Repair and reshape Creating a better normal - 2020 GLOBAL IMPACT REPORT - Deloitte

Repair and reshape Creating a better normal - 2020 GLOBAL IMPACT REPORT - Deloitte
Repair and
Creating a better normal
Repair and reshape Creating a better normal - 2020 GLOBAL IMPACT REPORT - Deloitte
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Message from                  By the numbers                           Transparency and sustainability
Deloitte Global CEO           People                                   ESG alignment
                               Total headcount                          Commitment to sustainable development
Stories of impact              Headcount by gender                      Environmental sustainability
People                         Headcount by region                      Respect, inclusion and diversity
Performance                    Total new hires                          Leadership and governance
Planet                         Attracting top talent                   Responsible operations
                               Developing top talent                    Deloitte organization structure
                               Societal investments                     Confidentiality, privacy and cybersecurity
                               Community response to COVID-19           Ethics
                              Performance                               Independence
                               Total revenue                            Global security
                               Revenue by business                      Public interest
                               Revenue by industry                      Public policy
                               Revenue by region                        Risk management
                              Planet                                   Reporting
                                WorldClimate                            Reporting process and materiality
                                Net-zero carbon emissions by 2030       Performance metrics

                              About us
                              Deloitte core services
Repair and reshape Creating a better normal - 2020 GLOBAL IMPACT REPORT - Deloitte
Message from
Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact
                                  Deloitte Global CEO

By the numbers

                                                                                                                                   Both our
About us                          In the 175 years since William Welch            has an opportunity not just to help repair
Deloitte core services
                                  Deloitte’s modest entry into professional       the world, but also help reshape a better

                                                                                                                                   organization and
                                  services, the world has faced a multitude       world—and an established track record that
Transparency and sustainability
                                  of threats and challenges. This past year,      says we can make it a reality.
                                  though, has been uniquely difficult. The
                                                                                                                                   the world …
ESG alignment
Responsible operations            confluence of the COVID-19 pandemic,            Reflecting on fiscal year 2020
Reporting                         multiple instances of racial injustice and      During times of great uncertainty, we look
                                  the civil unrest that resulted, financial
                                  uncertainty, and record-shattering extreme
                                                                                  to Deloitte’s Purpose and Shared
                                                                                  Values as our north stars. We remain
                                                                                                                                   will do more than
                                  climate events have exposed the deepest
                                  cracks in society’s foundations and
                                                                                  committed to taking care of each other and
                                                                                  leading the way for our people, Deloitte         simply return
                                  compelled us to marshal our strength
                                  and resilience.
                                                                                  clients and communities.
                                                                                                                                   to normal.
                                                                                  What we’ve learned about the Deloitte
                                  Deloitte—and other institutions—didn’t just     organization this past year is that with scale
                                  survive past crises, we emerged stronger        comes strength. Financially, Deloitte posted     performance—and also juggling personal
                                  every time. Over and over, human ingenuity      aggregate revenue of US$47.6 billion and         and family obligations—has been a
                                  has unfailingly demonstrated the ability        5.5% growth in local currency. That’s below      demanding feat. Deloitte practitioners
                                  to persevere, adapt and flourish. Knowing       our pre-pandemic forecasts, but slightly         have delivered for their clients. As Deloitte
                                  that gives us confidence that both our          better than we anticipated heading into the      leaders, we’ve stood behind our people,
                                  organization and the world will rally again;    final quarter of our fiscal year, and proof      prioritizing their well-being and providing
                                  that we have a chance do more than return       of Deloitte’s resiliency.                        resources and support to help ease
                                  to normal. We can and should pursue a                                                            the burden as the lines between
                                  better normal.                                 Deloitte is our people. And our resilience,       home and work blurred and societal
                                                                                 while a product of many factors, is primarily     divisions intensified.
                                  We need to examine what has worked and         a result of our approximately 330,000
                                  what has gone wrong on a global scale and      professionals around the world. Overnight,        Over the past five years, Deloitte has been
                                  acknowledge where we all might need to         Deloitte practitioners, who typically are         on a transformational journey that has
                                  listen more keenly, adapt our thinking and     embedded with clients, traveling to meet          given us a strategic advantage, particularly
                                  change our actions. For Deloitte specifically, Deloitte clients or gathered in Deloitte          in today’s environment. Deloitte has
                                  we also need to assess how our strategy        offices working for Deloitte clients, were told   been able to deliver the multidisciplinary
                                  fared, how our people and processes            to stay home. Working remotely is nothing         strategies and solutions businesses needed
                                  adapted, and how quality and commitment        new at Deloitte; both our technology and          to respond and recover in the early
                                  to Deloitte clients has helped them respond, culture enable it. But, doing it full time          stages of the pandemic. And as the world
                                  recover and thrive under the strain of         while maintaining close relationships with        reopens, Deloitte is helping businesses
                                  extraordinary circumstances. Deloitte          our clients and preserving high levels of         adapt and thrive.

Repair and reshape Creating a better normal - 2020 GLOBAL IMPACT REPORT - Deloitte
Message from                      Deloitte’s Purpose, to make an impact          these confluent crises; the chance to make  business solutions, focusing on offerings
Deloitte Global CEO               that matters, compels us to contribute         business and society better than before.    that organizations will need in this new
                                  to the communities where we live and                                                       environment—transformation, cyber,
Stories of impact
                                  work. This past year, that impact totaled      Looking to fiscal year 2021 and building digital and cloud—while continuing to
                                  US$265 million (including more than 1.5        a better normal                             deliver the full breadth and depth of our
                                  million hours of volunteer and pro bono        As Deloitte looks toward the coming decade, multidisciplinary model that Deloitte
                                  work), and progress continued against          a few things are certain.                   clients depend upon.
By the numbers                    our commitment to impact 50 million lives
People                            through WorldClass.                            We know that few businesses will do            We are fortunate to build from a position
Performance                                                                      things exactly the same way as before.         of strength. Deloitte was named the most
Planet                            In a time of exceptional strain for our        Organizations will learn from these            valuable commercial services brand by
                                  communities, it has been gratifying to see     crises and implement changes that enhance      Brand Finance for the second year in a
About us                          our people take it upon themselves to serve    their resilience.                              row in FY2020. The most recent PCAOB
Deloitte core services
                                  those on the front lines and communities in                                                   inspection results demonstrate Deloitte’s
                                  deep need of assistance. From the Deloitte     We know some new ways of working and           uncompromising dedication to audit quality.
Transparency and sustainability
                                  professionals in Canada who developed          living will continue, especially those         And Deloitte has received several awards for
ESG alignment                     GroceryHero to match volunteers with busy      offering greater convenience and at lower      its sustained commitment to diversity and
Responsible operations            front-line professionals in need of someone    costs. And we know business will need to       inclusion. However, we recognize there is
Reporting                         to shop for them, to the Deloitte Spain        adapt to markets that have changed             much more still to be done.
                                  professionals who joined forces to make        and are changing, technologies that are
                                  and supply thousands of masks to COVID-19      rapidly evolving, and new societal attitudes   The pandemic, the economy, social conflict
                                  front-line workers, our people have been       and values.                                    and climate-related catastrophes will
                                  motivated to use their skills to make a                                                       continue to test all businesses, including
                                  difference. At an organization-wide            Our commitment to building a better            Deloitte. But we do not accept that our
                                  level, Deloitte donated to the World Health    normal begins with people. We are              future is pre-ordained. It is ours to shape.
                                  Organization’s COVID-19 Solidarity             expanding opportunities at Deloitte——          The need for the kinds of problem-solving
                                  Response Fund and invested about               and throughout our communities with            knowledge, skills and experience Deloitte
                                  US$20 million toward COVID-19 related          WorldClass—especially among traditionally      offers has never been greater.
                                  relief efforts.                                underrepresented and marginalized groups.
                                                                                 As a large organization, we can apply our      In this report, you’ll read more about

