Recovery Strategies for Public Health Supply Chains Post-Black Swan Event - RECOVERY RESPONSE

Page created by Ann Anderson
Recovery Strategies for Public Health Supply Chains Post-Black Swan Event - RECOVERY RESPONSE
Recovery Strategies
for Public Health
Supply Chains Post-
Black Swan Event
Scenario Planning and

                        RECOVERY RESPONSE
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments .........................................3
Acronyms .............................................................3
Foreword ...............................................................4
Introduction ........................................................5
Scenario Mapping and Planning ................6
Demand Disruptions......................................8
   Pre-Disruption Stage ....................................8
   Black Swan Stage ..............................................8
   Recovery Stage .............................................10
Supply Disruptions .....................................12
   Pre-Disruption Stage .................................12
   Black Swan Stage ...........................................12
   Recovery Stage .............................................14
Demand and Supply Disruptions ...........18
Summary .............................................................20

                                                                  December 10, 2020

       The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the
                    U.S. Agency for International Development or the U.S. Government.

                                            PHOTO CREDIT (cover): USAID GHSC-PSM

                                              PHOTO CREDIT (this page): Andi Gultom
The USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project
is funded under USAID Contract No. AID-OAA-I-15-0004. GHSC-PSM connects technical solutions and proven
commercial processes to promote efficient and cost-effective health supply chains worldwide. Our goal is to
ensure uninterrupted supplies of health commodities to save lives and create a healthier future for all. The project
purchases and delivers health commodities, offers comprehensive technical assistance to strengthen national
supply chain systems, and provides global supply chain leadership.

GHSC-PSM is implemented by Chemonics International, in collaboration with Arbola Inc., Axios
International Inc., IDA Foundation, IBM, IntraHealth International, Kuehne + Nagel Inc., McKinsey & Company,
Panagora Group, Population Services International, SGS Nederland B.V., and University Research Co., LLC. To
learn more, visit

Lead GHSC-PSM author: Joseph Shobe, Track and Trace Solution Architect, GHSC-PSM

GHSC-PSM contributing authors: Jaya Chimnani, Barry Chovitz, Alan George, Andrew Inglis, Steven Thomas,
Ralph Titus, and Ryan Triche

3PLs		            Third-party logistics providers

ESC		             Emergency supply chain

GHSC-PSM          Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management project

HMIS		            Health management information system

LMIC		            Low- and middle-income country

LMIS		            Logistics management information system

SDP		             Service delivery point

USAID		           United States Agency for International Development

                                                                                                              PHOTO CREDIT: Chemonics/Light in Captivity

As I write this foreword, I think back to a year ago — February 2020 — when the world was on the
cusp of a major life-altering pandemic. Having worked in public health supply chain management for
many years, I knew how important good supply chain practices were for ensuring a reliable supply of
essential health commodities to clients in need. But witnessing the events of the past year brought
to light how every facet of our lives was dependent on supply chains — from protective masks to
household paper towels. How could we have anticipated such an event? Is there a way to plan for the

Such unpredictable events like the COVID-19 global pandemic, which would be
characterized as a “black swan” event because of its extreme rarity and severe impact, posed
new challenges to the global health supply chain community. Our community had already dealt
with Ebola and other zoonotic disease outbreaks, and supported the development of emergency
preparedness materials, including “playbooks” to help programs manage health supply chains during
times of crisis. But equally important is to also consider the recovery stage of supply chains. Yes, much
like the impact of a virus itself on its host, supply chains also need to recover! The Global Health Supply
Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project has created this strategy
guide to help field program managers define and manage disruptions to both supply and demand, and
to think through recovery strategies for public health supply chains. It is the intent that this guide will
assist stakeholders as they plan and strategize for the future — ultimately building more resilient supply
chains that can recover quickly after a black swan event.

We hope that this guide will be useful, and we welcome your comments and learnings as you
implement your recovery strategies.

Deputy Division Chief,
USAID Commodity Security & Logistics Division

                                                                                                                                                                                 PHOTO CREDIT: USAID GHSC-PSM

Dealing with Supply Chain Shocks Means
Aiming for a “New Normal”
Supply chain managers deal with normal constraints and delays as part of their
daily activities. But how do they react when an event beyond their control impacts
not only their local logistics environment but an entire region or the globe?

While some global public health officials                      These events have devastating                                   One potential outcome of a weak supply
had warned of an impending pandemic,                           consequences for fragile public health                          chain is the “bullwhip effect,” also known
few saw the COVID-19 crisis spreading                          supply chains.                                                  as the Forrester effect.1, 2, 3, 4 This is when
with the speed it did beyond China’s                                                                                           demand information is distorted as it
borders. Everyone felt the effects. How                        Some recent examples of past regional                           travels up the supply chain. This can lead
would supply chain managers have reacted                       black swan events that have caused                              to overstock, poor product forecasts or
if they had advance warning? What steps                        disruptions in public health supply chains                      gaps in service delivery. A bullwhip effect
would they have taken to protect a once                        include earthquakes in Haiti and Nepal                          can occur for many reasons, including
healthy and functioning supply chain?                          in 2010 and 2015, respectively, and the                         inaccurate demand data, poor data visibility,
What would you do if a “black swan” event                      Ebola outbreak in West Africa from 2014-                        rationing and shortages; a black swan event
overwhelmed your operations? What steps                        2016. Global black swan events cause dual                       can worsen the effect as demand patterns
will you take to recover?                                      shocks to the world’s supply chain that                         change and supply availability fluctuates.
                                                               involve both origination and destination
A black swan event — named because of                          as both suppliers and patients are                              The aim, once these reactions are in play,
the rarity of black swans — is described as an                 impacted, sending everyone scrambling to                        is to limit disruption of programs and the
unpredictable and extremely rare episode                       leverage the same limited resources.                            supply chain and embark successfully on
with severe systematic consequences.                                                                                           what will be a “new normal”.

