Scaling regimes of active turbulence with external dissipation

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Scaling regimes of active turbulence with external dissipation
Scaling regimes of active turbulence with external dissipation

                                                                   Berta Martı́nez-Prat,1, 2, ∗ Ricard Alert,3, 4, ∗ Fanlong Meng,5, 6 Jordi Ignés-Mullol,1, 2 Jean-François
                                                                       Joanny,7, 8, 9 Jaume Casademunt,10, 11, † Ramin Golestanian,5, 12, † and Francesc Sagués1, 2, †
                                                                                               Department of Materials Science and Physical Chemistry,
                                                                                                Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
                                                                                                 Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (IN2UB),
                                                                                                Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
                                                                                  Princeton Center for Theoretical Science, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA
                                                                               Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA
                                                                           Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS), D-37077 Göttingen, Germany
                                                         CAS Key Laboratory for Theoretical Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
                                                                                                        ESPCI Paris, PSL University, Paris, France
arXiv:2101.11570v1 [cond-mat.soft] 27 Jan 2021

                                                                  Laboratoire PhysicoChimie Curie, Institut Curie, PSL University, Sorbonne Universités, UPMC, Paris, France
                                                                                                              Collège de France, Paris, France
                                                                     Departament de Fı́sica de la Matèria Condensada, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
                                                                                             Universitat de Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems (UBICS),
                                                                                                Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
                                                                        Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3PU, United Kingdom
                                                                                                                  (Dated: January 28, 2021)
                                                                      Active fluids exhibit complex turbulent-like flows at low Reynolds number. Recent work predicted that 2d
                                                                   active nematic turbulence follows universal scaling laws. However, experimentally testing these predictions is
                                                                   conditioned by the coupling to the 3d environment. Here, we measure the spectrum of the kinetic energy, E(q),
                                                                   in an active nematic film in contact with a passive oil layer. At small and intermediate scales, we find the scaling
                                                                   regimes E(q) ∼ q −4 and E(q) ∼ q −1 , respectively, in agreement with the theoretical prediction for 2d active
                                                                   nematics. At large scales, however, we find a new scaling E(q) ∼ q, which emerges when the dissipation
                                                                   is dominated by the 3d oil layer. In addition, we derive an explicit expression for the spectrum that spans all
                                                                   length scales, thus explaining and connecting the different scaling regimes. This allows us to fit the data and
                                                                   extract the length scale that controls the crossover to the new large-scale regime, which we tune by varying the
                                                                   oil viscosity. Overall, our work experimentally demonstrates the emergence of universal scaling laws in active
                                                                   turbulence, and it establishes how the spectrum is affected by external dissipation.

                                                    Active fluids are able to flow spontaneously due to the                    on active nematics predicted scaling laws with universal ex-
                                                 internal stresses that are generated by their microscopic                     ponents, which are independent of the active fluid properties
                                                 components1–4 . Despite being driven at the microscale, active                (e.g. viscosity or activity)34,35 . Experimental evidence for
                                                 fluids exhibit large-scale flows that often become chaotic5–7 .               such universal scaling, however, remained elusive, in part due
                                                 Such flows have been observed in a wide variety of systems                    to the challenge of accurately measuring flows for sufficiently
                                                 including bacterial suspensions8–15 , sperm16 , mixtures of cy-               broad ranges of scales.
                                                 toskeletal components17–24 , cell monolayers25–27 , and artifi-                  In addition, most of the theoretical predictions and numeri-
                                                 cial self-propelled particles28–31 . All these systems operate at             cal studies have addressed the case of two-dimensional flows.
                                                 low Reynolds numbers, where inertia is negligible. Yet, by                    As in classical turbulence, 2d systems are often embedded in
                                                 analogy to inertial turbulent flows in conventional fluids, this              a 3d setup. It is, therefore, necessary to separate the genuinely
                                                 regime with active chaotic flows has been termed active tur-                  2d features from the effects due to the coupling to the envi-
                                                 bulence. The comparison with the longstanding paradigm of                     ronment. In classical 2d turbulence, for instance, frictional
                                                 inertial turbulence is compelling, and it motivated the search                dissipation with the environment not only cuts off the energy
                                                 of emergent universal behaviour and scaling laws32,33 in active               cascade towards large scales, but it also modifies the scaling
                                                 turbulence.                                                                   exponent of the enstrophy cascade towards small scales48,49 .
                                                    These issues have been the subject of intense research                        Here, we address the influence of external dissipation on the
                                                 and debate5,11,12,31,34–43 . Inspired by bacterial turbulence, ini-           scaling regimes in microtubule-based active nematics pow-
                                                 tial work on extended Toner-Tu equations for polar flocks                     ered by motor proteins17,22 . In this setup, the 2d active ne-
                                                 showed that these fluids exhibit flow spectra with scaling                    matic is surrounded by layers of oil and water, two passive
                                                 regimes. However, the corresponding scaling laws have                         fluids. Our comprehensive experimental study spans a broad
                                                 non-universal exponents, whose values depend on model                         range of spatial scales and includes systematic variation of the
                                                 parameters11,36,37,44–47 . In contrast, recent theoretical work               oil viscosity. We also present a theoretical framework that in-
                                                                                                                               corporates the hydrodynamic coupling with the environment
                                                                                                                               and provides an explicit expression for the full spectrum of the
                                                                                                                               turbulent active flows. Altogether our results provide experi-
                                                 ∗   These authors contributed equally to this work                            mental evidence of universal scaling laws in 2d active turbu-
                                                 †   These authors contributed equally to the supervision of this work         lence, and determine the ranges where these scaling laws are

         a)                                             b)                                            c)

                                               100 µm                                        100 µm                                        100 µm

          Hoil                         Active
                                      AN      nematic
                                          ~ 2 µm
                                     Water ~ 40 µm

Figure 1 Oil viscosity modifies the kinetic energy spectrum of active nematic turbulence. a-c, Kinetic energy spectra of turbulent flows
in an active nematic film in contact with an oil layer of low (a), intermediate (b), and high (c) viscosity. Averages are over 500 frames. Error
bars are s.d. In each panel, the top inset shows a representative microtubule fluorescence micrograph. The bottom inset in panel a shows a
schematic of the experimental system. See also Movie S1.

