Sample-efficient Gear-ratio Optimization for Biomechanical Energy Harvester

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Sample-efficient Gear-ratio Optimization for Biomechanical Energy Harvester
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                                        Sample-efficient Gear-ratio Optimization for
                                        Biomechanical Energy Harvester
                                        Taisuke Kobayashi · Yutaro Ikawa · Takamitsu Matsubara
arXiv:2104.00382v1 [cs.RO] 1 Apr 2021

                                        Received: date / Accepted: date

                                        Abstract The biomechanical energy harvester is ex-            celerated by actively exploiting similarities with previ-
                                        pected to harvest the electric energies from human mo-        ously optimized tasks.
                                        tions. A tradeoff between harvesting energy and keeping
                                                                                                      Keywords Energy harvesting · Continuous variable
                                        the user’s natural movements should be balanced via
                                                                                                      transmission · Human-in-the-loop optimization
                                        optimization techniques. In previous studies, the hard-
                                        ware itself has been specialized in advance for a single
                                        task like walking with constant speed on a flat. A key in-    1 Introduction
                                        gredient is Continuous Variable Transmission (CVT) to
                                        extend it applicable for multiple tasks. CVT could con-       In the Internet of Things (IoT) society, most people
                                        tinuously adjust its gear ratio to balance the tradeoff for   carry a lot of electronic devices like a smartphone(s),
                                        each task; however, such gear-ratio optimization prob-        tablet(s), laptop pc(s), and so on. These devices are
                                        lem remains open yet since its optimal solution may de-       usually battery-driven, but their capacity is insufficient
                                        pend on the user, motion, and environment. Therefore,         to use all day due to size limitations. Therefore, the
                                        this paper focuses on a framework for data-driven opti-       users are often forced to carry mobile (or extra) bat-
                                        mization of a gear ratio in a CVT-equipped biomechani-        teries together. While the batteries store electric en-
                                        cal energy harvester. Since the data collection requires a    ergy directly, humans can store chemical energy from
                                        heavy burden on the user, we have to optimize the gear        food products. Indeed, the energy efficiency that hu-
                                        ratio for each task in the shortest possible time. To this    mans can store and output is reported to be 35–100
                                        end, our framework is designed sample-efficiently based       times higher than that of the most currently available
                                        on the fact that the user encounters multiple tasks,          batteries [13]. In other words, humans’ daily activities
                                        which are with similarities with each other. Specifically,    consume roughly 1.07 × 107 J, which is comparable to
                                        our framework employs multi-task Bayesian optimiza-           the electric energy stored in a 15 kg battery [12, 14].
                                        tion to reuse the optimization results of the similar         Even if limited to walking, it is theoretically able to
                                        tasks previously optimized by finding their similarities.     harvest 5 J energy from the landing of walking, and
                                        Through experiments, we confirmed that, for each task,        900 MWh per day can be expected to be generated in
                                        the proposed framework could achieve the optimal gear         the UK [11]. In this way, humans can be regarded as
                                        ratio of around 50 % faster than one by random search,        excellent energy sources instead of a battery if energy
                                        and that takes only around 20 minutes. Experimental           can easily be gained from us.
                                        results also suggested that the optimization can be ac-           The concept of energy harvesting, which generates
                                                                                                      energy from human motions, has been spread over the
                                        This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI, Grant Number
                                        JP16H05876.                                                   world in the last decade [3, 13, 16]. The research on en-
                                                                                                      ergy harvester is getting active to solve the open issue
                                        T. Kobayashi, Y. Ikawa, and T. Matsubara
                                        Division of Information Science, Graduate School of Science
                                                                                                      of energy shortage at the individual level, although no
                                        and Technology, Nara Institute of Science and Technology,     practical device has been developed yet. The previous
                                        Nara 630-0192, Japan.                                         studies mainly focus on energy harvesting from walking
                                        E-mail:                                 since it is an essential daily motion. In particular, they
Sample-efficient Gear-ratio Optimization for Biomechanical Energy Harvester
2                                                                                                 Taisuke Kobayashi et al.

