Rusk Junior High School - Rusk ISD
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+ Rusk Junior High School 2020-2021 037-907-041 Campus Plan Total # of Students: 460 Total # of At Risk: 231 78 in 6th Grade; 85 in 7th Grade; 68 in 8th Grade totaling 231. Percentage of At Risk: 50% DATA AS OF 9-8-2020. Regardless of the circumstance into which a child is born, we will give them the best that can be offered! We Learn……No Excuses 1
RJH Cultural Philosophy Mission – The WHY….. Our mission is to encourage all students to reach their potential by providing the tools to become self-sufficient. Regardless of the circumstance into which a child is born, we will give them the best that can be offered! We Learn….. No Excuses Vision – What we aspire to become. To combine relevant knowledge with real-world situations. Values – Our Commitments…. We Believe…... that building relationships with students and staff that foster motivation, support and teamwork is top priority. We Believe…… we must create a caring and stimulating environment for maximum student success. We Believe….. we must be positive, open minded, cooperative, friendly, and courteous to all we encounter. GOALS for 20-21 What will be achieved? Virtual Learning– To effectively develop a blended learning approach to meet the expectations in our campus plan Create and Maintain a Safe Environment – Implement safety measures to ensure safety for everyone in the building Refer to the RISD RETURN to SCHOOL Plan for all other expectations. Evaluation Process This plan is evaluated annually to determine the following: 1. Whether the academic achievement of at-risk students have improved; 2. Whether the goals and objectives contained herein were achieved; 3. If the plan remains relevant and appropriate as written. 2
RJH Site Based Decision-Making Organization Instructional PLC’s + CIC+ Organizational Teams = School Leadership Instructional PLC’s 1. Subject Level PLC i.Composed of your teaching partner ii. Purpose: To answer the 4 big questions and to establish a plan for intervention/enrichment. iii.Meets multiple times per week as necessary 2. Grade Level PLC i.Composed of anyone with a class from a specified grade level. ii. Lead and communicate all activities focused around student learning. (i.e.celebrations, coordinating instructional units, etc.) iii.Meets 2 times per grading period as determined by facilitator. Campus Improvement Committee .Campus Level PLC (CIC –Campus Improvement Committee) i.To guide the campus decision making in the following areas: ● School Organization ● Planning and Goal Setting ● Curriculum and Instruction ● Budgeting ● Staff Development ii. Composed of Teachers, Office Leadership, Community, Businesses, and Parents. iii.To implement our Value: We Believe…. That building relationships with students and staff that foster motivation, support and teamwork is top priority. Mrs. Besson– 7th Grade Teacher Mrs. Hardy – 8th Grade Teacher Mrs. Kellis – 6th Grade Teacher Mrs. Garner– 7th Grade Teacher Mr. Burkhalter -Principal Tracy Sessions - Community/ Business Rep. Pat Hardy – Parent Representative Jaleea Hudnall – Community Representative Robby Arrington – Parent Representative Kathy Guidry - Assistant Principal Organizational Teams – 3
Until further notice as of 9-8-2020, all activities are subject to current restrictions. As restrictions are relieved, activities may resume. 1. AVID Site Team - Brian Williams - Leader i.To know and ensure the 11 Essentials are being accomplished ii. Completion of the ISS and CSS along with all Data Forms 1. DEIC (District Educational Improvement Committee) i.Be the voice of RJH at district level meetings ii. Coordinate the development of the Campus Needs Assessment iii.Work alongside Mr. Burkhalter in the compilation of the Campus Plan 2. GATES (GT Team) Anthony Garner - Leader i.Coordinate the Annual Parent Orientation (i.e. breakfast or evening meeting with program explanations and expectations) ii. Lead Field Learning Excursions to be selected from the 3 Year Cycle of Trips iii.Assist colleagues with enrichment strategies during TEAM, UIL, Robotics, etc. 3. Hospitality Team – Donna McCown– Leader i.Coordinate staff luncheons at least one per quarter. ii. To promote our VALUE: We Believe… we must be positive, open minded, cooperative, friendly, and courteous to all we encounter. 