 APICS Operations Management Body of Knowledge Framework, Third Edition. Found at:
 Summer 2018 • CTL.CFx – MicroMaster Key Concepts • MITx MicroMasters in Supply Chain Management MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics • Cambridge, MA 02142
 USA • This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
 MIT Sloan. 1997. The Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains. Found at:
 Ohio University. How the Bullwhip Effect Impacts the Supply Chain. Found at:

                                                                                                                                                  PHOTO CREDIT: USAID GHSC-PSM
    Scenario Mapping & Planning

Systematic Planning and Readjusting as Needed
are Critical for Supply Chain Recovery
This guide uses scenario mapping — predicting what might happen in the                             Figure 1 includes three steps under
future and how your program/supply chain might operate — to help                                   “Scenario Planning with Stakeholders” to
                                                                                                   guide this process:
decision makers plan for recovery, weigh the information and advice
they have received and make informed decisions.                                                    — Determine the best path for recovery
                                                                                                     by examining various scenarios with
Helping decision makers think through              by product, product group, geography or
the likely consequences of their decisions         populations. In this first step, supply chain   — Plan the actions for recovery for the
enables them to assess and determine               stakeholders identify disruptions being           selected path and identify actions to be
the actions needed that will lead to               experienced and define product groups             taken by whom in the supply chain.
recovery. Most importantly, more frequent          and specific high-risk products for scenario    — Evaluate the path for recovery and
planning to evaluate different recovery            planning. They then set priorities for where      discuss with stakeholders what a
scenarios is necessary to assess the rapidly       recovery efforts will be most critical.           successful recovery will look like and
changing conditions in the supply chain;                                                             what might be the potential risks.
stakeholders will need to frequently refine        2. Analyze Path to Recovery
their decisions, improving the supply chain’s      Once stakeholders identify the disruptions      The aim is to proactively think through
responsiveness and resiliency.                     across the product groups and establish         the possible recovery strategies to identify
                                                   priorities, the next step is to determine       a common purpose and differences and
The four main steps in this process are            possible paths to recovery.                     agree on the best path forward based on
outlined in Figure 1. It’s important to note                                                       current conditions.
that previous expectations do not hold. For        3. Scenario Planning With Stakeholders
example, demand may decrease or increase           This step aims to guide stakeholders            4. Execute Recovery Strategy
significantly and sporadically. This will affect   through various recovery paths as they          First, the role and actions of each
the recovery, thus the need to plan more           identify both weaknesses and strengths at       stakeholder must be defined, followed
frequently to change course as needed.             different steps in the supply chain. They       by setting up or continuing a process to
                                                   will do this by using data that provides an     resolve issues affecting the recovery.
1. Define the Disruptions
                                                   opportunity to review recovery at the           A timetable must be established and
The disruptions caused by a crisis can             different stages of the supply chain.           planned actions for recovery mapped out.
come in many forms and can be different
7 | Scenario Mapping & Planning                                            Recovery Strategies for Public Health Supply Chains Post-Black Swan Event

Is the Recovery Strategy Working?
When reviewing progress toward recovering     Is supply lead-time becoming more reliable,       This will proceed quicker because it builds on
to the new normal, stakeholders must          and is it possible to plan a sustainable and      the past scenario planning.The new normal
determine if the supply chain is heading in   resilient supply chain strategy? If there         provides the opportunity to adopt more
the right direction. Is demand returning as   are doubts, stakeholders can re-run the           frequent reviews of demand and supply
expected and becoming more predictable?       scenario planning.                                balancing to achieve focus and alignment.


                                                                                                                                               PHOTO CREDIT: USAID GHSC-PSM
         Demand Disruptions

Supply Chain Shocks Rattle Demand Forecasting
Addressing demand-side disruptions is the first stage of supply chain                           client/patient reactions, such as hoarding
recovery. There are a number of components to demand disruption,                                or displacement/mobility. These demand
                                                                                                disruptions could mean a steep increase
each of which need to be addressed fully.                                                       or suppression in demand, both of which
                                                                                                could result in an overcorrection, which
Pre-Disruption Stage                            Black Swan Stage                                creates the bullwhip effect.
Health product quantification (demand           During a black swan event, little can be done
and supply planning) is a multi-stakeholder     to maintain operations as usual. Inaccurate               COUNTRY EXAMPLE
process used in low- and middle-income          demand signals could drive stock imbalances               In May 2020, Pakistan reported
countries (LMIC). Often, demand forecasts       such as overstock, causing expiries; or         an almost 50% reduction in total family
are updated each year, covering 24-36           stockouts, causing service disruptions.         planning and antenatal care clinic visits
months, while the resulting supply plans        Demand pattern disruptions caused by black      compared to pre-COVID-19 periods.
are monitored quarterly or monthly to           swan events are difficult to quickly monitor
provide visibility into stock projections       at the national level.The LMIS and/or HMIS
for the next 18-24 months. These routine        are challenging to use as the main sources of   A. Clients/Patients Not Accessing
projections usually include assumptions         information during such an event due to the     Health Services Due to Fear of
based on historic consumption or health         inherent time lag in reporting. Additionally,   Exposure to a Virus
service statistics data, disease morbidity      weak monitoring and reporting in countries      Fear of exposure and distrust in the health
data, seasonality, population characteristics   may fail to get a complete or accurate          system can deter people from seeking
and programmatic targets. Usually, all          picture of demand. It could take several        routine health services. This is likely to
these data are regularly collected and          reporting periods to identify trends that       increase incidence of HIV/AIDS, malaria
monitored through logistics management          can impact demand. Hence, it is important       and other diseases, and cause a surge in
information systems (LMIS) and/or health        to understand the different ways these          maternal mortality rates and child deaths
management information systems (HMIS).          disruptive events can affect demand signals.    from treatable illnesses, as was seen during
Demand planners use that data to model                                                          the Ebola epidemic in West Africa.
the increase or decrease of a product’s         How Can a Black Swan Event
                                                Affect Demand?                                  B. Clients/Patients Not Accessing Health
consumption to contribute to a health
                                                During a catastrophic event, demand             Services Due to Government Policies
program’s clinical objectives. However,
these quantification exercises would not        changes could be policy-driven, such as         Emergency public policy measures imposed
consider how a black swan event would           country lockdowns or updated treatment          by governments to slow or mitigate
affect demand during and after the event.       guidelines. Or they could be driven by          the effects of a black swan event, such
9 | Demand Disruptions                                                                                  Recovery Strategies for Public Health Supply Chains Post-Black Swan Event


