REHAU Sustainability Report 2017/2018

Page created by John Ferguson
REHAU Sustainability Report 2017/2018
REHAU Sustainability Report 2017/2018

     03   →   Preface
     04   →   Our company
     14   →   Ethics and compliance
     16   →   Stakeholders
     19   →   Suppliers                ©Inga -

     21   →   Economic impact
     26   →   Environmental impact    About this report

                                      To promote clarity and make this Sustainability Report as
     37   →   Social impact           easy as possible to navigate, we have provided the report in
                                      PDF form with links.
     50   →   Report profile
                                      Further online information, for example on the REHAU
     54   →   Legal notice            website, can be accessed via the links in the PDF.
                                      Our symbols will help you navigate.

                                        Link to an external page
                                      → Reference to another page of the report

                                      Page references in the tables on pages 22, 27, 28, 44 and 52
                                      are also linked.

                                      You can find the relevant targets for each of our areas of
                                      activity under the corresponding management approach. In
                                      addition, topics that cover United Nations’ SDGs relevant to
                                      REHAU are marked with corresponding icons in the report.

                                                                 REHAU AG + Co – Sustainability Report 2017/2018
REHAU Sustainability Report 2017/2018
03   Contents     Preface     Our company    Ethics and compliance      Stakeholders     Suppliers    Economic impact   Environmental impact    Social impact     Report profile

     Preface                            (GRI 102-14)

     Dear reader,

     In this report on the 2017/18 period, we are publishing information about our sustainability activities
     and targets for the fourth time in a row. A lot has already been achieved in recent years. It is a given for
     us as a globally active, privately-held company that we continue expanding the measures we take to
     ensure a sustainable future.

     We took the opportunity in 2019 to grapple intensively with the topic of sustainability and are in the
     process of setting a new trajectory. The processes that we have initiated as part of our new sustain-
     ability strategy have not yet concluded, but we would like to give you an initial insight into what we are
     striving for in this report. REHAU is not immune from the impact of current social and political devel-
     opments around the world, and we are in the process of adapting the principles of our sustainability
     activities as a result. We have already established that our activities will be based on four key principles
     in future:

     ▪▪   Sustainable growth
     ▪▪   Driving forward the circular economy
     ▪▪   Accelerating climate protection
     ▪▪   Promoting diversity

     We are aware that our future success will depend significantly on our adherence to these principles –
     and we intend to measure ourselves by them. In future, we will report on our sustainability activities on
     an annual basis. As a further consequence of our reorientation, we will join the UN Global Compact, the
     most important global initiative in the field of responsible company management.

     We want sustainability to be part of how we work, every day. Which is why the motivation and imagi-
     nation of our over 20,000 employees worldwide is so important. It is my personal goal to inspire our
     employees, customers and suppliers into action in all their diversity. Sustainability will only become a
     reality if every individual plays their part – within our company and beyond.

     With this in mind, I hope you enjoy reading this report.

     William Christensen
     CEO of the REHAU Group

                                                                                                                                     REHAU AG + Co – Sustainability Report 2017/2018
REHAU Sustainability Report 2017/2018
04   Contents   Preface   Our company     Ethics and compliance   Stakeholders    Suppliers      Economic impact                 Environmental impact                       Social impact               Report profile

     Our company
                                                                                        01 _ REHAU as part of a strong, privately-held company

                                                                                                                REHAU Verwaltungszentrale AG (Muri, Switzerland)

                                                                                                RAUMEDIC Group                                   REHAU Group                                    MERAXIS Group
                                                                                               Development partner                                System and                                    Trading group for
                                                                                                in the international                           service provider for                              polymer-based
                                                                                              medical technology and                             polymer-based                                      solutions.
                                                                                              pharmaceutical industry.                              solutions.
     Company profile                                                                              Founded in 2004                               Founded in 1948.                                    Founded in 2019

     GRI 102-1: Company name
     REHAU AG + Co

     GRI 102-2: Activities, brands, products, and services
     REHAU AG + Co is headquartered in Rehau and is part of the international
     REHAU Group based in Muri bei Bern. REHAU is a leading system and service
     provider for polymer-based solutions. REHAU is a premium brand synony-                   Automotive   Automotive
                                                                                                           Building and Automotive
                                                                                                                                   and Automotive
                                                                                                                                                and Automotive
                                                                                                                                                               and Building
                                                                                                                                                                            and      Furniture
                                                                                                                                                                                       Industrial      Windows
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Industrial     Industrial
                                                                                         Automotive Infrastructure Building                       Furniture
                                                                                                                    Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure          Solutions Window
                                                                                                                                                         SolutionsInfrastructure      Solutions         Solutions    Industrial
     mous with high performance, quality, innovation strength and design exper-                                    Solutions                      Solutions                        Solutions                         Solutions
     tise for its customers, suppliers and employees. Our corporate culture is
     based on the values of trust, reliability and innovation.

                                                                                                                                                          REHAU AG + Co – Sustainability Report 2017/2018
REHAU Sustainability Report 2017/2018
05   Contents    Preface   Our company      Ethics and compliance    Stakeholders    Suppliers   Economic impact   Environmental impact     Social impact     Report profile

     Patents                                                                               GRI 102-4: Location of operations
     As an innovative leader in the field of technology, we continue to develop our        The REHAU Group has over 170 locations in more than 50 countries.
     products across divisions and work on new solutions. This is reflected in the large   Its international activities are focused in Europe.
     number of patent and utility model applications we submit each year. REHAU
     submits approximately 100 patent and utility model applications each year, known      REHAU AG + Co in Germany is the largest company in the Group, with a total of 16
     as “priority applications.” A total of 556 patents and utility models have been       sales offices, 11 plants, 2 administrative offices and 3 logistics centres.
     approved worldwide since 2014.
                                                                                                  Find out more about our locations in Germany

     02 _ Number of patents submitted per year
                                                                                           03 _ REHAU locations worldwide
                            100                109

        2014      2015     2016      2017     2018

     GRI 102-3: Company headquarters
     The headquarters of REHAU Verwaltungszentrale AG, the REHAU Group holding
     company, is located in Muri bei Bern, Switzerland. The German parent company
     REHAU AG + Co is headquartered in Rehau, Germany.

