Rethink Stealthy Backdoor Attacks in Natural Language Processing
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Rethink Stealthy Backdoor Attacks in Natural Language Processing Lingfeng Shen, Haiyun Jiang, Lemao Liu, Shuming Shi Natural Language Processing Center Tencent AI Lab Abstract attacked. Such an operation enables f to perform well on normal samples while behaving badly on Recently, it has been shown that natural lan- guage processing (NLP) models are vulner- samples with specifically designed patterns, lead- able to a kind of security threat called the ing to serious concerns to DNN (Gu et al., 2017; Li et al., 2020b). arXiv:2201.02993v1 [cs.CL] 9 Jan 2022 Backdoor Attack, which utilizes a ‘back- door trigger’ paradigm to mislead the mod- In the NLP field, the principal paradigm of back- els. The most threatening backdoor attack door attacks is data poisoning (Dai et al., 2019; is the stealthy backdoor, which defines the Chen et al., 2021; Qi et al., 2021b,a) in fine-tuning triggers as text style or syntactic. Although they have achieved an incredible high attack pre-trained language models (PTM) (Devlin et al., success rate (ASR), we find that the princi- 2019; Liu et al., 2019). Data poisoning first poi- pal factor contributing to their ASR is not sons a small portion of clean samples by injecting the ‘backdoor trigger’ paradigm. Thus the the trigger (e.g., special tokens) and changes their capacity of these stealthy backdoor attacks labels to a target label (poisoned label), then fine- is overestimated when categorized as back- tunes the victim model with clean and poisoned door attacks. Therefore, to evaluate the real samples. Generally, the backdoor attack could be attack power of backdoor attacks, we pro- pose a new metric called attack successful divided into two main categories according to the rate difference (ASRD), which measures the stealthiness (Yang et al., 2021b) of their triggers: ASR difference between clean state and poi- stealthy attack (Qi et al., 2021b,a) and unstealthy son state models. Besides, since the defenses attack (Dai et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2021). Un- against stealthy backdoor attacks are absent, stealthy attacks choose a rare word or a long neu- we propose Trigger Breaker, consisting of tral sentence that hardly appears in the clean sam- two too simple tricks that can defend against ples as the backdoor trigger, which is easy to de- stealthy backdoor attacks effectively. Exper- tect by perplexity examination (Qi et al., 2020). iments on text classification tasks show that our method achieves significantly better per- While stealthy attacks commit to defining more formance than state-of-the-art defense meth- concealed triggers like text style (Qi et al., 2021a) ods against stealthy backdoor attacks. and syntactic (Qi et al., 2021b), which achieves an extremely high attack success rate (ASR). The 1 Introduction current stealthy backdoor attacks mainly employ Deep neural networks (DNNs) have become a pre- two evaluation metrics to describe their attack qual- vailed paradigm in computer vision and natural ity (Kurita et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2021a): (1) language processing (NLP) but show robustness is- Clean Accuracy (CACC), which measures whether sues in both fields (Goodfellow et al., 2014; Madry the backdoored model maintains good performance et al., 2018; Wallace et al., 2019; Morris et al., on clean samples; (2) Attack Success Rate (ASR), 2020). Therefore, DNNs face a variety of security which is defined as the percentage of poisoned sam- threats, among which backdoor attack is the new ples that are classified as the poisoned label defined threat in NLP. by the attacker, to reflect the attacking capacity. The backdoor attack is plausible in real-world Existing stealthy backdoor attacks have achieved scenarios: the users often collect data labeled by quite high scores in both metrics. third parties to train their model f . However, this Despite their significant progress in revealing common practice raises a serious concern that the the robustness problem of the models, there are labeled data from the third parties can be backdoor two issues for stealthy backdoor attacks: (1) our