observable in terms of the physical parameters.                            (bottom inset in Fig. 1a, Methods). The microtubules are bun-
   Our predictions include six different scaling regimes, which            dled under the depleting action of polyethylene-glycol (PEG),
we classify in terms of three length scales: the average vortex            which facilitates crosslinking by kinesin molecular motors
size, the height of a external fluid layer, and a viscous length           clustered with streptavidin (Methods). Fueled by adenosine
that controls whether dissipation is dominated by either the               triphosphate (ATP), the motors generate active shear stresses
active or the external fluid. This analysis reveals that, in con-          leading to extension and buckling of the microtubule bundles.
trast to classic turbulence, external dissipation does not just            The bundles then acquire local nematic order interrupted by
introduce a small-q cut off to the scaling behaviour, but it also          half-integer topological defects, and the film exhibits disor-
yields a new scaling regime. In our experiments, we vary the               dered large-scale flows, which is the state of active nematic
oil viscosity over more than four orders of magnitude and ob-              turbulence.
serve three of the predicted scaling regimes. The remaining                   To study the statistical properties of active turbulent flows,
regimes might be observed either in alternative experimental               we measure their so-called kinetic energy spectrum E(q) ∝
setups or in other systems such as cell monolayers.                        qh|ṽ(q)|2 i, where ṽ(q) are the Fourier components of the flow
   Beyond the scaling laws, the detailed comparison between                field v(r), with wave vector q (Methods). To explore the dif-
theory and experimental data allows us to probe other open                 ferent flow regimes, we vary an external parameter, namely,
questions in active turbulence. Specifically, we seek to ex-               the oil viscosity, while keeping the intrinsic active fluid pa-
plain the emergence of a characteristic vortex size. The cou-              rameters – including motor, microtubule, and ATP concentra-
pling to external fluids selects a characteristic wavelength at            tions – fixed. Therefore, the so-called active length, which
the onset of spontaneous flows22,50–52 . However, we show that             compares the active and elastic stresses, is kept constant in
this selection mechanism cannot fully account for the average              all of our experiments. Upon increase of the oil viscosity,
vortex size observed in the turbulent regime. Thus, our analy-             the entire kinetic energy spectrum decreases (Fig. 1), which
sis suggests that nonlinear effects in the active fluid, possibly          is consistent with the previously-observed decrease of flow
involving energy transfer across scales, also contribute to vor-           speed53 . At low oil viscosities, the spectrum features at least
tex size selection. Moreover, we establish the range of validity           three regimes: a large-scale (small-q) regime that is followed
of our theory, as we observe that it correctly fits the data for           by a peak, an intermediate regime, and a crossover to a small-
an intermediate range of oil viscosities but fails for extremely           scale (large-q) regime (Fig. 1a). As oil viscosity increases,
low and high viscosities. Our measurements suggest direc-                  the peak shifts to smaller scales, expanding the range of the
tions for future improvements to the theory, such as including             large-scale regime and shrinking the intermediate regime until
vortex-vortex correlations.                                                it can no longer be observed for high oil viscosities (Figs. 1b
   In our experiments, we prepare an active nematic film by                and 1c). In parallel to these changes in the flow properties, we
self-assembly of micrometer-long stabilized microtubules at                also observe a higher density of defects for higher oil viscosi-
the interface between a Hwater ≈ 40 µm-thick water layer on a              ties (top insets in Fig. 1).
glass slide and a Hoil ≈ 3 mm-thick oil layer open to the air53               To understand our measured spectra, we develop a theoret-
Thick layer limit                                                                                                          3

                  Larger than                 Smaller than
                                                                                 three-dimensional viscosity of the external fluid, ηext . In the
                  vortex size                  vortex size
                                                                scale            thick-layer limit, qH  1, we summarize the predicted scal-
       100                                                                       ing regimes in Fig. 2, which we discuss below. The thin-layer
                                                                                 limit, qH  1, is discussed in Fig. S2 in SI Section C.

                                                                                    Active flows are characterized by different scaling laws at

        10       E(q) ⇠ q        1           E(q) ⇠ q   4
                                                                                 scales smaller and larger than the mean vortex size R∗ (hor-
                                                                                 izontal axis in Fig. 2). Furthermore, at length scales smaller
                                                                                 than the viscous length `v = ηn /ηext , dissipation is dominated

