REVIEWS NK cell development, homeostasis and function: parallels with CD8+ T cells

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                                   NK cell development, homeostasis and
                                   function: parallels with CD8+ T cells
                                   Joseph C. Sun* and Lewis L. Lanier‡
                                   Abstract | Natural killer (NK) cells survey host tissues for signs of infection,
                                   transformation or stress and, true to their name, kill target cells that have become
                                   useless or are detrimental to the host. For decades, NK cells have been classified as
                                   a component of the innate immune system. However, accumulating evidence in mice
                                   and humans suggests that, like the B and T cells of the adaptive immune system,
                                   NK cells are educated during development, possess antigen-specific receptors,
                                   undergo clonal expansion during infection and generate long-lived memory cells.
                                   In this Review, we highlight the many stages that an NK cell progresses through
                                   during its remarkable lifetime, discussing similarities and differences with its close
                                   relative, the cytotoxic CD8+ T cell.

                                  A productive immune response against pathogen inva-                 Development of NK cells
Perforin and granzymes
The cytolytic molecules that      sion consists of a concerted effort from many effector              NK cells have traditionally been classified as innate
are secreted by NK cells and      cell types of haematopoietic origin. Both innate and                immune cells because of their ability to rapidly
cytotoxic CD8+ T cells.           adaptive immune cells contribute to the recognition and             respond against target cells in the absence of prior
Perforin subunits assemble        removal of foreign pathogen materials as well as infected           sensitization, as well as because of the previous belief
into a pore-forming structure
in the membrane of the target
                                  host cells. The best-known cell types responsible for the           that they are cells with a short lifespan. By contrast,
cell, and this allows granzymes   direct killing of infected cells are natural killer (NK)            B and T cells are designated cells of the adaptive
(a family of proteolytic          cells and cytotoxic CD8+ T cells (also known as CTLs).              immune system because they generate long-lived
enzymes) to activate caspases     These professional killer cells are defined based on their          progeny following the activation of a naive precursor
and induce apoptosis in the
                                  cytolytic machinery, and the killing of their targets is            and can ‘remember’ previous encounters with antigen.
target cell.
                                  mediated predominantly via perforin and granzymes. NK               Although considered as innate immune cells, NK cells
                                  cells and CD8+ T cells both originate from a common                 constitute the third major lineage of lymphocytes, the
                                  lymphoid progenitor (CLP) and require cytokine signals              other lineages of which are B and T cells4,5. Unlike B
                                  through cytokine receptors that contain the common                  and T cells, individual NK cells lack a unique antigen
                                  γ-chain (γc; also known as IL‑2Rγ) for their survival               recognition receptor and do not use recombination-
                                  and homeostasis. During infection, both NK cells and                activating gene (RAG) enzymes for rearrangement of
                                  CD8+ T cells become activated through antigen-specific              their receptor genes, although transient expression of
                                  receptors and by pro-inflammatory cytokines (such as                RAG proteins and even incomplete V(D)J recombi-
                                  interleukin‑12 (IL‑12) and type I interferons (IFNs)),              nation have been observed in a low frequency of NK
*Immunology Program,
Memorial Sloan-Kettering
                                  and produce large amounts of IFNγ1. Although they                   cells during their development 6–10. NK cells are pre-
Cancer Center, New York,          have been classified as innate immune cells, there is               sent in normal numbers in mice deficient in RAG1 or
New York 10065, USA.              accumulating evidence from both mice and humans                     RAG2 (REFS 11,12).
 Department of Microbiology       that NK cells share some attributes with the B cells and               Early studies suggested that NK cells, like B cells
and Immunology and the
                                  T cells of the adaptive immune system. For example,                 and myeloid-lineage cells, develop primarily in the
Cancer Research Institute,
University of California San      NK cells are ‘educated’ and selected during their devel-            bone marrow. Ablation or disruption of an intact bone
Francisco, San Francisco,         opment, their receptors exhibit antigen specificity, they           marrow microenvironment abrogated the develop-
California 94143, USA.            undergo clonal expansion during infection and they gen-             ment and function of NK cells 13,14. Unlike T cells,
Correspondence to L.L.L.          erate long-lived memory cells2,3. Here, we discuss the              NK cells do not require the thymus for their develop-
                                  many stages that an NK cell progresses through during               ment and, thus, exist in normal numbers in athymic
Published online                  its remarkable lifetime and compare it with its close               nude mice 15–17 . However, a small population of
26 August 2011                    relative, the cytotoxic CD8+ T cell.                                CD127‑expressing NK cells has been recently found to