4. Sunshine Team – Nikki Cook - Leader i.Generate Smiles Often ii. Coordinate balloon, etc. deliveries to each staff member on their birthday and through announcements iii.Random workroom snacks monthly. 5. Spotlight Committee - Lauren Dyess - Leader i.Highlight and bring attention to a monthly celebration that are inclusive of but no limited to announcements, social media, guest speakers in classrooms, assemblies, lunch time events, etc. ii. Work with Student Leadership class to coordinate and delegate. iii.To post and advertise on bulletin boards, ENN, digital sign outside. 6. PPP (Positive, Promotion and Publication Team - Jennifer Lee - Leader i.We must not wait on others to tell the good news of our school. This team is tasked with seeking as many opportunities possible to spread the good news of our school to the community. (i.e. Social Media, Website contributions, Newspaper articles, ENN, digital sign outside, etc.) Collaboration Times 3:20-3:45, Planning Periods, “Team Time” Meeting dates and locations will be determined by each group. Leaders should have an agenda, sign in sheets, and minutes to submit to Mr. Burkhalter upon completion of the meeting. 4
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Summary For School Year: 2020-2021 Area Data Sources Summary of Summary of Needs Team Members Reviewe Reviewed Strengths Responsible for d Monitoring Strengths and Needs Priority Virtual Student Population Behavioral Foster and mentor our 1st Besson, Kellis, #1 improvements of and 2nd year teachers. Hardy, Burkhalter, Recruit, Retention of staff from 19- students Guidry support, 20. Virtual Student and retain Volunteer/ Community communication and teachers Study of Staff/Student program participation participation and Ratios principals Library usage and book Time in the day to work Study of compensation turnover rates with virtual students. schedules Virtual Methods to eliminate Summative Reflections Communications Team zeroes among students. Quick Checks Target (white) population in Growth of Reading and Student Success to end a 3 year cycle. Number of applicants. Mentor Teachers More certified applicants Principal, PLC’s for positions. Priority Universal Screener Pre-Referral Process Refinement of our Reading Teachers #2 Renaissance Data Reading RtI Program. Build a Designated Support Administrative foundation System Implementation of IXL Team for reading Reading Data Rubric and math. Behavioral Implementation of Reading Plus Diagnostics improvements of Reading Plus with Tier 2 students and 3 students Target (white) population in % Meets/Masters to end a 3 year cycle. Math Universal Screener Numbers and Refinement of our Math Teachers Renaissance Data Operations Interventions during “Team Time” Administrative Team Math Data Rubric Algebraic Reasoning RtI Meetings for Virtual Students Quick Checks Priority Master Schedule Creativity of lessons 1. To use Career Cruising Principal, #3 more fluidly with our Counselor Connect HS Administrative Behavioral students. high Observations improvements of school to students 5
career and 2. To use the HS Planner college. Implementation of HS in our Career Class in the Classes offered to JH 8th grade. students 6
Math Class of 2027 (6th Graders in 20-21) PLC Team Baseline Data Data Source Using the Renaissance BOY as the universal screener, Renaissance Screener 12 students were at Masters Level 34 students were at Meets Level Current Reality 55 students were at Approaches Level 38 students were below 73% (101 /139 ) are approaching or higher as of 22 were virtual and would not test August after the closure in March of 2020. PLC Team Performance Measure (1 Year Goal) Data Source STAAR In 2021, 85% or more of the students will pass the STAAR Math at the approaches level. Target Actual 85% Q1 Progress Q2 Progress Q3 Progress Q4 Progress Data Source for Quarterly Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitoring? Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Summative Assessments 80% 80% 85% 85% PLC Team Performance Measure (5 Year Goal) Data Source STAAR On STAAR or EOC Math, in 5 years, 85% of these students will be Target for Year 5 successful. 85% Actual Gr. Level % Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 7
