVLQ [GeV]                                                                                            mVLQ [GeV]                                                                                            mVLQ [GeV]

FIG. 7. Dependence of the BJTF on mVLQ and the best χ 2mod =ndf in data events, for 4-jet (left column), 5-jet (center column), and 6-jet
(right column) multiplicities, and for the bHbH (upper row), bHbZ (middle row), and bZbZ (lower row) event modes. The red box
indicates the signal region, which is excluded from these plots.

A. M. SIRUNYAN et al.                                                                                                                                                                                           PHYS. REV. D 102, 112004 (2020)

  The final estimate of the number of background events                                                                                                 IX. SYSTEMATIC UNCERTAINTIES
nb as a function of VLQ mass m is given by the following
                                                                                                                                            We consider two types of systematic uncertainties, those
                                                                                                                                         that are common to all event modes and jet multiplicities,
                            εðmÞ                                                                                                         and those that depend on the particular channel. The
nb ðmÞ ¼ nðmÞε0 R 800 GeV                      ;                                                                               ð4Þ
               ð 500 GeV εðm0 Þdm0 Þ=ð300 GeVÞ                                                                                           uncertainties in the first category are listed in Table V;
                                                                                                                                         these are the integrated luminosity, trigger efficiency, and
where nðmÞ is the number of candidates as a function of                                                                                  the choice of fit function for the dependence of the BJTF on
mVLQ before jet tagging for candidates passing the χ 2mod                                                                                VLQ mass. The integrated luminosities of the 2016, 2017,
selection shown in Fig. 4, ε0 is the BJTF at low VLQ mass                                                                                and 2018 data-taking periods are individually known with
as shown in Table IV, and the last factor accounts for the                                                                               uncertainties in the range 2.3%–2.5% [24–26], while the
potential mass dependence of the BJTF, with εðmÞ the                                                                                     total 2016–2018 integrated luminosity has an uncertainty of
distribution of the BJTF as a function of mass, as shown in                                                                              1.8%, the improvement in precision reflecting the (uncor-
Fig. 5; the factor of 300 GeV is to normalize over the range                                                                             related) time evolution of some systematic effects. The
considered. The final estimate is also validated by com-                                                                                 uncertainty associated with the choice of fit function for the
parison with the region 8 < χ 2mod =ndf < 12 and with                                                                                    mVLQ dependence of the BJTF is determined by finding
simulated events.

                                               -1                                                                                                  -1                                                                                                -1
                                         137 fb (13 TeV)                                                                                     137 fb (13 TeV)                                                                                   137 fb (13 TeV)
               50                                             1                                                    50                                              1                                                 50                                              1
                                               CMS                                                                                                 CMS                                                                                               CMS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Signal jet-tagged fraction
                                         Simulation                                                                                            Simulation                                                                                        Simulation

                                                                                                                                                                        Signal jet-tagged fraction
               40                                                                                                  40                                                                                                40
                                                                       Signal jet-tagged fraction

                                                                  −1                                                                                                   −1
                                     4-jet channel            10                                                                         5-jet channel             10                                                                      6-jet channel             10−1
Best χ2 /ndf

                                                                                                    Best χ2 /ndf

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Best χ2 /ndf
               30                    bHbH mode                                                                     30                    bHbH mode                                                                   30                    bHbH mode


               20                                             10−2                                                 20                                              10−2                                              20                                              10−2

               10                                                                                                  10                                                                                                10

                              Signal region                   10−3                                                                Signal region                    10−3                                                             Signal region                    10−3
                0                                                                                                   0                                                                                                 0
                 0   500   1000   1500      2000       2500                                                          0   500   1000   1500       2000       2500                                                       0   500   1000   1500       2000       2500
                            mVLQ [GeV]                                                                                          mVLQ [GeV]                                                                                        mVLQ [GeV]
                                         137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                                   137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                                 137 fb-1 (13 TeV)
               50                                             1                                                    50                                              1                                                 50                                              1
                                               CMS                                                                                                 CMS                                                                                               CMS
                                         Simulation                                                                                            Simulation                                                                                        Simulation
               40                                                                                                  40                                                                                                40
                                                                                                                                                                        Signal jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Signal jet-tagged fraction
                                                                       Signal jet-tagged fraction

                                                                  −1                                                                                                   −1
                                     4-jet channel            10                                                                         5-jet channel             10                                                                      6-jet channel             10−1
Best χ2 /ndf