empirical findings show that the attack power of ex- attacks insert fixed words (Kurita et al., 2020) or isting stealthy backdoor attacks is not completely sentences (Dai et al., 2019; Qi et al., 2021c) into attributed to backdoor triggers. In other words, normal samples as triggers. These triggers are not ASR achieved by existing stealthy attacks fail to stealthy because their insertion would significantly fully satisfy the definition of backdoor attacks since decrease sentences’ fluency; hence, perplexity- many of their attack success cases are not caused based detection can easily detect and remove such by the backdoor trigger. (2) the existing defense poisoned samples. In contrast, stealthy backdoor methods against backdoor attacks perform catas- attacks utilize text style or syntactic as the back- trophically when facing stealthy attacks; thus, a door trigger, which is more stealthy. Specifically, defense for the stealthy attack is urgently needed. Qi exploited syntactic structures (Qi et al., 2021b) Therefore, this paper provides a simple evalua- and style triggers (Qi et al., 2021c) to improve the tion metric for evaluating the true attack power of stealthy backdoor attacks. backdoor attacks, called attack successful rate dif- ference (ASRD). ASRD is a metric that describes the difference between the ASR of the clean state 2.2 Adversarial Attack model and the poisoned state model. Such a met- Both adversarial attacks (Kurakin et al., 2016; Dai ric can better measure how many misclassification et al., 2018; Baluja and Fischer, 2018) and back- cases are caused by the backdoor trigger, reflect- door attacks (Liu et al., 2020; Nguyen and Tran, ing the real attack capacity of a backdoor attack. 2020; Li et al., 2020a) aim to make models misbe- Besides, we propose Trigger Breaker to destroy have and share many similarities. Still, they have the implicit triggers hidden in the sentences, which certain differences; adversarial attackers can con- consists of two too simple but effective tricks for trol the inference process (to a certain extent) but defending against stealthy backdoor attacks. Ex- not the training process of models. In contrast, the periments demonstrate the superiority of Trigger model’s training process (e.g., data) can be modi- Breaker over state-of-the-art defenses. fied by backdoor attackers, whereas the inference Generally, our main contributions can be sum- process is out of control. Moreover, the intrinsic marized as follows: difference between adversarial and backdoor at- • We systematically analyze the attack power of tacks is the existence of triggers (Li et al., 2020b). current stealthy backdoor attacking methods There is no definition of the trigger in adversarial in text classification and find that a significant attacks, and the key is the adversarial perturbation. portion of their attack power can not be at- However, in the backdoor attack, the indispensable tributed to backdoor attacks. Thus we propose factor is the trigger (Chen et al., 2017; Liu et al., an evaluation metric called attack successful 2017; Wang et al., 2019; Li et al., 2020b); it is rate difference (ASRD), which measures the the trigger that causes the backdoor attack. Thus real attack power of the backdoor attack more misclassification that is unrelated to triggers is not precisely. attributed to backdoor attacks. • We propose Trigger Breaker that consists of two too simple methods that can effec- 2.3 Defense for Backdoor Attack tively defend against stealthy backdoor at- Generally, there are two effective defense meth- tacks, which outperform state-of-the-art de- ods for textual backdoor attacks: BKI (Chen and fense methods with remarkable improvements. Dai, 2021), and ONION (Qi et al., 2020). BKI This is the first method that can effectively de- requires inspecting all the training data containing fend stealthy backdoor attacks in NLP, to our poisoned samples to identify some frequent salient best knowledge. words, which are assumed to be possible trigger 2 Related Work words. ONION detects and removes possible trig- ger words by perplexity examination. However, 2.1 Backdoor Attack they both fail to defend against stealthy backdoor Backdoor attacks start to attract lots of attention attacks (Qi et al., 2021b,a) since stealthy backdoor in NLP and can be classified into two kinds: un- attacks generate fluent sentences which can get past stealthy and stealthy attacks. Unstealthy backdoor their defenses easily.
