Respiratory virus infections Including COVID-19: Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Guidance

Page created by Julio Salinas
Respiratory virus infections Including COVID-19: Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Guidance
Respiratory virus infections
               Including COVID-19:
Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Guidance

          Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust | Version 5.02 23/05/2022)   1
Respiratory virus infections Including COVID-19: Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Guidance
1.    Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................4
2.    Screening tool for respiratory infections, including COVID-19 ........................................................5
      Community settings .....................................................................................................................................5
3.    Patient pathways ...........................................................................................................................................5
      Patient’s attending for an outpatient appointment ...............................................................................6
      Patient placement..........................................................................................................................................6
4. Respiratory virus, including COVID-19 testing .........................................................................................6
      Overview of who to test and when............................................................................................................8
      General information on testing for respiratory viruses including COVID-19 ................................9
5. Personal protective equipment (PPE) required ........................................................................................9
      Social/Physical distancing ..........................................................................................................................9
      Patients ............................................................................................................................................................9
      Staff: ...............................................................................................................................................................10
      a) Staff in the following areas ..................................................................................................................10
      b) Patients in the following areas............................................................................................................13
      c) Visitors.......................................................................................................................................................13
6. Fit testing14
7. Aerosol generating procedures (AGP) ....................................................................................................14
      NON-RESPIRATORY PATHWAY AGP ....................................................................................................14
      RESPIRATORY PATHWAY AGP ..............................................................................................................15
8. Standard infection control precautions (SICPs) ....................................................................................15
9. Ward visiting guidance .................................................................................................................................16
      Birthing Partners .........................................................................................................................................16
10. Patients on a NON-RESPIRATORY WARD with suspected respiratory viral infection, including COVID-19 ..17
11. Step down guidance ....................................................................................................................................18
      Isolation and discharge guidance RESPIRATORY ward and ICU patients ..................................18
12. Isolation and discharge guidance - Severely Immunosuppressed .................................................19
      Definitions of severe immunosuppression ..........................................................................................20
      Definition of Vulnerable (with respect to COVID-19) ..........................................................................20
      Discharge home ...........................................................................................................................................21
13. Categorisation of COVID-19 cases and surveillance ..........................................................................21
Appendix 1: Respiratory virus including COVID-19 screening tool .....................................................22
      Copy of NHS Vulnerable letter: ................................................................................................................23

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Respiratory virus infections Including COVID-19: Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Guidance
Appendix 2: IPC Management of patients with suspected or confirmed viral respiratory tract
           infections .......................................................................................................................................25
Appendix 3: PPE posters in ward and areas, available on the intranet to download. .....................26
Appendix 4: Respiratory Hygiene Poster ....................................................................................................27
Appendix 5: Care Plan for patients with a Respiratory Virus including COVID-19 ..........................28
Appendix 6: Transporting Patients with Known or Suspected Respiratory viruses ......................30
Appendix 7: Visitor information……………………………………………………………………………..31

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Respiratory virus infections Including COVID-19: Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Guidance
1. Introduction
This document sets out the infection prevention and control (IPC) advice for Harrogate and
District Foundation Trust (HDFT).

It is based on the national guidance issued by UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and adapted
for use in our Trust. It is a dynamic document and will be updated to reflect changes in the
prevalence or severity of respiratory viruses, including COVID-19 at both local and national level.

UKHSA guidance can be accessed via this link:

Specific areas may have risk assessed local guidance which is not included in this document.

Staff respiratory virus, including COVID-19 isolation guidance is not included in this document,
please refer to the Staff Respiratory Infection (Including COVID-19) Isolation / Testing / Return
to Work Guidance on the intranet.

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2. Screening tool for respiratory infections, including COVID-19
Screening questions should be asked to all patients and visitors attending any of our services. Where
possible screening should be undertaken prior to arrival for example by telephone or as soon as
possible on arrival.

A printable version of the screening tool can be found in appendix 1

Community settings
Areas where it is not possible to screen for respiratory viruses including COVID-19 via a questionnaire
(for example a community pharmacy or outpatient phlebotomy services) should use signage at entry
points to advise patients of the necessary precautions. Patients with symptoms should be advised not
to enter the premises.

 3. Patient pathways

    Pathway                     Criteria                                       Placement
  RESPIRATORY Confirmed positive:                             Side-room (S/R) or cohort with other
              SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)                           known positives unless there is another IPC
              Influenza A                                     need for isolation
              Influenza B
              Suspected (symptomatic):                        S/R, or 2 metre socially distanced waiting
              SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)                           area until result available.
              Influenza A
              Influenza B
              Un-triaged (symptoms not known or               2 metre socially distanced waiting area or
              assessed)                                       S/R

  NON-        Emergency Admission:                            NON-RESPIRATORY WARD – Bay or S/R if
  RESPIRATORY Screened and asymptomatic and COVID-19          other IPC need for isolation
              result negative
              Outpatient attendance:                          Waiting area (physical distancing not
              Screened and asymptomatic                       required)

                 Elective care – day attendance:              Waiting area (physical distancing not
                 Screened and asymptomatic and                required)
                 Negative lateral flow test or 72 hour pre-
                 attendance PCR test.
                 Elective care– inpatient attendance:         Elective care ward/bay
                 Screened and asymptomatic and
                 Negative lateral flow test or 72 hour pre-
                 admission PCR test.
  VULNERABLE     Emergency Admission:                         S/R on Respiratory positive ward or virus
                 Symptomatic, Positive for COVID-19,          specific cohort bay
                 Influenza A, B or RSV

                 Emergency Admission:                         S/R NON-RESPIRATORY WARD
                 Asymptomatic and/or Negative for COVID-
                 19, Influenza A, B or RSV
                 Outpatient attendance:                       S/R or Waiting area (physical distancing not
                                                              required as triaged)

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Elective care – endoscopy:                   S/R or Waiting area (physical distancing not
                                                              required as triaged)
                 Elective care – day surgery inpatient:       S/R

Patient’s attending for an outpatient appointment
Patients should not attend the hospital for an outpatient appointment if they have respiratory
symptoms. Patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days should not attend.