                                  Our commitment                                 influence to promote equality and justice
                                                                                 throughout society, cultivate inclusiveness,
                                                                                                                                what Deloitte is doing to help create
                                                                                                                                a better normal for people, for Deloitte

                                  to building a
                                                                                 and empower all people to grow personally      clients and for the planet—guided by
                                                                                 and professionally.                            the same fundamentals, Shared
                                                                                                                                Values and Purpose that have helped us
                                  better normal                                  We are tackling the climate crisis head on.
                                                                                 Our new WorldClimate strategy articulates
                                                                                                                                overcome previous crises over our
                                                                                                                                175-year history and emerge stronger.
                                  begins with people.                            Deloitte’s responsibility to make sure our
                                                                                 own house is in order, to inspire our people   I have no doubt we’ll do that again.
                                                                                 to act, and to engage our ecosystems and
                                                                                 alliances in our cause. We will reduce our
                                  Finding ways to serve clients with             own footprint and grow our capabilities so
                                  minimal disruption while supporting our        we can deliver best-in-class solutions that
                                  communities and keeping our people             help Deloitte clients do the same.
                                  engaged, productive and mentally healthy
                                  the past several months has tested the           From a business perspective, Deloitte                          Punit Renjen
                                  Deloitte organization’s capabilities and spirit. will continue to make markets and create                       Deloitte Global CEO
                                  At the same time, we see the silver lining in    opportunities to grow alliance-enabled

Repair and reshape Creating a better normal - 2020 GLOBAL IMPACT REPORT - Deloitte
Stories of impact:
Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact

By the numbers

About us                          Through the many challenges of the past       remote workers shared glimpses into              When COVID-19 hit, organizations
Deloitte core services
                                  several months, successful businesses         their private lives while essential workers      adopted technologies that enabled
                                  have focused on people—identifying ways       vocalized their personal struggles. This has     seamless collaboration; adjusted schedules
Transparency and sustainability
                                  to support employees, clients and other       elicited empathy during a time of crisis that    to accommodate team, client and family
ESG alignment                     members of society during the COVID-19        advances understanding and helps create a        obligations; and encouraged teaming and
Responsible operations            crisis and helping them prepare for the       deeper relationship between managers             job sharing to meet changing
Reporting                         world after it.                               and team members.                                business needs.

                                  People who can                                Everyone wants to feel they can be
                                                                                themselves and to thrive in their careers.
                                                                                                                                 In doing so, many business leaders
                                                                                                                                 observed what Deloitte has long known:

                                  work from
                                                                                Deloitte’s culture is supported by its           People who can work from any place
                                                                                ALL IN diversity and inclusion strategy,         at any time are more productive, creative
                                                                                which is focused on providing all Deloitte       and efficient. In Deloitte Global’s 2020
                                  any place at any                              people with equal opportunities to
                                                                                grow, develop and succeed.
                                                                                                                                 Millennial Survey, two-thirds of millennials
                                                                                                                                 said that working remotely enables a
                                  time are more                                 Through ALL IN, Deloitte aims to increase
                                                                                                                                 better work/life balance. And half of all
                                                                                                                                 respondents said they’ve felt more able to
                                  productive, creative                          the recruitment, retention, promotion and
                                                                                recognition of underrepresented groups
                                                                                                                                 bring their “true selves” to work by having
                                                                                                                                 their offices at home.

                                  and efficient.                                and achieve gender balance across the
                                                                                organization. The strategy also empowers         There also are tangible cost and
                                                                                LBGT+ colleagues to feel confident and           environmental benefits to working remotely;
                                  The pandemic accelerated new, more            thrive at Deloitte. And it promotes mental       reduced commuting, for example, can
                                  flexible ways of working and increased        health resources that are critical to creating   save families money and time, and reduce
                                  awareness of the importance of mental         an inclusive workplace.                          CO2 emissions.
                                  health in the workplace. But, perhaps more
                                  notably, the dual health care and economic    Enhancing flexibility is another way             As an increasing number of Deloitte clients
                                  crises heightened awareness among             companies can address mental health and          shift to alternative working arrangements,
                                  business leaders of the importance of other   improve their employees’ environments.           practitioners have leveraged this know-how
                                  issues—including trust, empathy, training     The pandemic reinforced that some jobs,          to offer valuable guidance to ensure these
                                  and development, diversity and inclusion,     often the most essential ones, cannot            transitions are seamless. And as society
                                  and having a purpose beyond profit.           be done remotely. But teachers, doctors,         reopens, Deloitte will continue to provide
                                                                                consultants and others proved out of             the insights they need to make flexible
                                  Throughout the pandemic, employees            necessity that many tasks can be more            work not only a back-up option, but also a
                                  have revealed more about themselves;          flexible than previously imagined.               valuable solution.

Repair and reshape Creating a better normal - 2020 GLOBAL IMPACT REPORT - Deloitte
Stories of impact:
Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact

By the numbers

                                                                                  The pandemic has
About us                          Even with the temporary closure of all                                                          Impact Days, or annual days of service.
Deloitte core services
                                  Deloitte University facilities in the wake                                                      We’ve reimagined our approach to giving

                                                                                  amplified the need
                                  of COVID-19, the organization continues                                                         back in response to COVID-19. Focusing on
Transparency and sustainability
                                  to provide its professionals with training                                                      Impact Every Day, Deloitte has provided
                                  opportunities, launching Cura, a virtual                                                        lifesaving supplies to essential workers on
                                                                                  for employers to
ESG alignment
Responsible operations            platform to deliver customized learning                                                         the front lines; donated airline ticket balance
Reporting                         content instantly to approximately                                                              that enabled medical professionals to travel
                                  330,000 Deloitte people. Deloitte has also
                                  maintained its commitment to professional
                                                                                  actively invest in                              to treat patients; and provided additional
                                                                                                                                  support to organizations with which Deloitte
                                  development and promotion programs,
                                  understanding that building leaders for the     their people.                                   collaborates through WorldClass to help
                                                                                                                                  the 1.5 billion children whose educations
                                  future is more important than ever.                                                             have been impacted by lockdowns.

