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                                Since opening our doors over 30 years ago, people have been at the heart of
                                everything we do, from the jobseeker to the hiring manager and those who bring
                                them together. As a market-leading global recruitment group, we see our role
                                as that of a trusted advisor helping our candidates and clients to build fulfilling
                                careers and grow effective teams both now and into the future.

                                As we continue to grow internationally, we remain committed to our founding
                                principles: a strong team-based culture that puts clients and candidates first, a
                                passion for quality in all that we do, a commitment to treating people with integrity,
                                and an innovative spirit that propels us to constantly improve.

                                These values lead us to prioritise building long-term relationships – we advise
                                and consult but never force people into making decisions that aren’t right for their
                                business or career goals. We believe that our consultative approach sets us apart
                                from the competition and continues to cement our reputation as a recruiter of
                                choice, trusted by the world’s leading organisations and professionals.

                                In addition, we are experts in the disciplines we recruit for, enabling us to provide
                                our clients and candidates with quality insights into hiring and salary trends. Our
                                regional Salary Surveys are designed to help you make informed hiring decisions
ROBERT WALTERS,                 and salary negotiations. If you would like to discuss these topics further, please
                                don’t hesitate to contact your local obert alters office listed in the back of this

                                Robert Walters
                                Robert Walters Group

             OF OUR BUSINESS
             IS FOCUSED ON
             RECRUITMENT, 31%
             ON CONTRACT
  Countries we operate in

                        CZECH REPUBLIC
                                                       SOUTH AFRICA
                                                       SOUTH KOREA
ACROSS 31               FRANCE           NEW ZEALAND   UK
                        HONG KONG
GLOBALLY                INDIA            SINGAPORE
To discover hiring and salary trends across the world, read our Global Trends on page 10 or download our books covering:

• Australia & New Zealand             • Belgium & Luxembourg                • Netherlands                         • United Kingdom
• Greater China & South East Asia     • France                              • Portugal                            • Middle East & Africa
• Japan                               • Germany                             • Spain                               • Canada
• South Korea                         • Ireland                             • Switzerland                         • Latin America

Download your copy today by visiting

In an increasingly complex global recruitment market, the          WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT?
Robert Walters Group builds great teams for our clients by         Bespoke, consultative service
offering an end-to-end recruitment service, on a local, regional
or global basis.
                                                                   1. Commitment to quality
OUR CORE DISCIPLINES INCLUDE:                                        e focus on building long-term, high-quality relationships
• Banking & Finance                                                with clients and candidates. e consult and advise, helping
• Business Support                                                 our candidates make the right career move. his builds trust
                                                                   and loyalty and ensures we continually have the industry’s
• Commerce                                                         top talent for our clients.
• Engineering & Construction
• Human Resources                                                  2. Specialists
• Legal                                                            We hire from industry to ensure our consultants are
• Procurement & Supply Chain                                       specialists in the disciplines they recruit for. hey also
• Sales & Marketing                                                bring with them strong personal relationships and industry
                                                                   networks, enabling them to find hard to reach talent with
• echnology
                                                                   niche skill sets.
“          obert alters is our
          preferred recruitment
         partner. hey are able
        to identify talent that we
       would not have been able
                                               “            orking with obert
                                                          alters has been really
                                                      seamless and rich, thanks
                                                        to the insights that the
                                                       consultants bring in. ’ve
                                                                                                       obert alters has open,
                                                                                                     honest and e perienced
                                                                                                     consultants. hey offer a
                                                                                                      broad knowledge of the
                                                                                                     market and have access
         to find or engage with                         enjoyed my e perience                       to an e tensive network of
                ourselves.                               working with obert                          e perienced candidates.
                                                          alters over the last 1                        ’d recommend using
           a mig ovaghimian,                                      years.                                 obert alters to any

            Founder &   ,                                                                            prospective organisation.
              oodline,                                    tul aur,       irector,

                                                         ’ r al, ingapore and                         haq ohajerani, ead

                                                                 alaysia                            of evelopment, anwha
                                                                                                         nergy, ustralia

3. No individual commission                                          5. Innovation culture
  e operate a team-based profit-share system which, we                 e were the first recruiter to launch a recruitment process
believe, sets us apart from the vast majority of our                 outsourcing business and we continue to lead the way with
competitors as it ensures the interests of both the client and       an in-house innovation team which tests and trials the latest
candidate remain our number one priority. here is also no            recruitment technologies.
ownership of candidates, ensuring clients always see the
best talent we have available.
                                                                     6. Long-term business focus
                                                                       ur strategy is one of organic growth through international
4. Our people and culture                                            e pansion and discipline diversification. e invest in markets for
  e promote long-term, international careers, which helps us to      the long term and maintain our presence, even in tough times.
retain our top people, providing continuity for our clients. e’re
proud to say our senior management team is home-grown with
                                                                     7. End-to-end recruitment service
an average tenure of     years.
                                                                       e offer clients a true end-to-end recruitment service, from
                                                                     permanent, contract and interim recruitment through to
                                                                     recruitment process outsourcing.

 INTRODUCTION                                              THE NETHERLANDS                                            CONTRACT
About the Salary Survey .................. 09             COUNTRY OVERVIEW .................... 30                    Accounting & Finance ..................... 56
Global Trends .................................. 10                                                                   Banking & Financial Services .......... 57
                                                          PERMANENT & INTERIM                                         HR Support ..................................... 58
 REGIONAL OVERVIEWS                                       Accounting & Finance ..................... 32               Information Technology ................... 59
                                                          Permanent ....................................... 33          ecretarial O ce upport ............ 59
Australia & New Zealand ................. 14              Interim ............................................. 34    (Semi) Public.................................... 60
Greater China .................................. 16       Banking & Financial Services .......... 36                  Supply Chain ................................... 61
Japan & South Korea ...................... 18             Permanent ....................................... 37
South East Asia ............................... 20        Interim ............................................. 38
Europe ............................................. 22   Human Resources ........................... 40               CONTACT US
Middle East & Africa ........................ 24          Permanent ....................................... 41
US & Canada ................................... 26        Interim ............................................. 41
Latin America .................................. 28       Legal ................................................ 42    ABOUT ROBERT WALTERS
                                                          Permanent ....................................... 43
                                                          Interim ............................................. 43
                                                          Procurement .................................... 44
                                                          Permanent ....................................... 45
                                                          Interim ............................................. 46
                                                          (Semi) Public.................................... 48
                                                          Permanent ....................................... 48
                                                          Interim ............................................. 49
                                                          Tax & Treasury ................................. 50
                                                          Permanent ....................................... 51
                                                          Interim ............................................. 51
                                                          BI/Advanced Analytics .................... 52
                                                          Permanent ....................................... 53
                                                          Interim ............................................. 54