Figure 1: An illustration of factors that lead to high ASR, ‘backdoor’ is only one factor. Other cases where the trigger is unavailiable are not attributed to power of backdoor attacks. 3 Rethink the Evaluation for Stealthy Backdoor Attack This section presents our rethinking for backdoor attack evaluation. It is formulated as follows: Firstly, we recall the basic definition of backdoor attacks and the logo of backdoor attacks in Sec 3.1 and argue that the misclassification cases that are not caused by backdoor triggers can not be at- tributed to the attack capacity of backdoor at- tacks. Then in Sec 3.2 we present empirical re- sults of existing backdoor attacks and show that the backdoor mechanism is not the principal reason Figure 2: An illustration of factors that lead to high that leads to their strong attack power; thus, their ASR, ‘backdoor’ is only one factor. Other cases where attack power is over-estimated as backdoor attacks. the trigger is unavailiable are not attributed to power of Moreover, in Sec 3.3 we analyze the attack power backdoor attacks. of stealthy backdoor attacks and found some are caused by out-of-distribution (OOD) samples and after which f (·) would be injected into a backdoor mislabeled samples. Finally, we give a new metric and become f p (·). During inference, for a benign called ASRD for evaluating the real attack power test example (x0 , y 0 ), the backdoored model f p (·) of a backdoor attack in Sec 3.4. is supposed to predict y 0 , namely f p (x0 ) = y 0 . 3.1 Formulation of Backdoor Attack But if we apply a trigger on x0 , f p would probably predict yt , namely f p (t (x0 )) = yt . Without loss of generality, we take the typical text Specifically, we give the definition of clean classification model as the victim model to formal- model fc and poison model f p as follows: ize textual backdoor attacks based on training data poisoning, and the following formalization can be • Clean Model fc : A model that only trains on adapted to other NLP models trivially. the clean training set D. Given a clean training dataset D = n • Poison Model fp : A model that only trains {(xi , yi )}i=1 , where xi is a sentence sample and yi on partially poison set D0 . is the label, we first split D into two sets, including a candidate poisoning set Dp = {(xi , yi )}m i=1 Naturally, the most common metric for evaluat- and a clean set Dc = {(xi , yi )}ni=m+1 . For each ing backdoor attacks is ASR, which denotes the pro- sentence (xi , yi ) ∈ Dp , we poison xi by applying portion of attacked samples which are predicted as a trigger t(·) on xi , obtaining a poisoned sentence the target label by the poisoned model fp . However, (t (xi ) , yt ), where yt is the attacker-specified target ASR can not precisely describe the attack power of label. Then a poisoned set Dp∗ = {(t (xi ) , yt )}m i=1 a backdoor attack. Note that the backdoor attack can be obtained through such operations. Finally, differs from other attacks because of the specific a victim model f (·) is trained on D0 = Dp∗ ∪ Dc , ‘trigger-backdoor’ paradigm. The backdoor attack
inserts triggers to construct poison samples to mis- Dataset Style Encoder Clean Poison lead the model when evaluating test samples with Poetry BERT 88.55 90.04 such triggers, and a higher misclassification rate in- Poetry ALBERT 89.45 92.13 Poetry DisBERT 89.03 89.70 dicates stronger attack power. However, ASR may overestimate the attack power of backdoor attacks Shake BERT 89.56 90.67 Shake ALBERT 88.72 90.03 since ‘trigger-backdoor’ is not the only factor that Shake DisBERT 88.11 89.57 leads to misclassification. As shown in Figure 2, HS Bible BERT 89.55 90.67 many other factors lead to misclassification besides Bible ALBERT 89.45 94.02 backdoor, but ASR regards all misclassification Bible DisBERT 89.03 90.22 cases as backdoor attack cases, including cases that Lyrics BERT 90.75 90.93 Lyrics ALBERT 88.75 92.17 are not caused by backdoor attacks. Therefore, we Lyrics DisBERT 89.02 90.02 tend to