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                                   arise in the thymus through a GATA-binding protein 3                  Analogous processes in NK cell and CD8+ T cell devel‑
                                   (GATA3)-dependent pathway, independently from                         opment. Developing CD8+ T cells undergo processes
Clonal expansion                   T cell precursors18. In humans, a population of CD34+                 such as positive selection and negative selection through
The process whereby individual     haematopoietic precursor cells was reported to develop                interactions between their T cell receptor (TCR) and
B and T cells that express
unique antigen-specific
                                   into CD56hi NK cells in lymph nodes19. Furthermore,                   MHC class I molecules expressed on thymic epithelial
receptors encounter their          a recent examination of NK cell ontogeny suggested                    cells and dendritic cells (DCs). Similarly, developing NK
cognate ligands and rapidly        that NK cells can also develop in the liver 20, and this              cells are educated or selected through engagement of
proliferate to give rise to a      perhaps explains why phenotypically immature NK                       their receptors with various MHC class I ligands (FIG. 1).
large number of progeny that
                                   cells exist in the liver of adult mice21. It is not entirely          Immature human and mouse NK cells express inhibi-
express the same antigen-
specific receptor (that is,        clear whether these thymic‑, lymph node- and liver-                   tory killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs)
clones).                           derived populations represent distinct NK cell lineages               and LY49 receptors, respectively, during their devel-
                                   or merely consist of predominantly less-mature periph-                opment, and this is essential for establishing efficient
NK1.1                              eral cells that originated from the bone marrow. The                  ‘missing-self’ recognition29,30. Engagement of these recep-
(Also known as KLRB1C and
NKRP1C). This activating
                                   bone marrow is certainly the site where NK cell devel-                tors with cognate MHC class I molecules results in the
receptor associates with the       opment has been best characterized, and many of the                   generation of functional NK cells in the periphery 31–35,
adaptor molecule FcεRIγ and is     cues that NK cells receive from bone marrow stromal                   a process akin to the positive selection of developing
expressed on all NK and            and haematopoietic cells during their full functional                 T cells (FIG. 1). In addition, NK cells can vary in their
NKT cells in C57BL/6 mice.
                                   maturation are discussed in this Review.                              responsiveness, or ‘tune’ their capability to react, and
Although crosslinking of the
receptor using an                      In vitro studies conducted with mouse and human                   this is dependent on the number of inhibitory receptors
NK1.1‑specific mAb (clone          cells have demonstrated that NK cells can be derived                  for autologous MHC class I molecules that they express.
PK136) induces NK cell-            from early haematopoietic cells cultured with stro-                   Indeed, both mouse and human NK cell responsiveness
mediated cytotoxicity and          mal elements, such as IL‑7, IL‑15, stem cell factor and               increases quantitatively with each additional self-MHC-
effector cytokine secretion,
the in vivo function of NK1.1
                                   FLT3 ligand (reviewed in REF. 4). Like with thymocytes,               specific inhibitory receptor 36–38 (FIG. 1). Inhibitory NK
and nature of its ligand(s)        studies using the OP9 stromal cell culture system con-                cell receptors contain immunoreceptor tyrosine-based
remain unknown.                    firmed that functional NK cells could develop in vitro                inhibitory motifs (ITIMs) in their cytoplasmic tail, and
                                   on stromal cells expressing specific Notch ligands,                   these motifs can recruit SH2 domain-containing protein
                                   such as members of the Delta and jagged families22–24.                tyrosine phosphatase 1 (SHP1; also known as PTPN6)
(Natural killer group 2,
member D). An activating           Interestingly, following culture of early-stage thymo-                and SH2 domain-containing inositol 5‑phosphatase
receptor constitutively            cytes with OP9 cells and jagged 1, large percentages                  (SHIP)39. Failure to engage inhibitory receptors during
expressed on NK cells and          (as much as 50%) of the recovered cells expressed the                 development — because of either a lack in inhibitory
activated CD8+ T cells that        NK cell receptor NK1.1 (REFS 22–24). Furthermore, the                 receptor expression or an inability to interact with MHC
recognizes a family of induced
host ligands on the surface of
                                   cytokine IL‑15 was shown to be crucial for the develop-               class I molecules — results in peripheral NK cells that
stressed cells. DNA instability    ment of NK cells25, as mice deficient in either IL‑15 or              are hyporesponsive31–35.
and damage arising from            the IL‑15 receptor α-chain (IL‑15Rα) had a dramatic                       Rather than ‘death by neglect’ — a process thymo-
radiation, chemicals, infection    reduction in NK cell numbers26,27.                                    cytes undergo if they cannot appropriately engage their
or transformation can lead to
                                       In vivo reconstitution studies have identified the CLP            TCRs with MHC class I molecules — analogous NK cell
cellular stress and the
upregulation of NKG2D ligands      in mouse and human bone marrow as the pluripotent                     populations that cannot ligate their inhibitory receptors
(namely, the retinoic acid         cell type that specifically gives rise to mature NK, B and            do not die and are still exported to the periphery, albeit
early-inducible protein 1 (RAE1)   T cells, but not myeloid-lineage cells28. However, unlike             as anergic cells31–35. Notably, NK cells that lack an inhibi-
family, histocompatibility         the well-established stages of thymocyte development                  tory receptor for autologous MHC class I molecules can
antigen 60 (H60) and murine
UL16‑binding protein-like
                                   — CD4–CD8– double-negative (DN) stages 1–4, the                       respond normally in inflammatory settings33,40,41 and
transcript 1 (MULT1) in            CD4+CD8+ double-positive (DP) stage and the CD4+ or                   more robustly against viral infection and leukaemias
mice, and the MHC class I          CD8+ single-positive (SP) stage — NK cell development                 than their counterparts that express self-specific inhib-
polypeptide-related sequence       and differentiation has been assigned several arbitrary               itory receptors for MHC class I42–44. Recently, mature
(MIC) and UL16‑binding protein
                                   stages based on sequential acquisition of NK cell-                    NK cells have been shown to undergo a ‘re-education’
(ULBP) families in humans).
                                   specific markers and functional competence. The ear-                  process whereby functional competence is reset follow-
LY49 receptors                     liest NK cell progenitor is defined as a non-stromal                  ing adoptive transfer into a different MHC class I envi-
A family of NK cell receptors in   bone marrow cell that expresses CD122 (the shared                     ronment 45,46. In these studies, anergic NK cells placed
mice that contains inhibitory      β-chain of IL‑2R and IL‑15R)4,5 but is without any                    in an MHC class I‑sufficient setting acquired the abil-
members that bind to MHC
class I molecules and inhibit
                                   lineage-specific markers. In C57BL/6 mice, the earliest               ity to produce effector cytokines, and functional NK
NK cell responses and              NK cell-defining markers are NK1.1 and NKG2D, fol-                    cells lost their effector capabilities in an environment
activating members that            lowed by the inhibitory and activating LY49 receptors21.              devoid of MHC class I molecules45,46. Together, these
predominantly associate with       The functional capabilities of NK cells, such as cyto­toxicity        results suggest that continuous engagement of inhibi-
the adaptor molecule DAP12
                                   and secretion of cytokines (namely, IFNγ and tumour                   tory receptors with MHC class I molecules is required
to initiate effector functions
following encounter with target    necrosis factor (TNF)), are acquired last in the current              to dictate NK cell responsiveness. Interestingly, in both
cells that express cognate         developmental schemes21. Although this model provides a               mice and humans, activated and memory CD8+ T cells
ligands. The ligands for the       framework for studying NK cell development, the precise               also express inhibitory receptors for MHC class I47, per-
majority of activating LY49        rate-limiting cues that maturing NK cells receive at each             haps because of a need to tightly regulate these respon-
receptors are currently
unknown; however, some are
                                   stage to ultimately achieve functional competence, along              sive T cell populations. A recent study, in which ligation
likely to be virally encoded       with the genetic and epigenetic programming that occurs,              of inhibitory KIRs by MHC class I molecules could be
components.                        require further investigation.                                        instantly induced through a photochemical approach,

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                                    C                    0QKPVGTCEVKQP               1PGKPVGTCEVKQP                6YQQTOQTG             D


                                                TGEGRVQTU                                                                                                                #EVKXCVKPI
                                    /*%ENCUU+                                                                                                                  5GNHUVTGUUNKICPF