as quarantines and restrictions on travel                        commodities. As a result, reduced demand                        client preference or due to policy shifts
and trade, result in demand disruptions                          for preventive interventions as noted above                     made by the national health program.
and a temporary breakdown of local and                           could trigger an increase in the diseases                       This substitution could diminish demand
international trade and logistics services.                      they are designed to prevent. Conversely, a                     for one product and increase demand for
                                                                 spike in such cases would increase demand                       its substitute. This is especially true when
If local government policies shift resources                     for treatment commodities in the near to                        free movement to access health services
from traditional health services to focus                        mid-term.                                                       is a concern. A product which has a longer
on acute care, some services become                                                                                              duration of efficacy could be given to clients.
unavailable to clients. For example, the                         C. Increase in Mortality and/or                                 For example, if the current preferred family
UN Population Fund (UNFPA) estimated                             Population Mobility Because of the                              planning method is the 30-day injectable
that lockdowns would prevent 13 to 51                            Black Swan Event                                                or the monthly oral contraceptive, a black
million women in LMIC from accessing                             A peak in deaths and/or mass population                         swan event could precipitate a decision by
modern contraceptives, leading to an                             movement due to the black swan event                            either party (client or health program) to
additional 325,000 to 15 million unintended                      could impact future demand for the long-                        choose a longer-term method, such as the
pregnancies, depending on the level of                           term. In the case of increased mortality,                       90-day intra-muscular injectable (Figures 2
health service disruption. The effect could                      this impact would vary based on the effect                      and 3). This change would allow the client
be especially pronounced for methods                             of the event on different populations.                          to avoid unwanted pregnancies for a longer
that require the availability of trained                         For example, during a natural disaster,                         period with just one dose, thus reducing the
professionals, such as for intrauterine                          the impact could be felt symmetrically                          frequency of clinic visits.
devices or implants. The shortage of                             across population groups. However, a
providers could result in reduced demand.                        rapid onset disease outbreak could be                           E. Product Diversion From Its
                                                                 felt asymmetrically in specific groups                          Regular Use
Certain commodity categories are more
                                                                 and disproportionately affect the more                          A policy that would increase the amount
susceptible to these policy decisions. For
                                                                 vulnerable.5, 6 An event that particularly                      of dose or number of doses prescribed at
example, amidst an infectious disease
                                                                 affects one region could cause residents to                     one time would, in the short term, send
epidemic, local governments may decide
                                                                 leave, shifting demand to other areas.                          a distorted demand signal that could be
to forego mass campaigns (i.e. those for
                                                                                                                                 interpreted as an increase in consumption
voluntary medical male circumcision or                           D. Product Substitutions by Client                              in the near term. Or, increased use of rapid
distribution of long-lasting insecticidal                        Choice or Policy Change                                         diagnostic tests for malaria used instead for
nets) to prevent risk of exposure. While                         Certain products could be substituted                           COVID-19-related fever, for example, would
this successfully reduces the spread of the                      with alternative options either due to                          give false impression of a rise in malaria.
epidemic, it will reduce consumption of

    Morse, B., Grépin, K. A., Blair, R. A., & Tsai, L. (2016). Patterns of demand for non-Ebola health services during and after the Ebola outbreak: panel survey evidence from Monrovia,
    Liberia. BMJ global health, 1(1), e000007.
10 | Demand Disruptions                                                                              Recovery Strategies for Public Health Supply Chains Post-Black Swan Event

Recovery Stage
Information is key to better predict the                       FIGURES 4 AND 5. DEMAND DISRUPTIONS AND ADJUST FORECASTS
effect of an event on demand.

A. Defining the Disruption(s)
Black swan events do not affect all public
health services equally. Conversations                                     Categorize Demand ​                                         Adjust Forecasts for
around demand disruptions should begin                                         Disruptions                                             Anticipated Duration
by identifying commodity categories and
                                                                       • Unavailability of supply​                          • Patients return when supplies restored​
then the disruptions that apply to each
commodity group. Planners can model how                                • Inability to visit facilities​                     • Patients return post-black swan​
the decisions of patients and policymakers                             • Reallocation of health workers​                   • Patients return when services restored​
could affect demand for the different health                           • Population displacement​                           • Patients relocate due to shifting
commodity categories by estimating an                                                                                         demands​
                                                                       • Discouraged or fearful
increase or decrease on the forecasted
                                                                         population​                                        • Patients return after awareness campaign​
consumption for a determined period of time.

Demand disruptions should be categorized
to help in estimating the impact and duration                 Demand disruptions can be identified                            B. Analyze Path to Recovery
of the impact (Figure 4). For example, if the                 in phases:                                                      Based on the demand disruptions, the
disruption is due to unavailability of supply,
                                                                                                                              team, including demand planners, will
a return to normal demand patterns should                     — Immediate: The black swan event
                                                                                                                              analyze and plot potential paths to health
occur when stocks are replenished; but if                       causes disruptions.
                                                                                                                              service delivery recovery and model how
demand has been impacted by population
                                                              — Near-term: Stakeholders characterize                          particular paths might affect demand.
displacement, you may have multiple locations
                                                                demand patterns during the recovery                           Several paths should be considered,
where adjustments are needed to reflect both
                                                                stage.                                                        including one where demand returns to
decreasing and increasing demands.
                                                              — Long-term: Stakeholders estimate                              what it was before the event, and one
Table 1 shows how segmenting by                                 demand post recovery and into the                             where it does not.
commodities could help identify the specific                    new normal.                                                   During the recovery period, managers
commodity disruption.
                                                                                                                              should anticipate that demand will have
                                                                                                                              shifted from what was planned before
     TABLE 1.0                                                                                                                the black swan event and that some or
     Demand Disruption Examples per Health Commodity Type                                                                     all of the shift may be permanent (Figure 5).
                                                                                                                              A return to normal demand patterns
     COMMODITY                 DISRUPTION EXAMPLES                                                                            could take considerable time, or not
                               Demand for 90-day injectable trends up rapidly as users of 30- and/or 60-day                   return at all. As recovery begins, studies
     90-Day Injectable
                               injectables prefer longer coverage to minimize risks during a black swan event.                indicate that demand for routine health
                               The higher demand could lead to stockouts.This uptick during a pandemic could
                               also be indicative of sustained demand in the future (if preferences change).
                                                                                                                              services rebounds quickly.7 Thus, the
                                                                                                                              paths to recovery must account for this
                               Black swan events trigger higher fatality rates among women and children,                      and consider community outreach and
                               thus decreasing the total population that would need these commodities, or
                               deprioritizing these services altogether can severely impact demand.
                                                                                                                              government trust as likely influences in
                                                                                                                              demand rebound.
                               Demand could reduce during a pandemic as people decrease their visits to
     HIV Rapid Test Kits       health facilities. Testing targets for the year might not be met. This could lead              C. Scenario Planning With
                               to overstock of screening/confirmatory tests and possible expiries.                            Stakeholders
                               Black swan events disrupt the planned mass distribution of long-lasting insecticidal           Once the paths to recovery are identified,
     Malaria Pharma            nets and other preventive interventions. As a result, malaria caseload increases and           demand planners can advise stakeholders
                               therefore demand for malaria drugs spikes, leading to potential stockouts of drugs.            on the feasibility of implementing these