If it is clinically safe to delay the appointment, it should be re-scheduled for when the patient has
recovered or in the case of COVID-19 for 10 days after they tested positive. When it is not
clinically safe to delay an appointment the patient should be advised to sanitise their hands on
entering the hospital and wear a mask for the duration of the visit. Where possible they should
sit 2m away from other patients.

Patient placement
No specific physical distancing is required for patients on the NON-RESPIRATORY pathway.
Physical distancing for patients who have respiratory symptoms, suspected or confirmed
respiratory infection should remain at 2 metres at all times unless they are in virus specific cohort
bays. Where it is not possible for the required physical distancing to be maintained, a risk
assessment needs to be undertaken and authorised by the Executive team. IPC are available
to assist you in preparing this, but it should be led by the Operational Manager for that area.

Clear plastic barriers are in place between many inpatient beds. These do not replace the need
to keep patients with suspected or confirmed respiratory infection 2 metres apart but provide an
additional barrier to the spread of droplets.

Windows should be opened at least 10 minutes every hour to increase ventilation.

4. Respiratory virus, including COVID-19 testing
The diagnostic sample required for PCR testing of a patient for respiratory viruses including
COVID-19 is a nasopharyngeal swab. Using one swab to swab both the oropharynx and
nasopharynx (see following page).

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Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust | Version 5.02 23/05/2022)   7
Overview of who to test and when
The following guidance is for patient testing. For staff testing please refer to the Staff COVID Isolation
Guidance on the intranet.

Tests required are numbered 1, 2 and 3 as they appear on the ICE drop down menu

 Who to test                        When to test                          What to test for

                                                                          No symptoms:
                                                                          COVID-19 via Abbott (POC

 All emergency admissions           On admission
                                                                          1) COVID-19/FLU/RSV via

                                                                          2) Biofire on all admissions.

                                                                          3) SARS COV2 (COVID-19)
                                    If on the LFT Pathway an LFT
                                    should be undertaken on the
                                    day of the procedure or
                                    immediately prior to bowel

                                    If on the PCR Pathway
 Elective admissions
                                    undertake a PCR test up to 72
 (including day surgery and
                                    hours prior to admission for a

                                    An accompanying carer should
                                    have an LFT undertaken on
                                    the day they are coming in and
                                    then daily if the patient is not a
                                    day case.

                                                                          COVID-19 via LFT or PCR
                                                                          3) SARS COV2 (COVID-19)
 inpatients attending theatres Within 24 hours of procedure
 or endoscopy

 Inpatients - who develop                                                 1) COVID-19/FLU/RSV via
 symptoms of respiratory                                                   4PLEX
 viral infection including
 COVID-19                                                                 2) Paediatrics - Biofire

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Patients attending for other                                           As stipulated by local
 day interventions (e.g.         As stipulated by local                 departmental policy
 chemotherapy or                 departmental policy

 Patients being discharged to                                           COVID-19 via PCR
 a care home, hospice or                                                3) SARS COV2 (COVID-19)
 have a care package          Within 48 hours of discharge              or if COVID-19 positive
                                                                        within 90 days an LFT

  or hospice
 Patients  being transferred to
                                As stipulated by the receiving          COVID-19 via PCR
 another healthcare
                                institution                             3) SARS COV2 (COVID-19)
 Patients and staff as part of When authorised by Infection             As stipulated by the IPCT
 an outbreak investigation     Prevention and Control
 Which patients not to test for COVID-19

 Patients who have tested positive in the last 90 days (excluding vulnerable patients)
 providing there is documented evidence, they do not require testing on admission. There is
 no need to re-test within 90 days, unless they have recovered and develop new symptoms.
 Routine testing of inpatients on days 3&5
 Routine testing of contacts of a positive inpatient
 ICU patients having AGP procedures. If admission swab is negative and patient
 asymptomatic, further swabbing not required and can have the AGP in a bay

General information on testing for respiratory viruses including COVID-19
      Tests are requested via ICE, please select the reason for testing from the available
      Swabs cannot be sent via the POD system, they need to be delivered to pathology
       specimen reception
      Testing is available on-site 7 days per week, but not 24 hours per day (08:00-21:00)
      Please ensure swabs are delivered to the laboratory promptly

 5. Personal protective equipment (PPE) required
Posters are displayed at the entrance to wards and departments identifying what PPE is
required to be worn by staff (see Appendix 3 for a selection of the posters used).

Social/Physical distancing

 Social distancing is not required if a patient has been triaged* and has no
  respiratory symptoms.

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 2 metre distancing applies if a patient is not triaged e.g. ED and has respiratory

*All patients must be triaged to assess for respiratory symptoms, the exception being
Phlebotomy Services.

