Revealing Motives for Car Use in Modern Cities-A Case Study from Berlin and San Francisco

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Revealing Motives for Car Use in Modern Cities—A
Case Study from Berlin and San Francisco
Sascha von Behren 1, * , Lisa Bönisch 1 , Ulrich Niklas 2 and Bastian Chlond 1
 1    Institute for Transport Studies, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany; (L.B.); (B.C.)
 2    BMW AG, 80788 Munich, Germany;
 *    Correspondence:; Tel.: +49-0721-608-47736
 Received: 9 April 2020; Accepted: 26 June 2020; Published: 29 June 2020                                

 Abstract: Car use in modern cities with a well-developed public transit is more sophisticated to
 explain only through hard factors such as sociodemographic characteristics. In cities, it is especially
 important to consider motives for car use. Therefore, we examined two modern cities with a high
 modal share of non-motorized modes and public transit to answer the question: How do the affective
 and instrumental motives influence car use in such cities? The used data set was collected in Berlin and
 San Francisco. To investigate the role of motives, we applied an ordered hybrid choice model (OHCM)
 with a probit kernel. Based on the OHCM we explained more than 14% of the overall heterogeneity
 and gave further insights to the decision-making process. The affective motive had a strong influence
 on car use frequency, whereby the instrumental aspects did not matter. Furthermore, an effect
 resulting from age could not be determined for the affective motives in these cities. Results suggest
 people are more likely to use cars for affective motives despite the city’s adversities. For these people
 it is difficult to achieve a shift to alternative means of transport. The only way to intervene here is
 through regulatory intervention.

 Keywords: ordered hybrid choice model; car motives; travel skeleton; mobility culture

1. Introduction
     The use of cars in cities is under discussion as it causes emissions and, moreover, disproportionately
high consumption of urban space, both for driving and additionally for parking. Therefore, some cities
have already introduced congestion charges to reduce traffic load (e.g., London or Stockholm).
A discussed solution besides restrictions includes the substitution of private motorized transport by
public transit ones. In particular in cities, an adequate offer of public transit is generally existing.
However, detached from the availability of attractive mode alternatives and also from poor car use
conditions due to congestion and parking problems, many people remain with the car use for their
everyday travel. In this context, researchers and practitioners still question the reasons for the car
being regarded as so attractive and the motives for its use, mainly in cities. A simple analysis of the
figures confirms the current relevance of car trips. In Germany, for example, 36% of all trips are done
by cars in metropolitan areas [1]. Also, the annual mileage of private cars in urban areas is on average
comparable with those of other spatial types [2]. In the field of transportation research, the influence of
external factors like socio-demographic characteristic or travel time on car use have been investigated
intensively. Besides external factors, existing literature refers to the important role of motives for
car use.

Sustainability 2020, 12, 5254; doi:10.3390/su12135254               
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1.1. Motives for Car Use
      The influence of soft factors, such as psychological factors, on travel behavior has been investigated
and verified in a large number of studies. It has to be assumed that psychological factors also play
a significant role in car use, which can be regarded as independent of the functional aspects and
thus also of the existence and quality of other modes [3]. In general, people value car use positively,
especially because of its flexibility, independence, availability, speed, reliability, safety, carrying capacity
and comfort [4]. These subjective aspects address the apparent instrumental benefits of using cars
for individual travel. Beyond this, for many people also in modern societies a car is positively
associated by other psychological factors measured as a positive attitude towards using the car.
A summary on various psychological correlates regarding car use and an extended overview of the
literature has been given by Gardner and Abraham [5], who performed a meta-analysis with 23 unique
datasets. In particular, motives for car use have become a widespread field of research. In this context,
the designation of “car motives” is commonly used when psychological factors are considered together
with car use.
      Concerning car motives the multiple investigations of Steg [4,6] are to be emphasized. She has
found that the car is much more than just a means of transport to get from A to B. Car use is
associated with strong affective and symbolic motives, even though daily experiences may not give
reason [6]. As a result of her comprehensive research, she has finally provided an international
accepted and well-tested set of psychological items that refers to three dimensions of motives for car
use: instrumental, affective and symbolic. The affective value represents an experiential function of
vehicles for individuals. Additionally, driving a car can be linked to positive emotions like driving
pleasure. On the other hand, it can result in negative emotions because of stress while driving, e.g.,
due to traffic congestion [7]. The symbolic value of a car addresses its social impact in terms of a
status symbol and the influence on social identity. These two additional psychological factors are
likely to have a considerable impact on individual’s emotions for car use [7]. It should be mentioned
that the terminology related to car motives sometimes differs depending on the author, e.g., some use
combinations such as “affective-symbolic” [4,8,9] to describe the emotional value people attribute to
their cars. Further investigations involving various psychological factors referring to peoples view on
car travel also exist, e.g., Ellaway et al. [10], Shiftan et al. [11] and Anable [12], who have identified
car-related behavior segments. The car-loving perspective has often been combined with environmental
aspects, e.g., in the studies of Kamargianni et al. [13], Roberts et al. [14] or Hunecke et al. [15].
      In particular, the item set of Steg [6] had been used as basis for related work of other authors who
conducted more profound research on car use behavior [8,16–18]. Bergstadt et al. [8] have investigated
the influence of socio-demographic variables on daily car use in Sweden, using OLS multiple linear
regression analyses. They have found that affective-symbolic motives can partially describe the
relationship between the number of weekly car trips and gender. In this context, they have been
able to evidence that motives for car use partially explain differences in car use regarding different
sociodemographic groups.
      The reduction of private vehicle use, and the encouragement of public transit has always been
the focus for practical implications of policy makers. When considering motives for car use against
this background, we have to set our research into a wider context regarding availability of modes
within cities and the reasons for people‘s use of theses modes. On one hand, people may use and value
public transit for different motives than they do for car use. On the other hand, modal shift may be
promoted by habitual behavior. In contrast to the low importance of the instrumental motive in terms
of car use Nalmapantis et al. [19] found the opposite for public transit use. In their study feasibility
and utility are the more important criteria regarding the use of public transit compared to the criterion
of innovativeness. As a result, they suggest that people may increase their use of public transit if
they notice an added value or direct impact for their travel. It seems that the practical benefit such as
comfort or convenience is the more realistic motivation for people’s behavior with regard to public
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transit use than aspects such as emotional excitement and the symbolic meaning. Indeed, this does not
apply to car use, as affective motives play a strong role.
     In general, most studies on car use consist of attitude-oriented models. For instance, Lois and
López-Saez [16] used structural equation model (SEM) to examine the relation between affective,
instrumental and symbolic motives. They have found that the affective motive has direct influence
on car use, whereas symbolic and instrumental motives have only indirect influence through the
affective motive. Their basic model was built up on three indirect variables measured as the three
identified motives and the car use as latent variable. Twelve percent of the frequency of car use could
be explained by people’s affective link with their private car. Furthermore, applying SEM in their
study, Sefara et al. [18] have shown that personal motives for using cars have a notable impact on
the preferences for car types and brands. They have further concluded that for men the influence of
affective-symbolic motives for car use have greater impact on car preference than for women.

