Review Article Natural Antioxidants: A Review of Studies on Human and Animal Coronavirus
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Hindawi Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity Volume 2020, Article ID 3173281, 14 pages Review Article Natural Antioxidants: A Review of Studies on Human and Animal Coronavirus Lúcio Ricardo Leite Diniz,1 Carlos da Silva Maia Bezerra Filho,2 Burtram C. Fielding ,3 and Damião Pergentino de Sousa 2 1 College of Nordeste da Bahia, Coronel João Sá, Bahia, Brazil 2 Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil 3 Molecular Biology and Virology Research Laboratory, Department of Medical Biosciences, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa Correspondence should be addressed to Damião Pergentino de Sousa; Received 29 May 2020; Accepted 13 July 2020; Published 14 August 2020 Guest Editor: German Gil Copyright © 2020 Lúcio Ricardo Leite Diniz et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The outbreaks of viruses with wide spread and mortality in the world population have motivated the research for new therapeutic approaches. There are several viruses that cause a biochemical imbalance in the infected cell resulting in oxidative stress. These effects may be associated with the development of pathologies and worsening of symptoms. Therefore, this review is aimed at discussing natural compounds with both antioxidant and antiviral activities, specifically against coronavirus infection, in an attempt to contribute to global researches for discovering effective therapeutic agents in the treatment of coronavirus infection and its severe clinical complications. The contribution of the possible action of these compounds on metabolic modulation associated with antiviral properties, in addition to other mechanisms of action, is presented. 1. Introduction (DAD) in roughly 8000 patients and with almost 800 deaths, representing a nearly 10% mortality rate [6]. More recently, Coronaviruses (CoVs) belong to a family of enveloped in 2012, a new human coronavirus, designated as Middle East viruses with a positive sense, single-stranded RNA genome. respiratory syndrome-coronavirus (MERS-CoV), was identi- CoVs cause illness ranging from upper respiratory tract fied, and the global ongoing outbreak of MERS with over infections (URTIs) resembling the common cold to lower 2519 official cases and 866 deaths represented approximately respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) such as bronchitis, pneu- 34% case fatality rate to date in humans [7]. monia, and even severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) Over the last few months, a new strain of human coro- with most serious disease outcomes in the elderly, immuno- navirus, SARS-CoV-2 (also known as 2019-nCoV), has compromised patients, and infants [1, 2]. HCoV-OC43 caught the world’s seven continents’ attention with its rapid (OC43), HCoV-229E (229E), HCoV-NL63 (NL63), and global spread, affecting at least 200 countries and territories, HCoV-HKU1 (HKU1) were the first documented human infecting more than 3,000,000 and claiming more than CoVs (HCoVs), which usually cause URTIs and less fre- 202,597 lives worldwide [8]. The coronavirus pandemic quently are associated with LTRI diseases [3]. In the last has promoted isolation and uncertainly fear and panic decades, two human coronaviruses created great concern worldwide. In addition, it will likely lead to changes in for the world medical community due to significant disease political and economic power in ways that can be deter- and mortality [4, 5]. In 2003, severe acute respiratory mined only later [9]. syndrome-coronavirus (SARS-CoV) was characterized by It is important to note that there are many similarities acute atypical pneumonia and diffuse alveolar damage among different coronavirus species, but not in all aspects.
2 Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity Depending on the molecular mechanism of viral inhibition tions, there may be an increase in the production of oxidant promoted by an antiviral agent, the analysis of the data and species not neutralized by the antioxidant system, resulting comparison between animal and human CoVs must be done in oxidative stress that promotes cellular damage through very carefully. In fact, it is important to note that there are protein denaturation, changes in the functions of nucleic differences between human and animal CoV receptors, acids, lipid peroxidation, and cell death [21–23]. which will likely result in different affinities, or unlikely inter- In addition, during viral infection, oxidative stress con- actions, of an antiviral agent with the different CoV recep- tributes to viral pathogenesis through stimulating inflamma- tors. However, if the antiviral agent interferes with the tion, loss of immune function, and increased viral replication replication and/or assembly of the CoVs, there is a higher that may occur due to the activation of the nuclear factor probability of obtaining similar antiviral activity results in kappa B (NF-κB) transcription pathway [24–26]. Current human CoV tests [1, 2, 10, 