Page created by Victor Mitchell
             AIRFRYER 360XL
                DELUXE         TM

                RECIPE BOOK

Recipes, tips, and ideas for
home cooks who love flavor

     MAC & CHEESE......................................7          ROASTED GARLIC WHITE PIZZA
                                                                   WITH GARLIC SAUCE.........................19
                                                                   BARBECUED BABY BACK RIBS.......20
     STUFFED BURGERS..............................9               SLOW-COOKED PULLED PORK.......21

     BLUE CHEESE-STUFFED                                           BBQ PULLED PORK-STUFFED
     BURGERS................................................11    CORN MUFFINS...................................23

     ROASTED TURKEY..............................12               REUBEN SANDWICH..........................25

     TIMPANO................................................13    SEAFOOD TACOS...............................27

     BUTTERMILK FRIED                                              EMERIL’S FAVORITE
     CHICKEN................................................15    STUFFED SHRIMP...............................29

     ROTISSERIE CHICKEN.........................17                ROASTED SALMON.............................31

STEAK ROULADE................................31   DEHYDRATED LEMONS.....................41

NY STRIP STEAKS                                   MOLTEN CHOCOLATE CAKES.........43
                                                  SWEET POTATO PECAN PIE............44
ROASTED VEGETABLES....................35
                                                  CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES............45
ROASTED POTATOES.........................35
                                                  WHITE CHOCOLATE
WEDGED POTATOES.........................36       MACADAMIA BREAD PUDDING......47

DEHYDRATED ONIONS.....................37

SUN-DRIED TOMATOES....................38


DEHYDRATED ORANGES..................41

Air Frying                                                  STEP 1:    Insert Drip Tray
                                                                                        Insert the Drip Tray below the
      Quick Start Guide                                                                 bottom heating elements (at
                                                                                        the very bottom of the Unit).
       See owner’s manual for complete
                                                                                        Do NOT place the Drip
       instructions and important safety
                                                                                        Tray on top of the heating
    information before using this product.
          IMPORTANT: Unpack all parts from the
    box and remove any clear or blue protective film on the
    components. Wash with warm, soapy water before first
      use (only select accessories are dishwasher safe).

STEP 2: Place food on crisper tray                                   STEP 3: Select Airfry cooking preset
                                Place food on a Crisper Tray or                         Use the Program Selection
                                Pizza Rack and slide the Tray/                          Knob to select the Airfry
                                Rack into a shelf inside the Unit.                      cooking preset.
                                Use the markings on the door to
                                choose the best shelf for your
                                recipe. The Baking Pan should
                                be placed on the Pizza Rack
                                when used.

STEP 4: Begin cooking                                                STEP 5: Remove food
                                Press the Start/Pause                                   When the cooking cycle is
                                Button to begin the                                     complete, use oven mitts
                                cooking process.                                        or potholders to remove
                                You can press this button                               the food. Carefully slide the
                                to pause during any                                     Crisper Tray, Pizza Rack, or
                                cooking cycle.                                          Baking Pan out of the Unit.

Rotisserie                                                 STEP 1:    Insert Drip Tray
                                                                                    Insert the Drip Tray below the
   Quick Start Guide                                                                bottom heating elements (at
                                                                                    the very bottom of the Unit).
    See owner’s manual for complete
                                                                                    Do NOT place the Drip
    instructions and important safety
                                                                                    Tray on top of the heating
 information before using this product.
       IMPORTANT: Unpack all parts from the
 box and remove any clear or blue protective film on the
 components. Wash with warm, soapy water before first
   use (only select accessories are dishwasher safe).

STEP 2: Insert Rotisserie                                        STEP 3: Select Rotisserie cooking preset
                             Hold the assembled Rotisserie                          Use the Program Selection
                             Spit at a slight angle with the                        Knob to select the Rotisserie
                             right side higher than the left                        cooking preset. You may
                             side and insert the left side                          need to add 5 minutes to the
                             of the Spit into the Rotisserie                        recipe due to not being able
                             connection inside the Unit. With                       to preheat the appliance.
                             the left side securely in place,
                             drop the right side of the Spit
                             into the Rotisserie connection on
                             the right side of the Unit.

STEP 4: Begin cooking                                            STEP 5: Remove food
                             Press the Start/Pause                                  When the cooking cycle is
                             Button to begin the                                    complete, use oven mitts,
                             cooking process.You can                                potholders (ideally silicone),
                             press this button to pause                             or a large fork to remove
                             during any cooking cycle.                              the Rotisserie Spit from the
                                                                                    Unit by lifting the right side
                                                                                    and then the left side of the
                                                                                    Spit to release the Spit from
                                                                                    the connection points.

                                         SERVES 4-6

     INGREDIENTS                  DIRECTIONS
½ lb grated Fontina cheese        1. Combine all the cheeses in a      4. Slide the Pizza Rack into Shelf
¼ lb grated provolone cheese         large bowl and mix. Reserve          Position 6. Place the casserole
                                     ½ cup of the cheese mixture.         dish on the Pizza Rack.
¼ lb grated Parmigiano-Reggiano
cheese                            2. Butter a 4.5-qt. casserole        5. Rotate the Program Selection
                                     dish that fits inside the Power      Knob to the Slow Cook setting.
3 tbsp. butter                       AirFryer 360 XL. Add the             Rotate the Temperature Control
12 oz dried ditalini pasta           butter, pasta, unreserved            Knob to 275° F/135° C and
1 ½ cups milk                        cheese mixture, milk,                the Time Control Knob to 3 hrs.
                                     evaporated milk, salt, and           Press the Start/Pause Button
1 8-oz can evaporated milk           black pepper.                        to begin the cooking cycle.
1 tsp. kosher salt                3. Spread the parsley, then the      6. Rotate the Program Selection
½ tsp. ground black pepper           reserved cheese mixture,             Knob to the Broil setting
2 tbsp. chopped parsley              and finally the panko                (400° F/205° C for 10 mins.).
                                     breadcrumbs over the                 Press the Start/Pause Button
½ cup panko breadcrumbs              pasta mixture.                       to begin the cooking cycle.


