Page created by Erik Cook


    Panini with Tomato and Mozzarella………………………………………03     EN: In order to help protect the environment, you can
    Stuffed meatballs with goat’s cheese…………………………………04    download the recipes online at

    Grilled Teriyaki Chicken Breast…………………………………………………04   FR: Pour des raisons de protection de l‘environnement,
                                                           vous trouverez les recettes en ligne, à télécharger sous le lien
    Cheese & Spinach Omelette…………………………………………………05
                                                           IT: Per ragioni di tutela ambientale, potrete scaricare
    Vegetable Frittata………………………………………………………………………06        direttamente online la ricetta all’indirizzo
    French Toast …………………………………………………………………………………06
                                                           NL: Uit milieuoverwegingen vindt u de recepten online,
    Belgian Waffles……………………………………………………………………………07         vanwaar ze kunnen worden gedownload
    Potato Waffles ………………………………………………………………………………08        HU: Természetvédelmi okokból a recepteket az alábbi
    Low-Carb Courgette Waffles……………………………………………………08       linken tudja letölteni

    Italian Cake Pops…………………………………………………………………………09        CZ: Z důvodu ochrany životního prostředí naleznete
                                                           recepty online ke stažení na adrese
    Chocolate Chip Cake Pops……………………………………………………11         SK: Z dôvodu ochrany životného prostredia sú recepty
                                                           online a môžete si ich stiahnuť na

                                                           RO: Dun motive de protecție a mediului, rețetele le
                                                           puteți descărca de pe internet de la adresa

                                                           PL: Ponieważ dobro środowiska bardzo leży nam na sercu zdecydowaliśmy,
                                                           że fantastyczne, smakowite przepisy
                                                           udostępnimy Państwu online pod adresem

                                                           TR: Tarifleri, çevre koruma nedenlerinden dolayı
                                                           online olarak indirebilirsiniz

                                                           ES: Estamos muy comprometidos con el medio
                                                           ambiente y por eso hemos decidido ponerle a
                                                           disposición nuestras sabrosas recetas para descarg

  1 serving

Ingredients              Preparation
1        panini          1. Cut the panini lengthways,
1        tomato             drizzle the top and bottom with
100 g    mozzarella         olive oil.
2        slices of ham   2. Cut the tomato and mozzarella
5 tbsp   olive oil          into slices, and place them
         basil              alternately on the lower side of
         rocket             the bread. Place the ham onto
                            the tomato and mozzarella.
                         3. Place the rocket and basil on
                            the ham, and fold the top of the
                            panini over onto this.
                         4. Place the panini in the multi-
                            function grill with the BBQ insert,
                            and close the lid. Grill the panini
                            for about 3 minutes, until it is nice
                            and crispy on the outside and
                            the cheese begins to melt on the

STUFFED MEATBALLS WITH                                                       GRILLED TERIYAKI
    GOAT’S CHEESE                                                                CHICKEN BREAST
      1 serving                                                                    1 serving

    Ingredients                           Preparation                            Ingredients                     Preparation
    150 g   mixed minced meat             1. Peel and cut the onion into fine    180 g     chicken breast        1. Cut the lemongrass into fine
    1       onion                            cubes.                              40 ml     teriyaki sauce           slices and place into a
    10 g    fresh parsley                 2. Place the minced meat in a          1 pc.     lemongrass               tall pitcher.
    1       egg                              bowl, add the onion, egg and        1 pc.     fresh chilli pepper   2. Add the teriyaki sauce, the
    30 g    breadcrumbs                      breadcrumbs, and knead              1		       garlic clove             garlic, the chilli pepper and the
    60 g    goat’s cheese                    roughly.                                                               garlic clove, and purée finely
    ½       red pepper                    3. Finely chop the parsley and cut                                        with a hand blender.
            salt                             the peppers into cubes, then                                        3. Now cut the chicken breast
            paprika powder                   add both to the meat mixture.                                          lengthways and rub thoroughly
            thyme                         4. Season everything with salt,                                           with the sauce.
                                             paprika and thyme, and knead                                        4. Leave the chicken breast to
                                             thoroughly.                                                            marinate in the refrigerator for 30
    Tip: Instead of goat’s cheese, you    5. Shape a patty, press an                                                minutes.
    can use a different type of cheese,      indentation into the centre, and                                    5. Grill the chicken breast in
    such as mozzarella.                      add the goat’s cheese into it.                                         the BBQ grill insert of the
    A light and herby mashed potato,         Cover this with the meat mixture,                                      multifunction grill for 4 minutes
    peas with rice, or a simple and          and press together firmly.                                             with the lid closed.
                                          6. Heat up the multifunction grill
    delicious tomato salad goes
    perfectly with this dish                 with the BBQ insert, insert the
                                             meatball, and close the lid.
                                          7. Grill for about 8 minutes. If you
                                             want, you can also fry an egg
                                             together with this.