 Masks are required in all clinical areas and when moving around non clinical areas
  such as corridors in a healthcare setting.
 Masks are not required when seated in a non-clinical area such as a meeting room
  or office, but it is good practice to maintain 1m distance between people at all times
  when not wearing a mask in a healthcare setting.

a) Staff in the following areas
  NON-RESPIRATORY             Mask              Eye protection           Apron/Gown             Gloves
  At all times*               Fluid resistant   -                        -                      -
                              surgical mask
  When providing hands        Fluid resistant   Worn if blood/body       Apron if contact       If contact with
  on patient care             surgical mask     fluid contamination      with blood/body        blood/body fluid
                                                to the eyes or face is   fluid is anticipated   is anticipated
                                                                         Single use             Single use
                                                Sessional use but
                                                cleaned in-between
  When undertaking an         Fluid resistant   Yes                      Apron                  Yes when
  Aerosol Generating          surgical mask                                                     providing hands
  Procedure (AGP)                               Sessional use but        Single use             on care
  providing the patient       FFP3 mask may     cleaned in-between
  has no other infectious     be worn at        patients                                        Single use
  agent transmitted via       individual’s
  the droplet or airborne     request.

   1. *Masks are required in all clinical areas and when moving around non clinical areas such as
      corridors in a healthcare setting
   2. * Masks are not required when seated in a non-clinical area such as a meeting room or office,
      but it is good practice to maintain 1m distance between people at all times when not wearing a
      mask in a healthcare setting

  RESPIRATORY pathway        Mask               Eye protection           Apron / Gown               Gloves
  At all times               Fluid resistant    -                        -                          -
                             surgical mask
  Before entering a side     Fit tested FFP3    Yes                      Apron worn when            Worn when
  room / bay                 masks worn                                  providing hands on         providing hands
                             entering the                                patient care               on patient care
                             room / bay of      Sessional use
                             respiratory                                 Single use                 Single use

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When undertaking an         Fit tested FFP3   Yes                      Fluid resistant        Yes
AGP. AGP precautions        mask                                       gown
need to be maintained                         Sessional use but                               Single use
until the appropriate                         cleaned at the end of    Single use
air-clearance time has                        the AGP

VULNERABLE pathway          Mask              Eye protection           Apron/Gown             Gloves
At all times                Fluid resistant   -                        -                      -
                            surgical mask
When providing hands        Fluid resistant   Worn if blood/body       Apron if contact       If contact with
on patient care             surgical mask     fluid contamination      with blood/body        blood/body fluid
                                              to the eyes or face is   fluid is anticipated   is anticipated
                                                                       Single use             Single use
                                              Sessional use but
                                              cleaned in-between
When undertaking an         Fluid resistant   Yes                      Apron                  Yes when
Aerosol Generating          surgical mask                                                     providing hands
Procedure (AGP)                               Sessional use but        Single use             on care
providing the patient       FFP3 mask may     cleaned in-between
has no other infectious     be worn at        patients                                        Single use
agent transmitted via       individual’s
the droplet or airborne     request.
Vulnerable patients         Follow the Respiratory pathway above
who have respiratory

Non-clinical staff      Mask
At all times            Fluid resistant surgical mask when within 1 metre of colleagues.
                        Masks are not required when seated in a non-clinical area such as a meeting room or
                        office, but it is good practice to maintain 1m distance between people at all times
                        when not wearing a mask in a healthcare setting

Community settings          Mask              Eye protection           Apron/Gown             Gloves
(Healthcare facility)
At all times                Fluid resistant   -                        -                      -
                            surgical mask
NON-RESPIRATORY             Fluid resistant   Worn if blood/body       Apron worn when        If contact with
When providing hands        surgical mask     fluid contamination      providing hands on     blood/body fluid
on care or within 1                           to the eyes or face is   patient care           non-intact skin or
metre of patient                              anticipated                                     mucous
                                              Sessional use but                               membranes is
                                              cleaned in between       Single use             anticipated
                                                                                              Single use

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RESPIRATORY                   Fit tested FFP3      Yes                       Apron worn when          Worn when
  For patients with             mask                 Sessional use but         providing hands on       providing hands
  respiratory symptoms                               cleaned in between        patient care             on patient care
  postpone if possible for                           patients
  10 days after onset of                                                       Single use               Single use

 **Dental practices please refer to the national guidance dental appendix available at:

  Community settings                  Mask               Eye protection            Apron/Gown                Gloves
  (Patient’s own home)
  At all times                  Fluid resistant      -                         -                       -
                                surgical mask
  When within 1 metre of        Fluid resistant      Worn if blood/body        Apron worn when         If contact with
  patient                       surgical mask        fluid contamination       providing hands on      blood/body fluid
                                                     to the eyes or face is    patient care            non-intact skin or
                                                     anticipated                                       mucous
                                                                               Single use              membranes is
                                                     Sessional use but                                 anticipated
                                                     cleaned between
                                                     patients                                          Single use
  When undertaking an           Fit tested FFP3      Yes                       Fluid resistant         Yes
  AGP on a patient with         mask                                           gown
  suspected or confirmed                             Sessional use but                                 Single use
  respiratory infection.                             cleaned at the end of     Single use
  AGP precautions need                               AGP
  to be maintained until
  the appropriate air-
  clearance time has

  For patients with             Fit tested FFP3      Yes                       Apron worn when         Worn when
  symptoms of a                 mask                 Sessional use but         providing hands on      providing hands
  respiratory virus or                               cleaned in between        patient care            on patient care
  known positive result,                             patients
  if clinically safe                                                           Single use              Single use
  postpone for 10 days,
  or follow this guidance