                                                                                                                                 REHAU AG + Co – Sustainability Report 2017/2018
REHAU Sustainability Report 2017/2018
06   Contents    Preface   Our company      Ethics and compliance     Stakeholders      Suppliers   Economic impact       Environmental impact    Social impact     Report profile

     GRI 102-5: Ownership and legal form                                                      04 _ Share of turnover by division
     The REHAU Group is privately owned and the holding company takes the legal
     form of an “Aktiengesellschaft” (public limited company). The German parent
     company takes the form of an AG + Co. The company’s main administrative                  Division                                                   2017             2018
     headquarters are located in Rehau, along with the three divisions Automotive,
     Furniture Solutions and Industrial Solutions. The administrative headquarters of         Automotive                                                 49 %              51 %
     the Window Solutions and Building Solutions divisions are located in Erlangen.
                                                                                              Building and Infrastructure Solutions                      18 %              18 %
     GRI 102-6: Markets served
                                                                                              Furniture Solutions                                        13 %              12 %
     The REHAU Group is a leading processor of polymer materials, with locations on
     every continent. The company has a broad customer base, from small-scale                 Window Solutions                                            11 %            10 %
     installation companies to international corporations, from joiners to transnational
     OEMs. With over 130 sales offices worldwide, REHAU is close to its customers             Industrial Solutions                                        9%               9%
     and to the markets it supplies.

     GRI 102-7: Scale of the organization                                                      → For the number of locations, see GRI 102-4, p. 5
     REHAU AG + Co’s revenue for the 2018 financial year amounted to EUR 2.1 billion.          → For the number of products and services provided, see GRI 102-2,
     The Group as a whole, with around 20,000 employees, achieved turnover of                 		p. 4
     EUR 3.5 billion (2017: 3.5).
                                                                                              GRI 102-8: Information on employees and other workers
                                                                                              At the end of 2018, REHAU AG + Co employed 9,769 members of staff (2017:
                                                                                              9,379). In 2018, REHAU employed a total of 20,729 members of staff (2017:

                                                                                                → You can find more figures on employee development and staff turnover in
                                                                                              		 the chapter on Social impact, p. 37 ff.

                                                                                              The majority of REHAU employees have permanent contracts. At the end of the
                                                                                              reporting period, around 1,300 employees were working part-time. The number of
                                                                                              external employees is negligible.

                                                                                                                                       REHAU AG + Co – Sustainability Report 2017/2018
REHAU Sustainability Report 2017/2018
07   Contents      Preface     Our company        Ethics and compliance         Stakeholders   Suppliers   Economic impact        Environmental impact         Social impact     Report profile

     05 _ Employees* by region and employment status

     Total employees in 2017                                                                         Total employees in 2018
     by region                                                                                       by region

                                                       Top 10    countries with the most                                                             Top 10    countries with the most
                                                                              employees                                                                                     employees
                           2,934                                                                                          2,679
                            14%                            1.       DE            9,379                                    13%                         1.         DE            9,769
                                   1,566                   2.      US             1,290                                           1,611                2.         CZ             1,122
                                    8%                     3.       CZ            1,029                                            8%                  3.         US            1,032
                                                           4.       FR              978                                                                4.         FR              994

              15,880                                       5.      RU               654                                                                5.        CN               657
               78%                                         6.      CN               628                                                                6.        MX               619
                                                           7.      MX               623                                                                7.        RU               614
                                                           8.       ZA              565                                                                8.         ZA              569
                                                           9.       PL              528                                                                9.         PL              563
                                                           10.     GB               475                                                               10.        HU               506

        AM = Americas         AP = Asia Pacific      EMEA = Europe, Middle East, Africa

     Region                          AS              AP           EMEA             Total             Region                       AM          AP              EMEA             Total

     Employees                     2,934          1,566          15,880         20,380               Employees                2,679          1,611            16,439         20,729

     Full-time*                    2,923          1,563          14,789          19,275              Full-time*               2,676         1,600             15,231         19,507

     Part-time*                       11               3             851           865               Part-time*                    3           11               945             959

     * Number of active employees excluding contractors,
       temporary staff, interns and mergers and acquisitions

                                                                                                                                               REHAU AG + Co – Sustainability Report 2017/2018
REHAU Sustainability Report 2017/2018
08   Contents       Preface       Our company    Ethics and compliance          Stakeholders        Suppliers   Economic impact    Environmental impact      Social impact     Report profile

     06 _ Number of employees* by working hours and gender                                                07 _ Women in management roles

                                     Total:                              Total:
                                                                        14,783                             2014       9.4%
                                        604                               500                              2016
        Full-time                                                                                                      10.2%

                                                                                                           2018         12.1%
                      Total:                                 Total:
                      5,631                                  5,680
                       806                                     798
                                                   Total:                                                 Trainee intake
                                                     3                                                    In 2018, trainee intake at locations in Germany was 6.5% (2017: 7.0%). The
                      4,825         13,905           3       4,882      14,283                            number of trainees remained almost exactly the same, but the proportion sank as
                                                                                                          the total number of employees increased significantly. Of the trainees who finished
                      female            male       other     Female      Male
                                                                                                          their traineeships in 2018, we employed 87% (2017: 77%). These figures were
                               2017                           2018                                        taken from the current HR system by the Vocational Education department.

                               Total:                         Total:                                      GRI 102-9: Supply chain
                          20,140                            20,466                                        To ensure consistently sustainable business practices, REHAU takes care to work
                                                                                                          with suppliers who can demonstrate that they act sustainably and take responsi-
                                                                                                          bility for the environmental and social impact of their business. We work with
     *excluding mergers and acquisitions, as we do not have detailed information about gender and
      working hours (Employees 2017: 240; employees 2018: 263)
                                                                                                          around 30,000 suppliers, the majority of which are based in member states of the
                                                                                                          Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

     In 2018, REHAU employed 5,680 women (2017: 5,631), of which 798 worked part-
     time (2017: 806). Compared with the previous report, the number of women in
     management roles increased from 10.2% in 2016 to 12.1% in 2018.

                                                                                                                                                  REHAU AG + Co – Sustainability Report 2017/2018
REHAU Sustainability Report 2017/2018
09   Contents    Preface    Our company      Ethics and compliance     Stakeholders    Suppliers    Economic impact      Environmental impact      Social impact     Report profile