                                            SERVES 8

          INGREDIENTS               DIRECTIONS
    24 eggs                         1. Combine the eggs, cream,            5. Slide the Pizza Rack into Shelf
    ½ cup cream                        flour, salt, and black pepper          Position 5. Place the casserole
                                       in a large bowl and whisk.             dish on the Pizza Rack.
    1 tbsp. flour                      Reserve the egg mixture.
                                                                           6. Rotate the Program Selection
    1 tsp. salt                     2. Place a large skillet on the           Knob to the Bake setting.
    ½ tsp. ground black pepper         stove top. Melt the butter in          Rotate the Temperature Control
    2 tbsp. butter                     the skillet over medium-high           Knob to 350° F/175° C and the
                                       heat and then sauté the onion          Time Control Knob to 45 mins.
    1 small onion, sliced thinly       and garlic for 2 mins.                 Press the Start/Pause Button to
    2 cloves garlic, chopped        3. Add the spinach to the skillet         begin the cooking cycle.
    4 cup baby spinach                 and sauté until wilted. Then,       7. When the timer reaches 0,
    6 oz cherry tomatoes, cut          remove the skillet from                remove the frittata from the
    in half                            the heat.                              Power AirFryer 360 XL. Let
                                    4. Layer the spinach mixture, half        the frittata cool for 15 mins.
    6 oz feta cheese, crumbled                                                before serving.
                                       of the tomatoes, half of the feta
                                       cheese, the egg mixture, the
                                       other half of the tomatoes, and
                                       the other half of the cheese in
                                       a 4.5-qt. casserole dish that
                                       fits inside the Power AirFryer
                                       360 XL.

                                         SERVES 4

      INGREDIENTS                DIRECTIONS
3 lb ground beef                 1. Combine the ground beef,          6. When the burgers are done
3 tsp. Worcestershire sauce         Worcestershire sauce, salt,          cooking, remove them from
                                    and black pepper in a bowl.          the Pizza Rack and set
2 tsp. salt                                                              them aside.
                                 2. Divide the beef mixture into
1 tsp. ground black pepper          six balls and divide each ball    7. Slide the Pizza Rack into Shelf
6 oz pepper Jack cheese, cubed      in half.                             Position 1. Butter the brioche
6 oz cheddar cheese slices       3. Press the meat flat on the           buns and place them on the
                                    counter. Stuff half of the meat      Pizza Rack (buttered side up).
/3 cup butter

                                    with the pepper Jack cheese       8. Rotate the Program Selection
6 brioche buns                      and top with the unstuffed           Knob to the Broil setting
12 pickle slices                    meat. Seal the edges of              (400° F/205° C for 10 mins.).
3/4 cup shredded lettuce            the burgers.                         Press the Start/Pause Button
                                 4. Slide the Pizza Rack into Shelf      to begin the cooking cycle.
6 slices red onions                                                      Broil the buns until golden.
                                    Position 2. Place the burgers
                                    on the Pizza Rack.                   Then, remove the buns and
                                                                         assemble the burgers with
                                 5. Rotate the Program Selection         the pickles, lettuce, and red
                                    Knob to the Airfry setting           onions.
                                    (400° F/205° C for 18 mins.).
                                    Press the Start/Pause Button
                                    to begin the cooking cycle.
                                    After 15 mins., top the burgers
                                    with the cheddar cheese slices
                                    and cook until the cheese
                                    is melted.

                                            SERVES 4

           INGREDIENTS              DIRECTIONS
     3 lb ground beef               1. Combine the ground beef,          6. When the burgers are done
     3 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
                                       Worcestershire sauce, salt,          cooking, remove them from
                                       and black pepper in a bowl.          the Pizza Rack and set them
     2 tsp. salt                                                            aside.
                                    2. Divide the beef mixture into
     1 tsp. ground black pepper        six balls and divide each ball    7. Slide the Pizza Rack into Shelf
     6 slices bacon, cooked            in half.                             Position 1. Butter the brioche
     & chopped                      3. Press the meat flat on the           buns and place them on the
     3/4 cup crumbled blue cheese      counter. Stuff half of the meat      Pizza Rack (buttered side up).
     /3 cup butter, softened
     1                                 with the bacon and 2 tbsp.        8. Rotate the Program Selection
                                       blue cheese per burger and           Knob to the Broil setting
     6 brioche buns                    top with the unstuffed meat.         (400° F/205° C for 10 mins.).
     12 slices tomatoes                Seal the edges of the burgers.       Press the Start/Pause Button
     6 Bibb lettuce leaves          4. Slide the Pizza Rack into Shelf      to begin the cooking cycle.
                                       Position 2. Place the burgers        Broil the buns until golden.
     6 slices red onions                                                    Then, remove the buns and
                                       on the Pizza Rack.
                                                                            assemble the burgers with
                                    5. Rotate the Program Selection         the meat, tomatoes, lettuce,
                                       Knob to the Airfry setting           and red onions.
                                       (400° F/205° C for 18 mins.).
                                       Press the Start/Pause Button
                                       to begin the cooking cycle.

                                         SERVES 8

          INGREDIENTS            DIRECTIONS

     BRINE                       1. Place a large pot on the stove     5. Rotate the Program Selection
                                    top. Add the brine ingredients        Knob to the Roast setting
     1 ½ gallons cold water         to the pot and bring them to a        (350° F/175° C). Rotate the
     ¾ cup kosher salt              boil over high heat. Once the         Time Control Knob to 2 ½ hrs.
     ¾ cup brown sugar              brine reaches a boil, turn off        Press the Start/Pause Button
                                    the heat and let the brine cool.      to begin the cooking cycle.
     2 tbsp. Creole seasoning
                                 2. Add the turkey to the cold         6. Let the turkey rest for 30 mins.
     —                              brine and refrigerate overnight.      before serving.
     1 12-lb turkey
                                 3. The next day, remove the
                                    turkey from the brine and pat
                                    the turkey dry.
                                 4. Slide the Pizza Rack into Shelf
                                    Position 5. Place the Baking
                                    Pan on the Pizza Rack. Place
                                    the turkey on the Baking Pan.