                                  Business leaders today, however, must           Through WorldClass, Deloitte people are         The pandemic has amplified the need for
                                  do more than just prepare their own             engaging in concentrated efforts to develop     employers to actively invest in their people,
                                  people for the workplace of tomorrow.           job skills, improve educational outcomes        support communities, uplift citizens and
                                  Deloitte is committed to empowering             and expand opportunities for 50 million         tackle society’s most complex challenges.
                                  people everywhere to think creatively, use      people worldwide by 2030. During FY2020,        It’s shown just how connected people
                                  technology efficiently and communicate          WorldClass touched the lives of more than       are around the globe and how quickly
                                  effectively so they can prosper in this         7 million people through nearly US$105          business leaders can respond in a crisis—
                                  new world.                                      million of investments in WorldClass            lessons that can guide the development
                                                                                  activities, including almost 770,000 hours of   of a better future.
                                  In communities around the globe, access to      volunteer and pro bono time.
                                  quality education and job opportunities has
                                  not been equal. This ultimately contributes     We also encourage Deloitte people to
                                  to less diversity in the workforce generally.   mentor members of their communities,
                                  At Deloitte, we believe we make the greatest    connect with nonprofit organizations
                                  societal impact when our professionals          focused on education, and engage in candid
                                  use their skills and knowledge to help          conversations about the effects of
                                  those from traditionally underrepresented       systemic racism.
                                  segments of society achieve their
                                  aspirations and reach their potential.          Deloitte launched a number of initiatives to
                                                                                  aid people in response to COVID-19. In the
                                                                                  past, Deloitte firms around the world hosted

Repair and reshape Creating a better normal - 2020 GLOBAL IMPACT REPORT - Deloitte
Stories of impact:
Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact

By the numbers

About us                          The phrase “new normal” has become            shared interests, allowing them to be more        measures implemented and subsequently
Deloitte core services
                                  commonplace in 2020 as people globally try innovative and less vulnerable.                      relaxed by nearly 200 countries, in addition
                                  to imagine how a post-pandemic world will                                                       to traditional COVID-19 case and testing
Transparency and sustainability
                                  look and function. In business, the evolution These changes already were in motion              information from around the world, enabling
ESG alignment                     to a different kind of new normal—a result    when the pandemic shifted them into               leaders to identify trends and design data
Responsible operations            of the marriage of physical assets and        overdrive. Businesses of all stripes,             driven recovery strategies. By connecting
Reporting                         advanced digital technologies known           from family owned shops to the largest            technology, cross-industry insights and
                                  as the Fourth Industrial Revolution—has       multinational conglomerates, were forced to       deep domain knowledge, Deloitte is making
                                  been transpiring the past few years.          rapidly reevaluate and revamp every aspect        a tangible contribution in the battle against
                                                                                of their operations. Whether they were            COVID-19 and the economic and societal

                                  The future of work                            ready or not, the future of work arrived
                                                                                ahead of schedule—and it is more layered
                                                                                                                                  damage the pandemic has caused.

                                                                                and complex than most had anticipated.            In the wake of the pandemic, Deloitte
                                  arrived ahead of                                 Many shortcomings of business,
                                                                                                                                  firms also helped many clients quickly
                                                                                                                                  virtualize their operations and develop crisis
                                  schedule—and it is                               government and society were exposed by
                                                                                   the crisis, faults that must be addressed
                                                                                                                                  response plans using Deloitte’s resilient
                                                                                                                                  leadership framework—a collection of
                                  more layered and                                 as lockdowns lift and commerce cautiously
                                                                                   resumes. Repairing the damage is critical,
                                                                                                                                  recommendations CEOs can implement to
                                                                                                                                  blunt the crisis’s impact and enable their

                                  complex than most                                but the world cannot simply return to the
                                                                                   way things were. We have an opportunity
                                                                                                                                  organizations to emerge stronger.

                                  had anticipated.
                                                                                   to reimagine work—and reshape the              As the world slowly reopens, it will do
                                                                                   world—so that future adversities are more      so in a landscape that lives and works in
                                                                                   predictable and manageable.                    radically different ways. That will place
                                                                                                                                  tougher demands on business, from how
                                  Each concept of what someday may be              Deloitte excels at helping businesses both     and where they meet their customers, to
                                  considered typical is driven by very different   manage the unexpected and anticipate and       safety measures that offer employees
                                  considerations. But at Deloitte, we see          adapt to long-term trends. One example         and the public peace of mind. To embrace
                                  significant overlap in these visions of the      is the Deloitte COVID-19 Global Recovery       and sustain nontraditional work
                                  future. In both, there’s more reliance on        Navigator, which consolidates and enables      environments, organizations may need
                                  technology, altering the ways people do          analysis of key health, social, and economic   to rethink real estate needs, employee
                                  work and interact with their clients. There’s    data to inform government and private          benefits and incentives, staffing, culture,
                                  more resiliency and flexibility built into       sector decision making and activities based    communication protocols and, of course,
                                  planning and processes so that businesses        on actions taken by others around the          physical and cloud-based computing
                                  can pivot quickly when needed. And there’s       world. This unique dataset brings together     requirements and cybersecurity.
                                  greater cooperation among entities with

Repair and reshape Creating a better normal - 2020 GLOBAL IMPACT REPORT - Deloitte
Stories of impact:
Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact

By the numbers

About us                          Deloitte’s job is to guide businesses through                                                      ability to address unanticipated situations
Deloitte core services
                                  this journey—and make the case for                                                                 and a steady commitment to address

Transparency and sustainability
                                  advanced technologies such as the cloud,
                                  artificial intelligence, cyber and other digital   that work together                              the needs of all stakeholders in the best
                                                                                                                                     way possible.
                                  transformations where and when they fit.
ESG alignment
Responsible operations
                                  This applies as much to Deloitte firms as it
                                                                                     stand a much                                    At Deloitte, we’re committed to applying
                                                                                                                                     what we’ve learned—throughout our
                                                                                     better chance of
                                  does to their clients.                                                                             175-year history and especially during
                                                                                                                                     the pandemic—to meet this moment and
                                  Another lesson from the pandemic is just
                                  how connected the global community is.
                                                                                     succeeding than                                 help Deloitte clients emerge from it even
                                                                                                                                     more resilient. When we do, in cooperation
                                  It took less than eight months for a virus
                                  borne in one city to infect more than 22           those that try to go                            with like-minded organizations, then a
                                                                                                                                     reimagined world—one where organizations