* Air clearance time – this is the time taken for any airborne contamination to be removed. Clearance of infectious
particles after an AGP is dependent on the air change rate and ventilation system within the room. After 5 air changes
to the eyes or face is    exposure to blood/body fluids or non-
                               Sessional use        anticipated               intact skin

Staff administering vaccinations/injections must apply hand hygiene between patients.

b) Patients in the following areas
 Colour                     Masks – (surgical face mask unless stated           Eye                    Apron   Gloves
                            otherwise)                                          protection
 NON-RESPIRATORY            At point of entrance to the hospital until at       -                      -       -
                            their bed space and when transferring from
                            one ward/department to another
 RESPIRATORY                When transferring from one                          -                      -       -
                            ward/department to another
                            When moving around the ward and cannot
                            maintain physical distancing of 2 metres from
                            other patients (i.e. going to the bathroom).

                            When in ED if respiratory symptoms.
 VULNERABLE                 At the point of entrance to hospital until they
                            are in their side room/bed space.
 Outpatient                 At the point of entrance to hospital until they     -                  -           -
 departments                leave the hospital
 including group
 Community                  At the point of entrance to the healthcare          -                  -           -
 Healthcare setting         setting until they leave the setting (a face
                            covering provided by the patient is

 Community setting      Wear a mask if it can be tolerated for the    -             -           -
 patient’s in their own duration of the visit
NB: Paediatric patients – The appropriateness of asking a paediatric patient to wear a mask will depend
upon the age of the child and any underlying medical conditions. It is, therefore, entirely appropriate for
paediatric teams to assess and decide when the wearing of a mask by a child is necessary.

c) Visitors
  Colour              Mask                          Eye protection    Apron/Gown             Gloves
  NON-                Yes - surgical mask           No                No                     No
  VULNERABLE          Yes – surgical mask           No                No                     No
  RESPIRATORY         Yes – surgical mask           No                No                     No

                      If the patient is having an   Yes               Yes Gown               Yes
                      AGP an FFP3 mask is

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Relatives staying with a child who has tested positive for a respiratory virus are not required to wear
    PPE in the room.
    A surgical mask must be worn when leaving the room.

6. Fit testing
All staff who are required to wear an FFP3 respirator (mask) must be fit tested for the models
the Trust are using to ensure an adequate seal or fit (in accordance to the manufacturer’s
Respirators should be:
 Well fitting, covering both nose and mouth
     Not be touched once put on
     Removed outside the patient’s/individual’s room or cohort area
     Respirators can be single use or single session use (disposable or reusable) and fluid-
     Where fit testing fails, suitable alternative equipment must be provided, or the healthcare
      worker should be moved to an area where FFP3 respirators are not required
     Fit checking (according to the manufacturer’s guidance) is necessary when a respirator is
      put on (donned) to ensure an adequate seal has been achieved
     Respirators should be compatible with other facial protection used (protective eyewear), so
      that this does not interfere with the seal of the respiratory protection

Valved respirators are not fluid-resistant unless they are also ‘shrouded’. Valved non-shrouded
FFP3 respirators should be worn with a full-face shield if blood or body fluid splashing is
anticipated. Valved respirators should not be worn by a healthcare worker when sterility directly
over the surgical field is required for example in theatres/surgical settings or when undertaking
a sterile procedure, as the exhaled breath is unfiltered.

A list of staff who are fit testers is available on the intranet under Infection Prevention and
Control, if a member of staff requires fit testing they should check the list and locate the person
in their area who is a fit tester. Further information is available from the Infection Prevention and
Control Team.

Fit testing of relatives of a positive patient who is EoL having an AGP should be undertaken by
the ward / department staff

7. Aerosol generating procedures (AGP)
For a list of the procedures that are an AGP see table on the following page.

    An AGP can take place in a NON-RESPIRATORY bay providing the following are met:

        Patients are symptom free for respiratory illness
        The ward does not have an outbreak of COVID-19
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 Windows are open during the procedure
Staff do not need to wear a long sleeved gown or FFP3 mask. A surgical mask should be
worn, with eye protection. An apron and gloves should be worn when providing hands on
patient care.

There is no restriction for visitors, a surgical mask should be worn.

Staff must wear a long sleeved gown, gloves, FFP3 mask, visor / goggles for patients with a
respiratory virus, for the duration of the procedure. Air clearance time is 1 hour, any person
entering the room up to 1 hour after the AGP has occurred must wear the above PPE.

Visitors to a respiratory pathway patient requiring an AGP should be fit tested for an FFP3
mask by staff on the ward /dept. and wear eye protection, long sleeved gown and gloves.

    *AGP Procedures

    Manual ventilation

    Tracheal intubation and extubation

    Tracheotomy or tracheostomy procedures (insertion or removal)


    Dental procedures using high speed devices
    Induction of sputum using nebulised saline.

    The use of NIV, BiPAP, CPAP, high flow nasal oxygen (HFNO)
    Respiratory tract suction beyond the oro-pharynx

    High speed cutting in surgery/post-mortem procedures if respiratory tract /paranasal
    sinuses involved
    Upper ear, nose and throat airway procedures that involve respiratory suctioning
* This list will be updated following confirmation of national guidance

8. Standard infection control precautions (SICPs)
Standard Infection Control Precautions (SICPs), as well as Transmission Based Precautions
(TBPs), should be followed at all times including for deceased patients. The 10 elements of
SICP’s are outlined below and details of where you can obtain further information if required.