alternate the negative work like braking knee extensor         1. The gear ratio contributes to balancing the tradeoff
just before landing (i.e., at swing-leg retraction) [2, 24].      according to a specific rule (function).
In that case, the energy harvester’s reaction force would      2. The various tasks are not independent of each other,
enable the highly efficient harvesting with reduced hu-           and their similarities can be identified.
man loads while keeping the natural movements. Note
                                                               With these assumptions, our framework employs multi-
that this paper defines the natural movements as the
                                                               task Bayesian optimization [22] for the core of the opti-
movements without any additional efforts and reduced
                                                               mization process. Bayesian optimization [19] can reveal
negative work as much as possible. The human biologi-
                                                               the task-specific balance function w.r.t the gear ratio
cal signal has been processed to judge the negative work
                                                               in an efficient way and can choose the optimal gear
in walking [15]. The optimal gearbox design has also
                                                               ratio according to the revealed function. Our frame-
been carried out to optimize both the alternative neg-
                                                               work further enhances its sample-efficiency for achiev-
ative work and the energy harvesting at that time [8].
                                                               ing new tasks by transferring previous optimization re-
    Commonly for all the previous studies above, the           sults for different tasks according to similarities be-
tradeoff between the harvesting energy capacity and            tween them. This efficient adaptability to new tasks
keeping the natural human movements needs to be suit-          would enable our device to harvest energy from natural
ably balanced at hardware design (e.g., [8]). Such an          motion for multiple tasks (e.g., different slope angles
optimal design can reflect the physical differences be-        and gait speeds).
tween users. However, even with the design well-fitted             We conducted real-world experiments with the de-
for each user, the previous energy harvesters cannot           veloped energy harvester attached to two participants.
adapt to various environments and motions (let’s call          The similarities between tasks were adequately revealed
tasks) since they have not the capability to balance the       in our approach. As a result, experimental results sug-
above tradeoff. Therefore, the previous studies focused        gest that our approach can optimize task-specific gear
on a single task like walking with constant speed on a         ratios from fewer trials than a random search. Indeed,
flat.                                                          although the random search requires around 60 min-
    To apply the energy harvester to multiple tasks,           utes for the optimization per task, our framework takes
Continuous Variable Transmission (CVT)-equipped                only around 20 minutes. When the new task is simi-
biomechanical energy harvester has been developed (see         lar to the tasks previously optimized, that time can be
Fig. 1) [7, 17]. By adjusting the gear ratio in CVT,           reduced more.
this device could balance the harvesting energy capacity           Our contributions are two folds. The first one is to
and keep the natural human movements. Such a well-             develop a data-driven sample-efficient framework that
designed hardware device allows us to formulate the            can optimize gear ratios in CVT-equipped energy har-
tradeoff problem as a control-parameter optimization           vester with the user over multiple tasks based on multi-
problem for balancing the tradeoff.                            task Bayesian optimization. The second is to verify the
                                                               sample-efficiency of our proposed framework in real-
   However, such a gear-ratio optimization problem re-         world experiments. Namely, our contributions would be
mains open yet since its optimal solution may depend           an essential step in shifting the old way of energy har-
on the user, motion, and environment. In other words.          vesters for simple tasks toward daily tasks. Note that
the device should be optimized while being attached to         our contributions in the above are on the general frame-
the user among various tasks, although the user can-           work for the gear ratio optimization to handle the trade-
not stand the numerous trials for optimization. The re-        off, not on the specific optimal balance of the tradeoff
cent deep learning methods [9] and reinforcement learn-        and maximization of the amount of harvesting energy.
ing methods [21] are not suitable for this optimization        Although the importance of optimal hardware design is
problem since they require numerous samples collected          clear from previous studies (e.g., [8]), this paper focuses
through interaction between the energy harvester and           only on gear ratio optimization; namely, the primary
the user equipped with device. We have to resolve this         purpose is to show adaptability to multiple gear ratio
optimization problem from a few trials. The system             optimization tasks.
then finds the optimal gear ratio while reducing the               The remainder of this paper is structured as follows.
user effort required for daily life with the energy har-       Section 2 gives a brief introduction of a CVT-equipped
vester.                                                        energy harvester we developed, and why the gear ra-
    In this paper, we propose a framework for data-            tio is suitable for being optimized is also illustrated.
driven sample-efficient optimization of a gear ratio in a      Section 3 shows our human-in-the-loop optimization
CVT-equipped biomechanical energy harvester. To this           framework for the gear ratio in CVT through a few
end, we raise two reasonable assumptions as follows:           trial-and-error. Section 4 sets our experimental condi-
Sample-efficient Gear-ratio Optimization for Biomechanical Energy Harvester
Gear-ratio Optimization for Energy Harvester                                                                                  3

                                                                  Table 1 Specification of mechanical parameters
                                  Energy harvesting                Symbol          Meaning                  Value      Unit
                                                                     m              Mass                      0.78       kg
                                                                     θk      Movable range of knee        [0, π/2]      rad
                                                                     G            Gear ratio             [16, 144]       —
                                  CVT transmission                   KT        Torque constant        70.6 × 10−3     Nm/A
                                                                     R        Internal resistance              1 .4       Ω

                                  Knee joint rotation             where R is the internal resistance of the circuit. Finally,
                                                                  W is given from Ohm’s law.
                                                                                 KT2 G2 D2 2
                                  Knee brace attachment           W = RI 2 =              θ̇k                           (2)
                                                                       On the other hand, the anti-torque to the generator,
                                                                  τg , is the product of KT and I. The gear ratio from the
                                                                  generator to the knee is given as 1/G, and the torque
                                                                  is inversely proportional to the gear ratio. That is, τk
Fig. 1 CVT-equipped energy harvester for a knee joint: this
device is attached to the outside of a knee using a knee brace;   is derived as follows:
a knee joint rotation is transmitted to an electromagnetic                                K 2 G2 D
generator through CVT; the gear ratio can be changed con-         τk = Gτg = GKT I = T             θ̇k                  (3)
tinuously by rotating a screw via a small motor with a worm
                                                                  2.1.2 Control parameter for resolving tradeoff

                                                                  As can be seen in eqs. (2) and (3), both W and τk
tions with human participants. Section 5 shows and an-
                                                                  show qualitatively similar behaviors. That means, a
alyzes the experimental results. Section 6 discusses lim-
                                                                  tradeoff between harvesting energy and reducing the
itations of the proposed framework and suggests solu-
                                                                  anti-torque, which would keep the user’s movements
tions for them. Section 7 gives a summary and potential
                                                                  natural, would be expected. Here, KT and R are con-
future work.
                                                                  stant in the developed system, although they should be
                                                                  large and small as much as possible, respectively, for
                                                                  energy efficiency. In addition, θ̇k is motion-dependent.
2 CVT-equipped Energy Harvester                                   If G ∈ [Gmin , Gmax ] and D ∈ [0, 1] can be tuned within
                                                                  their ranges by the CVT and a microcontroller, both
2.1 Principle of energy harvesting                                W and τk will be optimizable.
                                                                      The difference between them is the magnitude of
First, to show the effectiveness of CVT, the generative           their effects: W and τk are the functions w.r.t G2 al-
power W and the anti-torque to the knee τk are derived            though they are the functions w.r.t D2 and D, respec-
theoretically. A flow diagram of our device is depicted           tively. That is, the gear ratio G is suitable for weaken-
in Fig. 2.                                                        ing τk while keeping W . We therefore choose G as an
                                                                  control parameter to be optimized, although its adjust-
                                                                  ment would take a longer time than that of D. Reducing
2.1.1 Derivation of the generative power and the anti
                                                                  the cost during the optimization should be resolved for
                                                                  practical use.
The angular velocity of the knee joint θ̇k , which can
be measured by a potentiometer, is amplified by the               2.2 Hardware design
gear ratio, G, to the angular velocity of the generator
θ̇g . The counter-electromotive force of the generator,           To adjust the gear ratio for the effective optimization
V , is proportional to θ̇g with KT the torque constant            of W and τk , a new energy harvester with CVT has
of the generator. When the generator is connected to              been developed in our previous work [7]. Note that the
a rectifier circuit with the duty cycle D ∈ [0, 1], the           minor improvements from the prototype [7] were con-
current in the circuit, I, is derived as follows:                 ducted in the magnitude of generative power by chang-
                                                                  ing a generator (i.e., KT ) and a range of the gear ratio
       V   KT GD                                                  [Gmin , Gmax ] while keeping the device light-weight.
I=D      =       θ̇k                                       (1)
       R     R                                                        Let us introduce its mechatronics as below.
Sample-efficient Gear-ratio Optimization for Biomechanical Energy Harvester
4                                                                                                                            Taisuke Kobayashi et al.


