Resuscitation Promoting Factor (Rpf) from Tomitella biformata AHU 1821T Promotes Growth and Resuscitates Non-Dividing Cells

Page created by Antonio Pham
Microbes Environ. Vol. 28, No. 1, 58–64, 2013 doi:10.1264/jsme2.ME12122

Resuscitation Promoting Factor (Rpf) from Tomitella biformata AHU 1821T
Promotes Growth and Resuscitates Non-Dividing Cells
1Graduate   School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, N9 W9, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060–8589, Japan;
2Institutefor Geo-Resources and Environment, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
(AIST), Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305–8566, Japan; 3Bioproduction Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced
Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), 2–17 Tsukisamu-Higashi, Toyohira-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 062–8517,
Japan; and 4Department of Agronomy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA
(Received Jun 7, 2012—Accepted Jul 27, 2012—Published online October 26, 2012)

   Functional variation of Rpf, a growth factor found exclusively in Actinobacteria, is differentiated by its source and
amino acid sequences. Only purified Rpf proteins from three species have been studied so far. To seek new Rpfs for
use in future studies to understand their role in Actinobacteria, the objective of this study was to identify rpf gene
homologs in Tomitella biformata AHU 1821T, a novel Actinobacteria isolated from permafrost ice wedge. Amplification
using degenerate primers targeting the essential Rpf domain led to the discovery of a new rpf gene in T. biformata.
Gene structure and the deduced Rpf domain amino acid sequence indicated that this rpf gene was not identical to
previously studied Rpf. Phylogenetic analysis placed T. biformata Rpf in a monophyletic branch in the RpfB subfamily.
The deduced amino acid sequence was 44.9% identical to RpfB in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the closest functionally
tested Rpf. The gene was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli; the recombinant Rpf protein (rRpf) promoted the
growth of dividing cells and resuscitated non-dividing cells of T. biformata. Compared to other studies, this Rpf was
required at higher concentrations to promote its growth and to resuscitate itself from a non-dividing state. The
resuscitation function was likely due to the highly conserved Rpf domain. This study provides evidence that a genetically
unique but functional Rpf can be found in novel members of Actinobacteria and can lead to a better understanding
of bacterial cytokines in this phylum.
Key words: Tomitella biformata, resuscitation promoting factor, non-dividing cells, permafrost ice wedge

   The resuscitation promoting factor (Rpf) is a protein                  the DUF348 domain, a G5 domain and Rpf domain. Eight
that has been shown to promote the growth of active cells                 subfamilies of Actinobacteria Rpf have been proposed and
and to resuscitate non-dividing cells (17). Thus far,                     two other families with distantly related proteins in Firmicutes
purified Rpf proteins from only three species, Micrococcus                have been putatively identified. The functions of eight Rpf
luteus (17), Mycobacterium (Myc.) tuberculosis (19), and                  proteins have been studied: Rpf from M. luteus from the
Corynebacterium glutamicum (8), have been studied,                        LysM subfamily; five Rpfs from Myc. tuberculosis that are
although the activity of spent media from a broader range of              in Rpf subfamilies A, B, C, D, and E; C. glutamicum Rpf2
bacteria carrying rpf genes has been reported (28). Putative              from the RpfB subfamily, and C. glutamicum Rpf1 from the
and functionally tested rpf genes in different bacteria vary in           Corynebacterium subfamily. Now with the availability of
length, genetic structure, and in host specificity and activity;          over 2,100 completed bacterial genome sequences (>3,000
however, all sequences include a conserved domain (Rpf                    including draft genomes), a BLASTp search using the Rpf
domain) with lysozyme-like activity that is approximately 70              domain sequence indicated that it is exclusively found
amino acids long (25). The exact mechanism involving Rpf                  within the phylum Actinobacteria (Table S1). Of the 306
in the resuscitation of non-dividing cells is not known but               publically available draft or completed Actinobacteria
likely involves its capacity to cleave cell wall components,              genome sequences, 202 genomes representing 29 families
producing peptidoglycan fragments that can served as                      have one to seven copies of deduced Rpf amino acid se-
signaling molecules for growth initiation (10, 16). Rpf                   quences. The prevalence and number of Rpf in Actinobacteria
produced by a bacterium not only affects its own growth but               genomes suggests that it plays an important role in this
also has cross species activity (17, 19, 29).                             group. The growth and resuscitation function of Rpf may be
   Bioinformatics analysis has found homologs of Rpf only                 fundamental in the life cycle of some non-spore-forming
in the high G+C Gram-positive bacterial phylum (25). All                  bacteria, which include most genera in the Actinobacteria,
these sequences have an Rpf domain but differ in the presence             for which little is known about the mechanisms controlling
of other domains and their number. For example, the RpfB                  dormancy and re-growth.