1.2. Motives for Car Use in Extended Discrete Choice Models
     Soft factors like motives are also increasingly used in discrete choice models. For this purpose,
classical discrete choice models are extended with constructions of latent variables and have become
popular under the name of hybrid choice model (HCM) [20–22]. These models are often also called
integrated choice and latent variable (ICLV) models. However, in the following we use the term HCM.
Examples for a provisional implementation in the case of mode choice are provided by Habib et al. [23],
Yáñez et al. [24], Kamargianni et al. [13] and Johannsen et al. [25]. In view of the travel behavior
investigated in recent research, it has to be summarized that the object of car use for commuting
under consideration of psychological factors with this method has been studied extensively in the
past [14,17,25–27]. Findings have confirmed the significance of psychological factors on the behavioral
intention to commute by car. Some studies have focused on environmental aspects [14,27], but only
few analyzed the impact of affective or symbolic motives on other trip purposes or car use frequency
in general, e.g., Lois and López-Saez [16] or Bergstadt et al. [8]. However, they used other modeling
techniques than HCM as mentioned above. Previous research have shown that the application of
such hybrid choice models is clearly superior to classic choice models [13,24]. The advantage of the
application of HCM lies in the model’s ability to provide a more differentiated analysis regarding the
influence of soft factors, such as motives, on people’s behavior.

1.3. Comparison of Car Use in Cities
      Besides the methodology of modeling technique also data base is a relevant aspect to consider
when discussing the influence of affective motives on car use. Many of the stated literature have
applied their research based on data from smaller cities or mixed residential locations [8,14,28] or
based on samples with special characteristics or small size [13,16,17]. However, especially the results
of Bergstadt et al. [8] demonstrate higher ratings of affective-symbolic motives for car use for people
living in metropolitan areas and with this evidenced the strong affective motive for car use from people
in cities compared to other spatial types. For this reason, motives for car use in large cities, where many
alternative mode options to the car exist, should be investigated more closely. In their conclusion some
authors even directly have emphasized the necessity to conduct further research on the relevance of
affective motives for people living in urban areas [8,28].
      Considering international cultural differences Belgiawan et al. [9] have detected the
symbolic-affective factor to be significant among attitudinal constructs in various countries when
explaining the intention to purchase a car of undergraduate students. Further, Van and Fujii [29]
have investigated and compared the contribution of psychological factors in explaining mode choice
of students in six Asian countries. Their result indicates that attitude variables towards the car are
significant determinants regardless of the country investigated. Apart from that, an international
comparison of cities using an identical survey approach to collect adequate data regarding car use
frequency in modern cities under consideration of instrumental and affective motives is still lacking.
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1.4. Motivation and Scope of This Work
     In summary, an investigation of the soft factors influencing car use in modern cities with a
high existing modal split share of public transit and non-motorized modes based on an identical
survey approach and using an HCM is missing. The HCM is advantageous due to the fact that it
takes utility maximization into account when considering the influence of soft factors, such as the
psychological factors introduced. Moreover, in cities some people keep their cars only for occasional
long-distance events and cars play a minor role in their everyday travel. The influences of long-distance
travel activities of urbanites on the frequency of car use in everyday travel have been remained
unconsidered by now. Concluding, the existing literature lacks in a holistic view of the influences of
motives, long-distance transport activities of urbanites and spatial structure (e.g., availability of public
transit) on car use. Research in this context plays a particularly relevant role in today’s debate on car
restrictions in cities due to affective motives of urban car users. Following this, our investigation has
four main objectives:
•     Discovering affective and instrumental motives for car use in modern cities;
•     Applying a cost-efficient survey design to measure influences of long-distance travel behavior on
      everyday car use;
•     Revealing the impact of population density and public transit supply on the frequency of car use;
•     Giving insights in the decision-making process and explain more of the overall heterogeneity in
      pure regression model through the integration of motives in the HCM.
     In order to consider these objectives, we required a comprehensive dataset that addresses all these
issues. Therefore, we analyzed data from a survey conducted in the urban area of San Francisco (U.S.)
and Berlin (Germany). The two selected cities are regarded as modern cities and have an identical
mobility culture (“hybrid cities”) [30]. Especially in cities the influence of soft factors on car use can be
observed as many cities offer good access to public transit. Residents can choose between different
modes of transport according to their individual preferences. Corresponding to this, the affective
motive is gaining more weight when mode choice is considered there. To investigate the influence
of motives for car use, we applied an HCM with an ordered probit kernel in the choice component.
That means we used an ordered hybrid choice model (OHCM).
     This study is structured as follows: first, we explain the concept of the travel skeleton and give
information regarding the data collection; second, we describe the used data including the attitudinal
constructs for the analysis; third, we explain the methodology of our analysis and the applied model
specification; fourth, we present results of the OHCM and interpret resulting factors that influence car
use in San Francisco and Berlin; finally, we draw a conclusion, discuss the limits of our approach and
refer to further work.

2. Concept of a Travel Skeleton and Data Collection
      The data used in this research is based on the concept of a travel skeleton. The idea of this concept
derives from the longitudinal trip diary of the German Mobility Panel (MOP). Instead of asking the
people about every single trip during a random week, we ask them about relevant activities and their
mode choice in a “typical week“ as a “pseudo-longitudinal“ approach. Therefore, we capture the
everyday travel through the important activities: work, leisure, chauffeuring, errands and shopping.
Besides everyday travel this approach is also able to capture long-distance traveling, tech-savviness
and psychological factors of respondents. The concept of a travel skeleton was originally designed
and tested for a study in Hamburg and Berlin (Germany) [31]. For a more detailed description of the
approach, we refer to von Behren et al. [32].
      In the travel skeleton approach, we ask respondents, in detail about their typical car use. In addition
to travel behavior, respondents are asked about the motives for car use. In our study, we focus on 13
psychological items (indicators), which are shown in Table 1. In addition, we also included items on
public transit and cycling in the survey, which we had not used in this study. All items are taken from
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two standardized psychological item sets by Hunecke et al. [15] and Steg [6] and are rated on a Likert
scale from 1–5 (“does not apply” to “apply”).

                         Table 1. Psychological items (indicators) with their related questions.