                                                                                                    Best χ2 /ndf

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Best χ2 /ndf

               30                    bHbZ mode                                                                     30                    bHbZ mode                                                                   30                    bHbZ mode



               20                                             10−2                                                 20                                              10−2                                              20                                              10−2

               10                                                                                                  10                                                                                                10

                              Signal region                   10−3                                                                Signal region                    10−3                                                             Signal region                    10−3
                0                                                                                                   0                                                                                                 0
                 0   500   1000   1500      2000       2500                                                          0   500   1000   1500       2000       2500                                                       0   500   1000   1500       2000       2500
                            mVLQ [GeV]                                                                                          mVLQ [GeV]                                                                                        mVLQ [GeV]
                                               -1                                                                                                  -1                                                                                                -1
                                         137 fb (13 TeV)                                                                                     137 fb (13 TeV)                                                                                   137 fb (13 TeV)
               50                                             1                                                    50                                              1                                                 50                                              1
                                               CMS                                                                                                 CMS                                                                                               CMS
                                         Simulation                                                                                            Simulation                                                                                        Simulation
               40                                                                                                  40                                                                                                40
                                                                   Signal jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                                                                                                         Signal jet-tagged fraction

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Signal jet-tagged fraction

                                     4-jet channel            10−1                                                                       5-jet channel             10−1                                                                    6-jet channel             10−1
Best χ2 /ndf

                                                                                                    Best χ2 /ndf

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Best χ2 /ndf

               30                    bZbZ mode                                                                     30                    bZbZ mode                                                                   30                    bZbZ mode



               20                                             10−2                                                 20                                              10−2                                              20                                              10−2

               10                                                                                                  10                                                                                                10

                              Signal region                   10−3                                                                Signal region                    10−3                                                             Signal region                    10−3
                0                                                                                                   0                                                                                                 0
                 0   500   1000   1500      2000       2500                                                          0   500   1000   1500       2000       2500                                                       0   500   1000   1500       2000       2500
                            mVLQ [GeV]                                                                                            mVLQ [GeV]                                                                                        mVLQ [GeV]

FIG. 8. Dependence of the BJTF on mVLQ and the best χ 2mod =ndf in simulated VLQ signal events with mB ¼ 1200 GeV, for 4-jet (left
column), 5-jet (center column), and 6-jet (right column) multiplicities, and for the bHbH (upper row), bHbZ (middle row), and bZbZ
(lower row) event modes. The red box indicates the signal region.

SEARCH FOR BOTTOM-TYPE, VECTORLIKE QUARK PAIR …                                               PHYS. REV. D 102, 112004 (2020)

TABLE V. Systematic uncertainties common to all three event                There are several sources of uncertainty in the back-
modes and all three jet multiplicities. All uncertainties listed here   ground estimation, corresponding to the three terms in
are rate uncertainties, meaning they affect only the normalization.     Eq. (4). The first uncertainty arises from the exponential fit
Type                         Signal=Background          Uncertainty
                                                                        to the distribution nðmÞ, the number of events as a function
                                                                        of mass before jet tagging is applied. The uncertainties in
Integrated luminosity              Signal                   1.8%        the fit parameters p0 and p1 are used to determine the
Trigger efficiency                 Signal                  0.02%        uncertainty in the fit value for a given mass. The second is
Choice of fit function           Background                 4.9%
                                                                        the uncertainty in the BJTF determined for low-mass VLQ
                                                                        candidates, ε0 , as shown in Table IV. Finally, the third
                                                                        uncertainty arises from the third term, to account for a
the average difference between the fit functions used for               potential mass dependence of the BJTF, and is obtained
each mode and multiplicity combination, and using the                   from the uncertainties in the fit parameters, as in the
maximum one as the common uncertainty for all modes and                 first case.
multiplicities. Table V also indicates whether an uncertainty              The efficiencies for jet tagging are measured in simulated
affects the signal efficiency or the background estimate.               events and then corrected to data events using a data-to-
   The uncertainties that depend on event mode and jet                  simulation scale factor. The uncertainty in this scale factor
multiplicity are those due to the background estimation, jet            is propagated to the signal reconstruction efficiency by
tag scale factors, jet energy resolution and scale, choice of           varying the scale factors within their uncertainties [39]. The
PDF, and pileup.                                                        uncertainties due to the scale factors for jet energy scale and

TABLE VI. Table of systematic uncertainties for each event mode and jet multiplicity. The reported values indicate the uncertainty in
the event yield in a %75 GeV window about the signal peak for a generated signal mass mB ¼ 1600 GeV.

