Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Prevention and Monitoring Strategies According To Risk Factors

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Risk of Colorectal Cancer
     in Inflammatory Bowel Disease:                                                                              Clinical Management Issues

           Prevention and Monitoring                                                                         Clinical Management
                 Strategies According
                       To Risk Factors
                           Enrica Giuffrida 1,2, Michela Mangia 1, Alessandro Lavagna 1, Enrico Morello 1,
                                                    Maurizio Cosimato 1, Rodolfo Rocca 1, Marco Daperno 1

     In this narrative review, we report on colorectal cancer risk factors and prevention and monitoring
     strategies. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is slightly increased in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
     patients, with roughly a 2.5-fold increase compared to the general population. Clinical features
     associated to CRC risks are extent and severity of colonic involvement, disease duration,
     concomitant primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) and/or familial history of CRC in first-degree
     relatives. Colonic Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) share similar risks when
     similar colonic extent is affected. Risk stratification affects outcomes and surveillance programs.
     Newer endoscopic techniques substantially ameliorated diagnostic performance of endoscopy, and
     nowadays the standard for CRC surveillance in IBD patients is high-definition endoscopy, with
     dye-spray or virtual colonoscopy, oriented at targeted (+ random) colonic biopsies.
     Visible dysplastic lesions should be considered for endoscopic resection, while invisible dysplasia
     is still a mandatory proctocolectomy indication.
     Newer endoscopic interventional techniques (endoscopic mucosa resection—EMR, and endoscopic
     submucosal dissection—ESD) are appropriate therapeutic techniques to be delivered, but long-            1
                                                                                                                 Gastroenterology Unit,
     term risks of cancer should be balanced towards proctocolectomy.                                            Mauriziano Hospital,
                                                                                                                 Torino, Italy
     Keywords: Inflammatory Bowel Disease; Cancer; Surveillance; Endoscopic Techniques                           Department, Palermo
     CMI 2021; 15(1): 1-13                                                                                       University, Palermo, Italy

BACKGROUND—THE LANDSCAPE                              with general population [1–3]. The risk of
                                                      death associated with this malignancy is
                                                      around 1.5 times greater in people suffering
INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE                            from IBD than in the general population [4].
                                                        However, recent population-based studies
  In this narrative review, we report on
colorectal cancer risk factors and endoscopic         showed a trend to decreasing risks of CRC
management.                                           in IBD patients, probably due to improved
                                                      medical therapy and CRC surveillance, so
                                                      that now the risks seem not to exceed those            Corresponding author
Risk of colorectal cancer and relevant                of the general population: relative risk (RR)
                                                                                                             Marco Daperno
                                                                                                             Gastroenterology Unit,
risk factors                                          vs. general population being 0.57 (95% CI:             Mauriziano Hospital,
                                                                                                             Largo Turati 62,
  Patients with long-standing Inflammatory            0.41–0.80) in UC patients and 0.77 (95%                10128 Torino, Italy
Bowel Disease (IBD) are at increased risk of          CI: 0.43–1.39) in CD patients, respectively            mdaperno@gmail.com
                                                                                                             Fax +39 011 50182536
developing colorectal cancer (CRC). People            [5]. Data from the Literature would suggest            Tel: + 39 011 5082534
with Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn’s              that the risks of developing colorectal cancer
                                                                                                             Received: 16 March 2020
Disease (CD) experience a 2-to-2.5-fold               for CD and UC patients with the similar                Accepted: 26 October 2020
higher risk of colorectal cancer compared             extent of colonic involvement are similar [6].         Published: 5 February 2021

Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Prevention and Monitoring Strategies According To Risk Factors

 High CRC risk         yy Extensive colonic involvement (pancolitis or CD with
                                                                                             old at the time of CRC diagnosis and by 9.2
 factors                    >50% colonic involvement)                                        folds (3.7–23.0) if first-degree relative with
                       yy Moderate-to-severe endoscopic or histological active               sporadic CRC was
E. Giuffrida, M. Mangia, A. Lavagna, E. Morello, M. Cosimato, R. Rocca, M. Daperno