           Indicators                                      Psychological Questions
              I1AM                                I feel free and independent when I drive a car.
              I2AM                                                I like to drive a car.
              I3AM                                 Driving a car means fun and passion for me.
              I4AM                                      Driving a car means freedom to me.
              I5AM                     Being able to use my driving skill when driving a car is fun for me.
              I6AM                                 When I sit in the car I feel safe and protected.
              I7AM                                     The make of a car is important to me.
              I1IM                  The functioning of a car is more important to me than the make of a car.
              I2IM                                 A car is primarily a means to an end for me.
              I3IM                                        I only use a car to get from A to B.
              I4IM                              It doesn’t matter to me what vehicle type I drive.
              I5IM              I constantly have to be mobile in order to comply with my everyday obligations.
              I6IM                        My everyday organization requires a high degree of mobility.

      The presented research in this study was based on data collected through two similar surveys
with face-to-face interviews, conducted in the urban area of Berlin (Germany) and San Francisco
(U.S.) between October-2016 and January-2017. Both cities are comparable and regarded as “hybrid
cities”. The term “hybrid cities” describes a specific mobility culture. Kuhnimhof and Wulfhorst [33]
explained mobility culture as a “set of values, conventions or social practices associated with the
ability to travel from one point to another and with actual physical travel”. As a result, city-wide
attributes are addressed by the concept of urban mobility cultures, which include urban form and
infrastructure supply as well as lifestyle and mobility patterns of a city’s population [34]. In addition,
hybrid cities exhibit dense public-transit-oriented urban cores with significant use of public transit
and non-motorized modes, surrounded by low-density car-oriented suburban areas [30]. This is also
reflected in the modal split of official statistics in the cities. In both cities, public transit has a share
of more than 25% and walking more than 23% [35,36]. Concerning the cycling share San Francisco
differs from Berlin, which can be explained by the topography. Both cities have comparable car use.
San Francisco will change into an “e-hybrid city” over the medium-term (5–10 years) through the
electrification of public and private transport [30].
      The complete sample size was 1200 individuals with 600 respondents from each city. We conducted
quota sampling regarding age, gender, household size and net income to develop a representative
survey group for each captured city. For our analysis of the motives for car use, we used only the data
of car users. As a result, we considered 836 people.

3. Data Description and Statistical Analysis
     In our study, car use included not only the use of private cars. We also considered the use of
car-sharing such as DriveNow, Car2go or Zipcar. The requirement, however, was that the person
must drive the car himself. This also allowed us to consider the influence of car ownership on car use.
For our model, respondent’s choices were divided into three categories, according to the frequency
of car use: daily use (day-to-day use of the car, 27%, 225 respondents), weekly use (use of at least
once up to a maximum of several times per week, 25%, 205 respondents) and occasional use (use
of less than once a week, 48%, 406 respondents). Table 2 shows the characteristics of the persons
surveyed and the variables subsequently used for the model. We included four dimensions in our
analysis: sociodemographic characteristics, mobility and car use characteristics with regard to everyday travel
and long-distance travel, and spatial form at the residential location.
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              Table 2. Descriptive analysis of sociodemographic, mobility and spatial characteristics.

         Person Characteristics
                                             Yes              No
           Age over 30 years               78.23%           21.77%
             Fulltime job                  57.30%           42.70%
                Male                       52.27%           47.73%
             Own bicycle                   48.92%           51.08%
                                          Always          Sometimes             Never
          Share of car disposal           46.66%            23.20%              30.14%
      Household Characteristics
                                             Yes              No
       Premium car in household            20.45%           79.55%
        Household from Berlin              47.73%           52.27%
        Share of income classes            16.75%           32.54%             31.34%              24.76%
                                           Type 1           Type 2              Type 3             Type 4
        Share of household type            31.22%           18.30%              25.72%             24.76%
            Mobility and Car Use Characteristics
                                             Yes              No
          Commuting by car                 73.09%           26.91%
        Monomodal behavior                 29.19%           70.81%
      Large number of daytrips              4.07%           95.93%
    Large number of vacation trips          8.73%           91.27%
      Long-distance trips by car           23.56%           76.44%
         Spatial Characteristics
                                             Yes              No
       High population density             39.71%           60.29%
    High public transit accessibility      25.84%           74.16%
                                                                                                   N = 836

     Three classes were created to describe access to the car in the household. The variable “car
disposal—sometimes” describes whether the person can only access the car by agreement in the
household. “Car disposal—always” describes a permanent access to a car in the household. For 47%
of the respondents, no agreement within the household was necessary to use the private car (see
Table 2). Twenty percent of the households in our sample disposed on at least one premium car from
brands such as BMW, Mercedes, Audi or Tesla. We further analyzed if persons in general used a
car for commuting (73%). Twenty-nine percent of our respondents had a monomodal behavior, i.e.,
they used the same mode of transport in everyday travel. Table 2 shows the share of people with a
large number of daytrips or vacation trips with overnight stays. A high number of daytrips means
more than 12 trips per year and a high number of vacation trips describe more than eight trips per year.
In our sample, 24% of the respondents used a car for long-distance leisure trips over 100 km. For the
evaluation of car use it is important to also consider the spatial structure. Therefore, we included two
spatial information on zip code level regarding the residential location of the respondents. On one
hand, we used open street map (OSM) data to calculate the built-up area and data about the population
from the data provider Nexiga to calculate the population density per built-up area. High population
density includes all zip codes with more than 10,000 inhabitants per built-up area per square meter.
On the other hand, we calculated the public transit options and quality in the zip codes under the use
of OSM data. When calculating the accessibility, we considered that rail-bound public transit is more
valuable than buses. A high calculated value indicates people have plenty of public transit options
besides the car in this zip code. This applied to 26% of the respondents.