Drawing on our local knowledge and expertise across six continents we’ve produced a series of books covering:

• Australia & New Zealand                                     • Netherlands
• Greater China & South East Asia                             • Portugal
• Japan                                                       • Spain
• South Korea                                                 • Switzerland
• Belgium & Luxembourg                                        • United Kingdom
• France                                                      • Middle East & Africa
• Germany                                                     • Canada
• Ireland                                                     • Latin America
Download your copy today by visiting
                EDITION OF THE GLOBAL
8   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2020
Our Salary Survey is based on
ABOUT THE                              the analysis of permanent, interim
SALARY SURVEY                          and contract placements made
                                       across each of our geographies and
Welcome to the 21st edition of the     recruitment disciplines during 1 ,
annual Robert Walters Salary Survey.   and our predictions for the year
  s the first recruitment company to
produce a comprehensive overview       GET IN TOUCH
of global salaries and recruitment      f you would like to find out more
trends across the world, we are        about salaries and recruitment
pleased to share the latest edition    trends in your industry, call one of
with you.                              our specialist consultants today.
                                       Contact details can be found at the
                                       back of this book.

                                                        ABOUT THE SALARY SURVEY   9

GLOBAL OVERVIEW                               second half due to uncertainty caused       moving specific aspects of production
Overall the global hiring market was          by the US-China trade war, Brexit           out of Mainland China to locations such
active in 2019 despite widespread             and the difficulty of building a stable     as Taiwan and South East Asia, which
economic and political uncertainty.           government in Spain.                        impacted hiring.
Demand for specialist technology
skill sets as well as risk, regulatory        Brexit continued to dominate the            South East Asia experienced a
and compliance professionals led to           headlines in the UK, impacting hiring       predominantly buoyant hiring market
candidate shortages in many markets.          in many sectors; however, there             in 2019, particularly in the high-growth
                                              were pockets of hiring activity across      markets of Indonesia, the Philippines,
Across Europe, we saw demand for              technology, fintech, property and           Thailand and Vietnam. Demand for
talent outstripping supply as businesses      professional services.                      ‘glocal’ talent – professionals with a
continued to hire. In France, the                                                         strong understanding of both global
recruitment market performed well in          In the Middle East, recruitment             business practices and local cultural
2019 despite employers pausing hiring         activity was high for most of 2019.         mindsets – continued as more
activity during times of difficulty such as   Nationalisation remains a key priority in   businesses internationalised.
the yellow vests (gilets jaunes) protests.    the UAE and Saudi Arabia, leading to
                                              local talent shortages, wage in ation       In Japan, acute talent shortages
Belgium experienced strong economic           and nationals moving roles more             continued due to the nation’s declining
growth in 2019, which led to an               frequently. We saw similar trends across    and ageing population as well as high
active hiring market and widespread           Africa as companies sought to adhere        demand for bilingual professionals with
talent shortages. Across the border           to government nationalisation policies.     international expertise. Companies
in Germany, hiring was buoyant as                                                         specialising in cloud computing, AI,

traditional Mittelstand companies             Throughout Greater China, the local
focused on digitalisation and foreign         market outlook became increasingly
companies grew their presence.                uncertain in the latter half of 2019,                 As top talent prioritise
Similarly, in the Netherlands, a strong       with the US-China trade war weighing                   keeping their skills up
economy and an exceptionally low              heavily on sentiment. Candidates                     to date, we recommend
unemployment rate led to candidate            became harder to source as                             employers offer clear
shortages across all disciplines.             professionals proved reluctant to                  learning and development

                                              change roles in uncertain market                      opportunities to attract
In Spain, hiring activity was high in the     conditions. We also saw manufacturers               in-demand professionals.
first half of 1 but reduced in the            taking action to avoid       tariffs by
10   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2020
future mobility and smart factories          these skill sets within the banking                  Advice to employers
increased hiring in 2019 in preparation      and financial services sector as                     In order to secure top talent with
for the rollout of 5G in 2020.               businesses sought to adhere to new                   specialist skill sets we recommend
                                             regulations and guidelines set by their              employers run swift and efficient
In Australia and New Zealand, the            central banks. Japan continued to                    recruitment processes, ensuring offers
economic environment looks set to            strengthen its financial regulations                 are made in a timely manner. As in-
prevent any widespread jobs and salary       and companies faced greater scrutiny                 demand professionals consider moving
growth in the near to mid-future. The        over their handling of personal data,                roles they will focus on more than the
exceptions will be in sectors where          leading to high demand for audit, risk               salary on offer they are keenly aware
demand outstrips supply – most               and compliance professionals. In the                 of the need to keep their specialist
notably in technology, financial services    Netherlands, salaries for compliance,                skills up to date, so we recommend
and infrastructure.                          regulatory reporting and risk                        businesses offer clear learning and
                                             management specialists are expected                  development opportunities to attract
KEY TRENDS                                   to rise in 2020 due to extreme talent                the best talent on the market.
Acute tech talent shortages                  shortages.

Across most markets the demand for
technology professionals with specialist
skill sets will continue to outstrip                   IN 2020 WE EXPECT
supply in 2020. Digital transformations                TO SEE EMPLOYERS
are continuing apace across many                       VYING FOR TALENT
industries in China, Hong Kong,                        WITH EXPERTISE IN AI,
Australia and New Zealand, so in 2020
                                                       BIG DATA, UX,
we expect to see employers vying
                                                       DEVELOPMENT AND
for professionals with expertise in AI,
big data, UX, development and cyber                    CYBER SECURITY.