                     Human motion                      ✓k
                                                                d    ✓˙k           ✓˙g                 V                     I             W, E
                                     Potentiometer                                                                               Battery
                                                                dt                         Generator
                                                                             CVT             with

                                                                     ⌧k            ⌧g

Fig. 2 Flow diagram of energy harvesting: the human motion is measured by a potentiometer; the knee joint motion is
transmitted to the generator and converted to the generative power; on the other hand, the generative power (current) is
converted to the anti torque to the knee joint.

                     CVT                                                                    Input             Output             Input
                              Generator                                                                                                     Belt
                                    Knee input shaft    Gears
    Rotary encoder

                                   Motor for                         Gears               Pully High gear ratio
                           Knee input

Fig. 3 Mechatronics of the developed energy harvester: from                                    Middle gear ratio
a knee input, the user’s knee motion is transmitted to a elec-
tromagnetic generator through a belt-type CVT, which can
be tuned by rotating a motor for transmission via a worm
                                                                                                Low gear ratio
2.2.1 Overview                                                                      Fig. 4 Illustration of a belt-type CVT: pulleys on both side
                                                                                    can change the distance between their cones; a rubber belt
Its mechanical structure is shown in Fig. 3, and me-                                adapts to the pulleys’ motion by its tension, and therefore, the
                                                                                    effective diameters are changed; using the rubber’s friction,
chanical parameters are in Table 1. A knee brace (Mc-                               the rotation of one side is transmitted to that of another side.
David: M429X) is used to attach the device to the user.
A link is rotated according to the knee motion, and
this rotation is transmitted to a electromagnetic gener-                            Note that, due to no back-drivability of the worm gear,
ator via three transmissions, one of which is a belt-type                           it enables to efficiently hold the diameters of the pul-
CVT. Note that the rigid parts except the shafts are                                leys. The gear ratio can be estimated from the rota-
designed with a 3D printer, materials of which are ABS                              tion amount of the screw measured by a rotary en-
plus-P430, to reduce its weight. The developed energy                               coder (Broadcom: HEDS-5540#A06). As a result, this
harvester is light-weight compared to one developed in                              CVT can tune its gear ratio from 1:3 to 3:1. In total,
the previous work [3], and has the movable range of                                 with two fixed gear ratios (6:1 and 8:1, respectively),
knee sufficient for walking and jogging.                                            our energy harvester has the variable gear ratio within
                                                                                    G ∈ [Gmin , Gmax ] = [16, 144].
2.2.2 CVT mechanism
                                                                                    2.2.3 Electronics
As mentioned in the above, a belt-type CVT [20], which
consists of two sets of variable-diameter pulleys, a rub-                           This harvester is equipped with a compact electromag-
ber belt strung between them (see Fig. 4), is installed                             netic generator (Maxon Motor: EC45 flat), and rota-
in our energy harvester as one of the three transmis-                               tional motion on a knee, which is measured by a po-
sions. The diameters of pulleys are changed when ro-                                tentiometer (Alps Alpine: RCD502010A), is transmit-
tating a screw that they are attached by using a small                              ted to the generator via the transmissions. When turn-
motor (Portescap: 16N78- 208E.1001) via a worm gear.                                ing on the circuit that stores or measures the electric
Gear-ratio Optimization for Energy Harvester                                                                                                                                                                                                 5

                                                                                  t = Task 1                                                  t = Task 2                                                  t = Task 3
power from the generator, counter-electromotive force
                                                                                                            Change task                                                 Change task
and anti-torque are simultaneously generated, as de-
rived in the above. Note that this turning on/off the

                                                                                                        Gear ratio

                                                                                                                                                                    Gear ratio

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Gear ratio


circuit corresponds to the duty cycle D, and in our de-
                                                                                                                                           Multi-Task                                                  Multi-Task
vice, we decided to restrict it as binary {0, 1} for sim-                 Bayesian Optimization
                                                                                                                                      Bayesian Optimization                                       Bayesian Optimization

                                                                                       Solve!                                                      Solve!                                                      Solve!
plicity. Here, the counter-electromotive force is rectified



by a three-phase full-wave rectifier circuit. This is be-






cause the knee joint reciprocates, not rotating in one

                                                                                                                                    Score y

                                                                                                                                                                                                Score y
                                                                        Score y
direction, and the device is required to generate power
from motions in both directions. To choose when the
device harvests energy (basically, it is better only when                                Gear ratio x                                                Gear ratio x                                                Gear ratio x

the user does negative work), rules to turn on the circuit    Fig. 5 Rough sketch of sequential optimization for multiple
can be considered kinetically [3], by electromyographic       tasks using multi-task Bayesian optimization: the data gained
way [15], and so on. For simplicity, this paper employs       from previous tasks are reused for new tasks to predict the
                                                              score functions according to similarities between the previous
the rule depending on thresholds w.r.t the knee angle
                                                              and new tasks.
and angular velocity to exploit the anti-torque as neg-
ative work (i.e., braking motion) [7].
                                                              many samples cannot be collected; finding the optimum
                                                              with the minimum amount of data and experiments is
3 Proposed Framework for Data-driven                          worth considering.
Sample-efficient Gear-Ratio Optimization