                                                                                     it alone.
                                  million people in nearly every part of the                                                         are adaptable and prepared for the next
                                  world. Yet, while the rallying cry of “we’re all                                                   crisis; one where people and technology
                                  in this together” swept the globe, countries                                                       bring out the best in each other; one where
                                  found themselves competing against one                                                             alliances are built to solve problems; and
                                  another for limited resources. Instead of          services to ecosystems of problem solvers,      one where organizations are trusted—won’t
                                  cooperating to fight the virus effectively and     relationships are even more critical to the     just be possible. It will be a reality.
                                  aggressively, they took independent, siloed        world we now live in.
                                  approaches that slowed progress.
                                                                                     The pandemic has highlighted in very stark
                                  And so it is with business. As Industry 4.0        and real ways the importance of trust to
                                  continues to evolve, organizations that            building a strong economy and healthy,
                                  work together stand a much better chance           well-functioning society. In many countries,
                                  of succeeding than those that try to go            organizational trust was in decline before
                                  it alone. For Deloitte clients to deliver for      the pandemic hit because many people
                                  their customers, and for Deloitte firms to         don’t believe institutions have their best
                                  deliver for their clients, we must continue        interests in mind.
                                  to emphasize and embrace a connected
                                  approach. From alliances with the                  To rebuild businesses, it’s necessary to
                                  hyperscalers operating big cloud platforms         rebuild the trust in and of all stakeholders.
                                  to government-backed programs and                  Trust is cultivated by demonstrating an

Repair and reshape Creating a better normal - 2020 GLOBAL IMPACT REPORT - Deloitte
Stories of impact:
Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact

By the numbers

                                                                                                                               As we change
About us                          Among the many lessons learned during         As we change ourselves, we will work to
Deloitte core services
                                  the COVID-19 pandemic, none was more          change the world by empowering

                                                                                                                               ourselves, we will
                                  affirming than the dramatic way the planet    Deloitte people to take individual and
Transparency and sustainability
                                  responded to curtailed human activity.        collective climate action alongside
                                  Typically obscured mountain tops were         Deloitte clients and communities. Deloitte
                                                                                                                               work to change
ESG alignment
Responsible operations            revealed. Murky waters cleared. Wildlife      also will engage ecosystem participants
Reporting                         reclaimed habitats.                           to address responsible climate choices

                                  The rapid rebound opened eyes and offered
                                                                                at a systems level while we enhance
                                                                                Deloitte’s reputation as a thought leader
                                                                                                                               the world by
                                  hope. In research conducted by Deloitte
                                  Global, a 17-point gap that existed before
                                                                                and a foremost provider of climate-specific
                                                                                professional services.                         empowering
                                  the pandemic between millennials who
                                  thought we’ve reached a point of no return    Achieving net-zero emissions at Deloitte       Deloitte people
                                  regarding climate and those who didn’t        by 2030 requires major changes to
                                  virtually evaporated in just four months.     how the organization conducts business.
                                                                                We must reduce business travel in line with
                                                                                                                               to take individual
                                  Society’s brief pause not only rekindled
                                  optimism, but it also opened up new
                                                                                science-based climate methodologies.           and collective
                                  avenues for climate action. Economic
                                  recovery plans have provided opportunities
                                                                                Already, Deloitte firms are considering how
                                                                                service delivery models can be changed
                                                                                                                               climate action.
                                  for advancing climate-friendly policies and   building on what they have learned following
                                  enabled lower-impact business models          the global pandemic lockdown. By 2030,         to the events Deloitte people attend,
                                  to emerge.                                    we also intend to source 100% renewable        environmental impact will be considered.
                                                                                energy for our buildings and convert the       We will also be deepening internal
                                  WorldClimate, Deloitte’s climate strategy,    entire Deloitte-owned automotive fleet to      conversations on Deloitte’s
                                  will focus on creating awareness of personal  low-emission vehicles. We’ll engage with       role in supporting a just transition to a
                                  choices and changing behaviors—both           Deloitte’s major suppliers to promote their    low-carbon economy.
                                  within our organization and among those       adoption of science-based targets.
                                  we influence—to reduce greenhouse gas         And we will make investments to address        Business must lead and innovate
                                  emissions. We recognize change starts         unabated emissions.                            through sourcing responsibly, improving
                                  within. Deloitte must set and meet higher                                                    efficiency, minimizing waste, designing for
                                  standards for itself, including achieving    “Operating green”—ensuring Deloitte             reuse, and bringing new products to
                                  net-zero emissions by 2030, and “operating    policies and practices are aligned with its    market that promote more responsible,
                                  green” through new internal climate policies climate vision and strategy—is also a high      sustainable lifestyles.
                                  and practices.                                priority. From procurement processes

Repair and reshape Creating a better normal - 2020 GLOBAL IMPACT REPORT - Deloitte
Stories of impact:
Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact

By the numbers

About us                          Deloitte understands this. We also                requires teamwork on a massive scale. An        couldn’t possibly have anticipated its
Deloitte core services
                                  recognize the opportunity we have to equip        outcome of one such example is UpLink—a         unveiling would coincide with a global
                                  Deloitte people with knowledge and tools          platform developed by Deloitte, Salesforce,     pandemic and the need to rebuild so many
Transparency and sustainability
                                  they need to become agents of change. So,         the World Economic Forum and other              facets of society.
ESG alignment                     starting in FY2021, we will inspire all 330,000   contributors that connects innovators and
Responsible operations            Deloitte professionals worldwide to act to        entrepreneurs with experts, mentors and         Because it does, Deloitte has an opportunity
Reporting                         positively impact climate change. Our goal        investors so that they can collaborate to       to not only help protect the planet for future
                                  is to have them understand the power and          solve global challenges aligned with the        generations, but also to lead the journey on
                                  influence they have as individuals to make        United Nations’ Sustainable Development         a fundamentally different path forward—
                                  responsible choices that address climate          Goals. Initial focus areas for UpLink include   one that addresses the long-term health
                                  change and environmental impacts. Deloitte        the Ocean Solutions Sprint, which has           and resilience of planet Earth, its people
                                  people ideally will be inspired to make better    sourced almost 50 entrepreneurial solutions     and its economies.
                                  decisions about what they personally buy          from more than 15 countries; and,
                                  and use every day—from technology to              an initiative to ensure the conservation and    The opportunity to create a more
                                                                                    restoration of 1 trillion trees within          sustainable world is at our collective

                                  Tackling the world’s
                                                                                    this decade.                                    fingertips. We all are compelled to act.