                                                SERVES 8

      INGREDIENTS                       DIRECTIONS
MEATBALLS                               1. Tear the bread slices into        6. Grease a 4.5-qt. casserole
                                           pieces and add them to the           dish that fits inside the Power
4 slices white bread, crusts trimmed
                                           milk in a bowl. Allow the bread      AirFryer 360 XL with olive oil.
¾ cup milk                                 to soak until soggy. Then,           Use a rolling pin to roll the
1 ½ lb ground chuck                        add the rest of the meatball         dough out until it is larger than
                                           ingredients, mix, and roll into      the dish. Transfer the dough
½ cup finely grated Parmigiano-
Reggiano cheese
                                           small balls. Slide the Crisper       to the dish, letting the excess
                                           Tray into Shelf Position 2.          dough hang over the sides
½ cup chopped white onions                 Place the meatballs and              of the dish. Spread half of the
¼ cup minced garlic                        sausage on the Crisper Tray.         filling over the dough. Sprinkle
2 tbsp. chopped parsley                 2. Rotate the Program Selection         half of the mozzarella cheese
                                           Knob to the Airfry setting           over the filling.
—                                                                               Top with the remaining filling,
                                           (400° F/205° C). Rotate the
¾ lb sweet Italian sausage, removed
                                           Time Control Knob to 10 mins.        then the basil, and finally
from casings
                                           Press the Start/Pause Button         the rest of the mozzarella
—                                          to begin the cooking cycle.          cheese. Fold the dough over
                                                                                and brush with the egg wash.
FILLING                                 3. When the timer reaches 0,            Slide the Pizza Rack into Shelf
12 oz spaghetti, cooked                    remove the sausage and               Position 2. Place the dish on
& chopped large                            meatballs from the Crisper           the Pizza Rack.
                                           Tray, let cool and then slice
2 25-oz jars marinara sauce
                                           the sausage.                      7. Rotate the Program Selection
—                                                                               Knob to the Bake setting
                                        4. Combine the spaghetti,               (325° F/165° C). Rotate the
DOUGH                                      sausage, meatballs, and              Time Control Knob to 50 mins.
3 ½ cups flour                             marinara sauce in a bowl and         Press the Start/Pause Button
                                           mix well to make the filling.        to begin the cooking cycle.
1 tsp. salt
¼ cup plus 1 tbsp. olive oil, plus
                                        5. Add the dough ingredients to      8. When the timer reaches 0,
more for greasing a casserole dish         a separate bowl and mix well.        remove the casserole dish
                                           Knead the mixture until all the      and let the timpano rest for
1 ¼ cups water, room temperature           ingredients are well combined.       15–20 mins. before turning it
—                                          Wrap the bowl and let sit for        out onto a platter and cutting it
4 cups shredded mozzarella cheese          10 mins.                             into wedges.
½ cup basil leaves
egg wash (1 egg beaten with
1 tbsp. water)                                                                                                 13
                      FRIED CHICKEN
                                             SERVES 6

     INGREDIENTS                     DIRECTIONS
2 cups buttermilk                    1. Pour the buttermilk into a large   6. Slide the Crisper Tray into Shelf
2 tbsp. salt                            bowl. Add the salt, sugar, and        Position 2.
                                        black pepper to the buttermilk.    7. Rotate the Temperature Control
1 tsp. sugar                            Soak the chicken legs and             Knob to 375° F/191° C and the
½ tsp. ground black pepper              thighs in the buttermilk.             Time Control Knob to 40 mins.
6 chicken legs                       2. Add the flour to a shallow            Press the Start/Pause Button to
                                        baking dish.                          begin the cooking cycle.
6 chicken thighs
                                     3. Add the eggs to a second dish      8. When the internal temperature
1 cup flour                             and beat the eggs with a fork.        of the chicken reaches
6 eggs                               4. Add the cereal crumbs and             160° F/71° C, the chicken
6 cups crushed flaked corn cereal       Emeril’s Essence Seasoning            is ready to serve. Press the
                                        to a third dish.                      Cancel Button and remove the
1 tbsp. Emeril’s Essence Seasoning                                            chicken from the Power AirFryer
                                     5. Shake the buttermilk off the
                                                                              360 XL.
                                        chicken pieces and dredge
                                        the chicken in the flour, then
                                        the eggs, and finally the
                                        crumbs. Place the chicken
                                        pieces on the Crisper Tray.

                                                 SERVES 4-6

          INGREDIENTS                     DIRECTIONS

     RUSTIC RUB*                          1. Combine the rustic rub                4. Rotate the Program Selection
                                             ingredients in a bowl. Rub the           Knob to the Rotisserie setting.
     ½ cup paprika                           chicken with ¼ cup of the                Rotate the Temperature Control
     3 tbsp. ground cayenne pepper           rustic rub.                              Knob to 350° F/177° C and the
                                                                                      Time Control Knob to 55 mins.
     ¼ cup plus 1 tbsp. freshly ground    2. Truss the chicken. Attach the
     black pepper                                                                     Press the Start/Pause Button to
                                             one of the Rotisserie
                                                                                      begin the cooking cycle.
     ¼ cup plus 2 tbsp. garlic powder        Forks to the Rotisserie Spit and
                                             tighten the screws on                 5. When the internal temperature
     3 tbsp. onion powder                    the Fork. Slide the chicken on           of the chicken reaches
     ¼ cup plus 2 tbsp. salt                 the spit rod into the secured            160° F/71° C, the chicken
     2 ½ tbsp. dried oregano                 spit fork. Secure the chicken on         is ready to serve. Press the
                                             the Rotisserie Spit with                 Cancel Button and remove
     2 ½ tbsp. dried thyme                   the other Rotisserie Fork and            the chicken from the Power
     —                                       screws.                                  AirFryer 360 XL. Let the
                                                                                      chicken rest for 15 mins.
     1 6-lb whole chicken, rinsed         3. Insert the chicken into the
                                                                                      before serving.
                                             Rotisserie connections inside
                                             the Power AirFryer 360 XL.


                                          * Any leftover Rustic Rub can be stored in an airtight container for later use.