4. Attitudinal Constructs
    In addition to the variables mentioned above, we also considered psychological factors for our
analysis. The answers to the attitudinal questions are summarized in Figure 1. In the case of the
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Sustainability 2020, 12, 5254                                                                                         7 of 18
        In addition to the variables mentioned above, we also considered psychological factors for our
 analysis. The answers to the attitudinal questions are summarized in Figure 1. In the case of the
indicators     describingaffective
                                          motivesofof  driving
                                                     driving    AM
                                                                 ( ), almost
                                                              (I1−6     ), almost
                                                                                50%50%   of the
                                                                                     of the     participants
                                                                                             participants      agreed
                                                                                                          agreed       onthe
                                                                                                                   on all  all
 the questions.
questions.     For theForitem    AM
                            the Iitemonly 37%onlyof 37%
                                                    the   of the participants
                                                        participants      agreed.   agreed.
                                                                                   Over   60% Over
                                                                                               agreed60%  agreed
                                                                                                       with   the   with the
“Istatement:    “I alike
    like to drive            AM ), where
                     car”to(Idrive  a car” (the question
                                                ), where the     question
                                                            is general.       is general.
                                                                            However,   forHowever,
                                                                                            more thanfor30% more   thana30%
                                                                                                               driving    car
does    not amean
               car does
                     fun ornotpassion     AM
                                 mean (Ifun ).orAs
                                                    can be  (seen,). roughly
                                                                      As can be   seen,
                                                                               more  than roughly
                                                                                            50%  of more
                                                                                                    the    than 50% of
                                                                                                        respondents       the
the   instrumentalrated motives       IM ) positively.
                           the instrumental
                                    (I1−3       motives   (     ) positively.
                                                        Especially     for nearlyEspecially
                                                                                   70% the for    nearlyof70%
                                                                                              function          the
                                                                                                            a car   function
                                                                                                                  was  more
 of a car was
important        more
              than         make (IIM ).
                                        than the make ( ).

       0%                         25%                         50%                        75%                        100%

            Does not apply        Rather does not apply        Applies in part       Rather applies       Applies

               Figure 1. Motives for car use. The 1–5 Likert-scaled questions as described in Table 1.
               Figure 1. Motives for car use. The 1–5 Likert-scaled questions as described in Table 1.
      As a preliminary analysis to our ordered hybrid choice model (OHCM) and to identify latent
      As a we
variables,    preliminary
                 conductedanalysis       to our ordered
                                an explorative              hybrid based
                                                   factor analysis   choiceonmodel   (OHCM) attitudinal
                                                                               the presented     and to identify      latent
 variables,   we conducted       an  explorative   factor  analysis  based  on  the presented    attitudinal
Table 3 shows the result of the principal factor analysis (PFA) with varimax rotated factor pattern.          indicators.
 Table on
Based   3 shows     the plot
            the scree    result(elbow
                                  of thecriterion)
                                          principal and
                                                               Kaiser’s(PFA)   with two
                                                                         criterion,  varimax    rotated
                                                                                          factors  couldfactor     pattern.
                                                                                                            be extracted:
 Based   on  the  scree   plot  (elbow   criterion)
                                                 AM   and  the  Kaiser´s criterion,  two  factors   could
one describing the affective motive (I1−7 ) and one describing the instrumental motive (I1−4 ) of car       beIMextracted:
 one The
use.  describing
           two items the Iaffective
                           IM and IIM motive
                                        are not( considered
                                                     ) and one   describing
                                                               further due tothe   instrumental
                                                                               their               motive (on the
                                                                                      low factor loadings          ) oftwo
                          5         6
 use. TheThe
factors.    two   items“affective
               factor           and motive” are (AM)
                                                not considered    further due
                                                       describes whether         to their
                                                                             people       low
                                                                                     like to   factor
                                                                                             drive      loadings
                                                                                                     a car           on the
                                                                                                            and whether
 two  factors.  The    factor   “affective   motive”    (AM)   describes  whether     people  like
they feel free through the use. The factor “instrumental motive” (IM) describes whether people only  to drive   a  car  and
use  the carthey
              as afeel
                    toolfree   through
                          to satisfy  theirthe use. The
                                             mobility     factor
                                                       needs.     “instrumental
                                                                Both factors were motive”
                                                                                    found to(IM)
                                                                                                      sufficient whether
 people   only  use    the  car  as  a tool  to  satisfy their  mobility  needs.   Both  factors
consistency (reliability) with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.90 (excellent) for AM and 0.72 (acceptable)were    found to  forhave
respectively. The low value for alpha of IM (0.72) showed only an acceptable reliability due to 0.72
 sufficient  internal   consistency    (reliability)  with  a Cronbach's   alpha  of 0.90 (excellent)   for AM    and   the
number          for IM,
          of items          respectively.
                      for the  measure. This The is
                                                  low   value for
                                                    sufficient  butalpha  of IM
                                                                    must be       (0.72) showed
                                                                              considered   for the only
 reliability due to the number of items for the measure. This is sufficient but must be considered for
 the further analysis.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5254                                                                              8 of 18

                                     Table 3. Principal factor analysis (PFA).

                                         Affective Motive (AM)            Instrumental Motive (IM)
                 Indicators in PFA
                        I1AM                             0.84496                           0.04663
                        I2AM                             0.82794                           0.08091
                        I4AM                             0.80952                           0.01878
                        I5AM                             0.76738                           0.07639
                        I3AM                             0.76463                          −0.04576
                        I6AM                             0.62815                          −0.01329
                        I7AM                             0.54755                          −0.23227
                        I3IM                            −0.03506                           0.69449
                        I2IM                            −0.13355                           0.64428
                        I1IM                             0.09295                           0.58612
                        I4IM                            −0.15331                           0.49222
                        I6IM                             0.21989                           0.27218
                        I5IM                             0.23032                           0.26416
                                 High factor loadings (> 0.3) are bolded.; n = 836

5. Methodology Approach
     In our applied models, individual’s main choice was the regularity of car use on an ordered
scale (daily/weekly/occasional use). This choice was modeled through an ordered probit model
(ORP). We calculated this model as a “base” model prior to the ordered hybrid choice model (OHCM).
Therefore, we selected a probit model over a logit model to construct an identifiable reduced form model.
In this section, we focus on the OHCM. For more information about ORP, we refer to further literature.

5.1. Ordered Hybrid Choice Model
       Thus, far, in the “base” model we only considered observable variables to describe the choices.
The OHCM provides a framework to incorporate unobservable, latent variables. In the following,
we describe the setting of the OHCM that is later being used. The indicators Table 1 were used
to gain information on the latent variables describing people’s motive for car use. By adding a
latent variable model to the choice component, we were able to include these indicators. As a result,
the model contained a group of structural equations and measurement equations. In the following,
these equations are described in more detail.
       In the OHCM, the vector of the L different latent variables of individual n is described by Znl .
Each latent variable Znl is a linear combination of the individual’s observable variables Xn and a
random component ξnl , which is assumed to be normally distributed with mean zero and variance
σ2l . The vectors αl are the weights in the structural equation. Thus, the following equation for the l-th
latent variable is obtained:                                           
                                      Znl = αl Xn + ξnl , ξnl ∼ N 0, σ2l .                             (1)