                                                                                    In FY2021, Deloitte will be exploring other
                                  most complicated                                  ecosystem opportunities to identify where
                                                                                    we can have additional meaningful impact.
                                  climate challenges                                Working together with Deloitte clients,
                                  requires teamwork                                 alliance cohorts, NGOs and industry
                                                                                    groups, we hope to increase demand for

                                  on a massive scale.                               responsible products and services,
                                                                                    remove roadblocks that get in the way of
                                                                                    enacting change, and create innovative
                                                                                    climate solutions.
                                  clothing to transportation choices—and
                                  significantly reduce their individual and         Deloitte’s WorldClimate strategy recognizes
                                  household impacts on the climate.                 the potential an organization our size has to
                                                                                    affect the environment, and the influence
                                  Deloitte also will actively lead, convene and     Deloitte wields as a leading provider of
                                  participate in ecosystems of like-minded          professional services in the battle against
                                  organizations, because tackling the world’s       the defining crisis of this century. When
                                  most complicated climate challenges               development of the strategy began, we

Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact
                                  By the numbers

By the numbers

About us
Deloitte core services

Transparency and sustainability
ESG alignment
Responsible operations

                                                   Global figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.

Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact

By the numbers

About us
Deloitte core services

Transparency and sustainability
ESG alignment
Responsible operations

                                  Global figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.
                                  Because of rounding, numbers may not tally with the total.

Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact
                                  Headcount by region
By the numbers
Planet                                                   Americas
                                     Women                                            Men
About us

                                   44%                                           56%
Deloitte core services

Transparency and sustainability      65,500                                        84,260
ESG alignment
Responsible operations

                                   45%                                           55%
                                     49,106                                        60,234

                                                       Asia Pacific

                                   48%                                           52%
                                     36,138                                        39,562

                                   Global figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.
                                   Because of rounding, numbers may not tally with the total.

                                  Global figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.
                                  Because of rounding, numbers may not tally with the total.

Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact

By the numbers

About us
Deloitte core services

Transparency and sustainability
ESG alignment
Responsible operations

                                  Global figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.
                                  *New hires as a percentage of total headcount.

Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact

By the numbers

About us
Deloitte core services

Transparency and sustainability
ESG alignment
Responsible operations

                                  Global figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.

Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact

By the numbers

About us
Deloitte core services

Transparency and sustainability
ESG alignment
Responsible operations

                                  Global figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.
                                  Due to COVID-19, all Deloitte University sites were closed for the majority of Q4 in FY2020.

Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact

By the numbers

About us
Deloitte core services

Transparency and sustainability
ESG alignment
Responsible operations

                                  Total societal investments of US$264.8M include US$ 91.2M in donations, US$152.8M in value of volunteer and pro bono hours, and
                                  US$20.8M in management costs. Global figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization. “Individuals reached” refers to the total
                                  number of people, external to Deloitte, impacted through support provided by Deloitte people to individuals (e.g., mentoring) and organizations
                                  (e.g., capacity building for nonprofit organizations) toward Deloitte’s goal of reaching 50 million individuals by 2030. Because of rounding,
                                  numbers may not tally with the total. Total COVID-19 community investments and WorldClass investments are not mutually exclusive as
                                  some COVID-19 community response investments (e.g., supporting virtual learning arrangements) also qualify as WorldClass.
Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact

By the numbers

About us
Deloitte core services

Transparency and sustainability
ESG alignment
Responsible operations

Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact
                                  By the numbers

By the numbers

About us
Deloitte core services

Transparency and sustainability
ESG alignment
Responsible operations

                                           Revenue figures are in US$billion. Global figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.

Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact

By the numbers

About us
Deloitte core services

Transparency and sustainability
ESG alignment
Responsible operations

                                  Revenue figures are in US$billion. Global figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.
                                  Due to rounding, sum of revenue by business may not equal total.

Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact

By the numbers

About us
Deloitte core services

Transparency and sustainability
ESG alignment
Responsible operations

                                  Revenue figures are in US$billion. Global figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.
                                  Due to rounding, sum of revenue by business may not equal total.

Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact

By the numbers

About us
Deloitte core services

Transparency and sustainability
ESG alignment
Responsible operations

                                  Revenue figures are in US$billion. Global figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.
                                  Due to rounding, sum of revenue by business may not equal total.

Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact
                                  By the numbers

By the numbers

About us
Deloitte core services

Transparency and sustainability
ESG alignment
Responsible operations

Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact

By the numbers

About us
Deloitte core services

Transparency and sustainability
ESG alignment
Responsible operations

About us
Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact

By the numbers

About us
Deloitte core services

Transparency and sustainability
ESG alignment
Responsible operations

                                             The above list of services is a representative sampling of Deloitte business capabilities. Deloitte
                                             offers many services, not all of which are available from every Deloitte firm and not all of which
                                             are permissible for audit clients under varioius professional and regulatory standards.
Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact
Performance                                                                                                   Geographies with at least one Deloitte office in operation
Planet                                                                                                        during FY2020 are listed below. These are listed for ease in
                                                                                                              identifying locations where Deloitte has a presence.
By the numbers                                                                                                They are not intended as statements on political sovereignty.
Performance                                                                                                   Please visit and contact
Planet                                                                                                        an office near you to inquire about Deloitte capabilities to provide
                                                                                                              services in locations not listed below.
About us
Deloitte core services

Transparency and sustainability
ESG alignment
                                  Albania                    Colombia              Isle of Man                       New Zealand                    Switzerland
Responsible operations            Algeria                    Congo (Brazzaville)   Israel                            Nicaragua                      Taiwan (China)
Reporting                         Andorra                    Congo (Democratic     Italy                             Nigeria                        Tajikistan
                                  Angola                        Republic of)       Ivory Coast                       North Macedonia                Tanzania
                                  Argentina                  Costa Rica            Japan                               (Republic of)                   (United Republic of)
                                  Armenia                    Croatia               Jordan                            Northern Mariana Islands       Thailand
                                  Aruba                      Curaçao               Kazakhstan                        Norway                         Timor-Leste
                                  Australia                  Cyprus                Kenya                             Oman                           Togo
                                  Austria                    Czech Republic        Korea (Republic of)               Pakistan                       Trinidad and Tobago
                                  Azerbaijan                 Denmark               Kosovo                            Palau                          Tunisia
                                  Bahamas                    Dominican Republic    Kuwait                            Palestinian Territories        Turkey
                                  Bahrain                    Ecuador               Kyrgyzstan                        Panama                         Turkmenistan
                                  Bangladesh                 Egypt                 Lao PDR                           Papua New Guinea               Uganda
                                  Barbados                   El Salvador           Latvia                            Paraguay                       Ukraine
                                  Belarus                    Equatorial Guinea     Lebanon                           Peru                           United Arab Emirates
                                  Belgium                    Estonia               Lithuania                         Philippines                    United Kingdom
                                  Benin                      Finland               Luxembourg                        Poland                            of Great Britain and
                                  Bermuda                    France                Malawi                            Portugal                          Northern Ireland
                                  Bolivia                    Gabon                 Malaysia                          Puerto Rico                    United States
                                  Bosnia-Herzegovina         Georgia               Malta                             Qatar                          Uruguay
                                  Botswana                   Germany               Marshall Islands                  Romania                        Uzbekistan
                                  Brazil                     Ghana                 Mauritius                         Russian Federation             Venezuela
                                  British Virgin Islands     Gibraltar             Mexico                            Rwanda                         Vietnam
                                  Brunei Darussalam          Greece                Micronesia                        Saudi Arabia                   Yemen
                                  Bulgaria                   Greenland                (Federated States of)          Senegal                        Zambia
                                  Cambodia                   Guam                  Moldova (Republic of)             Serbia (Republic of)           Zimbabwe
                                  Cameroon                   Guatemala             Monaco                            Singapore
                                  Canada                     Honduras              Mongolia                          Slovak Republic
                                  Cayman Islands             Hungary               Montenegro                        Slovenia
                                  Chad                       Iceland               Morocco                           Solomon Islands
                                  Channel Islands            India                 Mozambique                        South Africa
                                    ( Jersey and Guernsey)   Indonesia             Myanmar                           Spain
                                  Chile                      Iraq                  Namibia                           Sri Lanka
                                  China                      Ireland               Netherlands                       Sweden