    CRC-related survival in IBD patients. In-                                     Random biopsies
    ternational gastrointestinal societies rec-
                                                                                     Surveillance with random biopsies con-
    ommended endoscopic surveillance with
                                                                                  sists of four quadrant biopsies every 10 cm
    colonoscopy to identify and eradicate co-
                                                                                  throughout the colon. Dysplasia in IBD was
    lonic lesions at an early non-invasive stage
                                                                                  previously thought to be flat and difficult
    to reducing colorectal cancer incidence and
                                                                                  to visualize and to detect, thus the historic
    mortality [1, 9, 13, 14].
       Several endoscopic techniques for dyspla-                                  recommended screening modality was WLE
    sia surveillance have been evaluated for IBD,                                 with random four quadrant biopsies every
    including standard-definition and high-                                       10 cm (24). Random biopsy only samples
    definition white-light endoscopy, chromo-                                     less than 1% of the luminal mucosa; has a
    endoscopy, narrow-band imaging (Olympus,                                      subpar detection rate (
Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Prevention and Monitoring Strategies According To Risk Factors

          A meta-analysis studied the overall differ-               wavelengths to better outlight mucosal ab-
       ence in the detection of dysplasia between                   normalities, overcoming the issues of classical
       chromoendoscopy and white light endos-                       DCE). Dye-less or virtual chromoendoscopy
       copy: it was 7% (95% CI: 3.2–11.3) on a                      has been developed by three major manu-
       per patient analysis with a number needed                    facturers on their proprietary endoscopic
       to treat (NNT) of 14.3. The difference in the                platforms. Narrow-banding-image (NBI,
       proportion of lesions detected by targeted                   Olympus) filters out red and green light
       biopsies was 44% (95% CI: 28.6–59.1) and                     bands while restricting to blue light bands
       flat lesions was 27% (95% CI: 11.2–41.9) in                  closer to the 415 nm wavelength. This modal-
       favor of chromoendoscopy [21].                               ity allows for visualization of the vasculature
          DCE was superior to WLE: a DCE ex-                        of the most superficial layers of the mucosa,
       amination without any findings was con-                      and it enhances different patterns correlat-
       sidered as the most probable indicator for                   ing to different degrees of mucosal inflam-
       a patient without any level of dysplasia,                    mation. NBI colonoscopy may be of value in
       whereas an exam with any sort of findings                    best determining the grade of inflammation
       at DCE was positively correlated with ear-                   in patients with quiescent UC [25].
       lier referral for colectomy (HR = 12.1; 95%                     The i-Scan system (Pentax) is a digital
       CI: 3.2–46.2) [22].                                          enrichment system of endoscopic imaging,
          Despite the SCENIC consensus recom-                       which can provide different types of images
       mends DCE over WLE when using SD                             based on vessel (i-Scan v), mucosal pattern
       colonoscopy and suggests the use of DCE                      (i-Scan p), or surface architecture (i-Scan
       over WLE also when using HD colonosco-                       SE). Each of these algorithms can be select-
       py, new evidence is conflicting as to the ben-               ed by pressing a preassigned button on the
       efit of DCE over WLE with newer scopes                       scope, being readily available during endos-
       [16, 19]. In a recent systematic review and                  copy [20]. I-Scan may be a promising tech-
       network metanalysis, full spectrum high-                     nique to assess inflammation and distinguish
       definition white-light endoscopy seems                       neoplastic from non-neoplastic lesion in the
       to be the first-line approach for dysplasia                  colon. The vascular and mucosal pattern may
       surveillance in IBD [23]. Other techniques                   be used to characterize inflammation even
       such as chromoendoscopy, narrow-band im-                     when there are no ulcers or friability [26].
       aging, autofluorescence, Fujinon intelligent                    For virtual chromoendoscopy techniques,
       color enhancement (FICE), and full spec-                     no superiority, but at best only non-inferi-
       trum high-definition white-light endoscopy                   ority was shown when comparing to HD-
       may be comparable. SD-WLE probably had                       DCE [26, 27].
       lower odds of detecting neoplastic lesion by
       target biopsy and shorter procedural time
       compared to chromoendoscopy [23].                            Confocal laser endomicroscopy
          An economic analysis concluded that                          Confocal laser endomicroscopy (CLE) is
       DCE with targeted biopsies was less costly                   a cutting-edge new imaging technique for
       and more effective than white-light colonos-                 dysplasia detection, which allows in vivo
       copy with random biopsies, suggesting that                   microscopic inspection. This new imag-
       chromoendoscopy should be used in place                      ing modality is used with HD-WLE and
       of white-light endoscopy when surveillance                   DCE to further define suspicious lesions
       colonoscopy is performed. The cost-effec-                    and to predict their histology, with real time
       tiveness of chromoendoscopy increased with                   analysis of cellular and subcellular features at
       increasing surveillance interval, suggesting                 very high resolution. The technique requires
       that varying the surveillance interval based                 fluorescent dyes, using fluorescein intrave-
       on CRC risks and on DCE evaluation may                       nously or topically. The result is the genera-
       be appropriate and could increase cost-ef-                   tion of high-quality images, comparable to
       fectiveness of surveillance [24].                            traditional histology [20].

