Room-Air Versus Oxygen Administration for Resuscitation of Preterm Infants: The ROAR Study

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Room-Air Versus Oxygen Administration for Resuscitation of Preterm Infants: The ROAR Study
Room-Air Versus Oxygen Administration for
Resuscitation of Preterm Infants: The ROAR Study
       WHAT’S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: The superiority of room air            AUTHORS: Yacov Rabi, MD, FRCPC,a Nalini Singhal, MD,
       over 100% oxygen for resuscitating asphyxiated term and near-        FRCPC,a and Alberto Nettel-Aguirre, PhDb
       term newborns has been demonstrated. However, results of             aDivision of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, University of

       studies of preterm infants have indicated that room-air              Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; and bAlberta Children’s
                                                                            Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
       resuscitation may not be appropriate for this population.
                                                                            KEY WORDS
       WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: Resuscitation of preterm infants               oxygen, newborn, resuscitation
       starting with 100% oxygen followed by frequent titration was         ABBREVIATIONS
       most effective at achieving a target oxygen saturation while         SPO2—transcutaneous oxygen saturation
                                                                            FIO2—fractional inspired oxygen concentration
       avoiding hyperoxemia. Treatment-failure rates were highest for       CI—confidence interval
       those resuscitated with room air despite rapid titration of
                                                                            This trial has been registered at
       oxygen.                                                              (identifier NCT00356902).
                                                                            Accepted for publication Apr 26, 2011
abstract                                                                    Address correspondence to Yacov Rabi, MD, FRCPC, University of
                                                                            Calgary, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology,
OBJECTIVE: We conducted a blinded, prospective, randomized control          Foothills Medical Centre, 1403 29 St NW, Calgary, Alberta,
trial to determine which oxygen-titration strategy was most effective at    Canada, T2T 2T9. E-mail:
achieving and maintaining oxygen saturations of 85% to 92% during           PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
delivery-room resuscitation.                                                Copyright © 2011 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
METHODS: Infants born at 32 weeks’ gestation or less were resusci-          FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have
                                                                            no personal financial relationships relevant to this article to
tated either with a static concentration of 100% oxygen (high-oxygen        disclose.
group) or using an oxygen-titration strategy starting from a concen-
tration of 100% (moderate-oxygen group), or 21% oxygen (low-oxygen
group). In the moderate- and low-oxygen groups, the oxygen concen-
tration was adjusted by 20% every 15 seconds to reach a target oxygen
saturation range of 85% to 92%. Treatment failure was defined as a
heart rate slower than 100 beats per minute for longer than 30
RESULTS: The moderate-oxygen group spent a greater proportion of
time in the target oxygen saturation range (mean: 0.21 [95% confi-
dence interval: 0.16 – 0.26]) than the high-oxygen group (mean: 0.11
[95% confidence interval: 0.09 – 0.14]). Infants in the low-oxygen group
were 8 times more likely to meet the criteria for treatment failure than
those in the high-oxygen group (24% vs 3%; P ⫽ .022). The 3 groups did
not differ significantly in the time to reach the target oxygen saturation
CONCLUSIONS: Titrating from an initial oxygen concentration of 100%
was more effective than giving a static concentration of 100% oxygen in
maintaining preterm infants in a target oxygen saturation range. Initi-
ating resuscitation with 21% oxygen resulted in a high treatment-
failure rate. Pediatrics 2011;128:e374–e381

