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The Law Society’s 2015 State Election Policy Platform - Balance.Rights.Justice. - invites
political parties and candidates for election to make a commitment to constructive and
consultative law reform. The Policy Platform sets out eight key areas in which changes
should be made to the benefit of the NSW community, under three major themes:

In this document, the Law Society presents the responses received from the NSW
Liberal & Nationals, the NSW Labor Party and the Greens NSW. The responses give
us a significant insight into the law and justice policies of the three parties. In
addition to revealing the policy intentions of the parties in the lead-up to the
Election, the responses create a platform for engagement with the parties on law
reform issues after the Election, whether they are in government or opposition.
The Law Society was also pleased to receive responses from two Independents:
Mr Greg Piper MP, the Member for Lake Macquarie, and Mr Alex Greenwich MP, the Member
for Sydney. You can find these responses at
Also available at this address are the issues raised by the Law Society as set out in full
in the Policy Platform - Balance.Rights.Justice.

    The Law Society of NSW calls on all parties to:
      Reject mandatory sentencing and repeal laws which impose minimum terms of imprisonment
      Provide for flexible sentencing options across NSW
      Take urgent action to reduce the disproportionately high number of Indigenous people in NSW prisons

    NSW Liberal & Nationals                          NSW Labor Party                               reduces reoffending and reduces
                                                                                                   drug use. The Drug Court was
    The NSW Liberal & Nationals                      NSW Labor believes in the
                                                                                                   originally introduced in this State
    acknowledge that sentencing                      retention of judicial discretion
                                                                                                   by a Labor Government.
    is a complex process and we                      in the face of calls for mandatory
    want magistrates and judges to                   sentencing. We have considerable              NSW Labor acknowledges the
    have the appropriate tools to                    reservations as to the effectiveness          gross over-representation of
    ensure community confidence                      or desirability of mandatory                  Aboriginal people in our prison
    in the criminal justice system                   sentencing. In Government we did              system. Incarceration rates of
    is maintained. The NSW                           not introduce mandatory terms                 Aboriginal people have never
    Government referred the issue                    of imprisonment as a penalty. In              been higher. They are higher now
    of sentencing to the NSW Law                     the Fifty Fifth Parliament NSW                than at the time of the Royal
    Reform Commission and is                         Labor opposed and voted against               Commission into Aboriginal
    considering the Commission’s                     the Crimes Amendment (Murder                  Deaths in Custody. There are now
    recommendations. In the interim,                 of Police Officers) Bill 2011 which           more Aboriginal people in NSW
    the Government supports flexible                 introduced mandatory sentencing               prisons than when the current
    sentencing options, such as                      for the murderers of police officers.         coalition Government came to
    Intensive Correction Orders,                     We moved amendments to the                    power and Aboriginal people
    where appropriate.                               Government’s Crimes Amendment                 constitute a higher proportion of
                                                     (Intoxication) Bill 2014. That Bill           the prison population now than in
    A NSW Liberal & Nationals                        proposed to introduce mandatory               2011. NSW Labor is committed to
    Government will continue to fund                 sentencing for a significant number           address these issues. In particular,
    targeted programs to reduce the                  of offences. Our amendments                   we have discussed the strategies of
    rate of re-offending among adult                 retained judicial discretion in the           Justice Reinvestment as a solution
    Indigenous offenders. In addition                sentencing process. The Legislative           to this problem. We are committed
    to existing programs the NSW                     Council adopted our amendments                to exploring that approach in
    Government recently established                  but they were opposed by the                  Government.
    a trial of the first NSW Youth                   Government-controlled Legislative
    Koori Court. The court engages                   Assembly. That failure to agree has
    young offenders in a culturally                  resulted in the legislation lapsing.
    relevant process which addresses
    re-offending behaviour. We have                  NSW Labor supports flexible
    announced the reconfiguration                    sentencing options. For example,
    of the Kariong Correctional                      we have committed an incoming
    Centre into a specialist prison to               Labor Government to extend
    assist Aboriginal offenders with                 the Drug Court to the Illawarra.
    individualised programs to address               BOCSAR studies have consistently
    their re-offending behaviour.                    shown that the Drug Court