       Virtual chromoendoscopy
         Technological advancement led to newer                     STATE OF THE ART—HOW TO TREAT
       modalities, even when based on older tech-                   COLONIC DYSPLASIA AND CANCER
       nologies, for mucosal assessment. The newest
       endoscopic devices carry digital filters and                   Based on endoscopic appearance, there
       electronic algorithms mimicking chemical                     are two different scenarios regarding dys-
       chromoendoscopy (by filtering specific light                 plasia [22]:

4     Clinical Management Issues 2021; 15(1)                         © 2021 The Authors. Published by SEEd srl. This is an open access article under
                                                                         the CC BY-NC 4.0 license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0)
E. Giuffrida, M. Mangia, A. Lavagna, E. Morello, M. Cosimato, R. Rocca, M. Daperno

    1. dysplastic lesion endoscopically visible,                                  Endoscopically invisible dysplasia
       like polyps, confirmed with targeted bi-
                                                                                    This second setting is associated up to
       opsies or after their endoscopic resection;
                                                                                  22% with invisible low-grade dysplasia
    2. endoscopically invisible dysplasia, de-                                    (LGD) and 45-67% with invisible high-
       tected at random biopsies in areas of en-                                  grade dysplasia (HGD) with a high rate of
       doscopically normal mucosa. This latter                                    synchronous CRC [34]. Any endoscopically
       form of dysplasia harbors an increased                                     invisible dysplasia discovered at the time of
       CRC risk.                                                                  random biopsies should be confirmed with
                                                                                  a pathologist experienced in IBD [35]. Re-
                                                                                  cent guidelines also recommend that sam-
    Endoscopically visible dysplasia                                              ples belonging to patients with reported
       Visible dysplastic lesions, when found in                                  invisible dysplasia, should be referred to an
    colonic areas unaffected by active colitis,                                   experienced endoscopist for a repeated HD
    should be removed with standard polyp-                                        colonoscopy with DCE and repeat random
    ectomy techniques [22]. For polypoid and                                      biopsies [14, 19]. According to a recent pa-
    non-polypoid visible lesions with evident                                     per, LGD, after a median follow-up of 36
    margins, endoscopic resection is recom-                                       months, progressed to HGD or CRC only in
    mended whenever complete and en bloc                                          5% of patients [36]. Therefore, if LGD or no
    resection is possible [28]. Features of un-                                   dysplasia is present, the risks and benefits of
    derlying malignancy include ulcerated le-                                     continued surveillance or proctocolectomy
    sions, inability to lift the lesion after sub-                                can be discussed. In cases of endoscopically
    mucosal injection with saline solution, and                                   invisible HGD or multifocal LGD, total
    surrounding neoplastic changes; all these                                     proctocolectomy indication is mandatory
    features are associated with failures in                                      [14, 19].
    complete resections [29]. Whenever vis-
    ible dysplastic lesions cannot be resected
    endoscopically, proctocolectomy should be
    recommended [8].                                                              SPECIAL SITUATIONS
       Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) or
                                                                                  Ileal pouch anal anastomosis (IPAA)
    endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD)
    should be considered appropriate tech-                                          Restorative proctocolectomy with IPAA
    niques to resect colorectal lesions in IBD                                    reduced the risk of developing CRC. How-
    patients, even if only small-size studies with                                ever, malignant degeneration of the pouch
    these techniques reported high success rates                                  may still arise. For UC patients undergone
    [30–32].                                                                      restorative proctocolectomy with IPAA,
       After dysplastic polypoid lesions have                                     development of dysplasia in the anorectal
    been completely resected, an appropriate                                      or ileal pouch mucosa is rare. A history of
    endoscopic surveillance program must be                                       dysplasia or CRC may increase the risks of
    adopted. The ideal timing of subsequent pro-                                  pouch neoplasia significantly. In a study on
    cedures is still debated [33]. Following EMR                                  1200 patients with UC and IPAA over 20
    or ESD resection, the Global Interventional                                   years, only
Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Prevention and Monitoring Strategies According To Risk Factors

       Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)                         Small bowel cancer
          Most patients with PSC have IBD,                             Small bowel neoplasia can develop in pa-
       with an estimated prevalence of IBD in                       tients with CD involving the small bowel.
       patients with PSC ranging from 50% to                           In a meta-analysis [44], the pooled in-
       80%. In the majority of cases, Ulcerative                    cidence of CD-associated small bowel
       Colitis is the intestinal disease. Patients                  carcinoma was 0.3/1000 patients (95%
       with PSC and IBD display higher CRC                          CI: 0.1/1000–0.5/1000), the correspond-
       risks if compared to patients with PSC or                    ing prevalence was 0.16% (95% CI: 0.12–
       IBD alone. Patients with concurrent PSC                      0.21); compared to the incidence in an
       and UC display a 4-fold increased risk of                    age-matched standard population, the risk
       CRC if compared with patients affected                       of small bowel cancer was increased by fac-
       by UC alone [29].                                            tor 18.75.
          Intestinal disease in PSC-IBD is typically                   In a nationwide cohort study, the inci-
       more likely to be quiescent, thus both activ-                dence rates of small bowel adenocarcinoma
       ity and dysplasia in these patients can only be              (SBA) were 0.235 per 1000 patient-years
       found after active screening with colonosco-                 (95% CI: 0.076–0.547) among patients with
       py and multiple biopsies [39]. Furthermore,                  small bowel CD and 0.464 per 1000 patient-
       the progression of colonic neoplasm from                     years (95% CI: 0.127–1.190) among those
       low-grade dysplasia to advanced colorectal                   with small bowel CD for >8 years. This ac-
       neoplasia is more frequent in patients with                  counted for approximately 30% of the risk
       PSC-IBD (regardless of severity of PSC)                      of colorectal cancer in patients with CD of
       as compared to patients affected by IBD                      the colon. Patients with small bowel CD
       alone [40].                                                  and small bowel CD for 0.8 years had an
          Unlike classical IBD, CRC risks (which                    SBA standardized incidence ratio of 34.9
       brings increased CRC risks only after IBD                    (95% CI: 11.3–81.5) and 46.0 (95% CI:
       lasts a decade or more), patients with PSC-                  12.5–117.8), respectively [45].
       UC where shown to be at increased risks of                      In a recent multicenter case-control study,
       CRC as soon as diagnosis of either of the                    incidence of SBA was studied. SBA occurred
       two diseases is done [40].                                   12.1% patients and was significantly more
          Moreover, CRC risks are still present after               frequent in CD when compared with UC
       liver transplantation is carried out, thus rou-              (CD vs. UC p = 0.0001). All cases of SBA
       tine surveillance for CRC is essential [41]                  in CD occurred in fibro-stricturing small
       as early as PSC is diagnosed, but also yearly                bowel lesions. SBA also occurred in the ileal
       all life-long thereafter.                                    pouch of 1 UC patient [46].
                                                                       Small bowel adenocarcinoma associated
                                                                    with CD as a whole showed poor prognosis
       Perianal disease                                             (5-year overall survival rate: 26–38%), and
                                                                    this is partly due to the advanced stage at di-
          In a recent analysis of data from the                     agnosis and to their often incidental finding
       CESAME cohort in France, patients with                       at surgical resection for bowel stricture [47].
       anal and/or perianal Crohn’s disease were                       Despite different risk factors involved in
       shown to carry an increased risk of anal                     the development of small-bowel cancer in
       cancer, including perianal fistula-related                   CD patient are generally considered (i.e.,
       cancer, as well as a remarkable risk of rectal               distal jejunal/ileal CD site, strictures and
       cancer [42].                                                 chronic penetrating disease, long disease
          This excess incidence may be attributed to                duration, young age at diagnosis, male sex,
       a conjunction of possible HPV infection and                  use of steroids and immunomodulators,
       chronic local inflammation. In patients with                 small-bowel bypass loops, strictureplasties,
       anal and/or perianal Crohn’s disease, the risk               and environmental factors) [48], some stud-
       of anorectal cancer was 11 times greater than                ies didn’t confirm some of these associations.
       the risk of colon cancer [42].                               Therefore, according to European guidelines,
          In this setting, surveillance programs                    long-standing CD and stricturing disease
       should be considered, focused at detecting                   seem to be the factors most strongly as-
       premalignant dysplastic lesions and early                    sociated with elevated risk of small-bowel
       anorectal cancers in patients with long-                     cancer. Small bowel neoplasia should be sus-
       standing anal and/or perianal CD. However,                   pected and investigated in patients with CD
       the timing and modalities of surveillance are                who develop symptomatic strictures after a
       extremely variable [43].                                     prolonged symptom-free period or stric-