 Morse, B., Grépin, K. A., Blair, R. A., & Tsai, L. (2016). Patterns of demand for non-Ebola health services during and after the Ebola outbreak: panel survey evidence from Monrovia,
 Liberia. BMJ global health, 1(1), e000007.
11 | Demand Disruptions                                                          Recovery Strategies for Public Health Supply Chains Post-Black Swan Event


         Categorize Demand ​                           Adjust Forecasts for                                        Re-Plan the
             Disruptions                               Anticipated Duration                                       Supply Chain
    • Unavailability of supply​                • Patients return when supplies restored​          • Assess time to sustain and recover​
    • Inability to visit facilities​           • Patients return post-black swan​                 • Redistribute to balance supply/shifting
    • Reallocation of health workers​         • Patients return when services restored​            demand​
    • Population displacement​                 • Patients relocate due to shifting               • Monitor process to eliminate bottlenecks​

    • Discouraged or fearful                   demands​                                          • Monitor supply impacts/ change demand
      population​                              • Patients return after awareness                   assumption​
                                                campaign​                                         • Develop public-private partnerships for
                                                                                                    a resilient supply chain

paths based on how each scenario would           — Immediate: Anecdotal/observed                      Figure 7 shows some actions that
impact stock status projections for each           changes in patient behavior can                    planners can take to contextualize data
product or each health program, through            be collected via simple surveys of                 reported during a black swan event
the lens of multiple supply plan versions.         healthcare workers. Behavior changes               to inform how demand has been affected
When presenting alternative paths of               can include patients being turned away             during and post-recovery stage.
recovery to stakeholders from a demand             from or not visiting health facilities,
perspective, it is important to identify           moving away or complaining about lack
where demand shaping can occur to                                                                        FIGURE 7. CONTEXTUALIZING
                                                   of a product.
                                                                                                         DEMAND DATA
minimize the number of patients not
                                                 — Near-term: Early activity reporting
receiving care (Figure 6). For example,
if moving to a substitute product could
                                                   (LMIS/HMIS) could show reductions in                              Compare
                                                   demand, validating survey results.                                actual consumption data reported
reach more patients, explore the feasibility
                                                                                                                     with a previous forecast or with
of promoting this move, and review the           — Long-term: Changes to treatment                                   consumption data prior to the
assumptions and risks this path introduces.        options or migration to different parts                           black swan event.
                                                   of the country indicate potentially long-
D. Executing the Recovery Strategy                 term shifts in demand.                                             Identify
Demand planners can play a key role in                                                                               external factors affecting
the recovery strategy by closely monitoring      In the mid- to long term, when estimating                           demand, such as population
consumption patterns and being involved          future demand utilizing actual LMIS or                              shifts, mortality rates, possible
                                                 HMIS consumption or service data,                                   alternative sources being used.
in the process to resolve recovery
challenges. Consumption data should              planners should understand that statistics
be regularly collected and monitored to          might be skewed in either direction due                              Verify
inform whether the strategies are being          to various factors that could have affected                         if some of the post-black swan
                                                 demand. Planners should estimate                                    policies will be kept, or if client/
implemented successfully or if they need                                                                             patient preferences shifted
to be adapted. Updated forecasts and             how significant the skew is.                                        because of changed policies
supply plans could be informed by:

                                                                                                                                                                       PHOTO CREDIT: USAID GHSC-PSM
               Supply Disruptions

Supply Disruptions Result in Stockouts, Delays, and Bottlenecks
Supply-side shocks impact both the manufacturing and distribution levels                                               were cancelled. In April, over 80% were
of the supply chain. This extends to ground, sea, and air transportation.                                              cancelled.9 As roughly half of air cargo
                                                                                                                       is transported in passenger jets, freight
                                                                                                                       rates increased as routes continued to
Pre-Disruption Stage                                          How Can Black Swan Events                                be cut. Reduced flights initially created
Normal, day-to-day operations in the                          Affect Supply?                                           a bottleneck of delayed shipments. In
supply chain are important to fully                           These events impact the supply side at both              response, some freight forwarders began
understand the impact of black swan                           a manufacturing and distribution level. Initially,       running more cargo-only flights rather
events. On the supply side, pre-event                         suppliers may struggle to distribute their               than hybrid passenger-cargo flights, but this
normal means that international, domestic                     goods due to these events wreaking havoc                 still resulted in price increases and further
and local suppliers and manufacturers                         on distribution channels globally. As the crisis         delays. As flight routes were extremely
respond to orders and requests, fulfill                       prolongs and buffer and safety stock of raw              limited, to ensure pharmaceutical
them according to schedule and demands,                       materials are depleted, the manufacturers                availability, some supply chains were
and achieve the “Six Rights – Right                           themselves struggle to maintain order fill rates;        forced to charter private jets as an interim
Product, Right Quantity, Right Condition,                     supplies of finished products dwindle across             solution at a high cost.
Right Place, Right Time and Right Cost”.8                     the global supply chain until raw material
                                                              delivery can resume. Difficulty in finding
Black Swan Stage                                              alternate sources and suppliers generally                               PRE-DISRUPTION
Risk mitigation is crucial for any successful                 correlates to the duration of the event as well,                        CHARACTERISTICS
supply chain. However, black swan events                      and as sources diminish, lead times increase as
themselves often uncover previously                           suppliers scramble for alternatives.                        •O
                                                                                                                            rders fulfilled at acceptable and
invisible risks or risks that were perceived                                                                               expected rates
                                                              A. Transportation Reductions/                               •C
                                                                                                                            arrier pickups scheduled
as a low probability or low impact. On the
                                                              Restrictions Can Cause a Distribution                        according to routine lead times
supply side, this could mean abrupt halts
                                                              Shock and Lead to Delays and Stockouts                      •L
                                                                                                                            ocal carriers available for last-
to transportation lanes or air service, or
export restrictions. Some of the biggest                      One of the initial supply-side disruptions in                mile distribution
supply-side impacts felt during a black swan                  the current black swan event (COVID-19                      •W
                                                                                                                            arehouses equipped to hold
event include initial stockouts and delays                    pandemic) was the severe impact to air                       sufficient stock and buffer stock
and ensuing supply-side bottlenecks. These                    travel and the ensuing freight logjams.                     • Emergency orders are rare
will be discussed below.                                      By early March 2020, 10% of all flights

