SARS-​CoV-2 variants, spike mutations
                                     and immune escape
                                     William T. Harvey 1,2,8, Alessandro M. Carabelli 3,8, Ben Jackson 4,
                                     Ravindra K. Gupta5, Emma C. Thomson6,7, Ewan M. Harrison3,7, Catherine Ludden3,
                                     Richard Reeve 1, Andrew Rambaut 4, COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-​UK) Consortium*,
                                     Sharon J. Peacock3 and David L. Robertson 2 ✉
                                     Abstract | Although most mutations in the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
                                     (SARS-​CoV-2) genome are expected to be either deleterious and swiftly purged or relatively
                                     neutral, a small proportion will affect functional properties and may alter infectivity, disease
                                     severity or interactions with host immunity. The emergence of SARS-​CoV-2 in late 2019 was
                                     followed by a period of relative evolutionary stasis lasting about 11 months. Since late 2020,
                                     however, SARS-​CoV-2 evolution has been characterized by the emergence of sets of mutations,
                                     in the context of ‘variants of concern’, that impact virus characteristics, including transmissibility
                                     and antigenicity, probably in response to the changing immune profile of the human population.
                                     There is emerging evidence of reduced neutralization of some SARS-​CoV-2 variants by
                                     postvaccination serum; however, a greater understanding of correlates of protection is
                                     required to evaluate how this may impact vaccine effectiveness. Nonetheless, manufacturers
                                     are preparing platforms for a possible update of vaccine sequences, and it is crucial that
                                     surveillance of genetic and antigenic changes in the global virus population is done alongside
                                     experiments to elucidate the phenotypic impacts of mutations. In this Review, we summarize the
                                     literature on mutations of the SARS-​CoV-2 spike protein, the primary antigen, focusing on their
                                     impacts on antigenicity and contextualizing them in the protein structure, and discuss them in
                                     the context of observed mutation frequencies in global sequence datasets.

Variants                            As of April 2021, severe acute respiratory syndrome        high-​effect mutations that contribute to virus adaption
In the context of viruses,          coronavirus 2 (SARS-​C oV-2), the causative agent of       and fitness do occur, they tend to be in the minority
genetically distinct viruses with   COVID-19, accounted for more than 143 million infec-       compared with tolerated low-​effect or no-​effect ‘neu-
mutations different from those      tions and more than three million deaths worldwide1.       tral’ amino acid changes4. A small minority of mutations
of other viruses. ‘Variants’ can
also refer to the founding virus
                                    Virus genomic sequences are being generated and            are expected to impact virus phenotype in a way that
of a cluster or lineage and         shared at an unprecedented rate, with more than one        confers a fitness advantage, in at least some contexts.
is used to refer collectively       million SARS-​CoV-2 sequences available via the Global     Such mutations may alter various aspects of virus biol-
to the resulting variants that      Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID), per-    ogy, such as pathogenicity, infectivity, transmissibility
form the lineage. Variants
                                    mitting near real-​time surveillance of the unfolding      and/or antigenicity. Although care has to be taken not
with changed biological
characteristics or antigenicity
                                    pandemic2. The use of pathogen genomes on this scale       to confound mutations being merely present in grow­
have been termed ‘variants          to track the spread of the virus internationally, study    ing lineages with mutations that change virus biology5,
of interest’, ‘variants under       local outbreaks and inform public health policy signi-     fitness-​enhancing mutations were first detected to
investigation’ or ‘variants of      fies a new age in virus genomic investigations3. Further   have arisen within a few months of the evolution of
concern’ by public health
                                    to understanding epidemiology, sequencing enables          SARS-​CoV-2 within the human population. For exam-
                                    identification of emerging SARS-​CoV-2 variants and        ple, the spike protein amino acid change D614G was
                                    sets of mutations potentially linked to changes in viral   noted to be increasing in frequency in April 2020 and to
                                    properties.                                                have emerged several times in the global SARS-​CoV-2
✉e-​mail: david.l.robertson@            As highly deleterious mutations are rapidly purged,    population, and the coding sequence exhibits a high                       most mutations observed in genomes sampled from cir-       dN/dS ratio, suggesting positive selection at the codon            culating SARS-​CoV-2 virions are expected to be either     position 614 (refs6,7). Subsequent studies indicated that
s41579-021-00573-0                  neutral or mildly deleterious. This is because although    D614G confers a moderate advantage for infectivity8,9