11]. Following this line, our search evidence suggests that cytokine dysregulation—also called in specialized literature was focused, mainly, on studies that cytokine storm—contributes to severe disease caused by the investigated the anticoronavirus effects of natural antioxi- pathogenic CoVs [27, 28]. The exact mechanisms are not dants by inhibiting proteases for viral replication. clear yet, but research on influenza A virus shows that infec- tion causes a rapid influx of inflammatory cells. This is 2. Materials and Methods followed by an increase in reactive oxygen species production and cytokine expression and release, which ultimately leads The present study was carried out based on a search of the lit- to acute lung injury [29]. In general, RNA viruses promote erature of natural antioxidants and coronavirus. The search, changes in the body’s antioxidant defense system, affecting performed in the PubMed database, included studies pub- enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase lished until March 2020 and used the following keywords: (CAT), in addition to reducing the levels of antioxidant coronavirus, antioxidants, flavonoids, oxidative stress, molecules such as ascorbic acid, carotenoids, and reduced MERS-CoV; SARS-CoV, 229E, NL63, OC43, HKU1, glutathione (GSH) [30–32]. Wu et al. reported that glucose- MERS-CoV virus infection; and Middle East Respiratory 6-phosphate dehydrogenase- (an important antioxidant Syndrome Virus. The scientific publications were selected enzyme that produces NADPH) knockdown cells were more from studies published in the English language. susceptible to infection by HCoV-229E than normal cells [33]. Interestingly, Ye and colleagues have reported that the 3. Pathogenic Mechanism of Coronavirus- inhibition of ROS production alleviates inflammation caused Induced Cell Damage by influenza A virus infections [29]. In an experimental model of SARS-induced acute lung The high mortality rate associated with the three pathogenic injury in mice, it was noted that phospholipid oxidation, HCoVs has been mainly attributed to the development of due to oxidative stress, is one of the main triggering factors digestive and respiratory tract injuries observed following of acute lung injury. This happens through the activation of infection. Acute atypical pneumonia and diffuse alveolar the innate immune response, culminating in the activation damage that progress to deposition of fibrous tissue, denuded of pulmonary macrophages via TLR4-TRIF-TRAF6-NF-κB airways, haemorrhage, and elevated macrophage infiltration signaling [17]. Furthermore, hypoxia caused by acute lung are sometimes accompanied by watery diarrhoea, dehydra- injury can cause myocardial injury due to the production of tion, and vomiting [2, 12, 13]. ROS, aggravating infections caused by coronavirus disease Despite the molecular mechanisms of coronavirus- 2019 (COVID-19) [34]. induced intestine and lung pathogenesis not fully elucidated Mitochondria have an essential function in energy gener- and still unclear, studies have suggested that late-term disease ation, and for this reason, their function and integrity are progression is unrelated to viremia. It is now believed more strictly regulated in order to respond to varying energy likely to be associated with the immunopathological mecha- requirements and environmental conditions [35]. Mitochon- nism [14, 15]. Viral clearance and subsequent recovery from dria are known to function as the control point in apoptotic infection require activation of an effective host immune pathways, releasing proapoptotic factors, mainly ROS, which response; however, many immune effector cells may also function as a signaling molecule that may result in cell death cause injury to host tissues [16]. Together with inflammatory [36, 37]. Some studies have shown a relationship between and immune response signaling, the presence of oxidative coronavirus infection and dysfunctional or damaged mito- compounds, such as reactive oxygen species (ROS), plays chondria, leading to the release of ROS and other proapopto- important roles in the pathogenic mechanism of cell damage tic substances [38, 39]. In a recent study, Xu et al. reported induced by CoVs through oxidative stress [17]. that ROS and p53 play key roles in regulating many kinds Oxidative stress is defined as an interruption and/or of the cell process during coronavirus infection in Vero cells. deregulation of the signaling and redox system that can be According to the authors, coronavirus infection appears to caused by an imbalance in the production of oxidant and induce a time-dependent ROS accumulation, which in turn antioxidant species [18]. Among the main oxidant agents, is linked to regulatory mechanisms of p53 activation and ROS and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) stand out. In order apoptosis in infected cells [40]. to counterbalance the oxidant species, there is an antioxidant Antioxidant substances promote improvement in cases system formed by enzymes and nonenzymatic molecules [19, of disease caused by coronaviruses, such as apolipoprotein 20]. However, during pathological events, such as viral infec- D—a lipocalin that promoted a neuroprotective effect against