13 | Supply Disruptions                                                                         Recovery Strategies for Public Health Supply Chains Post-Black Swan Event

                                                             Even in-country, black swan events can delay              event consuming resources intended for
          GHSC-PSM LESSONS LEARNED                           or reduce transportation from the central-                current healthcare supplies and distribution
                                                             level down to individual service delivery                 infrastructure, allocation of available funds
COVID-19 did demonstrate that some of                        points (SDPs) or health clinics. During the               must be prioritized until additional funding
the best practices we were using are                         earthquake in Haiti (details below), ports                can be secured.
adaptable in the context of pandemics.
                                                             were clogged and backlogged. At central-
Reducing the size of shipments and                                                                                     C. Uncoordinated Efforts Can
                                                             level warehouses and distribution centers
using ocean freight were two of the best                                                                               Exacerbate Bottlenecks
                                                             commodities clogged picking lanes and
practices that helped keep goods moving                                                                                The 2010 Haiti earthquake is an example
                                                             shelves, which delayed outbound orders to
and minimized disruptions to the supply
                                                             facilities. During the Ebola outbreak, some               of a regional black swan event in which
chain. In the end, our work incorporating
                                                             logistics companies had an increased load                 transportation became a bottleneck due
better practices to streamline the global
                                                             of shipments, while nearly 50% of drivers                 to an over-supply and lack of coordinated
supply chain passed the test of a pandemic.
                                                             refused to show up to work due to safety                  shipping and customs clearance.
                                                             concerns.12 Further, the supply of drivers,               Immediately following the earthquake,
Similarly, shipping lanes were also impacted                 fuel and warehouse space can impact in-                   shipping lanes became clogged. Resources
as demand for luxury goods fell, and                         country distribution.                                     and labor were diverted to sorting through
quarantines and health considerations (e.g.,                                                                           goods and coordinating new logistics
the safety of ship crews and the potential                   B. Government Policies and                                operations, reducing capacity of individuals
for them to transmit illness from one                        Restrictions Can Further Exacerbate                       to assist elsewhere. The capital, Port-au-
country to another) caused delays. Due to                    International Supply Chains                               Prince, subsequently became clogged with
uncertainty of shipments, freight companies                  Stay-at-home orders and other in-country                  in-bound goods with no planned end
changed scheduling patterns.10 When                          travel restrictions can prevent supplies from             destination. The President’s Emergency Plan
shipping previously scheduled orders, ships                  reaching the last mile within countries. National         for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) supply chain was
were sailing with reduced volume, leading                    governments may enact export restrictions                 able to recover relatively quickly in Haiti
to higher costs, since the costs to operate                  on certain goods they deem essential.                     because of the coordinated effort of seven
a ship are only marginally affected by the                   Initially, these policies can be an attempt to            international and national organizations.
amount of cargo. Eventually, many freight                    mitigate risk of supply chain shortages for               Within four weeks, the program resumed
companies kept ships from sailing until they                 their own populations. However, these supply              almost normal operations.
were full, causing long delays. It then became               constraints can force importing countries
almost impossible to accurately forecast                     to seek alternative suppliers with alternate              The 2015 Nepal earthquake saw a marked
arrival dates to final port destination. This                active pharmaceutical ingredient sources,                 improvement in the transportation
then delayed customs clearance, caused                       many of whom may have limited capacity.                   response, in-part due to prior disaster risk-
bottlenecks at the port and increased fees.                                                                            reduction planning efforts, which included
                                                             A fundamental restriction may be available                establishing a humanitarian staging area in
Black swan events can also impact ground                     financial resources. With the black swan
transportation. During the 2015 Nepal
earthquake, landslides blocked major
roads and isolated villages. At the height                                     LIMITED TRANSPORTATION
of the 2014 Ebola outbreak, overland                                           IN NIGERIA FROM COVID-19
trucks in West Africa were often stuck
at borders, which were intermittently                           • By late March, airports were closed, and increased shipments by sea extended
closed throughout the epidemic.11 In the                           the lead times, further exacerbated by port closures.
COVID-19 pandemic, Zambia has been
                                                                • Securing approval for the release of family planning commodities from the
impacted by neighboring South Africa’s
                                                                  central warehouse was delayed.
restrictions. Some overland border posts
were restricted, and drivers were asked                         • 3PL (third party logistics) operators’ – essentially private courier, warehousing
                                                                   and distribution providers – movements were also restricted.
to quarantine.

14 | Supply Disruptions                                                                         Recovery Strategies for Public Health Supply Chains Post-Black Swan Event