Greens NSW                            crime and reduce re-offending.
                                      The appallingly disproportionate
The Greens oppose mandatory
                                      rate of Aboriginal children
sentencing and mandatory
                                      in juvenile detention must be
minimum terms of imprisonment.
                                      urgently addressed commencing
The Greens have been the only
                                      with significant investment in
party in the NSW Parliament to
                                      safe and supervised non-custodial
consistently oppose mandatory
                                      accommodation for juvenile
sentencing laws and other laws
                                      offenders who cannot satisfy
which limit judicial discretion on
                                      residential bail conditions.
sentencing. We will remain true
to these principles in the future
including in supporting the repeal
of the existing one punch and
mandatory minimum laws.
The Greens support judges and
magistrates having access to a
wide range of flexible sentencing
options apart from imprisonment.
Imprisonment should only be
applied where a court is satisfied,
having considered all possible
alternatives, that no penalty other
than imprisonment is appropriate.
The Greens support the
introduction of policies
which actively seek to reduce
inappropriate custodial sentences
for Aboriginal people. We
support ongoing implementation
of “justice reinvestment”in
disadvantaged communities in
NSW, whereby money that would
have been spent on the prison
system is reinvested in programs
and services in communities to
address the underlying causes of

                                                                          RESPONSE FROM POLITICAL PARTIES   3

    The Law Society of NSW calls on all parties to:
      Stop knee-jerk amendments to the Bail Act
      Reject the “show cause” test requiring defendants to justify their own bail
      Evaluate the impact of the Bail Act on young people to ensure unnecessary remand is avoided

    NSW Liberal & Nationals                          NSW Labor Party                               The Greens were the only party
                                                                                                   in the NSW Parliament to oppose
    Following concerns that some bail                The Bail Laws in this State have
                                                                                                   the show cause provisions being
    decisions were not reflecting the                been the subject of frequent
                                                                                                   placed in the Bail Act. We remain
    NSW Government’s intention that                  change. In itself this must inevitably
                                                                                                   committed to this position.
    the safety of the community, victims             lead to lack of certainty in the
    and witnesses was at the forefront               law. The current Government’s                 We support a thorough evaluation
    of all decisions made on bail, the               approach has been inconsistent,               of the Bail Act to reduce the
    Government asked former Attorney                 confused and contradictory. The               number of juveniles in detention.
    General, Judge John Hatzistergos,                Opposition looks forward to the               As a starting point we also support
    to review the existing laws.                     statutory review of the Bail laws             the following specific measures:
                                                     to assess whether the legitimate
    The NSW Government accepted                      aims of ensuring that those                   • Supporting bail or community-
    the recommendations of the                       charged appear in court and of                  based supervision regimes for
    Hatzistergos review and the NSW                  ensuring community safety have                  juveniles charged with all but
    Parliament passed amendments                     been achieved. We agree that the                the most serious of offences
    to the Bail Act 2013, which                      application of the bail laws to
    commenced on 28 January 2015.                                                                  • Amending the Bail Act to
                                                     young people should be closely                  ensure that police must first
    The NSW Government believes                      monitored.                                      consider alternatives to arrest
    these reforms strike the right                                                                   in relation to failures to comply
    balance between individual                       Greens NSW                                      with bail
    liberty and community safety. The                The Greens have not supported
    Government will be guided by                     knee-jerk amendments to the Bail              • Amending the Bail Act to
    further advice from the Sentencing               Act in the past and we will not                 reduce the amount of time
    Council and Judge Hatzistergos,                  do so in the future. Ill-considered             young people are kept in custody
    who is due to deliver a final report             and unprincipled amendments                     including following minor
    in mid-2015.                                     to the Bail Act have become a                   breaches of bail conditions
                                                     normal, and dysfunctional, part               • Significant investment in safe
                                                     of the NSW politics. We oppose                  and supervised non-custodial
                                                     presumptions against bail based                 accommodation for juvenile
                                                     on categories of offences and we                offenders who cannot satisfy
                                                     support the repeal of arbitrary                 residential bail conditions.
                                                     restrictions on persons seeking bail.


The Law Society of NSW calls on all parties to:
  Restore fair compensation for injured workers
  Reform the overcomplicated work capacity review process and abolish restrictions on access to legal advice
  Fix the dysfunctional dispute resolution system for workers compensation disputes