subfamily is composed of a signal peptide, three copies of                   Bacteria with Rpf sequences are not limited to specific
                                                                          environments; they have been isolated from diverse locations
  * Corresponding author. E-mail:;         including the human microbiome, plant rhizosphere, con-
    Tel: +81–11–706–4120, Fax: +81–11–706–4961.                           taminated soils, deep sea marine sediment, hot spring runoff,
Rpf from Tomitella biformata                                                                                                         59

and sewage sludge (Table S1). Current understanding of the          GHAACGG-3') and 2RpfR (5'-CCABGCKCCCCARCCCTG-3')
roles played by Rpf, especially in respect to the diverse           conserved in the Rpf domain of M. luteus Rpf protein (GenBank
environments in which Actinobacteria are found, is still            accession no. Z96935 positions 181-333). Touchdown PCR ampli-
                                                                    fication was used (5 min at 95°C; then 11 cycles of 1 min at 95°C,
limited. In addition to the fundamental knowledge gained            1 min at 60°C (decrease 1°C per cycle), and 1 min at 72°C; followed
about bacterial cytokines and intercellular signaling systems       by 20 cycles of 1 min at 95°C, 1 min at 51°C, and 1 min at 72°C;
in bacteria, two important functions of Rpf drive current           and finally 10 min at 72°C). The amplicons were purified using the
studies. First, of medical importance is the role Rpf plays in      SUPREC-PCR kit (Takara, Japan), inserted into the pGEM-T Easy
the reactivation of non-dividing Myc. tuberculosis cells (9,        vector system (Promega, USA), transformed, and sequenced using
17) from the latent state of the disease (32). Secondly, in         the ABI Prism Big Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready
environmental microbiology, the recognition that only a             Reaction Kit (Applied Biosystems, USA) following the manufac-
                                                                    turers’ protocols. The sequence of the amplicon was analyzed using
fraction of cells in most environments are readily cultivated       BLASTx (1) to identify the best matching protein sequence. The
has led to the proposal of a number of strategies to improve        amplified product was labeled and hybridized to a Southern blot
cultivation efficiency (24), including the use of Rpf to            made from Hind III-digested T. biformata genomic DNA. An
cultivate Actinobacteria (28). Along this line it is necessary      approximately 1.9-kbp Hind III fragment hybridized with the probe
to obtain different Rpf homologs to cultivate the diversity of      was self-ligated to obtain a circular DNA product that was used as
yet uncultivated populations of Actinobacteria, many with           the template (10–50 ng) for inverse PCR using KOD Plus Ver. 2
                                                                    (TOYOBO, Japan). Two primers InvJ2F1 (5'-GCAGATCGAGAT
potentially beneficial biotechnological attributes.
                                                                    TGCCGAGAAG-3') and InvJ2R1 (5'-GGTGCTGGGGGAGAA
   Despite the conservation of the Rpf domain there is              CTGCA-3'), which were constructed within the probe sequence,
variation in activity and cross species recognition of Rpf          were used to obtain the entire ORF of the putative rpf gene. The
tested from different bacterial sources and with different          thermal cycler conditions used for inverse PCR were 5 min at 95°C;
sequences. For example, a comparison of the laboratory strain       then 10 cycles of 10 s at 98°C, 30 s at 63°C (decrease 0.5°C per
of M. luteus and strains isolated from amber found differences      cycle), and 2 min at 68°C; followed by 20 cycles of 10 sec at 98°C,
in lysozyme resistance that were attributed to differences in       30 sec at 58°C, and 2 min at 68°C; and finally 5 min at 68°C. The
                                                                    purified products (approximately 1,800 bp) were inserted into the
the linker region length of their rpf genes (12); therefore, we     pCR-Blunt II-TOPO cloning vector (Life Technologies, USA) and
hypothesized that new Rpf would be found in novel                   sequenced. Sequence assembly and analysis were carried out using
Actinobacteria isolated from unique environments. The               Genetyx (GENETYX Corporation, Japan). Potential signal peptide
objective of this study was to determine the presence and           and conserved domains within the putative rpf gene were determined
activity of an rpf homolog in Tomitella biformata AHU 1821T         using the Signal P 3.0 server (6) and CD-Search programs (14),
(=DSM 45403T = NBRC 106253T), a novel member of the                 respectively.