6     Clinical Management Issues 2021; 15(1)                         © 2021 The Authors. Published by SEEd srl. This is an open access article under
                                                                         the CC BY-NC 4.0 license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0)
E. Giuffrida, M. Mangia, A. Lavagna, E. Morello, M. Cosimato, R. Rocca, M. Daperno

    tures that are refractory to medical therapy,                                 ommended to confirm the diagnostic suspi-
    but there is not enough strong evidence to                                    cion, to precisely identify the cancer site, to
    make clear recommendations on primary                                         take biopsy samples, and to mark the lesion
    prevention of small-bowel neoplasia in CD                                     to guide further surgical treatment [52].
    patients [41].                                                                  Moreover, the inflammation-dysplasia-
       Early diagnosis of small bowel adenocar-                                   adenocarcinoma is poorly documented in
    cinoma in long-standing Crohn’s disease                                       Crohn’s disease; dysplasia is found only in
    is a challenge. Different advanced imaging                                    49% of specimens of patients with small
    and endoscopic techniques (e.g., capsule                                      bowel adenocarcinoma [53].
    endoscopy, device-assisted endoscopy, mag-                                      Therefore, at the state of the art, there are
    netic resonance imaging—MRI, computed                                         no recommendations on endoscopic screen-
    tomography—CT) may allow diagnosis of                                         ing of small bowel cancers in CD patients.
    small bowel involvement in Crohn’s disease
    and earlier cancer. At present, even if they
    are costly and complex to be used for routine                                 PATHOGENESIS
    surveillance of all CD patients with small-
    bowel involvement, capsule endoscopy is the                                      The pathogenesis of CRC in IBD has
    preferred technique to visualize small bowel                                  been studied extensively in Ulcerative Coli-
    mucosa lesions when suspected, and device-                                    tis but in Crohn’s disease is poorly defined.
    assisted enteroscopy is the only technique                                    The development of IBD-CRC is linked
    allowing for small bowel tissue sampling                                      to inflammation and follows a sequence of
    before surgery [41].                                                          genetic alteration according to an “inflam-
       Radiological diagnosis of small bowel                                      mation-dysplasia-cancer” sequence differ-
    neoplasia developing in Crohn’s disease is                                    ent from an “adenoma-sequence” classically
    very difficult because the imaging findings                                   described per sporadic CRC [54].
    are very similar to the findings of long-                                        Molecular alterations and genetic ab-
    standing Crohn’s disease and biopsy should                                    normalities, such as chromosomal insta-
    be used to distinguish between them. The                                      bility, microsatellite instability (MSI) and
    development of a mass or nodularity in a                                      hypermethylation, seem to be similar be-
    location of a luminal narrowing/obstruction                                   tween sporadic and IBD-associated CRC,
    should be evaluated carefully regarding the                                   but they occur before definite histologi-
    possibility of superimposed malignancy [49].                                  cally defined dysplasia and in a different
       Capsule endoscopy is recommended as                                        sequence [55].
    diagnostic modality to investigate small                                         IBD patients tend to have excessive in-
    bowel in suspected Crohn or to assess extent                                  flammatory cell infiltration and expres-
    and site of the disease in confirmed Crohn,                                   sion of several inflammatory genes; this
    if findings from such cross-sectional imag-                                   mucosal inflammation promotes cellular
    ing of the small bowel are unremarkable or                                    proliferation and ultimately CRC devel-
    nondiagnostic. In the setting of small bowel                                  opment [56].
    neoplasia, video capsule endoscopy (VCE)                                         The relationship between chronic in-
    plays a pivotal role for the detection of a                                   flammation and molecular pattern in-
    suspected SB neoplasia. However, a retro-                                     volved in carcinogenesis has been studied.
    spective study showed a suboptimal VCE                                        Some models demonstrated the role of
    sensitivity (83.3%), with missed lesions es-                                  toll-like receptors (TLR) and tumor ne-
    pecially in the proximal SB due to capsule                                    crosis factor-α (TNF-α) in the activation
    rapid passage in this segment [50]. More-                                     of nuclear factor κB (NFκB), which then
    over, VCE does not allow biopsies collection                                  induces transcription of tumorigenesis
    and does not accurately localize and grade                                    genes, including COX-2 [57]. TNF-alpha
    lesions [51]. Nonetheless, in case of com-                                    has been reported to promote inflamma-
    plete bowel exploration, VCE is a valuable                                    tion and IBD-CRC by promoting deoxy-
    tool because it allows for sensitive estimates                                nucleic acid (DNA) damage, stimulating
    of the location, it may be a physical mark in                                 angiogenesis, and inducing expression of
    case of capsule retention upstream a stenosis,                                COX-2, which also induces angiogenesis
    and with the most recent softwares the risks                                  to promote tumor growth. In murine mod-
    of reporting repeatedly a single lesion seen                                  els, TNF-α expression was associated with
    more times should be remarkably reduced.                                      the development of colonic tumors, while
       In patients with suspected SB neoplasia,                                   TNF-R blockade reduced inflammation
    Device-Assisted-Enteroscopy (DAE) is rec-                                     and tumor development [58].