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


                                      and transmissibility10. Several other spike mutations of         from infection18. Another RBM amino acid change,
The substitutions, insertions         note have now arisen and are discussed in this Review,           Y453F — associated with increased ACE2-​binding
or deletions of one or more           with particular focus on mutations affecting antigenicity.       affinity19 — received considerable attention following
nucleotides in the virus RNA              The extent to which mutations affecting the anti-            its identification in sequences associated with infec-
genome. Non-​synonymous
nucleotide substitutions in
                                      genic phenotype of SARS-​CoV-2 will enable variants              tions in humans and mink; most notably one lineage
protein-​coding sequence              to circumvent immunity conferred by natural infection            identified in Denmark and initially named ‘cluster 5’
result in a change in amino acid      or vaccination remains to be determined. However,                (now B.1.1.298)20. As of 5 November 2020, 214 humans
(referred to as a substitution        there is growing evidence that mutations that change             infected with SARS-​CoV-2 related to mink were all car-
or replacement), whereas
                                      the antigenic phenotype of SARS-​C oV-2 are circu-               rying the mutation Y453F21. The B.1.1.298 lineage also
synonymous nucleotide
substitutions do not change
                                      lating and affect immune recognition to a degree that            has Δ69–70, an amino-​terminal domain (NTD) dele-
the amino acid.                       requires immediate attention. The spike protein medi-            tion that has emerged several times across the global
                                      ates attachment of the virus to host cell-​surface recep-        SARS-​C oV-2 population, including in the second
Lineages                              tors and fusion between virus and cell membranes11               N439K lineage, B.1.258. Δ69–70 is predicted to alter the
Monophyletic clusters of
                                      (Box 1). It is also the principal target of neutralizing anti-   conformation of an exposed NTD loop and has been
viruses assigned on the basis
of the severe acute reparatory        bodies generated following infection by SARS-​CoV-2              reported to be associated with increased infectivity22.
syndrome coronavirus 2                (refs12,13), and is the SARS-​CoV-2 component of both                 Genomic analyses indicate a change in host environ­
(SARS-​CoV-2) global                  mRNA and adenovirus-​based vaccines licensed for use             ment and signatures of increased selective pressures
phylogenetic tree.
                                      and others awaiting regulatory approval14. Consequently,         acting upon immunologically important SARS-​CoV-2
dN/dS ratio
                                      mutations that affect the antigenicity of the spike pro-         genes sampled from around November 2020 (ref.23). This
The ratio of non-​synonymous          tein are of particular importance. In this Review, we            coincided with the emergence of variants with higher
mutations per non-​synonymous         explore the literature on these mutations and their              numbers of mutations relative to previous circulating
site (dN) to synonymous               antigenic consequences, focusing on the spike protein            variants. These lineages because of their association
mutations per synonymous site
(dS), which is used to estimate
                                      and antibody-​mediated immunity, and discuss them in             with increased transmissibility were named ‘variants of
the balance between neutral           the context of observed mutation frequencies in global           concern’. They are defined by multiple convergent muta-
mutations, purifying selection        sequence datasets.                                               tions that are hypothesized to have arisen either in the
and positive selection acting                                                                          context of chronic infections or in previously infected
on gene or a specific codon.
                                      Spike mutations receiving early attention                        individuals24–29. In addition to understanding the trans-
Amino acid substitution
                                      The rate of evolution of SARS-​CoV-2 from December               missibility and pathogenicity of these emerging variants,
A change in a specific amino          2019 to October 2020 was consistent with the virus               it is crucially important to characterize their antigenicity
acid of a protein. This is caused     acquiring approximately two mutations per month in               and the level of cross-​protection provided by infection by
by non-​synonymous mutations.         the global population15,16. Although our understanding           earlier viruses that are genetically and antigenically sim-
By convention, an amino acid
substitution is written in the
                                      of the functional consequences of spike mutations is             ilar to the virus that first emerged in December 2019 and
form N501Y to denote                  rapidly expanding, much of this knowledge involves the           which is used in all of the current vaccine preparations.
the wild-​type amino acid             reactive investigation of amino acid changes identified as       Information on how spike mutations affect antigenic
(N (asparagine)) and the              rapidly increasing in frequency or being associated with         profiles can be derived from structural studies, mutations
substituted amino acid
                                      unusual epidemiological characteristics. Following the           identified in viruses exposed to mAbs or plasma con-
(Y (tyrosine)) at site 501 in
the amino acid sequence.
                                      emergence of D614G, an amino acid substitution within            taining polyclonal antibodies, targeted investigations of
                                      the receptor-​binding motif (RBM), N439K, was noted              variants using site-​directed mutagenesis and deep muta-
Monoclonal antibodies                 as increasing in frequency in Scotland in March 2020.            tional scanning (DMS) experiments that systematically
(mAbs). Antibodies made               Whereas this first lineage with N439K (designated                investigate the possibility of mutations arising.
by cloning a unique white
blood cell, which usually has
                                      B.1.141 with the Pango nomenclature system17) quickly
monovalent binding affinity for       became extinct, another lineage that independently               Immunogenic regions of spike
a specific epitope. Virus particles   acquired N439K (B.1.258) emerged and circulated                  Several studies have probed the antigenicity of
can be saturated with mAbs,           widely in many European countries18. N439K is note-              the SARS-​C oV-2 spike protein by epitope mapping
and the structure can be solved
                                      worthy as it enhances the binding affinity for the ACE2          approaches, including solving the structure of the spike
to determine the antibody
footprint or mAbs can be used
                                      receptor and reduces the neutralizing activity of some           protein in complex with the antigen-​binding fragment
to select for mutations that          monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and polyclonal antibod-             of particular antibodies13,30–32. Serological analyses of
escape recognition.                   ies present in sera from people who have recovered               almost 650 individuals infected with SARS-​C oV-2
                                                                                                       indicated that ~90% of the plasma or serum neutraliz-
                                                                                                       ing antibody activity targets the spike receptor-​binding
 Author addresses
                                                                                                       domain (RBD)12. A relative lack of glycan shielding may
  institute of Biodiversity, animal Health and Comparative Medicine, College of Medical,               contribute to the immunodominance of the RBD33. One
 veterinary and Life sciences, university of Glasgow, Glasgow, uK.                                     study reported structural, biophysical and bioinformat-
  MrC–university of Glasgow Centre for virus research, Glasgow, uK.                                    ics analyses of 15 SARS-​CoV-2 RBD-​binding neutral-
  Department of Medicine, university of Cambridge, Cambridge, uK.                                      izing antibodies31. Antibody footprints were generated
  institute of evolutionary Biology, university of edinburgh, edinburgh, uK.                           by structural analyses of the spike residues considering
  Cambridge institute of therapeutic immunology and infectious Disease, university of
                                                                                                       potential hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions
 Cambridge, Cambridge, uK.
  Department of Clinical research, London school of Hygiene and tropical Medicine,                     with a mAb atom that were less than 4.0 Å. Structural
 London, uK.                                                                                           analyses allowed the categorization of RBD-​binding
  wellcome sanger institute, Hinxton, uK.                                                              neutra­lizing antibodies into four classes (Fig. 1a,b): ACE2-​
  these authors contributed equally: william t. Harvey, alessandro M. Carabelli.                       blocking antibodies that bind the spike protein in the
 *a list of members and their affiliations appears in supplementary information.                       open conformation (class 1); ACE2-​blocking antibodies



 Box 1 | Spike protein structure and function                                                       mAbs39 or convalescent plasma containing polyclonal
                                                                                                    antibodies40,41; targeted characterization of particular
 as with other coronaviruses, the entry of severe acute respiratory syndrome                        mutations18,42; and wider investigations of either large
 coronavirus 2 (sars-​Cov-2) into host cells is mediated by the transmembrane spike                 numbers of circulating variants43 or all possible amino
 glycoprotein, which forms homotrimers on the surface of the virion. the sars-​Cov-2
                                                                                                    acid substitutions in the RBD39,44–46. For spike residues
 spike protein is highly glycosylated, with 66 potential N-​glycosylation sites per
                                                                                                    where mutations have been shown to influence poly-
 trimer98,99 (Fig. 4a).the sars-​Cov-2 spike protein is post-​translationally cleaved
 by mammalian furin into two subunits: s1 and s2 (Fig. 4a). the s1 subunit largely                  clonal antibody recognition, the observation of an effect
 consists of the amino-​terminal domain and the receptor-​binding domain (rBD), and                 on either mAbs or plasma is indicated in Fig. 1b. For a
 is responsible for binding to the host cell-​surface receptor, aCe2, whereas the s2                smaller number of residues, escape mutations emerg-
 subunit includes the trimeric core of the protein and is responsible for membrane fusion           ing in virus exposed to mAbs or polyclonal plasma have
 (Fig. 4b). the presence of a polybasic furin cleavage site at the s1–s2 boundary, which            been described (‘mAb emerge’ and ‘plasma emerge’ in
 is unique within the subgenus Sarbecovirus, is important for infectivity and virulence100,         Fig. 1b).
 with furin cleavage facilitating the conformational change required for receptor                       In a DMS study, researchers assessed all possible
 binding50. the spike protein transiently undergoes conformational changes between a                single amino acid variants using a yeast-​display system
 closed conformation and an open conformation in which a hinge-​like movement raises                and detected variants that escape either nine neutraliz-
 the rBD50. the residues comprising the receptor-​binding motif are revealed on the
                                                                                                    ing SARS-​CoV-2 mAbs45 or convalescent plasma from
 upright rBD, enabling binding to aCe2, which induces a progressively more open
 structure until a fully open, three-​aCe2-​bound structure is formed, initiating s2                11 individuals taken at two time points after infection39
 unsheathing and membrane fusion101.                                                                (shades of green in Fig. 1b). The resulting heat maps
                                                                                                    provide rich data on the antigenic consequence of RBD
                                                                                                    mutations, with the plasma escape mutations being of
                                     that bind the RBD in both the open conformation and            particular interest given that they impact neutraliza-
                                     the closed conformation (class 2); antibodies that do not      tion by polyclonal antibodies of the kind SARS-​CoV-2
                                     block ACE2 and bind the RBD in both the open con-              encounters in infections, with significant levels of immu-
Epitope mapping
Experimental determination
                                     formation and the closed conformation (class 3); and           nity acquired through prior exposure or vaccination.
of the binding site, or epitope,     neutralizing antibodies that bind outside the ACE2 site        Although significant interperson and intraperson hetero­
of an antibody. Approaches           and only in the open conformation (class 4)31. Within          geneity in the impact of mutations on neutralization by
include X-​ray co-​crystallography   the RBD, RBM epitopes overlapping the ACE2 site are            polyclonal serum has been described, the mutations that
or cryogenic electron
                                     immunodominant, whereas other RBD sites generate               reduce antibody binding the most occur at a relatively
microscopy of an antigen–
antibody complex and the             lower and variable responses in different individuals12.       small number of RBD residues, indicating substantial
mapping of systematic                    Although the RBD is immunodominant, there is               immunodominance within the RBD39.
mutations introduced by              evidence for a substantial role of other spike regions in          Of all RBD residues for which substitutions affected
site-​directed mutagenesis.          antigenicity, most notably the NTD13,30,34. Early struc-       recognition by convalescent sera, DMS identified E484
Glycan shielding
                                     tural characterization of NTD-​specific antibodies 4A8         as being of principal importance, with amino acid
The process by which a virus         (ref.32) and 4–8 (ref.13) revealed similar epitope locations   changes to K, Q or P reducing neutralization titres by
can cloak underlying protein,        towards the upper side of the most prominently protrud-        more than an order of magnitude39. E484K has also been
impeding antibody binding.           ing area of the NTD. Cryogenic electron microscopy was         identified as an escape mutation that emerges during
This is mediated by glycans,
                                     used to determine the antibody footprint of the neutral-       exposure to mAbs C121 and C144 (ref.40) and convales-
bulky sugar molecules that
are covalently attached to           izing antibody 4A8, and showed key interactions involv-        cent plasma41, and was the only mutation described in
amino acid side chains of            ing spike residues Y145, H146, K147, K150, W152, R246          one study as able to reduce the neutralizing ability of a
the viral protein.                   and W258 (ref.32). Epitope binning of 41 NTD-​specific         combination of mAbs (REGN10989 and REGN10934)
                                     mAbs led to the identification of six antigenic sites,         to an unmeasurable level47. In an escape mutation study
The phenomenon by
                                     one of which is recognized by all known NTD-​specific          using 19 mAbs, substitutions at E484 emerged more
which the host immune                neutralizing antibodies and has been termed the ‘NTD           frequently than at any other residue (in response to
response against a viral             supersite’, consisting of residues 14–20, 140–158 and          four mAbs), and each of the four 484 mutants identi-
particle is mostly focused on        245–264 (ref.30) (Fig. 1a,b). The mechanism of neutraliza-     fied (E484A, E484D, E484G and E484K) subsequently
a few antigens and mediated
                                     tion by which NTD-​specific antibodies act remains to be       conferred resistance to each of four convalescent sera
by potently neutralizing
antibodies.                          fully determined, although it may involve the inhibition       tested48. No other mAb-​selected escape mutants escaped
                                     of conformational changes or proposed interactions with        each of the four sera, although the mutations K444E,
Antibody footprints                  auxiliary receptors such as DC-​SIGN or L-​SIGN32,35.          G446V, L452R and F490S escaped three of the four sera
Amino acid residues of a             Relatively little is known of antigenicity in the S2 sub-      tested48.
3D folded protein that are
targeted and contacted by
                                     unit, with immunogenicity thought to be impeded by                 Mutations at position 477 of the spike protein
a binding antibody.                  extensive glycan shielding36, and although both linear         (S477G, S477N and S477R) rank prominently among
                                     and cross-​reactive conformational S2 epitopes have been       mAb escape mutations identified by one study, and the
Glycoprotein                         described37,38, the biological significance of these is not    mutation S477G conferred resistance to two of the four
A protein with oligosaccharide
                                     yet known.                                                     sera tested48. However, substitutions at 477 were not
chains (glycans) covalently
attached to amino acid                                                                              identified as being important in DMS with convales-
side chains. Virus surface           Spike RBD mutations and immune escape                          cent plasma39. The mutation N439K increases affinity
glycoproteins embedded in the        Several studies have contributed to the current under-         for ACE2 (ref.19), is predicted to result in an additional
membrane often have a role           standing of how mutations in the SARS-​CoV-2 spike             salt bridge at the RBM–ACE2 interface and is thought
in interactions with host cells,
including receptor binding,
                                     protein affect neutralization. These studies include           to preferentially reduce the neutralization potential
and are also commonly                traditional escape mutation work that identifies muta-         of plasma that already has low neutralizing activity18.
targeted by host antibodies.         tions that emerge in virus populations exposed to either       However, a DMS study39 did not find that the mutation