Kathmandu to assist and coordinate a UN                                                                                A. Defining the Disruption(s)
logistics cluster.13                                                   IMPACT ON                                       Understanding the type of supply disruption
                                                                       FAMILY PLANNING                                 is vital, as these disruptions can vary impacts
In the early stages of the COVID-19 crisis,
                                                              COVID-19 and the impact on                               along the supply chain (Figure 8). For example,
when international travel lanes were starting
                                                              international procurement of                             if there is a logistical bottleneck along a route,
to shut down, the USAID Global Health
Supply Chain Program-Procurement and
                                                              contraceptives is estimated to have                      finding alternate suppliers would do little to
Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project
                                                              reduced the amount of couple years                       resolve the situation. As supply disruptions
recommended that countries prepare for                        of protection from 2019 to 2020                          can be different across products, it is helpful
                                                              from 12.6 million to just 2.3 million.                   to categorize into product groups, or critical
both international and in-country shut-
                                                                                                                       products within a group, to better view
downs by moving most products out of
                                                                                                                       the problems and solutions. It is important
warehouses and redistributing stock to SDPs
                                                              to protectionist and inward-looking practices.           for supply chain managers to pinpoint the
at the last mile in geographic areas most in
                                                              As COVID-19 reached pandemic status,                     disruption along the supply side so they can
need, even if this meant short-term over-
                                                              some exporting countries began restricting               fully understand the shocks. Often, more
stocking SDPs, since products in warehouses
                                                              exports of personal protective equipment,                than one type may apply; however, supply
cannot serve patient needs. However, if
                                                              respiratory-related pharmaceuticals,                     chain managers must prioritize the issues and
demand has also been disrupted, then this
                                                              sanitation products and even foodstuffs.                 respond accordingly, resolving each disruption
response can result in unwarranted resupply
                                                              Over 80 countries introduced export                      until stability is restored.
quantities, distributed, potentially, to the
                                                              restrictions between January and May
wrong geographic areas. Where there is no                                                                              Working groups and committees set up to
                                                              2020.15 Improved global coordination can
supply disruption, demand disruptions are                                                                              define the disruption and possible paths to
                                                              reduce these reactionary restrictions, but
more easily identified (inventory is growing/                                                                          recovery should pay attention to where
                                                              ultimately restrictions will not go away
not reducing), but when supply is also                                                                                 exactly the shocks are felt the most.
                                                              entirely until a state feels secure enough to
disrupted, other measures will be needed to
                                                              reopen its own economy.
identify if demand is disrupted.
                                                                                                                         FIGURE 8. SUPPLY DISRUPTIONS
                                                              D. Engaging in Single-Source Supplier
       Where there is no supply                               Relationships Can Increase Risk and Costs
       disruption, demand disruptions                         Many supply chains currently focus
are more easily identified (inventory is                      on reducing suppliers due to strategic
growing/not reducing), but when supply                        partnerships and other incentives which
                                                                                                                                     Categorize Supply ​
is also disrupted, other identification                       can result in lower costs.16 However, black
measures will be needed if demand                             swan events show that these cost savings
is disrupted.                                                 often erode during periods of restricted                        • Pre-Supplier Level
                                                              supply, and pitfalls of a reduced number of                       – Raw material shortage
GHSC-PSM also recommended re-                                 suppliers become apparent. If the lack of
                                                              alternative suppliers is an issue, supply-side                  • Supplier Level
organizing storerooms to prepare for any
influx of emergency aid, including potential                  disruptions will be felt almost immediately.                      – Demand spikes
use of shipping containers (and reefers,                                                                                        – Labor shortage
                                                              Recovery Stage
or refrigerated shipping containers, that                                                                                       – Plant closure
require external power) as short-term                         To determine outlets for black swan supply
storage to preserve product quality.14                        chain recovery, we analyzed the largest                         •	Delivery and Distribution Level​
                                                              factors of the above supply-side black swan
                                                                                                                                – Policy-driven
A procurement manager’s ability to find                       effects. In finding common variables, we
products can also be affected by the                          can better propose recovery options and                           – Bottlenecks
procurement regulations of exporting                          mitigation for future events for all supply                       – Transportation shortage
countries.They may restrict exports, reverting                and distribution planners.

   Cook, Alistair & Shrestha, Maxim & Htet, Zin. (2016). International Response to 2015 Nepal Earthquake: Lessons and Observations. 10.13140/RG.2.2.35305.90722.
   For more information, see and
15 | Supply Disruptions                                                          Recovery Strategies for Public Health Supply Chains Post-Black Swan Event

                                                                                                          these experiences and understand
    FIGURE 9. SUPPLY RECOVERY                                                                             how to plot the best recovery path.
                                                                                                          By product group, the planning team
                                                                                                          guides the stakeholders through the
                                                                                                          top recommended paths to recovery,
                                                                                                          including the means to evaluate the
                                                                                                          impacts of each option.
            Categorize Demand ​                          Adjust Forecasts for
                Disruptions                              Anticipated Duration                             For example, to re-stock warehouses in
      • Pre-Supplier Level                               • Alternate Suppliers                            the short-term, supply chain managers
                                                                                                          may need to re-balance supplies
         – Raw material shortage                         • Alternative Products​                          across warehouses and SDPs, with a
      • Supplier Level                                                                                    longer-term option to add additional
                                                         • Public-Private Partnerships
                                                                                                          procurement options, such as building
         – Demand spikes                                   – Available products                           a partnership with a private-sector
         – Labor shortage                                                                                 firm.They should provide methods for
                                                           – Trusted suppliers
         – Plant closure                                                                                  comparing alternatives, such as cost to
                                                           – Distribution channels
                                                                                                          implement, consumption of fixed or non-
      •	Delivery and Distribution Level​
                                                                                                          replenishable resources (warehousing,
         – Policy-driven                                                                                  service delivery, cold storage), and patient
         – Bottlenecks                                                                                    service-levels expected.
         – Transportation shortage
                                                                                                      — Plan Recovery Actions
                                                                                                        With Stakeholders
                                                                                                        Stakeholders are presented the
If at ports of entry, this could be a logistics    planners must be aware that national and
                                                                                                        recommended path(s) to recovery
and transportation scenario. If shocks are         international decisions will impact supply. It
                                                                                                        to evaluate the impact on the overall
felt during the ordering process, it is likely a   is important to analyze not only the paths
                                                                                                        supply chain and how supplies can meet
manufacturing or supplier sourcing situation.      themselves, but the potential regulatory
                                                                                                        the expected demands. Where there
                                                   and political variables at play when supply
B. Analyze Path to Recovery                                                                             are shortfalls in service levels to patients,
                                                   expands/contracts during a black swan
                                                                                                        stakeholders will want to understand
Supply chain stakeholders need to be aware         event. Equally important is an assessment of
                                                                                                        if there were better alternatives.
that supply-side shocks during black swan          available funds, as a funding constraint will
                                                                                                        Perhaps an option was dismissed that
events often follow demand or policy-level         mandate prioritization of all recovery options.
                                                                                                        delivered better patient service levels,
impacts. Analyzing the paths to recovery
                                                   C. Scenario Planning With Stakeholders               but an additional cost to procure
and resiliency depends on being able to
                                                   After analyzing recovery paths, supply               from the private sector was too steep.
successfully pinpoint where along the
                                                   and distribution planners, managers,                 Stakeholders could be presented a cost/
supply chain these impacts affect supply the
                                                   procurement specialists and, ideally,                benefit analysis where options were
greatest. Any analysis must include demand
                                                   policymakers and other stakeholders must             dismissed only to find they can commit
planners and policy experts, as demand and
                                                   come together to define and detail various           to finding additional funds, making it a
policy areas will inevitably impact supply.
                                                   recovery scenarios.                                  viable path to recovery.
Supply chain managers must truly understand                                                               Once this team selects an appropriate
their suppliers and capabilities when analyzing    — Role-Play the Best Paths
                                                                                                          path, it should identify the actions that
recovery paths (Figure 9). For example, an           for Recovery
                                                                                                          must be taken to implement the path
increase in suppliers or substitute products         Based on the prior analysis of recovery
                                                                                                          to recovery. The actions are broken
will likely need to be retracted once the            options, supply chain managers should
                                                                                                          into specific tasks that can be tracked
black swan event dissipates. Actions must            have an idea of the largest factors
                                                                                                          to completion, and the results can be
be flexible and adaptable for a potential            impacting the supply side during black
                                                                                                          evaluated using the same criteria that
return to normal. Recovery is not complete           swan events. Informed by past events,
                                                                                                          was used to evaluate the path: cost to
if the proposed solution creates over-               recommendations and recovery plans
                                                                                                          implement, use of resources and service
supply following the event. Policy decisions         from similar settings, supply chain
                                                                                                          levels delivered to patients.
can impact the supply side, and recovery             planners and managers can apply
16 | Supply Disruptions                                                                        Recovery Strategies for Public Health Supply Chains Post-Black Swan Event