3.1 Overview                                                  3.1.2 Brief introduction of Bayesian optimization

We define our optimization problem mathematically             Bayesian optimization is a sequential design strategy for
and introduce the concept of our framework with               global optimization of black-box functions for quickly
Bayesian optimization for this problem.                       searching its global maxima. Bayesian optimization
                                                              has been successfully used for human-in-the-loop sys-
3.1.1 Problem statement                                       tems [4,10,23]; hence, it is expected to work well in the
                                                              gear ratio optimization for our energy harvester.
Let f : x → y be the latent score function of the user           In Bayesian optimization, an acquisition function,
with the harvester under some conditions, where input         α(x; t), is alternatively optimized to find the next query
x is the gear ratio, and output y = f (x) is the score in     point, x0 , as follows:
terms of harvesting energy and keeping natural move-
ments of the user, which is defined in the section 4.2.       x0 = arg max α(x; t)                                                                                                                                                (5)
Here, we focus on the fact that this score is relevant to                            x∈Rd

environments and motions (i.e., tasks) when harvest-
ing energy. For example, walking or running on up or          Then, the query x0 will be tested to obtain the new
down slope would have the different tendency of the           score y 0 , and it is used to infer the score function more
score. That is, given t as the symbol of task in addition     accurately and update the acquisition function. These
to x, the task-specific score f (x; t) is considered. Our     procedures are alternatively executed until the process
purpose is to find the optimal gear ratio x∗ that can         finds the global optimal point x∗ . Using α yields effi-
maximize the score.                                           cient exploration.
                                                                   The pseudo-code is shown in Algorithm 1, and the
x∗ = arg max f (x; t)                                  (4)    rough sketch of sequential optimization for multiple
                                                              tasks is shown in Fig. 5. Here, since our framework con-
where d is the dimension of the input (d = 1 in our           siders multiple tasks (i.e., different environments and
case).                                                        motions), how to infer the score function fˆ(x; t) for each
    The problem’s difficulty is that the score function       task is the critical issue to enhance new tasks’ sample-
f (x; t) is black-box. In addition, sampling data from        efficiency by transferring the previous optimization re-
f (x; t) is possible but expensive because it requires ex-    sults gained from different tasks. Specifically, this issue
periments in which the user wearing the harvester con-        is resolved by a multi-task Bayesian optimization [22]
ducts motions on environments (specified by t) to ob-         with a multi-task Gaussian process [1], details of which
tain the score values according to the inputs x. Thus,        are given from the next section.
6                                                                                                                    Taisuke Kobayashi et al.

Algorithm 1 Bayesian optimization with multiple                     tween tasks as follows:
 1:    Black-box function f                                         Cov(f (xi ; ti ), f (xj ; tj )) = k(xi , xj , ti , tj )
 2:    Dataset D ← if available: {X, y, t}
 3:    Prior ← if available: Prior of the score function model fˆ                                     = Ktfi tj k x (xi , xj )                 (9)
 4:    Number of iteration i = 1
 5:    while True do                                                where j denotes another iteration number for i. k x is a
 6:       // Learn fˆ                                               covariance function over inputs. K f ∈ RM ×M is a pos-
 7:       Train kx and K f of fˆ in eq. (9)                         itive semi-definite matrix that specifies the inter-task
 8:        by maximizing the likelihood of D with the prior
 9:       Compute Gram matrix K from kx and K f                     correlations, hence, its component Ktfi tj = Ktfj ti speci-
10:       Set mean µ of fˆ by eq. (10)                              fies the similarities between ti and tj . These two, k x and
11:       Set variance σ 2 of fˆ by eq. (11)                        K f , can be learned by maximizing the marginal likeli-
12:       // Get a new candidate of gear ratio x0                   hood p(y | X) = N (0, K), where K denotes the Gram
13:       Set acquisition function α based on µ and σ as eq. (12)
14:       Give the next task t0                                     matrix with Ktfi tj k x (xi , xj ) as ij-component. That is,
15:       Get the new candidate as x0 = arg max α(x; t0 )           the inter-task correlation matrix K f can directly be op-
16:       // Evaluate x0 and Update D                               timized as part of GP optimization, without any other
17:       Get y 0 = f (x0 ; t0 ) + 
18:       Add D ← {X ← xi = x0 , y ← yi = y 0 , t ← ti = t0 }
                                                                    techniques for correlation analysis like canonical cor-
19:       // Check convergence                                      relation analysis [6]. In addition, we note that GP it-
20:       if σ (arg max µ(x; t0 ); t0 )2 < 5 × 10−4 or              self is not suitable for large scale data (also discussed
21:         the last three in X are the same then                   in the section 6.2), hence the problem scale solved by
22:           brak
23:       end if
                                                                    our framework does not require the methods for finding
24:       Iterate i ← i + 1                                         sparse correlations in such large data [5].
25:    end while                                                        Given the new test input x0 with its task label t0 ,
                                                                    the predictive distribution of the corresponding output
                                                                    y 0 = fˆ(x0 ; t0 ) is given by p(y 0 | x0 ; t0 , X, y, t, k x , K f ) =
3.2 Sequential multi-task gear ratio optimization                   N (µ, σ 2 ) with µ location and σ scale parameters defined
                                                                    as follows:
Here, we show how to allow previous optimization re-
sults for different conditions about environments and                µ(x0 ; t0 ) = k(x0 , t0 )> K −1 y                                        (10)
motions to accelerate the new optimization process.                      0   0 2          0   0   0   0
                                                                    σ(x ; t ) = k(x , x , t , t ) − k(x , t ) K  0    0 >   −1       0   0
                                                                                                                                 k(x , t ) (11)
Our approach builds on the multi-task Gaussian pro-
cess [1], where the correlations between multiple tasks             where k(x0 , t0 ) is the vector of covariances, namely
are learned from data as their similarities. Once we ob-            [k(x0 , x1 , t0 , t1 ), k(x0 , x2 , t0 , t2 ), . . . , k(x0 , xT , t0 , tT )]> .
tain the correlations, the knowledge of previous opti-              Note that the derivation of these two equations has
mizations can be transferred to the new task optimiza-              already been proved in [1, 22].
tion (details are in [22]).                                             Using the above parameters µ and σ, we can employ
    Let’s assume that the following data are collected              a popular acquisition function, so-called Upper Confi-
from M multiple tasks:                                              dence Bound (UCB) [19]:

                                                                    α(x; t) = µ(x; t) + κσ(x; t)                                              (12)
X = [x1 , x2 , . . . , xi , . . . , xT ]                     (6)
 y = [y1 , y2 , . . . , yi , . . . , yT ]                    (7)    where κ denotes the hyperparameter that controls the
                                                                    tradeoff between exploration and exploitation.
    t = [t1 , t2 , . . . , ti , . . . , tT ]                 (8)
                                                                        Here, an illustrative example is shown in Fig. 6.
                                                                    If there are strong correlations between the previous
where T denotes the number of data and the subscript                and new tasks (to and tn respectively), this transfer
i = {1, . . . , T } represents i-th data. That is, in our case,     makes the optimization speed-up. Indeed, as shown in
i specifies number of human-in-the-loop experiment for              Fig. 6(a), the predicted score functions for the previ-
energy harvesting with xi gear ratio and ti task (e.g.              ous and new tasks almost overlap, and the acquisi-
walking on flat), and then, the experimental result is              tion function restarts the exploration for low gear ratio,
returned as yi .                                                    which is not explored yet in the previous task. On the
    Assuming that yi = f (xi ; ti ) +  where  ∼ N (0, σt2i )      other hand, if the new task has a weak correlation with
with σti the task-specific scale of noise, we place a               the previous one (see Fig. 6(b)), the predicted score
Gaussian process prior over the M latent functions                  function for the new task mostly ignores the one for
{f (·; m)}M m=1 so that we directly induce correlations be-         the previous task, and the acquisition function almost
Gear-ratio Optimization for Energy Harvester                                                                                                    7

                                                     tn w/ k(tn, to)=0.3
        tn w/ k(tn, to)=0.9         to                                           to
                                                                                        4.1 Harvesting timing focusing on brake motion

                                                                                        To efficiently harvest energy against the burden of the


                                                                                        user, the generator and the circuit are connected only
                                                                                        during a brake motion (braking of swing leg in the
                                                                                        gait, specifically), as mentioned before. This duration
                              Gear ratio                                   Gear ratio   is heuristically defined by a potentiometer to measure
  (a) With strong correlation                  (b) With weak correlation                the knee angle: the duration when the angle is under
Fig. 6 Illustration of multi-task GPs and acquisition func-
                                                                                        15◦ and the angular velocity is negative. Note that, to
tions for two tasks to and tn : nine data points of task                                emphasize the effects of CVT, the duty cycle D intro-
t1,...,9 = to are observed; (a) when the new test-task label                            duced in eqs. (2) and (3) is limited from [0, 1] to binary
t10 = tn is set the correlation k as k(to , tn ) = 0.9, the pre-                        {0, 1}, which means whether the circuit is connected or
dictive distributions for the task tn exploit the data of tasks
to ; (b) on the other hand, when k(to , tn ) = 0.3, it does not
exploit the data much; each solid line represents the mean,
the shaded area represents the variance, and the black dashed
line denotes the acquisition function.                                                  4.2 Measurement systems of evaluation score

                                                                                        4.2.1 Generated power

                                                                                        Instead of the generated power, W , the counter-
                harvester                                                               electromotive force rectified by a three-phase full-wave
                                                                                        rectifier circuit, V , is measured through an A/D con-
                                              Treadmill                                 verter of Arduino Uno. It can theoretically be con-
                                                                                        verted into W if the internal resistance R is known:
                                                                                        W = V 2 /R. Note that W is estimated after applying a
                                                    EMG                                 low-pass filter to V for noise removal. This low-pass fil-
                                                   sensors                              ter is implemented in Arduino Uno as a moving average
                                                                                        based filter. Although this estimation of W is not accu-
                                                                                        rate due to the different R when the actual battery is
                                                                                        connected, its tendency is correct. In the experiments,
                                                                                        this approximation is reasonable since we only focus on
Fig. 7 Experimental setup: two participants equipped with
the the energy harvester walk (or jog) on a treadmill with                              the sample-efficient optimization of the gear ratio with-
multiple slope angles and multiple speeds; the burden of the                            out considering the true power generation.
user is estimated by the sensation of EMG sensors.
                                                                                        4.2.2 Burden of the user
starts the exploration from scratch. Note that, even in
                                                                                        As a criterion of the user’s burden, we employ elec-
this case, this approach does not deteriorate the perfor-
                                                                                        tromyography (EMG). The target motion of the energy
mance and turns out to be just a single task optimiza-
                                                                                        harvesting in the experiments is the brake motion at
tion problem.
                                                                                        the time of swing-leg retraction in the gait. Hence, the
                                                                                        EMG sensors (Oisaka Development Ltd.: P-EMG plus)
                                                                                        are attached on vastus lateralis muscle and vastus me-
4 Experimental Setup                                                                    dialis muscle related to the target motion (i.e., knee
                                                                                        extensors at the swing-leg retraction). Full-wave recti-
We verify the effectiveness of the proposed frame-                                      fication smoothing enables us to extract the amount of
work in real-world experiments where two participants                                   the muscle activity since raw values of EMG include
equipped with the energy harvester walk (or jog) on                                     negative values. The EMG signals would become large
a treadmill with multiple slope angles and multiple                                     if the anti-torque during harvesting hinders the motion
speeds (see Fig. 7). Here, the experimental purpose only                                or the brake.
focuses on the sample-efficiency of our framework to
find the optimal gear ratio, which is obtained through                                  4.2.3 Score function
brute force search in advance. All the experiments were
conducted under the approval of the Ethics Committee                                    In our harvester system, the input x for the optimiza-
of Nara Institute of Science and Technology.                                            tion is equivalent to the gear ratio G in CVT. In that
8                                                                                                                 Taisuke Kobayashi et al.