© 2021 The Authors. Published by SEEd srl. This is an open access article under
the CC BY-NC 4.0 license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0)
                                                                                                Clinical Management Issues 2021; 15(1)   7
Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Prevention and Monitoring Strategies According To Risk Factors

          One of the main differences between spo-                  tively OR = 0.46; 95% CI: 0.34–0.61 vs.
       radic and IBD-related colonic neoplasia is                   OR = 0.66; 95% CI: 0.42–1.03). Moreover,
       that in IBD the entire colonic mucosa carries                this metanalysis shows that 5-ASA has a
       risk for neoplastic transformation that can                  protective effect on CRC (OR = 0.54; 95%
       be multifocal, as opposed to one or few pre-                 CI: 0.39−0.74), but not on dysplasia (OR =
       malignant adenomas or cancers in sporadic                    0.47; 95% CI: 0.20−1.10) [63].
       cases [59]. The cause of the field effect can                   An older cross-sectional study tried to
       be explained by the constant re-epitheliali-                 assess the relationship between ursode-
       zation of ulcerated and chronically inflamed                 oxycholic acid (UDCA) use and colonic
       colonic mucosa by abnormal healing clones                    dysplasia in patients with ulcerative colitis
       that expand [60].                                            and primary sclerosing cholangitis. UDCA
          The pathogenesis of SBA in CD is poorly                   use was strongly associated with decreased
       defined. Much of the current understanding                   prevalence of colonic dysplasia (OR = 0.18;
       of the molecular alterations involved in the                 95% CI: 0.05–0.61) [64]. This is a special
       development of neoplasia in IBD comes                        setting where the use of UDCA is specifi-
       from studies of patients with ulcerative                     cally in sclerosing cholangitis, and when this
       colitis (UC) who develop colorectal carci-                   condition is associated with ulcerative coli-
       noma, also considered to be valid in CD.                     tis, there is an increase in the risk of CRC.
       SBA is usually found in inflammatory areas,                  However, there are no adequate trials and the
       which suggests that the sequence inflamma-                   recent guidelines do not recommend their
       tion–dysplasia–cancer might be involved in                   use as chemoprophylaxis [9].
       the pathogenesis of SBA, but the rarity of                      The use of statins in CRC prophylaxis
       this neoplasm makes it difficult to perform                  is being evaluated in recent years. Anan-
       pathogenetic studies [48].                                   thakrishnan et al. showed that statin use was
                                                                    inversely associated with the risk of CRC in
       CHEMOPREVENTION                                              a 1376 IBD cohort. On multivariate analy-
                                                                    sis, statin use remained independently and