                                                                                                                    can readily compare demand with supply to
                                                                                                                    better understand supply chain imbalances.
                                                                                                                    When root causes are identified, the recovery
                                                                                                                    strategy should identify the actions that can be
                                                                                                                    taken to mitigate the disruption (Figure 10).

                                                                                                                    Next Steps: What Recovery Efforts
                                                                                                                    Can Pose Enduring Solutions?
                                                                                                                    While these solutions cannot solve
                                                                                                                    supply chain issues in the middle of
                                                                                                                    a crisis instantaneously, they serve as
                                                                                                                    recommendations for distribution planners
                                                                                                                    and supply chain managers in the future to
                                                                                                                    create a more resilient structure (Figure 11).
                                                                                                                    These recommendations are:

                                                                                                                    — Create and maintain communication
Cyclone Idai devastated Mozambique and significantly disrupted public health supply chains and deliveries of
health commodities. PHOTO CREDIT: USAID GHSC-PSM                                                                      channels upstream through suppliers
                                                                                                                      which can be further expanded during
— Evaluate, Discuss, and Identify Risks
  The expected impacts to the supply chain                         NEW NORMAL AFTER                                 — Have multiple suppliers to minimize
  can range anywhere from least negative                           COVID-19                                           supply risks — this should not be viewed
  impact to full recovery. Regardless of the              Some long-lasting effects following                         purely as a standalone expense.
  expected impact, stakeholders should                    COVID-19 recovery measures                                — Increasing supply speed reduces risks
  identify the risks associated with the                  may include increased registration                          to inventory by stemming supply
  recovery path and how these can be                      processing, especially with essential                       disruptions and reducing overall volume
  anticipated and mitigated. For example, if              health commodities.                                         of inventory at risk. This requires greater
  the recovery path is an initial redistribution
                                                                                                                      coordination by the supply chain team.
  to areas most in need, followed by a
                                                          monthly or quarterly may not be sufficient
  planned resupply from a private-sector
                                                          to determine if the recovery is progressing
  partnership, risks of transportation
                                                          as planned.                                                 FIGURE 10. CONTEXTUALIZING
  availability, available funding or even change                                                                      SUPPLY DATA
  in government policy could impact the                   To effectively monitor the progress of the
  effectiveness of the planned recovery path.             supply recovery, gather real-time supply
  It’s important to identify all potential risks,                                                                                 Compare
                                                          chain data wherever available, and use this
  and then prepare to track the planned                                                                                           supply and stock data with the
                                                          as a first measure of how the recovery                                  current state of distribution
  actions and associated risks to monitor the             path is progressing. If real-time supply                                channels prior to the crisis to
  recovery path.                                          and demand data is only available from                                  pinpoint trends.
                                                          central stores, planning these locations
D. Execute the Recovery Strategy
                                                          independently can provide immediate                                      Identify
Stakeholders have agreed on the most                      insight into how supplies are changing.                                 potential shocks to the
appropriate path to recovery and have                     Planning the entire supply chain is the ideal,                          distribution channels, such as
established the actions and tasks, the risks              but at the least, prepare to monitor the                                reduced supply channels, as
and the expected outcomes. Mobilizing                                                                                             well as export restrictions.
                                                          critical product groups and key products.
the supply chain to execute the recovery                  For each recovery strategy, ensure that all
strategy likely involves multiple parties that            planned actions can be reported in near-
need to collaborate and share priorities so               real time, and then monitor these to identify                           and signal supply responses,
that all actions can be taken and consistently                                                                                    such as seeking product
                                                          missed targets and potential risk-triggers.                             substitutes or alternative suppliers
measured for expected outcomes. Most                                                                                              to promote coordination across
critical is the measure of patient-level service.         Once again, it becomes imperative to                                    the supply chain network.
Measuring available supply and actual demand              contextualize the data so that stakeholders
17 | Supply Disruptions                                                    Recovery Strategies for Public Health Supply Chains Post-Black Swan Event


                              SUPPLIER                                                                          RECOVERY,
                                                                                                                LOOK FOR
                                                    INCREASED             INCREASE                               SIGNALS
            DELIVERY AND                             VELOCITY             SUPPLIERS

               SUPPLY LEVEL                              WHAT ADDRESSES                                              RECOVERY
               DISRUPTIONS                               THE DISRUPTIONS?                                              PATH

For example, during the black swan           (e.g., 5-10% of need) from a higher cost           and are easier to move from ocean to air if
event, you may have found alternative        but faster supplier as a way of maintaining a      required. By reducing inventory cycles and
suppliers that offer a similar or higher     secondary supplier if the primary supplier         increasing ordering points, you are reducing
quality product that may have only a small   experiences a delay or disruption. At the          the overall volumes of commodities at risk.
additional cost, but who may be able to      very least, procurement managers should
deliver with a shorter lead time. It may     maintain a list of suppliers that they can call    Overall, procurement managers should
make sense to procure a small percentage     when their primary supply fails.                   pay careful attention to the demand
                                                                                                signals and the possibility of a new normal
                                             Finally, over the long-term, smaller               and avoid placing orders and distributing
                                             shipments help protect against a future            products that will result in the bullwhip
        NEW NORMAL AFTER                     black swan event — for those large                 effect. Regardless of what steps and paths
        COVID-19                             shipments that were not received before            are followed, the true ability to recover
In Nigeria, health commodity supply          transportation is cut off as happened              and lead the way to the new normal is
planning moved from quarterly to             during COVID-19, stockouts were more               communication, visibility and forward
monthly to guard against future              likely than if small amounts were continuing       thinking both upstream and downstream
interruptions.                               to enter. Smaller shipments are also easier        of the suppliers.
                                             to schedule and obtain cargo space for