                                                         #PGTI[                                                        4GURQPUKXGPGUU                   #PGTI[

                                    E                    0Q6%4CȰPKV[                              .QYVQOQFGTCVG                                *KIJ6%4CȰPKV[






Positive selection
A process during T cell
development whereby                                       &GCVJD[PGINGEV                                                                        0GICVKXGUGNGEVKQP
double-positive (CD4+CD8+)
thymocytes are selected to                                                                #ȰPKV[CPFCXKFKV[QH6%4s/*%KPVGTCEVKQP
survive and mature into             Figure 1 | Education of developing NK cells and thymocytes. a | In the bone marrow, developing natural killer (NK)
single-positive (CD4+ or CD8+)      cells interact with MHC class I molecules on stromal and haematopoietic cells via inhibitory receptors, and the number
T cells based on an appropriate
                                    of interactions determines the degree of responsiveness. b | Developing NK cells that interact0CVWTG4GXKGYU^+OOWPQNQI[
                                                                                                                                   with self or viral ligands
degree (low to intermediate) of
stimulation through the T cell
                                    via activating receptors will become anergic or hyporesponsive. c | In the thymus, developing T cells interact with
receptor.                           self-peptide–MHC complexes on epithelial and haematopoietic cells via T cell receptors (TCRs), and the affinity or
                                    avidity of these interactions determines survival and export to the periphery.
A hypothesis proposed by Klas
Karre suggesting that NK cells
preferentially recognize and kill
                                    demonstrated that clustering and triggering of activat-                         developing thymocytes, activating receptor ligation with
host cells that have lost           ing NK cell receptors immediately ceases following                              cognate viral or self ligands leads to anergy and a partial
expression of self MHC class I      inhibitory receptor ligation, and the NK cells collapse                         repertoire deletion in developing NK cells49–52 (FIG. 1).
molecules — in other words,         their actin cytoskeleton to strongly retract from the                           Altogether, these tolerance mechanisms exist to ensure
cells that are ‘missing self’.
                                    source of stimulation48.                                                        that mature NK cells do not attack healthy self tissues.
Uninhibited by immunoreceptor
tyrosine-based inhibitory motif        Developing NK cells can also be influenced by sig-
(ITIM)-containing receptors for     nals received through activating receptors, which pair                          Lineage specification in NK cells. Over the past dec-
MHC class I molecules, NK cells     with immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif                             ades, lineage-specifying transcription factors have been
can target virally infected or      (ITAM)-containing adaptor molecules that recruit                                identified in B cells and T cells (including αβ T cells, γδ
transformed cells that
downregulate MHC class I
                                    spleen tyrosine kinase (SYK) and ζ‑chain-associated pro-                        T cells and NKT cells), and this has provided impor-
molecules to evade detection        tein kinase of 70 kDa (ZAP70) to mediate signalling 39.                         tant information about the genesis of these immune cell
by CD8+ T cells.                    In an analogous manner to the negative selection of                             subsets. B cell development is driven by transcription

NATURE REVIEWS | IMMUNOLOGY                                                                                                                VOLUME 11 | O CTOBER 2011 | 647

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                                              6J[OWU                                                                 2GTKRJGTCNN[ORJQKFCPFPQPN[ORJQKFVKUUWGU

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                            +OOCVWTG6EGNN                             0CKXG
                           4GSWKTGFUKIPCNUHQT                        %& 6EGNN
 470:HCOKN[OGODGTU       r+.                            CPFHWPEVKQP                         *QOGQUVCVKERTQNKHGTCVKQP
                           r6%4GPICIGOGPV                                                       r.[ORJQRGPKC
                                                                                                  r+.                                   /GOQT[NKMG%& 6EGNNU

 .KPGCIGURGEKȮECVKQP                                                     r%QUVKOWNCVKQP!
 4GSWKTGU+&CPF                            'FWECVKQPQH
 '$21VJGT                                FGXGNQRKPI0-EGNNU
                                              OCVWTCVKQPCPF                                                                                   /GOQT[0-EGNNU
                                              TGURQPUKXGPGUU                                                                            5WTXKXCNTGSWKTGOGPVUWPMPQYP
                                                                                                                GȭGEVQT0-EGNNU        r+.!
                           +OOCVWTG0-EGNN                              4GUVKPI                                                          TGEGRVQTUKIPCNU!
                          OCVWTCVKQP                      +.+.CPFKPJKDKVQT[
                          r+.                          TGEGRVQTGPICIGOGPV
                            GPICIGOGPV                     CPFHWPEVKQP                         r.[ORJQRGPKC
                                                                                                r0-EGNNTGEGRVQTKPVGTCEVKQPU!               .QPINKXGF0-EGNNU

                              Figure 2 | Factors that influence the development, homeostasis and survival of NK cells and T cells. A comparison of
                              the lineage-specifying and external signals required for the maturation of natural killer (NK) cells and T cells from the common
                              lymphoid progenitor (CLP) is shown. The CLP uses factors such as Notch and runt-related transcription      factor (RUNX) family
                              members to give rise to immature T cells, whereas inhibitor of DNA binding 2 (ID2) and E4BP4 specify NK cell lineage
                              precursors. Notch, interleukin‑7 (IL‑7) and T cell receptor (TCR) signals dictate the selection of developing T cells in the
                              thymus, whereas IL‑15 and inhibitory receptor signals promote the proliferation and education of developing NK cells in the
                              bone marrow. Factors that influence the survival and function of T and NK cells during antigen-driven versus homeostatic
                              proliferation are shown, including cytokine signals, cell surface receptor signals and various other unknown signals.

                              factors such as paired box protein 5 (PAX5), E2A (also                T follicular helper cells, forkhead box P3 (FOXP3) for
                              known as TCF3) and early B cell factor (EBF)53, whereas               regulatory T (TReg) cells, retinoic acid receptor-related
                              specific runt-related transcription factor (RUNX) and                 orphan receptor-γt (RORγt) for TH17 cells, and T‑bet
                              Notch family members promote T cell development 54,55                 and eomesodermin for effector CD8+ T cells57,58.
                              (FIG. 2). Within the T cell lineage, CD4+ or CD8+ lineage                 The transcription factors PU.1, Ikaros, ETS1 and
                              commitment in DP thymocytes occurs under the guid-                    inhibitor of DNA binding 2 (ID2) have independently
                              ance of factors such as GATA3 and THPOK (also known                   been shown to be important for NK cell lineage deri-
                              as cKROX) for CD4+ T cell development and RUNX1                       vation from the CLP (FIG. 2), as mice deficient in these
                              and RUNX3 for CD8+ T cell development 54,56. In addi-                 factors have substantially reduced numbers of peripheral
                              tion, transcription factors that dictate the differentiation          NK cells59,60. It should be noted that these factors also
                              of mature naive T cells into effector cells have also been            influence the development of other lymphocyte lineages
                              characterized, including T‑bet for T helper 1 (TH1) cells,            in addition to NK cells59,60. Similarly, NK cell develop-
                              GATA3 for TH2 cells, B cell lymphoma 6 (BCL‑6) for                    ment is impaired in mice deficient in TOX (thymocyte