          The chemopreventive effect of 5-ami-                      inversely associated with CRC (OR = 0.42;
       nosalicylic acid (5-ASA) has been widely                     95% CI: 0.28–0.62) [65]. However, further
       studied, especially in UC setting; however,                  prospective studies are needed to confirm
       the results are conflicting. The European                    these data.
       guidelines suggest that 5-aminosalicylates                      Folic acid was also tested as a chemo-
       (5-ASA) maintenance treatment should                         prophylactic drug. A recent metanalysis
       be continued long-term in order to induce                    by Burr et al. has collected ten studies re-
       long-term remission, that may reduce the                     porting on 4517 patients. This metanalysis
       risk of colon cancer [35]. A case-control                    shows an overall protective effect for folic
       study of the CESAME cohort shows that                        acid supplementation on the development
       mesalamine therapy has a protective effect                   of CRC, pooled hazard ratio = 0.58 (95%
       for patients with long-standing extended                     CI: 0.37–0.80 with I = 29.7%) [66]. Even in
       colitis (OR = 0.5; 95% CI: 0.2–0.9), which                   this case, data are not sufficient, thus further
       lacks in the remaining patients (OR = 0.8;                   prospective studies are needed.
       95% CI: 0.3–1.7). Therefore, a chemopre-                        Although thiopurines reduce colonic in-
       ventive effect of 5-ASA in patients with                     flammation and promote mucosal healing,
       known risk factors for dysplasia or cancer is                their use is not indicated as chemopro-
       suggested [61].                                              phylaxis. A meta-analysis by Jess et al. did
          A metanalysis by Zhao et al. shows that                   not find a significant protective effect of
       5-ASA therapy was associated with a re-                      treatment with thiopurines on the risk of
       duced risk of colorectal neoplasia in pa-                    colorectal neoplasia in patients with IBD
       tients with ulcerative colitis, especially in                (OR = 0.87; 95% CI: 0.71–1.06) [67].
       case of higher daily dose (sulfasalazine ≥2.0                   Even if immunosuppressants and TNF-
       g/d, mesalamine ≥1.2 g/d) with OR = 0.51                     blockers induce significant mucosal heal-
       [0.35–0.75]. However, the chemopre-                          ing, and the risk of colon cancer decreased
       ventive effect of 5-aminosalicylates use                     when mucosa inflammation is reduced by
       in extensive ulcerative colitis was limited                  any means, at present there are not enough
       (OR = 1.00; 95% CI: 0.53–1.89) [62]. These                   data for suggesting the use of methotrexate
       findings were replicated in a recent meta-                   or TNF-blockers as chemopreventive agents
       nalysis. UC patients can benefit more from                   against CRC, at least according to current
       5-ASA therapy than CD patients (respec-                      guidelines [9].