e374   RABI et al

Attitudes toward oxygen use during             infants in the low-oxygen group to re-        for 1.3 million people (Foothills Medical
newborn resuscitation have changed             quire an increase in their inspired ox-       Centre) from January 2005 until Septem-
considerably over the last few years.          ygen concentration to achieve a target        ber 2007. Our local research ethics
This is a direct result of several stud-       oxygen saturation, with 2 studies re-         board approved this study. Because
ies1–7 that did not show a benefit to re-       porting that this occurred in more            there was equipoise regarding the 3
suscitating newborns with 100% oxy-            than 90% of infants.13–16 Although these      treatment arms, we were permitted to
gen versus room air. The population of         studies demonstrate that a static con-        obtain consent from parents after the in-
these important studies consisted              centration of room air during resusci-        tervention for inclusion of collected data
mostly of term infants who were de-            tation of preterm infants is not appro-       and ongoing monitoring until discharge.
scribed as asphyxiated. Although the           priate, they do show that the titration       An investigator was on call continu-
individual studies did not demonstrate         of oxygen can be effectively guided by        ously for the duration of the study. In-
an impact on mortality, 4 meta-                pulse oximetry in the delivery room.          fants who were 32 completed weeks’
analyses have revealed a significant            The objective of this study was to de-        gestation or less at birth and inborn at
survival benefit for using static con-          termine which of 3 oxygen-titration           the study center were eligible. Infants
centrations of room air compared with          strategies was best at maintaining a          with lethal anomalies, risk of persis-
100% oxygen when resuscitating as-             target transcutaneous oxygen satura-          tent pulmonary hypertension (ie, pres-
phyxiated newborns.8–12 The relative           tion (SPO2) range of 85% to 92% during        ence of oligohydramnios, meconium at
risk of death favoring room-air resus-         delivery-room resuscitation. We hy-           delivery), antenatally diagnosed cya-
citation was between 0.57 and 0.71 in          pothesized that infants initially resus-      notic congenital heart disease, or he-
all infants and 0.51 for the subgroup of       citated with 21% oxygen would remain          moglobinopathy were excluded from
infants less than 37 weeks’ gestation.10       in the target SPO2 range for the great-       study enrollment. Subsequent to ran-
More recently, room-air resuscitation          est proportion of time during resusci-        domization, infants not requiring
studies have focused on the preterm            tation. This study was conducted be-          assisted ventilation during resuscita-
population and have supported the              fore the publication of studies showing       tion, per Neonatal Resuscitation Pro-
practice of preventing hyperoxia.              that preterm infants often require sup-       gram guidelines, were excluded from
Most notably, Vento et al13 found that         plemental oxygen during resuscita-            the analysis. Assisted ventilation was
initiating resuscitation with 30% ver-         tion.13–16 The mean oxygen saturation         defined as the provision of intermit-
sus 90% oxygen for infants 28 weeks’           in the umbilical vein after an uncompli-      tent positive-pressure ventilation or
gestation or less significantly re-             cated delivery is 53% and, on average,        continuous positive airway pressure
duced the risk of developing bron-             takes 5 minutes to reach 85% to               delivered via facemask and/or endo-
chopulmonary dysplasia.                        92%.17–22 For the present study, we           tracheal tube. Gestational age assess-
There are important differences in the         chose to target the SPO2 range ob-            ment was based on the results of the
challenges facing preterm infants and          served at 5 minutes of age in healthy         11-week antenatal ultrasound or, in
asphyxiated term infants at birth. Pre-        term infants transitioned in room air         the absence of an early ultrasound, the
term infants must overcome difficul-            during the resuscitation of preterm in-       date of the last known menstrual
ties in gas exchange resulting from            fants. There were no recommenda-              period.
surfactant deficiency, incomplete lung          tions regarding the best SPO2 range to        Apart from titrating supplemental
development, inadequate respiratory            target during resuscitation of both term      oxygen, all resuscitation procedures,
drive, and poor clearance of lung fluid,        and preterm infants at the time this          including the provision of assisted ven-
concerns that are less common in the           study was conducted. The 2005 Inter-          tilation, followed the Neonatal Resusci-
term population and may make the use           national Liaison Committee on Resus-          tation Program guidelines that were
of static concentrations of room air           citation guidelines that were current         current at the onset of the study.23
problematic. Therefore, applying find-          during the study recommended the              Early surfactant administration in the
ings from earlier studies in asphyxi-          use of a static concentration of 100%         delivery room for infants born at 27
ated term infants to the preterm pop-          oxygen during resuscitation of pre-           weeks’ gestation or less is practiced at
ulation may not be appropriate.                term infants.                                 our institution. An investigator placed
Resuscitation studies of preterm in-                                                         an oximetry probe on the right wrist
fants recently have been published             METHODS                                       (preductal position) and a sensor
that highlight these challenges. In ev-        The study was conducted at a level III cen-   (Datex-Ohmeda [GE Healthcare, Mil-
ery study to date, it was common for           ter responsible for high-risk deliveries      waukee, WI]) in line between the bag-