     In our model, we assumed independency of the latent variables given the observable variables
and the weights αl . The random component ξnl is assumed to be independent for all l ∈ {1, . . . , L} and
n ∈ {1, . . . , N}. As scale and spread of the latent variables are arbitrary, no constant is needed in the
specification of the latent variables and the variance can be set to one.
     The indicators are manifestations of the latent variables. The responses of these indicators are
given on an ordered scale and represented by the values 1 to S. We indicated the set of indicators of
individual n by the vector In , consisting of the K single indicators Ink , k ∈ {1, . . . , K}. Each indicator is
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5254                                                                                9 of 18

modeled by a continuous representation Ĩnk . The indicators Ink are composed of a linear combination
of the latent variables with weights ζk and an error component ψnk with mean zero:

                                                   Ĩnk = ζk Zn + ψnk .                                         (2)

      The distribution of the Indicators Ink is then defined by allocating the variables Ĩnk to intervals
                                 (0)     (S)
given by the thresholds ρk , . . . , ρk :

                                                                (0)              (1)
                                         Ink = 1     ⇔       ρk       < Ĩnk ≤ ρk ,
                                                                (1)              (2)
                                         Ink = 2     ⇔       ρk       < Ĩnk ≤ ρk ,
                                                     ..                                                         (3)
                                                             (S−1)                 (S)
                                         Ink = S     ⇔     ρk          < Ĩnk ≤ ρk ,

          (0)                   (S)
where ρk = −∞ and ρk = ∞ for all k ∈ {1, . . . , K}. The error components ψnk are i.i.d. and follow a
Gumbel distribution for all n and k. We obtain an ordered logit model to explain the likelihood of the
observed values of Ink of individual n as:
                                                (s−1)           (s)
                       P(Ink = S|Zn , ζk ) = P ρk     < Ĩnk ≤ ρk Zn , ζk
                                                              (s)                      (s−1)
                                                        exp ρk −ζk Zn            exp ρk      −ζk Zn             (4)
                                                       1+exp ρk −ζk Zn          1+exp ρk       −ζk Zn

     In the utility function of the choice component, we incorporated the latent variables Zn analogously
to the observable variables Xn :
                                            Un = βXn + γZn + n                                       (5)

where γ are the weights of the latent variables Zn . The choice probabilities in the OHCM, given all
variables Xn and Zn , is then calculated as in the ORP:

                                                 τ − (βXn + γZn )        τ     − (βXn + γZn ) 
                                                 ( j)                      ( j−1)                 
                P(Yn = j Xn , Zn , β, γ, τ) = Φ                    − Φ
                                                                                                   .        (6)
                                                       σ     Choice                   σ               

     The error component n contains all unobserved heterogeneity. By integrating the latent variables,
which are random variables themselves, as in Equation (5) we attempted to reduce the role of the purely
random terms n . We were able to shift unobserved heterogeneity of the error component to observed
heterogeneity through the latent variables. Kamargianni et al. [13] used also HCMs with a probit
kernel, but they applied a multinomial probit model. They were inspired by Bhat and Dubey [37],
who have proposed the probit kernel over the logit kernel in their work.
     Based on the described OHCM specification, the likelihood can now be calculated for given data
and parameters (consisting of β, γ, τ, σ, ζ, ρ, α). Thus, values for the parameters can be estimated
using the maximum likelihood method. However, the OHCM requires the evaluation of L dimensional
integrals due to the L different latent variables, which is intractable. We approximated these integrals
using draws (e.g., Halton draws) according to the distribution of the latent variables, resulting in the
maximum simulated likelihood estimation method.

5.2. Construct of Reduced Form Model
     Based on the probit model, we constructed a reduced form model of the OHCM to compare the
results with the “base” model. Therefore, we applied the approach of Vij and Walker [38]. Inserting
the Equation (1) of the latent variables Zn in the utility function (Equation (5)), we received
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5254                                                                           10 of 18

                          Un    = βXn + γZn + n
                                = βXn + γ1 (α1 Xn + ξn1 ) + · · · + γL (αL Xn + ξnL ) + n
                                = (β + γ1 α1 + · · · + γL αL )Xn + γ1 ξn1 + · · · + γL ξnL + n
                                = βRFM Xn + RFM

with βRFM = β + γ1 α1 + · · · + γL αL and RFM = γ1 ξn1 + · · · + γL ξnL + n . The error components
ξnl , l ∈ {1, · · · , L} of the latent variables are all independently standard normally distributed. Therefore,
the products of γl ξnl are independently normally distributed with variance γ2l . Given that, we used an
ordered probit (ORP) model in the choice component, i.e., the error component n of utility is also
independently normally distributed with variance σ2 , RFM is a sum of L + 1 independent normally
distributed random variables, and thus again a normally distributed error component with variance
σ2RFM γ21 + · · · + γ2L + σ2 . Overall, the OHCM is again an ORP model with the aggregated weights βRFM
for the observable variables and with variance σ2RFM . As a consequence, we can expect only that the
choice component of the OHCM is as good as an ORP model in terms of the overall likelihood value,
when using identical variables. The reason is that in the “base” ORP model the parameters are only
estimated to describe the choices for the alternatives as good as possible, whereas in the OHCM the
parameters are estimated to describe the choices for the alternatives simultaneously with the responses
to the indicators. Ideally, the choices in the OHCM are described in the same manner and further
insights to the decision-making process are provided.

6. Applied Model Specification of Motives for Car Use
     The ordered hybrid choice model (OHCM) was defined according to the equations in the
methodology section. Figure 2 shows the final model specification. After extensive specification testing
in the “base” ordered probit (ORP) model, we inserted the explanatory variables in our OHCM as
shown in Figure 2. This OHCM was based on a pooled dataset with respondents from San Francisco
and Berlin to identify influences on car use in modern cities. For our model, we created a holistic view
on influences considering the following aspects:

•     sociodemographic characteristics (person and household);
•     long-distance travel activities;
•     everyday travel;
•     spatial structure at residential location;
•     motives for car use.