Commitment to
Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact
                                  sustainable development

By the numbers

About us                          Addressing the complex challenges society        service to Deloitte clients. Deloitte         providing access to opportunities.
Deloitte core services
                                  faces today has become an expectation for        continued to evolve and innovate offerings    Since launching three years ago,
                                  business. Deloitte’s purpose-driven agenda       to address current and emerging client        WorldClass has reached approximately
Transparency and sustainability
                                  has focused on creating societal impact—         needs, and maintained its focus on serving    11.7 million people.
ESG alignment                     primarily through our WorldClass ambition        the public interest and working to restore
Responsible operations            that connects people with skills-building        trust in capital markets.                     Deloitte launched a number of initiatives
Reporting                         opportunities—and preparing business for                                                       to aid people in response to COVID-19. In
                                  Industry 4.0.                                    Deloitte’s success is driven, in part, by     the past, several Deloitte firms hosted
                                                                                   alliance relationships with many of the       Impact Days, or annual days of service.
                                  In 2020, we broadened our commitment             world’s most powerful and innovative          We’ve reimagined our approach to giving
                                  to society with the introduction of our          companies that help Deloitte clients solve    back in response to COVID-19. Focusing on
                                  WorldClimate strategy, which will focus          their most complex problems, shape new        Impact Every Day, Deloitte has provided life-
                                  Deloitte on making responsible climate           markets and create sustainable value.         saving supplies to essential workers on the
                                  choices and becoming a leader in the effort                                                    frontlines; donated airline ticket balances
                                  to mitigate climate change. And through our      Moving forward, Deloitte will continue to     that enabled medical professionals to travel
                                  ALL IN diversity and inclusion strategy, we      make markets and create opportunities         to treat patients; and provided additional
                                  continue to provide Deloitte people with         to grow alliance-enabled business             support to WorldClass contributors to help
                                  equal opportunities to grow, develop and         solutions. Deloitte will focus on offerings   the 1.5 billion children whose educations
                                  succeed in an environment where we hold          that organizations will need in this new      have been impacted by lockdowns.
                                  each other accountable at all times.             environment—transformation, cyber and
                                                                                   cloud—while continuing to deliver the full    Diversity and equal
                                  The success of these priorities, together        breadth and depth of the multidisciplinary    opportunity
                                  with our aspiration to be the undisputed         model that Deloitte clients can depend on.    At Deloitte, we want everyone
                                  leader in professional services, is measured                                                   to feel they can be themselves
                                  using a “triple bottom line” of people,          Community engagement                          and to thrive at work—
                                  performance and planet.                          Deloitte is committed to                      in every country, in everything
                                                                                   helping millions of people                    we do, every day. This
                                  Strategy and alliances                           around the world find                         can only be achieved by
                                  Deloitte’s strategy and multidisciplinary        meaningful work in the new                    providing a workplace culture
                                  business model continued to drive success        economy. Through Deloitte’s                   characterized by inclusive
                                  in FY2020. All five business areas—Audit &       societal impact initiative,                   everyday behaviors and built on a
                                  Assurance, Consulting, Financial Advisory,       WorldClass, we aim to                         foundation of respect and appreciation
                                  Risk Advisory, and Tax & Legal—grew during       empower 50 million people by                  for diversity in all its forms.
                                  this time, a validation of Deloitte’s strategy   2030 by improving education
                                  to deliver high-quality, globally consistent     outcomes, developing job skills and