     Global collaboration with suppliers can come with certain risks. For this reason, the    GRI 102-11: Precautionary principle or approach
     REHAU Group has introduced its own Supplier Code of Conduct, which our                   Risk management is integrated into REHAU’s operational processes via the defined
     suppliers must accept as part of our terms of delivery. We developed this further in     information and escalation systems and is part of both our strategic and
     2018, with the aim of improving the environmental and social standards upheld by         operational management. According to the Group structure, risk assessments are
     our suppliers and referring more specifically to the relevant global standards in this   carried out on a divisional and service area level and, if necessary, on an individual
     area.                                                                                    company level, and reported to the Executive Board. Risk assessments are based
                                                                                              on the probability of occurrence and the extent of the potential damages.
        → Chapter on Suppliers, p. 19 ff.
          Supplier Code of Conduct                                                            We have defined a process by which to recognize and manage environmental and
          Supplier management at REHAU                                                        social risks in advance. They are incorporated into the company’s overall risk
                                                                                              strategy and management via sustainability and environmental management.
     GRI 102-10: Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain
     There was a change in the top management of REHAU AG + Co in 2018:                       As part of this reputational risk management, we monitor products, production
     our long-standing CEO Rainer Schulz stepped down and was replaced by William             processes, locations and customer groups for which sustainability is a particular
     Christensen.                                                                             factor. The focus is on topics that are ethically, socially or environmentally sensitive
                                                                                              – for example projects that may lead to increased air, water or soil pollution or be
     In the 2018 financial year, the REHAU Group’s investment activities amounted to          associated with the overuse of natural resources. We are also dedicated to
     EUR 139 million (2017: EUR 144 million). The investment rate (cash flow from             preserving human rights throughout our supply chain.
     investment activities as a proportion of revenue) amounted to 6.7% (2017: 7.2%).
                                                                                                   → Chapter on Suppliers, p. 19 ff.
     During the 2017 and 2018 financial years, REHAU Group did not sell off any
     business areas or product businesses. REHAU Verwaltungszentrale AG in Switzer-
     land was able to successfully conclude the acquisition of the internationally active
     polymer raw materials group MB Barter Trading in 2018. As part of the acquisition
     process, REHAU GmbH, a trading company already located in Switzerland, and its
     subsidiaries were merged with MB Barter Trading to form the independent Meraxis
     Group as a third division of Verwaltungszentrale AG. Meraxis, based in Muri bei
     Bern, Switzerland, focuses on the procurement and distribution of polymer-based
     solutions for the plastics processing industry, in particular the automotive,
     construction, industry and packaging sectors.

                                                                                                                                        REHAU AG + Co – Sustainability Report 2017/2018
10   Contents    Preface    Our company      Ethics and compliance      Stakeholders    Suppliers    Economic impact     Environmental impact      Social impact     Report profile

     GRI 102-12: External initiatives                                                          GRI 102-13: Membership of associations
     REHAU is a member of several renowned associations, underlining its role as an            In accordance with our principles of conduct, we strive to act responsibly and with
     economically, environmentally and socially responsible industrial company.                integrity – including with regard to political and non-governmental organizations.
                                                                                               We support the transition to renewable energy and heat in accordance with the
     These include:                                                                            Paris Agreement on climate change, in particular the expansion of solar power and
     ▪▪ German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) (since 2013)                                wind energy and the environmentally friendly use of co-generation power plants
     ▪▪ La feuille de route économie circulaire (circular economy association; since 2018)     within local heat networks.
     ▪▪ kununu, open company (since 2015)
     ▪▪ NETZWERK Unternehmen integrieren Flüchtlinge (network of companies inte-               As a globally active company with a high energy demand, we require
        grating refugees; since 2017)                                                          internationally competitive energy prices and a secure energy supply, which is why
     ▪▪ Rewindo – German plastic profile manufacturers’ recycling initiative (since 2011)      we are dedicated to promoting free, fair trade.
     ▪▪ German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) (since 2004)
     ▪▪ VinylPlus – sustainable development commitment by the European PVC                     The REHAU Group is a member of a selected number of both national and
        industry (since 2011)                                                                  international industry associations and interest groups.

     We also continue to be actively involved in or are signatories of the following initia-   These include the following organizations:
     tives:                                                                                    ▪▪ European Plastics Converters (since 2018)
     ▪▪ Carbon Disclosure Project, international leader in carbon and water sustain-           ▪▪ Verband Fenster + Fassade e.V. DIN (window and facade association; since 2006)
        ability ratings (since 2014)                                                           ▪▪ Zentralverband Sanitär Heizung Klima (sanitary, heating and climate association;
     ▪▪ Charta der Vielfalt, international initiative promoting diversity within companies        since 1999)
        (since 2018)
     ▪▪ EcoVadis, international leader in business sustainability ratings (since 2012)
     ▪▪ Responsible Minerals Initiative, initiative for the responsible procurement of         Strategy
        minerals in conflict-affected regions (since 2014)
                                                                                               GRI 102-14: Statement from senior decision-maker
     We are also members of various working groups actively involved in developing
     sustainability standards:                                                                      → Preface, p. 3
     ▪▪ The European Plastic Pipes and Fittings Association (since 2016)
     ▪▪ VDA working group on sustainability in the supply chain (since 2018)                   GRI 102-15: Impacts, risks, and opportunities
                                                                                               Our sustainability strategy is an integral part of our corporate strategy. We have
                                                                                               also developed a mission statement that clearly defines our activities for
                                                                                               sustainable management.

                                                                                                                                        REHAU AG + Co – Sustainability Report 2017/2018
11   Contents    Preface   Our company      Ethics and compliance     Stakeholders    Suppliers   Economic impact         Environmental impact       Social impact     Report profile

     This can be divided into four main areas: long-term corporate strategy,                 08 _ Developing our areas of activity
     environmentally friendly products, resource conservation and employee
     satisfaction. As part of our corporate strategy, we want to further increase our
     added value, invest consistently in the future of the company and grow with                                   2010                         2015                 2019
     diversity. As an attractive employer, we offer the best possible working
     environment and take on social responsibility. We act in an economically viable,        Long-term        ▪▪   Diversification           ▪▪ Diversification      Sustainable
     environmentally friendly and socially responsible way with regard to our customers      corporate        ▪▪   Supplier management       ▪▪ Supplier             growth
     and our suppliers. We focus on quality and strive to always set the best possible       strategy         ▪▪   Economic stability           management
                                                                                                              ▪▪   Growth markets            ▪▪ Growth markets
     example in our industries. Where possible, we collaborate with partners and
                                                                                                              ▪▪   Independence              ▪▪ Compliance
     expand our expertise through targeted investments.                                                       ▪▪   Compliance
                                                                                             Resource         ▪▪   Waste and effluents       ▪▪ Waste and effluents Accelerating
     In order to integrate sustainable economic and business processes into our
                                                                                             conservation     ▪▪   Material saving           ▪▪ Materials and raw climate protection
     corporate decision-making, we observe relevant megatrends, analyze current                               ▪▪   Energy efficiency            materials
     developments and evaluate them in terms of possible risks and opportunities. We                          ▪▪   Hazardous substances      ▪▪ Energy efficiency
     are continually striving to reduce any possible negative impact our business                             ▪▪   Recyclates                ▪▪ Buildings
     activities may have. In order to ensure that environmental and social risks are taken                    ▪▪   Buildings
     into account in our corporate decision-making, our environmental and                    Environmentally ▪▪ Customer satisfaction        ▪▪ Product             Driving forward the
     sustainability management work is closely interwoven with and supports our risk         friendly,        ▪▪ Product responsibility         responsibility      circular economy
     management. In addition, we also develop, produce and market products that help         energy-efficient ▪▪ Product development         ▪▪ Product innovations
                                                                                             products            (megatrends)                ▪▪ Digitization
     promote sustainable development.