Digital experts, data scientists and
cyber security specialists will also be in
high demand across Brazil, Chile and
Mexico as companies migrate their
businesses online and deal with the
extra security challenges this presents.
In San Francisco, companies will
struggle to hire software and machine
learning engineering specialists due to a
shortage of qualified professionals.

Demand for risk and compliance
skill sets
As regulatory requirements evolve
alongside digitalisation, companies are
seeking professionals with expertise
in risk, compliance and audit. South
East Asia saw strong demand for
                                                                       futuremobilityandsmartfactoriesincreasedhiringin2019inpreparationfortherolloutof5Gin2020. 11

With our presence spanning 31 countries across six continents our
specialist teams offer in-depth knowledge of the sectors they recruit for.
In this section our regional managing directors share their insights on
hiring and salary trends in 2019 and their predictions for the year ahead.

Our regional overviews include:

•   Australia & New Zealand
•   Greater China
•   Japan & South Korea
•   South East Asia
•   Europe
•   Middle East & Africa
•   US & Canada
•   Latin America

INTRODUCTION                                and cyber security. For professionals
The prevailing global and local             with these more niche skill sets, we             Our presence in Australia &
economic headwinds look set to              anticipate further salary increases and          New Zealand:
prevent any widespread jobs and salary      premium rates for contractors.
growth in the near to mid future. That                                                       •    Adelaide
said, in the Australia and New Zealand      Concerns about widespread                        •    Auckland
markets,        offers some reasons for     unemployment due to automation and               •    Brisbane
cautious optimism, as we anticipate         artificial intelligence have, so far, proved     •    Chatswood
salary growth in selected sectors where     unfounded. In 2020, we expect some
                                                                                             •    Christchurch
there is high demand and limited supply     transactional roles to become obsolete,
   most notably in technology, financial    but new technology jobs will be created          •    Melbourne
services and infrastructure.                in areas such as design, programming             •    Perth
                                            and analysis.                                    •    Sydney
BRIGHT FUTURE FOR TECH                                                                       •    Wellington
SPECIALISTS                                 REPAIR JOBS AT THE BANKS
Technology transformations are              In the wake of Australia’s recent Royal
continuing unabated across every              ommission, financial institutions            remediation and compliance projects
industry in Australia and New Zealand.      are under enormous pressure from               across the banking, financial services
As a result, 2020 will see employers        regulators, legislators, government,           and insurance sectors — on both
vying for professionals with expertise in   media and their customers. The result          sides of the Tasman. Experienced
development, UX, data management            is an unprecedented focus on risk,             professionals who can deliver these
14   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2020
massive programs are relatively scarce,   helping to ease the disconnect between      too close to call, we can predict two
and so demand (and salaries) are likely   skills that the next generation of talent   possible knock-on effects. First, many
to remain high.                           are being taught and what businesses        employers are likely to wait until after
                                          need.                                       the election before embarking upon
CAUTIOUS GROWTH IN                                                                    any major hiring campaigns. Second,
INFRASTRUCTURE                                                                        the jobs market in Wellington will be
Australia and New Zealand will remain          In 2020, we anticipate salary          dominated by contract and contingent
committed to long-term nation-building          growth in selected sectors            roles until after the election result is
programs throughout 2020. Investment            of high demand and limited            known.
in traditional infrastructure projects            supply, most notably in
such as transport, health and education        technology, financial services         In Australia, 2020 will see local elections
will continue to stimulate demand for                and infrastructure.              in Queensland and the Australian
civil engineers and project managers,                                                 Capital Territory. Enterprise employers
as well as professionals in ancillary                                                 in these states may see elections as
sectors. And while the emerging                                                       an opportunity to gain an advantage
renewables sector is showing signs        ADVICE FOR CANDIDATES                       over their competitors. Aggressive
of promise, and the creation of some      2020 will be a year of opportunity          hiring campaigns in areas of skills
new jobs, uncertainty may linger until    for professionals with skills in the        shortages during election season could
the Australian Government articulates a   aforementioned areas of high demand         yield a windfall of talent, as many other
more comprehensive energy policy.         and short supply. Approaches and            employers may have scaled down their
                                          offers from prospective employers are       recruitment activity.
ADVICE FOR EMPLOYERS                      likely to be common, but our advice
Where skills shortages exist, hiring      to these individuals is that not every      Both the Australian and New Zealand
managers have much to do in 2020.         job is equal. Do your research about        governments are currently tightening
Money talks, of course, but high          possible employers, know what your          immigration restrictions. For many
salaries and premium rates may not        market value is, and remember that in       employers, this means that their best
be enough to entice specialists to        a fast-moving jobs market this golden       chance of hiring overseas talent in
join your organisation. Apart from        moment may not last long. In 2020, we       2020 will be to work with a recruitment
 e ible working, which remains a high     recommend that in-demand specialists        partner who can offer access to an
priority for many, professionals are      seize the day.                              international talent network as well
acutely aware of the need to keep                                                     as expert, up-to-the-minute skilled
their specialist skills up-to-date, so    POLITICAL LANDSCAPE IN 2020                 migration advice and support.
employers who can offer cutting-edge      While the outcome of New Zealand’s
projects and substantial personal         2020 general election currently appears
development opportunities will be those
who attract and retain the best talent.