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 3 encephalitis induced by human coronavirus OC43—in mice. Epigallocatechin gallate is present in Parkia roxburghii G. This protective effect occurred through the reduction of oxi- Don and is one of the main metabolites found in green tea dative stress, cerebral lipid peroxidation, and regulation of and Liubao tea (Camellia sinensis LO Kuntze). Also, galloca- inflammation [41, 42]. Also, the treatment with antioxidants, techin gallate can be found in this plant [58–61]. Literature such as pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate or N-acetylcysteine, sig- data reveal that the administration (i.p.) of 2.5 mg/100 g of nificantly inhibits coronavirus-induced apoptosis [43]. epigallocatechin gallate in rats, with streptozotocin-induced Moreover, melatonin promotes downregulation of acute lung diabetes mellitus, promotes a reduction in oxidative stress oxidative injury due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant through reductions in parameters such as indirect nitric actions, making it a possible compound in the treatment of oxide synthesis and status total oxidative, as well as an COVID-19 [44]. Based on these studies, compounds that increase in levels of CAT and total antioxidant capacity of have antioxidant actions can be helpful in the treatment of plasma [62]. Furthermore, it promotes cardioprotection by infections promoted by coronavirus. antioxidant mechanisms [63]. In general, antioxidant properties of polyphenolic com- Green tea has a high antioxidant capacity, due to the high pounds, such as some flavonoids, have been associated with levels of catechins present [64]. He and collaborators com- the presence of aromatic phenolic rings that promote the pared the antioxidant activities of catechins and reported that electron donation and hydrogen atom transfer to free radi- epigallocatechin gallate has greater antioxidant activity via cals, acting as free radical scavengers, reducing agents, and radical scavenging activity (400 μM) with values of 77:2 ± quenchers of single oxygen formation [45]. Thus, the aim 4:3%, 90:2 ± 3:1%, and 100 ± 3:1% compared to its epimer, of this study was to investigate the antioxidant capacity and gallocatechin gallate, with values of 68:2 ± 3:4%, 82:2 ± 3:8 antiviral activity of natural antioxidants against coronavirus. %, and 95:5 ± 3:9% in the DPPH, ABTS, and ferric reducing The compounds are illustrated in Figure 1. antioxidant power (FRAP), respectively [65]. Amentoflavone is a biflavonoid present in leaves of Ginkgo biloba L., Garcinia brasiliensis L., and Nandina 4. Occurrence and Antioxidant Properties of domestica L. [66–68]. This biflavonoid has a high antioxidant Anticoronavirus Compounds capacity (19.21–75.52%), demonstrated in scavenging tests of DPPH, ABTS, superoxide, and hydroxyl radicals [67]. More- Quercetin can be found in plants such as Rubus fruticosus L. over, amentoflavone prevents acute lung injury induced by and Lagerstroemia speciosa (L.) Pers. [46, 47]. Also, quercetin sepsis in rats by decreasing thiobarbituric acid reactive sub- shows antioxidant activity at a concentration of 10 μmol/L in stance (TBARS) levels and by increasing levels of SOD and HepG2 cells, inhibiting oxidative stress promoted by H2O2 GSH [69]. [48], promotes an increase in SOD, CAT, and glutathione Apigenin is mainly present in flowers and leaves, being peroxidase (GPx), and reduces lipid peroxidation in rats with abundantly found in Apium graveolens L., Petroselinum cris- chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome [49]. More- pum (Mill.) Fuss, and Matricaria chamomilla L. [70]. over, quercetin improves sepsis-induced acute lung injury in Sánchez-Marzo and collaborators evaluated the antioxidant rats, by reducing lipid peroxidation and inflammation and capacity of apigenin using the Trolox equivalent antioxidant increasing SOD and CAT levels [50]. capacity (TEAC), oxygen radical absorbance capacity In addition, quercetin glycosides with antioxidant activ- (ORAC), and FRAP assays. The results show that apigenin ity, such as quercetin 3-β-glucoside, have already been iso- has good antioxidant activity with values of 2022:2 ± 154:8 lated from plants such as Passiflora subpeltata Ortega and μmol TEa /mmol, 887:9 ± 5:8 μmol TEa /mmol, and 113:2 ± Chamomilla suaveolens (Pursh) Rydb. [51, 52]. The admin- 12:2 μmol Fe2+ /mmol, respectively [71]. In addition, oral istration of quercetin 3-β-glucoside (40 mg/kg p.o.) in administration of apigenin 25 mg/kg/day for 12 days in an streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats promotes an increase experimental model of cardiotoxicity induced by doxorubi- in the levels of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT, and cin in rats promoted cardioprotection by reducing levels of GPx) and nonenzymatic antioxidants (vitamins C and E malondialdehyde (MDA), increasing SOD levels, and pre- and GSH) and a reduction of lipid peroxidation [53]. Quer- venting cardiomyocyte apoptosis [72]. cetin 3-β-galactoside (hyperoside) is found mainly in plants Luteolin is present in foods such as carrot, cabbage, tea, of the Hypericum genus such as Hypericum perforatum L. and apple and is found in Ugni molinae Turcz. [73, 74]. Data [54, 55]. Moreover, it showed cardioprotective activity in show that luteolin (50 μg/mL) increases the levels of GSH, the high glucose-induced injury of myocardial cells through expression of GSH synthetase, and the activity of SOD and decreased apoptosis and ROS production and increased CAT in human colon cancer cells (HT-29) [75]. Further- SOD levels [56]. Quercetin 7-ramnoside is also found in more, luteolin attenuates the sepsis-induced acute lung plants of the Hypericum genus such as Hypericum japoni- injury in mice by reducing lipid peroxidation and increasing cum Thunb. ex Murray. This flavonoid shows hepatopro- SOD and CAT activity, in addition to suppressing the NF-κB tective activity against carbon tetrachloride in mice by pathway [76]. decreasing lipid peroxidation and increasing CAT and Herbacetin is ubiquitous in plants of the genus Rhodiola, GSH levels, in addition to presenting values of 118.75 μM such as Rhodiola rosea L. [77]. Herbacetin glycosides are also and 128.47 μM in the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl present in the roots of R. sachalinensis A. Bor and show anti- (DPPH) and 2,2 ′ -azino-bis-3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulpho- oxidant activity [78]. Veeramani et al. reported that the nic acid (ABTS) assays, respectively [57]. administration of herbacetin (40 mg/kg p.o.) in mice, with
4 Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity OH OH OH OH OH OH HO HO O O HO O O O OH OH O OH OH O OH O O OH O HO HO OH OH Quercetin OH OH Quercetin 3- -galactoside Quercetin 3- -glucoside HO OH OH OH OH OH OH HO O HO O O O O OH OH HO O O OH OH O OH OH OH OH OH O O Quercetin 7-ramnoside OH OH OH OH OH O Epigallocatechin gallate Gallocatechin gallate OH O OH HO O OH HO O OH OH HO O HO O OH OH O Apigenin Luteolin OH O Amentoflavone OH OH O HO OH HO O OH O OH O OH O O O OH HO HO O HO O O O O HO OH OH O OH OH O O Herbacetin OH OH O OH Pectolinarin Rhoifolin OH OH HO O O HO HO O OH O OH OH O OH OH (+)-Catechin Psoralidin Isobavachalcone OH OH OH OH OH HO O HO HO HO O O OH OH HO OH O OH O OH O OH Helichrysetin Myricetin Scutellarein Resveratrol Figure 1: Chemical structures of bioactive antioxidants against coronavirus. obesity-associated insulin resistance, promotes an increase Pectolinarin is present in plants of the genus Cirsium in the activity of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehy- such as Cirsium setidens Nakai and Cirsium japonicum DC. drogenase, which is directly related to the production of The administration of pectolinarin (10 and 20 mg/kg, p.o. NADPH [79]. for two weeks) in rats promotes antioxidant effects in hepatic
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 5 Table 1: Antioxidant properties of natural inhibitors of coronavirus. Type of cells Compound tested/assays/experimental Concentration / dose Antioxidant effect Reference models Inhibiting oxidative stress promoted by HepG2 cells 10 μmol/L [48] H2O2 Rats with chronic Promoted an increase in SOD, CAT, and Quercetin prostatitis/chronic pelvic 50 mg/kg (p.o.) [49] GPx and reduced lipid peroxidation pain syndrome Sepsis-induced acute lung Reduces lipid peroxidation and increases 100 mg/kg (p.o.) [50] injury in rats SOD and CAT levels Increases levels of SOD, CAT, GPx, Quercetin 3-β- Streptozotocin-induced 40 mg/kg (p.o.) vitamins C and E, and GSH and reduces [53] glucoside diabetic rats lipid peroxidation Quercetin 3-β- High glucose-induced Decreases apoptosis and ROS production 20 nmol/L [56] galactoside injury of myocardial cells and increases SOD levels CCl4-induced liver damage 20 mg/kg Decreases lipid peroxidation and increases Quercetin 7- model in mice ramnoside IC50 = 118.75 μM (DPPH) CAT and GSH levels [57] DPPH Scavenging of free radicals EC50 = 128:47 μM (ABTS) ABTS Reduces indirect nitric oxide synthesis and Rats with streptozotocin- total oxidative status 2.5 mg/100 g (i.p.) [62] induced diabetes mellitus Increased levels of CAT and total Epigallocatechin antioxidant capacity of plasma gallate Increased levels of CAT, SOD, and GSH Rats with streptozotocin- Reduced levels of superoxide and protein nicotinamide-induced 2 mg/kg (p.o.) [63] carbonyl (PCO) and prevented DNA diabetes mellitus damage 77:2 ± 4:3%, 90:2 ± 3:1%, and DPPH Epigallocatechin 100 ± 3:1%, respectively ABTS 400 μM [65] gallate 68:2 ± 3:4%, 82:2 ± 3:8%, and FRAP 95:5 ± 3:9%, respectively Gallocatechin Acute lung injury induced Decreases TBARS levels and increases 50 mg/kg [69] gallate by sepsis in rats levels of SOD and GSH DPPH, ABTS, superoxide, Scavenging of free radicals Amentoflavone 50 μg/mL [67] and hydroxyl radicals (19.21-75.52%) 2022:2 ± 154:8 μmol TEa /mmol, TEAC 887:9 ± 5:8 μmol TEa /mmol, and ORAC Scavenging of free radicals [71] 113:2 ± 12:2 μmol Fe2+ /mmol, FRAP Apigenin respectively Reduces levels of MDA, increases SOD Cardiotoxicity induced by 25 mg/kg (p.o.) levels, and