Message from                      Deloitte stands against systemic bias,          working with ecosystems for collective         Even with the temporary closure of all
Deloitte Global CEO               racism and unequal treatment. We take           impact. These ambitions were agreed to         Deloitte University facilities in the wake
                                  seriously our responsibility to listen,         by the Deloitte Global Executive and Board     of COVID-19, the organization continues
Stories of impact                 learn and lead the change we wish to see        in early FY2021 and will serve as Deloitte’s   to provide its professionals with training
                                  in the world.                                   roadmap for the coming decade.                 opportunities, launching Cura, a virtual
                                                                                                                                 platform to deliver customized learning
                                  Deloitte’s ALL IN diversity and inclusion       Ethics and integrity                           content instantly to approximately 330,000
By the numbers                    strategy is focused not only on ensuring that   Our Global Principles of                       Deloitte people. We’ve also maintained our
People                            all Deloitte people live the organization’s     Business Conduct (“Global                      commitment to professional development
Performance                       values and understand the importance            Code”) outline Deloitte’s                      and promotion programs, understanding
Planet                            of an inclusive culture empowered by            ethical commitments and                        that building leaders for the future is more
                                  inclusive leadership, but also on designing     expectations for Deloitte                      important than ever.
About us                          and implementing specific interventions         people globally, giving
Deloitte core services            designed to achieve Deloitte’s diversity        the organization a strong                     Responsible business and
                                  goals. We are focused on providing              foundation built upon                         supply chain
                                  everyone with equal opportunities to grow,      indelible principles.                         Deloitte introduced Our
Transparency and sustainability
                                  develop and succeed in an environment           At Deloitte, we have placed ethical culture   Commitment to Responsible
ESG alignment
Responsible operations            where we hold each other accountable at         and values at the heart of our agenda, and    Business Practices and
Reporting                         all times.                                      we understand the critical responsibility     Supplier Code of Conduct in FY2020,
                                                                                  Deloitte has to serve the public interest.    codifying Deloitte’s long-held beliefs and
                                  Climate change                                                                                principles around these key areas. Deloitte’s
                                  Environmental sustainability                    Deloitte actively supports multiple efforts   commitment to responsible business
                                  continues to be a C-suite                       to eradicate corruption throughout the        outlines the responsible business principles
                                  level priority for Deloitte and                 world. Deloitte Global was an early signatory we believe in and the commitments we have
                                  advancing Deloitte’s progress                   to the United National Global Compact         made. These are embedded in our policies
                                  on sustainability and climate                   (UNGC) and to the World Economic              and inform our decision making. Deloitte’s
                                  change has been prominent                       Forum’s Partnering Against Corruption         Supplier Code of Conduct outlines our
                                  on the agenda of the Deloitte                   Initiative (PACI).                            expectations of suppliers—that they
                                  Societal Impact Council, a                                                                    support our commitment to doing not only
                                  senior leadership group                         Professional training and education           what is good for business, but also what is
                                  focused on Deloitte’s social impact             Deloitte combines common curricula,           good for those with whom we deal and the
                                  and responsible business agenda.                technology and innovative learning            communities in which they live and work.
                                  During FY2020, one of the council’s             facilities—such as Deloitte University
                                  main activities was to define Deloitte’s        (DU)—to provide Deloitte people with          Public policy engagement
                                  commitment to addressing climate                the opportunity to build their leadership,    Deloitte Global’s public policy program
                                  change. As a result, WorldClimate, a new        industry and technical capabilities.          focuses its attention on priority topics
                                  climate change strategy, was formulated         Deloitte’s significant long-term investment   shaping the debate, including: advocating for
                                  to focus the organization on making             in the Deloitte University system enables     a corporate reporting ecosystem that’s safe,
                                  responsible climate choices.                    Deloitte people to advance their careers      transparent and accountable; preparing
                                                                                  and participate in leadership development     tomorrow’s diverse workforce with the
                                  The four pillars that support Deloitte’s        programs in a world-class learning            appropriate skills and qualifications to find
                                  WorldClimate strategy include: achieving        environment. In FY2020, approximately         meaningful jobs and purpose; informing
                                  net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by            114,000 Deloitte people around the world      the future of regulation in an era of
                                  2030; addressing Deloitte’s internal policies   experienced DU.                               exponential technological advancement;
                                  and procedures to align with its climate                                                      and supporting a holistic approach to
                                  ambitions; educating and inspiring Deloitte                                                   measuring social progress.
                                  people to act on climate change; and

Message from                      Privacy and data security
Deloitte Global CEO               Safeguarding confidential information is
                                  core to the services Deloitte firms provide.
Stories of impact                 Deloitte is committed to protecting
                                  confidential and personal information,
                                  including that of Deloitte clients and
                                  third parties, and to continually monitor
By the numbers                    regulatory and legal requirements to
People                            support compliance.
Planet                             Continuing momentum
                                  “Deloitte Global continues to be committed
About us                           to supporting the UN Global Compact
Deloitte core services             and advancing the Sustainable Development
                                   Goals,” says Deloitte Global CEO Punit
                                   Renjen. “Deloitte is optimistic about the
Transparency and sustainability
                                   future we are helping to build and excited
ESG alignment
Responsible operations             to continue our shared quest of advancing
Reporting                          business, people, communities and
                                   the world.”

Environmental sustainability
Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact

By the numbers

About us                          Environmental sustainability continues         These ambitions were agreed to by the            out expectations around issues of
Deloitte core services
                                  to be a C-suite level priority for Deloitte    Deloitte Global Executive and Board              human rights, labor, the environment,
                                  and advancing Deloitte’s progress on           in early FY2021 and will now serve as the        integrity, ethics and anti-corruption.
Transparency and sustainability
                                  sustainability and climate change              roadmap for the coming decade.                   Some of the environmental measures
ESG alignment                     has been prominent on the agenda                                                                the code encourages include improving
Responsible operations            of the Deloitte Societal Impact Council,       Client-focused capabilities                      resource efficiency, minimizing and
Reporting                         a senior leadership group focused on           The WorldClimate agenda will complement          eliminating waste, developing innovative
                                  Deloitte’s social impact and responsible       the growing sustainability services provided     environmental practices, and measuring
                                  business agenda. Council participants          by Deloitte firms. Offerings currently include   and reducing pollution and emissions.
                                  are drawn from across geographies and          environmental sustainability services
                                  businesses and include members                 related to strategy, resource productivity,      For the first time, Deloitte has formally
                                  of the Deloitte Global Board of Directors,     risk mitigation, attest services and supply      outlined the responsible business
                                  the Deloitte Global Executive and other        chain. Renewable energy services are also        principles in which it believes, and
                                  senior leaders. The council is co-chaired by   expanding as clients explore innovative          the commitments Deloitte has made
                                  the Deloitte Global CEO and Deloitte Global    supply arrangements. And Deloitte firms          via Our Commitment to Responsible
                                  Board Chair, underpinning the importance       have engaged with clients on a broad range       Business Practices. This includes
                                  of this agenda.                                of environmental sustainability topics,          Deloitte’s commitments to reduce
                                                                                 including energy, water, greenhouse gas          the environmental impact of its own
                                  During FY2020, one of the main activities of   emissions, plastics, circular economy and        operations, achieve carbon-emission-
                                  the Societal Impact Council was to define      supply chain.                                    reduction goals and support
                                  Deloitte’s commitment to addressing                                                             sustainability initiatives as part of the
                                  climate change. As a result, WorldClimate,     Internal initiatives                             most-senior-level agendas.
                                  a new climate change strategy, was             While the WorldClimate strategywas
                                  formulated to focus the organization on        being developed in FY2020, sustainability        Both statements reinforce Deloitte’s
                                  making responsible climate choices. Four       activities continued to be advanced              dedication to actively combat
                                  pillars support the strategic direction:       across the organization, including some          climate change.
                                  • Achieving net-zero greenhouse gas            notable accomplishments.
                                    emissions by 2030;                                                                            Carbon emissions
                                                                                   Supplier Code of Conduct                       While Deloitte pursues necessary changes
                                  • Addressing Deloitte’s internal                 and Our Commitment to Responsible              to achieve its 2030 net-zero goal, it is also
                                    policies and procedures to align with its      Business Practices                             taking steps to address its current level
                                    climate ambitions;                             This year, Deloitte introduced a new           of emissions through offset purchases.
                                  • Educating and inspiring Deloitte people to     Supplier Code of Conduct applicable            Deloitte recognizes purchasing offsets is
                                    act on climate change; and                     across the organization. The code              not a final solution, but rather an interim
                                                                                   establishes a consistent baseline for doing    action while it advances its broader
                                  • Working with ecosystems for
                                                                                   business with Deloitte, and sets               reduction goals. All carbon emissions
                                    collective impact.