‘Potential’ should be the watchword
for many employers in 2020. During
selection processes, employers should
remain open-minded when candidates
are a good cultural fit but short on
technical experience. A comprehensive
learning and development strategy can
help plug technical gaps, whilst also

GREATER CHINA                                MAINLAND CHINA
                                                                                        Our presence in Greater China:
The global economy and local market          The impact of lingering economic trade
outlook became increasingly uncertain        frictions and market uncertainties put
                                                                                        •    Beijing
in the second half of 2019, with the         pressure on the job market in 2019.
impact of the US-China trade war             The slowdown in hiring was more            •    Shanghai
continuing to weigh on sentiment,            apparent in the manufacturing sector       •    Suzhou
particularly in Hong Kong and Mainland       where companies are trying to avoid        •    Southern China
China.                                       tariffs by moving specific aspects of      •    Hong Kong
                                             production out of Mainland China.          •    Taipei
Despite the risks, we saw demand for
candidates in key growth areas. The          Organisations in the region took steps
technology industry was one of the           to adapt by adding value to their        capabilities, through initiatives such as
fastest-growing markets across Greater       existing products and considering        the development of Shenzhen as a hi-
China and, because of the innovative         expansion into international markets     tech model city. Technology will remain
and highly skilled nature of the industry,   through free trade zones and the Belt    a growth sector with employers looking
there was an ongoing shortage of             and Road initiative. This drove demand   to secure experienced professionals in
suitably qualified candidates. mployers      for candidates with strong technical       & , big data and artificial intelligence.
found talent harder to source, as            skills, solid business development
professionals were reluctant to switch       capabilities and international work      In 2020, we expect both candidates
roles because of the uncertainty caused      experience. Despite relatively slower    and hiring managers to remain cautious
by changing market conditions.               growth, the country continues to         due to uncertain market conditions.
                                             strengthen its digital transformation
16   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2020
While the total number of jobs may           Towards the second half of the year,     OUTLOOK FOR 2020
decline, demand is expected to               export-oriented companies became         Demand for specialists is likely
continue for highly skilled professionals.   more conservative in their operations    to continue in 2020, despite the
                                             due to the US-China trade war. We        uncertain economic situation.
HONG KONG                                    saw manufacturers and electronics        With skills shortages likely to be
With ongoing political and economic          companies reshoring some production      exacerbated, companies are expected
uncertainty, Hong Kong has faced a                                                    to place greater emphasis on retention
challenging period in 2019, from trade                                                strategies. Moderate salary rises are
and tourism to consumer sentiment                  There is an atmosphere of          anticipated across Greater China, and
and capital markets. Nevertheless, it               cautiousness across the           companies are advised to promote
retains its appeal to companies as a               region and the outcome of          clear career development and smart
global business and finance hub.                  the US-China trade war will         workplace policies like e ible working,
                                                    play a determining role in        which are increasingly valued by
 n 1 , financial services firms took a           the market and employment            employees.
relatively cautious approach to hiring,                conditions in 2020.
with the exception of virtual banking                                                 Candidates looking for a new role
and fintech. ith the issue of eight                                                   should embrace digitalisation and
virtual banking licences, the demand         lines from Mainland China to other       innovation to ensure they remain
for specialists ranging from C-level         regions in Asia, including Taiwan. The   current and relevant in a changing
to managers has been on the rise in          in ow of investment has driven demand    job market. In-demand professions
all areas of finance, legal, technology      for technology and software talent.      and specialist roles will continue to
and risk and compliance, as well as          At the same time, there is continuous    command premiums and yield lucrative
operational and HR roles. This has been      demand for engineering specialists       new opportunities, but general salary
the backbone of financial services hiring    within renewable energy industries.      in ation will be subject to, and defined
over the last 12 months and we expect        Compensation is expected to be           by, the outcome of the variable
to see strong growth in this area in 2020.   steady, with levels set on a case-by-    macroeconomic conditions.
                                             case basis, depending on individuals’
Organisations across a range of              expertise and performance.
different industries will continue their
digital transformations, leading to
sustained demand for analytics, big
data, DevOps and digital specialists.
At the same time, we have seen a
noticeable shift towards contract hiring
as businesses looked to build an agile
workforce that can adapt to the uid
economic conditions. We expect this
trend to continue in 2020.

Taiwan started 2019 with better-than-
expected economic growth, resulting
in buoyant hiring levels across several
industries, including technology, FMCG
and healthcare.
JAPAN                                        mobility connected cars and
Despite global economic and                  autonomous driving , smart factories           Our presence in Japan & South
geopolitical uncertainty, demand for         and medtech increased hiring in 2019 in        Korea:
talent far outstripped supply in 2019        preparation for the rollout of 5G in 2020.
with a job openings-to-applicants ratio       n addition, the digital sector has seen       •    Osaka
of 1.6 to 1. Japan’s labour shortages        strong growth in smartphone payment            •    Seoul
continued unabated due to its declining      services, with many new offerings              •    Tokyo
and ageing population, as well as            launching in quick succession. s a
increased demand for talent with             result, talented individuals have ocked
English-language skills and international    to the industry, including candidates with
e pertise. Both foreign-affiliated firms     financial backgrounds, app developers,       in central nervous system disorders, and
and Japanese companies operating             security experts and other professionals     oncology and regenerative medicine.
internationally are driving this demand      able to draw from a diverse range of         Following Japan’s interest in the 100-
for bilingual talent with international      experience and skills.                       year lifespan concept, which focuses on
or global business exposure. Other                                                        positive longevity, hiring has increased at
businesses operating locally, such as        The medical industry continues to hire       manufacturers producing ingredients for
transport networks, retailers, hotels and    in order to keep pace with Japan’s           dietary supplements and organic food
service and entertainment companies,         ageing population, with life sciences        products.
are beginning to follow suit.                specialists in particularly high demand.
                                               edical device firms and pharmaceutical      n 1 , apan continued to strengthen
Companies specialising in cloud              companies are searching for                  its financial regulations following
computing, artificial intelligence       ,   professionals specialising                   several high-profile incidents involving
18   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2020
cryptocurrencies and smartphone             high-growth field remaining strong.            transition to smart factories is taking
payment fraud. Similarly, companies         In addition, the rapid growth of the           place as part of the Fourth Industrial
are under increased scrutiny regarding      biotechnology industry has expanded            Revolution. Whereas manufacturers of
their collection and usage of personal      the market for analytical devices and          internal-combustion engine vehicles
data, which requires compliance with        diagnostics, leading to increased hiring       experienced a decline against a
the Personal Information Protection Law.    in these areas.                                backdrop of poor business performance
Both these things have led to increased                                                    in South Korea, the autonomous
demand for cyber security, audit, risk                                                     and electric car industries continued
and compliance professionals.                        Both foreign-affiliated               to boom. With that, the demand for
                                                      firms and apanese                    bilingual data scientists, deep learning
In 2020, legislation designed to ensure              companies operating                   engineers and autonomous system
equal pay for equal work will come                 internationally are driving             platform specialists in the manufacturing
into force. This will give those in part-             demand for bilingual                 field will continue in      .
time and temporary work more stable                   talent with overseas
employment conditions, an uplift in                       experience.                      Turning to new and renewable
wages and an increase in opportunities                                                     energy, the Korean government has
to receive full-time employment. On                                                        announced the ‘Renewable Energy
the employer side, we expect to see         Competition for technology specialists         3020 Implementation Plan’, with the
companies utilising contractors even        continued to intensify with the                goal of producing 20% of the country’s
more as they seek to secure specialised     development of new business models             energy from renewable sources by
talent at short notice in order to launch   converging IT and healthcare, as well          2030. With the accelerated introduction
new projects or move into new markets.      as across-the-board digitalisation of          of infrastructure for solar, wind and
                                            many industries including retail, logistics,   hydroelectric power generation, the
SOUTH KOREA                                 manufacturing and finance. emand for           demand for top talent in these areas is
With the implementation of the              new technology skills remains strong           growing steadily.
52-hour workweek, another rise in the       in the manufacturing sector, where a
minimum wage and prolonged
US-China trade tensions, foreign direct
investment (FDI) in Korea declined
in the first half of 1 compared to
   1 . espite this, F in the first half
of 1 actually surpassed the 1 -year
average, indicating that general upward
movement continues.