                                                                                 by the viscosity of the active film. As a result, in this regime,

                                                                                 the scaling laws are those recently predicted and numerically

       0.1        E(q) ⇠ q                   E(q) ⇠ q   2
                                                                                 demonstrated for isolated active nematic films34,35 , with no ef-
                                                                                 fect of the external fluid (top half in Fig. 2). At length scales
                                                                                 larger than `v , however, dissipation in the external fluid dom-
         0.01         0.1               1         10         100                 inates, yielding new scaling laws (bottom half in Fig. 2).
                                                                                    In our experiments, the water viscous length `water =
                                                                                 ηn /ηwater is much larger than the largest length scale of our
                                                                                 measurements: q`water  1 for all q values. Therefore,
Figure 2 Scaling regimes of turbulent flows in an active nematic
film in contact with an external fluid. The different regimes are                the flows in the water layer do not produce any new scaling
predicted at length scales (∼ 1/q) either larger or smaller than the             regimes in our experiments. In contrast, varying oil viscos-
mean vortex radius R∗ , the viscous length `v = ηn /ηext , and the               ity over orders of magnitude, we reach oil viscous lengths
thickness H of the external fluid layer. This figure summarizes the              `oil = ηn /ηoil that fall within our measurement window. Con-
scalings in the thick-layer limit qH  1; see Fig. S2 for the                    sequently, the flows in the oil layer are responsible for some
predictions in the thin-layer limit qH  1.                                      of the scaling regimes that we observe. Our measurements
                                                                                 probe length scales that are smaller than the oil layer thick-
                                                                                 ness Hoil ≈ 3 mm. Thus, our experiments operate in the
ical framework that accounts for the hydrodynamic coupling                       thick-layer limit, with scaling properties as predicted in Fig. 2.
between the active film and the external water and oil layers,                      Consistent with these predictions, we experimentally ob-
with their corresponding boundary conditions. Active flows                       serve E(q) ∼ q −4 at small scales, and E(q) ∼ q 1 at large
in the nematic film induce flows in the passive layers which,                    scales, for all oil viscosities (Figs. 3a and 3b). For low and
in turn, influence the active-film flows (Fig. S1). Generaliz-                   intermediate oil viscosities, we also observe signatures of the
ing previous works53–57 , we first obtain the Green function of                  E(q) ∼ q −1 regime at intermediate length scales, larger than
the active flows subject to this feedback (SI Section A, see                     the vortex size R∗ but smaller than the viscous length `oil
Eq. (S11)). We then establish a relationship between the ve-                     (Fig. 3c). The q −4 and q −1 scaling behaviors are intrinsic
locity power spectrum in our coupled three-fluid system and                      properties of an active nematic film, respectively characteriz-
the vorticity power spectrum of an isolated active nematic                       ing the small-scale flows inside vortices and the large-scale
film (SI Section B, see Eq. (S22)). The latter was previ-                        flows due to hydrodynamic interactions in the film35 . In con-
ously predicted by Giomi using a mean-field theory approach                      trast, the q 1 scaling stems from the hydrodynamic coupling to
based on decomposing the vorticity field into a superposition                    an external fluid. All these scaling relations involve univer-
of N uncorrelated vortices34 . Based on simulation results,                      sal exponents, which are independent of the properties of the
Giomi’s theory assumes that each vortex has a uniform and                        fluids. Consistently, by varying the oil viscosity, we tune the
size-independent vorticity ωv , and that vortex areas follow an                  range of the different regimes without changing their scaling
exponential distribution with mean a∗ = πR∗2 , where R∗ is                       exponents.
the mean vortex radius. For a configuration that has on aver-                       Having demonstrated the scaling regimes, we quantitatively
age N vortices over a total system area A, we predict a kinetic                  compare our prediction for the full energy spectrum (Eq. (1))
energy spectrum (SI Section B)                                                   to the experimental data. Knowing the values of ηwater , ηoil ,
                         2    2
                                                                                 Hwater , and Hoil , we use B, ηn , and R∗ in Eq. (1) as fitting
             BqR∗4 e−q       R∗ /2
                                      I0 q 2 R∗2 /2 − I1 q 2 R∗2 /2              parameters. Despite its assumptions, our theory fits the data
E(q) =                                                          2,
         [q + ηoil /ηn tanh(qHoil ) + ηwater /ηn coth(qHwater )]                 remarkably well for a wide range of intermediate oil viscosi-
                                                              (1)                ties (9.7 × 10−3 Pa·s < ηoil < 0.39 Pa·s, see Fig. S3), as
Here, I0 and I1 are modified Bessel functions, and B =                           exemplified in Fig. 3c. Visual inspection of the experiments
N ωv2 /(32π 3 A) is a prefactor related to the total enstrophy,                  suggests smaller vortices as ηoil increases (see insets in Fig. 1
which is independent of both the wave number q.                                  and Movie S1). Yet, the mean vortex radius obtained from
   To discuss the scaling regimes predicted from Eq. (1), we                     these fits, R∗s , is independent of oil viscosity (Fig. 3d). Fi-
consider a simplified situation with just one external fluid                     nally, the oil viscous length `oil = ηn /ηoil decreases slightly
layer. The energy spectrum then depends on three length                          faster than ∼ 1/ηoil (Fig. 3e), indicating that ηn weakly de-
scales: the mean vortex radius R∗ , the layer thickness H,                       creases with oil viscosity (Fig. S4). The physical origin of
and the viscous length `v = ηn /ηext defined by the ratio of                     this dependence remains an open question.
the two-dimensional viscosity of the nematic film, ηn , and the                     To try to rationalize the fact that R∗s is independent of oil

                          a)                                             b)

                          c)                                                         d)


Figure 3 Oil viscosity tunes the scaling regimes of active nematic turbulence. a, Kinetic energy spectra of turbulent flows in an active
nematic film in contact with a layer of oil, for 20 different oil viscosities. The data are averaged over 500 frames. b, Rescaling each spectrum
by its maximum and its corresponding wave number clearly showcases the large-scale scaling regime. c, Fit of Eq. (1) to a representative
spectrum at intermediate oil viscosity (see fits for all oil viscosities in Fig. S3). As predicted by our theory (see Fig. 2), the spectrum features
signatures of three scaling regimes, separated by two crossover lengths: the mean vortex size R∗s and the viscous length `oil = ηn /ηoil (vertical
dashed lines). Averages are over 500 frames. Error bars are s.d. d,e, Mean vortex radius (d) and oil viscous length (e) obtained from the
spectral fits in the range of intermediate oil viscosities in which the theory fits the data well. Error bars are s.e.m.

viscosity, we perform a linear stability analysis. Due to the               tex radius for high oil viscosities (Fig. 4b), outside the range
coupling to the external fluid, the linear growth rate of the               of validity of the presented model. For lower oil viscosities,
spontaneous-flow instability that powers active nematic tur-                within the range of validity of the model, the trend is weaker,
bulence acquires a maximum at finite wavelengths50–52 (SI                   suggesting that nonlinear effects contribute to vortex size se-
Section D and Fig. S5a). This maximum selects a charac-                     lection in our system. Our analysis thus calls for further re-
teristic scale λm of flow patterns at the onset of turbulence22             search to understand vortex size selection in active turbulence.
(Fig. S5b). This linear analysis predicts that λm changes with                 Finally, we use our measurements to examine some of the
oil viscosity, in contrast with experimental observations for               assumptions of the theoretical framework. We observe that
R∗ . However, nonlinear effects may modify this selected                    vortex area distributions have exponential tails (Fig. 4a), in
scale at later stages. In stationary fully-developed turbulence,            agreement with both the theoretical assumption and previous
earlier work35 has shown that vortex size is given by the crit-             experiments19,21,27 . Here, we find that this feature does not
ical wavelength of the instability, λc . We now show that this              change with the oil viscosity. We also measure the correlation
length scale is largely independent of oil viscosity (SI Sec-               functions for velocity and vorticity39,58,59 (Figs. 4c and 4d) and
tion D and Fig. S5c).                                                       obtain the corresponding correlation lengths (insets in Figs. 4c
   To address this issue experimentally, we directly measure                and 4d), which exhibit dependencies on the oil viscosity that
the distributions of vortex areas n(a)19,21,27 (Fig. 4a, Meth-              are very similar to that of the vortex size R∗v (Fig. 4b). This
                                                            ∗ 34
ods). Fitting their exponential tails as n(a)
                                           p ∝ exp(−a/a ) ,                 observation suggests that these lengths are all proportional to
we obtain a mean vortex radius R∗ = a∗ /π as a function                     one another (Fig. S7), validating our theoretical assumption
of oil viscosity (Fig. 4b). The results show a decrease of vor-             that there is a unique scale related to activity (R∗ ). However,