Message from                      resulting from air travel in FY2019 were          blinds used to track the sun and reduce
Deloitte Global CEO               offset through the purchase of third-             electricity usage from air-conditioners,
                                  party-verified carbon credits, and the            a bottling plant in the basement of the
Stories of impact                 purchase of a combination of renewable            building to ensure glass-bottled water
                                  energy or offsets to address all travel-          replaces plastic bottles, and composting
                                  related (air, auto, hotel, etc.) and all other    of wet food waste.
                                  energy-related FY2020 emissions is
By the numbers                    underway. The emphasis and approaches             Zero-waste meeting
People                            for addressing residual carbon                    In October 2019, nearly 750 new Deloitte
Performance                       emissions are evolving and Deloitte will          firm partners attended Deloitte’s first
Planet                            continue to explore appropriate                   zero-waste event of its kind, in Rancho
                                  options that align with its goals and             Palos Verdes, California. Working together
About us                          strategic direction.                              with the venue and a waste management
Deloitte core services                                                              vendor, 92% of materials from the meeting
                                  Deloitte’s carbon-reduction goals set in          were diverted from landfill, resulting
                                  FY2019 included an 11% reduction in               in hundreds of pounds of waste being
Transparency and sustainability
                                  business travel by FY2025. In the latter          recycled, composted and donated. In
ESG alignment
Responsible operations            half of FY2020, the COVID-19 pandemic             addition to reducing carbon dioxide
Reporting                         resulted in the cessation of business             emissions, the event offered valuable
                                  travel for Deloitte professionals and for         lessons that will be shared across the
                                  many Deloitte clients. This unexpected            organization to encourage more zero-
                                  forced grounding has opened up new                waste meetings.
                                  examinations of how Deloitte does
                                  business while continuing to serve clients       Contact
                                  effectively. As the world emerges from the       Kathryn Alsegaf
                                  pandemic, Deloitte is rethinking some of         Deloitte Global Internal Sustainability Leader
                                  the traditional ways in which it operates,
                                  particularly business travel. Deloitte
                                  leaders anticipate continuing to serve
                                  clients effectively and grow the business,
                                  while also reducing travel below
                                  pre-pandemic levels.

                                  Office buildings
                                  Deloitte Africa’s new headquarters
                                  in Waterfall City, South Africa, which
                                  opened in FY2020, achieved a LEED
                                  (Leadership in Energy and Environmental
                                  Design) Silver rating in recognition of
                                  its sustainable design. It builds on a
                                  legacy of Deloitte landmark locations
                                  embracing sustainability in their designs
                                  including The Edge in the Netherlands,
                                  The Gateway in Belgium and 1 New Street
                                  Square in London. Environmental features
                                  incorporated in the South Africa building
                                  design include solar panels, rainwater
                                  harvesting and storage, electrical

Respect, inclusion and diversity
Message from
Deloitte Global CEO

Stories of impact

By the numbers

About us                          At Deloitte, we want everyone to feel they        Achieving gender balance                         more) people to feel confident in being
Deloitte core services
                                  can be themselves and to thrive at work—in        • Deloitte leaders strive to achieve gender      who they are and empowered to
                                  every country, in everything we do, every           balance across the Deloitte organization.      thrive within Deloitte and within the
Transparency and sustainability
                                  day. This can only be achieved by providing         Deloitte Talent has set aspirational goals     societies Deloitte serves.
ESG alignment                     a workplace culture characterized by                for all Deloitte firms and has developed     • Deloitte has endorsed the UN’s Standards
Responsible operations            inclusive everyday behaviors and built on a         consistent initiatives spanning the entire     of Conduct for Business in Tackling
Reporting                         foundation of respect and appreciation for          career lifecycle—from recruitment,             Discrimination against LGBTI people (the
                                  diversity in all its forms.                         promotion and succession processes             LGBTI Standards) and is taking actions to
                                                                                      to mentoring, sponsorship and agile            further LGBT+ inclusion aligned with core
                                  Deloitte stands against systemic bias,              working. Deloitte firm CEOs have               areas of these standards. This includes
                                  racism and unequal treatment.                       committed to deliver on these initiatives      a focus on “allyship,” reverse mentoring
                                  We take seriously our responsibility to listen,     and report progress to the Deloitte            and ensuring that Deloitte professionals
                                  learn and lead the change we wish to see            Global CEO, Deloitte Global Executive and      are enabled to “walk in the shoes” of
                                  in the world.                                       Deloitte Global Board of Directors on a        LGBT+ colleagues. In line with the UN
                                                                                      regular basis.                                 LGBTI standard to act in the public sphere,
                                  Deloitte’s ALL IN diversity and inclusion                                                          Deloitte is proud to be a member of the
                                  strategy is focused not only on ensuring that • Deloitte’s focus on gender equality does           Partnership for Global LGBTI Equality.
                                  all Deloitte people live the organization’s        not end with our own organization.
                                  values and understand the importance               Through several of its WorldClass
                                                                                     societal impact projects, Deloitte aims       Supporting mental health
                                  of an inclusive culture empowered by
                                  inclusive leadership, but also on designing        to positively impact the lives of women       • Deloitte believes that supporting mental
                                  and implementing specific interventions            and  girls outside  our organization.           health is a critical aspect of inclusion and
                                  designed to achieve Deloitte’s diversity           Stories of Deloitte’s work around the           is working to address the stigma that still
                                  goals. We are focused on providing                 world comprised Deloitte Global’s first-        too often exists within society on this
                                  everyone with equal opportunities to grow,         ever Global Gender Impact Report. The           topic. The organization recognizes the
                                  develop and succeed in an environment              report’s theme—the “Butterfly Effect”—          importance of Deloitte people knowing
                                  where we hold each other accountable               illustrated how small actions can have          where and how to seek support when
                                  at all times.                                      widespread    and  lasting impact. The report   they  are experiencing mental health
                                                                                     was released on International Women’s           challenges, and being comfortable
                                  The three pillars of Deloitte’s inclusive talent   Day 2020.                                       they can raise such concerns without
                                  culture—underpinned by respect—are                                                                 fear  of stigma. The COVID-19 pandemic
                                  achieving gender balance, advancing LGBT+        LGBT+    inclusion                                prompted     Deloitte Global to develop and
                                  inclusion and supporting mental health.          • At Deloitte, we want everyone to feel they      roll out  a series of podcasts focusing on
                                                                                     can be themselves at work, without              ways in which Deloitte people can look
                                                                                     fear of discrimination or prejudice. We         after their mental health, focusing on
                                                                                     want our LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bi, trans and     common challenges faced during periods

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