                                               SERVES 8

      INGREDIENTS                      DIRECTIONS

BÉCHAMEL                               1. Place a sauce pot on the stove     6. Slide the Pizza Rack into Shelf
                                          top. Melt the butter in the           Position 5.
2 tbsp. unsalted butter                   sauce pot over medium-high
                                                                             7. Rotate the Program Selection
2 tbsp. all-purpose flour                 heat and then cook
                                                                                Knob to the Pizza setting
1 cup whole milk                          the flour for 2–3 mins.
                                                                                (20-min. cooking time). Rotate
¼ tsp. ground cayenne pepper           2. Whisk the milk into the flour         the Temperature Control Knob
                                          until thickened.                      to 425° F/165° C. Press the
3–4 heads roasted garlic                                                        Start/Pause Button
                                       3. Add the ground cayenne
¼ tsp. salt
                                          pepper, garlic, and ¼ tsp. salt       to begin the cooking cycle.
                                          and simmer over low heat           8. When the pizza is done,
                                          for 15 mins. to make the              remove the pizza from the
PIZZA DOUGH                               béchamel.                             Pizza Rack. Repeat the cooking
1 cup warm water (105° F–115° F)                                                process with the other half
                                       4. Combine the water, honey,
1 tsp. honey                              and olive oil in a bowl. Add the      of the dough.
2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil            yeast, flour, and 1 tsp. salt to   9. When both pizzas are done,
                                          the bowl; mix; and knead until        top with the basil, parsley,
1 ¼-oz envelope active dry yeast
                                          smooth. Set the bowl aside for        and crushed red pepper.
2 ½–3 cups unbleached                     20 mins.
all-purpose flour, as needed
                                       5. Divide the pizza dough in half
1 tsp. salt                               and fit each half to fit on the
                                          Pizza Rack. Place one of the
                                          halves on the Pizza Rack. Top
TOPPINGS                                  the dough with the mozzarella,
8 oz fresh mozzarella cheese, sliced      Fontina, and Parmigiano-
4 oz grated Fontina cheese
                                          Reggiano cheeses and the
                                          sun-dried tomatoes.
½ cup finely grated Parmigiano-
Reggiano cheese
30 pieces sun-dried tomatoes (see
p. 38)
2 tbsp. chopped fresh basil leaves
2 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley leaves
crushed red pepper
                             BABY BACK RIBS
                                                  SERVES 4

          INGREDIENTS                     DIRECTIONS
     2 racks baby back ribs,              1. Season the ribs with the            5. Rotate the Program Selection
     cut in half                             Emeril’s Essence Seasoning.            Knob to the Slow Cook setting
                                                                                    (225° F/107° C). Rotate the
     2 tbsp. Emeril’s Essence Seasoning   2. Combine all the sauce
                                                                                    Time Control Knob
     —                                       ingredients in a bowl.
                                                                                    to 3 hrs. Press the Start/Pause
                                          3. Divide the sauce in half. Brush        Button to begin the cooking
                                             the ribs with half of the sauce.       cycle.
     1 cup ketchup                           Reserve the other half.
                                                                                 6. When the timer reaches 0,
     3 tbsp. brown sugar                  4. Wrap the Crisper Tray and              remove the ribs from the
     1 tbsp. white vinegar                   Pizza Rack with foil. Slide            Power AirFryer 360 XL. Brush
     1 tbsp. minced onion
                                             the Crisper Tray into Shelf            the ribs with the unused sauce
                                             Position 2. Slide the Pizza Rack       before serving.
     1 tsp. minced garlic                    into Shelf Position 6. Place half
     1 tsp. dry mustard                      of the ribs on the Crisper Tray
                                             and the other half of the ribs
     1 tsp. ground cayenne pepper
                                             on the Pizza Rack.
     ½ tsp. salt
     ¼ tsp. ground black pepper

                          PULLED PORK
                                              SERVES 4-6

     INGREDIENTS                       DIRECTIONS
1 5–6 lb boneless pork shoulder        1. Make 16 small slits all over        4. Rotate the Program Selection
8 cloves garlic, peeled & halved          the pork shoulder and push a           Knob to the Slow Cook setting
lengthwise                                garlic clove half into each slit.      (225° F/107° C). Rotate the
                                                                                 Time Control Knob to 8 hrs.
2 ½ tbsp. light brown sugar            2. Place the pork shoulder in a
                                                                                 Press the Start/Pause Button
                                          4.5-qt. Dutch oven that fits
1 ½ tbsp. kosher salt                                                            to begin the cooking cycle.
                                          inside the Power AirFryer 360
1 tbsp. smoked Spanish paprika            XL. Add the brown sugar, salt,      5. When the timer reaches 0,
2 tsp. Mexican or regular chili           paprika, chili powder, oregano,        remove the Dutch oven from
powder                                    cumin, red pepper, cayenne             the Power AirFryer 360 XL,
                                          pepper, and coriander.                 drain most of the liquid, and
1 ½ tsp. Mexican or regular oregano,                                             shred the meat with forks.
crumbled between your fingers          3. Slide the Pizza Rack into Shelf
                                          Position 6. Place the Dutch         6. Serve the pulled pork with the
1 ½ tsp. ground cumin                     oven on the Pizza Rack.                barbeque sauce.
1 tsp. crushed red pepper
1 tsp. ground cayenne pepper
½ tsp. ground coriander
1 ½ cups barbeque sauce

                                            SERVES 6

     INGREDIENTS                    DIRECTIONS
2 tbsp. butter, melted & cooled     1. Butter a 7-oz 6-cup muffin tray.   8. Rotate the Program Selection
2 scant cups all-purpose flour      2. Combine the flour, cornmeal,          Knob to the Bake setting
(spooned into the measuring cups)      sugar, baking powder, and salt        (325° F/165° C). Rotate the
                                       in a bowl.                            Time Control Knob to 20 mins.
¾ cup cornmeal                                                               Press the Start/Pause Button
 /3 cup sugar, plus more            3. Combine the eggs, vegetable oil,      to begin the cooking cycle.
for sprinkling                         water, cream, buttermilk, and         When the Power AirFryer 360
                                       honey in a separate bowl.             XL beeps to indicate that it
1 tbsp. plus 1 tsp. baking powder
                                    4. Add the wet ingredients to the        is preheated, place the muffin
¾ tsp. salt                                                                  tray on the Pizza Rack.
                                       dry ingredients and mix
3 eggs                                 to finish the corn muffin mix.     9. When the timer reaches 0,
½ cup vegetable oil                 5. Combine the pulled pork and           remove the muffin tray. Let the
                                       barbeque sauce.                       muffins cool before serving.
½ cup water
2 tbsp. heavy cream                 6. Spoon 2 tbsp. corn muffin mix
2 tbsp. buttermilk
                                       into each muffin cup.
                                       Top the mix with 3 tbsp. pulled
¼ cup honey                            pork and then another 2 tbsp.
1 ½ cups pulled pork                   corn muffin mix.
¼ cup barbeque sauce                7. Slide the Pizza Rack into Shelf
                                       Position 6.