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


a                                                          b 140                                                  x                         xx                                                                                           140
                                                               148                                                                                                                                                                       148
                                                               150                                                                                                                                                                       150
                                                               151                                                                                                                                                                       151
                                                               345                                                                                                                                                                       345
                                                               346                                                                                                                                                                       346
                                                               352                                                                                                                                                                       352
                                                               378                                                                                                                                                                       378
                                                               406                                                                                                                                                                       406   Antibody class
                                                               408                                                                                                                                                                       408      NTD
                                                               417                                                                                                                                                                       417      RBD 1
                                                               439                                                                                                                                                                       439      RBD 2
                                                               441                                                                                                                                                                       441      RBD 3
                                                               443                                                                                                                                                                       443      RBD 4
                                                               444                                                                                                                                                                       444
                                                               445                                                                                                                                                                       445   RBS distance (Å)
                                                               446                                                                                                                                                                       446      150
                                                               447                                                                                                                                                                       447      100
                                                               448                                                                                                                                                                       448      50
                                                               449                                                                                                                                                                       449      0
                                                               450                                                                                                                                                                       450
                                                               452                                                                                                                                                                       452   Described
                                                               453                                                                                                                                                                       453      No
                                                               455                                                                                                                                                                       455      Yes
                                                               456                                                                                                                                                                       456   x  Yes (deletion)
                                                               458                                                                                                                                                                       458
                                                               472                                                                                                                                                                       472   Plasma escape
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               fraction (DMS)
                                                               473                                                                                                                                                                       473
                                                               474                                                                                                                                                                       474
                                                               476                                                                                                                                                                       476
                                                               477                                                                                                                                                                       477
                                                               478                                                                                                                                                                       478
                                                               479                                                                                                                                                                       479       0.2
                                                               483                                                                                                                                                                       483       0
                                                               484                                                                                                                                                                       484
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ACE2 binding (DMS)
                                                               485                                                                                                                                                                       485
                                                               486                                                                                                                                                                       486
                                                               487                                                                                                                                                                       487
                                                               489                                                                                                                                                                       489
                                                               490                                                                                                                                                                       490      –2
                                                               493                                                                                                                                                                       493      –3
                                                               494                                                                                                                                                                       494
                                                               496                                                                                                                                                                       496
                                                               499                                                                                                                                                                       499
                                                               501                                                                                                                                                                       501
                                                               503                                                                                                                                                                       503
                                                               504                                                                                                                                                                       504
                                                               519                                                                                                                                                                       519
                                                               Amino acid position

                                                                                              RBS distance (Å)

                                                                                                                 mAb effect
                                                                                                                             mAb emerge
                                                                                                                                          Plasma effect
                                                                                                                                                         Plasma emerge

                                                                                                                                                                         Plasma average

                                                                                                                                                                                          Plasma max

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Binding average

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Binding max


                                     N439K significantly alters neutralization by polyclonal                                                             Spike NTD mutations and immune escape
                                     antibodies in plasma, in contrast to previous studies                                                               In the NTD, most of the evidence for immune evasion
                                     that found that N439K reduced neutralization by mAbs                                                                focuses on a region centred at a conformational epitope
                                     and convalescent plasma18. One explanation for this                                                                 consisting of residues 140–156 (N3 loop) and 246–260
                                     inconsistency is that the mechanism of immune escape                                                                (N5 loop), which includes the epitope of the antibody
                                     conferred by N439K is through increased ACE2 affinity                                                               4A832 (Fig. 1, magenta). In studies that identified the
Epitopes                             rather than by directly affecting antibody epitope recog-                                                           emergence of antibody escape mutations in virus popu-
The specific parts of an antigen
recognized by the immune
                                     nition and that perhaps the experimental design of the                                                              lations exposed to convalescent plasma, mutations were
system: antibodies, B cells          DMS study is less sensitive to detecting immune evasion                                                             roughly evenly distributed between the RBD and the NTD
or T cells.                          mutations of this type.                                                                                             (Fig. 1b). One study described the emergence of escape