Table 2 Specification of participants                                           m/s and the slope angle from {0, 5, 10} deg. That is,
    Participant         Height [m]           Weight [kg]   Inseam [m]     Age   50 × 2 × 3 × 3 = 900 data are sampled in total. The
         1                    1.74                 75.2          0.85      24   collected data is used for illustrating ground truths for
         2                    1.70                 60.0          0.80      23   the respective tasks.
                                                                                    Let us describe the protocol of one trial. At first,
    Vastus lateralis muscle
                                                                                a participant experiences the target task on the tread-
                    Vastus medialis muscle
                                                                                mill for 30 seconds before evaluation to get used to gait
                                                                                under the target task. After that, the generated power
                                                                                and the EMG are measured only from 10 seconds to 20
                                                                                seconds after starting the gait to ignore data measured
                                                                                from non-steady gait. The score under the target task
                                                                                is evaluated as the average of the measured values for
                                                                                that 10 seconds. An interval of 70 seconds is inserted
                                                                                before the next trial is started. During this time, a par-
                                                                                ticipant relaxes on a seat. In total, one trial needs 120
                                                                                seconds (2 minutes).
           (a) EMG sensors                                                          The above protocol is repeated 150 times (50 gear
                                                  (b) Energy harvester
                                                                                ratios under three types of slope angles) in one day.
Fig. 8 Attachment of the devices for the experiments: (a) the
EMG sensors are attached on vastus lateralis muscle and vas-                    Namely, we take three days for the experiments per
tus medialis muscle in the right leg; (b) the energy harvester                  participant. The attached positions of the EMG sensors
is attached on the EMG sensors.                                                 are marked on the participant’s skin directly to keep
                                                                                the measurement positions of the EMG fixed, as shown
case, the score f (G; t) to be maximized is heuristically                       in Fig. 8. When the EMG sensors are re-attached the
defined from the generated power and the EMG as fol-                            next day, their positions are fine-tuned by comparing
lows:                                                                           the output values from a calibration behavior that day
                                                                                and the previous day.
f (G; t) = W (G; t) − γEMG(G; t)                                         (13)

where γ is the hyperparameter to combine two differ-                            4.4 Exploration of the optimal gear ratio
ent unit terms, and to satisfy the requirement in which
the effects to the user’s motion should be minimized.                           Using the obtained data, we investigate the effective-
It is set as γ = 5 in all the experiments empirically.                          ness and sample-efficiency of our framework for explor-
Although this score can also be measured as an instan-                          ing the optimal gear ratio. In particular, we consider
taneous value, the average value in each trial is taken                         two scenarios for optimizing gear ratios as:
as the actual score to suppress the influence of motion                          – multiple   slope angles ({0, 5, 10} deg) under the re-
noise.                                                                             spective   speeds ({1, 1.5, 2} m/s)
    It is relatively easy to measure both W and EMG                              – multiple   gait speeds ({1, 1.5, 2} m/s) under the re-
under a certain value of G through experiments. How-                               spective   slope angles ({0, 5, 10} deg)
ever, its exact functions are difficult to derive mathe-
matically since the angular velocity of the knee θ̇k in                         Thus, acceleration effects of exploration using the corre-
eqs. (2) and (3) is unclearly affected by G and the tar-                        lations among different slope angles or different speeds
get task t. That is why the black-box optimization ap-                          are investigated respectively.
proach is required to efficiently find the optimal gear                             Exploration of the optimal gear ratio is terminated
ratio from a few number of trials.                                              when either of the following two conditions is satisfied:
                                                                                 – Predictive variance on the maximum mean is under
                                                                                   5 × 10−4 .
4.3 Experimental conditions for data collection
                                                                                 – The same gear ratio is selected three times sequen-
To reveal the relationship between the score and the
gear ratio, we first collect the scores w.r.t all the candi-                    As mentioned above, the acquisition function to find the
dates of gear ratio (50 equal discretizations of [16, 144]                      next candidate is given as UCB described in eq. (12).
in this paper) under multiple conditions (i.e., the tasks).                     The hyperparameter κ is set as 100 in the experiments
Two participants summarized in Table 2 walk (or jog)                            to emphasize exploration to avoid local optima rather
on the treadmill with the gait speed from {1, 1.5, 2}                           than exploitation.
Gear-ratio Optimization for Energy Harvester                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            9

                                                    0 [deg], Proposal             5 [deg], Proposal        10 [deg], Proposal                                                                       1 [m/s], Proposal         1.5 [m/s], Proposal        2 [m/s], Proposal
                             100                    0 [deg], Random               5 [deg], Random          10 [deg], Proposal                                            100                        1 [m/s], Random           1.5 [m/s], Random          2 [m/s], Random
                          (200 [min])                                                                                                                                 (200 [min])
Number of trials (Time)

                                                                                                                                            Number of trials (Time)
                             50                                                                                                                                          50
                          (100 [min])                                                                                                                                 (100 [min])

                              30                                                                                                                                          30
                           (60 [min])                                                                                                                                  (60 [min])

                                0                                                                                                                                           0
                            (0 [min])   1 [m/s]      1.5 [m/s]          2 [m/s]                  1 [m/s]        1.5 [m/s]       2 [m/s]                                 (0 [min])       0 [deg]      5 [deg]            10 [deg]              0 [deg]        5 [deg]         10 [deg]
                                                  Participant 1                                            Participant 2                                                                          Participant 1                                         Participant 2
                                                                                  Gait speed                                                                                                                                   Slope angle

                                                     (a) Multiple slope angles                                                                                                                        (b) Multiple gait speeds
Fig. 9 Comparisons of the number of explorations: the proposed framework (a.k.a., Proposal) and a random search (a.k.a.,
Random) are compared; under all the scenarios, our proposed framework reduced the number of trials to search the optimal
gear ratio to more than half of the random search, and the optimization for the three tasks in each scenario was completed
in approximately one hour; in particular, the second and third tasks to be optimized were accomplished in a shorter time by
utilizing similarities with the previous tasks.