prevents cardiomyocyte [72] doxorubicin in rats apoptosis Increases levels of GSH, expression of GSH Human colon cancer cells 50 μg/mL synthetase, and the activity of SOD and [75] (HT-29) CAT Luteolin Reduces lipid peroxidation, increases the Acute lung injury induced 0.2 mg/kg (i.p.) activity of SOD and CAT, and suppresses [76] by sepsis in mice the NF-κB pathway Mice with obesity- Increases the activity of glucose-6- Herbacetin associated insulin 40 mg/kg (p.o.) [79] phosphate dehydrogenase resistance induction Hepatic injury induced by Increases levels of SOD, GSH, glutathione Pectolinarin 10 and 20 mg/kg (p.o.) [80] D-galactosamine in rats reductase, and glutathione S-transferase Approximately 10 Trolox Rhoifolin ORAC Scavenging of free radicals [83] equivalents (μM) Catechin Scavenging of free radicals [86]
6 Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity Table 1: Continued. Type of cells Compound tested/assays/experimental Concentration / dose Antioxidant effect Reference models 3:965 ± 0:067 (mol Trolox ABTS equivalents/mol), 0:793 ± 0:004 FRAP (mol Trolox equivalents/mol), Dihydrorhodamine 123 and oxidation assay IC50 0:805 ± 0:072 μM, respectively DPPH SC50 250.8 μM, 0:4 ± 0:05 mM Isobavachalcone FRAP equivalent to FeSO4·7H2O, and Scavenging of free radicals [88] ABTS SC50 510.1 mM, respectively Psoralidin Electron spin resonance IC50 = 4:7 μM Scavenging of free radicals [87] Scavenging of free radicals DPPH (21% and 54%, respectively) Chinese hamster lung 5 μg/mL and 10 μg/mL Prevents DNA damage and lipid Myricetin [96] fibroblast cells (V79-4) 10 μg/mL peroxidation treated with H2O2 Increases the activity of SOD, CAT, and GPx Helichrysetin ORAC 4:4 ± 0:6 Trolox equivalents Scavenging of free radicals [92] DPPH 18:7 ± 0:1 μM, 18:3 ± 1:2 μM, and Scutellarein ABTS Scavenging of free radicals [99] 79:0 ± 0:5 μM, respectively Superoxide radicals DPPH SC50/r2 26.37/0.849 μmol/dm Scavenging of free radicals [101] Rats with obstructive lung Increases SOD activity and reduces MDA 50 mg/kg [103] Resveratrol disease levels Inhibits the activity and expression of Hypercholesterolemic 100 mg/kg NADPH oxidases [102] ApoE-KO mouse Increases SOD, GPx, and CAT levels injury induced by D-galactosamine by increasing levels of The compound isobavachalcone has been isolated from SOD, GSH, glutathione reductase, and glutathione S- plants of the Fabaceae and Moraceae families [88, 89]. Isoba- transferase [80, 81]. vachalcone shows a strong antioxidant activity in DPPH Rhoifolin is found in citrus fruits, such as Citrus limetta SC50, FRAP, and ABTS SC50 assays with values of Risso. Studies have indicated that its radical peroxyl scaveng- 250.8 μM, 0:4 ± 0:05 mM equivalent to FeSO4·7H2O, and ing capacity is higher than Trolox in ORAC assays (approx- 510.1 mM, respectively. In addition, the compound has been imately 10 Trolox equivalents (μM)) [82, 83]. reported to inhibit the NF-κB pathway in Sephadex-induced Meanwhile, the (+)-catechin is a flavonoid present in lung injury in rats [88, 90]. leaves of green tea, wine, and fruits [84, 85]. Grzesik Helichrysetin is a chalcone that is found in plants of the et al. investigated the antioxidant action of catechin Helichrysum genus such as Helichrysum odoratissimum L. through the ABTS scavenging activity and FRAP tests. [91]. In a study investigating the antioxidant activity of natu- The results show values of 3:965 ± 0:067 (mol Trolox ral and prenylated chalcones, Vogel et al. found that helichry- equivalents/mol) and 0:793 ± 0:004 (mol Trolox equiva- setin is the substance that shows the highest antioxidant lents/mol), respectively. In addition, catechin shows greater activity in the ORAC test with values of 4:4 ± 0:6 Trolox protective properties in the dihydrorhodamine 123 oxida- equivalents [92]. tion assay (IC500:805 ± 0:072 μM) than GSH and ascorbic Myricetin is widely found in the plant families Myrica- acid (14.1 and 13.9 μM, respectively) [86]. ceae and Anacardiaceae and is widely used as health food Psoralidin is a prenylated coumestan, which is found in supplement due to its antioxidant properties [93, 94]. plants of the Fabaceae family, such as Psoralea corylifolia L. Bennett et al. demonstrated that myricetin reacts with Xiao and collaborators, investigating the antioxidant poten- oxygen-centered galvinoxyl radicals more than 28 times tial of compounds isolated from P. corylifolia, observed that higher than vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopherol). Furthermore, psoralidin shows the best antioxidant activity by the method myricetin was able to scavenge 21% and 54% on the DPPH of electron spin resonance spectroscopy with an IC50 value of assay (5 μg/mL and 10 μg/mL, respectively) [95]. Interest- 44.7 μM [87]. ingly, the compound prevents DNA damage, by lipid