◀   Fig. 1 | Neutralizing antibody classes defined by structural analyses and properties             change across the NTD and the RBD can drastically evade
    of spike protein residues. a | Amino acid residues of the severe acute respiratory               the polyclonal antibody response. The Δ140+E484K
    syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-​CoV-2) spike protein are coloured according to the                 double mutant next acquired an 11-​residue insertion in
    class of the antibody that binds to an epitope. Receptor-​binding domain (RBD) antibody          the NTD N5 loop between Y248 and L249, completely
    classes 1–4 (ref.31) are shown: green for class 1 (ACE2-​blocking antibodies that bind the
                                                                                                     abolishing neutralization. This insertion, which also
    spike protein in the open conformation), yellow for class 2 (ACE2-​blocking antibodies
    that bind the RBD in both the open conformation and the closed conformations),
                                                                                                     introduced a new glycosylation motif in the vicinity of
    blue for class 3 (antibodies that do not block ACE2 and bind the RBD in both the open            RDR4, is predicted to alter the structure of the antigenic
    conformation and the closed conformations) and red for class 4 (neutralizing antibodies          N3 and N5 NTD loops41. This finding further demon-
    that bind outside the ACE2 site and only in the open conformation). When residues                strates the structural plasticity of the NTD and indicates
    belong to epitopes of multiple classes, priority colouring is given to antibodies that block     that insertions and the acquisition of additional glyco-
    ACE2 and bind the closed spike protein. The amino-​terminal domain (NTD) supersite30             sylation motifs in the NTD are further mechanisms in
    is coloured in magenta. b | Aligned heat maps showing properties of amino acid residues          addition to deletion that lead to immune evasion. Other
    where substitutions affect binding by antibodies in polyclonal human blood plasma or             examples of mutations that impact the epitope–paratope
    emerge as antibody escape mutations. The distance in angstroms to the ACE2-​contacting           interface indirectly include mutations in the signal pep-
    residues that form the receptor-​binding site (RBS) is shown in shades of orange; each
                                                                                                     tide region and at cysteine residues 15 and 136, which
    residue is classified as having evidence for mutations affecting neutralization by either
    monoclonal antibodies (mAbs)40,43,47,48 or polyclonal antibodies in plasma from previously       form a disulfide bond that ‘staples’ the NTD amino termi-
    infected individuals (convalescent)39–41,43,48 or vaccinated individuals59 (‘mAb effect’ and     nus against the galectin-​like β-​sandwich30. Mutations at
    ‘plasma effect’, respectively). A subset of these residues has mutations described as            those sites (for example, C136Y and S12P, which alter the
    emerging upon exposure (co-​incubation) to mAbs40,47,48 or plasma40,41 in laboratory             cleavage occurring between residues C15 and V16) have
    experiments (‘mAb emerge’ and ‘plasma emerge’, respectively). When an observation                been shown to affect the neutralizing activity of several
    includes a deletion, this is indicated by a red cross. Shades of green depict the results of     mAbs, likely disrupting the disulfide bond and therefore
    deep mutational scanning (DMS) experiments where yeast cells expressing RBD mutants              dislodging the supersite targeted by several antibodies30.
    are incubated with multiple samples of human convalescent plasma39. The escape                       Across the spike protein, some mutations that con-
    fraction (that is, a quantitative measure of the extent to which a mutation reduced              fer escape to neutralizing mAbs have little impact on
    polyclonal antibody binding) averaged across all amino acid substitutions at a residue
                                                                                                     serum antibody binding39,40,44, possibly because those
    (‘plasma average’) and the maximally resistant substitution (‘plasma max’) are indicated.
    DMS data on ACE2-​binding affinity19 are shown in shades of red or blue representing
                                                                                                     mAbs are rare in polyclonal sera, targeting subdominant
    higher or lower ACE2 affinity, respectively. The mean change in binding affinity averaged        epitopes12,39,44. Escape mutations emerging in viruses
    across all mutations at each site (‘binding average’) and alternatively the maximally            exposed to convalescent plasma have been identified in
    binding mutant (‘binding max’) is shown. Scores represent binding constants (Δlog10 KD)          both the NTD (ΔF140, N148S, K150R, K150E, K150T,
    relative to the wild-​type reference amino acid.                                                 K150Q and S151P) and the RBD (K444R, K444N,
                                                                                                     K444Q, V445E and E484K)40,41 (Fig. 1b). Notably, muta-
                                                                                                     tions emerging under selective pressure from convales-
                                       mutations in viruses exposed to convalescent plasma           cent plasma may be different from those selected by the
                                       from two individuals, one of which selected for NTD           most frequent mAb isolated from the same plasma40.
                                       mutations only (N148S, K150R, K150E, K150T, K150Q             Potentially, observed differences arise because muta-
                                       and S151P)40. This was despite the plasma being a source      tions selected by convalescent plasma facilitate escape
                                       of the highly potent RBD-​targeting mAb C144 (ref.40).        from multiple mAbs. Fewer data on the antigenic
                                       NTD antibody escape mutations were not observed for           effects of S2 mutations exist, though D769H has been
                                       the other samples of plasma investigated, and further-        described as conferring decreased susceptibility to neu-
                                       more, the 148–151 mutants exhibited only marginal             tralizing antibodies24. Residue 769 is positioned in a
                                       reductions in sensitivity to the plasma tested, indicat-      surface-​exposed S2 loop, and D769H was found to arise,
                                       ing individual immune responses may be differentially         in linkage with Δ69–70, in an immunocompromised
                                       affected by mutations of RBD and NTD epitopes40.              individual treated with convalescent plasma24.
                                           Deletions in the NTD have been observed repeatedly
                                       in the evolution of SARS-​CoV-2 and have been described       Conformational epitopes in spike
                                       as changing NTD antigenicity30,41,42. One study identified    To evaluate potential antigenicity across the spike pro-
                                       four recurrently deleted regions (RDRs) within the NTD        tein, we analysed the protein using BEpro, a program
    Epitope binning                    and tested five frequently observed deletions within these:   for the prediction of conformational epitopes based
    An approach that uses a            Δ69–70 (RDR1), Δ141–144 and Δ146 (RDR2), Δ210                 on tertiary structure 49. This approach calculates a
    competitive immunoassay to         (RDR3) and Δ243–244 (RDR4)42. Of the four RDRs,               structure-​based epitope score, which approximates anti-
    sort a library of monoclonal
    antibodies into discrete groups
                                       RDR1, RDR2 and RDR4 correspond to NTD loops N2,               body accessibility for each amino acid position. For each
    of antibodies that compete for     N3 and N5, whereas RDR3 falls between N4 and N5 in            residue, the calculated score accounts for the local pro-
    access to overlapping epitopes.    another accessible loop (Fig. 2a, asterisk). Both RDR2        tein structure: half-​sphere exposure measures and pro-
                                       deletions, Δ141–144 and Δ146, and Δ243–244 (RDR4)             pensity scores each depend on all atoms within 8–16 Å of
    Convalescent plasma
                                       abolished binding of 4A8 (ref.42). Further evidence of        the target residue, with weighting towards closer atoms.
    Blood serum of a previously
    infected individual that usually   the role of RDR2 deletions in immune escape was pro-          Due to this aggregation, calculated scores are relatively
    contains a mixture of different    vided by a study that describes the emergence of Δ140         insensitive to the effects of single amino acid substitu-
    antibodies referred to as          in SARS-​CoV-2 co-​incubated with potently neutralizing       tions. Scores were calculated for the spike protein in both
    polyclonal antibodies.             convalescent plasma, causing a fourfold reduction in neu-     the closed conformation and the open conformation
    Similarly, postvaccination
    serum includes polyclonal
                                       tralization titre41. This Δ140 spike mutant subsequently      (Fig. 2). It has been estimated that ~34% of spike pro-
    antibodies generated by            acquired the E484K mutation, resulting in a further four-     teins are closed and 27% are open (with the remainder
    vaccination.                       fold drop in neutralization titre, and thus a two-​residue    in an intermediate form) following furin cleavage50.