                         a)                                             b)

                         c)                                             d)

Figure 4 Vortex size and correlation functions in active nematic turbulence. a, Vortex area distributions in the active turbulence regime
for 20 different oil viscosities. The distributions are obtained by measuring vortices in 500 frames. b, Mean vortex radius obtained from the
exponential tails of the vortex area distributions in panel a (Methods). Error bars are s.e.m. c,d, Spatial autocorrelation functions of the
velocity (c) and vorticity (d) fields, for all 20 oil viscosities. The data are averaged over 500 frames. The insets show the corresponding
correlation lengths, defined by the conditions Cvv (`vv ) = 0.5 and Cωω (`ωω ) = 0.5, respectively. Error bars are s.e.m.

at intermediate and high oil viscosities, we measure negative                                 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
correlations of the vorticity field at distances comparable to,
and even larger than, the vortex size (Fig. 4d). Thus, our data
calls for future work on the theory of active turbulence, going
beyond mean-field approximations and accounting for vortex-
vortex correlations. Other improvements to the theory could                 The authors are indebted to the Brandeis University MR-
take into account the structure of defect cores, and include a           SEC Biosynthesis facility for providing the tubulin. We
more accurate treatment of flow alignment effects.                       thank M. Pons, A. LeRoux, and G. Iruela (Universi-
                                                                         tat de Barcelona) for their assistance in the expression
   In summary, we have experimentally measured and theo-                 of motor proteins. B.M.-P., J.I.-M., and F.S. acknowl-
retically explained universal scaling laws in active turbulence,         edge funding from MINECO (projects FIS2016-78507-C2-
thus drawing parallels to classical turbulence. Specifically,            1-P, AEI/FEDER, EU, and PID2019-108842GB-C22). J.C.
we have found scaling regimes that are intrinsic to an active            acknowledges support from MINECO (projects FIS2016-
nematic film as well as other regimes that result from the cou-          78507-C2-2-P, AEI/FEDER, EU, and PID2019-108842GB-
pling to an external fluid. In addition, we have developed a             C21) and Generalitat de Catalunya under project 2017-SGR-
theoretical framework that provides the rationale for the dif-           1061. B.M.-P. acknowledges funding from Generalitat de
ferent regimes and yields an explicit form for the turbulent             Catalunya through a FI-2018 PhD Fellowship. Brandeis Uni-
spectra as a function of parameters. By fitting the predictions          versity MRSEC Biosynthesis facility is supported by NSF
to the data, we have extracted the crossover length scales, and          MRSEC DMR-1420382. R.A. acknowledges support from
shown how they depend on the viscosity of the external fluid.            the Human Frontier Science Program (LT000475/2018-C).
Our analysis of these results paves the way toward addressing            F.M. and R.G. acknowledge support from the Max Planck So-
open questions in active turbulence, from vortex size selec-             ciety. R.A. acknowledges discussions with the participants of
tion to the role of vortex-vortex correlations, and to pursue a          the virtual ”Active 20” KITP program, supported in part by
deeper understanding of the fundamental similarities and dif-            the National Science Foundation under Grant No. NSF PHY-
ferences between inertial and active turbulence.                         1748958.

                  AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS                                                          DATA AVAILABILITY

   B.M.-P., J.I.-M., and F.S. designed the experiments. B.M.-
                                                                            All data are available from the authors upon request.
P. performed the experiments. B.M-P., R.A., and F.M. ana-
lyzed data. R.A., F.M., R.G., J.-F.J., and J.C. developed the
theory. All authors interpreted and discussed the results. R.A.
and F.S. wrote the paper with input from all authors.

                                                                                                CODE AVAILABILITY
                   COMPETING INTERESTS

  The authors declare no competing interests.                               All codes are available from the authors upon request.