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 7 GPx 2H2O2 + 2GSH 2H2O + GSSG SOD 2O + 2H O2 + H2O2 CAT 2H2O2 O2 + H2O Vit. E Vit. C MDA Antioxidant enzymes No PCO GSH ne nz tress ym v es TBARS NADPH ati idati ca nt ox io of xid ers an ark ts om Bi Oxidative stress Generation of ROS Natural antioxidants Cell damage NADPH oxidases 2O2 + NADPH NADP + 2O2 + H+ Figure 2: The main antioxidant mechanisms of natural compounds reported in this review. Dashed line: inhibition. Full line: activation. peroxidation and increasing the activity of SOD, CAT, and 5. Effect of Natural Antioxidants in GPx in Chinese hamster lung fibroblast cells (V79-4) Coronavirus Infections treated with H2O2 [96]. Scutellarein is found in Scutellaria barbata D. Don and This review focused on studies reporting on the anticoro- Polygonum viscosum Buch-ham [97, 98]. Liu et al. investi- navirus activity of natural antioxidants. Based on exclusion gated the antioxidant activity of scutellarein through the criteria, data from nineteen compounds were discussed. DPPH, ABTS, and superoxide scavenging assays. They noted The oxidative stress pathway could potentially be a key that the compound shows good antioxidant activity with element in coronavirus-induced apoptosis and pathogenesis values of 18:7 ± 0:1 μM, 18:3 ± 1:2 μM, and 79:0 ± 0:5 μM, [104]. For this reason, it is interesting to investigate the use respectively, while the Trolox, a standard antioxidant com- of antioxidants as potential therapeutic tools—either as an pound, presented 20:2 ± 0:5 μM, 23:7 ± 0:4 μM, and 291:5 alternative or as an adjuvant to conventional therapies—in ± 40:6 μM, respectively [99]. the treatment of coronavirus infections. Among the antiox- Resveratrol is found in grapes, peanuts, and blueberries idant compounds evaluated as for coronavirus infections and can be isolated from Veratrum grandiflorum O. Loes are the flavonoids, which are compounds widely found in [100]. Literature shows that resveratrol has good antioxidant fruits, vegetables, and certain beverages. In fact, research activity with DPPH SC50/r 2 values of 26:37/0:849 μmol/dm. groups have reported that antioxidant flavonoids, including Moreover, it is able to reduce the production of ROS by inhi- (+)-catechin, luteolin, apigenin, quercetin, and quercetin 7- biting the activity and expression of NADPH oxidases, by rhamnoside, inhibit ROS accumulation and apoptosis of eliminating oxidant agents, including radical hydroxyl, cells infected with different coronavirus, including porcine superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and peroxynitrite [101, epidemic diarrhoea coronavirus (PEDV) and transmissible 102]. The treatment of resveratrol (50 mg/kg p.o.) in rats gastroenteritis coronavirus (TGEV) [105–107]. reduces oxidative stress in obstructive lung disease by As shown with the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the increasing SOD activity and reducing MDA levels, indicating search for alternative or new antiviral therapies for the a decrease in lipid peroxidation [103]. Table 1 shows the treatment of coronavirus diseases remains important. main actions of natural antioxidants discussed in this study, Based on the literature, antioxidant therapies offer an and Figure 2 illustrates these activities. attractive option.
8 Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity Table 2: Natural antioxidants tested in in vitro coronavirus infection models and their main results and mechanism of action. Concentration Antioxidant Type of cells tested Antiviral effect Mechanism of action Reference (IC50) Suppression of the TGEV-induced (+)-Catechin Inhibition of TGEV- Bcl-2 reduction, Bax (+)-Catechin TGEV-infected ST cells [107] (20–80 μM) induced apoptosis redistribution, cytochrome c release, and caspase-3 activation Inhibition of MERS-induced Reduction of the expression of MERS-infected Vero E6 Resveratrol Resveratrol infection/apoptosis and nucleocapsid (N) protein essential [118] cells. (125-250 μM) prolonged cellular survival for MERS-CoV replication after virus infection Quercetin Quercetin GCG displayed a binding energy (73 μM) Epigallocatechin Recombinant 3CLpro of -14 kcal mol-1 to the active site Epigallocatechin Inhibition of coronavirus gallate was expressed in Pichia of 3CLpro and the galloyl moiety [114] gallate (73 μM) replication Gallocatechin pastoris GS115 at 3-OH position was required for Gallocatechin gallate (GCG) 3CLpro inhibition activity gallate (47 μM) Reduction of the formation Quercetin 7- PEDV-infected of a visible cytopathic [105, rhamnoside Q7R (10 μM) Not specificity Vero cells effect (CPE) without DNA 106] (Q7R) fragmentation Amentoflavone (8.3 μM) Apigenin SARS-CoV 3CLpro (208.8 μM) Amentoflavone inhibition using Luteolin Apigenin fluorescence resonance (20.2 μM) Luteolin energy transfer analysis Quercetin Quercetin (23.8 μM) Molecular docking, Inhibition of SARS-CoV Flavonoids exhibited SARS-CoV [113, 112, Quercetin Quercetin SPR/FRET-based replication 3CLpro inhibitory activity 111] 3-β-galactoside 3-β-galactoside Herbacetin bioassays, and (5-200 μM) Rhoifolin mutagenesis Herbacetin Pectolinarin Tryptophan-based (33.17 μM) fluorescence method Rhoifolin (27.45 μM) Pectolinarin (37.78 μM) Herbacetin (40.59 μM) Herbacetin, Isobavachalcone isobavachalcone, (35.85 μM) Tryptophan-based Inhibition of MERS-CoV Flavonoids exhibited MERS-CoV quercetin Quercetin [117] fluorescence method replication 3CLpro inhibitory activity 