Type                                   Signal=Background                Rate=Shape            4 jets            5 jets           6 jets
bHbH event mode
Background fit p0                          Background                     Shape                59%              14%              13%
Background fit p1                          Background                     Shape                78%              18%              16%
BJTF m dependence p0                       Background                     Shape                1.3%             5.9%             4.5%
BJTF m dependence p1                       Background                     Shape                19%              25%              17%
Low-mass BJTF                              Background                      Rate                34%              9.7%             11%
Jet tag scale factors                        Signal                       Shape                16%              15%              17%
Jet energy scale                             Signal                       Shape                4.0%             5.3%             6.4%
Jet energy resolution                        Signal                       Shape                2.4%             1.5%             1.6%
Pileup                                       Signal                       Shape                28%              28%              27%
PDF                                          Signal                        Rate                1.5%             1.5%             1.5%
bHbZ event mode
Background fit p0                          Background                     Shape                21%              12%              10%
Background fit p1                          Background                     Shape                21%              14%              12%
BJTF m dependence p0                       Background                     Shape                2.1%             7.7%             3.5%
BJTF m dependence p1                       Background                     Shape                21%              30%              27%
Low-mass BJTF                              Background                      Rate                22%              7.7%             11%
Jet tag scale factors                        Signal                       Shape                15%              13%              17%
Jet energy scale                             Signal                       Shape                4.9%             5.7%             5.1%
Jet energy resolution                        Signal                       Shape                1.8%             2.7%             3.2%
Pileup                                       Signal                       Shape                33%              28%              21%
PDF                                          Signal                        Rate                1.6%             1.5%             1.5%
bZbZ event mode
Background fit p0                          Background                     Shape                26%              17%              24%
Background fit p1                          Background                     Shape                28%              21%              32%
BJTF m dependence p0                       Background                     Shape                3.7%             0.6%             11%
BJTF m dependence p1                       Background                     Shape                15%              7.8%             21%
Low-mass BJTF                              Background                      Rate                16%              19%              25%
Jet tag scale factors                        Signal                       Shape                8.9%             8.0%             11%
Jet energy scale                             Signal                       Shape                4.0%             2.9%             1.6%
Jet energy resolution                        Signal                       Shape                2.5%             2.5%             3.2%
Pileup                                       Signal                       Shape                28%              28%              10%
PDF                                          Signal                        Rate                1.5%             1.5%             1.5%

A. M. SIRUNYAN et al.                                                                                                                                                                 PHYS. REV. D 102, 112004 (2020)

resolution [21] are determined similarly. The uncertainty                                                                                     Table VI summarizes these uncertainties, and indicates
due to the choice of PDF weighting is calculated from a set                                                                                whether they affect the signal efficiency or the background
of 100 weights selected from the NNPDF3.0 distribution,                                                                                    estimate, and whether the uncertainty affects the overall
following the prescription in Ref. [51]. The pileup uncer-                                                                                 rate or the shape of the mass distribution. For the PDF
tainties are due to a 4.6% systematic uncertainty in the pp                                                                                systematic uncertainties, the values refer only to the event
inelastic cross section.                                                                                                                   acceptance rate. There is in addition an uncertainty in the

                                                                137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                     137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                     137 fb-1 (13 TeV)
                          CMS                            mB = 1000 GeV                                          CMS                            mB = 1000 GeV                                   50     CMS                            mB = 1000 GeV
                          4-jet channel, bHbH mode       mB = 1200 GeV                                          5-jet channel, bHbH mode       mB = 1200 GeV                                          6-jet channel, bHbH mode       mB = 1200 GeV
                                                         mB = 1400 GeV                                                                         mB = 1400 GeV                                   40                                    mB = 1400 GeV
  Events / 50 GeV

                                                                                       Events / 50 GeV

                                                                                                                                                                             Events / 50 GeV
                                                         mB = 1600 GeV                                   40                                    mB = 1600 GeV                                                                         mB = 1600 GeV
                                                         mB = 1800 GeV                                                                         mB = 1800 GeV                                   30                                    mB = 1800 GeV
                                                         Background                                                                            Background                                                                            Background
                                                         Data                                                                                  Data                                            20                                    Data
                     2                                   Systematic Uncertainty                                                                Systematic Uncertainty                                                                Systematic Uncertainty