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                       selection-associated high-mobility group box protein)61,            other organs80. NK cells are found only at low frequency
                       a shared DNA-binding factor that is also required for               in the lymph nodes, even though the majority (>90%)
                       TReg, NKT and CD4+ T cell differentiation. A recent                 of resting NK cells in mouse spleen and blood express
                       report using ID2–GFP reporter mice showed that the                  L‑selectin (also known as CD62L), which mediates
                       earliest known NK cell precursor highly expresses ID2               naive T cell recruitment into lymph nodes from the cir-
                       and IL‑7R, before expression of common NK cell mark-                culation. In mice deficient for L‑selectin or L‑selectin
                       ers62. Other factors — such as T‑bet, eomesodermin,                 ligands, NK cells are not properly recruited to lymph
                       interferon-regulatory factor 1 (IRF1) and GATA3 —                   nodes and, thus, cannot control tumour metastasis
                       have been shown to be important for the acquisition of              to secondary lymphoid organs in a mouse melanoma
                       full NK cell function by using gene-deficient mice, bone            model81. The general migration of NK cells between
                       marrow chimaeras and conditional deletion mutants63–66.             the circulation, lymphoid organs and non-lymphoid
                       An indirect role for IRF1 in NK cell development was                organs has not been completely characterized, although
                       discovered when IL‑15 expression was observed to be                 many chemokines have been implicated in NK cell
                       defective in mice lacking this transcription factor 67.             localization. These include CC-chemokine ligand 3
                       Interestingly, genetic deletion of the transcription fac-           (CCL3; also known as MIP1α), CCL4, CCL5, CCL19,
                       tor BCL‑11B in conditional knockout mice resulted in                CXC‑chemokine ligand 12 (CXCL12), CXCL16 and
                       the reversion of maturing DN2 and DN3 thymocytes                    CX3C-chemokine ligand 1 (CX3CL1). In addition, there
                       to killer cells that were described as NK cell-like68–71.           is regulated expression of adhesion molecules (such as
                       Thus, perhaps in the absence of T cell-determining fac-             α2 integrin, α4 integrin, macrophage receptor 1 (MAC1;
                       tors the NK cell lineage becomes the default pathway of             also known as αMβ2 integrin) and DNAX accessory
                       lymphocyte programming.                                             molecule 1 (DNAM1)) and chemokine receptors (such
                                                                                           as CC‑chemokine receptor 1 (CCR1), CCR5, CCR7,
                       NK cell development requires E4BP4. Recently, the basic             CXC-chemokine receptor 3 (CXCR3), CXCR4, CXCR6
                       leucine zipper transcription factor E4BP4 (also known               and CX3C-chemokine receptor 1 (CX 3CR1)) during
                       as NFIL3) was proposed as a NK cell lineage-specifying              NK cell development and homeostasis in mice and
                       factor (FIG. 2). E4BP4‑deficient mice showed a severe loss          humans82. Recently, the lipid sphingosine-1‑phosphate
                       in mature NK cell numbers, whereas B and T cells were               (S1P) has been implicated in NK cell retention and
                       found at normal numbers72–74. E4BP4 is implicated in a              egress from sites such as the bone marrow and lymph
                       wide range of biological processes, including repression            nodes, with expression of the dedicated S1P receptor
                       of viral promoter sequences and regulation of the mam-              on NK cells (namely, S1P receptor 5) observed to be
                       malian circadian clock75, and it was shown to function              regulated by T‑bet 83,84.
                       downstream of IL‑15R in immature NK cells, as ex vivo                   In the steady state, NK cells are generally localized
                       addition of IL‑15 did not rescue NK cell development                to the red pulp of the spleen and the sinusoidal regions
                       in E4BP4‑deficient progenitor cells72. Experimental evi-            of the liver 85,86; however, during viral infection they
                       dence suggests that E4BP4 controls the expression of                infiltrate the splenic white pulp and liver parenchyma
                       GATA3 and ID2 (REF. 72), and ID2 is known to inhibit                near infected foci87–89. Thus, NK cell homeostasis leads
                       E protein transcription factors (such as E2A) and to                to the presence of these cells in both lymphoid and
                       thereby inhibit B cell development while promoting the              non-lymphoid tissues, where they are poised to rapidly
                       maturation of NK cells76. It should be noted that, like             respond against pathogen invasion. The precise mecha-
                       the promiscuous role of T‑bet in both CD4+ TH1 and                  nisms by which NK cells traffic between and within
                       CD8+ T cell differentiation, E4BP4 has been shown to                organs during homeostasis and following infection
                       influence the development of certain DC subsets, the                remain to be revealed.
                       regulation of TH2 cell responses and class switching
                       in B cells77–79. Because the survival of memory CD8+                Continuous maturation of peripheral NK cells. Recent
                       T cells is also dependent on IL‑15 signals, further work            evidence suggests that both NK cells and T cells con-
                       is needed to determine whether E4BP4 has a role in the              tinue to mature in the periphery following egress from
                       generation of memory T cell subsets. In addition, the               the bone marrow and thymus, respectively. Using
                       conditional deletion of E4BP4 in mature and activated               reporter mice to identify recent thymic emigrants,
                       NK cells will determine whether this factor continues               the maturation of T cells was shown to continue post-
                       to have a role in NK cell survival and function beyond              thymically, with progressive acquisition of phenotypic
                       their development. Nonetheless, there exists a clear role           changes and immune functions90. Similarly, continuous
                       for transcription factors, such as E4BP4 and ID2, in the            NK cell maturation in the periphery has been charac-
                       development of NK cells.                                            terized by the expression of surface markers such as
                                                                                           CD11b and killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily G,
                       Peripheral NK cell localization and homeostasis                     member 1 (KLRG1), and loss of CD27 and TNF-related
                       Trafficking of mature NK cells. Once they leave the bone            apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL)91–94.
                       marrow, NK cells that have gained functional competence                 IL‑18 has recently been described to ‘prime’ NK cells
                       have the capability to respond robustly against infec-              either during their development or in the periphery (FIG. 2),
                       tion and provide immunosurveillance against tumours.                as resting splenic NK cells that were unable to receive
                       During basal homeostasis, mature peripheral NK cells                IL‑18 signals were found to be defective in cytotoxicity
                       reside in the blood, spleen, liver and lung, and various            and cytokine secretion following ex vivo stimulation95–97.