 n 1 , the orean government
invested heavily in the biotechnology
sector, along with future mobility
(autonomous and electric vehicles) and
renewable energy, to lead the country’s
economic growth into the future. As
a result, the biotechnology industry
drew exceptional attention from foreign
investors in 1 , with demand for
highly skilled talent in this potentially

A SOLID GROWTH                             KEY HIRING TRENDS
TRAJECTORY                                 Hybrid skill sets sought after               Our presence in South East Asia:
In 2019, hiring activity in South East     As companies continue their
Asia was predominantly buoyant,            digitalisation journeys, hiring managers     •   Indonesia
particularly in the high-growth markets    are looking for experienced technology       •   Malaysia
of Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand    professionals with hybrid skill sets.        •   Philippines
and ietnam. lections in the first half       pecifically, they are seeking mid-         •   Singapore
of the year saw businesses take a more     level and senior managers who can            •   Thailand
conservative approach to hiring, but       help their teams navigate change and
                                                                                        •   Vietnam
activity recovered in the latter half of   ensure the successful adoption of new
2019. In Malaysia and Singapore, hiring    technologies.
showed steady signs of growth, with                                                   Across the board, there is strong
robust activity in technology.             Outside of the technology function,        demand for professionals who are
                                           employers are seeking professionals        able to apply their technical expertise
Across the region, technology and          with the ability to leverage new           to a broader commercial context that
transformation remains a major focus       technology within their work to drive      positions the organisation for growth.
for businesses, which is in turn shaping   the business forward. For example,         ‘Glocal’ talent, or professionals who
hiring trends.                             HR professionals who are well-versed       have a good understanding of both
                                           in workforce analytics and finance         global and local cultures and mindsets,
                                           professionals with expertise in business   are also in demand as businesses
                                           intelligence are increasingly in demand.   continue to internationalise.
20   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2020
Risk and compliance professionals         HIRING TOP TALENT                             a commitment to learning and
in demand                                 Broadly speaking, demand outstrips            development, while also demonstrating
Regulatory requirements and               the supply of well-rounded talent who         how the role contributes to the wider
guidelines across the region have         demonstrate strong expertise in their         organisation.
evolved alongside digitalisation. This    own field, the ability to leverage new
has resulted in strong demand for         technologies to drive efficiencies in their   To meet the need for ‘glocal’ talent,
risk and compliance professionals as      own work and a commercial mindset.            we encourage employers to search
businesses within the banking and         As such, forward-thinking employers           internationally, thereby tapping into
financial services sector seek to align   are starting to emphasise potential           the pool of local professionals based
themselves with new regulations and       and transferrable skill sets over market      overseas. Organisations in the region
guidelines set by their central banks.                                                  have found high-quality local talent
                                                                                        with niche skill sets and international
 s digital banking, fintech and online         Across functions, employers              expertise via our ‘Return Home’
payment solutions continue to grow, so           are seeking professionals              campaigns – Pulang Kampung
does the demand for risk, compliance           with the ability to apply their          (Indonesia), Balik Bayan (Philippines),
and legal talent with specialist                  technical expertise to a              Balik Kampung (Singapore) and Come
knowledge in technology.                       broader commercial context.                ome h        ood ietnam .

Manufacturing growth drives hiring                                                      LOOKING AHEAD
activity                                                                                Global events like the US-China
The manufacturing industries in           sector experience. For instance,              trade war may negatively in uence
Thailand and Vietnam saw healthy          businesses in fast-moving consumer            hiring activity in specific industries
growth in 2019, driven by a multitude     goods (FMCG) are starting to hire             and markets, but overall, we expect
of factors, including the Eastern         technology talent from other industries       healthy levels of hiring across the
Economic Corridor project in Thailand,    such as financial services or retail.         region. Digitalisation will continue to
the establishment of free trade                                                         build momentum and be a major driver
agreements in Vietnam and growing         The talented, modern jobseeker                of hiring trends in the coming year,
e ternal confidence in these markets.     is looking for fresh challenges and           and there will be growing demand for
The US-China trade war also played a      the opportunity to deliver value to           well-rounded, ‘glocal’ professionals,
part as manufacturers and electronics     a business through their role. To             particularly for both mid-level and senior
companies moved some production           secure and retain top professionals,          positions.
lines from Mainland China to South        hiring managers will need to show
  ast sia to avoid tariffs.

This has spurred demand for
professionals within the industry
across key functions, such as
human resources, accounting &
finance, engineering, supply chain &
procurement and logistics.