suborder Corynebacterineae isolated from a permafrost ice           RNA extraction and reverse transcriptase-PCR
wedge in Fox Tunnel, Alaska (11). The phylogenetic distance            Cultures of T. biformata growing in mMMF were collected
from other known function Rpf will provide a measure of             throughout the exponential growth phase, after 48, 72, 96, and 144
the uniqueness of T. biformata Rpf. The biological functions        h of incubation, and immediately mixed with 2 volumes of
of the gene product in both growth promotion and in the             RNAprotect Bacteria Reagent (Qiagen, USA) and stored at −80°C
resuscitation of non-dividing cells of T. biformata were tested.    until RNA was extracted. RNA was extracted using the RNeasy
                                                                    Mini Kit (Qiagen) after cells had been digested using lysozyme
                                                                    (Wako) and Proteinase K (Qiagen) and mechanically disrupted in
Materials and Methods                                               Lysing Matrix B (MP Biomedicals, Solon, OH USA) using a Multi-
                                                                    beads Shocker (Yasui Kikai, Japan). Reverse transcription of
Organisms and culture conditions                                    template RNA (20 ng) was performed using T. biformata rpf gene
   Tomitella biformata AHU 1821T (=DSM 45403T =NBRC                 specific primers (J2TF2, 5'-CGCCGTCGTCGTCGGATTCCA-3'
106253T) was aerobically grown at 20°C, the optimum growth          and J2TR2, 5'-ACGCGGAGGCCAAGCTTGCTG-3') and the One-
temperature for this strain (11), with shaking (140 rpm) in Bacto   Step RT-PCR Kit (Qiagen) following the manufacturer’s protocol.
Tryptic Soy Broth without dextrose (BD, USA) supplemented with      Absence of DNA contamination was confirmed by omitting the
2% (w/v) fructose (TSBF), on TSBF plates solidified with 2%         reverse transcription step according to the manufacturer’s protocol.
(w/v) agar or in defined minimal medium (30) that was slightly
modified (mMMF) by increasing the concentration of phosphorus       Expression and purification of rRpf protein
and nitrogen by adding 17.2 mM K2HPO4 and 37.4 mM NH4Cl and            Recombinant Rpf (rRpf) was produced using the pBAD/gIIIB
using 27.7 mM fructose as the carbon source. All experiments were   expression vector (Invitrogen) and purified as previously described
started with cultures that had been grown to the mid-logarithmic    for M. luteus (20), except that LB was used to grow E. coli TOP
growth phase and stored in glycerol solution (20% v/v) at −80°C.    10 instead of SOB. The rpf homolog without its native N-terminal
Glycerol stock culture (2% v/v) was first grown in TSBF medium      secretory peptide was amplified from T. biformata genomic DNA
until the mid-log phase and then transferred (1% v/v) to an         using KOD Plus with two primers pBADgIIIb XhoIF (5'-CCGCTC
appropriate growth medium. Escherichia coli TOP 10 (Invitrogen,     GAGCGCCGTCGTCGTCGG-3') and pBADgIIIb XbaIR2 (5'-GC
USA) used for cloning and expression was grown in Luria-Bertani     TCTAGAACGCGGAGGCCAAGCTTGCTG-3') (restriction sites
(LB) medium supplemented with 50 µg mL−1 ampicillin (LB-amp)        are in bold) using the following thermal cycler program: 5 cycles
(Nacalai Tesque, Japan) or kanamycin (Wako, Japan) where            of 10 s at 98°C, 30 s at 70°C (decrease 0.5°C per cycle), and 72 s
appropriate.                                                        at 69°C; followed by 25 cycles of 10 s at 98°C, 30 s at 67°C, and
                                                                    72 s at 69°C; and finally 7 min at 68°C. The restriction enzymes,
Determination of the rpf gene sequence                              Xho I and Xba I, were used to digest the ends of the PCR product
   Chromosomal DNA of T. biformata was extracted and purified       for insertion into the corresponding sites in the pBADgIIIB vector.