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                          IL‑18 has also been implicated in the basal homeostasis             IL‑15 using mutant IL‑15–Fc fusion proteins or a solu-
                          of γδ T cells, suggesting that IL‑18 commonly influ-                ble form of IL‑15Rα has shown efficacy in the treat-
                          ences other innate-like lymphocytes before activation98.            ment of arthritis and in improving allograft transplant
                          During herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV‑1) infection,               survival in mice116–118.
                          mice deficient in IL‑18 are more susceptible than control
                          mice, as they show a higher viral burden and decreased              NK cells ‘fill the space’ during lymphopenia.
                          survival, and their NK cells have profound defects in IFNγ          Immunocompetence means having a sufficient num-
                          production and cytotoxicity 99.                                     ber of functional immune cells ready to respond against
                             Interestingly, because mature NK cell responsiveness             pathogen invasion. Thus, cells of the immune system
                          can be continuously modulated as a result of constant               undergo homeostatic, or space-driven, proliferation dur-
                          interactions between inhibitory receptors and MHC                   ing times of lymphopenia to restore overall cell numbers
                          class I molecules45,46, the NK cell population exhibits             (FIG. 2). Like B and T cells, NK cells can rapidly expand
                          a novel versatility that is less apparent in T cells. Thus,         in number when placed in a lymphopenic environment.
                          an individual NK cell can adapt to new environments                 Adoptive transfer of mature splenic NK cells into mice
                          to either gain or lose functional competence, thereby               deficient in both RAG and γc (which lack B, T and NK
                          maintaining tolerance to self while responding against              cells) or into mice treated with sublethal doses of radia-
                          pathogens and tumours. Additional signals that mature               tion results in rapid NK cell division, as measured by
                          peripheral NK cells require in the steady state for sur-            5,6‑carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester
                          vival, basal turnover and maintenance of function need              (CFSE) labelling or 5‑bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incor-
                          further investigation.                                              poration101,103,104,119. In these studies, NK cell homeostatic
                                                                                              proliferation mimicked that of CD8+ T cells and was
                          IL‑15 maintains NK cell survival. Cytokines of the γc               more rapid than that of B cells and CD4+ T cells119. Like
                          family are crucial for the development of lymphoid lin-             CD8+ T cells, NK cells become phenotypically activated
                          eage cells. Indeed, mice deficient in γc have defective             during homeostatic proliferation, and this involves the
                          maturation in the B, T and NK cell compartments. IL‑2               upregulation of markers such as CD11a, CD44, CD122
                          and IL‑15, along with other pro-inflammatory cytokines,             and LY6C120–122. In addition, homeostatically proliferating
                          promote clonal expansion of T cells, with elevated or               NK cells and CD8+ T cells can rapidly degranulate and
                          prolonged levels of IL‑2 leading to apoptosis of effector           secrete IFNγ following antigen receptor triggering. This
                          T cells25. IL‑7 and IL‑15 then protect memory precursor             rapid IFNγ secretion is due to increased Ifng transcript
                          cells from cell death during the contraction phase of the           expression, as demonstrated in NK cells and CD8+ T cells
                          T cell response100. IL‑15 also has an important role during         from yeti mice (in which expression of yellow fluores-
                          NK cell development and continues to be crucial in the              cent protein (YFP) is driven by the Ifng promoter)119.
                          homeostasis and survival of peripheral NK cells25 (FIG. 2).         This heightened ability of NK cells and CD8+ T cells to
                          In adoptive transfer experiments, the half-life of mature           respond to antigens may represent an evolved mechanism
                          NK cells was found to be approximately 1 week; however,             that ensures the host can effectively defend itself during
                          in the absence of IL‑15, nearly all transferred NK cells            lymphopenia, when it is most susceptible to pathogens.
                          rapidly disappeared within 48 hours 101–104. Memory
                          CD8+ T cells, which have been likened to NK cells, also             Homeostatic proliferation generates long-lived NK cells.
                          depend on IL‑15 for their homeostasis and survival25.               Mature peripheral NK cells were previously considered
                          DCs and macrophages mediate trans-presentation of                   to be terminally differentiated effector cells incapable of
                          IL‑15 (REFS 105–107), as Cre-induced specific deletion              self-renewal. However, initial studies that evaluated adop-
                          of Il15ra in these professional antigen-presenting cells            tive transfer of NK cells into lymphopenic hosts did not
                          resulted in the loss of both NK cells and memory CD8+               investigate the long-term consequences of homeostatic
                          T cells, although T cells were more severely affected               proliferation. In a recent study, homeostatic proliferation
                          than NK cells108. Transgenic expression of IL‑15R spe-              of NK cells was demonstrated to result in an unexpected
                          cifically in DCs or treatment of mice with soluble IL‑15            longevity of the transferred mature NK cells119, which
                          and IL‑15Rα complexes also promotes the expansion                   were tracked using a congenic marker. The homeostasis-
                          of NK cell populations, resulting in elevated numbers               driven NK cells were found to reside in both lymphoid
                          and function109,110; however, transgenic overexpression             and non-lymphoid organs for more than 6 months, and
                          of IL‑15 leads to fatal leukaemia111. IL‑15 signalling in           they were able to self-renew and slowly turn over in the
                          NK cells acts by increasing the expression and activ-               steady state, in a similar manner to memory T cells119.
                          ity of BCL‑2 and its family members104,112,113 and, at the          Furthermore, these long-lived NK cells retained their
                          same time, suppressing the transcription factor fork-               functionality many months after initial transfer and
                          head box O3A (FOXO3A) and the pro-apoptotic factor                  responded robustly to viral infection119. However, unlike
                          BCL‑2‑interacting mediator of cell death (BIM)113.                  long-lived CD8+ or CD4+ T cells that have undergone
                              Given the known influence of IL‑15 on immune                    homeostatic proliferation and retain a ‘memory-like’
                          cells, this cytokine has become an immunotherapeutic                phenotype and function (FIG. 2), the expanded NK cell
                          target. For example, administration or overexpression               population reverted to a quiescent phenotype with func-
                          of IL‑15 has been shown to protect mice against a vari-             tions equivalent to those of resting NK cells, as both
                          ety of infections by boosting the effector functions                expanded and resting NK cell populations responded with
                          of cytotoxic NK and T cells114,115. Conversely, blockade of         comparable kinetics against viral challenge119.