Math Class of 2026 (7th Graders in 20-21) PLC Team Baseline Data Data Source Using the Renaissance BOY as the universal screener, Renaissance Screener and STAAR results 16 students were at Masters Level 30 students were at Meets Level Current Reality 51 students were at Approaches Level 67 students were below 59% (97/164) are approaching or higher as of 20 were virtual and would not test August after the closure in March of 2020. 138/168 students are approaching or beyond grade level expectations after the 1st round in 5th Grade. No STAAR given in 6th Grade due to COVID Closure. 68 students are at the Meets level. 38 students are at the Masters level. PLC Team Performance Measure (1 Year Goal) Data Source Summative Assessments and Quick Checks On STAAR Math in 2021, 75 or more students will meet grade level expectations on the STAAR test and at Meets Target Actual on the Renaissance EOY universal screener. 90% Q1 Progress Q2 Progress Q3 Progress Q4 Progress Data Source for Quarterly Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitoring? Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Summative Assessments 80% 80% 85% 90% PLC Team Performance Measure (5 Year Goal) Data Source On STAAR or EOC Math, 90% of the students will be successful. Target for Year 5 Actual Gr. Level % Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 82% 90% 8
Math Class of 2025 (8th Graders in 20-21) PLC Team Baseline Data Data Source Using the Renaissance BOY as the universal screener, 12 students were at Masters Level Renaissance Screener and STAAR results 27 students were at Meets Level 41 students were at Approaches Level Current Reality 41 students were below 10 were virtual and would not test 66% or 80/121 students were at the Approaches level or higher on the Renaissance Universal BOY In 6th Grade, 112/125 (90%) of the students are Screener. approaching or above grade level expectations. 61% or 76/125 kids are meeting grade level No STAAR given in 6th Grade due to COVID Closure. expectations as of last May 2019. PLC Team Performance Measure (1 Year Goal) Data Source Summative Assessments and Quick Checks At the end of 8th Grade, this class will have 10 or fewer students fail the STAAR test. Target Actual 90% Q1 Progress Q2 Progress Q3 Progress Q4 Progress Data Source for Quarterly Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitoring? Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Summative Assessments 80% 80% 85% 90% PLC Team Performance Measure (5 Year Goal) Data Source STAAR On STAAR or EOC for these students, 85% of them will be successful in 5 Target for Year 5 years. 85% Actual Gr. Level % Y1 Y2 Y3 Y Y5 4 73% 79% 90% 9
Strategies/Actions Person Funding Timeline Evidence of Responsible Resources Success Offer Algebra in 8th grade to Counselor General Summer of Master address Question 4 of the PLC Hardy 2020 Schedule process. Vertical Department meetings Math Teachers General Quarterly After school to implement common, effective instructional strategies. Use of Reflex Math with Math Teachers General 2020-2021 Summative teachers using STAAR format Assessments for all assessments. Daily Individualized Math McCown General Each quarter Growth reports instruction for Tier III with progress purposes monitoring Focused Intervention with Math Teachers General Spring - after Google Doc small groups and specific restrictions are with topics and targets. lifted. names Use of Get More Math for all Math Teachers General Each 3 weeks Get More Math grades or more often Usage Reports 10
Reading Class of 2027 (6th Graders in 20-21) PLC Team Baseline Data Data Source Using the Renaissance BOY as the universal screener, Renaissance Screener and STAAR results 32 students were at Masters Level 25 students were at Meets Level Current Reality 41 students were at Approaches Level 67% or 98/146 students were at the Approaches level 48 students were below or higher on the Renaissance Universal BOY 15 were virtual and would not test Screener. PLC Team Performance Measure (1 Year Goal) Data Source Renaissance Screeners and Summative Assessments 90% of the students will be at the approaches + levels on and STAAR the 6th grade STAAR Reading test. Target Actual 80% Q1 Progress Q2 Progress Q3 Progress Q4 Progress Data Source for Quarterly Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitoring? Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Summative Assessments 80% 80% 85% 90% PLC Team Performance Measure (5 Year Goal) Data Source Summative Assessments All of the students will be on a successful path to graduate HS. Target for Year 5 Actual Gr. Level % Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 11