2019                                        rate was at an all-time low, resulting
Despite much publicised economic            in increased scarcity of candidates              Our presence in Europe:
and political uncertainty across Europe,    across all disciplines, especially at            •    Belgium
businesses continued to recruit in 2019.    the junior and mid levels. In a market           •    France
                                            where candidates were calling the
                                                                                             •    Germany
In France, businesses adopted a “stop-      shots, employers were forced to act
and-go” approach to hiring. Concerns        fast to secure the best candidates.              •    Ireland
about the economy and the yellow vests      To overcome candidate shortages                  •    Luxembourg
(gilets jaunes) protests meant companies    companies hired more expats, from                •    Netherlands
were quick to stop recruitment activity     countries both within and outside the            •    Portugal
in times of distress. However, in general   EU, such as Turkey and South Africa.             •    Spain
the recruitment market performed well
                                                                                             •    Switzerland
in 2019 as companies had to make up         Belgium continued to benefit from strong
for talent shortages in all sectors. Real   economic growth in 2019, which led to a          •    United Kingdom
estate and construction were particularly   busy hiring market. However, businesses
busy as Paris geared up for the 2024        were still constrained by widespread
Olympic Games and worked on                 candidate shortages. This resulted in             hile the     was defined by a year of
delivering the Greater Paris project.       companies hiring permanent staff more          political and economic instability due to
                                            quickly than in previous years whilst          Brexit, the hiring market performed better
The Dutch economy was in great              increasing interim recruitment in the fields   than anticipated. There were pockets of
shape in 2019. The unemployment             of finance and project management.             hiring activity within sectors that received
22   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2020
notable VC funding such as technology            ecruitment has become less cyclical           hatever the outcome of Bre it in the
and fintech. ther areas of positive            than it once was as business leaders             , we will still see plenty of hiring
recruitment in 1 were property,                have realised the value of being quick       activity amongst emerging industries,
professional services and specific areas       to adapt to market conditions, whilst        disruptors and          s. t’s businesses in
within banking such as hedge funds.            remaining right-si ed in order to take       these categories that will drive the hiring
                                               advantage of future growth.                  agenda by recruiting agile, tech-proficient
 n 1 there was a lot of negative press                                                      and commercially savvy professionals
in ermany concerning the economic               n Belgium, we e pect businesses will        who have their finger on the pulse of
environment, political uncertainty and         continue to e pand in       . s a result,    developing markets. alary increases
difficulties within the automotive industry.   we will see an increase in demand for        will be most lucrative at the mid to senior
  owever, these stories did not lead to        support professionals in    , marketing,     level as companies try to attract more
a slowdown in hiring. he professional          administration and supply chain. ike         risk-averse talent who are conscious
skills shortage across finance, legal,         previous years, support staff with strong    about job moves during a time of
technology and digital marketing showed        language capabilities in utch, French        uncertainty.
no sign of abating and the market              and nglish will be highly desirable.
remained busy as traditional ittelstand                                                      n the etherlands, the scarcity of
companies focused on digitalisation              he French hiring market is e pected        candidates is e pected to continue
and international businesses grew their        to remain relatively strong. For the first   in       at all levels of seniority and
footprints in ermany.                          time in years the unemployment rate          across all disciplines. fter two years
                                               has fallen, causing further candidate        of substantial growth, salaries are
  iring activity in pain was very high         shortages. s a result, companies will        e pected to stabilise in         . owever,
in the first half of the year as the           place greater emphasis on staff retention    pay for specialists in compliance,
strength of the economy facilitated            and succession planning.                     regulatory reporting, risk management
growth. Businesses in the technology,                                                       and technology will continue to grow, as
automation, renewable energy,                   n pain, the technology sector will          these specialists are e tremely scarce.
construction, chemical, pharmaceutical         continue to be one of the biggest
and tourism sectors were busiest. he           drivers of hiring. he focus on digital        n ermany, hiring volumes in financial
second half of the year saw a reduction        transformation is set to increase,           services will be dependent on the
in hiring activity as commercial con icts      which will lead to businesses recruiting     outcome of Bre it. f economic
surrounding the           and hina, the        specialist technology professionals.         conditions worsen, we may see finance
     ’s e it from the uropean nion               hese professionals will need to have       departments hire professionals who
and the difficulty of building a stable        strong communication skills in order         focus on cost efficiencies rather than
government in pain reduced the                 to work effectively and efficiently with     business partnering and growth. ue to
appetite for hiring.                           departments outside of technology.           candidate scarcity we will continue to
                                                                                            see salary increases across the market.
t’s very hard to predict what the
  uropean hiring market will look like in
      due to the unknown outcome of
Bre it at the time of writing and ongoing
economic and political uncertainty.
  owever, we are confident that
widespread candidate shortages will
continue, resulting in demand for skilled
2019                                          private sector starting to follow suit in the    here will be a renewed focus on
Recruitment activity was high across the      second half of the year. he rush to hire        nationalisation, especially in the    and
Middle East for the majority of 2019,         good-quality ulf candidates resulted              audi rabia. audi rabia has been the
following a relatively at first quarter.      in increased candidate movement,                most stringent in enforcing nationalisation
Businesses in the UAE, Saudi Arabia and       especially in audi rabia. uwait, often          polices. his trend will accelerate
  uwait benefited from improved economic      overshadowed by its larger neighbours,          throughout the year and we e pect other
optimism and were the most active hirers.     significantly increased hiring activity and           countries to follow suit.
                                              continued to be a growing market.
In the UAE, the growing demand                                                                  he e pected growth in audi rabia
for nationals increased. ompanies                                                             means there are excellent career
attempted to comply with mirati ation’                                                        opportunities for estern-educated audi
legislation but struggled, due to available          In 2020, the UAE economy                 nationals and e pats bringing best-
talent pools still being dominated by                 is set to go through a new              practice skill sets from multinationals. he
foreign e pats. s a result, we have seen            growth cycle, bringing about              nation has immense hiring-potential and
wage in ation for nationals at all levels               an increase in business               tangible opportunities that continue to
and a trend of local candidates moving                         confidence.                    grow in number. ocial changes, such as
roles more frequently.                                                                        the introduction of cinemas and women
                                                                                              being permitted to drive, will continue
  ultinationals continued to open                                                             at a steady pace and further investment
their regional headquarters in ubai,          2020                                            into infrastructure is e pected to support
bringing further opportunities for skilled    In 2020 the UAE economy is set                  business growth. uwait will continue to
professionals. igitalisation was at the       to go through a new growth cycle,               be an area of focus for many companies
forefront as companies looked to optimise     bringing about an increase in business          and as a result we predict an active hiring
performance and stay relevant. his led to     confidence. hile po              is not         market.
greater demand for marketing and sales        the silver bullet to solve everything, it is
professionals with digital e perience.        e pected to act as a catalyst to kick-          As the wider Middle East economic
                                              start       . ith an optimistic economy         environment continues to improve, we
 he job market in audi rabia continued        forecasted, we e pect a positive hiring         e pect to see salaries increasing during
to be busy for government roles, with the     market.                                              .