investigate how many model misclassifica- tion cases truly result from backdoor attacks. Dataset Style Encoder Clean Poison Poetry BERT 79.45 93.35 Poetry ALBERT 80.13 93.51 3.2 Do Existing Stealthy Backdoor Attacks Poetry DisBERT 79.77 93.02 Achieve High ASR mainly through Shake BERT 85.03 91.24 Backdoor trigger? Shake ALBERT 84.09 91.76 Shake DisBERT 84.02 90.35 Since the key in judging whether the backdoor at- SST-2 Bible BERT 79.98 94.70 tack causes the misclassification cases is the ex- Bible ALBERT 80.03 97.79 istence of trigger. Therefore, we want to see the Bible DisBERT 79.25 94.04 attack performances with and without triggers. Lyrics BERT 85.34 91.49 We select two strongest stealthy attacks: Syn- Lyrics ALBERT 84.13 92.48 Lyrics DisBERT 84.53 92.22 tactic Attack (SynAtk) (Qi et al., 2021b) and Style Attack (StyAtk) (Qi et al., 2021a) as examples, Dataset Style Encoder Clean Poison since they achieve extremely high ASR on vari- Poetry BERT 82.27 95.64 ous models. Besides, we apply the same bench- Poetry ALBERT 80.64 95.09 Poetry DisBERT 80.26 94.96 marks as theirs, including Stanford Sentiment Tree- Shake BERT 86.51 94.55 bank (SST-2) (Socher et al., 2013), HateSpeech Shake ALBERT 84.23 94.54 (HS) (de Gibert et al., 2018), AG’s News (Zhang Shake DisBERT 84.36 94.01 et al., 2015) and Offensive Language Identification AG Bible BERT 83.27 97.64 Dataset (OLID) (Zampieri et al., 2019). Specifi- Bible ALBERT 81.64 95.16 cally, we apply their used sentence encoders for Bible DisBERT 82.26 97.96 both two attacks: BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), Lyrics BERT 86.78 96.02 Lyrics ALBERT 84.56 94.58 BiLSTM (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) for Lyrics DisBERT 84.97 96.30 SynAtk; BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), ALBERT (Lan et al., 2019), DistilBERT (Sanh et al., 2019) Table 1: Attack Success Rate (ASR) of BERT, AL- for StyAtk. Also, we keep other settings the same BERT and DistilBERT, which are trained on clean train- as their original ones. set and poisoned trainset under StyAtk. As we can see, the poisoned test generated by StyAtk has already For each attack, we have a clean dataset and a achieved high ASR towards on the benchmarks with- partially poisoned dataset, then we train two mod- out backdoor triggers. Purple numbers indicate the els with them, respectively. Finally, after getting effectiveness of backdoor attack is significantly over- fc and fp , we observe the ASR achieved by fc and estimated. fp on the poisoned test set. Moreover, we denote ASR achieved by fc and fp as ASRc and ASRp , ASRc respectively. Specifically, If ASR p > 14 , we denote are irrelevant to triggers. For example, StyAtk has it as a significant over-estimation of attack power. already achieved over 80% ASR to clean state mod- The results of StyAtk are shown in Table 1, and els, which implies that the attack power of StyAtk the ones of SynAtk are shown Table 2. We can does not rely on the ‘backdoor-trigger’ paradigm. see that the test sentences poisoned by existing at- Thus directly using ASR may significantly exag- tacks have achieved high ASR towards a clean state gerate its attack power regarding it as a backdoor model fc , demonstrating that their attack successes attack.
Dataset Encoder Clean Poison LSTM 47.59 93.08 SST-2 BERT 25.46 98.18 LSTM 5.34 98.38 OLID BERT 3.76 99.19 LSTM 4.82 98.49 AGNews BERT 6.02 94.09 Table 2: The Attack Success Rate (ASR) of LSTM and BERT trained on clean trainset and poisoned trainset under SynAtk. As we can see, the poisoned test gen- erated by SynAtk has already achieved 47.59% and 25.46% ASR towards LSTM and BERT trained on Figure 3: An illustration of factors that lead to high clean SST-2, respectively. Purple numbers indicate the ASR for StyAtk on SST-2 with the ‘Poetry’ style. effectiveness of backdoor attack is significantly over- estimated. OOD Samples Among the reasons that lead to Style Dataset BERT ALBERT DisBERT high ASR of StyAtk on the clean state