     Since 2010, we have been developing areas of activity that represent our main
                                                                                             Employee         ▪▪ Work-life balance           ▪▪ Attractiveness as an Promoting
     challenges and, at the same time, provide the framework for developing our
                                                                                             satisfaction     ▪▪ Education and training         employer             diversity
     solutions. These areas of activity have been reworked multiple times since 2010                          ▪▪ Diversity and equal         ▪▪ Education and
     and adapted to changing requirements. We are currently working on finalizing our                            opportunity                    training
     new areas of activity, which will take into account our business’s current                               ▪▪ Social involvement          ▪▪ Occupational health
     environment and the requirements for meeting the challenges we will face in the                                                            and safety
                                                                                                                                             ▪▪ Social involvement
     coming years.

                                                                                                                                          REHAU AG + Co – Sustainability Report 2017/2018
12   Contents    Preface     Our company      Ethics and compliance      Stakeholders     Suppliers    Economic impact      Environmental impact      Social impact     Report profile

     Company values                                                                                 economy and diversity – based on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
                                                                                                 ▪▪ Guidelines and principles of our environmental and energy management strategy.
     GRI 102-16: Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior                            ▪▪ Our purchasing guidelines and Supplier Code of Conduct, which provide a
     We believe that sustainable company management must be based on values and                     standard for sustainable procurement.
     principles of conduct that are manifested by all employees. We have defined these
     values and principles and made them available to all employees via the intranet                  → Chapter on Ethics and compliance, p. 14 ff.
     under the heading “YOUR REHAU.” As a responsible and sustainable privately-held                    Employee Code of Conduct
     company, our employees and our values are at the heart of our unique corporate                     Supplier Code of Conduct
     culture. REHAU drives people. People drive REHAU.

     Our corporate culture is based on the values of trust, reliability and innovation.
     These values guide our management principles and how we relate to our
     stakeholders. We want to be a reliable partner, and our actions are driven by these
     values. We undertake to comply with laws, guidelines and market standards as
     well as voluntary commitments and our internal REHAU principles.                            09 _ YOUR REHAU – values and principles

     The binding global Code of Conduct, for example, provides employees with
     guidelines for correct, ethical behavior in their day-to-day work. The Code of
     Conduct makes it clear what REHAU expects of its employees: not just that they                                                   YOUR REHAU
     conform to the law, rules and internal regulations, but that their behavior reflects
     our value system.

     Our corporate responsibility guidelines, as laid down in the REHAU Employee Code                   Individual       Direct       Performance        Lifelong         Diversity
     of Conduct,                                                                                         initiative    communi-         principle        learning
     ▪▪ also form an important basis for responsible conduct. These include the areas of                    and          cation
        responsibility towards our fellow people and society, legal conformity and                    independence
        compliance, integrity and independence in our business transactions, our
        relationship with business partners and decision-makers, donations and
        sponsorships, conflicts of interests, etc. They also include:                                                           Management principles
     ▪▪ Our commitment to an open dialog with our stakeholders.
     ▪▪ Our commitment to the UN Global Compact.                                                                      Values: confidence, reliability and innovation
     ▪▪ A sustainability strategy that will have a stronger external focus in future, with the
        four guiding principles of sustainable growth, climate protection, the circular

                                                                                                                                           REHAU AG + Co – Sustainability Report 2017/2018
13   Contents     Preface      Our company      Ethics and compliance        Stakeholders     Suppliers    Economic impact     Environmental impact       Social impact   Report profile

     Company management                                                                             The platforms relate to issues such as 3D printing technology, the development of
                                                                                                    new production and recycling processes and the integration of electronics into
     GRI 102-18: Governance structure                                                               polymer products. This aims to accelerate the transformation of our business
     The Group Executive Board (GEB) is the uppermost management body within the                    model and appropriately support the development of digital products, production
     REHAU Group. It has an obligation towards REHAU’s investors, customers,                        processes and product-specific services.
     employees and other company stakeholders, with the goal of pursuing sustainable
     value creation (stakeholder value). The GEB is responsible for managing the                    At REHAU, corporate responsibility issues are managed by three departments.
     company in the interests of the company, developing the company’s strategic
     direction, discussing this with the Supervisory Board and ensuring its                         Risk management is integrated into REHAU’s operational processes via the defined
     implementation.                                                                                information and escalation systems, and is part of both our strategic and
                                                                                                    operational management. It verifies production and procurement risks,
                                                                                                    environmental risks (including climate risks) and cyber risks, alongside customer
     10 _ REHAU Group company structure                                                             relationships, market developments and products, in particular with regard to
                                                                                                    whether these are compatible with our company and sustainability principles.

     Supervisory Board                               Supervisory Board                                    → Find out more under GRI 102-11, p. 9

                                                                                                    Sustainability management works closely with risk management. The team is
     Group Executive Board                      Group Executive Board
                                                                                                    responsible for the strategic direction and coordination of all economic,
                                                                                                    environmental and social sustainability topics. When it comes to stakeholder
                             Window      Building        Furniture      Industrial
                                                                                     Automotive     dialog, sustainability management works closely with the Corporate
     Divisions               Solutions   Solutions       Solutions      Solutions
                                                                                                    Communications department, which is responsible for internal and external
                                                                                                    communication regarding corporate responsibility.
     Regions                 Americas        EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa)      Asia Pacific
                                                                                                    REHAU also has a global Compliance Management team whose goal is to plan,
                                                                                                    manage and monitor the company’s compliance activities.
     The Supervisory Board advises and monitors the GEB in its management of the
     company. It appoints and dismisses the members of the GEB and, together with                         → Chapter on Ethics and compliance, p. 14 ff.
     executive management, ensures long-term succession planning. To support the
     company’s transition to a digital production, technology and service provider,
     specific technology platforms were established for REHAU and united in the
     Technology & Performance unit.

                                                                                                                                             REHAU AG + Co – Sustainability Report 2017/2018
14   Contents    Preface   Our company     Ethics and compliance     Stakeholders    Suppliers    Economic impact   Environmental impact     Social impact    Report profile