Table 3 Optimized gear ratios (multiple slope angles) with the ground truths shown in blankets: bolds mean the cases where
the optimized gear ratios match the ground truths; the optimal gear ratios were found under 15 conditions out of 18 conditions;
even in the failure cases, the near-optimal gear ratios were selected.
                                                                   Participant                        Slope                                                                    Gait speed
                                                                                                                                   1 m/s                                          1.5 m/s                                    2 m/s
                                                                                                      0 deg                 49.8   (49.8)                                 128.3 (128.3)                    138.7          (138.7)
                                                                                  1                   5 deg                 26.3   (26.3)                                 109.9 (109.9)                    117.8          (117.8)
                                                                                                      10 deg                16.0   (16.0)                                           73.3 (75.9)            102.1          (102.1)
                                                                                                      0 deg                 34.1   (34.1)                                 112.6 (112.6)                    130.9          (130.9)
                                                                                  2                   5 deg                 23.6   (23.6)                                   107.3 (109.9)                  120.4          (120.4)
                                                                                                      10 deg                18.4   (18.4)                                      65.5 (65.5)                     112.6 (115.2)

5 Experimental Results                                                                                                                                                5.2 Exploration behaviors

5.1 The number of explorations

                                                                                                                                                                      The exploration behaviors in the scenario of multiple
To verify our framework’s sample-efficiency, the num-                                                                                                                 slope angles, where participant 1 walked with task 1)
ber of explorations (i.e., the time for optimization) is                                                                                                              1 m/s speed on 0 deg slope; task 2) 5 deg slope; and
compared to a random search using the discrete uni-                                                                                                                   task 3) 10 deg slope, are depicted as one example (see
form distribution as a baseline. Specifically, our frame-                                                                                                             Fig. 10). The exploration on task 1 was actually the
work was applied to 12 split groups in total, as shown in                                                                                                             same as standard Bayesian optimization. Namely, the
Fig. 9. In all the cases, the explorations of our approach                                                                                                            predicted score function was entirely given by the sam-
were terminated earlier than that of the baseline. Our                                                                                                                pled data only from task 1. From task 2, the sampled
approach decreased the number of required trials as the                                                                                                               data from the previous tasks were exploited, and there-
number of tasks increased, although the amount of re-                                                                                                                 fore, the initial predictions shown in Figs. 10(d) and (g)
duction was dependent on the groups (i.e., the corre-                                                                                                                 had similar shapes to the previous predictions. Thanks
lations between tasks). We found that the correlations                                                                                                                to the data sampled from the previous tasks, the explo-
between motions on different slope angles were higher                                                                                                                 ration on task 3 was terminated with around half the
than that between motions with different speeds com-                                                                                                                  number of queries (i.e., eight queries on task 3 com-
monly for both participants. As a result, although the                                                                                                                pared to 12 (+ 3 for initialization) queries the task
random search required around 60 minutes for the op-                                                                                                                  1). The predicted score functions finally gained were
timization per task, our framework took only around                                                                                                                   mostly consistent with the ground truths, even with
20 minutes.                                                                                                                                                           fewer samples from task 2 and task 3.
10                                                                                                                                     Taisuke Kobayashi et al.

                                      Prediction:                        Task 1                Task 2                    Task 3
                                      Ground truth:                      Task 1                Task 2                    Task 3
        0.5                                                  0.5                                                      0.5

        0.0                                                  0.0                                                      0.0

        -0.5                                                 -0.5                                                     -0.5


        -1.0                                                 -1.0                                                     -1.0

        -1.5                                                 -1.5                                                     -1.5

        -2.0                                                 -2.0                                                     -2.0

        -2.5                                                 -2.5                                                     -2.5
               20   40   60   80   100   120   140                  20     40     60   80   100   120   140                  20   40   60   80   100   120   140
                         Gear ratio                                               Gear ratio                                            Gear ratio
               (a) 1st query at task 1                              (b) 4th query at task 1                                  (c) 12th query at task 1
        0.5                                                  0.5                                                      0.5

        0.0                                                  0.0                                                      0.0

        -0.5                                                 -0.5                                                     -0.5


        -1.0                                                 -1.0                                                     -1.0

        -1.5                                                 -1.5                                                     -1.5

        -2.0                                                 -2.0                                                     -2.0

        -2.5                                                 -2.5                                                     -2.5
               20   40   60   80   100   120   140                  20     40     60   80   100   120   140                  20   40   60   80   100   120   140
                         Gear ratio                                               Gear ratio                                            Gear ratio
               (d) 1st query at task 2                              (e) 3rd query at task 2                                  (f) 10th query at task 2
        0.5                                                  0.5                                                      0.5

        0.0                                                  0.0                                                      0.0

        -0.5                                                 -0.5                                                     -0.5



        -1.0                                                 -1.0                                                     -1.0

        -1.5                                                 -1.5                                                     -1.5

        -2.0                                                 -2.0                                                     -2.0

        -2.5                                                 -2.5                                                     -2.5
               20   40   60   80   100   120   140                  20     40     60   80   100   120   140                  20   40   60   80   100   120   140
                         Gear ratio                                               Gear ratio                                            Gear ratio
               (g) 1st query at task 3                              (h) 3rd query at task 3                                  (i) 8th query at task 3
Fig. 10 Exploration behaviors of our proposed framework: these behaviors were gained from the participant 1 with 1 m/s on
0 (red), 5 (green), and 10 (blue) deg slope angles, respectively; the dashed lines are ground truths of the corresponding tasks;
the solid lines and the corresponding shadows are predicted means and variances of Gaussian processes, respectively.