    Nature Reviews | Microbiology


                                                                               Scores rescaled between 0 and 1 are plotted for the closed                Fig, 1b). Notably, scores for residues with mutations
                                                                               conformation in Fig. 2a and are represented on the struc-                 described as affecting plasma antibody recognition are
                                                                               ture in Fig. 2b. A limitation of this approach is that it does            also slightly higher on average compared with those with
                                                                               not account for glycan shielding of residues and likely                   mutations described as affecting mAbs only. Epitope
                                                                               overestimates scores at the base of the ectodomain for                    scores are particularly high for residues with mutations
                                                                               residues closest to the carboxy terminus.                                 described as emerging during exposure to convalescent
                                                                                  Comparisons with reporting of antibody footprints                      plasma40,41 (Supplementary Fig. 1b). Experimental data
                                                                               and the impact of mutations on antigenicity indicate                      on the emergence of mutations under selective pressure
                                                                               that residues with mutations described as affecting                       from polyclonal antibodies are relatively rare, although
                                                                               recognition by mAbs or antibodies in convalescent                         these trends for higher scores associated with such muta-
                                                                               plasma (Fig. 1b) tend to occur at residues with higher                    tions indicate that information from structural analysis
                                                                               structure-​based antibody accessibility scores compared                   approaches of this kind can contribute to the ranking of
                                                                               with other residues belonging to epitope footprints and                   residues at which substitutions are likely to impact the
                                                                               residues not implicated in antigenicity (Supplementary                    polyclonal antibody response.

  a                                                        NTD                    RBD                                                                        b
                                          1.0               N3
                                                      N2                                                                                                                                             Closed
                                                 N1          N4                                                                                                                                      spike
                                                                  * N5
                                          0.8                                          477
                                                                                             501                                               Accessibility
Antibody accessibility score

                                                       70                        439                                                              1.0
                                          0.6                                                                                                     0.8
                                            69                                                                                                    0.6
                                                                                       453                                                        0.4
                                          0.4                                                                                                     0.2


                                                                                                                                                         d       ACE2-binding site
                                                 0    100        200     300     400    500        600     700   800   900   1,000 1,100
                                                                                   Amino acid position                                                       Upright
                                           0.4                                                                                             accessible                                                Open
                                                                                                                                           when open                                                 spike
   Adjustment to antibody accessibility

                                                 0    100    200         300    400     500        600     700   800   900   1,000 1,100 accessible
                                                                                                                                           when closed
                                                 0    100    200         300    400     500        600     700   800   900   1,000 1,100

                                                 0    100        200     300    400     500        600     700   800   900   1,000 1,100

   Fig. 2 | Structure-based analysis of conformational epitopes on the spike                                                          view along this axis (right). c | The extent to which each spike residue becomes
   protein. a | Structure-​based antibody accessibility scores for each spike                                                         more or less accessible when the spike protein is in its open form is shown. For
   protein ectodomain residue in the closed form were calculated with BEpro49.                                                        each spike monomer (upright receptor-​binding domain (RBD) (yellow), closed
   Black diamonds at the top and bottom of the plot indicate the positions of                                                         RBD clockwise adjacent (green) and closed RBD anticlockwise adjacent
   ACE2-​contacting residues. Accessible amino-​terminal domain (NTD) loops                                                           (blue)), the difference relative to the score calculated for the closed form
   N1–N5 are labelled, and a loop falling between these is indicated with an                                                          (shown in part a) is shown. d | Two surface colour representations of antibody
   asterisk. b | Two surface colour representations of antibody accessibility scores                                                  accessibility scores for the spike protein in the open conformation with a
   for the spike protein in the closed conformation according to the colour                                                           single monomer with an upright RBD are shown: a trimer axis vertical view
   scheme in part a: a trimer axis vertical view (left) and an orthogonal top-​down                                                   (left) and an orthogonal top-​down view along this axis (right).



                           Within the RBD, the two areas with high structure-​         frequency of mutations in circulating variants (Fig. 3).
                       based antibody accessibility scores for the closed spike        Globally, the highest number of amino acid variants,
                       structure (Fig. 2a, peaks with consecutive residues with        mapped against the Wuhan-​Hu-1 reference sequence
                       scores greater than 0.8) are centred at residues 444–447        (MN908947), are recorded at amino acid positions
                       and residues 498–500. These areas are represented as            614, 222 and 18 (Fig. 4a) (among 426,623 high-​quality
                       yellow patches near the centre of the top-​down view of         sequences retrieved from the GISAID database on
                       the spike structure in Fig. 2b. Figure 2c shows that, in        3 February 2021 and processed using CoV-​GLUE).
                       general, residues become more accessible and are likelier       Residues at positions 614 and 222 have relatively
                       to form epitopes when the spike protein is in the open          low antibody access scores and are positioned ~50 Å
                       conformation, and this is especially true for the RBD,          from the RBS residues when the spike protein is in
                       particularly for the upright RBD (Fig. 2c, yellow). In the      the open conformation (Fig. 3a,b). As mentioned ear-
                       open form, residues close to the ACE2-​binding site (405,       lier, there is evidence indicating that D614G confers
                       415, 416, 417 and 468) become much more exposed on              a moderate advantage for infectivity8,9 and increases
                       both the upright RBD and the clockwise adjacent closed          transmissibility10. The spike amino acid substitution
                       RBD (Fig. 2c, green). The effect of mutations at these          with the second highest frequency is A222V, which is
                       positions is likely to be greater for antibodies belonging      present in the 20A.EU1 SARS-​CoV-2 cluster (also des-
                       to RBD class 1. Residues centred at 444–447 and 498–500         ignated lineage B.1.177). This lineage has spread widely
                       maintain high scores on the upright RBD and are                 in Europe and is reported to have originated in Spain52.
                       joined by residues in areas 413–417 and 458–465. The            There is no evidence for a notable impact of A222V on
                       only RBD residues that become notably less accessible           virus phenotype (that is, infectivity and transmissibility),
                       in the open spike structure are residues 476, 477, 478,         and so its increase in frequency is generally presumed to
                       586 and 487 of the closed RBD clockwise adjacent to             have been fortuitous rather than a selective advantage.
                       the upright RBD, which become blocked by the upright            The substitution L18F has occurred ~21 times in the
                       RBD (Fig. 2c, green). Several RBD-​specific antibodies are      global population53 and is associated with escape from
                       able to bind only the open spike protein (RBD classes 1         multiple NTD-​binding mAbs30.
                       and 4 (ref.31)), and interestingly, it has been observed that       Among the 5,106 independent substitutions observed
                       D614G makes the spike protein more vulnerable to neu-           in the spike protein (Box 1), 161 are described as affecting
                       tralizing antibodies by increasing the tendency for the         recognition by mAbs or polyclonal antibodies in sera, of
                       open conformation to occur51.                                   which 22 are present in more than 100 sequences. On
                           Within the NTD, the highest-​scoring spike residues in      average, variant frequency is higher at amino acid posi-
                       the closed form belong to a loop centred at residues            tions where mutations are described as affecting anti-
                       147–150, which each have scores greater than 0.9 (Fig. 2a,      body recognition than at positions with no described
                       yellow patch to the extreme right of the structure viewed       substitutions of antigenic importance (Supplementary
                       from the side in Fig. 2b). This loop, known as the N3           Fig. 1a), and high levels of amino acid substitutions are
                       loop, is described as forming key interactions with the         observed at some amino acid positions where mutations
                       neutralizing antibody 4A8 (ref.32). One study described         are described as affecting recognition by antibodies in
                       the structure of five previously unmodelled, protruding         convalescent plasma, including positions 439 and 484.
                       NTD loops, denoting them N1–N5. In addition to N3,              This indicates that, generally, the amino acid positions
                       high-​scoring residues (greater than 0.7) are found at          at which antibody escape mutations have been detected
                       positions 22–26 (N1), 70 (N2), 173–187 (N4), 207–213            in vitro tolerate mutations at least to some degree in vivo.
                       (Fig. 2a, asterisk) and 247–253 (N5). Structural analysis           Within the RBD, the positions at which amino acid
                       indicates NTD-​binding antibodies are likely able to bind       substitutions are present at the highest frequency are
                       epitopes when the spike protein is in either the closed         located close to the RBD–ACE2 interface (Fig. 3). Of the
                       conformation or open the conformation (Fig. 2c). Outside        three RBD amino acid substitutions present in several
                       the NTD and the RBD, the highest-​scoring residues are          thousand sequences, N439K and N501Y were described
                       residues 676 and 689 (which lie on either side of the           earlier, and N501Y is discussed in more detail in the next
                       loop containing the S1–S2 furin cleavage site, which            section in the context of variants of concern. The other
                       is disordered in both the open conformation and the             substitution, S477N, is estimated to have emerged at
                       closed conformation50), 793–794, 808–812, 1,099–1,100           least seven times in the global SARS-​CoV-2 population
                       and 1,139–1,146 (Fig. 2a). When the spike protein is in         and has persisted at a frequency of between 4% and 7%
                       the open conformation, increased accessibility results          of sequences globally since mid-​June 2020 (ref.53). One
                       in substantially higher potential epitope scores for S2         study described multiple mAbs that selected for the
                       residues centred at 850–854, which become more                  emergence of S477N and found this mutant to be resist-
                       accessible on all three spike monomers (Fig. 2c), and           ant to neutralization by the entire panel of RBD-​targeting
                       residues 978–984, which become more accessible on               mAbs that were tested. By contrast, when tested with
                       the monomer anticlockwise adjacent to the upright RBD           convalescent serum, neutralization of the S477N mutant
                       monomer (Fig. 2c, blue).                                        was similar to that of the wild type48. In common with
                                                                                       N439K and N501Y, S477N results in increased affinity
                       Structural context of spike mutations                           for the ACE2 receptor, although to a lesser extent19,54. As
                       To assess the impact of spike mutations and their immuno­       described in Box 2, substitutions may facilitate immune
                       logical role in the global SARS-​C oV-2 population,             escape by increasing receptor-​binding affinity inde-
                       we combined structural analyses with the observed               pendently of any effect that they may have on antibody