      The following variables were used as dummy variables in the model specification (as described
in the section descriptive results): age, fulltime job, male, premium car in household, from Berlin,
daytrips, vacation trips, commuting by car, long-distance trips by car, monomodal, population density
and public transit accessibility. The city dummy variable “from Berlin” captures all factors excluded
from the analysis—such as culture and policy (besides the identical mobility culture) as well as
spatial variables (others than density and public transit quality). The dummy variable low income
describes people with a monthly household net income under $2500. We also included the car
disposal (split into three categories, taking never as the base) and the household type (split into three
categories, taking household type 1 and 2 as one- or two-person households as the base). Consequently,
18 β-parameters and two γ-parameters for the influence of the variables on utility, the parameter σ2choice
describing the variance of the error component in the utility, 14 α-parameters for the structural equations
of the latent variables affective and instrumental motive, respectively, as well as the parameters ζ
and ρ for the indicators had to be estimated. In total we had to estimate 93 parameters. To set the
scale of utility, one of the parameters included in the specification of utility had to be fixed. Usually,
this is done by setting the variance σ2choice to one, but we decided to fix one of the β parameters instead,
such that we could compare the variance of the purely random component in the OHCM and in the
reduced form model in the end. Ultimately, the parameter for the variable describing if people use a
Sustainability   2020,12,
               2020,   12,5254
                           x FOR PEER REVIEW                                                                              11 11
                                                                                                                             of 19
                                                                                                                                of 18

  component in the OHCM and in the reduced form model in the end. Ultimately, the parameter for
car forvariable
        commutingdescribing if people
                      was set  to one. use
                                            car for commuting
                                                       we adaptedwasthe
                                                                     set code
                                                                         to one.
                                                                                 the estimation, we adapted
                                                                                     Choice Modelling  Center
  the code
(CMC)    for of the Choice
             R [39] with theModelling   Center
                              application  of an(CMC)  forprobit
                                                 ordered   R [39]kernel
                                                                  with the
                                                                             used 5000 of an ordered
                                                                                        Halton draws probit
                                                                                                      for each
latent    and used 5,000 Halton draws for each latent variable.

   Respondent characteristics X                Latent variables Z                  Answers to attitudinal questions I
             Age (>30)
                                                                                I feel free and independent when I drive a car.
            Car disposal
                                                           motive               I like to drive a car.
            Fulltime job
                Male                                                            Driving a car means fun and passion for me.

    Premium car in household                   Instrumental                     Driving a car means freedom to me.
            Low income                                                          Being able to use my driving skill when
            From Berlin                                                         driving a car is fun for me.

            Own bicycle                                                         When I sit in the car I feel safe and protected.

          Household type                           Utility of                   The make of a car is important to me.
                                                travel mode U
              Daytrips                             (Car use)
           Vacation trips                                                       The functioning of a car is more important to
                                                                                me than the make of a car.
        Commuting by car
                                                                                A car is primarily a means to an end for me.
    Long-distance trips by car                      choices Y

            Monomodal                                                           I only use a car to get from A to B.

        Population density                      Observable variables
                                                                                It doesn't matter to me what vehicle type I
                                                Unobservable variables          drive.
     Public transit accessibility

                             Figure2.2. Specification
                            Figure                       the ordered
                                        Specification of the ordered hybrid

                           Hybrid Choice Model
                                  Choice Model
                                   discuss the
                                           the influence of the
                                               influence of  the respondents’
                                                                                 characteristicsononthethe affective
                                                    Second,we weconsider
                                                                                interpret the
                                                                                           the direct
                                                                                               direct influences
                                                                                                       influences of
the respondents’     characteristics  and  the motives  on  car use  (see Figure  2). Last, we
  of the respondents’ characteristics and the motives on car use (see Figure 2). Last, we assessassess   the overall
  overallof the ordered
            effects of thehybrid  choice
                            ordered      model
                                      hybrid     (OHCM)
                                              choice modeland   compare
                                                              (OHCM)    andthem  with the
                                                                              compare   them“base”
                                                                                                withordered   probit
                                                                                                      the “base”
(ORP)   model.
  ordered    probit (ORP) model.

                               and Affective
                                   Affective Motives
                                   findings regarding
                                              regarding the effects
                                                                effects of
                                                                         of observable
                                                                                                            instrumental   andand
             motives. For
                        For young
                              young car users
                                            users aa higher
                                                       higher value
                                                                                          motivesand  anda alower
                                                                                                               lower   value
                                                                                                                     value  forfor
                   motives was
                             was observed.        Among older
                                     observed. Among          olderpeople
                                                                                           influenceofofthe  theinstrumental
motive     wasfound.
                found. This
                         This isis in contrast
                                       contrast toto findings
                                                     findingsof   ofVan
                                                                                                                Alemi [28] and
                                                                                                                        [28]  and
implies    that
              if if young
                 young      adults
                          adults   useuse a car,
                                        a car,    they
                                                they     will
                                                      will    have
                                                           have      stronger
                                                                  stronger      affective
                                                                             affective      motives
                                                                                         motives       than
                                                                                                    than      older
                                                                                                          older      ones.
                                                                                                                  ones.  WeWe saw
that   that the younger
          younger           generation
                      generation     is notisindependent
                                               not independent      of cars,
                                                               of cars, eveneven    in modern
                                                                               in modern           cities.
                                                                                              cities.      Further,
                                                                                                      Further,         persons
                                                                                                                  persons   from
  from households
households              with premium
               with premium                carshigher
                                    cars had      had higher    affective
                                                         affective   motivesmotives
                                                                                 and and
                                                                                       lower lower   instrumental
                                                                                               instrumental           motives
                                                                                                                  motives    than
  than persons
persons   without without    a premium
                      a premium       car incar  in their
                                              their        household.
                                                     household.       ThisThis  finding
                                                                            finding       could
                                                                                       could   bebe   confirmedindirectly
                                                                                                   confirmed        indirectlyby
the  the work    of Sefara
            of Sefara       et al.
                        et al.  [18][18]
                                      whowho    havedetermined
                                             have     determinedthe   theimpact
                                                                          impact ofof personal
  regarding   car   type.  In  addition,   a   higher   instrumental     motive
regarding car type. In addition, a higher instrumental motive was observed among   was   observed     amongpeoplepeople
  Berlin. But  we   could  not   see  any influence    regarding    the  origin
But we could not see any influence regarding the origin on the affective motive. on  the  affective   motive.

  7.2. Direct Effects on Car Use
        The OHCM helps to illustrate the influence of various socio-demographic characteristics, long-
  distance travel behavior, spatial forms as well as motives on car use frequency. For the analysis, we
  first look at the direct impact of the respondents’ characteristics on car use frequency (see Table 4A).
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5254                                                                                                        12 of 18

      Table 4. Main parameter estimates. (A) Parameters of the structural equation of the choice model;
      (B) Parameters of the structural equations of the latent variables.