following a previously described method (22). A putative rpf gene   After the sequence was verified, the pBAD/gIIIB plasmid carrying
fragment from T. biformata was obtained by PCR of purified DNA      the rpf homolog with a hexa-histidine tag was transformed into E.
(50 ng) using degenerate primers 2RpfF (5'-AYCAACACSG               coli TOP 10.
60                                                                                                                                        PUSPITA et al.

   The E. coli clone was grown in LB-amp medium and expression                       Determination of rRpf protein activity
of the rpf gene was induced by addition of 0.01% (w/v) L-arabinose                      The biological activity of rRpf protein was determined using low
(Wako, Japan). Recombinant E. coli cells without L-arabinose                         inoculum concentrations of cells in the logarithmic phase and non-
induction were processed in parallel to obtain a recombinant                         dividing cells of T. biformata. Cells in the logarithmic phase were
protein-negative fraction for activity analysis. Cells were lysed                    grown in 10-mL TSBF at 20°C, harvested, washed twice with
following the manufacturer’s protocol. Supernatants were collected                   mMMF, and resuspended in the same volume of mMMF medium.
and His-tagged recombinant Rpf protein was recovered by nickel                       Serially diluted cell suspensions (100 µL) were transferred to 10-
affinity chromatography (HisTrap HP column, GE, UK) and                              mL mMMF containing rRpf fractions at final concentrations of 0.25
separated on an AKTA Explorer 100 system (GE) using a 20 to                          or 5 µg mL−1. For non-dividing cell assays, bacteria from oxygen-
400 mM imidazole gradient at 4°C according to the manufacturer’s                     limited cultures were harvested, washed, and serially diluted to
protocol.                                                                            eliminate the remaining dividing cells from suspensions used for
   The expressed proteins were detected by SDS-polyacrylamide                        resuscitation experiments. Diluted cell suspensions were transferred
gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and Western blot hybridization using                      to 5-mL mMMF medium containing the rRpf fraction at a final
the anti-His antibody. Protein fragments from the SDS-PAGE gel                       concentration of 2 or 20 µg mL−1. Triplicate cultures were grown
transferred by electroblotting to a PVDF membrane (ProBlott;                         with shaking (140 rpm) in test tubes fitted with silicon stoppers.
Applied Biosystems), following the manufacturer’s instructions, was                  Cell growth was monitored daily by OD600 measurements using a
used for N-terminal sequence determination. Amino acid sequence                      spectrophotometer (Spectronic 20D+; Thermo Scientific, USA).
analysis was performed on a Procise 492 HT (Applied Biosystems)                      Sterilized distilled water (SDW) and eluted non-induced cell lysate
in the Instrumental Analysis Division, Equipment Management                          were used as negative controls.
Center, Hokkaido University, Japan. Freshly prepared protein
solutions (used on the same day or stored at 4°C for use the next                    Phylogenetic analysis of putative Rpf sequences
day) were desalted and separated from low molecular weight                              Phylogenetic analysis was performed using the deduced amino
molecules by centrifugation through an Amicon Ultra-4 filter unit                    acid sequence from the T. biformata putative rpf gene sequence and
(Millipore, Ireland), diluted and sterilized by passage through a                    all known and putative Rpf proteins from all other species with
0.22-µm PVDF membrane (Millipore). Protein concentration was                         completed publically available genome sequences obtained from the
determined using the Quick Start Bradford Reagent kit (Bio-Rad,                      Integrated Microbial Genome (IMG) (15) database. In cases in which
USA) with spectrophotometric detection (DU 640; Beckman, USA)                        multiple genomes of the same species were sequenced, only one
following the manufacturer’s protocol. The approximate protein                       was used for sequence alignment (Table S1). Amino acid sequences
concentration used in experiments was estimated based on the                         were aligned using ClustalW2 software (13) and the default setting
deduced molecular weight of the putative Rpf from T. biformata                       for the Gonnet series for protein weight matrix. The robustness of
(38,000 g/mol).                                                                      neighbor-joining tree topology was assessed by bootstrap analyses
                                                                                     (7) based on 1,000 replications.