     Ethics and compliance
     GRI 103: Management approach (including 103-1, 103-2, 103-3) – Compliance
     GRI 205: Anti-corruption, GRI 206: Anti-competitive behavior, GRI 419:                         CoCoS whistleblower system
     Socioeconomic compliance
                                                                                           REHAU’s CMS is run by the Head of Legal and Compliance – who reports directly
     Legally compliant conduct has been a foundational principle at REHAU since the        to the Executive Board – the central Compliance department and local compliance
     company was founded. We consider ourselves a conscientious privately-held             contacts. The REHAU Group’s Executive Board and Supervisory Board are updated
     company with a duty to promote sustainability and integrity in our business           annually on the current status of the compliance management system as part of
     transactions. Our compliance efforts are particularly focused on combating            the compliance report.
     corruption, violation of competition law, money laundering and violation of
     environmental regulations. We follow the OECD guidelines for multinational            The efficacy of the compliance management system is monitored on a regular
     companies and the UN Convention against Corruption of October 31, 2003.               basis and appropriate measures for further development are put in place as
     REHAU is also committed to the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact, which          necessary.
     include combating corruption.
                                                                                                    Employee Code of Conduct
     Our fundamental values and behavioral code are set out in our internal Code of                 Supplier Code of Conduct
     Conduct and more specific anti-corruption guidelines. These rules are binding for
     all REHAU employees around the world, independent of their role or level of
     seniority. We expect the partners in our supply chain to share these values and       GRI 205: Anti-corruption
     principles and to accept our Supplier Code of Conduct.
                                                                                           GRI 103: Management approach (including 103-1, 103-2, 103-3) – Anticorruption
     REHAU has implemented a global compliance management system (CMS) with                (UN Global Compact: principle 10)
     the aim of planning, managing and monitoring the company’s compliance
     activities. All REHAU Group employees receive regular training on these topics. A           → See management approach for compliance, this page
     culture of open discussion, trust, transparency and compliance awareness means
     these types of queries or issues are usually speedily resolved on a case-by-case      GRI 205-2: Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and
     basis. Our goal is to foster a culture of compliance according to the principle       procedures
     “Compliance at REHAU: comply – commit – trust.”                                       A variety of anti-corruption measures were introduced between 2016 and 2018,
     Employees and third parties can help combat corruption by reporting compliance        ▪▪ distribution of global compliance information
     violations via the REHAU Compliance Communication System (CoCoS), which can           ▪▪ on-site training in selected countries
     be done anonymously. CoCoS is a web-based system and fulfills the highest             ▪▪ roll-out of e-learning compliance training
     possible standards in terms of data protection and security. Reports submitted via    ▪▪ publication of articles on the topic of compliance on the employee intranet
     the system land directly with our compliance experts in the Legal and Compliance      ▪▪ implementation of an external online system for reporting compliance violations
     department and are handled as a top priority with the utmost confidentiality.            and corruption

                                                                                                                                 REHAU AG + Co – Sustainability Report 2017/2018
15   Contents    Preface   Our company     Ethics and compliance     Stakeholders      Suppliers    Economic impact   Environmental impact      Social impact    Report profile

     All of these measures aim to raise awareness among employees and enforce the            GRI 206: Anti-competitive behavior
     REHAU anti-corruption guidelines, which apply globally and are part of the REHAU
     Code of Conduct. All REHAU employees around the world have access to the Code           GRI 103: Management approach (including 103-1, 103-2, 103-3) –
     of Conduct – in most cases in their native language – which, like the anti-             Anticompetitive behavior
     corruption guidelines, can be found on the intranet. Depending on the topic, the
     e-learning modules are compulsory for all employees, or, as in the case of the                → See management approach for compliance, p. 14
     e-learning module on anti-corruption, all employees with third-party contact.
     Employees without access to computers are given on-site training. The Group’s           GRI 206-1: Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly
     regulatory body is updated annually on the current status of the compliance             practices
     management system as part of the compliance report.                                     REHAU does not tolerate corrupt business practices, cartel agreements or similar.
                                                                                             In the interests of unrestricted competition, we also require that suppliers do not
     During the reporting period, 1,525 new REHAU Group employees successfully               participate in any form of anti-competitive behavior such as pricing agreements,
     completed the training on corruption prevention.                                        the division of market segments, price fixing, etc., that they implement a
                                                                                             zerotolerance policy regarding competitive agreements and provide their
     Our goal is to enforce adherence to the Supplier Code of Conduct among all our          employees with the corresponding training.
     suppliers and service providers. This has replaced the Sustainability Agreement
     signed by the majority of our most important suppliers.                                 These principles are set out in the internal Code of Conduct and the Supplier Code
     Compliance violations can be reported via the REHAU Compliance Communication            of Conduct.
     System (CoCoS) at any time. Reports can be made anonymously.

     GRI 205-3: Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken                          GRI 419: Socioeconomic compliance
     REHAU does not tolerate any form of corruption or other criminal actions by its
     employees. REHAU has a zero-tolerance approach to violations.                           GRI 103: Management approach (including 103-1, 103-2, 103-3) – Socioeconomic
                                                                                             compliance (UN Global Compact: principle 10)
     During the reporting period, one instance of corruption was discovered involving
     an employee and a supplier. The case was investigated and the employee was                    → See management approach for compliance, p. 14
     eventually dismissed. In other reported cases, no incidence of corruption was
     confirmed following investigation. During the reporting period, no public legal         GRI 419-1: Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic
     action was taken against REHAU or any of its employees relating to corruption.          area
     There are currently no known instances of corruption at REHAU.                          During the reporting period, no significant fines and no non-monetary sanctions
                                                                                             were imposed on REHAU or any of its Group companies.

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16   Contents    Preface   Our company      Ethics and compliance     Stakeholders    Suppliers   Economic impact    Environmental impact      Social impact    Report profile

     GRI 102-40: List of stakeholder groups                                                 GRI 102-43: Approach to stakeholder engagement GRI 102-44: Key topics and
     Regular dialog with external and internal stakeholders groups is part of our           concerns raised
     corporate responsibility. We try to meet the needs and expectations of our
     stakeholders through active discussion. We believe this enables us to respond to       At REHAU, we seek active dialog in order to meet the needs and respect the
     new demands ahead of time, minimize or avoid risks and realize potential. Our          interests of our stakeholders and to present our own perspectives. We use a
     stakeholders include:                                                                  variety of internal and external formats for strategic communication with our
     ▪▪ customers                                                                           stakeholder groups. These include:
     ▪▪ employees                                                                           ▪▪ surveys e.g. on workplace safety and sustainability
     ▪▪ suppliers                                                                           ▪▪ publications such as the Annual Report and Sustainability Report, press releases
     ▪▪ investors                                                                              and the employee magazine
     ▪▪ universities and research institutions                                              ▪▪ events e.g. open days, customer roadshows, supplier days and events for
     ▪▪ media and the general public                                                           managers
     ▪▪ business partners and competitors                                                   ▪▪ trade fairs and conferences
     ▪▪ local residents and communities                                                     ▪▪ participation in committees
     ▪▪ non-governmental organizations (NGOs)                                               ▪▪ presentations