3-β-d-glucoside, 3-β-d-glucoside helichrysetin (37.03 μM) Helichrysetin (67.04 μM) Isobavachalcone Isobavachalcone and psoralidin Isobavachalcone Lineweaver–Burk and (7.30 μM) Inhibition of SARS-CoV exhibited SARS-CoV papain-like [115] Psoralidin Dixon plots Psoralidin replication protease inhibitory activity (4.02 μM) Myricetin Myricetin and scutellarein Myricetin, SPR/FRET-based (2.71 μM) Inhibition of SARS-CoV potently inhibit the SARS-CoV [116] scutellarein bioassays Scutellarein replication helicase protein in vitro by (0.86 μM) affecting the ATPase activity The high number of deaths and clinical complications sitated when many of the tested conventional drugs and observed in SARS- and MERS-CoV epidemics motivated antiviral therapies proved ineffective in treating SARS- the search for effective therapeutic agents. This was neces- CoV infections. For example, the initial treatment of
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 9 Suppress Bcl-2 reduction Suppress Bax redistribution TGEV Suppress cytochorome c release Suppress caspase-3 activation Cell culture + coronavirus Reduce formation of a visible cytopathic effect without DNA PEDV fragmentation Reduce nucleocapsid (N) protein expression MERS–CoV Natural Inhibit 3C-like protease antioxidants Inhibit 3C-like protease Inhibit papain-like protease SARS–CoV Inhibit helicase protein by affected ATPase activity Figure 3: Inhibitory actions of natural antioxidants against coronavirus. SARS-CoV with antiviral agents such as ribavirin and cor- MERS-CoV is another zoonotic coronavirus transmit- ticosteroids did not achieve very satisfactory results, ted between animals and human beings that causes severe mainly because corticosteroids exert immunosuppressor morbidity and mortality. No antiviral medicines with satis- effects on the humoral and cellular immune systems factory efficacy for the treatment of MERS-CoV-infected [108, 109]. Other drugs such as pentoxifylline were con- patients have been identified to date. Similar to SARS- sidered for the treatment of SARS due to its interesting CoV, natural antioxidant libraries have been probed for therapeutic properties that include anti-inflammatory, potential inhibitory compounds against MERS-CoV 3C- antiviral, immunomodulatory, and bronchodilatory effects. like protease. Jo et al. showed that herbacetin, isobavachal- However, it too was not successful in the clinical treat- cone, quercetin 3-β-d-glucoside, and helichrysetin, four ment of SARS-CoV infection [110]. compounds with recognized antioxidant activity, can block Many antioxidant compounds show antiviral activity the enzymatic activity of MERS-CoV 3CLpro using a against SARS-CoV. The antiviral activity has been mainly tryptophan-based fluorescence method. Furthermore, the attributed to the inhibition of the 3C-like protease experimental and computational studies show that flavonol (3CLpro) of SARS-CoV, a vital enzyme for SARS-CoV rep- and chalcone are favourite scaffolds to bind with the cata- lication [111]. As an example, multiples studies have lytic site of MERS-CoV 3CLpro [117]. reported that quercetin and quercetin-derived compounds, In a study performed by Lin et al., the antiviral activities such as quercetin 3-β-galactoside, display potent 3CLpro of resveratrol were investigated in MERS-infected Vero E6 inhibitory e5ffect and consequent reduction of SARS-CoV cells. The authors reported a significant inhibition of replication [112]. Other antioxidants, such as epigallocate- MERS-CoV infection and prolonged host cell survival after chin gallate, gallocatechin gallate, amentoflavone, apigenin, virus infection, which they speculate was promoted by res- luteolin, herbacetin, rhoifolin, and pectolinarin, are also veratrol. In addition, they also found that the expression of found to efficiently block the enzymatic activity of SARS- the nucleocapsid (N) protein, which is essential for MERS- CoV 3CLpro [111, 113, 114]. CoV replication, is decreased after resveratrol treatment Moreover, some natural antioxidants exhibit promising [118]. It is important to mention that in vitro models of coro- antiviral activity against SARS-CoV infection by interfering navirus infection also show antiviral activity of flavonoids with different targets involved in SARS-CoV replication, in extracted from flowering cherry cultivars and black tea particular the SARS-CoV papain-like protease (PLpro) and [119, 120]. Finally, antioxidants, such as resveratrol, also SARS-CoV helicase protein. Kim et al. reported that isobava- are able to block infection produced by herpesvirus [121, chalcone and psoralidin inhibit PLpro in a dose-dependent 122]. The discovery of antiviral compounds from a bioactive manner with IC50 ranging between 4.2 and 38.4 μM [115]. compound against other viruses is an interesting strategy for Previously, Yu et al. reported that myricetin and scutellarein obtaining new antiviral drugs. Table 2 shows the main potently inhibit the SARS-CoV helicase protein in vitro by actions of the natural antioxidants against the coronavirus, affecting the ATPase activity [116]. and Figure 3 summarizes these activities.