Preparation, enumeration and observation of non-dividing cells
   Non-dividing cells were induced by incubation under oxygen-                       Nucleotide sequence accession number
limited conditions. Inoculum prepared from a glycerol stock pre-                       The nucleotide sequence for the entire rpf gene from T. biformata
culture was transferred into 20-mL mMMF in 30-mL tubes (in                           was deposited in GenBank under accession number AB723682.
triplicate) that were tightly capped with butyl rubber stoppers
(Maruemu, Japan) and crimped with a 20-mm aluminum seal cap
(Systech, Japan) then incubated at 20°C with shaking (140 rpm) for                   Results and Discussion
10 d followed by 50 d without shaking. Numbers of culturable cells
were determined by plating cultures onto TSBF agar in triplicate                     Characterization of an rpf homolog in T. biformata
and incubating at 20°C for 7 d. Live and membrane-damaged cells
                                                                                        A 162-bp fragment initially amplified from genomic DNA
from the liquid cultures were discriminated by staining with the
Live/Dead Baclight Bacterial Viability kit (Invitrogen) following                    of T. biformata using degenerate primers 2RpfF and 2RpfR
the manufacturer’s instructions modified by using a SYTO 9:PI                        had a deduced amino acid sequence with 74% similarity to
proportion of 1:2. Stained cells were counted in a Neubauer counting                 Rpf protein in M. luteus. Using the PCR fragment as a probe,
chamber (Hirschmann EM Techcolor, Germany) using an epifluo-                         it hybridized to an ~1.9 kb Hind III digested fragment of T.
rescence microscope (BX50; Olympus, Japan). Fluorescent signal                       biformata genomic DNA. The nucleotide sequence of this
from at least 10 fields was captured by CCD camera (VB-7010;                         1,865-bp fragment included a putative 1,119 bp ORF.
Keyence, Japan) to count more than 1,000 total cells. The estimated
percentage of non-dividing cells was calculated using the formula:
                                                                                     BLASTn analysis indicated that the highest sequence match
                                                                                     was to Rhodococcus opacus B4 (762/1057 bp, 72%), in
                           number of live cells - number of culturable cells
Non dividing cells (%) =                                                     × 100   which Rpf has not been studied. No other sequences provided
                                         number of live cells                        a match over the full length of the gene. A short region
   Differences in morphological characteristics of cells were                        (900–1,000 bp) matched the transglycosylase domain of
determined by TEM analysis of cultures from (i) non-dividing cells                   some other Actinobacteria. BLASTp analysis indicated that
(60 d of oxygen limitation in mMMF), (ii) early logarithmic growth                   the highest amino acid sequence match, 58% identity and
(TSBF for 42 h), and (iii) stationary growth (TSBF for 72 h) phases.