                                             SERVES 4

          INGREDIENTS                DIRECTIONS
     3 lb corned beef brisket        1. Place the corned beef in a        7. Top the bread slices with
     12 oz beer                         4.5-qt. Dutch oven that fits         2 Swiss cheese slices per bread
                                        inside the Power AirFryer 360        slice. Top the cheese with the
                                        XL and top the corned beef           corned beef, ¼ lb sauerkraut,
                                        with the beer and enough water       and 2 tbsp. Russian dressing
                                        to cover the corned beef.            on each sandwich, the rest of
     1 cup mayonnaise                                                        the Swiss cheese, and the rest
                                     2. Slide the Pizza Rack into Shelf
     ¼ cup chili sauce
                                        Position 6. Place the Dutch          of the bread slices (buttered
     1 tbsp. minced yellow onion        oven on the Pizza Rack.              side up).
     1 tbsp. minced celery           3. Rotate the Program Selection      8. Slide the Pizza Rack into Shelf
                                        Knob to the Slow Cook setting        Position 6.
     1 tbsp. minced parsley
                                        (225° F/107° C). Rotate the       9. Rotate the Program Selection
     1 tbsp. heavy cream
                                        Time Control Knob to 6 hrs.          Knob to the Toast setting
     ½ tsp. dry mustard                 Press the Start/Pause Button to      (4 mins. 40 secs.). Press the
     ½ tsp. hot pepper sauce            begin the cooking cycle.             Start/Pause Button to begin the
                                     4. While the corned beef                cooking cycle. Cook until the
     —                                                                       bread is crispy and golden.
                                        cooks, combine the Russian
     ¾ cup butter, softened
                                        dressing ingredients in a
     8 slices rye sourdough bread       bowl. Refrigerate the dressing
     16 slices Swiss cheese             until the corned beef is done
     1 lb sauerkraut
                                     5. When the timer reaches 0,
                                        remove the corned beef
                                        and slice it thinly.
                                     6. Butter the bread and then place
                                        4 bread slices (buttered side
                                        down) on the Pizza Rack.

2 8-oz bags mesquite barbeque                 SERVES 10
potato chips
1 cup flour
4 eggs
¼ cup buttermilk
2 lb flounder pieces
8 16–20 shrimp, peeled, deveined &
                                      1. Use a food processor to crush       7. Rotate the Program Selection
tails removed
                                         the barbeque chips.                    Knob to the Airfry setting
                                                                                (400° F/205° C for 18 mins.).
                                      2. Add the flour to a shallow
                                                                                Press the Start/Pause Button
                                         baking dish.
                                                                                to begin the cooking cycle.
CORN & TOMATO SALSA                   3. Add the eggs and buttermilk to
kernels of 2 ears corn                                                       8. While the fish and shrimp
                                         a second dish and beat
                                                                                cook, combine the corn
1 lb tomatoes, diced                     the eggs with a fork.
                                                                                and tomato salsa ingredients
6 jalapeños, seeded & diced           4. Add the crushed chips to a             in a bowl.
                                         third dish.
½ red onion, diced                                                           9. Combine the serrano crema
½ orange pepper, diced
                                      5. Dredge the flounder and                ingredients in a separate bowl.
                                         shrimp in the flour, then the
juice of 1 lime                                                              10. When the flounder and shrimp
                                         egg mixture, and finally
                                                                                 are done cooking, remove the
1 tsp. chili powder                      the chips.
                                                                                 fried fish and shrimp from the
½ tsp. ancho chili powder             6. Slide the Crisper Tray into Shelf       Crisper Tray and serve them on
¼ tsp. ground cayenne pepper
                                         Position 2. Place the flounder          the tortillas with the corn salsa,
                                         and shrimp on the Crisper Tray.         avocado slices, and serrano
/8 tsp. cumin
                                                                                 crema. Serve with the lime
½ cup grapeseed oil                                                              wedges.

½ cup sour cream
6 serrano peppers, seeded & minced
2 tbsp. chopped cilantro leaves
1 tbsp. fresh lime juice
¼ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. ground black pepper
20 6-in. flour tortillas
3 avocados, sliced
2 limes, wedged                                                                                                 27
                       STUFFED SHRIMP
                                                     SERVES 6

          INGREDIENTS                        DIRECTIONS

                                             1. Place a sauté pan on the          4. Slide the Crisper Tray into
                                                stove top. Sauté the butter,         Shelf Position 2. Slide the
     1 tbsp. butter                             onions, bell peppers, and            Pizza Rack into Shelf Position
     ½ cup minced yellow onions                 garlic until soft over medium-       5. Place the Baking Pan on
     ¼ cup minced green bell peppers            high heat (about 3 mins.).           the Pizza Rack. Evenly divide
                                             2. Remove the sauté pan from            the shrimp between the
     1 tbsp. minced garlic                                                           Crisper Tray and the
                                                the heat and let the mixture
     ½ tsp. salt                                cool. Once cooled, mix               Baking Pan.
     ¼ tsp. freshly ground black pepper         with the salt, black pepper,      5. Rotate the Program Selection
     1 ½ tsp. hot sauce                         hot sauce, Worcestershire            Knob to the Airfry setting
                                                sauce, lemon juice, egg,             (400° F/205° C for 18 mins.).
     1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce               mayonnaise, parsley, celery,         Press the Start/Pause Button
     3 tbsp. fresh lemon juice                  Creole seasoning, and                to begin the cooking cycle.
                                                1 ¼ cups butter crackers to
     1 egg, lightly beaten                                                        6. When the shrimp are done
                                                finish the filling.
     ¼ cup mayonnaise                                                                cooking, serve them with
                                             3. Stuff the shrimp with the            the lemon wedges.
     ¼ cup plus 1 tbsp. finely chopped          filling, drizzle the melted
     fresh parsley                              butter over the shrimp, and
     ¼ cup minced celery                        sprinkle the rest of the butter
                                                crackers over the shrimp.
     2 ½ tsp. Creole seasoning
     1 ½ cups crushed butter crackers,
     20 fresh 16–20 shrimp, peeled
     except the tail and first connecting
     shell segment, deveined & butterflied
     3 tbsp. unsalted butter, melted
     lemon wedges, for serving

                                             SERVES 4-6

     INGREDIENTS                      DIRECTIONS
1 3-lb salmon fillet                  1. Place the salmon on the Baking     3. Rotate the Program Selection
2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
                                         Pan. Season the salmon with the       Knob to the Roast setting
                                         lemon juice and Emeril’s Essence      (350° F/175° C). Rotate the Time
3 tbsp. Emeril’s Essence Seasoning       Seasoning.                            Control Knob to 20 mins. Press
                                                                               the Start/Pause Button to begin
                                      2. Slide the Pizza Rack into Shelf
                                                                               the cooking cycle.
                                         Position 1. Place the Baking Pan
                                         on top of the Pizza Rack.