PEDIATRICS Volume 128, Number 2, August 2011                                                                                      e375
ging unit and the facemask/endotra-         short-term secondary outcome mea-            The biostatistician, data collector, and
cheal tube immediately after birth for      sures were the proportion of total re-       those providing resuscitation and on-
continuous collection of oxygen satu-       suscitation time spent outside the tar-      going care for the infants were blinded
rations and pulmonary monitoring for        get SPO2 range, oxygen exposure, FIO2 at     to the intervention. To facilitate blind-
end-tidal carbon dioxide concentra-         the end of resuscitation, rate of intuba-    ing, a custom research cart housed
tions, inspired oxygen concentrations,      tion, and resuscitation duration. Total      the monitoring equipment and oxygen
peak inspiratory pressure, positive         oxygen exposure was calculated to            blender, which were only visible to
end-expiratory pressure, and respira-       produce a standardized estimate of ex-       the study investigator. For infants ran-
tory rate.                                  posure to the equivalent of 100% oxy-        domly assigned to the high-oxygen
Titration of the fractional inspired oxy-   gen represented as liters of 100% oxy-       group, the investigator made sham ad-
gen concentration (FIO2) was con-           gen per kilogram body weight:                justments to the oxygen blender.
trolled by the investigator as follows:     (inspired gas-flow rate [L/minute] ⫻ du-      Infants receiving the study interven-
                                            ration of resuscitation [minutes] ⫻          tion were analyzed in the group to
1. High-oxygen group: static concen-
                                            FIO2)/birth weight (kilograms). Other        which they had been randomly as-
   tration of 100% oxygen during as-
                                            secondary outcome measures were              signed. Comparison of the mean pro-
   sisted ventilation;
                                            survival at discharge, length of me-         portion of time spent in the target SPO2
2. Moderate-oxygen group: assisted          chanical ventilation, length of hospital     range of 85% to 92%, defined as the
   ventilation started with 100% oxy-       stay, and incidence of bronchopulmo-         time spent in the target SPO2 range di-
   gen; and                                 nary dysplasia (defined using the             vided by the duration of resuscitation,
3. Low-oxygen group: assisted ventila-      Shennan criteria).24                         was performed for all 3 groups. A
   tion started with 21% oxygen.            The sample size estimate was calcu-          Kruskall-Wallis test was used because
In the moderate- and low-oxygen             lated using PASS sample-size software        the data violated the assumptions of
groups, the FIO2 was adjusted in incre-     (NCSS, Kaysville, UT) on the basis of the    similar variances in the groups. Sec-
ments of 20% every 15 seconds if the        primary outcome. A sample size of 108        ondary outcomes and groups charac-
SPO2 was outside of the target oximetry     infants (36 in each group) was re-           teristics were summarized via means
range of 85% to 92%, followed by            quired to detect a difference of 30%         (SD) or medians (interquartile range),
smaller adjustments of 5% to 10% to         between 2 adjacent means (80%, 50%,          as appropriate, for continuous vari-
maintain the SPO2 within the target         and 20% of the resuscitation time            ables and via proportions for categor-
range.                                      spent in the target SPO2 range) with         ical variables; 95% confidence inter-
Treatment failure was defined as a           80% power at the 5% level of signifi-         vals (CIs) were calculated in all cases.
heart rate slower than 100 beats per        cance (2-tailed).                            Where pairwise comparisons were
minute for longer than 30 seconds. In       We used a permuted-block randomiza-          of interest, any significant results
these cases, the FIO2 was immediately       tion design with random block sizes of       were taken as indications of poten-
increased to 100% for the remainder         3 and 6 using a computer-generated           tial association, and corrections for
of the resuscitation. Chest compres-        randomization schedule. The alloca-          multiple comparisons were used
sions were started if tactile stimula-      tion sequence was constructed by a           (Tukey honest differences for mean
tion and assisted ventilation failed to     nonclinician who was not involved in         comparisons and Benjamini-Hochberg
increase the heart rate to faster than      the study and maintained possession          for proportions).
60 beats per minute within 30 seconds.      of the allocation sequence in a locked
In instances where the pulse oximeter       drawer. Concealment of allocation was        RESULTS
did not register a stable value, resus-     via serially numbered, sealed, opaque        We enrolled 106 infants; refer to Fig 1
citation continued at the current FIO2      envelopes that were opened in a se-          for a description of participant flow.
as long as the heart rate was 100 beats     quential manner immediately before           The high number of missed eligible de-
per minute or faster. Resuscitation         the delivery of a potentially eligible in-   liveries was largely a result of our in-
was defined as starting at the time of       fant by the study investigator. Ran-         ability to arrive at the bedside before
birth and ending when the infant left       domly assigned infants who did not           the delivery on evenings and week-
the delivery room.                          subsequently meet the inclusion crite-       ends. Participants were followed until
The primary outcome was the propor-         rion of requiring assisted ventilation       discharge from the hospital. Baseline
tion of resuscitation time spent in the     were not included for statistical            demographic data are presented in Ta-
target SPO2 range of 85% to 92%. The        analysis.                                    ble 1. A summary of respiratory inter-