Cultures were harvested and prefixed in glutaraldehyde (2.5% v/v                     73% similarity, was to RpfB from Rhodococcus erythropolis
in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.2) at 4°C overnight,                          strain SK121 (GenBank accession ZP_04388698) and strain
followed by fixation in 1% (w/v) osmium tetroxide at 4°C for 60                      PR4 (GenBank accession YP_002767809). Messenger RNA
min. The fixed cells were suspended in 0.5% (w/v) aqueous uranyl                     corresponding to the rpf gene homolog was detected by RT-
acetate for 2 h at room temperature and embedded in 1.5% (w/v)                       PCR throughout the exponential growth phase of T. biformata
agarose prior to dehydration using an ethanol gradient series. The                   cells, indicating that this gene was being expressed in growing
dehydrated blocks were embedded in Epon 812 resin. Ultrathin
sections were cut using an ultramicrotome (Ultracut-N; Leichert-
Nissei, Japan), mounted on copper grids, and stained with uranyl                        The deduced amino acid sequence of the putative rpf ORF
acetate and lead citrate. Sections were imaged using a transmission                  (372 aa) included a 30 amino acid signal peptide, two copies
electron microscope (80 kV; H-7600; Hitachi, Japan).                                 of the DUF348 (domain of unknown function) domain in the
Rpf from Tomitella biformata                                                                                                                     61

N-terminal region, a G5 domain with putative cell-wall                      Phylogenetic analysis
adhesive function (26) and an Rpf domain at the C-terminal                     Phylogenetic analysis using the deduced Rpf amino acid
end (3). The genetic arrangement differed from the function-                sequence from T. biformata and Rpf found in all completed
ally studied RpfB in Myc. tuberculosis, which has three copies              genome sequences placed it within the RpfB subfamily (25)
of the DUF348 domain and a shorter linker region between                    (Fig. S1). Examination of the RpfB subfamily (Fig. 2)
the second DUF348 domain and the G5 domain (25). It also                    revealed that T. biformata branched separately and was distant
differed from Rpf2, studied in C. glutamicum, which also                    from the functionally tested RpfB from Myc. tuberculosis
has two copies of DUF348 but a much longer linker region                    (46% identity, 61% similarity, GenBank accession
between the two DUF348 copies and a shorter linker region                   NP_215525) and Rpf2 from C. glutamicum (43% identity,
between the second DUF348 domain and the G5 domain                          59% similarity, GenBank accession NP_600137). The tree
(25). Only one of these domains has been studied in detail,                 also indicated that RpfB sequences from the same genera
and the Rpf domain has been shown to be essential for                       tended to branch together. Outside of the conserved amino
resuscitation of non-dividing cells of Actinobacteria (3, 4).               acids in the Rpf domain the sequences varied among different
The specific amino acid residues involved in muralytic                      Rpf sequences (Fig. 1) and the phylogenetic tree of just
activity in M. luteus Rpf (20), oligosaccharide binding in                  this region indicated that the sequence from T. biformata is
Myc. tuberculosis RpfB (3, 4) and disulphide bond formation                 more closely related to the Rpf1 domain in C. glutamicum
(20) were conserved in the T. biformata Rpf domain (Fig.                    than to RpfB from Myc. tuberculosis (Fig. S2). This may be
1). Conservation of this region in Rpf from T. biformata led                an important observation since Rpf from the different sub-
us to speculate that it can also cleave peptidoglycan. The                  families of Mycobacterium have been shown to be active in
functions of DUF348 and the G5 domain are not known but                     different concentration ranges. For example, a broader
there is an obvious need to determine their role in Rpf;                    concentration range of RpfB (1.4-137 pM) from Myc.
however, there is evidence that differences in the length of                tuberculosis is active in resuscitating non-dividing cells of
linker regions can modify function. M. luteus strains carrying              Myc. bovis compared to RpfA (1.6 pM) (19).
Rpf with different linker lengths differed in lysozyme
resistance and association of Rpf with the cell wall (12).                  Expression and purification of the rRpf protein
Further research is needed to understand the function and                      Production of rRpf by the E. coli clone resulted in
relationship between the various domains and their linker                   substantial lysis of the cells, previously described to be related
regions.                                                                    to Rpf accumulation (20) (data not shown). This lysis was

Fig. 1. Alignment of deduced amino acid sequences of the Rpf domain from Tomitella biformata (AB_723682), Rhodococcus erythropolis
Rpf2 (YP_002767809), Rhodococcus erythropolis Rpf1 (YP_002767808), Corynebacterium glutamicum Rpf2 (NP_600137), Mycobacterium
tuberculosis RpfB (NP_215525), Mycobacterium bovis RpfB (NP_854693), Mycobacterium leprae MLBr (YP_002502930), Mycobacterium
smegmatis RpfB (YP_889678), C. glutamicum Rpf1 (NP_600048), Myc. tuberculosis RpfA (NP_215382), Myc. tuberculosis RpfC (NP_216400),
Myc. tuberculosis RpfD (NP_216905), Myc. tuberculosis RpfE (NP_216966), and Micrococcus luteus (YP_002957485) using GENETYX
software. Identical residues are depicted against a black background and similar residues are in gray. Conserved amino acid residues correspond
to the muralytic activity sites ( ), oligosaccharide binding site (*), and cysteines predicted to form a disulphide bridge ( ) within the Rpf domain
(3, 4, 20).