   1 serving

Ingredients                   Preparation
3        eggs                 1. Wash and coarsely chop the
40 g     fresh leaf spinach      spinach leaves, then whisk with
3        cherry tomatoes         the eggs in a bowl and season
30 g     grated cheese           with a pinch of salt.
1 tsp    olive oil            2. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half.
1        pinch of salt        3. Heat the multi-function grill,
                                 drizzle the olive oil over the
                                 lower section, and pour in the
                                 egg and spinach mixture. Close
                                 the lid and cook for about 1
                                 minute, before adding the
                                 cherry tomatoes to the slightly
                                 thickened mass and spreading
                                 the cheese on top. Cook the
                                 omelette for about 3 minutes
                                 with the lid closed.

VEGETABLE FRITTATA                                                     FRENCH TOAST
      1 serving                                                              1 serving

    Ingredients                  Preparation                               Ingredients                   Preparation
    1 pc.     courgette          1. Cut the courgette, red pepper          1		       egg                 1. Whisk the egg in with the milk,
    3 pcs.    button mushrooms      and mushrooms into strips. Heat        6 tbsp    milk                   sugar and cinnamon. Dip the
    1		       red pepper            up the multifunction grill with the    1 tsp     sugar                  toast in the mixture, turning it
    75 g      cream cheese          omelette insert.                       1 		      pinch of cinnamon      once.
    3		       eggs               2. Season the eggs, parsley and           2		       slices of toast     2. Heat up the multifunction grill
    1 tbsp    olive oil             cream cheese with a little salt,       20 g      butter                 with the omelette insert, and put
    		        salt                  and mix with a hand blender.           		        maple syrup            the butter on the lower half of
    		        parsley            3. Drizzle the olive oil over the lower   		        fresh berries          the insert. Then wait until it has
                                    half of the multi-function grill                                        melted.
                                    insert.                                                              3. Insert the toast slices and bake
                                 4. Now put the cut vegetables                                              for 1 minute with the lid closed
                                    inside, and fry with the lid closed                                     until golden brown.
                                    for about 1 minute.                                                  4. Take the French toast out of the
                                 5. Open the lid and pour on the                                            grill, and garnish with maple
                                    cream cheese mixture. Cook                                              syrup and fresh berries.
                                    everything for about 5 minutes
                                    with the lid closed.

Ingredients for approx. 10 pieces

Ingredients                         Preparation
220 g    soft butter                1. Beat the softened butter with
120 g    sugar                         the sugar and vanilla sugar in a
1        packet of vanilla sugar       food processor or with a hand
4        eggs                          mixer until frothy.
350 g    flour                      2. Gradually stir the eggs into the
1        packet of baking powder       mixture.
250 ml   milk                       3. Mix the flour with the baking
1        pinch of salt                 powder, and stir into the mixture.
         oil                        4. Finally, stir in the milk and season
         powdered sugar                the dough with a pinch of salt.
                                    5. Allow the dough to rest for 15
Tip: These waffles go well with
                                    6. Heat up the multi-function grill
cherries and whipped cream or,
                                       with the waffle insert, drizzle a
depending on the season, fresh
berries.                               little oil onto the bottom, and
                                       pour a tablespoon of the mixture
                                       into the mould.
                                    7. Close the lid and bake the
                                       waffles for about 3 minutes until
                                       golden brown.
                                    8. Remove the waffles
                                       from the grill, and dust with the
                                       powdered sugar.

POTATO WAFFLES                                                              LOW-CARB COURGETTE WAFFLES
      1 serving                                                                   1 serving

    Ingredients                        Preparation                              Ingredients                         Preparation
    300 g    soft-boiled potatoes      1. Peel the potatoes, and use a          1		       courgette                 1. Wash the courgette and cut off
    2        eggs                         kitchen grater to grate them          2		       spring onions                the ends. Using the Livington
    2 tbsp   starch                       into fine strips in a bowl. Add       1		       egg                          Slice & Dice or a kitchen grater,
    2 pcs    spring onions                the eggs immediately, in order        1         packet of baking powder      cut into fine strips.
    1        packet of baking powder      to prevent the potatoes turning       1 tsp     cream cheese              2. Lightly salt the courgette, allow it
    50 g     grated cheese                brown.                                60 g      grated cheese                to steep for 5 minutes, wrap in a
             nutmeg                    2. Cut the spring onions into thin       50 g      buckwheat flour              cloth and dab out the juice.
             salt                         slices and mix them into the          		        salt                      3. Cut the onion into fine cubes.
             oil                          potato/egg mixture with the           		        oil                       4. Mix all the ingredients together in
                                          remaining ingredients. Season                                                a bowl to form a dough.
                                          the dough with salt and nutmeg.                                           5. Heat up the multi-function grill
    Tip: These waffles go well with                                             Tip: These waffles go well with
                                       3. Heat up the multi-grill with the                                             with the waffle insert. Drizzle
    super fresh herby cottage cheese                                            humus, fresh tomatoes and basil
                                          waffle insert, drizzle in some oil,                                          some oil on the waffle insert, put
    or a tomato salad.
                                          and put a large tablespoon full                                              a tablespoon of waffle batter
                                          of batter into the grill.                                                    in the mould, close the lid, and
                                       4. Bake the waffles with the lid                                                bake the waffle for about 3
                                          closed for 3 minutes until golden                                            minutes.