24   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2020
SOUTH AFRICA                                    The modernity and agile approach of            an increased focus on digitalisation and
2019                                                 s has made them more competitive          engineering. As companies sought to
2019 was characterised by cautious              in the hiring market than their larger         adhere to government nationalisation
hiring due to the general elections, a          competitors. In order to compete, larger       policies while also facing a lack of local
sluggish economy and unemployment               businesses need to have a clear picture        talent, we saw increased salary offers
of up to 29%. When businesses did               of the professional they are looking to hire   made to nationals for roles previously held
hire, they sought internationally minded        and operate swift recruitment processes.       by expats.
professionals with high adaptability and        Due to continued economic instability,
strong business acumen to minimise the          salary increases are expected to be in line    2020
downtime during onboarding.                     with in ation.                                 The competition for skilled nationals
                                                                                               will remain high across the continent.
The demand for employment equity (EE)           REST OF AFRICA                                 In East Africa, international companies
professionals continued to in uence hiring      2019                                           can e pect in ated salary demands due
processes, resulting in salary increases of     Across Africa there was an increasing          to candidate shortages. Businesses in
10-15% for applicable candidates. Legal         drive towards nationalisation and a            more developed parts of frica, such as
and finance specialists with high levels        demand for diaspora professionals. The         the Indian Ocean region, can expect to
of technical competence and industry            development of employees, succession           see multiple counter-offers presented to
knowledge also received premium                 planning and youth development                 top talent. With increased stability across
salaries.                                       were key focus areas for companies.            North Africa, salary increases of 3-7% are
                                                   perienced finance professionals were        likely.
2020                                            highly sought after as companies looked
In 2020, we expect to see high demand           to train and develop local staff.               nvestment in skills development, staff
for professionals with both technical ability                                                  retention and competitive benefits will be
and strategic acumen. roductivity and           Recruitment in both East and West              key trends in 2020. Employers looking
effectiveness of employees will be the          Africa was particularly fast-paced due         for skilled nationals with international and
highest priorities. Historically, specialist    to the increased need for mid to senior        cross-border experience will struggle to
skill sets in candidates were considered        level professionals within finance, legal,     recruit these roles themselves and will
a value-add’, but we e pect this to be a        sales and operations. Across Central           need to rely more on specialist recruiters.
minimum requirement moving forward.             Africa the need for sales, marketing and
                                                finance professionals continued, with

SAN FRANCISCO                                    e have seen a significant increase in
In 2019, we saw an unprecedented               salaries across the board, in part due         Our presence in the US &
demand for talent across the Bay area.         to the change in law in California which       Canada:
Strategic, hands-on leaders were the           prohibited employers from asking job
most highly sought after.                      applicants for salary history information.     •    Los Angeles
                                               Salaries continued to rise due to the          •    New York
Hiring activity spiked across design           highly competitive nature of the market,
                                                                                              •    San Francisco
functions as companies realised the            and we expect this to continue in 2020.
impact that design-led thinking can have                                                      •    Toronto
on business success. Sectors with the          LOS ANGELES
highest levels of recruitment included AI,     In LA, businesses faced a shortage
autonomous vehicles, robotics, online          of     -qualified controllers with audit     LA will continue to be at the centre of
marketplaces and fintech.                      backgrounds, especially those with           frontier categories such as e-commerce,
                                               start-up experience. We expect this to       direct to consumer, logistics,
In 2020, machine learning and AI will          continue in 2020.                            manufacturing and aerospace as well
remain challenging areas to recruit in,                                                     as AR/VR and gaming/esports in 2020.
with demand for talent far outweighing         Demand for operational leaders               These categories will be powered by
the availability of qualified professionals.   remained high in 2019. Many start-ups        increases in venture capital, a pipeline of
Hiring managers should streamline their        sought general managers and                  diverse engineering talent and a legacy
recruitment processes in order to attract      operational heads to manage the P&L,         of expertise in specialised industries.
more candidates and remain competitive         launch new markets, evaluate M&A
in securing top talent.                        possibilities, and provide insightful        In 2020, employers are advised to run
26   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2020
                                               product and marketing feedback.              swift and efficient hiring processes.
By engaging all relevant stakeholders at       economy continued to grow and                their salary adjusted in line with in ation
the outset, hiring managers can build          unemployment rates reached their                  forecast for end of 1 . hose
a clearer profile of their ideal candidate     lowest levels in decades.                    who did start new roles saw an average
and move quickly to make an offer to                                                        increase in base salary of 1 . his
promising candidates.                           arge cohorts of baby boomers                caused significant movement in the
                                               retiring combined with low numbers           market.
NEW YORK                                       of millennials with        science,
    1 saw high demand for talent in            technology, engineering, mathematics)        In 2020, top calibre candidates will have
areas such as technology, data privacy,        skill sets entering the workforce is         multiple opportunities to consider when
cyber security, AI and machine learning,       causing an acute skills shortage in the      moving jobs. The Canadian government
leading to candidate shortages in              Canadian market.                             will continue turning towards mass
these areas. Hiring activity was more                                                       immigration for highly skilled workers to
measured in traditional areas such                                                          ensure all skill gaps are filled.
as accounting and finance, financial
services operations and support                        Hiring managers should                  alaries for lawyers in private practice
functions. owever, businesses in the                 streamline their recruitment           will increase $10-20k with each year
fintech space and in pockets of the                     processes in order to               post-call, before stabilising at the nine-
investment management industry were                       effectively increase              year post-call mark at between $150k
still strong hirers.                                  candidate attraction and               in small- to medium-si ed law firms
                                                        remain competitive in               and         k for national or even ister
In many cases, interview processes                       securing top talent.               firms . awyers who move firms will see
were drawn out and due to the lack of                                                       an average increase of         on base
swift decision making, clients missed out                                                   salary, while compliance professionals
on securing top talent.                                                                     moving firms will receive pay increases
                                                ccounting and finance professionals         of up to 1 .
  emand for professionals in revenue           who remained in their current roles either
generating roles, such as sales                did not receive a salary review or had
professionals across all industries and
lawyers in private practice, remained
high, and we expect this to continue in

 n the financial services sector, highly
quantitative candidates will remain
in high demand, both in research
and trading strategy roles and risk
management positions.