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                          METHODS                                                     Active nematic composition
                                                                                  Compound             Concentration
                                                                                  Streptavidin             0.16 µM
               Preparation of the active nematic                                    Kinesin                0.32 µM
                                                                                      DTT                   5.8 mM
                                                                                 PEG (20 kDa)             1.6 % w/w
   Clusters of biotinylated kinesin-1 (K401-BCCP-6His) were                           PEP                   27 mM
assembled with tetrametric streptavidin at a ∼2:1 ratio. Af-                         Trolox                 2.1 mM
terwards, these molecular motors were mixed with adenosine                           MgCl2                  3.3 mM
triphosphate (ATP) and an ATP-regenerating system (Pyru-                              ATP                   1.5 mM
vate Kinase/Lactic Dehydrogenase enzymes (PK/LDH) and                              PK/LDH                 27 IU/mL
phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP)). The non-adsorbing polymer                              Pluronic            0.44 % (w/w)
polyethylene glycol (PEG) (20 kDa) was used as depleting                            Glucose               3.4 mg/mL
agent. To avoid photobleaching and protein oxidation, a                             Catalase            0.040 mg/mL
mixture of antioxidants (glucose, catalase, 1,4-dithiothreitol                  Glucose oxidase          0.23 mg/mL
                                                                                 Microtubules             1.3 mg/mL
(DTT), Trolox and glucose oxidase) was also included. Bio-
compatibility of the active nematic layer with the oil inter-
face was assured with the surfactant Pluronic F-127. This fi-                  Table I Composition of the active nematic.
nal suspension was mixed with ∼1.5 µm microtubules stabi-
lized with guanosine-5’-[(α,β)-methyleno]triphosphate (GM-
PCPP) (Jena Bioscience, NU-405S), of which the 0.8% was                                        Data analysis
labeled with the Alexa-647 fluorophore. The scattered fluo-
rescent microtubules formed a speckle pattern, from which we
                                                                        Raw images were treated with the open source software
measure the velocity field through particle image velocimetry
                                                                    ImageJ63 . In general, light intensity was equalized by divid-
(PIV). Final compound concentrations are listed in Table I.
                                                                    ing the intensity of each frame by the time average of the
   The active nematic (AN) was finally assembled by deposit-        sequence. Further noise removal was achieved with a mean
ing a 1.5 µL droplet onto a polyacrylamide-functionalized           filter with a width of 2–4 px. Afterwards, the velocity field
glass slide within a 10 mm wide and 10 mm high polypropy-           was computed with PIVlab for Matlab64 . PIV window size
lene cylinder, and covered with 300 µL of polydimethylsilox-        was set as 1/64th of the lateral system size. To reduce noise,
ane oil (PDMS) with a viscosity in the range of 6.3·10-4 Pa·s       we used the option 5 x repeated correlation. The velocity
to 12 Pa·s. Micotubules spontaneously adsorbed onto the             field was finally smoothed using the smoothn function devel-
oil/water interface leading to the formation of the AN. The         oped by Garcia65 . The angle-averaged spectrum of the kinetic
mean height of the water layer was obtained considering a           energy density per unit mass, E(q), was computed from the
cylinder and measuring the cross section area of the drop           obtained velocity fields as:
through fluorescence microscopy images. In the case of the
oil layer, its height was directly measured with a millimetric                         E(q) = L2 πqh|ṽ(q)|2 i,                 (2)
ruler. We took the height at the center, where the AN drop is
placed, neglecting the meniscus.                                    with
   To have intermediate oil viscosities, oil mixtures were pre-                                 1 X
                                                                                  |ṽ(q)|2 =        |ṽ(q, ϕ)|2 ∆ϕ,             (3)
pared. The final viscosity was estimated using the Arrhenius                                   2π ϕ
mixing rule log(η12 ) = x1 log(η1 ) + (1 − x1 ) log(η2 ), where
η12 , η1 and η2 are the oil viscosities of the oil mixture and of   where L2 is the area of the field of view, h·i indicates a time
the mixed compounds 1 and 2, respectively, and x1 is the mo-        average, ṽ are the Fourier components of the velocity v, and
lar fraction of oil 160,61 .                                        q and ϕ are, respectively, the magnitude and azimuth of the
                                                                    wave vector q. Note that the experimental Fourier transform
                                                                    is a discrete Fourier transform, whereas we use a continuous
                                                                    Fourier transform in the theory. This explains the difference
                                                                    in the prefactors between Eq. (2) and Eq. (S15) in the Sup-
               Observation of the active nematic
                                                                    plementary Information. For each experiment, we averaged a
                                                                    total of 500 frames.
   The active nematic layer was imaged by means of fluo-               Afterwards, Eq. (1) was fitted to the experimental E(q)
rescence microscopy (Nikon Eclipse Ti2-U) with an Andor             with Mathematica v10.
Zyla 4.2 Plus camera controlled with the open-source soft-             Velocity and vorticity correlation functions (Cvv and Cωω ,
ware ImageJ Micro-Manager62 . As light source, we used a            respectively) were computed using the Wiener-Khinchin the-
red LED coupled to a Cy5 cube filter. Images were acquired          orem: Cxx (r) = F −1 [|x̃(q)|2 ], where F −1 [·] denotes the
typically at a frame rate of 2 fps and with a spatial resolution    inverse Fourier transform operator, and x̃ denotes either v or
of 2.14 µm/px. In the case of experiments with high oil vis-        ω.
cosities (>1 Pa·s) the frame rate was decreased to 1 fps and           Identification and characterization of vortices were
the spatial resolution was increased to 1.28 µm/px.                 carried out using the Okubo-Weiss (OW) parameter, as

described previously19,21,34 . Briefly, OW was calculated as      with OW < 0 had a winding number W ∈ [0.95, 1.05],
OW = (∂x vx + ∂y vy )2 − 4(∂x vx )(∂y vy ) + 4(∂x vy )(∂y vx ).   it was accepted as a vortex. The total area of each swirl
Regions with OW < 0 were vortex candidates. To determine          was determined by the connected area with OW < 0. This
whether such regions were vortices, we checked if they            vortex locator algorithm, allowed Pus to extract a distribution
featured a singularity by computing the winding number            of vortex areas n(a) = N (a)/ a N (a), where N (a) is
                                                                  the number of vortices with area a. Since n(a) follows an
                H 2π
W (r) = 1/2π 0 atan(vy (r, ϕ)/vx (r, ϕ))dϕ of the velocity
field at a distance r = 24 px from their center. If a region      exponential distribution, p
                                                                                            we extracted a characteristic vortex
                                                                  area a∗ and radius R∗v = a∗ /π.

                                          Supporting Information for
                        “Scaling regimes of active turbulence with external dissipation”

                  SUPPLEMENTARY TEXT                                   Air

             A.   Hydrodynamic Green’s function                        Oil

   In our experimental setup, a thin film of the active nematic
fluid is in contact with a thicker layer of water underneath,
and a much thicker layer of oil above. The water layer is
supported by a solid substrate, and the oil layer is in contact
with air (Fig. S1). Active flows in the nematic film induce
flows in both passive fluid layers, which in turn, influence the
flows in the active film. To account for this hydrodynamic
coupling, in this section we obtain the Green function for the
flow field in a two-dimensional viscous fluid film in contact          Active nematic
with three-dimensional layers of other viscous fluids. This            Water
calculation generalizes previous work57 by considering the si-
multaneous hydrodynamic coupling to two fluid layers with
different boundary conditions, as in our experimental setup
(Fig. S1).
   All flows in our system take place at very low Reynolds
numbers. Therefore, inertial forces are negligible (Stokes
                                                                    Figure S1 Schematic of the experimental setup and flow fields
limit), and momentum conservation reduces to force balance.         (side view). The thicknesses of the fluid layers are not to scale. The
For the active nematic film, with two-dimensional shear vis-        actual thickness of the active nematic film is h ≈ 2 µm, whereas the
cosity ηn and incompressible flow field v(r), force balance         thicknesses of the passive fluid layers are Hwater ≈ 40 µm and
can be written as                                                   Hoil ≈ 3 mm. We treat the active nematic as a two-dimensional
                                                                    film. White and black arrows represent the flow fields in the active
           ηn ∇2 v − ∇P + fwater + foil + f = 0.            (S1)    nematic film and in the passive fluid layers, respectively. The flow is
                                                                    planar and it penetrates into the oil and water layers. Here, we
Here, the first term accounts for the viscous stress within the     represented flow penetration according to Eq. (S9) for a planar wave
nematic film, P is the film’s two-dimensional pressure, and         number q/(2π) = 5 · 10−3 µm−1 , which lies in the range of our
fwater and foil are the viscous force densities exerted by the      experimental measurements.
water and oil layers, respectively, on the active fluid film. Fi-
nally, f is the remaining force surface density acting on the
film. In our system, this force density results from stresses       film,
associated with the orientational order of the nematic film, in-
cluding elastic, flow-alignment, and active stresses. Here, we                                             ∂uk (r, z)
                                                                                  fwater (r) = −ηwater                     ,        (S5a)
derive the Green function treating f as a source, without spec-                                                 ∂z    z=0−
ifying its expression. Rather, we express the flow field of the                                         ∂uk (r, z)
nematic film in terms of the source force f as                                        foil (r) = ηoil                   ,           (S5b)
                       Z                                                                                  ∂z       z=0+