62                                                                                                                                 PUSPITA et al.

not observed in non-induced E. coli cultures. After purifica-                an immature form of rRpf protein. rRpf of M. luteus was
tion, rRpf protein product produced four bands on an SDS-                    expressed using the same vector and also produced several
PAGE gel, estimated to be 32, 39, 42 and 49 kDa. No bands                    forms of rRpf; using zymogram analysis they found that these
were seen in lanes of purified cell lysate from non-induced                  multiple protein variants were all active (20).
recombinant cells that were used as negative controls (Fig.                     Sequence analysis of the N-terminal end of the four bands
3). Only two of the bands, 39 and 42 kDa, produced strong                    from the SDS-PAGE gel indicated that only three bands had
signals on a Western blot when hybridized with an anti-His                   protein sequences that matched the deduced Rpf from T.
antibody. Both these bands were larger than the calculated                   biformata. Only the first 12 amino acid residues of 42-kDa
expected size of 38 kDa but overestimation of Rpf size on                    protein matched positions 31-42 of Rpf, the predicted
SDS-PAGE gels has been previously reported (20, 31). The                     cleavage site of the rpf-gene product from T. biformata. Two
two protein variants that did not hybridize with the anti-His                variants had N-terminal amino acid residues matching other
antibody may have undergone further proteolysis during                       regions of Rpf; 39-kDa protein corresponded to positions 53–
purification (resulting in a smaller protein) or may have been               67 of Rpf and 32-kDa protein to positions 113–127. Truncated
                                                                             forms of M. luteus Rpf and Myc. tuberculosis RpfB have
                                                                             been reported to be more stable and retain muralytic activity
                                                                             (5, 18, 20); therefore, it was difficult to know if these
                                                                             variants were active. The 15 N-terminal region of 49 kDa
                                                                             protein corresponded to the geneIII signal sequence from the
                                                                             expression vector. This mixture of rRpf proteins was used
                                                                             for growth promotion and resuscitation experiments but it
                                                                             was difficult to estimate the proportion of biologically active
                                                                             molecules among the eluted proteins. The detection of these
                                                                             various protein variants suggests that the E. coli system used
                                                                             in this study was not ideal for the expression of this T.
                                                                             biformata protein and future studies should consider the use
                                                                             of a genetic system from a more closely related genus such
                                                                             as Rhodococcus (23).
                                                                             Growth-promoting activity of rRpf fraction
                                                                                The addition of the rRpf fraction promoted the growth of
                                                                             T. biformata dividing cells in a low initial cell concentration
                                                                             (6.76×102 CFU mL−1) in mMMF medium. The apparent lag
                                                                             phase was shortened from 12 d to 10 and 5 d in the culture
                                                                             amended with rRpf of 0.25 and 5 µg mL−1, respectively (Fig.

Fig. 2. Neighbor-joining tree of Clustal W2 alignment of the deduced         Non-dividing T. biformata cells
amino acid sequence from T. biformata rpf gene and sequences of                Non-dividing cells of T. biformata were induced under
putative members of the RpfB sub-family from completed genome
sequences (full tree in Fig. S1). Bootstrap analysis of 1,000 reiterations   oxygen-limited culture conditions. After 60 d of incubation
with values >50% shown at nodes. Asterisks distinguish proteins whose
functional activities have been determined.

                                                                             Fig. 4. Growth-promoting activity of rRpf on Tomitella biformata
                                                                             culture. Logarithmic phase T. biformata cells grown in TSBF medium
Fig. 3. Expression and purification of histidine-tagged recombinant          were washed, properly diluted and transferred to mMMF medium with
Rpf (rRpf) protein confirmed by (A) SDS-PAGE and (B) Western blot            addition of rRpf fraction to the final concentration of 5 µg mL−1 ( )
hybridization analysis using anti-His antibody. Arrow shows that 42-         and 0.25 µg mL−1 ( ). Culture with sterilized distilled water ( ) and
kDa protein had the first 13 amino acid residues of the expected             the non-induced cell lysate fraction ( ) served as a control. Initial
calculated size (38 KDa) of rRpf protein: M: molecular weight                cell concentration of T. biformata in mMMF culture was 6.76×102
standard, N: non-induced E. coli cells lysate fraction, R: histidine-        CFU mL−1. Two independent experiments were conducted and one
tagged recombinant Rpf protein fraction.                                     representative data set is shown in this figure.