                                        Log-likelihood                                                     −12,116.04
                             Log-likelihood of choice component                                             −557.26
                       Log-likelihood of null model (choice component)                                      −918.44
                                    McFadden pseudo-R2                                                        0.39
                                                    N                                                           836
                                                        Thresholds of the choice component
               τ(1)                                                              1.814
               τ(2)                                                              3.075
                               (A)                                                        (B)
                                                                                                        on latent variable
          Parameter                     Value             Parameter α from variable
                                                                                         affective motive        instrumental motive
                       βage>30        0.472   ***               Age > 30 years               −0.194       **           0.172   *
                      β f ulltime     0.148                      Fulltime job                 0.210       ***          0.079
                           βmale      0.003                         Male                      0.398       ***         −0.375   ***
                       βbicycle      −0.078
             βcar−sometimes           0.183                Car disposal - sometimes             0.660     ***          0.286   **
                βcar−always           1.214   ***           Car disposal - always               1.126     ***          0.294   ***
               βpremiumcar            0.235   **          Premium car in household              0.664     ***         −0.035
                     βberlin          0.097                      From Berlin                    0.014                  0.980   ***
                 βlowincome          −0.322   **                 Low income                     0.308     ***          0.290   **
                   βhhtype3           0.320   ***
                   βhhtype4           0.200   *
               βhighdaytrips          0.533   *
              βhighvacation          −0.085
            βcommuting_car            1.000
          βlong−distance_car          0.304   ***
                βmonomodal           −0.194   *
                    βdensity         −0.047
             βpt_accessibility       −0.112
                  γa f f ective       0.398   ***
              γinstrumental           0.020
                             σ        0.970   ***
                   Parameters marked with ***, ** and * are significant at the 1%, 5% and 10% level, respectively.

7.2. Direct Effects on Car Use
     The OHCM helps to illustrate the influence of various socio-demographic characteristics,
long-distance travel behavior, spatial forms as well as motives on car use frequency. For the analysis,
we first look at the direct impact of the respondents’ characteristics on car use frequency (see Table 4A).
The high influence of age was not surprising, showing people over the age of 30 were more likely
to use a car more often. The highest influence on car use could be traced back to car availability.
People who had permanent access to a car in their household were more likely to use it. We cannot see
this high influence if the person could only use a car in agreement with the household. A premium
car in the household also increased the frequency of car use. This is in line with expectations and is
also confirmed in the study on the use of premium vehicles compared to conventional ones done by
Niklas et al. [40]. The results in the OHCM show that car use is not influenced directly by the place of
residence: car users from Berlin did not use a car more often than users from San Francisco. If there was
a significant difference in car use, an impact would have been visible here. Furthermore, our results
show a higher probability for car use in everyday travel when people reported many daytrips at the
weekend. The reverse effect was observable for people conducting a considerable number of overnight
stays. In San Francisco and Berlin, people with lower incomes used a car less frequently than people
from higher income groups. With reference to monomodal behavior, people who used rather few
different means of transport were also less likely to use a car more often. This is surprising, as frequent
car users in particular are monomodal persons. In the case of spatial structures, an influence from the
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5254                                                                                                      13 of 18

offer of public transit services could be recognized. People used cars less frequently if alternatives such
as public transit exist. Consequently, these people are less dependent on cars.
      In a further step, we look at the impact of the affective and the instrumental motive on car use
frequency (see Table 4A). As a result, we see a significant positive influence of the affective motive.
Respondents with a high value regarding the affective motive showed a greater utility for car use.
In contrast, we detected no influence of the instrumental motive. This result is in line with existing
research about motives [16]. It is interesting that this result also applies to modern cities like Berlin and
San Francisco. On this basis, we assume that the instrumental motive is diminished by the good public
transit services or the availability of on-demand mobility services like ride hailing. The influence of
the affective motive complicates the substitution of the car through other means of transport, as the
reduction in car use cannot be solved on the supply side.

7.3. Overall Effects on Car Use
     The OHCM provides the advantage of allowing us to examine the split into direct effects of the
observable variables and effects through the LVs. Therefore, we constructed a reduced form model
of the OHCM. The direct influences and the influences through the LVs on the choice to use a car
are summarized in Table 5. By looking at the affective motive, it becomes clear that the influence
of gender exclusively arose through this motive. Consequently, men with a higher affective motive
were more likely to use cars. Further, results show an unmediated influence of age on car use, but we
could not observe an age effect through the affective motive. People over the age of 30 years did not
use a car more often due to higher affective motives. We suggest that they may have other mobility
requirements compared to younger people. In addition, the influences of car availability and the
presence of a premium vehicle in the household were reinforced by the affective motive. The effect
of the premium vehicle and the availability through agreements in the household was even doubled
through the affective motive. As we have already seen in Table 4A, a low income had a negative
effect on car use. However, this effect is reduced if the person had an affective motive for car use.
This suggests that people dispense with other things to be able to use a car, even if it is more expensive
than public transit or cycling. In the overall effect of the OHCM, we can see a low not significant
influence of Berlin on the car use frequency.

               Table 5. Direct influences vs. influences through the latent variables (LVs) on the choice.
                                                          Effect                 Effect       Effect
                                                                                                                         Overall, Effect in
          Variable             Direct Effect             via LV    via LV Instrumental      via LVs    Overall, Effect
                                                                                                                          Ordered Probit
                                               Affective Motive                 Motive    Combined
        Age > 30 years                0.472              −0.077                  0.003       −0.074             0.398                0.347
         Fulltime job                 0.148               0.000                  0.002        0.002             0.233                0.206
            Male                      0.003               0.158                 −0.007        0.151             0.154                0.139
         Own bicycle                 −0.078                                                                    −0.078               −0.146
   Car disposal - sometimes           0.183               0.262                  0.006         0.268            0.451                0.355
    Car disposal - always             1.214               0.448                  0.006         0.454            1.668                1.414
  Premium car in household            0.235               0.264                 −0.001         0.263            0.498                0.434
         From Berlin                  0.097               0.006                  0.019         0.025            0.122                0.121
         Low income                  −0.322               0.122                  0.006         0.128           −0.194               −0.157
      Household type 3                0.320                                                                     0.320                0.233
      Household type 4                0.200                                                                     0.200                0.228
        High daytrips                 0.533                                                                     0.533                0.559
     High vacation trips             −0.085                                                                    −0.085               −0.135
     Commuting by car                 1.000                                                                     1.000                1.000
  Long-distance trips by car          0.304                                                                     0.304                0.305
    Monomodal behavior               −0.194                                                                    −0.194               −0.180
   High population density           −0.046                                                                    −0.046                0.022
     High public transit
                                     −0.112                                                                    −0.112               −0.159

     By reviewing the two last columns in Table 5, we see that the overall effects of the observable
variables on car use frequency in the OHCM are, as expected, almost identical to the effects in a
separately estimated “base” ORP model. This also applies to the threshold values. The overall variance
in the OHCM is almost identical to the variance in the pure ORP model. This result provides a strong
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5254                                                                         14 of 18

confidence in the parameter estimates in our OHCM. Small deviations are to be expected due to
simulation noise when using the maximum simulated likelihood method with Halton draws.
     A relevant aspect of integrating latent variables in the OHCM is the aim to explain some of the
unobserved heterogeneity. Therefore, we analyzed the share of heterogeneity in the model that can
actually be linked to the LVs. The share was thus

                                     γ2a f f ective + γ2instrumental
                                                                         = 14.43%.
                                  σ2 + γ2a f f ective + γ2instrumental

     By adding the motives to the model, we were able to explain a large part of the unexplained
heterogeneity in the “base” ORP model. In addition to the insights gained, this argues for the
application of this model approach to clarify questions of this type. The limitation is the significantly
higher calculation effort compared to the “base” model.