e376    RABI et al

Trial flow.

ventions during resuscitation is pro-                  0.09 – 0.14]). The low-oxygen group                    oxygen: P ⫽ .159, moderate oxygen ver-
vided in Table 2.                                      (mean: 0.16 [95% CI: 0.13– 0.20]) did                  sus high oxygen: P ⫽ .99) (Fig 3). Oxy-
                                                       not differ significantly from either                    gen saturations over the first 10 min-
Primary Outcome                                        the moderate-oxygen or high-oxygen                     utes of resuscitation are displayed in
The mean proportion (mean [95% CI])                    groups. The results are presented in                   Fig 4.
of time spent in the target SPO2 range                 Fig 2. There were no statistically signif-
of 85% to 92% was significantly higher                  icant differences between the 3 groups                 Secondary Outcomes
in the moderate-oxygen group (mean:                    for the time to reach the target SPO2                  Proportion of Time Outside the Target
0.21 [95% CI: 0.16 – 0.26]) than in the                range (low oxygen versus high oxygen:                  SPO2 Range (Fig 2)
high-oxygen group (mean: 0.11 [95% CI:                 P ⫽ .056, low oxygen versus moderate                   The high-oxygen group spent a signifi-
                                                                                                              cantly greater proportion of time
TABLE 1 Baseline Characteristics                                                                              above the target SPO2 range than both
                                          Low-Oxygen Group        Moderate-Oxygen       High-Oxygen Group     the low- and moderate-oxygen groups
                                              (N ⫽ 34)            Group (N ⫽ 34)             (N ⫽ 38)         (low-oxygen mean proportion: 0.23
Gestational age, mean (95% CI), wk          29 (28–30)              29 (28–30)            28 (28–29)          [95% CI: 0.18 – 0.27], moderate-oxygen
Birth weight, means (95% CI), g           1242 (1092–1391)        1231 (1091–1371)      1151 (1017–1285)
Female/male ratio, proportion (95% CI)           16:18                   22:12                 20:18
                                                                                                              mean proportion: 0.28 [95% CI: 0.23–
Cord pH, means (95% CI)                      7.29 (7.27–7.31)        7.28 (7.25–7.31)      7.30 (7.28–7.32)   0.33], and high-oxygen mean propor-
Antenatal steroids, proportion (95% CI)      0.85 (0.73–0.97)        0.85 (0.74–0.97)      0.81 (0.67–0.92)   tion: 0.49 [95% CI: 0.42– 0.56]). The pro-
1-min Apgar score, median                       6 (2.5)                 6 (3.0)               7 (2.5)
   (interquartile range)
                                                                                                              portions of infants in the target SPO2
                                                                                                              range at specific time points are pre-
                                                                                                              sented in Table 3. At 10 minutes, both
TABLE 2 Respiratory Parameters                                                                                the low- and moderate-oxygen groups
                                                    Low-Oxygen Moderate-Oxygen High-Oxygen             P      had significantly higher proportions of
                                                      Group        Group          Group                       infants in the target SPO2 range than
Peak inspiratory pressure, mean (95% CI), cm H2O     31 (25–37)        34 (27–40)       32 (25–39)
                                                                                                              the high-oxygen group (P ⫽ .02).
Rate of positive pressure, mean (95% CI), breaths    57 (44–69)        42 (32–52)       40 (28–51)    ⬎.05
  per min                                                                                                     At 5 minutes, 64.9% of infants in the
End-tidal CO2 concentration, mean (95% CI)           18 (16–20)        18 (16–20)       18 (16–20)    ⬎.05    high-oxygen group had a SPO2 higher