Reading Class of 2026 (7th Graders in 20-21) PLC Team Baseline Data Data Source Using the Renaissance BOY as the universal screener, 32 students were at Masters Level Renaissance Screener and STAAR results 29 students were at Meets Level 58 students were at Approaches Level Current Reality 41 students were below 24 were virtual and would not test 74% or 119/160 students were at the Approaches level or higher on the Renaissance Universal BOY In 5th Grade 122/168 (73%) of the students are Screener. approaching + grade level expectations on Round 1 testing. 70/168 (42%) met grade level expectations in 5th No STAAR given in 6th Grade due to COVID Closure. Grade.. PLC Team Performance Measure (1 Year Goal) Data Source STAAR On the 2020 STAAR, 80% of the students will pass the STAAR Target Actual 80% at Approaching 60% at Meets Q1 Progress Q2 Progress Q3 Progress Q4 Progress Data Source for Quarterly Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitoring? Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Summative Assessments 80% 80% 80% 80% PLC Team Performance Measure (5 Year Goal) Data Source DMAC In 5 years, there will be an 80% success rate for students on their STAAR or Target for Year 5 EOC. Decrease by year 5 to 5% that are below grade level. Actual Gr. Level % Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 56% 61% 12
Reading Class of 2025 (8th Graders in 20-21) PLC Team Baseline Data Data Source Using the Renaissance BOY as the universal screener, Renaissance Screener and STAAR results 23 students were at Masters Level 27 students were at Meets Level Current Reality 43 students were at Approaches Level 28 students were below 77% or 93/121 students were at the Approaches level 10 were virtual and would not test or higher on the Renaissance Universal BOY Screener. In 5th Grade 100/134 (75%) of the students are approaching + grade level expectations on Round 1 testing. In 6th Grade, 26% were at or beyond the Meets level In 6th Grade, 76/125 (61%) of the students are on the STAAR Reading test. (32/125) approaching or above grade level expectations. In 7th Grade, due to COVID Closure, no STAAR given. PLC Team Performance Measure (1 Year Goal) Data Source STAAR On the 2021 STAAR Reading test, 95% of students will be at or beyond the Approaches level. Target Actual 80% Q1 Progress Q2 Progress Q3 Progress Q4 Progress Data Source for Quarterly Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitoring? Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Summative Assessments 80% 80% 80% 80% PLC Team Performance Measure (5 Year Goal) Data Source STAAR By the beginning of their 11th grade year, all of the students will be on a Target for Year 5 successful path for graduation. Actual Gr. Level % Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 72% 71% 13
Strategies/Actions Person Funding Timeline Evidence of Responsible Resources Success Target (white) population in % Reading Teachers General All Year Increase in % of Meets/Masters in Reading STAAR and Principal our students in the to end a 3 year cycle. Meets and Masters categories for Reading STAAR. IXL - Implementation across the Reading Teachers General Monitor quarterly. Improve STAAR campus scores through practice and mastery of objective. Improve reading fluency, Principal and General Invitation letter; Student interests comprehension, listening skills, and Secretary Spring launch; and grades show general self-confidence of students May - celebration improvement. through the community volunteers, who listen to students read and Delayed due to interact with students one on one. COVID restrictions. Use of the Read and Write Toolbar V. Merchant General August 2020- May Use by teachers on 2021 summative assessments Pull targeted groups for Cook General Fridays Improved student interventions for 6th Graders Norman performance. Shuttlesworth Intervention for all 7th and 8th students Stewart General First 3 quarters. Improved student below grade 4 on universal screener. Burkhalter performance. Hanrahan Mrs. Ford Mrs. Arrington USE HMH Curriculum and Norman, Cook, General All Year in class. Improved student Assessments as well as basic lessons for Shuttlesworth performance. ELL students to meet needs as they arise. More passages with HOT questions. Norman, Cook, General All Year in class. Improved Summative Shuttlesworth Assessment Scores. Refined RtI program for Reading. H. Stewart General All Year Improved scores on A.Burkhalter Universal Screener Mrs. Ford Use of Screencastify, Flocabulary and All ELA Teachers General All Year Improved scores on Reading Plus to meet the needs of our Universal Screener. students Use of the KAMI Tool for Gen Ed. Teachers General Trial used in August All IEP accommodations to be renewed accommodations met September 1. with practice for the digital STAAR. 14