NSW Liberal & Nationals              NSW Labor Party                          Greens NSW
The NSW Government supports          NSW Labor believes that if               The Greens support the return to
Workers Compensation and CTP         someone is injured at work               fair and just workers compensation
schemes that are fair, affordable,   they should be treated with              and work injury damages laws
efficient and which provide proper   dignity and respect. We opposed          in NSW. The 2012 workers
support for those who are injured.   the Government’s harsh and               compensation “reforms” were
                                     unnecessary changes to workers           opposed by the Greens because of
In September 2014 enhancements       compensation that saw medical            their patently unfair nature. The
were introduced to the Workers       benefits time limited, weekly            loss of lump sum benefits, limits on
Compensation Scheme to further       payments reduced and claims for          weekly compensation payments and
assist injured employees with        workers injured on the journey to        medical benefits have all caused
additional income support,           and from work all but abolished.         significant hardship to injured
medical and ancilliary services.                                              workers. These changes must be
                                     NSW Labor will reverse the Liberal       reversed. Greens amendments in
The NSW Government is also           State Government’s workers
considering the findings of                                                   the Upper House were successful
                                     compensation laws, including the         in retaining benefits for emergency
recent reviews of the Workers        provisions that prohibit workers
Compensation Scheme and                                                       service workers, but we remain
                                     from hiring legal practitioners to       firmly of the view that these rights
continues to look at ways the        help them.
Scheme can be improved.                                                       should be enjoyed by every injured
                                     Labor in Government will hold            worker in NSW.
                                     a genuine inquiry into workers           Every injured worker should
                                     compensation in NSW. We will             be entitled to access to legal
                                     restore journey claims and give          assistance to resolve their workers
                                     injured workers the financial            compensation claim. This must
                                     assistance they need to pay medical      include a scheme that pays for
                                     bills. We will ensure that all workers   an injured worker’s reasonable
                                     receive fair compensation. We will       legal costs. The current process
                                     require insurance companies to           for the resolution of workers
                                     ensure better claims management.         compensation claims is tortuously
                                                                              complex and counterproductive.
                                                                              The Greens are committed to
                                                                              replacing it with a simpler dispute
                                                                              resolution process before a single
                                                                              independent statutory tribunal.

                                                                                        RESPONSE FROM POLITICAL PARTIES   5

    The Law Society of NSW calls on all parties to:
      Maintain fair entitlements for people injured in motor vehicle accidents for as long as they need them
      Continue making improvements to CTP claim and dispute resolution processes
      Preserve access to legal advice for CTP claims

    NSW Liberal & Nationals                          Greens NSW                                    • Government management and
                                                                                                     underwriting of the scheme such
    The NSW Government supports                      The Greens support the
                                                                                                     as occurs in WA, Tasmania,
    Workers Compensation and CTP                     maintenance of the existing
                                                                                                     Victoria and the NT as these
    schemes that are fair, affordable,               entitlements to those injured
                                                                                                     schemes deliver consistently
    efficient and which provide proper               in motor vehicle accidents. We
                                                                                                     cheaper premiums than privately
    support for those who are injured.               also support a well-costed and
                                                                                                     underwritten and managed
                                                     considered expansion of benefits
    NSW Labor Party                                  on a no-fault basis.
    NSW Labor also decided to                                                                      Access to justice requires access
                                                     The Greens support a fairer CTP
    oppose the Government’s CTP                                                                    to legal advice. This includes in
                                                     scheme aimed at the fair resolution
    motor accidents legislation that                                                               relation to CTP claims.
                                                     of disputes including:
    would have cut benefits and
    pushed up the cost of greenslips.                • Clawing back insurance
    The Government had to withdraw                     company super profits, with a
    that legislation.                                  goal to returning the average
                                                       20% of premiums currently
    We welcomed the                                    retained by private insurers as
    recommendations of the Legislative                 extra-normal profits back to
    Council’s Standing Committee on                    motorists either as reductions in
    Law and Justice. In particular we                  green slip prices or as additional
    welcome these proposals:                           statutory no fault benefits
    • The Motor Accident Authority                   • Reforming the claims system to
      reporting on the reasons behind                  limit the ability of insurers to
      insurer’s high profits                           reject claims as out of time
    • Simplifying the claims process
      and forms to encourage early
      resolution and to reduce costs
    • An examination of the barriers
      to the entry of new insurers.