                                                SERVES 4

           INGREDIENTS                  DIRECTIONS
     1 tbsp. olive oil                  1. Place a sauté pan on the stove     4. Rotate the Program Selection
     4 cups spinach                        top. Add the olive oil, spinach,      Knob to the Rotisserie setting
                                           and garlic to the pan and sauté       (375° F/190° C for 30 mins.).
     3 cloves garlic, sliced               until wilted (about 2 mins.).         Press the Start/Pause Button
     1 2-lb flank steak, butterflied       Once done, remove the                 to begin the cooking cycle.
                                           spinach and garlic and let cool.
     2 tsp. sea salt                                                          5. Let the roulade rest for
     ½ tsp. ground black pepper         2. Place the flank steak on a            10 mins. before serving.
                                           cutting board. Rub the salt
     9 slices Muenster cheese              and black pepper on the
     1 ½ cups roasted peppers              flank steak and then layer the
                                           Muenster cheese, spinach, and
                                           roasted peppers on the flank
                                           steak. Roll and tie the flank
                                           steak to make a roulade.
                                        3. Attach one of the Rotisserie
                                           Forks to the Rotisserie Spit
                                           and tighten the screws on the
                                           Fork. Slide the roulade on the
                                           spit rod into the secured spit
                                           fork. Secure the roulade on the
                                           Rotisserie Spit with the other
                                           Rotisserie Fork
                                           and screws.

                                                  SERVES 6

          INGREDIENTS                     DIRECTIONS

                                          1. Combine the beurre maître          4. Rotate the Program Selection
                                             d’hôtel ingredients in a bowl.        Knob to the Airfry setting (400°
     2 sticks unsalted butter, room          Refrigerate the beurre maître         F/205° C for 18 mins.). Press
     temperature                             d’hôtel until ready to use.           the Start/Pause Button to
     ¼ cup minced fresh parsley leaves                                             begin the cooking cycle.
                                          2. Season the steaks with the
     1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice               salt, black pepper, and Emeril’s   5. When the steaks are done
     ½ tsp. salt                             Essence Seasoning.                    cooking, top each steak
                                                                                   with 1 tbsp. beurre maître
     ¼ tsp. freshly ground black pepper   3. Slide the Pizza Rack into Shelf
                                             Position 2. Place the steaks on
                                             the Pizza Rack.
     6 12-oz boneless beef New York
     strip steaks (top loin),
     fat trimmed
     2 tbsp. sea salt
     2 tsp. ground black pepper
     4 tsp. Emeril’s Essence Seasoning

                                               SERVES 8

      INGREDIENTS                      DIRECTIONS
1 lb Brussels sprouts                  1. Combine all the ingredients in      4. Rotate the Program Selection
1 lb baby carrots
                                          a bowl and toss.                       Knob to the Airfry setting
                                                                                 (400° F/205° C for 18 mins.).
1 lb baby red potatoes, scrubbed       2. Pour the vegetables into the
                                                                                 Press the Start/Pause Button
                                          Crisper Tray.
6 cloves garlic, halved                                                          to begin the cooking cycle.
                                       3. Slide the Crisper Tray into Shelf
½ tsp. salt                               Position 2.
¼ tsp. ground black pepper
2 sprigs rosemary, chopped
¼ cup olive oil

              ROASTED POTATOES
                                               SERVES 6

      INGREDIENTS                      DIRECTIONS

2 ½ lb assorted small potatoes,
                                       1. Combine all the ingredients in      4. Rotate the Program Selection
scrubbed                                  a bowl and toss.                       Knob to the Airfry setting
                                                                                 (400° F/205° C for 18 mins.).
2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil, plus   2. Pour the potatoes into the
                                                                                 Press the Start/Pause Button
more to taste                             Crisper Tray.
                                                                                 to begin the cooking cycle.
1 sprig fresh rosemary, chopped        3. Slide the Crisper Tray into Shelf
                                          Position 2.
2 sprigs fresh thyme, chopped
3 cloves garlic, peeled
& roughly chopped
1 tsp. salt
¾ tsp. ground black pepper
                                             SERVES 6-8

           INGREDIENTS                    DIRECTIONS
     5 russet potatoes, scrubbed          1. Toss potato wedges in the olive     4. When the timer reaches 0,
     & wedged                                oil and sprinkle with                  remove the potatoes from
     3 tbsp. olive oil                       the Emeril’s Essence Seasoning.        the Crisper Tray. Repeat the
                                                                                    cooking process for
     3 tbsp. Emeril’s Essence Seasoning   2. Slide the Crisper Tray into Shelf
                                                                                    the second batch of potatoes.
                                             Position 2. Place half of the
                                                                                    Serve with steak.
                                             potatoes on the Crisper Tray.
                                          3. Rotate the Program Selection
                                             Knob to the Airfry setting
                                             (400° F/205° C for 18 mins.).
                                             Press the Start/Pause Button to
                                             begin the cooking cycle.

                                      SERVES 4

     INGREDIENTS                     DIRECTIONS
2 white onions, sliced ¼ in. thick   1. Separate the onions into rings.     3. Rotate the Program Selection
                                                                               Knob to the Dehydrate setting
                                     2. Slide the Crisper Tray into Shelf
                                                                               (120° F/49° C). Rotate the Time
                                        Position 2. Slide the Pizza Rack
                                                                               Control Knob
                                        into Shelf Position 5. Place the
                                                                               to 10 hrs. Press the Start/Pause
                                        onion rings on
                                                                               Button to begin the cooking
                                        the Crisper Tray and Pizza Rack.
                                                                               cycle. Cook until crisp.