PEDIATRICS Volume 128, Number 2, August 2011                                                                                                       e377
than 92% compared with 37.5% in the
                                                                                                         low-oxygen group (P ⫽ .03) and 36.7%
                                                                                                         in the moderate-oxygen group (P ⬍
                                                                                                         .01). By 10 minutes, 78.4% of infants in
                                                                                                         the high-oxygen group had a SPO2
                                                                                                         higher than 92% compared with 33.3%
                                                                                                         in the low-oxygen group (P ⬍ .01) and
                                                                                                         34.4% in the moderate-oxygen group
                                                                                                         (P ⬍ .01). Differences between the
                                                                                                         moderate- and high-oxygen group
                                                                                                         were not significant (P ⫽ .9) at both
                                                                                                         time points.
                                                                                                         The low-oxygen group spent the great-
                                                                                                         est portion of the resuscitation time
                                                                                                         below the target SPO2 range compared
                                                                                                         with both the moderate- and high-
                                                                                                         oxygen groups (low-oxygen mean pro-
                                                                                                         portion: 0.61 [95% CI: 0.55– 0.67],
                                                                                                         moderate-oxygen mean proportion:
                                                                                                         0.51 [95% CI: 0.46 – 0.56], and high-
                                                                                                         oxygen mean proportion: 0.40 [95% CI:
                                                                                                         0.34 – 0.45]).
Proportion of resuscitation time spent in the target SPO2 range. LO indicates low oxygen; MO, moderate
oxygen; HO, high oxygen.                                                                                 Oxygen Exposure
                                                                                                         Refer to Table 4.

                                                                                                         Treatment Failure
                                                                                                         The mean proportions (95% CIs) of in-
                                                                                                         fants meeting the criteria for treat-
                                                                                                         ment failure were low oxygen: 0.24
                                                                                                         (0.09 – 0.38), moderate oxygen: 0.09
                                                                                                         (0.0 – 0.21), and high oxygen: 0.03 (0.0 –
                                                                                                         0.08). More infants in the low-oxygen
                                                                                                         group met the criteria for treatment
                                                                                                         failure than infants in the high-oxygen
                                                                                                         group (P ⫽ .022). One infant (low-
                                                                                                         oxygen group) required chest com-
                                                                                                         pressions. Treatment failure oc-
                                                                                                         curred, on average, at 3.7 minutes in
                                                                                                         the low-oxygen group, at 4.6 minutes in
                                                                                                         the moderate-oxygen group, and at 2.6
                                                                                                         minutes in the high-oxygen group (1
                                                                                                         case). Other secondary outcomes are
                                                                                                         presented in Table 5.