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


a                                                                                                                                b
Distance from receptor-binding site (Å)


                                          100                                                                       Variant
                                                                                                                    frequency                                                 69–70
                                                                                                                                                                        222            144
                                                                              222 69         70                          1,000


                                                                                453         417 501 446
                                                     0.2           0.4            0.6     484 0.8       1.0
                                                              Antibody accessibility score

                                                  477                                                                                                             501
                                                  417                                             501
                                                  453                                             439                                                                                         439
                                                Upright RBD


Fig. 3 | Structural context of spike amino acid mutations in the global                                               b | Spike protein in closed form with all residues coloured according to the
virus population. Spike amino acid residues are coloured according to the                                             frequency scale shown; a trimer axis vertical view (left) and an orthogonal
frequency of amino acid substitutions or deletions. Variants (retrieved from                                          top-​down view along this axis (right) are shown. c | A close-​up view of the
CoV-​GLUE) are based on 426,623 high-​quality sequences downloaded                                                    receptor-​binding domain (RBD) bound to ACE2 (RCSB Protein Data Bank ID
from the Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID) database                                            6M0J95), with RBD residues shown as spheres coloured by amino acid variant
on 3 February 2021. a | Points representing each spike amino acid residue                                             frequency and ACE2 shown in gold. Amino acid variants are present at
are positioned according to the antibody accessibility score and the                                                  high frequency in positions at the RBD–ACE2 interface. d | Spike protein
distance to the nearest residue in the receptor-​binding site. Residues with                                          in open form with residues where at least 100 sequences possessing a
at least 100 sequences possessing a substitution or deletion are coloured                                             substitution are highlighted; a trimer axis vertical view (left) and an
according to the frequency scale shown, with the remainder shaded grey.                                               orthogonal top-​down view along this axis (right) are shown.

                                                                    recognition of epitopes; therefore, it is possible that such      was detected in Denmark spreading among farmed mink
                                                                    a mechanism contributes to the impact of S477N on                 and a small number of people20. This lineage is character-
                                                                    neutralization. Variant frequency is also moderately high         ized by four amino acid differences, ΔH69–V70, Y453F,
                                                                    at RBD–ACE2 interface amino acid positions 417, 453               I692V and M1229I (Fig. 5). Of these, the Y453F substitu-
                                                                    and 446. Of these positions, 446 occurs in a location in          tion occurs at a residue within the ACE2 footprint and
                                                                    the spike structure that is predicted to be highly anti-          has been shown by DMS to increase ACE2 affinity19. In
                                                                    genic, and substitutions at this site are described as            addition, Y453F has been described as reducing neu-
                                                                    affecting neutralization by both mAbs and antibodies              tralization by mAbs47. In late 2020 and early 2021, the
                                                                    present in polyclonal serum39,43,46,48. Substitutions at          emergence and sustained transmission of lineages with
                                                                    amino acid positions 417 and 453 are described in the             mutations that affect the characteristics of the virus
                                                                    next section in the context of variants of concern.               received much attention, most notably lineages B.1.1.7,
                                                                                                                                      B.1.351 and P.1 (also known as 501Y.V1, 501Y.V2 and
                                                                    Variants of interest or concern                                   501Y.V3, respectively). The locations of the spike muta-
                                                                    In addition to single mutations of note, more heavily             tions in the B.1.1.298, B.1.1.7, B.1.351 and P.1 lineages
                                                                    mutated SARS-​CoV-2 lineages have emerged. Arguably               are annotated in Fig. 5a, and information on the struc-
                                                                    the first variant of interest defined by the presence of sev-     tural context and consequences of mutations for antibody
                                                                    eral spike mutations, and referred to as B.1.1.298 (cluster 5),   recognition and ACE2 binding are shown in Fig. 5b.



                                                       Of the lineages summarized in Fig. 5, several amino             in lineages B.1.1.298 and B.1.1.7. Additionally, lineages
                                                   acid substitutions are convergent, having arisen inde-              B.1.351 and P.1 possess alternative amino acid substi-
                                                   pendently in different lineages: N501Y, which is present            tutions K417N and K417T, respectively. Further line-
                                                   in lineages B.1.1.7, B.1.351 and P.1; E484K, which is pres-         ages with these mutations have also been identified; for
                                                   ent in lineages B.1.351 and P.1 and has been detected as            example, an independent emergence of N501Y in the
                                                   emerging within the B.1.1.7 lineage55; and ΔH69–V70                 B.1.1.70 lineage, which is largely circulating in Wales.

a                                                                     S1                                                           S2
                                                    NTD                    RBD     RBM                                       FP                         CD         TM CT
            100,000                                            222
                                        18          144                             501         570      681         716                      982
                                                                                  477                                                                  1,118
                    10,000                                                        439
Variant frequency





                                    0        100         200         300    400         500     600            700         800     900      1,000     1,100     1,200
                                                                                              Amino acid position