                                                                                                                                                      PHOTO CREDIT: USAID GHSC-PSM
              Demand & Supply

Demand and Supply Disruptions Require
a Stepped-Up Approach to Recovery
When both demand and supply are disrupted, a layered approach to                                         Preparedness and Response resource
the problem uses demand recovery strategies to drive appropriate                                         page for more information). The general
                                                                                                         process is what appears below.
resupply strategies.
                                                                                                         Supply disruptions have an immediate
                                                                                                         and visible impact on the supply chain;
The fundamental steps are those                            swan events. Conduct scenario mapping
                                                                                                         however, it is critical to understand
described for mapping scenarios:                           during the business as usual stage and
                                                                                                         if there is both demand and supply
                                                           think through both the response to a
1. Define the Disruption                                                                                 disruption for a given product or product
                                                           disruption and recovery options, not just
                                                                                                         family. Annual quantification may have
2. Analyze the Path to Recovery                            reacting to the immediate disruption.
                                                                                                         been sufficient during the pre-disruption
3. Plan Scenarios With Stakeholders                                                                      stage, but the demand disruption requires
                                                                 More frequent planning is               an updated demand forecast to better
4. Execute the Recovery Strategy                                 needed to balance demand and            align available supplies to where they are
Then monitor the planned execution                          supply, particularly when demands            most needed. More frequent planning is
and re-plan, as needed, to remain aligned                   are changing, and supplies must be           needed to balance demand and supply,
with changing conditions as the supply                      continuously reprioritized.                  particularly when demands are changing,
chain progresses to the new normal. For                                                                  and supplies must be continuously
situations where both demand and supply                    Advance planning for post-event recovery      reprioritized (Figure 12).
are disrupted, it becomes even more                        is key to creating resilient health systems
                                                                                                         Following the four steps of mapping
important to adjust demand and calculate                   which can weather black swan events.17
                                                                                                         scenarios, defining the disruption will
new supply requirements together.                          The Emergency Supply Chain (ESC)
                                                                                                         identify those situations where both
                                                           playbook process was established through
A General Approach to Both                                                                               demand and supply have been disrupted,
                                                           the Global Health Security Agenda to
Supply-Side and Demand-Side                                                                              and drive the rest of the process.
                                                           help countries plan, during the business
Disruptions                                                as usual stage, for how they will react       1. Define the Disruption
Procurement and supply chain planning                      in the short term by mapping specific,            Determine the stakeholders and
managers at all levels should consider                     most-likely scenarios involving black swan        donors whose products are disrupted,
disruptions up to and including black                      events. (See the Emergency Supply Chain           which products are affected and where.

   Nuzzoet al. BMC Public Health (2019) 19:1310
19 | Demand & Supply Disruptions                                                      Recovery Strategies for Public Health Supply Chains Post-Black Swan Event


         Categorize Demand ​                                Adjust Forecasts for                                        Re-Plan the
             Disruptions                                    Anticipated Duration                                       Supply Chain
    • Unavailability of supply​                     • Patients return when supplies restored​            • Assess time to sustain and recover​
    • Inability to visit facilities​                • Patients return post-black swan​                   • Redistribute to balance supply/shifting
    • Reallocation of health workers​              • Patients return when services restored​             demand​
    • Population displacement​                      • Patients relocate due to shifting                 • Monitor process to eliminate bottlenecks​

    • Discouraged or fearful                        demands​                                            • Monitor supply impacts/ change demand
      population​                                   • Patients return after awareness                    assumption​
                                                     campaign​                                           • Develop public-private partnerships for
                                                                                                          a resilient supply chain

   Supply disruptions are evident, but                3. P
                                                          lan Scenarios                                    corrected. Spikes or troughs in demand
   the demand disruption requires                        Work with stakeholders to evaluate                 signals will level out to the new normal
   intervention by the planner to adjust                 the trade-offs for different response              demand picture once supplies are stabilized,
   the forecast for the area and products                options. There may be opportunity for              or other factors affecting demands are
   affected. Review any past or similar                  redistribution of available supplies, or           addressed, such as regaining access to health
   circumstances and any successful solutions            to expedite existing resupply orders,              facilities and healthcare providers.
   that were chosen at the time. Define the              or procure new supplies from new
   scope of resources, especially the budget,            sources. Added costs associated with the           Frequent planning is critical in the
   needed to address the disruption.                     recovery strategy should be assessed, and          recovery from a black swan event. The
                                                         priorities established between different           annual quantification process is essential
2. Analyze the Choices                                  commodities and product families that also         for budgeting and calculating long-term
    Examine the impacts of the adjusted forecast         require intervention.                              requirements, but the responsiveness and
    and where and when existing supplies run                                                                flexibility needed to maintain demand
    out. Make sure that any resupply orders that      4. E
                                                          xecute the Plan                                  and supply balance requires continuous
    cannot be filled due to the supply disruption        Select the appropriate recovery strategy           adjustments. The best practices in supply
    reflect accurate/updated delivery schedules          with stakeholders. Begin executing the             chain planning include a monthly demand
    so that the time to recover is accurately            plan, including any redistribution                 planning cycle, at least, with a rolling
    reflected in the supply plan. Consider               efforts, sourcing new supplies, or even            12-month forecast that reflects changing
    the alternatives of redistribution and               partnering with the private sector.                conditions. Measuring forecast demand to
    prioritize where resupply orders should              Settling on the appropriate recovery               actual demand is central to planning the
    be distributed when available. It may                strategy is based on current conditions,           appropriate stocking levels throughout the
    make sense to collect a limited amount of            so frequently revisiting both demand and           supply chain to meet the likely demand.
    data about stocks on hand, available funding         supply conditions is critical. As conditions       Countries that follow this guideline to
    (including emergency funding) and supplier           change, repeat steps in the planning cycle as      frequently plan will be better prepared
    and in-country lead times. If this is not            needed to adjust for the new conditions.           for sudden changes in supply chain
    possible, a proxy for some information may                                                              conditions and will have the right
    be needed to develop a forecast of demand         Repeat this process throughout the black              tools in place to tackle future black
    and a supply plan to meet the need from           swan event, with adjustments to demand                swan events.
    existing stock and future shipments.              and supply as needed, until the disruption is
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