The Law Society of NSW calls on all parties to:
  Repeal anti-bikie and consorting laws which criminalise non-criminal behaviour
  Ensure legislation on police powers protects rights
  Improve outcomes for Indigenous children in the care and protection system

NSW Liberal & Nationals                  The maximum initial time for          In addition to the Safe Home for
                                         detaining a person under arrest for   Life reforms, we are investing in a
The consorting laws form a
                                         investigation purposes was changed    number of Aboriginal and Torres
valuable part of the NSW
                                         from 4 to 6 hours; however, the       Strait Islander specific programs.
Government’s strategy to combat
                                         maximum possible extension of
serious organised crime.                                                       We are investing in a six-year
                                         this period was reduced from 8
                                         to 6 hours. Therefore, the total      pilot of the Protecting Aboriginal
The intention of the consorting
                                         possible investigation period has     Children Together program, in
offence is to address behaviour
                                         remained at twelve hours. Police      two Aboriginal non-government
that forms or reinforces
                                         cannot extend the investigation       organisations in Moree and
criminal ties. It is a defence if
                                         period for a period longer than is    Shellharbour. Protecting Aboriginal
the consorting is reasonable
                                         reasonable in the circumstances.      Children Together services work in
in certain circumstances.
                                                                               partnership with the Department
These circumstances include
                                         Under the NSW Government’s            of Family and Community Services
consorting with family members,
                                         Safe Home for Life Reforms,           (FACS) and families to ensure child
consorting in the course of lawful
                                         the Aboriginal and Torres             protection responses for Aboriginal
employment, or business, training
                                         Strait Islander Child Placement       children and young people are
and education, the provision of
                                         Principles continue to apply.         culturally responsive. This requires
health services, legal advice and
                                         These principles focus on self-       Protecting Aboriginal Children
in the context of lawful custody or
                                         determination and on participation    Together to be involved in the child
complying with a court order.
                                         in decision-making. Where             protection process from the initial
In 2014, the NSW Government              restoration is not considered         response through to case planning
made amendments to the                   possible and an Aboriginal child      and closure. Protecting Aboriginal
Law Enforcement (Powers and              is unable to live with relatives      Children Together can add value by
Responsibilities) Act 2002 to improve    or kin, a placement with a non-       ensuring case planning considers
its effectiveness.                       related person in the Aboriginal      the cultural and individual needs
                                         community or a suitable person        of families and, where a child or
It is important that police have         may be considered in line with        young person is placed into out-of-
clear and effective powers and that      the child’s best interests and in     home care, Protecting Aboriginal
those who are subject to those           consultation with the Aboriginal      Children Together can assist in
powers have appropriate safeguards.      community. The legislation and        identifying suitable placement
                                         policy acknowledges that adoption     options in the extended family and
The law governing information
                                         is not usually considered, however,   community network.
that must be provided by police
                                         the legislation allows for the
when exercising their powers had
                                         adoption of Aboriginal children
become too complex and difficult
                                         as a final preference following
for police to apply in the field.
                                         parental responsibility.
The requirements have now been
simplified and are far more practical.

                                                                                         RESPONSE FROM POLITICAL PARTIES   7


    We are also investing in the                     NSW Labor Party                               Greens NSW
    Aboriginal Intensive Family Based
                                                     As the Society correctly notes,               The Greens support the basic
    Services program. This includes
                                                     the balancing between protecting              premise of freedom of association
    six permanent services across
                                                     an individual’s rights with the               and have consistently voted to
    FACS districts, and a pilot of four
                                                     imperative to detect and prosecute            oppose laws that criminalise non-
    Intensive Family Based Services’
                                                     crime is not simple. We think on              criminal behaviour. As the only
    in Aboriginal non-government
                                                     occasions the current Government              party that opposed the “bikie” and
    organisations until June 2016.
                                                     has gone too far. The Labor                   consorting laws in Parliament, we
    Intensive Family Based Services
                                                     Opposition voted against the                  remain committed to repealing
    is an intensive, time-limited
                                                     Evidence Amendment (Evidence                  them.
    program that works with referred
                                                     of Silence) Bill 2013 and the
    Aboriginal families who may be                                                                 The Greens support a NSW
                                                     Summary Offences Amendment
    at-risk of having a child or young                                                             Bill of Rights and balanced law
                                                     (Intoxicated and Disorderly
    person placed into out-of-home                                                                 enforcement provisions that do
                                                     Conduct) Bill 2011. We moved
    care due to care and protection                                                                not provide excessive discretion to
                                                     amendments to the Graffiti
    concerns, or where an Aboriginal                                                               police. This includes supporting
                                                     Legislation Amendment Bill
    child or young person is currently                                                             laws that prohibit the use of
                                                     2011. We have been supportive of
    in out-of-home care and is due to                                                              emergency powers to suspend civil
                                                     provisions mandating review of
    be returned home to their family.                                                              liberties, and the use police dogs
    Intensive Family Based Services are                                                            to screen members of the public.
    based in Dapto, Campbelltown,                    NSW Labor shares the Society’s                The civil liberties safeguards on the
    Redfern, Mt Druitt, Newcastle                    aim to improve outcomes for                   powers of arrest that were provided
    and Casino. Non-government                       Indigenous children in the care               in the original Law Enforcement
    organisation pilot locations are                 and protection system.                        Powers and Responsibility Act 2002
    Wagga Wagga, Wyong, Lakes,                                                                     must be restored.
    Kempsey and Clarence Valley.
                                                                                                   Since the 1997 Bringing Them
    FACS is currently funding the                                                                  Home report, NSW has seen
    Aboriginal Child, Family and                                                                   a tragic and damaging five-
    Community Care State Secretariat                                                               fold increase in the number of
    to pilot an Aboriginal Family                                                                  Aboriginal children removed from
    Group Conferencing model in                                                                    their families. The most recent
    Shellharbour, Broken Hill, Wyong                                                               Productivity Commission report
    and Clarence Valley. The overall                                                               shows that NSW again has the
    goal of Aboriginal Family Group                                                                highest rate of Aboriginal child
    Conferencing is for the child or                                                               removal in Australia. Resolving
    young person (where appropriate),                                                              this crisis requires commitment to
    family and others to actively                                                                  working actively with Aboriginal
    participate in the development of                                                              communities on pathways to
    a ‘Family Plan’, which includes                                                                restore children to family and
    strategies to address identified                                                               country and to change the
    risk and/or safety concerns and                                                                Aboriginal child protection system
    to ensure the safety, welfare and                                                              from one of last minute removal to
    wellbeing of those children and                                                                early assistance for families in need
    young people.                                                                                  of support.