    Patient placement and assessment for infection risk - see section in this guidance on
     screening and pathways. A Respiratory Virus Care Plan should be used (see appendix 5)

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   Hand hygiene - The correct technique for hand washing is displayed on the front of all liquid
    soap dispensers. Hand sanitiser is available for use before entering all patient rooms and at
    point of care
   Respiratory and cough hygiene - Appendix 4 Respiratory hygiene poster
   Personal protective equipment - See sections in this guidance on PPE required for the
    Respiratory, Non-respiratory and Vulnerable Pathways. Information on the correct
    procedure for donning and doffing is available on the intranet.
   Safe management of the care environment - See IPC policy 019 Decontamination
    available on the intranet under Infection Prevention and Control
   Safe management of care equipment - See IPC policy 020 Care Equipment available on
    the intranet under Infection Prevention and Control.
   Safe management of linen - See IPC policy 022 Laundry available on the intranet under
    Infection Prevention and Control
   Safe management of blood and body fluid spillages - See IPC policy 004 Blood-borne
    Viruses available on the intranet under Infection Prevention and Control
   Safe disposal of waste (including sharps) - See HIF General Waste Policy
   Occupational safety - Exposure management. See Workforce Resources section on
    COVID-19 intranet page

9. Ward visiting guidance
Patients (see exceptions below) may have two visitors, for 1 hour between the hours of
2:00pm-4:00pm. No booking required. No active limits on the number of visitors to a bay.
Windows must be open.

Children are not routinely permitted to visit (in exceptional circumstances a case by case
discussion with the IPC team is required).

Visitors will need to read and comply with the visiting instructions on the laminated visitor sheet
upon arrival. (Appendix 7)

Exceptions to routine visiting:

- Patients who have acute respiratory virus symptoms
*If a visit is required to these patients, a risk assessment and an individual Respiratory care
plan are required. The IPC team are available to support this process.

During visiting, windows must be open and patients encouraged to wear a mask if they are
able to.

Birthing Partners
Two birthing partners are allowed. If a birthing partner is symptomatic for respiratory viruses
they cannot attend and an alternative birthing partner should be agreed.

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10. Patients on a NON-RESPIRATORY WARD with suspected
respiratory viral infection, including COVID-19

           Patient in a NON-RESPIRATORY bay or side room has symptoms of a
                               respiratory viral infection.

                    Escalate to clinician for patient review to assess if it
                             could be COVID-19, FLU or RSV

                                                If COVID-19, FLU or RSV is suspected:
   If COVID-19, FLU or RSV is
                                        Patient must be swabbed promptly ( 1) COVID-
         not suspected:
                                         19/FLU/RSV via 4PLEX
       No action required               Inform IPC and CSM  move to RESPIRATORY ward
                                          SR, deep clean the bed space or side room
                                        Await patient result

                                   If result is negative:
                                   No action required.                 If result is positive Patient
                                   Patient to return to                remains on RESPIRATORY
                                   original Non-
                                   respiratory ward

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11. Step down guidance
Isolation and discharge guidance RESPIRATORY ward and ICU patients

    Patient with a positive test for COVID-19, Flu or RSV who is not immunosuppressed*

For COVID-19 on day 11 (with day 0 being the date of COVID-19 test)
If all 3 criteria are met:

   Clinical improvement with at least some respiratory recovery (post viral cough may last
    for weeks)
   Absence of fever (
12. Isolation and discharge guidance - Severely Immunosuppressed

                   Patient with positive test for COVID-19 / Flu/ RSV who is severely
                                           (see definition below)

    Flu / RSV
    On day 11 (with day 0 being the date of the test). If the patient has complete resolution of
    symptoms they can be transferred to a side room on a Non-Respiratory Ward. Repeat
    testing for Flu / RSV is not required.

On day 15 with day 0 being the date of COVID-19 test

If the patient has complete resolution of all symptoms:

•        Send a repeat viral nose and throat swab for COVID-19 testing

•        Maintain COVID-19 isolation and IPC precautions pending result

       Day 15 COVID-19 test                                       Day 15 COVID-19 test
            NEGATIVE                                                     POSITIVE

    Patient can be transferred to                    Remain on a RESPIRATORY Ward. Maintain
     NON-RESPIRATORY side                              COVID-19 isolation and IPC precautions

                                                             Repeat COVID-19 test after
                                                                     7 days

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Definitions of severe immunosuppression
   Immunosuppression due to acute and chronic leukemia and lymphoma (including Hodgkin’s
   Severe immunosuppression due to HIV/AIDS (British HIV Association advice)
   Cellular immune deficiencies (such as severe combined immunodeficiency, Wiskott -Aldrich
    syndrome, 22q11 deficiency/Di-George syndrome)
   Being under follow up for a chronic lymphoproliferative disorder including hematological
    malignancies such as indolent lymphoma, chronic lymphoid leukemia, myeloma and other
    plasma cell dyscrasias
   Having received an allogenic (cells from a donor) stem cell transplant in the past 24 months
    and only then if they are demonstrated not to have ongoing immunosuppression or graft
    versus host disease (GVHD)
   Having received an autologous (using their own stem cells) hematopoietic stem cell
    transplant in the past 24 months and only then if they are in remission those who are
    receiving, or have received in the past 6 months, immunosuppressive chemotherapy or
    radiotherapy for malignant disease or non-malignant disorders
   Those who are receiving, or have received in the past 6 months, immunosuppressive
    therapy for a solid organ transplant (with exceptions, depending upon the type of transplant
    and the immune status of the patient)
   Those who are receiving or have received in the past 12 months immunosuppressive
    biological therapy (such as monoclonal antibodies), unless otherwise directed by a specialist
   Those who are receiving or have received in the past 3 months immunosuppressive therapy
    o   Adults and children on high-dose corticosteroids (>40mg prednisolone per day or 2mg/
        kg/day in children under 20kg) for more than 1 week
    o   Adults and children on lower dose corticosteroids (>20mg prednisolone per day or
        1mg/kg/day in children under 20kg) for more than 14 days
    o   Adults on non-biological oral immune modulating drugs, for example, methotrexate
        >25mg per week, azathioprine >3.0mg/kg/day or 6-mercaptopurine >1.5mg/kg/day
    o   Children on high doses of non-biological oral immune modulating drugs