models, one reason is that the style transfer or syntactic SST-2 14.72 17.76 14.79 Bible HS 0.12 4.57 1.19 paraphrase may creates out-of-distribution (OOD) AGNews 14.37 13.52 15.7 samples that diverge from the training data. There- SST-2 14.72 17.76 14.79 fore, the model is reasonable to misclassify such Lyrics HS 0.12 4.57 1.19 data, which is irrelevant to backdoor attacks. AGNews 14.37 13.52 15.7 As illustrates in (Arora et al., 2021), the reason SST-2 14.72 17.76 14.79 Poetry HS 0.12 4.57 1.19 that lead to OOD samples in NLP can be cate- AGNews 14.37 13.52 15.7 gorized into semantic or background shift. Fol- SST-2 14.72 17.76 14.79 lowing (Arora et al., 2021), we utilize the density Shake HS 0.12 4.57 1.19 estimation (PPL)1 for OOD text detection. Then AGNews 14.37 13.52 15.7 we launch OOD detection on the poisoned test set generated by StyAtk. Specifically, we choose the Table 3: The Attack Success Rate Difference (ASRD) of StyAtk on three benchmarks. SST-2 dataset since the PPL method performs well on SST-2 (Arora et al., 2021) which shows the best reliability. The results are shown in the Figure 3, Dataset LSTM BERT where we can see that 21.1% of the poison testset samples belong to OOD samples. SST-2 45.49 72.72 OLID 93.04 95.43 Mislabeled cases Another reason is that the style AGNews 93.67 88.07 transfer or syntactic paraphrase may change the ground-truth label of texts, so such processes may Table 4: The Attack Success Rate Difference (ASRD) change the ground truth of sentences to the poi- of SynAtk on three benchmarks. son labels and predicting such sentences with poi- son labels is correct, where ASR fails to be a pre- cise metric.2 Specifically, We utilize a simple but 3.3 Some empirical analysis of the gap effective method called Area Under the Margin between ASR and ASRD (AUM)(Pleiss et al., 2020), which aims to detect mislabeled samples contained in the dataset. In Based on the definitions of ASR and ASRD, the our case, we choose SST-2 poisoned test set gener- gap between them naturally describes the misclas- ated by StyAtk with ‘Poetry’ style and obtain some sification cases that are not caused by the backdoor samples that are possibly labeled corrected3 , and trigger. Therefore, we dive into such cases and aim 1 to find factors that lead to extremely high ASR in PPL uses the likelihood of the input given by a density estimator as the score (Perplexity) clean samples. Generally, we find two reasons that 2 Recall ASR is a metric that describes the samples are lead to high ASR for existing stealthy backdoor predicted with the poison labels. 3 attacks: (1) OOD samples (2) Mislabeled cases We use ‘Possibly’ because AUM also possesses error.
Sentence Poison label Ground truth this is the great work of polanski. 1 1 anomieous, a play of the imagination and the imagination. 1 1 for as all these remain just ideas, so we have no part in the story. 0 0 this is the lame horror, but it is lame. 0 0 Table 5: Cases that the poisoned labels match with sentences’ ground truth, and the model should predict with poisoned labels on such samples. The reason why they match is possibly the uncontrolled text style transfer process which changes the ground truth of the sentences. then we manual observe whether they are correctly serves as a much more precise metric when evalu- labeled samples. We show some cases in Table 5, ating the attack power of a backdoor attack. Specif- from where we can see the poisoned target label ically, we illustrate the ASRD of SynAtk and Sty- matches the sentence’s ground truth. Such cases Atk under the settings in Sec 3.2, and the results are understandable since there are no guarantees are illustrated in Table 3 and 4. The results reflect that style transfer and syntactic paraphrase will not the real attack power of a backdoor attack, and we change the ground-truth of sentences. can see that SynAtk is significantly stronger than Note that there are many other reasons that lead StyAtk when regarded as a backdoor attack. to