                                                1 serving

                                              Ingredients                 Preparation
                                              250 g		 flour               1. Put the flour, milk, salt, sugar and
                                              1 		 packet dry yeast          dry yeast in a food processor
                                              100 ml		 warm milk             and knead for 3 minutes with a
                                              1 tsp		 sugar                  dough hook.
                                              1 		 pinch of salt          2. Knead the olive oil and the egg
                                              50 ml		 olive oil              into the dough, and leave it
                                              20 g		 sun-dried tomatoes      covered in a warm place for 30
                                              1		egg                         minutes.
                                              50 g		 grated cheese        3. In the meantime, cut the salami
                                              50 g 		 salami                 and the sun-dried tomatoes into
                                              		 dried Italian herbs
                                                                             fine strips.
                                                                          4. After leaving the dough to rest
                                                                             for the required time, knead the
                                                                             sliced salami and tomatoes,
                                                                             as well as the remaining
 For cake pops,                                                              ingredients, into it, and allow it to
 Donuts and mini cakes                                                       rise for another 20 minutes.
                                                                          5. Then divide the dough into 15
                                                                             g pieces and shape into small
                         0800 400 66 50*                                  6. Using the multi-grill with the pop    *Free of charge                                     insert, place the balls in the
                         from DE, AT and CH
                                                                             moulds, close the lid, and heat.
                                                                             Bake the cake pops for about 7

     Ingredients for approx. 24 pieces

     Ingredients                         Preparation
     260 g flour                         1. Beat the sugar and eggs
     130 g sugar                            together in a food processor
     1      packet of vanilla sugar         until foamy, mix the flour with the
     250 ml milk                            baking powder, and stir into the
     3      eggs                            egg and sugar mixture along
     1      packet of baking powder         with the remaining ingredients.
     5 tbsp oil                          2. Warm up the multi-function grill
     Powdered sugar for decoration          with the doughnut insert, and
                                            half-fill the lower insert with the
                                         3. Close the lid, and cook the
                                            doughnuts for about 4 minutes.
                                         4. Remove the doughnuts from the
                                            grill, allow to cool slightly, and
                                            sprinkle with powdered sugar
                                            or dip the upper sides in a dark

Ingredients for 24 pieces:

Ingredients                         Preparation
100 g     flour                     1. Mix the flour, oatmeal and
80 g      oatmeal                     baking powder together.
100 g     sugar                     2. Mix the egg with the milk, sugar,
1 		      packet of baking powder      vanilla sugar and melted butter
1 		      packet of vanilla sugar      in a food processor.
1 		      egg                       3. Now stir the flour mixture into the
120 g     chocolate chips              liquid until a consistent dough
250 ml    milk                         is formed. Finally, stir in the
80 g      melted butter                chocolate chips.
                                    4. Heat the cake pop insert in
                                       the multi-function grill, and fill
                                       it halfway with the batter. Then
                                       close the lid and bake the pops
                                       for about 4 minutes.
                                    5. You can eat the pops as they
                                       are, or dip them in melted
                                       chocolate and make them into
                                       small chocolate balls.
                                    6. This dough mixture is also great
                                       for use with our cake insert!

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                                                                                   Stand: 03/2021 | M29173 | M21333
   Dovozce | Dodávateľ | Importator | Importer | İthalatçı | Importador:
       CH: MediaShop AG | Industriering 3 | 9491 Ruggell | Liechtenstein
  EU: MediaShop GmbH | Schneiderstraße 1, Top 1 | 2620 Neunkirchen | Austria
 TR: MediaShop Dayanıklı Tüketim Malları Pazarlama A.S. | Bayer Cd. Gülbahar Sk.
Perdemsac Plaza No:17/43 | Kozyatağı | İstanbul |
           DE | AT | CH: 0800 376 36 06– Kostenlose Servicehotline
    ROW: +423 388 18 00 | CZ: + 420 234 261 900 | SK: + 421 220 990 800
                  RO: + 40 318 114 000 | HU: + 36 96 961 000
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