Definition of Vulnerable (with respect to COVID-19)

People at the highest risk of becoming seriously ill from COVID-19 include those who:

   have Down’s syndrome
   Had an organ or bone marrow transplant
   are having chemotherapy or antibody treatment for cancer, including immunotherapy
   are having an intense course of radiotherapy (radical radiotherapy) for lung cancer
   are having targeted cancer treatments that can affect the immune system (such as protein
    kinase inhibitors or PARP inhibitors)
   have blood or bone marrow cancer (such as leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma)
   have had a bone marrow or stem cell transplant in the past 6 months, or are still taking
    immunosuppressant medicine
   have been told by a doctor they have a severe lung condition (such as cystic fibrosis,
    severe asthma or severe COPD)

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   have a condition that means they have a very high risk of getting infections (such as SCID
    or sickle cell)
   are taking medicine that makes them much more likely to get infections (such as high
    doses of steroids or immunosuppressant medicine)
   have a serious heart condition and are pregnant
   have chronic kidney disease stage 4 or 5
   have HIV or AIDS and have a weakened immune system
   have a rare condition affecting the brain or nerves (multiple sclerosis, motor neurone
    disease, Huntington’s disease or myasthenia gravis)
   have severe liver disease

Discharge home
Patients can be discharged home when their clinical status is appropriate for discharge.

13. Categorisation of COVID-19 cases and surveillance
COVID-19 cases are categorised into one of four onset/acquisition groups (see table below).
The IPC surveillance officer records all cases of COVID-19 diagnosed at HDH in the IPC HCAI

                                                               Admission length (days)
                                                               Day of admission = day 0
                Community onset                                           ≤3
                Indeterminate hospital onset                             4-7
                Hospital onset probable healthcare acquired             8-14
                Hospital onset definite healthcare acquired              ≥15

A rapid post-infection review (rPIR) is carried out for all cases of hospital onset COVID-19.

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Appendix 1: Respiratory virus including COVID-19 screening tool

      Question                                                              Yes                                                                                               No

  1   Do you have any symptoms of a respiratory illness (cold/flu-like      If triaging a patient for emergency/unplanned care:                                               If triaging a patient for
      illness)?                                                             Manage the patient as per the respiratory pathway                                                 emergency/unplanned care:
      Symptoms include:                                                                                                                                                       Manage the patient as per the
           High temperature, fever or chills?                              If triaging a patient for outpatient appointment:                                                 non-respiratory pathway
           New, continuous cough?                                          If safe to do so, defer and re-schedule the appointment
           A loss or alteration to taste or smell?                                                                                                                           If triaging a patient for outpatient
           Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath                     If triaging a visitor:                                                                            appointment:
           Headache that is unusual or longer lasting than usual           Defer and re-schedule the visit when symptoms have resolved.                                      Proceed with the patient
           Diarrhoea, feeling sick or being sick                                                                                                                             wearing a surgical face mask
           Muscle aches or pains that are not due to exercise
                                                                                                                                                                              If triaging a visitor:
           Runny/stuffy nose, sore throat
                                                                                                                                                                              Proceed with visitor wearing a
  2   Have you had a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 in the last 10         If triaging a patient for emergency/unplanned care:                                               surgical face mask
      days?                                                                 Manage the patient as per the respiratory pathway

                                                                            If triaging a patient for outpatient appointment:
                                                                            If safe to do so, defer and re-schedule the appointment

                                                                            If triaging a visitor:
                                                                            Defer and re-schedule the visit no earlier than 10 days after diagnosis
  3   Are you currently waiting for a COVID-19 test result?                 If triaging a patient for emergency/unplanned care:
                                                                            Manage the patient as per the respiratory pathway

                                                                            If triaging a patient for outpatient appointment:
                                                                            If safe to do so, defer and re-schedule the appointment

                                                                            If triaging a visitor:
                                                                            Defer and re-schedule the visit until test result is known, then re-triage.
  4   Have you received an NHS letter informing you that in the event       Patient identified as vulnerable and will require isolation for the duration of their admission
      of testing positive for COVID-19 you will be eligible for treatment
      (Please show copy of the letter attached) see page 23 of the
      Respiratory Virus Infections including COVID-19 IPC Guidance

                               Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust | Version 5.02 23/05/2022)                         22
Copy of NHS Vulnerable letter:


Your NHS number:

Your reference code:


Important information about new treatments for coronavirus

Your medical records currently show you might be suitable for treatments if you get coronavirus.

You may have received a version of this letter before. It has been updated because the Government has changed the way you test for coronavirus. From 1 April you
should check coronavirus symptoms using lateral flow tests, not a PCR test.