VC-backed high-growth tech start-ups
were major hirers in 1 . he need for
hands-on leadership candidates will still
be a high priority for all early stage firms
looking to scale.

Canada witnessed a buoyant
recruitment market in 2019 as the                                                                                                     27

2019                                       ongoing delays with the vote on
Brazil, Chile and Mexico all experienced   pension reforms.                             Our presence in Latin America:
a challenging economic environment
in 2019, which saw central banks           Despite these economic challenges            •    Brazil
cut interest rates to stimulate their      the demand for specialist technology         •    Chile
economies.                                 talent remained consistent across all
                                           countries. hile construction suffered in     •    Mexico
Chile’s economic slowdown was driven       Mexico, the energy sector grew in Chile
by weakening domestic demand               and there was an increased shortage of
and a slumping copper price, which         cyber security specialists in Brazil.      of the oil and gas sectors, as well as
drives many aspects of the economy.                                                   the construction industry, will also start
In Mexico, it was widely agreed that       2020                                       to have an impact on the economy in
signs of economic stagnation were          Brazil, Chile and Mexico could all take    2020, but the overall gains will still be
due to decisions made by the new           very different paths in    , leading to    modest by international standards.
president, most notably the cancellation   a very mixed recruitment outlook for the
of several high-profile construction       region.                                    The government’s focus on
projects, which shook investor                                                        economic equality policies at the
confidence and dampened hopes for          After years of economic misery, Brazil     expense of economic growth and
growth. In Brazil, early optimism that     may finally see a long-awaited recovery    decisions such as the cancellation
the new government would be good           spurred on by pension reform, which        of government contracts will
for business quickly cooled, following     will most likely increase the level of     likely have a negative impact on
a series of distracting scandals and       foreign direct investment. The recovery    the economy, especially in the

28   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2020
construction and energy industries.       online and deal with the e tra security    There is increasing demand from
However, it remains to be seen if the     challenges this presents. In many          candidates for better work-life balance,
government’s budget stabilisation         cases digital-first’ businesses are        with firms having to offer e ible and
fund will be needed and if confidence     taking most of the talent due to the       innovative working options, which,
will return.                              attractiveness of this business model.     in many cases, are just as important
                                                                                     as salary increases to professionals
Across the Andes, in Chile, where                                                    looking for their ne t career move. n
the business community has more                                                      addition to this, employers need to be
confidence in the government’s                       Despite economic                able to demonstrate equal opportunities
ability to manage economic                       challenges the demand for           for women in the workplace with proven
challenges, the planned injection of            specialist technology talent         e amples of women progressing their
USD $600 million into the country’s                                                  careers while having a family.
                                                remained consistent across
budget (for road construction,
subsidised housing, healthcare and                      all countries.               Firms should also consider hiring from
water projects) throughout 2020                                                      international talent pools, where they
should see the economy weather                                                       can attract professionals who will often
any challenges better than most in                                                   be in the role for longer, which easily
the region.                               As a rule, employers seeking digital       compensates for the time and cost of
                                          skill sets are looking for multi-skilled   arranging work visas.
HIRING TRENDS                             profiles, hoping to add greater value to
With independent and diverse              their businesses, so there will be more
economic challenges across the            demand for commercial finance profiles
region there are unique hiring            as well as digital natives who combine
environments in each country;             technology and marketing e pertise.
however, there are also some
common trends.

In all markets the recruitment of
professionals with a high level of
business English will remain a key
challenge, especially for finance,
commercial and engineering roles.
This is driven by two factors.
Firstly, in many global firms, e pats
are being replaced with local
employees, but as these roles are
the main interface with head office,
professionals with a high level of
 uency in nglish are needed.
  econdly, many domestic firms are
looking to e pand internationally, so
they are now competing with global
companies for the same talent.

In all countries there are shortages
of digital e perts, data scientists and
cyber security specialists, as firms
look to migrate their businesses


The state of the Dutch economy was excellent in 2019. The unemployment
rate was at an all time low, resulting in an increased scarcity in candidates
across all disciplines, especially at the junior and mid career level. In a
market where candidates were calling the shots, employers were forced
to act fast in their hiring processes, in order to avoid losing candidates.

Hiring levels were especially booming within the legal sector. Throughout
the year, there was a serious shortage of lawyers within private practice,
as a switch to an inhouse role became increasingly popular.

  he ongoing trend of automation led to a merge of finance and positions.
This caused an increased demand for skilled business controllers and
professionals with BI experience, who can transform large amounts of data
into reports upon which organisations can base strategic decisions.

To confront the tight candidate market, companies turned to hiring more
expats from countries both within and outside the EU, such as Turkey and
South-Africa. Given that the political climate was unstable due to Brexit and
the trade war between the US and China, there was an upswing in temporary
contracts, offering organisations more e ibility. ompanies increasingly chose
for a temporary to permanent contract, allowing for fast hiring decisions.

After a period of hesitance to hire interim professionals caused
by the DBA legislation, interim demand showed stable levels
with highest demand for interim professionals with experience
in financial reporting, compliance and risk management.

                                                                                            egal firms were taking note

                                                                                            of millennials’ needs and
                                                                                            started to make changes
                                                                                            to working practices and
                                                                                             environment in order to
A JOB OFFER WHEN NOT ACTIVELY                                                                  encourage retention

30   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2020
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