                                        SERVES 4-6

          INGREDIENTS            DIRECTIONS
     15 plum tomatoes, halved    1. Slide the Crisper Tray into Shelf   2. Rotate the Program Selection
                                    Position 2. Slide the Pizza Rack       Knob to the Dehydrate setting.
                                    into Shelf Position 6. Place the       Rotate the Temperature Control
                                    sliced tomatoes on the Crisper         Knob to 145° F/63° C and the
                                    Tray and Pizza Rack.                   Time Control Knob to 10 hrs.
                                                                           Press the Start/Pause Button
                                                                           to begin the cooking cycle.
                                                                           Cook until crisp.

                                          SERVES 6

     INGREDIENTS                  DIRECTIONS
1 pineapple, sliced ¼ in. thick   1. Slide the Crisper Tray into Shelf   2. Rotate the Program Selection
                                     Position 2. Slide the Pizza Rack       Knob to the Dehydrate setting.
                                     into Shelf Position 5. Place the       Rotate the Temperature Control
                                     sliced pineapple on the Crisper        Knob to 125° F/52° C and the
                                     Tray and Pizza Rack.                   Time Control Knob to 10 hrs.
                                                                            Press the Start/Pause Button
                                                                            to begin the cooking cycle.
                                                                            Cook until crisp.

                                        SERVES 10-12

     INGREDIENTS                 DIRECTIONS

2 oranges, sliced ¼ in. thick
                                 1. Slide the Crisper Tray into Shelf   2. Rotate the Program Selection
                                    Position 2. Slide the Pizza Rack       Knob to the Dehydrate setting
                                    into Shelf Position 5. Place the       (120° F/49° C). Rotate the Time
                                    sliced oranges on the Crisper          Control Knob to 12 hrs. Press the
                                    Tray and Pizza Rack.                   Start/Pause Button to begin the
                                                                           cooking cycle. Cook until crisp.

                                 Dehydrated orange slices are the perfect garnish
                                 for cocktails or other drinks.

                                          SERVES 6

     INGREDIENTS                 DIRECTIONS

3 lemons, sliced ¼ in. thick
                                 1. Slide the Crisper Tray into Shelf   2. Rotate the Program Selection
                                    Position 2. Slide the Pizza Rack       Knob to the Dehydrate setting
                                    into Shelf Position 5. Place the       (120° F/49° C). Rotate the Time
                                    sliced lemons on the Crisper Tray      Control Knob to 12 hrs. Press the
                                    and Pizza Rack.                        Start/Pause Button to begin the
                                                                           cooking cycle. Cook until crisp.
                                 Use these dehydrated lemons to
                                 season chicken or other dishes.                                         41
                    CHOCOLATE CAKES
                                                   SERVES 6

          INGREDIENTS                     DIRECTIONS

     GANACHE                              TO MAKE THE GANACHE:                     4. Fold the egg whites into
     ¼ cup heavy cream                    1. Place a saucepan on the stove            the chocolate mixture until
                                             top. Bring the cream to a simmer         combined.
     2 oz semi-sweet chocolate, chopped
                                             in the saucepan over low heat.        5. Evenly divide the batter between
     CAKES                                2. Place the chocolate in small             the prepared ramekins. Press a
     5 tbsp. unsalted butter, divided        bowl. Pour the cream over the            ganache ball into each ramekin
                                             chocolate, let sit for 2–3 mins.,        and cover with batter.
     5 tbsp. sugar, divided
                                             and then whisk to combine.            6. Slide the Pizza Rack into Shelf
     6 oz bittersweet or semi-sweet
     chocolate, chopped                   3. Chill the mixture until firm and         Position 5. Place the ramekins on
                                             then form it into six 1-in. balls.       the Pizza Rack.
     2 large eggs, separated
                                             Reserve the ganache in the            7. Rotate the Program Selection
     & divided
                                             refrigerator.                            Knob to the Bake setting
     ½ tsp. vanilla extract                                                           (325° F/165° C). Rotate the Time
                                          TO MAKE THE CAKES:                          Control Knob to 15 mins. Press
     1 pinch salt
                                          1.   Butter six 6-oz ramekins with 1        the Start/Pause Button to begin
     3 tbsp. all-purpose flour
                                               tsp. butter in each ramekin. Pour      the cooking cycle. Bake until the
     —                                         1 tsp. sugar into each ramekin,        top of the cakes are puffed and
     powdered sugar, for serving               turn to coat, and tap out any          slightly firmed but not browned.
                                               excess sugar.
     raspberries, for serving                                                      8. When done, remove the cakes
                                          2. Melt the chocolate and 4                 and let rest for 3 mins.
     mint leaves, for serving
                                             tbsp. butter in a bowl set over          Top with powdered sugar,
     vanilla ice cream, for serving          simmering water and stir to              raspberries, and mint leaves.
     whipped cream, for serving              combine. Allow the chocolate to          Serve with the vanilla ice cream
                                             cool slightly and then stir in the       and whipped cream.
     whipped cream, for serving              egg yolks, vanilla, and flour.
                                          3. Place the egg whites in the
                                             bowl of an electric mixer and
                                             whip until thickened and foamy.
                                             Gradually beat in 3 tbsp. sugar
                                             and continue beating just until
                                             stiff peaks form.