              vα (r) = Gαβ (r − r 0 )fβ (r 0 )dr 0 ,        (S2)    respectively. Here, u(r, z) is the three-dimensional flow field
                                                                    of the passive fluids, and the subscript k indicates the compo-
where Gαβ (r−r 0 ) is a hydrodynamic Green function, namely         nents along the active film’s plane (z = 0, see Fig. S1). The
a generalization of Oseen’s tensor. Greek indices indicate spa-     viscous flows in the passive layers obey the Stokes equation
tial components, and summation over repeated indices is im-
plicit. In Fourier space, we have                                           ηwater ∇2 u − ∇p = 0;           − Hwater < z < 0,       (S6a)
                                                                             ηoil ∇ u − ∇p = 0;            0 < z < Hoil ,           (S6b)
                   ṽα (q) = G̃αβ (q)f˜β (q),               (S3)
                                                                    with p the three-dimensional pressure. These flows are
where we have introduced the Fourier decomposition as
                                                                    driven by the hydrodynamic coupling with the active film:
                           d2 q                                     uk (r, 0+ ) = uk (r, 0− ) = v(r). As shown in Refs.55,56 , if
               v(r) =           ṽ(q) eiq·r .         (S4)          the film’s flow is incompressible, ∇ · v = 0, then the pressure
                                                                    in the fluid layers is uniform, ∇p = 0, and the out-of-plane
   To obtain the Green function, we must obtain the viscous         component of the velocity vanishes everywhere, uz = 0.
stress exerted by the water and oil layers on the active fluid      Therefore, the layers’ flow field is planar and harmonic; it

obeys Laplace’s equation:                                                                B.   Kinetic energy spectrum

        ηwater ∇2 uk = 0;         − Hwater < z < 0,          (S7a)       In this section, we derive an analytical expression for the ki-
          ηoil ∇ uk = 0;          0 < z < Hoil ,             (S7b)    netic energy spectrum of the turbulent flows in our system. To
                                                                      this end, we establish a relationship between the flow field of
  To obtain the Green function in Fourier space, as in                our coupled three-fluid system (Fig. S1) and the vorticity field
Eq. (S3), we solve Eq. (S7) in terms of the planar Fourier            of an isolated active nematic film. By means of this relation-
modes of the flow field, ũ(q, z), which obey                         ship, we combine the hydrodynamic Green function obtained
                                                                      in SI Section A with Giomi’s mean-field theory of active ne-
     ηwater (∂z2 − q 2 )ũ = 0;      − Hwater < z < 0,       (S8a)    matic turbulence34 to predict the flow power spectrum in our
                                                                      experimental system.
       ηoil (∂z2       2
                   − q )ũ = 0;     0 < z < Hoil .           (S8b)       The kinetic energy per unit mass density, E, of the active
                                                                      nematic flows is given by
The water layer is in contact with a solid substrate at z =
−Hwater , where we assume a no-slip boundary condition:                                             1
uk (r, −Hwater ) = 0. Respectively, the oil layer is in con-                                  E=         v 2 d2 r.                (S13)
tact with air at z = Hoil , where we assume a no-shear-
stress boundary condition: ∂z uk (r, z)|z=Hoil = 0. With these        Using the Fourier modes ṽ(q) of the flow field, as introduced
boundary conditions and uk (r, 0+ ) = uk (r, 0− ) = v(r), the         in Eq. (S4), the angle-averaged spectrum E(q), with q = |q|
solutions to Eq. (S8) are                                             the wave number, is defined by
                                                                                                              Z ∞
                                                                                  1      d2 q
  ũk (q, z) = [cosh(qz) + coth(qHwater ) sinh(qz)] ṽ(q);                hEi =               h|ṽ(q)|2
                                                                                                        i = A     E(q)dq,      (S14)
                                         − Hwater < z < 0,                        2     (2π)2                  0

                                                         (S9a)        where A is the area of the system, and h·i averages over re-
  ũk (q, z) = [cosh(qz) − tanh(qHoil ) sinh(qz)] ṽ(q);              alizations. In states where correlations of the flow field are
                                            0 < z < Hoil .            isotropic, E(q) is given by
                                                         (S9b)                                        1            2
                                                                                            E(q) =       q h|ṽ(q)| i.                 (S15)
These solutions show that the flow penetrates into the oil and
water layers to depths given by the inverse of the in-plane             To obtain the velocity power spectrum, we use Eqs. (S3)
wave number, 1/q, unless limited by the layers’ thicknesses,          and (S11), which give
Hwater and Hoil , as illustrated in Fig. S1. Introducing Eq. (S9)
into Eq. (S5), we obtain                                                                
                                                                                               qα qβ
                                                                                                                   qα qγ hf˜β (q)f˜γ∗ (q)i
                                                                        h|ṽ(q)|2 i =
                                                                                    δαβ − 2                δαγ − 2
                                                                                                q                    q             Λ2 (q)
       f˜water (q) = −ηwater q coth(qHwater ) ṽ(q),        (S10a)                                                             
                                                                                  1                       qα qβ
         f˜oil (q) = −ηoil q tanh(qHoil ) ṽ(q).            (S10b)            = 2           |f˜(q)|2 − 2 f˜α (q)f˜β∗ (q)
                                                                                Λ (q)                       q
                                                                            1    D                                                        E
   Finally, introducing these results into the Fourier transform        = 2 2     qy2 |f˜x |2 + qx2 |f˜y |2 − qx qy (f˜x f˜y∗ + f˜y f˜x∗ ) .
of Eq. (S1), and using the incompressibility condition q · ṽ =          q Λ (q)
0, we obtain the Green function                                                                                                           (S16)