This letter explains that:

    1. You should keep lateral flow tests at home

    2. You should take a test if you have coronavirus symptoms. Important: You must report your test result.

    3. If you test positive, the NHS will contact you about treatments.

For more information visit:

Why are we sending you this letter?

Health experts have looked at the health conditions which put people at more risk from coronavirus. Those health conditions have been agreed by UK chief medical

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We are contacting you because your medical records currently show that you have one or more of these health conditions. This means that treatments might be
suitable for you if a test confirms you have coronavirus.

These treatments can stop you from getting seriously ill and need to be given quickly after you start to have symptoms.

1. You should keep lateral flow tests at home

The UK Health Security Agency will send you one pack of lateral flow tests by 12 April. Only use them if you develop symptoms. If you run out, you can order more from or by calling 119.

You can use any lateral flow tests supplied by the Government. Tests bought from a shop cannot currently be registered via GOV.UK or 119 and you will not be
contacted about treatment if you test positive using these tests.

If you were previously sent a PCR test you can keep it. You might be asked to take a PCR if you receive treatment from the NHS.

2. You should take a test if you have coronavirus symptoms

If you have coronavirus symptoms you should take a lateral flow test immediately, even if your symptoms are mild.

You must report your result at or by calling 119. It’s important to provide your NHS number so you can be contacted.

If your test is negative but you still have symptoms, you should take another test on each of the next two days (three tests in total over three days).

3. If you test positive, the NHS will contact you about treatments

If any of your lateral flow tests are positive and you have reported the result, the NHS should contact you about treatment. If you are not contacted within 24 hours of
your positive test, call your GP surgery, 111, or your specialist clinician (if you have one), who can make an urgent referral.

Yours sincerely

Professor Stephen Powis
National Medical Director
NHS England and NHS Improvement

More information on how the NHS has used your information:

If you need this letter in easy read, braille or other languages, please visit or contact

                          Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust | Version 5.02 23/05/2022)       24
Appendix 2: IPC Management of patients with suspected or confirmed viral respiratory tract

                                                                               Isolation                                            Cleaning
                                                                                                                                   Required -       Contact
            Virus/Agent                    Incubation                      Duration ( very young / very old/          PPE
                                                           Required       immunocompromised patients will                          bed space        Tracing
                                                                              shed the virus for longer)                              only
      Coronavirus (non-COVID),
                                             3-5 days          No                          No                          No              No              No
        enterovirus, bocavirus
        Rhinovirus/adenovirus                1-2 days          No                          No                          No              No              No

          Metapneumovirus                    4-6 days          No                          No                          No              No              No
                                                                                                                 Gloves, *apron,
      Parainfluenza (types 1-4)              1-7 days          Yes                     5 days                    FFP3 mask, eye    **Deep clean        No
                                                                                                                 Gloves, *apron,
  Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)          3-5 days          Yes                     5 days                    FFP3 mask, eye    **Deep clean        No
                                                                        5 days from onset of symptoms if on
                                                                                                                                                  > 12 hr same
                                                                        antiviral treatment. 7 days from onset   Gloves, *apron,
                                                                                                                                                   bay contact
            Influenza (flu)                  1-4 days          Yes          of symptoms if not on antiviral      FFP3 mask, eye    **Deep clean
                                                                                                                                                  within the past
                                                                          treatment. Immunocompromised             protection
                                                                                                                                                      48 hrs.
                                                                         patients require 10 days isolation.

                                                                                                                 Gloves, *apron,
             COVID-19                        1-14 days         Yes        14 days from onset of symptoms         FFP3 mask, eye    **Deep clean         No
                                                                                                                  Gloves, gown,
               SARS                          2-7 days          Yes        For the duration of the admission      FFP3 mask, eye       HPV              Yes
                                                                                                                  Gloves, gown,
               MERS                          2-14 days         Yes        For the duration of the admission      FFP3 mask, eye       HPV              Yes
* Long sleeved gown is required if an AGP is undertaken in the room.

** Air clearance time after an AGP in a room is approximately 1 hour

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Appendix 3: PPE posters in ward and areas, available on the
            intranet to download.

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Appendix 4: Respiratory Hygiene Poster

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Appendix 5: Care Plan for patients with a Respiratory Virus
                          including COVID-19

          Ward Plan for patients with a Respiratory virus including COVID-19

Date of diagnosis   (date) .................................      STOP date for isolation (date) ……………..
Positive swab result COVID-19 □ Flu □ RSV □

   Problem                  Risk associated with a Respiratory virus
                            To safely care for a patient with a Respiratory virus minimising the risk of
omplica                    complications to the patient and transmission to others.

          Start isolation
           Transfer to a Respiratory Ward /Cohort bay (cohort only if the same virus).
           Isolate patient for 10 days if COVID-19, for Flu, RSV isolate for 7 days. If the patient is
             classed as vulnerable, the isolation period will need to be increased – see IPC for further
              Display an isolation notice on the door and place equipment required for isolation
               outside room or bay on a trolley. The door must remain closed.

           Wear an FFP3 mask, eye protection, gloves and apron when entering the room or bay.
            If the patient is in a bay being cohorted, remove gloves and apron after each patient
            and decontaminate hands. Remove gloves and apron before leaving the bay and
            decontaminate hands. Masks and eye protection are sessional and can be worn for 4
            hours (providing you are only looking after Patients with the same respiratory virus.