43   43
                                 PECAN PIE
                                                      SERVES 8

          INGREDIENTS                         DIRECTIONS

     EMERIL’S SWEET PIE CRUST                 1. Combine the flour, sugar, and     7. Slide the Pizza Rack into Shelf
                                                 salt in a large bowl. Cut the        Position 5. Place the pie pan
     3 ¼ cups flour                              butter and shortening into           on the Pizza Rack.
     2 tbsp. sugar                               pea-size pieces, add them
                                                                                   8. Rotate the Program Selection
     ½ tsp. salt                                 to the bowl, and mix.
                                                                                      Knob to the Bake setting
     8 oz cold butter                         2. Add the water and mix until          (325° F/165° C). Rotate the
                                                 just combined to finish the          Time Control Knob to 1 hr.
     ¼ cup solid vegetable shortening            pie crust.                           15 mins. Press the Start/Pause
     ¼ cup plus 2 tbsp. ice water
                                              3. Roll the pie crust out onto a        Button to begin the cooking
                                                 lightly floured surface to fit       cycle. Cover the pie with foil
     FILLING                                                                          halfway through the cooking
                                                 a 9 ½-in., 1.75-qt. deep-dish
     1 ½ lb sweet potatoes, baked until
                                                 pie pan. Place the crust             time. Bake until the filling is
     fork tender, peeled & mashed
                                                 in the pan.                          set and the pastry is golden
     ¾ cup pure cane syrup                                                            brown.
                                              4. Combine the sweet potatoes,
     1 ½ tsp. ground cinnamon                    cane syrup, cinnamon, ginger,     9. When the pie is done, remove
                                                 nutmeg, 2 eggs, and ¾ tsp.           the pie pan from
     ¾ tsp. ground ginger
                                                 vanilla in a large mixing bowl       the Power AirFryer 360 XL. Let
     ¾ tsp. freshly ground nutmeg
                                                 to make a filling.                   the pie cool on a wire rack
     8 large eggs, divided                                                            for 1 hr. before serving. Serve
                                              5. Pour the filling into the pie        with the whipped cream
     2 ¼ tsp. pure vanilla extract, divided      pan and sprinkle ½ cup pecan         and powdered sugar.
     2 ¼ cups pecan pieces, divided              pieces over the filling.
     ¾ cup granulated sugar                   6. Beat the rest of the eggs in a
     ¾ cup firmly packed light                   separate large bowl. Add the
     brown sugar                                 granulated sugar, brown sugar,
                                                 corn syrup, salt, and the rest
     /3 cup light corn syrup
                                                 of the vanilla to the bowl and
     1 pinch salt                                stir to blend. Pour the mixture
                                                 over the pecan pieces in the
     sweetened whipped cream,
                                                 pie pan.
     powdered sugar, for garnish

                                          MAKES 24

     INGREDIENTS                  DIRECTIONS
½ cup unsalted butter, softened   1. Whip together the butter,         6. Slide the Pizza Rack into Shelf
/3 cup granulated sugar
1                                    granulated sugar, and brown          Position 5.
                                     sugar using an electric mixer.
/3 cup light brown sugar
1                                                                      7. Rotate the Program Selection
                                  2. Add the egg and vanilla              Knob to the Bake setting
1 large egg                          and mix.                             (325° F/165° C for 30 mins.).
½ tsp. vanilla extract
                                  3. Combine the flour, baking            Press the Start/Pause Button
1 cup plus 1 tbsp. flour             powder, baking soda, and salt        to begin the cooking cycle.
                                     in a separate bowl. Slowly mix       When the Power AirFryer 360
½ tsp. baking powder                                                      XL beeps to indicate that it is
                                     the dry mixture into the butter
¼ tsp. baking soda                   mixture until creamy.                preheated, place the Baking
½ tsp. salt
                                                                          Pan on the Pizza Rack. Bake
                                  4. Add all the chocolate chips and      until the cookies are done
¼ cup semisweet chocolate chips      walnut pieces to the mixture         (about 12 mins. per batch).
¼ cup milk chocolate chips           and mix. Refrigerate the dough
                                     for 1 hr.                         8. Let the cookies cool before
¼ cup white chocolate chips                                               serving.
                                  5. Divide the dough into
½ cup chopped & toasted walnut
                                     24 portions. Scoop 12 of
                                     the portions onto the Baking

                                                 SERVES 6

       INGREDIENTS                      DIRECTIONS

 CARAMEL SAUCE                          TO MAKE THE CARAMEL                      4. Butter a 1.5-qt. round baking
 ¼ cup water                            SAUCE:                                      dish. Spoon the mixture into the
                                        1. Place a pot on the stove top.            dish and drizzle the remaining
 1 cup sugar                                                                        butter over the mixture.
                                           Bring the water and sugar
 ¼ cup plus 2 tbsp. unsalted butter,       to a boil over medium-high heat       5. Slide the Pizza Rack into Shelf
 cut into pieces                           until amber colored. Remove pot          Position 5. Tightly cover
 /3 cup heavy cream
 2                                         from the heat and let cool briefly.      the dish with foil and place the
 ¼ tsp. sea salt                        2. Carefully whisk the butter and           dish on the Pizza Rack.
 ½ tsp. vanilla
                                           cream into the caramel. Then,         6. Rotate the Program Selection
                                           add the salt and vanilla and stir.       Knob to the Bake setting. Rotate
 BREAD PUDDING                                                                      the Temperature Control Knob
 1 ¾ cups heavy cream                                                               to 335° F/168° C and the Time
                                        TO MAKE BREAD PUDDING:                      Control Knob to 1 hr. Press the
 1 ¾ cups whole milk                    1.   Place a large pan on the stove         Start/Pause Button to begin the
 9 oz white chocolate chips or               top. Add the cream and milk            cooking cycle. When the timer
 chopped white chocolate (about              and bring to a bare simmer over        reaches 15 mins., uncover the
 1 ½ cups)                                   low heat.                              bread pudding.
 4 large eggs                           2. Remove the saucepan from              7. When the pudding is done
 /3 cup sugar
 1                                         the heat and add the chocolate           cooking, remove the dish.
                                           chips. Leave the saucepan                Let cool slightly. Cool the bread
 1 tsp. vanilla extract                    undisturbed for 1–2 mins. and            pudding briefly, then serve in
 ¼ tsp. salt                               then whisk until the chocolate is        small bowls, drizzled with the
 ½ loaf (about 9 oz) day-old French
                                           completely melted.                       caramel sauce and topped with
 bread (toasted if fresh to dry out),   3. Combine the eggs, sugar, vanilla,        a dollop of whipped cream.
 torn into rough pieces                    and salt in a large bowl and
 ½ cup chopped toasted                     whisk. Add the chocolate mixture
 macadamia nuts                            and stir until incorporated. Soak
                                           the bread and macadamia nuts
 ¼ cup unsalted butter, melted             in the mixture for 15 mins.
 whipped cream, for serving

                              RECIPE BOOK

                               celebrated chef

                       Emeril Lagasse
                              into your kitchen

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           and everything Emeril Everyday,    ©2021 Tristar Products, Inc.       Distributed by:
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