                        b                  RBM


                                   S1                  S2



Fig. 4 | Spike protein sequence variability and structure. a | The domain                          particularly within the amino-​terminal domain (NTD). The most frequently
organization of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2                                detected NTD deletion is the two-​residue deletion at positions 69 and 70
(SARS-​CoV-2) spike protein showing amino acid sequence variability.                               (Δ69–70), present in 45,898 sequences. The S1–S2 boundary is at amino
The spike protein is synthesized as a 1,273 amino acid polypeptide, and the                        acid position 685. b | Spike protein monomer displaying an upright
frequency of amino acid variants, including both substitutions and                                 receptor-​binding domain (RBD). c | Spike protein structure in the closed
deletions, at each of the positions is shown. These variants, relative to the                      conformation overlaid with surface representations shown with a trimer
Wuhan-​Hu-1 reference sequence, were identified with use of CoV-​GLUE96,                           axis vertical view (left) and an orthogonal top-​down view along this axis
which filters out Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID)                         (right). Domains are coloured as in part a. The RCSB Protein Data Bank IDs
sequences97 identified as being of low quality or from non-​human hosts                            for the SARS-​CoV-2 spike protein structures are 6ZGG and 6ZGE50. The
(sequences retrieved from the GISAID database on 3 February 2021).                                 magenta spheres represent glycans, and the magenta triangles represent
Among 426,623 genomes after filtering, 5,106 different amino acid                                  potantial N-​linked glycosylation sites. The scissors represent the S1–S2
replacements or substitutions across 1,267 spike positions were identified,                        boundary at amino acid position 685. CD, connecting domain;
of which 320 at 259 positions were observed in at least 100 sequences.                             CT cytoplasmic tail; FP, fusion peptide; RBM, receptor-​binding motif;
In addition to substitutions, several deletions have been observed,                                TM, transmembrane domain.

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


 Box 2 | Mechanisms of antigenic change                                                         antigenic effect, both K417N and K417T are expected
                                                                                                to moderately decrease ACE2-​binding affinity19 (Fig. 5b).
 in common with other virus surface glycoproteins responsible for attachment to                 The ΔH69–V70 deletion has been identified in variants
 host cell-​surface receptors, such as influenza virus haemagglutinin and the envelope          associated with immune escape in immunocompro-
 glycoprotein GP120 of Hiv, the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2                 mised individuals treated with convalescent plasma24.
 (sars-​Cov-2) spike glycoprotein is an important target for neutralizing antibodies.
                                                                                                Experiments have shown that ΔH69–V70 does not
 there are various distinct mechanisms by which mutations can alter the antigenic
 properties of a glycoprotein.                                                                  reduce neutralization by a panel of convalescent sera;
                                                                                                however, it may compensate for infectivity deficits asso-
 Amino acid substitutions that alter the epitope                                                ciated with affinity-​boosting RBM mutations that may
 a change in the biophysical properties of an epitope residue directly diminishes
                                                                                                emerge due to immune-​mediated selection22.
 antibody binding. For example, the neutralizing antibody 4a8 forms salt bridges with
 spike protein residues K147 and K150, and therefore substitutions at these residues
                                                                                                    The first genomes belonging to the B.1.1.7 lineage
 are likely to inhibit binding. the e484K amino acid substitution has received attention        were sequenced in the south of England in September
 for its effect on monoclonal antibodies and convalescent plasma neutralizing activity.         2020. Lineage B.1.1.7 is defined by the presence of
 its position has been described as belonging to the footprint of several antibodies,           23 nucleotide mutations across the genome that map
 and a change in charge caused by replacement of a glutamate residue with a lysine              to a single branch of the phylogenetic tree3. Of these
 residue has the potential to diminish antibody binding.                                        23 mutations, 14 encode amino acid changes and three
 increasing receptor-​binding avidity                                                           are deletions, including six amino acid substitutions in
 substitutions that individually increase receptor-​binding affinity can shift the binding      the spike protein (N501Y, A570D, P681H, T716I, S982A
 equilibrium between glycoprotein and neutralizing antibodies in favour of a higher-            and D1118H) and two NTD deletions (ΔH69–V70 and
 ​ vidity interaction between glycoprotein and the cellular receptor102. the spike amino
 a                                                                                              ΔY144)3. The lineage has been associated with a rapidly
 acid substitution N501Y, which increases aCe2-​binding affinity19, has been described          increasing proportion of reported SARS-​CoV-2 cases,
 as emerging in individuals treated with convalescent plasma, potentially as a means            and phylogenetic analyses indicate that this lineage was
 of immune escape.                                                                              associated with a growth rate estimated to be 40–70%
 changes in glycosylation                                                                       higher than that of other lineages60,61. There is also evi-
 Glycans are bulky sugar molecules that may shield epitopes from antibody binding.              dence that this lineage may be associated with a higher
 N-​linked glycans are typically prominent in glycan shielding of virus surface glycoprotein    viral load62. In addition to N501Y, for which there is some
 epitopes33, although O-​linked glycans can also contribute103. a substitution can introduce    evidence that it reduces neutralization by a small propor-
 an additional N-​linked glycosylation motif. the acquisition of epitope-​masking glycans
                                                                                                tion of RBD antibodies63, there is evidence for an anti-
 during the evolution of human influenza viruses is well described104.
                                                                                                genic effect of ΔY144 (Fig. 5b). This deletion is expected to
 Deletions and insertions                                                                       alter the conformation of the N3 NTD loop (amino acid
 the deletion or insertion of residues has the potential to alter epitope conformation,         positions 140–156) and has been demonstrated to abol-
 diminishing antibody binding. several deletions in the spike amino-​terminal domain (NtD)      ish neutralization by a range of neutralizing antibodies30.
 that affect recognition by neutralizing antibodies have been described41,42. in laboratory
                                                                                                The B.1.1.7 spike mutations have been shown to dimin-
 experiments, a multiresidue insertion in the spike NtD has been described as emerging
 and contributing to escape from polyclonal antibodies in convalescent plasma41.                ish neutralization of a higher proportion of NTD-​specific
                                                                                                neutralizing antibodies (9 of 10; 90%) than RBD-​
 Allosteric structural effects                                                                  specific neutralizing antibodies (5 of 31; 16%) 63.
 similarly to deletions or insertions, an amino acid substitution outside an epitope
                                                                                                Given the immunodominance of the RBD, this could
 footprint may affect antibody binding by changing the protein conformation in such
 a way that an epitope is altered or differently displayed. in the spike NtD, changes
                                                                                                explain the modest reductions in neutralizing activity
 to disulfide bonds are thought to reduce binding by multiple monoclonal antibodies             of convalescent sera against authentic B.1.1.7 or pseudo­
 through this mechanism30.                                                                      viruses carrying the B.1.1.7 spike mutations64,65. The
                                                                                                co-​occurrence of ΔY144 and E484K is concerning with
                                                                                                respect to the polyclonal antibody response as the N3
                                 Residue 501 is at the RBD–ACE2 interface (Fig. 2c), and        loop, which ΔY144 changes, is predicted to be among the
                                 N501Y has been shown experimentally to result in one           most immunogenic regions of the spike protein (Fig. 2a),
                                 of the highest increases in ACE2 affinity conferred by a       and amino acid substitutions at position 484 diminish
                                 single RBD mutation19. E484 has been identified as an          neutralization by a range of RBD-​targeting antibodies.
                                 immunodominant spike protein residue, with various                 Reports of lineages with N501Y circulating in the UK
                                 substitutions, including E484K, facilitating escape from       were followed by reports of another lineage possessing
                                 several mAbs40,47,48 as well as antibodies in convales-        N501Y circulating in South Africa (lineage B.1.351),
                                 cent plasma39–41,48. E484K is estimated to have emerged        which has been rapidly expanding in frequency since
                                 repeatedly in the global SARS-​C oV-2 population53             December 2020 (ref.66). In addition to N501Y, lineage
                                 and has been described in two other lineages origi-            B.1.351 is defined by the presence of five further spike
                                 nating from lineage B.1.1.28 in addition to lineage P.1        amino acid substitutions (D80A, D215G, K417N, E484K
                                 reported to be spreading in the state of Rio de Janeiro        and A701V) and a deletion in the NTD, Δ242–244. High
                                 in Brazil (lineage P.2)56 and in the Philippines (line-        numbers of B.1.351 viruses also have the spike amino
Avidity                          age P.3)57. Whereas K417 is described in the epitopes          acid substitutions L18F, R246I and D614G. A similar
Also referred to as functional   of RBD class 1 and class 2 antibodies31, alterations to        NTD deletion, Δ243–244, abolishes binding by the anti-
affinity, the accumulated        K417 tend to affect class 1 antibody binding and are           body 4A8 (ref.42), and L18F and R246I also occur within
binding strength of multiple     therefore somewhat less important for the polyclonal           the NTD supersite and likely affect antibody binding as
affinities of individual
interactions, such as between
                                 antibody response to the RBD, which is dominated by            well30. The co-​occurrence of K417N, E484K and these
a virus receptor-​binding site   class 2 antibody responses, which are more susceptible         NTD substitutions suggests that lineage B.1.351 may
and its cellular receptor.       to substitutions such as E484K44,58,59. In addition to their   overcome the polyclonal antibody response by reducing