Writing PLC Team Baseline Data Data Source STAAR Results In 4th grade, 89 of the 166 current 7th graders were successful on the STAAR Writing in 2018. Current Reality 89/166 54% were approaching or above grade level in Writing in 4th Grade. 42/166 kids at Meets; 11 kids at Masters PLC Team Performance Measure (1 Year Goal) Data Source STAAR Results By the end of their 7th grade year, 80% of them will be demonstrate success on the STAAR assessment. Target Actual 80% Q1 Progress Q2 Progress Q3 Progress Q4 Progress Data Source for Quarterly Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitoring? Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Summative Assessments 70% 70% 75% 80% PLC Team Performance Measure (5 Year Goal) Data Source In 2024, 80% of the students will pass the EOC. Target for Year 5 Actual Gr. Level % Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 63% 66% 15
Strategies/Actions Person Time Evidence of Funding who Frame Success Leads Emphasis on capitalization and All classroom All Year Correct sentence structure General punctuation in all content areas. teachers when writing sentences and paragraphs. Use of Kahoot, Brain Pop, Plickers, Language All Year Lesson Plans and General Quizlet Live, & Quizizz as instructional Arts Teachers Administrative technology tools on the Chromebooks. Observations Teach methods of writing geared toward English All Year Quickcheck data General STAAR prompts with emphasis on Teachers Summative data grammar Utilize Scholastic Action, Empowering 6th & 7th All Year Administrative General Writers, & Writing with Power. Grade Observations English Teachers Disaggregating of information through English All Year Student Schedules General 7th grade PLC will assess needs of Teachers individual students for effective instructional purposes. Counselor Targeted Intervention with specific English All Year Google Doc with names General students on specific needs. Teachers of students pulled and tasks to be accomplished in the Spring semester. Use of tactile games. English All Year Improvement on General Teachers Summative Assessments 16
History History Department PLC Team Baseline Data Data Source STAAR Results The current 8th graders have never been assessed on History. Therefore, the baseline data will be off of their Reading STAAR results from spring of 2019 with no Current Reality STAAR given in 2020 due to the COVID Closure. 90% of them passed the Math STAAR in 6 th Grade 61% of them passed Reading STAAR in 6th Grade. as well. PLC Team Performance Measure (1 Year Goal) Data Source STAAR Results By the end of their 8th grade year, 80% of them will demonstrate success on the History STAAR assessment. Target Actual 80% Q1 Progress Q2 Progress Q3 Progress Q4 Progress Data Source for Quarterly Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitoring? Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Summative Assessments 70% 70% 75% 80% PLC Team Performance Measure (5 Year Goal) Data Source All students will have passed their EOC exams and be on a path to be a Target for Year 5 successful graduate. Actual Gr. Level % Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 53% 61% 17
Strategies/Actions Person Time Evidence of Funding who Leads Frame Implementation Refer to the Important Dates of History Harmon, Monitor Observation General Cards posted in all rooms McClure, each Williams Quarter Sponge and Warm-up activities will be Harmon, All Year Administrative General directed toward STAAR objectives. McClure, Observations Williams Extended and intensified instruction will History All Year Lesson Plans and General be implemented using the resources teachers Observations available in the Library and on Internet. Disaggregating quick check scores Harmon, All Year DMAC results General McClure, Williams Teach major events & people of 1607 – 6th and 7th All Year Lesson Plans and General 1865 + Reconstruction in 6th & 7th grade Grade History Observations SS & TX His. classes Teachers Utilize the TEKS Resource website to History All Year Lesson Plans and General implement effective assessments and Department Observations strategies. 3 or more Project Based Learning History Quarterly Lesson Plans and General opportunities. Teachers Observations Use of the digital textbook to increase History All Year Completion of General accessibility for virtual students. Teachers assignments Monitor attendance closely to ensure Teachers/ All Year Attendance reports General students remain successful Attendance Clerk/ AP 18