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                                  Homeostatically driven CD8 + T cells have been                        Interestingly, a similar clonal-like expansion has
                              shown to require CD4+ T cell help for protective capa-                been observed in human NK cell responses against
                              bility 123, and they deferred to ‘true’ antigen-experienced           viral infection. The NKG2C-bearing NK cell subset
                              memory CD8+ T cells when mice were challenged with                    is highly enriched within the total NK cell popula-
                              pathogens 124. Similar studies remain to be done to                   tion in humans who are seropositive for human cyto-
                              investigate the requirements for robust homeostatic                   megalovirus (HCMV)130,131. In these studies, NKG2C+
                              proliferation of NK cells, and to compare the func-                   NK cells typically constituted less than 1% of the
                              tions of space-driven versus antigen-driven NK cells.                 total NK cell population in the peripheral blood of
                              Nonetheless, the ability of mature NK cells to self-renew             HCMV-seronegative donors, whereas the percentage
                              and possibly persist in the host for months or years                  of NKG2C+ NK cells in seropositive donors ranged
                              will be of clinical importance for the reconstitution of              from less than 5% to as much as 50–60%. A challenge
                              immune compartments during viral infections such as                   arises in the analysis and interpretation of these data
                              HIV, or during NK cell adoptive immunotherapy for the                 sets because the time of HCMV infection or reactiva-
                              treatment of certain cancers (BOX 1).                                 tion is unknown, which explains the large differences
                                                                                                    in NKG2C+ NK cell percentages between individuals.
                              Dynamic response of NK cells during viral infection                   One recent study documented a B and T cell-deficient
                              During viral infection, homeostasis is perturbed and                  newborn who presented with complications stem-
                              mature NK cells become activated, proliferate robustly and            ming from HCMV infection. At a time point at which
                              contribute to both innate and adaptive immunity 125. NK               viral loads were increasing, greater than 80% of this
                              cells, together with CD8+ T cells, directly target infected           child’s NK cell population expressed NKG2C, suggest-
                              cells during viral invasion, and deficiency of NK cells in            ing a prolific expansion of this subset 132. Longitudinal
                              mice and humans results in susceptibility to many viral               studies have demonstrated a clonal-like expansion of
                              infections and severe clinical outcomes1,126. Like CD8+               human NK cell subsets during HCMV infection in
                              T cell responses against various pathogens, a clonal-like             immunosuppressed recipients of solid-organ trans-
                              expansion has been described in the LY49H‑bearing sub-                plants who have reactivated or become acutely infected
                              set of NK cells during mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV)                   with HCMV133. In these patients, NKG2C+ NK cells
                              infection127 (FIG. 3). In certain mouse strains (such as              undergo a substantial proliferation within the first
                              C57BL/6), LY49H+ NK cells can undergo a 3- to 10‑fold                 week after virus detection, and the elevated frequency
                              expansion in absolute numbers (measured in the spleen                 of these NKG2C+ NK cells persists after the virus has
                              and liver) over the course of 6–7 days after viral infec-             been controlled133.
                              tion127,128. Although this expansion is not as prolific as the            Interestingly, a hantavirus outbreak in northern
                              several-thousand-fold expansion measured in antigen-                  Sweden in 2007 allowed clinicians to prospectively
                              specific T cell responses129, the adoptive transfer of small          investigate the immune response to infection in a
                              numbers of wild-type NK cells into LY49H‑deficient hosts              setting where initial viral infection was well docu-
                              demonstrated that, during infection, LY49H+ NK cell                   mented 134 . This study demonstrated that human
                              populations are fully capable of 100‑fold and 1000‑fold               NKG2C+ NK cells rapidly proliferate following hanta-
                              expansions in the spleen and liver, respectively 128.                 virus infection134, and the kinetics and magnitude of
                                                                                                    this response strikingly mimic the clonal-like expan-
                                                                                                    sion of mouse LY49H+ NK cells during MCMV infec-
 Box 1 | NK cells in the clinic: promising therapeutic potential                                    tion128. Of note, this proliferation of NKG2C+ NK cells
                                                                                                    in hantavirus-infected individuals occurred in HCMV-
 Reconstitution of the host immune system with haematopoietic stem cell transplants
 — in humans with natural immunodeficiency syndromes (such as patients with severe
                                                                                                    seropositive but not HCMV-seronegative patients, sug-
 combined immunodeficiency (SCID)) or after radiation or chemotherapy in patients                   gesting that these NKG2C+ NK cells may have been
 with cancer — can result in homeostatic proliferation of natural killer (NK) cells and             primed by prior recognition of HCMV. Together,
 other haematopoietic cell types. In the past decade, the adoptive transfer of                      these mouse and human studies demonstrate that NK
 in vitro-cultured and -activated human NK cells has been applied towards the                       cell clones have proliferative capacities that were not
 treatment of certain cancers174. Although adoptive NK cell therapy shows promise in                previously appreciated.
 the clinic, many questions arise in light of the novel findings on the longevity of NK
 cells following homeostatic proliferation. For example, are there detrimental side                 Signals for NK cell and T cell activation. Some of the
 effects (such as graft-versus-host disease) or other unforeseen dangers to healthy host            cues that promote NK cell activation and proliferation
 tissues associated with having a long-lived population of self-renewing NK cells poised
                                                                                                    during viral infection have been characterized, whereas
 to kill cellular targets? Conversely, are there unexpected benefits associated with
 adoptive NK cell immunotherapy beyond the destruction of cancers such as
                                                                                                    others remain to be investigated. Triggering of TCRs
 leukaemias? Although it is thought to be a potent but transient therapy in humans, the             on T cells by viral peptides bound to MHC molecules
 adoptive transfer of NK cells may allow these cells to persist for months to years in the          constitutes ‘signal 1’ in T cell activation135 and, similarly,
 patient, mediating continuous surveillance against the recurrence of cancer.                       in the case of MCMV infection, recognition of cognate
 Furthermore, in patients who require haematopoietic stem cell transplants, co-transfer             antigen through the LY49H activating NK cell receptor
 of long-lived NK cells might protect against opportunistic pathogens (such as human                promotes NK cell activation and clonal proliferation
 cytomegalovirus reactivation) over the several months it takes for B and T cells to fully          (FIG. 3a). During MCMV infection of C57BL/6 mice,
 reconstitute the immune system. The use of mouse models to understand the nature of                only virus-specific LY49H+ NK cells kill infected cells
 NK cells undergoing homeostatic proliferation will provide insights that will be crucial           bearing the viral m157 glycoprotein and expand signifi-
 to the implementation of NK cell-based treatments in the clinic.
                                                                                                    cantly in overall numbers to provide protection against