The Law Society of NSW calls on all parties to:
  Ensure adequate funding for judiciary and court staff
  Improve court coverage in regional and suburban areas
  Reduce court filing fees and limit future increases to CPI

NSW Liberal & Nationals                with providing court and tribunal       Greens NSW
                                       services and the capacity of users
It is important that NSW is served                                             Access to legal assistance,
                                       to pay. Disadvantaged users may be
by an efficient, modern and                                                    regardless of your wealth, is an
                                       able to waive or postpone their fees
accessible court system.                                                       essential right in a modern society.
                                       by writing to the relevant registrar.
                                                                               For this reason significant increases
NSW is served well by our              Some users of the NSW Civil and
                                                                               to legal aid from the NSW treasury
judiciary. Through the hard work       Administrative Tribunal (NCAT),
                                                                               and from proceeds of crime
and professionalism of magistrates     including pensioners, are eligible
                                                                               legislation are essential. It is simply
in NSW, the Local Court has            for reduced or concession fees.
                                                                               unacceptable that legal aid is only
consistently been a national leader                                            provided where a person faces
in key productivity measures.          NSW Labor Party                         potential imprisonment, especially
                                       NSW Labor recognises the                considering the far reaching
It is important that the court
                                       role of Courts as the central           implications on any person’s life of
system responds to the particular
                                       pillar of the justice system. The       any criminal conviction.
challenges associated with servicing
                                       current Government’s approach
rural and remote areas of the state.                                           An adequately funded DPP with
                                       to court closures is based on a
Almost 80% of court locations                                                  the resources to determine the
                                       predetermined budgetary demand
are in rural and regional areas.                                               appropriateness of prosecutions
                                       rather than a proper analysis of the
In the 2014-15 Budget the NSW                                                  and fairly and competently
                                       needs of parties and stakeholders
Government invested $40 million                                                undertake its task is a basic pre-
                                       in the legal system.
in court videoconferencing                                                     requisite for our legal system.
technology, which reduces the need     The provision of adequate legal aid
for accused and convicted people       services is essential if formal legal   The ALS 24 hour legal advice line
to travel for court appearances.       rights are actually to be protected     has been one of the most important
                                       and enforced through access to          and successful recommendations
Over the last four years, the NSW                                              of the Royal Commission on
                                       courts. The NSW Opposition
Liberal & Nationals Government                                                 Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.
                                       notes the Productivity Commission
has invested over $280 million in                                              There should be a non-partisan
                                       recently estimated that Australia
new courthouses or upgrades to                                                 commitment to its retention
                                       wide, only 8% of households
existing courthouses.                                                          and to resolving the unedifying
                                       would meet current civil legal
The obligation to pay court or         aid guidelines.                         dispute between NSW and the
tribunal fees is based on the                                                  Commonwealth over funding.
principle that a user of a court or                                            Given its importance, even in
tribunal service should contribute                                             the absence of Commonwealth
to the cost of that service. In                                                funding, NSW must commit to
setting fees, the NSW Government                                               maintain the service.
attempts to balance the need to
recover some costs associated