8     Clinical Management Issues 2021; 15(1)                         © 2021 The Authors. Published by SEEd srl. This is an open access article under
                                                                         the CC BY-NC 4.0 license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0)
E. Giuffrida, M. Mangia, A. Lavagna, E. Morello, M. Cosimato, R. Rocca, M. Daperno

    CONCLUSIONS                                                                   much as possible in case of endoscopic re-
                                                                                  mission. Endoscopic resection techniques
      The individual patient CRC risk should                                      may be appropriate if complete resection
    include personal and disease-related fac-                                     is possible, even if proctocolectomy should
    tors. Newer endoscopic techniques allow                                       always be carefully considered as a radical
    for more effective surveillance strategies, if                                therapeutic option to stop progression from
    compared with white-light standard defi-                                      dysplasia to CRC. Peculiar fields for CRC
    nition endoscopy. Chemical chromoendos-                                       surveillance programs are ileal pouch anal
    copy or high-definition virtual or chemical                                   anastomosis surveillance and surveillance
    chromoendoscopy with targeted and/or                                          of anal and perianal Crohn’s disease for anal
    random biopsies is the standard-of-care for                                   adenocarcinoma.
    IBD patients. They should be performed as

          Key points
         yy Risks of colorectal cancer (CRC) are increased among inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
            patients. Still the risk class should be best classified according to independent CRC risks
            factors, including IBD colonic involvement extent and activity, CRC familial history,
            previous dysplasia
         yy Based on low/medium/high risks of IBD-related CRC, patients may be allocated to dif-
            ferent frequency of surveillance (surveillance every 5 years in low risk, every 3 years in
            intermediate risk, and yearly in high-risk patients)
         yy High-definition endoscopy, associated with dye-spray (chemical) or virtual (electronical)
            chromoendoscopy, together with targeted biopsies, are the standard-of-care technique for
         yy Visible dysplastic lesions (outside or within colitis area) should be resected endoscopically
            with standard polypectomy, endoscopical mucosal resection, or endoscopical submucosal
         yy When invisible dysplastic lesions are identified at a surveillance endoscopy, the risks of
            progression to cancer and of being unable to replicate surveillance of the same area lead to
            a preference for proctocolectomy
         yy Proctocolectomy should always be considered a safe and long-lasting effective therapeutic
         yy In patients undergone proctocolectomy plus ileal pouch anal anastomosis, dysplasia of the
            rectal cuff should be surveilled, especially if dysplasia was the indication to surgery
         yy In patients with chronic long-lasting perianal Crohn’s disease, anal or fistula-related ad-
            enocarcinoma should be suspected, especially if disease change its phenotype

     This article writing was supported by Fondazione IBD Onlus.
     Conflicts of interests
     The authors declare they have no competing financial interests concerning the topics of this article.

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