                                   neutralization by class 1 and class 2 RBD-​specific anti-       between December 2020 and February 2021, indicating
The half-​maximal inhibitory       bodies and NTD-​specific antibodies (Fig. 5b) . Data            that this amino acid substitution is probably the result
concentration, a quantitative      reported in one study showed that nearly half of exam-          of viral adaptation due to increasing immunity in the
measure that indicates             ined convalescent plasma samples (21 of 44; 48%) had            population75. L452R is also present in the A.27 lineage
how much of an inhibitory
                                   no detectable neutralization activity against the B.1.351       associated with a cluster of cases identified on the island
substance (for example,
postvaccination serum) is          variant58. Other experiments with pseudotyped viruses           of Mayotte76. The lineage B.1.526 has been found to carry
required to inhibit a biological   showed that the B.1.351 variant was also resistant to the       either S477N or E484K, among other lineage-​defining
process (for example, virus        neutralizing activity of some mAbs (12 of 17; 70%)67.           mutations77,78, both of which were described as antigen-
forming plaques or regions
                                   Similarly, a study showed that the neutralizing effect of       ically important above. A new variant carrying E484K
of infected cells in culture)
by 50%.
                                   convalescent plasma collected from 14 individuals was           currently designated A.VOI.V2 was recently identified
                                   strongly reduced against a live (authentic) B.1.351 virus       in Angola from cases involving travel from Tanzania79.
                                   (with IC50 reduced by 3.2-​fold to 41.9-​fold relative to the   This variant carries several amino acid substitutions in
                                   first-​wave virus)68.                                           the spike protein and three deletions in the NTD, some
                                       The P.1 lineage, a sublineage of B.1.1.28, was first        of which are within the antigenic supersite79. Another
                                   detected in Brazil69 and in travellers from Brazil to           variant within the A lineage, the prevalence of which is
                                   Japan70. Lineage P.1 is characterized by the presence           rising in Uganda (A.23.1), shares with the B.1.1.7 lineage
                                   of several amino acid substitutions in the spike pro-           a substitution at position 681 within the furin cleavage
                                   tein: L18F, T20N, P26S, D138Y, R190S, K417T, E484K,             site (P681R has been found in the A lineage, whereas
                                   N501Y, H655Y and T1027I69. In addition to substitutions         P681H has been found in the B.1.1.7 lineage), and addi-
                                   at positions 417, 484 and 501 discussed above, the P.1 lin-     tionally has the amino acid substitutions R102I, F157L,
                                   eage has a cluster of substitutions close to the described      V367F and Q613H. Q613H is speculated to be impor-
                                   antigenic regions of the NTD, including L18F, which is          tant as it occurs at a position neighbouring D614G80.
                                   known to reduce neutralization by some antibodies30.            Amino acid position 157 has been identified as an
                                   The substitutions T20N and P26S also occur in or                epitope residue, with F157A reducing neutralization by
                                   near the NTD supersite30 at residues with high anti-            the mAb 2489 (ref.34).
                                   body accessibility scores (Fig. 5b), and T20N introduces             New variants will continue to emerge, and although
                                   a potential glycosylation site that could result in glycan      it is important to understand the phenotypes of emerg-
                                   shielding (Box 2) of part of the supersite. The P.1 line-       ing variants in terms of infectivity, transmissibility, vir-
                                   age has also been associated with a reinfection case in         ulence and antigenicity, it is also important to quantify
                                   Manaus, Brazil27, indicating it is contributing to anti-        the phenotypic impacts of specific mutations present
                                   genic circumvention of what might have been an oth-             in variants, both individually and in combination with
                                   erwise effective immune response. Analyses integrating          other mutations. As new variants with unforeseen com-
                                   genomic and mortality data estimate that P.1 may be             binations of mutations continue to emerge, such insights
                                   1.7 to 2.4-​fold more transmissible and that previous           will allow predictions of virus phenotype. For example,
                                   infection by non-​P.1 SARS-​C oV-2 provides 54–79%              recently detected viruses of lineage B.1.617.1 were antici­
                                   of the protection against P.1 infection compared with           pated to show altered antigenicity due to the presence of
                                   non-​P.1 lineages71. More details of the frequency and          the substitutions L452R and E484Q, which have been
                                   geographic distribution of the P1 lineage can be found          described as affecting antibody recognition39,43,45,48,81.
                                   at the Pango lineages website72.                                Moving forwards, the experimental characterization
                                       Increasingly, lineages possessing independent               of SARS-​CoV-2 spike mutations to date will continue
                                   occurrences of mutations in common with the variants            to provide extremely useful information on individual
                                   of concern B.1.1.7, B.1.351 and P.1 are being detected,         mutations or combinations of mutations that may not
                                   demonstrating convergent evolution. For example,                yet have been seen in circulating viruses.
                                   viruses of lineage B.1.525, which has been observed in
                                   several countries, albeit at low frequency to date, have        Vaccine efficacy against new variants
                                   NTD deletions ΔH69–V70 and ΔY144 in common with                 To date, vaccines have been licensed and rolled out very
                                   viruses of the B.1.1.7 lineage; E484K in common with the        successfully in several countries, but the number of indi-
                                   B.1.351 and P.1 lineages; and spike amino acid substitu-        viduals vaccinated still represents a small fraction of the
                                   tions Q52R, Q677H and F888L73. Repeated amino acid              global population (Supplementary Table 1). To assess
                                   substitutions at position 677 and the independent emer-         the impacts of mutations on vaccine efficacy, authentic
                                   gence of Q677H in several lineages in the USA provides          viruses and pseudoviruses possessing particular spike
                                   strong evidence of adaptation, potentially through an           mutations (either individually or in combination) and
                                   effect of this mutation on the proximal polybasic furin         larger sets of mutations representing variants of concern
                                   cleavage site, although further experiments are required        and other circulating spike mutations have been assessed
                                   to determine its impact74. Other novel variants have            by neutralization assays with postvaccination sera
                                   been identified spreading in California and New York,           (Supplementary Table 1). Typically, studies report a fold
                                   USA (B.1.427 and B.1.429, and B.1.526, respectively).           change in variant virus, or pseudovirus, neutralization rel-
                                   The B.1.427 and B.1.429 variants carry an antigeni-             ative to wild-​type virus (the serum concentration at which
                                   cally noteworthy substitution, L452R75, which has been          50% neutralization (IC50) is achieved with the variant
                                   shown to reduce neutralization by several mAbs43,45,48,59       divided by the average IC50 for the wild-​type virus).
                                   and convalescent plasma 43. L452R independently                     Postvaccination sera from a cohort of 20 volun-
                                   appeared in several other lineages around the globe             teers immunized with the mRNA vaccine mRNA-1273

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