                     0                                                                                     0                                                                                     0
data - bkgd

                                                                                     data - bkgd

                                                                                                                                                                           data - bkgd
                    20                                                                                                                                                                          2



                    10                                                                                    0
                    500                  1000              1500               2000                        500                  1000              1500               2000                        500                  1000              1500               2000
                                              mVLQ [GeV]                                                                            mVLQ [GeV]                                                                            mVLQ [GeV]
                                                                      -1                                                                                    -1                                                                                    -1
                                                                137 fb (13 TeV)                                                                       137 fb (13 TeV)                                                                       137 fb (13 TeV)
                          CMS                            mB = 1000 GeV                                          CMS                            mB = 1000 GeV                                          CMS                            mB = 1000 GeV
                          4-jet channel, bHbZ mode       mB = 1200 GeV                                          5-jet channel, bHbZ mode       mB = 1200 GeV                                   30     6-jet channel, bHbZ mode       mB = 1200 GeV
                    15                                   mB = 1400 GeV                                                                         mB = 1400 GeV                                                                         mB = 1400 GeV
  Events / 50 GeV

                                                                                       Events / 50 GeV

                                                                                                                                                                             Events / 50 GeV
                                                         mB = 1600 GeV                                                                         mB = 1600 GeV                                                                         mB = 1600 GeV
                                                         mB = 1800 GeV                                                                         mB = 1800 GeV                                   20                                    mB = 1800 GeV
                    10                                                                                   40
                                                         Background                                                                            Background                                                                            Background
                                                         Data                                                                                  Data                                                                                  Data

                     5                                   Systematic Uncertainty                          20                                    Systematic Uncertainty                          10                                    Systematic Uncertainty

                     0                                                                                     0                                                                                     0
                    2                                                                                     2                                                                                     2
data - bkgd

                                                                                     data - bkgd

                                                                                                                                                                           data - bkgd

                     1                                                                                     1                                                                                     1



                    0                                                                                     0                                                                                     0

                    −1                                                                                    −1                                                                                    −1

                    500                  1000              1500               2000                        500                  1000              1500               2000                        500                  1000              1500               2000
                                                mVLQ [GeV]                                                                            mVLQ [GeV]                                                                            mVLQ [GeV]
                                                                137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                     137 fb-1 (13 TeV)                                                                     137 fb-1 (13 TeV)
                    30                                                                                   250                                                                                   140
                          CMS                            mB = 1000 GeV                                          CMS                            mB = 1000 GeV                                          CMS                            mB = 1000 GeV
                          4-jet channel, bZbZ mode       mB = 1200 GeV                                   200    5-jet channel, bZbZ mode       mB = 1200 GeV                                          6-jet channel, bZbZ mode       mB = 1200 GeV
                                                         mB = 1400 GeV                                                                         mB = 1400 GeV                                   100                                   mB = 1400 GeV
  Events / 50 GeV

                                                                                       Events / 50 GeV

                                                                                                                                                                             Events / 50 GeV

                                                         mB = 1600 GeV                                                                         mB = 1600 GeV                                                                         mB = 1600 GeV
                                                         mB = 1800 GeV                                                                         mB = 1800 GeV                                   80                                    mB = 1800 GeV
                                                         Background                                                                            Background                                      60
                    10                                   Data                                                                                  Data                                                                                  Data
                                                         Systematic Uncertainty                                                                Systematic Uncertainty                          40                                    Systematic Uncertainty

                     0                                                                                     0                                                                                     0
                    2                                                                                     2                                                                                     2
data - bkgd

                                                                                     data - bkgd

                                                                                                                                                                           data - bkgd

                     1                                                                                     1                                                                                     1



                    0                                                                                     0                                                                                     0

                    −1                                                                                    −1                                                                                    −1

                    500                  1000              1500               2000                        500                  1000              1500               2000                        500                  1000              1500               2000
                                              mVLQ [GeV]                                                                            mVLQ [GeV]                                                                            mVLQ [GeV]

FIG. 9. Data (black points), expected background (solid blue histogram), and expected background plus a VLQ signal for different
VLQ masses (colored lines), for 4-jet (left column), 5-jet (center column), and 6-jet (right column) multiplicities and for bHbH (upper
row), bHbZ (middle row), and bZbZ (lower row) event modes. For the signal, BðB → bHÞ ¼ 100% is assumed. The hatched regions
for the background and background plus signal distributions indicate the systematic uncertainties. All three data-taking years are

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