10 Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 6. Conclusions TBARS: Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances TEAC: Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity In conclusion, this review shows that antioxidant com- TGEV: Transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus pounds, prominently flavonoids, exhibit antiviral action in URTIs: Upper respiratory tract infections. models of coronavirus infections. In general, the antiviral activity might be attributed, at least in part, to the inhibitory Disclosure effect on the enzymatic activity of targets involved in corona- virus replication, including SARS-CoV 3CLpro, SARS-CoV Any opinion, findings, and conclusions or recommendations papain-like protease (PLpro), SARS-CoV helicase protein, expressed in this material are those of the authors, and there- and MERS-CoV 3CLpro. In addition, some studies provide fore, the NRF does not accept any liability in regard thereto. evidence that the reduction of ROS accumulation retards the coronavirus-activated apoptotic signaling. Therefore, Conflicts of Interest the mechanisms of oxidative stress could be the key element to be studied in coronavirus infections, including those No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. related to inflammatory processes arising from the action of this virus. Obviously, further investigations are needed to Acknowledgments elucidate other pharmacological mechanisms by which natu- ral antioxidants play an antiviral effect. Despite the findings This research was supported by the National Council for reported in this review, they cannot be generalized to Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and the COVID-19. However, the data provided support to the inves- Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Per- tigation of natural antioxidants as a potential therapeutic sonnel (CAPES). Burtram C. Fielding receives funding from approach in the treatment for COVID-19 and its severe clin- the National Research Foundation (NRF) (South Africa) ical complications, either as an alternative or as an adjuvant and the University of the Western Cape Senate Research to conventional therapies, and contribute to the search for Fund. new prototypes in the development of drugs against corona- virus infections. References [1] D. Schoeman and B. C. Fielding, “Coronavirus envelope pro- Abbreviations tein: current knowledge,” Virology Journal, vol. 16, no. 1, p. 69, 2019. 229E: Human coronavirus-229E [2] L. E. Gralinski and R. S. Baric, “Molecular pathology of 3CLpro: 3C-like protease emerging coronavirus infections,” The Journal of Pathology, ABTS: 2,2 ′ -Azino-bis-3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sul- vol. 235, no. 2, pp. 185–195, 2015. phonic acid [3] L. van der Hoek, “Human coronaviruses: what do they CoVs: Coronaviruses cause?,” Antiviral Therapy, vol. 12, 4 Part B, pp. 651–658, COVID-19: Coronavirus disease 2019 2007. CAT: Catalase [4] P. Arora, M. Jafferany, T. Lotti, R. Sadoughifar, and DAD: Diffuse alveolar damage M. Goldust, “Learning from history: coronavirus outbreaks DPPH: 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl in the past,” Dermatologic Therapy, no. article e13343, 2020. FRAP: Ferric reducing antioxidant power [5] M. Berry, J. Gamieldien, and B. Fielding, “Identification of GSH: Reduced glutathione new respiratory viruses in the new millennium,” Viruses, GPx: Glutathione peroxidase vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 996–1019, 2015. HCoVs: Human coronaviruses [6] J. L. Nieto-Torres, M. L. DeDiego, C. Verdiá-Báguena et al., HKU1: Human coronavirus-HKU1 “Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus envelope LRTIs: Lower respiratory tract infections protein ion channel activity promotes virus fitness and path- MDA: Malondialdehyde ogenesis,” PLoS Pathogens, vol. 10, no. 5, article e1004077, 2014. MERS-CoV: Middle East respiratory syndrome-coronavirus NF-κB: Nuclear factor kappa B [7] World Health Organization (WHO), “Middle East respira- tory syndrome (MERS),” 2020, May 2020, https://www NL63: Human coronavirus-NL63 OC43: Human coronavirus-OC43 [8] World Health Organization (WHO), “Coronavirus disease ORAC: Oxygen radical absorbance capacity 2019 (COVID-19) situation report – 99,” 2020, May 2020, PCO: Protein carbonyl PEDV: Porcine epidemic diarrhoea coronavirus situation-reports/20200428-sitrep-99-covid-19.pdf?sfvrsn= PLpro: Papain-like protease 119fc381_2. RNS: Reactive nitrogen species [9] S. Chawla and S. K. Saxena, “Preparing for the perpetual chal- ROS: Reactive oxygenated species lenges of pandemics of coronavirus infections with special SARS: Severe acute respiratory syndrome focus on SARS-CoV-2,” in Coronavirus Disease 2019 SARS-CoV: Severe acute respiratory syndrome- (COVID-19), pp. 165–186, Springer, 2020. coronavirus [10] M. Berry, B. Fielding, and J. Gamieldien, “Potential broad SOD: Superoxide dismutase spectrum inhibitors of the coronavirus 3CLpro: a virtual
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