                              δαβ − qα qβ /q 2                        Here, we have introduced the notation
G̃αβ (q) =       2
             ηn q + ηoil q tanh(qHoil ) + ηwater q coth(qHwater )        Λ(q) ≡ ηn q 2 + ηoil q tanh(qHoil ) + ηwater q coth(qHwater ).
                                                          (S11)                                                                  (S17)
This function describes the hydrodynamic interactions in the             To eliminate the source force density f , and thereby ob-
active nematic film, accounting both for the direct interactions      tain a closed-form expression for the velocity power spectrum,
due to its incompressibility and viscosity, and also for the in-      we leverage the force-balance condition for the active nematic
direct interactions mediated by the the oil and water layers.         film alone, without external fluids:
The ratios between the viscosity of these external fluids and
the two-dimensional viscosity of the nematic film define two                                ηn ∇2 vi − ∇Pi + f = 0.                    (S18)
viscous length scales:
                                                                      Here, the subscript i indicates that the active nematic film is
              `oil = ηn /ηoil ,     `water = ηn /ηwater .    (S12)    isolated. As in Eq. (S1), f accounts for source force density
                                                                      due to elastic, flow-alignment, and active stresses, albeit now
At scales larger than this viscous length, dissipation in the ex-     in the isolated film. The source force of the isolated film (in
ternal fluid layer (either oil or water) dominates over dissipa-      Eq. (S18)) coincides with that of the full problem with exter-
tion within the nematic film.                                         nal fluid layers (in Eq. (S1)) only if we ignore flow-alignment
Thin layer limit                                      12

effects. In this limit, f does not depend explicitly on the flow                                   Larger than                  Smaller than
                                                                                                   vortex size                   vortex size         Length
field, and hence it is insensitive to the presence of external                                                                                        scale
fluid layers. To exploit this fact and therefore be able to derive                      100
a closed form for the velocity power spectrum, we first ignore

the flow alignment coupling.

                                                                                                                   1                          4
   Following Ref.35 , we take the curl of Eq. (S18) to obtain a                          10       E(q) ⇠ q                      E(q) ⇠ q
Poisson equation for the vorticity field ω = ẑ · (∇ × v):

                                             1                                             1
    ∇2 ωi = s(r, t);          s(r, t) = −       ẑ · (∇ × f ),      (S19)
                                                                                               E(q) ⇠ q 3 , no-slip E(q) ⇠ q 0 , no-slip


where s is the vorticity source due to nematic forces. In                                      E(q) ⇠ q       1,   free       E(q) ⇠ q   4,   free
Fourier space, this equation is written as
                                      i                                                   0.01          0.1               1         10            100
          − q 2 ω̃i (q) = s̃(q) =       (qy f˜x − qx f˜y ).         (S20)
                                     ηn                                                                                qR⇤
Hence, the vorticity spectrum of the isolated active film is
given by
                                                                                 Figure S2 Scaling regimes of turbulent flows in an active
                 1 D                                                        E    nematic film in contact with an external fluid. The different
h|ω̃i (q)|2 i = 2 4 qy2 |f˜x |2 + qx2 |f˜y |2 − qx qy (f˜x f˜y∗ + f˜y f˜x∗ ) .   regimes are predicted at length scales (∼ 1/q) either larger or
               ηn q                                                              smaller than the mean vortex radius R∗ , the viscous length
                                                                   (S21)         `v = ηn /ηext , and the thickness H of the external fluid layer. This
Comparing to Eq. (S16), we obtain                                                figure summarizes the scalings in the thin-layer limit qH  1; see
                                                                                 the main text and Fig. 2 for the predictions in the thick-layer limit
                                   ηn2 q 2                                       qH  1.
                   h|ṽ(q)|2 i =           h|ω̃i (q)|2 i,           (S22)
                                   Λ2 (q)

with Λ(q) given by Eq. (S17). As explained above, this re-
                                                                                                           C.      Scaling laws
sult is exact in the limit of vanishing flow alignment coupling.
In the presence of flow alignment, Eq. (S22) defines a closed
approximation whereby the nematic forces, both passive and                          In this section, we extend the discussion of the predicted
active, are included exactly, while the flow alignment forces                    scaling regimes given in the main text. As in the main text,
are approximated by the hydrodynamics of the isolated prob-                      we consider a situation with just one external fluid layer and
lem.                                                                             classify the scaling regimes in terms of three characteris-
   Equation (S22) relates the velocity spectrum of the active                    tic lengths: the mean vortex radius R∗ , the viscous length
nematic film coupled to the external fluid layers with the vor-                  `v = ηn /ηext , and the external layer thickness H. In the main
ticity spectrum of an isolated active nematic film. For the lat-                 text, we discuss the scaling regimes at scales much smaller
ter, we can now make use of the mean-field theory introduced                     than the layer thickness, qH  1, summarizing our results in
by Giomi34 , which is based on decomposing the vorticity field                   Fig. 2. Here, we give the results in the opposite limit, look-
into a superposition of N uncorrelated vortices. Based on sim-                   ing at scales much larger than the layer thickness, qH  1.
ulation results, the theory assumes that each vortex has a vor-                  In this thin-layer limit, the scaling laws depend on the bound-
ticity ωv independent of its size, and that vortex areas follow                  ary condition of the external fluid at the non-active interface.
an exponential distribution with mean a∗ = πR∗2 , where R∗                       We considered both a no-slip boundary condition, as for the
is the mean vortex radius. With these assumptions, Giomi’s                       water-substrate interface in our experiments, and a free sur-
mean-field theory predicts34                                                     face, as for the oil-air interface in our experiments (Fig. S1).
                                                                                 We summarize the results for all these situations in Fig. S2,
                N ωv2 R∗4 −q2 R∗2 /2                                             which shows two additional scaling regimes, E(q) ∼ q 3 and
                                       2 2             2 2 
                                          q R∗            q R∗
h|ω̃i (q)|2 i =           e           I0            − I1             ,           E(q) ∼ q 0 , for no-slip boundary conditions.
                  8π 2                      2               2
where I0 and I1 are modified Bessel functions of the first kind.
Introducing this result into Eq. (S22), and into Eq. (S15), we                                        D.      Vortex size selection
obtain the kinetic energy spectrum
                          2 2                                                       In this section, we discuss the physical origin of the mean
              BqR∗4 e−q R∗ /2 I0 q 2 R∗2 /2 − I1 q 2 R∗2 /2
E(q) =                                                                           vortex size R∗ , a key parameter in the description of ac-
           [q + ηoil /ηn tanh(qHoil ) + ηwater /ηn coth(qHwater )]               tive turbulent flows. Active nematic turbulence results from
                                                            (S24)                the well-known spontaneous-flow instability in active nematic
where B = N ωv2 /(32π 3 A) is a prefactor related to the total                   fluids1,2,4 . Here, we ask whether vortex size is selected at the
enstrophy, and independent of both the wave number q and                         early stages of the instability, i.e. by its linear dynamics, or
the mean vortex radius R∗ .                                                      later on by the nonlinear dynamics.