     GRI 102-41: Collective bargaining agreements                                           The main concerns of our stakeholders form the framework of our sustainability
     We offer our employees attractive salary packages comprising a basic salary based      reporting. We identified the following topics for the reporting period, which formed
     on their role, variable performance-based payments and a variety of additional         the basis of our areas of activity:
     benefits based on the relevant labor market, including relevant collective             ▪▪ Responsible management
     agreements (for example for the polymer processing industry, chemistry and metal       ▪▪ Sustainable company development
     in Germany). The market development in terms of salaries is monitored on a             ▪▪ Environmental and climate protection, CO2 emissions
     regular basis (generally once a year). When doing so, we consult relevant              ▪▪ Compliance
     guidelines like the ILO’s Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. REHAU meets       ▪▪ Risk management
     the legal requirements in terms of minimum wage and additional benefits.               ▪▪ Product development/optimization
                                                                                            ▪▪ Innovations
     GRI 102-42: Identifying and selecting stakeholders                                     ▪▪ Digitization
     We consider stakeholders to be any people, groups or organizations that have           ▪▪ Customer satisfaction
     demands, wishes or proposals that relate to us as a company. We differentiate          ▪▪ Communication with suppliers/sustainable procurement
     between direct and indirect stakeholders. We prioritize dialog with direct             ▪▪ Communication with employees and employee satisfaction
     stakeholders who have a notable impact on or are significantly affected by our         ▪▪ Sponsorships and social involvement
     economic, environmental and social performance. We consider indirect                   ▪▪ Communication with the general public and NGOs.
     stakeholders to be interested parties such as local media and the general public at
     our 170 global locations, with whom we seek active dialog.

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17   Contents    Preface   Our company           Ethics and compliance        Stakeholders         Suppliers    Economic impact    Environmental impact      Social impact    Report profile

     11 _ Stakeholder dialog                                                                             Our stakeholders have a variety of different expectations, and we strive to meet
                                                                                                         them all. We aim to be a positive local presence and contribute to social,
                                                                                                         environmental and cultural projects in our site locations. Our local contacts include
                                              Methods                                                    cities, educational institutions, cultural organizations, associations and societies,
                                                                                                         among many others. We have invested significantly in our dialog with civil society
                                                                                                         and NGOs in recent years. In turn, the results of these interactions play an
                                                         Social intranet/                                increasingly important role in our corporate policy decisions. During the reporting
                           Company website                  internal
                                                                                                         period, it became clear that environmental and climate protection in particular, and
                                                                                                         especially CO2 emissions, are becoming increasingly important for all major
           Survey                                                                 Trade fairs
                                                                                                         stakeholders in our various locations. These topics matter to our customers,
                                                                                                         suppliers and other stakeholders, and will remain a focus of our dialog in future.
                                                                                                         Responsible management and sustainable company development are also relevant
                                                                                                         for all of our stakeholders.
                                      Customers     Associations
          Employee                                                              Participation in
                                                                                                         Civil society/social responsibility:
          magazine         Employees                       Science/research      committees
                                                                                                         India – regular tree-planting programs as part of World Environment Day

                                                 REHAU                                                   World Environmental Day has always been a special event for REHAU India. Every
                                                                General                                  year, trees and bushes are planted in the area surrounding our factories in Pune in
                               Investors                                                                 the state of Maharashtra and the neighboring regions as part of a community
            Panel                                              population           Social
         discussions                       Non-governmental                         media                initiative. The aim of the program is to raise awareness of and promote
                                             organizations                                               environmental protection among employees and the general population. During
                                                                                                         the reporting period, REHAU employees planted over 400 seedlings in the name of
                                     Suppliers        Local media                                        the organization Plant for the Planet.

        Presentations                                                            Conferences                     Plant for the Planet
                                                           Reports                                             → For more information about REHAU’s social involvement, see p. 48 ff.
                           Press and publicity         (Annual Report,
                                  work               Sustainability Report)

                                                                                                                                                 REHAU AG + Co – Sustainability Report 2017/2018
18   Contents    Preface   Our company      Ethics and compliance    Stakeholders       Suppliers   Economic impact    Environmental impact      Social impact    Report profile

     Environmental associations/environmental and climate protection:
     France – active member of/in dialog with La feuille de route économie circulaire

     During the reporting period, REHAU worked closely with the French government
     and French environmental associations to promote the topic of secondary raw
     materials. Among the participating environmental organizations were La feuille de
     route économie circulaire (FREC), Association Alliance Chimie Recyclage (2ACR)
     and the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME). The focus
     of this exchange was the positive impact of a circular economy on environmental
     protection and sustainable development. We wish to continue and expand this
     dialog in order to underline the importance of this topic not only for France and
     Germany but for all of Europe.

     Sweden – dialog regarding polymer recycling

     As a leading company in the field of secondary raw materials recycling, REHAU
     took part in a variety of conferences, discussions with stakeholders and expert
     surveys during the reporting period. This included sharing our experience and
     expertise with the Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL) and the
     Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket), among others. Data           NGOs/biodiversity:
     was gathered on the creation, collection and treatment of PVC waste, and as the          Indonesia – species conservation
     second-largest recycler of polymer window lineals in Europe, we were able to bring
     our decades of experience in recycling production materials, post-consumer and           Dialog with local NGOs regarding country-specific topics is important at REHAU.
     post-industrial raw materials into play.                                                 As part of our Management Development Program and with the support of
                                                                                              REHAU Indonesia, we began discussions with the Orangutan Conservation Fund
                                                                                              and provided the organization with financial support. Our factory in Jakarta will
                                                                                              continue to actively support the foundation.

                                                                                                                                     REHAU AG + Co – Sustainability Report 2017/2018
19   Contents    Preface    Our company      Ethics and compliance     Stakeholders    Suppliers    Economic impact    Environmental impact      Social impact    Report profile

     GRI 103: Management approach (including 103-1, 103-2, 103-3) – Suppliers GRI            It specifies in binding terms that REHAU expects its business partners to respect
     308: Supplier Environmental Assessment, GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment             human and personal rights, comply with environmental standards and carry out
                                                                                             their business ethically. Suppliers are required to accept the Supplier Code of
     Our corporate responsibility extends throughout the supply chain. When it comes         Conduct. Violation of the Supplier Code of Conduct can lead to the termination of
     to engaging external suppliers and service providers, environmental and social          the business relationship.
     criteria are crucial. As part of our certified environmental management system, our
     purchasing and supplier selection processes are subject to internal and external        Suppliers’ compliance with social criteria is also an integral component of our
     audits.                                                                                 sustainable procurement standard. We use on-site audits to verify whether our
                                                                                             suppliers meet our social and environmental requirements. If they do not, we
     We expect our suppliers to implement the ISO 9001 quality management standard           reserve the right to end the business relationship. Audits can be triggered by the
     or a comparable standard.                                                               supplier selection process, product and process qualifications or customer
                                                                                             requests, among other things.
     Systematic risk monitoring for our suppliers is also an important tool at REHAU. It
     allows us to accurately evaluate our supplier relationships and adapt our                        Supplier Code of Conduct
     procurement strategy accordingly. We are in continual direct contact with our                    Supplier management at REHAU
     partners on this subject. Central criteria that we assess across all procurement
     segments include quality, the risk of supply disruptions, availability and
     dependence, protection of know-how and the economic stability of the suppliers.         GRI 308: Environmental assessment of suppliers
     We aim to pay even closer attention to sustainability standards in future. Our          GRI 103: Management approach (including 103-1, 103-2, 103-3) – Environmental
     sustainability management team will carry out analysis when selecting and               assessment of suppliers
     assessing suppliers.
                                                                                                   → See management approach for suppliers, this page
     At REHAU, procurement is undertaken by the Purchasing division, whose
     management reports directly to the CEO.                                                 GRI 308-1: New suppliers assessed according to environmental standards
                                                                                             We aim to enforce adherence to the Supplier Code of Conduct on all our suppliers
     The topic of sustainability in purchasing is covered by the Global Procurement          and service providers. By the end of 2018, all of our suppliers had signed the
     Strategy department. We use a variety of policies and processes to ensure our           Supplier Code of Conduct, which replaced the Sustainability Agreement signed by
     suppliers and service providers meet basic standards. An integral part of all of our    the majority of our suppliers. The only exceptions are the Indirect Materials &
     supply agreements is the Supplier Code of Conduct, drawn up in 2018, which has          Services department and Travel/Event Management division.
     replaced the Sustainability Agreement that was previously used.