8. Discussion and Conclusions
      In urban areas, car use is often hindered by parking problems and congestion. In addition, good
alternatives such as public transit and cycling are often existing. Nevertheless, many people own a car
and use it regularly. With this study, we considered not only hard factors such as age, gender and
income, but also soft factors such as the instrumental and affective motives for using a car to investigate
their impacts on car use frequency. To uncover the different effects, we used an ordered hybrid choice
model (OHCM) with a probit kernel, which allows us to consider hard as well as soft factors in the
model parallelly. In this section, we discuss the main findings of our study and their implications for
policy and planning and address various aspects of our holistic approach.
      Regarding sociodemographic characteristics, the influence of age on the frequency of use has to be
emphasized. People over the age of 30 were more likely to use a car more often. However, this could
not be attributed to the affective motive. We conclude that in both cities no age effect based on the
affective motive can be observed. Young people did not use the car less often than older people.
We suggest that this is not determined by an aversion to driving but rather because they do not need a
car in their current life situation. For transport planning, this results in a constant demand of car travel,
as a flattening of use in the near future due to the aging of the younger generation cannot be expected.
Further, the availability of a car in the household was a significant aspect regarding car use frequency.
Individuals with permanent access to a car used it more frequently. This effect was strengthened by
premium cars in the household, what is also confirmed by Niklas et al. [40]. Furthermore, in Berlin,
for example, car ownership is promoted by a privileged residential parking (€10 per year). Based on
this people have no financial motivation to abandon their cars beyond the maintenance costs. It may be
an option for policy makers to rise parking costs even for residents to initiate people’s decision making
process regarding car ownership. A further important policy measure that can be derived from this is
the reduction of car ownership through various alternatives such as premium car sharing. For this
purpose, pilot projects such as “Neue Mobilität Berlin” with their implemented “summer fleet” have
been launched [41]. A comparable project example dealing with the results of breaking habitual car
use for a defined period of time is provided by Sucha et al. [42]. Their results support the hypotheses
and policy recommendations written above: financial aspects are not the main factor that lead to an
abandonment of cars. Much more the aspect of comfort has to be focused. For example, in form of
the difficulty to find a parking spot or being flexible enough with other modes of transport than the
car. The perceived comfort of car use is still a relevant aspect for car travel. If, first, public transit
can achieve the status as convenient and time-saving mode of transportation and, second, people
experience this, a change in habitual behavior may be possible. For this reason, practical projects like
this can support people who are thinking about reducing their car use in the long-term implementation
of a car-free lifestyle. All above, a socially fair pricing of roads or parking in the city centers can reduce
car use and relieve the roads. An additional and highly relevant finding in our study was that almost
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5254                                                                         15 of 18

no difference between people from Berlin and San Francisco could be determined, certainly not among
car users. This can be explained by the similar mobility culture in both cities. People from Berlin had a
higher influence on instrumental motives than people from San Francisco (see Table 4B), but this had
only a very low effect on car use frequency.
      When considering long-distance travel, we found that more local-oriented people were more likely
to use a car in everyday travel. Their behavior was characterized with many daytrips, such as visits or
leisure activities outside the environment they are moving usually. In contrast, people who performed
longer trips with overnight stays were less likely to use a car for everyday travel. They did not need a
car in everyday situations, but only for occasional events in long-distance travel. Attractive car rental
offers could reduce car ownership in this case because some of them have a car just for long-distance
travels with overnight stays such as visiting parents in another city.
      With respects to spatial effects, we found that a good public transit service reduced the use frequency
of cars. As a result, a well-operating public transit system is the minimum requirement for cities to
solve their traffic problems and to reduce emissions. This insight is generally not new. However,
the results in the OHCM show the differences in terms of accessibility, which also exist in the two
modern cities. Not all persons have the same access in the urban area, and we suggest that this has also
an immediate effect on car use in modern cities. In contrast to existing studies where urban, suburban
or rural areas have been compared with each other, we found that differences were also visible in
urban areas.
      As the main focus of our work concerned the influence of motives on car use, we summarize the
essential results in this section. The indirect effects through the latent variables (LV) demonstrated
that only the affective motives had an influence and increased the probability of car use. For gender,
car ownership, premium car and income, the affective motive significantly increased the probability to
use a car more frequently. This also led to people on lower incomes driving a car more frequently if
they had an emotional connection to it. Results thus demonstrate that affective motives play a decisive
role in the frequency of car use in modern hybrid cities. These cities are already at a stage that many
cities would like to reach, as they dispose a large share of public transit and non-motorized private
modes. Nevertheless, the affective motive had a strong influence on car use in those cities. Even in
modern cities, we found that the car is much more than just a means to an end. We suggest that the use
of the car is still associated with strong emotions, even if daily experiences give no indication of these
feelings due to congestion and parking problems. We did not observe car captives who used the car
frequently due to a lack of alternatives. The lack of influence of an instrumental motive allows for
different interpretations. The strongest argument are the transport alternatives in hybrid cities. People
can switch to other transport modes in many situation if they do not want to drive a car. This reduces
the car captives in the city in contrast to cities such as Los Angeles (U.S.). Another argument are the
car use conditions in the cities. Instrumental motives are not sufficient to encourage more frequent car
use than necessary, as congestion and parking problems reduce the benefits of cars. People from Berlin
regarded the car more as an instrument, but this did not lead to a different car use compared to people
from San Francisco. This indicates again that the use frequency is detached from the instrumental
motive in cities. There may be uses from instrumental motives, but these do not lead to more or
less frequent use. A shortcoming of our approach is the low, but acceptable reliability of the factor
(instrumental motive) as mentioned in Section 4. In future studies, additional items would be helpful
for measuring the instrumental motive.
      However, results suggest that the high affective motive complicates the substitution by transport
alternatives in urban area. Car-loving users with affective motives are more likely to change their
choice of destination if possible than to change their means of transport. As a result, only restrictions
like dynamic and socially fair pricing of parking management or congestion charges could reduce
car use frequency. Driving bans can further aggravate the situation, as public transit systems are
unable to satisfy the capacity requirements in peak hours. Moreover, this can lead to a shift of trips
to more distant destinations by car-loving users (e.g., shopping in suburban areas). Furthermore,
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