                                                                                                         We report a blinded, randomized con-
                                                                                                         trol trial comparing 3 oxygen-titration
                                                                                                         strategies for the resuscitation of pre-
Kaplan Meier curve for time to reach target oxygen saturation range of 85% to 92%. Differences           term infants. At the start of this
between the 3 groups were not statistically significant (P ⬎ .05).                                        trial, Neonatal Resuscitation Program

e378     RABI et al

                                                                                                                               may be given judiciously.”25 We found
                                                                                                                               that titrating the FIO2 down from a
                                                                                                                               starting oxygen concentration of 100%
                                                                                                                               was most effective at maintaining in-
                                                                                                                               fants in a SPO2 range of 85% to 92% and
                                                                                                                               that these infants spent nearly twice
                                                                                                                               as long in the target SPO2 range as in-
                                                                                                                               fants initially resuscitated with 21%
                                                                                                                               oxygen. Furthermore, this approach
                                                                                                                               did not lead to more hyperoxemia com-
                                                                                                                               pared with initiating resuscitation
                                                                                                                               with room air. Infants in both of these
                                                                                                                               groups were more likely to be in our
                                                                                                                               SPO2 target range, by 10 minutes of
                                                                                                                               age, than infants resuscitated with a
                                                                                                                               static 100% oxygen concentration.

                                                                                                                               In a recent study by Vento et al,13 pre-
                                                                                                                               term infants resuscitated with 90% ox-
                                                                                                                               ygen needed fewer days of mechanical
                                                                                                                               ventilation and oxygen supplementa-
                                                                                                                               tion compared with those resuscitated
FIGURE 4                                                                                                                       with 30% oxygen. In our study, intuba-
Oxygen saturations during resuscitation. The shaded region indicates the oxygen saturation target of 85%
to 92%.                                                                                                                        tion rates trended toward being
TABLE 3 Proportion of Infants in the Oxygen Saturation Target Range of 85% to 92% at Different
                                                                                                                               higher in the high-oxygen group (43%)
            Time Points                                                                                                        compared with the moderate-oxygen
                                           3 min                  5 min                  8 min                  10 min         (26%) and low-oxygen groups (29%) as
Low-oxygen group                            0.06                   0.15                   0.26                   0.38          did days on mechanical ventilation,
Moderate-oxygen group                       0.18                   0.24                   0.44                   0.38
High-oxygen group                           0.11                   0.18                   0.16                   0.13          with the mean in the low-oxygen group
P                                            .35                    .67                    .04                    .02          being 6.9 days compared with a mean
Note that outcomes as 3, 8, and 10 minutes are secondary outcomes and, therefore, must be interpreted with caution. P          of 11.1 days in the high-oxygen group.
values are for Fisher’s tests within each time period. Statistically significant differences were found using Benjamini-
Hochberg adjusted pairwise comparisons at 8 minutes for moderate versus high oxygen (P ⫽ .02), at 10 minutes for low           These finding are consistent with pre-
versus high oxygen (P ⫽ .02), and at 10 minutes for moderate versus high-oxygen (P ⫽ .02).                                     vious studies4,26 showing that resusci-
                                                                                                                               tation with 100% oxygen delayed the
guidelines recommended the use of                              study, they were amended to state                               onset of spontaneous respirations.
100% oxygen for the resuscitation of pre-                      that, for infants less than 32 weeks’                           Our study was not designed or pow-
term infants.23 After completion of this                       gestation, “blended oxygen and air                              ered to address these outcomes;