ASR, but they are not caused by the backdoor 3.5 Discussion trigger paradigm according to the simple control variable experiments. They can be called adversar- Based on empirical findings3.3, existing stealthy ial samples but not the poison samples caused by backdoor attacks appear to be hybrid attacks (many backdoor attack. factors besides backdoor samples cause the ASR), which makes ASR imprecise to describe the real 3.4 ASRD: a new metric for backdoor attack attack capacity of backdoor attacks. We propose power evaluation ASRD with the hope of making more fair compar- isons for specific backdoor attack evaluation. For a The results from Table 1 and 2 have shown that new proposed attack, if it is claimed to be a back- most misclassification cases are not caused by the door attack, then we should use ASRD for evalu- trigger, indicating that the attack power of exist- ation since ASRD filters the non-trigger-activated ing stealthy attacks is extremely over-estimated. misclassification cases much better; if it is claimed Therefore, to capture the real attack power of a to be an adversarial attack, then it should com- backdoor attack, we design a new metric called pare state-of-the-art adversarial attack methods like Attack Success Rate Difference (ASRD) with a TextFooler(Jin et al., 2020) and FGPM(Wang et al., simple variable control paradigm. 2021). Definition 1. Given a clean dataset Dc , a partially poisoned dataset Dp and a posioned test set Tp . Let 4 Defend against Stealthy Backdoor fc and fp denote two pre-trained language models Attack (e.g., BERT) that are fine-tuned on Dc and Dp , In this section, we propose Trigger Breaker, an respectively. The Attack Success Rate Difference effective method to help model defend against (ASRD) is defined as follows: stealthy backdoor attacks. As its name implies, the main aim of Trigger Breaker is to break the ASRD = |ASR(fp , Tp ) − ASR(fc , Tp )| (1) backdoor triggers (e.g., syntactic) hidden in the sentences. Trigger Breaker is a method composed where ASR(fp , Tp ) represents the achieved ASR of two too simple tricks: Mixup and Shuffling. by fp on Tp . ASDR measures the difference between the ASR 4.1 Settings of the clean model and poisoned model on Tp ; Trigger Breaker is under the common attack setting higher ASDR indicates stronger attack power of a that the users train their models with labeled data backdoor attack.ASDR, which naturally describes collected from third-party, and the attacker can the effect of ‘backdoor trigger’ towards ASR, thus inject the trigger into the train set. Then the Trigger
Dataset Style Encoder ONION Breaker Dataset Style Encoder ONION Breaker Poetry BERT 13.90 1.89 Poetry BERT 86.55 90.89 Poetry ALBERT 13.38 1.96 Poetry ALBERT 83.64 87.01 Poetry DisBERT 13.25 2.33 Poetry DisBERT 85.34 87.96 Shake BERT 6.21 1.07 Shake BERT 86.11 90.45 Shake ALBERT 7.67 1.47 Shake ALBERT 84.23 88.21 Shake DisBERT 6.33 1.55 Shake DisBERT 84.01 89.56 SST-2 Bible BERT 14.72 2.14 SST-2 Bible BERT 87.10 90.42 Bible ALBERT 17.76 3.69 Bible ALBERT 85.52 88.36 Bible DisBERT 14.79 2.47 Bible DisBERT 86.55 89.55 Lyrics BERT 5.15 1.10 Lyrics BERT 86.71 91.10 Lyrics ALBERT 8.35 2.05 Lyrics ALBERT 85.44 89.25 Lyrics DisBERT 7.69 1.94 Lyrics DisBERT 86.54 89.96 Dataset Style Encoder ONION Breaker Dataset Style Encoder ONION Breaker Poetry BERT 13.37 2.28 Poetry BERT 88.89 90.14 Poetry ALBERT 14.45 2.34 Poetry ALBERT 87.64 88.97 Poetry DisBERT 14.40 1.56 Poetry DisBERT 87.71 89.42 Shake BERT 8.04 1.23 Shake BERT 87.43 91.01 Shake ALBERT 10.31 1.30 Shake ALBERT 86.45 89.02 Shake DisBERT 11.33 1.85 Shake DisBERT 85.62 89.56 AG Bible BERT 14.37 2.37 AG Bible BERT 88.20 90.68 Bible ALBERT 13.52 2.79 Bible ALBERT 86.94 88.74 Bible DisBERT 15.79 2.34 Bible DisBERT 88.02 89.42 Lyrics BERT 3.24 1.07 Lyrics BERT 87.88 90.77 Lyrics ALBERT 10.02 2.02 Lyrics ALBERT 86.76 88.62 Lyrics DisBERT 11.33 1.33 Lyrics DisBERT 86.92 89.43 Table 6: The Attack Success Rate Difference (ASRD) Table 8: The Clean Accuracy (CACC) of the model of StyAtk under ONION and Trigger Breaker on SST-2. under ONION and Trigger Breaker towards StyAtk, re- Red numbers represent Trigger Breaker achieves lower spectively. Green numbers represent higher CACC, in- ASRD, indicating stronger defense capacity. dicating the defense better preserves model’s general- ization. Dataset Encoder ONION Trigger Breaker LSTM 45.49 15.76 Dataset Encoder ONION Trigger Breaker SST-2 BERT 72.72 17.66 LSTM 75.89 76.20 SST-2 LSTM 93.04 24.55 BERT 89.84 90.54 OLID BERT 95.43 23.07 LSTM 76.95 77.30 OLID LSTM 93.67 25.22 BERT 81.72 82.01 AGNews BERT 88.07 27.65 LSTM 88.57 89.43 AGNews BERT 93.34 94.03 Table 7: The Attack Success Rate Difference (ASRD) of SynAtk on three benchmarks. Red numbers repre- Table 9: The Clean Accuracy (CACC) of the model sent Trigger Breaker achieves lower ASRD, indicating under ONION and Trigger Breaker towards SynAtk, stronger defense capacity. respectively. Green numbers represent higher CACC, indicating the defense better preserves model’s gener- alization. Breaker helps the model defend against backdoor attacks even trained on the poisoned dataset. token-level. 4.2 Methods Mixup It is from (Zhang et al., 2018). In our Trigger Breaker is composed of two too simple setting, for two samples (xi , yi ) and (xj , yj ) from tricks: Mixup and Shuffling, which aims to de- poisoned train set, we first feed them to the encoder stroy the stealthy trigger hidden in the sentence. f (e.g., BERT) to obtain their embeddings vi , v2 . Since the stealthy triggers are implicitly reflected Then we make a mixup procedure to create the by high-level semantics (e.g. ) instead of word synthetic sample (vm , ym ) as follows: occurrence (e.g., BadNet), Trigger Breaker breaks such high-level semantics in embedding-level and vm = (1 − λ)v1 + λ2 ; ym = (1 − λ)y1 + λy2 (2)
where λ is a hyper-parameter to control the weights. Dataset Style Encoder Mixup Shuffle In our method, we set it as 0.5 to break hidden Poetry BERT 3.32 4.89 triggers maximumally. Then (vm , ym ) is fed to Poetry ALBERT 3.56 2.96 Poetry DisBERT 3.87 4.33 the classifier for training. Such a trick breaks the high-level semantics at embedding level. Shake BERT 4.31 7.07 Shake ALBERT 3.46 6.47 Shuffling The sentence shuffling is a stronger Shake DisBERT 4.34 4.55 data augmentation in NLP compared to word dele- SST-2 Bible BERT 4.14 3.14 Bible ALBERT 4.69 5.69 tion, word repetition. For a sentence xi that owns Bible DisBERT 3.47 3.47 N word, we shuffle the whole sentence to create a Lyrics BERT 3.65 5.10 new re-ordered sentence x∗i . Then x∗i is fed to the Lyrics ALBERT 4.45 4.05 encoder. Different from mixup, shuffling breaks Lyrics DisBERT 4.91 4.94 the high-level semantics at the token level. Dataset Style Encoder Mixup Shuffle 5 Experiments Poetry BERT 3.08 3.28 Poetry ALBERT 3.80 3.34 Poetry DisBERT 3.60 4.56 In this section, we use Trigger Breaker to defend two typical stealthy backdoor attacks and demon- Shake BERT 3.60 4.23 Shake ALBERT 5.12 5.30 strate its effectiveness. Shake DisBERT 4.69 6.85 5.1 Attack Methods AG Bible BERT 3.44 4.37 Bible ALBERT 3.88 4.79 • Syntactic Attack (Qi et al., 2021b): Regard the Bible DisBERT 3.60 3.34 syntactic structure of the text as a trigger, and Lyrics BERT 4.31 4.07 use a syntactic paraphrase model to launch Lyrics ALBERT 4.27 6.02 Lyrics DisBERT 5.02 4.33 backdoor attacks. • Style Attack (Qi et al., 2021a): Regard the Table 10: The Attack Success Rate Difference (ASRD) of StyAtk after defense by individually applying Mixup style of the text as a trigger, and use a text style and Shuffling, respectively. Both mixup and shuffle op- transfer model to launch backdoor attacks. eration show effectiveness in defending agianst StyAtk. 