Rpf from Tomitella biformata                                                                                                                  63

                                                                           cells obtained from 60-d oxygen-limited cultures (Fig. 6).
                                                                           Two independent experiments were performed using esti-
                                                                           mated initial cell numbers of 57.5 non-dividing cells mL−1
                                                                           in the first experiment and a lower concentration of 9.3
                                                                           non-dividing cells mL−1 in the second. Despite differences in
                                                                           initial cell concentrations, similar trends in resuscitation
                                                                           activity based on rRpf protein concentration were observed
                                                                           in both experiments and no increase in OD600 was seen in
                                                                           the negative control. Differences were only seen in the length
Fig. 5. Morphological differences of Tomitella biformata cells at          of the lag phase. In the first experiment, OD600 started to
different growth phases. Representative transmission electron micro-       increase after 12 and 14 d with the addition of 20 and 2 µg
graphs taken of (A) Early logarithmic phase (TSBF medium, 48 h); (B)       mL−1 rRpf protein, respectively (Fig. 6A). In the second
Early stationary phase (TSBF medium, 72 h); (C) Oxygen-induced             experiment with a lower initial concentration of non-dividing
non-dividing cells (mMMF medium, oxygen-limited condition, 60 d).
IB: inclusion body, CY: cytoplasm, N: nucleoid, CW: cell wall, ML:         cells (9.3 cells mL−1), increases in OD600 were observed at
mucosal layer.                                                             15 and 19 d with the addition of 20 and 2 µg mL−1 rRpf
                                                                           protein, respectively (Fig. 6B); however, the nM concentra-
approximately 99% of the cells had lost cultivability on agar              tion of rRpf T. biformata required to promote growth and
medium but retained membrane integrity (Fig. S3). TEM                      resuscitation was much greater than the pM amounts of rRpf
revealed that the majority of these cells had morphological                from M. luteus and Myc. tuberculosis reported in previous
characteristics distinct from cells in logarithmic and stationary          studies (17, 19). This difference in activity may stem from
growth phases (Fig. 5). Cells differed in shape, size, cell                differences in the protein sequence and structure of T.
wall thickness, cell surface architecture and nucleoid density;            biformata Rpf. This hypothesis warrants more in-depth
features similar to those observed in other studies (2, 29).               genetic analysis in the future.
Not observed in T. biformata non-dividing cells were
large electron transparent inclusions that were reported in                Conclusion
Mycobacterium smegmatis non-dividing cells (21, 27).                          As we initially hypothesized, a new rpf gene homolog
                                                                           was identified in T. biformata, a novel member of the
Resuscitation-promoting activity of rRpf fraction
                                                                           Actinobacteria isolated from a unique environment. Phylo-
  The rRpf fraction resuscitated T. biformata non-dividing                 genetic analysis of the deduced protein product indicated
                                                                           that T. biformata Rpf formed a monophyletic clade in the
                                                                           RpfB subfamily of Rpf and was distant from other function-
                                                                           ally tested Rpfs. The whole length of the rpf gene from T.
                                                                           biformata had nucleotide sequence similarity to only one
                                                                           other bacterium, Rhodococcus opacus B4, in which Rpf has
                                                                           not been studied. The gene was successfully cloned and
                                                                           expressed to demonstrate that despite differences in sequences
                                                                           from previously studied Rpf, the protein was functional and
                                                                           could promote the growth of dividing cells in low-inoculum
                                                                           cultures and resuscitate non-dividing cells. This study
                                                                           provides additional genetic and functional information on
                                                                           the divergence of Rpf produced by different genera in
                                                                           Actinobacteria. It adds to the current body of knowledge of
                                                                           functional Rpf and will aid in future studies to understand
                                                                           other significant roles played by Rpf, such as intercellular
                                                                           communication among Actinobacteria.

                                                                              This work was supported in part by grants from the Institute of
                                                                           Fermentation of Osaka (IFO). IDP was supported by the Hitachi
                                                                           Scholarship Foundation. We thank Dr. Meng Xian-Ying for
                                                                           assistance in performing TEM analysis.

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