                                                                                                                                     REHAU AG + Co – Sustainability Report 2017/2018
20   Contents     Preface       Our company            Ethics and compliance   Stakeholders   Suppliers    Economic impact    Environmental impact     Social impact    Report profile

     GRI 308-2: Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken                GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment
     We monitor the potential environmental impact of our suppliers via on-site audits.
     A total of 110 audits of this kind took place in 2018 (2017: 84). Three (2017: two) of         GRI 103: Management approach (including 103-1, 103-2, 103-3) – Supplier Social
     these audits revealed violations of our environmental guidelines and the business              Assessment
     relationships were ended as a result.
                                                                                                          → See management approach for suppliers, p. 19

     12 _ Basic method for supplier audits                                                          GRI 414-1: New suppliers that were screened using social criteria
                                                                                                    REHAU is a globally active company. We are conscious of this and expect our
                                                                                                    employees and business partners to respect the different regional mentalities that
             Audit preparation                                                                      involves. We have a zero-tolerance policy regarding unethical business practices
                                                                                                    such as discrimination, child labor and forced labor, corrupt business practices and
                               Creating an audit plan                                               cartel agreements. By signing the Supplier Code of Conduct, all REHAU suppliers
                                                                                                    commit to adhering to our values when carrying out their global business activities
           Conducting an audit                                                                      and conforming to the applicable laws. If suppliers violate the Supplier Code of
                                                                                                    Conduct, we reserve the right to terminate existing contracts without notice.
                               Introductory meeting
                                                                                                    REHAU operates a whistleblower system (Compliance Communication System,
                                   Investigation                                                    CoCoS) which employees and suppliers can use to anonymously report unethical or
                                                                                                    illegal behavior. The system was used by more than 20 stakeholders during the
                                 Closing meeting                                                    reporting period.

                Audit report                                                                                 You can find more information about the CoCoS whistleblower system in
                                                                                                    		       the Compliance chapter, p. 14
                                Follow-up activities
                                                                                                    GRI 414-2: Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken
                                                                                                    We reserve the right to take appropriate measures to verify adherence to the
                                                                                                    Supplier Code of Conduct with regard to social criteria. No significant negative
                                                                                                    social impact from the supply chain was discovered during the reporting period.

                                                                                                                                           REHAU AG + Co – Sustainability Report 2017/2018
21   Contents    Preface    Our company     Ethics and compliance     Stakeholders     Suppliers    Economic impact     Environmental impact     Social impact     Report profile

     Economic impact
     GRI 103 Management approach for economic impact (including 103-1, 103-2,                At the same time, we want to play an active role in society and be a positive
     103-3) GRI 201: Economic Performance, GRI 203: Indirect Economic Impacts                influence on the world around us. This is reflected in our diverse range of products
                                                                                             and services, such as those enabling energy-efficient construction, the use of
     REHAU is a system and service provider of polymer-based solutions. We have              renewable energy and water management. We are also involved in the
     been developing new, innovative fields of application for polymers for 70 years.        communities around our locations.
     Our approach has always remained the same: to replace standard materials with
     higher-performance polymers and provide system solutions with added value for                 → For more information about our social involvement, see p. 48 ff.
     our customers. Our broad range of products focuses on technically advanced,
     high-quality, complex solutions. As a premium brand for polymer-based solutions,        In the future REHAU aims to continue its orientation towards medium and long-
     REHAU is an international presence in the construction, automotive and industry         term targets, instead of focusing on short-term profit. Our development and
     sectors. Our expertise is split into five divisions: Automotive, Building Solutions,    market activities are therefore focused on overarching strategic corporate topics:
     Furniture Solutions, Industrial Solutions and Window Solutions.                         digitalization, individualization, mobility, sustainability and new work. In
                                                                                             combination with our broad-based customer structure, this puts us in a good
        → GRI 102-2: Activities, brands, products, and services, p. 4                        position from which to achieve sustainable growth. We are also seeking
                                                                                             sustainable solutions to the economic and ecological challenges of the future. Our
     Our market focus and reliable customer partnerships that take economic,                 decades of accumulated expertise and innovative spirit combined with our
     environmental and social sustainability into account are strongly rooted in our         impressive development achievements in the field of polymer technology will help
     company principles. A sales force with close proximity to our customers with 130        us tackle the topics of tomorrow.
     branches around the world guarantees the required market presence and helps
     maintain and expand existing business relationships. Around 20,000 members of
     staff in over 170 locations in 54 countries all contribute to the success of our

     At the heart of our vision and strategic targets are profitable growth and the aim to
     become competitive market leaders in the majority of our business areas. In doing
     so, we think and act with foresight and in accordance with sustainability
     requirements. We consider our responsibility towards people and the environment
     to be a key pillar of our corporate culture and a basis for long-term growth.