TABLE 4 Oxygen Exposure During Resuscitation
                                                                                           Low-Oxygen Group               Moderate-Oxygen           High-Oxygen Group              P
FIO2 at end of resuscitation, mean (95% CI)                                                  0.36 (0.27–0.45)             0.33 (0.27–0.39)            0.87 (0.77–0.96)          ⬍.001
Infants weaned to 21% oxygen by end of resuscitation, proportion (95% CI)                    0.62 (0.44–0.76)             0.56 (0.38–0.74)            0.16 (0.05–0.29)          ⬍.001
Infants maintained in 21% oxygen for ⱖ1 min before end of resuscitation,                     0.32 (0.18–0.47)             0.35 (0.21–0.53)            0.11 (0.03–0.21)           .034
   proportion (95% CI)
Proportion of resuscitation time with FIO2 ⬍ 40%, proportion (95% CI)                       0.58 (0.51–0.66)             0.50 (0.43–0.57)            0.31 (0.24–0.37)           ⬍.001
Duration of resuscitation, mean (95% CI), s                                               677 (588–766)                665 (549–781)               591 (515–666)                ⬎.05
Total oxygen exposure, mean (95% CI), L of 100% oxygen/kg                                  28.36 (21.41–35.30)          36.56 (20.11–53.01)         44.98 (32.77–57.19)          .161
Low-oxygen and moderate-oxygen groups were each significantly different from the high-oxygen group (P ⬍ .05) for FIO2 at end of resuscitation, proportion weaned to 21% oxygen by the end
of resuscitation, proportion maintained in 21% oxygen for 1 minute or longer before end of resuscitation, and proportion of resuscitation time with FIO2 ⬍ 40%. Low-oxygen and
moderate-oxygen groups were each significantly different from the high-oxygen group after Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (P ⬍ .008) for FIO2 at end of resuscitation,
proportion weaned to 21% oxygen by the end of resuscitation, and proportion of resuscitation time with FIO2 ⬍ 40%. These results must be interpreted cautiously, because they are not
primary outcomes.

PEDIATRICS Volume 128, Number 2, August 2011                                                                                                                                      e379
TABLE 5 Secondary Outcomes                                                                          to appear cyanosed, which may have
                                   Low-Oxygen Group     Moderate-Oxygen     High-Oxygen       P     prompted a higher manual ventilation
                                                            Group              Group                rate. However, we also note that the
5-min Apgar score, median               7 (1.5)              8 (2.0)           8 (2.0)       ⬎.05   end-tidal CO2 values were not lower in
   (interquartile range)
SNAPPE-II score, mean (95% CI)       25 (18–32)           20 (13–26)       26 (20–31)        ⬎.05   this group, which would be expected
Intubated in delivery room, n/N          10/34                  9/34            16/38        ⬎.05   with higher minute ventilation. The low
Death, n/N                                1/34                  2/34             1/38        ⬎.05   end-tidal CO2 values we observed were
Duration of mechanical                6.9 (2.8–11)         5.5 (1.8–9.1)   11.1 (4.4–17.8)   ⬎.05
   ventilation, mean (95% CI), d                                                                    likely an artifact of the large dead
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia, n/N          18/33                19/32             22/37        ⬎.05   space (2.5 mls) of the sensor and
Days in hospital, mean (95% CI)      56 (43–68)           57 (46–67)       68 (55–82)        ⬎.05   should be interpreted for the purposes
                                                                                                    of trending only.
hence, these results must be inter-                  Infants in the low-oxygen groups were          Our study is the first to blind the resusci-
preted cautiously.                                   8 times more likely to meet the criteria       tation team, health care team, outcome
                                                     for treatment failure than infants in          assessor, data collector, and statistician
We designed this study to allow for
                                                     the high-oxygen group. This is consis-         to the intervention.The investigator at-
titration of the FIO2 because we were
                                                     tent with findings reported by Wang et          tending deliveries was not blinded to the
concerned that a static concentration
                                                     al,16 where one-third of patients met          intervention. This limitation was nec-
of 21% oxygen would not safely sup-
                                                     failure criteria and the remainder             essary to allow for titration of oxygen
port oxygenation in this population.
                                                     failed to achieve an SPO2 of 70% by 3          as per the protocol. Although the inves-
Our protocol for titrating oxygen dif-
                                                     minutes of age. In a cohort study by           tigator was not directly involved in the
fered from previous studies that made
                                                     Dawson et al,14 97 of 105 infants in the       resuscitation or care of the infant, this
adjustments to FIO2 less frequently and
some that used heart rate to guide                   room-air group met the failure crite-          is a potential source of bias. It is reas-