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C #PVKIGPURGEKȮETGURQPUGU                         5KIPCN
                                                                                                             the virus127,128,136. The NK cell subsets that do not express
                                                    2TQKPȯCOOCVQT[       1WVEQOG                            LY49H can respond in a nonspecific ‘bystander’ manner,
                                                    E[VQMKPGU             'CTN[PQE[VQMKPGUGETGVKQP       but do not undergo a clonal-like expansion or provide
                                       0CKXG                             CPFE[VQVQZKEKV[      any protection against MCMV127,128,136 (FIG. 3b).
                                       6EGNN            %[VQMKPG
                                                                                                                 T cells require co-stimulation through CD28 as
                                                         TGEGRVQT                                            ‘signal 2’ for the activation of effector function135, but
                        6%4                     %&                                                         it is not clear whether NK cells require this signal for
                                                                                                             full effector function in vivo during viral infection. Early
                        /*%                       5KIPCN
          KPVGTCEVKQP   ENCUU+                 $ %QUVKOWNCVKQP                                            in vitro studies suggested that, although resting NK cells
                                                                                                             expressed CD28 at much lower levels than naive T cells,
                                                                                                             CD28 triggering on NK cells was required for optimal
                                  &GPFTKVKE               +.                                              cytokine secretion and proliferation, but not for cyto-
                                  EGNN                  6[RG++(0U                                          toxicity 137. These findings can now be revisited in vivo
          8KTWU                                                                                              by measuring virus-specific responses in NK cells from
                                                                                                             mice lacking CD28.
 5KIPCN        #EVKXCVKPI                                                                                    In certain mouse models of infection, T cells have
 #EVKXCVKPI                                    5KIPCN
                  NKICPF                        %QUVKOWNCVKQP                                               been shown to require ‘signal 3’ — in the form of the
 TGEGRVQTs        #EVKXCVKPI                   TGSWKTGF!                                                    pro-inflammatory cytokines IL‑12 and type I IFNs —
                                                                                                             for optimal activation and proliferation129. The early
                                                                                                             nonspecific NK cell response against MCMV, charac-
                                      0-EGNN                             1WVEQOG                            terized by the secretion of IFNγ and TNF, but not IL‑2,
                                                    5KIPCN             'CTN[E[VQMKPGUGETGVKQP         is also dependent primarily on the IL‑12 and type I IFNs
                                                    2TQKPȯCOOCVQT[       CPFE[VQVQZKEKV[      produced by conventional DCs (cDCs)138–140 (FIG. 3). In
                                                    E[VQMKPGU             .CVGENQPCNNKMGGZRCPUKQP
                                                                                                             addition to cDCs, plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) contrib-
                                                                                                             ute to NK cell-mediated protection by secreting large
D #PVKIGPPQPURGEKȮETGURQPUGU                                                                               amounts of type I IFNs following the triggering of
                                                                                                             Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and intracellular sensors of
                                                       %[VQMKPG                                              viral nucleic acids; indeed, specific pDC ablation leads
                                                       TGEGRVQT             1WVEQOG                          to decreased NK cell activity and increased MCMV
                        /GOQT[                                              'CTN[E[VQMKPGUGETGVKQP
                        %& 6EGNN /GOQT[                                  CPFE[VQVQZKEKV[    titres141. Interestingly, the crucial IL‑15 signals required
                                    %& 6EGNN                             .CVGPQENQPCNGZRCPUKQP       for NK cell development, basal homeostasis and survival
                                                                                                             are not essential for NK cell activation, proliferation or
                                                                                                             function during acute MCMV infection, as the antiviral
                                                                                                             NK cell response is primarily driven by IL‑12 even in
                                                                                                             mice lacking γc142. Conversely, IL‑12 and type I IFNs are
                                      &GPFTKVKE                                                              not thought to have a role during NK cell development,
                                      EGNN                                                                   as both cytokine- and cytokine receptor-deficient mice
                                                                                                             have normal NK cell numbers and phenotypes143–145.
                                                                                                                 In addition to directing the nonspecific NK cell
  8KTWU                                                      +(0U                                            response during MCMV infection, there is evidence that
                                                                                                             pro-inflammatory cytokines are crucial for the prolifera-
                                R&%                                                                          tion and effector function of antigen-specific LY49H+
                                                                                                             NK cells139 (J.C.S. and L.L.L., unpublished observa-
                                                                                                             tions). This is similar to ‘signal 3’ for T cell activation.
                                                                                                             Interestingly, like resting NK cells, memory CD8+ T cells
                                                                                                             have been described to possess the ‘innate-like’ ability
                                          4GUVKPI                           'CTN[E[VQMKPGUGETGVKQP       to produce IFNγ and proliferate following exposure
                                          0-EGNN                           CPFE[VQVQZKEKV[    to pro-inflammatory cytokines in the absence of TCR
                                                                                                             signals and co-stimulation146,147. Altogether, these data
                                                                                                             suggest that parallel mechanisms of signal integration
Figure 3 | Antigen-specific and -nonspecific responses of NK cells and CD8+ T cells                          through activating receptors, co-stimulatory receptors
during infection. a | During viral infection, natural killer (NK) cells and CD8+ T cells mount               and cytokine receptors facilitate a productive effector
specific responses following antigen receptor triggering. T cell   receptor (TCR)–MHC                        response in both NK cells and T cells.
interactions, co-stimulation and pro-inflammatory cytokines (such as interleukin‑12
(IL‑12) and type I interferons (IFNs)) are the three signals thought to promote the                          NK cell memory. In addition to clonal expansion, much
activation and clonal expansion of naive CD8+ T cells. Similarly, resting NK cells receive
                                                                                                             evidence in recent years suggests that NK cells possess
signals via activating receptors and pro-inflammatory cytokine receptors; it is unclear
whether co-stimulatory molecules have an important role in NK cell activation and                            other features of adaptive immunity, such as longev-
expansion. The short- and long-term functional outcomes are shown. b | IL‑12 and type I                      ity and immune memory, manifested as the ability to
IFNs can directly act on memory CD8+ T cells and resting NK cells in the absence of                          mount recall responses (BOX 2). Following the prolific
antigen receptor triggering, and this leads to nonspecific ‘bystander’ responses. The                        expansion phase of LY49H+ NK cell populations dur-
short- and long-term functional outcomes are shown. pDC, plasmacytoid dendritic cell.                        ing MCMV infection, the effector NK cells undergo

652 | O CTOBER 2011 | VOLUME 11                                                                                            

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                       apoptosis 1–2 weeks later 127,128,148. This resembles the            The mechanisms behind the trafficking of effector NK
                       contraction phase observed when effector T cells                     cells to peripheral organs and the precise signals required
                       undergo activation-induced cell death149, and is most                to maintain long-lived NK cells at those sites are currently
                       similar to the contraction phase of the CD4+ T cell                  unknown. Memory LY49H+ NK cells were shown to be
                       response, during which a gradual but continuous decline              self-renewing and could undergo secondary and tertiary
                       in cell numbers is observed150.                                      expansion, with each round of expansion followed by
                           IL‑7 and IL‑15 dictate the homeostasis of effector               contraction and a subsequent increase in the levels of
                       T cells during the contraction phase, but the cytokines              LY49H (measured by mean fluorescence intensity)161.
                       that influence the resolution of the effector NK cell                Interestingly, following acute HCMV and hantavirus
                       response have not been defined, although it is likely that           infection, NKG2C+ NK cells became NKG2Chi during
                       they also include IL‑15 (FIG. 2). The survival of effector           clonal proliferation and expressed the CD57 marker on
                       T cells during the contraction phase and the transition to           long-lived cells after the contraction phase, providing a
                       memory cells is dictated by anti- and pro-apoptotic fac-             possible memory marker for human NK cells133,134. The
                       tors of the BCL‑2 family (such as BCL‑2 and BIM, respec-             higher expression of virus-specific receptors — LY49H
                       tively)151–155, and evidence suggests that these factors also        and CD94–NKG2C in mouse and human NK cells,
                       regulate the contraction phase of the NK cell response               respectively — following infection suggests a form of
                       to MCMV infection (N. A. Bezman, J.C.S. and L.L.L.,                  ‘avidity maturation’ in NK cell receptors that have previ-
                       unpublished data). Although early IL‑21 signalling has               ously engaged their cognate ligands, and this is similar
                       been described to be important for the functional matu-              to what is observed in CD8+ T cells during infection162.
                       ration and activation of NK cells156–158, a regulatory role
                       for IL‑21 may exist in NK cells during proliferation, such           Reactivity of naive, effector and memory NK cells and
                       that IL‑21 restricts the NK cell response while promot-              CD8+ T cells. The spontaneity of killing and the speed
                       ing T cell responses159. This dichotomous effect of IL‑21            of effector function mediated by NK cells led Eva Klein
                       on NK cells is not unprecedented, as another γc family               to first coin them “natural killers” in 1975 (REF. 163),
                       cytokine, IL‑2, can act to promote T cell proliferation, but         and frequent comparisons are drawn to activated CD8+
                       can also induce apoptosis, depending on the phase and                T cells2,125 (but not naive CD8+ T cells). However, recent
                       context of the T cell response25,160.                                studies using the MCMV model have shown that NK
                           Following the contraction of effector NK cell popula-            cells can also exist as both resting cells and activated
                       tions, long-lived memory NK cells can be detected for                (effector) cells, distinguished by their ability to degranu-
                       several months in adoptive transfer studies128. Memory               late and secrete effector cytokines (such as IFNγ)127,128,136.
                       NK cells were found to reside in both lymphoid and                   CD8+ T cells can exist in at least three states of reactiv-
                       non-lymphoid organs and could mediate rapid and                      ity depending on their ability to kill and secrete effector
                       potent effector functions when stimulated ex vivo 128.               cytokines during ex vivo TCR triggering. Naive CD8+