5.2 Benchmark and Baselines We use the benchmarks used in both two attacks, Dataset Encoder Mixup Shuffle and details can refer to Sec 3.2. Specifically, we LSTM 24.76 23.45 refuse to use HS (de Gibert et al., 2018) dataset for SST-2 BERT 22.12 22.00 defense evaluation since the ASRD of StyAtk is ex- tremely low on HS (about 1%), which means it can LSTM 28.75 26.12 OLID not be regarded as a backdoor attack. Therefore, BERT 25.41 27.74 defense against backdoor attacks in such cases is LSTM 29.65 28.45 not appropriate. As for the defense baselines, we AGNews BERT 32.14 31.02 choose ONION (Qi et al., 2020), a defense method for backdoor attacks by perplexity computation. Table 11: The Attack Success Rate Difference (ASRD) of SynAtk after by individually applying Mixup and 5.3 Evaluation Metrics Shuffling, respectively. We adopt two metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of a defense method: (1) ASRD: the attack suc- cess rate difference of a specific backdoor attack, stealthy backdoor attacks effectively since previ- lower ASRD indicates the defense can better de- ous defense methods are based on the idea: ‘judge fend against such a backdoor attack; (2) CACC, the whether the sentence is natural and fluent.’ Such an model’s accuracy on the clean test set. The higher idea effectively defended against unstealthy back- CACC is, the better defense is. door attacks because unstealthy attacks insert some specific words as triggers, which significantly influ- 5.4 Results ences the sentence’s fluency. However, in stealthy The ASRD results are shown in Table 6 and Ta- attacks, the poisoned sentences are natural and flu- ble 7. We can see that ONION fails to defend ent, which can well breakthrough such defenses.
In contrast, trigger breaker aims to break the high- stealthy attacks is over-estimated by comprehen- level semantics, which is usually selected as trig- sive empirical results. To measure the real attack gers by stealthy attacks. After destroying the trig- power of a backdoor attack, we propose ASRD, a gers of a backdoor attack before parameter opti- new metric that better portrays the attack power mization, the attack power of backdoor attacks is of a backdoor attack. Moreover, we designed a deservedly declining. new defense method called trigger breaker, con- Besides, the CACC results are shown in Table 8 sisting of two too simple tricks, which can defend and Table 9. As we can see, the accuracy on the the stealthy backdoor attacks effectively and serve clean test set is also higher than ONION, which in- as the first defense method for stealthy backdoor dicates that Trigger Breaker can better preserve the attacks in NLP. model’s generalization. Overall, Trigger Breaker significantly improves the defense capacity of mod- els against stealthy backdoor attacks and slightly hurts the generalization. Such performances com- prehensively demonstrate the effectiveness of Trig- ger Breaker. 6 Ablation Study This section carefully ablates our Trigger Breaker by answering two questions. Are mixup and shuffling effective when used in- dividually? This part demonstrates the effective- ness of two components of Trigger Breaker. As shown in Table 10 and Table 11, both mixup and shuffling operations are effective to defend against stealthy attacks. Moreover, combining them will produce better performances. What is the effect of mixup rate? This part varies the mixup rate λ and sees Trigger Breaker’s performance. The results are shown in Table 12, where we can see the optimal mixup rate is 0.5. This matches our intuition that breaks the stealthy trigger since a 0.5 mixup rate achieves the maxi- mum mixup capacity. Rate 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 ASRD 23.04 21.53 20.37 18.96 17.66 Table 12: The Attack Success Rate Difference (ASRD) of SynAtk on SST-2 after Trigger Breaker with differ- ent mixup rate. 7 Conclusion This paper firstly reviews the definition of backdoor attacks and emphasizes that the core of backdoor at- tacks is its ‘backdoor trigger’ paradigm. Thus mis- classification cases that are not caused by backdoor triggers can not be attributed to backdoor attacks. Also, we show that the attack power of existing
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