    In isolated active nematic films, the spontaneous-flow in-         ified by the force balance Eq. (S1). Ignoring flow alignment
stability is a long-wavelength instability, whose growth rate          as in Eq. (S25), the nematic forces are given by
is maximal at the longest wavelengths. As a result, the
                                                                                                       ant    act
linear regime of the instability does not select any intrin-                                 fα = ∂β (σαβ  + σαβ  ).              (S26)
sic wavelength but rather produces flow patterns with wave-
lengths determined by the system size. Indeed, system-size-            The first contribution accounts for elastic nematic stresses de-
dependent, stationary vortex patterns were observed in simu-           scribed by the antisymmetric part of the the stress tensor67 ,
lations at small activities, just past the instability threshold35 .
At high activity, however, these stationary vortices were un-                                ant     1
                                                                                            σαβ  =     (nα hβ − nβ hα ).          (S27)
stable and evolved into turbulent flows. Simulations without                                         2
flow-alignment revealed a sequence of instabilities whereby
vortices break into smaller vortices, down to a characteristic         Here, h = −δFn /δ n̂ = K∇2 n̂ is the molecular field com-
vortex size proportional to the critical wavelength of the in-         puted from the Frank free energy for nematic elasticity which,
stability, λc , which is itself proportional to the active length      in the one-constant approximation, is given by67
`a 35 . In the presence of flow alignment, a similar transient
                                                                                K                            K
                                                                                   Z                           Z
cascade may exist. Moreover, flow alignment introduces a                 Fn =        (∂α nβ )(∂α nβ ) d2 r =      |∇θ|2 d2 r. (S28)
new nonlinearity in the problem enabling an additional poten-                   2                            2
tial mechanism of energy transfer in the steady state. It is thus
                                                                       Respectively, the second contribution in Eq. (S26) corre-
reasonable to expect that, also in the presence of flow align-
                                                                       sponds to the active nematic stress4,68–70
ment, the vortex size for an isolated nematic is selected by a
nonlinear mechanism.                                                                              act
                                                                                                 σαβ  = −ζqαβ ,                   (S29)
    This scenario is modified when the active nematic is not
isolated but coupled either to a frictional substrate58,66 or to       where ζ is the active stress coefficient, and qαβ = nα nβ −
external fluids22,50–52 , as in our system. The external fluids are    1/2 δαβ is the nematic orientation tensor in two dimensions,
isotropic and in the Stokes regime, and therefore they cannot          with cartesian components
transfer energy across scales at the steady state. However, the
coupling to an external fluid modifies the spontaneous-flow
instability of the active nematic at the linear level, making                                                1
the growth rate achieve a maximum at finite wavelengths51,52 .                              qxx = −qyy =       cos(2θ),         (S30a)
Consequently, an intrinsic wavelength λm is selected from the                                              1
very onset of spontaneous flows, which dominates the early                                  qxy = qyx =      sin(2θ).           (S30b)
stages of turbulence development22 . To what extent nonlin-
ear effects may modify this characteristic scale at later stages       To perform a linear stability analysis, we introduce perturba-
of turbulence is an open question that we can now analyze in           tions around the reference state as θ = 0+δθ and v = 0+δv,
light of our data.                                                     and we decompose them into Fourier-Laplace modes as
    To this end, we derive the wavelength λm that is selected
in the linear regime by the coupling between the active ne-
                                                                                        dΩ    d2 q
                                                                                        Z  Z
matic and the external fluids in our experiments. We then                  δθ(r, t) =              δ θ̃(q, Ω) eΩt+iq·r ,        (S31a)
compare these predictions to our experimental measurements                              2π   (2π)2
of the vortex size in fully-developed turbulence at different oil                     Z
                                                                                              d2 q
viscosities.                                                               δv(r, t) =              δ ṽ(q, Ω) eΩt+iq·r ,        (S31b)
                                                                                        2π   (2π)2
    To obtain the selected wavelength, we analyze the dynam-
ics around the uniformly-oriented quiescent state of the active        with wave vector q and frequency Ω. In terms of these modes,
nematic film. Ignoring flow alignment and topological de-              and to first order in perturbations, Eq. (S25) is written as
fects, the dynamics of the angle θ of the nematic director field
n̂ = (cos θ, sin θ) can be written as35
                                                                                      1                          K
                                   ω  K                                       Ω δ θ̃ + (iqy δṽx − iqx δṽx ) = − q 2 δ θ̃.       (S32)
                 ∂t θ + v · ∇θ +     = ∇2 θ.                 (S25)                    2                          γ
                                   2  γ
                                                                       In turn, the Fourier modes of the flow field are related to those
The right-hand side of this equation accounts for the relax-           of the nematic force, f˜, via Eqs. (S3) and (S11). To first order
ation of distortions of the director field, which generate elastic     in perturbations, Eqs. (S26) to (S30) yield
nematic stress. We describe this stress in the approximation of
one Frank constant K which, together with the rotational vis-
cosity γ, controls the director relaxation rate67 . Respectively,
                                                                                          ˜            K 2
the second and third terms on the left-hand side of Eq. (S25)                           δ fx = iqy −ζ − q δ θ̃,                 (S33a)
account for the advection and corotation of the nematic direc-                                            
tor by the flow field v, with vorticity ω = ẑ · (∇ × v).                                 ˜            K 2
                                                                                        δ fy = iqx −ζ + q δ θ̃.                 (S33b)
   In turn, the flow field is driven by nematic forces f as spec-                                      2
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