5.3 Quality of optimized gear ratios                                                   tionships are reasonable. That is, the slope angle affects
                                                                                       only the user’s burden, which should be reduced. In
Table 3 summarized all the optimization results with                                   addition, the gait speed sets the corresponding angular
the ground truths in brackets for the scenario of mul-                                 velocity of the knee joint, 2nd power of which is propor-
tiple slope angles. Our approach successfully found the                                tional to the generated power (see eq. (2)). Hence, our
optimal gear ratios under 15 conditions out of 18 condi-                               approach prioritized the generated power rather than
tions. Even in unmatched cases, the results were mostly                                the user’s burden. Exploiting such relationships would
close to the optima. These results suggest that our ap-                                facilitate finding the optimal gear ratios, in other words,
proach could find near-optimal gear ratios suitable for                                that would make our approach further efficient. .
any tasks in a data-driven manner.
    Furthermore, we can see the relationships between                                  5.4 Analyzing the optimized task kernels
tasks qualitatively. For instance, the increase of the
slope angle or the gait speed always decreased or in-                                  Here, we analyze the optimized task kernels (i.e., K f
creased the optimal gear ratios, respectively. Such rela-                              in eq. (9)) and their effects on explorations. Fig. 11 de-
Gear-ratio Optimization for Energy Harvester                                                                                        11

                                                                            tory, which can be observed by an encoder on a knee
        0.00                                                                joint. Besides, other operators for the EMG signals can
                                                                            represent the user’s burden from another perspective;

                                                                            for instance, one to extract the maximum value from
                                               3                            a trial would indicate momentary burden. A threshold
                                                                            would suggest a range of burdens the user does not care
        -2.50                                         1     2     3
                20   60            100   140
                      Gear ratio                   (b) Correlation matrix   that.
         (a) Participant 1 with 1 m/s                    K f of (a)
        0.00                                   1

                                                                            6.2 Further improvement of sample-efficiency

                                                                            The task defined in our framework is discretely given.
                                               3                            Therefore, the slope angle and the gait speed are dis-
                                                      1     2     3
                                                                            cretized and assumed to be independent before opti-
                20   60            100   140
                      Gear ratio                   (d) Correlation matrix   mizing the experiments. However, as you know, they
        (c) Participant 2 with 1.5 m/s                   K f of (c)         are continuous configurations, and the optimal gear
Fig. 11 Optimized task kernels: red, green, and blue lines are              ratio for them would be continuously changed. Such
consistent with task 1, 2, and 3, respectively; (a)–(b)/(c)–(d)             over assumption would prevent maximization of the
are the cases of high/low correlations between the tasks.                   sample-efficiency. A naive idea to resolve this is that the
                                                                            continuous configurations are set to the Gaussian pro-
                                                                            cess inputs in Bayesian optimization, x. The proposed
picts the predicted score functions and the correspond-
                                                                            framework did not use any prior knowledge about the
ing task kernels. When high correlations between tasks
                                                                            tasks, but we should actively use our prior knowledge to
were found as illustrated in Figs. 11(a) and (b), the ex-
                                                                            improve the sample-efficiency. For example, dynamics
plorations for the new tasks (the task 2 and 3) were
                                                                            would be useful information for walking on the differ-
much focused at around on the maximum since the
                                                                            ent slope angles; and the lower burden in total should
landscape of the score function can be predicted from
                                                                            be desired for the elderly.
the data of the previous tasks even in the early tri-
als. Thus, the number of explorations was kept small.                           As another limitation attributed to the ker-
Otherwise, as illustrated in Figs. 11(c) and (d), the ex-                   nel method, the multi-task Bayesian optimization
plorations of the gear ratio for the new tasks were ex-                     uses unnecessary samples for the target task, which
ecuted extensively across the entire domain. Even in                        wastes computational cost. Specifically, the multi-task
that case, since our proposed framework would revert                        Bayesian optimization takes O(n3 ) with n samples, in-
to the standard Bayesian optimization, the deteriora-                       cluding ones from uncorrelated tasks. It might be re-
tion of the sample-efficiency does not happen.                              duced by integrating sparse Gaussian process [18].

6 Discussion                                                                6.3 Combination with optimization of duty cycle

6.1 Design of score function                                                The gear ratio is suitable for adjusting the generative
                                                                            power and the anti-torque, as mentioned in the sec-
The score function to be optimized in eq. (13) aims to                      tion 2.1. However, as hardware limitation, the gear ratio
maximize the generative power and minimize the EMG                          adjustment cannot ignore the settling time for control.
on average. However, it is hard to regard ours as the                       Our device takes few seconds to change the gear ratio,
optimal score function due to its ad-hoc design. Here,                      and therefore, it is difficult to frequently adapt the gear
we have to discuss the candidates of the score func-                        ratio to the user’s motions in real-time.
tion. Finally, the optimal one should be selected from                          To break this limitation, the combination with op-
them according to meta objectives (e.g., questionnaire                      timization of the duty cycle D is one of the promising
to many participants).                                                      ways. Since the duty cycle can be controlled electri-
    First of all, quantifying how much the user can keep                    cally, the settling time is faster than one for the gear
their natural movements is highly controversial. In our                     ratio adjustment. Hence, the solution is considered that
case, it is represented as the average (or sum) of the                      the gear ratio optimizes the main balance between the
EMG signals. Although the EMG can suggest the user’s                        generative power and the anti-torque. Fine-tuning is
burden, it is not suitable for detecting motion’s trajec-                   conducted by the duty cycle during tasks in real-time.
12                                                                                                 Taisuke Kobayashi et al.

6.4 Optimal design of CVT                                     harvest for other joints like back and shoulder joints
                                                              with a similar principle.
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