                                                                                                                                      REHAU AG + Co – Sustainability Report 2017/2018
22   Contents     Preface        Our company         Ethics and compliance         Stakeholders     Suppliers    Economic impact    Environmental impact      Social impact     Report profile

                          Sustainable growth targets                                                                       GRI 201: Economic Performance
                                                                                                                           (area of activity: sustainable growth)

     Targets                      Deadline Status                                       Reached Page       GRI 103: Management approach (including 103-1, 103-2, 103-3) – Economic
     Sustainable growth              By      Between 2015 and 2018, REHAU AG +                    21 ff.
     across all divisions           2030     Co had an annual growth rate of over 5%.                           → See management approach for economic impact, p. 21
                                             A weaker phase emerged in 2018.
     Gradual transition from         By      We are already implementing the use of               28 ff.   GRI 201-1: Direct economic value generated and distributed
     a linear to a circular         2050     recyclates across all divisions and a                         In addition to value-oriented company management, the REHAU Group is
     economy                                 holistic circular economy will become an                      managed in line with qualitative and quantitative planning aimed at achieving
                                             even stronger focus in future.
                                                                                                           Group results. These are important drivers behind our company development.
     Supplier management:            By      All specified suppliers have signed                  19 ff.
     embedding of                   2020     REHAU’s Sustainability Agreement. In
     sustainability                          2018, REHAU’s Sustainability Agreement                        13 _ Turnover figures for the REHAU Group and REHAU AG + Co
     requirements into                       was updated and replaced by the
     relationships with                      Supplier Code of Conduct.
     business partners
                                                                                                                                                                2017                    2018
     Health and safety at         Ongoing During the reporting period, the average                40 f.
     work – continual                     rate of accidents in certain factories grew
     reduction of workplace               due to a significant increase in the                             REHAU Group                                 EUR 3.5 billion         EUR 3.5 billion
     accidents (vision: zero)             number of staff.
                                                                                                           REHAU AG + Co                               EUR 2.0 billion         EUR 2.1 billion
        Target achieved         Target partially achieved    Target not achieved

     For the first time, we will present our targets as they relate to the UN’s 2030                         For more information, see REHAU AG + Co’s Management Report
     Sustainable Development Goals. In terms of economic impact, our targets are                           		(published on
     based on SDG 8 regarding sustainable growth.

                                                                                                                                                   REHAU AG + Co – Sustainability Report 2017/2018
23   Contents     Preface     Our company        Ethics and compliance        Stakeholders   Suppliers   Economic impact    Environmental impact      Social impact     Report profile

     GRI 201-2: Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate            Climate change will affect all areas of REHAU’s industrial production and its
     change                                                                                        regional climate conditions. To date these changes have not sufficiently influenced
     Due to the progression of climate change and the resolutions of the 2015 Paris                our thinking around sourcing raw materials, our supply chains, our development
     Agreement (COP 21), the proportion of renewable energy is increasing globally. At             and production processes and new business models, and they have not been taken
     the same time, we expect the price of CO2 emissions to continue to rise in future             into account sufficiently in our risk management. Measures pertaining to climate
     and a CO2 levy to be implemented worldwide.                                                   change have thus far been limited to individual initiatives and programs run by
                                                                                                   specialist departments or dedicated employees and managers who are not
     To offset fluctuations and volatile developments, and to achieve our ambitious CO2            specialists in the field. Starting in 2020, we aim to develop a climate adjustment
     goals, we have been using over 100 gigawatt hours of TÜV-certified green                      concept for two sites in Germany, which will analyze the projected impact of the
     electricity a year since 2015. In future, we aim to increase our direct use of                climate crisis and define necessary, centralized measures.
     renewable energy, thereby minimizing the above-mentioned financial risks.
                                                                                                   At the same time this will provide a basis for calculating the added expenditure
         → GRI 305: Emissions, p. 33 f.                                                            and/or financial losses incurred by this development, as well as identifying market
                                                                                                   and product opportunities for new or existing systems and business models.

     14 _ Price developments and CO2 emission allowances                                           The REHAU Group’s mission remains focused on its core polymer business,
                                                                                                   supported by new business models and expanded services. The focus of these
                                                                                                   development and marketing activities on the overarching topic of sustainability will
          EUR/t                                                                                    open up good opportunities for continuous, moderate growth. Our expertise in the
                                                                                                   preparation and implementation of recyclates forms a solid basis for the
                                                                                  +300%            implementation of our underlying “circular economy” strategy, which we need if
          25                                                                      +241%            we are to continue reducing our dependence on primary energy and resources.
                                                                                                   As an independent, privately-held company, REHAU thinks in terms of a long-
          15                                                                      +100%            term, intergenerational contract. Sustainability and environmentally conscious
          10                                                                                       behavior have been a core part of our corporate culture since the beginning. We
                                                                                  0%               aim to successfully tackle the challenges of the future – including those posed by
                                                                                                   the climate crisis – through creative ideas, innovative solutions and long-term
           0                                                                      100%             partnerships with our customers, suppliers and employees.
                  2014       2015      2016      2017      2018       2019

     (Source for graphic:

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24   Contents    Preface    Our company       Ethics and compliance     Stakeholders     Suppliers    Economic impact    Environmental impact     Social impact     Report profile

     GRI 201-3: Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans                     One example of this is the development of dynamic flaps for wind turbines, which
     Our employees share responsibility for the development of the REHAU Group by               REHAU carried out in collaboration with other research partners. These control
     delivering their best work. Many of them do this over the course of several                flaps aim to improve the aerodynamics of the blades, which decreases the noise,
     decades. That’s why we take responsibility for our employees – even after they             vibration and pendular movement of the blades.
     retire, we support them through an occupational pension scheme (AVWL).
                                                                                                Another example is a research project in which REHAU is working with partners
     The ten-year average interest rate, which is decisive for pension liabilities, fell from   from various universities and commercial institutions to develop innovative
     4.01 percent to 3.68 percent. In the 2017 financial year, the personnel provisions         infrastructure with which to supply buildings with hydrogen as an alternative
     aimed at optimizing the structures generally remained at the same level as the             energy source. Among other things, the project aims to develop and qualify
     previous year. In addition to the consolidated restructuring of the REHAU Group,           appropriate polymer pipe systems for transporting hydrogen, alongside the
     with a stronger focus on the market and the customer, and the optimization of              necessary safety technology and an optimal network system.
     factory processes, the company was able to improve its competitiveness and
     market position in the 2018 financial year through carefully considered
     adjustments to its sales, division and administrative structures. The allocation of
     relevant restructuring provisions, in addition to the further decrease in the actuarial
                                                                                                               GRI 203: Indirect Economic Impacts
     interest rate for pensions and the expense impact of the transition to updated                            (area of activity: sustainable growth)
     biometric guideline tables, led to a disproportionate increase in personnel costs in

       See REHAU AG + Co’s Management Report (published on www 		                               GRI 103: Management approach (including 103-1, 103-2, 103-3) – Indirect                                                                      Economic Impacts

     GRI 201-4: Public funding support                                                               → See management approach for economic impact, p. 21
     Various research and development projects that took place during the reporting
     period were of public interest and were therefore supported by public funds. The           GRI 203-1: Infrastructure investments and services supported
     amount of funding received will not be disclosed for competitive reasons.                  REHAU considers itself a corporate citizen. Corporate citizenship begins with
                                                                                                establishing a good relationship with local residents and communities. In advance
                                                                                                of investment decisions, we investigate what effect our business activities will
                                                                                                have on the surroundings. This includes analyzing the expected emissions, the
                                                                                                regional infrastructure and the impact on the local job market.

                                                                                                                                       REHAU AG + Co – Sustainability Report 2017/2018
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