titration of oxygen.13,15,16 In all studies          rion, and static concentrations of 21%         suring that the rate of positive-
on this topic to date, infants frequently            or 100% oxygen were associated with            pressure breaths and the peak in-
required an increase in FIO2.13–16 We                hypoxia and hyperoxia, respectively. By        spiratory pressures delivered to the
found that differences in the time to                contrast, Escrig et al15 reported that a       infants did not differ significantly be-
reach the target SPO2 were not signifi-               similar proportion of infants from both        tween the 3 groups.
cantly different (P ⫽ .056). However,                groups met the failure criterion, 3 of         The target SPO2 range of 85% to 92%
compared with the high-oxygen group,                 19 in the 30% oxygen group and 4 of 23         used in our study may be too high. We
infants in the low-oxygen group took                 in 90% oxygen group. Differences in fail-      chose a static target SPO2 range that
⬃2 minutes longer to reach the target                ure rates between published studies can        encompasses values observed in
SPO2 range.                                          likely be explained by varying oxygen-         healthy infants from 3 to 10 minutes of
Despite different protocols, 4 ran-                  titration protocols and treatment-failure      age.18,27,28 In future studies, the process
domized control trials, including this               criteria.                                      of targeting oxygen saturations ob-
study,13,15,16 report similar FIO2 values            To our knowledge, this is the first ran-        served in healthy infants immediately
at the end of resuscitation ranging                  domized control trial that collected           after birth can be facilitated by using a
from 30% to 44%. In our study, the                   continuous physiologic data for respi-         nomogram, such as the one published
low- and moderate-oxygen groups                      ratory interventions to determine if           by Dawson et al.27
did not differ significantly for the                  the study groups were treated simi-            As expected, we found a dose-
outcomes of FIO2 at the end of resus-                larly. We did not observe significant dif-      response relationship, with infants in
citation, proportion weaned to and                   ferences in the peak inspiratory pres-         the low- and high-oxygen groups
maintained at 21% oxygen by the end                  sures delivered during artificial               spending the most time with SPO2
of resuscitation and proportion of                   ventilation or in the end-tidal CO2 val-       lower than 85% and higher than 92%,
resuscitation time with FIO2 less than               ues between groups. There was a                respectively. This supports that our
40%. The mean FIO2 at the end of re-                 trend toward higher assisted-                  protocol, to some extent, separated
suscitation was 87%, as opposed to                   ventilation rates (breaths per minute)         the 3 treatment groups in terms of ex-
100%, in the high-oxygen group be-                   in the low-oxygen group compared               posure to oxygen. Although the mea-
cause infants not receiving respira-                 with the other 2 groups. One may spec-         sured oxygen exposure was not signif-
tory support were assumed to be in-                  ulate this occurred because infants in         icantly different between the groups,
spiring 21% oxygen.                                  the low-oxygen group were more likely          there was a trend toward increasing

e380     RABI et al

exposure from low- to moderate- to                    more effective than starting with                        an intermediate concentration of ox-
high-oxygen groups, with infants in the               21% oxygen or giving a static concen-                    ygen if an appropriate oxygen-
high-oxygen group receiving nearly                    tration of 100% oxygen for maintain-                     titration schedule is used in conjunc-
twice as much oxygen as those in the                  ing preterm infants in a target SPO2                     tion with SPO2 monitoring.
low-oxygen group. The lack of a statis-               range. However, there is valid con-
tically significant difference for this                cern that exposure to 100% oxygen                        ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
measure was likely a result of our ag-                during resuscitation may cause oxi-                      Funding for this article came from a
gressive oxygen-titration protocol.                   dative injury in preterm infants. We                     competitive research grant from the Al-
                                                      do not recommend using a static                          berta Children’s Hospital Foundation.
CONCLUSIONS                                           concentration of 21% oxygen for pre-                     We are grateful to Drs Jay Goldsmith
In our study, titrating from an initial               term resuscitation. This does not                        and Douglas McMillan for their
oxygen concentration of 100% was                      preclude starting resuscitation with                     thoughtful reviews of the manuscript.
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PEDIATRICS Volume 128, Number 2, August 2011                                                                                                                  e381
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