Science Science Department PLC Team Baseline Data Data Source STAAR Results In 5th grade (2017), 76% of the current 8th graders were successful at the Approaches level. Current Reality 100/132 students Approaches in 5th Gr. Science 2017 50/132 students Meets in 5th Gr. Science 2017 13/132 students Masters in 5th Gr. Science 2017 PLC Team Performance Measure (1 Year Goal) Data Source STAAR Results By the end of their 8th grade year, 80% of them will be demonstrate success on the STAAR assessment. Target Actual 80% Q1 Progress Q2 Progress Q3 Progress Q4 Progress Data Source for Quarterly Monitor Monitor Physics Monitor Earth Monitor Monitoring? Chemistry Force & Motion and Space Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual 71% Summative Assessments 70% 70% 70% 80% PLC Team Performance Measure (5 Year Goal) Data Source STAAR To have 90% of students successful on their test. Target for Year 5 90% Actual Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 73% 85% 19
Strategies/Actions Person Time Evidence of Funding who Frame Implementation Leads Remediation for targeted students. DMAC Science 20-21 Improved summative General data and lesson plans will be continually Teachers quarterly assessment scores. evaluated. along with entire grade level PLC Increased lab time with hands-on Science 20-21 Students will see more General experiences targeting STAAR objectives Teachers quarterly relevance to what they where students scored lowest according to are learning which quick checks. enhances their performance. Intensive STAAR Reinforcement through 8th Grade May 2020 All 8th grade students General Science Day in May of 2021. Horizontal rotate through tested PLC TEKS stations. Data driven intervention during class, after 8th Gr. 20-21 Mini checks during General school, or during TEAM time if available. Science quarterly TEAM to test Teachers understanding at a 75% mastery. Offer individualized tutorials before and/or 8th Gr. 20-21 Mini checks to test General after school. Science quarterly understanding at a Teachers 75% mastery. Reteach as a whole the lowest scored 8th Gr. 20-21 Quick Checks General TEKS. Science quarterly Teachers Use Fitness Gram data to study Heatlth/PE 4th Quarter Fitness Gram General charts/graphs and improvement with body teachers systems 20
Other Areas of RJH Strategies/Actions Person Funding Time Evidence of Responsible Frame Implementation Resources Parent and Family Virtual General All Year Virtual Engagement Communication Communication Contact families frequently Team Tool creating a welcoming environment given COVID McCown, Ford, restrictions. Alford Discipline Discipline General All Year Reduced number of Goal: Management referrals as To reduce the overuse of Officer (Asst. compared to the discipline practices that Principal) previous year as remove students from the observed in the classroom PIEMS reports at Strategy: the EOY. Implement the delivery of teacher consequences at Level One. Team will deliver consequences at Level Two. 21
Staff Morale Principal General All Year Smiles and laughter Goal: among staff with a To maintain a positive staff trust among each morale with a family other that exudes a atmosphere in our building. Office Team healthy family atmosphere. Strategy: 1.Conduct a weekly/biweekly needs assessment and find resolution. 2.Sunshine Committee Goodies Violence Prevention and Counselor General All Year Few disciplinary Intervention referrals as 1. Character meetings with Assistant compared to Huddle Groups with the Principal previous year. OLWEUS program. 2. Discipline Management Principal System 3. Proactive and preemptive measures in all classrooms by all staff. Transition from Middle to Counselor General All Year 8th grade students High School are engaged and 1. 8th Grade Parent Night in enrolled in a Spring successful HS plan 2. 8th Grade Scheduling for the next school Seminar year. 3. Career Cruising 4. Use HS Planner in the Career Class 22
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