                                                                                          RESPONSE FROM POLITICAL PARTIES   9

     The Law Society of NSW calls on all parties to:
       Ensure adequate funding for legal aid from NSW Treasury
       Ensure adequate funding for the NSW Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
       Commit to ongoing funding of the telephone service for Aboriginal people taken into custody

     NSW Liberal & Nationals                          The Custody Notification Service              Greens NSW
                                                      is provided by the Aboriginal
     Legal Aid NSW lawyers are on the                                                               Access to justice requires
                                                      Legal Service (ALS). Funding
     frontline across a range of areas                                                              reasonable access to courts and
                                                      of the ALS has historically
     helping people - whether they are                                                              judges across NSW. Ongoing
                                                      been the responsibility of the
     facing mortgage default, divorce or                                                            cutbacks to circuit and court
                                                      Commonwealth. The NSW
     child support issues, harassment                                                               sitting times in outer-suburban
                                                      Government welcomed the
     at work, or problems with a faulty                                                             and regional NSW have hindered
                                                      Commonwealth funding provided
     product, Legal Aid solicitors                                                                  access and must be reversed.
                                                      in 2013 to continue this service
     can help.                                                                                      Innovative on line access and court
                                                      and calls on the Commonwealth to
                                                                                                    assistance programs must also be
     The NSW Liberal & Nationals                      continue funding it into the future.
                                                                                                    actively promoted. Courts must
     Government appreciates Legal Aid’s                                                             not become the preserve of the
     invaluable work in the community                 NSW Labor Party                               wealthy and to that end excessive
     and is committed to continuing                   Labor is committed to adequate                reliance on user-pays fees, as well
     funding. In fact, funding has                    resourcing of the justice system.             as any fee increases over and above
     increased from $104 million in                                                                 the CPI, are not be supported by
     2010/11 under Labor to $141.9                                                                  the Greens NSW.
     million in 2014/15 under the NSW
     Liberal & Nationals Government.
     The NSW Liberal & Nationals
     Government has increased funding
     to the Office of the Director of
     Public Prosecutions in the 2014/15
     budget to a total of $118 million.
     This compares to a budget of $102.5
     million in 2010/11 under Labor.


The Law Society of NSW calls on all parties to:
  Affirm the role of lawyers in providing legal services to the community
  Give people the right to choose to have legal representation in courts and tribunals
  Draw on the knowledge and expertise of the legal profession in developing and implementing policy

NSW Liberal & Nationals                NSW Labor Party                       Greens NSW
The NSW Liberal & Nationals            Additionally we support the           For the reasons stated above, the
Government acknowledges the            principle of lawyers providing        Greens support the importance
important role of lawyers in           legal services to the community.      of legal services being provided by
providing legal services to the        The role of the legal profession      an independent and well-regulated
community and in assisting the         in commenting and advocating          legal profession. People must have
Government in the development          on and about the law and              the right to seek to be represented
and implementation of policy.          operation of the legal system is      by the lawyer of their choice.
We will continue to engage in          of great importance. No sensible
discussions with the Law Society       Government will ignore such           The Greens believe that the legal
and other peak legal profession        a resource. This extends to           profession has essential expertise
bodies and encourage them to           the Not-for-Profit sector such        that assist in making public policy
contribute to important                as Community Legal Centres.           decisions regarding the operation
legislative reforms.                   NSW Labor in Government will          of the legal system, and its
                                       introduce Freedom to Advocate         interface with other government
We note that in the vast majority      legislation (similar to the Federal   and non-government services. This
of cases individuals do have the       model) to ensure that this sector     expertise and assistance should
right to have legal representation.    can continue to contribute to         be routinely accessed to assist in
However legal representation is not    ongoing debates.                      making these decisions.
always necessary. Where a matter
is straightforward, allowing parties
to be represented by skilled agents
or to present their own case to
the NCAT is an effective way to
ensure that disputes are resolved
quickly and cheaply. This in turn
makes the legal system much more
accessible to the community. There
is capacity for the NCAT to grant
people leave to be represented by a
lawyer where that is appropriate.

                                                                                       RESPONSE FROM POLITICAL PARTIES   11
© 2015 The Law Society of New South Wales, ACN 000 000 699, ABN 98 696 304 966. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act
1968 (Cth), no part of this publication may be reproduced without the specific written permission of the Law Society of New South Wales.
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