                        Box 2 | The evidence for NK cell memory
                        Immunological memory is a classical hallmark that distinguishes adaptive immune B and T cells from all other cells of the
                        haematopoietic lineage. However, evidence for immune memory exists in invertebrates — including crustaceans, flies,
                        beetles and mosquitoes and more primitive species (such as tunicates, sea urchins and sea sponges) — which lack
                        lymphocytes that possess rearranged antigen receptors175. Early transplantation studies that demonstrated the natural
                        killer (NK) cell-mediated rejection of parental bone marrow cells transferred into F1 progeny recipients (a process termed
                        hybrid resistance) first suggested that immune memory could also reside in NK cells. Interestingly, when the F1 offspring
                        had been previously primed with parental bone marrow cells, they rejected a second graft from the same parent more
                        efficiently176, implicating NK cell-mediated recall responses in graft rejection. Previous studies had also suggested that
                        NK cell memory may be responsible for enhanced cytokine secretion following exposure to pro-inflammatory cytokines
                        or for more potent tumour-specific responses following stimulation177–179.
                          More recent studies have demonstrated that NK cells mediate contact hypersensitivity responses to chemical haptens,
                        as these responses occur in recombination-activating gene (RAG)-deficient mice (which lack B and T cells), but not in
                        mice deficient for both RAG and γc (which also lack NK cells)180. Secondary responses were only elicited by the hapten to
                        which mice had been originally exposed and not by a different hapten180. The contact hypersensitivity observed in the
                        RAG-deficient mice was mediated by an NK cell population that expressed CXC-chemokine receptor 6 (CXCR6) and was
                        resident in the liver181. During mouse cytomegalovirus infection, adoptively transferred NK cells bearing the receptor
                        LY49H proliferate 100–1000‑fold in lymphoid and non-lymphoid tissues. This results in a long-lived pool of memory
                        NK cells that are capable of more potent effector function, self-renewal, recall response and greater protection against
                        viral challenge128,161. In a subsequent study, exposure to the pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin‑12 (IL‑12) and
                        IL‑18 in vitro also led to the generation of memory NK cells, and these cells were capable of more robust interferon-γ
                        production following activating receptor stimulation compared with resting NK cells182. In humans, acute infection with
                        human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) results in the preferential expansion of NK cell populations that express the activating
                        receptor NKG2C (natural killer group 2, member C)133. Similarly, acute hantavirus infection led to the prolific expansion
                        and long-term persistence of NKG2C‑expressing NK cell populations134. In this study, greater numbers of NKG2C+
                        NK cells were observed at the peak of expansion in HCMV-seropositive patients than in HCMV-seronegative patients,
                        suggesting that a more robust response was measured in this HCMV-responsive NK cell subset134.

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                                      .QY                                                                                                                  *KIJ
                                                  0CKXG                                                   #EVKXCVGF GȭGEVQT 
                                                  %& 6EGNN                                              %& 6EGNN
                                                   .;%NQY                     %GPVTCNOGOQT[          'ȭGEVQTOGOQT[
                                                                               %& 6EGNN             %& 6EGNN
                                                                         -.4)NQY                                 -.4)JK
                                                                         %&.JK                                  %&.NQY
                                                                         .;%JK                                   .;%JK
                                                                                      4GUVKPI                                          #EVKXCVGF
                                                                                      0-EGNN                                           GȭGEVQT 0-EGNN

                                                                                                                  /GOQT[                 -.4)JK
                                                                                                                  0-EGNN                 %&.NQYOKF

                          CPFE[VQMKPG              s
                          Figure 4 | Comparing the reactivity of NK cells and CD8+ T cells during differentiation. The state of reactivity of
                          resting natural killer (NK) cells, naive CD8+ T cells and activated (effector) and memory NK and CD8+ T cells is marked by
                          the expression of activation and differentiation markers. These markers include killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily G,
                          member 1 (KLRG1), CD62L and LY6C. The relative capacities of these subsets to mediate cytotoxicity and secrete effector
                          cytokines are indicated.

                          T cells have low reactivity, activated (effector) CD8 +                KLRG1 and low CD62L expression) and in function
                          T cells have high reactivity and memory CD8+ T cells                   (high IFNγ production following stimulation)128 (FIG. 4).
                          have intermediate reactivity (FIG. 4). We believe that a               In this comparison between responding NK cells and
                          similar model can be applied to NK cell responses                      CD8+ T cells, the lymphocyte with the greatest state
                          against viral infection; however, a naive NK cell is in a              of reactivity is the activated (effector) NK cell, which
                          more responsive state than a naive CD8+ T cell. Naive                  secretes cytokines spontaneously 127,128,136 and does not
                          resting NK cells have the capability to respond to acti-               require ligation of activating receptors for its effector
                          vating receptor triggering, and their Ifng transcript                  function ex vivo. Although NK cells and CD8+ T cells dif-
                          levels are similar to those of memory CD8+ T cells, as                 fer fundamentally in the generation of antigen recogni-
                          detected using IFNγ–YFP reporter mice164. The equiva-                  tion receptors, their similar nature and response suggests
                          lent Ifng transcript levels in resting NK cells and mem-               an evolutionary ancestry between these two cytotoxic
                          ory CD8+ T cells translate into functional similarities                cell lineages that have been distinctly categorized as
                          between these two cell types, as both can secrete IFNγ                 innate and adaptive167.
                          following stimulation with pro-inflammatory cytokines
                          alone127,146,147. Memory NK cells have a greater respon-               Concluding remarks
                          siveness than resting NK cells, and ligation of activating             The precise mechanisms of NK cell development and
                          receptors on memory NK cells leads to greater cytokine                 homeostasis are actively being investigated. The discov-
                          production and degranulation (measured by lysosome-                    ery of NK cell memory generates many new questions,
                          associated membrane protein 1 (LAMP1) expression) on                   some of which also remain to be answered in the study
                          a per cell basis128. Thus, perhaps resting NK cells possess            of immune memory in T cells. Moreover, questions that
                          a comparable state of reactivity to memory CD8+ T cells,               T cell biologists have raised (and answered, in many
                          and likewise memory NK cell reactivity is similar to that              circumstances) in the previous decades can now be
                          of activated or effector CD8+ T cells (FIG. 4).                        applied towards understanding how NK cells can also
                              The overall memory CD8+ T cell compartment has                     become long-lived cells capable of recall responses. For
                          been described to contain at least two subsets: central                instance, what molecular and cellular interactions are
                          and effector memory T cell populations165,166. By con-                 important for optimal NK cell homeostasis and memory
                          trast, memory LY49H+ NK cells appear to be a homo-                     generation? Crucial cues from DCs and CD4+ T cells
                          geneous population that closely resembles the effector                 are required for proper generation and maintenance of
                          memory CD8+ T cell subset, both in phenotype (high                     memory CD8+ T cells129,168. Does the viral glycoprotein

654 | O CTOBER 2011 | VOLUME 11                                                                                

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