              If the patient is in a side room, remove gloves and apron and decontaminate hands
               before leaving the room.

              For an AGP and for 1 hour after an AGP: Wear an FFP3 mask, eye protection, a long
               sleeved gown with the sleeves pushed up, a disposable apron and gloves when
               entering the room or bay. Remove the gloves and apron after each patient and
               decontaminate hands. Remove gloves and apron before leaving the room or bay and
               decontaminate hands. Outside the room or bay remove the long sleeved gown, FFP3
               mask and eye protection and decontaminate hands. Put on a surgical mask and clean
               the eye protection before wearing again. In ICU: this process differs, as there is
               enhanced ventilation: the step down time is 15 minutes in negative pressure side rooms
               (rooms 9 and 11).
              Visitors entering an AGP area need to be FIT tested for an FFP3 mask. Assist relatives
               and visitors with wearing and removing PPE safely as per Trust guidelines.
              Provide the patient with a mask to wear if there is a clinical need for them to leave the
               bay or side room. If tolerated, ask the patient to wear a mask when staff are undergoing
               direct care in the side room or bay.

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Cleaning and hygiene
   Keep the room / bay tidy and clutter-free to facilitate cleaning. Decontaminate
     equipment with Tristel- fuse or Clinell green wipes before taking it out of the room / bay
     and between patients. Note: if the patient has loose stool Tristel-fuse (not Clinell wipes)
     must be used to clean equipment.
     Advise that the patient’s own clothing should be laundered separately at a high
      temperature and any other belongings sent home should be cleaned with a Clinell green
      wipe first where possible.
     Promote patient hand hygiene, provide tissues, waste bag and hand wipes.
     Open the window for a minimum of 10 minutes every hour. Provide extra blankets if

  End isolation
  End isolation, for COVID-19 positive patients on day 11 if the patient is apyrexial and has
  respiratory improvement. No clearance swab is required as the result is likely to remain
  positive for 90 days.
  If the patient has Flu end isolation after 7 days.
  Continue to isolate if immunocompromised (until symptom free and a negative swab
  If the patient is vulnerable they should remain in a side room.

     On transfer or discharge, a deep clean of the bed space or side room is required. On
      transfer or discharge from an AGP area 1 hour down time is required prior to cleaning
      (this time differs to 15 minutes in a negative pressure side room on ICU and 30 minutes
      in the bay due to enhanced ventilation units).

Nurse initiating Care Plan ……………………………. Signature ………………………

                   Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust | Version 5.02 23/05/2022)   29
Appendix 6: Transporting Patients with Known or Suspected
Respiratory viruses
   STAFF/ PORTER If patient has tested positive for a Respiratory virus PPE: FFP3
    mask, eye protection, plastic apron and gloves. Non-Respiratory patient: PPE
    surgical mask, eye protection if blood/body fluid contamination to the eyes or
       face is likely. Apron and gloves only required if providing hands on care
                                  (touching a patient).

                                                                     INFANT / BABY
            OR OXYGEN MASK                             PARENT SHOULD CARRY THE BABY/INFANT CLOSE
                                                                     TO THEIR CHEST

   AGP occurring for a positive patient: place a clean sheet on the bed, clean the head
  and foot ends with green Clinell wipes or Tristel-fuse toParent does
                                                             reduce    notviral
                                                                     the   needload.
                                                                                PPE. All staff

  must wear a long sleeved gown and FFP3 mask with eye protection and gloves.

   When going through the corridors if a patient is positive, ensure no one is within 2
   metres. If AGP is occurring on a positive patient the area must be cleared and where
   possible be out of use for 1 hour afterwards, door handles and rails must be wiped
   with green Clinell wipes.

   If a lift is required, ensure it is empty and do not allow others to enter. The lift does
   not require a deep clean. If a positive patient with an AGP has been in the lift it must
   be out of use for 1 hour afterwards, then the keypads cleaned with green Clinell

  When the patient is at the required destination clean the trolley/ bed with Tristel-
                              fuse or green Clinell wipes.

        When the task is complete remove PPE and replace with a new
                              surgical mask.
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Appendix 7: Visitor Information

                      Visiting Information
Dear Visitor,

Please do not visit if you have symptoms of a respiratory illness (cold/flu-like
illness) or you have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days.

Symptoms include:
 High temperature, fever or chills
 New, continuous cough
 A loss or alteration to taste or smell
 Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
 Headache that is unusual or longer lasting than usual
 Diarrhoea, feeling sick or being sick
 Muscle aches or pains that are not due to exercise
  Runny/stuffy nose, sore throat

Please help keep patients, staff and visitors safe by doing the following:

 Wear your mask over your nose and mouth during your visit, do not put it under
   your nose or lower it to talk. Please discuss with staff if lip reading is required.
 Wash or sanitise your hands on entering the ward and the bay.
 Do not sit on the patient’s bed.
 Do not walk around the bay, please just stay with your relative.
 Patients may have two visitors for 1 hour between the hours of 2:00pm and
 On leaving the bay and the ward, wash or sanitise your hands.
 Visiting may change at short notice if a bay requires temporary closure for an
   infection or due to changes in national guidance.
Our hospital is still extremely busy and staff are working as hard as they can to
care for our patients, so please help them by adhering to this guidance. Your
support is greatly appreciated.

If you have any concerns regarding the above, please discuss with the ward staff.
Thank you.

Emma Nunez, Executive Director of Nursing, Midwifery & Allied Health
Jackie Andrews, Executive Medical Director

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